The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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216b SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW YORK CLIPPER April 25. DAVE REED JR. S NEW SONGS. A. FEW NEW BONOS BY THIS CLEVER CHARACTERISTIC WRITER OP "HITS," I'M THINKING OF YOU ALL OF DE WHILE. SAMMY SAMPSON'S SENEGAMBIAN BAND. GET A HORSE. WON'T YOU COME BACK, CAPT. KIDDP MY SWEET PRLSCILL. MY PRINCESS ZULU. Complete eeples and free Orchestrations will be tent to Professionals only upon receipt of late programme, enclosing stamp, for return pottage. HOWLEY, HAVILAND & DRESSER, Chicago, ibtb. lOCn CC DQDAnWAY II V PITV BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Grand Opera Home Block. I ZDU-DD DllUAUTfAl, II. I. Ulll. St. Ann Bldg., eor. Powell and Eddjr Bta. 8ANDOW8 IDEAL OF THE PERFECT WOMAN. IN ARTISTIC P0STUR1NS AND EXERCISES IN PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN, Now appearing with grand success over the Keith "One," and occupy I ng one of the feature places on PROVIDENCE JOURNAL. Mile. Latins, whom Eugene Sandow character- Ires as a type of "the perfeoi woman," has a spec- tacular act in contortion and an exhibition of fe- male atblotlo development. It Is accentuated by the lime light, but Is wonderful In Its way, and ap- parently bean out the J udgmeut of Mr. baudow. This week, Keith's Union Square Theatre, New BENTS, Permanent addroBs, Circuit, doing her entire act, running 14 minutes In the program. BOSTON TRAVELER. There were two numbers on the ••111 In physical development—Eugene Sandow, the strong man, and Mile. Latins, whogavo a truiy cntertalulng bit of artistic posing and exercises In physical culture for women. York City. AT LIBERTY FOR SUMMER ENOA0E- HO E. 17th ST., New York City. McGregor Park GLENS FALLS, N. Y. The Family Resort of the North Hudson BARRY and NICHOLS, Props, and Mgrs. Opening Jane 1, the following privilege* will be to lets Photograph Gallery, Carousel, Shooting Callerf, Striking Machine, Ball Games and other.. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE and OUTDOOR ATTRACTIONS. Address H# B- KICHOI/S, *£&£&* MARION and DEANE KEITH'S, N. Y. "IT'S UP TO YOU." Four Immense Hits! All Big Winners. "They'll Talk About You Anyhow," "Rosene," "Every Heart Must Have Its Pain, "Sailing Down the Bay," A CINCH I UY WINDOM and ALFOIID YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. UY BTUAHT and A L FORD, ,• By Wlndoin and AIford, Til"- UK ilAI.I.ADlUTOK 11IK SEASON. ANOTHER "SUMMER TIME," BY W. C. PARKEH. Professional Singers positively must aond professional card or programme for free professional copies- Orchestratlona of Hio above Kiiooio Winners aont upon receipt of loc. In atumpa for mailing. THE THOMPSON MUSIO CO., "lES? Chicago. MANAGERS OF ATTRACTIONS, ATTENTION! NEW ROCHELLE THEATRE MEW ROCHELLE. NEW YORK, J AS. J. ARMSTRONG. ... Lease* ond Manager. The abovo haudsomo theatre, oreuted »t at outlay of over one hundred thousand dollars, thoroughly equipped with ovory coiivoiiUmoo for tho presentation of uny and all klnda of dramatic, comedy, spectac- ular and vaudeville nltracliona. a model pluyhnuite on I ho ground floor, la Bltuated In IhaQiy of New Rochellc-io miles from Now York City, on main line of N. Y., X. II. and Hartford'R. It. Popu- lation of city, 20,000, una to,uoo more to draw front. Will lie opuncd on NONDAY, MAY 18,1003, by PRIMROSE & DOCKSTADER'S MINSTRELS. The seating capacity of the house wll bo 1,A00, nlll folding chairs, lighted by clcclrlcliy and gas steam hoat—a luxurious, ooniforlnlilo house fur audience, and spacious, well lighted and healed dress. Ing room accommodations tor Artists. Hooks are now opoll for Season 10KM0M. SlIAltlNO TK1IM8UNLY UfAMTCH AT nNPP For Summer season, Attractions In Light opora, Musical, Comedy and Dramatic nunnusi unut, lwh'. companies with Scenery and Printing preferred, city larger than Winter. JAS, Summer population of Wlro or write muck lo J. AHMSTltONG, Manager, 10 Union Square, New York. "CAN'T LIVE ON LOVE," A Dainty- Little Ooon Song Fait Forging to the Front, and "WHEN THE FROST IS ON THE FLOWER; The great pathotlo descriptive ballad (Iliumrated), 1J original slides, f 5, Wo also publish "Bluo, mow. Blew," ooinlo march song; "Swing on Yonr OwnApnlo Tree" beamKnl child ballad; "Tho Song My Sweetheart Usod to Sing." new descriptive ballad, r roe professions! coploa to recognized performers tcu'luguptndaioitiograniB. Orchestra leaders send fur our aiuff. When in Chicago tho profession Is luvlttd to call at our oiilee. Our pianist always at your sorvlco. NEWTON PUB. CO., Ho. 59 Dearborn St, Chicago, III. MANAGERS, ATTENTION-REPRODUCTION OP Corbett and MoGovern flight 11 Rounds, Including Knockout. Finest Moving Pictures Ever Made. A llox Office Wlnuor. Sharing terms; plenty of paper; lota of other subjects to make a two hour show. '* * AMIMATIOlf, tar. of CUPPER. WANTED, Boss Canvas Han, Seat Men and Razor Backs. WOULD ALSO LIKE TO HEAR PROM MUSICIANS AND PERFORMERS. Address HARRY OVERTON, Manager, STETSON'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO., Wahpeton, V. D.. April i27; Ortonvllle, Minn., 28; Mlllbank, S. D., 29; Webster, S. D., 80; Uroton, 8. P., May 1; Aberdeen, 8. P., 2. WANTED QUICK, FIRST CLASS SPECIALTY TEAM. Mutt change three times week, sing and dance, work single or double. Stage Manager! Director Play responsible parts. Good People In All Lines, write. State all In first letter. P. B. SPOONER DRAMATIC CO., Tyler, Tex., week Apr. 20; Palestine Apr. 27. HIT THB COOltf SI LOOP DE LOOP GI6AR AND 3 NEW LUNG TESTING Many other now ones. Oet our list. NOVELTY CO., t26N. 4111 St., Phll-delphla, Pa. \o#n\ aix sr r*^ A GOOD. RELIABLE MAN Who can play leads, alio At Comedian. Other useful people, write. Must have good wardrobe. Toll all In Ural letter. Fares advanced to those wo know only. Address EDWIN WEAVER, week of April 20, Owonstioro, Ky.j after April 26, Fort Wayne, Ind. WAN TbN LADIES AND TEN GENTLEMEN, WITH SOME TAl.K.vr, FOR A No. 1 STUCK CO. Would consider a lew good amateurs. Also want .Specially People In All Linus. Long season. State all In first Address, by letter only, ANDREW J. CI.IIIK, 194 Itlvor.ltlo Drive, New York City. AT LIBERTY, After May 2. Owing to the closing with the Dot Karroll Co., All 'Round Comedian, sober and reliable. Quick Study, Neat Specialties, Neat Dresser. Address, I.few STRONG, care of Dot Kar- ri) I Co. April 23-28. Rondout, New York. After that, Catsklll, New York. MR. and MRS. CHARLES BESLY AND THE NATIONAL CONCERT COMPANY can lie Engaged for Hie Summer. Company suitable for Parks* Resorts, etc. Can furnish a Moving Picture Machine and Illustrated Songs. Can una will give entire Vaudeville Show. Address CHARLES HKSLY, Manager, National Concert Co.. Long Brauch, N J. CONTRACTS TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc. Free samples. WEBB PTO. CO., 8B8 Dearborn St, Chicago. Wanted, Stereopticon Outfit, Complete, Dissolving preforred. cheap for cash. Answer Must be good and r quick, with Invoice. WILL, C. BUTTS. Ml Zenobla Theatre , Toledo, O. FOB SUE; GOOD PAYING Merry Co Round, COST $3,000, FOR $1,200. M. MON1IE1M, 201 TV. Madison St., Chicago. LEADlIfl LAST CHABAOTEB WOIAI. QOKMAND A FORD, Ellenvllle. N. Y. WAITED, Al Comedian, for led. Co. Salary must be low. If yon don't want work don't write. No ticket*, CRAB. T. MACKY, Mtilhelm, Centra Oo„ Pa. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! WILL I. HICK OWNED AND OPERATED BY ' The General Amusement Company. OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. " INCORPORATED. CAPITAL STOCK. •lOO.OOaon OFFICERS i ww SEWARD HEIDELBADCH, Presidents CHARLES B. ARNOLD, Vice Pr..i. dent; CHARLES) J. CHRISTIE, Secretary 1 RTJD. K. IIYNlCKA.Trea.arer; win 8. llblCK, General Manager. "* REFERENCES: Market national Hank, Second National Bank, Western German Bank, all ■ Cincinnati, Ohio. » " u ° aged for this Seaton with THE WILL s. HECK CAR IV Take Nolle* Thil " PATT _"<■ cop'* E"i V/AJLl-Anle "•NIVAL COMPAi Season 1903 Opens Monday, lay 4, at Boanoke, Va. All people engaged must report at Roanoke. Va., SATURDAY, MAY 2, or at Cincinnati 0., MONDAY, AritlL 27, whichever Is most convenient to you. ADVISE US IMMEDl ATELY BY f.ETTER ul CAN USE A VERY FEW MORE SPIELERS, one or two more FREE ACTS. We are always willing to book novel acts lf_ire have room for them. Can place a few good dancers! Should note the fact that we have th» BEST CITIES IN AMERICA ON OTJtt ROUTE. PLENTY OF MONEY AND GOOD SPENDERS IN EVERY CITY WE PLAY. " u ™" PRIVILEGE PEOPLE Onr Bonte for Opening Weeks as Follows MAY 4, BOANOKE, VA MAY 11, LYNCHBURG, VA. MAY 18, RICHMOND. VA. MAY26, CUMBERLAND, MI). JUNE1, LANCA8IER, PA JUNE 8. ALLENTOWN, PA. JUNE 15, HARRISBDRO, PA. JUNE 21, READING, PA JUNE 29, SCRANTON, PA. JILY6, "WIL.KE3BARRE, PA. JULY 13, MoKEESPORT, PA. LATER DATES JUST AS GOOD. WE PLAY ONLY FIRST CLASS CITIES UNDER FIRST CLASS AUSPICES I YOU CAN MAKE GOOD MONEY IN SUCH CITIES AS THE ABOVE. WE OFFER Carnival Committees THE BEST, BIGGEST, MOST COMPLETE, MOST MAGNIFICENT CARNIVAL AGURE. 0AT1ON that ever went on the Road. Bond for our handsome book, entitled: "THE SPIRIT OF CARNIVAL." Will send one of our Promoters to see you. If you like. Will Expect to Hear Immediately from all People Engaged to go with as Address <\Af||_i_ 3. HEOK, General Manager, The General Amusement Company. 101 BEIX BLOCK, CINCINNATI, O. Ceo. Evans and Hen Shields. (NEW SONG.) Author, of "THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME." DOWN AT LOVER'S ROOST. Just as Big at Hit as "BUMMER TIME." Oet It and try for yourself. Complete copies and free Orchestration, will be sent to Profes.lonal. only, on receipt of late Programme, enclosing .tarnp. for return portage. HOWLEY, HAVILAND * DRESSER, ST. ANN'S BLD'Q., San Francisco, Cal. 126D Broadway, New York. GRAND OPERA H008E BLOCK Chicago, III. WANTED, FARCE COMEDY PEOPLE WITH SPECIALTIES. Prefer thoae doubling brass; Character Comedian; hIbo Man for low and llulit comedy,good Kw«k> about Team, Woman for Characters; also Woman for long dress soulirette; MUSICIANS, Lender fur B. and 0., l'tsuo Player to double hand, Cornets, Trombones, Baritone. Tuba, Alios, Clarionets, etc. Summer Beason, opera houses, ouo night stands. Make salary reasonable. Good Agent, write. KH.XLY eV MACK, 310 W. Madlaon et., Chicago, III. CONTINENTAL CARNIVAL CO. TO SOCIAL AN1> LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Do You Want a First Class Carnival Co.? Wo have tome open time in N. Y. and Eatte-n States. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR ATTRACTIONS. CAN YOU DUPLICATE THEM? (.apt. Sorcbos Deep Sea Divers, Millie Christine, Two Headed Nightingale; Ilarncs' Eqnlno Paradox, Three Fattest Babies In the World. Eruption of Mt. Pelce and Pc 8 ^, uctl0 t? of « the Bl ,"!? 8ulp . Ualn 5' Serpent Girl, alive; Garden of the Gods and Poses, Abbas Ben Omar, A Scene from the Orient, Bosco and Rattlesnake Den, German VII- JJSJ and . Swiss Cnaletj_>byMjalan_p_emga Man, Merry Go 'Round. mature Railway Manton, times. lage. Address, WM. E. DOBBINS, Mirt'CoitTnentaf Carnival Co., Armory, Glens Falls. N. Y.; after May 2, Schenectady, N. Y. SIG.SAUTELLE'S BIG R.R. SHOWS )w»T. S „ A X„9^^5i B J g , Ae r';J nnd „ E»ttH Acl ?/ BobtT ii 1 Bnd 8 Horse Drivers, Canvas, Iroperty, train and Aulmal Men, Boss Canvas Mon for Side Show; good wages nnd best accommodations of any show on earth, to Good Men. Camp now open7 come on, EI^t™??.. 1 ; Canvas and Seat Men upply to Wm. Parker, Property Men to F. a K'-nJ 1 .!™'™ £ S? X ' Anlm ?J Mra J° . Thc0 ' ^"l". Side Show People to Jns. A. Morrow, Mgr." Winter Quarters, Homer.N. Y.; all others to 8IG. sautellk, ^^^.^^____^^____^_^^_^^___ Commercial House, Cortland, N. V. J. WARREN KEANE, Expert Manipulator of Billiard Balls and Cards A REFINED ACT WHICH ALWAYS PLEASES. n n ,w A i U ?Ji?t^ When aS*!"" Btart on . L X u , r ?P.?? n „ tour - where h » ntt s beB ° b00k(!l1 b >' Richard Pltrot. Address, care of CLIPPER. AT" LIB FERDINAND B. :«TV AFTER MAY NELLIE ASHBEY I BLANCHARD COMEDIAN SPECIALTIES , LEADING WOMAN, For Summer and nextseason. First class managers ONLY address FERDINAND B. ASHBEY, m - mmm ,^—^^^___^__^__^^_ McOILL 4 SIUPMAN STOCK CO., Baltimore. Md. PIANO PLAYER, hm!?r.. l) . 0 Krl I ;JA S NilAH MBONE! CM J 01 "" 1 "no*", sft'arv, tu nnd all expenses; long season; play opera hoUBOB, NO CANVAS. CHA8. II. nOYXK, THE HTAR BOAHDRR, THE ENU.U1REU 1-HINT1NQ CO., CINCINNATI, OIIU'. ~MONKE YS: Large Va Loinurs " LOUIS RUHE. 248 Grand Street New York.