The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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i. PB lLl& THE ISnEW YORK CLIPPER. 199 r Tn- UndT N»w Myafwtm it. ONE Baok»d by OfliRi-tail and FRKSKJST THE PIT* WOMB ft A I. "tir. r#.««, TliK 11EAI TIFI L PAiTOKAIJ UIUMA, IN JU, 99 nlflccrit'tslwc'lnl Sttneift"" Klnbornto Introduced durln IXASH * fo I'.leet rlcnl Wild Mcclinnlral each nrr, Including; tun 'Wi^ffwcctCBt" Story Blcr Told.'k-Blmple Tnlo of trie Quaint : T.lfe of VKI itovr srvri- vmar FirwS -ArtWldart cost of^tetropolllnn Artists headed by MR. W J IOI Ml™7l,e "\ &Z\A*Wv mwu%m*Affipniis a ™* lt * °* ■"SUM «n I* out; next Bcason WESTERN MANAGES H«T.ntv^A^ftJ&1a n K ""I 1 ,,,c NEW K»H<ANB BTATE.H a «hd In your open tlmeoultk. ns'tlme Is ttlllngfnst. i>NIA»ue»ONH NlUlir Iff COMFAOT will bo out next season, ithibh UAflAOSH HOLDING COM'IIACTS r<ir this season kindly consider same canceled. ns route la changed. Address nil J - J - OAMPBttUL, Bwimi. M tt r., No. 36 Irving Plaoe, gt^W York Og j for Cit] Patcrson SECOND .TEKDANVfe liABT VfeAR, »00,000 WANTED, Good Minstrel Co. with Band ,™ie«to»» suitable fpr-flut .Poor.S&ow., M> Sm wild, all work on percentage. No « i hi«*owed. In writing state whit, you fttr- K " hat spaco front you need, what you wish us m/miMi what yoiir percentage oirer In. 1 WALTER B. JOHNSOW. Chairman, " Peterson, IV. Ji SPECIAL SALE SECOND HAND v i-jKL BOrKDitOP, WITH 8 or MOttEMfu MID urn Sao. bound top, with a sort, and 1 aort, uiuiiLbs; iooh. RoryjpTop, WITH 2 tort. MIJJ, MJBS m ROfNL) TOP, WRfB 1 40ft MIDDLE; MJtKODHO TOP, WITH 1 30ft. MIDDLB. AM. FIRST CliABS HIIAPR. WRITE FOR PRI0E8. BAKER * KOCKWOOD BUTO. CO., . Kansas City, Mo. PROFE88IOHAL. SINOKRS: If yoo can mm your oree to advantage ' YOU CAN MAKE A BIO HIT with Ti '■ Latoat and tlreJucst or All "KYE" Songs. ' 47 W. Mth ST. GRAND OPEIU. HOUSE, nnncrpcinuic Stamps and Programmes are PROFESSIONAS. neceBssry. Write today. MOVING PICTURE FRISTTING. FULL LINE, BUlTAHLE FOR kit SUBJECTS. WHITE FOR CATAL000E. HENNKOAN «fc CO., 127 East Eight St., Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED, WHITE SILK SERPENTINE DRESS, XniieM than.Svyila. Also Water nipple, nrii, Usui-. ih>w. Hid oilier good effects. Must bo cheap and In llrrt class condition. Address at oncn, It. 8. HANDBR8, Mgr., Orand Opera Homo, Ashtaud. I'n. Owing to Closing with 0. F. BR0THERT0N Southern "PocIc'b Bad Boy" Co., will in vile offers from Repertory, Farce Comedy, Minstrel, Vaudeville or one Piece; Prefer otic rioe; for M03-O1. Sober, good dreaser on and off; Swell Specialties. J. 8. DAVIS, l ii'i inUuii, Ohio, for Two Wci'kH. Begirds la Oto. A. Fenny, Uall and Clifton, Carroll and Elision.,TT|> OltDBtt; anysize,Biiy*lnii. EsHmnies inmwtccliilid ilmwings sulimlltcd to prospective linrclmsorH. Unlit tlie Kcstn for Pain's Laid lluvs of I unipcll and Ancient Komo. Rofercncc, Patn ■Mnfg. Co., New Yortt.- . P. A. McUHOn, Cleveland, Ohio. Radical Cut™ Block Work JPs hsye made sweeping redncdons In all prlceB M Special Engraved Block Work. 800 lo-fllieot N»ndB, jour oto Bpeolal design, two colors, $72. hiiiMiiuent orders from same block, $48. Other ESS ft Proportion. Additional discount for e«rij oTdora. Write qnlok. This may not last. MASSHAON SttOW PBDII, ,massii,lon, o. PARTNER WANTED, ' POIt VAUDKVtliliE,'* '.' }- XPERT BANJOIST. Hii1ir»in!!' t, f Cl * m or very Small Bouliretfc. mfMV.'te.te prefci"Mme Ilanjolsl. Address JAMl.bTIIATcnElf, No. S,l VI. aitliSt., Now Vol* a^JSMi!™* ** Order. : I New Spectacular 1 . ,ad tw » complete Faust Bets on hind. THE TimH SCENIC CO., Tipm.omo. GaiTliranted »IM buy or lease for long perlodvr.-f V Combinttlon dining and Sleeping Cur. wick vu-ii'i" 1, " leel Hred, wheels. . Address I^'ii^^ULSON, aoiN. r.nilfimai., Chicago, 111. —~ , " ■' t s^xuii^i I fli|||IH«aii| VjlllttlK*'! ■"• CIRCUS CANVAS n . TJRJF, t - w - nobi-e co.. _^« 1»Woodward AytK. Pwrrtt , Mich. For Stock' and Repertoire Companies and Amateur Clubs. Our new MH-nago 11_. S "Jjf" 8 will be sent free on request. »25^!KSi p iWl#M«B Company, Ch '°£! 8tM *V I f 40W?8t.2Sth8lrea, ^ le "«o> l.-» -. . . New Tork, PLAYS g •*L. . _ Ca =j g= ^K -> - | Now Tork. PHOTOGRAPHS VoJTi'idT.f 1 'lV« www iMB, A TUOVH- «m Ultw ueg, or g 0<)( | rtionvlVscnt. Big success off "The little Magnet," at Hyde & Benman's, Brooklyn, Singing her two new songs, StWSISff Br MIDLER ft MAXWELL, AND THE PRESENT WAIvT/ y SONG ORA^E, By HOWARD, EMERSON & STONEHILL. IVI. WITMARK & SONS, Publishers, FREE ! Professional oopic* and Orciostrntion (if (teaired> to mooBnired Performers or thoso sendinK np to dato programmo. NO CARDS. WITIVIARK After Hay 1, New Wltmark BIdg., 141-146 W. BUILDING, B West 3711). St., just balov Warlborouoh Hotel. a=ss !9th ST., MEW VQRK. (LOOK FOR THEBEE-HIVE-CLOCrCTOWER). thanks to Managers For t ha ninny offers I ret e v.ed from niy rceert add, ii ii vi III remain with prcrcnt compBtiy until end or season, wneti I shall be pleased to consider orfcrs for Bummer Block. ■ ■ ■ • VerastllS'Leads. BLASCHE HAZEWOH •■ • . "DfAVlvR EXPRBS6'' CO., Week of, AprU II). Konsos City, Mo. J. M. FALCXT, fimdualfl 'of "the Itfiynl Conservatory, of ItriiMHHlM, Iiolglum, formerly of .the Cincinnati and Pittsburg Symphonies, at Liberty after April 10. ' Can furnish first class orchestra for Theatre, Hotel or I'aik. Write J. M. PAI.C'K, Arnold, Pa. "In the Rogues'Gallery" The (ireut Sensational Comedy Drnmn, In Four Acts, by JOSEPH II. SLATlill. COPIES FOR SALE. NO EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS. Address JOS. 11. sr.ATh'i:, W^tcrtown, N. Y. A. Fow Moro Good All Round Performers For KMAhl, SHOW. Must join on wire. State ull In llrsr. letter. Hnlufles low, but sure. AddreBB SMITH'S 1)00 AND i'OXV SHOW, Uuckslown, l'a. For OGDEN'S TEN MIGHTS and U. T. C. COS.; MUSICIANS doubling slnite, 0A,XVAS MHN. WAi.l'ACA, WIS. THE SOLE RIGHTS TO PRESENT King Dodo, The Sultan of Sulu. The Prince of Pilsen, Lieutenant Commander AND Peggy from Paris Are owned by HENRY w. 8AVAOK and pro- fesslonals and aniateurs In uuy part of the United Slates preseptltlg any of the sbovo williout pcr- mlsslon will be vigorously prosecuted. SMALLEST HORSE IN THE WORLD. Stilts aWteaat, Mtaiglit,U*(color unilull {tartl«ulavrs unit lowo.t cush ,n li« . .1. II. toitllis, Victoria Ilotol.JPIttuburg, I'm. WASTED, " mini " .» • I : OPRN MAT 11.,- • Three High Class Bill Posters. ED. V, DAVIH, Kulnntuioo, Mich. AT LIBERTY, OWIKflTQTIIKCANCKlJlKtt OF ^K>V BEUFOllll STOCK. JEAN DECAUSSIN, ' Al KCK\I<- AllTIH'l; . ELEANOR KNIGHT. Juvenllei. (UK H) WARUROUR. Address 4U KAST FOUT ST.. Detroit, Mich. notice, ToWhom it May Oonoern. J. 13. MORRIS ^8 J. 6I« J 51SKO I£R Have joined fnft<ei<i and lite Arm will bo known us the , . MORRIS & BERGER UNITED CARNIVAL COMPANY. ' . Sn^shiiJiegliH »t rut-inn if. Ph., with I tin I'nlicii biilinrl'iirnlval, oponlun N»y :ii>, llci'.ora|lob' lliir, instead of June 1, closing .Inmilii, lilltlD SHOWS AK)> ATTRAI'TIONS WANTKO. AildiL-s .MiiKiils ,v lii:U(li;n,';i.-i Knurtli Avenue, I'lllslmrg, l'a. WANTED, AT ALL TUVIEO. Specialty Artists and Burlesque Women. CHAS. II. VITAlVDROX, Palace Theatre, Boston, Mass. >WANTED, to Open May 1, for the x«oxtisrJE5 KSx-TTvarnr oo.» Young l.K.WIINO WOMAN - , TiillltKAVY M,\V. Snniraiid lloiirc nijII'DIAN. Oluver " play small ports; Man add Wo In fall Young 1.1: \niNo woman - , rait ici: vvy man - . Sungiuid Dnucc coiikhiaK (Hover sl8TM|l TKAM uliiatl I'KATUKK I'OMIIIiY MlISIOAl, AOT wllo oau play sinnll pins, f PKor litis ry -lit lug. Parks, we will huvo the butt drawing; plays, and the beat vaudeville. Send open timo quick. Will buy play suinll n»rts,M»n and Wutiiati r'KA'I'tlKti COMKDIT MlISIOAl, ACT wllcionii pi DllAUACTfcli AUTORwIth Specialty, 1'IANIST to double stago, and l-Kol'I.M Al,l." l.lNliS with Hiie- Wo |ili claltles. Send programs, photos If possible, sml tell all ilrst hitter. hut one n day hi thu Northern reports wliore Hummer work Is an outln Hulsry in list bo lowest. Wo play MAN.MIKIIS of Hllllilller cheap a MH. of a ''Joisc Jnpjcs" play. l.dllNK t:i.W1 N,, Mas*. ADVERTISING CURTAIN PRIVILEGE A GRAND OPERA HOUSE AHS PEOPLE'S THEATRE, EVANSVILIE, IND. second clly In population mid liiipoiintico Inlndluna. AiMrnas TIODLKV I ill mil, Ow.-rtfiiiur'V, Ky. A PARTNER, For a Comedy Act. TOM WARD, ao* Wrd JJatH Bt., ft. V OPERA CHAIRS WANTED. We want J00 tised Opern Chairs nt once: clicnp for cash. Prefer upholstered. In good order. FORESTER HALL CO., War rens. Wle. SLOT M AC H I N E8, Automatic wbiohino soalksi all .iron. kukcthic uvno te8tbr8. 1 F. J. HOWARD, tm Washington St.. | Opp. Adams House, lioston. MOM. iSohmer ParR. fro m Jama I to Bapt. 1. Mon«r«»l. Caa. AlEW HALL, AT GRAPE GREEK, ILL, I'nnulatioii lMfl lodrnw from. As good » show town as Is In- the Slate. Managers of small co. write In. ItoW. Sicwiirl, Plop., Orape CrecK. ill. JUST. HIT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATAI.OKUK..2CC.: 8UI>. CATAL..T.C. NoKe free.. Only.X. B. Agent for Mahatiua. 10c. W. II. LEIIOY. 1U!I Court St., Itoston. Mass. Films For Rent. Kpeclnl mtea by the week. Ileal live subjects. Eugene 01 Inc. »-'■* Ornnd Ave., Chicago. III. HOW TO GET ON THE STAGE, AUOOK OPINSTRUCTION. VAlvUAIIDE INttJK- kUTION TO UEtilSNKKS.' Price ale. II. JUtOM.YN, Dox 4(1, KalrllovcP. N.J HORSEand PONY PLUMES for M Bt'HAEMllS. U12-4IW Mctropolllau AVCUUC, ajuokjju, K.Y..s«ndior.»rloe yBt..; „ ; At L-lb»r ty, JAKES THATCHER, Leads and Light Comedy, with A X0.1 srsciALTY. laycurs* experience, strictly Bobcr and reliable. Just closed :u weeks as tending Man with Sulllvnii, Harris A Wood,. AddruBs No. 2.^7 WKHT :Wth ST„ New York. AT LIBERTY, On account <>f closing wllii't.V Royal Slave" No.!!), C. Garvin Gilmaine, Known its Hie iiiiin wllh the wardrobe mid l|'ll|ck study, for Snmnicr slock, one' litrieb or vuiidevliln (set endorsed by Itoiu. (Jiihm, Characters, l.lgiu Ooiitedy, Genteel ilenvlen, Specialty. Address No. 'jn llowiiianSt,, NeponsetStailon, iloston.Mass. WADLT4LU7 Ttl TAKK ( AUK Or WAUllUOItK. Addross PROK. T. STI1IK, Care Wallace Shows, I'eru, Ind. IT LIBEI1TY, AFTER APRIL 22, JILVI LOWRIE, \i;ilSATIl,K COMKDIAN. flnv respotislbk- Comedy run-, t.'linugc Special. lies for week. Ablllly, iippcarniice ami sobriety u feature. Reliable managers address, Mttitlug salary, IIAI.TIC, <*IIIO. 3 Clarionets 3 Wanted, for Burk's U. T. C. Co. Conceit Band. Ail irtny It-nut In Hand, Double Orcliewra or sugc Muit lie conipcteiit, sober. Stale lowest salary. Open at Omuha, Kcb., HATl'KIM Y, ArKH/ 2fi. . Aildrcss Q. E, WKYKIIliK , Ouialu, Neb. AT LIBERTY, oii'Aceount of C losing w ith ".feck's Tn»l ll<iy"Co. DOROTHY HOUR, • Htivtt awi» KoriiitjBTTicii.- H: T ' '" A(lda'rS^!itAI»T'i;i;.N'AV£. 1/ U»jac/.,'U»i!i. Al. Steele's Mammoth Pavilion • Uncle Toxn's Cabin Co., People In all BrSHkoa of llmTntn IiusIiicsh. Would like to hear frnm a uouil II. At), tender iinilallnt class Stage Manager; one that knows the Tom business. Stain what you can do and all In llrsl Idler. Salary low, but sure, mid lies! »r treatiui'iii. Address A. E. STEELE, Viiinlurgrlft Heights, Pa. UNARY. Cninposcra and HlBpctners of Jliislcul Novelties. Coinedv mid Muslv. A Musical Acl llial Is a Novelty; u Musical Acl Full of Surprises; a Musical Act, ivlllt I.cgllluiato In-n -iinn-nts Only; a Musical Acl that Is a Musical Act. Would be pleased to bear from managers and reliable lionking ogunis of Hunimcr parks. Address • rcorla, III., weeks or April .'« iiihIJT, cure of least's Theatre. P. H.—How Is you cook, Oilsr '■ '•■« Wanted, High Class Sensational Outdoor Acts for Free Attractions, MAYSVILLE ELKS' FAIR J9lvi@. 19.2.O9 S1 «an.<a StSki' Privilege men, till- lsa"gond mi." Address II. I.. HAHH/roN, Hrc , Ml.v.-vliic, Ky. WORKINOMCN, HARGREAVES' BIG R. R. SHOWS, Onloi! in ||,n K11I01 uniieat i,r 4)i« Mlioyva, ■ ' - ■ • - WAIT 8 or 10 Four and Six Horse Dr Ire rs, also Can van Ion. Report lit Oil KSTEIl, 1'E.S'N., at mice. To sober, reliable anil nouipetclit. loon good wages and I bo rercl. MOW OPENS AT CIIEsTEB, PA., SAlTlillAY, Ai'RII, IS. ticst of accommodations nro oifcrc •1'IUIU. IIAIK.HKAVKH, iSnakes! Snakes! Just rpccli nlrliolrr lo, nt light *pl«rcri PVTHOMB. UoocI feeder! ttnrt ktMMUWf, allalzaa. BOHCO DKrlM now ready for <1«)Ivery, ,40 up. J.IIOPK, No. !•> \.Mull. St., I'bllu.lclpliU, Par. ^5 jSSk. Xm Vim • Howe's Great London Shows All pWiile «ng»»<...l l, 1 1 b la .b o»v r^pnri at \V I StTKH HI AHTKIU*. VKkl'mtVOVlH, MO., not latter than APHII. m, forrA.«, ^lioiv open. fl.«'l*DiV, APIttbUr,. ~ " >■•■: .*.. - ■_.. wSTfiOTfnb "i ' .tAyl'lt.'. Write or Wire to