The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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APRIL 25. TABLE OF CONTENTS. . Page. mi™ Clipper's Anecdotes. Personalities ana Comraenta Concerning Btage Folk. 205 . Jamesi Anthony Bailey—BketcB 200 Manet J. Eoaon—Sketch 2(HI Iron M. Wills—Sketch 200 nnr London Letter 207 Sirrelf and Evans—Sketch 207 . V?5S»vllte and Minstrel ..... .207, 20R, 218 Marsh Craig—Sketch 208 World of Auren ,• 208, 200, 218 . USSto and Song...... 200 Our Chicago .filter... 210 , Latest by Telegraph .... 213 On the Road----.--. -114,215,210 Vaudeville Route List 210 Stage Mechanics ... - 210n •The Holly City , 210a New York City-Review and Com- meat -113,214 Chess and Checkers 200 Queries Answered 210 nipper Post Office 217 With the Bill Posters 217 Miscellaneous..... 217 Under the Tents 218 Deaths In the Profession 218 New Plays and Sketches Copyrighted.. 218 Foreign Show News 218 THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE. District of Columbia 200 Rhode miand, West Virginia 200 New Hampshire, Maine 210 Massachusetts 210,211 California 211 Pennsylvania 211, 212, 21 Oa Ohio. Canada, New York, Kentucky... 212 Tennessee 212 Indiana ■ 212 Illinois I 212 Virginia 212 Wisconsin 210a New Jersey 216a Michigan...' 2J6i» Alabama. 210a Maryland 210a Minnesota 21Ca Missouri 210ft Texas... 210a lown 210a Connecticut 210a Colorado 210 LATEST BY TEL EftRAPH, Monday Nisrht's Opening* (n All the Blsr Show Tuwni, GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. Special Dispatches f&TiiE New York Clipper. Sas Francisco, April 21.—At the Co- lumbia Theatre "Are You a Musoa?" opened Sunday, 19, for two weeks. Alcazau Theatre. —"The Dancing Girl" Is 'the current bill. Central Theatre. —"Caught In the Web" Is here this week. Grand opera House.—This Is the third week of McLean and Tyler as co-stars, with "Othello." Tivoli Opera House. —"Fatlnltza" was the bill last night. fi'iscHER's Theatre. —Tho third week of "Belter Skelter" opened last night. California Thbathk. —Opening 10, Kin- mett Corrlgan, In "Trilby." Bepurlic Theatre.— The sixth week of minstrel and burlesque began 10. Gkpheuu Theatre. —This week's bill, opening 10 : Ross and Fenton, Arthur Dent- ing, Wm. Friend & Co., Snyder and Buck- lev. Bruno and Russell, W. C. Fields, Lizzie WilBon, and P. Auman. Chutes. —New people opening last night were: Kalacratua, the Alarcons, 'cycle maze, Ureen and Verner, and Evans and Lindsay. i FROM OTHER POINTS. Chicago, April 21.—Ethel Barrymore, at Powers', Monday evening, was the only nov- elty of the week in the business district. "Pennsylvania," at the Alhambra, and. "The Moonshiner's Daughter," at the Criterion, were the only new playa to open Sunday. Burglars broke Into the Academy of -Music box office early Sunday morning, and carried away about $500. Had they waited twenty-four hours they would have more than doubled their money oa the opening of "Sight Bells," which packed the bouse twice Hunday. New York's bustling vaude- ville agent, Wm. Morris, Btlrred the local rlalto by arriving Saturday, and establishing a. Chicago bureau for his business In the White Rats' former ofBces... .Sunday open- ings were achieved amid favorable weather conditions, end business was immense. Anna Held, at Grand Opera House, and Andrew Mack, at McVlcker's, were the most popular continued attractions, packing those the- atres to the capacity "The Tenderfoot," at the Dearborn; "The Paraders," revived at basnllc, and "Foxy Qulller," at the Great Northern, kept open house, with big busi- ness resulting Roble's Knickerbockers, at Sam T. Jack's; the City Club, at Hop- kins', and "Done Barry," nt the Trocadero, proved attraotfve biM-lekque offerings Uncle Tom's Cabin," at the Onrrlck; "Turned Up," at Bush Temple; "Blue Grass of Kentucky," at tbe American, nnd "School for Scandal," at the Thlrtv-flrst Street, were particularly popular stock company offer- ings, "Janice Meredith" tilled the Co- lumbus, and "Two Little Wolfs" crowded the Bijou Al. W. Martin's "Uncle Toms Cabln' f will be seen next week at the Al- Immbra Mrs. Carter, In "Du Barry," and .''Peggy from- Paris" continued at the Illinois and Studebaker, respectively, Monday evening, moat prosperously Rlngllng Hrothers are demolishing all Chicago records for circus attendance, packing tbe big Coli- seum twice every day. The engagement ends haiturday evening. lipSTox, April 21,—Yesterday was a pub- lic holiday in this city, nnd the pleasure seekers were out In great numbers. The opening of the baseball season prevented tba theatres doing a capacity business at tbe matinees and B. R. 0. was scarce at tho evening performances of. every house In town-. .... .Weber & Fields' Stock Co. opened a short stay at the Tremont, to great ttnanclal results Two largo audiences were; pleased with Mrs. Langtry, In "Mile. Mors,' 1 at the Park Robert B. Man- tell, n "The Dagger and the Cross," llt the Majestic, did a anus busl- n £BB.' |F U || bouses prevailed with the continued whows: "Beauty and the Beast" nt the Colonial, "A Country Girl" at the Museum, and E. II. Sothern at the ] 0| "» "Robin Hood" was revived by Hie Hostonlans. at the Boston, to big at- tendance ''McFaddon's Row of Flats" opened big at the Grand Opera, as did "On I he Suwnnee River" at Music Hall Hcsurrectlon" had a commendable produc- 'on at the Bowdoln Square Tbo Castle "luare Block revived "Othello." Keith's was jammed; holiday Ml) BurleBque and museum resorts did a rushing business. • ■ • •.'. The weather was perfect. Cincinnati April 21.—Fashionable and mislcal Cincinnati chose Music Hnll for Jiieir mecca last night, when the brief uenson " grand opera was brilliantly opened, under !2Ls"»etWn of Maurice Gran. "The Pro- \r. ... was not on, with Schumann-Hclnk, Jlailliy nn ,i !)<, negate i n t he cast £5- D £., New Grand an enthusiastic audience £"«_ Nat Goodwin nnd Mazlne Elliott a warm welcome. In "The Altar of Friendship." i«.'„'.i„j'■ undaT,B openings were largely at- i»5 «;,,. An enormous crusher snw Katber- «h. Wll , l » rd > In "The Power Behind the ii«!??? ; ^ Tne Bandit King" crowded I irv k B - ftt *, he Lyceum, and "The Span of ti,« iJHHS*.'* prosperous beginning iff •a 0 '" 0 '*'*'" snow proved a strong mag- ttL&y'l£ w i lrwh,,i Majestic BurleBquer. crowded tbe People's. THE STEW YORK CLIPPER, nl»^n. U !!»« I ii I il A. pr " v 1 T9£ owa . cd ?> n ' t*rtalnment was furnished at the Circle, Proctor's Fifth Avenue Theatre (J. ^'SSSSrSSa f^j^^ssr^^rsi zS3E&^nttf&5z wii !>° iluW'r., ?»' l V om 5 Ilon .. wltll -„ Tnc London, the Dlwet. Henna & Seamon's, all effectively placed In Hie disposal of tbu S&?" at the ChestninTiul 1 "The KnhE the Olympic and the OnrilEiiu. At Ht>BER's roles, carried 11.1 .odd and Interesting story „K«. ni.i° ...l S!', r , ne J^""*- >i,,, t |.„ -I,- „„,,„i n.» „» mmmdtm^tUm „„.i •• complete conviction, tho Interest being SgSgg gSEl't wwfrhfflt, played to a Musei.m tho usua 1st of vaudeville and M18t «liied to high pilch imtll the end. wtf ££• '^1.5 SiLv•■•.•■ The .l' lu ^ p f'?" eurlos were Brt8cnteo - Hum Brnrawell plnycd the title part with n Tf°nS? l 5SSli!tt"»A ,; "eOarrlck. cleverness that made n hero of the man who tf wis "tedotfaMlWj ?££ Foarteenth Street Theatre (J. Wea- PW«I &* * ,flonda, nnd Hugh Ford .as S?« «7T i. i? «.'? . M • . <M ? 1 . 1 ' , ft ?" tn f rc «Iev ltoHfnonoat ninnnupri "iimmv llnoll. »■» loyal servant, did capital work, n fact rfAo™mm n .'- k „ff 0 . f 'i n, K rca i- ? the . '^ cn S tlD « ian" oncSed AnrU •"(? for* one wmk's stay »<"eslcd ti> by th,' manner In which the au- programme offered by Kellar utthj. Park. B^'g'BL^tSL ^JSL!^kXSrtLrXi dlence rewarded him in henrty applause. im^muX^t^SML^JSS'' SSractir tSkS^ktStS well Inow ctn> "Innlo Sellgnma played her M vW 'strong I»o„, "r..iii", -. v iSf. co p D , |n *tion Rouses, ..„,„. w .« n | n iniv nhr«fii in th# intorMit ei- scenes with the deft touch of tho truo »S -afterSsSa' a" "e'venln/ 1 ^'.^ WWwl "n fS? douig^^IIo'a'nl'i.l TSSS&Jm ?«'"," •'"'dl/lorcace Reed made a charming ST-Sk !U„.i! . l il e y enln g' praise- ttA tbf n udir<ir« n mam ilnnw thrmiirli heroine. Ada l.evlck. who had the roe or cel^nTu'ir mtd" o"f n r^li tW th e Fh^ntn «**? hapjenlngs" a I "St which uSS& the spiritualistic medium, cnrrled her one f.tlTii JLii i u , Praise, tlic t.leyeatfl eirppdlnclv rtkI tin. nrndnctlnn In If u »n. scene With great cted t. and lie support 3SSJf a £Li a 5n !S£ZSBb. > 2" m . nnd tta0 SSmni voted a winner• Boss Snow of tho other players was excellent. 'Tho Miiceum had all they could care for. HE"*, nfetl"" role with rare humorous ?? stn l to »«tlng» were In good tnslc. nnd the Miuvaukkb, April 21.—E. S. Wlllard's f^t : making the chsracter"fhJwurtW hu- performance was n most enjoyable one. The annual engngenient, which Is one of the n^ n ind aPwoys erlteVta nlna K^fieRley " lst: -^rcy. William Bmmwell; Ilanby, treata of the season, opened most auspl- Sot every liuKh rjoaslble .out of the role of ,Iu lf D < f TO' Rcmsen, Verner ClnrgcR; Kny, eluoaly at tbe Davidaon, Monday night. ..... fELSZSf . ™?tner wn?lo 1'aul Qulnn and 1 ' n » 1 McAllister: llnrley. Ocorgo K7 Hrynnt: At the PabBt, the season of German stock Prutl; O?to were nEo cnultal muah nroi Bartlett, tleorgo Krlcnd; Deapnrd. John producUoM closed Sunday, with a line house au?ers. Cbrl£ WhSen and Bell^?"Rrfln£ ™<»W- 3S& ,\«'">»f, Sellgman; Eleanor, }% e ^ 0r £. w ? ek ot l K Castle S 1 l I ar<> . °P ern M 'wo tough characters, both deserve special \l °-™n> n««« • Mrs. Pyle. "Annie 8te«nr; S&-5R^S*. V „ c ?*i! aclty Academy— mention for excellent work, William Hnlll- R^ff' g£FT&lftl k ffltT t ' ■R^i £r£ 'Romeo nnd Juliet/' as put on by Edwin day and Maggie Weston also meriting a like £*}''<* „ Do ™;„ r ,'?'; c . t "i U ,? , 7>'..„„ 1 ,^ c \T^ lhanhouaer, ranks with tbe best Milwaukee distinction. The cast: Happy Hoolltrnn. Jlllo .111 Included: A. 0. Duncan whose hn 5 h £ d , , n y ^^\ Alhambra— Billy Van Hobs Snow : Inm Coon and Dr. Bklnem, \VI1- If.^rJ' 0 "" ?, n ^L '"J"?' P 1)«V.«. t.\% $■ and ^ellle O'Nell received continuous ap- Ham Hallldav: Michael O'Slinughnossy, minute, with new and very funny material; P' 0 ". 8 ? &°. m , two » aci * A h0U8 « s BIJou Paul Qulnn ;" Peter Guggcnliclmcr, Frank AiyilL JV^\J*^^^ —"At Cripple Creek" opened to Immenso Otto; Maken Welcome, l!d. Begley; Mickey {JJ"' 0 ."'. "', m "J>.nH ri„».iV c V n ^«nn "i«iV« attendance, matinee and night Star— Whalen, Chris. Whalen: Hill Slmpklns, Ed- ' m !?"°"'- ?'"• ^L'lL. 1 ^" 5 ' 1 "' 80 P rano> rhe The Transatlantic Burlesquers turned them win Stockwell ; Isaac Soloman, J. .1. Car- kalatcchnoscope contlmies. away for a starter. dlff; Bronco Ben, I'rcrt Baruea: No llnlr, J. M«dl»on 8«anre Tlientre (Charlea Kansas City, April' 21.—Mary Manner- Francis Leonard; Und Hair, M. Hi-ffernan; Krohmnn, manager) .—After one night of Ing, In "The Stubbornness of fteralYilne " Lost Hair, M. Steinberg; Want Hnlr, A. U dnrkneaB this bonse opened Tuesday night. onenedTa thfee rllgMa^lngawment it tl'ie Cannon; Liz Snow, Belle Darling: Bridget April 14, with tho fin.!.production oni .my Willis Wood Theatre last night: to 11 larae Morlnrty. Maggie Weston; Miss Unie*. ftago of "A l;'ool and Ills Moncj-." n farce, audience. V7. .TAI^I if the Sunday^ oSentiis Maude Powell; Miss Bargain, Bert Hose- In Tour acts, by (leorge II. llroadliursf. Mr. had their usual business ... ...M the P Ornnd man : N,lrsc G,rl ' Ireue Pay8!, S ; Vcnl 1} V' n ' lhu f»t Bl -'vernl years ago proved him- Herrmann had a coodautlnee and a narked Spring. Delia Rnnney; Mabel 8ummcra, self to lip one of the foremost of American nlgh^T house.. g Tb? OrohSim fiSd a Clara Keller: Stella Autumn, Arllne Bliss; farce writers, and In this, his latest work, crowded matinee and is. B\™nhtht house Maudle Winters. Lottie Franklin; Mystic he tinsi fully sustained his. reputation, "he to see a. splendid bill ^In which flier and Vlgom, Gnbrlelln Bnrbler; Gnrnct ft Ing. ■ ory Is that of a young mini. Percy Mer- Carroll were the headllnere At the Blanche Lorraine; Mamie Mumm. Roso rill by name, whose father glvea him a very Auditorium two DMked honiei" saw aT flie Snow; Susie Suppers, Winnie Krlongcr. Next liberal yearly allowance, which the son presentation of Whe Lit?& MlnUte?" b? week, the Four Cohans, lu "Running for Of- squanders In extravagant living and enmb- the Woodwnrd «»b r™ M nl Thi flee." H"g. Among Percy's so called friends arc Ulllte hTd l?s uwnf cl!en?eir?o y 'RM-"T U e American Tlientre (J. J. Coleman. Charles Ulll and Sa.nuel llnrtoi. two youths Denver Express."......tnich.rtI Mansfield business manager).-"More Than Queen' 1 g^^-^lfa.| n l ,.ffi' ^;-. I l 0 o ls ; A k pr, «, 21 -"T Wl . llla . m ESffiftM ^iHS. t BHrlJ£ZSt& iiJl'I The Dlay hftV0 J" 8 ' i,e ^ m « «"'"« of"roulett« when opened 20, at the Olympic, In "Imprudence," ^S*Si.SSSJ?^SSmS*JIS m iM receTvca Richard Merrill on tors, and. after the others «. X e 7 KS* . att . eDda 1 cl ;v-W % ChrIs - bv the audhlnce "Ihe cast ^ full- Nn- <**<> their dcpnrlure, he demands to know ?n nn V 8 the offering at the Century....... g. the alienee the enst in ™|r™ to what extent Percy hns lost. On lenrn- The Columbia's new bill Is proving attract- P» ,e .°" i, °„3ite Robert Cumrnlnga '"B the sum amounts to many thousands U.e....... Sam Morris, In "The Peddler's ffi, n J 0I K' n Jamison Junot Mr. Merrill tells lib. son ihnt It must stop. Claim "Is at the Imperial .....The Grand Tu0 mYs lUvnolis • HouRton Paul Scott that he (Percy) Is growing to be a worthless SP e , rl L F !, arry Bercsford, In "The Wrong Mr. JggSS, fitMn lane Conner- I'rlnce Miendllirlft. who is dependent ii|h.ii ihn Wright/'...... At Havlla's "For Her Chll- i 0 "V'' m Krt VlVoti ? JoscDh' Bonn- nounly of another man for the Indulgence drenVg. Sake" seems to be satisfactory m.fe lienrv T^vlor ■ T oulVBonS c Frank of U, ° "travagauces. Percy then, to? Ihe The Trocaderos are at the Standard....The Ke'-T^mS Bonaimrte RoVcrt Cha). first time, realizes thai ho la wast- circus season Is on In force. The big Fore- m e a c n ".' riJI ^ n "^■ff finvod- Cardinal '"B '>l« »& »nd tells lite father paugh-Sells opened IU season here 20. and Is Bffik vSL ^iljlrttt. cardinal Carnrera that he will leave his roof and not receiving big patronage At Handlati's chnrlm Fnrrlnc'on ■' Co roll ne Delnspare r ol» r n to him until ho can support Park the Luela|.'orepaugh-Flsh Show Is also he?tru«e I : ?ine" HtJa llottochi Julia lie!; himself. Ills father t.egs him to .won- doing excellent business. ]owg . julli. Clary, Mnbcl Wolfe; Madnmo • ; ld [' r - bui '! lc , •" Is obdurntc, ami ubkk his Louisville, April 21.—"Human nearts" Soult, Grace Slowbrny; Queen Hortense, father to disinherit him for n year, nt tho opened at the Avenue, to big audiences Helen Clay: Madame Grand, Frances Inncs; fnd of which time lie promises to return. Al. Reeves' Company attracted crowded Letltla Bonaparte. Helen Campbell; Pauline, Jo Percys, however, the dlslnliorl- houses at the Buckingham Sunday vaudc- Adeline Dunlup: Caroline, Julia Blnnc; Mad- tnnce Is lo be nbsolute. Hint ho may learn vllle at the Temple drew large attendance cmolselle Avrlllon, Laura AlmoBnlno; Jo- who hisin I friends arc. Jean Glrard, n Sunday. sephlne Bonaparte. JcsBallnc Ilodgcrs. Next young hrench iirllst. whom ho has ho- i n ■ 11—■—^^ —— week "Barbara Frletchle" will be the ofter- friended, nnd Llcanor Ashton, n ymwu girl ,_„, „„.„ ^,™,v Ing. lrom California, with whom ho naa fullim His w lUltK o ur. circle Theatre (Percy 0. Williams, » love, are among the few who stand tho » • .^ * . -■. L mnnacerl —The eleventh week of this cozy teat nnd prove their friendship. Wo next Review and Comment.—Another week HgefSSgVtL! nbiS munngement of Mr. see Percy eleven months laler. ho and Jean, of good business was the record of the sen- willlrinis, was ushered In incst auspiciously *'"> '">vo become even better friends than night Just past. Three new plays and two at the matinee of April 20, and a liouscful oefore, have secured l.umb c lodgings, and b judi kuoi. *"»™ »«™ f««j= »»«• •»« noonlo were entertained bv a bill wh rh their ready money has dwindled down to lea* revivals were among the offerings, with the 0 i|$ op B 'p nr VJ ed Tlth prominent vaudcvlllo than $0. Percy has Invented n new enr public favoring three of the productions. At exponents. The bill is headed by the charm- wheel, und s cngcrlv waiting to receive word the Casino on Monday afternoon. Anrll 13, Ing danseuse, Snharet, whose beauty of face from Washington that his patent has been »T..r, J ., « ,, s f*<- eru ° O0 < Apru i j, nn ^ form gj. he[d th(j K|lropeall devotees ot allowed. The longed for papers finally ar- "Little Lord Fauntleroy was given an elab- tcrpalchore captive for tho past live years, rive, nnd Tercy disposes ot the rights of his orate revival, under the direction of A. L. While nature has been most lavish In her Invention fpr Jl ,000,000 to Ills father, who Leverlnir and renewed Its old time nonular- gifts to this graceful woman, she has, by nlso takes him Into partnership, and gladly L,evering, ana reneweaitB oia time popular- s arncst and )n 3 ell | Kent eftort , p | nC ed herself accepts lileanor as n future daughter-in-law. Ity At Dalt's Theatre Ople Rends | a the very front rank of the world's great- Jeau und Ills swmiheart, Celeste, arc united, character play,. In four acts, entitled "The est dancers, n distinction which Is Jii6tly and the usual happy ending results. The Kturhiiekn" Ivan t-iven ita flrat raatrnnntitan hers In all that the expression Implies, force from licglnnliiK to end Is a laugh pro- Starbucks, was given Its first metropolitan j, enry j^ (n ))lB ar ,| 0n aia Impersonations vokor. The Hues aro bright, the sltuutloim presentation. It met with little favor of great men, pnst and present, was a rove- excellent, and I lie incidents natural. At no At the HVDM Place Theatre, on the same iRtlon to those .of Manager Williams'' pn- tlino Jim the author strained for effect., uud. ,.„,„ u.. !.„„„„„,., r>„„..„ r>« „^„„„„,„H uni. trons who had not witnessed Ills artist c each of his charncters fills a paa'ilcular nlilio date, the Ferenczy Opera Co. presented' Die proaU ctlons. Mr. Lee has no peer In this In a most matter of fact way" The character Puppe" ("La Poupee") for the first time line of work. .Tns. J. Morton Is, indeed, drawing Is capital, there lining several "bits'' In this city In German At tho Madi- "a fellow of Infinite Jcflt,'' nnd his succcbs which, despite their briefness, stnnd out 1 1.™ »,r!T»i t™i ..* a. wns unmistakable; the Onrl Family Juggle nrotulnontly. To sum It up, "A Fool nnd son Squabb Tiieatrb A Fool and His cvery thlng but the floor carpet: the 'Three His Money" Is ouo of tho few good farces Money," a four act farce, by George II. Westons, expert musicians; Will F. Denny, which havo been seen on the local stagn Rrnarlhurat n-n« clven ita first nroduetlon comic vocalist ; the Adonis Trio, In an oHg- this season, nnrl one which merits a long uroaanurat, was given its nrst proauctiou , nfl) trnvcgty . htom TllU rber and ber llfo, which, doublless, It will have. In tho on any stage Tuesday night, 14, and scored "bogle boys:" the ChamberlulnR, expert role of Percy. Jameson I-eo Finney was cap- a decided success. A review of the per- lasso manipulators, and the vltngrapli com- ital. He had many opportunities, of which formancn will be found In another column P |ctc 0II ° ** the ueBt ul " 8 of tu0 8caBon - !'« made the most, anil It Is safo to any ho tormanca will be fonna. in anotner column. Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & Krnus. has rarely nppenred to so good advantage. At Mrs. Osborn's PiAYHOCBB, on 14. managers).—Every scat hold an occupant Arnold Haly, as Jean Glrard, gave one of occurred tho original production of "Tho at the Monday mntlnee, April 20, when tbom> bright character creations for which Point of View" a nlav In four acts bv Lawrence Weber'a 1'nrlslan Widows began he la so well known. Always nrtlsllc, Mr. loint or view, a play, in lour nets, uj voel[ < B engagement ut tho popular Dewey. Daly fairly siir|..isHeil himself iih the Imnit- Edlth Ellis Baker, A further mention of There la undoubtedly a week of big business nous hrciichniiin, nnd his work won liliu the presentation will be found elsewhere in assured during this engogement, ns Man- fresh laurels. Oilier excellent chnriicterlza- it , .. -t n -in___ niter Weber has received the endorsement of tlons wei-o given by May Yokes. Mnbel the BB columns At the Bjoadwait Tun- ^roiwlltan audlcneca for this company Dlxey. Mrs. R. A. Kberla and Adolph Jack- athb, afternoon of 14, the benefit tendered during other visits this season. Tho same son, as Ksmvraldu, (Vlesio Fauvere, Aunt to Clara Mowls was highly successful, the competent people Interpret the comedlcttus. Amelia and llnroa yon HlnkelwIUor. rc- ™j'" ."Z. „..;- *nnnn «i he »»« precede nnd follow a talented and spectlyely, and the others were thoroughly receipts being over ?0,000 On tho CLt€rtn |nin B olio of vaudeville, nnd renetl- cnpubln. Tho producilon, which Is under afternoon ot 17 the students of the Stan- tlon of performances bus given an added Ihe direction of Messrs. llroudlmrHt & Cur- hnne-Wheatcroft Dramatic School oresented smoothness to a programme which sparkica lie, Is adequately staged, '1 ho.oast in full: hopc-Wheatcrolt uramatic dc looi presen eo merriment and music. Next week, Percy Merrll. .1.imcsonI,co Finney: Jean "Six Cups of Chocolate," an abridged version SSJ 4 Darton's Urtt-avaganza Co. Glrard. Arnold Duly; Richard Merrill. Sld- of "The Iron Master" and "Tho Marble Miner's ElKhtli Avenue Thentre ncy Herbert; Baron von Hlnkolwll/.cr, Areh " At tho Mhtropolitan Opeba (Edwin D. Miner, manager).—Tbe Brlca- Adolph Jackson: Charles Hill, F.nrlo Arch. .... ..At tne mbtropolitak oiiba ^ n an jjt -g. CBCntln _ ,. All Browne; Snrauel Barton, Harry Olbba; Hol'sb, night of 18, "Patience" and Trial j,; xtrn session" and "A Night In Paris," In bandy McPhorson, John B. Robertson; by Jury" were given for the benefit of the tho olio are: Nellie Burt. In songs; Hayes Brlggs, (-liarles Andrews; Eleanor Ashton. Trades School for Girls The nei-formnnce and Wynne, dancers; Willis and Barron, In Anita lirldgor: Celeste Fniivure, Mabel irades School for uris. ine peiiormnuce - con]e ' d Bk6tch . r^w Hurvey, singer nnd Dlxey: Mrs. Carton. Brandon DoiikIbs; Flor- was under the auspices of the New York comedian; Martini and Maxanilllion, trick- ence Kent, Helen Mar Wilcox; Autin Hys- State Federation of Woman's Clubs .. stcrs; John A. West, the musical Brownie, Jop, Grace Hull: lloae Vurtray, Harriet Th« ennrlnnaa artrnetlona for tho week end- and, as an extra attrnctloa, Pat Rollly, the Hurst: Ksmcralda May Vpkea; Auut Aiiiilla, Tbe continued attractions tor tne ween ena j-| kaown and popujaj comedian. Tlio Mrs. E. A. Mem; u Mnld, Dalny Green. Ing April 18 were: Blanche Bates at Be- house on the opening night. April 20, was Samuel A. (Mogulrn Is bnnlncHs ropresuntn- i-asco's Annie Russtll at tho Gabuick, well filled. Jiext week, Wcber'B Parisian tlve for Messrs. Bronilhmst & Ctirrle. -. . /, .,„ » » k ¥,..„« r-.„„. n-nm- at- Widows. Keith's Theatre (E. V. Albee, general Mario Cahlll at tho Bijou, Grace George at BnlpIre Theatre (Charles Frohman, manager). — Culver's) bicycle seiisntlon the Herai.u Square, "The Resurrection at manager).—John Drow opened a return en- "looping the loop," tops tho bill here this the Victoria. "Tho Bultan of Sulu" at Wai,- gagement on April 20,; In his great week. Previous to looping the loop tho the victoria, ino °™™» « ° u,u " fllB success of this season/"The Mummy riders, Tom Butler and Frank Cadwclf, par- lack's, "The Enrl of Pawtucket at tne und the Hamming uird,"" and attracted a tlclpnte In a one mllo race on liomn trultiei-s. Manhattan, "The Prlnco of PllBen' at tho | ar g e audience. It was Mr. Frohmau's orlg- At tho finish of thulr net tbo rldera do a Broadway "Mr Bluebeard" at the Knick- Innl Intention to havo Mr.' Drew's present double "loop tho loop," which Is thrilling unoADWAT, Mr. » , ^ n ™ „- r h r rm engagement extend over a longer period of and sensational In Ihu extreme. Eva Wlf- ERBOCKER, Charles Hawtrcy ni me iw t j me tnan tne two woc | { a now announced as Hams nnd Jac Tucker began a two weeks' TFiiioN-, Henry Miller at the Bavot, "Every- the time ot the run, but tbe repairs to the engagement 011 Monday, opening In their Int- ...., nt thp c.uuns "A Fool and Hl» thcatro will be begun In the early part of est classic, "Driftwood," and, as usual wllh man at the UAOTK, a 1001 ana «i» aQd J|f Drw ™ m ]nHt lli|s (OJ( , ntca cou 1 t||0lr rcc . l!|)Mon wnH Money" at tho Madison Square, The wiz- f ormaIlco here Mey 2. The play ngnln held cordial and their lilt a most happy one. nnl of Ox" at the Majkhtic, Williams k close attention on Its opening, 20, and the The Throe Mortons (Sum, ('linn iitid Paul) .» n. .» ,i,„ v.m VniiK <'A ridnese work of Mr, Drew, I-lonel Barrymore, Mnr- had their audience on the r/iil tiluti from the Walker at the mew 1011a, a. '-"" 1CB ^ Buret DnIc „ nu tlle others of the company beginning to the end of their act; when not Honeymoon" and "Llltle Lord Fauntleroy mct w i t |, tvU approval. Tbe enst: Lord applauding tho ilalnty and plrjunnt (,'lara In at the Casino, the stock company.nt the Lumley, John Drew; Hlgtior D'Orelll, (luy her graceful work tlin nudiencn was eon- ..„,,,„,.., fhn German Onera Company nt Standing; Commander Lord1 ItonaIds, r-ewls yulsed with laughter at the aetilor Morton's Amehican, tlio ucrmon upim vumimuj. «■■ Bakcr . Oluseppe, Lionel Barrymore: Ud- Irish character comedy, while a marked Im- the Irvino Pi.acd, the stock company nt tne HOn> neglnnld Cnrrlrgton; Mnrkham, Roliert jirovement Is noted In Paul Morton's efforta Mtjuhay lilLi.. Barnum 4 Bailey's Circus at Sellable; ThomtiB, David Henderson; Walt- In comedy nnd nong. ICdwnrd M. Favor u.u..,. ntt ai»nw RiiiuBN "The Unfora- er, Thos. Gibson: I,Bdy Lumley, Margaret and Kdlin Sinclair were cordially received the Madibon Sqoabi, UAliUBN, ine unioro gy- m^ gj^ TIl0rnt0nj Qeorglo Wen-, In "Cieanr's Anget." which affords excellent seen" at the Empire, Amelia Bingham at ounl . c ur amlngs, Constance Bell. opportunity for Mr. Favor's clever comedy tho VnivevsH the last named closing on Muber'ai Museum (John II. Anderson, work, Hal Godfrey nnd company scored In tne iRiNctsH, ino w Proctor manager).—Stanley, who Is billed as "tho "A Very Bad Hoy:" Conn and Conrad that date. Dramas by tna u. i<. trocior wor|d v B cnnn ,|}|on teclh lifter," holds the po- created many laughs In "The Quiet Burg- stock companies, with added vaudeville feat- B | t j on 0 f star feature of museum hall exhlb- lar:" C'onroy and McDonald renewed former urea worn nrescnted nt Fboctor's FiPTlt Its this week nt Ruler's, but there Is u new successes hero In comedy und dancing; llnln ures, were prescnecu^ m• "" m mmmn . act here that la proving decidedly entertain- nnd Frunces, In hoop rolling cxerclBes; tho Avbndb and ONE HUNDBBi) ANu AwtHTi |(| ^jj if n g HCn(Ja if nm ily, live Neapolitan Farnum Bros., acrobatic comedlnns; Mur- Firrii Street The one week atauds „|ngers nnd dnnccrs. Other Interesting font- phy nnd Winter, colored singers and dancers; ,.i,,bw 1« were- "Alnhonse and Gaatoa" at uree for this week are: Cameron nnd Cam- the Ln Vlnc-Ciinieron Trio, eccentric comedy closing 18 were. A 'P a " ,* " , . .. eron i, Mexican ncroliats and expert casters and dancing; John Healy, comedian; Marlon the Fourteenth Street, ono or tne urav o{ g» lasso ond lariat: Mr. and Mrs. Mor- and Dean, comedy danrlng duo; Latlna, est" at the Third Avbnu«, Stuart Pobaoa ]«« fgt couple; Do Bonaire's Punch nnd contortionist; Emma Cotrcly, Juggler; Mil- .» th. riBAMr, Opbba Houbb. "In Old Ken- Judy, and May Martin, Albino. The thea- bert Harpny, character act, and Keith's mo- at tha Grano OrBBA "°"" B ' '" , ' tre continues to be an attractive point for tlon pictures round out tbe bill for this tucky" at Proctor's Fim-EionTii Btbebt, v| , lt0H> and D „,|„. e „ bBB never Mi«n so week. Primrose A Dockstader's Minstrels at the | artrP | n tlie history of the house. Grand Opera llonae (John II. Springer, „,„..„ npsiBA House. Weber * Fields* Herald giiaare Theatre (Bam. B. Shu- manager).—Primrose 4 Doclcatader's Mln- Hari-bm w««* "„!'„,,,_„, w „, Hnd bert, manager).—Grace George. In "Pretty strela are hero this week. Stock Co, at W*RBB fc FiEf-ns wist khd, Kjjf-TI j^g,,, tno flftu week 0 { ucr engage. n«i r '. Theatre f Daniel Frohman, man- "Happy Hooligan" at tbe Metboi-olih, and mfnt on April 20, crowded houses still being ager).—"Tho Starbuclu" began April 20 Its Thou. B. Shea at too SiiB Variety en- attracted. second week. 213 ' Praetor's Fifty-eighth Street Thc- atro (J. Austin Fyncs, genoral manager).— The week beginning April 20 haa as tin mngnet "Under Southern .Skies," thus cast: Major Crofton, Edgar Forrest; Hlel- la Crofton, Lllllnu Sackutt: Leila Croftmi. Minnie Vlctorson : Col. Ilobt.. Mavor, Kit- win It. Luring: llurlelgh Mnvor, Lawrence Wakelleld; Ambroae Mnvor, Alexander Pol- lock: Miss Dora llurlelgh, Lei In 10. Davis: Col. Paul Dnubeny, Harry W. Collins; Stevo Daubeny, Theodore Frlebus; Fill Uiimptoii. Ethel Gray: Miss Alsty, Helen Hyle; Mlsi Peggy. Laura Onkmaii; Miss Anne, Kate Morris: Mr. Torn, Howard Walsh; Undo Joshaway, J. I". Lester; Aunt Doahey. Lonlsei M. Dickson; Phlnv, Jessie Arnold; Anner 'Llzer, Minnie Church: Lonxo, Walter Howard: llnRtus, Duke Pulley: i'-phrnlm, Arthur Wllaiore; Llllle, Martha Pulley ; Sue, Martha Johnson, The limine was filled lu every part, and each of tha four acts of this picturesque and thrilling story of llfo In the South was received with applause. There Is no tinge of the "Blue and tho Gray" throughout tha entire piece. The scones at tho Hallowe'en party In tbo sec- ond act were especially productive of ap- plause, and the suddenly terminated wed- ding scene In the third act was probably move warmly rccelvivl than any other por- tion of Ihn play, Tho characters were In entirely competent bauds, tho company be- ing fully equal to the demands tunde upon them. Thursday afternoon, musical sou- venirs will tin distributed. Next week, "Only a Shop Girl." Miner's llowery Theatre (Edwin D. Miner, manager).—Harry W. Williams Jr.'a Imperial llurlcsiiuers la tho attraction this week. The bill Is opened with "A Pair ot Sports," lu which Jns. P. Leonard and Cliff Gordon are the principal comedians, Tho musical numbers were handsomely staged. The olio presents: Edith ttandnll and E. E. Perry, Etta Victoria, contortionist; Cliff Gordon, with a funny German dialect mono- logue; tho Musical Ilells, and Andy Adams and W. J. Kelly, The second part of tho burlesque closed the show In good style. Next week, Fred Irwin's Big Sliow. Tho henellt tendered to Nat Golden nnd Chns. Guthliiger, Sunday evening. April 111, proved a sin-cess, llowo and Scott, Willie Weston, Untile Dixie, L. L. Gorman, Mildred till- more, Poole and Bert, Oscar Mtollbcrg, the Viola Comedy Knur, John F. Clark, Frank 'Manning, Fred Wutsnn, IlrookH Bros., John .1. Sheppnrd. nnd Cooper and iteyuolds ap- peared before II big audience. Murray Hill Theatre (Henry V. Don- nelly, luniuiger).—"Puddn'liunil Wilson," with Edwin llolt giving an excellent lin- personniioii of the student of thumb marks. Is splendidly staged this week. Laura Hope Crows also appeared to advantage ns Itoxy. Tho rest of 1 he cast was maclo up as fol- lows: York Urlseolt, George Turner; Unw- ind Pembroke, C'luirlos A. Burrows; Cham- bers, Charles A. Hutchinson; Tom Drlscnll, N. Sheldon; L11IJI, George Henry Trader: Angolo, Edgar Allan Woolf; Sheriff Blake, Itobort McWado Jr. ; Judge Robinson, William II. Short: Hwnu. Everett Butler- Held; Cnmpbr.ll, Albert Parker; Jasper, Do Witt Mewing: Kiih. W. II. Short: Ilowy, Frances Starr; rntsy, Isabel O'Madlgan; Hannah, Loulso lliiHlelgli. Next wock, "Miss Million." London Theatre (Jntnes It. Curtld, manager).—Hurry Bryant's Hurlcsquers am playing their second llowery engagement this season, nnd wero greeted by a good sized nudloncc on. Monday evening. Matt. Kennedy, In "His Honor the Mayor," cur- ried the principal comedy role. Ferguson and Watson, tho Musical Cralgs, Lllllnu Beach and Mildred Murray, Van Leer and Duke, Luwsnn nnd Namon, and tbo Imperial Japanese Troupe of six made up an Inter- esting olio. "The Hobo Duron," with Harry Bryant in the title role, caused laughter In plenty, nnd his Eva, In 11 liurlosquo on ''Undo Tom's Cabin," was ludicrous In tho extreme. Next week, tho Starry Maidens. Third Avenue Family Theatre (Martin J. Dlion, manager).—"On the Struko of Twelve" was played, to a good sized audience, Momdiiv evening, Istnar Noa, as Jack llutledge; Walter II. Crosby, as George llnlnhrldga; Frederick Monley, ns Henry itutlodgai-.W.. -JL.AIuutgomery, lis James Horton: llnrry First, as Moses Levi: Flora Fairfield, us Jess Balnbrldgo; Alice Mortlock, us Doris llutledge; Dora Booth, as Maria Merge re ; Harry Salmon, as Jas- per: Frank Carroll, ns Pat: Walter D11- mnnge. as Warden Hawkins; Gcorgo Brooks, ns Keeper Doln; F, A. Peters, ns Olson, nnd Chns. Goodrich, as linnsnn, made up the cast. Next week, "In tho Shadow of Night." ciislno (Sam S. & Lae Shubert, Diana- gcrs),—"A Chinese Honeymoon" begun Api'l' SO lis foi-ty-svvonth and Inst wock of a run seldom eipmled III metropolitan theatricals. Four souvenir performances will colcbrnlu I ho last week of the engagement, "Tho llun- nwiiVH" will open here May 4. The matllieo performances of "1-ltlht Lord Fuunttoroy" liiivo met wllh Ihe great favor the play un- serves. Its clever Interpretation making tho revival u very enjoyable one. This Is Its second week. Commencing Wednesday, April Hi, the mntlnces of Mrs. Burnett's piny tliia fall 011 the week day will be given for tlio orphan asylums of tills city. Ench Wednes- day morning n different charitable Institu- tion will be tlio guests of the munngement. Vic tor 1 n Theatre (Oscar Ilammerstaln, manager).—lllnncuo Walsh, In "Bosun-cc- Hoii,' opened on April 20 her tenth week, Wngenluils nnd Kempnr ' havo extended an Invitation to clergymen to attend,on Friday, April 2-1, at one o'clock, a special perform- ance of "itosiirrection. This was done owing to many totters received from min- isters exprenslng Interest In tho producilon. Hijou Tlientre (II. II. Sire, mnnager).— Mario Cahlll continues lo remarkably good business III the pleasing "Nancy lirnwn." This Is tho tenth week, Ml tut Hickman Joined the company last week. Garden Tlientre (Charles Frolimnn, manager).—"Everyman" Is now In Its fourth Mnnhattan Theatre (Harrison Grey Flake, manager).—"Tho Karl of Pawtucket,' with its capital comedy. Is drawing big busi- ness. The current Is Its flflb week. Criterion Thealre (Charles Frnhmnii, mnnager).—Clinrli-s Hawtrcy, In "A Messuge from Mars," now In Ills fourth week, hud attracted big audiences. Atlantic Gnrdeu (W. Kramer's Sons, managers).—Delmora and Onldii, trapeze team ; Gorman, I'roclor nnd Gorman, In tliele musical specialty : Luvcue and Cross, ncro hats; George and Lorelto Mpjin, comedy singing and diuiclng net; Helen Valberg, operatic vociillst, und Die 01 Has, In a bnl- iiiielng perch art, nrn Ihe attractions for Hits week. Active preiiarallons are being made for tho forty-llfth niinlversiiry cele- bration, which will lake pluco Friday even- ing. May H. .lludlson Hqiinre Gnrden.—Tbo Itnr- 1111111 A Bailey Circus opened on April 2i» the sixth and Inst week of what has proven to ho n phenomoniilly remunerative run. The show Is an exceptionally fine one, and tin. turn away business It has done has been well merited. Wnllnek'a (O. A. k Iloyal E. Moss, malingers).—The present is the seventeenth week of "The Hitllmi of Sulu." Ills visit lien, has been a pleasing one from evirry standpoint. Savoy Theatre (Charles I'rohinnn, tnun- ngcr).—Henry Miller, in "The Taming of lfolen." opened April 20 his fourth week nnd last fortnight. Academy of Mnsle (Ollmoro & Tomp- kins, mnniigers).—"Tho Suburban" Is a atrong magnet, the fifth week opening April 20, with excellent business still the report. Broadway Thealre (A, W, Dingwall, mnnager).—Them nre no vacant seats at any performance of "The Print* of Pllocn." nml the advance, aalo Is vary heavy. This if the sixth week, ... _;» .,„ . . .