The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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W^l^ Hrid ibeiAnMWMttt deM»tiM cndJU far tfao ", Xkltii'S' THK«M Ut-I'V^Krith,, maaa- .-ilr—liio "KlortdolV' (Jouble. Wrtct una .Thiw/ln ««»» f*om that mujlcal comedj. «^ l)l8J)l««3lt,»'iit>cr« TuHt week, and liefa Wrikhdl HiDtth iilid jombBnv, Ju, "A Prlnnii III ifrti) ;'■ • Clwli'> Vdllcb, • UetioTM Ttrtlcrs, n ^racB laqsiw ifpBK guppep. 235 rmo: Bcnnctt'Monlton Co., In repertory, « Uont^ymovn" Moy a. •a.i.nincso . AcADBMK uf. Music (Cbag. K. DcmuHvy. nionMBrX.—ItuHlnMs Iioh not bwn up tS Iih luval hith Mimaard, nltUmiglh "lie Vuro ■" Atnwlcua MitBtlcr," 'JO-22 ' ■ - ■ ■ "— T. • HuJeitOD, Tloyriiiiil 'Neir7'i'n""v!ir"ani'^at! "!"!.V'J"'." "'L'"' I'lt'iwIuK In tin history. vIslUnfe lirothcrK ntlil fiivlted gnoatii ui mm'it, Jh"'"i'littliBC Yoiif Act." wns olio ot ]hc m n\tMim.k(iti ,11. tM« cflT.lnL umo tIM )iti(|e;hiiii(l«, Uia a tiibltnl piece of iictldtt.lii tni&i)ti.'t(i(i, njiU slinicJ lioni>i* wltU tlio pMu- drtWd. nilblHCsHtbHtltmei; l)tg.;. ' , - .~,i.i._{'(inttiw(1 iliiB, wsBk nro the Tlireo liWinoti nr<)ti«rii,''ftnl M. Putor iiHd Kdlth eimelnli-, In ''!?Jie McQU tcj;" Botanl nntLiXevajfrt. rtud "uliikcy Uoe'', Lyons,'i la \m wie wo:, «oo)i'Ko. nUd LIbWo l>ttptt>f, CiUiillle "^P /..Jacks.Own llurlcjiuuc Co., aii-i.1. imd nnly fnlr bURlnew. 'flip olTo Included j AIbIm-I HujchoD. lloyt iind Netr, In Var and fcat- I'l'^fi '^t 'nitton and Itelmorf, ana a aerleB of ^T^^flJ ««'"»,., V'SPf,' WiilMun-g Orientals ^7'Mii, Vnnlty Fair ail-Slny '.'. IIOHTON TtlBATiiK U. H. Ti'blwtts, maim- S^^ilT^^t^'lfV".'. «'™ biiilnMi, pu'valled th« paMt week, ami tlie bill wiih vi*iv mroDir. The Sugtoii bloscono Hliowed gevcriU cxcpllpiit pictures, — ' " ' ' Jil ' . 'J'hi! Ko aumerous that additional ticconiiiio^tlMM Imd to bo Rp-jured, and every body prcienC vlad with ono aiiotjier lu make th« occulou a fawnorlal one. A boutitlful collation wla wrved,, and Diernmcnt njlgocd until daMi. i^i."'**Vr' Pf*'i(""uint; wu« nunlaUed by thu (olluwIliK profrHaloimU. oecurvd throiiali Kol- IWH IloHton Aiudsemiijt Buicau: I'rofi'Mor A\alali. I'lill. AJoiton, Kriit-^t Otl, Attiy Al- len, i.;«.rtn»(lc Mllj*p, SherldBix and Torwt, t M> DennlMona., I.Uile Ott, ot Bosiou, pre- aided at the iilano. Purliiir tbo rvtnlnB :i Uff. .W-'^fif"'''!'.'*■''» l»fMt'nt«!d to Joliii OiNclll. Tlii» social .pniTcd tlio iBraciit and imjat succesaful In thn liUtory of the loditr. vTlio Holy Vlty." wiildi wa« booked at t"io Aew Ilcdioni rUcatro for April SiS, 24, can- celed. . . Maliar, burltMine, Nora Cairoll, Storlu Blutcni, lu a Kelliyp* TftMiblta." H«>l}-olC6—At the Oiiera IIoiiM (11. r,, Pottel-, niailDiror).—"When \V« Wore Ttron- t{-,on«'^ caue, to niMUum bualncat, April 18. Mildred Uoltaud. In "31ie Miy and tha Prince." TJ, played, to auod biiilncM. Tho *\>lir Colmna, lu "HiinalDg for oMce," SH, ■nd t^banhcey Okott, In "Old Limerick Town,' a*. plny«l to natlafaclory recelpu. Hooked: Uavlil Wiirdcld, In "Tlio Auction- rtr,' \i1- h:zta Kendall, In "Tlio YInelcar Iliiycr,". i'8: Andrew llobaoii. In "Itlcbard Carrel," ai); Ciil-fo I'n^'ttin'n Cnmeaj C(i. May 0. Aitelnldc Kltx Allen, lu "ThcU " of iwotlanipp." «: John Wrnw,. In The iJucliMii Tho •Creatori-'Kndl'lTiHVi'tnlmn IwDfl Jrtro enjoyed by A fair Heed, nild'.ijnee ai. Olaia Hlood 'IK! rtro; - -nli« '■ and, Fmi cntuwwi, auao. .(uiu cflmine l«|s,,SeeKer, .WllitM ond:Hsdct)!». Slr.Jttd „ liibyi Sliaw, ttfid jMilHtiM fibil, Hon- .„„„„ ,^ W.' Ou^fwon,OfpliciLs Comeay Four, aiid ttj^vp" ItoftrKrau*) were.tUo hlto.of Inst weeCa tbSWi llliny II I.-* « eek, jvlilcU'otteifa o'new. on?, ■^*"' inUtleu,"l'uo BUay HcM." .•' . , . . JWSlWi')-—Toja^'y fM'tlic 'irst KOek,o(,t' sfrltockbttrfeatjue cpliU>flBy at tliU Jiou Sn a Biiccew ,l«. Tory- mlldl ,„ , , , - „ »H l»l««r.—At the Academy of Miiale If'' )lcttire9, utid the biulesfliip number wna very <>^m. J. Wll*y. mattiljcp).—"When Woinrn f,'''" ftufehnble. Cnrriut: Cautell. tlie I'wo cW- I;OTe," .Vpt)l.,S(», playwl to larfle bualncaa ""« nonii, AIm. W. AVI aon, Henry T. tVnlle •'-»»'"— -».*'>.'- ili-iV-.. i..„. J... .^1. Klolao uarlo. nod wllwil Prank., irtio burl \<mi« number "Jtttldoon'g Clitlaten- „„i'>'^°''l£''i»'''"^"''" (^"Mft .M^ierc, iaahrt- cer).—BtipineHfi .wng vety good the past \m Bfroiigattkctlon. .Curreuf: Lttcy JUb ff,?!" ?'*d,y>''"«« V"»- , The.olio: .Lbttpan" BHf"6'' Td,)n,Catrpll, Sel le Cblir^ ntld KIntr, iJOlly Oldaon, sfabel Au ndmer and Weat. Afterpiece, "T Mummy abd tho lluininliiK IJltd,"'I). KMl'igjp. 'I'llKAtuH (T. P. Murray, manl- Rpr}.—TliW theatro clowrt Ita Menxan US, with a thr«« dnya'. enipiHenient of the Great I^fnyetto <N)., to ibl(r liouwa. I'lilg attrnt- ^— waa tUfl bflat tiling lu the vaudevlUo ever aeen In the Kinplrv. ...'''?1'**?"T'^* "'« Tkiintpn Theatre (Italph Attthon.v. mflhnn'H,—Hobert Kds- Bon, April sa, and "Sim Toy." aa, itavo ex- jrtod, lu "Tbo qlrl,W;ith tho Orcon Kyq»," rJ. WfifVJf Boifl, bUalheaa, ahd irate pertect ,,. . j-, - - .„, „..,„„ .Kttmfactlon. ''Bau'W," S<, payed to gnod cellont perfoimnncea, io alxKl tlicd audl- r^turna. Allsa Hall .iiniin, very nleaalUK «■»«'•„ .P^V Uownliaat" coWm aT, Mil- Voice. Sart Colllua iurhljilied tho tin. "A dwtl Hollntul !iO. .Wataou'a orleutali >ao. lyifhtor der Tho aeaaon has «ii..ehcotiri(tlti« ono for thla jiralao- it^d^lt'.lR exiiected that the jMir- in; nod Kel|i!.v CO; mjiaiiSf').—3'oj'Siiy tlli^t, the iirst KOelj,'o(,"tho nofrltockbttrfeatjue cpliU>flny at tliU Jioii«e »-So a iiuccewi ,l«. Tory- mlldfcf. Your corlM)»l)9hdetit;lHt8. witpesned nearljr.flll tile combinaitloh (bows, at tilila bOUie durldg lile itWlWn.^atid.i won d auy. wHIiput atjy IieKlttttlon, Mdniiiier Wnlrtron'B j tiwlpe has Ul'lu "belli a mile.'! "J.oUy CliU|liii" and B TiltWTnE (M. W. Murray, man- The ono attraction did 8. It. n. rtB 22, iHe 8oijfhcrn.8eifti;t,Ca.,. In- Ida rutiiiell, Jlctft White, "Xnllo Hillteh of Knys;" a3.TjiWl,Rfalr houlie. Tjjo J'helnn .Stock Cr>.,,i;7 niid week. KniKhta of ColUttibUa HIiistrela Slay C (local). "8bC(- r<i<;k^lflolW,ea" 7. , . ".'■?'?Vi "meAtar. (Henry .Myera, innoNger). —•'1'ldai([-0*e-llee'' mivc great witlMfactlou lltva.-., wltU a bill Jluit Waa full of gvlud thlhicj, to good liuaiiieBs. HIco atld Cudy anti Bobby North tvtrc moat litoinlneut, •hll'! |li«l slHgiliit of C\m. P. Mohrlwo, Henrietta Id Friiiik,PlelT« wore good. Mm. Plake, o(.Sta»dttln," celjus 2(1. Attd hiid a. l>fi<tN8lrijVAtlIA. PliilMdeltihin; —Onr musical olTerlnBM are. furtlict augiiientp<l tlila Wfek by tfiu atHxtl of, two .more, and, tbo unuiu«i iwc- taclu lu witneiiseri ot every unt <tf.our down lUl'iu (Jr Buetew 24. 'flie iBit t'"^ H''<?nt "A .N'liht'oa.tbo I'J)B''iiri", tti^ tho;blH'It»QU«s ■ till}, work; Vairdevlllc, cftius ,at-p; Wur; Orchtstrai Wocloty, iiO, nhd appl-eeliitlve audl- uiody. naMugtoh tiuU MartcJl, l';atuilm,iatld NelMn.^oiiW litiil Hiitton, and Allt«,i«iUl , aWr).—tile , ileiitz-Hantlj-y Co., liolda ,• th( brtkrda tlllN weqk. "A I'rip to the .CoWJtia tldti'" anil HqHocks iHrHt-'rOV nle. the akHt itodi Its ;ic vllrlotj' end is ailpitlled by Lynnotto Slaters, Cliarlea .UUblUsoh, lioHle^ Elliott, Sm. iicMlioimi. Jiu<. utid, Baalc Lcoiiord, Jollh l.voiia and tliu VtitartmBto ttroth«nt. UtjIVci^ UutliidliUcrH did ivHlJaat mkk. Him, AllllBflorM.—Wei'k of aM 'ij.- CUHo linll—IMnhle 'L'unulson (second wesk). t.'ol, MHitnua Ht'fuilla' ulunt DIiuo.iIobb (wc- m^,^VpeK), Irwiii niidliU dancluii laad^t. '' '^^ 'tliwIUiilHt : MUdiiuif, Winch, kfa ii, nnd rrlui'cux uitindcn o^J Kpr.fruincd , iiytliollK 8t:i»e—Cbua. .atld fludtto HuKhM, Hlsttfifl Mtdtlct, 'J,'uiii,.JIeln- iSSfir la-n .VuBiti, .Oiirdiipr,, and UluhUl'ds, (W- and l^clJli MUck, IfhlllpjMaua jaai^tja. lIofHlfali was n bl, rtfiWf t}i the Uttel wa».given to n litrm; ?f,,"5;nftte." fltiii Hclurlch BCbuccktfr, harp 1st: IfllM the star. ,. . --^. ._ ... ■ .MfiXtloR.—>V. N. BallubUry was In town Hicit'a 'I'mwtiiu , (A. 1 24, m jijvarice of '"Jbe Patal Weddtbt." —Wa^^on's Oih'lital liilr i.-.,-,; --Bj/ly Ntlaon left 20. to Join f'nwaao «> 8. iL O ' ' - BIUs3 lu WPst, Hdtn ite.v(ib< will mnHalJp tbo P^ple's, with pred Hnlltli'tia asslatatlt, until tho clpac ot tho preseut jytilowdnic I'afk Theatre tliU Slitataar. }audi|vlllo for the atijc and oPbn nfr nt- tfactlUlls for tho patk, n» usiiiil cUstotti. ....... J. 3. pwena Is.tho new leader of tho orchestra at:tuo,Acaaeiny of Uiislc. town iirotalnent houses pi-csentlng .thla stylo of ontei'tamlnebt. Au unusual huiubar or these cnt^rtalnmentH uaunly mnrx tlis fait cud of tho aSason. for tliey can uaukily run fUrther-li)to wcatbiir tLan any othDr style (it entertulUuicnt. Ahd the acaaob Is ncariBJc Its end hero; two of .tho .houwa nrc aimounced fo cluae for tho ijuhilatir .PulKorfl'B fttarn, ureschtlng the wlih tlie edtl of next week, and a good apoll Ktrongc^^t bill of tho fcilHon. Oo^iked'ir aUd "f hot weutber, which |nuy be oxpbuten ut week: Prauk Keeban and Co., Howard nnd any time now, wll result lu luoiiy raotb r( Oiu«by, Perry abd llaildnll, lloWutd iiUd tlrlrtit I'rum the Held. • , nuikc, ,rielb(«rit HMtefa, jhe 'i'woHdsuH, JlT(- Hao.\ii StiiiKt 'rnuJLTiiH (Mxun & Xlmm«i drjjl Ptotu, and PHeil Wjckult. n"*", managVis).— "TV. JJwcI «t A»l«" I •u cohtlbia'H tu nil tuu hcuiD . [i. Illch, inUnaget). rlesiiuers (ipcneti !2<). blislnesfi, lilBjiiii to (air rofurtis aj,, z^. u'lip IjdrHculai; lilt makeiH wttfe Murgdn nnd Pmlll|ii<. i.itssnrd Hiiithers, flbd third week at this lioliae, with . hlcii collt'^ • -•'' ■' • lleKdrmancc. ilow In its palruUHijo wl ut each ileK,..„_ . HAUiiiiK Tiie^TlU; (Prank itowe Jr., mall- niillHbln uurta. ^\>r tho conilug weok tbo wmiHWy Is preparltii "Wicked'Uhdob." The MtrMis were delighted .-ItM week with tbo fbundanco of UirUls contained In "nio Husalaa State," which wiw olpltaily pre- sented. 1-1 STAKDAnn Tiihathh (Dnrey ft Speck, man- "W'W).—I'ho stock coDittany la appearloK tlilN week In 'TtiK (Junen of Chlbttuwp," a atlrriQg melo«lmiua. which has pioaacd tliu patrons aeyernl times In tlmrs iMult. With "Hesntrct'Nuh" ns ilin bill last wsek, tho pntroBs llllml (he house Uljrhtiy.flitd found in It a raelodmniallc otterllik to thDir liking. The aiemberH of tho coni|Mny.e«iruM pralso (or their ,exielle«l work lu tho pnaluctldn. "Savetl from the Hca" Is to ho nekt wock'a . Ancii 8TUi:r.T TiiHA-int! (Alexander Wura- ter, maitftgerj.—'Hils Is to be tbo last week of tha season for tlie tlerman ('onumny at this, houses and'diirlBg the week ,they will prcMbt "llatlenfiteOBPr," •"i'oehtor HiM'lle" and "Niii'leriu." been Hn.^ehcottriij|lni( ono worthy elTorf, iiniTltlBexiii „... , furmnncM will-be contlnmHl next season. KHtfM'8 Nhw TilRAlKh (H..T. Jonlau, realtl^ht mnb«B»r).--TUa Ton Icltl Troupe Im rtilitlmied nt.lhe lt>n of the bill this wek, Whllft; plher Interesrltig turns are pKiyldcd MMll M. Crenay aninilanche IMyud. Ih "A Be Lawjfoi;:" CUnrlts Ouyer ntid Nelllii . Prnnco I'lper, orlifieus Omiedi- Pour. , , a, Hale.and .Prnnws, Ireriu j'rfthkllM, John and lilllUn lloorer. Coiiii *nd Conrnil, BfoiikK Hrofhers, Chalk Snutltilihi, J. H. Taylor, cnjidfli <;lty 'rto, Cduroy and Mc- Ikutubl, Ileannh and .Miller, nud the Keith uiotlnh pictures. , llt.BVfi.NTII HTBKKT OI'KIIA Uuttl)! (Kmnk l>umont.. tuanajci I.— An c'ltlii' «mih(io ot printr«mtat» inTnailt' for, this, week by Du- luonfk Minstrflls, tile litw butk'sililek now Iniroducad b»ln« ".TJio uln AVitU tho l'*n. cake Haf' luid"I'hB.rrtildunt lu Yellow- stolie. Park." In nrtdlllon to theiin mini- new songs are lntr<iaHe«l, nlld the roBifiint Introduefloii of now .aags and sbcemltieM •V.i'ves t<> further enlftcn an entertaining hill. Tho audiences were of cnpHal nUo last wetk. Lii'DtiK TiiKAtah. (Jahu »(. .Tithnbh, ditii- agerj.—IJntKrt^ Ulileiit. Is fllrulNliad fnl« Dellcddidon. t>(l|ilnK: 'I'toy AtUldtic Club lay 2. (D. It. liUfilntdli, ninn- liK imllttf <vouian. ■ HllJ-liiifJl*!!!;—PiitrlBfM, Day. April 20, all thb thtHlfra wete^ packed to tba doors ut ijtm- j«tforni(!Jicp. ihii ■__ .„,... „ , . _^ Naille una oiiliUe, Hi'rittlc itovyots, thef'luilnr iKb, J. Alf. and MUbello.Wllpon,, llchtokon '•'■''••-■' oboduiiin. iiiid Sheidi. Tiro Saly*. andUiUiiH, lUilij ^' ' ' ' (;oUkT 8g(tAkK 'fiKA-rnu •(«'., c. i* Nolr, jn(iUjl|ttr).--.';A Clijlleho Honeyhloon," aU. lllletntiM hoUse. John Hebshaw and TUtty C'laudo aCored II big sUcciite. Tlie.cathliituy ' , A. I'apaUlo orto, and giivo II t^t}rouglily Hlnerii, ')I|i1'ik: .'It, Moonlight Milfiis :iI)-May 2. ttltHHIiv.'M TiiBAtlil;^(D. If. Ill, .V,,., ..,„... uger).—The jmst week was one of sktlilfac, tiiry bnaihcss and n good hill. rWlwcek: .Mason and lit" lleatrlee Kenliet c. »nlcb.v „, , MIIIk, Mcl^du Sistcl'S, aUd UUIsoD pK)jectu- Bertlte., ■NoTRM.—MnrOTii.and Phillips, of Watson's Orli'Uiul HurlesuoeK nttaUo audi n iiliud Itn- pteselob tlila tK^asuii. tl^at tiley jiiTvu been vt1|(Ug<.m fur Ibo pliheljail (otuecllab parta rent week's olTerhiK at ihla liousi-, the «li- rood hill. JIUoked.27 (1 iJarlw, rf!L. Kills. iilcb.y Manbltlg. Kitty KUkelnclit being t'or tlu' lair slKed Mildlehi'ON a. Week's iierforinillices of CMS." Lulu Ulkser, In _..,.. unnoiiiiced to ivtlirn noxt Week ilj'it'ir®! tiUl aeiulOttS, ulid CaJillofd .und IJUrtoll. Timkti.ouiioN (I.. It. wnlwr, muuageri.-- Thij SOUbrntteH' i.'ouvelitluti, PfoWnnor Vitld- lllg. aHMst;,,tljc J,ll|JKllii({ Uartcs.. IliUt- iilfik ('t'h .lafl^ilpl'iUtors. .atid riot(iil»tir Wm. hi&m sliUM' pantomime (lie cutlo (udt- urfi ft»raurteiit wrtk. Hi thc.thcattt) Mijy tftjbuat'a , Vlirlety ' ahd 8p«i'lalty Co. pM- tWcb elltciMttlnuient.-. . -i • ,, AX »TA(n't(,\yl(. -'i'ho, FUilette'w M'qinin'k Oh'lieHtitt, will oiwh/dl Keltli'u.Wuy ,11, alid will contjrtiie llliljuiih the rtubuHei-'Hliaitoii. ' il TlUit P«»tt.r MO.Vftlij' poa Ball8|aetor.», perfprbiabcc Mrs. PWke," lii "Muiy of ilagUahu" 21, waw greutcd ha. buusn.filled i^rom pit to dpnm., Htuitt Hi*- Bbn inlidn his deferred; vImU 22, lu "A Coitt- fldy of;Htrois," iotni)l(!ti!ly illiliig the tue- atfo. . Pd*ai'd U. MuwHim was ubablo to bliJy.jSo.Wlilter i'ohlllbgton tilled the rolo foi* tile lltst tlrtie, iiild, ttlthotltth obliged.tu Id Ills imrt,, did, jjlmnulf ci-iaTt.. Mildred jnattd, m.,"Tlib Lily anil the Prince," iis, Ittycd. to.. ijiddi lljfhter, .buitlucss thuh tlio Ui when they will iilay Pfynn's elrcdlt ot lial'ks diirlUK llib 8uttimt^r, and will go ih vaudeville ubkt seilitun with n. rellncd, .sltag- ing.act. Npeclal uttuutlob will bu paid tu their custuCbes. nger).—inch's '"I'he illliin' .dlrl" ih the cur- ■hiK at ■*-'• ^— ■• '' .• till. CMS." "Lulu uiksei', lu" "l3ljl?y VatdcaV' Is ed to ivtlim )ii!xt wci-k, CilKHt.VCC HtHBKT Ol'KtlA HotSK (Nixon & ZlUJiMehuaii, ,iil(i/iniior«).-/rho retili'n of •'Kllijj IWilii" last week wns evidently a wel- come . feuturn witli tlloatteipU'rn, tor llisy crowded tJie iKJusi' tliroilKluilIt the wwk, and prbvwl eHtlihHiiistIc iivpr this (sbtcr nlll- Ing iHmilc diiera. PlodliBCtli arc excellejlt for t'hirt tt'cek, the aeeond iiild hint of tjllu engijliemobt. iSekt '• '- '" ' " " local presentation CltBaTNL'l' Ht'llt! Zlniltterttiiin. mBungerHl.—till! iitticesiifuTruK ot '"Phc Hiivar Hlllipiir'' Im continued nt this lioiuc, the oBerllJK now beius lit Hh lUitd |roM|)^ro(IS week. 'i;ki" ItVo lilnidied and week by .the 'I'lip'r iilllea Illirleiuiiiilr*, ii ...«.i«- .... .-i..L„..,..,.,^ —irrtmiV -■ ., , .,„, aijd VI 1 Three.I'olos iirfl.a«tipune.? a slwdkl seHtIng rtii ebtertalhlilg progr jlsual .inUtijr(>;_ol Uiirle»iiu(i aijd viiU devllle. II siwcmi f»uuir»/ Hnni Hrynhl'a uhderllhed for the eomlug. week, liouki constantly llllwi wIlTi. patron*, who ihu)iri<d.. thiijr pIcHiiiri. uiniiUlnitaUl.*! Mat tbgngRiuoUt fur tho [B'loyd liniinnii, maliawr).— llenritk>M liold the iKMrdriit week pboted.u ilelitllirui etigng Xojttfjriturv^ HUrlesuueis. ■;Tli(i(Mlil»liu (Ployii liniinnii, Week, iiiiil, hiiidud' by' ttir- ; \hr*k br(ll|fc» tbb ilr«t «I "I'lih Iloiy city.'' i:i' TuiJA'rIifc (Nlxmi & 'Pile innocent, this house, this ofiw)*,rbn Httull. present two iiiirfm,, nh ,»ttra«fro olio.. 'Pile imtrons ttiP In force.ladt • - ■ Mot Ml noart dhd 4 bllt I force last week for (liu nliitngeiuitlifof.tlitt KtttlwlHin Uurlesiiui'K, uii(1gnvo,tli*tti tfab *rtle»t hliid of II itri^illltg. i ' ' sta'vetT '"I'he country (store,' talent, for tho .LeHctlt.of tiit niMiiJiUhU: .llusjittai. ill ed the blMh 'sHefted lis IU'uKh rciniinetltlittTe for WcUer *Pk'lds' new houHe Ih tUla city. tub lu .;.Vfill tfifiv lUiaa. Siclk'til'hy Ih lit IowiI, iu thelutuMt of The l)*roU PhiMllllklit Hho*..... .Oeofge K: Maek'rt season ' wflli the Chktli* Ifttudlc Co..ends (in Mily :I0. WW. wWinoltV,»t- turhs to tbo MliMlnl for IIh Idst ebtpLse- nicut with the I'lttiplro 'I'heiltrv t^o...... LoUls'M. .Cook, uedrrdlniuiia^er of thd Ihlr- uudi ^ Ualley. HbuU'. wAh In town Inst it-rak, In thu IUtei'(.'!4ts of his huge cUcum IkiU- lel Prohinau wiia in town Uieftretttcv pai't of lust week.... .Iillltan KulKdhury/.tvlia .liumcx tu Murtlu Hall next week \vllU "Wily Women I.uve," was foruierlv.u uicinlier of the Ouktlo liqiiaro Co iCathryil UNtvrxnan beitliiK a itarrluk tout In Uctobiir, in "Mloa I^lt^- coals," a druniutlxatloh of n. popular norel by Oeoruo 'J', ' lllchurdHon, lltu- editor ot Tho ••«•■'"" "'■'"i-- I.):un.—At the Uviiu TheiUre.—Tlie Corse J'aytou Co. .('atno April Uo. to good business. J., priijik niMkU was .iinaulc . to upbear, oh account of ll|iu<<ls. tvbleh was u gtedt dtmip- polhtaaoht. Ittie Ward * Vokea Co. i»layed '■TholWd WnitefS,'! ti. ii pilckrd hpliJc, 21. Duo: Mrs. PlHke, Ih ".Alary o( Jtugdftlu," 27: "San 'I'ojr''2«,,tile Annette Club (lotuh lit "Light Ui\." 11 icstlTnoniai to I'ltllel May Bhorey, the uiltliol',ut Uic lllay,,2U; "'Way HoWll Wljtt" .-II;, Wily 1, ''Hi>l(ile/« of Por- tiinu" Iftlnth pi)r(iii'iUiindn (liiit liicai) Is aniiiiubct'ii for, nexf Mdiidiiy uighl, und souvouirs will be dIstHUutvd. Jr iiidiiy uighl, und Buuveulrs ed. . , WAt..vbt HrnkBT Tiikatmb (Prauk ,1 pt-Odudtlota^dQaWvcd. SM.i by, .local t«' lianipden llonil tbeatw, and i?iivii .ii pleUaUtit.i?veiillig'B ell tertulnmrtit. I qhulince.v, Okott, in. ."Old ■ jui'tUk,'l\)wu7,'. an. ,dd n jjood^ bus iioss. It' WMk of ;a7. Which 1» gmni.oVer to Jen UUf,",wiri be a iccoi'(l breaktjr.. •^Kw .oii.5tqai; '1'tBAriifciijennio o. SMitii, manarfel').—Tile .sheu Uetwrtol-y CoUJluay, uftcr/ail nbiiein'u of a doxen .years, nla.yed, liiwlucSs, all tlio week. The last .- ibi). season will be givon ■ I earls of.Hluo llldge," 27-20, and "woiiry Willie Wuliier',' .'lo-May aT , (inwv oi'j.pA Hoi'.iH (Charles W. Ppiidn, inanager)..—'rhu business of the pnat weeklias hoU(U.>ii. ,.iy: matinee wuk givlni: up on a<;eyiiut of UiuIIIUuhn of Pulullii Muhbctt, tUu leading liid.v. "Iioku by thli Hen," which n,n-y, 'rfiiATni' H,il»m MniiU was to i;iay the u«t tiuoc (lays, wiis not 'n,.^,f S „n^ itt.r'!i'i.;^Si"'l'eX''n' ,.,, managpi'i.—At tKlN fibilno "'I'Uo ki ■iHibeker (Tlrl'" continues to dl'ttw *-oll II iioUses. It Is iiuw 111 lU fourth week with Ike end of thu cntHKOuient nut yei uQ- uoUnced. ninn f^l annailu'ccHl to fuiluw the cotiilut wejik. btal wetk'a atlcliihiiu'e.ror Pred HwTb'f) fllgJflliiKr wtta all tliiit eoulti be dcalrotl, niul illbwM a..llit|^) bklniiciruti the rtitht aliTb of tUu IriWr. ,1 ■ NLsri: AND Ani'ii Mijshdji (p. A, lltaijkh- burif, uiatiuijor).-,--lu tlio lurio null ,7|j(l» wwk Jusle L. pllsiin Ik iiffiiln n iitukilttollt ftnturo, npiiearlug with charliis (I, KotuB, Who Is atthuuiiccil as her ebutfi) of H JiUi{< to; food IiihIucSs, \kMH;l( of JlC luihd. other fefttufes'nto:" Mlie.i M catiinu circus: t'llnialitslkii's bird elm m^tla, tyliu imircd iiiiitrel: il«|q«rt, ijtlaUianiter, nml veKdiible klUg. il.TpuCiest.'i'arroil add Clark, llros. liurku, >vii Miirsb, Paddy Miles, and DvvllU) and _^ . rthii Ailoliih,'; ang.Mi; linir nn excdicht retiith engukejtiolit last ...^Oiii week, dcllgUtJug :lh<. audlepcqs w)ilch llllod sLi!"""' the house. "Ljiopllig tb* Ijoop" Is unnerllnou ;',"'"'(«{ niatlu Uosfoa Ti'on- vUr William NorrlH, of "A Country Girl," ,wHI'sw-nd'the : Suiunler lu Chltaifo. ■.■.... .11. ■ MelvUlo Uukei', .author Ot "Poxy OinudpM," ihUM gono tu New York for the llnal rehearsals (>f Ills ilciw piece, "SunHy ,ilni," 10 bo produced ut Orcenwlch, Coiia., Mtty • 4....!. tJlilef KlectrU'htil' H, M. Kd- vrinU, of tho .Colonial, wus prnaoutcU with a.K'aulKiil gold watfh und cliuln hy acm- bciB of iJie olcctiilcul'Htalt (>f the thcutro and "Uuuuly'illid the Hoshi" t'o., nftcr the mutloev <m April 22. Htuge Miiuuger Crlppa ninde the pi'«scntiitlon speech Music Hull bill April 20: .tiiKglliiK Johnsons, Pltz- glbbon, McCoy and EUzgllibon,: W; U. Pltz- Rcmld, Jas. D. Uouovau, Gllroy, nayuea nnd .Moutgoulary, New Vovk Conicidv Pour, Lolltn Ladles'. Quintette, Da,vl. alid Wilson, .Mous. Pelol. JoueH and .Sutton. The proceeds of the Ifljil'' porforumnce of tho 'iold Uoston Mu.icirm. wtUch l.t to bo torn'down In June, am to: be donated to nouie worthy Ilostoa charily..... .Saturday hlgbt-'N < prvseutation of "OtIiellO," ut itho CasUo Hiiuarc, makes exactly three thousand mvon huudrcd: ajvd Ihlrty-onc |MT(oruuui(H^ given at that liause by tbo'Block eoaiipuny. Kcai'Iy otie-tltlrd of these |>erformuiices have been puctlel- pali-d In by John Craig..'.. ..Mnjesllc bill Aiirll 2(1 Included: Jin.Tcs, UOlierls and lluyes, U. V. Plt««erald,-Gllroy, Hayuesnlid 'Montgomci'V, Knrlo unrti W'llsOu, Lollta Liullcs' Quintet,. Ilalcu Plugree.' Mitddaxund «.uyne, Sara J. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Juo. ?lll,: and' ParktruBd' Prench..... .t'.Mary"s the Queen of Thorn All" ts the latest Hong by E. .t.f McOermott* of llin TriMOont The- atre stuff, coroiiOHer of "Sly (Creole iJidy'' Bl)d i other Bttceessca..... .'lidnit KlOyd has boUi IMly: hi'okeii up by illness. . ". imrate tMiuucis'' 2II-2J. 0|iuuud tu largo The \yedhnl|(lny: matinee wuk givlni: :;eoi ■ ' ad I given afler-TUursday ou uccdutit of lllneaa iVfflpHlI''i"o""''"'ATl'ilod. of'' Ui.Iho coniuuny. '/he London Bello. fiur- hv u ffii-'Lnin"! Wu^rt ^squm 21^0. "Tho Span of Life" so- ?.^'| MTou-sfl ^.i'""" May 2. NBLBON- Tii^A'rnR (J. p. nurkc, mana- ger).—A well balanced bill hist week drew the utuul business. J. U. Barnes' Vaude- ville Co. week of 27. CiTV IlALi'.-rCreatoro and bis bund luado their third visit to this city 25, and hold two largo audiences. ' NoTi:s.—It Is civcn out ujion good au« thoi-IJ:y, thot Wullaco & (llluiorb, orOim-ctti}, N. \., k-ssves of the Arudemy of. MuhIc, INIlsIIidd, nro negotjiitlng with Cdira Quack- cnhuali to build a ground .floor. Ihcatro In the rear of the proseut opera house iit nn early, date HU'hanl O'Urlen, of NoKh AdDJUs. Is to 1)0 a intutilwr a,f one of Prol|. Joan's comisinlcs ue.'it scuNon K. M. !<. iwyer, wliu' has been lieod usher at. tlie ('ourt.Hquare 'Phoatrc for a uunil>cr of years, lias resigned to ucr^fit u iioslllou lu thu ticket olilen of tho UiMtou und Mulue Ilull- l-ond, at Chlcopoc Junction James 11. ]>onovau, formcrlv of tliij DoinnuUH, la iiow working alono. with a new inonoluguc, with ^\ib|cli he Is meeting 'wUh great KUcceHS, lie will shortly couinieni.'o a totir of , tho IJoi'iiuin circuit of 8uaiuier park.n,. which will toko 'lilm until Auu. 1. Next scas(^n be will be with the ImroPox Vaudeville ilora- pany..... ."The Hooslor Daisy" dosed ut UyruciiHC, N. Y., 25 ...A. L. Potter, State president.of, the Kagles, la to uiake a v.lstt tu Adams this wifek, lu tbo InloreNt u( tho order Uerhshlro I'urk, pittsllcid, Is fast being rounded Into shaiia for thu l^umnier s«>ason. 'I'ho Hiiumivr tliealrc Is to be remodeled. Tho .ohunKi^H Include u roof over llio wlude Btriicluiv, ,/Plie local ,,;,„.^-Y" .'■— —: -..■.-'-. Ti"- 'o<'Bc of ''IkH kept opeh house on I'ntrlot's eioKcd her second seusoa as soubrottc of tho yj,,?, ,^^■[„ m^lr usual custom, aud many vls- Ji.'2"l.'-'l'* '^''''■" T"'..?".''..''* now tostlniJ luii.. KikH enjoyed Ihdr hospitalities.. A i¥)w yith her purentHln this city;.... ,U ooku fodao was formed nt M-lnsfed, Ct.,.lhc V"«t f.? ..„■',"'"' i?''^\^ ^^■"' <lo,.a rushing busbieaa ^c|k, and a.charter list la out In Uolyoke. in "Prlnio Karr-atrtlio-Mlloii. week of May ^ ^ , »•.....Iluslnesa MiinaBCcWlll.i Ulock, of ' ' lie Park, AMI benefit May'-J. '^A Kose o' l!1|)raoiitli,Town" bcliig the nttiiictlon. ....... Han 'Ppy'' pjnys thu iMnldCn 'Aitdllorlum Alirll 27 Mr^, and Mrs, Jay HUnt, of «10 BowUoln Hquaio Co,, odofcratcd thoir allvet wedding April 2fl. .. J,'.. .Chsi'lea S('U|e8lnger. musical dlractot-'of'the fllfkel- o<ie«n,..RBll8 for Europe noxt'weet on an pxicndedi tour .hild will b« on the look out tor noydtlcs for his house.' At Byln Uhurit. NBW UicL'iiA.'Sitc Tim.vriiK, Halbm. Mahs. (Wlllhim C. Ukkey, mniuigcr).—Business week of 20, excollotil. 'PI Is week: T. W. K«jkert iihd Kmmd Botg, t to Two Schrodcs. win lI..Mnrully, Hlanch Njcliol«.,Jnwos Kol-- mail, Ida Van Hkleii nUf .1. Uoyer West, II. V. PIttgul'uld, aud Iteud's kumoBrnph. , e^ALBM 'l'lu:A'riiK, Hnloin, ^Ihsh. (Iliirry K. Heed, m^niiiter).—Purs. Kendall did u big ■ ' "■ ■ ' Itoys" was seen & Yokes played ,,._..„ ^ . aoldlers of Pol- tilbo" played 23, to fulr biuaLness.. DUo: "A Cldneso Hone.vmuon" 27, K. II. Hotliem, In "H I >yertt king." 28:.Oenuett & Mouiton Co. 'Jii-ilny 2. NuTKM.—Bishop's Concert Hull Is closed for tho.BcnsoU. Mu.lor tlUbop anticipates placing an urgregntlon of |>erfaraierH on the roud (luring Iho Hllninior Illlly J. Wll- hoii, with tho.r.iueruld 'Jrlo, liom lust week, lilnlct' that hercatler Im will work under Ids own uumo ..Morrltt aud .Uosella are nt h(mie.' In Lynn. Vesting Mtuls Ilovcy, of Lynn, Is to luuniigo tho Heckv\ilh Ubow tho coming season J. C. l|unkH, pj-csa agent of the Hlg. Kautcllu Circus, was. for- uierty In the imwsunper business In this city. ,..,. .Tlio CieinTheatre, In Sjalem', has clos<)d for th(J season. ■for tliu cijmlfiji week. PAllH 'I'llKATllfc, ,IP. managerl.r- ; ■ Inr .ut this .house, week, to uililloUce s se. ■■" ,,..,.-.., NUob.>>lrdilbiier, I'llls Is llli< second WlieN of KOI- Wlieru tie (ilWiii-d Inst uf the mu|it NAIINtb ' Wliero l)« . , . s uf the muHt Na.llHfbctvt'y nio enterialtimeut uf ulaglc ptnicbteu tills scusuu. Is onii of thu miiat entertilnlUtc hi; luis yet given i|h., nhd Includes lutny nuv- elilcM. The uiigagentenl coutlilul) for several weeks runger. ,, NA'riuSAi, 'i'liBAtJui: .(JiiHuiili M. Kelly, manager). — This week '"riie (.'DdVJurH IiaUkliter" holds the b<isr<ls. wllli tim Ulack Palll 'rroilbadoUrs uhnuUnced to follow.m>x( wonk. "AlplionHe and (JuitonV (intsrtalbed ,^,, largo uunlbei'ii last week. .. fW Pboi'i.e'b TiiEATlw, (P. (1. Mxon-NIrd- iTni llngor, manager).—'Tlio patrons of this soil tbMtri» tho coutlnaoiis norforimlHi'e In julin Healy, Imiiuir ami Cotm, Hltdle Murlon and Dentin, b'ny nnd I'osier, S. u«(J ,Mi;(,'Ariy. mid llie cluonjirillih. Pred zlihtllcrllTali.or Nlx(jh ft muu. Is rei'dlvlui eUdless cdbttritlullt- ror thi> fik't ihAt (lie otHirHtmn un uin right eyu fur clitill'Sct lills tekllUUd SUL'- cijslifilTly, and Im Is imw.biiek nt.wotk, with thn •Igfit ill the e.Vetnillrely rl'Htitfgll...,,. Weber «e. Klolds and tliolr euiu|wny,,nrn, to b;) aifn in thu Aeiidoniy of MuslO Mt 'ruesdily iillil Wet^lmsday uf n«xt wuek In tIm iierforinahces of "lluini* uud llet", next,;W('ek, at tlm Oliaiil Avunllb ntre. i,(!ohora von (Kiln ger will bii li'scli Ihu jtrn. to 'tnildky, >k.... . d , Ju. I 'I'Im- I , the Jilllol. llngi . , ., _ _._ house turned out In large numbers last wMk to witucss tho pprformnuci.s of "At the Old Cross Itoads," and voted this iiicludrama S worthy olferlnii. This weifk wo liuyo .'"I'ha of the lllBliway." Next week, "Tho 4}ilcen -- -. „ Heart of Mnryluiid." KU.NHI.XdTON 'I'lU'.A'fKK (.tnliu dart, mnnu- Is the inelu- kist week, nod thu pntrons at- ijmrecliitlon by coiitluual ladsli- Plemliig Is announced fur thu New Bedfard.—'At the New nedford Thi'alro (Wm. B. Cross, manager).—Geo. Hldnev and a. talented coiupiiny presentod "Hiisy Izxy" April 20, before a dellghtwl audience; llobort Pdcsou gave an excel' lent prcs(.'alull(in ot "Boldlors of I'ortune" Ul, to «u audience tliaC taxed the soating caiNiclty. '.'A.Chlni'so llooeynioon" renolved a cordial groetlug. from a. largo audience, __ ^„ .„. „,„ ,.„„,„ ,._- 22. .'.'SUn-Toy", packed tho house from the Rliuny nan. on May 4, the'elBhtccnth season, drst floor tOj^thc npp«.r.„fallei-y 2ri, Due: ilK! '^'poh" conderts Will begin..; 'I'ho Mildred llolfaind, In "Tho Lily and IbB SprBesUetvhBld In Medianlc**^Hall last w«ok i-rlucc:" 38. ,^ . ,,„„i.„.. .. > . HiiBHOY's TliwrnB (Tlieo. n. Iloylies, mnilaiieri.—^The Usual strong Mil was prc- MCutPrt hero last week, nnd met with popu- lar, favur. Howard, and Crosby, Hurry and «roni!orsi,andMttlo. i;|sla cciuilly shared Mia lionors. lluslnesH rilled to capacity.. Cnt-< rent week's-olTorlng: Alexander-und Kerr, Poiilisnd Hot We>;t. Mack and blllott, Piaii- cIb «ood, Knox Brothers, Jennlo Homer and Margaret llosa. Ht.mi T«iBAT«i::(Krod Pattlion, nianagor). .. - ■ .,..,. „„„ „,„K,u, ^i lu.o -^Tlin vauduvllllaus Ot this iKjiise preaert an <'ty, lias ixM.n slcned Uv Weber ft Ploldatoi ^nli.•rlllln»^ept tlpit meHa wUh thu approval wplKirt (.'hiirles lllchiu'an,,-.,. rHInlr&WII- uf Kood slsed nuillpuccM, Nrnow cmirol tlie Orand'Pbea ire.. Papia-a , JpWEuV; ^'llKATnlt.^--I>llrk. , '^ereslgiigu AnrU,2G. .. ,- . . Ni.Ti:.—The hsal lodge of Llka. No...<-1.' . I'. . rolclii'iitcd'Its six hilndredlti eoniuiniiicalliiii r **a«*l«»-M ,|lh«..|<«B-jJt .«fi«ai.jlI»UHl' PiL.tJlS. *vertWt;v(L.AiH«,aA*.fttta Jt PtVV«l' , - --^-..' held ..._„.^ ...... ..... was the big society event of the season and ntimcted big. fttshlounuie riitherlngs, much V,"!"'discomfort of fbc* Iioub(»8. ... John Craig, lending man'of tlio Cantlo 8(i«are .~r.'l ''B*;''''''^' his nsBoclatlon with that orjtnnl- ■■^ition last Halurdav nl'gbt. after four y6ir« ol wiisceiiUvft Korvlcc. ' Ht received inuny reiiieui.iriinces. nnioiiK which was a (told v'litcli: ffem the plnycrs niid Bftaobos of the Castle °Vm">.-.. ....The falhol- of Louis Jhier, S"'"J«I director of: Koltb's, died . In New x.ork last week...,. .«e<»r«(e WIlSoU, of this ■ Worcester.—At tho Worcester Theatre (Pdllx U. Wcadelscliafer. inauugcrl.—Mlldi^ Ilulland uulicars April 27, In "The Lily and the Prince.'^ Duvld Warllald, In "The Auc- tioneer," 28; M. H; Hothsrn. lu "(f 1 wero Khig.i' 20: the lUistonlana :tO. "Han •i:oy" drew excellent rctiiruM 20. "A Chlnewo Hoiu-ymoon" was very well rpcolvcd-21, Cluiuncey Olcc>tt was grei>tetl by thu cus- toiuury liuus(> 22. Cluni llloudguod. In "Tbo Olrl wllh the Urecn Pycs," pleased good bouses 23. ' I>i'riiHoi''8 Oi'KKA IIouHB (Hlica & Wlltou, managurs).^-Wi«k of 27, Horace Lowls, lu '-'A Poor IleluUon." liSst week. 'Itlypsy Jack" was very well recolved. C'omlug: "A Des|)crali; f^lmnei.'." ', PaAki TliK.tTHH (8Juia:& Wilton, mana- gers).—Week of 27, ".MePuddon's Ilow of Plats." Last Week' the Dainty Pareo Co. played, to fair returns, - CAS I MO .'PiiBATiu: (Davy ft Leslie, mana- fers).—Week of '^i: Cunnlnatiam and 'oveiiy, ICvu Hunier, Kittln '-ItldiBrdson, Nelllii Mnson, (.'orhiii); Uarrliigbum. .'i'(ini Websfer, Hrolth uud 't'huinus. The reproduc. (Ion of' the Ciu'lielt und &lcU(ivcrn light proved it big druwlni; nurd lust week. , NuTBS.r-Xhu lof'sf license bourd has de- clined to ;^'unt a' c<<rtlllc'ut<! to Illngllng IlruK.' ,ClrcuH'giving ' tben> thi« prKllegu of showJuff on ^n-mnrlul IHiy. May :tO Ilaruuiu ft IbilUiy have been, ffraated tho prlTiltr;go for June 0. ■ I/nst'senve.-—.\t th(> Opera House (Grant ft Calip, mni)ugc;H),—".V Bunch of Keys''- pInylNl. tn VuVy good uu$lness, April 30, With matinee. A .local slibw. 'i'J.- had a. fair bouse. • Ward nnd Vvkes played, to a good hoiiw, 24.- Er.ra .Keiinull had a good sized' nnd apjircchitlvc audience -'jr.,- (,'omliie; Lecfil i27t "A (^hlneae Huucymoon" 28, ".Klken Ogp',' (local) Z«, Country Club Mln- ntnds (liH'al) H(>, lit. Uosluck's Animal Arena 4, "An Ajnerlcau Tramp"'■«. CASTO.l'liBATnB (Al. Ilaynes, manaircr).— OuslneM continues to be very good. Ijotriied for week of -27: Pulgom. Dillon Unm., Ujmm. I Ilomm. i ll-f..r-r, I Artk! Hall. Herur. llarr iiad Pvuiis, .tliiy Evuiik, ODd .Vfflorleim Plrt'iuen,' '' ") ■ ' ;CAsi,Vf» Tkkatiik (W. 1,. tlnllnglipr, man-- ngeri.--<l"o<l 1,iikJim*s. IIihiWisI wijok of 27 : liuijuit. uttd lijtflioiv.. Jklli): ahctigcd, Patldy B'lr).—"The Denver llxiiiess" . ..„ (Irumutlc offering at Ih's bouse thin week. «iood enterlnlpment was supplied by "Peek's Had ItOV" 1'...^ .u.,nlr 11.1(1 Vl... tested their tcr, Mamie coming week. Iu ropertory. I'"i.»i»:rAtroii'M Thbatmb (.Miller ft Kniif- mnn., managerH).'—Harry P. Mawson's diu- rnal Ic version of '"('he (Hd rliduHlty Hliou.'' Under thn title of "Lltllo Nidi und llio Mur- (dilunesN," Is llui iifTcclug br tlin stuck coui- jiany at Ibli^ iKiiisn tills week. Plui'cuco Uuh- erts assumes tho leading role, und has tho Nupiiort of tIm enflri! stuck conijmny. , "King of tlio Air." nnuiiiiiiced as a nen' melodrunin. by (^eoripi BuekiiH, Is tu be pi'eseuted next, wciik.' ';No Ciitss, No Cntwu," prnsciilcd (or the flrst tlinu here lust week, provixi tu be a meludhimu with ninny srlrrlug sItuatJuiis. It was well, presented liy the house company, ahd appeared to be apprcclutcd by thu ud- trims. OiuAub A\-n.\'iiK TiiH.irnB (Miller & Knuf- nuui, managers).—A .(Ir4nial.litullun of Tol< stol's novoi: "llfsurteetlon," Is tl Iferlngut this Jioiise tills week, Klltu I'roctor (Jtis being eniH-clnlly engiiged for the leudliic role, nnd hiiving the sU|)port of (Jforgc Dnrbler and the other members of I he stoek compuiiv. 'riin pstmnH wero nilraeird In liirgc numbers last Week by the capital production of "The Hello of Itlchiuuiid." and they were well repaid for their CliHL (JiiANii Oi'Kl/A Hot'HK «i. A. Wcgefarth,' mnniigor).—Another clnmgc Is mado at this house tills- week, tho oihtu conipiiny baying iloKcd uud a new- stuck coiiipniiy hetidis] liv Ilui'i'Ison J.;V61ri< being seen In "Tho I/ist Purndlse."' Among tliK oilier membcrH ot the company am; T.jiiislng. Ilowuji, Adc- lald'> AVarreii, Claire Mcliowitll, l'"«nny Cohen, HowK'C t>. Jflmes, ClioJlr-s Liiui, I/oiils Ilres- sin, James J, Hkolly. Itnls'rt Curler. T. L. IlurroUKhs, II. L. Ilodinimd, aud Hianley Murphy. NeKt week the siime comixfuy will ho seen la "Camllle." The last production by ibo open coinpuny. "Tlic Ilobanilan Olrl." with Thorous H. Perse" and liilllh Mawjn ut the h»ad of the cnst, merited and re- ceived (unslderalile favi>r. . KKl-fii'H Huov (John Ivelrans, resident miuiager),—Comedy Im Hip feature nt this house this week, flip nii<mliiirK cif ibo stock company being Hi.r-n In a prf>diicllou of An- Bustlu Daly's "Nancy and Coihimiiv." (.'ogh- lan's "Tho Itoyal iu*x" proved to bn en ad- inlrablo vehicle for (ho eonipsiiy. and last week's niidlenees were large nud nppreel- utive. "Tlie'Moth nnd the I'lamo" Is Ml re- ht;arsai for tJie romiug week. CoLL'UBlA TiikaTiih UKuaclu MnrllijelLl, manager).—"Ne^-uda" Is Hie ulfsrlng Ibis wis>k nt thiH bouHi<, Ciirrli. llddeliire tieliig wen as Jennie, the Wi.Mlern girl, and iho intmlMi's of .Iter-cuaipany iNilnff iltted avltb' Humco,. and Pernnuiln It Is annoUKceil that "John Hi'bi'y;" the new fjiice by iieurgi. V. Iloliart uuo Ed- ward K. Ilose. will reci'ivo Us tirst pWdiin. tlun ut olio of iho'Klxuu ft ZIMmomuin houses hero on Mny li Wllllanl Carr 'Mhs thn stock company III thn (Jiilubh a eatro this week. Htophen c. Poi|l«r's,ii d im am to bo sung ut tho Elevpuili Htreft Oi)«ra Ilounn iMi the night uf May U, Whidb is the last night uf the sciisuu fur Hiitnont's Mimtrds iliero Next Wfldk Is nrtnouiK'sil III closo thft ' regular sni- son at the Klandard Tluuire The mini- verssry ofMliakpspearc's birlh virtis coiobrktoil liulntly nt the Pr.rrest lloiuo Inst wsfk >flth a- Hag raising nnd a miiMical in thn eiopIng, It Is nnnoiinced Mint Win. .J, (lllmurc. Who formurly cimtruiled the Aiidlturhim, liUs imrrlinsHd a kit uf gruiunl nt 1 nth and llaii- s(«iid Ntreots (belwi-en (.'bestnut uud .Market Htreels). iipim whleh ho proposes to eroct a hew tlieniic The lot adjoins ,thn new PeiiiiHvlVHnlu Hiilldlng at tho corner of 10th nud Ohestnilt HIrecIs, bus u froutngn of «.'•• feet nnd n depth of 1.12 .feut, " ' price |)iil(l In siild lu Liivn Ijceli j'hins for the strtictiiri) buve not yet. iM-eii drawn, bul It Is (-xiiectcd that tliu building Will cost In the nelgliborhuod of tSilO.WHl, When completed the tlientro Is to be ViiU ludepundoutly. ' Ptltslturif, —- (^'(Mitluuud ''isd wdsllmr helped our local - ijiailugers cnnslVlerably diir- ■"■ '-' —idtng April, 2rt, ,iind husiuess »7i}o,i)illl'! In tho week end)... ... , kept up fully to. the piieuomeiiMl utiindnrd ot tho presimi. sensun. . -. '. Ai.viN ''I'llK.VTan (Nixon ft Xlinmonilnu, iminngcrs).—Lulu Uluner gives ''IVilfy Vnr- dan" 27 and week, for tho Iirst llino hew, '"rhn linroreHCen" did guud business fhr ('Ight is-rforiaanees, desing 23. "A Cbluviin HoiieynUum" receives its hrst presonlutlvtl here Muy 4. ■ Hijou TiiK.\T«w (II, tiiilick, nrnnagor).— "At Crippin Creek" timk the stage A|irll 27, ton onit week. 'I'he Mllputlnus cUimm 2a. "On thn .Huwnnoo Illver" Is uuderltued for nekt' week. HmPIUB *ril«ATBK, (P. 3, MtClllloUgil. hinluiKer),-—"Ah Actor's Itortmilcii,'' with J. Ilkrvey l>ok In tlio leiidlilX role. Is Mali- nger Mel'ulloil«irHalIcr(iig for tho week bu- glnhlbg 27,' aud Mic advuucif sale Is iiirtie, "Von VouHon" drew all who could'crowd liitii till! lidhso at lis (ilAbth lierftu'mancp. and ciuiiieit 29. Ilngenbcck's trained animals noxt week, . (JiiAxii tli'iuiA noiTSH (Harry Davis, mana- ger).--"Thti Pride of Jenrtk'o'' Is <i< Is- thu prldo of -hosts of our merry'meu ond wOineu (luring the week beglhning 27. Ilpsts of our buruhers sli/mK-il ".\t the Wlilt« mrun Tavern," which ekmed 25. ."TIic Climbers" next week; AVBNBB TiiMArnn (flurry Davis, mana- ger).-—Kdllli Helena, (k-nnro und Ibillev. York and .\)tams, IWIui nnd Arthur, the (Minatiis, Kydney (iriinl, (iidden (late (liinr- t«t, Mr. and ^Im. Harry, llusklrk iiiul Illch. Howard and Lindor. Miay Wulsli, tin- Laii- lolles. ine HoldsworttiH, nnd (be clnemnto- graph comprise m great vaudeville bill for tha week lieglnning 27. }liislnoi«s up lo 2S wak "sinndlilg rwim only." ... Dif(4tii9SNie 'riiriATnB illnrry, Davis, man- ager).—UelUi I'hx. (Iropcwln and Chinee. I.friiy Atvl W(MMiror(l, Jules uud l;ili| Ui\rr)- mh, Mark Hulilta/I, Adollua Roatt'uo, Ad(-li( PbivM.Ond. > A> D.' dnrllsliv' HmuiAitTpg, uud James Klcbuiond Ulunroy make -vi*-- a