The New York Clipper (April 1903)

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ATBlh 25 nr THE ^JJiiW YORK CLIPPER. 227 Prize Ballads of the Year Beautiful Colored 8114m tor «ll, Rudy I! For all ml ted lime, »» P.rS.t AS USUAL "The House or Hits" CABBIES :OFP THE BIG WINNERS!! U'RE - AS - WELCOME - AS - FLOWERS - IN - MAY. AT - THE - ALTAR - OF - FRIENDSHIP. WHEN - THE - FIELDS - ARE - WHITE - WITH - COTTON. IN -THE -VALLEY-WHERE -THE - BLUEBIRDS -SING. WHILE - THE - CONVENT - BELLS - WERE - RINGING. Published by CHICAGO, 34-36 Clark St. MARKSTERN BUILDING, 34 East 21st St., New York. LONDON, 41 Bernera 8t. 8AN FRANCISCO, 223 Powell St. Professional copies of any of the above songs to Beoogniied Artist* lending an up to date Programme. ORCHESTRATIONS (lOo. eaoh for mailing) will be m furnished. KINDLY SEND STAMPS FOB P08TAOB, ALSO ROUTE AS FAR AHEAD AS POSSIBLE. Copies to Non-ProfoasionaJe), SBoti. Eaoh. II J) Cracker Jack A delicious Pop Corn Oonfeotlon, packed In moist proof packages, that keep It fresh for a long time. A QUICK SELLER for theatres, Parks, Picnics, Carnivals, etc. Retails for to. A MONEY MAKER tor the conoesslonlst. ASK FOR PRICES AND SAMPLES. RUECKHEIM BROS. & ECKSTEIN, CHICAGO. ™f A NEW LIGHT - ■ T R|C AMET'S OZO-CARBI. BRIGHTER TnAN PATtHTCD 5E KDFOR CIRCULAR. MO* JSTEHEOPTICOH & FILM EXCHAHGEJl •kerosene! W.B.MOORE MANAGER. , jgasoline OR mantle 108 FRANKLIN ST,CHICAGO, j. OR ETHER 1VAHGEST MANUPACTURBHS OF THBATRB OBA'TlBTGr I1V TCH^ WORIyD. aoo STYLES. Sondfor Calafogua. AM) : RIOAN SOHOOIV PURNITURB CO. 19-21-23 WEST 18th STREET, MEW TORE. G* SIWaERS, TOV Can Positively MAKE a hit With Either of the Following Brand New Frodnottons: "My Little Cocoanut Maid/' «r j- «■ fbbdoh ana w. a. pratt, "Oh! Babe, Won't You Take He Back?''*^ornM.r« "My Heart Grows Fonder Day By Day," tat&WXJfS; PROFESSIONALS, ADDRESS, WITH STAMPS AND PROGRAMS, _ LA ORAMPB MUSIC CO., Oraad Opera Houw, Chicago, V. 8 A. THE GREAT ENCLI8H VAUDEVILLE PAPIR, THE 1VIUSIO HALL AND THEATRE REVIEW, «OI Strand, London, VST. 9. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION. ■ ..-.--- •■. M. PUR T«iAH yaoPBSOIQHAX. APVTBRTJiaiBMICNTB, ■•-»». 6d.. Ils|l« Colaaaa la«a SOAP $1.60 K Owicie Emulsion, a pure white soap. Best made for Doctors, Medlolne Men, Street Workers, Etc. tug per gross in 2 gross lots, $1.80 per gross In 6 gross lots. Samples sent, charges paid, upon re- ceipt or your present and permanent address. W. & W. SOAP CO., Indianapolis, Ind. THE ORIGINAL SOLDIER CLOWN, ARTHUR BORELLY, SPECIALTY COMEDY MUSICAL ACT. 'he man i Hut Hands 'em a laogh with the little gun, egg and pig. Pirates and daylight robbers, keep off. AT LIBERTY tVfA'V S. ^ PERMANENT ADDRESS, 408 W. THIRD ST., OREENBBORO, PA. ATTENTION I D0CT0BS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN. Why handle rooky goods when J™ ** ****?JF'*?!J£l JlH!,!^ LS Senear Eleotrlo Belui from $l.oo per dos. to »ig.O0. J*m"™I" "I™! from. we also make other styles of Appliances •ndMedlcal ****£•<** third oash required. Hot Springs Btupbur ^V,,™»^£}*Jg <£?*£. Equal to WllUems. Trial order will oonvmw. Urgest ■"^"JJ? ■ EieoUo Bella and Appliance* In U. 8. A. Established lsia Oetalotrue tree. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO.. BnrHiurton. Kan. . eao. '"ATUogt, AMD OUTSIDE UOHH. fill HIllllW CIRCU8 CANVASES, » Poles and Stake* hbam, nags, Bto. canyii nn'a PATENT GIICIIS UIIU SIDESHOW PAINTIN08. FRONTS AND BAN- NERS FOR STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS. BLACK. TENTS FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK. OUR NEW OFFICE ^SALESROOM, 273 Midlsoi St., mr Market, CHICAGO, ILL. Ctopyrtahtyour arte, plays, sketches and eonga. Itwlll PAYyou. ManyCopyrightt axe worthless, because Invalid. You can- not afford to take such chances. We gu.r.nue a valid copyright at small east. Opinions and legal advice. Patents and Trade-Marks. Bend stamp for particulars. Columbia Copyrlghtand Patent Co., Inc. araaokn sldo, wasnimqtoh.d.c. ■IlkoUsie Tighti, |a.SO| Worsted Tight*, »1KOO| Cotton Tight.. it lotion Tlgn TlRlit", ftom •a.Oll l iter right. • 81.00| BllkTlatata,tYaiB«a.OBBp| hlrt. to match all same price as ttgktei Pomps, USeentel Galt- •ra, Ol.OOi Rluittc Supporters, 81.00) Cloth Supporters, at coats. •■id for catalogue sad aamplas •f tlgbte ftes. Positively a de- posit required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or moooy refunded. 8PI0ER BROS., DO Woodbine ML. Brooklyn, N. T. )Old stand but new address.) •V ti" i ■troet, ■• w Wev» P^PRINJJ^ WINDOW CARDS irTTCRHEADSCpNTRACT!) LOOK AT THIS, NOW! We make Tonts, npcclal Dark Tents for Illusions, Folding All Wood Slat Chair*, Olialr* In Sections, Calliope Parade Organ, Merry Co Round Organ, Crank Piano, Spielers' Fog Horn. Fine Folding Or- gan. Mammoth and linker Torches, (Ham Blower Banners, 40100. 10x04 Tenia UAROAIN BOOKLET FREE. R. H. AHMIIKUHTKR,»prlngneld, Illinois. FUTURES Invisible Vortun •S.0O fortunes, • 1.M» per loo. Priuled For- tunes, 7(k>. per 1,000. Cabinet Photo* of your- self for selling purposes, gs.rjo per 100 or fM per 1.0O0. Bend negative or photo to copy. Send ror««riplea. WRWiVr, Ph»t». Sm.Im, M. J. "A WORLD WIDE CIRCULATION.'' THE OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. ESTABLISHED HIT. 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. FORRION SUBSCRIPTIONS, 3Ui. per annum. Pit OKKHHIONAI, A I) V KIITI HKMrlM H, 0,1. per line. AMERICAN ARTISTES Y18ITIN0 THE METROPOLIS USB THE BRA OFFICES AB THEIR PERMANENT LONDON ADDRB8S. 2,000 ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS, alsi BAND INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS, OUITARS, MANDOLINS, ETC. S85V5 mmmm * mi " * iEin.oiuiAi, ,o .::r::' Baniral Salts Agist (or FRATI A CO., CENTRAL TRUNKS. Mln„ $7.00; fflln, |8.00; 821D., lo.oo; Uln., 110.00: 40ln., |U.oo. Circus Trunks, Minns, $1.00. BUI Trunks, aoiffliio Inside, lll.oo. Lltho Trunks, 43Ki2(Kii3 Inside, $14.00. Shipped on rooolpl of $0.00, bal. 0. 0. D., except over noo miles, then remit whole amount. SIMONS A CO., CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Estab. 1«M, M-M North 1th St., Philadelphia. N. Y. AGENCY, Cor. 30th Si. & Broadway. Prlcis 75cts. mors than at Phlla. Factory. MISS LOUIE DACRE AnTHORESS, "TUB FUNNY LADY.' 0OIFO8EB, COIEDIEIIE. This week, Duqueene, IMttsburg. Many thanks for offors, but am specially re-engaged as n, for 8 weeks, Joo Oppcnlioluier's "Miss Now York Jr. Co., the feature, to strengthen, and reaume the original part I created. Communications, i:N UOUTIO. Dramatic P»©oplei Wanted, For the LAZE PAEK STOCK COMPANY. People In all lines write, especially those doing specialties. Want lo hoar from a first class COMEDIAN. The best Is none loo good for hero. AIko PIANO PLAYER and VAllllKVILLE PEOPLE. One and two bills a week. Salary an abaoluto CERTAINTY. Incompetent people, BiMixars and Knockers will bo clOKed without notice. State lowest Hummer salary In firm letter. Itehenrsal call MAY '£>. Address W. II. HOUT. NEVADA, MO. NOTE-W. II. HOUThaa successfully managed the PEIITLE HI'lll.NOH STOCK CO. for the p»st five seasons, during which time a salary was never missed. MISS FANNIE DONOVAN, OHAtTKRBOX, Lessons in Vaudeville." Written by MISS LOUIE DACUK. lib. woman In vaudeville. Specially designed ruatumes. A W. 2«ili St., Now York City. THE Invites Offera for llor Ne Specialty, Entitled LITTLI Acknowledged lo be the finest little ad Fannle's smile, The smile Uist WONT come off. MIHH MIUIEDACRK. lb. woman In vaudeville. Address WM. MOKRIS, lOth WEEX At the BIJOU, NEW YORK, Appearing in "NANCY BROWN." CHUIYIAR'S CREWE ROYAL ABBBBL USED BY THE THEATRICAL PROFESSION FOR MANY YEARS. PRICE f 1.28 BOTTLE. PAXOV. WILLIAM** FAXON, BnlTaln, W. T.. and Onmsr SMSI. andsih Avs.,N*w York, Sols Agents