The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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tkfM ' V \ V uAa iAcavHB rcn. ' .,l.i^m..jjrh»Ti''ih'i»ifT w' current ."^Ji? ■^rmoWM^SnU bring to the '°^. ,.Vw.m Sd itetep* n»w plays: Mlnnlo "J''J2 «5 "■ IWio ? Pltiaonth Town," nt I'h, rnforWPpi," at th* Mtlscum; "A Chi- . iinflpvinooti," nt the Coonlal: Anna M in^i^Uttlo nucherts," flt the Trc- Kit i'- Cl * TipuUaft*. tn "roBtcrlnad,;; ".'?«' nMBfl Opem; "When Womett Irt)ve," ' » n«^- Uall i^No Thoroughfare," it the ?.',.? i8niia?P and "Hparf o? Lift," at the JSJ^lolOqmire Contlnucti shoWB bold the Ks of {he Boeton, HblllR Md Majest e. "nfiinnpw'faces nr* on Tiew at tho vnude- "^mMaiSTlMaixeboii^tB. All told, tho ?lrt A*rWlt). a brllUancy thftt 1b re, t!uMng. Ijitenem of »e«i>on and-a Ijlicll M iammer weather were atrong' opposltloiip' to hi «itndStfe lakt wee*. ahd'tTio attnsgate ^fcSslnS^one nearly fell ahortof We good Kremlin. man«ge«).--The doora of th • iinuM will lie opened Monday, Mar 4, fdr tho ff aarflctlim lh« Win he seenllcre, oa the bul ding I" to be turned over to the contratt- ,,« for rtcmolltlon In June, The Empire 'nfeatre CoTln "Tho Unforcaeen," la'the allractlon "A: Country Girl" closed Satur- d«j after a three weeka' run of good boal- nrs) Itetum engagements of big Biicceaacs Ilo not bring out the best financial results l'i!iiri.K'H TiiKATliH (nich, Harris & Chiw. Kruhiunn, mnnuifera).—This hougo bodslg of a star and nloy new to Hoaton for current weck'n offctmg. vlj., Minnie Imprec, In "A lloKp »' I'ljraoiith Town." Oiif Bates Post, Wllllnm Pnnoo, Wllllilm Haaalllne. popglas ^'»lrban]^«, SlrH. Sol Bfflltli, Alison Bkbwofltih odd Kdltli Wright aM Diembeta ol thO dttat ihoMn for thiH production. at>o4 flhrinclal returns ittcndsd Mrs. l-atigtry' fortnight's »taj', b'.it lier iti'tlrtlc siiccpbs wa» riot very Eh!»t. "'Slfs IJerltic'* Divorce," whli-li waa iiii on for three rtai-a of last w*ck, deserved and received hntsh trciltmebt at the hahda of the local crltlca.-who flirtlight Sfra. Langtty liad better atltk'to "Mile. Mara," If; ahe U Inokinu for artistic r^aulta. DtiatileiB Manaiier Will .T. i;ldeh, of this houae, b«rie(ltii by tlie drat performance of "A Uoie o' I'lvinoutli Town." TnBMONT TMEATnn (Jno. B. SchftelTcl, miUingerl. —Anna lleld, In "The I,tttlo IHlrbeas,'' Is here for a week's aojouro. If the irtiow's laat Reason buslncsa Is ttny cri- terion, this 'houHo will 1)0 much toa small to ttccommoHuto the crowds 'wlslilng to aec tho beaiily mIioW. IjOHIb Mann, In "All On Ac- count of Bllsa," had ajwbf week. "Peggy from Paris" opens a Slimmer engagement Way 1'.'. Oni/OMUL TiiNATnn (IUcb,^HarrlB fc Cha«. Ki-ohman, mnnngcra).—Oh iMonday of cur- rcut *eck "A Cmncsc lI)oiieynit)6n" receives IIS lilltlnl perforiUtibco In this city.. If auc- ccdsful. t1ic prcBcnt attty -will cttcad wfell Into tho SUttinIeK Tlic cast Includes: John K. Hettaliaw, Uelle Harper, 'i'oby Claude. W. Jt. <;iBlkf, ICdlth EMrldge, WW. Ulldy Hatch. Kdwin Ckrko, Stav Ten Brocck..Bd- Diund Lawrence, Krancos Knight, Ruha illxon and Urnce Vnugliah. Tlio advancq sale Is very irood. The farewell wpck of "Tlio HIeep- lilg Ifrauty mid tho IlcAKt" broijgbt out big atlenduiR'e. The long run was a silc<wsa In ovfrrr n-ny, dhd, dcsplto oppoaltll)!!, th(! at- tnlcHon held Its own. , Iloi.i.m Kfiikt:: TltcATiui' (Isottc B. lllch, THE NEW ItOttK OtilPPEIl. 25a Charles fliiyer and Nellie Daly, Llvlng- Rcbtrni; _ BtII, 'Wllllims and Joe Tucker, the stones, Charlotte Ouyer (Icoree, James Moohey anajjia llolbeii,, wiiiie nSi Fwnc« Hall, the Mllanf) l»rlo, aillihan md Mur- ray-, Dorothy Waltcra, IIowc and Scott, Tim iUtSLV.""' ""• .■■*•"• I5tiiart Darruw, IcieUls S?.lJJ°*J'"';„f""^ °^'*' motion plcHirpa In the yltagfaph. The attendanoo was a little oir 'n»t week, and tho bill, although a gxwd one. tim not seem to aroiiao much ciithuslaaui. fhe Mortons made a big hit, and the "Kloro- oora double soitet was remcmbcnxl la the matter of plandlts.' IIowAiin Athenaeum (Vim, McAvoy, man- ager).—mil for this week: Nat M. Wills, Jules and Klla flarrlson. Mile, fatln;! lt'^''*-^'''j;*'"L'''''.''^^ ''Tons- Tom Uefron, Mario Oakland, the TanaVas, Christian, the Brennans, Lorraine and Vinton, John J. Har- rington, Whslley e.nd Wballey, Jamen Welt- ''*'i.''i',, *„• J""'"' stock, In "Hartcllffe He- versed. Business waa not up to tho stand- ard last week. Tho audiences omnot get enough of Toby Lyons and bis "HInky Dee' specialty, which goes over the danger Hue at times. Pa LACS TiiBAniB (Chaa n. Waldron, mailager).—The house stock continued their good work last week, and pleosed large gath- cnnga, although the olio specialties wore not over strong. -Thii Matrimonial Bureau" and atravesty on "l^he Chlmeg of Normandy" are announced for this week. ' Vaude+lllo bill includes: Alice Leslie. Wallle and I^ot- tie Uelston, Mitchell and LoVc, Charles Ken- DO. and Dorach and Itussell. Lyceum Tuhatiib (G. II. Batchcller, man- ager).—The Ilcnti^-Santley Co. gave an ex- cellent show last week, and good sized hnuses applauded the burlcsquers. Itoso Sydell's I/ondnn Belles Co. Is here tills week. "Mar- ried Mnshcrs" .nnd "Barn Stiirmlng" are tho Bklta, and tho olio constats oC: Campbell and Wober, Washburn and Grant, (lamella and Shirk, the Masses, Iluth Denver and Co., and Mozart Comedy Four. Austin & Stone's MusRnM (Stone & Shaw, nianngers).—Tho rannacement of this hoUBc .announces current week the opening of the novelty Benson. Mr. and Mrs. rhailli- rey Morlan, fat people; Mhy Martin, Albino girl rWhlrlldg Bonotte, Sadie Kaowlton,''the cent\iry girl r In rnccs on a hotnc tralrier; "■ and Dcssle Led, mnyiifestatlons of the nrt: Itovey and A.lelalde, manipulators i'liv/r oi)d wi i.m Si'iiKfci er),—vibla nlnnBger),—Vibia Allen, In "'Tho Etortlal ''»"'' "oters Monduv. May 4. utton tho see- wiick tlie ftulllcnces <t'cre Inrgo ilnd fSHhlr:;. oek of Iter aUly. Burlpg tile City,'' enters Monduy, May 4, utton tho see- ■' • - - '■ Durlpg tile bilst irgo and fanhlr^- iippiaiiHc, the play Is alily spcondhd hy Mdwhid Morgan, I''rcdcl'l<! d« ll)!llurHI» Hugh and ncssle Led, mnyiifestatlons of the occuJt nrt • Itovey and A.Ielalde, manlnulatora of odd articles, are the cnrlo hall fcaturea. Stage: Duprc and Dupre, Herbert and Bogers, rnnnip VanderblU, Devcne and Sliurt^, Pync and Dn^ey. 'L\ilii Kec/an, Dorchester and Ai'dcU. Frances lloyt. Mr. and Sirs. Pondcll Spencer, Kdnn Buckley. Dlnmoncl Dua, t>or- telle and Siwng. Ilortenso Ivcm, Brothers tiray, Harly and Sadie Daly, Houston 81a- tera, Cavnnngh and llnmlltun, and the White Statue. rNlCKrr.0DKOv (L. n. Walker, mnnnger).— Cllrlo .liall bill Includeji: Prof. W. A. Barc- lay, hypnotist, assisted by Madame Vlorence White; auUettc Brotheiv. aerial artists :Kd. Ilhghes, baa puncher; Vlto llacllo. vegetable klhg, and Uelycr, barrel Imp. Kitty Ban- dolph's Burles<luc Co., In "The Artist's Dream," furnishes entertainment In tho the- atre. CltAT OP TllB STAnn AND ITS POLKS—Don McAvoy, Wm Armstrong, Gilbert Clayton, MMUio Kelso, Julius Btcgcr, Alvlra Forrest, Wirilftm H. Olll, LlKzle B. Itnymond, IMna I'Noyd ahd Tjella Mclntyro hiivc signed for tho coming engagemefat of "The Defender," at the Boston, under tlio management of Will J.' Bibck.... .'.Attnle Carter returns to the I'alaoe Theatre Slock next week Hva Williams ani\ Joe Tucker, who arc at Keith's this week, becin their starring tour In their 'ece, "Molly '" " -. lUile, nnd, judgliiir frnm the ilpplaiisc, the plhy Is n siircess: mIhh Alien Is alily spconilh' iiliw piece ItagenbncI Ilall cilil; Slid K. M. Ilo|iutld, whose charactericatlbns are very strong. Bottom 'J'iImtuh (Lawrence McCarty, " ■ ■ ■ ■ "M1»B Blm- U'weat Jiu)»r(ivt;me'nt" Oyer The pVeyMlM ones Darling," on Hept. 14 lack's Anrinnl Show comes to Music cilily In Juhe, for an eligageraent of four weeks LuiilBc (iuunluK has been cnReRed by Chiim It. Dlllinglmua' iis primii dunuu uf tho Frank Diuilols (h>oi'n Co. for nl)xt scnson LewlH Walcn Is to nssuma ilie mahagciheut of Mrs Lnngtry's Theatre, .„._.!„.., '«, -i .... ■. . ... ..,11 ui.i,- tbo; Itllbfetlhl, of Loiidun, fur seven yeaj-s, .'M?^rV~l"''^5''J"'"'f>''!ii.l1J *,"?" 5W' I'UgMfiS next October.. llay y, Joliii lieIty, Is plttyldg to well ill tot hpUBbs. Th s cf^ khvo ii comilllmbntary dinrior nt tho producjlciii of thft popular injislcai coiiie<ly Is Hoffnihn Uousoto thelncmhers and oxecutlvo fltilf of hiB "Prim'ii Kai'l" Co Music Hall bill May a: Lottie (lllson, Uohcrls, lliiyes add Bdbt^rts, Cilltilhuu and MncicUi-orgo W. INIJ', Ford aim I>>t West, BpeUcer Kelly, Thumpson nud Itlley, Allen nnd Murlon. slid furHlslieB iih,,tuteHa.mnicnl ,thilt ia en- Juynble troih rise to full of vilrlaln, nod well north a visit. Mr. BrtnlDla never seetiuld »« ftmfty Ks In bis ptnseht vehicle. This Is tlio scfohd and last week of the engitge- mniit, (uiif ll will he foDow«l,M«y. 11 by li(>r. bert Kelcey nrtd Blllo Hhnnnon, fur two weeks of "Sherlock Uolmos." Buolr niH.VTtH!.---john <!ralff. late of the Castle l*iUiltc Co., makes jib htat local ap- Mjlunce »k a. star nt this hbUse Mofldhy. M«y 4. "PHncu Karl" k tho lUdy setcctod w his debut. The company iiicludeK: nisrlm Stinley. WJlkos, Htewara, Bert loiing. Joiih F. lleck, j. >Vj Pooler, James A. I'arkc, Harry Ulllott; Maiy Ytwrih, Oraiw Atwoll and Kifte Iiyan. Thh curtint on- fSKtiiipnt la for one wc«!k,; after Which a tour of tlio New lOUgland cities will lie made, iinuer the direction of (leorgo w. Sarawls. »• H. O. Ib at n premium for tile upenliig nigui, and senls aro fust disappearing fur tho remaining perfuiliiHiiees, i .' ,JlA.iK.srii; T'liKATHH (SInIr & Wilbur, man- ngers).—Wart and Vokew did big buslneau liwt week with their Offering, "Tho Head .1* .i"?' '^''"' patronage was-so large that Jiio ticket Bpeculntors, who have lioen reat- "(g tor some' time, ^ made their apncarauce, and itiiiicd ipilfo n hurvotit. (iciytgc Slduey, J.iiry Duly and iMargaret Daly-Vokes aro '"B plaudit wInncrH. Don Coleman, n Bos- Jon Iwiy Is iiJKO u favorite. The Second week begins Wonduy, May 4. ...i^"^''!'OrHiiA HouBB (OporgB.w; •Mrtgce. niaiuiB>r).-_/n,o "oy«l MllputlanB, In'Post- erland," js this week's catB.- A goAd bnsl- ne«a lis tn store for tho little folks. In "Yon _'^«nsoa had a fatr week. Nelae Krickaon ««» very accuptnblo lir the title role and iUJ,'".yil"*'''''d by a good company. Next mV. ■^ "<"W«nte of L-oon Hollow." Music Mali, (fitalr, & Wilbur. manaRers). r-Uils wcek'B attraction Is "Whpn Women };?/«• n hielodrama, said to contain all luc winilrements of a succesB. • llie author nL . ,W«,T, Otis Turner, heads a big com- Kff' *«"<"•■ McCnlloueh. Juscph Manning, \ll,»r """"le". I'- I'. BOOH, (J.^I. Sinclair ii.rt 'h" IVi!!""! I'"fy McFaddnn, Paulino KiH^i, M'""" KlngHhun-, Grace Covert, i» iX. J "Tlvnle. Agnoft nayni6nd, Tranant- nn 1 11 <-<'™<'^y I'oiir find othecH. Lafayolto ,,„,Jli <^'nP'"'J' presented their Intcrcstlpg «■*. " ?'^''"*' to well ailed houncB, Which J.™ |w'lsfaet»ry, considering tho attmctlpn foMowS "*• "'i'"*" "' *•»* Highway" ■n/r*"'* SQt;AitB TiiBATiiB (J.' IT.' linety, iri'tT,!!!^::':-"?'" Thorojiphfare,". «'hlch^hajj stoik'tie- i-ha^l'Z^ ""* '"^^'a wi aiay i. juo leading Tt.^.SSl'"?,^''" »*8'5I""'> t'» Howard UjinscI; (•™^i' WSf-nrnle, llohn Solnpolls. Johh T. L.tT .™'^"i3"'' Lawronco nnd I>!onorii Brad- IlL-.-J'J? Cotton KhiK" was likcil ISBt week, n fnJ^ ,",'"'9*1, the ncnv leading man. making r„i.? f?J''* <mprcB8lon In tlw prlnoiiml mala week "^ Service" will bo put on next r."°"'«"» SflUAnK TiiKATnB (0. B. Loth- ^hiit JJ5?'""V~-"''0«t In the Desert" evoked VvoA '5^5"*'"™" from largo houses last Ih *^;^t12'*.''/»» »' !'"«!" an old favorite. •I'rin^.^ '^*'' f°^ *'^« *e«i<- 'J^o ©onoxotta diimi. i?»t?V. l^" hlentlfled with the melo- tnW f "^ "» ""f performances, are on- IllSL,.2f £""^"t enwgoment. WBIard Cvwk „?"m *^'?r«««<^^IaIo have the leads. I c« I ..-.u'"' V- '«on»*d "d Juliet." with Juliet. °* "<"»<*, and Charlott* Hunt ai —Hown"/,i n'if"'"''" fn. F. Kfllli; mfliinger',. uii.J!^''' ,"ltli Sir. Thiirsloa'.JWre.'k "Ugh Slooton and Florence Modtna, in ''Pot •i.'.T"' "'^'"'tcd In UiFb dty Slaco C «..ii»*''/PP«»''«<l J" »t iM^te, Is the ato .■b.'irf„^^l«L'l.?l.''"/ 1... ™s h Uohcrls, Iliiyes .. , .laife,ai'orgo W. INIJ', Ford aim I>>t West, SpeUcer Kelly, Thompson nud Itlley, Allen nnd Murlon. Klll(V)n ahd Atul'pliv. und Arllhgton and Sttliaers Clit)t. wllllnm KnU-ry, who for sOveral yoni's wiih 1u cominaud of a tug boat la Hctston liarbor. Is tjio tmlner ot aaiil iwrtarms tlie lielsl of giant clephunts with tho Bflrnum & Bailey Circus. Mnjcstlc 1)111 MHy U: lollln Gllson, Cilllnhan nml MiU'k, west ntui VAu Slclen. Futd nnd Dot West, (ilH). W. Day, JlUi'pby iitid Andrews, fitiebcor Kelly. ijiuderH and Hlanley. Itololi I'litirree and Alox WIIhoU. .. .TcbsIo Mooney, of tills <'lty, hiw dosed her siwHon wltli tlio "Hillly In Our Alley" Co., nnd has been on- grtgtxl by (Jcorge W. licderer to plliy n prom- liielit part with Blanche Illng, In "Tlio (llbiMn (Jlrl." ; .Mflybellfl H. Ciiune, one oC the I'Mgllsh dancers In "The BcaUtyr luld BoonI" t,'o., becnmo Jlra Frederick t;. Sfiirray April 2tt. Tlin cbuitle will spend the Summer at i^heepfdiead llhy, L. I Janica Gray, of tills city, nnd Oiuco Freeman, of "A country Girl" Co., announced last week that they wero married (throe -weoka ago 'Bhe twenty-third season of tlie Boston Sym- filiony Oi-chf^itm will op<ai Oct. 10 idvliila Sliaiuion, In "Lady Auilley'» Secret," comes to the Grand Gi)era May IS After extcnslvo nltcmtluos, Slulr ft Wilbur will open the Gmnd ub6tit Ilie middle of AUBiist John Craig will bo Bliiry Jlun- ncmog's leading man next BMBon. ■Worcealer.—At the Worcester Theatre (Felix Wendeisclmefor, mnnnger).—The Inst day of April dosed the repulnr scasiin at tula hbuse: ° The Dixie Minstrels wlir be the attractlen Slay r>, 7,. the Worcester Light Infantry, a local military or/anlBnl Ion, bclrg the' producers. The pmceeds will tie t'i(ed to swell the fund for celebrating tho 100th nnnlVersarv of the company on Juno (I. llcginulrig on Memorial Day, the'Now York PInVera, under tho management of Messrs. Hunter iHradford, nnd C. C. Collin, the latter ihe rcKldcnt manager of the house. will be Nocn for ten weeks In u Horles of ixtpulnr pUiys. Mildred Holland drew fair uttenO«ni-e In "The Lily nnd the prince" .•\prll -27. David Warlloldi In "The Auc- tioneer,", pleased a large honso 28. "If I Were KIuk" proved ono of the best drawing curds of the Hct.son '.Ml. The Hostdnlans. In "Tho New Ilobin Hood," received exccllctit ' altendancn'3(>. JjOthroI-'b Oi'HnA IIoiibh (Sllea k Wilton, managers).—Week of llay 4, "A Desiicnilo Oltancc." Iinst week "A Poor Itelutlon^' was vety well received. "Weary Wllllo Walker" next. Pabk Tiieatm! (Shea & Wilton, mana- ger*) .—-Week of -4; Jiunes IHchmond Glen- roy, the Three Hli^kmaiis, Bnrr and Fvans, the niree MItcliells, Von (,'le^e ond Pete, with Kd. Comoy: KIdora arid NorInc, and ■May KV»(ui. Ii««t -ww-k "McFadden'a llow of li'hits" received excellent attendance. Casino TnEAtnn (Davy & Leslie, mana- gers).—.Week of 4: Ward Sisters, Dutch MBjiiylng, Nellie Walker, Kva Homer. Mnl- vey Trio,'and Davy's BurlcBOuers. I.nfrrence.—At the-Opera House (Cnhn k Grant; managers).—On April 27> local. "A ■ Chinese Honeyirirt<)n" played, to good liiislnesB, 1!8. liocal'JU. Country Club Min- strels (local) SO. May I. Coming: BoBtock's Animal Arena 4, !i. "American Tramp" 0, "I'arada," (loetfl) 11-1(1. CASTti (A1. Hnynes, manager).—^Weck of 4 r';Frank Keeunh & Co.. Ihe Two IlnKea. mUhWg. :HI«ter«.- Hownnl and 'lliirke. Terry .and Rnndail. Mildred.K>rn, Fred WyckolT,. and Howard and Crosby. . _ . N«w B«4ravd.~-A( tho New Bedford Theatro (Wm. B. Cross, manager).—Mildred Holland'H apiiettmnco here April IIB. In "Tho Lily and the Prince," testinert that her loi'sl prcntlgc Is not on tho wane. It Is only neoessary to say that the sustained her brilliant nnd enviable reputation. Her- bert Keleey and Kffio Shannon, In 'Sher- lock IloImoB," May ■',. "Are You n Mas<mY" 11 (Treasurer Miller's annual bcuotlt). BiiKKUY's TiiKATiiu (Theo. U. Baylies, manager).—A show that pleased all was presented the past week. Current week's [ill la headed by the Colllirl Midgets. Others: Russill and liWke, Kbbblns nnd Trenemcii, tho Two Lynns. Nice and Coy, Bddlo Clark and Nellie Florida. FwwKaa' TiiE\Tnn (Flowers k Shannon, manasers).—This house, which has recently experienced n series of changes, was opened a«uln for two dates. May 1, :£, by thft (Jrlcn- tal extravafcauxn ('o.. Including: The Las- sard Brothers, I,e Vagnc Sisters, Belle Gor- den, Marlon Blake, 4111c. Ehice I<e Noire, and a large singing chorus. The showfllled the bousei at every performance. Current wtek Is dork. HTAn TnBATiif! (Fred Patteraon, mona- ger).—A lively variety show la presented ere, and the patrons All the house every evening. NCTKS.— riis advance agent it the Bamum & Uallcy Sho\r Is having difllcully In this section of the country In regard to securlnK n license for Saturday and Memorial Day. The jnerchnnts of Fall River, Mass., have entered .in objectlnn to their local license b«nril SKDlnst the 1/lg show's appearance In that city on a Saturday, tlalinlng It will divert trade on the best business day In (lie week'. Then ctunes a protest from tho Bister ritv officlalB of Newport. It. I., against the show's iipiwaritncc there (Memorial Dayi .Mav,;<(). It Is snfo tu state that no SUi-h frellngB exist In this city, fltid the show, which Is underlined for Its appearance hero Jun4 '2'>, might, n-lth proflt, exclmnge dates with ether or our sister cities. Saturday Is n holldiiy here to nil the srliool clilldcpn, nlBo a hnir hnlldiiy und pay dny to all tho \torkIng classes, and the advent uf the bis Bhow on a Saiurday would be balled with delight by all lu-'Ul classes 'Ilin Llttlo Glrnrd Sisters, who closed a Biicceisful Inst week's engag<'m>.nt nt Mllford, Mass., May 1!, opened at Pawriirk«t, B. I., 4, tor a week, with Austin & Stone'e, Boston, tu follow, week of 11. Lynn.—At tho Lynn Theatre (Frank fl. Ilarrlaon, manager).—.Mlrs. Flake came April '27, to fnir busfncss. "Son Toy" played, to u. fair house, :!8. "Light 14;i,'' a local iiro- diietlon, WUH put on by thn Nanette Club 'Jl>, to A liacke<l lioUKo. "'Way.DoWn East" did a voir good busluess ;il». May 1. "Hoi- dters of Furtuno" was the nttrnctlcma, with a good house. 'Wie current attraction la the I'^i-ankle Cnweutcr Repertory t'o. Manager llarrlwin a^III bring thn Boston IdMils to Ills' house IH, for an ludeDulto cngagemobt, pvo<liiclng iHipular comic iippms. (IHSI TiiiiATKi; (C. W. Shcnfe, luniinger).— Business continues excellent. This week's list Includes: Mnrdber and AVest and Llttlo Sunshine, '}hison and Karley, the Forbes, B. Frank and Grace (,'.; Tola Doneu, Kitty Sanford. and Ihe bioscope picture, "A Trip to ttie Moon." Nhw Mrchanic Tiihatuh, Kniom, Kfass. (William H. Illckey, mnujigcr).—Buslucss lust jwoek was good. The current bill In- clildea: IMille (ilnird and JessietOardner, Blmm-Bmnra-Blrr. Gllmv, IliiyUes and MoOt- gqdlcry. Ford nnd Dot West, Margaret Webb, li'lood Urathers, Four Lukcna, and Itced's komogrnph.. SAi,KM TiiHATiiis, Salem, Mass. (Harry M. rteiMl, nmnnger).—"A, Chinese Hortoymuon" did fair buslhess April il. K. II. Sothcrn'B "If I Were King" was wltnesKcd by a good house 28. The Bennett & Moultuu Cumedy Cn. did good lillsliiess 2b-May 2. Bistked : ••A Jolly American Tramp" 4, "Shorlocit UolinSB" l).^ , • No'tKH.—'rhfl Hlg. Sillitolln CU'ciiB Is booked to apbenr In Mnleiii June 17, und tho Imr- 111 m k llnllev Show will apiiear In the snuio el y July ;l J. J. llntfney, of Lynn, w Ih H. V. Phelan Co. In the Wust. this HeMson, lias rntiil'Dvd tu hia home In Lynn, nnd will spend the Summer nt thn Pulut of I'lues KihelMuy Hliurey's iiniitlcul ooiiiedy, "LIglit 14.'l," which was prAsonletl w|th success In tho Lynn Theatrn 'JO, will Hix>n bo |)ut In the bauds of ii prtiftisslonUI company, ntid will bo seen on tho road noxt Hlasou .Tho LVnn Aorlo, Fialerhnl Otilcr of Kngles, held n "lailles' night" en. tertiiltimcnt Jl,, at whirl). niemlicrs of the I'lnnkle Caiisuiter Co. and tho Niitth Hhoro NluHtrct Co. assisted In the pnigiammc. Iioivell.—At the I<ownll . Opera ItiMiso (I'^y Bros, k HoHfoiil, owners uitd uaiia- Ijets).—The Beniii'tt.Mjiiiltou Co., In reper- lory. clns4>d an eight days' engagement April "J8, t« vefv siHIstucluiy bilslttpss. WhIWIu Woods und i.inlgh Dl> luiry, who played Ihe lendlnK roles, won lunny friends by tlioVr ex- cellence. Of the siiccIbIUcb. rx-niV und La Vonlott are deserving irf mention. " llio Fntal Wc<tdUig" had a fair Iiouho :io, ami was welt i-e.celvwl. "A Chinese lltuieyinrton," May 2, had llgnt huslness, itlthougli very deserving, .lohn 10. llenslmw nnd Toby Claude con- tributed most of tun morilment. Ciunlng: "A Jolly Amerlciin Tninip" 5, fl, with nrtitlnce. .Ai;ap';mv or Mrsic (Cl'ns. F. DeiniiHcy, mnniitser).— IIukIucbk was \ory B.1tlsfnctory last week, which ulTenHl two of the best nt- tnK'tioiiH of the senson. ViilHOn's Orleutals, on Apill 27-211, ida.vcd to fair tuislncsa. The olh> Included: Lnvlgne Sisters. L<Mnlinr(l Bros.. Morris iiud Divly, Marlon Blake, Mor- gan nnd Phillips, aul Belle Gumian, tho last named glvlug a very clover exiilhltlon of bug punching. Vanity I'^uir, iiU-May 2. Iiad excellent business nnd kiivr the best of Bntlsfactlqn, Tlio olio : Lillian Ilirld. Al. Miirlello. .lack GnrdHcr, Harry Brown. Viola lltn'rlH and .1. (inlTney Brown, nnd Hold oiMl Trimble. This Iiouh*- closi^d a very success- ful season 2, and will reoiien under tho same management about the usiml time. Boston' Tiibathk (J. II. Tebbetta. mana- ger).—Tho Inst week of tho season ended 2. with a gvoil bill and very good business. Tho liimse will open, under (uu same mou- agnment, Sept. 7. ,Pr,oi'i.H'H TiiKATiiB (Slim Jfoyers, mana- ger),—BusincsB was not uji to the usual cnpncdty hinisei. but was novcrtheless Biltls- facti>ry, 'and. the house will remain oiien until a fiirtbor reaction. Hij.VTiNdTON riAi.r,.—The annual music feHtlval for thn lienellt of the Day Nursery was held Aiirll 21), !I0. May 1, 2, to crowded houses. It being t.uo rtf Iho most Biicrnssful ever held..... .The l^well Aerie, 22;i, of i;rtgles. give a sacred concert :i, und every- thluif gives great promise of success. , i FnH niver.—At thn Academy of Music (Wm. J. Wiley, nmnnirer).—'I'lie !•!. V. Plitlan MiK'k O. op.-ned April 27. .for the week, plftylng 'to' fair luislness. Sjieclnltles Intro- dirc'ed by W. IL Vinson. George Ovuy, T/iiilse Hrtrner. Mason arid 4''ninoes, -and Glorlne, were K''>o<1. nud nil well received Booked . Knights of <*liimb«s MhiBrreis Muy r. (lo- cal), Herbert Kelray nnd Kllte Shanhon. In "Sherlock Holmes," 7;- <!hnrlcB MacGcachv's llhiinlnated iHctures 12, IS, Francis Wil- son 10. Ilr.iiiir TiiK.\TiiR (Henry Myers, mnitHger). —^•tllosurrectlon". was glvim an nniblilous prjsluctlon April 27-:;n. Due: "Weary WJllle Wislkcr" May 4-0. ,,. .. <!AHTO TjiratiIi! (At. Ilsynes, manager). —The usual strong bill was presented faere Init . tveek and met with popular favoi'. Bnnlced 4 and week: T,orkhart's elephants, Mi'ltne. and Wynll. Carlls nnd Adams. Charles lleclow. itein CiirHs. ('urn MlRkell and! Pr«hRulmkli>it Corn Killnua nnil Uryailt and SuvUle. .... SiiBKOY's TiiBATUM (D. U. Bufflaton, man- ager).—Biilllnton's Stock t;o. oiten Monday, 4, In "The Ticket of L<-avo Mao," wltli the following lieopic In tho cast; Kugono A. PheiiiB, James K. McHlroy, Fred H. Camp- lM>ll. Jnhn"C.i Itowr. I). II. Ifarahiond, irhas. K. Kenney, Helon tlordun, Invx llaliyburtou and Jcsslo Pr|;iglr. » ' ■ ' ' ■ • SprlitRlteld,—At the Court Hfjunro The- ntro (W. C. Lo Nolr. mannger).—"lien Hur" last week packed tho thett,tr« nt every |H'r- formancc. It wns eiaiiorately prrscnicd by oho of tho largest cumtMUuea thttt ever graced tho local stage. William Fnrnura, In tho title rule, mndo a decided hit. Tlic month of May, witli tho exception of thrvsi or four dates, will be given over to tho Conio Payton Cnmeily Co., which will pre- sent "Reiurreotlou" nnd "Northern Lights" this week. E. it. Sotiicrn, la "It I Wcro King," May G. Nr.w GiLMonB TiiRATRR (Jcnnic (}. Sfhith, manager).—"The Hearts of tho Blue Ridge," with Dorothy l-ewls, April 27-2U, was well received by goodly auulences. James A. He«nahan, a local young man, came In for bis share of applause. "Weary Wllllo Walk- er," 80-Uay 2, closed the house. OkAND OrnnA UovHr (Chas. W. Fonda, mnnnger).—The london Iteiles Burlcsquers presented an up to dnto show, full of fun nnd merriment, and were not long In catch- ing the patrons. The olio had a number of good acts, among which nre Rena Washburn nnd ("Issy Grant, t^nmpliell and Webiier, and lljo Van Cooks. "Tlic' Siiau of Life," April ;M)-Mny 2, had n fnIr Iiuslncsa, the show holding thn atteiithm throughuul. "A lln|>- py Tramp" 4-lf, "AutoiUo Mnlori" S, l», NkLBoN TitK.wiiK (J. l'\ Burke, manager). —Tho season wn.s brought to a cloau with the, Dainty I'nrce <.'oinpany, which had a number of good nets, nmting which weit) thn Watermelon Trust,and Wlnchcrman's trained hears. The usual good business iircvaJHed. imnBB TiiK I.iMHLtimTB.—Helena Phlltus, .-.f "The Auetldneer" cninpany, spent Sunday at her home In Chlcoiicn Falls Alniilt II huudi'(d couple enjoyed the dniicu of.tlie Pickle Club At the Highland Hotel lt«ll, April 22....Jnihes Iv. Ilatrlson, stauo man- ager of tho Ware Opera House for the pnst ten years, Ima resinned F. W. liarrlN, of West SurlngPelii, better known nB."thn wiro king," Is srtim to remove lo London, Dnglnhd "Tho Siinn of Life" dnseil. lis stason at the on Biitiiv- d:iy. May 2 Mrs. Arthur Woolev nnd daughter, uf Chlcom-e l''allB. Iiiivo returned friiro a week's visit to Plilladelphin, whcru Mr. '.Voolcv Is playing with .the "Kiua Diilio' crinininv Iloiiithy I.,owls, oC "llearln uf (he Blue Itlilgi!'.' Co., had the inlsfurtiuic to have a p>:cki'tlMii<k. containing ii sum u( l>l9J«N8YIiVAI(IA, money, stolen fruni her dressing room nt ih» New GlltniU'c Theatre on April 2ti Thn Siii'inglleid aerie uf Hagles tuok_a_diiM of t '" " "■' '■— ' ... seventy-seven nt lirt nimlng April )|0. iirlnglbg the membership tip to iilioiit six hundred nnd llfty. A huge iiuihUer uf visi- tors from other acrhis highly cuiii|illnli'iiled tile local olllcers. The ntrlo at I'lltaneld i'i!celveil forty new tuembcts nt Us mectlUg April 28. ll»ly»kP,—At tho Oporn Itniise (B. L. Potter, mnnageM.—Dave warlleld, .In '"the Aiidfloneer," Ahrii 27! Kxril .Kehdoli, III '"Tiie Vliiegnr Buyer," 28, nnd Andrew Iluh- soii. Ill '^Ilchiitd Carvel," 2U, all drejv luediiiln hobses. BooKcd; Corsit Pnytun'M comedy Co. May fl, Artclnide h'ltx Alieli, Jn "The Duchess of DuVonshlrc," 8 ; John Drew 0. PfKrtT.inttTM.—Monrttnin I'ntic Casino will open Its season on Memorial Dny. Tho tot two weeks' ■ nttriietiimB will b« vaudeville, I'hIlMtlelnhlii,—Wo had acvernl TciT wstini«lays Inat week, nlivu tho tlicnnome- ter uiountcd up to tho ninety mark, and'this somewhat siiducn ndvciit of euperliuoua bent made sorlous iuruad.s iuio tlie buslllesa of tho theiitres WhllO It lnstc<l. FnrttiMtcijr this was only fur two il4i,VH, und thn cool wostbor of Friday und Sntiirduy brouKht out tltoatre- goers ngnin In i)nylnK nnmlwrs. Two of tho local theatres close uielr HOAHons (his week, and twudthers retired traux the tlalri last wc<!k. though for one of them It was en- tirely unex|>vctcd. "Tlio Holy City," at tho Chestnut Street Oiiera llonso; the now bur- Irsiiuo offered by Weber & b'lolda' 4:o., nt tho Academy, nnd "Iiooplng the U>oji," at tba Aiidltorliira, nre tlio uuvoltles uf tlio current we<>k's tirfcringa. Ai-Anuuv ov Music. —Weber A Fields and their stock company are BO<>n at this liouno for fo\ir performances on Monday, Tiiwdny and Wednesday nmtlnec this iweek. Tho suc- cessful New York bill Is presonted. Including the burlesques, "Twirly-milrly" aud "TUo Big iylttle Princess." •BiioAi) STni;»:T; TiiK.VTnn (Nixon & Kiromor- mun, managers).—Ilnther unexpectedly this house was compelled to clusu liH.seaaou with the end of last week, owing to litigation over "The .lewel of AMia." which waa tito ofrerlnit. It Is very unforluhate that uo- loward cIrcumstnuccH sliunld have Icriatonted this run so suddenly, fur Jauirs T. Powers Htid his able naslstnnts were iittrnutlng flna audiences. it had been exiR'cteii to vou- tlniin the run lulu the ttummer. (lAiiHIi'K Tiir..uiiii (Frank Hnwo Jr.. man- aRsr).—."I>.illy Vnrdon'" Is liiivlug a retliru I'tigagemtut nt this hniise thiN week, l,uUi Oluser being seen In the title rule. It will he i'cme!nbered tinit during Us pievloiis en- gageiiient hero i,ulu tllaser was taken III after sevemi jMTfornmuces, and during tho rest of the engngcinciit the opera wAh given without the star; "o Hint It might iilimmt ho hitld that this is our llrsr see this ilainty colnedieniie In the plere. Last week's engagement or "Tim Show llIM" was sullHfiictiirv III every way. The cast wan nubstrtntjailv the same iis was seen at tho Ilnaid ently In the sensun, und tho succosa IlirtM was diipllCntnd. ctiKNTNur .Sthi;i;t Ophua ItuuMn (Nixon * S^lmiuerninii. nuinngers).—Onn of the few novelties ulTored this week, uiiil ttiu only ilraniatlc entertainment iit any uf our prom- inent thenttPH. Is "Tho Holy Clly," seon for the llrst time hero nt this huliso. 'ilils ill'niua, hy W. B. ilurai. Is givon Hue sconln investIIlire, and tho leiliiiiig luln Is assumed hv ivn .Merlyn, n I'liIliKlelphlit prudllvt. "King Dodii" cloMcii his fui'tnlgbt's eiigaBO- nibiit Inst Saturday nighl. Tliiv sisond week's liiisliicss whH not <s|iinl to tlio llrst. Dau Dnly Is niinnuilced to aiiiiear In thu lltst prodiiutlnn of ",loIin Henry" ilimilny, 18, ClIKSTNIJT StIiukt 'I'llHAiUK (Nlxuii * Zlm- nlennah, iiianiigeis),—"The Sllvfr Mlliipor" ccuitlimes to enjoy the iitniiHtt piiniilarity nt this hoiise, und will prohiitdy cunliniin lo du uu until Warm weather mhIb Iu in sariiesl. WAi.Viir Stjip.H'i Tiikatiim (ii'riiUk Howo Jh. inniiagor).—'Ihiiru Is no chliugc In tho offering ar this house, where "The Knlcker- liucker Girl"' cuntimius ti> entertain audi- ences of guwity alien. AiTiiiriiTiiu»| (Kiatr k Hiiylhi, hmungers), —"rA)oiilng the Loeji" Is the oire|-lng this week nl this house, anil Mils luuKlctit comedy Is lllterpi'Med li,V a cast of counldeinble merit. The eliguitonient 1m <mly fur Ihu wtH'k, "Why Woiiinii Sin" being scheduled lor next week. The cutagluini'riitlou of noil- iieilsn, suMie uf II old auit soiiiuuuw, styled "t'lcklnifs rrnm Puck," ibet with fitvor mat ■voek, dint, In great iuirf, to the successful ifforts uf Willnrd Sliuiiis uitd nu elllckut which will'be folloWtd by the usual twclvo (fforts uf Wlliai'd Simiils ulld Htt elliciout weeks of ciunlc uifefi). .The opera coiilliluly cdinpuily._ will be un.ii'r the diret'ilon of Boiiert liiiDe. PAnK Tiit-ATnu (F. G. Nixon-Nlrdllugcr, who hns llllPd this position at. the (^aslno nmiingeiO.—'lhe poimlarity of Ke lar sfidtrs who hns llllPd this position at. tile caslrto fur ttin piwt two seusiiiiK Mlliinger Mur- ray, of llie lOinpire, who underwent a surgl- <al operntlon at a locni hosiiltni a fow vyeeKs ngt>, has so far iccovoled iik tu bu able to Icavo tho liospitni lust wei'k. North Ailkms.—M lll/i lllcluholid Tlien- tre (W. I'. ,^Iclllle. iiiniingur).—(Mam JtiixMl- Kwl, In "'I'im Girl wllh tho Giiwu WyM," won Weil ix'velvcHl April 27. Ksra Kotiiliill, In 'The Vinegar Buyer,'' entertained a guuil Blued nildleticn 211. , Atulrnw ItlibHon, in "Itlchai'd Curvel," (Mil a fair buslnms Mhy 1. (.'omlng: FrniiclB Wlison, in '"i'im TiitHh- dur," 7; I'J. 11. Bollicru, iu vif 1 Weiij King,' s- .. , ■ llMrntH TiiKA'tkH (Jnlnps Sulllvuh, nmnn- ger).—Mrs. iflBke, la "Btnry of .Mngilnin," wlw well rec6)l'cd, by,a Ini'gu itild fnsliloliahln iiiullence, April 2H. A spdclal train whM run tmm Pittslleld fpr this nHrnvtluu. « Tmmton. —Al thn Taunton Thentro (lialph Aiilliony, iiiausger).— "'Way Iinwh lOast," A|irll 27; had hlg business. Mllftred Holland. 2U, pleused ii gotsl slKcd niidlehev. Watson's Orientals hail a l«|i heavy liuiise .'10. Wllh this.wis'k'H'uttructlims the muisoii Ands, nnd Manager Anfhuny retlros fnmi thu iiian- «g<Uiionl. Next wimnii Messrs. Cross k Cahn will luive l:|ii> control of tho Iiouh<>, having recently slgiled a leuso for Ave yeurs, which gucs Into elTect .lune I, IIIO'I. ^<» . I MAINH. iin abatutiieni nl tilts huimo, wliuiu bo is iiuw In Ills third wei>k. I'nrtlaiMl.—At tho Jefferson Theatre (('lihii & Gwint, jnuiiugeis).—Wird k Vofces ilrewj;<MSl liiisiiiesH April 25. IC. II. Solliern, in "(f I WV-'lo King," IMU'ked tbo llwratre 27. "A (.'hincse lloneyiiionn" jiliuised good sIxckI iiiidlomres 29. iio. "San Toy" unmn May 1, jileusing u Ilnu house, nod continuing 2, nvatlncu und night. Due: "A Biuich of Keys" 4. "The llonnio Brier Bush" H, (I, "The Belle of Nrtw York" IB. Maurice Woi»d- bilry, atngu manager at this house, luis re- sumed his duties, after n long HIiichs. PoliriANII FAMILY TllKATUi; (JuS, K. Moore, iniuingor).—IMtJe Gllson, Callahan and Alack, Moon: and HIght, Geo. W. DiiV, Shorty «Lnd Lillian Dowitt, tho Iloborts Fuiir, Mooney and Holbein, blugrnph nnd stcrTOptli-on, drew g< last wwk. Current b|ll: Dillon Bros., Three Kenlons, ('hliicHo Johnny WiHIlauis, CluirlUH Griiisiwlp, Anna CIiimm-u uhd comtniuy. Ilurrlgun, tramp Juggler; Byaii and IMuglnss. • ■■ " f *» •• aBTTYanuno and wahiiingtok. PcrHonnlly Conductril Tuur vlu I'enn- , NxIvBiiiu itailvonil, Thn Isilllellnld of (Jnt'lyidiucg, and thn iin- tlunal capital In all Ihe glory of lis Spring rn>shness. are utlracllons su alluring tluil few would fL-el like refusing to visit tlicm. it. Is to place tlicst! twu atlrucllons vyithin enay rcai'li of every ono that tho Pennsyl- vania Itailroud (Company announces a tour over the luttleneid, through thn iiU<tures(|M(! valleys of Miirylaiid, aud an en- terlnlnliiR stay In Wu»hliiKton. The tour will Imvo New York 8.0O A. M.. and Phlludolphia 12.20 i'. >r.. Haturday, May 2:1, in clinrge (if one of thn comTmiiy's tourist agents, and tvill cover a period of six days. An cxperleiiced cliaiMU'on, whoso especial rliarge ■will he unescortc*! ladles, will aC' company Ihe party IhrouKhoiit. Uuiind trip tickets, covering Irnnsiiortatlon, carrlugo drives nnd hotel ncionimcHlntluns, will Its sold at tlio extremctu I'lW ruin of $22 from Now York. |21,/rr»m Trenlon, Jib from nilln- delphla, and proportionate rates from other points. For Itineraries and full Information niipiy to ticket agents; tourist agent, 209 Fifth Avenue. New York: 4 Court Street. Br<H>)(- Ivh: 780 Broad SI reel. Now-irk. N. J., or (iiklress Geo. W. Boyd, asslslant geneml IsiMengcr.uguul, Broad.btrci.-l Slatlvu, L'hlla-i delplila. - -.- , .ilitor , tliu nililliMic-0 bii iig of vicatlem lu Heart of wlrylund" (s couilug next week. , Pl:oi'i.(i'H TliHATilM (F. G. Nlxon-NlH!- llhhBr, inanngor).--"'J'i|o Heart of ■Milryhitm" huhla tfio hbatds this week.,^ Willi Altdti Kruuet' In tlm lending role. "Tiiu (Jiinen of tholllghway" presuiittHl ihrllls.a-liliinty iiint week, and wna, cuilscduoiitly, heavily tNilruii* ISC'I. KfiNBiNiitttv TlihArhK (John Hurt, nian- nget'l.—.Mniiilo Fleming was well rei'sjved hv ton imtron.s during Imr prnfloliB visit lo IIIIh hoiisii, ahd she iiuw reiiirils for n furt- iiIglit'H Mt«y. . IJurliiu the current ^win'k shn appears in '"J'Iki Princess of I'nti'lins," nitit during the cumilig week In "My l<udy Nqti'' and '"rhe PoWer of Wealth." "Tlln nnnvi* Kxiiress" was the olferlng Inst week, ulid It rt'lwLveil ilJM'i'al iinlronsRu. Fuuci'AiKiii'H 'rimATiiH (Mllliir ft Kinif- maii. judluigors).—"'J'ho King of l|m Air," thn olTurlng by tho stiKik coiupniiy this wnvk, is nnikiunceil as a new nioluilininii. by Oi^jirgn Backus. Flurem.'^i Huberts iltiil Minis lAion Hall luivo congenial tiilus, und tlin other muni- lH>rs of tho conilwny npiienr In supis>rt. Next wct'k Gi>ori{u Bai'blcr and Keriiuiidn Kllucu, fmiii tho (llraril Avenue Theiitre, will apiienr Willi l,i>uls IWiii Mull. Florclicii Itotierls nnd the other meiiil-.iiN uf Ihe cominiuy. In "PrincD olto.',' iMHl week "I.llllo Nojl und Ihu Mar- chioness" nrovid to he a worlliy ih'iiUMiUxu- tion of "'iMui Ohi Curluslly Slioji." and 'thu Block cumpiiiiy earnuU |intls» in thu Inlurpro- tallun. GuiAUii AvKNi'H TurATliH (Miller & Knuf- nian. iiiunngers).—"Borneo nud ifiiilet" Is liiu ulTerlng nt this house Ibis v/i-o^i. Lnonuro Voii Ottlnger asuaies thn. part of ICurncVt and Fernanda FIIm'ii'Is seen us Jullst. 'MnV- ciitlu Ib' (ilnyed liy George Ihirljinr, nnd thn oilier iiiembej-B of the company nre Biiltnbly <-nst. 'i'lio putroiiH turned <iii( Iu force last we<'k to wItnnsH (lie porfonuimies of "Bos- iirri'ctlon." The story hy ToIhIoI has lieen turned Into nn cirectfve miiloilriiinu. and iM Interpreted by Kllta Prortiir (HIm, wllh the iisjtislaiico of the stork coinpniiy. proved ut nliHorliIng Interest. Oliver Doud Byron M iintioiiuced to appenr In coiijiiiiclion wllh tile stuck company next week, lu "Aci'usm tba Continent." Gba.S'P IIuuhk Iti. A. Wngefnrlti. ninnagor).—Hnr/lson .1. Wolfe nnd iilMBtock company nru seen I Ids week lu "Cnmilhi,' Lansing Ituwiin nssuining the title rolu. Thn iiiiw stock I'ompiiiiy whb well lyciilvi'd last wiwk, und the well llllid IiouHes sliowi-d a|i- iinrelntlon for thn iwrforumuceB of "Thn I,imt Parndlsn." "Uncle Toiu'h Ciiblii" is an- iiounced fur tho coining week. Kkitii's Bi.«oi) (Julin Kelrans, resident manager).—A change hns been made In plans, and "Incw" Is the ulTerliig by Iho MKx'k oompniiy this week Insleiid of "Tim Moth nnd tho Flanm." Aiigiisllii: Daly's "7- 208" Is iiiid.irllned fo;- iirodiiilloH next w*tik. "Nancy k (!o." wnH capiliilly iire- senleil last ww'k, and received Its rewuni in liiierai pulrunnge. (.'ol.itMUiA Tiix.O'iiK (litaiu-in Mnrtlnettl. mAluigor).—"Wicked f^mdoii" Is the offer- ing hy l.'urrln Ilndcllffe aud her coniiBiny this week. Willi '"I'lie Streets of New York" iinnouncHd to follow next week, In ".N'evadii" Carrlv lUuUUIto lif)il a coniienlnl rule last wenk. and made the most of It. HTAMiAaii TilKATSK (Darcy A Spnek. nsin- ngersl.—For this. Ilje bwt week of the sen. sou nt this house, the stock eomiMiny Is pr(»Mentlng "S«v«l frctm the Hen." "Tho (Juoen of Chinnlowii" Was captinlJy present- ed Inst week, and nttracted tlia patrons In foree. Mondnr^aiid Tuesday of inext week, nfleriiuun anil evening, pts-rormances, nro given for tho tionellt of the cmpluyM of .Iho "'aiu.'ii Sri'it'irt Tueatw: (Alexander Wiir.