The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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216 THE N3EW YORK CLIPPER. April 25. Whitney, mgr.) —Decatur. III., Apr 22, Terre Haute, Ind., 2U, Pittsburg, l r n.,2"- May 2. Glltnnn, Mobelle, In "The Mocking Bird" I SIM nrotliein, nigra.) —, P. «',, Apr l!0-2\ Cincinnati. O., 27-Mev 2. Gorrion-Khny Opcrn (3. Saunders Gordon, mftr.)—London, Can.. Apr 22, 2.3, Sinn- rrcal, Can., 27-Moy 2. Hopper, De Wolf, In "Mr. Pickwick" (K. 11. It.TnoldH, mgr.)—Washington, II. C, Apr 20-25, N. £ City 27-May 8. Hold, Anna. In. "The Little Duchess" (V. Slegfeld Jr., mgr.)—Chicago, 111., Apr It) Wealon * Herbert Vaudeville—Portland, Ore., Apr 22, 2», Tacoma, Wnah.,'24, 211. Heattle 20-28. Victoria, B. C, 2f», Nlinalmo ilO, New Weatmlnster May 1, Vancouver 2. MINSTRELS. American (Ghh Sun, mgr.)—Toledo, 0., Apr American Juvenile (J. 8. Hoffman, mgr.)— Newark, Del., Apr 22, Delaware City 23, Kofi fold 24. Niillslmry, Met., 2<"i, ('rlill-iM 27. Knatmi 2a Barlow a Wilson's (Lnwrence Harlow, mjrr.) —Johnstown, I'a.. Apr 22. Haatlnga 33, 1'lillllpHburg lift, Hcllefonte 27, Jersey Shore Hnhee, Mroe., Blshnp'e, I.tnn, Apl20-25. Medal (lenrge. Illihop's, levnn. Apl 2M}. Hentlry. law Park. Worcester, Apt 2025; Nelson, Springfield. 27-May 2. • Barrett, Bros., Pastor's, K. Y.C. Apl 8025. lhioman A Allelic. Avenue, Detroit, Apl 20-25; (Hymn IHIIcv A Spllier, Smith's, (Jrand Haplda, Apl 20 IV Wiltons, Blsrk. (I. <l. II.. drawl Kaplda. Apl 20-25. Ilrvnnt A Seville, Troeailero, Phtla., Apl 2025; llownrri, Boston, 27-May1 HernstslnTrln, P«rk, Yniltigetotvll, Apl 2025. < 'iinnlnghem A Covuey, Howard. Boaton, Apl 20 25. rolllne* Mallell, Kmiiirf. Baltimore, Ai>1 ai-ar.. Cti.hmen*Ht.i:ielr. nelson, Baltimore. AplJOi.1. Carter ft Hoes. Star, si. Paul, Apl 1925; 8am T. Jack's, B«J^kSiaaM^» i « L -* 4 S WK*. BradenlWs, PhHe Apl2023. Harmony Four, Arcade, lolcdn, Apl 20,2.1. in n *r roller. Keith'., Phlln. Apl 20.25. -I MneyftMlllaraliip, Keiths, PhU, Apl »». iyVAhnund A do.. Kinplre, Cleveland. Apl 3025. Ilawflhe. I**. Colonial. Cleveland, Ant »j» amptm. Mary. Olyinpla. Chicago, Apl»» linonngtnn, Wrlgfit A Co., llaytnarket, Chicago, Apl ""^Sin A Ilaoey. HIJoo. Norfolk AplJIMS. Philadelphia, !'«., Apr 20-May 2. "King Dodo," II (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) —Oil City, Pn„ Apr 22, Mendvllle 2,1, Erlu 24, Warren 2D, Bradford 27. Dubois 28, Altoonn 20. Johnalnwn ,'10, L'nlonlown May 1, Cumberland, Jld., 2. Powers, James T.. In "The Jewel of Asia" (Ceorge W. I,edorer, mgr.)—Philadelphia. I'n., Apr 20, Indefinite, fro oi i-iiM-n (iii-nrv w. Novae*. -N. V. City Apr 20, Indefinite. a Chic" (John P. riloi-um, mgr.)-— i), Can., Apr 22, Stratford 211. St. Duliirb, Minn.. .10, Flralnerd Mav 1. Primrose A Docfiatoder's (J. If. Decker, mgr.)— N. Y. City Apr 20-20, Brooklyn, N. V., 27-May 2. Qulnlan & Willi's (Daniel Qulnlan. mgr.)— Rochester, N. V.. Apr 20-22, Byrncnse 23, tit Ira 25. Ohwpko 2I», Geneva ilO, Coralpg Mnv ), Ciirhonilalo, l'n., 2. Hlchnrds & Prlngle'a (Buaco & Holland, mars.)—Pinna. O., Apr 22, Lima 23, Kurt Wiivno, Ind., 24, Valparaiso 25, Hammond 20. Testae (Harry De Witt, mgr.)Clnyvllle, Va., Apr 21-24, Amelia 2«-27, Burkcvlllo 20. Voxel's (John W. Vogel, mgr.)—South Bend, fuel.. Apr 22. ISlknnrt 23, Kalamazoo. Mich., 24, Ilcntnn Harbor 25, Mimkegon 20, (Irnnil Ilaplda 27, Greenville 28, St. Johns 20, Owoeso 30, Charlotte May 1, Buttle Creek 2. CIRCUSES. Bainuin k Balley'B—N. Y. City Apr 20-25, lirooklyn, N. V., 27-M«y 2. Itiiaby Brortii-rR'—Hlllsboro, III., Apr 22, Gillespie 23, Orrinlte City 24, KdwardHvlllc 25, Staunton 27, Tnylorvllle 28. Klv'«, George 8.—Browns. 111., Apr 24, Al- bion 25, Ooldcn Gate 27, Fairfield 28, 29. Main, Walter I*—Columbus, 0., Apr 22, Newark 23, Zaneavllle 24, tmrlchsvlllp 25, Wheeling. W. Va., 27, Stcubonvllle, O.. 30. Rln«llnK Brothers'—Chicago, 111., Apr 20-25. South Bend, 1 nd., 27, Elkhart 28, Marlon 2ft. Anderson 30, Torre Haute May 1, De- catur, 111., 2. Bohlnson, John— LouIbvI lie, Ky., Apr 22-25, Norwood. O., 27. „li,. - • —"■ -■- —' TeotH Ilrotliers'—Wlnerton-Salem, N. C, Apr Wilson. Francis, In "The Toreador" (NIxob -*< Mporesvlllo 25. Morganton 27, Marlon i Zimmerman mi{rs.)^nl.imbUH, o., Apr A ^M™ n *% Newport May 1. 22. Toledo 23, Akron 24, Canton sK Wallace—Daylnn, 0., Apr 30. Voiing-atnwn 27. Krle, Pa.. 28, llochester ...... X. Y.. 2li, 30. Ithaca May 1. Syracuse 2. "Peggy from Paris" (Henry W, Bnvugt mgr.)—Chicago, 111., Apr 20-Muy 2. "Prince of" (Henry W. Rnvnee. mgr.)—N. v "Princess Guelph, 'i'liomiiB 24, London 25, Woodstock 27l Hellevllle 2S, Kingston 30, Ottawa May Syk'fH, Jerome, In "The Billionaire" (Klnw A Eriangar. mgrs.)—Wllkesbnrre, Pn., Apr 22, MarrlBburg 2U, Allcjitown 24, Beading 25. "Sliver Slipper" (John C. I-'Isher, mgr.) — Philadelphia, Ph., Apr 20-May t). "Sleeping Beauty imd the Beast" (Klnw & Krfnuger, nigra.)— i lost on, SIuhb., Apr 20- liny 'i "Show Girl" (K. K Blee, mgr.)—Baltimore, Md., Apr 20-25, l'lilliiilelnliln, l'u., 27- -Muv 2. "Sultan of Haiti" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) —N. V. City Apr 2(1, indefinite. "Snn Toy"—South Kramlnghnm, Mass,, Apr 22, Taunton 211, Pnll Itlvcr 24, Portsmouth lord, 25, Maiden 27, Lynn 28, Portsmouth, >. n.. 211, Illddeford, Me., '30, Portland liny J, 2. • "Tenderfoot"—Chicago, III., Apr 20, Indcfl- 1 VII lit, Wlillney Opera, presentliig "Wlten Johnny Comes Mitrciiiiig Home" (Kred C. Whitney, mgr.)—Cleveland, (I., Apr 2H-25. "Wlwird of ox" (Harry llntnllii, mgr.)— X. V. City Apr 20, IndeOnile. l Aim: i i. Amerlrnn BurlestinetH (W. II. Wntnon, mgr.) - Baltimore, Aid., Apr 20-25, Wiishlngton, H. (.., 27-Mny 2. AmlrewH & Sun, huts Vnudevllle Stars— l'liter.Hon, N. J., Apr 20-25, Hoboken 27. Port Jervls, N. Y., 28, HiinVrr. 21), ned Bank, A. .1.. 80. Asbury Park May I. Bryant's HiirlcKnuera. (Hurry C. Ilri mgr.)—N. V. t'liy Apr 20-25. llrlrndler BurlesipitTs—N. Y. City Apr 20- Bowery BiirlcHquerB. Hurllg i Henmon's— Boston, MnsN., Apr 20-25, Rochester, M. Y., 27-Ma.v 2. ' Ilohcmlun nurlesniters (Thomas W. Miner, mgr.)—Buiruln, N. Y.. Apr 20-25. Hon |Ton Knrlcsiiiiers I Kd. !•'. Itimh, mgr.) —Toronto, Can., Apr -:'0-25. »'lty„ Spoils [I'hii Hlu-rldali, mgr.)—Detroit, lllch., Apr 111-25, I'lovulBlid, 6., 27-May City Club (Lodls Harris, mgr.)—St. r^uln, Mo., Apr 111-25, Mllwuukce, Wis., 20-Muy Ciii'cker Jacks (Harry I^onl, mgr.)—New- iirk, N. J., Apr 20-25, Paterson 27-May 2. Coonlown, 400, James L. Goothill's—Con'sho- hockon. I'a., Apr 23, Muabelm 24, Middle- town 25-Miiy I. Crawford's Vutidovllla Htnm (W. 0. itoxcll, mgr.)—St. Ausgnr, III,, Apr 20-20. DerorVi Sam—I'rovldciicc, If, I., Apr 20-2.". lhilnty Ducliess (L. Lawrence Weber, mgr.l —K. ^. o Clty Apr 20-25, Newark, X. J., ICtitiipcnh. Sonsnllnn—iN. Y. City Apr 27- Mliy 2. I'ny n Poster Burleniuers—Altoona, Pn., Apr 11 lull" Hollers (A. H. Woodhiill. tnur)— lirooklyn, N, Y., Apr 27-Mny 2. Irwin's, Prtd, Big Show—Philadelphia, Pn„ Apr 20-20, N. Y. City 2T-.Mny 2. Imperial liiirlcsqurrs (Hurry Williams Jr., mgr.)— K Y. City Apr 3030, Innocent Beauties—Akron, I)., Apr 20-22. ('nnton 23. Miisslllon 24, Mniisfleld 25, Columbus 27-20, Ilnytou :in-.Mnv 1, Jolly Orass Widows (Geo. W, Uoanii, inur.) —Clcyelnnd, O., Apr .20-25, HniValo, N. Y„ 27-Mny 2. .Imk's, Sam I'. iMaliel Iluxelton, mgr.)— Lownll, Mass., Apr 23-25. Knickerbockers (l.onls Hoblc, mgr.)—Chi- cago, III., Apr 1D-25, Detroit, Mich., 27- Mny 2, Lnfnyette, the Great (T. G. Lnfnyelte. mgr.) —Ilfllyoke, Mass.. Apr 20-22, llarlford, , Conn., 23-20, Boston, Mass., 27-Mny I). London Belles. Bono Hyde!Is—Albany, N. Y., Apr 20-22, Troy 23-25. ' London Gaiety tilrls—Brooklyn, N. Y., Apr 20-25. Miss Now York Jr, (Joseph Oppenhelmcr. ml-Youngstown. 0.. Apr 20-26. tlrimd Itiiplds, Mich.. 211-Mny 2. ifrrrj Maidens (Jncidm ft Lowerv, nigra.)— Troy. X. Y.. Apr 20-22, Albany 23-25, R, V. City 27-May 2. Majesties (Fied Irwin, lugr.)—Cincinnati, ()., Apr 20-25. New ltoyals, Clark's (P. S. Clark, mgr.)—St, MIHCEI.LAXEOUS. Buffnlo Dills Wild West, Col. Wm. P. Cody —Manchester, Kng,. Apr 20-Mny 2. Crystal Kyo GIobs (]'. It. Oray, mgr.)— Sharon, Vt., Apr 20-20, Stowe 27-May 2. Crystalplex (M. H. Wnlah, mgr.)—Thontss- ton, Conn., Apr 20-25, Torrington 27-Mny 2. Coylc's Museum (E. rt. Coyle, mgr.)—Cnlro, 111., Apr 20-25. Flint's, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L„ hypnot- ists (Herbert la, Flint, mgr.)—Jollet, III., Ajpr 20-25, Laporto, Ind, 27-20, Valparaiso 30-Mny 2. Gentry's Dog and Pony Show—Lynchburg, Vn., Apr 23. Gnrnaveutix, Mux well, hypnotist (F. 10. Leonard, mgr.)—Shawnee, Okla., Apr 20- 22, Holdcnvllle, Ind. Tor., 23-20. Great Conklln Show (Will Conklln, mgr,)— Carbondnle, III., Apr 22, Centralis 23, Bellovllle 24, iwaat Ht. Louis 20 Hncenberk. Car), tion—Columbus, Helms, mug Id a n Trained Anlmnl Exhlhl O., Anr 20-20. (J"._ W. Brooks, mgr.)— Apr 22, 23, Cr iron Mountain, Midi. Falls 24. 26, Negtunvo -7, 20, .'10, iKhpeutlng Mny 1, 2. Herbert, hypnotist (II. Bjimsger, mgr.)— Bristol, Conn., Apr 20-20. Indian Bill's Wild West and Mexican Hippo- drome—ConnellnvlDe, Pa., Apr 24, Scott- dale 25, New Kensington 27, Butler 28. Knowlea, Mr. and Mrs., liypnotlsts (Klmcr I'J. Knowich, mgr.)—Houston, Tex., Apr 20-26. Lucky Bill's Show—Ileplor, Kan., Apr 22, Walnut 2.'l, Stark 24, Snvoaburg 26. Leltoy, hypnotist (M. LeBoy, mgr.)—Nil- cogdoches, Tex.. Apr 20-20. Now Olympla Shows, Lowery Bras.'—Mc- Adoo, Pa.. Apr 22, Weathcrly 23, Hassle- ton 24. 20, Mahanoy City 27, Ashland 28. Noble's Show (Charles Noble, mgr.)—Stoney fell., Apl Collin* A Mart, HltcaV. UiilTaln. Apl 20Is. Couroy * McDiinild. Kelthi'l, N. V. (.'., Apl 2»2t. I.'srllnn A Tsrre. II. A S., N. V. i\, Apl 2U 26. <!*»«, niisrlay, Uook, Itoclientar, Apl 27-May 2. c'lKlinian. Ilolcombe A i.'nrila, Kmplre, Baltimore, Apl 2025. i'ih.v A Don, Keith's, 1'hlla., Apl20-25; Trocadem, I'liils., 27-May 2. ('Hrmen Sister*. Howard. Hoaton, Apl 20-2.1, Conroy A I'asi], Tlvoll, Mlankaro, Apl 20-25. Colrely, Kinmn, Keith's, N. V. C, Apl 20 25; Keith's, Bol- ton, 27-May 2. Car.nn A Wlliiir.l, Temple, Isiulsrllls, Apl 19-25; Mern- plil.i,2iVMay2. Onlliy A Way, Colonial, Clevetanil, Apl 20-25. Clsrka A T.-ii>i>m-, II. A H,, X. V. 1'., Apl 30-25; orplienm, llkln,27 Mayi. Callahan k Mark; Shea's, BulTslo, Apl 20 25. (,'hathalu Slaters, Slur. Hamilton. Apl 27-May 2. Cherry A Bate*, Arcaile. Toledo, Apl 20 21. siluunbarllns. The, Circle, >'. V. C, Apl 2085. liitlT», Mnalcal. I'aatol'a, N, V. •'., Apl 20-85. Culver's Hlevele l^iop, Keith's, S. y. 0., Apl 20-May 2. Cnlilwr.ll. Kreil, llnnsi.l. UontoD, Apl 20-85. Coon A f lomail. Ki'HIi'a, S. Y. C. Apl 20-25. Curroll, .loloinli., Colunilils, St. Louis, Apl 80 85; 0, O. If., Clilrago, 27 Mhv 3. Oolunil.ToTrlo, F.inplre, tlolioken, Apl20-85. ilooper ft Bailey. I'rocu.r's 8M St., N. V. P, Apl H C.irlln. Kiise, llnpklm', rin aito, Apl 20-25; SWr, k»e, 27-May 2, Carlln * Brovn, i'oll's, Sew Haven, Apl 2(186; Pnll'a, Hrlilseport. « Mhi 2. Cotton, Little Lola, Rlieedy'a. Neir Beilforil, Apl 20 25. Choroilfin. Ilmi aril, Boston. Apl 20 25. Carroll ft Clark, llowaril, Ho*ton, Apl 80-25., 0.0. II.. Iuillnnnpolla, Apl 20 85. Crane Bros, A Belmont, Bon Ton, .fersey City, Apl 20 25. Pupree ft Diti.ree. Ihovanl, Boston, Apt 27-May 2. Harrow, )h.,Uli* Stusrl. Olympic, Clileaso, Apl 20-26. IVremla A llreon, Oih.nliil, Chivelaud, Apl ai-85; O. O. It., 3SPTlidlenapolln27-Miiy2. Vnvla, i:«or«e(.'., Colnnibin, Cliirinnutl, Apl 19-35. Ileus-imaCM, Poll'.-.. New Haven, Apl20-25; Howard, Boa- ton, 27-Msy 2, Pnvla A MAcanluy, Conk'a. Jtncheater, Apl 20-25. Dacey, Clise* ft Want. IJnilno, Sacrnniento, Apl 8011; ixwey, Oakland. 27-51 ay 0. DeVenux, Win, (J.. Proctor'*, Allinnv, Apl 2025. Doyle, riaiif log. Arcade, Tnleihi, Apl 111-25. lleinliiK. Arthur,llrnlieum, San ('run, Apl 211 Mny 2. Uliryta A Kearm-y. Temple,, Aul 211.25. Iie.mii-. Will )'.. I'lr.-lc. X V. C, Apl -»a. Hand), .lo«». I'satnr'a, >'. Y. 0.. Apl 3085. Uunworlli, Frnt A., fanior'*. N. V. C, An) 2021. Ouucnn, A. 0„ l'r.» nir'*.',iii Ave., X V. ft, Apl 20 25. lleli.inr. I'liiii-lotie, I'rortor'aSlli Ave., at, V. ('., Apl 2025. Ilclniorn ft dm-Ida, Alliilltlc Carden, X. V. C Apl 3025. Bale, M ualcal. (Ii-ptieiiiu, Kaitaua City, Apt 20-25. Jlylln. Hernonl. Orplieiiiii, Oiiiaha, Apl 20-25; Orphetim, Ksnass Oily, 20 Mav i Doyle, Kilwavtl. 1'ioctnr'a 6th Ave., X.Y. ft, Apl27 Mav2. Iluswell, AUrle, Kuipliv, (,'levehmd, Apl 202 - .; I'irk, Voiniixatonn, 27-Msy % Draim. Main P., Kinplrc, Apl 20-35. Diii'i.nidy, Palaci', iii,don, Apl 27-Mny2. IIoiihIiiio A Mcliola, Cinplre, Coluinhua, Apl 3026. Hewitt, l.llllali A Short v, Kolth'*. B.iiloll. Apl -1IJ.'i. lim-kioy, Will. Bon Tou, Jimey OUy, Apl JU-25, ll^viomv ft Allen, WeastV, I'.'i.lliv, Apl 30-85. Davenport SIMvrK, Bljnn. .Norfolk, Apl 8.1 25 li. hi. in. Ilerllm. Auditorium, Knnolk. Apl2U-25. De (■'ou-.ata. The, II. A B,, llkln, Apl A) 21. Hini*. Jr>ale Bin th-it. Ouiiueaue, I'ltlaburv, Apl 2025. Dnere. I.onle, Diisipirsna, I'lttsburtt, Apl 30-25. I)re*aler,'Mni1e, Cook, Boclwater, Apl 30-25. Ilavlaft Ma™.ill j, Uaw, Knchoater, Apl 20Z1. Ho Barry. aliitlilldo.Cnnk. Uis-hoater, Apl 2025. H.iliin A Lenliarr, II. k s., N. v. c.. Apl 20-85. Indand. May. Brtrtanbiirai.- Irohof A iIood, Hriidenbiirs'a, I'hlla., Apl 2025. .lohnaione i Cooke, Proctor's 2M 81.. K. 1. ft, Apl 20-25. JollSatoos Mualtal.Proctor's2M St., S. Y.C.. Apl 20-26. Jones ft Unilon. New Mechanic*, Halem, Apl 20 25; Boa- .lohDaon.Mae.A. * 8., Boston, Apia) 8.1. .lolmson, Pareninrt ft l/>rills, Cohirahla, Rt. Ijnils, Apl 80-1J. .Inae, R .!.. Temple, Detroit, Apl 20-25. .tacsron. CTias., Casino. Woreeater, Apl 30 25. .lolinson A Ilenn,Columbia, Clndnnatl, Apl 19-25. Jordan*. Jueallnii. Main 8i„ feorla. Apl 20 25. Jordan ,t Crouch. Olympic, Ohleaao, Apl 20-85. JamesA Daila, Ilaymarkat, Chlcairo Apl2"-25. Jack«4>n A Iiou^la*. (lens, l.ynn, Apt 20-25. .lolmsons, Jup-Klliitr, Ven-Mei-hamcs, Kalem, Apl 20-25. Joiinaon'*, Carroll. T>UM|ueerie, I'lttaburt;, Apl 20-35. .lolinson, Wily. Hill's, New Haven, Apl 202!. Kearney, John 1,, Temple, Detroit. Apl 20-25. Kennedy, Memphis, Oreen Front, Draduood, Apl2025. Kloln. (itt Urns. A Slckerson, Columbia, Ht. Louis, Apl ai 25; C. O. H., I.'hlcagn. 37-May 2. Klein ft lll'.flon. llowaril, Beaton, Apl 20 25. Kokln, Mignonette, Orplitium. Hkln, Apl 20-25. Klomnn anJ Hull. MMlAI St., XV <■ Api 20 2.1. symoudV.'jack, CbaHa, Han Fran., Apl 37-May 0. Kelly ft Kent, I'oloinWa, St. tails, Apl 30-25; Dlymple, Handnw, Empire, Cleveland, Apl 20-25. Robyo*, Mr.and Mrs.,Temple,Detroit, Apiary23 _, Kamwft Amo,»7olmnbla, Cincinnati, Apllt-as tal Redmond*. The, Freeport, Apl 20-Jft. Hysn ft RitMMd, Duqaejne, Pittsburg, Apl2on-ii- Ton, Jersey city, S7-M»y 2. "' ""' " n . Ban Rnvmood ft Cavetly. Orphann, Kansas QUi » n i ,.~ (irnheuio. Omaha, sW-May 2. " "I" swj Hackett ft llaiard, Umpire, aiasnow, Scot., Am*.. Kmplre, Newoaatle, 27MarS. ' " pl *S; Uc|fl Broaj, Columbia, Cincinnati. Apl ls-25 Heynaid. E<1. T., Keith's, Boaton, Apla>.»; Keltic. ■> ,. (\,27-May2. ' _ "•"•*-\. lloberta (4). Baalahle, Syracnae, Apl 20-25. Hid ft Walter*. Orpheuni, Kanus City, Apl 8025. ,,„ plre, Cleveland, 27-May 2. "«"S1M. Kamney 4 Braulham, Crown. Kort Worth, Apl ayw« t . HnwinnftJiine. Orpheuni, Bltlu, Apl jn-85. "*'-■ Itobblna A Treenaman. Pa»torX N. Y. ft, Apl am lllalla. Keith's, Bo»ton. Apl 20-25. ' * Itoberiv Ram * Hoberts, Pastor's, K. Y. ft. Aal an ■ Itlnnoi, Tom. Bon Ton. Jersey City, Apl 20 26 ' 1 l(eno'«(Al.)Terriers, l*roctor> 83d 8t. X. y. (• iniso.. Itslmnnd ft Vaek. Masonic, Haahvllle, Apl sHf.TC~fi' I * **• T «»ipte, Koaalre, M.lV 11., Dnlnth, Apl 20-Maysl. nice, I'annv, T.inplre. Cleveland, Ant2025 Kocholles, the, Kelth'a, Boaton, Apt 30-25. Itlchardson. Carrlo, People'*, Lowell, Apl SUB Hay, John A Emma. Hrnotor'e, Newark, Apl 20 2', Ityan A Doug-laae. Empire. Hoboken, Anl am ' Kuaiell, Ida, Empire, Baltimore, Apl 2025, llspoll, Avenue. Detroit, Apl 80-25. Hlce, Nay, Main St.. I'enrla. Apl 2025. Iteno A Klchards, Olympic, CWcako, Apl 2005 Kuaaell Ero*., Olympic, Chicago, Apl 20-2.1. Itaeft Breacbe, (). O. II.. Chicago Apl 3085 Iteotc tlharle*. Auditorium, Norfolk. Apl 20-25 Koaift Fenton, (irplieum, Ban Fran., Apt 20-2.', Bins, Julia, Orpheum, Kanias City, Apl 20 2.1 ItnslaaBrna,, Empire, Coluinhua, Apl JTJ.85. Itlccl. Nellie, Bishop's. Lynn, Apl 20-25. Borne A Fcr(ni»on. Dewey, Oakland, Apl 20-Mny 2 Enblnaon ft Grant, Dixie, Bcranton. Apl 80.85. ' Rolando, 8l>t«r^ Park. Worcester, Apl 20-25 Holding, Franceaca ft Co., «». O. H., Grand Rapidi, \y\ Ro*e, Jnllati. 0. 0. H.. (Irand Rapids, Apl 9025 Saharet, Circle, X. Y. ft, Apl 2025. s.-ymour, O. 0., Avenue, Detroit, Apl 2025- Cninnui Cleveland, 27-May ». ' •"•"al, Swlckard, Mr. ft Mrs., Pastor's, N. Y. 0., April n. phoum, litlca, 27-May 2. r "' "' Rnyiler ft Buckley, Orphanm, San Fran, Apl 20-yiv 2 Stanley ft Wllaon, Hackney, London, Ena., Anl an-.- CsralfT, Wales, 27-May 2. K '' *<" ml, < Symonda. Lottie West, Columbia, RL Louis, Anl 2Mb- ■• O. H„ Chicago, 27-May 2. ' • Smlrl A Ke*aner, fnictor's, Newark, Apl 20-25; IWiw. N. Y. C„ 27-May 8. Cblcacn, 27-May ay 2 Krnii"e, Kinina, Howard, Boaton. Apl 20-25. Kiiowl.'*. (Jladys. A. AH.. Boston. Apl 2025. Keoley, Arthur ft LIHIe, A. AH., Bostnn, Apl 2025. King, Vera,Einplrv, llohnkon, Apl 2085. Klonau Trio, oryheuni, l,o«.\., Apl 20-15. Kennedy A ttoonev, Orpheum, Kansas City. Apl 20,13, Keloy, Mr. * Mrs. Alfred, Avenue, Detroit, Api 2025; Park, Younmitnwrn. 37-May 2. Koya ft Evans. Wcn.t >. Peoria, Apl 20-2.1. Ko'plln Bro*., Weast's, Peoria. Apl 30-2.V Kartoill.Orplieum.Bklyn. Apl 80-25. Kimball i lionorau, llaymnrket, Chicago. Apl 2025. Klondike Trio. Auditorium, Norfolk, April 20-36. Kavailagh A Hamilton, Wallop's, l.vun, Apl 20-25. Kiuiora, n-ilillieaoe, Flttsburt', Apl 20-26. ijiiigilon, Ml»> llardle. Diimieane, I'iilaburg, Apl 20 25. I.a Fleiir, Joe. Ilrptieiini, Los A„ Apl 80 May 2. Long ft Cotton, Clrphauin, Hkln; Apr. 80-a, Circle K. V. (■„ 27-May 2. tina. Mifa.. La Clair ft « eat, Tlvoll, Buffalo, Apl 30-25; Casino, Clove Latlna. Jllle., Keith's. N. Y. C Anl 2085, spnuldlng, Bnatahle. Syracuse, Apl 2025. Scott, Carrie M., Putnam's, Richmond, Apl 20-85 Sherman ft Der'orest, BIJou, Birmingham, Apl 2011 Scott ft Howard, A. ft »., Boston, Apl 20-25: Ornhsnm v V. ft, 27-May 8. ' ' * Sunderland ft Fonda, A. ft H.. Boston, Apl202,1 siiiplelsjh. Maude, A. ft s., Boaton, Anl 3025. rcbrodes (2). Keith's. Boaton. Apl 30-25. Scoa Bros., Colurahla, Ht. Louis, Apl 20-26, Schiller Bros., Columbia. St. Louis, Apl 20 25 6 iwart, George W„ (1. o. II., Indianapolis, Apl so k. seminary Olrla, Columbia, Cincinnati, Apl 192.1 Sarony, Gilbert, Kelth'A N. Y. ft. Apl 20-25. smith4 Fuller, Empire. Hohoken, Apl 202,1. Savllle Sifter*, Oileon, Raltliiiura, Apl 20.26. Sevmnnr ft Dupree, Avenue, Detroit, A pi 20-25 Swan ft Bam bard. Colonial, Cleveland. Apl 20-26 Sully, Lew, Olympic Chicago, Apl 80-25. schuyler Hlalern. C. O. II., ('rdciigo, Apl 20-25. stntts, Philip A Co.. Manhattan. Norfolk, Apl 30 81 Shaw. Mr. A Sirs. Larry. Ilowiinl, Boaton, Aid 27 Mav \ *lna II 1R Rkl„ ,,l*n.l ' ' ' " laud. 27-Msy I.I-1IOOII. Burt, I'rortor * MP Ave., Apl 2025. k l.ooninl, Cnlijue, llkln, Apl 30-25. l.ukens [I). New Slechonlc's, Salem, Apl 20-25- (1.0 II ludlunapi.lK 27-.Mii.v2. Sat.el.JoseplilDM. II. * X., Skill, Api 20-25, St. (Inge Bros., Nelson. Springfield, Apl 2081. Sparrow. Pntctor's, Albany, Apl 20-25. Stuber, Fred., Empire, Columbus. Apl 20-25. Sliunnun, Fred., Hem. Lynn. Apl 20-25. Lltehneld; Mr/and M'ra. Nell, Avenue. DMroIf, Apl 2025. iBSSN^t Jsl.T y'c t Apr5) t 25 Al>>Wr ' •«WS«" T " n '•'"«> CHy. Apl 20-^ Kelth*. -^ggVa^^S^AVS!,, „, yraark( , \S^^^^SaSS^S'iAfQ% I. I- ««MSlfe^ «*«*.**««, BouTon. dlnnapolla, 27-May 2. I*- Roy A Womiroi'il. ,\i Leo. Henry, CI '- Is'ttoADello, , In " Tfersey Oily. 27-May 2. , . Torrlllftelltuon, I'roctor'aSth Ave., N. Y.C. Apl 2025. iS^SlmxVi ^j A ,5 l ! ?,y?' nM » b,u lW->l»y». Thorne, Mr. ft Mrs. Horry, II. ft ft, KT.ft.ftVaMj! hallo PaSiei : . \ v ir{ft.« Orpheum. Bkln, 27-May i Jlallo, l«*»l_«, N. Y. (.. Apl 2025. Thomiis.,Hilda. Avenue. Detroit. . Apl L. Lynns, The, A. A S.. Boston, Apl 30 2.1. ,uvlne, llnmeron ft Co., Keith's, N. Y. ft, Anl2021 •ealle * Curdy, Proctor's 31il Su, N. Y. t!., \pl ai SB .« Clair, Harry, Keith's, I'hlla, Apl 20-29; Keith's', ton, 27-May £ 1.111 em ft'Causa, Atlantic Garden. N. Y. ft, Apl 202.1 Lyons, Toby, Howanl, Boston, Apl 20-25 Larklll A Patterson, Howard. Boaton. Apl 20 25 1... wi, ft llyan. Arcade. Toledo, Apl 20-81, l.aurvllea, Thu. Keith's, I'hlla. Api 21125. Is-o A Cliaptnnu, Main St., I'a.jria, Apl 20-25 Lloyd A Waltone, lliiymarket, Clilcaeo Ai.iavtH l.atidl, t:d.,U. ft II.. Chicago Apl 20^5 ' Lewis, Allle, Bljnu, Nnrfnlk, Apl A)-2.1 Llvlngatnna (»i, II. ft B, llkln. Aid m jta, idonn.Ciwik. Itochostor,Apl2025. Thomiis,.Hilda, Avenue, Detroit, Apl 27-.May 2 Telly Ho Duo. Cuato, Lowell, Apl 20-25. Talbot ft ItoKers. Empire. Hoboken. Apl 2025. Thurber. Leona, circle. N. Y. ft. Apl 20-25. R"*- Tatim-r ft nilhert, Avenue, I'lltaburg, Apl 202.1 Thurston, Klla. A. ft S., Boston. Apl 20-8.1. Threlklnd A Wlcke. Brailenbiirg'a, Phi la.. Apl 20 25 Thatcher, ovorgv. Keith's, Boston, Apl 30 25. Tlior, Muslcrtl, 1'roctnr's, Newark, Apl 20-26. Thornton, James, Empire, Hoboken, Apl a) 25. Ten hlil Troupe. Keith's, I'Mln., Apl20-25. Tectiow'aCats. (!. O. H., dhleago. Anl 20-25. Tut-on Blstara. Wesst's, Peoria, Apl 20-25. Wstnl I'a llsvan. (.'arler. Trln, Avenue, in-tioii, Apl 2025. Lavender ft Tomaoa, Cony, Ronhester, Apl 'jn"1 mnlnn Eldoru A Norlne, I'rrs-tor's, Newark, Apl 20-8.'.; Proctor's, Loop the Lour, Cliaa. A. Cook, Mar., «irplieiim mpiuu Albany, 27-May 2. A|.l 27-.Hay 2. w * r.l.l.iril .V .MUI11I-, riuniir-., M-nint, Apl an;:.; I'm. - H, i.oop uio i.Mup, aiiaa. A. COOK, Mgr., Orpheum Hkln Albany, 27-May 2. Apl 27-.Hay 2. ' "•'" Edwards A llonney, 1'rootor's, Newark, Aid 20-25. Little ft Prltikow. (I. O. II.. Grand Rapids. An) 20-2.1 Kldrhlae, ITi**, I'ns-iois 126th St., N. V. I.'., Apl 20-25; Lander A Stanly. Poll's, New Haven, Anl 30 25 I'rwior'a, .Newark,27May 2. Murphy. Mr. ft Mrs. Mark, West Baden. Aid 2085- cte.« Ellnorc S .ten. II. ft H., X. V. C, Apl2U-25; Pastor's, N. V. "and. 27-May 2, ' ' *'"• ' '""■ ii.iliu.spoiia, Apl 30-25; aal 20-3.1. ZWSt...\.Y.C..A|il30 25. IndlallaiN.lla. Apl 30 3.-, ft', I7-Mar 2. Kinphe City (juiulel, ICinpIri Standard, hl J,oul*. 37-May 2. ■ Kvuii*. Eilwa/d ft Josle, 1' -. N, V, c Evan*, George, I'roitor's Zld St.. N Y, l.netn. Fun.llv. n O. II.. hldhoiapnlli Kpp«, Geo. A Lorntie, Allanllc Garden, N.' y. c., Apl ai B E*iier<'Ma Slaters. Oii.lieom. N. Orleaus, Aid JO-i, Ellla-Nna-lan T rlo. Pmrlnr'a Zkl St., N. Y. (;., a pi Jo is Kills, Oha*. T. AI 'o., Hon Tun, Jerepy < it v, Aal E n Liner..111. Hullo, Ktnplre, A|il'30>6 i;voreltSlat*is,t)lyiuplc, Cblcugu, Apl 3)2.1. Esrl. Ylolot, A inin i.Hum, Norfolk, Apl a) 2.1 Kckort ft llorg, Nelson. Sprlnglleld. .(i.l 30 25. Emerald Trln, (lem, Lynn, Apl2U2S. rlpiM-1 ft K.luient, Wcast'a, Peoria, April 20 35. Tbnrntnu, Hunule, Colonial, Cleveland. Apl 2025. Toi.lna. The. Kelann, Sprlnglleld, Apl 20-25. T.nilklna, \\ in., 1! Jim. Illriiiliighiim, Ala, Apl302,1. Turner'a I'li-kaniuiiloa, Shell's, BulTslo. Apl 20 25, Thomas, Annie, Casino, Worcester, Apl 2025. Thompson ft Serlds, Gem, Salem, Apl a) 25. I'uihan, c. II., Orpheum, Omaha, Apl 20 26; Orpheuni 1,1111,:., (in, 27 Mny 2, Unlta ft Paul, Proctor's, Albany, Apl 20-25. Vinton, Twin Slaters. A. AH., Boston, Apl 208... Van. Hill. Keith 1 *, I'hlla, Apl20-26. - - Valbeiy. Helen, Atlantic Garden, N". Y. ft, Apl 2025. Vance, Clarice. Keith's, I'hlla, Apl20-25. Vice ft Viola, Star, Hamilton. Can.. Apl 2025. Vlctoiollle, Henry, Convention Hall, Baltimore, ApWI 2V Wood ft Kay, Columbia. 81. Loola, Apl 20 25. Warsaw Bros., Hay uinrket, Chicago, Apl 20-85; Colnnblii, M hary.27:Mayli S ^ "*""' A "' W * V; «*•» •"»" 5^OT*"»**• * » C " A >" » M i 8t "' Hkl "- W ratuu ft Allen, Columbia, St. Loula, Apl 20-25; C. 0. li., Mnilileua, .lugallng. star, llamlltfin. Aid 20 21 .Mtulcn|.*(.'l), Nh.i.ii, sprlngllidil 11.12025 Moore A Uly"- ...,ght, Kelrli'., Bostun, Apl ak25 Muaon-Kevisr en, Orpheoin, Loa A . Anl 20.Ua,- 9 Mnttlu ft Qulgg, Orand. Memphis, AM 1126 .Mntoglll, Walurliurv. Apl 20-25. '■•""•* iSafl»sr tt ^"""■*] Orpli.,,,,,, Omaha. Marlon A Dean, Kelth'a, N. v. ft. ipl-.-o-i Mrredltli Bitter*. Xiiiplre, Columbus, Aidao-", Toledo, 27-May 2. ' ' Moliityre Alloalli,Orpheum, Hkln, Anl2025 .MIUllllTrlo, Oiplieiiin. llkln. Apl-ji.25. Arcaile, 21X35. Uaudepilk Rome l\st Tills list Is nmilc np aa nearly «o- eiirnte us It is poasllilo to mnLe ss Hat of vuinlevllle bonUlngi. Errors ivhleli i.uiy iipp. it.- In tills alenart- iiii-ut from (luie to time trill lt« oirlllK to Into a-niicr-l list Ions or Irans- fers of <iiii< ■", of whloh we i«ve to slflienil apns tlio performers for no- sltli-ntliin. We therefore nslc nil ner- foriuers to cv-opernte vrltU as, sml lai-mi sin nil osncellnttona and trans- fers na soon an they oooor. Antrim A l'elers, Caalo, I*wrenre. Apl 3025. Allll'lll. Cnlonlnl. Cli-r.-hilid. Apl 30 26. Arui»ii<iiig A ivnel.t, Kellh's i'hlla., Apl20-25; llmrtinl, 11..- lou. 37- Mm- 2. v.h.nia i'lio. Circle, R. Y. c. Apl 30 26. Arsmill, Pel'llll. Oi'phl.iiin, Kailaua City. Apl 2025. ah nviii. P., i li pin• Jin. Null Kniii.. Apl 20 26. Aal ill.:' I, Sum, l-linplrv, Unit bo ore, Apl 2025. Aiiilersiiii, Al. ft Mamie, Huston, Apl 20-28, Allen, l.ei.n A lliu llo, A. ft rl, llnatnn. Apl 20 25. Aberu lliu-. Kmplrv, Hallluiore, Apl 20-25. 1...1, Temple, IM roll, Apl 20 35. Adiiui*. I.. IVn-y ft t*n., Gcirt, I.yuu, Apl 2025, Keith*. Boaton, 27 May 2. Kreiich Bros., orpheum, |, ut ,,., ,v p | jyji; Orpbenin Otiinhn. 27-May 3. ' ' Km nun i Bro*., Kellll's, N. Y. (;., Apl 2IV35. riuldlnu, Mattle. A. A S„ llosliin, Apl 802.1. Vox ft Suiiimrra. l'i-ia-.tor'a25d HI.. N, Y. C, Apl 3025 KorKuaon A Slack, Piortor'a 2:kl Ht„ N. y.);., Anl Sss Kreyi lieiiK Bon Ton, .lerasy (,'lty. Apl 20-25. Kletveja, Nellie. I'nutor's 6th Ave., X, V. ft, Apl 308s I'loriHloni Hotilil.-Sevtot. Keith's, Boaton, A|il 20,11' Kronklln, lieno, Kolth'*. Boston, Aul 2035. fox, Will II.. II. O. II.,*. Aid 20-25 Fuller, MlatSt.Heoige. Kuipliv, Holiokcn. Aid2025 Klnislbma.. Ks.||hXriilla., Apl 3025. !'•"-"• I'li'lUs, IV. (!., Orpli -'nil, Han Kran., Apl 20 25. l-'i-iivih) Bros., 1 li plieuni ill,,!,., s,p| a , •_,., Fey ft Clark, I iiplieiiin, Uniaha, Apl 20.25. Vlaln-r A tlalrolf, (li pin- inn, KnnsiiaClty. Apl 20 25, Friend. \Vjii.,(iiplieuin, Sun Finn., Aid 30-25. Fee, l-'.stlier, I li pli.-iiiii. I.... A., Api 2025. Foa, M ailuii. Avenue, Inn roil, Apl 20-25. Fluid* A lliiiiai.n, Jelfi-n. Sagliiiiiv. Apl 2025; Stur llanill- ton. 27-Ma.v 2. Fo<, L., Kmplre, SI. Paul, Apl 2025. Foreman, KdKiir, Trio,G. o. II.. t.'hlcniro. Apl 2025 Freticelll A la-wls, 1'im-iurV, Alhauy, Apl 20 36. Foster, Inns, i iein, l.v mi. Apl 20-25. Fcuielln A Hailclltfe.Smllli's, Grand lluplila, Aid 2011 Fndeitea. Orehvalrn, Family. Portland, Me.. Aid 302IS I'linat. i i l.i. I .null) , land, Me., Apl 20 85. Glvetis, Jehu, Palace, Boston, Aid 211 .Muvti Glllelt'a Miiaii-ul 1 ).'■(*. Koltli's, Aoatun. Apl 20-85. Glraril AGaiilner, Wolcrbnry, Apl3035; Kelth'a. N.y it 2,--M»y 2. GludaUiiie, Iaitlle, Olympic, May 4A ' Kn ' Mervlllr, Htiotll ft Elimuv. Cl.luiiihhi, Ht. Li',,,1,, An i «.-, Mining, atya,_Coliimlils. St. Isiuls. Apl 30-25. McMahen A Cliapella". Faii;il>"p.',rtTand%ie Ap i^iS,.,, Mils* ft Uiirinnacl, Arcade, Tnlealn, Anl 20-11 Mlley, Katliryn, Triicadeni, liilla, Apl 20-25' Mounsi* Miirslinll, star, Cleveland. AnUsUM M.Fiirlsiii] A-.Murray.Stnr,Cleveland, Aid !SS Mi*re, snlta, Blar, Cleveland, Apl 20 il Montioee, Louise, Oil niple, chhiigo let MLB Morcland, Heiitriee,, ilayniurkit. tililcago, Aid'2025 Mucart'a Monkeyx, Ilaymai-kut, Chicago jGXwST Miller A Kroako, V. (I, II., Ohlcago ADslrjefft Mcliuyio A nice, Olympic. Chicago.Tf^ai Mcttae.i Wyatt, Minihiittan, Norlolk.Anl 111 ai MoitI* s Muri-la. Auditorium, Noi-folk Anl afta Mlgaxicy ACiirllMlo, Sou siloin A,di«J.2J MaeurteSlaters(U). Iloiliiwlc ■ A,.l"o.M Mar«sa.WlUi^i>i^utM l ffl , «K ,,w Mux well, Joe Otlllitcl, II. ft 8.. W. V. C."i„l aj»a M.,r,,l,, A In)..,.,. 1,1., .».*."' '"-i 1 !" ** -n, Clilcago. 27-Mny 2, Walaeys d). (I, O. 11., (Irand Rapids. Api 20-25. Wright, Mr. A Mrs. John II.. Orpheum, Torre Haute, Apl 20-25. Whitney Bros., Orpheum, Omaha, Apl 2025; Orphanm, Kansas lily. 27-May 2. Weston* (3). Circle, N. Y. 0., Apl 20-25. Williams A Tucker. Keith's, N. V. C, Apl 20 May 2. Western. 1,1111a, Keith's, N. Y. ft, Apl2026. Wilson, Alf. ft Maybe. A. ft H., Boaton, Apl 20-Mny. Wilson, Ales., Now Mechanic, Salein. Apl 2025. Waller ft Morrill, Star, Hamilton, Apl 2086; Empire, Bal- timore. 27-May 2. Wilson, James ft Mayhelle, A. ft H., Boston, Aid 2035. Wiihi iiiiiti Allen, Keith's, Boaton, Apl 202.1. Wjimiii ft llardener. Boaton. I.imell, Apl 20-25. Wright ft hotsly, Pructiir's, Newurk, Apl20-25. While ft Kar.croh, Bowdoln Hqusre, Boston, Apl 20 26. Waberhury Bros. A-Teouy,Temple, Loulavllte, Apl IV25. WatermofonTrust, l'ai-k, Worcester, Apl 20-25. WiiiKlthorpes, The, Empire, Ht. Paul, Apl 20-26, Wink A Mnok, Star, Cleveland, Apl 20.25. White ft Hhnmona, Olymplo, Chicago, Apl 20.25. Wills ft lima 111, liny uinrket, Ctllcilgo. Apl 20 3.1. Wlittconibs, Tlso, C. 0. IL. Chicago, Apl 20-26. Whlte-Htnart Co , 0. O. II,, Chicago. Anl 2125. Will*, NalM, Orpheiun, Blkn. Apl 2025. Ward, diss. B., II. ft H., Bkln, Apl 20-2S. Weston, Hnymuod A., Ill\In, Hcranton, Apl20-25, Wollo, Kluy, Kuinlre, Columbus, Apl 1026. Wanl ft Cnrran, Avenue, Pltisbuig, Apl 20-25 Wlillains.llus, Duoueane,littaburg, Apl2023. Mills A Ilaaaan, 1 a/markut, tiilcugo, apl 3025. Wilson, Llulu, Oip ii-iiiii, Han Fran., Apl 211 25. WerilBii ft Uludillt.1. Orpln.iini, N. Orleans, Apl 2(111. Wood. Gen. II., Slu-n'a. IlulTnlo, Apl 20.25. Ymilig America Qlllnltlte, Columbia, St. Louis, Apl'Jl-"'. (I-O. IL, IiidlsnapolIs, 27-May Z. Yhoirl, Lola, Temple, Detroit, Apl 20-25. Mumliv A Anireivs Plvmmifrcili..".. pl "TB lborrl. Lola, Temple, Detroit, Apl 201! ' 2025: Kelth's"'BS ,n?87 M„vT "'"" , '' ^ mm ^ ^ rk * AtiaSs.Tsmpli. Iloirolt, A?! »» Meelian's Cumiilv bo»a 11 n iT„ ■_ . loumt, Cliae. W.,Olymp 0, Ch cago, Apis 20ii K ' ' "■' , "' nm) ""I' 1 ''". Apl YaekleyAHiinnell.ltlxle.Horantoii.ApIS Morrltt Hal., I;'»iiill.v. I'ortlnud. Me., Apl 20-25 .VnriuB.Talkathi. Miss, Proctor's 23d 8t.,N. V, May Nossbh (5). O. IL. Ilartrnrd, Apl 2025, C, Apl 27- Ui'iitz-Suntley (Abe r.env-IU, mtrr.)—Itoclica lor, N. Y„ Apr '-'O-iJo. Itlra & llnrtnii'H 111k (Itiloly—llriullns, Va., Apr 'jn-Ji, Mcrniilou ^a-jft, N. Y. oTly.JT May 'J, Uei'ves. Al.—Louisville. Ky.. Apr 10-28. In- illaiiaiiolls. Intl., 27-Mnv '.'. 'I'riiiiwitlniillc lliirlosniiei'H, llurtltr & Sen- uiiin'p—Milwaukee. Nvia.. Apr Iti-'.Ti, Min- iieiipnlls. Minn., Jll-Mny 2, TiKor I,lilies (W. X. Diev,-, mer.)—Scrniiton, I'll., Apr 20-22. IteadliiK 2.1-2,1, l'hlliitli'l lililit. ra„ 27-Mny 2. 'Iiipaj' Tnrvv Iturlemiiiera—IMilhulelphln, Til., Apr 20-2I), llnlllmnre, \UL 27-Mh.v 2. i inirnititlihi-cils il-'rmik II. Carr^ mgr.)—ln- illanupolla, Intl., Apr 20-2r», St-l.onlH, Mu., 211-Mny 2. 1 rmplana (T. \V. ninklna. mKr.i—rillaburtr, I'll., Apr 20-25, CluelniKitl, (\. 2(l-Mnv 2. Vimlty Pair (Kobert Mnticheatcr, iugr.1 — --Montreal. Can.. Apr 20 23. Manchester, N. II.. 27-20, Irfiwell. Muss.. IlO^May 2. Wine, Woiiiiiii ami Bonn (M. iM. Thlese, niL'r.l—Cheater. I'a., Apr 28, lOrndlng 27- 211. Hcranton .'lOMay 2. World Heaters, Itoble & Mack's (9, Herbert Mack, incr.)- WiiHliiiicliin, 1). it,, Apr 20- 23, l'lttslJurB, l'n., 27-May 2. ago, 27- Mioniiliig, .Mr. A Mrs., Pain llv, Portland. Me., Aid 20:«: Piwier'a 3*1 HI.. N. V. ('., May J. Hum*. Harry. Weal liiid.Si-lisiu-etadv, Apl 20-35; llulier's, . S. V.«'.. 27->ln> It Ilarry, Mr. A Mi*, .llinnila, Kmplre, Cleveland, Apl 20 35; Avriiiir, Plltsbiinti 37-Muy 3. llvi-nii A Siillllii'. Temple. Itelrnlt, A|il 20 25, Hell ft Oliver, Patlnr's, N. Y. IV Apl 20-25. Ilurke'-. Muslriil Dou*. Hastal.le, Syracuse, Apl 3025; Km- i.lie, IhilHiki-n, 2t May 2. Urea, ft l.llllim \\ rltilit. Howard, Boston, Api 20-25. Hlnslhlllll.Juillc* W.i I'slilei', lliiatnii, Apl 2025. It,.ill, W. A.. Hiluaril, lloatsill, Apl 21135. Iln'sike llriui., Kellll's. Huitatli. Apl 20.35. Bell Hlsleia. A. A S., Ilmtnll, Apl 20 25. Hon Ton Hun A. A s , Bust en, Apl 21125, Hei no.-. I'sul A I'll., IL O. II., Indianapolis. Anl 3028, lliicklngliaiu, .May, IVneleV. Lowell. Apl 20-25. Iielllul. Tony, Poiat Keller, Mlliiaukeo. Apl 20 25. in mi 'I a Km-. r.H-t Kaller, Milwaukee, Apl 2025. Hnnl lima. (4|, A venno, Detroit, Apl 20-25. Harro»'s-lsin. , asl-sr «l"., Culanibla, (iiirlnaatl,-Apl 10 25. H.-iki-r A 1.JIIU. Tl'llll.h', Louisville, Apl l' 1 25; llui|iieane, ntt'l.iug. 27-Msi I. iiininlaieia, The, Kmplre, SI, Paul, Apl 20-25. Cush ft llorili.n, Olvmplo, Chicago, Apl 2025. , un-li. Jack, Hid iiiaikel, Clih-iigo, Apl 2025. J arues, Stuart, C l>. H., rhltago. Api W ». \ eanx A Hi-lli-s Oelel. Orpheum.IsiaA.. Apl tO-lft. Iray, Jul Wheeling, 17-Mayl iiottloh*. The, o. 11. Kvcliange. Burlington. Apl 3035, Oraut ft Grant, II. ft St., Aid 311-25. lliirinsli ft Leonanl, Boston, Lowell, Apl 20 25. Unlet- A Italy. Kuiplre, Hoboken, Apl 20-36, (trace, .La Petite, Kniplii'. Haltlmnre, Apl 3025. Holism A Bailey. Colonial. Cleveland, Anl 20-35. uormim, Proctor ft cm num. Atlantic (Sarden, N. Y. C. Alii 211 25. Iiaymartet, Coltintt. 20-25. ...2025. /Itntner, John, Kmplre, Cleveland, Apl 2U 25. / ii it ft Ziim, Columbia, mi Louis, Apl 2025. Zend! ft Vernon. Kmplre, llobokeu. Aid 2021. „„, Zuuuvea, Win. K. Kngllah, Colonial, Cleveland, Apl 30 25. Zobedle, I'red. I!. I). II., clilcago, Apl 202S. /.ellu ft llalta, Dixie, Hcranton, Apl 2025. AlllL Hidden (lateVuliitet, Colonial, Cleveland, AptsOil. (IreenwiMHl, Bessie, tirplienm, Bkln, Apia ileyera,The,0. II. II., clilrsan, Apl 20-ii. — jal. Apt; (IreenwiMHl, Bessie, tsrplsi-iim, Bkln, Apl 20iV lleyi-is, Tlie, I'.tl. It., illileagu, Apl20-11. llrsyson. llaliy, HUon. Norlolk, Apl20-25. .Iran.,Ml., II,., V , I*n 11 1 II k ..I a fltirl Kamlly <S1, Circle, N. Y.C, Anl 21123 O'Brien 4 West, Howard. Boston. Aid 2026 part, Adelo Purvis, Keith's, Boaton. Aid ail 2.1 Dlgas, The, Atlantic Dsnle?, N. Y. c., J0I201-, (upbeua Coiueily Four., Ilnirsnl, lluslon, !S[»M oiells. The, BUnn, Netlblk, Apl2025 ' ' ll'ltourke. Rugena. ft Co.. Proctor's. Albany »,,i » L ga (iwleyAJIan.liill.l-ark, Worcester, Anla)'^ ' 1J0 "Wt Isnve prepared linmly nialllnx cards nlilch will itrc-rilly faellltate vandevllle perfatrmera In sendlns us their 1. sir* kings. In nslnar these earda the'performer merely has to All out the dates, name of theatre, and oily or town and State, place a one «<-»' stamp In corner and mall. They will lie furnished on application to this office either personally or by letter. S a» . COLORADO. Iliapewln, Ctm*. K„ ft Co., U. A H„ Apl 30-25. lilfaburi ' ra, Apl 20-25 Portland:, Mc„ Apl 20 25 iilloaerettlslS), Avenue, liolilill, llnl.n-e. lal t ill. . ... Hamilton ft IVHoy, 111,-,-ot, llalvestoll, Apl 211 Vuv t. Hill ft Whltakor, Aii-nue, litisbiirg. Aid 2025; Muni IMIrult. 27-May 2. Hanlliig ft Ah eld. Orplieimi, New Orleans, Apt 111.31. Unwell. Ids, lli.nsnl, Boston. Apl 20-May i. Howard ft CtoaUy.Sheeily'a, In Bedroril, Api2035. Hale ft Krance«, Keith's, X. Y. C, Apl 30-25 , N. V. (., A pi 20-2; Hayes, Toniiiiy, l.ion _ Harrington, Master Hubert. Columbia, Newark, Apl 20 25: Lion Palace. N. Y.C ZT-May 2. . Hi-ah, John. Kellh's, X. Y. c., Apl fOIS. Hoiiillnl, Winter Hanlen. Merlin, Oer., Apl 27-May 3: Ra. uUlalraient, Moscow Mutalavi-SO Hla-glns ft PhiIIli^ A. ft S., Bestua, Apl 2035. llodgklaa ft L«lth, Keith's, Boston, Anl 20-25. Haskell, Ismey, 0, 0. 11., Indlanapolla, Anl ao«. Uerbsrl ft llugers. Haaion. Lowell, A pi 20419. Uufhss, Cau. ft MaJge, People's, Lewajl, Apl 4V-1S. . . ItIK Bros., Iliiiiueaini, Pries, ILarry M„ 0. it., (Itia'wa TSlBkT I'ai-ue, Billy, llowaril, Boaton, Apl 30 25 Phillips, John H., Howard. Hoalon, Aid 2025. l'ryor Bros., Uem, Salem. Apl 20 25 * Permano Bros. Teinple. Helndr, Apl 20-25 iiiillnrUI ft Pluiui. Temple Hermit. Aid 2121 lilier, Kruiico, Columbia, clnclniiat Anl MM. Powers ft Kreetl. Kmplre, si. Paul Aiii^ti l>l»l|ia,Tke. Bnulenlnitu's. Phlli. Ap JU» {•alnmr, Lew. Main St.. Peoria, Apl 2026Y ••anuer Trio, Eniplre, Cleveland, Apl SuV llorce Bros., m.-h. v—...ft "jaj.ajCSSj ^oaaior.Baaine. Ila.nuarket. Uhlcaaa. am sasi «jUtsrt>lly (.uartat, Hlies's. BuftaloTApl^ioij •* uhjley Bros., Poll's, Now Hsiao, Apl^j77' Denver—At the Tabor Grand Oper.i Houae (Peter McCourt. manager).— "XU Alley" gave a good show last week, una patked the house. Week of April 10, Al. il. Field's Mlustrele, llitiiAiiwAv Tiibathb (Poter McCourt, manager).—Nnnco O'Nellli) In "The Jewess. played, to good houses, 13-10. The Then- doro Thomas Orchestra 17, 18. Esjpiiin TicriATitig (Peter McCourt, man- ager) .—Week of 12 "Bandy ittottom" played to fair business. Vaudeville opening 10, for week. - CuitTiH TiiBATnB (A. R. Pelton, maiio,- ser).—Week of 12 "Camlllo" bad good busi- ness. „ Mention.— Work on the new Orplieuni rheatro Is progressing well Denver W to hove a new 10c. vandevllle house In the l'.mplre. 'llicy ore painting tbo biillilli'K. and will open It 10, wUh six pcrfoimers. Jar. k. Cabholi. la In bis sixteenth week with Hudson's Comedlaju.