The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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April 18 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 203 ^^^^^■*^saasssaassssBSBBBBMW^^^Bawl^^MMaawawasaaaawiaSSsaSaaaaaaaaa-saa-sa-aaaeaaa-VM NOVELTY, ORIGINALITY and ARTISTIC RESULTS, appealing to and Delighting All Classes of Theatregoers; the Acme of Grace and Perfection in Physical Culture, and Aston- ishing Achievements in EXPERT HAND BALANCING are the Attractive Features of my Act. Beautiful Nickle Stage Trappings Handsomely Embellish this Marvelous Exhibition. ENORMOUS SUCCESS over the Kohl & Castle Tour. This week, Columbia, St. Louis; Next week, Chicago Opera House, with the Colonial, Cleveland, and the Avenue, Detroit, to follow. I HAVE ONLY EIGHT WEEKS OPEN for First Class Summer Parks or Roof Gardens. FRED ZOBEDIE, World's Greatest Hand Balancer. RICHARD PITROT, Sole Representative, No. 313 East 14th St.. N. Y. City. AL. W. MARTIN'S MONSTER PAVILION Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. Actually the Largest and Grandest Production of tbe old play ever attempted under canvas. Opening op and creating a new era In tented theatricals. ""THING PI"K W. EVERYTI NOTHING OLD. WANTED, PEOPLE IN ALL BEANCHES. Actors who Doable Brass, Specialty People for Big Show and Concert Colored Tal- ent Singers, Dancers and Cake Walkers, Canvas Men. Property Men, Chandelier Men, Grooms, Four and Six Horse Drivers, Bill Posters, Lithographers, Banner Hen. Also want to hear from Good Juvenile Artists. Address all business communications, \A/. ©. CUNNINGHAM, GENERAL MANAGER, AL. W. MARTIN'S ENTERPRISES, Rooms 1508 to 1514 New Tribune Bldg., Chicago, III. To Open Last Week in April, SS Banjo 8 Guitar Players Hast be flood, Load Singers, For Street Work. Those who wrote before please write Again. SharpestineB, your letter was musent Please write again, quick. Address DR.!. F. WILLIAMS, Herbs of Life led. Co., Springfield, 111. ANNOUNCE THAT Ward & Wade's Magnificent Hinstre' HAVE CLOSED A REMARKABLY SUCCESSFUL SEASON OP FORTY WEEKS AND WANT PERFORMERS and MUSICIAN FOR THEIR FIFTH TRIUMPHAL TOUR OF THE CONTINENT. SEASON OPENS IN MIDSUMMER. TWO CARS. TWO BANDS. ORCHESTRA OF IS. $6,000 SCENIC ELECTRICAL FIRST PART, THE CARNIVAlv OB* VBiVXCK. SINGERS, SPECIALTY ARTISTS, DANCF.RS AND MUSICIANS address WAHD dt WADE, Box »3», LeaTeaworth, Kan. Send a oenta for pottage on Catalogue and Price List of our latest designs of theatrical lamps. We also carry In stock Moving Clouds, Lightning sod Fire photographed from nature, which gives per- spective that can not be accomplished by toe de- sign being painted on lass. Also have Raln- w, Water Ripple, Sand Storm, Rain and Snows. New and novel effect, made to order. Estimates cheerfully given on every- -— ;oaL thing In tne ELECTS! theatrical Una. Follow* lng la a pa rtial list of NEW YORK CTTT PRO- DC0TI0N8 that I pat on m season: "Bleeping Beantv and the Beast" atRHeBrpadwayne^: "8^ Savoy; "A Gentleman of France," at Wallace's; Henrietta Oroaman, at the Republic^Amelia Bmr- ham, at the B«ou;^Cn^e«^iemoon^at tne Casino, "Foxy Oraadpa," at tie Fourteenth Street; "Aruona," at theAcademy; R- H. Sothem, "If I Were King,» at the Garden. DONT FOTBET THE NUMBER, 1237-1239 BROADWAY, _■ ■ NEW YORK Alt. w. c W. Martin, Sole Owner r The big Rhow was here for three nights and matinees, and at each per- formance taxed the capacity of the house. It was a great performance of the old play by a clorcr company.— GRAND RAPIDS LEADER. Alt. W. MARTIN'S $30,000 Production, I/NCLE TOM'S CABIN. ED. S. MARTIN, Traveling Mgr. MARTIN'S ENTERPRISES, CUNNINGHAM, General Manager, This is a banner week at the Academy, where AL W. Martin's big revival Is packing them to the doors.-AMY LESLIE, In CHICAGO DAILY NEWS, March 30,1903. AL. W. MARTIN'S $25,000 PRODUCTION, "Ten Nights 1b at Bar Room" GEO? M. FOREPAUOH, Traveling Mgr. NOTICE-TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. MISS FANNIE DONOVAN Will Bbortly date Has decided to sever her connection with J. B. Donovan,andI willI In future work .singly. Will lb be *een In Vaudeville In new and original act, entitled "LESSONS IN VACDFAILLb, ana up 10 Parodies, all written by LOUIE D' acre. Everything new and up to date, _ Communications WM. MORBI8. 43 W »8tn St., Bewftrk, THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, Franklin Sauaro. Now York City. »qu» FIRST CXASS BLOCK WORK, ^WAITO LATEST STYLE TYPE. Send tor Estimates. Booking Sheet 10O3-4 now readw. "reus Printing. Martin., Pitts, tic, ■ 8ncl.l Prlctt. BE0- *• PHILLIPS, AT LIBERTY AFTER MAY 15, Garfield 1 Cowley ECCENTRICTAUKINO OOMCDIANS. PARR MORS. SERD OPEH TIME. «••'• ■«« • » 3 «'»—» ««• *"*- * °- CIRCU8 CANVASES, Toles and Stakes, SEATS, nags, JUDD'S PATBtT CUCOS UUTL SIDE SHOW PAJNTIH08. FRONTS AND BAH NEKS FOR STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS. BLACK TENTS FOR MOYLNO PICTURE WORE. OUR NEW OFFICE "■SALESROOM, 273 Madison St., Rear Market, CHICAGO, ILL Copyright your acta, plays, sketches ana songs. It will PAY you. ManyCopyrigbta are worthless, because Invalid, you can- not afford to take such chances. Wa guarantee . valid copyright at small cast. Opinions and legal advice. Patents and Trade-Harks. Bend stamp for particulars- Columbia Copyright and Patent Co., Inc. wa.pia.too, waamwaTOW.D.c. •mature Railroad Co., OT BROADWAY 40TJ TORE 01T T. H. I. Gold Modal Spicl.l For Parks, ■anataer Resorts, etc. Hani- tag Capacity, SO Tom. Earning at 000 la sli days. With proper care will Last S» years. CACHET'S LOCOMOTIVE WORK R. TRICKS and Trick Apparatus. TOST * COMPANY, it N. Ninth St., (Established 1870.) Philadelphia ayDescripUve catalogue for stamp. GENUINE DIAMOND, WARRANTED ss large as Cut. Solid gold Ring, any size yon want This Is one of the many BARGAINS we have. We carry a very large stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and sil- verware. We nave tbe Greatest Line of GIFT and PREMIUM GOODS of any ONLT $3.00. house in the U.S. Money refunded If not Our Catalogue Free to satisfactory. We any address. Write tor It. are responsible Send this ad., M. BAZZETT c CO., 146 State St., Chicago, III. ' Ukollae Tlghu.e*. »0| Worsted Tights, ta.OOt Cetton Tights, SI .DOi S 11 at TlihU, from M.OB «P1 blrts to match all same price I Panpi, 95c»nU| Belt- ai tight. era, ll.OOi Elattlc Support* S1.0O| Cloth Sapporters-lsS ceata. end Iter catalostae and sample. of tight, free. Poll lively a de- foaran- .BR08., I ah era. Mj oi.OOj ci aY ■#-- required. Satisfaction teed or money refunded. 8FICER M Woodbine St., Brooklyn, 5. T. K)ld stand bnt new address.) 8TEREOPTICON, With Blectrle Arc, Calcium or Aeetylsas Light Illustrated Bong Slides, 25c, col oral FILMS BODOBT AND BOLD . v. HETZ. 802 H. 2»d Street. New York Cltw. BRASS BAND 4 arogjSgmgfcj Plajt r'or Stock Itompaniee, PI -rs For Repertoire Com pani ee. Pis yb For Amateurs. Books For Home Amusement, CATALOGUE OF PLATS SENT FREE. 8AMTJBL PRKWOH. U West and St, New Tort CHAIRS WANTED, Second Ilsnd, for New Bonne. Write 'quiet. A. Y. ALLE5, Manager, Hattlesburg, Hiss. Eagles' Carnival and Midway South Broad and Jaokson Sta* PHILADELPHIA, PA GASKILIs-MUNDY.IiEVITT, MA a^Va^cST*'' Orand LadU.' Bmsmaar, rvillltmry Band Oonossrta, Daxallng Elootrloal Displays, Oorgoous Oriental Parades, fVllless of Show., World of Wendan AUSPICES PHILADELPHIA EAGLES. 9, addreis 0E010E nOBLETOI, 1336 BirUg flarde- St., PMUdelpiH, fa. Street Fair and Military Carnival. WAWTED, Carousal or Merry Go 'Round, Clean Midway Attractions, , Free Act, season Forty Weeks. STREET FAIRS SUMMER and ARMORIES winter. mm sa «/ . a—fa, STHKKT FAIR, SCHENECTADY, B. V. PITS FIELD, FVl**a\. ▼ I — Iw9| MASS., A\D ALL BIO CITIES TO FOLLOW. WM. B. DOBBIWB, Mgr., Blllwry Carnival, Armorr, Amsteraam, S. V. THE FAMOUS TROUBADOURS Colored Comedr Co., ander tbe management K. W. DALK, has proven to be the real bit of 1902-S. The company presents a New Musical Comedy, bright, sparkling, refined, amusing and up to date, entitled tne "EX-PRESIDENT OF LIBERIA." bests— *:;::zi finest SINGERS, MUSICIANS, DANCKRS. FIFTEEN STYLES SPECIAL PAPER TIME COMKDIANI, SPECIALTIES COBTVHBB. Our Motto NOT QUANTITY, BUT QUALITY. BOOKING RAPIDLY. Address C. A. BURT, Broadway Theatre Illclg., New York CI if. Want to hear at once from High Class Colored Performers wllli clean, up to date (Specialties and Novelties, also Chorus Girls. Full particulars Orst letter. Kickers aavo stamps. Address communications to E. W. PALE, M'gr., Cape May. W.J. DONT BUY BEFORE CONSULTING ig^CONMOTii SLIDES AND QIIDDI IFQ of aLL'kihds. - jUrrLll-J ■ : CATALOC-UH FRtU STEREOPTICON AND FILM EXCHANC 106 FRANKLIN ST.- CHICAGO. - W, B MOO MACHIH1 MCR. - VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED For Opening, May 30, and later; Also Al Piano Player For Season. CHESTNUT GROVE SUMMER THEATRE CHALK BATJMPERB, Manager. PROVIDENCE, R. I. To open Maj 10 In Louisiana for tbe Hummer, a German Comedian, heavy set, tor to plur Mm. Kalzen- Jammer: a German Comedian for Captain, a very small woman to play one of the boys, s young lady about afoot 3, with a good voice, to play 2d Doiibrette; a good Hlnglnii and Danclne t.'omudlan for Tumbling Tom. All must be well up In Farce Comedy and must do Good Hpcclulty. Address, B. DAVIS, Hgr„ I'. O. Box 843, Denver, Colo. LIBERTY MAY St, GEO. \*T. MoAULBY, IN HIS ITALIAN HARP, 80N08 and DANCES, CLOGS, REELS, Etc, Eto. A Specialty that is Neat and Ileflned. Will please Lady or any audience Close In one. Also Illack and White Pace Comedy. Wardrobe Al. Would like to hear from Managers nr i'arks, Vaud.or HlnstrelH. M. B.—Would double with s good singer and dancer that Is strictly holier and reliable, Address « KOOT ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. A TIMELY TIP TO VAUDEVILLE J1ANAOEBI. 3 ME IM ALP, HELMR and MASTER PERCY, Will, at the termination of their engagement with W. K. NANKKVILLK, appear In their beautiful little playlet, "THE COBPORAL'a BIRTHDAY," written especially for them by IIENKY J. YURKRY. This delightful Utile sketch will be produced without regard to cost. The scenery now bulng painted by JEFFRIES k GOODRICH, of Chicago, will prove to be one of the handsomest hcU ever seen In Vaude- ville. Managers of Itrst class theatres only, wishing to play this attraction, addrcas A LF HELTON, April 20 to M, care ot "Human Hearts" Co., Louisville, Ky. 202 K. 116th ttt„ K. Y. City. CENERAL CATERER8~to the THEATmCA L PROFESSION We write Sketches Parodies, Monologue*, Music to Words and Words to Musle, Publish and Popularize Bongs; we pay royalty. PIONEER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago, III. AT LIBERTY FOB SUMMER PABaS, HIGH CLASS COHEDT MUSICAL. ACT. Mr, and Mrs. Harry S. Bartlett Care of CUPPER. 8ENERAL CATERERS TO THE THEATRICAL PROFESSION. We Write Sketches, Parodies, Monologues, Mai and Words to Mnsle. We paw royalty. Oct sle to Words oar tersna. Pioneer Publl»hlng Company, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago, III. U/lll DC IT IIDCOTV APTKIIMAY 16. Change of Specialties for a week. Prefer Kl rst Clas If ILL DC A I LID Ell I I Repertoire Co. Adurcsu per route LILLIAN LYOKH HTOt'K CO. SatO. TiYbOB, AITO OUTBEDE LIGHTS. »T CllaT Street, Raw Vera