The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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214> •the; osnrvr tore/ obip^piir. i WfiL& Proctor's Tn-cnt>--(lilrd Street TUe- iitre (J. Austin Fyiies, general manager).—, Tim house evening of April 20 was. com- pletely tilled, and the audience wns apt re- miss In showing lift opiiriiviil nf tlir per-' formers' efforts. Jessie Mac Hull nml Jnmes a. Kicrnnn head the hill. In Al, Tralicrn'M sketch, • "The Opening Night," which proved lo be full of action aiitl contained soido funny lines. It wns capitally acted, nnd both Miss IIn.ll nnd Mr. Kicrnnn were ap- plauded vigorously for their ringing. The Musical Johnsons, xylophone players, mnde a decided success, nnil lyorlmer Johnstone nnd Caroline Frnnccs Cook played "All's Fair lu Ixive" wlfli a spirit and cleverness that carried the skit to marked favor. Others on tbo bill were: Ferguson and Mark, eccen- tric romedlans: liornmn nnd West. Id "A Special Meeting;" Ihe Onrrlty Sisters, In n tiP.1t Rlugltig and dancing act: Kllls-Nnw- luli Trio, iicnilitilK ; ihe (iugnoiix, jiiugllng exports; Leslie nnd Curdy, singers ami mit- ers: Mix's performing spaniels, n cnplul dog net: Cooper nnd Bailey, ivlmse inning wet with derided success I Fox and Hum- mers, lu "A Smnrl Lawyer,".and Iho kflla- technoscope. Mrs. Osttorn's Piny house.—Mrs. Kdllh Ellis linker reopened this house Tuesday evening, April ll, presenting on tlmt date, for the first time on any hUicc, a four net comedy drama, entitled "Tho Point ol V'low,'' which was written by herself, nnd In wlileh she played tbo lending female role. Tho piny proved to lie cleverly written, from a literary standpoint, In no far as aphorlHms and general high class dialogue may bo considered, but there was III tin foundation provided, for scene* nnd Incidents calculated 10 inspire dramatic Interest, nnd as it result iho work lacked Iho necessary Attributes which no to make tin a successful play. Thero wns shown a brand and liberal treatment of political views, and an Interesting manner of discussing some of the problems of life, but the oven tenor of the story aroused llttlo apprehension an to Its outcome, antl con- sequently the auditor's Interest was not keenly aroused. Tim story telts of how .Marjory Thornorofl, who comes of n I duo blooded finally, forces herself to marry a much, unpolished plainsman, James Milieu, who has made an Immenso fortune, tho use of which Marjory's family sadly foci In need. , After u short wedded Ufa which Is not a happy one for Marjory, be- cuute she docs not reciprocate the love her biisimud has for her, various manly imnll- ties in the husband come to the wife s atten- tion, and from ndmlrutlon for him she gradu- ally grows to love him, nnd all ends happily. Mrs, linker gave a pleasing performance of the wife, playing In n nutiirul, unaffected manner, and Iter leading man, Alphun* I'.ililer, ns the iingratmnatlcal, loyal and nio- hiiIons Westerner, was capital. lie acted with sympathetic feeling, and gnvn the char- acter a dignity and force which brotignt him n derided success. Tito oLhers of the company were cupnltlr. The cast: t.'arollnu Tlmrncroft, Fanny Cannon; Multlsnd Thorn- croft, Harmon MncUrrgor; Wlnslow Thorn- croft, Edward M. Ellis; Marjory Thorn- croft. Kdllh Kills linker; James stiles, Al- phoux Kthler; Da I Ins Henley, (leorge Pro- ber! : Lawrence Tharncroft, Jlertrnm Yost; Hercules Brown, llohrrt C Turucr: Klsia, Agnes J. I'lirter ; Jusephlne Donley, Ann War- rington ; Annie, .Mary Mossing; Henrietta Drown. Itutli linker: Marlon llrown, Mae Hello ltny; Dorothy llrowu, Jennie Turner; Nurse,, venle Aiherlon. Business wits not satisfactory, nnd the Inst performance was given Friday night, April 17, after which the house was closed. Poster's Theatre (Tony Pastor, mana- ger),—Thero Is no evidence of n waning season no far pel vailing the atmosphere oc Mr. .l'nstor's C0JUJ limine. Monday, April -ll. fan ml Just the same big audience iiHsembled lo en ley ono of I he lx hi bills of tho present season. Tim Four Musical Cutty* tiro listed lit Iho head of this week's bill, and It Is certainly one of I lie most pleasing musical acts, both as lo artistic musical ability and rout tinting, now before the public. Huberts. Mavea and Hoherls Mured strongly In their comedy sketch, "The Infant," anil created mui.'ll laughter hv their efforts III a loom I comedy vein. Prevent and l'revost again appeared In, Their "Turkish Hath" -sketch. combined with clever acrobatic work, nnd met with their usual success. Jens Handy, In his original parody songs, received tho recognition always granted (n originality mul conscientious olforl: llalph Font and Essie Clinton, In it grotOHonc comedy sketch, rrpivatoil well with the audience, as they ap- peal- hem qulta often and lire deservedly popular; Mr. and Mrs. Hwlckurd again sung iheir way Info, and retained, the good favor of the mullein e; Tinn Moore, one of our best slaters of coon songs; May L. Hell and .1. Woodul Oliver. In a comedy and mu- sical act; I'M. nnd Jonlo Evans, long and favorably known here, lu "I'laymates;'' Hob- bins and Troiiniininn, rellned singing net; i .et to and Hello, comedy ucrohnllc and trick house: the Itarreti llnm., club and hut Jug- glers; views of art. and travel, mid a now [.cries motion Ilium by the vltngrnph cotaplelo tho enlerinliilng bill for tbls week. noJ.Hll. Tlonlre (Ceo. II. Ntcollll, jsosral malinger).—"The Wlxnrd of ox" is u Its fuitrteutitli week, with capacity busi- ness. I lientre (Al. Ilaynilin & Co., ninmtgers).—"Mr. Itlueheard" Is lu Im fiiiirteciilh week. Ulg business eon- l limes. Uelusco Thriilrr (David Helnsco, mali- nger).—"The Darling of the dmls." with llhmclio Hates and her clever unsocial en, In now in Its twcnty-llrst week. The nt- totuhtnee Is still eiuirminiN. mid tho udvnnen Hitle Inilirivtes that even Ihe warm weather may not end the successful Holasco produc- tion. Tun iiknkkit nivt'.N to Ci..vtt.v M^onnts at iho llroadwuy Tlientra uriernooii of Tuesday, April .1-1. netted about (1(1,000. Miss Morris was too 111 to appear, hut she Milt n telegram to Amelia lllnghnni. who ar- ranged the bcueili, thanking her for her klndiiesn. Following tin nddrcsn by tholtev. Aiiilrcw R Ittiderhlll, Miss Morris' pastor, there wan given, "Frederick I.u Malt re," a oitco act coiiicdy. h.v Clyde Fitch, played by Henry Miller, Mnrthn Wnldrou and Merlntu llruce. .1, 10. I loi I son and Autile Irish gait) ••Kins (ii the linrii." with tim iisslntnitce of Miss olive, Joseph W.viidliiiui nnd Frank ilnldstilllli. Agues Ilnoll), who returned to tho singe for the ii-stlmonlnl, and Uoyd lmtniuti played "Old l<ov» Lottors." ','A Man of the World" was glv«u by Joseph .rrJncuss Tii.«t»o (Sara H. gltubeft, inniiiiger).—"Thero tnl llkk," a thrcu net ftircc, by Ocorgc Afllss, wn« given Its-first N4iv >orlc prontittlou, Aloudny nlgttt, ApfH 'JO, before an. audience t.hi|t tilled the house, mid stamped the pr'HJurtlon wliii their ■ap- proval. The farce vuis given Its llrst Atttcr- ii'iin preseiifatlon April 4, at tho Majestic Tltenlre, L'tlcn. N. V.. while Its original priKlitctlnn occurred May Ti, 1»(I2. at Jho I'rlnec of Wn.leit Thenlre, London, Hng. Tlie production on. Monday night had an added Interest from the fact tlmt It nerved as. t vehicle for the return to the local footlights of i'has. i:. Kvnns nnd chns. U. Hopper. Tho story dealv wllhttho perplexities, into which two young huibnndN (Win. Waring aiitl Henry Lewsoii) tiro plunged through ^^k Tk«i«re , (Charles i.Frohman. {taUfcj. ^:^ff^ff^S^ their being mtiered to take nil <K'ean voy- age for their health. 'flic opening net discloses the hasty 'preparations for their ile- f, Ilnworib, Hugo Tohnul. Alfred lllckliinn, N. K, linlgnnult and lleitrude Tldhnl. Mrs, Minna (Into llaynes, who also returned to tho stage for the occasion, nppenred ns rorlln lu the trial nwno- fmnt ''Tho Mer- chinit of Venice." Crontou tllnrk wns Bh.v- lock, nnd other ebninclorn were well taken hv .1. II. t'arbavl. Fuller Mollnll, J. J. Ilvnii, Albert limiting, Thomas F. Trncy, Walter I'leugb ami Cntherlue Clinton. Ulnncho lllng eninn from ITillndelphln lo sing "The Hollo of Avenue A" mul "In the Hood Old Slimmer Time," nnd Allele nit elite sung two songs In street dress. Fdwnrd llnrrlgnn mid Annie Yeatnnns mnde cnnslderable ran In the balcony scene from "ltomeo nnd Ju- liet." "Tun VtxroAn Hi'vr.ii" Is tho vehicle which F.xrn Kendall Is to use to usher lilni into Itmnilwny, ho being aniiouueitd for an appearance lit Iho Huvoy Theatre ou Mnti- ilnv, May 4. Mr. KcndtlH's success In "The vinegar Hiiyer" this neflBon has been ex- cellent, and If It continues to be Ihe sntiio on HrniuUvay the Savoy will have III ca- pacity tented. , . i.Tum.r.N KWfUUM Imif.seenrefl n eopy of the drown. "KrouitcnBchiile," said to be ii sort of petiaAtlt fo tile Fasulon Fifty. ^Ir. I'riihnillh utnten • (hat > lie will pnuitiee the play lit ibe Umpire Tbentro In the .Spring ll 1004. part arc, as they are to sail from Liverpool early on tho following day, their destination being New York. All goes well until they each receive a note from Marie Antoinette smith asking for ten pounds. Marie had known both of them' Intimately In their bachelor days, hut each one Is unaware that she Is known to Iho other. They each com- ply with tho rpuuesi. nnd Mane's note of thanks, to them slates that she will never bother them nguln as she Is going to New York on the morrow on the Lady of the Ocean, tbo very steamer on which Waring nnil Lnwson had engaged passage. Then they ench determine they will not take'the trip. Their wives, however, persuade them that 11 In best for their health to follow tho physician's orders ami they decide to spend the time with their friend Jack McCrne, In Scotland, lotting their wives believe them to be on the ocenn, We next sec them In a railroad stntlon in Scotland. where, also, their wives have been brought by Uu.v ({Willing, a rich untie of Mrs. War- ing, who hns returned from Australia. Mrs. Waring has always been his favorite niece, and Crlnllng has determined to purchase a largo estate In Scotland and leave It to her when ho dies. McCruo has advertised his place for sale, and It Is Willi u view of pur- chasing It. that Orlnllng brings the two wives to Seal land. Murlc also appears, hav- ing become the wife of Mcl'rae. All of the pintles meet except the (wo husbands nnd their wives, who urn deftly kept out of each others wny until finally Mrs. Wnrlng re- ceives n telegram from the Ithic Ntiu- Steam- ship Line telling her Unit Ihe Lady of tho Ocean wns lost nt sea and all on Iword were lost. The final act shown Mrs. Wnrlng and Mrs. Dewsnn in willow's weeds. The two iiiishiiniis return, and' not having seen a newspaper since their departure for their trip lire unaware of the report oil loss of the steamer. Consequently when lliey attempt to tell of their ocean voyage their wives tell them of the disaster and link how they escaped. The husbands then attempt to tell of their Imaginary rescue on their voyage home, but are told the vessel wits lost on the outward trip. They arc Just endeavoring to explain uwny this new discrepancy In their story, when Mm. Waring receives n telegram from the nleainsblp company which announces the safe arrival hi port of the supposed to Im lost nteamer. From' this predicament they are rescued by crlnllng, who generous- ly assumes (he rrspotiHlhlllty for their Mng In Scotland, ami family harmony Is re- stored. The farce In- screamingly runny from start lo finish. The characters are well drawn, the situations are excellent nnd the Incidents follow In natural seuttence. At an time does the author tax the Imagination or credulity o( the mullemr, fur everything happens In Ihe must probable manner, nllu, beginning with the llrst net, each compli- cation Is followed hv one more complicated, hut. withal thoroughly natural, l.'lias, !■:. L'vmts wns given u hearty reception on his first entrance, and he gave a most capital performance, dins. ll. Hopper 'received nn eipntlly cordial welcome, and was equally successful ns u fun tanker. In fact,' It Would lie dllllcult to select two coincdtonn belter fitted for Ihe chief roles. Florence Montgomery WON parth-ulnrly clever as Mrs. l.ew'Koii, and Augustus < 'noli, ns Jock Mc- Crne. mill Nik tor I,en non, ns Cnv Crlnllng, were capital. The others nil did , good work, The cast, in full: William Waring, Chus. K Kvnns ; Henry Ia'Wsoii, Clia.s. II. Hopper; liny Crlnllng, Neslor Minnon; Jock Mr-Croe, August an Cook; Hoberl, Ilnrnr-y noynoldn: Jamie, Herbert Furil; Sirs. Wnrlug, Kllznhoth Har- ry ; Mrs. l.ewsnu, Florence Montgomery; Marie Antoinette Smith. Maud White ; Jane, Lucille York. "There anil Hack" wan pre- ceded by "The .Man Who Stole the Castle." a play, lu one art, by Tom (lallon mid L. M. Lion, which proved a disappointment, In sblte of the good week done by (lertrudo Towar, Audrey lioucimuli and Augustus Cook. The cast was: Jack Dalwyn. Auhrey : Sir Ub'lianl Llverioti. (lertriide Towar; Mistress lbirlMirn CI vert on, Little Limine Allen; Josluh Hnnkey. Neslor Is>n- noii ; Cumiiilugs, August us (isil; ; Da hie Clllll- inlitgs, Mvi'ti llrooke. '1'liero In 110 npiiantut reason way tho curtain raiser should havo been given,' tut tho vblof offering furnishes an excellent entertnlunielit without It. Liinii' mi lit '«hi:i,i,. who In to give a special production of "Hamlet." at YVallaek's The- atre on Tuesday atlnrnooti, April 28, and Friday afternoon, May 1, supporlcil by a proiniiieiit cast of players, has completed his cast by the engagement of L'dwlu Vurrey, who will piny Polonlus. The com- pany engaged by Air. Kdnsell for his sup- port also Includes tiuy llnles I'ost, Wllllutn lltuleton, !■:. Triintfagen and Kdivlu Ilrig linin. An.vik Inisil willed for lOnghnid o(.iAprll 18. and will ictiiiii early In July, to .begin rehearsals for Hie part of Irns, In "lien llur," which will be clnlsorately revived at the New York Theatre III Septemhar. .1. c. Dudson, Who untile sncli a sitcceas as SI- iitonlden In tho London production, will ploy this role lit tho,New York. A spcrlnl produc- tion fur Air. Dodson and Mlns Irish wan con- templated for this Spring, but her bculth la inch that her physician has ordered her abroad for a eon voyhge. After Hie Now York Theatre run of "Hen llur" a special pro- duction will be made, lu which they will ap- pear as Joint stars. TttK Tmi.vntic.W: Uiihinrhh Mkx's Ct.iiti Will coiiHolldnta wllh Ihe Ureeit llooui Club. Itoth clubs will ttnu tho club house of Ilia (Ireen lloom Club, lu Went Forty -seventh Street. IT.'m.ii.m. services for Hilary Hell, tho dra- matic critic, were held Tttenday, April 14, at ihe Church of tho llvuvouly llest. The Iter. Dr. 1). l'nikei- Morgan ofllclated, ns- alsteil by the lie v. John Vtllllimis, The pall- hen revs were: David Helnsco, Chester I/ird. V. A. llnnilinm, Krvlu Wardauiii. S. (1. Hayue, .1. 0. K. Pner nnd Henry Blnnteln. The burial was In Koimum Cemetery.. KkiikaiimAlm for Klaw & Krlanger's pro- ductlou. nt Daly's Theatre, of "John Henry," hv (leorge V. Hobtirt antl l'dwavd K. Hose, In which Dan Daly will piny the title role, began hist week. Titii Actons' Cxion oi' Amkhica will give n benefit to Its willows ami orphans' relief fund ou Snlurdny evening. AptTl m. nt Iho Oiiind Oeiilful I'nlace, New York Clly. The iinrctit and local body In the Actors' N'atlotuil t'rntectlve L'lilon No. 1. of Now York, Its liMiilipitirters.balfig at No. 8 I'nlon Bqunre. The conuultree In charge of the entertain- ment nnd dunce i» nresliled over by James L, Harry. , Major Hurk Is tho treasurer, nud Lew Morton the aortrtnry. Their as- sociates are: Andy 'Aittnfiu.,- Jno, 11. W. Ilyrnes. llfirrr W. Molten, Al. LilMn. Clou. (inllnlt, Hilly Williams, Mnvtln Dentil. Harry Iteiitv. (Tins, 11. Dawley, Patrick Kelly, linrry Cnrlou, Meyer Cohen, Harry De Veatix,' Li. C, Itarl, Allell S. Wllllamn, F. M. Kl- dildge. snm Klein. Lew Morton, Otto Stein- »M-t, Al. .Von, Tllner, Tom Ollleii, J. L, I,aw- rence and Chita. Luflwlg, Men,' contim itfteentb- week nnd Innt fdftnlgnt. TiiBHRxrtr'iTfdlt'TnB AcfMnr IloMit,•« Went. New Hrlgliton, S. L, glveu A&tm vaudeville manaiiern and agentsot New .York, With Tony 1'iislur at their head. was;held.nt the^letroisilltrtn Opera. Ilottty. Sunday cych- Ing. April 10. before a-crowded: Iron*, -lm proceeds were about )J4,000. Among, tluine wjio ■ iippeajed-. were; Lugeala Mantel , James Thornton. Truly HhnTtuek. I'resii 1-1- drldgc, Milton Noblcn. John and Kpima Kay, Lottie (HlHon, the l-ainore Sisters, Lmitia CArus, Vernona Jarlieou, Willis K »W n i' iinm. James .1. Morton, Josephine HnlsM, tlnr- Ice Vnnce, the Iloherty Sisters, Mnrlon Ma- npln, Julius Wltmark, (leorge D, Day, KM Mudge, Florence .Moore. Trnjn. Ldlth llcl can, the Three Xevnrros, Ln llelle Itlanehe, Tom Moore, Meyer Cohen, Bellmna and Moore, Lj'rtla yeainnim Titus, Mrs. .Alice Hlmw and daughters, Joseph Maxwell and company, Hie Four Cutiys nnd l-artl Dresser. Toil It. Marks acted as general stage di- rector, nnd Jullua Levi wns musical di- rector. ' AnotiT 7,000 orphans from nil the asylums In New York were the guests of the Rarltnin * Ihiiley Circus nt Madison Square Onrden altcrnoon of luendny, April I)AVin Bklahpo has nlmont completed Ids pinna for the prmluctlon of "The Truth Tellers," for Ihe Delnsro Theatre, about next Christmas, following "The Darling of the Cods," which will ngnln open that house. F.dwth has been engaged for an Im- portant role In the new play. . . ,. Caiu. LAfrrxscui.AKor.n, a noted atago constntclor of Munich, In in New York on a pleasure tftilr. Ilo will Innpect the stage of the' Metropolitan Opera House nnd con- fer with .Mr. Conrled In regard to the lat- ter'n pluns for rebuilding It. TUB rVtlUt Ot' TUB STANIIorK-WnEAT- cnotrr Diuiiatic Soinvw, giivo a matinee performance at Hie Mndison Square Theatre, iifternoun of Friday, April 17. The work of tho students wan on the same high plnno of excellence which Mrs. Whentcroft hns main- tained for sonic time. The plays presented were; "Six Cups of Chocolate," Jn ono uct, by KBlth V. 11. Matthews: George Oh net's four net play, "The Iron slaster," nnd "Tho Marble Arch," by Ldward Hose and Kdward Gorrawny. ■ ,i. k T ^ Tub ANNr.u. lapibs' oamdol of the Lambs Club wns held afternoon of Friday, April 17, at Daly's Theatre. Ijunb Victor Her- bert conducted an orchestra number, Shep- herd i 'lav M. Greene spoke a word of wel- come, and then the curtain rang up on "The Angln-Amerlcan Minstrels," with WH- Ham M. Ahlngdaiic ns Interlocutor, Crnuley Douglas, bones, and LawTencc D'Orsny, tnmbo. Thin wan followed by "A Yulctldo Dream of DooleyV "Chrlntmns on tho lalnnd'' served to Introduce van Ilcnssclrior Wheeler, Fitgcne Cowles. W. Stanley Haw- kins and Thomas Whlffen. Joseph Weber and Lewis Fields appeared ln their pool sketch, and lie Wolf Hopper gave a song and recital Ions. "The Heneflt ltehonrsnl," billed us a lilt of dramatic carpentry ham- mered together by ICdgar Hhilth, with music by (ieorge A. Spink, closed the enter- tainment. At tub enxcnNNimt of the run of "The Starbucks" nt Daly's Theatre Daniel Froh- nmu will present. "When My Lady Foggy does lo Town," In which Cecil Hpoouer will appear In the principal part. iinriem.—At the iinriem Opera House (Alex Lltclienaleln, inminger). — Cunrled's lierman Opera Co. opened with "Old Heidel- berg" April ^0, the' same lilaV on Tilenday nud, Saturday mntlnee. Wednesday nlnht. "Tho Und of Sodom;" Tbursdu.v, "Uojtla:'' Friday night, "William Tell." The house Was' parked nt the opening performance. Next week. Amelia lUngluuii, In "The Frisky Airs. JoIhihou." Wkhkii ti' Wkst Rkd (Leo C. Teller, manager).—Weber & Fields' own com- pany broke the house record last week. This week, Hone Melville, in "Sla Hopkins," with bright prospects (or u big week, the honso beng well tilled L'O." Next week, "Shore Acres." ,..., ' MKTiioi'iit.iH (Henry Rosenberg, manager). —Williams and Walker nro here this week. The songs, dances and mirth making caught the.fancy of the audience _u, nnd their re- ception was n warm one. Next week, "Tlie Fatal Wedding." • > Tin: Stau (Wnt. T. iveogh, manager).— "Tho Child Wife," a four net melodrama. from tbo pen of Oluis. A. 'Paylor, had its llrst New York lutroduetlon nt t his house '.'0. It was well staged, nud received a cordial greeting, Chns. II. llmiiks naule the bent of his opportunities an Ihe hero, and Doris Hardy, as tho child wife, Wan satlsfactorv. i*nii I Kvertou. as Herbert Small, the villain, was one of the best In the cast, which was as follows: nil Htekbliis. Horace Itushby; Willie Jenkins, J. A. Curtlns; Dolly (Jolden, Dolly Kemper; llelsy l'crklns, Oussle liart; Dnlgbt Perkins, Chan. II. Booth; Itlugivood, (Mills. D. Willie: i.runt, I'nul Kvprton; Nelllo i "olden, Doris Hardy ; Percy (ioldcn, John Do Uffg; Old Crlswold, ltaymontl Chase; Sally l'lunkelt, Helen McOowun; Drown, Kd- win It. .llartainu; William, James C. Ma- blldy: Iteagon, Wtu. II. Parsons; Freiichv, Dun Williams; Nanon. CrJntlne Uingt'ord. PllOCTOB'H OXH I'll'XDIIKII AND W f W l' nrrfl HWlKirr Tukatioi (J. Austin I'yaes, general lunnnger).—Tim offering of the Proctor Stock Co. for this Week Is "A-Mod- ern Crusoe," Frederick Itond nsnumlng tho role formerly played by' tho late Holand Heed. Tho play gave satisfaction nnd was applauded, the cant not being forgotten In, the distribution of favors. The vaudeville Includes : Press Hldrldgc, who Is a big fnvor- ite here; Salto, a novel equilibrist, and the kuhiteclinoaeiipe. llruriii & hbamon's Jlt'Ktc llAt.t. (Ben Ilurtlg, umnageri.—Tho week opeucd under tho most favorable clrcumntnnrca, the houne being packed. The bill Included: Dolnii nml Leiihnrr, Truly Slintliirk, Joe Maxwell and Co., tho Klluorc sisters, Parros llros., Carl- ton mid Terre. Mr, nnd Mrs. Hurry Thonie, Crant nml 11 runt. in.vMrir (Thou. W. Valentine, manager). —Welsir's Dainty Ducheaa Col opened to' a llrst class homo 211 and will no doubt have a big week. It met with full approbation on the opening night. Next week, the Kiiropenii Sensation. ■ •' ' Olll'llKttM (Dr. Leo Hommors, mnnnger). —liuslnena coiitluuts nt the top notch.'- This week's lilll cuntnlns the following nnines; Morrlsy Sinters. Lilllli ltlehard. Alhteuc and Irfi Hrnnte ltndlc, Fnrmnn, and the Hnrtell lti-os. ■ ■■ Stuart, who nppenrea B*:.«iwry,,M"»»" r «ss» "Tie fclirfltinn" W, to' excelleiit• btimueW. aflScv T*llr 'dlitlrfgnlahrt IUin«fU In 1'■)" role "Nathnn Hale" did Well fast week. Jtosclle Knott, In "More thnu;Qnceu, next W J$gjfcfa '(Will- SIcAllater,'manftgerL—The oireHtig this Week Is one tlint bad JtH-urst H»*kljn lenrlnfc i!0, "Toll (late Ini." The torn '"as BSwL Kfnii , ^ n WJffl 1 " Jm quKc a' chai'iictcr, which sho ndralrttBlr lllls. Vhllo AuguAfa Phllllik Is seen to ,nd- vrtiiiage as a Tinlf' breed Indian. 7 Detweea the nets ClmtHe Tbnrdo given some .of his new songs; which Met with JSSSFu^JsSS Week crowded hottnes greeted Cecil Snootier In "A Ditnch of Keys." which was the last week Of this clever little actress ns a co- star, an next week sl|ei will star In her own plav. "Tho Iron Master" will he given by the' Spooner Stock week of 2i. OaritEi-Jt (Percy (1. Williams, hinringer). —This week's bill presents Mclntyre and Heath In a new act. "Dr. Lorcirz Drcnk- hoiie:" Nat M. Wills. Nick I.nng and Malene Cotton, Jn a hew sketch, "'Hie Critic nnd the l4itly:" Knrtelll, Knwion nnd June. Mlg- nouette Kokln, the Mnlanl Trio, and Un- icoi's monkey actors. In k IlttiJlAN'H (Archie H. Bills, mnn- oger).—A strong bill Is presented to the natrons the current week. Pauline Hall Is the lieadllncr. As a special fentttre Charles !•:. Ornpewln and Anna, Chance appear. Oth- ers arc: De-Foreests, the Three Livingstons, Josephine Sabel. Helimnn and Moore, Charlen II,- Ward, Cook and Sonorn, and l'arker'n dog circus. • ... Utah (Wm. I,, lllsnell, manager).—Harry Morris' Night on Hroodwny, which made nuch ,ia Impression on the audiences when hero in the early part of the season, returns and Was greeted by a parked house 'M. a.mi'iiion' is 11. Cohen, mnnnger).—(lelf- trudi). C'»(hlaii llila weeR, In "Alice of Old vincenties."' Ou the Opening night both slnr auil company were given a hearty wel- come. Hlg business last week. "A Chinese Honeymoon" makes its only Brooklyn ap- pearance here next week. Fom.v. (Ilcnnctt Wilson, .manager).— "Foxy Crnndpfi," with Joseph lliirt and Car- rie De Mar. began u week a stay 'JO. Hlg business last week. Primrose & Dockstad- cr's (Minstrels next. livii.rv (James Clark, manager).—The High Hollers will furnish this week's en- tertainment. Tho burlesques are "The Hollers on a Trip to Paris" and "Tbo Heart of New York.'" The olio bill Is a long and good one. Hlg houses last week. l'Avfox's (Fred Andrews, mnnnger).—The house company thin week Appear In "Thel- ma." The title port Is essayed by L'na Ahell lii-lnker, while Kirk Drown has the role of Sir Philip F.rrlngton. Hunlnesn last week was big. "The Sultan's Daughter" next. ' ' Novr.i/n'; (Dnvhl Robinson, ihnnnger).— "The Convict's Daughter" began a' wcek'n slay 20. F.very effort hns been mnde to nmjie the. stage effects nn realistic as pos- sible, llnniness lnnt week wns good. "The Struggle for Life" next. . . TtiBAfni: I'xiqri: (Frank 11. Carr, owner nnd' manager).—The London ftnlcty (lirls fnrtilih lids week's entertalnineni. In ad- dition to n good olio bill, two burlesques urn produced, ltunlness coin In ties big. Uotiiam (Fdmimd Day, mnnnger).—Will M. Cressy's new play. "My Old New Hump-, shire Home,'.' With the author In Ihe lead- ing part,, Is produced this week. The op- posite part, that of nn orphan girl, Is played by - Itlanelie Dayne. The scenes lire all lalil.ln and around New Hampshire nnd the characters are drawn from life, nunlnens continues good. LvcwM (Louis Phillips, owner and mnn- nger).— "I<eah, the Forsaken," is this week's offering. The part of Leah Is one In which Miss Hell bus met with much siieccess. Mr. Hidden In seen as Hudolph. Duslness last week was big. Notb.— Weber & Fields' Own Co. will op- near at the Academy of Music April afl-Mny SB Bennett &%onlioii" , («eo'.'K.'rJt6Dlnsbn m„ 4 wRmSli3H3B6?m 20-28, Salem b.^Jv'^ lWuhett t-MouHon (A.J>. B^-fiSv* |Mg*& ^: ' ' Apt 26: r 5 ' A *ur7i'.ark B^ia'Vl'"->*eivll |fl . heperfory(W'alter 9 Ii-m Bij^^fKk—Wn^lngton,; D. C., Apr 20, BUfoi ■•fotae'dy—New Orleans, tiL Anr "n lndeflnl^e,•.•.•■ ' i . •■.. F *"> "lien. Hur" (Klaw & Krlangef, m"grs.)_v„_ -.&?'SW-2; Apr '' ™ "Prf.ii.kt "iniiuiit rving nnu -t-attie Jvlng." J u Fntrell (Jnnteg II. WdlUck's; W. 11. Ovln ' r. Y., 2cMay -. ' o|li,rt»h rif 1.p,-h m irfiia fo.)hn A . M . "llreexy -Ttare," llnsterti (Merle II. Norton, prop, and mgr.)—Hamilton, 0., Apr "V Xenln ?7, Tippecanoe City 28. Cellnn "ii' Portland, Ind., 110, Albany May l, oils "Breetty Time," Western (Merle II. Norton jirop. and mgr.)—La llnrpe, 111 Apr E Cnrlhngn 2H. Mount Sterling 'J4, Odinc'v 'jr., si. Charles 2<li Ixiulslann-27. llnmilb-i'i 28, Barry, 111.. 2ft. l'lttstleld 30, Jackson vllle Amy 1, Hlllsboro Si, ^ "llollvnr'n Busy Day," BHIy B.' Van and Nellie O'Xell (Bugenc Wellington, mer) —Milwaukee. Wis., Apr 10-25, Buffalo V V„ 27-May 2. ' ' "Hoy of the Street." Joneph Snntry—Jersey dty, N. J., Apr 27-Mny 2. f . " 0.' . Crane; Vtm.'II., In "Dnvld Harnm" (Chnrlea Frohnian,,nigr.)-^Seattle, Wash., Apr 2^ SB|, Portland, Ore., 24,-25, San Francisco' Cal, 27-Miy. 0. Carter, Mrs. Leslie, In "Du Barry" (Dnvld Belasco, iigr.)—Chicago, III., Apr 2U-Mny Crosman, Henrietta, in "The Sword of the King" (Manrleo Cahipliell, mgr.)— KauiU City, Mo.,-Apr 27-Mny 2. Campbell, Airs. Patrick, Itenertory (Charles Frohmnn, mgr.)—Oakland, Cnl., Apr on m .■■■»»*. Brooklyn.—At the Moutauk (Isabel Slim lloeht, mnnnger).—Frank unnlcls pre. senteil "Miss Slplpllclty," to an audience which crowded the house. April 20. "Tho Mternnl City" did Ulg business Inst week. Week of 2T, "The Unforeseen." (I hasp Ol'RIU ilot'Hi: (Lew Parker, inaua- gm'l.—Herbert - Kelcey nnd Kfllo Slinnnou nppenred In "Sllertock Holmes," to a caJMiellv house, 20. "Foxy Orftlldpu." crowded tho house Inst week. "Sin Hopkins" uext, week. PARK (Nick Norton, manager).—"The Vil- lage Parson" wns put forth 20, to much ef- fect. Excellent husluesn Inst week. Week of 27, "Oue of Hie llmveit." rAtttwt'i'Ffi.Ttw SrttkKT (Klin Bcfd ray- ten, mtjiUaer).—"Pea WpOvagtou." with Btfn Heed Pay ton an lVg. was grc^t«Hl by a crowded-botiK 20. Mts. PhyMn'k wol'k Is couimeudnble. The company which stipnorls Iter Is selected from both hounen. The seenlc eRflCtn .Ire liaudsfiBe. Big husluesa ruled last week. Sew rfMIt, "Called mck.'' CottiflMlA (pnt* A. W*k rffirStWl^it was nitrttmucOi tltitt CfMon cinrlftt would appear In "Hlcbellcu," but, owing to tbo tact All Itontes Miint Heueli Us Not Later Tluin HI.otiiln>. DUAMA'l'll". A ' AIJcb, Viola, In "The Eternal City" (Lleb- ter * C<i., mgiTt.)—Boston, Mush., Apr 27- Aubrey "stock. Wenteru (Mltte'nthal Bros., mgrs.)—^roy^N. V;, Apr 20-25. A,1, ,v y T, 8, KS k .' k ««1p"». Allttentbal Bros.' "0-'5 n| K f )— Brockton, Mass., Apr Arnold'Stock (J. f. Arnoid, mgr.)—Staun- ton. Va,.Apr 20-25, Ulnton, V. Va., 27- •MHV 2* AunletShrewnbury Stock (Jack Atislct, ., '"Jir-)—Fort Bmlth, Ark, Apr 20-20. Arc ion a Mason?" (Julius Cahn, mgr.) \oiingKtowh, ()„ Apr 22, Johnstown, Pa., ,i .- a ' A |toou, «- 24, HouTsidulo 25, Are \ou a Mason?" (Illch & Harris, rogrs.) ,H» Frimclseo, Cnl., Apr 20-25. An Ainerlcgn dcntleman" (Carl Zocllncr, .."'««••)— -Newark, N. J., Apr 20-25. '^" : " uc^ • Arlsotui,'' Klrko 1*. Shello's (Jamea II. i al «'"• n'K, 1 ')—Madlsou, Wis. Apr 22 South Bend, Ind., 23, Dowairlnc •Mich 24. Elkhart ind., 25, WndiajME h. Plq m 28 Akron 20 Canton 30, Erie, Al, May 1, Muum Fulls, N. Y., 2. . "Alrwlui," Lincoln J. Carter'a—Tietrolt, Mich . „ Apr 10-25, Cleveland, 0„ 27-Miiy 2 ' At Orlpplo Creek" (Whltnker&Nniih, nigra.) Paf«5SSf , « '"•• ADr lu ''-'°- WkSBSfc "Atnerlwa Hustler," George F. Hall (Qua g9" g»>. ^ -)±-Um3trmiz. Apr 20- ^ftSPa 1 ' ,JJ C ;- aa » Rumford' Falla 24, Lewlston 26, Portntnoutb, N. II., 27, Bld- deford. Me., 28, Bath 2», Togug 30, Au- giista May 1, WaterVllle j. ^ ' "At ho Old Crgnii Itoads" (Arthur C. Ala- "AlpUbnso nnd Onston," Otis tllll'a (Joseph ■Jd-2B. ' m ^ v) ~ Pnllouclpliln, Pa., Apt? "Al,? 3etLA S 11 "! 1 ''V'r-Boiton, Mass., Apr ap-20,, Proiildeilce JL I., 27-May 2. "All Alsiant." Bdwlii' C. La Clair's—Somer- set, Pn„ Apr 24, Contlellsvllle 25, Dunbar ST. .- ft Bingham, Araelln, In. "The Frlnky Mrs. Johnson" (Frntik Mckee, irigr.)— Newark „ K J:. Apr 20.25, N. f, clty'^May 2. ' Burryuiore, Etliei in "Ctttrols" nod "The Country. Mouw'' (Chnrles Frohman, mgr.) —Chicago, III., Apr 20-May 2. B,V A M I kWKH5 ,l n . " Tnfi DDHIrta of the Ooda'' (l)avld Belasco, mgr.)—N. Y Cltv Apr 20„ Indefinite. *' u ly "'S, 31 ^,; ;;. , iP,i t " u lC (Wallace Mnnro. war.)—WMta-Wl la.- Wnali., Apr 23. Pen- dletijii, Ora., 24, Baker City 25, Bblie, Ida., ni2L loc f at « ll «' 28, I^gan, U., 20, OwUm 30 5Ty.. Apr Hi-"" I'ynne'l-Sluany; Blilr, Ktigpnte.* Itepertory (Henri Oresslt „ ttW,).-Claycl»iirt, O., Aar.M,lna«S3t*. Burgess, nmi, tu -The WufEttrt »r the «•«*»«•»•■;:<«. M. Bttfgffi£™mlr.)- B iwl JttttWt :tt "the Wrong Mr. Coghlnn, Itose, llepcrtorv (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Wallace, Ida., Apr 22, Missoula. Mont., 23, Butte 24, 2o, Anaconda 27 Orettt Falls 28, Helena 211, Llvlngntoa 30 Billings May J. Jamestown, No. lhik., 2. t'oghlan, Mertrude, lo "Alice of Old Via- cenno»"-^llrooklyn, N. Y., Apr 20-25, Al- bany 28, 21). Cohans, Four, In "tlunnlng for Ollleo" (Fred Nlblo. mgr.)—Holyokc, Mttss., Apr 23, N. V. city 2"-Mny 0. Cook-Chiirch, llepertory (W. n. 'Pnylor, mgr.) — Washington, Pa., Apr 20.28. Yoiingslown. 0., 27-May 2. Curtn Drnmatlc (M. IL (JitrlH, mgr.)— linr- yard,. Neb., Apr 22, 23, Sutton 24, 2ft, (irnrton 27, 28. Exeter 20, 30. Carrier Stock (Harry L. Webb, mgr.) — Scrmilon, Pa.. Apr 20-251 Carpenter,. Frnuklo, Kei»ertory (Jerc Ultdr, mgr.)—LoVvell,. Mgis., Apr 20-25, Brocit- lon 27-Mny 2. •■;■!, •• Chester, Alma • (Edward L. Bloom, mgr.) — Tfenton, ,>',• J., Apr 20-25, Burlington 27- 2|), Ued Hank 30-Mny 1. . Conroy & Mack's ■ Comedians (P. P, Cmft, mgr.)—I'lilllpnliurg, Pn.. Apr 20-22,:Belle- fonta 23-25, Milton 27-20, l'lttmoii 30- HUP 2. ., Carroll Comedy (ton Carroll, mgr.)—nidi- wood, W. Vn., Apr 20-25, Weston May 2. lastleHn.iin.rft Stock (W. B. Sherman, ronr.) KegM. Assn.. Can., Apr 20-25, Indian „ Head 27^20, Vlrden, Man., 30-May 2. Cnsfle Square Stock, C. C. Allison's—Mllll- ..- n gJ' k «- M«.,_Apr 20-25,.. Prcsque Isle 27- Cu'rriljeltjstrntton Stock—Mlddlotown, N. Y„ "Christian"-^-*!!. Louis, Mo., Apr 10-25. "Chrlallan"—Bay City, Mich., Apr 22, Sagl- naw,28, Port nproa 24, Stratford, Cau., "(•oVboy and (he Lady," 8. ajllletr Kent— JAuejiVllle, JVU., Apr 22. ltockfrird. III., 241 South. Chicago 20, Baittlo Creek, Mich., "I'li'ciimstnntlnl Evldeuce" (Fred D. Fowler, J J.r ,r, i~ 0n,,,l0ctol i. O., Apr 22, MJIIersburg 23, Orrvlllo 24. Wellington 25. "Convict's'Daughter," i-:nster«. Ceo. Sam- tipls' (Viealey B. Schratn. mgr.)— Brooklyn, V Y., Apr 20-25, Philadelphia, rn., 27- May 2. , "Convict's Daughter," Southern, Geo. Sam- uels' (J. D. Newman, mgr.)—Frederick, l SId„ Apr 22, Hanover, Pa., 23, Contes- vlllo 24. "Child Wife"—S. Y. City Apr 20-25. "Charity. Nurse," Heiick & Fenuessy's—In- dlimtiiiolls, Intl., Apr 20-22, HI. Louis, Mo., f27-May 2. Drew, John, la "Tho Mummy nnd the Ham- ming ..Bird" (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— N.,i?'CHy Apr 20-May 2. Dodge, Sanford—Sterling, Colo., Apr 23, 24, Sidney, Nebr., 25-27. Dotv, liarle, la. "The Iron Mask" (J. II. MacElroy, mgr.)—Lake City. Mich., Apr 22, Traverse City 28, Frankfort 24, Man- Jstee 25, Ludlngtou 27, Pent water 28, Muskegon 20, Big lloplda 30, Alma May 1, Saginaw. 2. .? Dyffryu, Ktltel, Bepertory (Boa Dyffryti, nigr.lT-Kxeter. N. U., Apr 20-25, LowIh- _ton, .Me., 2T-Mny 2. ... De Vflnile, Chester (Phil Levy, mgr.)—Wheel, lug, W. Vu., Apr 20-25, Cincinnati, Q., 20- May 2. , Dllger-Cornell, nepertory--Keyport. N. J, Apr 20-25, 'JMrrytown, N. Y.SBftm 2, Davldaon Stock (E. A. Davidson, mgr.)— Haileton, Pa., Apr 20-26, Lebanon 27- Do LacoW Twin Sisters Dramatic (Do I,a- oour k Melds, mgrs.)— Kukomo, Ind., Apr • 'Darkest Hour." LtncolnJj.'Carter'a-rtLlTlng- s»li6,;Miont., Apr 22, Billings 23, Glondlvo 24,' Dickersonjia, NanilanrTN. Dnk., 17, Cnsseiton 28, Fargo 20, Grafton 3d, Win- ulpPB^Man,, May 1, Grand Forks, No. "DatfnY liattun" (Jullua Caiin.'mir.)—Mon- treal. Can., Apr 211-20, DurlltTgton, Vt., 2T, ; rlntUlittrg, 1 N. Y., 28, Barro, Vt., 20, Montneller 3(1. . ^ . .. , "Devil's Atictlon" (Charles H. Yale, mgK) —Btockviiie, Can., Apr 22, ottawoc.23, Hherbrooke 24, Moncton. N. B.^20, uall- fax, N. 8„ 27-30, 8t. aohu, ,N. B., May 1, "Ifcwrt by tin? Sea" (Phil ttunt. ntgr.)-- Hartford. Conn.. Apr. 22. Sprlngllold, Mass., 28, 24, Manchester, N, H., 30 r Mny "De'spwato Clitthce" (Forrester & Mitten- Jhil, mgrs.)—llobokeo, N. J.,- Apr 10-22. Br^Mport, Conn., 23-28, Montreal, Can.. "DeVis>»|u£chnbeo"':.(Pofrelite? -ijilUtan- frngrjj.)—Unsford, Pa., Apr. M,' 8h«n- iM0la._N. J.: 2T,, Attjatlc City HE Brunswick 20, Wilmlbgion, Dt|., 80- nJnjt,ft«'Uoror" (*Jlil|».W6od & I 3 ' t "Sfflffi JPttr*|lb Al«W". a. J.. 27'«v, "aBfori. Pa., mav J. "^$$8Bfr>\■■'wgm, mb«t»'» Bum- tow^HajHPtlty, Mo., Apr 1U-2Q, bt, LOUla 20-lJaj 2,