The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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212 THE NEW YOBE CLIPPER. April 25 Mlshler's new llirntrc, and the hulldlnfr wiil ho pushed to completion us quickly ua pos- sible, i «■» ' OHIO. lng: Julia Marlowe, In "The Cavalier." 18; Fraud* Wilson, In "The Toreador," 20; Burton Holmes, Illustrated lecture on "Swe- den," 21 :th« ftogers Bros.. 22. Park Tiibatsb (Harrr E. Felclit, mnnn- ,-, ••'Th. f '..trio K\t\J' •ml "Th. Jti.mllt lfitnitltan. —At the Grand Opera House (A, It. 1-oudon, manoge^—"Arizona drew u large and well pledged audience April IV. "Trnry, the Outaw," had large houses 11. "David Harum" (Julian Calm C'o-l. 1*. •SrtJ*. • Jfc. «!i",WS l ™M:' Cincinnati. —One of the ureal est deals In local theatrical history was consummated (luring the wy<k when At. C. Anderson mill Henry M, Zlegler, Ihe owners of the Co- lumbia Theatre nnd lessees of the Walnut street Theatre, purchased from Hurry Rain- fjorlh nud John II. Hnvlln their Interests In the latter house. The deal ban been liunglng lire ever since hint May, but the earliest offers were rejected, mid It. win generally Mleved that the house would be udded to the Ilkvlln Stall- circuit. Through Attorney lien 1,. Heldlngefeltl the denl was mude. It wuh closed on a Mtriclly cush IiuhIk and a certified check for something like .pur.ll.liOu passed from lessees to owners. Tlie Walnut will be operated on the ramie linen that hove been followed during the six years that Cr>l. Anderson and .Mr. /leg- lur have held the lease, During the Hummer, tho house will be completely redecorated. Music Hill. —Maurice Urau will come April 20, and Cincinnati will enjoy u brief seuson of grand opera. "The Prophet" will lie put on i'U, and 'The Magic mule" nnd ••Siegfried" are the promised performances —afternoon and night—21. The advance wile is tremendous, and the success of the opera festivals during the days of the lute George Ward Nichols is sure to be repeated. Nr.w Uiianii Oi'KitA Housii (Harry Rain- forth (c John II. llavnn, managers).—Nut i.:. (Joodwla and Muxlne Elliott will be seen 20, la "The Allnr of Friendship." Clncln- luittnns have taken Ethel Dnrrynuiire to their hearts, and she was welcomed like au old. old friend, In "Carrots" and "A Country Mouse." Business opened good and im- proved steadily. Mabelle Qllmnn, In "The .docking Blra/' 2T. Walnut HnUKT Theatre (M. C. Ander- son, manager).—Edward C. White will In- iroduce Kuthcrlne Wlllurd 10, In Theodore Kretnet's "The Tower llelilnd the Throne." I'nder Ken Htern's able management, Illclmrd Hidden, In "Foxy (Julller," played, lo u 8. It. 0. huslnpBM nt nearly every performance, Inst week. Itoseniury (Iloss, Miliui llronson, Adolph Link nnd Emily Baker were clever members of n good cast. Frank I'erley's Comedians, lu 'The Chaperons," who held tho record nt this house, return 20. IIki.ik'n Opera llorsK. liiciick, Fennessy Ac Slnlr, managers).—James II. Wnlllck's eouipuity will put on "A Bandit King" 10. l,ast week "Nut Guilty" drew nudienees of good size. "A Kraggcd Hero" 20. COMJMUIA Tiieatur (M. <\ Anderson, mnn- iiger).—Tlie Harrows nnd Lancaster Co. ure the hendllncrs II), nnd they will present "The Jolly Jollier," 'Die Seminary Girls, I [Ickey and .Nelwin, Johnson unit Derm, Franco t'lper, llnm/ii nnd Arno, the Held llrollierH, nnd (Jeorgn ('. Iinvls urn nlso hilled. Lust week's enterlnlnmcnt pleased, Mr., and Mm. t.'lny Clement holding the s-tngn fur it plcnsurnble period. Lvcttitu. Tiikai tiK (Hcnick, Feuncssy & Stnlrl inunogers).—The Donnzettls, In "The Spun If Life," lire lo conic It), following Hie engagement of Hie Hidden Brothers Comedy Company, In "Snpho" and "The Two Orphans." Chester Dei Vonde's spec- incle, "Tun Ton Dour," 20, will be the Inst iittruetlou of the seuson. 1'koti.k'h Thkatrh (Hubert. Ilein-k, man- ngcr).—Fred Irwin's Majesties will nppeui- 111. Al. Beeves' Big Show did n aire busi- ness lust week. The Utopian RurletinuerH 20. Loniiv Chat.— The Herman Buhler Stock Co. retiu-iis to Huuck's for a Spring run, com- nieiieliig May .'! M. II Anderson Ik In a greatly Improved Mate of health mid has received the congratulations of ii host of fi-li'iulH Itoblnsnu'a illn-us will open Its season at Norwood 27. » Cleveland.—At the Opera limine (A. I'. HnrtK, itiMiinitcr).—"When Johuny Comes .Marching Home' Is here week of April 20. ••lingers Brothers In Harvard'' was the at- traction last week. Next, the l'ollco Bene- ~tlt llr*t.41ireo -nights week-of 27, -Stuart llolwoii Inst three nights. Lt'CKliM (J. K. Cnokson, malinger).—I-iu- genle Dlulr opens her Spring ncuson week of 2il. In "Aristocracy." Vaughn Cilnser has rejoined Miss mule's eonipiiiiy. Miss Hlnlr liresenteil "/.nun" In hosts of iiiimlrers week of 13. (J. K. Cookson, manager).— "A Kngged Hero" In the bill week of 20. "The Little Mother." with Mabel llrowncll, a young Clni-liiniittl girl, in. the title role, pleased mrgn audiences Inst week. "Alaska" next week. Ciiahk'h Mm rim: (CIiiih. J. Rlevensnn, innnnger).—Week of 20: Sundew, Funny lllcc, Edmund Hayes nnd Co., presenting "A Wise Guy;" the Piintxcr Trio, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jlmmln Barry, Sidney Grant, Auric Dagwell, nnd Zliunier, Juggler. CiiLOXtAL (A. V. Marsh, mnnngcr),—Tills week the bill names: Amoto, Hie mirror dancer; Gciinro and llnlley, Bonnie Thorn- ton, Lew llMWkliiN, Charles B. Colby nnd Allle C. Way, l lie Golden liate Quintet, Swan nud Ilnmibuiii, mill llereiida auil Breen, Mnuda Itnymond, who whs lo be the heiid- llner week, of 13, telegraphed thai she was 111 In New York, so tlm management secured Ihe Blundrlls in her place, who proved must pleasing, STAit (Dm & Cautnbell, innnngers).— b'ul ton's Jotly Crass Widows week of 20. For tho vntKlevllle ure: Monroe nnd Mur- sliiill, Cruel and Cruet, SulU mid Moore, .MeFnrlund ami Murray, Wink and Mnck, The Bohemian Burlestjuers jnoveil n most welcome departure from tlie customary hur- lesqiiti week of 13. Tlie Clly Club Sports week of 27. Notk.— Beginning with the week of 27 Clinse'a Umpire will close Its vaudeville season, and a Spring nud Summer season of t-omlc opera will take Its place. Kxcellent stock com]MnlPH plnvlng nlso nt Mr. Cbnse's Washington MM Ilnltluinre Ihentivs will present operas before sung oiilv hv lite or- iginal cnnipimlcH. The best talent has been secured. 10, .J.'omlDg: "Two Merry T nun (is" 24. I'm: IIaiiiiis Nickkl i'latk circus ex- hibited here week of 13, to only fair busl Present" (Mrs. Le Mojne) May 2. 8-rAn Tiikatbii (J. 0. Appleton, man- ager).—Week of 20: Rose Ornnvllla, Waller i ti tei nere weex oi x;i, lo ouiy inir ousi- ■>«" if— "V"-'"- -'• "S "v,"""_ a, tin,** ncss, owing to rainy weaker... .. .The Wol-. and Maalll, IUmm Jg*. JJ «5?'Hf 5J5S let- L. Al.iTn Crrcus exhibits here 21 Srrtiddlng. Kddle Lamont, l'hll and Urrlo The (ireat Wallace Clrcns comes 30.... Klngllng Bros.' Circus Is billed for May 13. » Colnmhim,—At the (Ireat Southern The- atre (Leo M. Bndn, manager).—Julia Mar- lowe played, to large nad appreciative audi- ences. April 1.1, 10. "Sherlock Holmes" did well 17. IS. Due: Itogers Bros. 20, 21. Hum Hthekt Tiieatub (A. O. Ovens, manager). — ""The Volunteer Organist" pluyed, to 8. It. O., 16-13. Uiiami Orr.rA llorsK (A. O. Ovens, man- ager). —Booked week of 20, Hagenbeck trained animals. I-'jrnnK Thkatke (W, Wiseman, mana- ger).—Big business ruled last week. Week of 20: (Jen. H. Adams and Co., Bonn hue and Nichols, 3. F. Dooley, Meredith Sisters. Bros. Iloslnn, Kitty Wolfe, and Fred Stuber. Wai.vkr -Main Circkn due 22. V ii nogs (nun,—At the ■ Opera House (Hugene Hook, tnnnnger).—April 11, "The Two Slaters." matinee and night, did well. 14, "Why Womeu Sin," a realistic drama, won much praise from a fair audience. LI, "King Bodo," drew capacity house. 17, Porter J. White,-la "Francesca da ltimlnl, pluyed to a large'Audience. Bookings: 18. Knthryn Klilder; 22, "Are You a Mason?" 23, Frederick Warde and Louis James: 24, Ihe Kilties; 23, Paul Ollmore, In "The Tyranny of Tears." P.uik TlItAfmfi(Jea Weber, manager).— Week of 13, Edgar Seidell's '.'Peck nnd Ills Mot Iter In Law" Co. Is playing a return en- gagement, and drawing well. Week of 20 will be filled by the Miss New York Jr. Co. Kotkh, —B.. M, Harvey, advance agent of the) Crest Wallace Shows, was here l(i. la the interest of the aggregation, which comes Muv 13, This show opens April 2!i, at Pern, Ind Sam AlcCrackin, con- tract agent of the Rlngllng Bros.' Shows, was in Ihe city 17, negotiating for their Immense attraction .Manager Ed. Stan- ley, of Idora Park, has engaged Prof. Hutch- inson for his outside attraction for opening week, which occurs May 25. ■ Sti-iiijeiivlilc —At the Grand (W. K, Llpps, manager).—"Why Women Sin" gave a very pleasing performance, to fair sized audience, April 18. "King Dodo" played, to capacity, 14. li'rank Beshon deserves special incutlon. Jefferson De Angells, In "The Em- erald Isle," 1X>, played to one of the most appreciative audiences of the season. Ade- laide Thurston was seen in "At Coxy Cor- ners" 16. She was greeted with the most fashionable audience of the season anil scored a big hit. '•Hearts of Onk" conies 18. Advance salo Is extra good. Kilties' Ilnnd 23, "A Hidden Crime" 27. Notr. —The No. 1 car of the W. L. Main Shows was In the city 17, billing the town nnd country for the show's appearance here 30. Mark, and Harry (ionlett i Oltnna—At the Russell Theatre (P. flnrniuu, manager).—"Florodora" Jammed Ihe house April 10. 11. "The Belle of New York" drew good houses 13, 14. Due: "David Ilamm" 10, Lewis -Morrison, la "Faust," J7, 18: Thomas Jefferson, In "Hip Van Winkle," 24. „, . ' Uranii Oprra Hoche (R. J. Blrdwhlstle, manager).—"A Gambler's Daughter" camo Oil. "A Hot Old Time" 12-15. Booked: "Ixxiplng tho Loop" 1(1-18, "In Convict's Stripes" 20-22. r I ■ St. Catherine*.—At the Grand Opera House' (Chas. H. Wilson, manager).—"Tracy, ihe Outlaw," came April 10, to fair busi- ness. "Arizona" followed, to a full bouse, 11. "The James Boys In Missouri" had a top heavy bouse 14. Coming: "The Devil's Auction" 17, "Princess Chic" 20, "A (iamblers Daughter" 23, "Klght Bella" May 1, Adelaide Thurston 4. Belleville.—At the Carman Opera House (H. .11 Carman, manager).—"Hunt- ing (or Hawkins" had good business April 3. Marks Bros, drew well week of 13. Hooked: "Devil's Auction" 20, "Princess Cblc" 28. ♦ ■ > SEW YORK STATE. siirliitt liflil.—At the Grand Opera House (h. J. Dalle, manager).—"Peck and His Mother In Law came, to good business, April 10, 11. N. C. Goodwin and Maxinc, Elliott, In "The Altar of Friendship," filled the house to Its capacity 14. "Yon l'onson" was well patronized IS. Coming: Julia Mar- lowe 17, "Queen of the Highway" 18, Fran- cis Wilson 21. Notks. —Walter I* Main's Show will be here IS. Klngllng Bros.' Circus comes Mny 14. 4»» CANADA. ■--Mimtxeatr-^At "tho Academy of "Music (W. A. Hdwaxds,. manager).—"Florodora," with Isidore Rlish, did a nig week's business April 13-18. Coming: "David Ilarum" 20- 25, the Cordon Opera Co. 27-May 2. PitocToit'H (F. Orsnto, manager).—"In'^'Vbyn.-jCMt headed by Clina. W. Dempsey, Convict'* Srlpes" had good returns 13-18. Hurt McCrea and Lnurn Mlnehan, with a Buffalo.—At the Star Theatre (J. R. Stirling, manager),—David Warneld mer. with a fair reception on his reappearance in "The Auctioneer." Virginia Harned, In "Iris," this week. E. S. Wlllard, In reper- tory, next we?k. Dr. Peter C. Cornell has arranged a grand professional matinee ben- efit for April 22 for the benefit of the Sana- torium Fund to tulld and maintain a home In Colorado for consumptive actors. It promises to he. a huge affair. Teck Theatiib (J.'Laughlln, mannger).— "Resurrection" this week, In the hands of the popular Bnldwln-Mclvllle Co., will do a tromendoiiR business. "Under Two Flags" next • week. "Secret Service" met with marked favor. J. S. Duss' Orchestra 26. Convention Hall (Henry L. Meech, manager).—The Saengerbund, celebrating its golden jubilee, concertlzcs 20, Theodora Van York assisting as tenor, nnd Miss Mingcs, alto. Arthur >'. Plagge will direct the production of the operetta, "Flottc Busclie," assisted by Joseph K. Hartfuer and (leorge F. Lehman. The pure food ex- lilbli lun begins 27. Ar-.un.Mv (Dr. Peter C. Cornell, manager). —"Why Women Hln" this week. "Ilollver's Busy Day" next week. "Kidnapped in New Voir" met with favor last week. SitKA'H Gajuibn Theatre. —Current: Wil- fred Clarke & Co., In "In the Blogrspb;" 1 .tou Morris' ponies, Callahan nnd Mack, vltngrnph. George II. Wood, ■ Charlotte (leorge, Turner's Pickaninnies, Collins and Ilnrt, (Junker City Quartet. Business Is good. LrcEiut Theatre. —Manager Oviatt's cur- rent attraction is "The Little Mother." with "Cattle King" announced for 27 and week. "Lovers' bane" had a fairly prosperous week, ending Its season here 18. Lafayette Theatre (Chas. M. Bagg, local manager),—Tom Miner's Bohemian Bur- lesouers appear this week. Jolly Grass WIiIowh next week. A splendid business was transacted by Bon Ton Burlesquers. Notes. —Kddlc Paul is now connected with the big steel plant here Burton Holmes (direction of the Messrs. Stirling and Wil- liam Brennan), at Central Church, began his delightful series-of travel letTOre^nnofvIews; with "Portugal" as tlie theme 18. Denmark will he the next subject, 23. The attendance was substantial 'Mikado" will be sung at Concert Hull (lu the Teck Building) 22, Vnlta and Paul, Willi* «• D? •*««". t he ,,'le nV machine and the Juggler Sparrow. •' «! \<r. tv theatre (Mrs. Agnes Barry, pro- wlrtor «dU manuge.r) -Vanity «to •* 'I..,. 'i'im>rs 1,1-lfl, gnve a very satis fa^^ wrtormwtJ to gJid sized audlencea. %?3£%Sn2& Jr. was given generoua uikiitnuse 1H-1S. for its fun. nose WJjeu B iSn Bel les 20-22. Merry Malde na 2325. Troy.-At Rand*a Opera n°r!»« J^..V,^,?' miimzer).—Jerome Sykes, in "The Bllllon- ™?""^drew well April,,13. Myles Murphy, In "Saucy Jack Barry," did fairly we lo. -mere and Back" did not do very well 10. Laura Blggar, In "Hast Lynne, «■ "S* a very strong; drawing card 18. TgW * of New York*' Is due 21, David W.jrfleld 2,... GRtswoi.n Opera Housb X«j,F™h.J B SSi ger).—"The Eleventh Hour" did very well 18-15, Fanny Curtis, In "Down by the Sea " drew good bouses 16-18. The Aubrey Slock Co. 20 and week, In repertory. , Star Theatre (n. R. Keliar, manager . -3K? New York Jr. did big bus new lS- 15. New York Stars and Vanity lair filled rha house 16-18. The Merry Maidens 20- 21!, London Belles 23-26. ■ ' W«lca.—At the Majestic Theatre (Warren K. Day, manager).—An amateur black face ladies' minstrels opened the week, to big business, April 13. Jerome Sykes, In'The Billionaire, was a great favorite 15. Miles Murphy, la "Saucy Jack Barry," did well 1(1. "The Eleventh Hour" closed the week, to good business, 17, 18. This week: Laura Blggar, in "Bast Lynne," 20, 21; "Kid- napped. In New York" 22, William Morris, in "When We Were Twenty-one," 23- 'A Homespun Heart" 24, the Qnlnlan * Wall Imperial Minstrels 25. OnrHEUSt Theatjuj (Mlmer & Vincent, managers).—The management enjoyed big business all last week. Cpmlng: Leroy and -.Clayton, CrlramlnB and Gore, Charles Wayne; Three Lelllotts, Hanley and Jsrvls. Wilson and Llecester, Mile. Valesca, and Coluhhia <-Muaic Hall (Sam Gutstaat, proprietor).—-Business Is good, and aa ex- cellent blllls announced for this week : Mun- roe and St. Clair, the Franklins. Blanche De Cortret, Maggie West, Minnie Smith, Desgte York, and Laura Wells. to large business, 14-18. Mr. Edw.^a particularly strong, and Al. FwSJSti'H more laurels to Ids wreath. Qt iH(( Note, —Birdie Wolf, the clever iiml. tetir, has gone with the Jefferson Co 'ft talent and attractive personalltv i.,, 11 " doubt bring her rapidly t o the front. * INDIANA. Mldtlletown—At the Casino (0. S. Hathaway, manager).—Qnlnlan & Wall's Minstrels received good patronage April 15 despite the inclement weather, nnd in re- turn gnve a first class performance. " 'Way Down Fast" did good business, matinee nnd evening, 18. "Han Toy" played, to S. R. 0., 0. The Cnmpbell-Stratton Stock Co. 20-2(1. HlnKhmnitoii.—At Stone Onera House (.1. P. K. Clark, manager).—The Corner Stock Co., in repertory, drew big business April 14-18. The King Dramatic Co., in repertory, 20-2B. 4 * * KENTUCKY. Coming: "Looping the l,oop" 20-2C, Strathmore" 27-Mny 2. •Lord John It. Stirling ■'" of R. S. Wll- TitRArtiE Frakcais (Fred Haworth, man- nger).—"Supcrlia" drew crowded houses 13- 18. Cuming; Lewis Morrison, in "Faust," BO-SB; "A Dcspcratci Chance" 27-May 2. TiiK.vrui: Royal if. Lo Clair, manager), —"A (In miller's Daughter" came, to fair re- ceipts, 111-18. Coming: The Vanity Fair Iliiilesipicrs 20-25, "Kldnnppcd In New York" 27-May 2. TiiEAi-iiE National Fhancair (0. Gnu- vreau, mituagcr).—"Madnme Sans Gene," by iiermancnt stock company,' to crowded liuuso»»a3-18. Coming: "East I,ynne" (in French) 20-28. TlIEATItE 11E8 NOIIVBAUTES.—Stock Com- chorus of sixty-five... has secured "The Cardinal' lard, who will present It for the lost time here next week St. Louis Dramatic Circle give "Pride of Virglna" at the Teck, 2(i. Rochester..— At the Lyceum Theatre (W. 11. Corrls Jr., assistant manager).—The popular price concert, given by the Tuesday Muslcalc, April 10, was an audience that packe reatly enjoyed by the house. The Rochester Symphony Orchestra, assisted by Herthu , Bueklln, violinist, gave a rein glioil Note. —Tho "Florodorn" Co. closes here April 18. concert that pleased n large gathering 17. Jerome Sykes, In "The Billionaire," drew a-crowded . house 18. Booked: David Warilcld .20, pnny, la "Martyr," drew good houses 13-18/'* Marion "Carson, piano recital, 21; Kochoster Cunilng: "Lcs Jolcs ilu Foyer" 20-26. Draautic Club (local), lu "The Confederate TlIEATItE I1B L'Ol'BnA COMIQDE.—Stock, Spy," 23, innpiiny. In comic opera, "La roupce," to' ' NAIftoRAL TiiEatiih (F. It. Lueschcr, mnn- noil houses. 13-18. nger).—"Arizona," 13-15, drew very largo houses. The company was excellent, and the production fairly mounted. "At the Old Cross Roads" had large nnd well pleased Toronto.—At the .Princess.Thcnfro (0."'UudloiiceR' 1(1-18. Qnlnlan- & Wall's Mln- B. Shopnnrtl, manager).—Tho Gordon-Shay stiels 20-22, Uuls Mann, In "All on Ac- Ci-and llpura Co. did not open on April HI count of lOllzn," 23-25. on account of the conductors delay through Baker Theatre (Warren F. Day, ninua- n rnllr 1 nceldent In New York. Opening ger).—Thu stock presented "The Lighthouse 14, and for the balance of the week; they liy- v the Sen," for the first time on any stage, played to fairly goiul business. Week of 20, April 13. The play Is the most thrilling dark. - melutlrama ever given here, and packed the (Irani! Oi'EitA House (A. .1. 8miUI, man- house nt every performance. "Lost Parn- nger). —"The PrlncesB Chic" drew large disc" Is the plnv selected for week of 20. hiiUKtw 13-l.s, '.'lord Strathmore" 20-25^ t'otne Opera House (J. II. Moore, mana Louisville. — At Macauiey's Theatre (Jno. T. Mncauley, manager).—Richard Mansfield came April 13, presenting "Julius Cesar." There was a brilliant assemblage present. The company was excellent and tlia piece Buperbly mounted. Julia Marlowe 23-2S. Auditorium (James B. Camp, manager). —Henrietta Crosman gave two performances . 15 of "The Sword of the King, to crowded bouses.' The production was worthily pre- sented by a capable company. Victor Her- bert and the Pittsburg Orchestra 27, 28. Aveniib Theatre (Chas. A. Bbaw, mana- ger).—"The Span of Life" paid us Its an- nual visit week of 12, nad was greeted with ■crowded houses. For week of 10, "Human Hearts." Temple Theatre (J. D. Hopkins, man- ager). —The bill presented week of 12 was "Up to""tbe standard. The "new people for week of 10 are: Clay Clements and Co., Flo Irwin nnd Walter Hawley, Charley Guyer and Nellie Daly, Waterbury Bros, and Ten- ny, Baker and Lynn, Carson and Wlllard, Tom Mack. The attendance was satisfac- tory. BitcEiKnitAM Theatre (Whallen Bros,, managers).—The! Thoroughbred Burlesquers, week- o-f 12,■ attracted Targe audiences at every performance. The show was bright and sparkling. For week of 10, Al. Reeves' Co. Note. —John " Robinson's Circus arrived 15 from Its Winter quarters In Cincinnati, o., and moved to the Horse Show Building, where they will perform 22-20. The In- tervening time will be consumed In re- hearsals and arranging affairs. There will be three rings and two stages. Indianapolis. At Engll.h', n. House (Ad. F. Miller, BtDmnrlMwuT!" 1 Gillette, In 'Sherlock Holmes,*' Anni ii 1 ** gave one of the most satisfactory nJcB aaces of the season. Business was SsRr" N. C. Goodwin and Mnxlne. Elliot" hPJHt Altar of Friendship," 18,_paeked the h, Tl,( Francis Wilson, In "The Toreador" is?",*• Ha Marlowe, In "The Cavalier," MMs'v"" ers Brothers 23, 24. ».*"•-«. Roj- Park Theatre (Dickson & Talbot m .„ gers).—"The Volunteer Organist," l-i.'iw 1 "' n strong attraction, and did caMcitVW nets. ■ "Yon Yonson" 16-18. '"he7i,, b 2." jjj«fX " The Q 1 ^" otX flft urano opera Housb (Shafer Zlegler »„ nger).-The Sernlnary Girls were the Z ' of the strongest vaudevlllVbu; ot tbe season week of 13. George C !w Johnson and Dean, HIckey and.Nelson »IS Lee Taylor, Franco Piper, Helff BrolK Ramxa and Arno, all made good, and W ness was up to capacity. For week of "n- Cole and Johnson, Kretto Family p"«„; Barnes & Co., Agnes Mahr, George w' st« art, Loney Haskell, Ozav and Delmo. w„i II. Fox, the bioscope. ' ""' Empiric Theatbb (Chas. Zlmmerniaii manager).—The Troeadero Burlesquers M,i forth, to moderate business, week of r Thoroughbred Burlesquers week 20 x\ Reeves' Burlesquers week of 27. ■ Kvnnovllle—At the Grand Opera Hum. (C. J. Scholz, manager).—Montovllle Mow era, Interpreter, was the drawing card h, the last number of the Y. M. C. A 8ur course, and the house was packed. ' "rim Burglar and the Waif," booked to anoair matinee and night of April 11, canceleiTtu account of their lending man being indis- posed. "A Dream of Fair Women," coj- Bistlngr of local and professional talent played to a fair audience 13. It was *tv« under the auspices of one ot tbe local churches. The advance sale for Rlchanl Mansfleld la large for "Julius Cnsar" it Henrietta Crosman comes 10, PerucbMto- denl 20, Nat C. Goodwin 28, Herrmann at) People's Theatre (C. J. Scholz, mam- ?er).—The house was crowded to the doors 2, and the Troeadero Burlesquers give a good performance. The ThoroughbredHliate the bouse 10. Notes. —Gentry's Dog and Pony Show comes 14, 15 Wright's Carnival Miy 11 to 16, given by the merchants of tie city Joe Burke, secretary and trem- urer of both the People's and Grand, will celebrato his twenty-nfth year In the the- atrical business on April 28 by having a silver jubilee. Mr. Burke. Is one of the most popular secretaries and treasurers lu this section of the country. He will act In the same capacity for the Street Car Park Theatre this Summer Pedley anil Bush will be the managers of tbe Grand and People's next season. They are extreme!v popular managers, and have hod a great deal of experience in the business In Oweirs- boro, Ky. 4 i » ILLINOIS. Pnducnlt.—At the Kentucky (James E. Kngllsh, manager).—The' two companies of I he Peruuhl-Bcldcn! Co. combined for the pnst week's engagement here, to good busi- ness. Tlio company give way April 17, to Henrietta Crosman, In "The Sword of the King." "A Gambler's Daughter" comes 20, Herrmann 20, and then the season Is ended. N'<m:s.—Work on the Casino, the new Summer theatre, Is progressing rapidly, and Ihellrst performance will be given May 25. ..-.?. .Flora May Clark, known on the stage as Lillian Lancaster, a Paducah young lauv, came home from the road last week with 'a well developed case of smallpox. < » » . . ' ' ■ TENNESSEE. Toledo—At tlie Valentine Theitlre (Otto Kllvea, inner).— Julia Marlowe, in "The Cuvuller," April 13, 14, drew good business. Wm. lillletle. 111 •'SlierUu-k Holmes." had Ills usual packed house. Nat Goodwin nnd Muxlne Kllliitl. In "Tho Altnr of Friend- ship." ilrewcHpnclty business IN. (Tinning: Jiimes .1 Wnnle. In "The Tempest," 20: Alice Fischer 22, Frnncla Wilson 23, Rogers Bros. 2.". Lyceum Theatre (Prank Burt, innnnger). --Ths. Hebec-cn Wnrreu Co. opened for week nf 12, iiiVHcntlng "The Adventures of Lady Ursula." They lmvi> been very well re- ceived. Fur week of 111. "Mrs. Dune's De- fence." Kama Tnium (Max Hei'llg, manager). —Melbourne McDowell and Florence Slone, supported by tlie Umpire Slock Co.. presented "Antony nud Clenpiiim" 12 ami week, nud did rulrly well. \\\<ek nf 22, "Lu Toscn." Aiti'ADK TiiEATiiii iMnrrls Huiimau. niiin- I'lter).—Atteiuliiiii-c Ihe past week wns only I'nlr. For week of 111: Lewis and Ryan, Cherry and Rates, lints. .Murtlne, Anna Caldwell, Harmony Four, Dnlsv Dovle, Miles mid Raymond, Dorothy Neville, and Hie vllii- iiriipb. Hurt's Theatre (Frank Hint, mnnngcr). —"Alaska" nnd "The Charity .Nurse" had fnlr returns Inst week, "The Volunteer Or- yanlsl" and "A Ruined Life" divided week nf 111. ' ■ > ■ Onytou—At the Vlrtorla Theatre (CO. Miller, mtuinger),—N, C. Goodwin nud Mux- lne Elliott presented "The Altnr of Friend- ship," to splendid busIuusH, April 15. Com- SiIka's Thbatiik (J. Sluii, •'manager).-^ The AlMirn Opera Co., In "The Serenade," drew tnrtic houses L'l-18, and havo been re- tained fur week of 20, producing "Roll Boy.' Ma.nkky Mrs to. Ham, (Stewart Houston, miujngi'i!).,,--Toronto Musical Festival Is nu iisauivd ' success for 10-18. Tho advance, sales have liecn enormous. Star Tiikatise tF. W. Stair, manager).— Itentz-Siuiiley Burlesquers ■ played, To big business, 13-18. The olio Included: Richard Wild,'All. Hunter and All, the Lynotte Sis- ters, elms. Unhlnsoii, Jns, nnd Smile Leon- nril. nnd .lohn Lyons. Rush's Bon Ton Bur- Iesi|iters 1!0>23. St. .lolin—At the Opera House (A, O. Skltmer, 111alinger).— Patten and Perry, In "Jerry from Kerry" and "The Irish Sena- lor." ctomxl a week of light business April 11. Daniel II. llyan opened a .three weeks' en- gngenient 13, to turn away business. The riiinpiiny mive n splendid performance of "Au Enemy li> the King." -All the old members ot' the company were warmly welcomed; Mr. Ilynn received nu nvntlnn. Tho piece was liaudsoiiiely slagetl and costumed. Mr. Ryan, 1 lurry Brown. ,l«s. (inrilon, Wayne Campbell, II. L Wiiterhinise. Lldn Powell, Alice Flem- ing, Edith Crolius. nnd Edith ('Union deserve mention, ('bus. Mcyerhnlz with moving pie. lures. Plilllls llllmoie, In lllnstraleil songs, nnil.' <Ida May, the dnuclug wonder, mil- stlliite the specialty bill. Ida May la cer- tainly Hie greatest child dancer ever seen here. Notkk..— John Harding, formerly of the opera limine stuff,' and a native of St. John. Is n member of the Ryan Co Harry S. Fulton, representing J. II. Stoddnrt, In "'The Bonnie Brier Bush," la In town per),—An excellent vaudeville bill drew well last .week. Bonked week of 20: Marie Dressier, Hal Davis and Inez Mncauley, In "The Unexpected:" Porno nnd I.eo, Three Sisters Marartc..Lavender and Tomson, Le- 01111, Mnthlldc Du Barry, blograph. ■■ Kmi'iiih TitUATiiB (It. C. Jncntis, mana- ger).—Bice and Burton's Burlesquers gave a show above the standard 15, attracting a jincked house. The balance of the week's imslncss wns very large. Rcnt/.-Snntlcy Co.. 20 nnd week. Notes. —Tho Fltstgoruld regiment band gave a concert to a packed house at the Lyceum Tliontrc 10 A performance for the benefit of the snnltorfuui for actors now being built at Denver, Col., will be given at tlie Natlonnl Theatre, Friday after- noon, April 24. The theatre and orchestra diuuilr-d by Louis Mnnn and F. It. LncRcher. The following performers, have announced 'their Intent Inn'of appearing: Marie Dress- ier, Hal DiivIh. Inez Mncauley, Lavender nnd Tomson. Snonn, Fomso anil Leo, Of Cook Opera House: Lynntte. Chas. Robinson, .Intnes nnd 8udle Leonard, John Lyon. Rich- ard Wild and Jnps of Rentz-Snntley Co., and Ihe Owen Davis Slock Co. ■ 1 Alhnny.—At Ihe Umpire Theatre (II. It. Jacobs, inanajti-r).—Dark week of April 13. "A llooslor Daisy" 20. "When We Were Twenty-one" 21. Laura Blggnr, In "East Lynne." 22-24 : David Warfteld 25, Gertrude Coghlnn 28, 20. ■ (ARMANI'S Hl.IXCKF.R IlAM, (II. R. Jacobs, malinger).—A most phenomenal week. 13-18, with "Beu Hur." The theatre was literally packed nt each performance, making .this the most successful attraction ot the season, "Peck's Bad Hoy" comes 20-22, and "Mail MoiiidIiIm —At tho New Lyceum Theatre (Frank ,Gray, manager).—Darkness pre- vailed April 10-13. Joseph Jefferson, In "KI11 Van Winkle," packed tho house night of 14. This closes the season. ■ Hopkins' Giiand Othra Housb (A. B, Morrison, manager).—"Don Cmsnr Do Ba- «an" was presented .week of 13, to crowded houses, bv the regular stock company. Itobt. Wayne,- In. the title role, covered himself with glory. Norn Rosa, William Stuart, Carol Ardcn and Lucia Moore all did well. A benefit was tendered Itobt. Wavne after- linen and night 15. The house wis packed. The specialties between nets were: Lew Sul- ly, and the Mnrtlncttl .Family. "Hazel Klrke" week of. HO. . Nsw AvDiTonfuu (Bcnj. If, Stalnback, manager).—The house was dark 18-18. Comlna: Henrietta Crosman 21, Anna Eva Kay 22-25. Peoria.—At the Grand (Chomberllo, Harrington & Co., managers).—"Malooey's Wedding Day" drew well April 12. Rlchanl Mansfield comes 18. Booked: "Younger Brothers" 25. Main Strbkt Theatre (Will Xash, man- ager).—Business Is good In the face nf very bad weather, week of 20: Cook aid Clinton, Jane Courthorpe and companv.Miv Rice, Lee and Chapman, Juggling Jordan*, Lew Palmer. Weaht's TnBATnn (P. A Weast. proprie- tor).—Patronage was much larger than usual The past -weefc—Week-of-2ft: Tippet noil- Kllment, Keplln Brothers, Devaney and Al- len, Tuson Sisters, Keys and Evans. jAcons' Thratah (A. F. Jacobs, proprie- tor).—Vaudeville closed with the past week, and extravaganza comes for an Indefinite term, week of 20, with a' new company ot eighteen people, producing the "While Coose." Gus Rapier wiil mnnngcr the com- pany. . Coliskom. — Tennessee Jubilee Singers are booked for 20. Noras.—The recent ad. In Thb Clipper brought many answers to the Mala Street management, who navel engaged some of the best teams for the new Prospect Heights Park, a preliminary opening being had, lo Immense business, on Easter. The Main Street will be kept open until May 30, when It will close, ana the park open permanent- ly.... News was received here of the death la New York of Harry Delorme, whose real name was T. H. Slaughter. He was' fortr- flve years old, and had been a member of various opera companies, being engaged with a "King Dodo" company at the time of ills death. He was a son In law of Hon. »»• Dunham, of Atlanta, III., and the remains will be interred at that place. m Qiilnoy—At the Empire Theatre (W« I* Pttssmorc, manager). — "Maloney's nen- ding Day" did a light business April 11. The Murray Comedy Co., 1318, opened to good business. Coming: Lulu Glaser 2t>. "Lost River" 22, "The Missouri Girl" 23, "A Breezy Time" 25. Nutb.— -Charles Sohn, bass viol player ar the theatre for years, died April 16, on the operating table. Deceased was well aiH favorably known to a number of theatrical people. ... . ■ ■ Decatur. — At Powers' Grand Opew House (Fred J. Given, manager).—Fraucla Wilson, in «The Toreador," April IB. *• lighted a large and enthusiastic audience. Coming: "Over Niagara Falls" Mi .MOT Otaser 22, High School Concert (local) #■ Rinqmno Bros.' Cjrcuh 1b billed for mu> ♦ «» ' \ii»livlllo. —At the Grand Opera Houeo (Mrs T. J. Boyle, manager).—"Resiirrec tlon" AprH'13-17. The management Is to be congratulated in having a company so fully capable as tho Boyle stock. Miss Kennark's Katusha was a perfect conception of such a life. At no time wbm the coarseness of tho character overdrawn, and the Innate refine- meat of the better uature was brought out with great delicacy of shading. Rugene Moore so skillfully portrayed his role as to stamp him.ever the artist In the minds of this public. Mr. Billiard deserves mention for his true conception of Tlkhon. A care- ful study of the performance finds much to praise. From a scenic standpoint It proved the best from the brush of Mr. Bergman this season.— Henrietta Cronman, In "The Sword of the King," played, to very large audience, 18..- Boyle Stock Co,, In "The Guv'nor," 20-23; benefit to Eugene Moore 24. Marry Clark took charge of the Opera House "to Man" 23-25. box ofllce 1.1. and was warmly greeted bv Proctor'h Theatre (Howard Graham, patrons, who were pleased to see him back resident.manager).—Another star vaudeville again. performance. 13 and week. The usual Urge 'dome Stock Co., In "Monte Crlito," played, „ TH £,. V K ID S»' B -~ J , 0 ?P h : Jeff«™on. In "Rip Van, Winkle," erowded the hou»e 18. Ven. VIRGINIA. Norfolk—At Ihe Academy of Music Cj'- O. Loath, manager).—Hnverly's Mlnstrets Played, matinee and night, April 15, to uni- form-good business. The Academy ■W*S' Comedy Co., In "Tho Girl From .Paris," we* of 20. Granbt Theatric (Joke Wells, manager . —Although we have had an unusually dis.i- greeable Bpell of weather the.attendance u tills house has been, above the avenig',; Harry Cloy Blaney, in "Across tbe Paclnc. played 18-15, to packed houses. The flco ; Pawcett Stock Co., in "Rip Van Winkle. 10-18: "M'llss" 20^25. - •Buou Tiibatrb (Abb Smith, manager)- —People for wee* of 20 are: Allle WW* Davenport Sisters, Harmon and Haney, WW Grayson, the O'Zells, nnd Chas. M. west. Dianhattan Thbatius (Fred Fleck, infn?' ger);—People for week of 20 are: Collins and WelBh, Lydla Hall. McRae nnd Wjali. Pierce Bros., and Pblllp Btatts * Co. Auditoriuu TnRATnie (J. M. Barton, mnn; ager).—New people for week of 20 ire. Blair and McNulty. Klondike Trio, PerklJ" and Calvette. Morris and Morris, Conneii and Swan, and Chas. Rents. e — Staunton.—At Opera House (Rarttniin te Shults, managers).—"Thelma." Apr! «• came, to good bnilnesa. "Winchester. J ■ 10. had Yalr business, Coming: Aruoiu Stock Co. week of 20. .