The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. AJPEIL25. Tills 11 ihr rifclil song: rrofcsdomils sciul Ink- iho pnfculur song; the Hist nlghl hit iIibi was Ural introduced ui Tony tartar* Theatre last week l>y WILLIAM CAIIILL, the author, with ten programme iiml sunupfor copy. I 9 "THE MAN TROM IRELAND." ttccees. 'J'lit: sumo great lilt thin week Ul thu Avenue Thculrc, Pittsburg, Ph. m ca Theatre last week i>y WILLIAM CA GAGEL BROTHERS, Publishers, 1276 Broadway, N. Y. GOLE and JOHNSON BROS. and Their Great Songs. ..' , (ALL "HITS" WIIEUKVEIl USED). COME OUT DINAH ON THE OBEEN. TELL ME DUSKY MAIDEN. WHEN DE COLORED BAND COMES MARCHING DOWN BROADWAY (JUST OIT.I (Woi'dfl liy P VI 1,1, A WHK VI 10 DtlMIAll). Complete topics iiml fi'«m Orchestrations will In' Hunt to Professionals only upon ruvolpl iii lute programme, nnliiilni; iinm|i< for return pottage, Howley, Haviland A Dresser, IJIID-IUI DIUIADWVV, \. V.C1TV. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. Aftcrnoonsat 2 anil EvenlligSBl 8 o'clook. Hours open nu liour earlier for a view of tlio Menageries, Warslilpi, Freaks, Prodigies, etc. LAST WEEK. Exhibiting In Brooklyn (or One Week Only, IlliOINNlNd NEXT MONDAY, APRIL IT, AT SARATOGA AVE. AND HALSEY 8T. BARNUM & BAILEY GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. America's Only Ileal lU'incsenlutlvo Show, Presenting thn Wonder* or the Kunli. 3 « Irr uk < urn iniiilr., '4 Monnucrle*. HIPPUDROMtt. AE11IBI. ENCLAVE, SrKtrTAOULARI'BELllDE.OALLEKY OF FREAKS ONK IICNIHUII BTAUTLINU ACTS. IVI'ML thn Kliifitlr Damon. 1IAUY ELEPHANT AND HOTIIEH. Two Performance* Dally, lit i ,fc H P. .11. ' DOOltH OPEN AN HOUR EARLIER. Admission lo all, liicluillmr mimhurcd soat, 21 and so cuius. (29iii mid aitit hi. entrances only). rn Ucaervi'd 8i<aln,'7A MMi, f I ami li.fiU, according i locution. (Madison Avu. otilrwtco onlv). 1'riviilo boxes, hIx seals, f 12 mid $16. Single box • Box ullliio now open, Madison Ave onlranco, from u a, m. to o 1'. M., for advance salo of loato fi'fnn |l unwind. No seals reserved by tclephouo. PRIMRP^ "' W1 ».> * UUIl St. Tel. 2482 Madison. rninuboo Mat*., Tim. * sat. Evgs. ui 11. CHAH. K. EVANS nml 111 AN. II. HOPPBU, Iii the Iiomion Laughing Success. nArir us •"• , »- D/lllIY, AIILIS8. THERE AND Preceded ill 8.16. by THE MAN WHO KT«LB TIIK OAHTI.R. an Exipilsito Curtain Rulacr, 1'ro- seming AUMIIKY IKHMIAII.T. THB DEWEY K.lltliSI. Matinee Tod a PARISIAN a mi widow, LONESOME HITIIKT. Today. WIDOWS. HERALD SQUARE THEATRE ' . i Evculngs, 8.10. .Mul*. Wild, uiid Met. Mil MONTH UP ORAOE OKOROK, In PRKTTY PKOOY Simla on B alo il]i to nhil In cl uding Sat urday, Mn.v 2a CASINO, Broadway ami ;ittth HI. Wr- llllllllf, 111120—ilSIIl. livcllllins 111 S.l."l. Milt- llU'i'K, Wed. nml Silt. Sain S. & l,cc Sliolii'il, .MumiKomi i.iiat wiiok of Hie iiiicniiitiiiiiiii Mitslral 'l'rUiiii|ilii "A rlituvao lloiiryiiionii," tlic iH'imtlfitl iitoihtotlnn uf AlcsHi's. Sunt S. KbUbort' nml Mxoii ,v Klmiiu>riinin. Hit liy niailiiris only, "MUlu Lmd I'nitiu- MUHItAY HlliliTJIKA., Lex. Ave. A42d HI. Kvciiliiita B.IA7" MatluiiuH 2. Due Itloi'ic KUBt of (J nmil Ci'utnil llnpnl. Mil 1KAII Uonr/V, DoiinoUy Slock Co. MA UK H&TINGB 25c. EVERY DAT. TWAIN'S Famous P1UCKS BVBNINO 119-33-50 Klory, PASTOR'S I'ud^iilicad Wilson. i Urn mat lint liy Frank Mnvn. April a", MI MH .Mll.TUA . liy f turn Morris. CIKITINVUVM 1'Klll'tlltnHMK. 1-MUNH'AI. CUTTYK-I PRHVUST AND I'ltKVONT, llvciitois of l-'lltt III ii Tnrklili Until. , ,1KHH UANUY, PONT «t OtINTUN, TOft JimHIK, MIC A M1IS. SW|UKAltl), IIHI.I. A Ol.lVCII. Kit. ft JOSIK KYAKH. l.KTIO A UKI.I.n, imlllNS ,v TIIKNAMAN. it AKHI'.IT lllltis. • l'liaiilnsuiiiHorlii and llio VIlngraKli. KXT11A AllOBD A.TTII ACTION t Roberts, Hay es & Roberts. B. F. KEITH'S intermit loniil Olrctllt, TliontVlnil Kntcrprtaoi. K. V. AlillKK.Iii'ticriil MinniKPr. HIGH CI.ANN YAI'DIOYILI.K. S. K. UOlliiUtiN. Il..nikltii; MniiHKcr, Assiu'lnlldit of Vailllcvlllo HiiiinircrH, SI. Junius llldff., Ilroatl- way ami LMIIi St.. K.T. _ WARNING TO MANAGERS. THE FREEZE BROS. Are tliu Originators of Splntilng and i iigidlng Tain- liouHiics on Hands, Knees, Head nml Fuel aliuul- laneotiH, Act oonyrlirlitodinul paicnicd. ■" ' t week, llunlg it H TIllH 1 , llurilg ,v Soainon'a. N. V. FIELDS ^WHALLEN iOU'S TUJiU'UB, «UW IIAVKN, UT.,.U'IU1. 20. ACTORS' FUND OF AMERICA. NEW YOliK CITY, April 11, HOR. The rcstular unnttnl inertliig of llic AOTOKS' FUSI> Of AMKHIt'A WII.I, UK UKUt AT THE SAVOY TIIKATHE, :iltli street, near Uroadway, OS TDK8I.IAY, MAY 12,1(1*1, at 2 o'eloek V. if., when thu i;i,l:UT10N OK OKKICKIIS and THUS- TEES for tlio ensuing year will lake place. Mem- bers may obtain I lekels of ndmlDslon on implication nl iho OEEKJK OK THE I'UNH, Itomn (W7. r{«. 112-11 4 Wimt iia Htrogl, N ew York Wy. WAY-SIBE RHYMES, EplKrams mid Parodies. A New Repository of Humor In Vcrae. Coiilrllniied liy Hie lending ftiutiy writers of tlic dav. Compiled liy 4. F. IIAIITUAN (C'oniedlnn). lllua- trated. Arilitlc cloth cover, price $, poat paid. J. J. CAREY .V CO., 4M Canal St., New Yort, WANTED, Performers of All Kinds, RBI TIM LAROE.HT 1'AHK IN NEW JERSEY. Two performances dally. No Sunday work. Oillceii: W'cdncsdsys and l'rldaye, OROSSE and AV1LMAMS, Vandovllle Agents, 1W Qrand St., Jeracy Oily. AT LIBERTY, MAT 3, VIRGINIA ZOLLMAN, Summer stock, VerHntlle For. spring nml p W'aaIt at week I.cnda. Weckof April 20, Mlrtilletowii.X.Y. o( April 27, Vonkem, N, i'.. Vtr. Add., ACTOUH' BOCIKTY. N. Y. 01 ty. WANTED^MEDICINE MEN AUYEUTISE LIVERAL. BIO MONEY l'OR SU0W MANAOKR8 L1YERAL REMEDY CO.. Rochcslor, N. Y. WANTED, Med. People Doing Silent Turns. Stonev stti-e every Sunday mornlup. Kin to low- eat. Also, Mr Hale ot- Exchange for KilinH, one Arnold llyrirofun Cum AppnralUH. I'KANK KMKIISOX. Aloriivlit. fayiign t.'ii.. X. Y, WANTED, MOSIGIANS HAW) LEADER. CORNET II. »nd 0., Cf<AKtO.NKT I), mid 0„ SLIDE TO 1'I.AY PARTS. State low- Huber's l Vi\ Museum UBO. II. 1ICBKU, Pi-opr. ' WANTBIJ AT AI.D TIMES, Llvllltf ClirloilllCR, Kreiiks of Naturc.lilao Fltsl Cluss Vuudevlllo Acts for Tli oalre. Addroes J . 11. ANDERSON. Manager. The Blckett Faiiiliy, (lHEATKHT OF AM, AERIAL OYJINASTS AND AUltOUAl'S, HAVE A FEW OPEN DATES, AddresHiJItANIi RAPIDS. Mich. CORRIGAN & DOVE, 3d Season With Hi Henry Minstrels. a novelty; NEWTON BROS. In tllOlr oiiglnal comedy cntltlod •■MIXTUKN." En route Onrton'K Mlusltell. ' MAC® MAC ' HAND TO HAND ACRODATs. mill \YEEK - • - MAMIE FI.EMINd CO. WANTED NO. 2 COMPANY, lucliuliui; Singing and Dnncing COMEDIAN Md Soiilrtttc; she lTJOPEitTY MAN who uiii do t;ooil apccintly and piny Bomo jmrlH. PARK MAN'ACiEltS wanting eoDptOj for ' ho Huniiniv givejvmur best ternw. W.T . B0B8ON, WMMnh, Mb. FOR SALE, out' tiOfl, Pullman Sleeper, $l,«00: forty Vugs, nil uelors; lie>t Irained troupe In Hie couniiv. Price, fjuo; wnnli *l,ww furrirciia or Carnival SIioivh. I'unv Drill (121 and Trappings, $2iino. Tents, iHcilly-llve I, llllle Mills, Minim lire Wagons, liar- HUM, ulc. The New Sipe Shows, Kokomo.lnd. 6,000 FEET OF FILMS Must lie cheap llllil In At condition. Wc iniiliu- facttire sicrcopiieons nml our prices aro right, so nre our Inalrtimeiils. Wo luivo ilivtu from (10 up, Slides f ruin ft cents up. I'EARCE A SOU KCK, HIS. tinv St., Ilultlmorc. Md. Frederick H. Wilson Comedian and All Round Actor, WILL ACCEPT aUBHER ER0A0EIEHT. IMrk preferred. Strong Specialties, liavc Sev- ern I now plays. Address- auoCORTLAND AYE., Symeuse, X. Y. Ar LIBERTY FOR SUMMER and NEXT SEASON. Vk/, %m. Stowsart, ■ LcilclflU/ Iluslliess; • t_o»h Stoddart, Cliiinieters iiud Growl Dnmes. WAllDUOIli:, AITUAHAXOE. A1III.1TY. -J&L »-. BTKWAUT. I'ctrolln." Outnrlo. Wanted, Alto Player Who can sing ami dance and do small juvenile piui. Rellnlile farce comedy. Year's piiuagciui'iit. Slnle.all. .. . AUUrew UBIiMStWUVl'CllTl'll. ost. UK LACOt'R A- FIELDS, Kokomo, Jinl. Cello and Slide Trombone UIBERTY- W, I, (JltOOMS, tlcu'l Delivery, Jeracy Clly, N. J. TEJUKOnAPIlic" ADlmKSS. LONDOVi "BravlBalrno. London." I'arle: "Cptodatc, Parte;" 11 D M1DIUCIII 134, Long Acre, London, H. D. lyiAHINtLLI w.c.iai.RueTalHioui, I'arls. .'lVoto throii yeura'etigagomenta gueran- teed to big attractlouB. FOR ILiSASE:, COUBMBD 8LBBPINO, UINIlVd AND BAGUAOB (JAR. . Espeolally arranged for Iravellug coutnanlcs. NBW JERSEY CAR WORKS, Lako Ylow, N^ ShootingGallerySupplies LATEST NOVELTIES. Wrilo for IIIusirated Cata- logue. WM. WDRFFLC1N, »I(tr.. •MS N. Siie ondSI., I' h llndelpliln, I'n. GflNPG Published OUHUOon Royalty SEND M8S. Ill)WARli l'l II. CO., HAI.TO.. Ml). CLOGS TIIOB. SPKPiCKH, Thealrleal Clog Mukcr, 440 «"c.«i 3011) St., New York. Bend slump for price Hal anil depoalt for nil ordera. Wanted, for the Frank Holloway Comedy Co., TUIIAJ also CORNET or HARITOXE TO DOUBLE let YIOLIN. UIKIUT11WAS1I1KOTONAVK., Minneapolis, Minn. SCENERY FOR SALE. A ciinipletu Minstrel First fan Sol In llrsl class conilltloii. Also extra Drops and Scenes. Uiciltiut six mouths . X, V, /. , CLll'1'K.R Olll co. Rccltiitlona anil lloadluga. Catalogues. All dramatic < IHAS.'m ACDONALD, M WaeTiTugtoti St., Olinjago. PLAYS, WIGS G.SHINQHELM, Theatrical Wig MA K BR. Oood work for low prlcea. lis West IMIh STREET, New York. Send stamp for price list. Wanted, for the Frank Holloway Com. Co., Workltiu People of all kinds around canvas. Show ovens May It. Address nil inalt'tii (JUS HEIiMRATII, Boss Canvas Man. Ncrstrnnd, Minn. CHAIRS WANTED, Second Band, for Now House. Write '. iiulok. A. Y. ALLEN. Maiisucr. llatllcnliurg. Miss. At Liberty, REEVES, The Tramp Juggler, FOR HliUMBU SEASON. AND A UP TO DATE DRUM MAJOR. Address DICK REEVES, Bon 430, Wellsinirg, \Y. Vn. Guvernator's Theatre, ATLANTIO CITY, J». J., ' iJAS. .1. SIIEHRAN , Bus. Manager. WANTED, PARTNER WITH ABOUT $300* Lady or (lent. Everything ready. Investigate. Would consider talented uuiatour. V. I. HAITI.A Nil, No. IKS Amll v SI., llruoklyil.N.Y. (Ircat McKlnloy liatladj lilt, l'rof, copy ami oreh. for plug, and stuiti|is. VICTOR PI II. CO., Bill. O., Clncluitall, O. n CIRNAII CLE7IB C0HEEY, For terms anil lime ad. ItslW. I'Olk SL.CIi'gu. (Say, Dick, did yon get a chancu to apt lug the r a ' . overcoat I) MANUSCRIPT FOB SAJLE Playgjlow roy- ally. W. 0, llrownc,188N. Clark.Cliloago A bUPKKII TANltliji limlllAHNKSS. Ill Al eondtlloti: A. V. II., CLIITER OKFICK. HENRY W. HOTTHAN, 'i lie a i ri< ui Attorney. i7i Wiisltlngtoit, si„ CIllCAHO. VAN FLEET, *r VKBi' astu SJHtllKT, NkW VOIllt. THEODORE F. MORSE'S SONG £K s THE SAME OLD CROWD (Wo i ils by !■• UK. II C. PA HUE LI.). Man In the Soldier i Word m My FHBD C. 1 AUKF.l.l.i. "L' , ■"l"■"B"■"E ,, ■"R"■ i 'T"■"V , ' It's the Suit (Wools by JOB FARRELLji Down In the Meadow Whore the Green Grass Grows —( Wniils by PAUL DAHNE9). LITTLE BOY IN BLUE . r by 1IAYHOMI A. IllloYVNKj. RAVING iYVonl. Ii> VI\( 1 ,M BRYAN). HURRAH FOR BAFFIN'S BAY •' '•;'" " : . (Words liy VINCENT Blll.YN). MARRIAGE IS SUBLIME (Words by VINCENT nil\ AM. In the Valley of Broken Hearts iWnnln*) FUKIII.)'\III(1(I,I„. t'o.i.piete copies iiihI iv.'o iiixi. ,'i.tmt fi.nii »vlii !>■■ aent to Profaaalonovls only upon ircidpt of late progriiinini', ciiclonlng atHiii|te lor return iioetegv, HOWLEY, HAVILAND ft DRESSER, . f 1260-66 BROADWAY, N. Y. CITY. GRAND I vnr.ll TUB AVMPICB8 OP tin: 9 ■ '*-*'jcat^-^-^s CARNIVAL, UNITED TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL. TWO WBBKN, UKOIN.MNO .ll'MC ii, CLONINO JULY 4. Address all coiniiiiiiilciillons for Crlvllegcslo I Shows uud Attlucllons Wauling Bookings, MR. H. H. STILLWELL. AddreHa MORRIS b BBROERO0., President, Clcvehuid, Ohio. -jm Fowlh Ave., Pllteliurg, I'a. MORRIS «: 1IBROKK furnish Hie At tract Ions Tor I'lllalmrg Caridval May iio to June 13, YVIieclliiK, W. Ya., June 16 In 'Jo, mid Cleveland, 0,, June ill to July 4, Inclusive. WANTED, FOR Stetson's U. T. G. Co., TB0MB0ME, B.andO.; DOUBLE ORUNMER llu.i C'utt Piny Horn In Bniul. flat)- salary. Show uover closes. Work year iiroiiud. WM. KIllllI.E, llootii 3, lSfts Hroadway. New York, or per Itoule. WANTED, A Place by a Young Man With a (iOOD SPECIALTY, for Summer mid Winter sen- -ini. Una (rood.Dtiyltouc voice; ugei;. Address II. A. llARNSTEA D.OiueralDelivery, llnverlilll.Mns s. Vew Olneograpb 1903 Picture Machine, LATEST STYLE, ONLY $50. UINEOURAPB, cure of CLIPI'KII. WANTED, MTJSICIA1TS. mi. Double stage, Piano, Violin, Double Bund Show. Canvas Men, Cook and Porter. OIIAS. W. OCJDEN, Waupaca. Wis. An All'Hound llhick face Comedian and Dancer who cult put on acta nml ninke thcmgxi; id* 0 " Pianist or organist; fakir preferred. One wlm can do n turn on singe, (loud ircntiuriii ami money atiro. Address NEWMAN .V OAllDXEIt. I ■llli'll VI lie, MO. P. S,—Dave, If you need $10 ask me. ■ Wanted, Good General Comedian J'or Mod. Show. Week stands, Muet be up In Med. business. Addroes DOC. F.WELLANO, Sagola. Willi- ——————i^-——^ Thurland Chattaway's Song's WHEN JANE AND I WERE WED. I WONDER IF YOUR LOVE WILL LAST. IN THE GOLDEN FIELDS OF GRAIN. i Music by IIKNUY FUANT/.KN.) When the Blue Sky Turns to Gold. WHEN THE LILLIES OF THE VALLEY BLOOM AGAIN. I'VE GROWN SO USED TO YOU. tiimplnto i«ploa una free Urchrstratlona will be sent to Profession "I- only tapon rrcelpt of l»le pro((rainu>«, vneluali>K atatupe Tor return postage. Howley, Haviland A DrDcser, " I Jl.(l- 111! It It II ADVA AY, IV. V. < IT V.