The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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""■/i^ ?,''v two hoSei: today It !• ttawiported bj tblri) two ""^j^H tun, and Beven bun- on i'?"'?'.".?* wSrel To merely more It 4r«<'11 f*™n™.S'itotloiu to the .how THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. 255 I" Vj ...1 as knalOBOUi to me wuiiu»i-iui eoDStrtiii'l " J"'^,, In the West during "■m^« fkom M. Hbnbi WixsH'B Cnra- ??.« Co—We are In our thirty-third l«k of proKMritj. having played every ?^.. in nW England. Mr. and Mw. Fred S"£»den I'n^'la.t week for the BttmmM L«n and Frank B. TrueU has retamed, •^ff^ '« vacation of a few weeks. Byery l'i™iv.r of the party doublea In band except ?,', Walsh. TBe roster Is: M. U.WmA, ?™i.rletor; Billy WaJsh, the Five DuraBda, PhTBendens, and Frank B. Truell. We have fSSrXs blowers (Dexter Durand, Billy lidies nud gentlemen uniformed band of iSji mouthpiece* and drums la a great ?ov^ty, and Is greeted by crowda every noon Business haa been excellent, and one in iount our poor weeka on one hand. NOIEM FROM TBOFFALO BlLI,'8 WILD WlHSI. _We closed our Winter season at Olympla, liindon KBg; April 4. and opened under caa- JJsat Drooks- fiar. ilancheater.Eng. April 13 to lurnaway bualness, which conUnues, nffltwlthstandlng the extremely cold weather. 5" th 8 writing. April 17, the ground Is cp». «ed with snow and the thermometer Is doing ituatB down around the lero mark.. We Show here three weeks, then go to Liverpool fori like period. The Wild West haa caught on blE With the Britishers, and It looks as tbouah we would duplicate the Barnum & B&lley success on this side of the pond. Manager of Privileges Lew Orabam has put toaetber the strongest concert and aide show crer leen with a traveling exhlbttlon, and the business Is immense. . „^ . „. ^, The Acme Bxciianui and Photo Studio hafi* removed their headquarters to 40 and fil West Twenty eighth Street, New York. Da. ■!' SI. Co.vDON'B Panama Medicine Co., Ko. 1, opens In Indlnna, under canvas, May i, (nd will carry a band of seven pieces. KpsitR or Panama Mbdicinb Co., No. 7, Dr. J. M. Condon, proprietor, which will open under canvas in Illinois, May 8: Dr. Lee Herbert, mnnnger and lecturer; Frank and Ijliile Wilson, sketch teon; J. L. Carpenter, Iriih and black face banjo comedian; L. U. Kirk Patrick, magic, marionettes and spirit cabinet. Uait, "The Lai-qr Kino," closed his aea- eon at Nashville, Tenn,, J. 19. Jack remaining Id that city. .1. Will Brickhouse goes with YoRa. Stanley Warde Hart went to St. Louis, Mo., to join the advertising depart- iicnt of the Hopkins Amusement Co., at Forest Park Highlands, and D. T. Hart wilt lie cashier at the Cave of the Winds at the name park. Notch from tub Gmlat Nobthbbn Combdi Co,—We are now in our twenty-flfth week of continued success In Maine, and are preparing (or the tenting season, which will open June 10. Our roster Includes: C. A. Itavls, manneer, lecturer and baritone soloist; Qulnton aud Randall, In a comedy sketch; Olive Itnmon, ballads, coon shouter and pian- ist; Gllsen Histers, a pair hard to beat: Jero llnrlow, comedy Juggler and acrobat; James Stuart, moving pictures and Illustrated songs. We uever give free shows and are offered return dntcs nt every stand. Our Bummer route will Include towns where we have made friends this season—which means all of them. NoTKB rnou CiioAT Buos.' Shows. —We have been able to eularge our shows to an 80il20ft. tent, and have secured the services of the Tlnslcy Kamlly, with J. M. I'lnsiey, the great animal trainer, with his six trained ponies and a One troupe of dogs; Master Clarence Tlnsley, child performer, contortion- ist and aerlallst; B, H. Howard, band leader, with ten musicians; Wm. I<a Clede, princi- pal coaiedinn, song and dance; W. E. Lowe and wife, sketch lean ; Mnttte Cummins, serlo lomlc; Warren and Trank, musical per- formers, and i)ong and dance men: H. Webb, I'nperaonatlonsnndgultarsoloist; W.C.Cheat, director and leader of orchestra. We are on our old route through IIIIdoIb, playing to good business. Notes fhom Coontown 400 Co.—We opened, our Summer season at Middletown. lu. In our new pavilion theatre, to one of the larKest houses that this town has seen for a number of years. The 8. n. O. sign was out at 7.30, and before 8.10 we had to turn them away. Mmo. Iloblnson Cormlck, the Peerless Do Rose, Unrry Drown and Fred Weaver were the hits of the evening. ftOTEH fbom Waldo & Co.'s Twhntibtii Centuhv R. R. SirowB.—We onen the tenting season at Hnmmond, Ind. For some weeks past caoTOB men, property men, grooms and larpontcTs have bi^en busy gcttlni; the cars, wagona and top ready, and ail la progressing; In line shape. Many novel features are being prepared, under the personal direction oif neneral Manager Harrison, who keeps a watchful eye on everything. Many of the pertormers have already arrived at Winter tl'iarters, and gaze upon the busy scene with pleasant antloTpatlons, for the rolling stock '» new and up to date, with plenty of room, ror the sixty odd people who will be carried. I he 8M«on cnens May 8, and every attache mm '''*™ *° * ''*n8 '"^ prosperous sea- NOTES op THB BCHIBBB k CO. BlO COM- »-DY AND CONCBBT Co., Under canvas: We SB*" ""r season at Clearar.e, N. Y„ on May '- ine show will carry thirty people, with a unnd of ten pieces, and will travel bv wagon and carry twenty-flve head of stock. Kverythlng will be new from stake, to bale ""f; nnd General Agent Clark Is a busy man ketting things In shape ahead of the show. .» ,'^S.""""' 10 ADVICBS the MInlRture Rail road Co., of New York, have been com- raisslnned to build a miniature train for one of the rulera of Slam, to run In the park wrroundlng the palace at Bangkok. As the I*,'?" "f outdoor amusement approaches a miniuer of their popular conveyances have wen ordered for various resorts, and the i?''"t,'»n of "Empire State" and "Black Dia- mond expresses will carry thousands of lit- •■Summ'""' *' '"'" "• 8"'"' '""''• *••• """I"* .i„?^" K hV^^ LiNOBBMAN's Magical. Mu- *f,V and Ventriloqulal Entertainment Co. ri,i. l°<S?f<' "t White Marsh Valley Park, t^bestnut Hill, Pa., from May 28 to Oct. 1. 11,1 .'^S.. Bbbn'Si' Ib with the Campbell "ro»,' Show. In Nebraska, i.n,?.""' FavNK'8 QrrsY Camps and Vil- u-^i'i ".J""® "" «» routs, and are doing fairly r. „,.»''"""Kh the cool nights lighten the at- nt i.uJ..™*^?'"'"^ The big QypsT village "• ,1"'"" e City, N. J., Is doing a line bust- ,„ J*"'* '• the fifth season of the attrao- . :'".,,'here. Atlantic City Is at present <im\ded wit3i visitors. __0.!''^M Faow Db. Hat'b Bio Mboicinb Co. «t \v 'l'^^ our season of thirty-two weeks „>f „!' . ■ ^'o- '>'"'• we are happy to say, ilm^ % !?""« '^eek In the Winter season. (•i.„ "(.f,^® company are resting at Kansas ''•*■ . *""er Hayden and Cbas. KInnebrew ■nnv.. '!? ** "■'* "n'H onr opening under vlii li ""' "v The show fhls Bnmmer list r^mSi f'^".'* "*»''■• C«f' Charles baa M nu, .SP.''!*** '«»■■ «e'» of scenery, and the ii^rtJ^'"..'*J?"t''«'y "»w. Dr. Ray will re wTih •,l''«rtl8lng wagons as a new feat- M.^ '.'' l*"* '•'<"»• Among the many feat- Hozeni^r»J engaged are the Three De Leys. K«n«5 cuy ^"' ^'""'**- ^'"»'' '>«*°* '" Bbhwbxt Test Befbbtobt Co. Noibs.— ■ The company will open May 11. The fol- lowing^ people have been engaged: Billy Bennett, sole owner; J. W. Sights, mana- ger (fourth season) ; Bed J. Deschane, ad- vance representative: P. L. SIghU, boss can- vas man, with five assistants; A. 8. Lewis, ',*^*!*.<••""* season) ; Bert Goulde, baritone (third season); Alfred Deno, tuba; Norman Uanley, slide (second season): D. R, Worn- Iiold clarionet; Jchn T. I.ovely, comedlau ; Joseph Fischer, alto and violin; C. L. Cur- rier, cornet; Claude North, cook; Hazel Ben- netts, Belle I'-ennett, Minnie Thurman, Orace I.ovely and Baby Hortenae. This show will carry twenty-flve people, and our outfit will consist of a sixty foot round top and two thirty foot middles, ten living tents, cook lent and dining tent. Ross, contortloDist, has signed with the Great Canada Frank Show (or this season. The Johnson Dbos. (Otto and Bmmett) are with the Lucky Bill Show. MOTBS fbom Cuaubbblain Bbos.' Tbiplb Plate Circus and Vaudevilih. —We opened our seoaon at Lock Baven, Pa., April 23-20, to capacity business at each performance. The entire company made a bit with press and public. Following is the complete ros- ter : Doc Waddell, In advance; J. W. Clark, second advance, with three assistants; L. J. and B. C. Chamt>erlaln, proprietor!; Joe West, manager; Joe Duponta. stage mana- ger ; the Wilsons, aerial act; the Dupontas, club swingers and hoop rollers; Troy's trained dogs and goais; Howard Brothers, baton and club Jugglers; Haynes and Blmer, Violet Itaymond, the Livingstons, Sam and Sadie Burnett, Tiney's troupe of educated horses, and our premium band and orchestra of twenty-two nicked musicians. Joe West and Ida May Lewis bave been engaged as the only vaiidevllle feature. Walter M. Leslie 1b manager of the side show with Indian Bill's Great Wild West Show, having closed, be informs us, the most successful season In years with the Great Conkling Show, which be will take on the road again next season. Jamub W. PRicn, the well known aeronaut and traveler, was a CLiPPin caller May 1. Mr. Price has just returned from India, where he engaged the Nizam of Uydrabads troupe of Hindoo and Mabommcdan Jugglers, maclclans, snake charmers, acrobats, rope walKerg, swordsmen, etc. The troupe con- stats of twentv-thrcc members, and Mr. Price claims that it is the Qrst troupe of the kind I'Ver landed in America. The troupe will be the principal attraction at Oten Island this Bummer, where Mr. Price Is manager of amusements. At the conclusion of the Olea Island season he Intends to tour them through America. Frank IIakmono writes that his Comedy Co. closed Its Winter season May 2, and will Iny olt one week to get ready for bis tent season, which opens In Oalesburg, III., for tour weeks, on Kay 11. Mr. Raymond adds : "1 have a flfty foot round top, with a thirty middle piece, carrying fourteen people and a bruBS band. Have nod a verv prosperous se ason and will piny big towns this Hummer. Uameville and I11in$trcl NoTKS FROM Jack Holmes' Musical. .Mirtk .Makkus. —This season has been ono ol the most successful in the history of the company, with only one dull week In the en- tire seOJton. Mr. llolines Is making prepara- tions to put out a llrst class repertory com- pany the coming season, end will have no trouble In getting good booking. The rosier of present company: Jack Holmes, proprie- tor and manager; Chna. Dorado, wire walker and Juggler; Holmes and Holmes, high claK^i musical act; Ceclle U. Holmes, lady magi- cian and serpentine dancer; Chaa Perry, Impersonator and character comedian; h). h. ilnrrlngton, banjo e::pert and Irish come- dian ; Ada Holmes, ballads, serlo comic and Illustrated songs, and E. U. Burllngame, pianist and operator of the Kdlson kinetii- Hcopc. 'I'he arrival of Tun Clipi'kb Is one of the most enjoyable events of the week. HAHiir H. LA Mont has closed a thirty- six weeks' season with Qus Bun's Minstrels and the Ollie Ilalford Stock Co, He will play parks until August, doing his black face Binglug specialty, and has signed for next season. IlAKiiY Krayton writes; "After a very successful season through Mexico and Texas 1 close my season In Hammond, Ind. While playing in Louisville, Ky., Messrs. Fields & Hanson saw my act, in which I was using fifty hoops, and after the performance they signed a contract with me for their min- strel company for their New England cir- cuit of parks this Summer for fifteen weeks, commencing June 8." _ . „ . . "ClUNKSB" JOHNNT WltLlAMB, "Triclt- lologlst," has closed his fourth season with Harry Clay Blaney's "Across the Pacific" Co. He writes that he created and has Slayed the dual roles of Quong Hong and Ing Lee one thousand one hundred aud eighty-three times. Mr. Williams tours the Keith circuit, commencing at Boeton, May 11. CiiAS. Heclow, singing and eccentric acro- batic comedian, has flnUhed n return engogo- ment on the Proctor circuit, and writes that he haa the Summer season entirely booked on the Frank Melville I'onnaylvaala Park circuit, Edward Shayne's and Frank Burt's circuits of parks, tlnlshlng on tbe last named circuit at London, Can., week of Aug. 31. ,Mr. Ho;low sails from .Montreal, Can., about Sept. 15, for London, Mng., where he opens a twelve weeks' engagement. Havkc. and WuiTEHiiiD nre on the Orau- man circuit. In California, and report suc- cess In thcr new piano and dancing act. JAUE4 B. Donovan Informs ua that ho la writing a new sketch for Jones and Sut- ton, which they will produce in vaudeville In June. It will be tbe Qrst act of Its kind ever done bv colored people in vaude- ville. They will have special scenery for the net. O'Bribn and West played the Howard, Boston, last week with tneir new act, which, they write, met with success. Mauib Lincoln will be known hereafter OS Mamie Lincoln PIxley. ViDA Kbanb (Mile. Vld») onened with the Layton Carnival Co. in Newport News, Vs., last week, and reports success with her dissolving wire act and dancing. Lew W. Hawiey, of the Yale Duo, also reports success with his club JiiKgUng act. Ue is also stage maneger for the Stadium. Morris and Dalt are still with W. If. Watson's Oriental Burlcsnuers, doing their Irish specialty and playing parU. "They play the Unique, Brooklyn, week of May 4, a return engagement. ^, , . _ Tbabk and Oladdbn have dissolved part- nership. I. B. 8. Traak will hereafter be known as B. M. Stepner, having Joined with A. "L. Lavlgne, formerly of Fogarty and Lavlgne, and the team will be known as Btepncr and Lavlgne. They open May 17, at 8am T. Jack's, Chicago, after wlnich they play a nine weeks' engagement ot pojks on the Ed. Shayne circuit. Job West anu Ida Mat Lewis have signed with the Rellly & Wood Show for next sea- WlLLIAM JOBII DALt'a MlNBTBBLB hav« been engaged by the entertainment commit- tee of one of the most exclusive clubs In Albany to give their first part and vaude- ville Bpeclaliles on Wednesday evening. April 20. 'The company, including the orchestra, under the direction of Albert Krug. wl i number thirty people, and includes the fol- lowing: The Coclllon Quartet, Olover Ware, Nelson Doyle, Fredo and Dare, Morris and nialn, the Great Powell, Younar, Greg PsttI and Wm. Josh Daly. The company opens Its Summer tour at Elmlra, N. Y., May 80, aud Is booked solid for tbe entire season, clos- ing at East Liverpool, ^.. on tb«-UeCallnai circnit, about the middle of September. THB FAMOUS ELDONS. Harry and Laura, are well known to amuse- ment lovers tbroughout tbe country. In 1871) Mr. Kldon made his debut as a performer with his father (Henry Victorella), doing a posturing act and appearing In the leading theatres with success. Later on Mr. Bidon and bis wife (Laura) formed the team now known as tbe Famous Eldona. The past three sessons tbey have been with the Key- stone Dramatic Co., preaenting Mr. Bldon^s original sketch, "Fun In a Colnese Wash- bouse." They are now in their twelfth week as the vaudeville feature with tbe Lilllaa Lyons Stock Co., meeting with big success. They close tbe season with this company on May 16. Mr. Etdon is a member of tbe 1. A. T. B. K., 71, of Newark, 0. ClIAMDEBS ANU HENNINOEn, mUSlCBl COm- cdlans, write: "The past season has been one or the most successful in our career. The first part of the season we were one of the feature acts of the Who, What, When Minstrels, closing in Atlanta, Oa., to play dates. After playing tbe Southern circuit we put out our own company, opening at Macon, Oa., and playing North, to good busi- ness, closing at Wellsboro, Pa., April 18. Mr. Hennlnger Is spending a vacation at bis home in Wililamsport, Pa„ while Mr. Cham- bers Is located at Hartford, Conn. Before producing our new act for next season we will produce a "Musical Bar Room," carry- ing our own back bar drop, embelllsned with 140 colored Incandescent lights. We will play but four weeks of Summer work, in which we will Introduce a new talking and singing act by Nat Blossom, entitled 'I Don't Remember."" The Orbat U<\BnECSS write: "We have just finished a very successful tour of t}uponsland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. We are on our way to West Australia, heading one of tbe strong- est companies Mr. Rlclards has ever sent out there." N. E. Kaufmann, of tbe Kaufmann Troupe, writes: "I receive Thb Clipfbb every week, and am always pleased to read It through. My troupe closes at tbe Olym- pla, Paris, April 28, and sail on tbe 2Dth from Cherbourg. We make our debut at the Orpherum, Brooklvn, and will make a tour around the world." Kitty 8. Kirkiiam writes from San Juan, Porto Rico, under date of April 21, to tbe effect that she began an cnnascment there at Charlie's Theatre, and made a decided Kuccces. She was presented with a diamond horseshoe pin. Bessie Gii.nEBT, cornet virtuoso, requeiti us to deny the recent report that she has joined hands with W. B. Lincoln. The Sully Family, while playlDg the Bayonne Casino last week, where they were one of the feature acts, received a telegram informing John F. Sully of the death of his brother Jerry Mulvlhlll, in Ban Francisco. Although not a member of the professlou, be was very well known to many Western per- formers. Estelle Sully, a member of the Sully Family, made her debut April 24, at the Boa Ton Theatre, Jersey Cfty, at tbe amatmir performance, and of fifteen other amateurs she was selected the winner of tbe prize, a handsome gold watch. Delanby and Ehtblla, in their travesty, "The Myatery of the Yogis." will open their Eastern engagement at Pittsburg, June 1, with Philadelphia to follow. They have had a set of scenery painted especially for their act Marion and Dban have flnlsbed a success- ful engagement of four weeks on the Keith circuit. After playing a Bummer engage- ment of fourteen weeks they will open on the Kohl & Castle circuit, with a new danc- ing act. Tub Reiff Bros, report continued inc- cess at the Grand Opera House, Indianap- olis, and the Columbia, Cinclnoatl. the past two weeks, and are this week at tbe Olym- pic, Chicago, with the Haymarket, St. liOUls; Chicago Opera House and Frank Burt'a parks to follow. LOBENB, tbe dancer, baa closed an elgbt weeks' engagement at L. B. Walker's Bos- ton Museum, and opened at the Auditorium Theatre, Norfolk, Va., April 20, for four weeks, with Richmond, Vs., to follow. Humes and Lbwib will play a return date at Pastor'! Theatre, New York, week o( May 18-28. Tbey have signed contracts as a special attraction at the Western Fair, Ix>adon, Can., In September. J. C. Camphell, of Campbell's Comedians, was a Clipfbb caller last week. Mr. Camp* bell Is looking for talent for his show for next season. Lillian Jbanbttb has been engaged by Mr. Hyde, of Hyde & Behman, to play the aoubrette part In his faroa comedy next season. Rbbtua FnAxcEn, late of Lowery and Frances, has Joined hands with George L. Thompson, ono reports meeting with success In their up to date black face singing and talking act. Humes and Lbwib, "clown and circus nueen," will play a return date at Pastor's Theatre, this city, week of May 18. They will be an outside attraction at tbe Western Fair Association at London, Can., Sept. 0-lB. Bryant anu Savillb'h Minstrels will onen their Summer tour May 25, at Dorney's Park, Pa., and will play through Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey and Delaware. Daniel J. IiAnniNQTON, ventriloquist, played Proctor's One Hundred and Twenty- llftb Street April 20, Proctor's Fifty-eighth Street Sunday, May S, and last week was at Frank's Opera House, Rayonne, N. J. He will open on the Jako Wells' circuit of parka, and Is booked solid until October. Babtblmbb, foot Juggler, who opened April 20 at Fredericksburg Uuslc Hall. Port- land, Ore., has Shields' circuit of twenty weeks to follow. Bebt MotiLTON, formerly of tbe Inmsn Bros., joined hands with Bert Cameron, trick pfaniet, April 12, and tbey will present a new act. Tbey will use their own special scenery and use two pianos In tbe act. Tbey will be assisted by a clever pickaninny whom Mr. Cameron picked np In Charleatoo. B. C -Thb-mothbb of Bd. H, MUckle died at Bushnell, HI., on April 28. Cox AND VALvdiB, comedlwi, under the management ot Harry 8. Bonant, will open their Summer season May 1. Itoster of com- pany : Prof. I. Richard (5oz, hypnotist; Val- vols, "man of mystery," In bis new dra- matic Illusion, ''The Witches' Cavern;" Mamselie Bmille, In second sight, supported by her own company of comedlana; tlarry Sargent, Bud Murphy, Frank Rawlins, Fred Burgess, Hank Ridley and Bertha Rsyner. Complete scenic, mechanical and calcium effects will be carried. Tbe tour will begin at Lowell. Mass., May 0, and Includes twelve weeks through the Summer resorts of Maine. Ckarleb Van, of Charles, and Fannie Van, writes from San Juan, Porto Rico, under date ot April H: "Arrived here safe and well. This being tbe first vandovilie performance ever given here, it is successful, and Is patronised by all nationalities, al- though the show Is given In English. We make a tour ot the Islands before sailing (or borne. In June. Our company consists ot: Cbas. and Funnle Van, Kitty S. Kirk- bam. Alice Fowler. Nordrlca, and Cbas. Uucklngbam. Music by the I'orto RIcan po- lice band. I was presented with a gold watch by the manager, Mr. Pohl, last week. Tbe climate here agrees with all, and there are some beautiful scenes In and around tbe island." iRBNB A. Callinan closed a successful twelve weeks' engagement with the Empire Stock Co. at Washington, D. C, and will return to her home to Manchester, N, 11., for a short time. Sbe will open later at the Howard, Boston. Tub St. Beluos, aerlalists, ore still with Wm. E. Dobbins' Military Carnival Co., at Uien Fails, N. Y. Fbbd Buskirk and B. L. Rich, comedy musical act, were at tbe Avenue, Pittsburg, week of April 27. La Vbib and Van have signcvl with Lu- cler's Minstrels tor a season of thirty-six weeks, to do their singing and dancing spe- cialty and inside ends. They write that they ore meeting with success. fill Cladsbn Sistbrs played a very sue- cessfnl engagement at Frencrs Opera House, WasblDston Park, Bayonne, N. J., week o( April 20. and Sunday night concert at the BIJou Theatre, Peterson. Tbey open In June on Frank Melville's park circuit. BuoD L, Pbici went fo Pittsburg to at- tend the wedding of Alice Thaw, her cousin. Habbt Fblduan, eccentric dancer, will close a successful flfty-clght weeks' engage- ment wHb tbe Irving French Co. May 23, St Battle Creek, iMlch., and will play parks, beginning May 2B. Tub musical Rieds are witb the Fore- paugb & Sells Bros.' Show, and are meeting with success, they Inform us. Bin Fbanklin, late of tbe Three Frank- lins, has closed his "A Romance of the Alps" Co. for tbe season. Mr. Franklin and bis wife, Myrtio De Forrest, and their little daughter (who Is only six months old) will be seen In a new vaudeville sketch In parks this Summer. Mr. Franklin will fgat- ure his yodling songs with the baby. John and Nan Elliott were called home to attend the funeral ot Mr. Elliott's father, who died very suddenly ou Saturday, April Colb and Clbmenb write that they made a big hit at Bradenburg's, I'hllaaelpbla, last week, with thoir new act, entitled ''The Junkman," written for them by Joseph Mitchell. Tbey will produce It with a. bur- lesque company next season. Smith and Wiutb, "the orlgluol rag time kings," bave just finished nine weeks In New York and New England, and are booked up for tbe Summer. Kathleen O'Nbil, a well known Irish character singer of the past generation, and grandmother of the Duffy Children, recent- ly celebrated the anniversary of her birth (she being in her seventieth year) at her home in Muskegon, Mich., where she has lived in retirement over thirty years. IlARSY Bblmont, late of Crane Bros, and Belmont, has Joined Keeloy Bros., In a nov- elty athletic act. The firm will hereafter be known as Keeley Bros, and Belmont. They will play parks until SeptemtKir, and open Oct, 10 at tbe Hippodrome, London, for four weeks, with Moss & Thornton tour to follow. Notes fuoh Wincubstbu II Woods' Com- edians. —SInca the Lenten season Is over business has been phenomenal with this company, and we have had occasion to use the S. R. O. sign three times In tbe lost two weeks. Wo opened In Canton, N. Y., to the largest opening In the history ot the bouse at popular prices. Tub Cai'itol City Tbio, juvenile vocol- Ists and talking comedians, write that they have been making a hit In their new trav- esty act. Tbe trio is composed ot Ksth- aryne, mezio soprano; Georgle, contralto, and Lawrence, tenor. Carey and Lb Claib. after closing a suc- cessful season with Warner A Altman's "Montana Outlaw" Co,, have signed with Rellly k Wood's new musical farce comedy for next scaeoo. Berrib Gordon has joined hands with Alice White, and Iho team will be known as the Gordon Slaters. Tbey played clubs in New York City Inst week, and will con- tinue presenting their boxing act. Clbveb Conkey bos closea a twenty-eight weeks' engagement with the I/Ord-Holloway Co., and is resting at bis boma In Chicago. Max Ritteb writes: "This Is my third week with the Palace Theatre, Boston, In stock, and I am meeting with aucceui." Mrs. Edwin T. Elliutte, formerly Mobel Harrison, of Brown, Harrison and Brown, is very ill in the Augustana Hospital, In Chicago, awaiting a suralcsl operation. RosiB Dubban and Gbacb Looan report big success In their double singing and dancing act. The team will be known in future as the L/ogans, Rosle and Oracle. Tbey write that they have had several ex- cellent offers for next season la response to their Clippbb ad, Fbed Ibwin's Bio Show will close tbe season May 10, at the Star, Brooklyn, and the Majesties will finish June 2. Mr. Irwia has engaged tbe Eight I'emale Champions (singers and dancers) for next season. Mrs. Wm. A. Mobbis, ot tbe team of Wm. A. and Louise Morris, who bos been very ill with pneumonia for tbe past six weeks, Is recovering at tbe home of her alater In Newcastle, Ind., and will shortly rejqln her husband, who has taken tbe management of Rowan's Pastime I'ark, Uorlon, Ind., for the coming Summer. Melbohb and Klmbb were called to Now York from Brockton, Hoia., and were obliged to cancel all engagements, owing to tbe death ot Dolly Elmer^ mother, who died April 2. The Interment was In itvergreoo Cemetery, Brooklyn. Gordon and Lane report that their new act, written for tbem by J. J. Warren, has proven very successful. Snyoeb and UucKLBr write from Cali- fornia : "We opened on the Orpheum cir- cuit, and made one of tbe biggest bits on I he bill. Tbo press were unanimous In their praise of our act. Our beer tricks, of which we bave several new ones, caught on Im- mensely. We will not come Eiast until the latter part ot June. We have signed with Geo. lioman's Vaudeville Co, tor next sea- son." Tub Babteixb write that they are meet- ing with big success with their new comedy musical act and original parodies. They play Scranton this week, with a circuit ot parks to follow. Georob II. Adams and Co., IncludlRg To- nina and Lily Adams, sod James I^slie, opened their Spring and Bummer tour at Pixie's Theatre, Beranton, Pa., April 20, They are booked aolld up to Aug. 20. Man- ager Dixie tendered them a reception and dinner Friday, April 24, at his rcsldeni:e, where tbey had a most enjoyable time. _ NOTsa FBOM W. B. Watson's Ambrican BoiLBBQUEHR.—The prcieot season, which will close in Boftalo. N. Y., week of May 11, has been the moat profitable one ever experienced by a burlesque organisation, and next season's outlook tor Mr. Watson li very encouraging for his different attractions. Ihe Oriental Burles<iuer8, not on the wheel of vandeviUe houses the past season, has met with success everywhere presented, and has proved itself a largo tlnanclal winner. "Mickey Finn," a farco comedy, also under Mr. Watson's ronnagement. Is now on Its thlrtyelghtb week of a highly successful season, Its business on nigbt stands iMlng something phenomenal. "Tbo King of tbo Coal Fields," Mr. Watson's latest venture, n sensational romantic drama. Is mooting with well deserved success and patronagu everywhere presented. All of tbo above men- tioned attractions are booked solid tor next season, as well as hia new melodrama, "Trinity Chimes." Contracts have been closed for new special scenery, wardrobe, printing, etc., for all of tbe above attrac- tions, and everything will be new, bright ond thoi-uughly up to date tor next season's campaign. Lhw Palmer, comedian and mimic, while Ijlaylng at Peorin, III., met with a very paln- lul Occident. lie was roller skating In the rink when he tripped and toll, dislocating his elbow and breaking hla arm. He was removed in an anibulanco to tbe hospital for treatment. MARauKBiTC FAVAn, who does a dancing specialty In the "The Little Duchess" Co., was taken seriously ill while at Chicago, HI., but has so far recovered that she expects to rejoin the company at Boaton, Mass. hMMA CoTBBLr, Juggler, lias signed with Morris ft llerger's (larnlval Co., which will open May 30, nt Pittsburg, Va., for two weeks. W. A. AMD LorTiB DoiiMB have finlahcd their Western engagements. Including the Kohl ft I'Rstle circuit, and nre this week at Proctor's Thcntro, Albany, N. Y. They have lieen erunRd for next season by F. E, John- son for Ills big iconic production, "Way of the Wicked." Violet Mabcotth Is in her ninth week of directing the Stock Burlesque Co. at tbo llownrri Athcn.oum, BoBton, Masp. NtiTKi; ibom tub UAI'D Hta.nlby Bpb- eiAt.TV Co.—We open the Bummer season Mav 4, ulaylng one night stands through Maine, New llampBhlre. Vermont and Now York State. Our new special pnpcr has ar- rived, and la fine, Hosier of company: Felix Tliorntou, mnnoKcr; II. L. Colburn, assist- nnt; E. Iteattle, advance; Maud Stanley, oncrotic soprano; Colburn nnd Grennche, nov- elty act (^'Heuhen's llnmblo") ; the 'rhorn- tuns, comedy Kketrh team ; llaiel Reynolds, dnlnly aoubrette and rrunch dancer; Jamiis Neary, comedian and dancer; May Jefts, ac- companist. llAnRY WoLKr, German comedian, has Joined hands with Jean Foxcroft, female Im- personator, and the ten'm will bo known as the Foxcroft Broa. They will work the parks during tbe Summer, in their new act, "Tlio German Senator and the Iasbi" Lady lAiadlDg Vva RBYNot.nK, of the team, Reynolds and Orncic, was made a member of tbo F. 0. H., at Guthrie, Okla. 'J'er., ou April 20. The team aro still nt Iba Btaiidard Theatre, at Guthrie, nnd will bo seen on tbo Savoy clr< cult shortly. I'KTB Hkymoiih, comedian and dancer, baa severed his connection with tho Pnyton Sis- ters' Co., aftor a succcsstui seasou of forty weeks. Tub TiinKE IliciiAnDs closed their opera house dates May 2, and opened their Bum- mer dntcs at Helinn, 0., May 4, at Edge- water Park, and are booked solid until the middle of August. "Wiiiiii.i.Nn TUB Lonr" is tho title ot Ihu latest sensation, whtcb promises to ouldo Its prcdccesBurs In the same line. It con- sists of a combination 'cycle whirl and a loop the loop, nud boBldcs iK>sscBslng all tbo dangers of both It Is a groater novelty than either. Tho rider. In '^whirling the loon," docs not depend upon an Inclined chule for Ills mumontiim, but ncijulres It himself by pedallltig around the 'cycye whirl, from which, when hu hns acquired sufllclent speed, ho guides his wheel up an Incline to tho loon, which lio then circles, pedalling alt the while. Another feature of the act Is ttiat Iho rider, after circling tbo loon the loop, rtopa his wheel and itlHinounts within twenty feel of tho Innp. J, I[. Allen Is tbo origina- tor of "Whirling llio Loop." Ba»o AND IIhiitman report success over tho Poll circuit with their latest success, "Tho New Girl." Tboy expect to put James Gortnoii's net on In the nonr future. IJMMA Witt and tho Wilson Trio, at the closo of tbe Itlce Ic Uarton Rose lllll Co., go on the Orpheum circuit for eight weeks, m s now sketch, written by Miss Witt, sn- titled "Tbe Eagle's Flight.'^ Mil. AND MiiH. Lariix Biiaw begin od May 80 a fourteen weeks' ongogoment on Mau- rice Boom's circuit of parka, and have Tony Pastor's, Kohl ft Castle nod the Orpheum circuits to follow. COLLINH AND MA DBLL, AND THnUUL AND Simon liavo joined hands, and will produce a big muHicnl comedy sketch, which has been written for them. Tbe four are busy with rehearsals, and bave already rocslved some good offers for next season. Till) rui.LowiMd have been engaged tor 'iVatson's Ainerlinn IlnrlcBnucrs for next sen- son: lllllv W. Watfon, the Two Hewitts, Mcl''nrlnnd nnd Murray, Harry It, Lester, Ilat;helU'r Sisters, Ma May AunLId, Langtry Ashlun, Kilty Lnrottn, LI7IeIh Howe, MIniilo Collins, Jcannotin Diinre, Edith Crawford, Anna W;illmnii, Klftv 'I'liorno, DIancho Clny. ton, l''rankle Potter, mnu Wayne, Froda Car- roll, Lronn Hnymond, I.orn (Toluliton, Flor- ence Andrews, Zona 7,tb and Ilunnlo Vance. BlIOWN, llAliniH AND llRow.v closo With ths Vanity Fair Co. In New York, week ot Blay 18, and open In Chicago week ot June 7, for :wclve weeks. Floronco Hill, who goes with tho Four Browns next season, will work as Louise Brown in their act, The Dcloyh, Myrtle, Eddie and Capltola, ui'tcr a successful tour through Colorado, have signed with tho Ray's Big City Show, which Bkdaud and Ueiiaiid huvo separated. Will II.vrri^on, liarltonc, was thrown from a trolley car In Philadelphia April 22. Ills Injuries have compelled hlin to cancel alt his contrncts for tbe prcaont. Kern and Fberman arc rehearsing tbeir new act, "Topics of tho Day," written for them by J. J, Warren, and will open on the Western circuit of parks early In May. MoiiELAND AND FAUAN Write that tbey are doing well with tlieir now act, antf are booked tot- sixteen wcokB at Iho Summer tiarks. They will go lo the Pacific coast In leptember tor a tbrco months tour, but will return In time to open In Now York Christ- mas week. They are booked almost solid until April, 10O4. JiiHNin Dabu, known as the "Kansas City NlghtlnKnle," who has been laying off in Cincinnati, 0„ with a severe attack ot larva- gitla. Is much improved nnd will contlnuo ner vaudeville work after May '20. TUB TiiUBWooD BiSTRUH, who bavo just closed a long season In tho vaudeville houses ot the NorthwpBi, will rest In Chicago for the Summer. They aro engaged for season 1!)0a-4 with tho Dun Btrels. 1!)0»'4 with tho Duncan Clark I>ody Mln- JotiNNT Howard, acrobat and comedian, closed with the Qlenwood Comedy Co. April 'JO, and opened at Bloiilng's Music Hall, Balti- more, Md., last week, with the Mnmotto show to follow, this making his second sea- son with that show. I/iins Worhi, after his recent Illness, re- joined the Jolly Grass Widows Co. In De- troit, Mich,, April VZ, The team of Holtord and Worth are booked for the Summer In a big scenic specialty In three scenes.