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219 TEGE NEW YOBE GMPP1R. A#Ril 25, mm\k and numa. CiiAii;.v.fi n.uitiiiTT has Joined (lie Rlinore Slaters for the rent of their smsoti In their vaudeville sketches, nhtl has been eligsgiid by Mr. Ill do for their farce coihedy for next senson. Thomas J. Mack In engnged iin U.-ige man- ager with Diim-mt Clark's Lady Mluatrels, neuron of JllO.'M. ■ 'I'm: Goiidon Sihtkiih have dissolved part- norahlp. Mlnulo Out-don -has Joined hands with her old partner, Era Mitchell (known ns Hie "Little Bowery Queen"), after n, separation - of several yearn. .They do a character singing nnd talking net, and will be known nn ..Mitchell and Gordon, Dixon ami L.ixii have, signed villi Man- nger Chan. K. Taylor for IiIh Big Herniation TBNLisr AMD LtsrBB, late Tculey and Nluiou, Write from Bridgeport: "Our act Id a tremendous lilt tills week, nnd we arc booked solid tiritll" July, Laic Sunday we were Hie heattltocrs at the Gotham Theatre, Ilrooklyn. Next Sunday wo'play tlio Novelty, ami have flammonftelu s Victoria to follow,'' NOTKS HBOM EUJU&W ft WlI,80N'H MlS- htiiki.s. —This company Is now entering on their thirty-eighth week of thlw eeuiion, and business from the opeulng week, last Au- gust, haw been good. The weather con- tinue)! Cool ami hrlHk. and It knliw business. Pennsylvania has Joined with all the other State* In granting ua good business, nnd Wo continue to puck' our Iiouhcu. Severn! now people have Joined for n Hummer en- gngomnnt. Wo nro'Tiow on our way to New Lngland. Wo open several now parks In Jhne, on a guarantee. Mr. Wilson made n lans will linvo a line new wardrobe. Alhkut Wai.tkii has closed ever the Keith and I'roctor circuits with lino success, he rc]>orts, nnd bus return engagements. Lbuhiton ami Lekihton have Joined tho (JUluInn ft Wall Minstrels for tho rest of the senson. tlAioiiT ami Dkax arc booked on the Hurt circuit of tinrks for the Hummer, with their new net, "wanted, a l'alr of Trousers." Esijiktt, the boy magician, reports suc- cess In his new net. Ti;unli.b and Simon havo finished Proc- tor's Twenty-third'Streetj Proctor's, New formerly of Gordon nnd Lick, Is confined In the Insane asylum at 'Ward's Is- land, N.'.Y. She Is euilea voting to securo the means to'have him removed to a prl- Vnto Institution, and those who are disposed to aid her can address her at 10 Uuuther I'lacc, Brooklyn. .N. V. 1 of mmh — Notes from the Hunt Stock Co.: Wo are In our thirty-third week, and peacefully . gliding down the stream of prosperity, and tu-k; Proctor's, Albany; tho Umpire, Ilnltl- the usual ovations nnd big business greets us ' are this n 'l along the route, Ilcturn dates and pew more; the'Avenue, Pittsburg, and week at Proctor's fifth Avenue, tills city After this week they will commence re hearsing with Collins and Ma hell, with wbotu they havo formed a partnership for , a character four act. *■ »« Will hftve"nll hew plays, special sccn- Joiin C. Blo'dm, "clown magician," opens irj. paper, etc. Tho show will also he uug- Mny 4 in Buffalo, N. V., wltli Hclicicr ft menled by a llrst class hand and orchestra, Zander's Comedy und Concert Shows, for making It one of the best repertory shows ■*!._■ - ■ — - - -i • sin , ibiii fitnA - I'll! »<l tin mi** iiinHi ...oil....* .. t- time Is coming In at every mail, anil the show is booked solid until tho first of August, at which tuns wo Isy off until the llrst of Sep- tember. Wo then start the season of lllu.l- tho season Tirta OAsrARD BaoH. arc In their thirty- eighth successful week with Quliiluu ft Wall's Imperial Minstrels, nnd will closo with that show on May I). Tliisy am booked solid for nearly a year. . Mas. MAit* Miihtiia. mother of Lillian V. Thomdykc, of the City Club Co., Is 111 nt on the road Muskegon A. During our engagement at ]•:. Hum, of Grand Itaplds, a brother of our gonial manager, made the show a pleasant visit, lie also Is uu old "trouper." and nt present' Is a member of Uronsoas Orchestra, of the above city. Ou Sunday, April 12, at (Irani! Itonlds, was the occa- sion of a very pretty Raster wedding. Two her liouiulV Bridgeport, Conn. mm Thorn- ? f our esteemed members were the contract dyke left the company at St. Louis on April 3 for her home lu that city. Owing to the Illness of Kminn Martelle, of the Marvelous Martellos, Ihoy were compelled to closo with Hyrrib Bros,' "Eight Bells" Co. April 1H, at St. Louis. Tlmy havo been with the above company, off and on, for the'past four seasons, and their net, they write, bus always met with success. They left for their holiie In Portland, Ore., tl>, to re- cuperate: They liuve vaudeville bookings for next svhnou, und open Oct. 15 at tlio Grand Opera House, Indianapolis, Ind. Tub WiLUtins (Olrdle, Walter nnd La Petite Doihia) will close u successful season with the' Lillian Lyons Co. on May 10, the company closing Its season on tlmt date. Mrs. Wilbur and Little Donna will go to Pentwater, .Midi., Mr. t Wilbur lmi-lne pur- I'hused u Summer homo there. Wilbur's ComedlauH, a vnudavllle and ilniuiitth: sliow, under cunvns.-wlll tnlin the road .Time 1, for the Hummer season, under tbu management of Walter Wilbur. Tin: L'AVAltNin Mihtp.rh closed a successful log i mi'tles. Frank linear und lilnnche Howards were Joined in wedlock. Itev. It. (I. V. Onlrdner. rector of draco Episcopal Church,- performed the ceremony, In tho presence of tho members of the com- pany and a few Invited guests. The wedding tnuk plucc at the home of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. I'. B. KdwardM, of Urund Itnplds. Tho happy couple wcro recipients of many beautiful and; costly presents, prominent of which were a beautiful gold watch, a gift to the brldo from her father; a solid silver and gold tea set, frbm Mr. and Mrs. Hunt; a solid silver fruit dish, from Will It. Orlf- (in and Lloyd Coppons, and several others, too numerous to mention. All departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hagar a long and hnppy life.- Wc are ou our way to tun re- sorts of Northern Michigan for the' Sum- mer, and all look forward to a grand time, llshlng and boatlug. Tun "man lu white" and the Old Uumaiii.h put In'their regular appearance and gladden the hearts of all. livery member,of the company tlmt answered . ompany tlmt answered ciiKiigeiuout at'the llrook Tbeatre, Mnrloni to roll call Sept. 1.1U0L', are still with uh, 1iiu„ also at the Orphuuui Theatre, Terra nuu - »'»'» "'<-• addition of a few others, wo Iluttte, and have received contractu for an fro as huppy und eougenlul a bunch as ever trooped. "Tlio Hunt fever ' still continues early ret urn ciiKUgeimmt. Nun Nr.i.soN writes: "Trentnicnt for my eyes at Wills Kye Hospital, l'lilhuleluhln. Is lirocressllig rapidly. I ployed HfcCubc's stnsle Hull. Camden, with success, and was reralned (his week." John IIi-dok. who wrestles with Leon Monls' Wrestllug Ponies (llaiiacr uiid Madl- Son), celebrated his thirty-third birthday iprll 13. lie has been in Luon Morris' em- ploy twelvii years, und in tlio elder Morris' eleven'years,' tanking twenty-three yours work In the family of Morris. Ho Was presented with a gold watch and chain, from Leon Morris, iuifl a Taylor trunk nud dross suit ensa by Mrs. Leon Morris. A nolo private dinner was given to htm and many happy returns were wished by prominent vaude- ville people 1 . Ai„ A.Niir.uNov, who has been entwined to Ills bed for. five weeks with pneumonia nt l|ls homo in Boston, .Mdss., Is itoiv up uud ublo to resume his work. ItllVNOI.OS AND CillACIH havo Jimt closisl a fourteen weeks' successful cligHgenieqt at tho Cabinet Tlieatrc\ Law Ion. <V T., uud ilro this week at tile Htaiidurd, (iathrle, O. T.. where I hey have been rc-euguged for four more wwks. Iln.i.v Maiit. of the team of Hurt uud Rerunrd, bus been inuile a niemls'r of tho Knights of PythlUH, Kciiulngtuu Lodge, No. 85. or I'lilludetplda. Tun KOM.owiS'u are nt the Kllta TliiNitrn (J. Al. Isaacsou, malinger, tlloueester, Muss.) Ibis week: Prof, itltler mid his klnctosrope, llronilco nnd Klmberlv, Keoiiell awl l'uiler- sou, Susie Pulton, Biillaiitlue Hum., Lulu Keegnn, lleui-J 1 Dunn, and Prof, Arthur Mur- iel, musical director. Hi:i)Aiin, Baiuik asp ItiiiMitD will work the parks this season with their new not. Mrs., ltcdtild will Introduce many new tricks lu the act. Bciitik ItiMiiiA.M, u son of Blnglmm, tho vcutrlloiiulst, iniido a successful debut, us a Oenmiu comedian nt the Lille Theatre, (lloueester, Mass., week of April 111. lu .time lie will Join his sisters, tinsel uud VI- vlnn. who nro lu their tenth week at thn Colonial Theatre, Boston, lu "The Sleeping Henuty nnd the Tlensl," Tho trio will bu known ns tho ;i Auburns. Tub 9TIMS Inn XktO report meetlu-; with success with their new uct. "O'Dowd from Cohoes," pluylng clubs in uud around New York. Hariiy 0. Bukku rinsed with tlio Harlow ft Wilson i; router New York Minstrels In Zuiio.svlllo, 0., after il seventeen weeks' en- fttgemcut. He Is pluylug clubs and bcnollts i) West Virginia, Kentucky and Oliln. ■ injijuj i.<i Bf!MAN i B .Ciikihtmas Evil," a sketch, in seveu scenes, by C. L. ,Uagun. was given lis original production Mareli it>, nt the Huston Tliriilrc, Lobdou, IOng., und scored a success. Daisy Linui:m ami Ltn.u Kr.iii.nr havo iolucd hands, to do u sister act, nud will W known us Piiulluo Pay fur uud Lulu Dav- enport. Jamks PiiA7.t;ii, of Ilrooklyn, N. Y„ after a two years' retirement from the ttage, Will —Notes from Ferris' Comedians: This company bus made one of the most remark- able rims on record, It. now being In Its eighteenth week of capacity houses at Dn- liith, Minn. The company numbers thirty- eight people, with the addition of two scenic artists, and oil plays are given complete scenic productions. Several changes bnvu been made lately, which bos strengthened the company. .Mono Carrlogtou Is now onr leading lady, replacing Isabello Plctcher. Miss Cnrrington Is receiving receptions at every jierformnnco. Otis A. Forbes Is n big favorite, Albert.Davis arrived from Now York last week and Joined the Ferris forces. Wm. A. Lang tins returned from a two weeks'; vacation nt his poultry farm nt Hnglnnw. Mien. Llnlan O'.seiI joined last, week, for second business. Jack Perrls Joined 11, for Btnge director. Warren Grossman left the company 12. Bell llontlerson ' leaves "0 for Omidin, Neb., to Join Dick Ferris' Stock Co. there. Win. Griggs' time expired 15. Nelson Compston, former stage director. Is laying seriously 111 nt the rit. Mary's Hos- pital with pneumonln. Harry Unhh. iiinnii- :er, who has been with Mr. Ferris the past our seasons, expects to go his borne nt iVIIllnmsport, Pa., nbnut the middle of May, for n few weeks .rost. A baby show. was given on the stage nt the closo of the Wednesday matinee. April 1. Two hundred and thirty-six babies entered the contest, nud the show was a big success. Another novelty In the way of n bread contest will be given Wednesday afternoon, April 22, at which time a prize will bo given (o the person bringing the best baked leaf of bread, after which . all - the bread will be given 'to the poor. For tho week of April 27 Manager Ilubb will give, In Sddltlon to the regular performance, nn In- oor circus. The circus acts will bo given before and after the show, and between the nets. The sbow wilt ■ be continuous from 7.30 lo 1- I'. M, Among the special acts already secured are; Hosalre, Kuropeun sen- sation; the Aerial Shaws, the Hoffman Dros., 'cycle whirl;'Prof. Cayo's Dog nnd Pony Show, Iluilor llros., nrrolMits, and Mile. Fuiin. snake cliurtuer. All of these acts will Im- given before und after the play, with the following appearing between the nets : llinlly Baths, Hurry Lauglcy, Dun Ellis, Wm. Lung. lie Cursalre Sisters, and Ituytc, the human frog. The plays to bo presentedby the coin- puny during tbls big week Will be "An Ameri- can Crlrl" and "For Home and Honor." Dick Ferris wns a visitor to tho show the past week, and Is delighted with the tremendous business nnd success that his company bus. attained here. • — "Dolce." a play lu one act, by John Luther Long, wus acted for .the first time on any stage by Mrs. Flske, at the 'Fremont Theatre. Iloston, afternoon of Thursday, April HI, nt a hem-fit for the Animal Rescue Iiengue. It was favorably received. The cast was: Crlseom Slinndon, Scott <'raven ; Porter, Crane WJIber; Dolce, Mrs. Flske. — Ham Carlton writes; "Having pur- chased the Interest of Chas. F. Kdwards Co. I am uow sole proprietor aud manager, and I will send the couipuiiy on the road next season belter equipped Hum ever before,' using plenty of special scenery uud clec- trlcul effects. All new royalty plays will he used, with special paper, and 1 am now engaging n company of well known people, nnd I intend to make the vuudovllle depart- ment a special feature. The: comimny will play over the same circuit, Maryland, Vir- ginia, West Virginia, Ohio uud Pennsyl- vania, where It has playad for the past four seasons with big success. Show opens early In August, pluylng n few three night stands, then all week stands will he ptnyed." — "Hans Hanson" Notes: Lou StArr,-lead- ing mail of the company, was accidentally shot ou April 10. and we will lay off- at UlciiaiomI, Ind.. for a few days, unlit Mr. had been tbo leading lady of tbo Oarslde, Condlt ft Mack Co,, .of..wb,tcb organlxatlon her*husband Is,the senior partner. Tho last part she iriayed was Annie DeunIMn, In "Forgiven* She whs burled by ber hus- band 10, at 'Vleaiantvllle. N. J., where an appropriate monument will be erected; One sister, Luella Morey, of the More? Stock Co., und her husband survive ber. ' Mas. ituurT.T Piths t iimons, who was well known before ber marriage to the iiuglllst ns Boss Julian, died at her home in Beuson- burst, N. V„ early on the morning of April 17, from typhoid pneumonia. Before her marriage, about nine years ago, she bad appeared nt the vaudeville and burlesque theatres of the country III a coutortlonnct with her brother, Martin Julian, and the team wns widely known. Her husband, Hubert ritzsimino'iis, and her brother, Martin Julian, survive ber. ■ - PokTi'.n 8. Putnam, nn old time circus man, died nt the home of his son In. Lincoln, Neb,, March 2d, aged about eighty-one years. lie was In his early life a violinist In or- chestras, nnd Inter traveled with Mabeo, Spauldlue & Bogers, and other old time cir- cuses. The remains were Interred In Wyuka Cemetery, Lincoln. March ill. His wife, two sons, Frank 8. nnd OlrardP., and two daugh- ters, one of whom is well known In theatrical circles as Katie Putnam, survive .him. Obiituudr Kkli.o'io. an actress, died In Brooklyn, N. Y.. April 18. Sbc was born Dec. 2D, 18411, at Cotnntock, N. Y. Her first appearance on the stage, was on Sept. l.'l, 1871), at the old Fifth Avenue .Theatre, New York..In "Jlan and Wife." under Au- Siustln Daly's management. She supported ■Idwin Forrest In ltsT'J. ♦ »+ NEW ITAY.s AND SKETCHES COPYRIGHTED. "Tng oini, jbom Cohsica," a m „., M1 play, hi two octs, book by Mark uSSS 1 music ' by, Harry T. Dlcklnso . nda ffil lyrtcs by James Vlllock. Kdward Orlffln B n „J Inn Hey. was presented at the Athens..™ Ola/igow, Scotland, Feb. 25. ""■■•■, to I'uge. and tho prospectu are tlint tbo cur- tain will fall on the season of 1UU2-U with a fat bank roll In Mr. Hunt's favor. — Wurde Stock Co. notes: 'J'linnks to our "ad." In tho Oi.n Kbi.iaulu, we have con- tracted with the following well known peo- ple for our big company next season: Chas. II.,Perry. Ben W. Stone, Dunlel V. V. Flynn, lleorge W. Levis, Hal Itoss, Hugh it. Norton, Starr recovers sulllolently to resume his jio lie Is gottlug along nicely, uud ex pects to be all right In n few days; HltlOU. Our vaudeville contingent will bo headed by Norton and Itnssell. •■ New scrnery Is being painted fur the different plnyii, nud special jiuper for ull plays, Our time Is nearly all booked und will open oarly In September. — Wilbur Mack Co. Notes: our business Is excellent. At Allliiuce, O. (Holy Week), we played to great business, Mnlluger Smith pronounced this by far the bust repertory show he hud ever seen, Tbu following Mon- day we opened nt tho New Morgan i>i*uu House, nt Hhurou. I'a., nud at 7.45 we had out the s. It, O, sign. Tho niuuugcmcut said this couipany Isid given tbu best satisfaction of any coinpnuy tie bad played. Mr. Muck lH arranging for his two companies for next season. This eoinpauy will piny all Hummer, three weeks ut the Casino, Manslli'ld. 0„ the rest of tbo Summer ut Clyffuulde Park, Ashland, Ky., where I his couuiuuy played a tell weeks' engagement hist Siuiiinor. We are currying u car land of scenery and give eomplctn productions of all pluys, Our scenic artist Is working dally on new stuff for both companies for next scasou. Clertlu Lewis Is n great favorite everywhere, making rainy friends by her clever acting and spe- cialties. Hosier: Wilbur Muck. Tom 11. Hcrr, Harry Keefer, lien II. Howe. Frank Mtithlocks, lliigh Kellckel-. ildwln Mitchell. Nelson Ilefflier, (Icrtle Lewis, Beatrice Her- tram, t'lmv l.yiuuu, nnd Jl'lltdelle Sisters. — Notes fruip lli-Icher's 'I'oiiii'dliius : HAW played to capacity ull through Lent, und often to S. It. o. One losing week on the season Is not bad. At A«h Urove, Mo., the citizens tendered Clara Jtclcher a bull : she received nbiuujuet nt Ifnmnnsvllle, aud nn elegant boliiiiiot of early violets at Deep- water. She Is making u must decided hit, nnd as she Is but Hflccu yeum of age, and piny- lug both sonbrcttcnud emotional lends, older ones may soou have to took to their laurels. Managers nro offering good time, and we expect, through the agency of .Tun Ci.u'i'KB. In have nil exceptlonully strong company, with full line of high eliiKH imj'uIiv plays, fur next season. Wc, like ninny others, at- tribute our success lu it measure to the gaud offices of Tin: Cliitkr, ' — Chas. T. Fall's' "Limited Kxnress" Notes: The llrst week lu May \vo will closo n Hitcceesstul season of thtrty-rlulit weeks, covering a territory of twenty-one Hiin. pluy- lng from coast to coast nnd roturu. llnslness has been excellent, uud wc lmve a good bal- ance on the rlglil side of t he ledger. Next sea- Mm. which will qben In August, will Uud the "Limited impress" entirely new on Its third Reason, aud will be among the foremost ono night stand attractions. The cast will re- main the same, Including tbo Section Haml "Mln. Derlug's' Divorce." a comedy, to three acts, by Percy Feudal), was presented at the Providence Opera House, Providence, It. I., Saturday evening, April 18, for thn llrst time In tilts country, by Mrs. Luugtry und her company. 4i » DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. "The Honor of a Princess," by Oliver Ilnndy Jones Jr. Copyright by Oliver Unady Jones Jr.; Baltimore, Sid. "An Innocent Outlnw," Wm. Wallace Cook, Marshall; MIcb. "The Bell of the Moon," Frank Davidson, Chicago, III. "The Black Hand," a melodrama, by Wm. B. Hurst. "A Blue Grass Courtship," Joe L. Brig- ham, New York. "Colleen Mucroc, or the Girt of My Heart." a drama, in three acts, by Joseph Mills. "The Dreamer," a -fantastic comedy, In three acts, by Chas. J. Campbell and Italpb McKay Skinner. Copyright by C. J. Camp- bell and B. M. Skinner, New York. "The Fatal Glass, by Thomas Irwlu. Copyright by Thomas Irwin, Toronto, Con. "The Gettysburg Gun, or a Day with Sedgwick In Pennsylvania." Copyright by Patrick Henry Iloffcrnan, New York. "In the Shadow of tho Night," a sensa- tional melodrama, to four nets, by Martin Somers. Copyright by Martin Souicrs, Car-, toret, N. 3. , "The MnnpiiK of Kalamazoo," a musical comedy, In two acts, by Frederic Bankon. Copyright by Frederic llunkcn. New York. "Old Acres Folk," a rustic drama, In two acts, by Dann J. Stcveus. Copyright by Walter H. Baker. k Co.. Boston, Mush. 'Ike Pennsylvania Case," a melodrama, in four acts, by W. Gault Browne. Copyright by W. Oault Browne, Chicago, III. a ''fb« Blvals of- Madonna, and the Queen of the World," n drumu. Copyright by Alex- ander Stewart Walsh, New York. "The Scarlet Letter," a drama, In four actB, founded on Nathaniel Hnwthorne'B eel-: ebriitcd story of tbo same name, by \V. Gault Browne.; Copyright by W. Gault Browne, Chicago, 111. '' A , Man of Honor," by Wm. Somerset Maugbums. Copyrighted by W. S. Muugbnm, of Loudon, Mnglaiid. • '■ "I^?. 1 , 8 ^ Kn "nct. Ireland's Patriot Martyr," a political.trugedy, to live ucts, by Auerbach. Copyrighted Jan. 20. HKM. "The Trials of a Governess," n drama. In Further advices from England concern- ing tho death of Frank Harvey, tbo well known dramatist and nctor, give tbu day of his death as March '.'0. In the announce- ment of game In these columns last week,' March HO wus erroneously given. He wus horn In April, INI'..', and innde his stage debut In lStlll, nt the Theatro Itoyal, York, Mngland. Ills plays have caused his uamo to bo ns well known In tills country us It was lu Kngland. Among the best known of his works were "The World Against Iter," "The Wages of Sin,'" "Skull Wc Forgive Iler?" "The Laud of the Living." "A lllng of Iron," "Drother Agalust Brother," "Fallen Among Thieves," "Slim of the Night," "Judge Not." "Tho Workman," "Tlio Woman of tho People," "A House of Mystery," "A Fight for Honor," nnd "The Milestones of Life," Ills latest play. The remains were Interred lu tho Southern Cemetery, Manchester. Haiiiiy DrxoitMt:, an nctor, whoso name In private life was Hurry Slaughter, died April 14, to the Post (Iruduate Hospital, New York, from puralj'sls, aged fifty-two years. He wns born In Louisville, Ky. During his iheatrlcnl career ho' appeared with Mario Tempest's Co.. and bis last engagement was In this city. I|i '.'Resurrection," at tho Vic- toria Theatre. Tile renin Ins were sent to ^Kentucky for burial. His widow uud a young daughter survive him. ' Jiirs.'"-M.MtKii Tow.nbknd. formerly a well known Heiress, committed suicide on the doorstep of u lodglnghousc In London, Lug., April o. She wus sixty years of ngc, und In her curly career ou thO Mngllsh stage wns regarded ns one of the host actresses of her time, while she nlso excelled ns nn opera singer. Mrs. Townscnd cnine to San Fran- cisco about two years ago, nnd conducted a school of dramatic ail. In tho ladles' pi'" nt the Alcazar Theatre, that city. Ski (JMortet. Onr representative, Ed. Fromun, appear again In vaudeville next season, with. Is Mill u hustler, nnd will again mukc friends l\ls wife (Utla .Printer), Inn new sketch, nlieid • next scrifon. Our worthy manager Introducing up to date specialty work. Thu Is having n vacation In Florida, while Md. " be known as tho Fruiters. I'luinan Is filling his place. -—John W. Walmvrhjht 1ms begun the erection of u new'theatre and root garden at Itoekawuy Brucli, N, Y. It Is on the ocean (rout, between Murray's l'avllldu unit tlie Iron Pier,- nt Senslde. and will have n frontage Of ono hundred nnd twenty-live feet, nu(l a depth of two hundred nnd fitly feet, it will be two stories liigli, with u tcum will be known us tho l'ruiers, Fiikp c.vlowei.1, will Join his'old partner, 'I'lieo. Vulmr. Tbo team will be known ns the Caldwell Brothers, aud arc booked for the Summer parks. I5t>r>iu CAiiuoLt. .\sd Acinus Cum nro nt, Ingn return date ut the Howard, Host oh. tills week, and nro lsrakcd on oue of the lend- ing'park circuits for the coming Summer, opening Wilok of May "7S. >In. AMD Miih, Lin. M.i.xs will 1m seen In vaudeville agntn (his Summer. Mr. XInan has purrinwed a new sketch, entitled "Quits," .vji. Webei' « Fields have announced that their now Boston Tbeatre will be called the Globe. James K. nnckett will open It .In written by Ernest Lamsou. Mr. Mans played September.' " .William' Collier will ntipehr tbo part of Decatur, In ''Alabama," for font there In his now piny. "Personal," and years. •' ' « Ohnrlen Rlehmhn will be another of the FiiNTnu.i: and JtAPCLiPFK played the Main stars managed by Wcbor ft Flolda to occupy rtireet -Tlieatro, Peoria, last week, nnd have the uoiise, presenting "Captain llnrrlngton." snUtli'p Theatre, Ornild Itaplds, this week. Next Spring tile Boston engagement ot'Wcbor They ore bunked In the letidlng pnvks for the f ■i-V'» , r«s' >vwn roiapony will be played lit {juuuuei. .... fc,v. :.:..-. :.(i . .,' . •- ,,<._* the Olobo, L-^sJL-i'i parlor _le re- turned to London about ft year ago. Waltcii Wayne (Walter 8. Emery), nn nctor. died at his home In Philadelphia, on March 18, from typhoid-fever, uged twenty- six years. Be was well known ns u charac- ter nctor, nnd bud born connected with muuy prominent rood companies during tho pust live years. Ho was tuken ill while a member of Baker & Olbsou's "Hast Lyune" Co.' He is survived by his mother, his sister, Lillian Utile 1-lmery, well known ns a leading woman, nnd a brother, MdvvJu T. Emory, u well known lending man. WiLMAxt VAM.ANCD, a lightning calcu- lator, died nt Trenton. N. J.. April 12., Ho had been removed to tho Stato nospltnl, that city, about a woek previous to bis death, suffering from u severe mental strain, believed to be the result of tho tax he hud placed upon his brain, Ho was about thirty year* of nge. . CiiAitt.us Soiix, who was for years tho bass viol-player at the Umpire Theatre, Qulney. III., died in tbut city April 15, after a surgical operation. Lillian Moittx who was known to priv- ate life as, Lillian" Condlt, died at. Atlantic tMlv, N. J., morning of April in, from untie pneumonia, aged tlilrty-ouo years. She had successfullv undprgono an opurutlon nt thu Atlantic City Hospital but a week before, hut while convalescing, was attacked by the dlscsso which Caused her death within forty-' eight hours. She married Bio Condlt in iflSS, nnd .bad been from that date until last February to active professional work. She nnd husband, always working together. were three counccuttvo seasons - with Isaac. lMyuHi, six years' with James- R. Watte, and three years In vaudeville, under the teODl IVimc of Condlt and - Morey. During the major pphIou »( tUc {resent, season nog. —is, by ■'©Jjfo «>y M- C. Craft, Oaklund.CaT rhe Izar, Foodor luvnnvltcli," n tragedy In four nets, by Count A. K. Tolstoi. Con£ righted Feb. 17, 11)03. . ™ "Too Weather Prophet of Mindanao," by Orlando Scolln Hears, nf St. Louis, Mo.■' Copyrighted Jan. M, 10OS. "4eb and ZarroW, lit Klg Zag Allcv," a spectaculnr musical farce comedy uuil cx- trovugnnzu. In three acts, by James Gorman Colin ' °' ' Fer * u * oa ' Stamford, I "A Uo'lduy Jubilee," Introducing New ^ears, Raster, Fourth of July, Thanks- giving and Christmas holidays, especially arranged for Christmas entertainments for schools, by M m. Hcott. Copyrighted by Wm. Scott, of Pbllsdelphln, I'a. "™ >■ > FOHISIGN Mill \v NEWS. "DmtNiiosciiKx," a fairy play. In four nets, by Marx Mueller, was produced at the Berlluer Tbeatre, Berlin, Feb.: 19. " 'Ton Tins Woman Hb I/ivbh," a druma, - jn f ",V,, nt ; tl1 ' hy MylesAVallcrton and Fran! en Gilbert,. w«b brought out at tho Theatre' Hoynl, Bristol; Feb. 35, i. " A 1 .m!; vn °K. ,Io: ">n." n Ploy, to four acts,' ny nullum Soincract Maugham, wus pre-: sc'ntisl nt tho Imperial Thektrc, Westmln- etcr. London,' Fell. 22. ", ' "Littlb Sii.h," a'our version, by Oswald' Brand, of Dickens' novel, ■ "Tlio Old Curios- ity: Shop," was produced at tlio Grand The-I nt re, London, Feb. 23. ••; i I "L'Infant du MinACLE." a farclcnl com- ?."?• ■" three nets, by PaulOuvnnlt and I obort Charvny, was seca nt the Atheneo Theatre, Paris, Feb. 211. ■ ■ "Tijb Rum Of Timb," a drama, to four acts, by J. T. Pryco-Jenklna, was presented nt tho Shakespeare Theatre, London, Feb. 23 I "I'iiii Talk ok a TcLcan.uL" a farcical comedy, by Murtvn C. Mnrtyn,! was acted nt Cleveland Hull, liarncs, L'ng., Feb. 21. "Tiib ViM.Aui: BLACKHMiTnu" a domestic! drama. In live ucts. by 0. Cofltou Wallace, was presented at the Theatre 1 itoyal, Bury, Hhg.. Pel), 20. j "lis hub pah Lkiikx," a drama. In five nets, by Herman Sudcrniuim, iwas acted at the Cermnn theatre, London, ltcb. 28. "Bat. Adams," a musical 'play, to two acts, written by Herbert "Shelley nnd Regi- nald Bnccblis, composed by Stephen Phllput, lyrics by Herbert Shelley, additional num.: hers by Mark Mason and Hermann Flnck, wus produced at the Theatro: Itoyal, Dust- bourne, Hng.; Fob. 20. "Tub -Bk'okkn BAintiKa," a piny, to four acts, .by II C. M. Hurdlngc. iwus acted at the Mctropotc. London, Mnrch-2. "!a Bkai; ,Ini;xH HoMMi:,"[a -ouuhIv. In Jlvo acts, by Alfred Ce.puB.wa4 presented at tho Varieties, Pulls. Feb. 2T. "WntTEWASliiwi Jtit.iA," a comedy, In threo acta, by Henry Arthur Jones, was seen at the Carrie* Theatre, Loudon, March 2. ^ . "OKitKcnriOKEtr," a comedy, In four acts, by 0H6 Lrnst, wob produMd nt the Itoval Schnusplcl irmus, Berlin. Feb.;21. ."Tub Hiiho or tiik Flao,» : a naval nnd T domestic drama, to four acts, by Sidney Spenser, was seen' at tho Itornl Artillery' Tbeatre. Woolwich. Hng., M«ch% ■ e,J • "Tub uiika.tKs'1- JoouymuBi Livino," a drama to four nets, bv McLeod Loader. wn»i Pjnyed at the St Helens Theatro, ling., March 2. i - ■"! "Evs. Tire Temwrkbh," a ttagedy. In one' scene. ,by G. ,B. Nichols and Sir Con nueej, was prortiiced. for plnvrleht pur- poses, at theSiiwy Tbeatre,'Feb.-24 ' "Wanted, a Baby." a farclcnl comedv in Ihreo iicrg. hy Hawlcy Frnneks. w-aTseen 'it Notes ra'o» Sio. SauteUe's Ciacm Big. Sautclle Is a very busy man these daw Carpenters have been busy ftt tho nuarinV.' between Cortland and Homer, buildlmJ ih« many new wilROns and cage* nocoRsorv ?,. carry the enlarged show of 1P0,1, and a farm force of pointors. under Artist Butcher S» IlnlTalo, have been putting coats of clit mS bright colors (In the wagons, nnd evervtli SU will look aa new ns It Is possible by a'lav ut expenditure of money to. make them. Mnn2 of Mr. Snatclfe > s best lieutenants of Inst w/ son arc with hint again. General Manned Prnnk A. Itobldns has been In New York anil other head railroad centres, making railroad contracts. Tile, first man over the rmit« ahead of the show will bo David II. ii.ih'r who has been with this show, for many years in the capacity of contracting agent. Tho next man over tho route Is "All." Foster with advertising car No. 1, and his corns of sixteen assistants. Mr. Snutcllo bos ex- pended thousands of dollars for new litho- graphs of all kinds and sizes, which these men will plentifully paste over the country The "box' f gang, with the second advcrtlnliie car, keep a week ahead of tho show, and Amos Orton rind his twelve assistants cover Hie territory as thoroughly as do the men In the Drat brigade. J. W. Sbtoman Is the as- sistant lo General Manage? Bobbins, aud J. C. Ilriuks is again tlio press agent. The equestrian director Is O. A. Beeves. He has worked out and trained slxtv-.tivo horses ponies and donkeys to a suporb act, which will be a feature this Season. They arc all in the ring at one time. Ills assistant is Charles Watson, bareback rider, wno was a feature lost seasob. Mr. Sautclle Is spend- ing more money arid has hotter people booked than to any previous year. Among ihoso who will appear are: Jos. Cousins and wife, the Four Cnrpentors. Wyoming Jack aud Nebraska Bill and their wives, T. J. Madden, the Le Bnrrnim, tho Holmans Brothers, the Jeiinnnttes, the Four Flying Moorcs, Drako, with his trained iIorb. sheep, pigs, etc.; France Itecd, Prof. Latellcs, St. A mo, Clnudo. ituiiir, I'.llim Eddie, Charles Jackson, Charles Troy, Chnrlcs Smith, lUy Willis, D. D. law rence, Billy Ward ami J. C. Hums, and uuiuy others. The privileges arc In charge of James Morrow, and he bus booked a splendid line of attractions for the sldo show and concert. The animals will be In charge of' Thee. Ferris, late of the Wallace Show. Tho menagerie this year will he of the best. Tbo animals of last season formed a tine nucleus . around which have been gathered muuy wild nud rare specimens. Kdward Kennedy Is tbe boss canvas man, and a large ucw big top has been made especially for the show, and will bo carried for emergency: J. C. Cox Is train master, having charge of tho loading and unloading. The boss hostler, Frank Smith, will havo over two hundred ' horses nnd ponies under his care. Slg. Sau-. telle has employed Harry Allen as officer. Josei'ii La Hex has signed with the (loll- mar Bros.' Consolidated It. It. Shows to do bis ground and aerial contortion act, uuiklng his second season with that sbow. Bebt Da vies,- trap drummer, Joined Welsh Bros.' Circus Aprils, fob bis second season. Harry* IL Moons, press agent of Cump. , bell Bros,' Shows, has sold his comedy, "Whero Is Snllth?" The Two.ItoMr's (Jimmy nnd Kdnn) have closed fourteen weeks of vaudeville dates, nud jolhed tho Walter L. Main Sbow April 13, at Mprliielleld, 0. BosTUft ok Williams & Fe.vnesrkt's Cm- cum, featuring tbe Del Key Family, acro- bats.—Brcutauo, Juggler: Tyssoskey Fain- tly, bareback nud steeplechase riders; Le- land Sisters, trupexlsts; John Itch, magi- cian and Punch; Itch Sisters, cake walkers; , Kddlc Morfyne, high tight rope: Drakb's sheep, Love) Bros., high rings; Snnkerluo. contortionist, and Gold and Hoppe, musical art. Our outside free exhibition Is I'rof. Ilri'iittuio's Hying shin. Cyclone. This Is a now show hi tbo field, with four rings. Bostbu ok Leu Hboh.' -Consolidated Htiows.—Frank II. Stowell, gcnernl agent; , Henry (} t Curcy, twenty-four hour man; . Chas. Oerry, superintendent Of cuuvasi Eta- , genu iteiinctt . superintendent of horses; Bill Smith, superintendent- of cook house; Tom , Ncnry, superintendent of proiiei-ties: Nell Judson, musical director: Cluis. Waters, treasurer. Performers: Schott und Opcr- man, triple bur experts; Two Snukerlnos, . contortionists; • Calvo,. Cuban wonder, high wire; Kuiumerer uud Mllvo. • comedy acro- bats : Kecnu, the- Juggler; Dovlnal Sisters, nerlallsts uud gynnmsts: Ceo. Harnes' dogs nnd ponies, und the following clowim: Cus Mllvo. Johnnie Patterson; Willie Dale urn 1 'eler Loughlln. Concert people: Ilbu'l; and King, Kt tu Stone, and Butterworth nrus., musical act. Wc oiien our season April "!>, under a brand-new spread of oiiuvus, und will open tho performance with an eight horse ciifrrto with now wardrobe and trap- pings. All onr printed' matter bears the union label, niiil have lots of It, nlso a, bust- ling agcut to pilot us safely, nnd look for n - long season. Through the advertising col- umns of, Tub C(.iFt>KR ve have been ublo to offer a better uliow than ever this season. rntciitcc of An Butltcly Now SENSATIONAL " 'CYCLE WHIM." Devlo'b,' wishes to' dlsnOsa of same, or would enter- luln prnposltlon for purtnerslilp. Tho act can l» dono In the open or ou stage. Entirely enfc, anil one of tho simplest things Unagliiahlo. Cnn bo arranged tor any number of 'cyclists to pass cacli odier going lu opposite directions, on the Inner porlpbery of u VERTIpAL HOOP. Correspondonoo solicited. A. E. W.FILUEK, sou loth Sir »ut, Nori Invest. Washington, D. C. ■WANTED \v ONCB, Uanjo or Oultar Play- ers who aro good slugors for atrfict work on iiiedi- nine wagon. Slate salary wantod. Addross l)H- K. McoONKEY, 1000 North Control Park Ave, Chicago, III. VANT16IJ-A lJlFT. SIIAIHC, PAP1SB MA01H3orre.il.' 8mtoprice.' '• ' _ , J. E. KIGOIX, don. Del., Ilarrlaburg, P». _ WA1»TJBD,~"F0K _ THE - WILLIAM TOW FAMOfK-SHOW,-'Sketch Toum (man and wlfci, CuiltorllonHtor slhgle slleulaots, Violin to diinblo brass, €oinet to double B. nod 0., Pianist to donblo brlus. Salary low. but yon got it. state an and It you can Join on receipt of Vlro. Good Men. l'erformdrs willUo. Wsnt u few sober Working People. Address to ' WILLIAM TODT. Mays Lauding, N. *• .10 FILMS. slUtt.—Sprocket noles per- fect: good subjects; good at now. ' bent, privilege of ctumlnatlon, on receipt or exchanges, AMKUICAN ADV. CO., W« Knlsey St.. Brooklyn. . AVAJiTJSH—Minstrel Performers, nlao Sln- slclnna. Baritone. .Slide Trombono nbd Altos, nlso Trap Drnntoier. Ntimi? very l« wc " salary for senaon's work, and bo ready to joiu on wire. No tickets. -Address . %t W. J. MANSFJI3LD, ,Tl<Uoute,. Pcnno. .