The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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224r> THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Y-O-U-L-O-V-E IF YOU DtV SEND FOR THIS LATEST ■PELLINQ BONO April 25, T-R-U-E- THEN, < a ■VI IMA babe I » ISI IT A 000M 80Mfl"»* T T T T Compare it with "Good Old Summer Time." =?aV AB "MARYS THE QUEEN OF THEM ALL ' Ilv CHAI. K. WAKHBl'ttS. AND WE HAVK OTHERS. DON'T THINK THAT ALL MUSICAL HITS COMB FBOM N. Y. 178 TH Send stamp, up to date program and route for professional copy. your wh 11e. i' —i ii i ■ i i i i i i i ii ^^ BMONT It la worth MASS. Have an Idea for a song, or can we write you a song? Anyway, call on when In Boston. "J '**«£ (LATE ON EH) (BEIT LIST OP BALI.ADH KVKK WRITTEN), GHKAT SEND FOR IT AM AVE ID BOYS ARE COIN. 101 TO-DAY, IN 0MB OLD ILL! 'WAY DOWN IN OLD IMA, WIN YOU CO! BACK TUTU WEB WHO ID -~ YOU AE il«(e> copies and free orchestrations wl if late programme, enclosing stamps f< HOWLEY, HAVILAND & DRESSER, By BERNARD DYLLYN. Complete copies and free orchestrations will he sent to Professionals only upon receipt of late programme, enclosing stamps for return postage. ltfOO-OO BROADWAY, N. Y. CITY. The CHAS, BARTIME and DEONZO Consolidated Railway Shows icopli) cngai i-ltliout fall. All people engaged for 1 til m Benson will jileaBO report at Conncrnvlllp, Ind., by Ma 11. with LlOli'm iport at connemvllte, inu., by May Answer this call Immediately by letter. WANT UOOl) MAN FOU CHAS. BABTINE, Manager. ALL PEOPLE BNUAGKD FOR I. nun i go's Mil 11 MIWK Kuport at Columbus, Ohio, uot later than April mi. Can also uae a few more good per- formers. Want Mun and Wife doing return act, good Clowns and other acts. Musicians, can uae another t'ornct, Clarionet, Trombone, llarllone and Haas, to work either In big allow or aide allow band. Wire or nddrcKH D. II. Ullllaple & Co.'h Sbowa, Columbim, O. Al Repertoire People, Spring, Hummer and next season sun a ' toopkn may 4 on ii fornix in eight woeka. Mum Ho Al and now to the West. Those who have You nuiHt bo able lo ACT ami have good, modern wardrobe for >"and street. Preference to those doing specialties. Also want a strong KKATOHK SPECIALTY written before wrlto again. AIku want in bear from experienced ludy I'lanlKt. WHIT BRANDON, MOIt. ETHEL 1TCKER STOCK CO AddreHH Cruston, Iowa. Hugh B. Koch and Nellie Diamond, DMITRI NBKHLVBOVF and KATUSHA MASLOVA, * AT LIBERTY FOR LEADS AFTER MAY 4. Address, until May t, Appleton, Wis,, after Hint Room No. 19, Broadway Theatre Bldg, New York City AI SINGER FOR OPEN AIR WORK. Von in est plav good aeooinpaiihucnl on llnnjo or Oullar and do straight for Comedian. Hl.x months' work rrnin a ti.too Automobile. Traveling through pleasant territory. Ton must ho a Performer In ■-■■Hill v ax woll iim In name. (Icntlemaiily conduct and sobriety positively essential, state salary and what ynn dn In Ural letter and consider three iIh.vm' silence a polite negative. Company opens drat day nf Hay nr sooner. Address DR. T. J, CUMMINUS, VA nda i.r" MA. II, I.. For Frisboe Bros.' Big R. R. Shows, A First Class Leader, with up-to-dato music, for Hand No. 2; also other musicians, can PLACE STRONG ACTS, Waul Trap Drummer and Hinging Clown that work In concert: also versatile concert learn who play drums, Name lowest salary, and bo prepared to Join April 37. Money every week. 139 R, CORTLAND ST., Jackson, Mich. PUnW \W A rnVC 17 ("IB CAT Y? Pour liatronn Spring Tableau and Baggage Wagons OilUVV W AUUnOrUn OAJLEi. Hunburst wheels, to go In parade, *m> lo »so each; lliree Advanco Wagons, *2fi, »6<i and $74each: Stringer, 1'lank and Reserved Heat Wagons, $60 to isu; one Band Wagon, Suiumrsl wheels, platform sprlnga, band on top, $109; two fine Sleeping plat- form springs wagons, cost $l,owi each, soil for this, K. 0. H. Cars here. 40 acts Double Harness, $18 per rot; li> sets heavy single Harness, Collar and Hnrnosa, $10 per sot, In porfcot shape, soft, top, with IwoMfk middle pieces, eomplele, rcadv to set np with all poles, ropes, blocks and falls and main en trance. Drat olnas condition, can be seen for one week only at Medina x. V. AddrcH* A. D. Ml'PIIKK, BOX 212, Medina, N. Y. ST. ELMO F. POMPEJI, "THE FELLOW WITH THE BASSOON; COMEDY' INSTRCMKNTALIST, 12 MINl'TKS IN ONE. OrBN TIME KOK VAIIDKVILLK OR PARKS. reiin.iuid., bn, lotli ST., rilii.AliKl.riilA, PA.e ———— —— . | i —m> WILL HAMER AND WILL TOBIAS YUM-E, YUM-E, YUM THINGS AIN'T THE SAME, BABE. Complete copies and free orchestratlona will he aent to Professionals only upon receipt of late programme, enclosing stamps for return postage. HOWLEY, HAVILAND & DRESSER, mnu-tm BROADWAY, N. Y. < ITV. One Flying Return Rigging. In first class shape, complete, with new Met all Polleys, etc., Oas Pipe Uprights: f60cash; cost $129 to build It. One Re- volving Ladder, complete, ready to hang on crane, new, with small trapeze at end; J16 takes It. One Triple Trapeze, complete, with Breakaway Trapeze Perch, llo; One Mexican Balancing Ladder and Trapeze, $10; One Outside Ascension Steel Cable Wire, large hooks, spliced both ends, about lonn. long, $10. Havo two other Nets. All these rig- gings ) uit as represented, In first class shape. Send money order, and will ship at once. First come, first gets them. Address A. D. McPhee, Medina,)), i. WANTED, AMATEURS Amateur ACTOBB, SINGERS and MUSI- CIANS, do you want to be placed with food companies? If you do, write at once women and men) to TIB AIEBICAI B00KIIG AGEHOY, 201. Canal St., Fall River, Mass. Em-lose stamp for reply. . P. 8.- LIBERTY, FOR SUMMER SEASON, AFTER MAY 9, I t I R.J.KANE Principal Comedian, Bennett-Moulton Co. Singing and Dancing Specialties. Address, Red Bank, N. J., week of 20; Mor- rlstown, N. J., week of 2T ; Asbury Park, week or May 4, care of Bennett-Moulton Co, FOR SALE, Big Bargain, A Complete Dog and Pony Show. Everything np to date and ready (or the road. Ten Trained Shetland Ponies. Three Riding Dogs (none better), 4 Tents, 30 Lengths Seats, bights, props.. King Har- ness, ore, This show only on the road (weeks. Everything good as new. Reasons for selling, old sge and poor health. Write for particulars. W. J. CONNOR, M. 0., La Bttte, Kansas. At Liberty for Summer, LEWIS SUMMERS Gen. Bit, or Anything Cast For. STOCK PREFERRED. 402 N. 11th STREET, St, Louis, Mo. AT LIBERTY AFTER BAT 0, MUSICAL DIRECTOR, For piano and parts. Thoroughly competent, AddresH JAMES PHILLIPS, York, Pa., April 27-Mny 2; New Brunswick, N. J., May 4-11, care Oarslde, Condlt A Mack Stock Co. EDGEWATER PARK, (K1.UNS, OHIO.. OPKN8 MAY 3. WANTKD, PEKFORHKR8 and NOVELTY ACTS. ALSO PHIVILBOKH FOK SALE. WINDER ft Mc8HAr'r'REV. WANTED, FOR COMING SEASON, FOR WHITELEY'S lilt* 10 AND 20 CENT WAUON SHOWS, Aerial Aula of All Kinds. Preference given Lady Artists; also Trap Drummer and Ad- vance. All Drat letter. Everybody oata on lot and sleeps In palace sleeping cars. (loo. (lardner, Frank HcOuno and n. p. 8tapelt»n. write. HARRY WHITKLKY, M2 Mleh. Ave., Lansing, Midi. Wi&termute Bros.' Show PERFORMERS. MUSICIANS, HUH-; SHOW and CONCERT PEOPLE, COOK Hlld WORKINOMI'.N. State lowest aalarv; wagon show; open May 2. Adorns WINTEBMUTB HHOS., Hebron, YVI*. ' MEDICINE PERFORMERS WANTED AT ONCE. Medicine Perform- ers In all Linen, to write quick. Sketch Teams, Mimical Artlata, Silent Acts, etc. etc. State salary, which la "SURE" every Sun- day. Also slate It you play or fake organ. Address quick. Dr. II. B. De Lamater, care German Med. Co., Kidder, Caldwell Co., Mo, W A Wren Ladles aud (lentlomen for Farce W AW ILiV, comedy; LONG "All Summer" SEASON; Character Woman, Sister Acts, Chorus lllrli, Ingenues, Soubroltes, Sketch Teams, Tramp, Negro, Irish, Herman and Light Comedy Come- dians, PIANISTS. Join at Boston week April ur. Stato all Ural letter, ago, height and weight. Send Photos, and name very lowest salary, Addresa RAN K W. NAHON, No. ISO Centre St., Roston.Mass. WANTED AT ONCE, For F. W. Burns & Co. R. R. Show, Two strung Cornets and E-ilat Clarionet, and other MuhIcIuus. Also wanted, Performers, Clowns, mil- poalcraand Canvas Hcu. Jim Meyers and wife, write. Eur sale, 12 Hand Coals. Show opens at AnjjfO May 0. ft W. Uurna A Co., Antlgo, Wis, MUSICIANS WANTED For GREAT EASTERN STREET FAIR CO. Write at oneo to JAMKS J. OADY, Boonvllle, Indiana. AT UB£RTT, After May S. IDA TAYLOR KIEFER, = T S AND RAPV W1V PITR CHILD PARTS, REP. DAD I l\.lr,rr.n, or ten mouth. Add.. IDA Kli;ri:it, Uryan, Texas, care of Noble's Drama lb' Co. BERTRAM MILLAR npe liiirnntl. In "THE I'MDIH.I'.R S M." Hiippnrtlng MR. SAN MOIIRIN. f SI use CI.AI.... at the Imperial Theatre, St. Louis. HIGH CLASS MAQICAL APPARATUS At Moderate Prloes. Largs Slook, Variety. Illustrated Catalogne Free. ... A.ROrERBEKO, 146 UllnoU BU, Chloago, UL rVAXHAW OIVIIMs She Certainly Looks Good To Me. You Were Never Introduced To Me. YOU CANT JOIN THIS SHOW. Complete roples and free orchestratlona 'will be sent to Professionals onlr ■pan receipt of late programme, enclosing stamps for return postage, ' HOWLEY, HAVILAND & DRESSER, 1X00-60 Broadway, IT. V. City. Re-engaged by RTJ80O & HOLLAND, TUX TEXAS (IrONE) STAR COMEDIAN AND AUTHOR, TO STAGE AND STAR RICHARDS * PRINCLE'S Famous Georgia Minstrels, The Oldest, Biggest and Best COLORED MINSTRELS IN THE WORLD, and THIS SEASON BIGGER THAN EVER. THE SHOW THAT MADE BILLY KERSAND8 FAMOUS. Managers of Burlesque Cos. Send in Your Orders for Next Season's Chorus Girls AUSTIN DAVIS & CO., Theatrical Exchange, •»S Vtfost 29th Otrovfe. TALBRT PUBNIBHBD FOB ALL OCCASIONS AT THB SHOBTBST NOTICK. Performers In All Branches Send In Your Open Time at Once. Alio Photos for Office. CHORUS GIRLS OF THE BETTER CLASS A SPECIALTY. Also Manager and Exclusive Hooking Office for Bonhag's Casino, at North Hem Ii. LEHR & WILLIAM'S COMEDY COS. Noa. I and a, PEOPLE IN ALL LINEN OP BBPBBTOIBB, EXCEPT MUSICIANS. Those dolnn Specialties preferred. Make salarr low, you get It. Show never closes. We pay board and railroad. dnod wardrobe and ability eaaoiillsl. Permanent address, 2527 ST. XAVIER ST., LOUISVILLE, KY. For Summer Stock In Ohio, and Regular Season 1903 and '4, To Open In Aug., REPERTOIRE LEADING MAN AND WOMAN, STRONG ENOUGH TO FEATURE. Send intern The best Is none too good. State age, lielgbt, weight, lowest salary llrst lotler. No lime d photos and nrograminen,'wh!oli will bo returned. Musicians for Band and Oroliealro, t tul people, write, j. n. ItKNTI'ROW, Pathfinders Co., In dicker, anil other Nashua, N. II., April 20, week; (llouoealur. Mass., 27, week. HUGHIB OAJkJKTOlSfS I'LL LEAVE IT TO YOU. The Great Chapter Song. WON'T YOU KINDLY HUM OLD HOME, SWEET HOME, TO ME. AUG BUSBY, DON'T GO AWAY. MASON AND DIXON LINE. IF I GET BACK TO NASHVILLE, TENN. Complete copies and free Orchestrations will be aent to Professionals only uP on receipt of la to programme, enclosing stamps for return postage. HOWLEY, HAVILAND & DRESSER, ' 1200-flfl Broadway, N. V. City. WANTED, FIRST CLASS LADY, TOP Mounter, not to weigh over no or ill. ibY The best none Ion good. Slate height, age, weight and all particulars as lo what ynn ihi: also do von liiuiM*. send phnlolf pon»lble, which win tie re- turned. Mum be a ladf In all reaped*. Will con- sider good amateur. Address JOHN 11. J., care of CLIPPER. Choice Lot of PYTI ON8, all susas. AIro Bulls, Turtle Head and Klxed Rattlers (all broko id handle). BOSCt) DENS *20.0U, UP, J.'UOPE,» N.muSt., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, FOR REPERTOIRE beading Mum and Woman (man and wa*JJJ; ferrcd). Character mid Juvenile Man, Plan" rWJJ (man), that can play some parts; can also HM <»*<' with good Picture Machine tjial cin play si""' 1 parts. Rebcarsula May 8, Bryan, Ohio. Open Mj 14. No fares advanced. Wo pay board. Statei aa OrBt lotter. Mention specialties, If any. Address MANAGER, 621 West Johnson BJ^jjUntojhJs , Wanted, Small Tent. Cheap for cash. Also COMEDIAN AND'MAW PLAYER. MEDICINE CO. ••/ iv, SAM HACKING, NlUc«,-Ha6*