The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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ApElIi 18. ^BGE IKTiEW STORK. jOI^PBXSB. 191 K aSj».1J •*■»•""« * Kmmonila, Umpire, Baltimore' sis -'«ffSMar gPSftrs ZEituSm uSts to **»«> ***» m "ifnie to late cttno«U»«on« or trntm- .'lonend upon W-*e«WW«ifo}f jg- £525! <o oo-o»»Mrt« with ov. and £3 « •■» c«nc«U*tf on. »a* t.„sl.- ££ill won** «wr <»ooii#.r Amats, II. * B.,Bkln, Apl 15-18; Colonial, Cleveland, aK> A)'etera,Casto, Kail V\y«t, AplU-18;Casio,Law Am«?o.«'*W'rl|Iit..K«,l»l' , «.* * C-.ipl»": K».UU^ .IXtfrilg.nola,KlcM«*hoB. Boston. ; Ai)l IS-18. W TiHMW Wate*ary,*pl 13-¥; Oircle, N. Y. AjjtW'SJIJ AlmtfTonii'^fbhl LtH'IiuC _ ..iwTXprw-Mi ■ rnli'., Apl 19 18. irplMuniiBuir. km* iltfeoK-KSflSi JtainSoraa,Oo.n! Hileto. Apl f BmiiarU, Julia, unuiauin,'i. rlan.T--. BS*8»»m wm&n!f*sb flaw atllays. Tlii!. Hai olnrlrtt, Chicago, A. Bran.* Sinn, rtesooilnee, SIBrtbmlnoe, Apl IJ-18; o MUnmUurfiraBnT.SIrteilJ'f, Be* Beilfbrl), Apl 13-18; SaTwtK Went Eni), Schtneotadv Ant 1J-25. ti'i IS IS, JKnn«fM:,rihM'ii, Btiir»lo,'AplUHI. . cijnA Beri. park. Worcester, AH 1S-18. ■fflf * rort, »« Vaaloo,Lawreiice,AplHl!;Wooniocket WBgVLSfe** Keith's, Boston, Apl 13-18; Keltb'», N. Jrllkle Allantnn, Jen>rB.Saginaw, Apl IS-IS. Venoh Bros., Orprreinn. UM A;, Apl IS-la, Jtslll'r *Wrt. Sheellr'e, New Bvinml, Apl IS-IU. ffI«SS! , A 9,tk ' l*rottor'«..vewarli, ApllJ-18. freoeelll Aliowls. IlmccM-V, Sea-art. ApllJ.i8. trnq^VtW ^frSum citj, Milwaukee, Apl IMS. £amii.« Foreyyp.ati.r.'., x. y. 6., Apt imb. Sbjjcrald.II. i>., JUInSt., Psorls, Apl IS-IS. ?rarlstla. Kathleen, II. * N...V. Y. C..A»Tim Tloniunra sextet Keith's, N. R i:„ AplUlft Jellx*Horrt,kelUi's, N. Y.C.AplH-18. Ylooil Bro«., Koltli'H. N.-Y. C. Anl M-18. 1'rsnrillii, Irene, Keltli'a, K. Y. 0.. Apl IJ-18. Jartell 8 -Jr , uriiy,U'a*ioi-'i. ,*. V. (!.. Apl U-13 TO«j(»,Cwlno.Olevel>nil,Aull:till, ^uK« ' ° B ' *?? c i""* a » t ' 11 ' Wilmington, Apl Fnrrlum Broe., Keith's, phlb., Apl ISIS; Keith's.}'. Y.C., SMS r .. . .. Vtlllsr, Mr. 4 Mm., Canto, Vail lllver, Apl IJ-18. rialkomkl. Temple, J,nularllle, Apl IJ-18, J'leliln * WolUy. llo»anl, Bunon, Apl 13-18. r'rimoh Butare, A. 4 8., Boatun, Apl 13-18. V1«<1«, W.C. OrpllaUm, SAn FrAn„ Apl 13-18. Vi'e, Kithfr. Orclieutti, Lo» A., Ajtl 15-18. I'UlierA (larroll,tlrplianm, (niidlie, Apl 13-18. VOX, Imro 00:, Clrpliauni, Xeir Oflenni, Apl U-18. r'fancoi«. U.. Main «., 1'eurln. Apl IJ-18. 1'oreman, KJanr. Trio, Columblt, 8|. I,iiul«, Apl 1318. Vorrewer 4 Hnj'd, Lyceiiin, Toleilo, Apl 18-18. FA-ileUo Krtlttnra, Family, Portland,,Me.. Aul 13 18. FoA 4 Vosle; 0. 0. ir.. ChIcn|o, Apl IS-18. HUnin line HutAA Herol BntAn- - Bebtluri Moult 13-18; o. il. Fall Watarbury, mm ■ark,'WoreoaUT, -A 111 Apl .pi'». 18; 'Hhea'a, . _kellelil 1 l'roctor'i3WKt.,N. Y. C, B»il*> * MadlaollJ'aJtor'ii, M. Y. t. Apl. 1318. mm Troclof* bd St., K Y. <:., Apl 1318. , „ hnnVr'thelalklnr horal C'lrcc/jf.C.. Ap^ttlS. aStfrfKjfiS. Jimmy. Cook, Hoelieater, Apl 13-18; Itnuner. Kluelle. UaaW, I,n«rence, Apl IJ-IB. rSt, t'bi Abell i fo„ l'rwtot'a, Nejjrk Apl 13-18. J,-lnioiit A o'Bflen.'I'rOctdr'i, Newark", Apl IMS. . llnhm... Wl- A, '4 i*ttlo! Waaafe, Ifcqrla, Apl 1M8; Or- Ba P rSHSval»ne?o^^'or , iaW 1 [lt,,« 1 Y' fi" Apl 13-1& Eb9 OaJ' Boyaia. Trocl llr.iil.^r, the l~._ Blnn»y A OlmnmAn, Audltdrliirn, Kufrolk, ApVU-H Hllan, Harry, Kaaioo O. Il: ( <llOvei»vlllp, Apl 13-18 Bur«p»,.lutfKllnj5. Com, rWloni;: Apl 13-18. . Birr A Beutun. flutfalu, AvI J3-18. .- ■ Raker.EdKln A USi Keltlia. I'Jilla.. Apl 13-18. Bl«uu«tl« A \«irni«tl,'KljlHl , 8.'>. V- C.. Apl 13-18. Bullook BMM BradenbuM'H. Will*., Apl W-1B. Bsnuatt4 Young, C»»to. rail nl»or, Apl 1.V18. KrluwreA BdrnV HlieeUJ'a. Fall Hirer. Apl 13-18. Mntliani, Jninoa, Kllto. UloticpiUr.'Apl 1818. PrlfiuaoA'.Vdolv. Kniphe. Iloboken. Apl 13-18. Brvao * Nodlne, Temple. Ileirolt, A ;il13-10. llunklfk A -Well, AtHmtloWaMeB. N.Y. U„ Apl 1318. Bri Ant. May, A. A 8., IllutoB, Apl 13 18. Hlateliard. Harry 4 l.nttlc, A. * 8., Boatou. Apl 13 18. llurion A Kimball, A, 4 K Boaton, Apl 18-18. Illrrelt A Allguat, A. A H., Bostoh, Apl 1318. jiiiitui I Itunftoll. Orplieuin, Kan Vrnn, Apl 12-18. Hurthart 1 I,llllan, Orplieuqi,. I,o» A., API 1J 18. Bead* 4 Uellea, orplioiiiu, Mi A„ Aid 13-18. BMrn 4NViarro.ll/4 B.,Bkln, Alll 1318. MraiM.aiv, Aaura, Btar, ilaiulltuii. Apl 1818. Bitpea, Stuart. Ovliilnbls, HI, LouIh, Apl 13-18. Balfeya,The, Uayniarkct.Olilcagn. ApljJ-18. Barren* I.iiirnmcr Co., Avenue.Tltuburg, Apl 1318. lip.rM'j, Paul A Co., Columbia, Cltidotititl, Apl 13-18. Heonvtt. Jolinatbne, New UechanloH, Batepl, Apl 13-13. Brown Btoh. 4 Lillian Uright, Bliliop'a.ljytib, Apl 1318. CHerrv A Bute.*, Empire, i-ohnutni*, Apl 18-18; Arcade, Toledo, »118. • • •• '• ' '■ • Polllni A Welrb, Empire, Baltimore, Apl 1318. IMItla 4 Adama, Hon Ton, Jeraev city, Apl 13-18. rhatnnm Hlnlom, HulTnlo, Apl 1318. niloy Family, OrNlieillii, I,<n A., Apl 1MB. Cartur 4 Hnaa, Trocjldoru, Olilcngo, Apl 18.18. Cotlon, Frank. Poll'l. Bridgeport, Apl 1318. Clarke 4 Temple, Pastor'., N. Y. <?., Apl 13 18; II. 48., N. letrolt. Apl 13-18; Colonial, I'knoil4 Wlllnnl, I lopkliiM'. I.uiikvlllu. Apl20-18. inxy 4 I>Ay ne, Dnilmum, Hkln. Apl J3-18. I'raiTlord 4Stauley, (irplieum, Hkln, Apl 1318. I'oirely,' Kniilih, Kolln'a, x. V. Oil Apl Utto. Cimroy A Pearl, Kinplro.Bt.l'Aul, Aul 1318; Tlvoll, Man- I'ablll, Wllllnin, 1'aator'n, M. Y. (!., Apl 1318 fu'liioan, llolronibo A t:nrti«, II. AH., N.'Y. <:., Apl 1318; Ivmplre, llalthnore, tO-13. ciillya (ft II. 4 K N. Y.t)7, Apl 1318; I'aator'it, N. Y. C. 30*15. Wllford, Hilly. Temple. Loalatllle. Apl 13-18. t.'nrbion Hlabra, lluokauuler'H, Wllnilogton, Apl 1318; Howard. Hoaton, at-M.. ■' -■' ■' Carlla, Uliutee, Nau Fran., Aril 1318. torun. Kiniiiii. Circle, N raw, Cnarloy, Keith a, ciiameror Hroa;, Orplieuin, N. Y. I),, Apl 1318; Atlantic Harden, aj-23. CagH4Hon, Keltb'N, Beaton, Apl 1318; Keltba, Pblln., I'ulyeraBicyclel*op, KelUi'r).fliila,Apl 13-J8; Kelth'a, CaTrlaon, Julea A Kiln, Cook, RocbeiMr, Apl 1318; Em- ■plre, Cleveland, an-25. (lllden Hlntera CT. IVeaat'a. Foorla, Apl 13-18. Ilurman A Weat, Pruetm'e. Xtreark, Apl 1318. lilrl Willi tlie Auburn .llnlr, llrplieinn. Hkln, Apl 1318. Uillett'K, Muilcnl_>iig«, Kollh'a, Plilla,, Apl 13-18; ■Keltli'a. Bo«ton, M. Oonaro 4 Bailey. II. 4 H, X, r. a, Apl 13-18. (Hunt, Sydney, (Jlrclc, N. Y. C. Apl IS IB fHrnioux/Tbe, Froetor'aBth Ave., Apl' 1318. 1 rauilvUAi 4 n't 1 I > ". ii ■ n nmii .i » r . i . i 111 tlinte. Tbe.'UIJoil. Norfolk. Apl 1318 (lale*,Doncan, AtlanticOarrleti, Norfolk, Apl 13-18. 11318. 0'iliilD. lloraci\ kelthe, Boatnn, Apl 13-18. Owirray, Ual 4 Co., Kollli'a, Bontcn, Apl 1318; Kollh'a, N. ••• Y:.C.,iu-tA (ierdlner A Vincent Orplieum, Loa A., Anl 13 18. MM 4 .Werner, Orplieuin, L>oa A., Apl 1318. OoUlett. llkrrV, Star, Hamilton. Apl 1311 (ipnlot4Hoiard, Piirk, Worerrater, Apl 13-18. <>cwtlrt4I>n*K Family, P.nllanil. He., Apl 1318. Harding 4 Ah Sid. OrptioAim, Ktoaal City, Apl 12-18; ' OrplieuDI, New llrle ana, I9-1 Jlaakell.Loney,Temple, Hetrolt. Apl 1318. Unwell, Ids, lluwnnl. IPwrnn. A|ill3 23. III114 vrirltaVer, I'aatorX K. Y. C, Apl 1318; Arenue, PllUlrarg,»-». , ilnair. J.itiu.Kelili'n.i'lilin.Apl 1318; Kelth'a, N. Y. ('., ■&H - Colby 4 Way, Avenue, flevolanu. 'iU-M, uiiiii, jinnii, y\n Jen . j,,,,",«, "k 1 "';^. Hnllnn 4 Fuller, Arcuile, TnU.iJo. Apl 11-18. Jtarrla4 Walker, WoIjj Bt., I'eorla, Ap 318. llnree SIiob Trio, Main Kt., 'eOrla, Apl 13 IB. Hull A-Klernaii, I'mrtor'H. Albany, Aid 13-18- Ul«k»y A Nela Colonial,■Cleveland. Apl 3 18 Uotlman 4 Lt'My, Btar, Ham llton. Apl 13-18. i, Ni Y.U.,Apl 13-18. BUkey 4 Ke|»on, Colonial, 'Cleveland. Apl 13 18. ! a, »..V: C.. Apl 13-18. Uotlman 4 U'wy, 8tar, llaralllon, Apl 1318. OlHiuiii, N. Y.. I!.; Apl 1318; Atlantlo iHniiilngten. Weight. A Q^j'i|W«jrfktC«m,^fl •»•» llaywardA llayw uril. C. O. II, <'lileugo. Apll318. a, Boaton, Apl 1318; Keltli'a, Pblln., llayoa, Kalliryn, <>. (J. II., Uil.ago, Apl 1W8, Cooper, i.unn, llrndenliurgV, phllo., Aril 13-18. curran A- .Milton, croani(Tlly, .Mllwaoken, Apl 13.18. 1'i.ini A Cimriul. ki.iili'N, lUntori, Apl 13-Utf Kelth'a, X. Y. Caiiipbella IS), Rur, Hamilton, Can'., Anl 13-1SL rlinmllia A tloco. Fuuilly.I'oitlaua, )Jo„ Apl 1318. Ui;r.|ov,|,, l u|ae,||l«hhh'»,Yynrl,ApiW-lB. . 1 JIllnfaH), AvenuO, lletrolt. Ap) lli-18. I Hilton, Cliaa., Kinplto, 8t.'l'aul, A|U 13-18. C'olllua A Hart, Kninlrn, Clewolunll, Apl)3 18. rli mill,,,,. Howard, BoMon, Aplja 18. I'rimley, T. J., Howard. Iloatoll, Alll 1318. I'l'iilli'll A ronton A, ,\ s . lh,,ii, Apl 1318. I'olbya, Muatt'Hl, Orplieuin.Ran Fran., Apl 12.18. I'aio'll, .Mim, i iipliemu. I.i» A., Apt 13 18. Clark A llopklnt, Colonial,Clertlaliil, Apl IS-18. Caiew AHplnney, Colonial, );ieveliind, Apl 13 18. I'oakloyAi Jlrllrlilu, Culonlnl, Clevolniid.Apl 13-18, I'aniiiMI 4 Mattlrow8, Hlar.Cloeelnnd, Alll 13,18. I>tle A COltlna, Orpboulh, Duvenriort, Apl2U.25. Cule A ilnbAion, Colurrilila, St, Lunik, Apl 13-18. Carroll, Jolinulo, llnvmnrkct, Clilnurii, Apl 1318 Coh'iiuin'iiCotii.k'Vo|t«, Arouue, lllttabiira, Apl 1318. ' ..'111,111:., Jack A I I'.ldii, i Iviii, niilfin. Apl 111 18. Coogan. ,\ii a n f (loi,i,.Hi>leni, Alii 1318, | ole 4 Do Unm, sinia'H, Btitbilo, Apr 1318. J cnient, ClAy A fid, Columbia, Cincinnati, Apl 13,18. yi»u,lliu*Corbln, Xuw'HBMiaulclNalern, Apl 13-18. j)urand„M»rlv, A. 4 H., HoiU)n,A|il UI8. , IJe Koreeeu, The, Avenue: Pliubtirir, Apl 1318 U;remiii A Breeu, U. 0.11., Chicago, Apl 13-18; Colonial, , Cleveland, 2J». ."■ '" '"'■' Harrow, .Mr. * Mra. Smart, niymnle, Chicago, Apl 20 B. JJi'inliig. Arthur; (lipbeuiii, Han Kfan.,Apn»*l. Hoproe 4 Bupree, Orpheum, Utloa; Apl 13-18 - r Btar, Troy, ''»>', <ieo. W, Orphoum, Bkln, Apl 1318. nvrliray, Will, I'rnctor'n, Newnrk, Apl 13 nonqrau, , 3amcen.,l'nrk,'Worteoter, Apl 1318. •a.T'airUir'aV K Y.C.. AplW-18. Jkilieriy Hlatera }'ra»ee, Pannr'i, N.Y. C, Apl 13-18. Dak 'Vie, Danolkg, jiamlliou, Apl 13)8; Arcade, Toledo, Hiyl« A Maoauiey, Kelth'a, K, Y. C, Apl 14-18; Cook, Bo- .cheater,2028.: TT'i™ i ■SRgjfl* "'Hh'a.N. V.C., Apl 13-18; I'aator'a, N. Y. JJorlan, llortba, Auditorium, Norfolk, Apl 1318. avenport * y,„it ni Auilttorlum, Norfolk. Apl 1318. [wyle, Hdwurd,Proctor'»StliAyo.,:Ni,Y. C., Apl (3-18. Hrane. Haul)., Itnulonlmnr'a, plilbt., ApllJ-ia, i,i l "'i ,e v 0 , r '"-'°-'l I M HidlunapolU, Apl 13-18; Colum- bia, Cincinnati. 2d». 1 row. .Jul,,, K, v Kmplre, llaltlmore, Apl 1318. « IIoIIIm A Volora, Teinplo, Ixuilawllla, Apl 13-18. nil i ¥ * L"ff?•"■ -A- * *•• hoaton. Apl 1-VUJ. Jjeiphlno A Delmore, tlraunian'H. Hun Fran, Arl 1318. "a e, Mualeali Orplieuin, (IlilUba, Apl 12-18. 'Jtiliin A Uriliarr, II. 4 It., Bkln. Apl 13-18 He laven, CarUr.Trlo, Colon t V>& torelund, Apl 13-18. Jtaxwei'i. :.:r"'i -•"•-»»"*wo, iniiwrf, ah — {£ ii"" Jc '"*!?-"wtiett. F.miilre, Cleveland, Apl 1318. 'leveland. *~ ,-M-loiid. Apl ..,,..,..o.„nd, APU3-U, Waivrlnirj,- Apl 13-18; Poll'a, New Honabuo 4 Nlcholl. Emplto. Cleveland, Ai.l 13-18. J'arenport. Edna. Star, llltvelrmd, Apt 3-W, Haven, 20-ii. 1318. 13-18. ffll.T" 1, •"Sr'l family, Portland. Mo., Apl 1 11 ['"'IH'i'.hlekleodenn. Boaton. Apl 13:18. liiii i" VhtP'OAn, 1'olfH. Brldneiiort, Apl _ lo,H U l'' N "«lla.'Nli-kl».iiloon,Hii»ton, Apl 1318. ha ,Ki; "!l, < , "immii'a, flan Fran Apl 13-187 t* Witt. UlllnnAonorty. Keith'., lloaton, Apl 1318. ffii'"^ 1 "••••»lraumun , a.-Ban Krno. Apl 1318. Rltn a l"> ,il ' < '*'' , ■ H»ir>K Apl IS la. JJ" * Kearnei, jEmulre, (^JlnniLua. Apl 13-18. "d'ldRO. Prejn, I'roctny'astliAve., N...Y. C„ Apl 1318; ii- " ' ■ LWt • «i fo. ,Z "" V at >> «••'*• v.«:, sb-iii.' lVu?v ,,lt J' 1 u »«e». Hucklnirliaui, LAiilivllla, IA pi K>Uei SHS% loillanapnlla. M 23. BBL* «**> fartre.5allttir«CT. Anl H.M. tnnoro Blatcra, U. 4 iL, Jlkln, Api 1318; II. 4 8., N. Y. C, Jmpei Ap) 1318. •M-18. SE2 , AS* ' l R1| »» ', Bollalo, Apl 13 18. ™Z ^S i 1 fnieraon, i'metor'i21il-8t. NY. 0, A| SSK a-f fm, i-roctortssdHt.. n. y. <:.,Api ... KIn,!i., t A'tdlioriiini, Norfolk, Apl 1318. ? r,«.!,-.*v 1, '"ffl' J '' !•"•«<'V Albany, A|>1U-U; n i. "." ■ Newark, Ji 2.1 t'. 1, "»,4.Niwinf,priclor ! »' 1 mile' i 'i? i" "bverlvCTidl tllvrr, Apl ,1T ' fiffiWi Htiler, jlllyrankee.A "' Mt * ™«i Teiupie, Detroit, AiH 13 IB. Newatk, Apt Ilia. ■ ii r , JUlTTaakM.A'pfjj-iS. Matbe^*^arrlti7uiyinpifVchleairo,4ji I j3IA ltu'a,«!*ton. AplW-IB; Keitl.'a N. Xari arIon »l>eane, Keltu uu6W7c. Q. l't„ i:blc IllCain, Apl 1318. Mathleui, Juggling, Ktar, Hamilton. Apl 1318. JSMT Montrilt. C. „„.«.*„,„ „„. MOtrtr iLeoh) l'unlea, MlpjioUrom*, Iondun, Eng., Indefl- " hlte. i, • '■ • r . * . .. . . Melrllle. ?T»derle, Poll'a, Bridgeport, Apl 1318; Poll's iBL -pMum, frtla *,QBtarK, lirand. Naahvllle. Apl 13-18, Grand, Xoniplila,»iv . ^ aMnKetfRTCo.. Orplieuin, Ban Fran., Apl 1318; Or. fMtim,'EiM A.i»i8. ' ■ Martle. 4 Hidirewav, t •luilea Ban Fran., Apr 1MB. Kw>r«4Hl5hl,k«ltli'i,i'lille., Apl 1318; Keltli'a, Boa- Wa3oilfii(4) cimieiiy. AlancliMter, J5ng„ till Apl U, <MMfA BlaWM, Ari»ae, lltteuurg. Apl 1318; Empire, Madaigi_nv,'B«rk, Woreeater, Apl 1318; Ollmore'a, Morton, Jani'ea,I., Orpheum. Bkln, Anl 13 Jlonroe, Lucy, Kelth'a, X, V. ('., Apr J3-18. Merrltt.llal, Orplieilm. Bkln. Apl 13-18.' Mntart kympfannr'Club, Ornheum. Bkln. Apl t318. lllley Kithrrni Proetort »ri 8t', N,-Y. u. ■■ u. API 13-18. elrllle * Biatabtullrphenm. KanVaMiy.A'pl 18.18. ■ <*,. Mr. 4 lira. Bobby, Proctor'. 33d Bt, K. Y. C, Apl Morton, Jainen,!., Orpheun;. Bkln. A.t>l 13-18. I, Orpl ' I'llOlll ■ uiTyn; r „ irnhyAVnilaril, Kelth'a N. Y.O, Apl fill JBcUee 4 Walnh,I'artar'ayJrf. Y. C, Ap|13IR m Merrill Biatera. Hllou. Norfolk. Apl 1318. Morrla 4 Horrla, Atlantic tlanlen, Xorfnlk, Apl 1318. Murphy 4 ABdret».\ l.lon Palace, MSjf, 0., Apl 13-18. Maoki llhaa. Ajlelen, Bo.ton, Lowell, Anl 1318. Mack, John, Bo»lnn, Lowell, Apl 1.1-18. Murray,'Xartl,Peonlc'i,Lowe/l, Apl ISIS. Vaditan.Mliy, Keilll'a, Phlla., Apl 18-18. Murphy A Nlchola, faato, Fall River. Apl 1318. Mitchell* Lofe.l'aato, (nil Hlver, ApllS-18, Macarte Platan, Kmnlre. Mohoken. Ap) 1318. McKeaA Wyatt Bon Ton. .leraey Cltv. Apl 1318. Mulainbark 1 . Troupe of Araba, Temple, lietrolt, Apl 13 18. Murphy A Slater, Keith 1 *, lloaton, Apl 1318. MaildoxAWnvne, .Hhward, no.ton, Apt B-la. Markey, HtCabe 4 Mack, A, *H., Bualrin, Apl 13 18. Mcl.iie At:alilil.Or;iheuin. Ban Fran. Apl 1318. Murray, Kllaeboth, Orpheum, New Orleaue, Apl 1318. Muilgu, Kva, 11.4 II., Bkln, Aul 1318. ... • Mldrjley 4 (larll.lo. II. 4 H„ Bkln. Apl 13)8. Moung.Mya. Hay market, t'hlcuno, Aul 13 18. Mack, ftlilie, 1 Amnio. IMIeilo. Arl 13-18, Mlailint I'nlnlly. Wcaat'l, I'eorla, Apl 13-18. McDonald A Frayne. Wi aal'it, I'eorla. Apl 13-18. Mlildleton. Dlailj. liiiiiiiie. Hi Paul, AplJ3l8. lller.A Kroaku, Udyniplo, CHIcngo, Apl lS-ll. —I. AH 11.18. Oljuiple. Chicago, Apl lS.18. i, Olymjrdi-, ChluJgo. Al»l [4-18. Hi-, C (l, II , I lllraan, A|>1 1318. PW» n nil,.,,, . .,; , i,,i Macnrt'a Monkein, OH i Mnrelaml, lleutrice, til v Mclntyre 4 Prlniroav, c. u ll.,iiilca«ti, Apl... Mexloeaa AMeilcon., liny market. (thlcai(0, Apl 18-18. Mertllle, Hiailli A Klinoie, llaynmtket, Chicago, Apl I3IR. Morton. (3), 1'oll'n, Bridgeport, Apl 1318; Kollh'e, N. Y. ('.. 20 2i Morton,'Ilnrnthr. 8hcn'«. Buffalo. Apl 1318. Manafbjld 4 Wilbur, Shea'.. Jl'lirnlo, Apl 13 18. MoWattera4Tyann, Coolc, Kocbeater, Apl 13-18. Mllea 4 Kaymopd, Ktnplre, tTolumbua, Abl 13-18. Morae, Annie, Caaluo, tynrtre.ter, Apl 18-18, Mason, Paula, Ca.luo. Iti>n-e.tor, Apl 13-13. Morrla I Buwen. Now .Mecliable, rtalmn. Apl 1318. Mann. Dari* Dolly, lllaliop'a. Lynn. Apl 13-18 xowiiu, ir|iitnmii, unniha, Apl 1318; Orpheum, 20'ill. llermianii. Adelaide, Orpheum, Bkln. Apl 1318. Howard 4 ^Oronby, Sheeuy'", I'owtucket, Apl 1318; Slieedy'a, New Bedford, 2023. HaynewlTrlo, Bockatadat'a, Wilmington, Apl 3J-25. Hoyt 4 Nelf, t). O. II., Spilngtteld, Apl 13 lr>; Academy, Lowell, 10-18. Holt, Alf. Caato, Lawrence, Apl 1318. llarrla, Tomniv 4 Laura, I'aator'a. N. Y. C, Apl 1318. lllltonka, The,paator'e, N, Y. 0., Apl.1318. Hood 4 nlnntlion, 1'aalor'a, X. Y.C., Alii 1318. llowrlrd 4 Bland, Orplieuin, Kan»na.Cfty. Apl 12-18 Haiiilllon A Wllov, PtanilarJ, Houatoo, Apl 13-18; Maacot, i;illreBton,a»laylfl. . ,. ["• llpuaton Hlitera. Bolton, Lowell. Apl 13-18. llyland 4 (jrant. People's, Lowell, Apl 3 8. ltMoli Brn«., rtlioeilv'M. Kalflllf it, Aid 13-18. llBrnlih.Manile, I'.nto.tlluueeitor, Apl 1318. -jlalluiway A Wniton, Crenin Olty. M Iwaukeo, Apl 13 18. liowaiil 4 Howard, Foiat Keller, Milwaukee, Apl 1318. llnivktna. MwJAvenue, Detroit, Apl IS-18. illowley 4 Lealle. TeDiplo. lletrolt, Apl 1318. llall, \V. u,,Kmplr», Baltimore,, Apl 13-18. Hal) 4 Htnley, Tuinine, Loul.vllle, Apl 13-18. .Herbert * Willing, Tt-riiplo, Loiil.v lie, Apl 13-18. Hatotliorne, Nellie, Tainplo, l.nul«vlllo, Aid 18-18. HiaWkliiaA I.leth, Family, 1'nrlliud, Apl 13.18. Jlair, Tommy, oridieulu, N. Y. P., Apl IJ-18. llnekoi 4 Water,iKeltll'»i Hoaton, Apl 318. .llauaon 4 llarrla, Ho ward. Benton. Apl13-18. Henry & Fiaiicla. A.'4 8., Boaton, Apl 13-18. ..llMeiAIIwly.Orplieiini.'KowOrlnniii, Apl 1318. Jliniord. Itobert, A Co ,11. A It., Bklti, AptlS.18. Halo A Franolis, Arcade, Toledo,' Apl 13-18; Keltli'i, N. Y. Hiitii, Maud, Arcade, Toledo, Apl 1318. ■ i_ii.' a. « ii i U .„U 'Pi.l.J,. Anl K Kamaali|ly,JI-2J. Noble., Itr, and Mn, Park, Worcoater. Apl 1311. Newell 4 Nlbl". Avunne, Detroit, Apl 1318; Olympic, ChlC§go,JD-ii. , • ' ' Xlcea.TwIn, Oiplioini, Hkln, Apl 13 18. Xevllle, Dorothy, limplro. Columbue, Apl 1318; Arcade. Toledo,-20-«3. ■ •■ r N<i»t»»(A),'Pl.ile ». Scrantnn. Apl 13 IB; 0. II., Hartford, 20-23. .!.■>. Nurtla, Mamlo, Knlplre, Ht. Paul. Apl IS 18 Mary. Jim, Howard, lluaion, /iplIS-18. Norton. Ttlktllve. Ml«a, Prvutor'a, Albany, Apl 1313; ■Proctor'»«d8t..2U». dlaiianolfe, JPM. Olive, Mile., Oriilieiim, Kanana City, Apl 1MB; Orpheuoi, Noworleana.SugJ, ' iinrl Family. Orpheum. bktn, Apl 13-18. Oreille i Frank, O. II., Yonkon, Apl 1318; Lyceum, Willa., 2U-23. ti'ltobrk«..r.uitenr, 4 Co., II. A S, N. V. O., Apl 1318. < uti'iinan, Kalliryn, 4 Co., 1'roclor'a23d Ht., N. Y. t:., Apl • 13-18' ■ thplieiia Comedy Kour.lllrcle, N. Y. 0., Apl 13 18. noil, Adele I'm via. Kelth'a, Phlla, Apl lS-IK. O'Brien A Wv.t, I'llte. lllniaeaier. Apl 18 IB. Oanatoa, Tlio, Cnlninblt, Clneldnatl, Apl 1318. I'elot, Kelth'a. Bolton, Apl 1,118. Pimer*:4 liwnuid, lltauinau'a, flan Fran, Apl 1318; Uraiiinno'i, Kan Jo.e, 'J) 2.V rioolloMldfteta, Hewoj, N.Y. (,'., Apr IJ-18. l'nwura, John T., Chutea, Han-Fran., Apr 1318. I'oloi (:!),,|l. 4 B., N. Y, 0,,' Apl MIS. I'rlco. Harry M., Acadeniv, |lu|ralo. Aid 15-18. 1'elper, Teddy, l'roctor'A <tli Aye,. N. V. tl.,' Apl 1318. 1'erklnaAColvetlo. Amlllurlum, Norfolk, Apl 13-18. Powell, Beetle, People'!, Lowell, Apl 1318. l'owera4 Freed, Tlvoll, Mankato, AprlSlB; Empire, Ht. Paul, H) 28. Piper, Franco, ll.O. II., Indlnnapolla, Apt IS 18. Parroa.Broa., nun Ton, Jerley, Cltf Ap 11318, j>a, I'erklna (I), l-.iiipin-, Celuiiibna. Apt'1318. pi 131M Mi 18. iirtyoM, Kninryu,... »e. »••, wi ny h BStS Hayea. Edniuipl. C. O. IL, Chicago, Apl 13 18 llolbrook. Hatllo, Caalno.'IVorceMr-r. Apl 318 InoetaA Ityan. Hmlttra. liraml. Bnplde, Anl 13-18. Jmliuir. Hon. Olympic, chha«n, Apl.UH8V JoneaAHulton. Kelth'a. Plilla., Apl UI8. Jnnen tFarinori Mualcal l'l H a. Or|i(ieutn, Kanau City, Apl 12'l8 ' s -lickaon, People's. Lowell, Apl 13)8. ..,,,,. Jankaon 4 Leoodn, Cream city. Milwaukee, Apl 13-18. Uolinaona, Juggling (S), Howard, Hoaton, Apl 1318. .InnaOn 4 May, A: A 8, Boaton, Apl 13-18. ••■ ■ ' ' Johnaon (Clan) Troupe, Colonial, Olovolaml, Apl U-18. JolinaoniAjlllilnrd.ritar. <l«relanil. Aid 13 IB Joine.4KG Olyuiiiro. Cliteaoo. AplUdft Jnhnann, Davenport a ;.or»Uo, Hayidilrket, Chicago, Apl 18-18 ■ *•■ ' ' •lackaon 4 lhiuglna, Caalno, Worceater. Apl 13-18. Klein, Ottllroa. 4 Nlckumin. llayuiarkct, Chicago, Apl • lll-lrj: Columbia, St. Uula. Al-'iV ■ Keriiell, John, C. ft I).. Chicago, Apl 13-18. Kennedy-, MonmhU, llroen Froot, Deadwood. A pi 1,1-25. Klnu Allotthoid. l'ruct«r 1 iffllHt,.-N. J.I., Apll3». Klondike Trio, Ainlltorldro, Norfolk. Apl1MB Klein A Cllltnn, Ktraen, Ulowerarlllo, Apt 13-18; lloward, Uoalou,^)25. ... ',,-'.it.*,a- Kelley 4 Mooroo, Pooole'a, Lowe , Apl 13 18. Konnetu-, Beatrice/sdcody'j. Mil River. Anl 1318. Kennedy 4Jenion, Kmplre, llohoken. Apl 1318. Keariiey,dohn.L.,Empire,C'eluinbue, Xpll3l8; Toinple, UutrolC SO-28. • ,'Viiia Knmaii Trio, (irphouin. Loa A.. A| I LI 18. Keliu«ay4Rwiiey,,OrpUouni,onaia Keutigh 4 Ballard, Colonial, ilmellind, AnmiR. Khnlmll A.Donovan, jilyni|ilc. (hbjago, AVI 13 13. Klrta, The, C. 0. II,. QUM*. Apl MM* KvllvA Kant.0. 0. IL. Chicago, Ap 13-18. Kenho, Welsh* Melroea,0a% llooliaiter, Apl 13IK Keelo, Ilohn. Columbia, ClnoHit all, Apl 1318. King, Dot, Uem. Hulfiu. Apl 13-18. Krac-Varl New Mecjianlc. rjslom, ApU31«. Kmiii'a CbniT, DiKkBtiidur'., Wilmington. Anl 1318. fcSrwVWowiford, Wilt., VVM»rbui^, ApL 13181 Newark LatrenecAl.. Columbia, Bt. Louli, Apl 13-18; Olympic. r nfiluhfid' DLW Bon Ton, .leraey City. Anl 20•». Lliclilleld: Mr 4 Mr. Nell,! Toledo, Apl 1318; Avenue, Detroit. 2028. _ a I*o. Honry. IliklllOlev Im ,¥!« r null,,..! A P oree Proctor'n 11,1 8L, n. V. I'.. API 1,1-IB. \1 l'lo'r,JpOn'Ueuni, Saal'mD., Apl 12-18; Orpheum, Luk 0 .*w A fvS'ha. tiohimbua, Apl 1318; Mecliaii'lca, jJuionS:Bert. Proctor's »d St., N. Y.C., Apl 1318; Proo L,Wl*«ljffi: Utlca, API 13)8; Tlvoll, xtiEfc®2ip£h '**& * p !^v"aoi ,» I vtton 4'Uerald, Orpheum. Kanima tllty, A| 112-18. Krloe * unerou 4 Co.. Keith'-iBoatan, Apl JhHk L»tlJo;7lllle,Keltli , i). l Bo«ton; Apl BUI Keith a,N. i.e., tS'^o^"'^^ *■•; La Oram Joe..Boatuu, I,.ire It. ApUS18. Lavai Broi., llradenluirgV, ' l ! l »i A ,f. l "i"' I,voo»! Toby, llowanl. Bo.ton. Apl 1318. LI.bey.4Tr.ver. Orpheum. Now Orlea ne, Apl 1318, laim6htaf»),H;4H. Bklyn.Ap 3.18. Long* Cotton, Chaeo'a, «aahlngton, Apl IJ-IB, or iidieuiu, Hkln,'20.3V , ' .' . ,„,...« U Bov ACIayton, Klnplre, Clavulnnil, Apl »l* ^vender 4 Tom«.n. Knlp re. Cleveland, Apl 1318. La line. Hracc, Btar. Clou and, Apl 13-18 Lat.-ll Wwln.Cliiililila.Ht.Loula, Apl IS18. Lli.y.1 Olymple. Ot.leap.; Aid Hk O. L|,hl«K«da.Thr.e. fcooVltoeheaior. An) 13-18. Lawla.t Ityan. Kmp ra, Onlntnbw, AH.B* LelniKl. Toreio., C.»lllo. j pHNaehr .Apl 1318. Lonll'lird Bn«.. (lew. Hdieiu. AW JH8. Lander A Htimlr>r. Ki-lih'a. S.V t}tfg» n L.ufclle. Ml e.; kelth'a. S. ^. '■,. 4PIJB-I". Krefl" Vandty. llrai.innn'i. Han Fr.n.. Anl 1.1IJ. Lte'lluglr V. anil HeAAIe. B 8. "• M^, JeLif.Wr^.w- JKrt'O).' Iluipieane, PMt«uny»,.A r »l3'lo, loiia, AeW helilller Broi.,lliiyinarktt-Chicago, Apl I318. Mr vkaVd. Mr.' 4 Sk Clrelo, X. Y. (.'., ApUJ-W. SrottBr.i"., HajinarkM, Chleago, Apl 13-18. 8t. lingo Broa. Park, Worwaler, Apl I3UJ. gainirord rilnor< CmIiio, Warceaur.'Ari I3U. Hmltb A jyhllr.Ciulilo. Wnrceatvr. Apl 1318, Tallv Ho Duo, Caatu, I.Hwrence, Apl ), Lowell, 9ms ■ ....„« * 'lJ«veu,»33. Teal. ltiiymond.OIyi,Clilcago, Api»«. flPI*l * KltlneDt,l>e«»l'a, I'orln, Ad W-J8. TaihoiA Rogers, Kheetly'., New Bedlurd.'Apl IJ 18; Era- ■ nlre, ; llntwiken, a)-28. TBaiiu IIIHa.0. U II., Chicago. Apl IS-W. ThorneVMr. and Mra. Harry, Paator'S, K,Y. 0„ Apl 13-18; toldtlti'kwiin«iii.HiJou. Atlanta. A|d I31J. Terriil A Hlmon, Avenue. Pltinburg, Apl 1318; Procter'. iHh Ave ,N, Y'C.,a>». Thnr. Mualral, l'lt*Mr*«WI8l.,N. Y. I!., Apl 13 18. Ten ichl Troupe. <>lrcle, S. Y. i'.. Apl 13 .a Tawl4 Uw" rVr..clw'a Mil Ave., X. Y. C, Ap l 1318; SatW^ 1'blla.Xl U-1S.T"- Taylor, j. Ml Bradtnbnrg'a. Phlla, Apl 1318. TagBea. Stnat, PoeifK«j"ei, Mllwaukle, APVI3I8. TyFer.iou Ue. o u.U., loniatiappll'i, Apl Is-K 13)8 borne 4 CarTeton, Alenne, Detroit, Apl I nledo, Howard. Bmton.' Apl 13 IR aatehar.tleorg-e, colanlal, Uleveland, Apl 1.1-18. Tecrtow'i Catai Columbia. 81. Loulv Apl It-lB, Tlieroii.n, Bonnie, Majmarket, llhloato, 4»11318. Thornton, Jamea, Avenue. Plttabulg- Apl.lfclS. penlaj' 4 Unter. Poll'ii, Brlpgeport. Apl 1318. diln ttatera. Park. Worcwter, Apl Ijf*. ithao.C. 111. tirphoum, Omaha, AMIlkts, I'nthan, Pnlta * Paul. l*i-rofa.Vb Ate., Apl 13 18. Voh TlWa. karonea., Chute., pan Fran, Apl 13 18. Vivian nlite'1-a, Elite. (Ilmieeator, Aid 1318. VAnre, Clarloe, .11. 4 tl.. Bkln, Apl IJ-18. Weitnn 4 Allen, U.yinarket.Clilcago, Apl.1318; Colum- bla, Kt, Lttttin, K-ttl Wood 4 Ray, 0 O II.. CMeacn. Apl 1.118. Weat t Jo4in A., Dewey. X. Y.C.. Apl 1318; Miner's 80i Ave,, N. Y. C.. rO-ltJ, Wright, Mr. 4 lira John II, Orpheum, Terra Haute, Apl TfrntneT Bros., Orpheum, iimalia, Apl IMS. Wlll.4 llaamo. tilriuple. tihieagn. A pi 15 1' Tvaraa m Y. OY. 3045. Waraaw Bro«., Olympic, Chicago, Apl 13-18; llarmatkot, am .on A llllbert. Ilrailenburg'i. Phlla. Apl IS 18. and 4 Tem», Ca.ln. Hirer, Al»l 13-18. Ttofld'.Trio. Ca»th, >'»1| nicer. Apl 1318.. Wenona (3), Bon Ton. .leraey city, Apl 1MB. Ward 4 Catpari.Arpnui','Detroit, ApllSdlt. Watson, Ilutclilna4 IklwAnln. Templfc Detroit, Anl 1318. Warren 4 Hlanr.liaril, Temple, Lnularllle, Apl I3-.18. Wonleite, Batetlr, Keltli'a, Boston, Apl 13-U. • t, \lr», Winne. Kelfh'a. Britten, adi 131t Jfjatlow, Mr», Winne, Kelth'a, W tbtir 4 Uiinrtnl, A. * 8. Bo.ton, API IS-18. Whete A Rocket, A. ,18, Hoatud, Apl 3 18. Hlalera. A. 4 »., lloaton, Apl 18-18, West, Kuril 4 Hut, PoU'a. Bllllgaport. Apl 1318. AWIIsell, Family. Portland, Mil, Ap| 1318. ., Apl IS- 1318. Wllaon. Llni n|ly, Portland,; ie, orplieiim. Ha «, Main gt., pet n Fran., 18- ..... API _ WOafnn Htoa.. Main 8t., Peurln, Apl 1318. Wright, Nloliola., 8ur, I'levelnnd. Apl 18 Is. Whltooiub, Hank A Lottie: Columbia, Bt. I,mils. Apl 13 18. ila\* ItbTi.., umbla, Apl IS-lH. Wilton 4 Clark, lliVumeii'a, 8an... Watetburj Bros. 4 Touny, Cidumbla, C'lnclnnnll, Apl WMterti, Ullle. Kelth'a, N. Y. Ill Apll3l8. Wllaon, Alex., Park, Worcester. Apl 1318 VorkeA Allans, orpheum, Omaha, Apl 13 18; Temple, Detroit,2d-». t, .-, ' ' Young. 4 Brook.. Ilmtnn. Lowell, ApUS-18. Yaokley A Bun noil, Troc.dero, I'hlla., API 1318. n. Ji J'aiuerTrlo, Avr-uue. I'lttaliurg, Anl 1,1- Parker't! Hogs, Hlien'a. Bullklp. Aid 18 18. Perkins (I), Lmplrc, Coliiiitbna. Apl Prevnit 41'l-evuat, Paitorv, N. Y.IL, Apr 20 23. aulgley, Broa,, Maw Mecluinlos, Halrin, Alii J3I0. oiv,tey.A Ito.telle, Oryatnl. Deovor. Apl 13 18. llltabunn'a Hornet, Cran I'ltco Orrln, Ale.lco, till Apl 21. littvnald.'RI. P., I'aator'e, N.Y: c. Apl .13 is; KelUi'a, 'Boaton, 20 25. Iloao A Hevorn., Ilraiinmn'a. Kan Francisco. Apr 1318. Itoberla (I), Baanolo, Syracuse, Apl i»2o. Blco 4 WalteiH.Orpbeum.Ouialiu, Apl 1318; Orpheum, . KaUMiaCity.2023. Riley Nlatera, Muln 81.. Peoria, Apl 1318. Raymond A Cnrerly, Orpheum, Kansas City, Apl 20-28. Beckon 4 lliuiml, Kmiilre, Ll>eri<ool, Kng., Apl 1318; Empire Olo.gow, Bcntland, 2026. ■; Reins, The, O, (>. IL. chkiago, Apl 18 18, ityan A Itlclilli-M, Temple, Detroit, Apl 13 IB; Duriueine, Pittsburg. 10 Xt , Boaatl Fiunlly, Mnln 81., Peoria, Anl 13-18. •Ilcdmonds. The; Hl-lvlllc, III., Apl 1318; Preeport, 2025. R.itiwy A Hradliain. Fort Worth, 1 Apl 1323. llnuioi A ArnO, II. O. II., linll.iinpollH, Apl 13 18. Hi.lull.. Br. 4 Mm., Klliplre. Colnlohua, AplW-18. llleo 4 Ailuilll, PaaHir'a, X. Y. C-, Apl.13 18. ■ Km k. Johnny 4 Emuia, Prortor'a 23d St., N. Y. C., Apl ■ 13-18. ' lievnoida. Barney. Proctor'sZk) Kt., N. Y. ().. Apl 1318. . Itlxford A Rim k, Atlantic Harden, Norfolk, Apl 1318 Iteutt. <'hu« . Aiidllorliiin. Norfolk, Apl 1318, Roys A Roberta. Audllorlum. St. i.mii>, Ap) 12-18. 'Bainsuy Slalers, llnwnrd. Hoaton. API 1318. .' • Itclll Urn... O. u II, , Indlnnnpnlla, Apl 1318. Roberts,'Haves A lloheils. Howard, Hoaton, Apl IS 18. 'BlttlirA-f^iavlll. A. 4 B., lloaton, Apl 13 18. Blna, Julln. OtpliBUiu, Ouijihii. Apl 1*18. Ibivmond, Maude, Culonlul, Cleveland, Anl 1.1 IB. ,Kae Allrosclie. Coluiiibla St, Luuta, Apl 18 18. Bawlsfim, '("sjlinn, Coluuiblii, St. I.ouls, Apl 13 IB Jtote, dtlllnn,-Colnmhl*, Cluelunatl, Apl 13-IS. ■Iteldy A (,'iirrlef, Kellh'a, N;Y. tp. Apl li-ls, •lloliyns. Mr. 4 Airs.. Rlliplio, COlunibua Apl 1318. dtllov'4 lluglnvi.NewMwliiinle,8ii)ein, Apl 1318 flin Bros,, New Mechanic, linleni, Apl 1318. lloton. Jlltibup'H. Lynn. Apl 1318 ltlccl, Xellle. lllaliop'a, I.yiin, Apl 1,118. Snilrl 4 Keaaper, Proctor'e, Albany, Apl 1318; Proctor's, ' Newark, VMS. Btoteon 4 Niton. Pork, Mlnuenpolla, ApllSIB. Hymonds, Lottie We«t. Hayniarket, Chicago, Apl 1318; (.'olunilila, St. hilM Hymunda, Jack. MndliOii, r.enttle, Apl 1318. HiuU4Mays,(illdlli'».rtavanfli,Apll31a. Htanley 4 Wllenn. Ntrntlord, lamdon, Kng., Apl 1318; Haeknev,lsiinlon,'AI-l!S. . '...,. Scott. Can In M.. Putnam's, Richmond, Apl 13 18. Salinret.Clrelu.X.Y.C-.AplaOjai.. ' Snyder 4-Buckley, Oipliouin, Han Fran.. Apl 1323. Htuber. Fred 8.. AreouV, Toledo, Apl 13-18. Bpurroiv, Piottor'a Newark. Apl UIB. slauley, Joaalc, Hub. Wiwiisocnet. Apl II 18. Beymnur A llupiiw. Park, WAicoaler. Anl IA 18. jiifu.ou A Morton, t:|rele, N. Y, o.,, Apl 1.1 IB, Hharer. Wekt.4 Clarke, HUou, Norfolk Ap 13 8. Hnlllvan. Oreell, Auditorium, Norfolk, Apl 13-18. Ktivrnuan A De Foresl.' BIJou, Atluntn, An! I31B. Sinnu'or, tlertle, Peojde's, Lowell, Anl 13-18. 'Hniith A F ullee. Keith'", Phlla., Apl 13-18 Htnpliena. Paul. Keith'". Phlla.. A pi- IJ-18. Hiowarr A Itaiinund, Crenin City. Milwaukee, Apt 1318 'hclirudcsCIL^tnpIre, lloboken Apl 1318, Bliuw, Mr. AW. Larry, Bon Ton. Jer«y City, Apl Is 18. Htanlon, Hugo, Avenue, Detrult, Apl 1.118. Huniiiiervllla, Auiello, Teruplo. lletrolt. Apl 13-18. Bwan t Bambard. Teiuple, Detroit, Aid 1318. HalnrolMi., Thu. Drphenni, Now iirlonii»,Apl 1318. Kallin 4 Biirliai'rlto. tlrphouui. New Orleans, Apl 13 8 rjiiuuldlnif, Arcade, Toledo, Apl 13 IB. HaMa A Wdllaw. Proctor's, Albany. Apl 1318. Knto. O- K..' Protuw'a, Albany, Apl IJ-18. Hauiidor., Chalk, Piurtot'a, Albaiiy. Apl 1318. Hull! 4 Plitlpa, Star. Hani lltun,'Apl I3U. Schiirlor Hlxlerm tloluinUla. n M. Louie. Apl 13 18 WMOONM1N. IVople W«ck of 111 Include: Jnckaon anil IJrdudn, nttiwim «ntl Jtaynioml, C"" ili-lioti. Unwllinwtiy ami ■ WAlton. ••''KoliHT iCf.fjr.BH.—MliltBjrcr nidlnnJ narlier ...'^rtrT.^erwa HFiim, [/>,S*MrftTT-Rtitl HoWbl'L* Bud Yea|rtr 4jfeagor, ita|tli'a. N. Y. ft, ApUS-IB fcobWIe. IB.; I^oliiuihla, Bt Louis, Apl 18.18.* Kant 4 liara, Olympic, Ohloafo, Apl 1318. We hove iir*»lmrcd linnily ninlllnu eards which Will prrently frta-llltattc ■vttalilcvillr li.rfurm. r« in sending us tin-Ik- iir.,1 Liner-. ' In nkltiB .thejae onrda tin- (i.rforln.-r i.i.-r.-lj l,il» t« All "tit the"datek, nnmr of tlinittre, itltd >• 11>• op t.inre ntirt »fntr>, ninety n one cent atninp In ehrnvr anil euill. They will he "<nr»lahI'll mi hitltllnhtIon tn tills. rtffloo tithe 1 r tJeraoanjUy' or by letter. tUHJ> t he Bill PottcrT Roater t»f Advcrtlalnft t'nr No. 1, of Itliik'lliiK BroB.' Wurld'H tirCntoat fthowa: A. i;. II IbfilliiK, nil- iiiniiiiucr ; W. 11. Hm- klna, cfcat'dc <n' pnpor, with twenty-four bill poatera—'r" C. Bates, J. Mllloiv BU. Cl»tk, ,f. coNtello, o. iiiiihirii. i:d, Walinaaldlor, C. BBowhlil, 11. Wheeler, U. QrlBini, 1). Carrtill,-Wi H. 'lliomoa, Clirta. Belts, C. J. Jlobey, W. H. Delley, A. Heaae, Hobt. ITyc, A. llotlge, 8, JobUHon, H. Mlttetidorf, <>. MlhHt'11, J. Hlevntison', lieu DMcbatio, '0. C. Hiitflilnanu timl Jnt'k Mliouly ; lltlirierniillni'H — C. A. HoHtylck, TV. (Mill. .1. rinlnliBTJi, J. I.ukens, W. p. Catr and Will OrlflMh: pro- irnmmora—Karl Isinj mill Walter N^aseu. Tliev nri> nil union mon. ' "*•' " Blcldnii Hnilili, ilrtiioliliT of Mr. ninl Mm Ki-natua rimltli, of KniiNiiM City, lln , waa tniurleil tr. Hnnfonl II. Itnhlnoii. Of ■I'hlln- ilrliililii, l'n., ill the V.lrni Chflstliiu CUiitcli, I'liiiaUclpiiin. mi W.tliifiali.v, April' 8, by ItfY.-n. 0: Kpnhlt. Mr. Uolilenit la thu nett- el-nl mtitMirxr of Mm lllll l'datlllp; Slirn Com- panv. of .PtillBottlpliln, I'd.; t.'oiniloii and At- lnntli: Oily, 'N. J.; llnltlraOlt', Mrt., Mil Wnsli'nirtoD, D. C, and la nlao Intereitod In lull poattoK plants .'In rJcmlltoo, l'n . and otlmi' cltl|»n., Tlio coiinlo Wcut to Atlantic City on their wciliilnit trip,' and after u loontiiB Bbjonrir tbcru will, msldo in riiilu- dcliibln. '■ /XbiJ poster of tbe lluiiiiiin k llnllcy Advnr- tlijlni; Cat* N" a :l»! .frail Iirckinurt, In clinigo nt the cur; 1-1. W. Clmtv', Tom Con- popHriCil. Oiiyon.'W. JJcsk, T. liirmH, CbarWa lIclHon, F.klrtil TayloV, JnnicK J.»«p, ,\Vni. 1'i'iimill ninl Dun I'lii'ijiiy. At preacnt tbu citf la tourlnif'Now Knglantl and bllllnit tin) ultltia ilu wlllfb lint'tli-tuu In to uplkmr in J ii in-- . . Jtiisiei' of advance of llnrarnveH Bin; Uall- roud 'SIiowh, CIi'chh mui Monaaerln: J. Henry IlU-e, ccnci'al aKent: 8. y. Ilunder, uiqnuger nf .No. 1 oar, Willi elgbteca bill poateri; Wnlter Noaaor. contracting; ugont; ltiiliili Burn', nuiuuger of >'». 2 udynnco car, and tan .bill poatara: J. II. J'bllllpK, press ngent; Jim Jluoniu, cliarga of the oppnalflun ; Joe r'rrt'iiiii-ir. niiculdl agent; W. Jackrtun, npeclal cmh : J. J. .Drotvloy, twniity-four Ihiiii- iniiii ; Hum .I'ui-lpr, eauiiraJoii agent. Tbe t-cgitlar lfiw'tliig of' tha Hill I'lintora and IlllleiV L'niini, No. 15, of Hiirlngflnld, Mam,, ivua MurcU i'i, and two now inomborn. were, taken In. They whro lid. Guyon, nf Jllntrlinniton, N. ■ y., and lOl.lte.l Taylor, of mSnlngton, ().. both ,of Whohi .are with the Itanium & llalloy ndvertlalng rar No. A, ' which wiih In Htirlngfli'lil, bllllnir for thu cIi'luh, on Juno 5. Tllo next moetlni; Will bo hold nil April liO. e><» -rlfiKS."^ - mTiTI Monaton— At Rwemey A Cootnba' Opera llowte (lien U. I*wl., roaoa|9T).»-»Vina^yri jRwr, ibai2-4, had a coftUnuWlon.ff.hpuirtti crowOM'to rtie'ttuflm, Obfl' badnn6' Btayad two week* longer tho hodlM would litrto OaUMM itiia anrne.tia her "llypnotlo Draatn- Jahtl" sujiUflad .nnd drow ' the wondering ■Muuca. Bh« was ably supported in vaude- vlll* l>y BlaHiehe Oonlet, Jnlm I^mtielaand tJetntni' Jewell, all of whom maOo bits. The -Blanche alii fry Co. tiponed 0, tor a week, In tepertur}', nt popular prlcca," to ttowdcil Ddliatft. Dtlc: - Olympta Opera Co. 14,10, VBIj Muawtte" 10. • - ,(JtiAMi» Opiciia TJottso (Jake Schwartt, maiiBgcr).—Tbo house,' though not In com- -Meto reodlneti, war'opehed 6 'by'tbi'ttobU* -jDranintlc Co.. for a two week.' it ay, In ropertory, anil at popular prlccn, .to crowded IWANDAlin TltBATBR (Alrltlo & I.aBBOrrc, proprletorB anil tinuagpra).—Uunlneas eon. tlpilea big. Feoplo a-n: Wlloy Mimilton. Until Wiley. Altaic Alvfh, llniost Bailey, Lil- lian rulmer. Jftkn Coy, May Voh Cnlton. Bert l>. Boone, Lulu Dcltnar, -Pay Delmar, rVllnnlo Wrtrdell, Dot Collins, the Moorea, Frank, Florence and Marlon; Flcanor Dunbar, Kd. and C 0. ('o|)Blnint. Holen Jonseh, Lltilo White, ami Jeiale WondB. Noma.—Frank A. Ooldle, innglclaii, letivca 20 for Toplka, Kan., to join .the Bolls * Downs Bhbwa...... Kloto'a Dob; and Pofiy Witter (■ billing the' town heavily for Its •pproraneo here, J5, 1(1... ..David B. Colin. of Broiibaiti, Tenia. 1ms boon appotutod trealUrer' of tlio Hwceney k Coornbl' Opera, Ilouio here, ami is 'lining tbo position latla- fattot-lly and like a vatoran. ■ a .-fS" Wj2a-*l».—At Orccnwalri Opera IIousb (Phil.' W. • areonwafl, niatiaRorfWHoyt'M Comedy Co. closed a prnlltable flll«a«rBi«nt of one wuok April 4. Tho Knowlua, Jijnno- tlflti, pleancMl crowdrd hnuBca week of 0. ^io Theodtrfe Tliothrtn Orclmstra latbo for raat- Intre 8, unil illrl well. Anna Kvn l'oy comon week of 13, which practically closes one of tho most HucccBsful Bciiioua lu the history of tills bottle. BTAHDABn iFnuM (Prauk Do Beque, inattitgor).—Three unw lieopla booked to, nn- inear at this bouse wuuk of 0 /ailed lo put In an nppenrnnce, but tha 8uow wiIr up to •the 'uiuali atntHlard. The jitdple- Includo: MorilB Junta, III' Tom' Word, Kelly nml Mack. Lulu I.awloti, Ni'Ulo Wlliinuia, r.ilu.i It: Cheater, TOnt Foy, and Qrnro Wllllitbia. "The Baby BleBimnf," by the atock, sortotl aa n curtain raiser. lltiattiONs Ih Jilg. Crown .Tit i:\tiii-. (I'hll. Kpatoln, raann- gci').—Kntiiiedy and Conncrs, a sketch team new to IVxiih. opened air tills hniisoU, pra- svntlng their sketcb, "Tho Nowm AgentB." which pleased. Hoinsuy and Bl'adliam, In a naat oKhlbltlon of bag punching, baton anil club ttiffflling. also aciii-ml. 'rim otllsrs mak- ing up tlio itllo: Haul Uarrhi, Iloao It. Mit- chell. Mile. Zlliln. I.ettlu Coftnn, Llsslo Mlt- cball, CIiuh. II. Ward, Prank Ulbbons, ami Atla Yule. Tbn amusing one act comedy, "My Photograph," by tho stock. Tb()"W»ok opened to a packed hauso. '■'■ Notk.— Miktinger J. IB.- Wheat, nt tho Hoof Qnrden Theatre, haa' closed with Mnnagnr Curtis, of tlio Curtis Cdmedy Co., fori tbn npiicnrnncn of Ihut mmnahy nt tilts placo of nmiiacmoiit for nil linloflnltn period, com. mciiclng May 4. ■«»»♦> I'lOMS'SYliVAlVtA.—(Hco I'ngO 1ST.) l'lttalittru—Dvon Holy Weok hod no power to diminish tbo ImmoilBo ultundanco nt rnoef of'our local allow.. Altin Tiikatiih (NlXbh A Zlmmermnn, manngeri).—"]rls," with Virginia Horned, l!l, unil week, for tlio first tluia hire. "Klhg DimIo" abdlcntotl 11, having ruled Over many subjects. Thn timplro Tboatre Co, prownta "The UnfiireBcon" ■ ail. Tli.foti TiiiiMiiii (It. (lullck, manager).— "The Heart of Maryland" will boat T;i and wuok. "Why Womon Hln" closed 11. Tbu luivui LiiiiiiithiiiH presont "Poatorland" UO. KMi'IHi: 'J'huatih: (10. J. McCulloiigh, tiiun- a«oi').—"PIcklngB from Puck" had a good o|i«iilng day for tin. week begltinlhg' IB. Duu oiid Chnrlca Mason acurcd nn Immense lilt In "Rudolph and Adolph," closing il "elad Krlckaon prtMjnred ■"Yon Yananp 7 ' au S Mll»» tiiiki-c— There WOM very little doing at-any of'the local theatres lsnt week, but commencing Master Hiitixlny the regulars .will uadiiubtetlly 'return: to their accuatoiuod .Rents. The Castle Butiaro Opera Co. opoaa a four weeks' seuiion nt the l'nhst Theatre, Monday. April 13. Thn advance) snlo for tbo season Is enormous, and far greater than the brat two seasons of Mr. Huyuge/a popular company. ■■■ Ai'AiiKMr (Kdwlti Tlinnhouser, manafar). —"The Two 'Orphans" ■ wock of 0, "Paul .Kniivnt-" week -of 13, and "Borneo and Ju- 'llol" week of ao. Ai.iiAiniitA '- TiiKATitK,—Manager O. P. Miller Offers Pete Bilker, In "Chris and ■i.etin," week ef 1-'. and Nellie o'Noll ami Billy Von, lo "Bolivar's Busy Doy," week of 10. • "'Tho Bandit King" held tho ataga last week. '' ' '' - fc III.70D Ophiia Hot.'HB (J. II. Pierce, resi- dent iiinmigeri.--AI. )!. Wilson scared ihcaviiv week of r., In "Al'rlncnof Tatters." "A Bagged Hero" cornea week of la, and "At Cripple Creek" wock of II). - ' Davidson Tiikatur (Hhcrmon Brown, manager).—llouso was dark last week, and rtmpens 10,- in, with Mary Hliaw, Id "Ghosts." ». H. Wlllard 30-20, .• 'PAust TMRATaiie—The Waclinncr Oernmn Co. will bremnnt "P.inen vmi Unsero l/ent" ia, and "per Dormenwed" Sunday, 111, which will close the sen Hon of Cermau productions. The Castle'Hquare Opera Co. opn lit, and put on "Ahlu'' and ''Martha" for tbo Urot Btar TiirATitn.—Manager Prank It. Trott- man Is being; favored with good nttendaoci-, ne usual. ■ ltDHp lllll Co. week of ia, fol- lowed'week of 111 by tbe Transatlantic Bur- li>Mi|Uers. Clnrk's 'New llnyala eiiino Week of (t. CnnAK City TticATitn (P. .1. Murphy, man- ager).—That tile -Hoiith alders are taking to' tbls hoow Is cvldeuced by Uic amount of money being put Into tha place preparing r«tl""n Summer season of stock production. l'eople- week of HI Include: Jackson and Deoiidn, fltewart and Jtaynioml. Cowan nud ru (or week of 10. ' Onisti -Opmiia lliiimi! (Harry Davis, man- ager).— "Ji'Arcy «f tbo (laards" IB and week. "Children of tbo Ohotto" was with- drawn It, not hnvlnir donn tho buslneis'aii- tuipsied, "At the -White Horse Tavofu" Is uiiilerllncil for St). ' ' • AvknUb TtuuTU (Harry Davla, maun- gi'r).—..mines'' 'fhorntiin, llui'rowa-Lnncnster •i'o„ Callabali and'Murk, Cooko mui (lilntmi, the Do Porucsta. thn JJcetors, and tho clnn- niiitogrnph week heglnulng 13. liueluc.a foil off a Mule liidt Weak. ' DtotJKSNM .TiiKAiitrj (Harry W. Williams, munuger).—Tho Umpire Nbow oiaiiied ill,'for ono week. Last week's business was lni- mctiso. ' ■ -■ ■■- U.tllllV WlM.IAIIN' Al'ADHStr OK MllSIO (Hurry W. WllllnniB, managar).—pred Ir- win's Mnjeatlca arrived Mi. for u week's visit. AI.'liRoves'JIig Co. (lid tho IrdWusa hnslneaa up to 111 .which no show ever falls to d» lliul plays hero nt nny ihousn under the mtimigciiiciit of genial Hurry WllllamR. ' HaWTftu "Bf.oMHiiMtl.—WoiTT ' on. the de- molition of 'tlier old liullilltKtH on the'lite of Die uittv llyilo ft .Buliuiun .Theulre,. at rjlgtll Btroct and Duqtiesne ,Wuy, lias cnuiniencvil, and that hnuan In now an established fate for next season...... William ( SleVay lirfs Joined lh» Nlock c<|iiiiiaiiy at thp Orn.uil Dpefa Ilolise. upd innkea Ida .first aupour- aiice Ifiere- 1.1:,...'.tilicrliloh HltiiuBori, • of the '•King Dodo" Co,,-la nt work'on"a now ballad Billy Ingumoll will Iprubably ,pmy In London tbn cuiuIiik Huuiiiii.'r..',... Loulsd DrdW. who Is iianied for bar grand- 'mother, tha lata Mrs. John Drittv, anil Who Is the present John Drew's second daughter, la playing at tho Alvln this week in "Iris." —■ »»» " ' . C OCOWADO . Denver.—At tlio Broadway Theatro (t'etur (lleCourt. munnger).—Plprenca- Mob- crts, In "Thn IJtiwnlcoiao Mrs, Hatch" and "Hupllo," hnd good housca April 0-11. Nanca O'Neill BJHiWlC • ' i'Aiiuii UllAND (i.'nler McCourt, innnagnr). —Morrison's "Paimt" dlu a good wcek'a^usl- ness tf-lli "Zlg •Ang Alley'' l&ll' * . khphik Tiikatiih (Peter McCoort, mana- ger).—riniiford Dudgo aud -Zella I.e»llo. lit "Ingonuir," bad fair houses' week of 0, "Hmidy Ilotlom" I2-1H. " T1 antral fmuirm (A. it rcitoii, mana- ger).—Jones lunl Harlan presented "Monto Crlsto," to packed houses, woek of D. "Ca- Dillle" 12-18. » ciiystai, Thkatrb (Gen. Ira Adams, man- ageri.—Week of 0 a good bill- ^rew 'well, Week of 33 tbe people aro: Cnacy and Wurde, Iloasloy and Hrtstull, Onne IloiiprB, Natlo, Arthur Lane. This house Is milking tho biggest hit lu tovyu, with all shows a .day. • ti» Piiimcb Auikhb Attn may LaB|i8nt, second sight specialist*, are getting 17 ready to pro- duce a new act In which the auiliotiro will ask the niiestlons. They will begln a two weeks' engngement on May 4, nl- BUrnstclirs MW theaire, 1 Port Oeorge, Hlnten Islanil, N. Y. They will play the circuit of parks during the Hummer season. * .7a Mrs riAi.Toit, wbo has lust closed a successful six tireeki nt Oio Ntttloonl The- ptrr. Oakland, 'Cnl., has Hacraniehlo, So a Prnnrlico, Bnn Jone, P.rcsllo a)id HtocJdoii to follow. * ■ ' .* itiuiAsj Nr.rAnno bnve closed lite sen- ■on 'With Hoss and' Kenton's Show, lb ibelr novelty ait. •' '' '"■- , '' " awaaiL'rii; Ba<>aiiiT,'i sal.';-! f'ttl-Jirope '»f!iUi