The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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APBtt 25. Pa., Apr 27-flioy - THE MJW YORK OUPPtttl. 215 fcI 7rtnrlcsFrobman. mar. (—Pittsburg, Pa., ^"o-^f Brooklyn, | Y, 27-Mny 4. i-.^«ff.favlvr (Albert Taylor, tngr.)—Be- i-Mi'iwe 2 Stock (Lloyd ft Center, mgr«.)— 1 XrcSrK, MoT, A|ir 23, Tipton 24, vnffillps 23. California 27, Washington n R °% LonTs 21), BelMvllle. fil.vao. 1 ■■Var'l of Paw i>ck«" (Klrko U Saolle, nigr.) hnri oi i »£", >, .ltiUeanlte. ..Kvcrvma'n" (Charles Prohtnan, nigr.)—N. v Y'ltv Aor.20, udeflulte. ..t-Vll Eye" (Clia* II. Yale k Sidney It. F la. nigra.)—Marlboro, Mass, Apr 22, Bellows Falls, .Vt, 23, Montpolfer 24, nam'25, St. Johnsbury 27, Burlington "sl'lnttsburg, N. Y, 20, Ogdoasburg 30, Watertown May 1, Oswego 2. Catherines, Cau., May 1. P Hake Mrs., lu "Mary of Magdala," (Harrison (irev I>'lsko, mgr.)—Fall River. Mass., Apr 23, iWnrt 27, North Adonis '28. Fttveraliam, Win, In "Imprudence" (Charles ii'rohman, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo., Apr 20- •. "Toledo, O, 27. Columbus 28, Wheeling, \\' Va„ 20, Youngstown, O., 30, Akron May IvSHt, H-3 Logansport 25*, St." Louis, Mo,, 27-May 2. ' i-iHiiine. Mmule, Repertory (\V. II. -Graccy, S^p-^&JOE ***Q* 20-28,-Port Ferris comedians (Harry Bubb, mgr.)—Du- liitn, Minn, Apr 20, Indefinite. French-Irving, Repertory (Doii Macmlllon, nigr.1— Newcastle, Pn, Apr 20-22, Salem, O, 23-25, Mansfield 27-20, Fliidlay 80-May Fcnbcrg Stock (George M. Fcnberg, mgr.)— Glens Falls, N. Y, Apr 20-25, Saratoga ••8-Mny 2. ' ' Flnvla Stock (Thad Stevens, mgr.)—Paris, Tex., Apr 20-25. . . • Franklin Stuck (A. A. Jack, mgr.)—Ludlng- lou, Mich.. Apr 20-22, Hurt 23-26, Mon- tague 27-21), Allegan 30-May 2. "Fool and His Money" (Broadliurst ft Cur- rlc, mgrii,)—N. ft City Apr 20, lndoilnlte. "Htiuilng Arrovv," Go-Wori-Go Mohawk, Lln- colu J. Carter's—Chicago, III., Apr 10- Mav 0. "For'Her Children's Sake," Sullivan, Harris & Woods' (Bernard Thornton, ingr.)—St. Louis, Mo., Apr 10-25, Columbus, O., 27- 2U, Daytou 30-May 2. "Fauat," Morrisons (Jules Murry, mgr.) — Columbus, Nehr., Apr 22, Norfolk 23, Lin- coln 24, Council Bluffs, In., 20. "Foiv Oranujia," Joseph Hart and Carrlo De Mar (,Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)-—Brooklyn, N. Y, Apr 20-25. "Flnnlgan's Ball" (Ollle Mack, mgr.)—Butte, Mont., Apr 10-22, Bozdumu 23, Livingston 21, Billings 20, Fargo, No. Dak.. 27. Wlu- itlprg, Mau., 28, 20, Grand Forks, No. Dak.. 30: "For Her Sake," Eastern, K. J. Carpenter's (Josuph Pilgrim, ingr.)—Oreeulleld, '0., Apr 22, Lancaster 23, Clrclnvlllo 24, Ports- luouth 25, Ashland, Ky., 27, Irontou, 0., 28, Wellstou 211, Athens 30, Gloucester May 1. Nclsonvlllo 2. "Fatu! Weddlug," Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' —X. Y. (Illy Apr 20-May 2. "Fatal Wedding, 1 ' Sullivan, Harris 4 Woods' —Manchester, N. II., Apr 20-22, Porta- uiouth 2.1, Portland. Me., 24, Bath 25. "Fatal Weddlug." Sulllvau, Harris ft Woods' —Ullenbulg, Wash., Apr 22, Spokuno 23- 25, Missoula, Moht, 28, Helena 30, liwii Falls May 1. Boulder -■ "Folks t'p Willow Creek" (Frank Davidson, nigr.)—Bnrdstown, Ky., Apr 22. Khclby- vilic 23, Kniluopcc 24, Danville 25, Somer- set 27, Stanford 28. a Goodwin, X..C, and Maxlne Elliott, In "Tim Altar of Friendship"(George I. Appleton, mgr.)—Cnelnnatl. O., Apr 20-25, Tiuttlo Cicoki Mich., 27, Knliimuzoo 28, .South Bend, Iud,, 20, Torre Haute 30, Evunsvlllo May 1. Lexington, Kv., 2, Gillette, Win., In."Sherlock Holmes" (Charles 1'rouuinn, ingr.)— Detroit, Mich., Apr 20- 25. • Oracc Coot-go, In "Pretty Peaty" (Wm. A. Brady, iugr.)—N. Y. City Apr 20, lu- dellnlte. > ' Ullniore, Paul, In "Tyranny of Tears" (Jules Murry, mgr.)—Jamestown, X. Y., Apr 22, Erie, Pa., 23, Fredoulo, N. Y.. 2d, Youngs- lowu, 0., 25, Horuel.BVlllc.N. V., 27, El- uilrii 28„Ithaca 20, Blnghninton 30, Wllkes- „ Iwirre, Pa., May 1, 8crant(>n.2. ■ Crnnger, Wills, In "Gypsy Japk" (Cleff Stan- iIhIi, mgr.)—Worcester, Mass., Apr 20- 20, , Carslde, Conillt & Mnck Big 8toek (J. 8. (.arslde, mgr.)—Coatesvllle, Pa., Apr 20- „ M. York 27-May 2. ' Garrlck 'llientre (William P. Taylor, mgr.) —Sprlngfleld, Vt., Apr 20-25, White Klvcr Junction 27-Muy 2. ■ Guy Stock (Win. Cased, mgr.)—Jefferson ,. C ly, Mo„ Apr 20-20. ■ ( ; iuikell Stock—Diilruquc, la., Apr 20-25. GugnonPollock Htock (Bert ,C. Ougnon, wgr.l—Kort Worth, Tex., Apr 20-25, Dal „ lus 27-May 2. ■ Goriannd It Ford, Repertory—HUcnvltle, N. _ I« Apr 20-20, Monllcello 27-May 2, Go »tf.y, Stock (Ocutry A Cflffey, mgrs.)— bhelbyvllle, Intl., Apr 20-25. GIbkbow Stock—Buy.City, Mich., Apr 20-22. 0< H">8 Cqmody (O. M. Cotten, ingr.) — ,,.,V a , t0 ';„n»plda, Mich., Apr 20, IndeUultc, J!, w , ltu .prevn EyeB,' r Clara BloodgocKl auarles Frohmau, mar.)—Providence, It. {••Apr 20-22, Fall Blver, Moss,, 28, Port- land, Me., 24, Worcester, SInas.. 25,.North field 24, Northampton 25, Worcester 27, New Bedford 28, Taunton 20, Woonsbckot. It I.; 30, Putnam, Conn., May 1, Wlllmaa- tlc 2. Hlllman, Maude, Repertory (Archie h. Shep- pard, mgr.)—Beading, Pa,, Apr 20-25, Norrlatowu 27-May 2. Hall. Don C, Repertory—Kcnsselear, Ind., Apr 22, ixiweii 'aa-ao. Uoword-DorBet Repertory (Otlver Murtel, .„ m 8 r -i"r Jtt<;l<,w>n t Mich., Apr 20-2H. Hlmnieleln's Ideals (John A. Hluimeleln. mgr.)— Locknoit. N. \"., Apr 20-25, Ni- agara Falls 27-May 2. * Hlrnmelelu's Imperial Stock (Dave H. Woods, mgr.)—Bellnlrc. O., Apr 20-25. Slstervllle, W. Va., 27-May 2. Herrmann, L»on (Thurnaer & Gorman, mgrs.)—Kniieaa City, Mo., Apr 20-2i, Evnnsvllle, Ind., 30. llaywnrd, Ornce iDlck Ferris, mgr.)—Mln- , neapolls. Minn., Apr 20, Indcflriltc. Ilnrcourt Comedy, Charles K. Harris (W. C. McKay, mgr.)—Barlgor. Me., Apr 20-25. Hunt Stock (M. A. Hunt, mgr.)—Traverse City. Mich., Apr 27-May £ Hlckiann-neHsey, Repertory (F. F. Parker, mgr.)—Des. Moines, la., Apr 20; Indellnlte. Hemlenon Stock (W. J. ft It. R. Honderson, „mgrs.|—Arlington, In., Apr 20-25. Herman, Cbarlea D. (C V. Ward, mgr.) — Lincoln, Neb., Apr 22, Colorado Springs, Colo.. 23, Denver 20. Howe-Norrls Dramatic—Lambertvlllc, N. J., Apr 20-25, South Amboy 27-Mny % Hastings Stock (Francis'II. Shreiner, mgr.) —Wntsekn, 111.. Apr 20-22, St. Anne 23- 25. Momence 27-20. Harris & Parkinson Stock, Robert II. Ilarrls ^N. C. Uoyt, mgr.)—Owensboro, Ky., Apr Huntlcy-Mooro Stock—Chattanooga, Teun., Apr 20-25. "Heart of Mnrylund" (David BcUrco, mgr.) —Washington. I), t!., Apr 20-25, Balti- more, Md.. 27-May 2. "Hoosler Daisy," Bessie Cliftou (fi. II. Eldon, mgr.)—Cohocs, N. Y., Apr 22. Hooslck Fnlls 23, Amsterdam 24. Schenectady 20. "Heart of Oak," Hearnc's (Wlillum II. Gross, mgr.)—iMnrlctta. O.. Apr 22, Zanesvlllo 23, Cambridge 24, Wheeling, W. Va., 25, Wnynesburg. l'n., 27. WaKhlugton 28, Con- nellsvllle 20, l.-nioutowu 30, Johnstown Mny 1, Alloonn 2. "Happy Iloollcnii," Gub HIll'B—.V. Y. City Apr 20-25. Providence, It. I.. 27-May 2. "Holy City"—New Bedford, Mass., Apr 23, "Hot Old Time," Gus Hill's (Geo. A. Chenet, mgr.)— N. Y. City Apr 20-25, Brooklyn, N. Y„ 27-May 0. "Hearts of Gold" (It. A. Johnson, mgr.)— Toronto, O., Apr 22. Stcubenvllle 23, Cadiz 24, Ulirlchvlllu 25, New Philadelphia 27, Canton 28, Akron 20, Warren 30, Yuungs- town Mny 1, Ncweastle, Pft, 2. "Human Hearts." Eastern (Jesse Blnnchard, mgr.)—Providence, II. I., Apr 20-25. "Human Hearts," Western (Cluudo Buundere, mgr.)—Grluuell, lu., Apr 22, OtkjUMM 23, Ottumwa 24, Mollne, 111., 25, Daven- port, In.. 2(1. "llumun Hearts," Southern—Louisville, Ky., Apr 10-25. "Hidden Crime" (Eugene Sponora, mgr.)— Steubenvllln, O., Apr 27. I Irving Placo Thtatre—N. Y. City Apr 20- 20. Imperial Slock—Slstervllle, W. Vn, Apr 20- 25. "Irish rawnlirokers" (Joseph W. Spears, mgr.)—Savannah, Gu., Apr 22, Charles- ton, S. <;.. 23, Columbia 24, Augusta, On.. . 25, Atlanta 27, Cliattnnooga, Tenn., 28, Anntston, Ala.. 20, Birmingham 80, Do- cutur May 1. Columbia; Tenn., 2. "In Convlct v s Stripes" (Bert St. John, mgr.) —Ottawa, Can., Apr 20-22. "In the Bhuddoiv of tho Night"—N. Y. City Apr 27-Muy 2. J JelTerson, Joseph—Atlanta. Giu, Apr 22, Macon 23, Augusta 24, Snvunnnh 25, Charleston, S. ('.. 27. Columbus 28, Char- lotte, N. C, 211, Rouuoke, Va., 30, Richmond May 1, Norfolk 2, James, Lewis, and Frederick Warde, Reper- tory tWugenlials & Kem|ier, nigra-)—Can- ton, O., Apr 22, Youagstown 23. Franklin, Ph.. 24. Oil City 25, Erie- 27, Rochester, N. Y.. 28, Auburn 20, Ithaca 30, Syracuse Mav 1, Ulngliumtou 2. Jefferson, Thonlnn, In "Rip Van Wlnklo (Charles B. Jefferson, mgr.)—Watertown, N. Y., Apr 22. Geneva 23, Peuu Ynn 24, Cuniuidnliiuu 2."., !<ot'knort 27, Fredonla 28, Erie, Pu„ 211, Ashtabula, O., 80, Tltua- vlllc, Ph.. Mny 1, Oil City 2. .' Jeavoiw, Irene, Stock—Blulrsvllle, Pn., Apr 2025. "Janice Meredith," Wm. Bonelll and Boso Stnhl—Chicago, III., Apr 10-25, St. Paul, Minn., 2ll-Mny 2. _ „ , "James Boys In Missouri," Eastern (Frank Gazzolo. mgr.)—St. Catherines, Can., Apr 22, Rochester, N. Y., 23-25, Plttiburg, Pa., 27-Jlay 2. "Jiiuics Bovs :.. Missouri," Western (Frank (lazzolo, "nigr.) —Memphis, TenD,, Apr 22, 23, Full Jackson Itna, Ky., 24, Carlo, III., 20, ICast St. Loula 20. Murphysboro Carhondalo 28. Centralla 20,' I'anu 30, Paris May 1, Ctawfordsvllle, Ind., 2. K Kathryn Kidder, In "An Eyo for an Eye" (Jules Murry, mgr.)—unlontown. Pp., Aiir 22, Grccusburg 23, Johnstown 24, Al- Kelceyf Horbert, and lime Shannon, In "Sherlock Holmes" (Dunlol J. Arthur, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr 20-2o. Kendall. Ezra, lu "The Vinegar Bujcr' 20-25. Washington, IX C, 27-Mny 2. "Lout River" (Jtileu Murry. mgr.)—tjulncy, III., Apr 22, Peoria 23, Ualeaburg 24, Kcwanec 23 "Little Outcast," Eastern (C. K. 0111 ft E. II. Fltnlnigh, mgrs.)—Jersey City, N. J., Apr "Little Church Around the Corner"' (Vance & Sullivan, mgr*.)—St. Paul, Minn., Apr 10-25, Minneapolis 2<t-May 2. "Lord Ntrnthmore"—Toronto, Cuu., Apr 20- 25, Montreal 27-May 2. "Looping the Loop" (Alfred T. Wilton, mgr.) —Montreal, Can., Apr 20-25, Glcba rails, N. Y., 27. Hudson 28, Poughkeepsle 20. Trenton. X. J., 80, Atlantic City May 1, Wilmington, Del.. 2. "Littlo Mother"—Buffalo, K, ft, Apr 20-25. M Marlowe. Julia, In "The Cavalier" (C. B. Dillingham, mgr.) —Indianapolis, Ind., Apr 20-22, Louisville, Ky„ 23-25, St. Louis, Mo.. 27-May 2. Mansfield, lllchard. Repertory (Lyman B. drover, mgr.)—Des Moines, la., Apr 22, Kansns citv, Mo., 28-25, fit. Joseph 27, Omaha, Nehr., 28. 20, Lincoln 30, Sioux City, In., May 1, Dubuque 2. Mary Mnuuerlng. lu "The StubbornneBn of flernlillnc" (Frank Mclvcc, mgr.)—Kan- pas City, SIo., Apr 20-22. St. Joseph 23, Oriiahn, Nebr., 24, 20, Denver, Colo., 27- May 2. Muck, Andrew, In "Arrah-nn-Pogue" (Rich & ilarrls, mgrs.)—Chicago, III., Apr 20- May 0. Miller, Henrv, In "The Taming of Helen" (C. B. Dllflnghain, mgr.)—N. Y. City Apr 20-May 2. Muriiliv, Joseph, "Slinun RIiuo" nnd "Kerry Uiw > '—Baltimore. Md., Apr 20-25. Maun, Louis. In "All on Account of i;ilza" (W. D, Yuger, mgr.)—Rochester, N. Y., Apr 23-25, BoRton, Mass., 27-May 2, Morrison, Lewis, in "Fnust' (Jults Murry, mgr.)—Montrenl, Can., Apr 20-25, N. Y. Ctty 27-May 2. Murpny, Timothy, In "The Carpet Bagger"— Omaha, Nebr., Apr 22, 23, Minneapolis, Minn., 20-20, St. I'nul 30-Mny 2. Mnntcll, Bobcrt B. (M. W. Hauley, mgr.)— Boston, Mass., Apr 20-25. Melville, Rose, lu "Sis Hopkins" (J. R. Ster- ling, ingr.)—X. Y. City Apr 20-23, Brook- lyn, N. ft, 27-Muy 11. Mason and Mason, la "Builolph and Adolph" (Rroadhurst & Currle, mgrs.)—Philadel- phia, Pn., Apr 20-23. Mack, Wilbur, Repertory (Win. Btnnford, mgr.)—-Rochester, N. ft, Apr 20-25, Johns- town 27-Muy 2. Mvrkle-Hardor, Repertory (W. n. Harder, lugr.) 1 —Wubusb, lad., Apr 20-25, Lafayetto 27-May 2. Murray & Muckey, Repertory (John J. Mur- ray, mgr.)— Illun, N. Y., Apr 20-25, Am- sterdam 27-May 2, Miuki, Thoiniis, Itepertcry (Thoums Marks, mgr.)—Port Huron, Mich,, Apr 20-25, Jiieknoii 27-May 2. Murks Bros. (Jow'tdi Markti, mgr.)—Yunton, Can., Apr 20-22. Napanee 23-23. Marks Bros.. Mnv A. Hell Marks <R. W. Marks, nigr.)—Ottawa. Can.. Apr 20-22. Mnthex, Clai'ii—Sacmiucuto, Cul., Apr 25- May 2. McDonald Stock ((!. W. McDonald, mgr.) —Favctleville, A rk., Apr 20-25, Roger*. 27- May 2. Murray Comedy—Den Moines, In., Apr 20- " 23; Cedar Ituplds 27-Mny 2. Manliatlnu Stuck (Herald Kelley, mgr.)— Wasldneion, l'n.. Apr 2K-22. Uenlson, O., 28-23. Bnrnesrlllo 27-20, Cambridge 30- May 2. "Mr. Blue Beard" (Klnw & Erlangcr, mgrs.) —X. Y. City Apr 20, Indefinite. "Man to Muu'' (w. S. Uutterllcld & B. W. Itrlmllow, nigra.)—Ciiluklll. K Y., Apr 22, Albany 23-25, Hudson 27, Kingston 2H, Danville, Conn,, 20, Bridgeport 30, May 1, South Norwnlk 2. ., . . .. _ . "Molonev's Wedding Day," James L. McCubo (George A. Trdyser, umr.)—Iskaloosa, la., Apr 22, Otlinnwa 23, Washington 24, Mns- catlno 25, Rock island, ill., 20, Morrison 28, Clinton, la., 20, Dixon, III., 30, Prince- ton Muy 1, Kewunco 2. _ "McFndden'H Bow of Flats," Gus Hill's (Thomas It Henry, mgr.)—Ilostou, Mass., Apr 20-25. "Missouri Gltl," WoBtorn, Fred Raymond's. (Hurry S. Hopping, mgr.)—Plttsflcld. Mo., Apr 22, Qulncy 23, Mucon 24, Kansuu Oily 2UMny 2. "Moonshiner's Dniiglitcr," Rubier & Mnnn's —Chlcugo, HI., Apr 111-25, Fowler, Ind.. 27. (MiuUsworth, HI., 28, La Salle 21), Ottawa 30, Jollct May 1 "My Friend from Arkansas" (Robert Sher- man, mgr.)—Keokuk, lu., Apr 24, San- dusky, 0..27.' "Minister's Son," W. B. Pat ton (J. M. Stout, mgr.)—.Mechuulcsburg. p., Apr 22, Sablun 28, Wilmington 24, Mlddlelown 25. "Mlckev Finn," Perry and Watson (ClinrleB If. Edwards, nigr.)—Full River. Mass., Apr 23-25, Providence. It I., 27-Mny 2. "Midnight In Chinatown" (W. O. Edmunds, nigr.)—Manchester, N. II., Apr 28-25. N Noill Stork—Cincinnati. O.. Apr. 20-Mny 2. North Brothers' Comedy—Dea Moines, lu., Apr 27-Muy 2. "Not Guilty," Wliltaker & Nash's (H. A. Schiller, mgr.)—Murlon, Ind., Apr 22-24, Hi, Poul, Mluu., 20-Moy 2. p Olcott, Clinuucey, In "Old Llnierlck Town" (Augustus f'ltou. mgr. )— Worcester, Mass.. Apr 22, Northampton 23. Holyokc 24, Sprluglleld 25, Hartford, Cunii., 27, Mcrldk 2H, New Britain 21), Wutetbury phln 27-May 2. "Poor Relation." Pnlge. Mabel, Repertory (Henry F. Wlllnrd A Co., nigra.)—Non-port News, Vn., Apr 20, indefinite. ' _ ' "Power of the Cross," (Inrlatld Oaden (Ruth & Weber, mgrs.)—Ilrldgetoo. N. J., Apr 25. Hoboken 20-2O, Camden 30-May 2. "Peddler's Claim," Samuel Morris (Henry D. Marks, ingr.)—St Louis, Mo., Apr 10-25, Toledo, O., 20-20. "Pennsylvania" (C. K Callnban, ingr.)— Chicago, III., Apr Ill-May St. "Pickings from Puck," Wlllnrd Sltnms (Ol- lle Mack & Joseph M. Gnltes. nigra.)— Lntrobe. Pa., Apr 22. Piuinsuluwney 23, Lewlstown 24, llnrrlsburg 25, Phlladel- Harare Lents (Fred O. Berger, mgr.)—Holyokc, Mass., Apr 20-22, New Haven, Conn., 28-23, Worcester, Mass., 27-May 2. "Peck's Bad Hoy," Northern (Loroy J. French, mgr.)— Jacksonville. III., Apr 22, Alton 23. Litchfield 24, Dvcniur 2ft, Lin- coln 27. Farmer City 28, Danville 20, Kan- knkeo 30, Marseilles May 1. Jollct 2, Blue island S, Benton Hnrbor, Mlcb., 4, Three Rivers 0. "Peck's find Boy"—Albany. K. V., Apr 20-22. "Peck's Bad Hoy"—Philadelphia, i'n„ Apr 2O20. • a "Queen of the Highway," Jamea II. Wul lleks (W. McGowAti, mgr.)—Dayton, O., Apr 20-22. liKllnmipiillB, lml., 23-25, Phil- ndelphln, Pa., 27-Muy 2. R Russell, Annie, In "Mice mid Men" (Charles Prohmnu, mgr.)—N. Y. City Apr 20- Mny 2. RubBon, Stunrt, In "The Comedy of Errors" (D. V. Arthur, ingr.)—Siirluglluld, Mans., *T. J., 24, Cleveland, l>„ City 2S. Saginaw: 21, Battle Creek 20, Chicago, I]T.. 2«-Mni 2 "Tracr, tho Bandit" (Lloyd ft Center, mgrs.) —Pleunnt, Mo., Apr 22, T|pton 28. \V»»h. IngtOik ,21, J>»t St. Louis, III, 20, EU- wardsvlllo 27, Belleville 28. "Under Southern Skies" (Harry Doel Park- er, mgr.)— X. Y. City Apr 20-28. Ul|c|e Tom's Cabin,' 1 At. ,\V. Martin's— Battle {:reek. Mich., Apr f& Uncle Tom's Cnbln, W. Wnahburn, mgr.) "Uncle Tom's Cubln," Stetson's, Eastern (L, W. Wnahburn, ingr.)—Cub|i, >'. V„ Apr 22, Hornellsvtlln 23, Waverly 24; TowuniSn, Apr 22, Elliabetb, N 30-iiiny 2. Rogers Bros, In "Rogers Brothers In Har- vnrd" (Klnw & Erlnnger, mgrs.)—Day ton, O.. Apr 22, Indianapolis, Ind., 23, 24, Toledo, O, 25, Detroit, Mich., 27- May 2. Robson, Andrew. In "Richard Carvel' 1 (Wal- lace Monro, nigr.)—Providence, R. I., Apr 2(1-25, WooiiBoeket 27, New Britain, Couu, 28, Holyokc, Muss,, 20, I'lltsueld 30. Ryan. Drtnlet II, Reiierlory (W. S. Bales, mgr.)—St. John, N. It.. Apr 20-May 2. Roberts, Flor-meo, Repertory (.BcIhwd ft Thrill, mgrs.)—Loa Angeles, Cat, Apr 1U- - May 111. Robson Theatre. No. 1—Pensncoln, Fin,, Apr Apr 20-Mny 2. Royal Llllpiiiliiiin, Hill's (Dnnlel A. Kelly, mgr.)—I'lttfbuiB, Pa, Apr 20-25. "Ruined life" (It. L. flreney, ingr.)—Del- nlms, a, Ai»r 22, Toledo 23-25, Detrult, Mlcb, 20-Mny 2. "Runaways"—Biilllinore, Mil, Apr 27-Muy 2. "Heal Widow Brown" (A. Q Scamiiioti, mgr.)—Ellswo.ili, Me., Apr 22. Bangor 23. EnatlHirt 24, Cnlals 25. IIo<l|ton 27, Piawnw Isle 2N. Caribou 21),' Woodstock, N. II, ai». Fredrrlrtun Mny 1. "Resurrection"—Elizabeth,' N. J., Apr 30- May 2. "Rugged Hero" (W. J. Fielding, nigr.)-— Clnvet.'ind, 0, Apr 20-25, Clucluuiitl 211- May 2. "Roj-nl bluve" (Hnrry Gordon, mgr.)— HIBsihile, Mich, Apr 22, Kokomo. Ind, 23, Peru 21, Newcastle 25. "Romeo uud Julltt." Bluivello's (R. F. Tre- velllck. ingr.)—Mount Pleasant, Pu, Apr 25, Wllllumsport May 2. 8 Solhcrn, E. H, In "If I Were King" (Daniel Froluuiin, mgr.)—Boston, Mass, Apr 20- 25. Portland, Me., 27, Salem. Mass, 28, Worcester 20, Providence, It I, 30-Muy 2. Shuw, Mar}, lu "Gliosis" (Geurgo Fnweoti, ingr.)—Minneapolis, Minn, Apr 10-22, St. Paul 23-2G. Skinner, Otis, In "Lnziirre"—Biltlmore, Md, Apr 20-20, Washington, D. C. 27-May 2. Spuouur, Cecil, III "My Lady Peggy Goes lo Town—Newark. X. J, Apr 27-Mny 2. Btiiltz. J.,0, lu "Was 8ho lo BlnmoV" (Jed CiiiKou, mgr.)—1'rlnglinr, In, Apr 22, Cherokee 23, Sac City 20. Lake City 27. Carroll 28, Denlsun 30, Dunlup Muy 1, (iogaii 2. 8hen, Tliomns E, Repertory (James Wull, mgr.)—Sprluglleld, Mums, Apr 20-25, Bridgeport, Conn, 27-20, llurtford 30- Muy 2. Stanley, Cnrrlo (Cliarlo»-B..-BuruM r ..mgr )— Hturgls, Ho. link., Apr 2U-22. Sargent, May, lu "Other People's Money" ()•:. L. Johnson, mgr.)—Winchester, Ky, Apr 22, Georgetown 28, Paris 2-1, Rich- liioud 25, Maysvlllu 27, Poi'Miuouth, O, 28. Aslllatld, Ky, 20. HunthiL'ton, W. Vn, 30, Fouicroy. u, Mny 1, Oillllirolls 2. Sheruiiin Comedy, .lilim Bnrrntt (Rlffo II. Smith, mgr.)— Andersok, Iud, Apr 20-25, Bluomlugtoii 27-Mit" 2. BliimiioiiH. The illurry Slinnnoii, mgr,)— Terre Haute, Iud., Apr 22-25, Washington 27-Mny 2 l'n, 25, l'ltlstqn 27. Cnrbondnlo 28, HoqeM- 1 dnlc 2ft, Hnwlcy .10. Port Jervla, N. Y, Mny 1, Mlddletown 2. "Uncle Tola's Cabin," Stetson's, Northern (Harry Overton, mgr.)—Wlllinar, Minn, Apr 22, St. Cloud 2-1. Sauk Ceulor 24, Fergus Tails 2.", Wnlipcton, N. !>., 27, Ortonvllle, Mln, 2B, Mlllbnnk, fl. D, 21), Webster 80, Groton Mny 1, Aberdeen 2. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," stetson's, Western (Wm. Kibble, rdgr.)—Ashland, Wis, Apr 25, Iromvood, Mich, 27, Rhlnclundor 28, - Hancock 30, Calumet Mny 1. V Van Dyke & Eaton, Repertory (C. Mnck, mgr.)—Mount Clemens, Mlcb, Apr 20, lu- definite. Van Dyke ft Halon, II. Walter Vnn Dyke— Mttnltownc. Wis.. Apr 20-22, Fond du I^io 211-25, Racine 20-Mny .2. Vernon Stuck (llenj. n. Vernon, mgr.)— New Berlin, N. Y„ Apr 20-20, Liberty 27- ' Mny 2. "Vlllugo Parson" (W. K Xankevllle, mgr)— ' —Hroklyn, N. ft. Apr 20-25. "Volunteer Orguiilst" (Harry Muutel, mgr.) —Toledo, O, Apr 10-22. W Walsh, Blanche, In "The Resurrection" (Wiigelihnls ft Kemper, mgrs.)—N. V. City Apr 2ii-Miiy 2. : Wlllnrd. E. 8, Reporlory—Mllwnukee, Wlu, Apr 20-25, Buffalo, N. Y, 27-May 2. Weber & Fields All Sttftr Stock (Weber ft Fields, nigra.)- -Ilostou, Mass., Apr 20-20. Wlllnrd. Katlicrhin. lu -The Power Behind Ihu Throiie" (Eilwnnl C. White, nigr.)— Hannibal, Mo, Apr 27, Sprliigllold, III, 28, Chiiiuiialgii 30. Wurileld, Diivlil, In "The Auctioneer" (Dnvld Itelnsi-o, mgr.)—Byruciise, N. Y, Apr 22, Troy 23, Scliunciiady 24, Allmny 25, Hol- 7oke, Mums, 27. Worcester 2H, llurtford, \111n.. 211. Merlden 30, Wnterbury May I, New Haven 2. Wilson, Al H, In "Tho Prince of Tntlcrs" (Charles II. Yalu ft Sidney It Ellis, nigra.)— Minneapolis, Mluu, Apr 10-25, Bed Wing 27, ■Faribault 2H. Maukutn 20, Mason City, In.. 00, Albert Leu, Minn., Muy 1, Wfiiuim 4, l-.iiu Chi Ire, Wis, C. Wnlsli, JoHClili, III "Tlii> I'eddlur," Siilllvuu. Ilarrls & WoodH'—Ncwnrk. N. J, Aor 20- 25, Albany, N. Y, 27-211, Troy 80-ilny 2. Wind &*Vokes, In "Tint Head Walters" (E. D, Stiilr, nigr.)— Hiilrtti, Mass, Alir 22, 2-i, Portland, Mu„ 28. Boston, Lawrence Mass, 27-Mny 2. Wllllums A Wulknr, In "In Dnliomey," Hur- llg ft Henmon's—N. V. City Apr 20-25. Wlnstou, rjiiini. Slock—Fiilrhiiry, Nebr., Apr 10-25, llc-lirou 27-20, Superior 30- May 2. Winchester ft Wood's Comedians—Gonver- ueiir, N, Y., Apr 20-22, Cmiton 23-25. .Wills Bros.' «'onn-dy—Verk, Pit, Apr 2(1-22, Potlsvllli! 23-25, Scruntoii 27-21), Wilkes- bnrre 30, Mny I. "'Way Dowu Kind," Win. A. Brady's—Ho- hnken. N. J, Apr 20-25, Lynn, Muss, 30, May 1, ."Winchester." E, C. MeWudn's (H. F. Oalll- gan, mgr.)—Ciuuden, N, J, Apr 20-22. "When Hie Bell 'IVills" (Trnvorse-Valo, mgr.) —Mllwnukee, Wis, Apr 20-May 2, "Why Women Sin"—Buffalo, N. ft, Apr 20- 25. Iloimki-n. X. J, May 1, 2. "When Women l/ovii" (A. 1>. cnmnron, ingr.)—Westerly, It. I, Apr 22, W0011. socket 23, Portsmouth, N. II, 2-1. Ilnver- lilll, Mass,, 20, Newport, It I, 27, Provi- dence 2N-Miiy 2. . "When Wo Were Twenty-olio" (Morris ft Hall, mgrs.)— lltlen. N. V, Apr 28, '"Weary Willie Wulker"—Kllxubutb, N. J, Apr 23-20. Y "You Yonion," P. J. 'Kennedy's (». V. 01- . mux, uiur.)— I'lttslnirg, l'n, Apr 20-20, Boston, Mass,, 27-Mny 2, "YoungiM- IlroUieiK. Dunk Robbers" (It h. RlMsYi lhgr.)---lliivenport. In, Aur 22, Miisratlno 23, .Clinton 24, Lasalle, III, 20. "York State Folks" (ft E. Wright, mgr.) — Duliith, Minn., Apr 22, Cblcugo, ill, 2U- May 2. % JLW. "Zlir Zng Alley" . Floyd, mgrs.)—Gfaiu1 Junction, Colo, Apr 22, Suit (.like City, II, 23, Cisco, Cal, 211-siiiy i). Bpooncr Drnmnllc, V. V. nnd Alllo Spooner Ummm _, »"*SzSSJ ...» a (W. Dick llarrlw.11, iiigr.)-Tylor, Tm, Aboni 0 10m. A, pmsoi|tli W "Tho 8 Apr 20-25, Palestine 27-May 2.' ' C" ll 1 ?,,"?? ~4TJ n i¥'S& n " Shaviir. stock (Charles Thomas, mcr.)— . 2<»-25, (llovelai.d, 0, 27. to May 0. Shnyne Stork (Cluirlcs Thomas, llrnck'va.vvllli., l'n, Apr 23 : 20, mpr.)- Phlllps- burg 27-20, Rcnovii 30-Mny 2. "Starbucks"—N, V. City Apr 20 May 2. "Shore 'Acres," Defile's (Wm. II. llroas, ingr.)—N. Y. C. Apr 27- May 2. "Sweet Clover" (A. A. Thayer ft W. C. Jus- tice, mgrs.)—Grr-envlllu. Tex, Apr 22, Tyler 28, Palestine 24, Marshall 20, Slirevcport, I.n, • 2(1, Lake Charles 27, Reniinioiil. Tex, 2.1, Galveston 20, Hous- ton liOi Han Antonio May 1, Austin 2, Wnco •(, Corslciinn 5. "Suburban," Jacob Lilt's—N. Y. City Apr 20, liHeUnile. "Side Trucked" (A. Q. Scunimon, mgr,)— K. Flack ft Walter in, Colo, Apr 4, Him Fran- MUSJ4JA.I,. Bonn- Apr _,i u, m 10 ouiy 11. Aboiii Onurn, l«, iiresentliig "ilm Jolly Mtiskcto-.'r" nnd "Ilm Wlsnnl of liio Nile'' —Washington, J>. C, Apr 20 to Mny 2, Aborii 0|icrn, (.'. prnsenlllig "Tho lllghwny- ' man" and "Kiu Dlnvolt?'—Toronto, Cuu, Apr 27-May 11. Aborii opera, V, (iruiid Opera Cnst—Plilln- delphiu, Pn, Apr 20-25, Washington, D. C, May 4-0. Bostuulniis (Charles It. Bacon, mgr.)—Bos- Ion. Mass, Apr 20-25. Providence, It. I„ 27-20,_ \VorecsU'r v ,jjlil Biitl" y ", J fL* K! i a vI B m«s \23S land fill ™- Ntw navcn M .'. l i v . ] ' Url «H c >7v"J ?{ iTauford. Me, Apr 22, Bldileford 28, Fan (Llcbler & Co-, »8rs.)—loitand, mc, 0 , N ,„ j llm es. In "Mniixni:in n (Llebler ft ln K ton 24, Runiford Fulls 85, Llvcrmoro OK?_?%« Lawlcncc ' MU8I! " - J > JNorln Co., mgrs.)—St. Paul, Minn, Apr 10-22, ¥ S\\» 27, Rockland 28. Watervlllu 20, Skowhegun 30, PlUUeld Mny 1, Hartlnnd Apr n Adams 20. Kcllnr, mngiclun (Dudley McAdow, mgr.) — Phllodelplila. Pn.. Apr 20-Mny 0. King Dramatic—Blngbnniton, N. Y, Apr •'0-"5. Kliney Koincdy Ko. (M. L. Ktnsey, mgr.) — Brldgenort. O, Apr 20-25, Cnmcron, W. KtwrwI, J l>ot B i;.l."C Welsh, mgr.)—Rondout, N. y!. Apr 20-22, Suugcrtles 28-20, Hud- son 27-2!). Cntskdl 20-May 2. aeasoii ends. Kevstone Dramatic. Eastern, McGIII & Ship- iiiiin'sfUwreiice McGIII, mgr.)— Baltimore, Md, Apr 20, Indefinite. Kevatone Dmmatlc, Western, McOlll & Ship- lunn's (Will M. Carol], nigr.)—Hunting- "on, W. Va, Apr 20-25,. Charleston 27- ■\]u V f> "King of Detectives," Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' (.1. Isaacs, mgr.)—Brooklyn. N. Y Apr 20-23, Wllkesburrc, Pn„ 27-20, Kc'rantou UO-Muy " Adiimg 27 Northaiiipton 28, Waterbury, Hcrantou 80-Mny 2. - . ._ „.,„,„.. ...t'onii., 20. AlbBDj-, N! ft, Jliiy 1, Troy 2. "Kidnapped In New York," Burnev Ollmoro (•ambler's■Daughter." r.tmtern (It L. fJroa- (Hurry Montgomery. V«lHSi=hiSl Ji' ff.. m H r -)—Iioiidon. Cnn, Apr 22. St. Anr 22, Ottawa. Can, 2d-2o, Montreal -7- - Dairg: y-MRr.)— I^hdon. Cnn, Apr 22. St. Oiitlmrlnofl' 23, Hdmlltofi 24, 25. Gait '27, f.nelpli 28, St. Thomas 20, Str'utford 30, «M Huron, Mich, May 1.- t-ambler's Daughter," Western (R. L. Cres- jy. nigr.)—MacMsonvlllo, Ky., Apr 22, Bed- ford, Iud, 24, Seymour 20, Louisville, Ky, >-t!£~*X. '-'• season onds. uuw Keeper" Western, Tliomns J. Smith (ltowland & Clifford, props,; Kred Walton, H£H&% ™ |B - Minn., Apr 22, St. Claud 23, Nortblleld 1)4, „ , n vSSi: J . nmCB K,' In "The Crisis"—Wll- ) «t w' V 1;' ,A » r 22 < Altoona 28, Chicago, tti ! " t*ttB9 0. ■ • 1 m?l 4, vlr «lnlB, In "Iris" (Charles Froh- Rf"' m .K.)—Buffalpi ,N.' Y„ Ahr 20-25, ■>%?£?■ 27 '. ninjhamton 28, Utlcn 20. roughkeepBle 30, Xortli Ad«nm, Mass., May tpr 22, ouawu, i-uii lay 2, season ends. Langtry, Mrs. lilly, In "Mile. Mars" (Cliarlei Frohmani mgr.J-Boston, Mass, Apr 20- 1 n 8 Mnvni ^Irs. In "Among Thoic Present" U (oSf 1L Bwnnan, „,gr.)-Uauillton. Can, LiniSn a *Lyons Stock (Deaii ft Ketcliuni, • mgrs^j-Ncwnygo, Mich, Apr 20-2o, Snra- tJSSn cXfi (Al. H. 1-Wans, mgr.)- mgrs.. Mliiiicuiiolls 23-20. O'Xelll, Xiinee. Repertory—Kansas City, Mo, Apr 27-Muy 2. •'Old Arkniisaw" (Will F. Llndscy. mgr.)— Anlinoro, Ind. Tur, Apr 22. Dnvls 23, Pnrcell 25. Nornmn, Oklu, 27, Oklnhomn City 28, Mlrunn 20, KlugllBlier 30, Perry Muy 1, Poncn City- 2. "Our New Minister" (Miller tt Conyers, mgrs.)—Stockton. Cal, Apr 22, Fresno H.'f Santa Anna 24. Sim Diego 20, Fresno Angeles 27-2!), Hlookiiin .10. Sun Jose Muy 1, Oakland 2. 3. Sncrnruoiito -4. 0. "One of the ltnivest." Charles MeCurthy— Brooklyn, N. Y, Apr 27-Mny 2. "On the Siiwnnce Illvar" (Stair ft Mcolal, iimrii)—Boston. Mass, Apr 20-25. "Old Homustcud," with Denman Thompnon (Frank Thompson & W. I. Kllpntrlck, mgrs.)—Rutliiud. VI, Apr 22, Burlington L'.T, Bnrre 24, Ht. Jolinsluiry 25. Will In River Jiuictlun 27, Woodstock 28, Lch- nnoti, N. II, '20, Chtrt-iiiuiit 00, Concord May 1, Krone 2. "Over Nlnenrn Fulla" Htowlauil ft Clifford, mgrs.)— Belvldere, III, Apr 22. Marengo 23. Belolt, Wis, 24. Roekford, HI, 25, Milwaukee, WIb, 2lf-3hiy 2, Houth Chica- go, HI, 3. "On the Stroke of Twelve." W. H, Lawrence's (C. JI. Itunisey. mgr.)—\. Y. City Apr 211-25, N'lWiirk. X. J, 27-Mnv 2. "Oulv 11 SIiop fllrl" (II. II. Wlnchell, mgr.) Sppcrba," Apr 20-22 Bunions'—Now Haven, Conn, Struggle for Llfo"—Brooklyn, N Y, Apr 27-Mav 2. "Sign of (be Cross" (l''rei) G. Borger ft It. O. Crcarlii, mgrs,)—Washington, Pa, Apr 22, Bellalre, <>.. 211, Unlontown, I'll, 21, ('iiniliiTltuuI, Md, 25, WliHliliiglon, I). C, 27-Muy 2. "Sandy Bottom" (Hampton ft Hopkins, ingl-s.)—Kansns City, Mo, Apr 20-May 2. "Spun of Life"—Cincinnati, »., Apr 10-20. "Hlulii of Gulir ren, mgrs.)—Chlciigo, 111, Aiir 10-20, "Study (11 Itngs" (Clnrk Hill; K. J. m Apr 20-20, N. Y. "tVtrey, Char/en, """Mil! %S|hk3 Hi "n„- !.:,'; . In . "A Message from (Charles Frohinnn, mgr.)—N. ft g IndeOnlte. . .lay Lvceum Comedy (Al. 'New Windsor. HI, Apr 27-May 2. Londalo Theatre. (Hal Barber, mfr. J,-^""* Fulls. So. Dult, Apr 10-2o, Council mini*, In "0*Mnv 3 Luwi'eiico.' ifnrrv. Repertory (Harry Mark- ham. mgr.—Wlnsted. Conn, Apr 20-2o, Torrlngton 27-Mny 2. _ __»_ Lyceum' Slock (F, G. Orosjenn, mgr.)— Brunsn-lck, Mo, Apr 20-20. I/islle Stock—PftlfTsliurg, \n, Apr 23-25, "Little Lord Fniintleroy"—N. Y City Apr 20, Indefinite, Prlnre" 7ti^Vafo "g. WbTte.'mtr )-Holv- "I tie pincess." Millie Jaine, (C, B. Dll- Pike Theafr v"c, Mfl»s„,ftpr, 22, 8p?ingileld K 23, 'Weil- llnghum,- mgrO-1'lillailelplila, . Pu„ . Apr ,. ludeflnlte. 101> nn -Jeraey City, City 27-JIny 2. Payton,' Corse, Comedy (J. T. Macauley, mgr.)—Lynn, Mass, Apr 20-25, New Lon- don. Conn, 27-Mny 2. Pavlon Sisters Comedy (J. N. Montgomery, mgr.)—Creennboro. N. C, Apr 20-25, Van- vlllc, Vn, 27-Mn.v 2. ...,_, . ' reruchl-Beldetil Comedy (Tlico. Johnston, rogM—Kvnuavlllc. Ind, Apr 20-20. Pnelnn's, E. V, Stock UlnlpirA. Ward, mgr,) - -^Allontown, PA., Apr- 20-20, Lancastor Pheian's Stock (T.r'V. Plielan, mgr,)—Fall . River, Mass, Apr 27-Mny 2. Pike Theatre Stbck—Detroit, Mich, Apr 20, ;■ luduuftitc., ■'■ ■• ■ - • • • _' "•" T ' (J. II. lluvlln ft Win. On- ' pr 10-25. Iyer, mgr.)— Purvis, Miss, Apr 22, 'i'A, Huttlesburg 24, 25, Kstabucble 27, 28. T TI111iHl1.11. Adelnlde, In "At Cosy Corners" (Frank J. ft Clnxluii WIIhIiii-Ii, mgrs.)—. Tlliisvllle. Pn, Apr 22, Warren 23, Brad- ford 24, Horiiellsvllle, N. Y, 25, Toronto, Can, 2,-Mny 2, Ml. Catherines 4, Hamil- ton Tt, Turner. Clnrn. Repertory, Moulton, Thomp- son ft Mouton's (Frnuk L. Miles, mgr.)— Jnhnstowti, Pu, Apr 20-25, Ilnrrlsburg 27- Muy 2. Thurston Stock—Wlebltn, Kan, Apr 23-25. Tnylcr Sl^k (Hurry C. Taylor, mgr.)— W'.-iterbni-k. Vt, Apr 20-25, TIconderoga. N. Y, 27-Mny 2. "Tinre and Lnek." Charles 15. ISvnns and Charles II.-. Hopper (S. S. k Lee Sbubert, mgrs.)—X. Y. City, Apr 20, Indollnltc. "Two Little Wulfs,'' Llncolii 3. Carter's— (Milcago. Ill, Apr 10-25. "Two Slslers" (Illckey ft Wnrmlngton, nigra.)—WllllumHport, Pn, Apr 24. "Texas Steer" (II. II. Bmery. mgr.)— San- dusky, O, Apr 22, Akron 23-2."., Dayton 27- 211. Indlunnnolls, Iud, Jin-.Mnv 2. "Trney. the putlnw" (Percy O. Williams, mgr.)—Kllzabeth. N. J, Apr 20-22. "Two Merry. Tranios" (Sherman McVenn, mgr.) —Pontine. Midi, Apr 22, Port Huron 23, Battle Creek 24, Saginaw 20. "Trip to Cnlnnlowa" (Snrlor *.AUIler, r H)grs.) -20, Worecster, Miiss, 30, Noi(luitnptou ay 1, AlbaJiy, N. Y„ L'. or, lli'h'ii Mny, ami her Ladles' Mili- tary Band (J. Lesl o .Hiiftbn, mur,)-—Baft, ■mill, On, Apr 22, Diibllti 23, Tcunlllo 24, Augusta 25, Aiken, S. C, 27, ICdgullebl 28, Coluinblii 20, CiinKleu 1(0, Suutor Muy 1, Florence 2. Black Paul'* TreiibniJours (Vewlekel ft No- lan, mgrs.)—Hhnnm, .Pn, Apr-22, New- eastlo 23, Col.tiellHvllIu 24, Unlontown 20. Mount Pleasant 27. Hcolldalo 28, .lohiistowii 20, Altoona 30, Tyroub Muy ,. 1. Reading 2. "llilrgoinaBler" (W. I». Cullen, mgr.)—Mar. rlsburg, P11, Apr 22, Uiuoister 25, Wll- llunisport 27. Calilll. Marie, lu "Nancy Brown" (D, V. Arthur, mgr.)— N. Y. City Apr 20, Induli- 11 He. Castle Biiuai-o Opera (Henry W. Suvugo, mgr.)— Milwaukee, Wis, Apr 20-May 0. Cnnudiaii Jublleo Hlngers(W, T. Caciiy, mgr.) —Plllslleld, Me, Apr 22, Iliirtlimd 23. Newport 20, 28, Hangorvlllo 27, Gullfonl 28, MouiHJii 2(1, (Jreoitvlllo 30, Jackaluu Mny I. Caiindlnn Colorod Concert (William Cantor, mgr.)—Ill11fi1.11, O, Aiir 22, jjouvordniii 23, Flndlny 24, Ada 20. 20, Ottnwn 27, Di.'lpslc 28, North llulllinoro 20, MCCotub jjm." "Cliliieso Honeymoon" (H. 8. Rliubert, Nixon 4 Zlinnierinuii, mgrs,)—N. V. City Apr 20- m Hfooltlyn, • N. Y, 27-Muy 2, Boston, Mush, 4, Itiilcllnlte. "Chlnesu Iloneyuioou" (H. H. Hhubert. Nixon ft Zlinmermno, mgrs.)—New Bedford, Mass,, Apr 22. "Chaperons" (Frank 1,. Purlny, mgr.)—Cin- cinnati, (K Alir aiLMny 2. "Country Girl' (J. (!. Ouffy mgr.)—Jloston, Jlsus, Apr 20-Mny 2. Daniels, Prnnk. lu "Miss Simplicity" (J. Units Wlille, inir.)--Brooklyu, N. Y, Apr 20-2.-.. HiisIoh. Miss, 27.Mny 0. Dc Aiigeils, Jeirersoii, In "The Duicrald Isle" -A-WllllarrtsiMit-t. Pn, Apr 30. Duss' Blind (J, S Duss, conductor.)--Her/in- Ion, i'a-.. Apr, 20, Heading ,'W, Washing- ton, p. c, iiint., ami I nltlmoFo, Md, " 1. WllinlnaWn, N. C, 2. May —Suuir Hl«,"M»rlv, SIJcli., Apr Buy "Flddle-Den-Peo" (Tony T. Mason, mgr.) -rFall Rlv*f,,Mn»n., Apr 20-25, "Foxy i)u|il«r/ Rlclmhl IWdrrn (Ben Htorn, ingr.)-^CHIcagr..''l/l, Apr 10-25. Grim. Grand Opera—Cincinnati, O, Apr 20- , Msy 2. .«,..... bluer, Lulu, la 'Dolly Val'dtlu" IF. C.