The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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*>■■ 3gp--3igrar faapg ■APBIL18. ! * order Mr the letter, aliened With tlie fall nnnie Staff ■dBtennma the Una Of. hoilnnn fullovr-efl Ljr the Bender, mini nl«o be eneloked. Pl*s)*e-raentlOM the date for sin- b*tt ol THE CLIFPSR In which the letter* re at tar were havertUed. "^' ■"ltAllll«R»'JL,)t«WP." ' Fielding, . 1'aullno i Grant, (jertlc , UroJT, L.flUra.L> GaJlow»>. Oale, Mojebce Adams, Mny-. « fc " Mile. 'XdctelncLauiru Aebtou, Sly v. Allta, ICdlth. Ante*, Marie Button, Mrs.a. Hanks, fi; SI. make, Morion HrMy, Anna irctth. Lttzle vytridM, Lot Bf|rnecnu. Kit BufolTellle' Bell, May-- Biwn.jursT 2( ••Josephine Blair, Home Ueaofort 1 , ' Martha Hhuvcll. IdaE Hrannlgan. Sadie Battser, Bet. HabcQck, Lor, IMrtob, Ml. Celeste, Orayc* Chapman, ,r frankk CcmwajV ' Mm. V. M Chfrwion, — earner. Ida . Cottreln, Joan Cur urn, Belle ClaiB,Mr«i\Vilf «'n»li,IIotllcT cordownio, ■ Lottlsa (JOc Cameron Mabel t'bevee, Clara Chenltn, Rose. ('overly. Miss Cunningham, Jean Clark, Aggie Hltteg, _ iraveim, H6J±ic .ft-crring. ft TT Awpton Mary IteBioti, rdi ' llalnofl„MNi,JC Mill: Carrie HolnieJ, Violet Helder, Alice liay, Eva Hansen, Mario Irtlng, Isabel, JoTiu'non, Ethel Joutfscm, -Barh Johnston, Rose Kenned,*, ' ■ JIM. Job. Clayton,'Ua& Carew, Janet Chelarioy, Alice Clark, Louise Carver, Louise Charrou, Jess. Cplby,Mrs.C.K. Conway," ! Vera M. Cordelia, Mine Chambers. Lcyla Carleln,... . Countess Cheater, :• . . Lllztc B. Clayton, Lll'u- CurttH, Veuti Carson, Marg. Cnrdowule, V" Jessie IH.'V«r, Jean. i>«le. Allele S. Dean, pajey Dnvls, Ataurio vimv, S M. Danu.Vlc. DOugltiSj Berth Jnnlo. Thinuid,' 111 tn DinaTui: Drayton, Lola Dorian, Dortn ITArvlllp »i»t. iK>rmnu, Kduu DfoW, Elaloo M. Million; Hint. Kzter, Carrie Elmer, Mut-lo UlisworlV . Grace Edwnrds, Jon. linker. Kva 1-Wor, Maryl. Franer, Mora Kroat, Mabel Kdrfl, Mrs. .Ino KlllmoVe, Noll. Greene, Eialjy Gideon,' Allelle Gray, Alice Iliiwkltu, Nell Ifaaleton,' ldo B nathnway, Clara Ilnnford, Bella i. tllllSn- Kettnedv, Jean Uppmen, I'm. Leach, Nin.yb. Nelson, Lottlo Nata, Dcrnko Nclkou, MaUil Oakley, Aruile Qmibysmrn. Plalated, -Hor. l'iioii, Annette Pfte, Nellie Prior. Kite Paaquelena, Teddy Paige, Claire Parker, Nell V "aWoli. Jeian. juoeri.Debbteh R5*»ell, Carrie IteVwlaton, Zel. neamond, ItUn goBlnson, u*. RIciiBrds, Lot. RAytnona, : Blanche Itaymond, An. Klthftrrt, " Edith \V. Qomciell, :•' w ' ' Marie Beece, Slnbcl Itoth, Knth. Kobcrts. ■ KTBradlcy Uoee'ftJMnette Iteyr.olds.Nlna Hbfyat,' Matfil King. Vera Knight, VAH Ktsnnedy, AHea Rocanrofe. \ 'ij«ry Jen^dy,' JSw Roebuek.ilabei • Mrs. Matt. tiinrr. Edith .-.t.Clnlr, Roso Sbnttuck, ' Tmly SMpmnn, Uert Bhlvera, Mrs. Soiittiard, Mr*. Lee Btarr Ulsters Bully, Grace Bt.Ueorgel ' Camilla M. Rteveb'a, Lll, J Sllverthflrnp, • 4«dytho Shields. Ellu Bully, Oraco SMIL • ' tin. OcoTW ally, Uraco blc, ' Josephlno Btevena, Elllle J. Beott. ^Wrn Trummell. Mnucl Thllklc, Helen Uliomnson, •': Oart.JtA. Tenley, Violet Tlora, Mild. Tudor, Lily Thomas. Ornea Tlieodora, MJIe Tuxeeii, Quktl UrquLarti r Igahcllo Vinton. Myrtle Adauis, 0. P. Alc^anaer.C.P. Allen, lTowurd Aimllii, Ueo. . AtklnsoniDule Adauis, Jim. Adatuu, J. it. Arakt, Tan Ackerinau, Ed. Avon, U'M. Ai-doll Wait. Avery, Bailey' Adams, E. 'P.' Avolo,- ChaJrl. Anbura..TW' Allen, J. M. Allien, Burt Anliby, RtGco Atnold, Hartjli. 4 Curtis Axtcll ft Phllbrooks Barron, Geo; Braull, A. U Braill Mirnill Burke, J. V, Brooke, Corney Byrne, C. T. Bartlctt, Bid. Baldwin, M. Browu. l'ercy Bnrd Urns., 1 BouiiH, BeiulH te Beinls Illnghnm, It., Mtnit.'Co, Brehio. Carl Blatoltl. 'Q. Bart el II llroo. Bctol, Win. Bishop, II. II. Bakers Day In the Alps nurgeB. Edw. Bllte. K. It. Beane, tlvo. A Burton & Dcalmo Brennen, J.H Branlgan, 11. linker, .11. J. Barry, Chan. Brown, T. It. Iiiinila ltnski Booth, Albert Honor, L'nrl II. Bell. Mutli-fll Barnard. Phil. Ilrlgen. TIioh. 11,'iiAII. Slo II. Ituxcy. <f* Burreii, II. U. Hi tiwli, Geo. l: Itisrneltf Trio Dunkirk, i'ren Lttyard. Prcda Lynue, Boed Lttile, Adole Iornn,Mi*.TH lal'orte. Ail. Lee; VlriflSIa I.une, Bell I«wr«nee,M.B. Longdon, ' Loulee Leslie, nettle Lewi*, Cora B. Lawrelice, ' Mme>: B: E. I/nMarr.G.D.L. LnnoId«,PloBB Lewis, Cora Belle Lloyd. Ul Langdon.' Ilnnllo hurttHi Fii>»a Lathropv'iTot' I.ulilanclie. Marie I<ester, Nina Locke, Car. Lawrence, Ilrtslto Morris Mamie Mortimer,-Lit. Maddern, Sara Montague, Bertha Marguerite,, ■ . l>etlto Monroe, Trljle Minnie, lintel lliar, Jessie oiTleon Hist. Merlo, Anita Murray, ..Dolly Mover, Bl. A. Miiratonn. Snslo Mule. lt<>unlo Mult In ml. Virginia C, Maxulre, Tess MoCaue, Uolcn Muthes. . ' Clara, Co. Minnie, llnsel Moore, Jemlo JeyerB, Loulso ilnson, l'niila Modcna, LIol. MM ^akleIL Jlunile ivou. Marltuide. June QBNTLIOME S> 8, LIST llassoy,. i*. I/, Itorotly, A. Un|iKeseun. 'llic lluibour, Lawr Barlow & Wilson Uyroa R Lnngdon Barry,- Jlmnile {IrnneJIe. II. Itirkc. Javk Ugraul & Nevaro Bull, Kenean Burger, V. B. Baker, Bert Bui low A r • AVllson Bryan, 'Frank Borhard. Jim. Brack.: J.'J.' Boseo, A. B. Hours, "Kd. Boydoll, Bam lloahanon. ft Carey Burke, Jolm Itiirh hid, Sam Binfh ft lK\yen Be,ekley, flco, Breton . ' Rubklfl Trio Beyer, Bou lluggessen. Emll llratton Comedy Co. Bur. Lancaster ft Co. Cohan, tlus Curmody, J. F. Carroll, Ion Crane, l.nvr. Cnuiivbell. Jack Coates, Klierni Cllimrd*Cllne Clark, Harry Cnuuons, The Culhatle. Vtra . Cn»eviI«eClnlr Crenln, Jtqrrls Carney, Wui. J Co'rbott. J. J;' Cameron, T.W, Cntr.Wm. C.W. Coin, A. F, Crew.'J. II. COlo ft Ot.le Clilo. I'wf, COnniSrc, nit, I'liinlllo. Moiib. Ciuldeil. N.'Tl (Stroll, T. W Wright,' llazel White, Geunlo Wilbur. Bee AVatorbury Jr., • ' Mrs. Geo. Washburn, lien Williams, Pan Webstur, Dot Wilson. Gort. Wnrr, Dorothy Watson. Kato Willlnghhy. •Edna M. Wood, Ul. Walsh, May Whitney; UOKclimr.v O Watson, ix>tta Wallace, . Badte E. Walsh, May Wagner ,Blnt. Wifglit, Cora Young, Flor. L {Con iic, zu Camlllo ftftaM rainpninn.C.B. Ciotiehor.W.V. Costilla, Rich. Collins, U. B. Clifford ftCllno Cpmcrford, Mr L'rouvJi. ft ,'JUchArds Champion. J.O. "laxton, Bonu. tarplton, Al. Carycr ft Bollard Cain, F. E, Chapman, liar Cohaii, Gua CJuggett, S. -A. CrSlg,.R. W. Cnrkcok, J. Chambers, .' "Benor E. cianin,..8. CJinplu, Uur. Conctrlght, Wm. Coulln ft Adams Couture, l>av. Colvlti. Eran« Clayton, Etnnk CJinndler. U.V CoKsmorc.Vlc. cutler, Bert M Colby, fieri), Collins. Blllle Currier. 'JVra'k Clark, W. I. Crlnmiliis ft Gore Clnyton, Fra'k Cuniilnghain. "; ; Row. Crlrumluv. Dsn I'nsnd, charl. Christie. V. M Campbell, Gas Clinton, J. J. Dnpobt, w. II. nirirson.'D.E. DeBouil.v. Fred D. Pniley, It. L. ttK. N, 1*.'! Ml urla; Ed: DeGreav, H. • DeGroot. V. It. Dale, Ernest Davis, Geo. C DvlpkljIOi* .pelmora Darrell, Walt DuiialuneJ, .BepeB DcLcon, A. M Dsloo, Chrla. Davis, Toga Dupliam, Ben Ulcksos, Cbm., D*VJ«, C. jfeW- Dale, M«L DcnyeivMar. -ttfj,.<i..C. . f°W fl'unlap.lleon* gawaon, £_ cvlpe, Ja». A UeJSue,Miy Ducrow, V/m. Devlne, J. Aw m^ri Davis, Cbea., Dauhar Trio DttComa loam, PftRner-Broa. DktJaaorj, Taj Dorprhv? tiav. Dydle;': John- Daly, Many Donovan, ?-,Jlni A Fanny EttSonnif; i N Ellis, W. M. Kllsvrortlii, 4 lliiwrofth;Kai Emmett, c, e. ft:).?. m I?|Vott; John Hvkrlf„A. B. l^wtnoV Mich, Kelt), J. A. . F««lno- ' Dnmond. SI itsisi a. a. Fdrteseue.Ueo: Fuller, Wm. Ebryrttcr * : Floyd Freeie Bros. Fulmer, Jste.w, Krnhk. Blch. VerUi-'Iltr.' lOrtUftFernJi Fa1ee ( ' 1 0haj. -T 1'erfhison, J.'Bi. F«vfler,ja,ro. Freftr,' Fred Fourier, II. J. Frtdericl, '0. FUllCr, Burt Fennessy, Mr. lltatanieler, A/P. Frederlcl.W. Keiffiigon, D. Flefds fc . Kiyan: jj,p: Fox, \V ii. Fbrreater, Fred Fern,' Harry Fcnncllg, 2 FraRees, Leu Flalkowskl, T V»' Leubj Krye, Oeo. C. Fox, W, r H. Ford,' Jotia • Freneh, Mgr. Grlffln, Mart, 01 mid, Jos. Cllden, Siurk GrirIat,'Xpuis Godiey, J. , Ooode.LeJonard Gye^ry, p. x. —••-*; E. UenDol.i. ~ Uojrlngton. ' Jas. Horan, Ed. Ho J pes. J- H. ttlbbard, Clar «enkJe, Otto BMtlion. Srpa Haveja*. Walt ffWittey. .Jos. rljWir.OoiJ, Jno lanics, I. it oflKkln*. Burt ,1pnie, i'litr. ana, .Carl laneyiinancy ivli,,L..C, iihtley. J. H Mlrjee, J. K. Illlrbeo,. Wllb. Uovord, Dan Uo-erson, .i 1 JJedJ Ben^lloi Joe HdmesftLewls irivm, Fred Jennings. A. T JHters, Jack Jdtitisnn, 11. B JdhilBon,Charl Jack,' Denver johnetohe, Gordon Jnbkaon. B. M. Jnrvis. Pierce Jolinstori.,W. Mniea, Al. ' Hfc*B«n. Wm. ifflgW*' Jlbebilon, 'Hawkins Jcfferlrs.-'J. J. neflyftMurray Ke#;.Th*9. Kelly triolet te Ketf. Edw. Km.H. the Kelley, Tom V, Kelly, JnA E. KeatoBs, 3 Katie, Iiew - Keljy. Thog. Klein, Har. Kaoraetter, : J. F. Kawrnetter. S G, Kereond, Billy Keane, H. ; C. ICeelsnr Bros. Kohl ft Alecla Klngsburys. Tha Kelley, Bern. Gbrman, Dluk Giant,->. n, ti61(ten, Geo. F. «ilea so n, ,It. ■ K GMloKher.J.P. Gftrajd. \V. II. GUI. WaJt. (llinkcl, A. K. Grunt, Frank Goon, Leonard GHuscrptty; , . Tony Golden (ja,te Qulnfette Grant. CIIS Greene, WT11. tyimore, B.'J'. Gordon, V. O. (Irneea, 8 ' ■ Creche, L. L. I Gtirdnor, Jos. (Irahem. F. 1). nodding, F. L. GQgnoux, The' Glasgow, J. G. Gynjr.. Peter Golden Gate ...Quintette Gessell. Geo.'. Gibson, J. E.. GWtiie, It. II. Glass, J. L. - Glnserottl. I'lctro nurrcll, A. . Guy, G. l R. "UooBlcr Girl" 'Co, Hnvens, W. A. Billiard, N.'IT. IIIIl&Brnnlgaa ITel»t6n, Waltj' Hopkins/B.' irodgc. Oscar ilylana.tOrant Ilnrrisbo, Will nnrrlrjv.Jblin Holmes &'- . . \Valdou Harris, Snin llaller. B. C. llornuirm, A.B. Helm, Howard Hylnud ■ ' ft Grant Halstend, F.<lg Hughston, . . ltegnu nardlng.'Clla* Ilanilltun.llale Harris. Gi JI. Hanley, M.. E. liastinKs .a Corcoran Hlatt, W. W. Harding & Ah SI<1 Howard ftlllnd Howell, J. J. Hoagklnn,Bi»rt Hgofh. C. ti. \\m%>. DeRul.,. DcCondo, Paul DeVasav. Thos Dnvleii, Ufrt Hume, Dldi llempscy. Tom Hqey. Fr«>a , JVJ. llJnderst)p;(I;P Harp»trlt£,J JV IlSrWrt'.Fj^dT H*nbcu,.AV4u,' no,d»on, r riesiliineH. linn riesiuoliies.Tbe TVUduire.W'. IJuniiudH,. yhe IMcksbii. DV11. Cotttteliy, JMktouj^,,Ml<*s,ei iiilrfis, C..K'. Htvull, 1,1-vle HSU & Ktnky Haley, Tlju Hart: j.*. ,. Hdi1ls,F.W," P6 ^ _eo. & Baby Kajlan, H. Kojip c. — KellV, Art. KoetHt Pitas. Kenna, Chfts. Kny. f. c. ■:mi.v, j. t. Idd. Wait. eevej Joe fame*. Pat *Be, Geo. etort, Wm. ^ieOnies, Bros WToy.'-Joe G. Ccslle, Daif JjoPever, H. C l>awr«nce, Stephen Lauroiicc, liar LU'enrr, J. II. Law Jr.. Alex. Mttle, Chns. Leroy & .' . >Voodford Lcnitue, Jas. LaB,etint«, The Lidctiton, J. A. LajrKlus, John Lqytpn, Geo. Lime, Hill. Logan. Thos. Lee, Sum W. Lofdtedf, Carl Lynch, Great Louilon Gaiety Trio Lucler's Mlnst l^iuib, Frank UGettc,' — LnVu 11, .Ins. Kynch, Fm'kT. TaiwIh, John Llndbolm, ., Chns. A. Lay; Will Lciloy * Cluyton Lester, .1; I 1 . Logan, Tom ! I/tonaril. Mr. Lynch. II, W, LaNble Bros. IxiwtberWmC I^e, J.. ,V. LnMount. II. U Lyhxttt. M. . Lee, F. V. D. II. LePrun, W. A Leoui; liar. Leallc.J.W. LoPlenr, Joe Lnnibert, — LoVanl. Wm 8 McCullough, ' P. M. ■Miller, II. L. Mellttottes.Tlie Marlon ftPcnrl McNalr. J. H. MailoKe, Jack C. Marbleys: Tlie Morris. Wllf. Merrltt. Chns. Mithcr. T..B. Mosten. llnr. MondaellO, Al. MorrJsney.T.F. Mattvnhe. II. Marshall, Till. Moure, .llnr. Murray, I.nur Manning. Jack McGlohnn.C.D. Marslinll. ,,Geo. 0. Mylle, John Madison, • Chns. A. Morris. II. K. Markhaui. liar McDoboUgh, John Murphy, .Stan, iladdox, It. C. McCarthy. J.J MneU'sn. it. 1) MhrilnVL. C. Makovsky. Huh Mjteneil.WlUls MIIo».F. L. Slips .VMIgnon MllJei'. J. II. Morton. J,. J. Mil ruby. .«,lse«r VlMton. Clias. :?l)q»ii!d,W,L cCatty. B 1 _J6ng, Wm, G. Tftlntyrc ft ™ Heath Marlon, G. L. Mlllikeu, Wm. McAvoy, Jos. Moonej, Ern. MacjDllllan, Don Melville. JJug.. Montgomery, Dave Marsh, M. ,W. Mack, C. 0. Mnrcna, M. Moore. Mnrty Mncdell, Max Melville,. Fra'k .Morpby. Bert. Mario, Ben Mlcbaer, Carl. Morrlson/W^ Morton, W. J. Milton, Frank Morton, L. J. i McBrldeftMack Magulre, Tracy Moore, ltnvni. Mack, It. J. McWade. Edw McTlghe, Mark Malcolm, Billy ftBeasle Mlndrop, F. W Morley, M. J. Morton, II C. Martynnc, Grt Mlndrop, F. W MaGer, J. J. Martyne, A. J. Mullcr, C. a McClcllan, Marcus McAdam. A JL Morton, J. J. Milton, Frank Nugent, Jns. ' Nairn, Jos. NcvIns ft Arnold Nelmatui, E. C Northrop, ,T. H Nhumnn, A. Newton, Jos. 'Now'ell. L. B. Newton. Al. Nemnan. Cbas Nnlob. John Nix Family Nelson. E W. Nisgen, Walt. Newton, Al. Ostrado.' — .Odeli; .Tommy ott. Matt Orth, Frank Oberworth.L.J. O'UoMy & Mn lining rarkcr, C. W. 1'rlngle.AUb.C. Poland, Edw. Prosser ft ■ ' Diamond Price, Bob Ta rentedn,Zoel Potter - Family Palmer, Lew Perlc, Louis Plckert ft Whippier Pntton, R. K. Powers. Will Perry, Burt PWlleo, 8. Powell, Jack Patterson, Ed. l'hroso, — Palmer, Uir Powers, Wm. P.usey, Chas.A. Perclno, — Vur.kaji, Carl Parker, Cbas. W. Percy, R. W. Phelps Cullen- ■bine Trio Ouljjlcy.'Ocp. . itilqy, 'I'omy ttlpjey, Tom • Itiminisge. • Rowland Itobluaon. Frank Roth, Ren , Rice. Clias. Jtlcaljy, K. B. I r.omlez ft I Ma lone Jtonnldo, Cbas Itucker: II. V. Book, T. T. Reno, Dick B. Jtussclli Fred Roses, '_' ' atutliacker.Wni Itosalre, Bob Roberts. A. II. Slehards.' Har adcaV, Duffin •' v ft Redeny Itellly, Pur Ryno, W, II. Kkino.J.W 12c Reuton, Ed. Ray more. Wm. Itosrnthal, ,i.j. Ravllla, Lew Itldge, A. T. Reynard, E. F Uavettn, — (biaglclnn 1 Ronton, Kdw'd Hue. J. G. lUcc, Clias. E. ItOBO, IjCW Roberts. R. S. Reno, C..R. Itockwood.H.G: Riicbler. C. H. Reno, Geo. H. Ilosnr, l'eter Rider, Touy Sharpstcen, Warren Bully. Dan Sclinfer, Mnt. Sweat man.WP Bniners. P. G. Sims. Geo. Stone, E. 0. Smith & Ill.incliard: Stock, T. V. Snow. Mort. Schreyer. — ("cycliHtl Saragc, M- "• Sohlke, Gus Stone. 11. Summers. Geo. Stanley ft Cnmmctto Stout. Geo. L. Swisher. Slier. Sharp ft Flott Sullivan. J. L. Scott. Seym, .fltcvens. lito [ Splessl Bros. Sawyer, Eddy Spoyer, Eug. Smith. J. Snauhllnc. . Mnrv.- SlierldDii.Pixl Siiliuou. Geo. Hol\iiivkei)- bi)rg, Arnnhl Street, J. .E. Siaitn'il'.uiier-^jfclajiers OUR Wm\M and Irfcrar ij UAMPSOMESTEVERJip. ' They Got the Monej and ALWAYS WORK WELL Grip Teats, Picture and Yeidifl? Xachises ARE OUR SPECIALTY. Write lor Catalog THE CAILLEBADTHE1IS COMPANY, :• i^-Mor'tVooawiird Aveilne, DETHOrr. W1CM. Our Color Dial and card Narlilnes arc the Leaders. . It is strange How ofo trend of fashion twists and turns. Last sea- son the bob-tailed walking- coat held favor. Now! it's .this long, full draped English cutaway with wide skirts, and a skirt reach clear down to the knees. ' We will measure such a suit to your order and make it out of the best grades of imported English cheviots and line it with alpaca serge that outlasts the garment Upward from $25. If you would like to see what the cloths are, send for samples, measur- ing instructions and eight fashion cards. Broadway & 9th St., N. Y. Strceter,. Ia>w Snvnui', Art. sawyer, llor. Stolnci't & ■ Thomas Sharp, Clins. Stevens, -Will Stanley, Ctiss. Sweet, Mitgine Stlllwell. Iitr. SIH-er, M. J, Sweeney, V.. II Hchnffer. John 'Sweet Clover' Co. Sister, J. II. Smith, J. II. Snood. Geo. Stockwoll. ■Walt. Sutton, Jack Snxon, Fawn Smith, ltiiyD, Sandow, \'ag 'Phompsnn, Ueo. L. Tlioninson, D. Tlintctier. Jas. Tnrpln. Ben. Traninan.Mort Taylor, C. U. •rhutlter, P. IT. Tracy, Har..Co, Tahn. Clever Turner. Bert Todd. H. E. Taylor. K. K. "Tel. Girl" Co. Terry & lClmer Tenley; Khser TrcmalnJr.. "Porter Taylors, The Turner, F. E. Toleon, Cbas. Tmver, Floyd Thompson, — Turner, W. I. Tnrpln, Ben 'fnyior.Chns. E Trusty, Ra.v&I. Taylor, Billy Venlc. C. I. Vancntcl, Alex Vcvvalloni' Chnunccy Vanltensec- laer; Ren Vopel, J. W. Vollmer, Har. Wall and ft Wackier Wallace. B. W Wolch, Itenben Wnldrou, Wm. Wllsous, The White, P. J. Worrell, C. E. Wheeler, Alson "Western Girl" Co. WIlRnn. F, E. Whiteside, Walker Wilton, A. T. Wntklns, I. A. Wherry. It. G. Wallace ft Beech Ward. T. II. Warren ft Day Whltcomb, Uownrd Wire, Sid. WhaleOllGnsft Lit.Tuesday Woodwnrd.H.G Wills. B'.rtink Ward ft Aman Williams. ' Frank Walling. W, U Williams.' Lew Weston, A. D. Wren, Clark Weston 'ft Lewis Wood, C G. Warner, Ben B Waters, E. N. Watson, Joe Waters, J. M.- WinterH.Bnnks Webb, Copt. Wards. Al. Williams. Prank ft Ida Whttfng, C. II. Walsh, Tom'H Walters. Jules Welch, J. J. Ward, R. J. Wllsoa ft llnrlow Wllllnme, Gritt Werden. W. L West, F. M. Wlnchormann. W.F. Whltter, H. H Warden, Bar. 'Worm Match' Co. Wilson, C. D. Wormwood, Wlnner.N.G.W Vouturkey, ■ Prince iVoung, Ollle Voung, DeWitt l Yard, Geo. (Vneger, Har. 1'eager ft Ycager Kedn. Har. Zellta. — (frogmanl, jZlmmer. John 8CD NOTICE AT BEAD OF LIST. ■ » •» '. ■ ' — 'The Duchess of Devonshire," a ro- mantic comedy. In lour acta, was given Its llrat production on any stage at the theatre In Dnnbury, Conn.. Friday evening, April 10. It Is by Mrs. Charles A. Dbrcmus. The play, was well received. WASTBD, Lady of Gent Glass Rlowers with or.wltbomt layout or shades. Permanent, no Irav- eliliff. SlaloliMvo'st sal*rv. Alno Luilv l'lonlst. I 'J. W\ tlen. Uel., Limn. O. WASTK1I-For lieiiniiii Metllelne Co. Camp- lug Si'iison, All 'Hound Medicine Performers. otirmilsi or Violinist, wiio In ucis. Long -cn^eii. Sure luouev. AthUens ■ (J'llfc. JltULiiK.tSjcsv.lUe^ymiBscjt,'y.,Ohio, , I snoramlc'View of ItRISTtlL BARIIOR/Vhowlhg tlii jfERRESHOFF foitKS. also« K^tVlctuTeorof the »««i«nj liwiiera ft he' "B^LlA;CB,» JtR. C. 0L1 V >JI ISKLlCm tBePeslgneraandllalldeis.MES'SRh. llEltllEfcBolF. s • Code Word, "UPBU8HKI>.» 3fe « e »r B^iiie 8 ^* o a«k; ^ixtt tszxq&fc&n rnmiPm^ ..-...„ MAIN OFFICK AJ.D FACTORY . Orange, N. J., V. 8. A. ' MSBf «Bj«j MB Vt« IT { EOISON WAHUFACT13RING COMPANr John d. gilberts famous story poem Happily wedderj to masic by ALFBED SOLHAS and now transformed into a beauti- ful, pathetic ballad, realistically illustrated by tb.e Chicago Transparency Con. pany, promises to be one cf the song hits of tte year. M. WITMARK & SONS, Publishers. rnrr ProfisBlonal copies to recoanlaed Perform- klA AADnC rKCiB. rr« orthosis Bending up to .dale vrogramm*. l\\J VMrt'JO "Jfitpark B^g,8 West |9fli St.,#wlW. After May 1 NEW WItMABK BLDO., 144, 14S V. 37th St., Jut Below Mirl- ;. . ■ ■ g . f|-/ r r . boronga Hotel. 'V :; .« V (LOOK FOR THE-SEjE-RryE-CXOCg-T0W£B.) =B= W1STED AT OVCE—Al Blsek Face, Kmi'h, Irish singing and Dancing Comedlcns. .Musical AclB, Silent Turnx and a good tlrst class Piano PJsycr, one tliat can read at night and fakir. This la's good show and your money Is ready, any time arid «ood nalarlcii nald to good jieop.e that arc Willing wokerc TlckclK to them 1 know. All lettew answered. E. Joe Rosacll, Jaok lleniictto, Clias. Nero, (leo. Dorr, Harry De Cop, l'red Burlo, Bert Illchatdson. Bert'Johnson, Cluw. Csaad,W. Mai 1'ranclK ;inrt E. S. King, the aoovc people nleane Write meat once. Address BILLY SBKRAH, Laure l, Keb., ca re Mhiu e tonka Me dicine Co.. No. 2. 1VASTSD—Sketch Team; also Versatile Co- median, Balary, $8 and expenses. Work small towns. So faros advanced. Money niter show If desired. ■ DR. W. HARRY ALKREBO, MorrlHtown, St. Lawrence, Co., M. Y. WASTED, MtSICIA.VS OK ALL KINDS. Lelder' B. and 0., Pianist to double braes.' Also Farce Comedy People. ' One night, opera houses, good hotels, all Summer.' KELLY Miirl MA CK. MS W. Madison Street, Chicago, ill. WANTED AT OXCE, for Ualsnco Of Season and Sumtiier, Woman for second Business: must be tall, a'bo VVomsn for Ingenues and sonhrette: rtne wltn Htrong 8. nud 1). Specialty preferred. to 'hear frum JIuslcalTeam, Man and Woman who play parts. State lowest saltry for this and Summer season. Must have good ward- robe; Rue Lorraine, Westfleld. Mass. N.B.—la Reae THo.Wm'. and Catherine Coouler.pleaso wrlti' PJIRPORMIUIS-Do you need an extra turn? niy.18 minute BURLESQCH MAGIC ALT fills tho..bill. Complete with instructions, patter, etc., only $1. UEO. A. RICE, 4 Underwood St., Annum, X, Y. WANTBD-Sketch Team, Man and Wife; S. and D. Goilbrctte, Black y*ce Comedian and Silent Acts. Change for week. Also Organ and .Violin ('layers and Boss Canvas Man. KM and Sleep ln camp, Best of treatment. Frank F. Lavell. write. Show opens May 9.'Thieves nud rubes save stamps. Tell >ll *hi first letter. A: DELKE, 350 Southport,i Chicago, III. "WASTED Ql ICK-Uood, lin-ritng Advance Agent, limit be closo contractor anil able to wild cat. Answer by wire (nrepuldl or letter. DEAN'S HA8T LYNKE CO.,North Bay, Oniarto.Can. Dram- atlc. People, write. Salary low. Long engagement. hMMMAIi Typewritten Sketches, f 1.00 each. TWo'i'eal hits for 1 male, 1 female, "falmlstsml Wlilort" anil "Fairies? Miss Hold" (••IhcWalkiair Actors," i males, black face and straight), other Sets,see list in last week's CLIPPER. Monevnr- dor or 2 oeht stamps. Address UERNARDKMKii, I'lUT wrltrhl.^iK West laiti St., N. Y'. City . WAJU'KD—Young Lady Partner whoeau slag or daflce. X'haucc for£ood amateur. Season's woriiiobked. Address "," Mirror Otllco, loo Grand St., Jersey City, S.J. fir Call Thursday afternoon. Pt BUSHED SKETCHES, "A Meddlesome Fool'' (8 ma|e",l female), fie, "Thai Innocent Girt" (1 male, 1 female), 15c.' stamps or silver. Ad- dress Mr8.'MUBs0t,.73«Fullon St., Brooklyn. K. Y. MAPLEWObl) THEATRE ' and RESORT. Wanted, Dramatic and Specialty People. Also open time.for companies. Beautiful place to rehearse your Shows for coming season. FAUN SAJtON, flbodspeeds, It. EI)ISO\ KISETOSCOPE,"'ni Model, Com- tsjete, Perfeiyly New. Will sacrliice for »8.i. £11.K. BOWERS, 153 Hast 2Tth St.. X. Y. WANTED—Operators with and without Pic- ture Machhj«B; also good all 'round Med. People forttrorriofe companies. Changenlghtlr forone week, salary iupsthe low; you get Jt weekly. J. C. A'rmon'd, Oregim Ind.Med. CO., Xo. Sutton, >'■ II WASTED, Ylolln, to Lead Small orohestrs, lo I'.oitt.'.e In bana; Contortionist or Silent Hun thst can. do at.least three turns »nd Is willing to do comedy ln aerial acts; also a Cook and man to run COxooft, top. Mnslclans and performers sleep st hotel*, all cat on lot.- Week stauds; show opens r. State lowest salary flrsf letter. Address ' WILLIAM TODT, May's Landing. N.J. FOR SALE, "soft. R. T., TWO 25ft. MIDDLES; «.\7l)a,. 70XlOtttt„'80X4l)fl., 2AM0R.. «ft. squaic. ■ r ' PBAltl, VAN,-yorthvlUe, X. Y. FOR 'SALE, Striped Tent, 8x10, OV K., f is; three Way Jewelry Striker, latest improved, In line condition, <16; i& rorLTith: no less. F. O. JAMESON. Ii Washington S q uare, A^•o^^^este r, ,Ma« s. FOR 8AEE, SOOft." SEW SWK WALL: Poles TJ.etlglUs 7 Tier SealR. Stajre, Ltgbls, Triiuks,clc 160 Vksl). DOS TORI), 112-U4N, -J tJ) St., Pliilw, AND SILENT A'TS nd D. Sonbrette, Con- W.V.VTED. AERIAL Sketch Tium. Comedian, S. inn tortionlst and Miuleians. Change for three night and weckatauds. Harrv Koster, write. Write par- Uculara. BHAQLKV HROS.. Molutire, Iowa. WASJTED-PARTNER with $150 for Moving Plot urea under canvas. It.. 111 REED ST., Reading, Pa. - WANTED, for II. C. Long's llelincd Palace Snows, Muslciane, Cornet, Tromtione, Baritone, Tuba and Poublo Drummer. Those doubling violin preferred. AIbo want Specialty People for Concert Sod Aerial People for lib* Show. Add. II. C. Long, koloiia,Mls8..Mirr. H. V. Long's Show. OFEKAIIOCSE MANAGERS or PARKS, Twoperformert wlthfamlllea, Would like lolocate. Stage Manager, Electrician, would take charge of house, other Al Violinist and Leader ot Orchestra. Address 8. MANAGER, Ken. Dei., rtica, X.'V. WANTED/ YOONG LADY WITH SOME MBANS, TO ASSIST IN A (JllKAT DANCING ACT. Aildresa DANCING COMPOSER, core of CLIPPER. WANTED—ALL 'ROUND COMEDIANS. CUnsers, boozers, snvc stamps. No tickets. Dr. Thomas, It. V. D. Route "No. 5, Cnrnegle. Pa. WANTED-Good, Sober, Rcllnblc Lcctnrer lo takechnrgoof co. No moner needed, but must dross well: also good Violinist to double with flrst clim« Seconder Music Moke (white or colored). MODERN REMEDY CO., ML Corban, W. Va. MACE R1TTER AT LU1ERTY for Summer. Stock or Hep, Light hdU Ghar,, Comedy or Gen. Dub. Addroas OEN'L DEL., Ginolnnatl, Ohio. WANTED-At Rye UeachPark, Slot Machines, Mntoscopos, Klnetosconn and others. Privileges to let: Novelty Stand, Wire Jewelry, Fortuue Teller, Glass Blowers, Fen-la Wheel. Address. CHAONCEY Ic C»., Rvc. N. Y. CALL.—All People engaged for the Great Cun- ad» Frank'B Shows report hir rehearsal at Tipton, Iowa, not later than April ■£>. Show opens May 2. Ana. thlscall by letterto F. M. MYEitS, Tipton, In. P. 8.—Ross thivls, where are yon? Do von aim to work for rue; Ann. quick. (Also a few" more per- f oritierawnuted.) •POR BALE—Kdlson Moving Picture Ontflt, ooort. Film, a Set Bong Slides. Trunk, Screen, *«o. Lot Films, ci ieup. CHAS-'RAY, Cnmhcrland, Md. SOUBRBTTE PLATS oirHnralir to Reper- toire Conjpunles—"MaM ot tltts Mill 1 ' mlaveil br the Snooners in UrooklTii), "Mitle Magnet,'' "J'ns't Oae lllrl," "Captain's ilale," "Wheel of Kortune," "Rand of Fun),'' "Beacon Lights," etc. T. II. Win- nctt, Esclnalvc Agcnl. noait'wqy, New York City. WANTED-Sketch Team. S.and I). Comedian, Organ Player that reads and fakes. One wllliplc- t arc Machine preferred. Change for one week. Lowest salary. Pay your own. ■ 1 pay transporla Hon. Jiyory one worka piovlng dav. Tlckeis* Yes, If I Allow ,you. Show opens liay 2. 0. V gg*3t3gj| SSSB5 SS t- '" 11 ' Co " Xi £ • •POR B AliE—Illark Tent, Mxas, *26, 4 Trained' HreonvTriilrrrd Gouis, High Diving Dog, Shadow- graph Ouncerl Re-mils, Films, cheap. * ' r ; 'ymmw umttun,tmt,t£ W'ANTEp-'Flliiis. for uaah. Foraaic o7e£ change, Retlly dissolving Unlern; costtlTC. 'A barialu, MACivKl, nw Oruuiv at., Jicwwk, S.J t LITHOGRAPHS, any style. Send f 1 for l«n samples, unlettered cross lining space tin. Dally made sclUng Palnconho«c. Particulars and samjilc ISC. ACME"LITAO CO., 1 ■ 298 W. Tan Bnren SL, Ohlcago, III. . FOR SALE, Show Property, good as new, only used.sjx weeks, couslstiuc: 90ft. Iilg lop r Willi50fu rnlddlc, 10ft. walls; 30»,;4qfF. dressing room, 18X20H. par'iue, poles, ropes, stakes, complete; ornament- ed gooseneck Iilg" show band, and swell side show band and ticket wagon'; also canvas, stringer, seat, jack, make chain, luggage, cook house, chaudel|er wagons; photogrups It desired; or runs, wagon blocks, ring carpel, circus paper. CbJB. Lee's GreatXondou Shows, Wllke6l>arrc, Pa. WA.VTED, Oornet and Trombone at once. Join on wire! No trrtvelihg. SolHry must lie low, aft sure Jlust be uhlctonlay fttan'cfurd music, and ue'sohcr and reliable. Board ' and lodging f iir- ftlBlieclbyme. Wire salary In the llrst letter. >'■> tickets advanced tn unknown parties. DanBcrger, please write. Prof. J: LOvlu. Raleigh,N. C. PARTNER FOR PARK. STOOHalfJntereat. -JUg.MQhey Making Privileges. Everyllilng way up to dtilo. Stale exi«rieiicc ami tefcrenoes flral letter: ' Investigate now, before loo late: Experience unnecessarv for re'laule psny. Partner handles alt money, as I am busy rnuiihig e^cnrslolis. Address HOX178. Ncwburg,N.i. N. B.—Out door attractions of all description. write. " AT LIBERTY, MR. ALF. BAILEY, Lecturer, Offlce Worker nnd f-oth Extractor; Straight in Acts: BlsO'FLORENCE BAILEY, Illustrated Songs (have- own machine): fakes organ: works In ads. Address Union Brlagc Hotel, Culon Bridge, Jl't W.VIITBD, FERFORMERS. Also Tuba for Rand.and Orchestra, Baritone to double Second Violin or Clarionet. Comet 10 douh e Sqound A'lolln or V|olo, Portor on Car to double Alto. Also ilrnt class Cook. State age, weightuml helgnt and what show experience. Must 1* gentle- mea Open season latter part April. J. S. Sweu- son, write. Address , HKACli ,); HOW Kits' MIS8TUF.IJ1. Mannokcla. la. ' WANTED VersattleComedlan;BOUgaiiddnKse and laklr preferred. Sober and relUble, change f,or week and up lnJned-.b'u9."Oood Sketch Team-*; must do sliiglca and doubles. All llrst leuer. The Daljs, write. DR. UAS. LA VRRE, New Bedford, Coshocton Co., Ohio. . WANTED, FIRE DANCER, For | Summer Season, (Carnival Work. Good salary :»ud Ircatment to' rlglu Tarty. Musicians and Electricians, write *. K. OALKINS, 43W Berklcv Ave., Chicago. ID. FOR SALE—40.VW) Square End Tush Pole Tent, complete, with Poles. Stakes, sft. Side « an, lugoodshBpe;$40takojlt. Answer qulok. Har- gain. W. J. MANSFIEJ J), Tldlo ntc, l'a. _ PERCY MILLER, He].art to O" II. MlLLER sat on«e. Y011 r nrt Is Looked tipnn.l Ml U U. K. " ■JBILIdeH . MIUVMl*"- - WaiteA-Some^, All 'Roundierforaefs. Preierbne ivti'o plavw onrai'i. cl^ngjau and money siirr. PROF. FlUSK GRAHAM, J)ILC O. SPAM«- l^R MM- Vff. JjVJti W»iaUl>B<oni T».