The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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lpft THEE NEW YORK CLIPPER. A *RIM8. EASTER LILIES Are the correct tiling In tbe (lorn) line at this stage of the game, and that's why wc-ve got a bunch of them. Of course, there are numerous varieties, but tbo one we have Ik the finest. We coll It toe "Longrorem," and we'll take chances that you'll pronounce our specimens perfect In form, color, fragrance and all of the other points tbnt go to make up the standard of judgment. There's ono point on which we bare all tbe others beaten—there Is no fear of frost, for our lilies generate heat enough to banish all thoughts of frigidity. To tell the truth, they are rather fond of Ice—when It Is In a bucket with a bottle reposing In It and a few long-stem mors on the side. Our display Is on exhibition every afternoon and evening, AT THE) OLD HOWARD ATHENAEUM BOSTON MASS (America's Oldest Variety and Burlesque Theatre) WEEK OF AP RIL 13 THE TOHIlin TRAPEZIST CHARM,ON Without doubt the strongest single attraction the variety ■ stage has ever known. Would that we could engage her for an entire sea- son. Bhe's the greatest trapeze performer of the day, - while lier marvelous muscular de- velopment Is the wonder of every one who watches her performance. As usual, she In- troduces some fresh feats of strength and skill, and several new itlrsome episodes. LOTTIE GIL80N "The Little Magnet," unquestionably the Queen of American comediennes. What she nin t do to tho Wlllleboys Isn't worth doing. No singer of the day can express every bit of the fun or sentiment that a song contains as she can. You're pleased to flna yourself a good conductor when Lottie turns on the current. FIVE JVOOUNO JOHNSONS Second and final week of their engage- ment. The moat dexterous club Jugglers of this or any other day. Their last appear- unces In this country for over a year, as they sail for England the 22d of this month, rn- routo to St. I'etershurg, llussla, where they are to open May lOtb. TOBY LYONS He hatched out a brood of new "lllnkey DeeUta" during his week's layoff. That choir of cute comediennes, Gladys Fisher, Kitty Bingham, Nellie Hartford and Kitty Hartford, assists him, as usual. • •■ ROBERTS. HAYES and ROBERTS A trio of mlrthmnkcrt who present ono of the most laughable comediettas that ever happened behind a curtain line. "Tbo In- fant" Is Its title, but It la a giant as a de- stroyer of. the blues. MADDOX and WAYNE "The Messenger Boy and the Thespian." A team of talkers whoso tattle Is not of the torn and tattered typo, but Is fresh and furiously funny. BARR and EVANS Andy Barr, the accurate portraycr of the ancient "Rube," and Florence Evane. n.i Jolly a "Jestercss" oh ever Jested. A pair of laughmakers whose merry act abounds In eccentric conceits. ■'••••• FANNIE EVERETT famous as a fine looker and a sweet singer. She's one of the swellest ever. * . JOE MAUK FlkiLOS and WOLLEY They .are two of Comedy's best friends, and can always (ouch for a roll of laughs. TOLEDO A contortionist who does a strikingly novel act A twister from Twlstvlllo. ..WW TOM J. CHOWLliV One of Boston's own entertainers, n member of the former Arm of Lyons aud Crowley. A clever mimic, story-teller and parodist. HANSON and HARRIS "Tho. Chinaman and the Mischievous Kid." A rattling good pair of acrobatic comedylsts. RAMSEY SISTERS Accomplished peifurmera upon a variety of Instruments. They mix a little humor with their harmony. ' JAMES NEARY As a Celtic comedian Jimmy la certainly among the real ones. THE BURLESQUE ' We are still traveling along Novelty lload Hue] cutting out a very fast clip. This week's travesty has a military tinge, and Is called A FROLIC IN CAMP You'll be willing to surrender when you see the soldiers wo hare on guard. Tbe fol- lowing are ON TUB STAFF CLARA' ADAMS DOT DAVBNl'OHT KITTY B1NQHAM ALICE) CHEBLYN MDNA BUCKLEY GLADYS KINIIIUt IDA HOWELL MAItli; OAKLAND LULU KKICflAN NELLIE llAltTI'Oltll KITTY HABTKOIin FLOSSIE LA FIELDS LOTTIE NAVIiTTK LILLIAN TAYLOR HARRY DUDLEY IN TUB RANKS Aline Crelghlon Llulo Kelly May Armstrong 1'earl Irving May Arthur Kitty Stewart Grace Ashton Marguerite Mason Mabel Mooro Gusslo Miller Prances Hoyt I'luire Komalro Leah La Join Emma HusbcII Florence Carlton Lottie KeynoltlB Irene Shannon May Hamilton Sybil Rivers Marlon Temple. The big fenture of tho burletta Is the new "SET-UP BRILL" Now being taught In the United States Army. Tho drill Is executed by a aqund of sixteen of the, girls, coroinunded by Kitty Bingham, who were under tho Instruction of tho famous drill roaster, Sergeant Fits, for live, weeks. Every movement Is as smooth as oil, nnd the fair soldiers can handle n gnu as well as any of our "Boys In Blue." ALWAYS SOMETHINfl OOINOJ . 1 TILL 11 I'. M., AT TUB OLD BOOKINQ AOENT8 New York—Frank Forrester, Vaudeville Association, St. James Building, Broadway and 20th Street. Boston—Kd. Kelley, 63 Court Bt Press matter and photographs for news- faper cuts should be sent to Carl D. Lo- brop. Press Representative. Address all other communications, Includ- ing billing, to a WM. MoAVOY lUnsgtt Howard Athetwum, Boston, WANTED, EVERYBODY TO.KNOW *THBRE TO BUY Address POODLE PUPPIES Tbe Genuine, rare, Snowy, Silky White. Very small breed. Very rea- sonable. Send 10c. for Illustrated Catalogue. Alsx, a choice BlenheKu Mole Spaniel cheap, MRS. ROSALIE MACKLIN. Box 39, Bonaparte. Iowa. SONC BIG SELLERS | 16 Pages, Sheet Music Size, and Colored Cover, Neat and Attractive. BOOKS CONTAIN: 80NG8. JOKE8. BIDDLES, CONUN- DRUMS, PARODIES, BECITATION8, FLIRT ATIONB, FORTUNE TELLING, OABD TRICKS, FUNNY READINGS. 70 Cent* per I0O, 96-00 per 1000. Cash with order. No C. O. D. Samples 10 o "vTEEMAlT BEOS., ISO PARK ROW. NEW YORK. WANTED, FOR THE Floyd R. Briggs Co., GOOD, SEHEBiL UTILITY HAN, Doable Mass Dram in baud. Preference given one who sings And dunces. Steady engagement and lojg season to right man. .WOODS A 11RI0OS. Clay Oontre. Kas., April iO-M. Emma Cotrely Europe's Greatest Lady Juggler. APRIL SO, KEITH'S, NEW YORK; APRIL 27, KEITH'S, HOHTON; MAY 4 KEITH'S, PHILA. OPEN AVTKH MAY 4 FOR SUMMER KNOAQEMENTH. COMEDIAN, Put on Acts, and PIANO PLAYER, Who Does.Specialties. Join on receipt of wire. Don't misrepre- sent. Wire or write. WINCHESTER & WOOD COMEDIANS, De Knlb Junction. N. Y., Apr. 10-18; Oouvemeur, N. Y„ Apr. 20-22. WANTED, A HAN WITH A GOOD TENT OUTFIT, 10x70 or finxHo, with Tier Seats, Stage, Lights, and every- thing ready to start snow, undor canvas, to take hair Interest In a well established Medicine com- pany, now doing fine business in halls. Also Wanted, a Oood Lecturer and OMco Worker, and Good Irish Comedian. Harry Hums, Ilcrt Page uiul Hon Duranrl, ploise write. Dr. Franks, write. Address PROF. F. JIMENEZ, for two weeks, Ullloti llllls, Stratford Co., N. H. HUB FUm WANTED Who Doubles on Brass Horn in Dand, must read, for Vaudevllln Show with Piano. DIAMOND JACK, Central Hall, Jersey City Height!, S.J. ORCHESTRA AT HBERTY For Summer Resort or Park Four People (Full orchestra If desired). Up-to-date Repertoire or Dunce and Concert Mualo. Experi- ence Hi all kinds or Theatrical Work; strlclly sober, Al Appctruuco; Terms Reasonable. Address, Prof. Cnas. Pousse,"SSMoLuiio Ave., Miii'KUiitowu.W.Va. WANTED QUICK, MUSICIANS rOB BARD AND OnCDESTBA. Address M0R. SHAYNE STO0KCO., ■ . 501 Park Ave., Kane, Pa. FOR {S^I/E>, Four year old Dull, weighs 1,300 poundB,wlth three perfect Mod legs; a genuine freak of nature. Photo afio.; price *in0. NEWTON & HOUGHTON, Union siock Yurdx, Olileagot , • i B© €fc Voii.'tfllocivi.lst Hlggest attraollon for street men, fakirs and out- door work. I loach It by mall. Particulars for per- manent address mid IM. ttamp. O. W. SMITH, Hurklmor Street, Jollet, lit. CANVAS MAN AMD COOK WANTED. Temperate! cicmi People; small company, week BtamlB. Slato experience and lowest salary. lilt. iinnsnN, Aurora. III. ANO ALL THEATRICAL COODS. Scenery painted ohonply and quickly. .Amateurs supplied. (JHAS. E. MILLS, 4OT W. " . 41st St.. New York City. AT LIBERTY, Mr. and Mrs, W. Buckley, REFINED MUSICAL ARTISTS. 80S Bradford Slxoot, llrooklyu, N. Y. MANAGERS! Engagement wanted hy oapsbie young man. Oood Btage presence nnd wardrobe, Amateur KOU ROY, Care CLIPPER. FIELDS and WHALLEK '?''"'*Ae•i 1 ^' 1 ^ | » , theatrk, WATKRHURY, CONN, APRIL la. At liberty, Slide Trombone. Play flood Solos; Oood Heritor nnd Young; Double Strong Violin, lHt or Id.' Please state salary first letier. Address J. O. WH.LHIOH.Oomsalos, Tox. AT LIBERTY, PROF. F. K. JONES, Piano PLAYKR, FULTON. V. Y. JUST CLOSED '0 WEEKS' SEASON. VERY FBW UBTTKIl PLAY- KRS IN AMK111CA. WANTED QUICK, PEUFQRMERS FOR STREET work. Multtw A No.i, and plnv own Instruiueuts. No tickets. - Good salary. Address - ' ■ ltlt. FKhWlUiANKNtR, Jollet, III. A FEW OF U8 IN EUROPE Doing very nicely, THANK YOU! THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR Mrs. Whallens Boy Mike, Who li it present buiy counting money. P. S.--Rcgirdi to Denruti'i Coffte. AMERICA'S NOVELTY GYMNASTS, DELMORE AND LEE. TOURING ORBAT BRITAIN And Getting Return Contract* Everywhere. N OAH HAD THREE SONS I Is. in, Jam and Japhet. Who's the Father of the Three Sons ? WHY, Barton (Ashley (IN CANAL-BOAT SAL), At Tivoli Theatre, London. Happy Fanny Fields. EXPECT ME IN JULY. Dnd Bond Forgot Tour Brass Bandt, THP.EE 710*118 AWAY, BUT WE DON'T SEE ANY AD8. IN THE CLIPPER SAYING : "PLEASE, COME HACK, WE MISS YOU." Weston # Yost PALACE, THEATRE, LONDON. THIS HOOPERS "HOOPING IN PARIS. BUSY AIAVAI'M. RACKETT and HAZARD TJ. S. A. TRUMPETERS, In Tltolr Musical Trip Around the World. SPECIAL FEATURE: ••THE BATTLE OF 8AN JUAN HILL." "Multum In Psvrvo" AMtRICA'S AMUSING JUGGLERS. Biff Success. And Prolonged at London Hippodrome. CASINO, PARIS. MAY nnd JUNK. A Fixture In England until July, 1004. Addrasi ill communication! regarding th's column to J. P.COUCHLAN, CLIPPER BUREAU, AS (mnlioum Bt., London, W. C. THE NEW WALTZ SONG NOVELTY, Two Little, Bine Little, True Little Eyes By GEORGE HOBTOR, Author of "Sing He a Song of tho South," And I. W. BBATTON, Composer of many Hits. CHORUS! In two nlttle, blue little, true little eyes, Bright an the stars that shine, Xlfe teems a dream, and this earth paradise, Whenever they look Into mine. Ah I Friendship li sweet, but the Joy most complete, Is all In the treasure I price. The sweet story old, that Is word-leas-ljr told, By those two little, bine little eyes. SUNG WITH GREAT SUCCESS BT Adamini and Taylor, Inga Orner, Tesseman and Alexander AND MANY OTHER PROMINENT ARTISTS. K. WITMAEK & SONS, Publishers, FREE—Professional copies to recognized Performero or those tending up to ditto prog. NO CARDS. WITMARK BUILDING, 8 WEST 29th ST., NEW YORK. After (Car 1, "TOW WITMARK BLDO., 144-1*0 W. 37th St., Just below Rlarl- borough Hotel. (LOOK FOR THK-BEE-lirVK-CLOCK-TOWKR.) WANTED, TO SUPPORT MISS BEATRICE THORNE A Full Acting Repertoire Company lor three ulght stands, a tall Leading Mao. Singing nnd Dancing Soubrette, Man for Heavies, Character Man, Comedian with Specialty, Man with Picture Machine to play small purls. Advance Man, must know repertoire business thoroughly; A No. 1 Piano Player. I paj nonrd, stop at the best liotolB. No time to correspond, so tell all In first letter. Other useful Repertoire People write: [show opciiB May 4. Address by letier only, 8. S. WH1TBKCK, Mgr., 272 West 86th St., Now York, X. Y. NICK CONWAY (LAUGHING CASEY) OPEN F-OR SUMMER WORK. Play parts and do A No. 1 Specialty. With "A Fight for Millions" Co., season I0O2-1W?. Permanent address, 732 K. 140th ST., N. V. City, or care of NEW YORK CLIPPER. p. and IVIrs. ALFRED KELCY, At Percy Williams' Circle Theatre, New York City. FOR SALE, Second Hand Circus Outfit, IN OOOD CONDITION, one vort., with tort, middle piece; one ts, with two sort, middle pieces, poles. Htakes, ropes, bale rium, blocks and falls, seats, llRhta, property and cook houso boxes, marque, alcducs, Hlakopullers, leaping bag and run with spring pole and board, tlckot boxes and stand, extra llglil*. wrenches and tools, flngivhnst* drum and box, ono set of Tom scenery In oil, nlno drops with wings and prooenlum front; In faut, a f nil and complete out lit for both Circus and Tom show, with cook house and dining nlenslls for forty people. Everything complete and in good order. Coat fifteen hundred, « ii Hell tor fl vii hundred. First come first served. * Address KBNO, WELSH .t AIELIIOSE, American House, Pittsburg, Pa. THE NEW ELECTRIC PARK, NEWARK, N. J., Now being remodeled at a cost of 850 000. WANTED—Prlv llego People and Small Shows for Slrcelf of all Nations. Will noaltlvely open May 30 (Decoration Day). Address ELECTRIC PARE AMObh MENT CO., 0. A. DUNLAP, General Manager; E. M. FAY,Treasurer; J. F. DONOVAN, Seorotftry, WANTED. SPECIALTY PEOPLE, WESTERN STOCK CO. FOH THE up-to-date Musical Team (male and female), or Song and Dance Man and Woman, to FBATDBE. loablo to play amnlt pans. Good salary, and an all Summer and next season's engagement to An i. .MI1HI DC U ■.„ an. |„w, ma.,... |,..nn, u M, ',. -I.i 1.1 j , u ID 1 nil III! OIIHHUCJ Ufltl IIV/.M TV" r".' -' ."B«n right parties. Ipaybourd. Don't misrepresent, nnlesB you have railroad fare back. ArcyouncM Tloket* to responsible people. LESTER 110WA ItU, Manager, Aberdeen, 8. D., April 18, IT, IS. P. S—THE MELNomS, MUSICAL TEAM, PLEASE WRITE. WANTED, for the ALLEN & EARLE STOCK CO., SUMMER SEASON, a Oood, Cspablo Actor for Lending Juveniles, Comedian who does strong spe- cialty, an Experienced Man for General Business, a Good, Capablo Actress for JuvenllCB and Indf'' 0 "; a Clover ActresB tor Responsible Business, Soubrette with Strong Specialties, a Young Man for Props and Small Parts. Other Useful Repertoire People, write. Preference given to those aolng »|icci»lti»"; Also want Plaulat (Man), must bo Al, no fakirs, and a Thoroughly Experienced Agent. Stato oil ow letter, - Must Join at once. A pleasant Summer season to tho tln'tit people. Address _„ FRANK ALLEN, AnMlii, Pa., April 18-18; Smothport, Pa., »•»• The New York and London Amusement Syndicate. WANTED— Glass Blowers, Freaks, per cent. bIiowb. for parks and oarnlvals. Acts of all kinds sultJd* for prk and fairs. Musicians for B. and O., good looking Ladles for beauty shows and Illusions, Lao>*» for basket ball tcuniB, Palmists, etc. All kinds of Show Proporly bought. Tents, Llglits, Orgaur, •» Address, "letters only," ■ o. A. REED, Hotel Shamrock. 421E. 17th St., Now York city. TWO CHARACTER MEM" AND PIANIST (Lady or Gent). Low salary; It's paid. No fares. Others write. „„, V1LLAIR A CO., Lilly, Pa., April 16; Latrobo. Fa., April »• NOTICE! NOTICE! ah h2!££E!!S!££ , . ,,0 ACT0R 9' NATIONAL PKOTECTIVE UNION, No.l.of Now York. All tltoso desiring to vole at coming election, May 1, send at once for official ballot and Instruction*. .. LEW MORTON, Becretary. 18 Minute HEASON 1003-0*. "WE'RE OFF." CI BBS and WELCH. Sketch THB SPORT and TUB JKAV. BE0INNER8. BUT WINNER S. Tcrmanent address, IT B. 105th St., N. 1. -,Cltr CIkA Tfi IrUWCCT ' 910V I W IVt WEg I ir > 3'cars, and if you have anjthinf q..\cc ."r_Vs«i ' ~ « • ^-_ good to sell outrlsihf, no partnership. »d< In.:Some Small Show. pl ^ to « ,nllr '^L^ r i.. 4 J„- 5 ffl Am no sucker nor angel. Have been In JOTJJJK in rrnfa ami it vnn havn nmthlng exeestlonsi<> idress, »*" :ph, In flrst letter, T.JOBBI'H, 8683 Vluoennes Ave., Ohlcsjo, iu.