The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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226 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. APBIL 25. JUST AflftlVED iK THIS COUMTBY. AT LIBERTY MAY 3, FOR SUMMER SEASON, Sweden's Acknowledged Greatest High, Fane; and Trick Diver*, Tim Oscar Siri From a specially constructed tower Into a small tank, containing 4>; feet of water. SOFT. SOMERSAULT DIVE 10 FT HEAD FIRST DIVE SENSATIONAL FIRE DIVE FOR DAY OR NIGHT EXHIBITIONS. The Norltw furnish waterproof canvss lank and baud tower. Por time and terms, ad- dre«« HAROLD COX. TRANSATLANTIC AMUSEMENT ATTRACTIONS, 1181 Broad war, or FELIX REICH, Vaudeville Agent, 147 WesMM St., N Y. Oily. N, H.—Lithographs by Metropolitan Job Print, 7c. Per sheet. So Pronounced by 300 Professional Singers, mm Another Tremendous Hit By WINDOM A ALLORD, writers o The Season's Greatest Song Hits! EVERY HEART MUST HAVE ITS PAIR helVe",* THEY'LL TALK ABOUT YOU ANYHOW. SAILING DOWN THE BAY f TWO SURE ENC'OHB GETTERS Dy W. 0. PARKER. By 0. M. STEWART k HARRY ALPORD. SENT FRKH to Professional Singers enclosing Cards or Late Programmes. The Instrumental (Jem -«tb;t- ATT "nt» A "!»»T 451 !□*• TJ" J««t a Breete of of the Season, W Jr±. ■*_> Mr 4^. J^l t9 AV Xl Melodious Thought, TWO-STEP. Professional Hand and Orchostra Leaders and Musical Acta, send for Free Professional Copies. Or- chestrations of these Ulg Winners sent lo any address upon receipt of locts. In stamps for mailing. THE THOMPSON MUSIC CO., —,„v K „ CHICAGO. WM. IT. WINDOM, Professional Department. Street Fair and Military BD, Carnival. Carousal or Merry Co 'Round, Clean Midway Attractions Free Act, Season Forty Weeks. STREET FAIRS BUMMER an d ARMORIES WINTER. SJ| Ji %aF I IdS. STREET FAIR, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. PITSFIELD, HrlASa% ▼ l"IO, MASS., AND ALL DIG CITIES TO FOLLOW. WM. B. DOBDINS, Mgr., Military Carnival, Armory, Amsterdam, N. Y. 2- , Military Armory, , GENERAL CATERERS to the THEATRICAL PROFE88ION We write Sketches, Parodies, Monologues, Maslo to Words and Words to Muslo, Publish and Popularize Songs; we pay royally. PIONEER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Baltimore Bldfr, Chicago, III. THI8 LIVERPOOL THROAT HOSPITAI REMEDY 18 IN0OR8ED BY THE PROMl NENT VOCALI8T8 AND ACTORS FORALI THROAT AFFECTI0N8, C0LD8, Ets DRUGGISTS. BK. MARK'S y- OTIES Uniforms, Guns, Cannons, Saddles, Swords, Tent*. Etc. Everything In Military Line. Send for cash prlee catalogue. Orer 1,000 Illustrations. FRANCIS DANNKRHAN, 010 Broadway, W. Y. OroatcBt dealer In the world la military goods from government auction. JEANNETTE J}'jV^VlU© w31wS'tel?Sp '*"* Among the most Entertaining Features on the Program aro Ibe "D'ARVILLE SISTERS," whoso voices aro olear and sweet, anil tho Oornot Solo was remarkably well rendered. Their costumes aro by far the prettiest In the oast. They woro repeatedly encored and gracefully responded.—THK POST EXPRESS, AT LIBERTY. Grand Opera House, Wllkeabarro, Pa. Rochester, N. Y. Show Printing S Sliest Typsi 100,14.76; 200, 17.00; tOO, 116.00. 1 Sheet Type, 600, (6.60: 1000 |0.00; 2000, ilt.OO. 1-S Sheet Type, 600, 18.76; 1000. 16.60; 2000, 18.60; 6000, $18.00. Window Cards, 1000, $6.60; 2000, $12.00, Cloth Bannsrsi 100, $7.00. 4 Pasts Heralds (out from 24xS6.)i 10,000, $9.00; 20,000, $18.00; 60,000. $86.00; (out from 28X42.) 10,000. E0; 20,000, $20.00. Daiesi Dates In seta of K—60 K-t-tsheots.] Ssota, $0.00; lOsoU. $8.00. ■srsi 1000, soots.; loco, acoordlug to site, Mot*. CIRCUS OUTS FURNISHED. flood paper, host Ink, aallsraotlon given or money refunded. Trial orders solicited. STAR SHOW PRINT, MASON CITY. IA. CHORUS GIRLS AND PERFORMERS. 1 want fllrla whocim Slug and Dance; must havo Wardrouo—enilrc Summer's ongagoiuent at flEAtEB ROYAL. 10HTEEAL and "IILET" PAVILION, ATLA1TI0 CITY. Can uso Special! loa at Siimmor Salaries at Mon- treal, weeks Juno 1,», 16,22 and 1M: Atlantic to fol- low. Rehearsals •» Now York May 8; Open May ». GlrlB send •'Pliotoa" when applying, If possible. Address quick, CLIFF W. GRANT, People's Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa. SCENERY. HOUSE AND ROAD STUFF OF ALL KINDS. Spectacular, Extravsgsnta, Vaudovlllo, Burlesque and Minstrels. Managers and Performers write ns If you want anything. Wo'vogot It. GLOBE SCENERY (X)., Tiffin, 0. PIANIST AT LIBERTY For engagement with orchestra at First Class Hummer resort or hotel. Address WALTER K. l'KTRY, lloopcston. 111. STEREOrTICOH ELECTRIC ARC LAMP, ALMOB NEW, $(; 0001) SET OP IIOAT W1N0B, $20. • •■■- 1. N. CUNNINGHAM, 10-Sprint Slreer, -New Bedford, Mass. WANTED, WIM-IIJI.. WHSTdiSSfK And all other first class Park Attractions, on percentage only, for three ocean front re- torts. J. N. LIVINGSTON, 211 Cltlxens' Bank Building. Norfolk, Vn. BUSINESS MANAGER, With Experience In Repertoire, WISHES PARTNERSHIP WITH ACTOR OR ACTRESS. Can secure some good people and put In equal share of cash to organlto strong at- traction. Address "MANAOKH," 128 N. Illinois Street, Indianapolis, Ind. I WISH TO PURCHASE A HALF OR THIRD INTEREST IN A GOOD ROAD COMPANY. It must be good. No fake outfit. Fully un- derstand road management, etc. Address MANILA, care of CLIPPER. SPECIAL SALE , ON SECOND HAND Show Tents. 160ft. ROUND TOP. WITH 8 or MORS 60ft. MID- DLES: 120ft. ROUND TOP, WITH 8 60fL and 1 80ft. MIDDLES; 100ft, ROUND TOP, WITH 2 60ft MID- DLES; SOfL ROUND TOP. WITH 1 soft. MIDDLE; &Cft ROUND TOP, WITH 1 Eft. MIDDLE. FIRST CLASS SHAPE. WRITE POR PRICES. BAKER A LOOKWOOD MFG. CO.. Kansas Pity, Mo. OPEN TIME FOR FIRST CLASS ATTRACTIONS Auditorium, Caps May. M. J.i Band Bhows pre ferrsdt good buUmm to good shows: one and twealgftttaMk*. *. W. DALE, Manager. The - Hair - That - Can't - Gome - Out THE-HAIR-THAT-NEVER-FADES The Hair That Feeds On Suited to the Needs of Every Head Por ttLo Hair and. tine* X^aols. of Hair Absolutely Pure and "O-So-Good" for the Hair and Scalp MAKES HAIlt (1KOW STOPS HAIR PALLING PREVENTS AND CURES DANDRUFF AND ALLAYS BOALP IRRITATION NONALCOHOLIC AND CONTAINS NO GREASE OR SEDIMENT CLEANSES THE SCALP AND FREES IT FROM ALL DISAGREEABLE ODORS STOPS BALDNESS AND PREVENTS ORAY HAIR GIVES BLOOM and YOUTH to the TRESSES "IT'S PURE'-SOLD RY DEALERS ALL OVER THE WORLD FOR ONE DOLLAR THE BOTTLE-"ITS PURE' RECOGNIZED 6ERM DISEASES. ••The Majority of all Ilslr and Sealp Diseases are of Mlcroblo Orlgln."-DR. WHHNBR. What CraniTonlc Does: Kills derm that Causes Hair to Fall. Makes Hair Grow. . _ Destroys the Oorm of Dandruff-a Contagious Dlseaso. Cures and Prevents Dandruff. KUIh the Germ that Makes Hulr flrsy. Revives the Pigment Cells and Re- stores Hair to 1U Natural Color. Destroys tho Oorm that Causes Eczema. Cures Eczema Anywhere. Kills Germ that Oansos Seals Irlta- tlon. Cures All Scalp Troubles. For Sale by All Druggists. ONE DOLLAR PBR DOTTLE 526 West Broadway NEW YORK. Get off at Bleeoker. (Incorporated under the Lairs of New Tork State). It is Absolutely Pure, and "O-So-Good" for the "Hair and Soalp" EDITORIAL NOTE—All readers of THE CLIPPER are Invited to call at the Oranltonlc Hair and Scalp Institute (Incorporated)and see lliclrnalr through the microscope and get a book on the Care of the Hair. Its "Halr-Educatlon." Those In Europe should call or write Orunltonlc II"" Food Co., 67 Holhorn Viaduct, London, or 6 Rue de la Palx, Paris. ■"— *?_-22aso»ja! whou writing. Alopecia Areata (Hair Disease) Bronchitis Consumption Catarrh Cholera Dandruff Dlptherla Falling Hair Foiiiouinis (llalr Disease) Eczema Fragllitas Crlnliini (Hair Disease) La Orippe Malaria Pneumonia Psoriasis (Scalp Dis- ease) Pityriasis Simplex (Scalp Disease) Ringworm (Scalp Dis- ease) Seborrhoea Sicca (Scalp Disease) Trlchorrexls Nodosa (Hair Disease) Tetter (Scalp Disease) ARE YOU IN TROUBLE ? All who may have Neglected their hair, or have any Serious hair or scalp TROUBLE, and aro alarmed or worried because they have Used or Done the Wrong Thing and Do Not Know What To Do, aro Recommended to CALL on or write our MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, conduotcd by Hair and Sc-lp Specialists. Our physicians will show yon through tho microscope the germ you never knew about—the unseen germ that fattens at the expense of the Individual hair root. Tho Cranllouio Corporation are the only manufacturers of a hair and scalp preparation In tho world that maintain a Medical Department whore diseases of the hair and soalparo studied by Specialists—regularly graduated and licensed Physicians—who devote their entire time and energies to this subject. Surely this fact should appeal to every think- ing person. Kindly Call on us or Send by Mall a few hairs pulled from the head, or a sample from the dally combings, for microscopic examination, and our Medical Department will DiagnoBO your case and (live or Bend you by mall a lull Report, free. Consultation. In Person or By Mall, Microscopic Examination, and Diagnosis, ABSOLUTELY FREE. Office hours, 0 to 6. CraniTonic Hair-Food Co • •■. no iwii-uuMvaiiuu. ' 1 iiuov in rjiiruiw Biiouia call or wnio ■jriiuinpuau ■••■■■ --„— SOLD BY ALL DEALERS FOR ONE DOLLAR THEI BOTTLE™ Pieise mention CLIPPER $25 Reward -FERRERS' KNYVETT. FERRERS (Ferrers Koyvetl). Late of "Two Little Vagabonds" Co., Eng- land. Now supposed to be In America. Any ono giving In- formation leading to finding (or death) of above will receive above reward. s. B. JUDGE, ESQ.., • SOLICITOR, 10 Warwick Court, London, England,W 0. Li a AS ORDl mpppv CsJcuim ind blllSlnoffouCc. 720 HutBin Hn, HinnnpoEt, Nan. Largest Stock of Slides. Films and Sappllas In ths Northwest Cata- logue and Hai-gala Lists. DfcttS FILLED PROMPTLY. THE SOLE RI6HTS TO PRESENT King Dodo, The Sultan of Sulu, The Prince of Pilsen, Lieutenant Commander AND Peggy from Paris Are owned by henry W. savage and pro- feaalonsls and amateurs In any part of the United States presenting any of the above without per- mission will be vigorously prosecuted. WANTED, FOR Eldrrigi Pirk Casino, Ellin, N. Y„ OPBMS HAY 30, Auditorium, Expo. Park, Ciniint Like, OPBMS JUNE »S, VAUDEVILLE ACTS, THE BEST. B1RRY * TIERNBY, Yonngstown, 0., - —Uinlrs,N.Y7afterMayk 1 m 11 Paris, Texas. Setting Capacity, 600. Population, 18.000. WANTED IffirVCXi'ffiS nUn I ULI, SSJ ttnd people Vow JJJ ■voice Also Acts, -. elaltles suitable for Summer theatro. A' or Woman with Illustrated Song Outfit must be flint olass, and songs up-to-date 1 Moving Picture Outfit and Operator. State aU flrst letter. Address EDGAR T. NEVILLE, Manager, Paris, Texas. jay Ample flnanolal backing to satisfy »_■ ;:*. AT UBERTY, B. F. Comedian and Sol* Play banjo and fake organ; good comedy »' uc Reliable Med 00. address ' BWW8AT°. Union Bridge, Carroll Co.. »«•