The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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APBIL 18. THE NEW YOEK OLIPlilR. 193 ,,„ rro . mil TUeatre (Henry V. Don- and packed at the evening performance, m- manager).—Hilt* Proctor Otis Is seen Next, "Tho Child Wife." ». n to.advantage this week, as Lady Or- Proctor's Onb HtsuaiiD *nd Twkntt- mond la "A Wlfe'i Peril." The^play has hftk Street Thbathe (J. Auatln Fynes. *i 4ill M4aaIl*44S** 18, "A CUIn«M noneymoon" U, the noyai Uxaaiu;- tmim, (Dick:• Ferris; rw SllldC lllCCnalttlCS Llupiillun* I.',. "Only a Shop Girl" 10, I.OUla gcr);.—"Wlf« tor WlfV la tl,o play 12- vIMJJ* IHV»l/«lHV«« Hmd IT. Frank Daniel* 18.. < * ' week. "Unclm Tom'a Cabin" drew tha u mana- aJ.l fine revival, and too company gave excel- general manager).—"The Cherry rickew" la Akron Branch, No. 48. I. A. tS suoDort. It I» caat as follows: Sir the play presented ty the rroctor Stock ployes, nt a recent meeting el •Sir«T Ormond, Bart, George H. Spencer; Company. The house vat packed at both lowing officers: Harry Wuchl retain Bradford, N. Sheldon Lewis; Dr. iierformancos 1.1, with nearly all the house k!?tSV«» nnbert McWnde Jr.; Sir Wood- favorites In the enst. Tli« vsnilevlllp enmrt. rraetoxTEdgar Allen Woolf;Mr. Crossley «£* Charles A, Hutchison,; Meadows, Burr J^Ti'th' Kemp, Dc Witt Lewlng; Lady Or- La /nrt'Rllta Proctor Otis; Lucy Ormond. S?nnc«a Starr; Mrs. Croasley Beck, Isabel Iffinttt Viola, Kellogg. Next iiJS?'^udd'nbead vTllaon.;• **El.Jd ontra Hoaie (John H. Si favorites In the enat. The vaudeville contrl- imtlons for this <week are: A. 0. Duncan, Virginia Alnswortb, aud the kalatocbuo- scope. II i: una ft Ska.1(on'b Music Halt. (Ben Hurtle, manager).—A nioat excellent bill T. Stage Kin- elected the fob chter, president; \. Harbmigh. Tlee president; I). St. Johu, secretary anil treasurer; (.'has. Huber, re- cording secretary; Harry Smith, walking delegate. Charles K. Mills, accno palulcr and stage machinist, writes: "I was very glad to see the article wherein Sosmnn & Landls re WASHINGTON. , Npokane At the Spokane Theatre (Dan I. Weaver, manager)—Mrs. Brnne, lu "Itnornn," came April 0, 7. opening to a good house. "Arlsona" had excellent busi- ness 1, % Due: "When Knighthood Was lu Flower" 24, 26. Auditorium (Harry C. Hay ward, tnani- d usual blghornes 5-11. Dkwkv Tiikatbb . (W. W. Wlttlg. mana- ger I.—Clark'a Royals have the house- 12-18. to be succeeded by Itoso Hill's English Follies 19. The Knickerbocker Bnrlesquera drew well 5 and week. .rr ».♦ VIlMilMA. , Norfolk.—At the Academy of Muelc (T. wns ottered for the approval of one of the futcd the generally accepted opinion Springer, Henrlet- iii iw i n ^S; tno ,J5hre « Polos, John Le Clair; and" tie Miner manager .—The Hoso Sydell London Hrosminu- si>t>» .Miner, '""""A ' .,,,..,1., »hi s ti-,, manager).-—Stuort Itobson, la "The %« B^.^"T! ? .(Edwin largest audiences of the aeason. The bill presented the following; people: Kugene o'Rourke and company, tlcnsro and Bailey, Cuahman, Holcombe and Curtis, the Four .Musical - Cuttys, James Ttlchmond Ulenroy. , Browning Sisters. Uelles ore the attraction this -week, and Olympic (Tho* W. Valentine, manager). Uelr business on Monday was big. The _i( 0Bert Manchestoi'a Cracker Jacks Is the nrogramme, which has beep. ascribed In this attraction for this week, and they opened column, includes: "MarriedMashers, Gar- tl) ono of tUe beat Monday night audiences Sella and Shirk, the Van Cooka, Ituth Den- of 1(le eea son. The show Is certainly desorv- scenery Is Intlnmmsble to a very serlou tent. 1 have' tor years been trying demonstrate to people who ought to sense enough to absorb-the Idea, but who' do not, that either linen or cotton cloth will burn twice na readily aa will Die same cloth after It In coaled w-lth color uaed In scenic work. Nor will tin? wood, when treated lu like manner, hunt us quickly as raw wood. 1 will venture to say that a lot of scenery and Myrtle Mark " Business I. good. SK* o^&Scrtt J Stock Co Treated CokiAi d'Am^k (Jacob Ooeta" manager). sESLPiL BSSnJ ^LSbuJF SSSS —The oiH-nlngs arc: Mackey and Croix, EftraJ'fcJ'fflJrVfi* w oh ever* lita*: Bragg and AUnton. and Amanda Bahr. Ca- '2a!&Z?lSSESR&*lE&X?%tt iclfy ('OMIQUB (I. cation of an enthusiastic reception. v«r and company. Bene. Washburn and Cissy (jrant and theAIelroiie) troupe of gymnaata. \e*t week, the Imperial Burfesauers. THB VAUDKV1LLIS (ACTOB8' )lOMB) BBN- rcV—Under the direction of the vaudeville ■nHnaaera and agents of New York City inanage™ "■■» a , ,. mnB niitl „ Ing of patronage, for a better compauy would be hard to And, or one that gives better siitlsfactlon. Mr. Manchester reports that business has been of the best all season. Next week, Weber's Dainty Duchess. May Henry "ft&SsTff n Holtond maniurer) -Ths S Blaney, In "Across tho PnclOc," SO. • rr^'-Vt'l V TS '"7 - r\"' =TK n.« ^l?niS ire- The Tomrillto^^ebiTrMu* A » '» Mr. frella' cUatom, ths house was clow-d •stacked'—that Is. one piece laying on top new people are. J ine - svVnriiiw, Hf^ ™iur ip—Good ^'r^day. of another-cannot be made to blase unlea; ^SJ a %S i *S&JVSS % ° ' *uaBVSESm (Abb. Smith. mauat«r).— h very big ore Is placed In direct contact Deautl. G ood business rulea. ... N , for week of 13 are: Thatlrays. with It, and there la plenty of air to feed • Merrill Suiters. Sharer. West and Clark, It. The reason why theatres burn so quickly Seattle..—At the Ursnd Opera House ■ Is simply because there are not any croas (John Con. manager).—Week of March 22 walls to stop a flre'a progress, and the stage. "Arliona" drca- excellent business. Field's Mario Goodwin, Hattln Bishop, and Clias, West. Business Is good. AtiDiTORtnu Tubatbjo (J, M. Barton, man- -. \ a3 Charles Norman, itage manager, and Joe being constructed with a vent at the top Minstrels. Ml had capacity. Edsons agcr).—l'eoplo for week of 181 The Klou- (Tony Pastor, chairman of the committee) u rlne treasurer, will be teadered o benefit. (called for by the law), the hreeie from the "inclo Tom s I'abln," April 4. fi. came, to <ft kK Tr)(> 'limney and Chapman, the Two "9 Tim Oawasnt Mnsic Hall (Dr. Leo front doors simply makes n huge old fssh- mod houses. Mrs. Brnne, In "Unorna," opens yinf,* Bertha Dorian, Violet Earl, Daren- - 0, for four nights, and advance sale Is big, On the way: itose t'oghlan, Kffle Kllsler, fefltW-" Ieuip a5 , JS' given on Sunday evening next, g omracr g manager).—Tlic week opened well, April 19. at tbe Metropolitan Opera Houae, tho bouge ,^1,5. packca . ^ig week ' g bill In aid of the Actors* Home, and It la likely con talns the following names: Valerie Fll- Ihat this will become on annual accurrance, i^^ W ard nnd ltaymond. Tommy Hayes. 08 no other branch of the profession re- chamerroy Bros., Major Sisters, Helen Val- celves more assistance from the Actors i, un d ^^ H ealey nnd Farautn, and Znnfretta and sluplr loned are placa effect, and, of course, every- thing on the stage horns. The asbestos curtains help some. If they are down, but, as In rase of an alarm, they generally stop abort of coming all the way down, una thus act as 'blowers' to fan the flames. Skatti.h Thkatrn (J, 1*. Howe, manager). —Virginia Drew TrcMcott, 8-7, In "Kestir- rectum." lisd good attendance. Bark hal- nnce of week. Baker Slock Co., of Port- rillliui*, Deiiim vvnnu, i«nvi i-.a. t, u«i port and Zctta, Irene Sullivan, Clms. K. Benti, Perkins and Calvetto, and Mell Oram. Bdllneaa la good. Atlantic Uahorn (Geo, Pierce, mana- ger).—People for week of ill are: Mofrls nnd Morris. Olga Black, La Belle Asia, May than vaudeville people, and so many re- Mansfield. Thursday, May 7, a benefit will Now, I don't want to counsel the relaxing huu | mm „„ | n deflnlto engagement, com- Adams, Mlko ftlxford, Frank Clifford,' Jean Hponses and volunteers have come in for he tendered to Treasurer Max Sommcrs, im» oerformance that the committee feel Life in announcing that It will be one of the greatest and moat interesting events of ilie Kind ever known In America. Over one hundred arttots have been favorably heard from, but engagements at a distance will Brooklyn.—At the Montauk (Isabel Sinn- of one precaution agalnat lire—rather would mincing Haster Sunday. I Increase them, for the lawa cannot be too Titian Avhm'k Thkatbje (Hussell ft Drew, strict nor too strictly enforced—but It would managera}.—Jessie Shirley Co.. In "Doris," help us who have to handle "ccnery, and opci lP a «, f„ r w „, k , to big business. "Fa ' I'atal Hecht, manager).—A crowded house greeted =35, ;■- i' _ r„t""'~/" tmnhii JiM'iig "/, VS «Z""' "" "'" v.. ' ' ' --—■ /U,la Allen Xprll.13, when she apnea red In t^Mi&BM if"! M' *%S&J%L& (A. fancoln. manager). art uoosnn uiu .,„«,.o t ... muiernl iiu 1 li- that ncener\. ... ,. _» ,1 * u..-i M - _:i*k nJT*..-..- Browning. Ceo. Ualo, and Danny liumiin. Business Is good. •'» M3IIHAHKA. "The Eternal City." Stuart ood business last week. Frank Daniels !B. Ofgda House (Lew Parker, nrnna- oxy Urandpa," with Joseph Hurt was received by an the house 13. "Mr- did big business Sherlock Holmes" week of 20. Pabk (Nick Norton, manager).—"A Little Outcast" met with much favor 13. Excellent Next week, "The convince the general public that scenery, simply because It to scenery, Is not, there- fore, like tinder or gun powder, and liable to ko up in smoke very easily." 4 » » w:vv JER8BY. James Thornton, Truly Sbfttuck. Preas 'Eldrldie, Milton Nobles, John and Emma Hay, Elfle Jay, Lottie Gil- sou. Ellnore Sisters, Emma CaruB, Vernona bualnesa ruled last week Jarbeau. Willis P. Sweatnom, Jess Dandy. Village Parson." Jas. J. Morton, Qua Williams, Josephine Snbcl, Valerie Bergere. Grapewln and Clinnce. Grand Opera Trio, Clarice Vance, Dohcrty Sisters. Sydney Grant, Marlon Ma- nola, Julius WItmark, Geo. W. Day, J. Al Nen-ark.—BuslncBa was generaly light here Inst week —Week of 0, good business, with George nnd Sophie Allyns, the Groat Estrnllltn, Clement I'erklus, Ilngtltue Kelly, and moving pictures. Bkoplp.'s Thkxthi: (Jerome K. Smith, pro- prietor).—Following people week of 8, to Urge audiences : Joo McDonald, Harry Ben- nit, Ilnrry II. Ilarlson. Nadlnn Allen, Muudle Duyton, Ilee Carlyle, May Rogers, Maud Osborne, the Great i:il- Omnlia. -At Boyd's Theatre (W. J. Bnr- er).— "llumsn Hearts" was. Ihn gess, manaaoL. attraction April 12. The Herrmann-Wntile company opened a three nights' engagement 1.1. "The Montana Outlaw" comes 1(K!1. Tim Murphy US, 38, Mary Mannerlng iH, 2R, "The Missouri Girl" 20, 27. Klclmrd Mansfield 28, 20. Wm. H. Crane, In "David I la nun," did a good business H. 7, H. "ftlg Kag Alley;' had fair houses 0, 10. "The Pavto.n's Fulton Btrvkt (Rtta Beed Pay- ton, manager).—This week gives tho pstrons an opportunity to see a little Shakespearean noting. Mrs. I'nytmi appears as Juliet, in 'Borneo and Juliet." Walter Wilson Is the J. C. Carroll, Vona Aberdeen, May Young, the Tlioinpaona, Lllllso ltaymond. Lyndon nnd Wrcnn, OI)le ' Lamont and the Three Hexlclnoes, ' •Very gootl housea for this season of trio year pre- vailed week of n, The bill was composed of: Mile. Olive, Downlo and Vanetta, llard- noia, Junius »iiiuj»»», «=>« "--f"»• "'^f Koineo ami .nine'.. drlch Llbbey and Kathetlne Trayer, Eva i totnco . Business was good laBt week. "Peg >» ««5*3^ «*»S?%..!SS Wofflngton" next week Utm I "KATRi: (Wlldy ft Oodsteln. ^^. ^MMfflTO iy ^Tne kl. , manager*).—Week of 0. fair business with: KBg» s«g"fflffg. "^ ",""la'^iii Jack Wnds, Ka«nl« Kelly, Pinkie Mnllay. d ™ m , e ; Y X bill for week of 1I will In Helena, Three Navarros, La Belle Blanche, Hungarian Boys' Band, Hill and Whlttaker, Tom Moore, Meyer Cohen, Bellman and Moore, also Maurice Levi and his orchestra of fifty, with Ted Marks as general stage director. Prominent stara will announce the performers, and other special features will be announced during tbo week, Daniel Frohman Is preparing, for the souvenir programme to be used at the vaude- ville benefit in aid of the Actors' Home, next Sunday evening, April 19, at the Metropoli- tan Opera House, a most Interesting and valuable Illustrated article ■feaslonnl people, and theai will be delighted to secure. Columbia (Dave A. Wels, manager).— "Nathan llnle," with Howard Kyle, was brought forth 13. This stock star has the support of the house company and com- lneudablc acting la shown. Good business last week. Creaton Clarke opens 20. Buou (Will McAllster, manager).—"A Bunch of Keys" was presented IS, to an au- dience that crowded the house to the doors. Cecil Spooncr Is Teddy, a part that suits Nkw.vhk Tueatrx (Lee Ottolcngul, mans- Kiln. I^oim, Maud Osborne, the Oreat Kll- vonnmr 'nroi" 11 oer).—The Post Lenten season begins with wood. Babe Primrose, Henrietta Wellington, nJTnsiiitYrsr! Butts n manoirerl «n Innovation at this house In the appear- ' " SSmOT^BB *iw,„io.n \i.. v„.m. """, n ance of Conrled's Irving Place Theatre Co. in a repertory of Ocrman pays. "The Sil- ver Slipper" succeeded In commanding largo and enthusiastic audiences, although It wns Holy Week. Amelia Bingham will present •The Frisky Mrs. Johnson" week of 20. Coi.iMiiiA TiiHAxnis (M. J. Jacobs, mana- ger).—"Human Hearts" will give more melo- drnnin to the patrona this week, of which they never tire. Last week, "The Village Parson" drew only fair audiences. "An American Oentlemim" April 20-25. F.mi-ikh TiiKATua (n. M. Uynms, mnna- ger).—The Four Cohaus present "The Oovcr- nor s Son," under very favorable auspices, for the current week. "The Convict's Daugh- ter" drew light audiences last week. Joe Welch, lu 'The Peddler," 2<l-2n. Ri.anky'h Theatiib (Chas. K. Blaney, man her. Augustus Phillips appears to good n<I- g ger).—The stock will'revel In an old'favor- vantage. Newjwngn jere^ ^ungJyCccU | t t., »Tho Silver. King." this week. "Dora I which "if nro- '&™ S LJS& .. Cl ^, u / e rl , llR i r<lo f - ^'"..rhS Thome" received onfy fair attention last tregoers as wel" S. 1 ''.?^ sl ? ,b " tii i v , e L l8,t weck- Xho w**k. Chas. Wllltord will bo aupported by It will constot l0 Ji 0n,e Inu ' wcck ?} -£'„„.„. „.„.„„ the stock In "Alvln Joallu" week of 20. ss£ ... tSPISK Oiihiikiiu Percy (I. Williams, manager). wiiumasn's TiiEATnB (W. 8. C lurk, man- of between thirty and forty portrnlts1 of the _ Aaelnldft licrrmunn Is the headltner for a ") -Hcilbner's Mornlnj; OlortoS "' beat known and most famous actors and week of , 3 . otlier Bt6r ellt ertulners are: Jg~|. gamnn»™rj unurnH «wm netrefiaes who have been the favorites of w ,„ M , (;re g, v wll0>i w | t h Blanche Dnyne, ^a tlelr suinppy entertainment wlli ■'age In former years, the pl . eBentll h | 8 | at< . 8t sketch, "Bill Biffin's HffJ3SLJ ^XXR een loaned for this purpose g, lb ... Jnme3 j. Morlon the Moiurt Hym- "J,, u "p. ,<1 fforil Wendell, of this city, who ll0 i; y C i u b. the Oii'l With the Auburu i/alr ffij John and I largest and most valuable '(for another week). Onrl Family, Crawford R»ver» llljou Co the American Btage In former years, the pictures having been loaned for this purpose by Evert Jansen "' lias one of the collections of stau, the world, with additions secured from Col. T. Allaton Brown's collection, and short biographical sketches of each one, by the latter gentleman, whose knowledge of stage history and records Is authoritative. The programme Itself will be fully as Interest- ing as any of thoae already given for the Actors' Home, nearly ono hundred of the 1 imminent stars and attractions of Che vaude- ville world having already volunteered their servlcea; and so many orders for seats and Itoxes have already been received by Tony 1'aBtor, Mr. Frohman, nnd other members of the managers' and agents' committee, that llnnncinl Buccess scorns already assured. Tub F.Mi'iiin TuBAi'im Is to he remodeled hv Frauk Sanger And Alt Hayman at a cost of $100,000. The two galleries are to be re- constructed, the nresont supporting posts are to be removed, and a new and higher proacenlum arch built. The Interior Is also to be redecorated. Plans were Sled with tho Illuming Bureau last week. have Ion here, _ will wake The features of the Clifford and Burke, Harry Host- ly. PI Begins Merrltt; Mallnly Slaters, and the pro- Jectoscope. Continuous performances dally. La nrma Thkatrv (Mrs. A. 8. Bhorer. ige manager).—Krafft and Daley, Carberry and Stanton, Kmnm Lawrence, the Grout Lnntln, unci l'utrioi-i Ireland, week of H. I louse con- tinues to turn people' away nt every per- formance. 1'abk TiiEATan (Jerome K. Smith, proprie- tor).— TIiIh new theatre to doing wonderful business. Week of u: Anna Mlln, 'May NeaJ- fion, Greater New York Burleaque l!i>.. Mat Fisher, Jo..y Ilatnllton, Mahtn and Howard, Hose Adams, Hooker Sisters, Ida Miller. Holi- er to, Smllux nnd onipnny, Blanche Thomp- son, Dot Fulton, (led. and Llxiln Bird, Mae Lester, Si. Clair and Roberts, Maybe Votto, Sophie Htcwnrt. Ada Russell, lllchard Cam- eron, and Hum McMillan, CoUIOjUH Theatiib (Moan Goldsmith, man- sger).—Maud MsrgesoD, lldwards Sisters, May Wright, John Lord, Meek and Ashley, Ida Storms, Jnxon Sisters. Guests La More, Ola Havden, Helena Mlgnon, Frankle Mull, elude: Yorko and Adams, Musical. Dale. Fisher and Carroll, Julia Ring, nice and Walters, Kennetly and llooney, Dave Now- lln, nnd the klnodromn. - > Niiteh. —lloyd's Thealro vrfll close 'lis regular season fl«, nnd the Dick Ferris Stock Co. will open a Hummer snneon, nt poplilm prices, May .1 Tim May Musical Fes- tival, under the auspices of tho Knights of Ak-SAir-llcn. occurs Mny 7-1) ami In. The clilrngii Symphony Orchestra, with a locnl chin us of <me hundred and fifty voices, iiml Nordlca and Be Besike, with the New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, will be the nttiiutloim. . . .The Oiplieum will close its season May li The Omaha Guards, Oat- Hug guu section, who wern on the Orphoiiin circuit Inst season, have gone with tho Wal- ter li. Main Show for the Mummer. They will leave In the Kail for a tour of lOnghimi nnd Germany. #»» QBOROIA. Illlan Hoover, Wilton and Adellu llellc. <lw>rge Artlmr. Big business. Day. Hal Merrltt, and the vltagranh. IIviik ft Hkiiman's (Archie If. Bills, man aixok « nJ\?t o i iinuic ... *.«. id. ...... lentlo agcr).—A strung bill was presented 18, with ., 0 ..i ri Hubert Hllllnrd as a hcadllner, In "The Lit- |> lt0 tlest Girl." Othen are: The Bllnorc His- Benc rti Comedy Trio, Couture Bros Smile F.stus, and Olga Or- lotr. The Moonllgjit Maids received fair at- tention for Holy week. Tho Cracker Jacks CALIFORNIA. I'Hocriui's Tiikatiu: (J. Austin I'ynes, general manager).—The current bill should l.os AngteleM.—At the Los Angoles The- atre (II. t'.'Wyatt, manager).—Wm. 10, Gil- lette, In "Sherlock Holmes," packed the house for five performances April l-4._ John Navniiiinli At Gllden's New Alliamhrn —This Is tha only variety house open now, and tis a result standing room was lu order week of April II. "The Italian Padrone" was «n amusing opening bill, and was well pro- duced by the company. Those who are re- tained Include: Lottie Nelson, Hello II. Mil- ton, Woodford and Marlboro, FseUoro, iiismha Walworth, Battle Havens, Allen anil .Toned and Hdiizulas. : uoo. thu stage, nnil his work hinn'derboll Casino, Under W. Nelson, wll| on vlllo performers arc: The Musical Kit sts. Muck. Wnrtenlierg Bros., Frcncelll and Lewis, rosco, manager).—Ralph Stuart and coin- its regular season lu the near future. 1 IMlfrey nnd Hilton. Abble Carlton, 1)1.- or. n,.| mont nn( i o r Ilrlen, Gorman and West. P»ny are scoring well. ■'Monte Crlsto" closi^l tha Intention of tlie mnnngomont to put nnil Lang, Howe and Scott, and the Frans- (Smi Dnoktay, tspnrrow, tbo Juggler, and the *. followed by "Tho Master at Arms 0, « 0 nie first class attractions during tho H rill IS Tlie two burlesques given are ' "In the Ilenrt of till Sisters. "A Hiiimwuy Olrl" and New York." A-.ii'iiniN (S. II. Cohen, manager).— " 'Way Down Kast" to lure for a week. The piny 'bos lieen here before, nnd lias met with much favor. Crowded houses Inst week. Ortrude Ciiglilnn conies ^0-2fl. Folly (Bennett Wilson, manager).—"Mc- kalaterhnosc'ope. Geo Neville & Co., in "A Cold Ileal," were a strong feature of Inst week's show, which enjoyed fairly good busi- ness. » Kllsabeih At thu Lyceum Theatre (P.dwln Elroy, manager).—"A Heart of Stone" came April 0-8, to light. returns. "A HoimIci* Dalsv,' 1 7-0, had excellent business. Tuesday ArTBnNoov, Afhil .14, has been t.Vudcn'.s ltow"e"t"Flais" has been moved over it"is'«n iTxccTlent\ ; nVt'nnd*iT~stro'ng jiTa"y'.'"To set ns do by tho manugem^nt^ofjho^ Burnum fyom th( , other part of, town httfj. Jity arrive: "Tho Child Wife' 1 '13-10, "Sporting farce has many enlc-rtulnlng novelties. Bus I- 1Atg .. u . iHt nosti last week was big. "Foxy Grandpa 20- Jacohh' Tiikai'Ms (0. W. Jacobs, maua- 25. w|, —-European Sensation BurlesiiucrH Gaykty (James Clark, mnnuger).—Fred came, to a fair house. "Han Toy" come 11, Irwin's show, headed by Flore Toatcr and to a largo and well pleased audience. To Madeline FrankB, Is here. Others on tho arrive: "Bown by the Sea" HI, Dainty Paree * Bailey Circus for the reception of the or- phans, cripples and other Inmates of tho city's Charitable Institutions. This Is In ac- cordance with tho custom Inaugurated ninny .veins ago by James W. Bailey, and continued without Intermission since. "As You Likb It" will be produced In the open air nt South Field. Columbia Uni- versity, One Hundred and Sixteenth Street nnd Amsterdam Avenue, afternoon of Thurs- day, May 14, for the benefit of the kinder- garten of the University Settlement. The performance will be under the management of Mrs. James II. Bpeyer, and under tbo personal direction of Ben Greet, of London. JEffl nppeors 'lu Vii'e t7tle role" ana'diiring tr."(" Klaw & BaLANQBB won a victory last (,,/ ,,,„vh|i,ks several Irish ballads. Last E,l work wns n bl< end enthusiastic one. "Tb»L ma" 20-2iJ. Novrltv (Bnvld Robinson, mnnoger) "Her Marriage Vow." this week s uttractlun Is new to Gils part of town. The present to good business. Oni'ltauM (Clarence Drown, manager).— Features tl aud week: Lillian Burkbart, In "The Strenuous Daisy;" Kugene Green and liliinelic Werner, In "Tho Babes of thu Jungle;" Brothers French, Six Gllnscrettls, Peplta Arnoon, Foy and Clark, In "The Fountain of Youth:" Julius' Tanner, and the blogrnph. Big business. Dots. —(Catherine Bloodgood Klpp sings it the Angelos Symphony 10. Jane Slieof, of the Ijuh Annate* llrralt staff, is now press representative of the' Orpheuni. The. Unique Theatre will move Into more commodious quarters' In a new loca- tion soon .Tho-dnto of opening the Mason Opera House hns not yet'been au- put In le Sum- mer months Among the professionals here on a vacation Is .lames N'elll, of tho Nein Co. This Is Mr. Nolll's home.' Re Is here for plensure, and will become n mrmlier of a Clinton lodge of Masons.......Katamlo Ilrown Is here, and has been seen several times at private entertulnments, Ha Is n splendid performer. Atlanta.—Tha Grand Opera House re- mains dark April III nnd week. Bijou (Jnko Wells, mnnager).—Tho Hunt- ley-Moore Stock Co. was the attraction last week. • Business whs satisfactory. A vi.udu- vllle bill will lie presented 20 unci week. N'orn.—Werh 'on I'once' do' Leon Park noTuced 7G Malinger H. 6. WyatT !. .. &X&222P. Wt ."» n,l «.».r W«6» Obliged, to can eel his becauae of a mil lnyeil him several Hunley takes a benellt ' Los Angeles Lodge, Hharne expecia to be ready for tho opening In May. • ■ ««» 1IHATHH IN TUB I'llOPRgglON.""" week In their New Amsterdam Theatre por 'tlco litigation. Justice Ollderslceve, sitting In the Supreme Court, handed down a de- cision refusing to grant Samuel McMHIen, ex-president of the Park Board, an Injunc- tion restraining the managers from erecting the iiriiiiineutul pillars In front of their new playhouse In West Forty-second Street. Tll» AMNIVEnHARY KNTKnTAINMI'.NT AND MictiPTtON for the Belief Fund of Actors National Protective Union, No. 1. of New York, will he held at the Grand Central Palace on Saturday evening, April 2B. A "' , 7j™JV.w'"(iM nlu iid Dav. manager).—This Hurry D'Hsta, renresentutlvc).—"H|>ot- fown had good nouses week of April (I. ' Week of 1.1, "A Jolly Musketeer :"• week of 20, Mine. Adelaide Herrmann nnd vaude- ville company. ... Ockax PlKIt Miihic Ham, (Harry D'Esta. representative). — "Flddle-Pee-1 Jjar pro veil ins' company Is'stroag. Good business last highly entertaining, to good audiences, week week "The Convict's Daughter" 20-23. of tt. Week of HI. the Royal Jnnsaese TimATitn U.niqub (Frank B. Cnrr, owner Troupe and Leo Dervalto. Iloyal Marine of the most prominent nets In vaudeville will ba seen on this ocaslon. Over ten thous- and tickets have been disposed of. HllFOIlK Hun PINAL APPBARANOB In New Wk, on April 22, Mtne. Boger-Mlclos, the French pianist, Baa arranged a single re- cital with Ben Davles In Brooklyn, on April 20. Mme. Roger-Mlclos Intends Ball- ing from New York on April 23. 0-25. of" tt'. Week of HI. The Riiynl JntuineHu ...una and Leo Dervalto. Iloyal Ma nnd mnnager).—Alblul's In Oay Paris Bur- Band still continues. lesoue Co. plnvs n return engagement tills . ocban Pir.« Marink Ham. (Harry D Ksla, week. They did well when here last. Big representative), — Comlnot 20, Holder's business Inst week. , _,, Trained Bomestlci Animal Show. . Xotk. —Dezso Xemes will give a violin recital lu the Ocean Pier Thentra mornings Harlem.—At tho Harlem Opera House (AlexLltchensteln, manager).—Prlmroao ft pockstader's Minstrels opened to a packed house, this helne this company's first ap- pearance In Harlera, and It Is several years nlncc a mlnstral companv has played a houso >■' this section; so, with the warm reception nccorded thin aggregation, and the large lidvanco sale, prospects are of tho brightest. Next week, Conrled's German Company, in repertory. . WnaEn ft Fut,rig' Wbbt End (Leo C. Tel- ler, manager).—Weber ft Fields and their effort has been made to make the production 0 f ]«. n come up to the original. Satisfactory busi- ness last week. „ , ,,_ Lyceum (Muls riillllps, manager).—Mr. Holden and Bmnia Bell essay tho lending rolcn In "Lo-st in the Desert." this week» attraction. Crowded houses Itist week. Notes. —The annual benefit of A. W. II. Collins, the popular treasurer of the Co- luinlta Thcntrc, will'Inke place Sunday nigh April 10. at Ihn Columbia. The bill will Include Wllile Collier and many more prom- inent vaudeville performers..,... MBnager Kills' wife hnd a serious surgical operation performed tout week. I«U» ■■Wgg.W ggg; lug ilnndcrsena Music Hall, Coney Island, opened April fi. +++- KRWS KB«M HONOHIM7. • Jersey City. — "At the Old Cross ItoadB" fared well nt the Academy week ending April 11. "Trncy, the Outlaw," nt flic Bijou, had good business during the en- tire week. Lnfnyrlte, assisted by some clover variety people, pleased (he lion Ton pa- trons. Acadbmy (Frank K. Henderson, mono- sort.—Herliert Kclcey and Mine Shannon. In "Sherlock Holmes," 13-18. "A Little Out- cast" 20-2n, lluoii (John W. Holmes, manager).—-Rob- ert B. Mnnlell presents "The Dagger and the Cross." "Monbnrs" and "Tho Face In tho Moonlight" 13-18. "Only a Shop Olrl" next ItriN Tox (T. W. Dlnklns, mnnager).— Week of 13: Al Leech and tho Thrco Hose- hudjt, the 1'arros Bros.. I#on Thurberand her Urdu.•!>,.?<. - At Smith's Colonial Tiio- atro (KdwHid C. Smith, manager).—"Down i.v the Hen,' 7 April tin, did well, as did "On the Suwanee River" 0-11. • Booked: Ward A Vokes' 13, ."When . Women Iaivii" 14. 15, "Her I/ord and Muster" in- in. Pom's Ti|KiTiiK IS. /. Poll, manager).— Week of II, big business, James Corbel t be- ing the star fenffire.' For 13-18: Tho Moto- glrl, I'linrles Dickson mid Marian A, Chap- man, In "A Pressing Matter:" Snm, Clara Mild Paul Mortons, Teuley and Lester, Ford and Dot West, the vltagraph. . ' « • New Him en.— At the Hyperion (0. B. Hun ml 1, mnnager).—'Mrs. Langtry drew a large audience April (I. De Wolf Hopper came, to a good lioilee, 7. "Tho Holy City," 10. pleased all. Duet "flan Toy" 13, John Drew 10, "Ben Hut" Week of 20. Giianii Oi'kiia Hoifnn (O. II. Bunnell, man- ager).—"On the Suwnnn) River" had good reiiiriiHi fl-H, "An American Hustler" come, to good btialnera, 11-11. Due: "Resurrection" 13-Ifi, "The Child Wife" HJ-18, I'iim'k TfiKATiiys (S, /.. Poll, manager).— The bill week of 1.1 includes: Moggie nine, i he Four lie Lticciw. Mary Hampton, Rich nrd Colin and Co.. Dolly Jardou, the Folly Trio, John F. Clark, Fox and Lummcls. —i— « '» —■ MlNSEiOTA.—(See Page 188.) entire coSnany moved up to hi, house IB. "Ingers. with J. L. 1 ockweM, baritone, re «ua played to y the capacity, with most of «n ly E"'!' M i "t b e otbsw of "he 'ho seats for the rest of the week sold out. ggMJgayJgy.J'gJSeiipTMJ at advanced prices. Tho .advance sale Is «SSLS^JtSST^ .S^» r0 %s MrforaUM ^f^mi : S GTSmSbff, WaHlMit^ '«ntiy ' presenleil ••Marltana" 'ho seats for the rest of the week aold out. at advanced prices. Tho advance sale Is --■,.-,---> ., . 2*Sm L" the history of the houae. Next »#jg c fl r a , .ta t D le D o t ne, .id played three Minneapolis.—At the Metropolitan Opera r»«r ronm IIMM * wi» «■«»»- .— t < g..n n— -ni- House l L. X. flcott, mannger).—"York Htato Annls Montomij-Tiirncr. who a few years ^ b „. affiwnd Wratt, Mr and Mrs. Ko | k ,.. beKfln . for four nlgfita. April 12. "The w was one of Australia s ead ng oporattc JjaTry m ,„w ? the Three Westons. Curtis and n, n perons" finishes the week. Mary Shaw Adams, Taseot, and the vlfagrapb. Hohoken At tho Lyric (II. f. Soulier. comes. In "The Ghosts." 10, and' James ri'.N'clll will be seen >n "The Manxman" 23- 2A. Marguerite Sylva had fine houses, In IIili.aiiy Bki.l, dramatic editor and musi- cal critic of Vhii A't'to York Prrii, died slid deulv after.noon. of Thursday, April 0,, at the Barge Ofllce, tills city. The cniissj of death was said to'have been valvular dis- ease of ill.- heart. He was born In Belfast, in itCi7, nnd wns n portrait painter In. early life, later taking up tho pen aa a drnmat'c anil musical critic. Ills best known pnr- trMt was a .full length likeness of Ada He- lino. In "Tlie Taming of thu Shrew," which wliCcXIilhlted for some tlino al Daly's Then- Ire, nnd wns then presented to the Shakes- peare Memorial, nt fltrniford-on-Avon, ' Kiiank . HAnvitr, mi Bngllsh actor and dramatist, died la London March SO,, aged seventy-one years.. Ills first appearance on the stage waa In 18(13, and his London debut was inniln In 18T2, as Maurice, In Ratdou's "Won Intlmcs." Among the plays which hu wrote were "Married. Not Mated,". "John Jasper's Wife" and "Jactninllnr," i 'ii.uu.KM 11,, a violinist, died Tuea. day evening, April 7, at his home In lloston, from heart trouble, aged slxtv-flvo yearn., He was born In York, England, and came lu America In 1N71. lie Is survived by n widow, who was Kunlce Humphrey, a singer. fiKoiiiii: W. McMillan, for fourteen years connected with the Victory Theatre, Stn Jose, Cat., and for two years Its treasurer, died in that city March 20, from tuberculosis, hkoiI thirty-eight yeara. He wns a native of Kentucky, A. Woof.ifAff, of the King Dramatic. Co., died at the hospital In PoTlBfluld. Pa., on April 0, from diabetes, after an illness uf two days. The remains will be Interred lu Philadelphia. " _ 0 i » IKDI AN A—(Hoe. Page 188.) TerreV Ilaote.—At the Grand Opera House (T. W. Bnrbydt Jr.. lessee and mnn- ager).—"An Orphan's Prayer" April 10. II, "King'Dodo," 4, played, matinee and night. week, •'Bis Hopkins. MKTnorons (Henry Rosenberg, manager) .MRTnorouB (Henry Rosenberg, manager), nights, to croivneu '""»*■...» -. «;■-•[£.-•,'£■ of IS: I^ckhart's tramea Bnppv Hooligan'' will amuse the patrons 'Iurncr will next produce>"Qin«■ uor 'J ,u c ™ sisters Mawirte, Bellman ver Ifc bridge this week, and it started In same support The Janet Wald»« ^ o 0 ™. flnd BeroL Two Bchrodea. mnnager).—"The Convict's Daughter" April "The Stroller;," considering that It was to rapacity business, "Kigbt Bolls" 6, had 12-IS. "Defending Her Honor" 10-18. Holy Week, fl-ll. good business. "Tho School for Scandal." BJiPtatt (J. F. Qulnn. manager).—Week Htjou Or»»A Housn (Theo. L. Hay*. m»n- 8, had a poor house, owing to extremely had IS: l«ckhart'a traloed elephants, Three agerl.—"At Cripple Creek" opened ,12. Al. weather, Coming: nenrte under favorahle clrcums' lelntt well filled, and bestowed. Next week, Tim Star (Wm. T and Moore. Berot II. Wilson will follow, In "Tho Prince of and Kennedy and Tatters." 10. Billy, ft. Van and Nellie well received, In "Bolivar's Busy On 9 Miss O'Nall introduced a eek, and It started in wiu» »ui<in,... ,. *■- •■r.r., «„..„„ i n llnno- «nu rieroi. xsj m-ui™™, auu iuiweuj mu mners, is. msanccs, the houso pnny played n three ^fek"*™" 0 ",''?' tu n n - Jomea. The three Imndrcdth performance. o'Nell were we applause was freely "'"'i' 0 ""^a T . h nd i?ffl hr tto «*!«* otnn * wiil K ma(,e ■ n <*«*o"b.r Day." Ml O Williams and Walker. Ing from the Orient, and is rjounu tor w <w||t _ mfW tcaft „ M sslstance of t biff hit. The woras ami by.Msrar f. Day. peop'.. . of The UaWy Tribune sfk/T, and the music la Wright, Nichols and Croix, Clark and Osudy, iWWUSfrSg; ^d^frj^tefititf** Trensa-^At'. Opera Hon* (A. He will lulu April 17,_to -play a three weexs sea HIIBII10ll „m manager).—The Wilbur Opera 13 with "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. ™ , .SaW-VTM M««ge Jf Honor" and "The son ,V,^rtiSnni-7' rivesji concert at — Bells' during the week. The week's opening D ^rtvilS. Raiila s^»^ * was to tho usual attradanca at thn mitines, HawilUa Opera Houit ■ fy Octoroon Lady," with the >i the colored nunrtat. It made Toe words sn. by.Oscar f. Day etta Crosman 14, Richard Mnnsflelil IB, Francis Wilson 10, "Lighthouse Robliery" 17. 18, "Klks An choreM" 20, 21, Lulu Glaser 2«. OnriiRi'M Thratiih (Geo. H. Clark, pro- prietor and manager).—The bill for the cur. rent week Includes tho following vaudeville lei lingers and Field, Mr. *nd Mrs, tie-sea. was d-.».4«v)P « an nets. .C9J»l»ii "•»• o good bus I - by (Irorge Koehler, the BIJou orcheitra Lnvnrnle Hlstera, and Viang Dlaana. Ilusl- " Mi" lenfSws -sHi ', "'iniyV' j,'Y '_ ' ' — 52 1 watltxuei wjr good.