The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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•'*V' APRH/18. THE NEW YORK OLIPPEBi 107 THE LONGEST RUN IN THE HISTORY OF VAUDEVILLE. Sixty-four Conaecutive Wwl.-A Positive Sensation. Cole i Johnson Rosamond America's Premier Entertainers, mow ON GRAND TRANS-CONTINENTAL VAUDEVILLE TOVR. Aothor. of "Under the B^mboo^Tree," "The Maiden With the>- Im » "Nobody, Looklna •t the Owl and the Moon," "Oh I Didn't He Ramble," "The Coniro Love Hon a." »"»«» • "»«■»» ROOKED SOLID UNTIL MAV9,190*, Opening at Hammer*telA Roof Janfen, Jau 1,1903, Tour Under Dlraotlon of - - - .-. Ml. S. BENTHAM, As*o. Vnnd. Mgre., St, James Building, New York. THE BIGGEST HIT IN THE HISTORY OF VAUDEVILLE. The Florodora Sextette From the Mammoth Production of PI.OUODOIt.Vnt the Academy of Mu.lo, .New York City, »y Special Hooked Solid Until May IS. Now playing Keith Circuit. FOR NEXT SEASON, When Ton Are In Need of Money CALL AT ' LAWRENCES LOAM OFFICE, a5S First Arena*, Bet. 14th and 15th 8M., N. T. It Makes No Difference How Large or Small the Amount Required, or What the Article You wish to Pledge, You Can Do Better Here Than Elsewhere. Exceptionally Liberal Loans to the Profession. Goods Forwarded to All Parts of the United States and Canada. All Pledget Kept One Year. Established 1880. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, Films, Slides and Accessories; How and Second Hand, Manufactured, Bought, Sold, Remodeled and Re- paired. Entertainments furnished. German-Ameri- can Cinematograph A Film Co., 176 E. Mth St.. N. Y. , C H J RIO,rKT,I ' ,8T » At Liberty-One capablo of holding any position In band or orchestra, would like position as leader of well established amateur band, or one with good financial backing:, that can pay fair salary. Wonld like to locate In town from 26,000 to M.O00. Will accept position with concert band for Summer, hut prefer to lo- cate. Recommendations furnished on application. Close here April 80. • OLARIONETTIST, Box 42, Carolina Hotel, Plnchumt, N. C. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. FILMS, Etc.; SUrcoptlcons, Song Slides. Bargains always on hand. Outfits bought and sold. Films wanted. AMERICAN EXCHANGE, 630 Halsey St., Brooklyn. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any Instrument or number of Instruments. Bongs, words and music, sketches.etc. Send stamp. 0HAS. L. LEWIS. 429 Richmond St.. Cincinnati. 0. FOR SALE or Rent, Mechanical Wax Figures, Illusions. Fine Snakes, Marionettes, Paintings, Stuffed Animals, Show Stuff. Send stamp. I buy Show Stuff. i. D. SWEET, Atlantlo City, S. J. r WANTED—Medicine People, Lecturer to work Herb and Oil strong. Must be a good Office Man. State your lowest salary first letter. Pay your own. Also want one Lecturer to work on percent- age, six good Band Singers for street work, who play Banjo or Guitar. My limit $is and R. R. Also want Sketch Team, Man to do lllack Face In Acts. State all first letter. Must Join ou receipt of wire. D, L. MODOE, care Davis Hotel, Brazil. Ind. DON'T MISS THIS.-Only 60c. for Vaude- ville Act, Comedy, Song and orchestration, eom- Sete. New this week. Worth $25 to any team. j my goods and mako a hit O. M. LBE, No. lfc No. Tennessee Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. A BARG/UN-NINB TUNE FRATI HAND ORGAN, good as new. $75: BLUE AND WHITE STKIPED(TENT, 20x20ft., 7ft. Wall. log. duck, nearly new, $26. HARRY DICKINSON, 428 Tower Ave., West Superior. Wis. Til MORE AT Canada Frank's R. R. Show wants a few more Performers that do Wire, Traps, Juggling, Hlngs, Tumbling, Bars, a good Clown. Specialty People,- write* A good Advance Agt. for a One oar Show. P. S.—Ross Davis, where uro you! Show opens Muv 2. Address F. M. MYERS, Mgr., Tipton, Iowa. REPERTOIRE HANAOERS-Here'a your money makers: "Land of Cajuns" (big hit Chicago and Brooklyn), "The Man from the South," "Blue Grass," "The Gold King," "A Woman's Redemp- tion" (third seaBon with Alma Chester), "Tin; night Man (successful England): "Lynwood" (bet- ter war play than Secret Service), "Sins of tho Night," "The Fugitive." "Cross Roads of Life." "yueena," "A Young Wife," "Garry Owen," "On the frontier" (special territory), "Slaves of For- tune,"' "Enemies for Life," "Storm Beaten," "U "Called Back," "Trapped by a Woman," ''A Wom of the People," "Grass Widow," "Broken Lives" (strong domestic play). Communicate di- rector these plays toT. II. WINNETT, Agent, 1402 Broadway. New York City. " routed and booked. N. U.-Companies Ring Down the Curtain, I Can't Sing Tonight. "TUB SPIRIT OF '70" and many otter late hits; lot of sec. bond long slides, 25c each slide; our KERO OIL ARC LIGHT the best yet, 600 CANDLE) POWER, STBREOP- TICONB from $12 up. Cloak and Effect Slides, new Hit ready. LIST FOR STAMPS. ACME EXCHANGE 150 B. Mth ST., N. T. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, 124 Dearborn St., Chicago; cstabllBhod 1894. Business legal and quiet. Branches and facilities In oilier States. ILLUSIONS, Ventriloquist Figures, Blaok Art Outfits, New Paintings, Wax Figures, OalatcaStat- MMftfjg Hooka. Apparatus. Shaw, Victoria, Mo. WANTED, BAND LEADER FOR THE land of the Ninth Infantry,D. S. Army, now sta- tioned at MadlHon Barracks, N. Y. Chief Musician Adam Mcrz, who hua led the band for 20 years, has Juki been retired on three-quarters puy at Ills own cqucst. Ho leaves the band In excellent condi- tion. Ills equal Is wanted as loader. Address ADJUTANT NINTH INFANTRY, flackott's llorbor, N. Y. JSJflHFh • ao » '"good condition; cost $72. «ent o. 0. D. upon deposit. List for stamp. J. C. DAVIS, McKecsport, Pa FOR SALE, Oavo of Wonders, for Hall or Tont snow; everything Bret class; stands, case, »p- 5?I Btu \ sna " overytblnn all complete; will sell for *m, cost doiibio; alsosomo show outs, slip slides, song sets, films, and a Jcctnro set on Ufa of Christ, »< a bargain. FRANK K. HARTLEY, Suffolk Co., Greenport. L. I„ N. Y. WAITED, COHie SUMEH, Riverview ferk. Aurora, III. High class Vaudeville Aots for Park Theatre, "pens Juno 15. Also open air attraoUon. Ground Privileges, etc, to lot. Write. H. E. ORAMPP, Manager •luS LE 0A ^LERY OUTFITTERS—Gallery Nov- b » .IK 6 "' money makers, leant Investment. , Sif; UlPPLB. 800 Vine St., Philadelphia, ra. taR2P5" A VENTRILOQUIST by secur- miV. 52 ,P |!r80n «lly conducted null course. Any tlZX** m b ! "V ea8V method. Success posf- ,W. r,II " ad - Personal letter of Instruction M.S-, I'rof. Samuol II. LlngcrmuD,Profcs- SS gj ^ntrlloaulau 705 N. 6th St., Plilla.,Pa. cim V a\ N „ TB Pr at once > 8°°d Organ Player who 21"OBpoelaftles or silent act and change for Far «'„* . r 8O0U people write. Small tent show. wepUii 6 * p on ' ou TmH c °- naB forked 47 von ^'i 0 l 1 . 1 "'12 months. Must Join on wire. State Wn,? we8t K fl . rfit letUjr - Tickets, If I know you. STFItt c i ,n for mn «" lc . I' Oheap. Addrews BURT •on,M«o?cr,Mml? erm " ,lMe<ri0lni! °°" Lnt " nB ' ASN R i-?Si'Sr 800W - °f »"• SIDE WALL, GOOD Ab Nfcn ! ONLYUSEU A FEW TIMES. Address ■ •, JOHN RUDOLPH, Monroe. Mich. PIIONOORAPH ■TBRBOPTICON. A full JSffiSgfr""* MACHINE, FILMS. j 8. GRAY, care of CLIPPER. lhat^S?l OHaIEI1 ". HOTR THIS-The show A i' So ,h . c n ws " nu " alw8T » P*y». wants QU'CK : u d ™}M Comedian, thai can change for week m&ur.X"*: A-D. Johnston, CarroU Drew, TtiiT.W* 1 ' 0 w ""o or write. WlSlEMONROE,Mt, Union, HnnllnglonCo., Pa. NOTICE.—Do you want Oalalea that changes Lady to Death f If so como to Lawrence, learn to run It. Will clear $6,ooo at any Park. Send stamp for full particulars, circulars and price list White Tent, 20x30, for sale. Chas. E. Weston, 132 Spruce St. Lawrence. Mass. MUSICIANS WANTED for the HALL and SAMPLE Wagon Shows. First Violin to Lead Or- chestra (with music), double Baritone orTrombono In Band. Strong B-tlat Cornet for B. and 0., with music, to Lead Band: Clarionet for B. and 0. Other musicians, write. Versatile Comedians, Singing and Acrobatic Clowns to double Drums In Band. Lowest salary and particulars quick. HALL and SAMPLE, Box F, Nora Springs. Iowa. FOR SALE—50H. Round Top Tent, Side Walls, Blocks, Ropes and Poles complete. All in first class condition; used ton weeks. Tho first $40 takes It, A bargain. AddreBS F. L. ROBERTS, KHrell. Gratiot Co., Mich. WANTED—For Thos. L Finn's Big Tent Show: flood Single Mnslcal Act, One Man Band, versatile Med. People, who can change for week munds; Banjo Comedian, good Comedian who plays violin. I pny expenses. Low salaries every week. State oil you do and lowest, salary, first letter. Silence a polite negative. If you booze or chase, I can't uso you. Open Mar 10. No tickets. THOS. L. FINN, Hooslck Falls, Rcns. Co., N. Y MED. PERFORMERS-'..iing season; state all; you must he "right." I pay all. Do vou playr One act people wont last. Week stands. If you ure a performer you will like the place. Address LEW H. COOPER, Burlington, N. J. Arrangement* with FISHER & RVLF.Y. BOOKING ANNA HEJLoI Special Arrangement* with FLORENCE ZIEGFRLD .III Aet on the Amerlcnu Stage .IVJ. 8. BKN-THAM, ...,*■ - 'Anil, of Vaudeville Mgr*., St. J mm* Building, New York — .. "■^—— ii l i a ,. * M ' H * a i " i* u ' mm. ggg gggg ji aj I'i ui "~r— Elegantly Dreisei ... With Original Scone nnd Cotttoihe*. Mo»t •10,000 WORTH OF COSTUMES. In use HEBE eight months. Buns good as new. No lost motion. Brand new cover. Thirteen hundred and fifty cash or six hundred cash, balance one thou- sand, payable one hundred a month. HABBY IcFABLII, Qnincy, Florida. jlVii^i^iajv skgur, MARVELOUS ELECTRIC DANCER, NOVELTY, FIRE, SERPENTINE aud PICTURE DANCES. Lillian Segur and Joe Riley, In the Funniest of Sketches, entitled "O'HOUXIGAN'S MART ANW, n Introducing Irish and Character Hongs and Dances. Address WM. SKtmit, Norumhega Park, Aubunulale, Mass. ' ASK FOR. Crop No. 3 New Jokes by old Jokers CCONTAINS THE NEW MONOLOGUES, word for word, of Lew Dockstader, Jennie Yeamans, Billy Van, C«s Williams, Nat> M. Wills, Digby Bell, George Fuller Golden, ®>c. ■ asammammm Price 25c. SAFES. T6 8F.C0ND HASH, FIRE PROOF OFFICE AND HOUSE SAFES. Bargains. Now Safes as low as $12.00, delivered.' Send for catalogue, THE E. P. BLAKE CO.,Boston, fflass. MENTION THIS PAPKR. — ETHEL DYFFRTN WANTS People for remainder of this anil next, season. Lowest salary. Pay own. ETHBL DYl'FRYN CO., Week of April 13, South Framing ham, Mass.; week of April 20, Exeier, K. II. 500x350ft, OF GROUND At South Beach, Staien Island. i SPLENDID CHANCE FOR CI BO US OR OTHER LARGE OUTDOOR ATTRACTION. Addross J. II. 8PECK, 113 W. athStreet, N. Y. 1R BRIGHTEST STORIES Told on Toe VAUDEVILLE STAGE by The LEADING HEADL1NERS ASK FOR Crop No. 3 9. C ALSO THE LATEST JOKES by Pauline Hall, Joe Flynn, Linton (St, Mclntyre, Wilson Trio. Conway (&* Held. Cook <®» Sonora, Lou Wells, The Westons, Teed <Sb Lazelle, George W. Day, The Sharplies, Haverley (Sb Furey, Russell (ffi» TUlyne, Sam J. Adams, Ed Reynard, Vernon, J. W. Ransone, Lea Remcnde, Ward <&> Vokes, Neil O'Brien, Eddie Leonard, Corbiey (8b Burke, Field <8b Whalen, GeOrge Thatcher, Tom Nawn, Pete Baker, Weber C&, Fields, James Thornton, Pete Dailey, George Wilson, John T, Kelly, (Sbt. CALSO the famous Irish Dialed Poem, "Says Finnegan to Flannigan." >, *~/tst'Hff..,--;; •■ •.>,«'.-■■>'■. CAlso "HOW TO PUSH THE CAN. mmsamsssammm CALSO A SWELL RUBE STORY by the late Arthur Sidman. CRED-HOT ANECDOTES about* Richard Golden, Clara Morris, Jerry Hart* <Sb others. Pldllp- CSTORIES FULL OF GINGER about* Admiral Dewey in the pines, H orace Greeley, <Sb Prominent. Pub lic Persons, . CALL THE LATEST ♦'GAGS," "Cross-Fire," W, up-to-date Jokes in Hebrew, Irish (8b Rube Dialed. CLAST BUT NOT LEAST some new bits by Ned Nye, Al Lawrence, Lew Hawkins, Fred Niblo,' Rogers Bros., Hal) <8b Staley (Eh Fred Hart*. CCompiled by Herbert H. Taylor. - CLook for the Dog9* Pictures on cover. No. 3 Sent to any address on receipt of price. Of* stomps or Z5C. Silver WILL ROS5ITER ii 50 5th Ave. :s ■ IIIIIMII—lllllll CHICAGO Colored Performers For Hummer season at LINCOLN PARK: Colored Vaudeville and Specialty People of all kinds; also Minstrel and Old Plantation Cos. Name best terms first letter. Address EDWARD II. OIIU/ARI), Columbus, On. \ITANTBD, 8. & D. COMEDIAN, TEAM, man and wife or two men; PIANIST. Only sober, reliable people. State age, cxperlenco, retcrenco and salary. Season's work under can- vas. DR. B. L. HUDSON, Aurora, 111. WASTED, FOR SUMMER 8EAS0N OF REPERTOIRE People In All Lines, pHrtlciilarly t'OM«0IAN WITH STRONG SPECIALTIES: ulno Specially Peo- ple who can Change Acts, BOY ACR01IAT8, Sing- cm and DANCERS. All must have good ward- rol>e». Bend photos, lowest salary, etc. EVERETT, care of CLI ITER Oftlce. For Gentry Shows, EXPERIENCED TUBA AND TROMBONE. Address HKECIU'AKRETT, Oentry show, llloomlngton, Ind. MANUSCRIPT Plsys.low roy- ally, w. 6. Browne.lM N. Clork.CIilcago DANCING $10,000 SAY8 WE CAN DO 4 TIMES MORE THAN ANY OTHER TEACHER IN OIIIOAUO. W»rdrobo for hbIc cheap. Six IrnnkH.fiill ofAIIBaba Coinp'ny'H 7r> Ladles' Spangled Tights. 60 Woolen Tights ami lino gar- ments. A great snap for a bur- lesquo I'd. The finest S. h. Stew- art Banjos and J. B. K ■ hull Ballot, and others for ulc nt a sm-rlllcf . One Royal Ph o t.o- Optlcon, do U Ii I e lens: fluest lantern ninile, Willi trunk,can- vas, nil complete. PROP. ROACH AND WIFE. 1H, W. Madison.St., Chicago. Uaymarkct Theatre Building. CUT THIS OUT. SKETCHES WRITTEN TO OltUEIt j. i. HV WORK ■■ UI'AUANTHKD WAHRKN',7Ki WuitnilllHU'r Hlreel, I'rovlilclicu, It. I. For Sale, 10 AT LIBERTY, 6ea. —THE HUTTONS--Naomi (icorgc, Al Piano Player, Sight Reader and Fake; Naomi, Al Worker In Sketches andJActs, Features, Serpentine Panes. OEO. O. IIUTTON. Neho, III. For Small Show In Park. Piano Player who can Hlug, do Punch or Talk on Boor. SAM LINOEHMAN, 70S N. Mil St., Phil*., Pa. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE,. 50FT. TOP, 20ft. Middle, complete: Mechanical Oallerr, Sterc- optlnon and Slides. Want Flying Lady Maohlno, Song, Serpentine and Oloak Slides. ' RIOTIARP PEELER, Sallihnry, N. 0. ■' ■ 407 P PROSPERT, 6 0aUup6t., Provi- ■ Oill iu dence, It. L, Writes SkatcbM. Mono- logues, Parodies, Etc. Al RKVERRNCEg. Send amuiy. {interview by appointment^. Willi Pictures, g«nd order, r«r $lfto. Eight luiyal Mnchliu-H, gollil oak, wlih Pictures, wttno us cut, for |7A. One-third money with order. J. W. STROM, IS Lon- don St., Kan Boston, Mil**.' nvoT.zaa. DON'T LOSE YOUR VOICE WHEN YOU CAN SA.VK IT IIY llrllNO Throat and Voice Clearer It rostorcs a broken voire to IN former sweotnuss, ami tones and builds all voices l<> more hartnon- Ions pitch. Those wishing to become good slug- era, and tho public, tiro Invited <o try It. Price, $1 a Bottle. Sent to uny, address on receipt of a dollar. COMFOl'.NDKItB, BOSTON, MASS. WANTED, COMPLETE GYPSY CAMP OUTFIT. Reasonable Write full particulars. Address (IIIACK OORilON, Post Ofilce «.!»., Worcester, MM* WANTED, MUSICAL MOKE; ALSO NOVELTY Performer that carl change for one week. No boozer* tolerated. Useful bed. Co. Performers Addres* .' . THE DILLONS, alnnsle, ra. Wanted, Tent, 60 or 70 Foot With or without seat* or pole*/ In good condition. Stale ii»rlliular» and lo west price. Address ' f. 1. 00U LD, ol AUantk ft!., Bridgeport, Coon,. AT LIBERTY, VIRGINIA DOUGLAS EMOTIONAL LEADS, IIKAVIEH or OKN. BUS. Slock or Repertoire. K.x- elient wardrobe HlMMONHOi: AVE, UIIIOAOO, ILL. BROWNLEE & REED'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Cft, Wauls few iniire A Jots unil .Miinlrliiim; also good Agent that con panto If necessary, Aililrcs. IIKOWNLKK A HRKI), llillsburg, Pa„ April IS; Hliln iiiiauauiw ti 20, Nenrvlll»_2l, Marlon -a. WANTED, FOR SMITH'S BIG VAUDEVILLE CIRCUS, SOLO CORNET, TUBA! IIAHITONK, TO DOUBLE TRAP DRUMS. Htato lowosl tnonoy (tiiro.i :Opun Ma yt, low. I'. J . HMlTll, Lorain, Ohi o. Wauled* Perforinern FOR HEDHJINR CO. STATE SALARY. OR. JOHN K. FOVE. W> W. M'rloy Strecu Moliorly, Mo. JULllLKIl, BAR I'ERVORMRH, BLACK PACK COMEDIAN, TRAP DltU.VMKII. Wagon Hlinw. Open uhoiit .May 1. RII'PKL SHOW, F orest, Ind. MISCELLANEOUS. Ml. STRASSMAN, ATT0RSET,M3 Broadway, H.Y.Olty. * Sr KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH BLADDER Cunt \ All Dlichirow I* Eaob Oapirile bean ^CM'^Ul'vSp M I Dt I ',.•'■. j . ' ■' • -■■(V v.--*-:/ 1 - ''V- . . >;^=. " «. ■$ .:-.. ^ .' . ' «aW