The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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260 THE NE-W YORK CLIPPER. Mayo. s1cr, rannnsfrV.—What hnii liofn n diiPcMHfiil HOAiioii for tlic Opriniiii comiiniiy at IIiIh Iioiihu iHoseid wlU: lirnt Huniriluy nlRbt'o perfDrm- iinro. AlPX^nilrr WiiiKtcr, wlin Iikh tunii- ii{n>'l the enlcriirliw no Knll»ffl<'.t»rll.v IIwoiikIi- mil till* wnNcin, Ih rotniirllpd by III lifiitlh In ri'NJKii. nml nctlrc c'liiirgr will lin axHumcd jii'Xt ;w>nKoii li.v Clini-lcM Sonkr. ' KiMTH'H X».w TiiKAinK (II, T. Jordan, rfBl<l»nt mnniir?erl.—■irrfidlnir Mip very Hirniic' l'1ll--thlK' WPfk nip; 'Hie Plorrtdorn l>«ubl<' J^c'Xtfttn; Wll-M.CiCRtiy niiil Itlnnolie Dityiift' (tlipir yi^cond week), nnd tlip Three MorlonK, >vlilli' the iMlnnre iif thft lilll Ineliides: Mr. nnd Mj'ii. Jimmy Bnrry. the Dc ForeOMtB, I'd. J. Hcvnard. ("hnrlm W. MttJelleUI, Three (iKlinlem, Lnvlne-Cnmrroii Trio, the fie Wltfd, Allen Wlxhtnmn, KniRin <'nlri'lv, Itnllnlre, Knhin Krenr, Aiiiin Willi no.v, iitid Keith tno lion i>lelure<i. Ki.KVKNTii 8tiii;kt Oi'KIia IfdiTKK fKrdnk Iliiiiiiiiit, nLinnuer).—Tlie ciirrent week cndH the Mt'DKon nt iIiIr liniiKO, mid the liiirlcK(|UCH, '•'[•he Ulil With tlie I'anonke Hot," ''rh-! I'leKldeiit In YellowHlone I'nrk" and "TIncie Tom'H Cnbln." wIlli the IntereHlinx llr»l part iihd cntrrlalnliit! Rtieclnllleti. fiirnlxh a llltlii;; lilll for the rifwe of a very HiiewKKfiil Hen- Hoii. Stephen <'. l''iiHter'K nongH will lie miii^ Sntiirdny ftflernmm and cvenlnir. • I.Yi'Kt'M TiiKA'rjit: (.lolin <:. .lermnn, mnn- nseri.—llnVry llr.vant'K MiirleiuiiierH hold II14 liiini'dH lhl« weeli, prcnrnllnK a merllortoiiK jii'iwrAtnme. Next week hilngR the Iliiwery J!iirl(.<<<i|iierN. Wllh plenty of nttniotiri! wIriK and a Hoverly nrrnt>ge<l pmgrntnme, the Titter IilJleH liiirlewiuent ciiriied their hih;- tesH last week. Tnoi'ADHim (I'"loyd Tiniiman, tnnnaRer).— Kiiliilte'H Sow Viirk Olrl (.'tiinpnny ix fur- niHhInK the cirrent Idll Ht IIiIh hmiNe. The IniUK'H.nt lleniitlefi dlKpln,rcd plenty nf tnl- int InKl week, nnd were llliernlly rewarded liy the pntronx. Iir.vN'H HT.vri TiiKArnK (Kred Wdtdmnno, inniiiiner). —Ihirry MorrlM' Nl(jht on Itmnd- wiiy i'otnp:iny U the rtirrent wnek'w olferlng lit IIiIh liinme. I">alnty I'nree Ih iindorllned fiir the riimInK woi'k. I'hiroiiriiKOd by n hoiiHefnl nf pntroMN each nl|(ht, the Illue IIUiiiiIh itiirlexijiiern riii-iilithril ndntlrnble eii- tei'iHiiiinHnt IflKt week. N'l.vrii ANii rtiicii .MfSKUM (('. A. llrnden- liiirc iniiJiaKcr*.—In the enrlo liall this WM'k ore: K It. llewm, the white YokI : faiil, IHnmiiii, inarliie exjipnltlon: Hli;. Itiilliinfi. humnn wilaiiuinde.r: i^inM. .Mllllinai), inUHli'al tirtlHl, and i'riif, rx'i'Oy, uiniclelan. Ill the thtNiIre llm onlcrlalniiient InvhideK the faree, "Wanted, a Wife." anil a vniide- \llle ni'iiKrnnime, fnrnMuMl by John K. Wal- ler, the OiitirnyH, Alice MnKill, Wayne and , and I/iimiii', Kathrvh Wiley, CaHpiir hratlieiit, the rille<i8nii>li. NdTKS.—.III!oil r. Adler, ITebrew Irnije. illnn. Will iipiirnr wllh nn I'^iiKllHh eomjuiny III the Academy of Mnnle, for three iierfnrm- imeeH of "The Merchant of Venire," oa Hnt- iii'dny uIrIiI of iIiIh werk, nnd Tiieodiiy nnd M'e(lnPK<lny niKhlH of next week .Mniidn • ■delI Ih til Ji'lii I he stuck rnnipiiny at the ilrand Opera lloiiKe Nliortly Ihirniim & Ilallry'H ClieiH Ih exblliltl'iir hrre llilKweek, li.ivliiK n line Inrallun at lle.linont and I'ark- Hide Avenii'.'H. A iilreet pnrHde Ih kIvcii Mini- liny niiirnliiir. nnd two perrnrniiin'riN under the lent dully. . l*Htn1>iirK There Ik n plethora of tent nnd iinliniil hIiowh In our hnrit. l'nwni>tt lllll'H Wild WoHt, the Wiilter I-. .Main ClrniH, nnd Iluuenbei'k'it trained antiuulH are In cDinpetltInn, and ninRlIni; IlroH.' I'IrctiH lit hilled for Mny IH and ll>. Tiiicatiik' (Nixon ft Klinmerinnti. innnaKerH).—"A t'hIneMO llcineynioun" 4 and week. I<iihl (ilnHcr dre\s' Will up In 'J. "Im- prudence," for tlie llrHttlmc here, 11-Id. Ilt.iiiii TiiKATiiK (It. llnllck, uinnHKor).— "On the Siiwnnee Hler" lieKan 4, nnd will continue iiii to H. The Hnmrt Het next wee'<. "At Cripple ("reek" eloHoil '.'. I'liieiiiK TilKA'raK (!•!. J. McCuIIuukIi, man- nfceri.—llafienlii'rk'K tmliied iiiilinalH \in.\t> an InimeiiHc iidvniice kilIc for 4 nnd W4S'k. "An Actor'H llomance" iiroved a IiIk winner up In J. Nolblnii underlined nit .vet for II. (liiANii Oi'HiiA llnrHK (Ihirry liavld, iiinn- PUni'l- —"The t'llniberH" will hold the Htnitn tlilH week, wlii'ii the hiRt we<>k of the Keaniin will be Inniivrnited wllh "An Yon I/Ike It." "The I'rhle of Jennle<r' wnii shelved 2, huvlnit iloiut a IiIk week'H biiHinei'H, Avr.M'i! 'I'ltHATHH dlnrrj' I>nvl(i, innnn- i;erl.—Kniidow. Knur IViid Ilrotheiti, .Mr. nnd .\liH. Kelcey, '.Binllh nnd Kiiller, Oeormi li, WiMid. SllnMin mid .Merlen. IKimthy Neville, .TohnHim nnd WellK, .MmiiiInK nnil ilii Crow, Hurry W.iHe, JiikkIIoi; /Iniiiier, the nI'eKffiionH. mid Ihe eliiemaloiiriiph oiitiht .to Insiiie 11 ciMitlnnallon. duiliiK tlm week hcKlnnlnf 4, of Ihe MlnndlnK room only Hl^n. wlileli hnH lH>en dlKplnyetl ulKlitly at thiH linuHV for <t liiiiX time iNiHt. nryi.KHNK TiiKATiii: (Hurry W. Wllllnniii, iimniiKer).—Ilarerly'H MhiMrelH bexan a wiM'k'H encasement 4. Uixt werk'a loiHlueai wiiH nil the iioiiNO roiitd hold. llAiiav Williams' Ai'ahhmy or Mimic (Harry W. Wllllniim, munncer).—W. II. Wat- Niiii'ii American llnreioiiierH arrived 4 for n week'a vlHlt. The World lleatiTu cloRed 'J, liuvliiK done an IminenHe ImHliioNK. I'AWMiH Itii.i.'H Wii.i) Wkht.— Tlila admlr- nhle IMiiHlralhai nf life In tlin fnr WphI ex- hllillod nl KxpoRltlon I'arlt 4, n, to very larco nitendnnce, and i;ave KonernI RntlHfiictlon. Tlip enterlntumenl Ih the lariieHt mid bent In nil depnrtniPiilH Unit I'awnee lllll hnx ever had on lli(> road. Wai.tkh I,. .Mai.n'n Show. — TIiIk well known tdreuH, which iH-exeeedliiiily pnpnlar here. Ih billed to Hhow In IhiHt'iillierly, one of our HiiburliH, II, and all Indlcatliina imhit to nn linnienMe tiiiHliieHH. lli.\(!i.iN(i riKiiN.' t'lncrs,—ThUiRH nre fnnt iippronchlni; cherry rlpeneKH for Ihe exhllil- llonH of the liliiKlIni; ItroH.' ClreiiK, to he Ulveii herc.l.H, 111. All the KliiRllnK ItrotlierH have a host oC perHonul frlendx here, and lliere hnve Iiim>ii many llckelti mild alrciuly In advatu'e. I>iiti.i;th,— Since MaimRcr Jack r. lliiir- innii KayH he will hnve the lai'KeHi nnd nioKl. reiillHlIc woodtiind Hcene ever Net on any Hlaice III reproseni the l''oreHt of Ardeii when '•Ah Yon l.lko It" Ih pnuluced at the Oiand i^pern llonne, 11 There are four baby lionH, horn rt^'enlly nl our UlKlilnnd 1'ark I'.oo, which are provInK a Rreat tittrncllon there 'I'hc tlraiid OjM'ra lloiiHe ban to I l^HC ItK KoiiHon much earlier than iiKtml IhlH .vetir. bceniiHc of the wIdeiihiK of l>hiniond Kll'cet, the thorotiKhfnre upon which Ihe rear jiorllon .iIiiiIn. The theatre will hnve to he priicllcally rebnlll durhiK the coinlnn Slimmer. here June I'O... Ilarouro A Ualley'ii "sold" <iir, In cbarsc of Hamunl Iledgea and U. ^V. llnmlllnn, navcrtlelnK con(r<iotor, was here 'J\K The Bhow mtant May in The WeUh Ilrothem did n big bimlnewt at Mlddlelown, I'n., Mny 1. GoodairH "('<Hin- t«wn 41HI" has lioen drawlnif bbs ♦rowdR at flint place. They will Hhii/lly xfort on. their' lour..i';.,'X'II. Mllllf^u, who wRH wllh ihe, Ad t'arllHle Hhow, ban Rigned. nJl pniKrainniHr with the Indian Bill Wild West Show.- Mniiage^'^Kl'Mk Orr, of Chamberitlvirg, !'«.,, wnn herein.;' HIanley I,ewlK, atlvertlH Ing eonlrnctor with the Welsh Ilrothem' «'lr- can, preKPnted Jack tJ'Ilrlen, the clown, with n gold watch, April 27 Tho Alonzo llnli'h MnalrnT-(;a will ani>ear at Mlddle- lown, I'n., 8 "foxy t'randpa" did well nt rartlHle, I'a., 2!> I'axtank I'nrk Is lirlng put in Rhane for the opening. Mny :IU. ... .^rfie W. M. 'fait Cinematograph t.'u. did n big liiiNlneHH nt Obtrltn, I'a., :til. Iteti J. Lander nsslRted, inti'odni'Inc .IiU IIIiih- trnled nongH. ; ' v H' y . ScrnnlOH.—At (hBM.ycenm (A. 1. DulT.v, inanBge'r).—Qulntun A' Wall'H .Mlnstrela Mny fi. "RogerH llroH. In Harvard" 11. I'aul CSll- inom. In "The Tyranny of Tearn," 2, mati- nee nnd evening, had good linuHes. AcAOBSiY (A. 3. Dnlfy. manager).—The Conroy & .Mack Co, week of 4. "King of the t'oni Klelds" April ,10-May 2, came, to good liiinHeR. nixiK THBArnH (Henry P. Dixie, mnnn- ger).—.Mrs. KUke, In ".Mary of Magilala," it. Staii Thkathk (Alf. U, Ititrrlngton, man- tiger),—'lliR HenRitn rloaed :in-Mav 2, wlili Wine, Woman and Hong Co. 'J'hn neaHou nt thIfl.boiiHeihai been a proHpcrous one. « I... •WllllnniHiini-t—At the Lycoming Opera Ilotife^fl'lHk ft Ilceber, managers).—"The Iliirgomaslcr" nloyed. to a medium Blxed au- dience, April 27. "King of the Coal Klelds" canceled 21». Jelferson Dc Angells, In "The Kmorfild •IhIo,'' was greeted with only foir hiihinpHs (weather hot) 30. "Itonico nnd .Iiillpt" had good nttendnnce nt both pcrform- nucPH, inatlppc and evening. May 2. (tim- ing; florton's Minstrels 7. after which the hiiii§e will 1h> dark. (, Tbls hAH been the moKt HiiccesHfiil Benson In the hUtory of the the- ntre. A Kaolin.—At the Eleventh Avenne Opera Ilonno 11. <,'. MlHhler, innnager).—-The (lay TarlR IlnrleKiioerM Atracted largo audiences April 27, 28. '■laug Dodo" pli'aseKl a full liuiiHe 2I(. The Hlock Pattl Troubadours had a good house .'!0. "Hearts of Oak" Mny 2, tile Wilbur .Monk Repertory Co. 4-8. "Tlie IbirgonmHter" 1), "Thelraa" 11, "Winchester" 12, "King of the Coal Fields" 1.1, Wnrdc nnd James 14. The Harry I/acy Vnud«vllle I'o, wan JiftolmrMay 1, but canceled on account of the lllnetiR of Mr. I/acy. ♦ t» OHIO. -The (i|»euliig of the clfcuH bl'|■ll^iHt bud and lamA linHlnesK. llnrrlHhiiru;.- Henmiii lii'iiiiK<)»t bud and KiHid'tinHlnesK. The Im'hI cnuvdH cHiae the lall«'r |iart of the week. oi'KUA Miii'HK (N, Aji|>ell, .ninnnger).-- The Claia Turner Co. did fiiJrly well on the week, and won great divor. Jelfer»iin He .\UKellH ci>iiH\s .May 4. nad the luilanee of the «i;i'k will be taUen lip with the Diivldsoii CoIUImIV I'll. I I.N 'niK Kiia:.- -The circus season opened here HiiHplclotisly wllh I lie WcIhIi llrotliers' Sbiiw. April M'. '.'S. This ciiicrprlsi" came In a much enlarged form, and at three pef- lorianiiceH iH'ople were turned awa.v. It wan the Inrgeil bUHlneHs ever done here In two days by a tented iMileriirlKC. I'olnnel M, U, Welsh and Clinton .Newton were iruPHlH of the Korster Club 2S (ien- cial .Manager II, II, Whitller. who was ber<> .'.s 111 the Interest of tlui Indian lllll Wild West Show. shiHik hnails with IiIh iimiiv Irlendn. lie was Ihe kuumI nf Colonel Welsii the Riime dnie. and was also eutvrtHlned by Ihe roi'Hter Cluh Ikivb Mdward Knn- iii'il.v,. t renBUrer ? I'rnnk McCoriuick, twenty- tuiirlioiir ninn, )uid Mm, McCormlck. nil of HiIh city, who are wllh the Welsh llrotherH' fllcuM. were given a warm weliHinie The Inaiuu lllll Wild Went 8huw will ho Cliivlniintl.—The presence of the circus In tho oiitakU'tM of I'orkopollH—Norwood, CntamlnHvlllc and (Jovlngton—had the rlfect (if dcpojiulntlng some of Ihe theatres. John llolilnHon's Ten Big Shows played to enor- nioUH laislnesH, and there was not n per fiiimnncc not imtrked by the turning awny of late comers. Tlio I<yrpiim Is the tirst of the down town houses lo cIoho Us duors, nnd the Walnut Htrect Theatre will follow Hiilt In another week. Manager I. M. Martin has announced the opening of Cheater TarU JUiy, 17) but lit this writing the temperature Ih iiway down, and the (iiii-cn of May cumii wearing a fur boa nnd ear muffs. .Nkw (iRA.vii orKRA IlouHK (IIoTry llnln- forlh ft John H. Ilavlln, managcra).— V. C. Whitney will nresent the Whitney Oppui Comimiiy, In "When Johnny Comes March- ing Jlonie," .May 4. Last week, under Ibo direction of the Mchhih. Sire, Mabclle llllntnu wna henrd In "Tho .Mocking Ilird," nnd the Ilosenfeld'Blonne ojiera proved to lie one of llie most cbiirmlng enterinliiinentH of the sea- Hon, Itnlnml Carter, I.oujsc Mackintosh, Maude Alice Kellty, Krank Dooiie and Kd- giir AtchlHon-I'lly were clover uieinhers of II clever cast, IluBlness was only fair. I.leb- ler ft Co.'R all star cast production of "Itoiiien nnd Juliet," with Kyrle 'Ucllew and Kleanor IloliHou In tho title roles, will Im put ou iiuitlneo 7. "A Chinese lloneymixm'' 11. WAt.MlT HTHKK'r TllKATnB (.M. <!. AilflCr- win, maiiHgeri.—"'I'he Smart Set," with I'U'iiest .'logaii, Kllly McTA>nn and Hen lliinii In the east, under tho mnnngrmenl of (ins mil, will open.'l, niul that engagenient dos--:! II1C legulnr season. Lnst week Krank Per- ley's Singing ComedlnnN ri'pealed their former trluin|iIiK In "Tho Chnpcrons," and stood them itji nt every perforninnce. Weber tc I'k'lds' (.'oinpaiiy appear IP, and tlio house remains closed until 17, when "A Texas Sleer" will be put on for two performances under I lie luaniiKcment of (jeorgu il. Ilnrt- ford nnd (ieoigo Sehocttle. <;o;liv.\iniA .TiiKATiiK (M. 0. Anderson, iiian- ngcV).—JaniCH Thnrntou, reptllu Aivgon, doling American quintette. Miller nnd Kres- ko, the b'oiir Lukeus, Derenda nnd Hreen, (arson and Wlllard, nud Al. Lawrence are on the bill to he olfercd Mny .1. I,ast week's hIiow was a gnml one, hut bualncss dropiied to nn a|ipreclnblo degrco on account of too niiieli clrciiH, .Mile. Tlien nnd her oipieRtrlnn net WHS the feature of tho entortiilnmont. The liiiiise cloKes 10. llMU(,'K'8 Ol'KitiL UouRK (Ilcuck, VVniicssy & Stiilr, mnangcrR).—Seliua llerninn and Herman Ihihlcr mid their stock lompany will make their aiipearnnce, for n limited HcHson, ;i, upiH'urlni; In Leo Tolstoi's "HeHiir- l<H.'tlon." Last week "A Itnggod Hero" was iiresented, with Ilnl Krowii and Julia West In lending roles, lluslness wns r:ili-.'KrM TllK.VTnK' (Hcuck, Fennesny ft Htnli', managers).—With tho nrcMbiitntlon of "The Kauch Hero," a, by tlie Chester I)e Yoiide Co., the seimon cnmn to an end. Dur- ing the w<H>k that authoriictor iipiieared In hlK rolo of Trooper Dave Waldrmi, In tho llrlllnh iilllllnry nieliMlrania emit led "Teii- TonHoiir," Audiences were of fair nine. I'Kiil'i.K'H TllKATin: (Herbert lleuck. nian- ngerl.-^ltohle & Mack s World Heaters are mining back U, The Utopian, Ilurlesnuers Kiive a fnir hIiow, to fair biiKlnms. last week, OpiHinhelnier'a Rurleaoiie <,'o. 1(1. thiKKii' (>!'• 'run I,onnv.—"(JrandiMi" Haw- ley'H lienellt nt the New tlraiid. May 1, com- fortnlily lllled the lower part of tho hoiis,>, ■iiid nel (.etl Honiel liliig In the' nelglihorhooij ■>r $1,01)11 for the veteran. Rnlnforth and Ilavlln, .\iiiler8on and /legler. Frank L. I'er- ley nnd Waller Jmien were the cnnlrlbutliig niiinagers who made iiosslble tho aiilrndld en- lerlnlnuient given, tlenevlevo i>ay, Mny 'Holey. Al. l''arrlngt»ii, ICva Tniigun.v and the chaiieiiaiH' choriiH, Will II. Koj:, Hob Colo mid llosSmond JoliiiHnu, Waller JoncH nnd .Ma- lielle tilliiian, nHslHted by Violet Harry. I'nuhi lii'Hinond, Alchi Thuinpsoii, lilmiclie Thnyer, .Mli^i llnrry. Anna Mooney, Violet Vler nnd .MoniH I'llnio. put Oh "The Sly .MuRrtto." A I'liiclanatI girl vIollalRt, Jessie Strims. ncconi- IiiiiiIimI by May li<ivn Akles, scored lienrUy, to the delight ol l.oii|s Ilnllenberg, her niusLcnl HnoiiNor. A. M. I.niigRtnir was the mnslcnl (llreclor. I'Mwiinl KlknH manager, and Sinlley W«lker the dlreelor of the atiige. The iM'iiple all dresned nt the Walnut, nnd were wblrliM to Hie New tirand In 'busses, nil rrady to g» on Krank W llryan'n fnree-«»iueily. "Mr. I>ooley," ■ will open at Hie walnut •Street Thf«tre here Aug. Ill ,... lluslness .Mmiager lliuiler cnnic In ad\-nnce <if l.lebler & Co.'s All Stars Mlldr<>d Aylwnrd. the charming little daughter of llin New (irond's treamii'er, t'hwe "The Sly <>liiHet,t«" for n turn nt fl school ex- liHiltlon >,(;il Uoblnsnn la In town. Com Cniniiliell, of the Clover Leaf I''arin, Is to h>ave for Chlcngo soon, for «%i|Rg«in*ut<i o%vr Ihe.Kohl ft Castle elr-' cult .The Heuek t^imlvnl Company has left town for Knnnnke, Vn., with (leneml MnnngiM- Will S. ilei'k nnd Acting Treasurer Cbnrlcs Arnold In i»intniuid. Tbirty wceki have been Imokcd .... An olllclnl and rather miunuali report was made during rthe week hhowlng that A.O-iTi paid ndmlsBlons bad been made diirlng the tiiau (Jrand Opera festival, and that the receipts for the three pei'foro'- nnces were f^DMMt.TiD. 'Tnust drew»r.,.M.l. ••The .Magic I'liite,' »8,;i4l.riO, and "Sleg- fHeil," .5(l,'.l70 Coney lalapd will open 24. . « i Clrveland.—At the Opera Houae if A. i;, Ilarlx, nmnager).—Nat liootlwln and .Maxine Klllotl are presenting 'The Altar of l''rlendHhip" week of May 4. Owing lo the Illness of fitiiart Itobson, this, house was dark last week. Mabeile (illman next week. LvcKiiM (J. K. (,'ookHou, raannger).—Kit- genie lllalr nnd her comimny are appearing III ••npsnrrectlon" week of 4. The company gave ••The llnnker'n Hnughter," to the usual well filled houses, last week. Ct.KVBt.ANii ij. K. Conkson, majiager).— "In Convict's Htrlpes" Is the attraction week of 4. "A nagged Hero" cnme, to good liiisl- iiPRs, Inst week, "James Hoys In Missouri" week of II. Chakb'h KiiPinE (Cbas. J. Stevenson, manager).—"The Wizard of the Nile" Is being sung here week of 4. Agnes Paiill ap- ueara In her original character, Christine lludaon Is the prima donua, and Uernlce HotmeH the {•oniralto. Comedy parts ore ■ (aken by Wllllara H. West and William Schuster. "The Serenade" was Rung last week, the opening week of the operatic aeo- Hon. .MIsM GulHti. the prima donna, bod n light but pleaBlng soprano, nnd Ilattle , Helle I/add'H contralto was especially well liked. The chorus, which will remain here all season, has some good voices, par- ticularly nnion; the men. The best singer in the company Is John Dunsmure. Kxcel- lent houHCM attest the appreciation of tbe change to comic opera. Cui.oMAt, (A. !■". Marsh, manager).—rlc Colo's .MIdgetM are the headllnera week of 4. (Itbers are: (leorge Kvans, Will H. Fox, Hilda ThomHR. aaslsted by I,ou Hnll, in "Tbe Lone Stan" Vernon, the ventrlllqulst: Scott Ilros., William Cahlll, 7.obedl, hand balancer, 1 and Mr. and Mm. Swlckard. A splendid pro- gramme was given last week, to the usual packed houses. Staii (Drew ft (l^ampbcll, managers).— Itoble's Knlckerliockers are the hill week of 4. 'I he olio includes: Klppy, McDonald and Colly, Frank Kinney. Ferguson and rassmore, SansoDie and Dehllah, and the Knickerbocker (jiiartet. Fred Irwin's .Majesties next week. NoTK,—On li'rlday, May 8. the Weber ft Fields' company will prcHcnt "Twirly Wblrly" at the (jray'H Armory. » I'oniiiciitown.—At the Opera House (Kugene llimk, manager).—The Kilties drew a big audience, April 24. Kaul Gllmoro l;row well 2.*,. Francis Wilson played, to n big nndlence, 27. Atana Held completely captr vated one of the largest audiences of the fHwson 211. Won, Favershnm appeared, la ••Imprudence," lieforc a large aiinience, .11). Hooked: The "'mart Set May 1, "The Cow- hoy and the I.ady" 2, "Human Hearts" tt, "For Her Sake" II. J'AUK TiiKATHB (Jos Weber, manager).— flood patronage ruled week of 27 lo witness Four Hard Ilnithers, Ward nnd fhirrnn, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kelcy, Swan nnd Hnmbard, Aiirle I^flgwell, Chnrley Harris, nnd the IlprnstPln Trio. F.'s Ron Ton liiir- ki«]iierR . come Mni) 4-8, followed by the cxtrnvngaiizn. "A Certain Tarty," which will continue iinlll l.'>, closing tho neason for the I'lirk Theatre. NoTKM.—A. (!. Itlngling, In charge of lllng- llug Ilros.' advertising car, No. I, nrrived hero from Allegheny 2li, snd goes to l':nn- tou from here. .Mr. Itlngiing hns a big fol'ce of men Wallare's Show comes Mny 1:1. Walter L. Main 1(], and Itlngiing Hros. 20 It Is now authoritatively announced that Weber & Ituah will continue In the management of the I'ark Theatre for next Reason, they liaving recently secnreil the lease, nnd no chnnge will be rande. Alan- ager Jih> Weiier will return bh lociil inann- gpr, and (.'linrles Lllllnn ns Htnge director. ThiR announcement meets witli general ap- proval. On Saturday, Mny 0, Manager Welwr will, l« tepdcrcd a iKneHt. For this notable , iVeht'Weber & Hush hnve piovldiMl one of their bcBt compnnles, that prisliidng "A Certain Tarty," a musical comedy. ■ Toledo. — Al tho Vnlentlne Theairn , (Otto Kllves, manager).—Wm. Fnvershain ittlpeHredv"tn' "Indejiendence," .\prll 27, to liiiHliiesH thnt was lOiirly giiod. "The LJttli) I liiche.'is," with Anna tlelil, had big huHliiess, 25. Tiie nil star cnnt in "1(00100 nnd Juliet" did not do well ^0. This lioiiae 1b dark for week of Mny ;i. LycKUM TiiKA'ntF: (Fnuik Hurt, manager). —Tli;> stock company presented "The llaii- iilo 8hop" InHt week. It was splendidly 5(veil, and results were good, "Romeo and iillet" thin v/eck. K.Ml'inH TllHATiiH (Max Ilertfg, mana- ger).—Iiast week the Htta'k Co. presented "ii'edora." Aiidlences hnve been gowl. May II nnd wiM'k, •'(iisinonda." AiiL'AiiK TjiKA'riiK (Morris & Homana, man- i ngers).—^ll'he bill for lant week liad much merit, but liouoeM have li<>en jioor. BUI for current week: Ciiiquot, Maker and Xynn, Seymour nnd Uiipre, Jess Dnndy, wnter- hiiry llroB. nnd 'miiiey, (loo. Austin, the .MeredltJi iilpterfi (who hold over nnolher week) and the vltngraph. IliMiT'H TiiKAran (Frank Ihirt, manager). —"The Teddler'H Claim" did gooil business 2(1-21). Tllti Innocent llcnuilps came, lo good retui'iiH, :iO-May 2. "A Uagginl Hero" comes a-(l, "Ten-Ton-l»oor," l.'hesterDe Voiide, 7-n. » Cnntoii.—'At the iJrnnd Opera House (M. C. Ilarber, manager).—Innocent Iteautles Hurlesquem hnd capacity liualness Ajirll 27. . "Arizona," ,10, pleased an audience of gnoilly , proiKirtloiiH, J, W. Co|H! tirorlng heavily as (?anl>yJ .\o further unuoiinced professional hook lugs. NoTK.—The llrni of Spellmnn & Mullen. ■ IcHHees of tbe (.iarden Theatre, was dlsKolveil April 2:1, Mr, Spellinan retiring. nwlii)f to ' the necessity of IiIb devoting his entire tlniB to his other nimiHcnicnt enteriirlHOH. D. J. Mullen will continue his mH.niigenient, with Ira HnvlR as his personal repreHcntntlve. Tin: Wai.i.aoh Kiiowk are booked for Mny 8, nnd the lILngllne Hros, Sbowa for May 21. ilpiHisltlou' ndvertlHliig hrigndPH of tlie two allows have tilled the town nu never before In Its history. ■ t Dnytnii.—At the Victoria 'Theatre (C. , C,. Miller, nuiniiger).—"When Johnny Comes .Marching Home" Is tho attraction Mny 2. "The Little Trincesfl" will be given for tho local iMillcc licncvolcnt flsHoclallon 5. Ilnr- ton IIolmeM IccliireH on Norwnyn. nnd F. H. Solhern conies. In "If 1 Were King," 11. Takk TliKATliK (Harry K. Felcht, mnnn. ger).—"A Texas Steer" did aptendld busl- ncHR April 27-211. "l''or Her Children's Sake" drew fiUrly well aO-Mny 2. Coming: Ches- ter He Voiide 4-<l. Tub (litKAT Wai.i.acb Sitowa exhibited here April ,'l(>, to the capnclty o( the tents, The lllngllng ilros. Circus comes Ma.v IJ. 7/nneHvlllr.—At Weller Theatre (J. 0. Kngland. manager).—"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" oiiened tJie magnltlcent new Weller Theatre April 27, remaining 28. 20. to crowded houses, and all were well pleased. Coming: Tlttsburg Orchestra 1>, '•niith" (local) 14, 15, Sriifi.T!! OPRtiA llot'RR (If. Vf. noRR, man- ager).—"Human Hearts" had good advance Bale for 30. Note. —Walter L. Maln'a Clrciia exiilbiteil here April 24. to aplendld buRlnesB. Rilled: Uentry Shown May 7, UingllngBroa. 10. 8t«iibenivlll«.—At tbe Qrand <W. R. LippB. manager).—Lulu Closer, In "Dolly Vardeji." wflCs seen here for tbe (IrHt-time April 25, and was greeted with a larg» audi- piice. MIrs Glaaer won a decided hit, and Mary Conwell also scored beavlhy, "'JTheima May 1, "Human Henrta" 2, "The Sign of flip CrosH*' IV .NoTEi}.—Pawnee, Blirs Wild West Ih Hlated'for May 0 W. L. Main a Circus gave two performances April 30, .to large audiences. • ■ . Colnmlma—At the tJrent Southern The- atre (Lee .M. Hoda, manager I.—"Komeoand Juliet" played, to a packed house. May 1. i)iie:'Herriuann ,'i. Hioit .Htiikkt Theatre (A. G. Ovens, man- Bger).—''KnobH o' Tetinessee" played, to a Inrge midlence. April :!0-Mny 2. Hooked; "A TexOH Steer" 4(1, "The Burglur' 7-8. Bmpiiib Theathh (H. Wiseman, inanager). —T.ig ImHlnesH ruled last week. Week of May 4: Nichols Sisters. Sidney Omnt, the MerrlllH, llallle -Meehon, I^slle Bros., and Kitty Wolfe. ^ , ^ „ ,r Ki.NOLi.Nu Broh.' C1RCU8 Ig due May la. » MBimfleUI.—At Memorial Opera House (Bowers ft Mlekley, managers).—Louis Jamen iiud Frederick Warde. In "The Tempest," had tlie capacity of the theatre and pleased April 21. The Innocent Iteautles - had a large house 25. ' The Irving French Company, In repertory, 27-2SI, did fair business. "A Hid- den Crime" had a good house ,"t(). Coming: Herrmann, magician. May 7, '"llie Chaper- ons" 12, which will probably close the sea- son. SnndaHky.—At the Nielsen Opera Honae ({leo. A. Boeckllng, manager).—'•.My Friend from India" bad fair busiaesB April 2i. '•The New Dominion" hnd a packed house .10. The caHt wna composed of local talent, nnd a very creditable performance was given. Hooklngs. "The Strollers" Mny 'A "Kight Bells" ,1, Herrmann 0, Tim Murphy 14, "The I'riHoner of /enda" 1(1. *~-¥ NEIW YORK STATE!. Bnffalo.-At the Star Theatre (J. B. Stirling, innnflger).—The llostonlnns. In ••Uobln Hood" and "Maid .\Iarlan," May 4-tl; Marguerite Sylva, In' "The Strollers," 10; nichard Mansdcid 15. 1(1. R. S. Wlllard ap- peared to marked advantage all lOBt week and many attended. Ti;cK TiiKvrnK (J. Lnughlln, manager).— IlualnpnH cantlniiea excellent with the Bald- wln-.McIvllle (.'0., who are this week present- ing •'The Christian,•' with "Woman Against Woman" underlined for week of 11. "Under Two FIngH" met with much favor. AcAiiKsiy (l>r. T'eter <,'. Cornell, mnnnger). — 'Ihe current nttnietlon Is "James Hoys In MlHKOurl," with (ieorge Kllmt and Alma IJenrn In lending roles. ."Pennsylvania" next'week. ••Itollvar's Busy Day' proved highly plenRlng nnd drew big attendance. 'J'hn advertising stall had a line beneht :i. SiiKA'M (iAniiKN TiiKATio: (.M. Shea, mana- ger).—Truly Shnttiick, Idnlene Cotton and .s'Ick Long, Alldgivy and ('arllsle, W. K. Kngllsh Zouaves, Cnidownle KlRterH, Drawee, Cltit' (iordnn, JohnHuii and Dean, nnd the vitagrnpb foi-ra this week's bill, LVcKii.u TllKAil.K (J. Laiighlln, manager). —"Arluona" returns thin week. Herrmann next week. "Tbe Cattle King" mlcil to nd- vautRge. Lai'avkttb TiiK.tTnE (CharleR M. Bngg, local manager).—Thll Sheridan's Hlg City S|K>rts i'o. this week, including: Naughty Itosa, Tom Heeson, llnrry l<'ergiison, Lulu Heeson, l'}verett Trio, James Short, Bernard Kdwnrds, Tony Kennedy, Ted Kvans, Jolr.i S. Itcnzcttn, Harry N. Laltiie, Hazel Kurt, nnd, GuKtavHon, "the Terrible Swede," In wrestling. W. H. Watson's American Hur- lesqiiers next week. Orass Widows did Hplendidly. ■ Albniiy.—At the Empire Theatre (H. H. Jn<'ubH, mnnnger).—(jertriide l.'oghlau. In "Alice of Old VInoenncs," April 28, 21), lind n kindly greeting, from a fair attendance. A return of Wm. -MorrlK, Jn "When We Were Twenty-one," ;I0, ugala drew a lilg honse. Clara Itloodgood, In '•The (llrl with the (Ireen Ivyes," wns particularly well received, liy n lii'i-ge Hudlence, Mav 1. 'fhe week closeil wttli the IloHtiinlnns, 2, In ".Vbtld .Marian" nnd "Itohin Hood," to light bUHlneHs. An- llti HTngbani 4, Henry .Miller 5, Kobt. Mnntell C, f. nouncements r Amelli Haiimam'H Hi.i:ki-kkii llAi.r. (H, It, Ja- cohH, manager),—The (IrHt prwliicllon ot Lleblcr & ('o,'h elaliornle revival of ■•Komeo and'Juliet," by a star cast, headeil by Kyrle Beliew nnd Kleanor Ilobson, drew a very large audience, which at testwl Us complete HuccesB In every way, on the evening of Monday. April 27. Joe , Welch, In ••The Teddler," fullowcd 28, 21), with big bouses, and "On the Suwiinee Illver," :iO-.N(ay 2, was l.Kowlso well patronized. "A IIomeHiiim Meart" comes 4, 5, annuni May Festival of the Albany .Musical AssiK'lntlon (I, 7, Finn- cIh WllHon 8, riiocTDii'H TtiKATiiE (Howard Graham, rpHldenl manager),—The stock company gnvii a very credituble perfornuince during lost wK-k of a new farce c<ime<ly, entitled •'Who Is Hrown?" liiirge ondlenceR wene pleased with It at cvRch performani-e. Week of 4 will lie nnotlier Htrong vnii(k:vJlle bill. In- cluding-Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mnrphv, Mr. and .Mra. Fmnk TiRvarule, Heed nnd Shaw, Itnrry ' Brown, Yamnmoto Bros., Ilennett and Fox, .Muslciil Tlior, and W. A. nnd Lottie llolime. Oaihtv TiiEA-ruK (.Mi-H. Agnes Hnrrv, pro- pi'letor liad manager).—Tills houae was open only three alghtR, 27-2f), when Ham T. Jark's Co. giive a very enjoyable burlesque enler talnineiit, to average nitdlenccR. Invlii Ilros. come .May 4-H. » " llnrliFMtcr—At the Lyceum Theatre (VV, n. Corrls, nsslKlunt innuiiger).—On neeonnt of the dojith of Htunrt Itobson tills bouHC wan dark'April 27.- Louis JnmeH nnd Fred- erick Warde, in "Tho TempcBt." played, to « largi> house, 28. "The 'i'orendor." with Fran- cis Wilson and a clever coinpiiny, delighted ' ImiiieuHe audiences 21), '.'0. Anna Held, In "Thp'-'Llttle DiicliesH," pin.vcd, to caparlty houses. May 1, 2. "The stnrbiicks" 4, Itogers Bros. 5, (I, the llnstonians 8, 0. NATlfiXAt, TiiKA-riiB (F, II. LiiPBcher, man- nger).—Wm. Morris, hi "When We Were Twenty-one," was well received by large houseH April 27-21), "In (Jonvlct's Strlpos." u Rcusntlounl melodrama, divw fair Rlzed au- dlpnccH ;i(i-Mny 2. A return engagement will be pin.ved by Joe Welch, In "Tho Veddler." 4«1: "The Kvll Kye" follows, 7-n. HAKni "I'linATUH (Warren F. Dnv, mana- ger).—The (list production of "A Great Temptation," by Owen Davis, wnn given ny the stock April 27. The production was Hinged in 11 ningntllclent manner nnd Hcored n hit. Clicked housea ruled throughout the week. "'I'lie Unsign" wll be presented week of May 4. (\)i)K Di'KRA HottRis (J. U, Moore, mana- ger).—Last week marked the close ot the senson for vaudeville at this houne, and tho patrons gntherwl In Inige munlierB at Troi".—At Rand'a Opera House (M i!«i manoger),—Oiertrude Coghlon, In "Anc, 1^; Old Vlucennea," hnd a good houae Anrli j- Kuru Kendall, In "The Vinegar Bi-yer'' iu not draw very well ;iO. (;larn lil(«,rt.,!!li lu "The Olrl With the Creea KiTi^V: not ■ ' ' .Aim Amelia sbn.',''5. . 7, Chauncey .Olcott 8, K. H; Sothern U GKIKWOI.D Opkra lIouMn (.M. IIpIk' miin nger).—"On the Kuwanee River" drewT/Si April 2'i-2».^ Joo \Velih, In "The Peddle,'! did well 30-May 2. The Alma Cbesiir ("o In repertory, 4-0. "•• SrAR TliKATRH (B. H. Kellnr, mnnoireri —Tlie Ham Jack Kurlcsquers drew mmi houses 30-May 2. for annual benedt of ii,n chiploycs of the theatre, nnd the place rloH.Iii for the seaRon 2. Thin house wIlll lie cnllM tbe Lyceum In the future, and will reninhi under tbe manaxemeot ot It. H. Kellnr bn next BCOBon It will be devoted lo blitli iiriru.i legitimate attractions, and what Is noi known as tbe Folly Theatre will be cnlleii the Royal; and will be overhauled and iiHeii as a vaudeville theatre next season, nniler the management of 11. H. Keilar and Jiihn H. McGrath. ''""" ■ BinRhamton.—At Stone Open nnuw (J. 1;. K. Clark, mnnaser).-Vlrgln|a Hnr^N^ In "Iris." drew good busness April -M "ijf Hubliard" had fairly good attendonee "ii Paul Oiimoi-e, In "'fhe Tyranny of Teniii^' plenned a fair slzeil audience .10. limWi Irving, In "The Crisis," drew n large an. dience May 1. 1.,ouIb James and Freilerlrk Warde came 2, TIiob. K. Shea, In tepertorj" NoTK.—Chas. King, Bdvertising Harnuin n Bailey Circus, was In town April .'10, « Elmlra.—At the Lyceum Tiieatre (M nets, manager).—The King Dramatic ('«' held the ImardB last week, with the ex- ception of Tuesday evening, when I'nul (<l|. more apiienred, la "The Tyranny of Teai-s •• Coming: Quintan ft Wall's .Mlustrels, tn tUm Its seaman here, May 27: lUiomas Jeirpi<snn presents "Kip Vnn Winkle" U. BiAiTO MuBic Halt. (P. W. MeConnell manager).—Ward Kelly's female .Minstrel ('0. opened a neek's engagement 4. lluslness here has been very good for the past week » IHiaaietown.—At the Casino (0. S Hathaway, manager).—"Sherlock Holmes'' won presented, to a large ond nppreelailvs audience, JI«y 1. fitetson'H "Uncle Turn's (>ahln" <.'o. did well 2. Henry Miller, hi "'i'he Taming of ileien," Is due tl, the Kilties, Gordon Highlanders' Bund, at State Armory, 4. DISTRICT OP COIiVMBIA. WaRhliiKton.—At the National Tlien- tre (W. H. itnpley, manager).— Millie James, In "Tlie Little PrlncesB,' had good bUKliii>Ha, but' not nearly as good as she deserved, A|u1l 27-May 2. Wm. Faversham, In "Im- prudence," this week. Amelia lllnghnm. In "The Frisky Mrs. Johnson," next- week. Cor.u.MniA Thkatre (Luckett ft Dw^er, managersl,—^Iyn»t week Otis Skinner, In "Lmtiirie, had crowde<I and delighted undl- encea. This week, "The Ilunnways." A liai- I ted Spring stock Reason opens at tblR limiM> '11. Bertha Galland, Hiipixirted by Juhu Blair, Frank Roberts, Hobert V. l''ergiiBiiii, Geoffrey Stein, William Kltterldae, .Mar- shal Farnum, Win. 1'obi, Rdward .McUregur, Hobert Hickman, Arthur Buchanan, Kate Iienin Wilson and Alargarct llourne. Tlic senBon openn with "School for Scandal." LA|.AVKT'fK Oi'KBA HOL'SK (Ira J. Ijl .Alotte, manager).—The Berger Stock pre- sented last week "Trilby," to excellent has'- ness, and the seaRon pi'omlseB (0 equal that of last Summer, wbicb was capacity audi- ences at every performance. This week, "MIsh IIohbR." "RcRiirrect Ion" ^ next. ClIAHK'H (iHANU TliKATRH (MISR H. Win- nlfi^ed l)e Witt, manager).—Last week, tlie second of the Hprliig season of the Cliase .Musical Stoi'k, '"riie Wlwird ot the Nile" drew capacity andleuceB for six nights ami three matinees. This week, "Faust." "Tlie Serenade" next week. AcARE.My 01' .Mi.'sti; (John W, Lyons, mali- nger).—Last week "The Sign of the Cross" wnH presented, to packed audiences. Tills week, "On the Stroke of Twelve." Ituse Melville, In "SIb Hopkins," next. LrcKi.'M TliKATRH (Fiigene Kerni\n, mnn- nger).—Mst week Watson's Ataerlcnnii pleuBed full houses at each of twelve per- t'ormnnces. Tlila week, the Topsy Tiuvy HurlesquerB. Oriental Uiirlesquers next. UsiriRi) TiiNATRE (.\L H. SchlrsiilnKer, man- ager).—The colorcii stock company, beadeil by Avery and Hart, Uist week repeated the Immense business of the week previous. "The Sons of iHam," whicli held over for a seeiinil week's presentatdon, with the added atitnic- tlon of Ulark C^rl, a very clever wlorea magician. "The lHottetit Coon in Dixie" this week. "A Lacky Coon" next.' The Barnum ft Haii.ev Snow Mny 11, 12. Ni)T>:.—A mnitlnee nt <,'haBe'B Ornnd, 1, nt which Iklouard De I(es-,!ke and the entire Meti-opolltan 0[>er)i House Orchestra inir- tlclpated, AIM the big nudltorlum to 119 utmost onpaclty. at high prices. 'I'lie enter- tainment was under the management of KiWIe V. Wilson, a prominent muHlo teacher of this city. 4» » RHODB ISLAND. Providence.—At the Provldcnoe Open House (Felix It. Wendelschaefer, mannKer). —The week of April 27 proved Hucfcssful, bothfromanortisdcAnd n businessBlandpolat of view, with the Ilostoulans, pieseullui: "Itoliln Hood" for two nlght« and n niatlaer, end E. II. Hothern, In a return engiiiteuient, with "If I iWere King" the last half, lieeords of the house, and probably of the city, were braken In tlie application forseJita for llm two 'weeks' epgagoment of "Ben Itiir." • ar- ncnters hnvo been nt work at the Oiiem House for a month on the prcllmlarles for tills mammoth production. The company oixmeil .May 4. K.Ml'niK TllHATRB (Riiltx ft N»IIian»oD. managers).—Weber & Fields' nggregatlon «- cuplcd the theatre night of April 27. m;; week won filled out by "WJien Women I-ove, a new meIo<lrama, wltli some original feat- ures, which took well. "When We yt'"* Twenty-one" week of Mny 4, followed i'> •'lAMvpIng tlie lioop." „, , I IsiPKUiAi. TiiBATBii (Fellx B, Vttnm- Bchnefer, manager).—"Happy IloUgao' drew well Inat week, Joe Sanfley, la "A Boy of the Streets," plnya the wee^ of '*..,<>Pj' Vi LlllputlanB -will give "In TosterlamV 11 ->"• KKiTii's (Charles lovenberg, ninpager).--- The Edward F. Albec Stock Co. gave an ex- cellent prcBentatlon of '"I'he Jilf'^lasl week. On 4 "ChrlBtopher Jr." gave nn ,"1'IXV" tnnlty to the show its ability in another Hne. Crowded houses continue. the patrons gathered n large nnmliern at Tark TiiRA'rRH (Sultz ft Nathonmn, man- evervpei-formaiKw. Mrs. FFske, In "Mary ngcrV —"MIckev Vfnn" was given ln»t of NrngdalB, • aupenrB May 4, 5 : Wilson Dra- w'iek. 'Pwk's ftnil Bay'' 4-0, and* bv OTV "' malic and VaiiiVvllle Co.. (local) (1-8, a Iwue- contrast. "The Power of ho Crois" next lit minstrel show for the employes of tlic house w'lll lie given I). The stock company opens the Summer RenRon 11, with "Tlie WildcrncRB." The company Includes: Jessie .Bonstellr. James Dnrkin, David .M. Hert- fortl. A H. Stuart, Tommy Shearer, C. w Cliapon, Will H. redder. Alexander Dale, hatlierine Clinton, Maribel Hevmonr, Belle GnlTney. nichaiil Haker. stage director 1<:mi-iiie Theatrb (II. 0. Jnrobs. mano- cor).—The Hon Ton Burlesquers drew parked houses last week. Tlie oho: Hoev nnd I*e lirnee lioonnrd. Barett Brothers. Hvrnn nnd Jinngdon, tbe Simpsons. Tlie last" week of Ihe nension n>t this house btwioa May 4 with the Bonomtan Burlenquewr ' BgCM) week. "Peck's Bail Bay" -.- -. -.. ,; ,, contrast, "The Power of tho CrosB next week. ■WRilTJtlNSTER TllFATRU (Oeorge I', "^j' rheller, manager).—The well known H,'>«'f" HurleBniiera gave nn interesting exliHu'iaa April 27, fofiowed 4 by Vanity I'li'r ""'■ iesque Company. , ,. NoTKS.—Mnnnser Lovenberg, of Koji"'' is crentihg Interest in the Albee Stock < '"i'; ponv, by offering n prtee ef $250 for tbe \^J play Riibmllted by n Hliode Island wr""- to lie given presentation Juno 1 ■ • • •' "When Women Love" wil be given n pro; diiction at the Bmpire, fof the benelit "t Bhmie Island FnreRters of-Ameriea. when the nrand Lodge neeta bere diirlDg tiie Summer.