The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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April 25. SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 216a WISCONSIN. Milwaukee.—Mary .Shaw and Co.. In •ohosts." gave one of the mart Interesting IIOHIQAK. lard for week of 20. "Romeo and Juliet' Pabs't Thbatbb.— Manager Leon Wacha- nrr la Terr much elated over the extra- ordinary success of the Castle Square Co., which opened Ita third aeaaon week of IS. The capacity of the home was taxed at nearly every performance, with "Alda" and -Martha." "Tannhauaer' 1 and "Bohemian" will be sung week of 20. Academy (Edwin Thanhouser, manager). Week commencing 20 the Thanhouser Stock Co. will appear in an elaborate pro- duction of "Borneo and Juliet." The ad- vance sale promises well. "Paul Kauvar" was presented week of 13, with excellent results. Edgar Ilaume. Albert Brown, Lee Bake" J. Francis Kirk. James Kyrle Mac- Curdy. Riley Cbamberiln, Edltb Erelyn, irace Mae iamkln and Kate Woods Flake all contributed to thesuccess of the per- formance. Monday, 27, "Magda" will be PU Alhambba Tt«*tB» (O. F. Miller, mana- ger).—Pete linker appeared In "Chris and Lena" week of 12, and Rood sized audiences ruled Billy B. Van and Nellie 0'NeIL In "Bolivar's Busy Day," come 19, and "Over Niagara Falls" week of 26. Buou Opeba Hocsb (J. R. Pierce, resi- dent manager).—"At Cripple Creek" Is due neck of 10, with 'When the Bell Tolls" week of 26. "A Ragged Hero" fonnd favor the uast week, and was well attended. Star Thbatbb <F. R. Trottman, mana- ger). Rice and Barton's Sbowa are very popular here, and the Rose Hill Folly Co. was greeted with full bouses weeV of 12. Tom Nolan and Cora White scored the hit of the performance. The Transatlantic Co. Is down for week of 19, and the City Club Co. week of 28. cream City Thiateb. —A atock company has replaced vaudeville at this house. "The Ticket of Leave Man" will Introduce the Murphy Stock Co., week of 20. Fobst Kbli.eb (Richard Becker, manager). People week of 20 Include: Hay ward and Hayward. Thelma Holmes, Tony Bellln, and Tagues Brust. Notes. —The programme for the actors sanatorium benefit Is one of the most In- teresting ever offered In Milwaukee. The performance will be given at the BIJou 24. Stage Director George Foster Piatt has ar- ranged the following bill: Members of E. S. Wlllard Co., In "A Silent Woman;" Bas- Kcit Roe, Alice Lonnou and Messrs. Lonsdale, si nl lard and Hart lot t, all of Mr. Wll lard's Co, In selected numbers. The Castle Square Opera Co., second act of "At Cripple Creek:" the Thanhouser Co., In a scene from "The Little Minister;" Billy B. Van and Nellie O'Nell, with members of their Co., also a number of acta from the Trans- atlantic Burlesquers. Claude L. N. Nowlc lias had charge of the affair and has been heartily assisted by the local managers.... Milwaukee Aerie, No. 187, F. O. E., la to give a monstrous stag April 80. Chairman James L. Moonc.v Is arranging to entertain two thousand people Meta Illlng-Merz- back, leading woman at the Pnbat Theatre, will make her Initial appearance on the English speaking stage at the Academy week of 27, In the title role of "Magda." ♦ t » NEW JERSEY. Improved notnbly Newark.—Business Inst week Khwabk Theatre (Lee Ottolengul, man- ager).—Amelia Bingham this week, In "The l-'rlaky Mrs. Johnson," will appeal strongly to society. The Irving Place Theatre Co. gave excellent entertainment, to fulrly good audiences, last week. Coming week of 27, Cecil Bpooner, In "My Lady Peggy Qoes to Town." Columbia Thbatbb (M. J. Jacobs, man- ager).—"An American Gentleman" this week. "Human Hearts" drew good busl- ni'wt all lnat. week. "On the Btroke of Twelve" week of 27. lCill'ius Tiieatuh (H. M. ITyamB, mana- ger).—Joe Welch, In "The Peddler,'' should command good attention the preaent week. The Four Cohans, in "The Governor's Son," proved as Irresistible as ever last week and delighted large audiences. "At the Old Cross Roads" week of 27. Bunbi'b T n eathd (Chan. S. Blaney, manager).—The stock will this week sup- port Chas. M. Wlllard, la "Alvln Joalln." The stock adapted Itself heartily to "The Silver King," with good results, last week. "Child Slaves of New York" la In prepara- tion. Waldhann's Thbatbb <W. S. Clark, man- ager).—The Cracker Jacks this week, which produces pleasing results to public and man- agement. The Morning Glories gave their usual bright and clever entertainment last week, drawing good houses. Weber's Dainty Duchess Co. comes week of 27. Proctob'b Theatre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).—This week John and Kmmn Ray head the Hat, which Includes: Lcroy and Woodford, Musical Tbor, Hmirl and Kessner, Eldora and Norlne, Aeolian Quartet, Wright and Doody, Mosher, Hough- ton and Mosher, and the kalatecbnoscope. Last week's business attested the popularity of Mrs. Dna Aboil Brlnker. Note.— Newark Lodge of Elks will hold Its annual benefit In the Newark Theatre 27. Detroit,—At the Detroit Opera Houae (B. C. Whitney, manager).—William Faveraham presented "Imprudence." to good sited houses, week of April 18. William Gillette, In "Sherlock Holmes." week of 20; "The Rogers Brothers In Harvard" week of 27. Lyceum Thbatbb (K. D. Stair, mana- ger).—The Pike Theatre Co., In "A Royal Family," scored an Immense success week of 13; packed houses at every performance. They will produce "Mrs, Dane's Defence" week of 20. Wbitmbx Thkatib (E. D. Stair, mana- ger).—AL W. Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" played, to packed houses, week of 18. "Alaska" week of 20. Temple Thbatbb (J. H. Moore, mana- ger).—The bill for week of 20 includes' Lola Yberrl, In "A Dream of the Dance;" May Duryea and John L. Kearney, In ."The Impostor:" Permane Brothers, Bryan and Nadlne, York and Adams, It. J. Jose, Mr. and Mrs. Robyns, In "The Counsel for the Defence;" Tom Almond, Paulloettl and Plquo. Last week's attendance was big and the bill first class. Avenue Thbatbb (H. H. Lamkln, mana- ger).—For week of 20: Rapoll, Juggler: Madge Fox, Carter-Da Haven Trio, 0. G. Seymour and Mand Dupree, In "An Original Idea;" Mr. and Mrs. Nell Litchfield, the Four Bards, Frank Buoman and Rose Adele, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kelcy, In "Uncle Fhl- neaa." Last week's offering was up to the usual high standard, and drew crowded houses. Eui'ibb Theatbe (Dr. Campbell, mana- ger).—Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows drew good sized houses week of 13. Tbe enter- tainment was one of the best of the season at this house, and elicited much applause. Phil Sheridan's City 8ports week of 20. I Grjind Rnpldi.—At the New Powers' (J. W. Bpooner, manager).—Anna Held played, to 8. R. 0., Aprn 8. "The Chris- tian," 14, drew well, and Warde snd James. In "The Tempest," 16, drew two crowded houses. Coming: Alice Fischer, In "Mrs. Jack," 28. Gband Opera House (Orin Stair, man- ager).—This house for balance of season will play straight vaudeville, beginning week of 10 with Franceses iteddlng a Co., the Columbian Trio, Julian Rose, Median's Com- edy DogB, Little and Prltxkow, the Three Walreys, the Black Brlttons, and tbe Acker- Lowney troupe of gymnasts. Smith's Opeba House (Mrs. W. B. Smith, manager).—Week of 18, Amaion Burlesquers had an excellent week. Week of 20, In- ternational Vaudeville Co., and week of 21, Myers' Miss New York Jr. ■ Saginaw.—At the Academy of Music (John H. Davidson, manager). — "Joshua Hlmpklns" came, to a fair house, April 9. King Dramatic Co. had good business 10, 11. "My Friend from India" 15, Glasgow Stock Co. 16-18. Jeffers Thbatbb (T. D. Damford 4 Sam Marks, managers).—Dearborn Comedy Co. commenced a four weeks' engagement 6, to 8. K. 0., with an excellent company. Fields and Hanson, Pierre and Rosslyn. vltngrapb. s . Knlnmmiio.—At the Academy of Music (B. A. Bush, manager).—Wood i Ward, In "Two Merry Tramps, played, to a well filled house, April 11. Louis James and Frederick warde, in "The Tempest," delight- ed good sized audiences 14. "The Christian" pleaaed a large audience 16. Elmer Walters' ''A Millionaire Tramp" comes 18, "The Hot- test Coon In Dixie" 20, Herbert's Pittsburg Orchestra 20, John W. Vogel's Minstrels 24, and the Elks' Minstrels, by locsl talent, for the benefit of tbe Elks' Temple building fund, 27. Bay city.—At Armory Theatre (W. J. Daunt, manager).—The King Dramatic Co., In repertory, did a paying, business week of April 13. Coming: The Glasgow Stock Co. 2(5-22, "A Trip to Chinatown" 28, "Two aldlne. Merry Tramps'' 24, "The Pay Train'' 27. opening Jackson.- At the Athenaeum (H. J. ' Porter, manager).—"A Royal Slave," mati- nee and night, came, to fair business, April 11. "Two Merry Tramps" pleased a good bouse 14. Due: Howard.Dorset Comedy Co. week of 20. Bmfiu Thbatbb (Lonle B. Baker, man- ager).—The bill for 20 and week introduces Cushman, Holcombe and Curtis, Belle Em- erson, Collins and Ma Dell, Ida Russell, Sam Drane, La Petit* Qracs, and Frank McNlsh. Convention Ham, (Jamea L. Kernan, man- ager).—Tbe McQIU and Shlprotn Stock Co. continues 20-25, giving "Camllle" the Brat half of tbe week, and "Prince Otto" tbe remainder. Fair business ruled last week. Next week, "Resurrection," Monumental Theatre (James L. Kernan, manager).—Watson's American Burlesquers hold forth the present week. The World Beaters closed a good week 18. The Topay Turvy Burlesquers are due 27. Ooeon Thbatbb (James Madison, mana- ger).—Two new burlesquers and an olio, In- troducing Cushman and SL Clair, Tommy and Laura Harris, and the Havllle Slaters will be the attraction 20-20. . Excellent busi- ness ruled 13-18. «»t» MINNESOTA. llobokeu.—Business was somewhat light at the opening of Inst week, but tbe melo- dramatic offering, "Defending Her Honor," given for the first time her; April 10, gave n sudden Impetus In the matter of attend- once, it Is thoroughly American, In (our acts, and written by Arda La Croix. It la under the management of William Wood and J. A. Blake. The play was superbly staged and played by an excellent cast, while the finest electrical effects ever seen on the Lyric stage were shown. It remained until 18. The Lyric will close tbe regular season May 8, when the entire Interior will be re- built. The Empire closes tbe variety sea- ton May 8, and the Empire Comedy- Co. will open a supplementary season, with "The Man Trom Mexico," 4. Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager).—"A Desperate Chance" 19, '"Way Down East" r?„t 5 - " T h<> 1'cww of the Cross" 26-29, Why Women 8ln" May 1, 2, "The Struggle of Life" a. . Emjibe (J. F. Qulan, manager).—Open- ing 20: James Thornton, Smith and Fuller. ■ uycr and Dnly. Zaxelle and Vernon, Co- lumbia Trio, Talbot and Rogers, Ryan and Douglass, and Miss Bt. George Fuller. s Jersey city—"Sherlock Holmes," with Kcicey and Shannon, received an enthusi- astic reception at the Academy from large attendance week ending April 18. Robert ' l?,1 te " liad ft most cordial welcome at me Bijou, patronage at times being to the '■npaclty. Variety was well patronised at the Bon Ton. „. A , CAD . I{ } ,Y (Frank B. Henderson, mana- RELt a Lltt '« Outcast," featuring Annie tiinncke and tbe Newsboys Quartet, week il 20 '. !t eok 9 27, Joseph Santley, In "A "°y of the Streeti" •i\"i 100 i J °hn W. Holmes, manager).— Dnly a Shop Girl" 20-25. Royal LIH- putlans week of 27. w5S? . ToN < T - w. Dlnklna, manager).— ZSrwS&JBl Chas. T. Bills and Co., Frey "" Plains, Harris and Harlow, Crane Bros. w ii SSfSs N, <* and Coy, Four Blanos, "HI Dockra y, and Chas. Harris. l B " w M H lto Ellis is seriously III with fever Bt. Paul.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager).—Business was big April 12-15, with "The Chaperons." All the principals made decided hits. "York State Folks" comes 16-18, James O'Neill, In "The Manxman," comes 19-22; Mary 8haw, In "Ghosts," 28-29; Tim Murphy SO-May 8. Grand (Theodore L. Hays, manager).— Al. H. Wilson, in "A Prince of Tatters," sang, to big audiences, week of 12, and pleased Immensely. For week of 19, "The Little Church Around tbe Corner," followed by "Janice Meredith," week of 20. Star (M. H. Singer, manager).—Robie'a Knickerbockers (first time here) pleased end drew big week of 12. For week of 19, the Royal Burlesquers, followed week of 26 by Rose Hill's Co. BiiriBa (A. Wslnbolser, manager).— Business was good week of 13. There will be an entire change of bill week of 20, ex cent only that Mamie Haswlck Norrls will hold over. The new feces are: L. Fox, bird and animal Imitator; tbe Three Bannisters, the Woodthorps, snd Powers and Freed. F. C. Bannister will take the position of stage manager, beginning 20. Mr. Welnholzer and others have bought the Tlvoll Theatre, across tbe street, and Intend to play regu- lar specialty people there, also. People's Chtrcii.— Gsbrllowltsch, the Russian pianist, appeared under the au- spices of the Schubert Club 14, to a big audience. This auditorium is one of the fin- est in the city. s Minneapolis.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager).—Mary Shaw comes. In "Ghosts," April 19, and James O'Neill will be welcomed, In "Tbe Manxman," 28-26: Tim Murphy 26-28. "York State Folks was well received 12-16, and "Tbe Chaperons" had good business 18-18. Buou Opera House (Theodore L. Hays, manager).—Al. II, Wilson, In "A Prince of Tatters,' 1 Is the attraction 19 and week. "The Little Church Around the Corner" next week. "At Cripple Creek" enjoyed good patronage 12-18. Lvcbuk Thbatbb (Dick Ferris, manager). —"My Friend from India" will be seen 19 and week. "Michael Strogoff" Is under- lined to begin 26. "Wife for Wife" was a good audience getter 12-18. Dbwbt Thbatbb (W. W. Wlttlg, mana- fer).—Rice & Barton's Rose Hill Folly Co. urnlshes amusement 10-26. The Trans- atlantics follow 20. Clark's New Royal Bur- lesquers attracted a fine attendance at every performance 12 and week. t »» MISSOURI. Tub Oipheum (M. Lehman, manager).— Last week's bill proved to be another popu- lar offering, and well Oiled boasts were the result This week's bill will be: Flsbtr and Carroll, Musical Dale, Raymond and Cavtrly. Ptplta Aragon, Julia Ring, Kennedy and Rooney, Dave Nowlln, Rice and Walters, and the klnodrome. Cmfferinus. —The last concert of the sea- son of the K. C. Symphony Orchestra was held at the Willis Wood Theatre afternoon of 17. Hugo Heerman, a violinist, was the soloist. I Bt. Joseph.—At Tootle's Theatre (C TJ. Philley, manager).—Tbe bouse has been dark the past week. Tim Murphy appears 20, In "Tbe Carpetbagger." Mary Minnerlng fol- lows 23, Richard Mansfield 27, Lyceum Thbatbb (C. TJ, Pbllley, mana- Ser).—Kennedy's Players, wltb change of III nightly, drew good bouses at every per- formance week of 12-18. "Lost River" comes 10, 20, with Bundsr matinee; "Orphan's Prayer" 20, Murray Comedy Co. 27, for ont week. t)i » TEXAS. Ft. Worth—At Greenwall's Opera House 'hll W. Oreenwall, manager). — The nowles, hypnotists, closed a big week's (Vim W. Oreenwall, manager). — Tbe Knowles, hypnotists, closed a big week's business April 11. Anns Bva Fay opened ALABAMA. Mobile—At the Mobile Theatre (J. Tan- nenbaum, manager).—House dark April 8-11. "Irish Pawnbrokers" came 18, to fair busi- ness. House remains dark until 20, when Joseph Jefferson will appear for two per* romances. This will close the regular sea- son at this bouse. _ Mascottb Thbatbb (Dncournau Brothers, managers).—Easter week opened big at this house, the special features scoring a big success. Notes. —Tbe amateur performance which was announced for IS, at Monroe Park, has been postponed on account of the Illness of one of the cast. The entertslnment is under the direction of the Misses Huntley, daughters of the well known actor, Jas. H. Huntley Manager McDermott, of tbe Monroe Park The- atre, has secured tbe parks at Montgomery, Ala., and Meridian, Miss., which he will run this Summer. This will give him a good list of attractions, which he will alternate between the three parks. Monday, May 11. will open tbe regular Summer season of Monroe Park with the Stewart Sisters, under the direction of L. V. Owen, for one week, followed by the opera season of (If teen weeks. i s Montgomery.—At the Montgomery The- atre (Hlrscher Bros., managers)".—Gov. Bob Taylor gave hla lecture, "The Fiddle and the Bow," fo an audience of large proportions, April 18. Mra. Minnie Fish Griffin, as- sisted by ber husband, Bennett Griffin (local), packed the house at their concert 14. Mrs. Grimn was formerly soloist with Thomas' Orchestra, but now resides In this city. Sullivan, Mack and Trumbull, In "The Irleb Pawnbrokers," pleased a fair McDonald's Thbatbb (0. F. McDonald, manager).—Dark week of 13. Noteh— Manager McDermott, of the Mon- roe Park Theatre, Mobile, has been In the cltv several days, making arrangements for opwlng a Summer theatre at Bloemfonta m Park. Mr. McDermott will manage the house, but will continue to live In Mobile. 7...W. H. Pickens, representing Jake Wells. Is in tbe cltv, looking after the In- terests of the Pickett Boring Theatre, a Summer house? to be openeo at tbe terminus of the Mont gomery Traction Co. MA RYLAND . Baltimore,—At the Academy of Music (Nixon A Zimmerman, managers).—-Rices ••fihnw flirt" 'will be seen April 20 and week. "SK? Dodo"drew falrly.well week ending is! "The Runaways" will receive Its first production on any stage 37. Fono'a Opeba Houbb (Charles E. Fort, manager).—Otis Skinner will present "La- sarw* durini week of 20-25. ftualness was iSod last week with "Ths Mocking Bird. Th? George Fiwcett Co. will open an en- gagement V7. In "Romeo and Judjet/ 1 HBuWaS Stbbbt TaBATBB (Keroan, Rife k Houck, managers .—Joseph Murpnywiii G e ow^. d n 0 d r, ^un C °R r nS!." Wee, '' , 'T , he «S T C««SBASTR B-Chase, manage^ —The George Fawcett Co. J™J2*-iS connection with this house to a close with the end of this week, duringJfW c » M- H* LlttlT Minister" will ^> J^^L^^i era Llght»" drew fair alasd audiences w«e« •nding IB. St. Louis.—Very good attendance was the rule last week. Olympic (P. Short, manager).—Mary Mannerlng, In "The Stubbornness of Ger- aldlne," drew excellent attendance. Monday's opening was tbe best business of the week. ,n cast was of acknowledged excellence, Tbla week, William Faveraham, In "Impru- dence." Centubt (P. Short, manager).—Lulu OlaBcr, In "Dolly Varden," made a decided hit The work of Mark Smith and Tom Daniel met wltb great favor. Business was excellent all the week. "The Chrlatlan" la tbe current offering. Columbia (Mlldleton ft Tate, managers). —There was an unusually good bill offered last week. Tbe current bill Includes: Mer- vllle, Booth and Elmore, Johnson, Davenport and Lorella, Klein, Ott Broa and Nlckerson, Young American Quintette, Wood and Bay, Zara and /.are, tbe klnodrome, Scott Broth- ers, Johnnie Carroll. Kelly and Kent, Moung Mya, Lottie West Symonds, Scbeller Broth- ers, J. W. Scott. . _ Grand (John D. Sbeehy, manager).—Bros. Byrne, In "Bight Bells," did a fair business This week, Henry Beresford, In "The Wrong Mr. Wright." _ . ,.„ Havmn'h (Wm. Oaren, manager).—"Penn- sylvania" played here, to very good business. It bad some scenic effects that were new, and a cast of merit, Scott Blddons, Wm. Marble Jr. and Bene d'Arcby were favorites. This week, "For Her Children's Sske." Iufeblal (D. E. Russell, manager).—"A Ruined Life" played to average attendance here last week. Tbla week, "The Peddler's Htaniiaru (Jim Butler, manager).—The City Club was here laat week. The Troca- dero Co. Is tbe current offering. Habhaobn's. —Ray and Roberto, the Held Trio, Frank J. Smith. Frank Fierpont, New- ton Chambers, Hayes and Flood, and H. Dennla were on the bill at tbe South side dance hall and vaudeville house last week. Haniilan'h Park. —The Luella Fore- oaugb-Flsh Wild West Show opened sfter- noon of 18, to big business. Their parade, evening of 17, drew out Immense crowds and waa greatly admired. They stay hers until April 26. ._„._,. , ,..„ . Notes. —Porepaugh-Sells' Shows Is billed to open 20, at Laclede and Vandaventer. Tbe nig show baa been on tbe ground for a week, In rehearsal for tbe Bummer cam pslgn Klngllnga' Circus opens May 4. ... s Kansas City.—At the Willis Wood The- atre (Woodward A Burgess Amusement Co., managers).—Last week Tim Murphy, In "The Carpetbagger," had fair business. Mary Madnerlng, In "Tbe Stubbornness of Ger- aldlne," April 20-22; Richard Mansfield, In "Julius Cieser," 28-25. Next week, Nance O'Neill, In repertory. . - ... Gband Opbba House (Hudson A Judsh, managers) .—Last week Harry Beresford, In "The wrong Mr. Wright," had a big week'; business. Tbla week Herrmann comes, and neit week, Henrietta Croaman, la "The Sword of the Klnr." „. TnB AuDiroaiuM (Woodward * Burgess Amusement Co., managers).—Tbs reprgsn- Ized Woodward Stock Co. opened at this house wltb Sunday matinee, .12, to a packed and entbuslaatlc house, and business con- tinued big all of the week. Manager Wood- ward baa a splendid company. J'Tbe En- sign" was the opening bill, and the produc- tion waa a fine one. Bedley Brown Is tbs stage director. This week, "The Little Min- ister!" and next week. "Nathan Hale." The members of the new stock company are: Leater Lonergan, Wilson Knot, Bedlc/ Brown, Wllllsm Allison. Becton Rsdford, Leslie Lewis, Frank Oheen, Lewis Morrison, W Wsdswortn, Walter Marshall, Harry Long, James Fulton, H. Guy Woodward, Tes- sle Marshsll, Mlnnette Barrett, Besala Wsr- rin, Carrie Clsrk Ward,, Alice Treat Hunt. Tan Oillib (H. B. Brlgbsm. manager).— An extraordinary good attraction was "Lost River," and good houses appreciated tbs atfu^w^^^* ■"-*" 13, for week, to a packed bouse. The season at tbla houae practically closes 28, when Treasurer Mitchell Oreenwall takea hla an- nual benefit, "Baron Rudolph" being the at- traction. Stan hard Thbatbb (Frank De Beqtte, manager).—Weaver and Lambert, Pauline llaertel, vlna Campbell and Etta Barnoa were the new people at tbla bouse week of 18. The others holding over: Morris Jones, Kelly snd Mack, Mills B. Chester, Lulu Law- ton, Nellie Williams snd Tom Fey. Business continues big. Crown Thbatbb (Phil Epstein, manager). —HI Tom Ward made bis first appearance at this house week of 18, and Is meeting with hla usual success. The olio also brings out Dan Kennedy and Norma Connera, Billy Rcmsey snd Juanlta Bradbam, Rose I). Mit- chell. Ssul Harris, Mile. Zllda. Chas. II. Ward, Llxzle Mitchell snd Ada Yule. "Irish Justice" Is used by the stock. The week opened to big business. Note. —H. B. Burton, who was stock comedian at the Standard for two seasons, leavea for California 20, and opens at the Chutes, San Francisco, June 1, for teu weeks, with the Dewey Theatre, Oakland, to follow. i i Dallas.—At the Opera House (Geo. Ansy, manager).—The Olympla Opera Co. closed a aucceasful engagement April 11, playing to big bualneas nightly, at popular prices. The Knowles, hypnotists, ooened 18 for a week's engagement, to a packed house, at 10, 20, 80c. Coming: "Baron Hvidolph." This com- Eany Is booked to pixy Manager Geo, Amy's eneflt. which will no doubt be wall pat- ronised. Standard Theatre) (Jas. Wolfs, mana- ger).—Week of 18 being carnival week, tre- mendous business nightly is expected. Tbe people are tbe asme as last week. CrcLB Pabk Summer Thbatrb (C. R. Mc- Adams, manager).—Just now this theatre is undergoing numerous Improvements—repaint- ing, new curtalna, and all other accessories pertaining to an up to date Summer theatre being arranged for. i s Qalveston,—At tbe Grand Opera House (Maurice C. Michael, manager).—Anna Eva Kay closed a week's engagement April 11, to big business. The Morey Btock Co. (return engagement) had a targe bouse 12. Treasurer Chas. T. Brian Jr.. of tbe Grand Opera House, will benefit 21, Thomas J. Keogh, In "Rudolph," being the attraction. Otto Floto. dog and pony show, under cnnviiK, did a large bualness 10, 14. < i > PENNSYLVANIA.— (See Page 211.) Plifsbarc.—The wonderful prosperity of our local managers continues uninter- rupted. Thbatbb (Nixon A Zimmerman, managers).—"The unforeseen" waa pro sented by tbe Rmplre Theatre Stock Co. April 20, and will continue throughout tbe week. Virginia llirned closed IB, having pleased largely. Lulu Glaser presenta "Dolly Varden" 27, tbs first time here. Buou Thbatbb (R. Gullck, I "Posterland." aa presented by tbe llpu- Buou Thbatbb (R. Gullck, manager), Posterland." aa presented by tbe Llllp^ tlana, will be the attraction for one week. beginning 20. "The Heart of Maryland" ceased beating 18. "At Cripple Creek" la underlined for 27. EMFIBB Tueatiib (Q J. McCullough, manager).—"Yon Yoneoa" has a big ad- vance sale for 20 and week. Wlllard Blms scored a bl.i fait Id "Pickings from Puck," and drew crowded bouses up to 18. Harry Cook presents "An Actor's Romance" 27, for the first time here. Gbaho Ofesa Hhuhi (Harry Davla,man- ager).—"At tbs White Horss Tavern" was 8u t on 20, for on* week. "D'Arcy of the uards" drew big bouses up to 18. "The Pride of Jennlco' Is underlined for 27. Avenue Tubatbb (Harry Davla. mana- Ser).—Robert Hllllard and Co., Bids Fay, Ix Gllncerettls, Ward and Curran, the Great Vernon, Nichols Blslors, Craig and Ardelle, Hill and Whltaker, William Cablll, Hawley and Leslie,- Tanner and Gilbert, Caroline Young, Joe Morris, and tbe clu- cmntogrnpli la a list of attractions calcu- lated to lure bis list dollar from any lover of vaudeville. Attendnnce continued phe- nomenal during the week ending. 18. Duquksnr tiieatub (Harry w. Williams, manager).—Jessie Bartlett Davis, Tbomss J. Ryan and Illchtleld, (Jus Williams, Carroll Johnson, Fetching Bros., Louie Dalse, Stan- ton and Modona, Bmmonds, Emerson and Ummonds, Konorab and Lengdon make up a bill of rare excellence for the week be- ginning 20. Business continued very large up to 18. Habbt Williams' Acarbht or Music (Harry W. Williams, manager).—Tbe Uto- pian Burlesque Co. gives- the show here for one week, commencing 20. Fred Irwin's Majesties closed a big week 18. _ Duquebnb Oabubss (A. B. McSwIgan, manager).—Maurice Grau's Opera Co. gives Its customsry season of grand opera at this house 22, 28, 24, and afternoon and night of 25, when the bills will be "Prophet," T r.leg- frled," "Daughter of the Reglmmt?' "I Pagllaccl," "Don Giovanni" and ''Melsib.- alnger," respectively. The season will be under the local management of George H. Wilson, sb usual. < »» IOWA. man. Musle was supplied by Greene's Opera House orchestra Paul Wtlstacb. busi- ness msnagar for Richard Mansfield, was here 9, 10. ' s pes Moines.—At Foster's Opera House I Wm. Foster, manager),—Tbe bouts will be dark until April 21, when Tim Murphy will preaent "The Carpelbaggar." Richard Mans- field comes 22. Grand Opkra iTousb (Wm. Foster, mana- ger).—"A Little Outcast 1 ' came, to big busi- ness, 8-10. "A Montana Outlaw" draw good hpuaes 18-in. "Human Hearts," 1(1-18. Murray Comedy Co. 20-2S, North Bros. 1 Comedy Co. 27-Mny 1. Mirror Thbatiib (J. Connelly, manager). —Frederick Clark Co.. In repertory, filled the houae at every performance week of 18. ■ a Boonr.-At Aria's Opera Houae (Wiley m Klrby. managers). —"A Millionaire Tramp" played, to a good house, April 8. "Devil's Lane" bid fair attendance 11. "A Little Outcast" Co, bed a small house 18, on account of bad weather. Play was well Riven, and tbe actors put aa much en- luslssm Into their work as though they were playing to a crowded house. North Bros. In repertory, 14-18. Coming! "Hu- man Hearts'' 20. Nora.—Oracta De Foy, formerly of this city, appears as leading lady In "Human Hearts. 1 ' Keokuk.—At the Keokuk Opera House (R. Jaeger Jr., manager)—The stage hat been dark the past week. The next attrac- tion announced It 'Tho Moonshiner's Daugh- ter" April 17, "Peck's Bad Boy" 21, "My Friend from Mexico" 24. Clinton—At the Economic Theatre (Buaby Broa., managers). — Henrietta Croa- man, In "Tbe Sword of the King." drew a large audience April 0. Tbe klnodrome had light bualness 11. 12. Vogel's Minstrels did only fair 18, owing to a sovero rain storm. Coming: Elks' Minstrels 20, "Tbe Devil's Lane" 28, "Younger Bros." 24. "Maloney't Wending Day" 20. »»» CONNECTICUT. New Haven.—At tbs Hyperion (G. B. Bunnell, manager).—"San Toy," April 18, cams, fo rood business. John Drew. 10, pleased a good houae. "A Chinese Honey- moon," 17, 18. bsd good returns. Due: "Hen Hur" week of 20T Gband Opbba Houbb <G. D. Bunnell, man- ager).—"Resurrection" drow good business 13-16. "Tbs Child Wife" came, to good business. 10-18. Due: "Supsrba" 20-22, "A Poor Relation" 28-20. Poli'b Theatre (8. Z. Poll, manager).— The bill for tbe week of 20: Grand Opera Trio the Three Meers, Qulglev Brothers. Carlln and Brown, Frederick Lander and Marlon Stanley, tbe Deegans, Billy Johnson, and others, Stage mechanic*. James Finn, electrician of "The Wlxard of Os" Co., baa brought to perfection a novel Invention that premises to revolution- ise stage lighting. Mr. Finn's Invention was tested before In tbe presence of Stags Manager Julian Mitchell, Kred U. Hamlin and three expert electricians, Briefly ex- plained the Invention Is the realisation of a novel idea whereby the change of colors used on tbe calcium lamps In the wings can be effected by the sWctrlclsu at the switchboard Instead of by a superfluoua number of calcium operators. When a change la made from daylight to dark, or from sunrise to sunset, it la at present ac- complished by calcium operators, who stand wltb tbelr lamps In various "entrsnees" and alowly merge one color Into another by holding a different colored slide In front of the calcium. This involves tbe labor of from alx to a doxen operators In every big theatrical production. Mr. Finn's noval In- vention does away with thlt needless labor. The chief electrician, standing In the first entrance It the switchboard, can now press a button, and the colors before tba calcium In every ontrance can be changed Instan- taneously. On Thursday evening, April 28, tbt at- taches of tbs Bijou Theatre, Pataraoo, N. J., will hold their sixth annual ball at Turn Hall, In that city. Tbe salt of tickets, we are Informed, bss been far beyond ex- pectations, and everything points toward the affair being a grind auccess. Tba com- mittee of arrangements Includes: Abs Leavltt Jr., Leo B. Leavitt and Richard J. Krowlsy. Wnrron C. Alger, president of the Na- tional Alliance of Theatrical Stage Em- ployes, died March 80, at Atlantic City, N. J., aged thirty-six years. He was for rears stage carpenter at the Academy of Music, that city, and later held tbe same position st tbe Ocean Pier Therftra. »»» "TUB HOLY OITV." Tha following strong Utter from a clergy- inn endorsng "The Holy City" was received a few days ago: "New uaven. Conn., April 'Thomas W. linoAi»iuasr.—My Dear Bin I can not refrain from an exprettlon of my Intense pleasure at being able to bt present at the production of your superb and uplift- ing drama. "1'bo Holy City,' by W. II. Hurst, In the Hyperion Theatre, on Friday Bve., April 10, fin*. Let me state that I am do theatregoer, but this great drama at- tracted mv attention, and my wife, daughttr and myself wsro present, and each one of us was deeply impressed. "I do not criticise the drama historically, because I recognize that It la not meant to be historically correct, But ths lessons of aln, repentance, forgiveness, and newness of life were so well emphasised by tbe superb acting and perfect execution of the dialogue by lva Merlyn, as Mary Magdalene, that I found It quite easy to bring tha stmt les- sons before my bearers In a sermon tht fo! lowing Habbnth. Tbe drama, In Its present roako up, and Its gorgeous scenery, can not fall to do good, ns In this Inatance, after Its conclusion, the audience moved out of tht Cedar Rapids.—At Greene's Opera House, April 9, Oplo Head, Charles Eugene Hanks and Wallace Bruce Amtbury pleased a big bouse. "The Moonsblntr's Daughter," 11, had moderate alzed audiences, matinee and night. "A Millionaire Tramp," 15, drew a fair bouse. Coming: "HI Perkins" 10, "A Little Outcast" 17, Katberlne Ridge- way Concert Co. 20, Richard Mansfield 21, Kogea Oumlroff 22, Murray Comedy Co. 27- May 8. Notes.— Cedar Raplda Lodge, No. 251. B. P. 0. Elks, gave Ita most brilliant and elaborate social session Friday. April 10. In honor of brother Edgar K. Clark, grand chief conductor of the Order of Railway Conductors, and a member of tht late anthracite strike commission. Tht speakers were: Governor A. B. CummInge, Congress- man M. 3. Wads, District Deputy Fred C. Robinson, Paat Grand Exalted Ruler C. E. Pickett, 3. M. Orlmm and C. O. Harrison. Eialtsd Ruler W. J. Maxwell waa chair- fall to do good, ns In this Inatance, after its conclusion, the audience moved out of tht tbtatre tllently, at If under tbt spell of tba spirit of reverence and tbe nearness of spiritual things. Indeed, I have not been able to rub from my mind many of tbe scenes brought home wltb such moral force, for they bavs lived with me to tba time of this writing. "1 certainly give you tbls commendation entirely unsolicited, and also glvt the drama my unqualified support and approval, rat It muat bt seen to tit appreciated, Sincerely yours, Thomas C. McKay, . Pastor Taylor Congregational Church." Manager W. M. Wllklson has extended the tour of the company and "Tbs Holy City" will be seen at tbe Chestnut Street Opera House, Philadelphia, for an extended engagement, beginning May 4. *»» "A IiAtioiiTBB or'iK" Is tbt title of an entertaining theatrical novel by John I). Barry, author "Mademoiselle Blanch.' I). Barry, author "Mademoiselle Blanch," "The Intriguers," etc., and published by L C. Page at Co., of Boston. Tba book Is handsomely printed on fine paper, and bound In English cloth, With appropriate ornamen- tations. Prlea, acter actor, will In the future be known by (he name of John II. Sutter, owing to tht fact of their being another comedian wltb a similar nan*. Ht bss betn engaged by Gut Sun to play Uncle Tom, wits his Beechsr-t "Bacla Tom's Cabin" Co.