The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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May 16. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 283 * DUmoDd Cunedj Co. ind has •Igned for fhree imSooi with 81«7ton'i tjwom Bumu. ""J?Jr"re,, Pall Tom N»wn and eom- So'^^ew oat of the bill at the Cblcato K2^ HMM a part of Ia«t week, owing tu MDT were >"" —■; fetllSSSV Sf" NaWS- Later in-the iSik FloHda Klnwley was taken inddcnly m** and Wright Tinntlnron * Co. were «moell«I to Md their engwement..... .W. ?.Tiit Browne haa moveif hla play factory ?o a more"nrenlent location of the Nortt mI and will contlnoe bla projrcroaa ba»l- n«S under more fRTorable condftlona I'hi. B loDS^ formerly of Henry W. BaTage'e VJiJJc^and Geo. P. Towle, musical director. «^ through town laet week, en route from WYork to 8»n KnuiclBco, where they haru .rnnced to preetnt a Summer seaaon of »h« Hoiers Brother*' plays at the Qraad o«rrHouse. Raymond and Caverly will ni^ ihc leading roles, others under engage- ment iMlng: lUiward Crane, Chas. Alflsun, i)orothy Drew, Louluc Moore, Kennedy and rSwc Grace lllrlch and Martha Claus. The chorus w»» strengthened through engage- menti here Hose Adelle, of Buomen and AAfWe will retire from the stage after ttaU wason. Continued 111 hcelth bag caused this decision. Frank Buoman will continue In vaudcvrllle, presenting a monologue...... The Empire Theatre, at SIxtj-second and Halstead; will !« opened this Fall by C. U. Casey who was formerly manager of the uawuette. Stock and TaudeTllTe will be the style of entertainment presented. <«» MASSACHIITBTT8, Boston.—"Peggy from Paris," at the Tre- moot, end Herbert Kelcey and Effle ShannoD, In "Sherlock Holmes," at the Boston, «re the principal theatrical eyeots of this week. Other happening) of lesser Importance are: "A Bomance of Coon Uollaw," at the Qrand ODeia; "Queen of the Ul^Mray," at Music Hall; "Sweet Clover," at the Castle Square; "Komeo and Juliet," at the Bowdoln Sonare, and usual weekly TandeTllle and burlesque changes. Good attendance generally ruled last week, but signs of the dying season axe visible at nearly erery amusement place. As has been the case all through the current aeason, the muslcaJ ahorws were the money makers, and they were responsible for the week's good average. "The Bub" Is to be the name of tbe dianged Grand Theatre, under the new maoagement of Stair h Wil- bur. This Srm will take poeseaelon about June 1, and will open the noose atraut the middle of August. I'HEJioNT THE-VTBE (Jdo. B. Scboeffel, manager).—Tuesday, May 12, "Peggy from I'arls, fresh from a fire months run In Chicago, will commence a Summer engage- ment at this hotise. Local Interest In the new Savage production Is at high water mark, so a good send off Is assured. In the cast are: Georgia Calne, Josle Baden, Guel- ma Baker, Helen Hale, Alice Hageman, Cu- lalie Jensen, Wm. T. Hodge, B. J. Connelly, Arthur Deagon, Geo. Schiller, John B. I'ark and Dan Baker. Anna Held, In "The Little Duchess," closed her season Saturday, Uay V, after a week of crowded houses. Boston Thsathe (Lawrence McCarty, manager).—Herbert Kelcey and Effle Shan- non, In "Sherlock Holmes," are here for a fortnight's stay. An excellent company sup- ports tbe stars, and the production, from a scenic, mechanical and electrical standpoint. Is said to be of the very first quality. Frank Daniels, In "Miss BImpllclty," enjoyed pros- perity for hiB two weeks' sojourn. As a laugh maker the piece Is one of tbe best .Mr. Daniels has ever appeared In, and all the musical numbers are on the tuneful and jingling order. CciLOMiAL TllEATBE (RIcb, Harris i Cbns. I'rohman, managers).—-The press and tbe public have bestowed many kind words on "A Chinese Honeymoon," now In its second week at this bouse, and It looks like a Ion;; run for tbe musical play. Of the organiza- tion, Toby Claude has scored the biggest hit, and her portrayal of the English slavey girl Is a very artistic bit of acting. John Ilea- shsw Is another favorite. After the first performance Belle Harper waa obliged to resign owing to sickness. IHdna Hlxon, at a moment's notice, played Miss Harper's role . In an acceptable manner. Helen Byron will assume the part this week. Hcixis Street Theateg (Isnac B. Rich, manager).—This Is the third and last week of Viola A'!en, in "The Eternal City." Good sized houses prevailed last week. Artisti- cally, Miss Allen has scored a triumph In the role of IloDia, one that fits her perfectly, and her splendid supporting company hns shared In ber success. Next week, "Skipper and Co., Wall Street." Boston Uuseuu (Field, BIch, Harris A Chas. Frolunan, managers).—Andlences of good site enjoyed tbe excellent work of the rUipIre Theatre Co., In "Unforeseen," last week. Now that the reign of this old house Is almost ended, the oJd time playgoers are in evidence at every performance, to take a farewell look at the sbovrtiouse Where they hare sfient many pleasant hours. After this, the flosl week of 'The Unforeseen," tbe com- pany will revive "'lue Importance of Being lUmeet." Pabk Thbatbi (Rich, Harris k Chas. Frohman, managers).—Alttougb Minnie Da- pree. In ''A Rose o' Plymouth Town," Is not a success from a box office point of view, many kind words have been said about the play and star. The play is a sweet, pure and Interesting love romance of colonial days, and because of our nearness to Plymouth tbe theme Is of special Interest to local play- goers. The opeitlng performance of this week, wUc^ Is tbe last of the engagement. Is a testimonial to tbe sdvertlalng staffs of the llollls. Museum, Park and CoTonlal. Majestic Tiieatbb (Stair & Wilbur, man- agers).—The tblrd week of Ward & Yokes, In "Tbe Head Walters," begins Monday of Ibis week. Business Is still very good and it looks as If the show would continue for quite a few weeks more. Gtt.VND Ofeiu Hoube (Geo. W. Magee, manager).—As was expected, the Royal Llll- putlaos, In "Posterland," did very well last week. The show was tbe best we bad ever seen these little folks In. The old time South em drama, "A Romance of Coon Hollow." Is current card. Annie Lockbart beads a cap- able company. Lavlnle Shannon, In "Lady Audley's Secret," comes next week. Mvnir, Hall (Stair ft Wilbur, managers). —"Queen of the Highway" Is this week's attraction. The play Is said to be full of startling climaxes. Company Includes: Charlea Severon. Wm. Tralnor, Don Merrl- neld, Richard Thompson, J. Louis Vngtnr, Samuel B. Steele, Dorothy Thornton, Alberta J-ee, Henry Miller and others. "When Women Love" met with fair approval last week. Week of May 18, "Looping the I/Jon." OisTi.B SoLABB TnBATBJC (J. H. Kmery, manager).—"Secret Service" Is revived this week by the stock connected with this house. Howell Hansel, Lillian Lawtenre and other leading members of the stock are In the cast "No Thoroughfare" was a pleasing product'.on last week, although the business *TM a little off, owing to John Craig's star- ring venture at another house. "The Duke s Motto" Is In preparation. BOWDOIK SQt'ABfl TlMATBl (0. E. Lothrop. nvanager).—The Lothrop Stock Co. nresenls •Itomeo and Juliet" this week. Berf Lytell, who bu been n>eclally engaged for this pro- duction. It tbe Botneo. and Cbarlotte Hunt Ibe Juliet. The leading members of the stock are alro in tbe cast. Special prepara- tions have been made for this offering. Next week, "Pjrgnallon and Galatea" and "A Happy i%Sr." IIowMD ATinNAioM (Wm. McAvoy, man- *Ker)—Nat U. Wills again heads tbevaude- Tllle bill nt this bonse. Judging from hik large following Ur. Wills eerUlmy has tbe Koeda Tbe Orphens Comedy Four, a big wcccM of a (ew weeto ago. la •\¥> fntared. uiS«-.''lS?'.fiS= h* Hoy and Woodford, Jl'5"i!iu*1?' I'*»„I-yons, Leonard Howard and Jul a CrosbT, Hazsmlth Duo, Fred Wye- Svf}.iii"It,,*S" Raymond. Willie WestSu, FostMle and hmmett. Loralne and Vinton the Norrlses, George Donaldson, and Fred- tricks. -On the Pan. or Cooked to Order,' is not an ad. for a resUurant. but the title of current week's burlesque. AH the favor- tes of tbe stock have a hand In the cook n''v5^ "i 'e^S'lOK dish is promised. Billy R Van is onderlfned for next week. ^*v"'^]SJ^S^'"» 'Chas. H. Wsldron. man- y^PuT^^ .^C° Brothers and Lillian J:'.'J»''''„Haxtable and Stock, Cooper and Bailey, Battle Mills, and Henry iTwalte supply the olio for this week. "The Palace Beauty ' and "Love and War" are the bur^ Icsque vehicles. Houses are comforUbly Blled, despite the approach of warm weather, and the patrons are well repaid for choos- ing the theatre in preference to tbe many outdoor pleasures. Keith's Tiieatbb (B. F. Keith, manager), —last Summer's big success, the Fadettes Womans Orchestra, Caroline D. Nichols, director, Is this week's headllner. A new and magaiflcent setting has been built for this engagement. Other entertaJners are: Fred Ward and John Curran, Mr. and Mrs. JImmie Barry, Howard Thurston (second week), Mons. Trovollo, Zaiell end Vemoo. Franco Piper, the Brlttons, Ed. Gray, Johnny Wil- liams, John and Lillian Hoover, Charles Howard, the De Foreests, Besoah end Miller, nod new motion pictures. Eva Williams and Jac Tucker canceled last week because they were not prominently bllle<l. Lew Wells, and Carleton and Terre flUeti the gap in the bill. Ouyer and Daly made a tremendous hit with their original specialty, and re- sponded to eight and nine encores at every show. LTCEtj-M Thbatsb (0. 11. Batdheiler, man- ager).^Manchester's Vanity Fair Co. Is this week's booking. Two burlesques and an olio. Including: Anl, In "The Frame of Life;' Brown, Harris -and Brown, Mclntyre and Bice, the Two -Tacksons, aiartella and Lan- caster, and tbe Four Show Girls, constitute tbe bill. Rose Sydell'a London Belles Co. had a good week, and the show was a bully one. AHETiN & Stone's Museuu (Stone ft Shaw, managers).—Week of May H: Mr. and Mb. Chauncey Morlan, fat people: Mary Martin, Albino maid; Bonette, strong man: Sadie Knowlton, daring 'cyclist: Bovey and Adelaide, jugglers, and ilngb and Bessie Lee, sleight of hand performers, are curio hall acts. Stage bill Includes: Viola Scarlet, BUI and Biff, Lottie and Tessle Mayberly, Christian, Watklns and Derby, Florence Sis- ters May Bryant, Spencer Trio, Paddy Maber, Tuscunoh Sisters. Edmund O'Coonell, Bar- ton and Beverly, Beatrice Goldsmith, Topsy Turvy Trio, Wally Clark, C. H. Forrest, Fred Rbannno, and Hanson and Harris. The artis- tic lobbies of this house reflect great credit upon the originator and executor. Manager A. B. White, who Is an artist of no mean ability with the brush. Nickelodeon (L. B. Walker, manager).— Curio hali bill for week of May 11: Pro- fessor W. A. Barclsy, hypnotist, assisted by Madam Florence White; Ed. Hughes, bag Buncher; Oullette Brothers, aerlailsts; the elyers' Illusion, the mysterious barrel, and Veto Basile, vegetable king. Gertie /ola'b Lady Miastrela nrovldes the theatre show. Shop Talk. —Manager Henry B. Harris and wife have sailed for Europe Viola Allen will spend the coming Summer In the BerkHhIre Hills "All Baba and the Forty Thieves" is vUagraphlcally told this week nt Keith's Henry W. Savage hns Hailed for America, after a business trip through Italy, Germany and France.. W. D. Coxey, of the Bornum ft Bailey prens bureau, has been busily at work all the p-ist week In this city Charles <iuyer and Nellie Daly will retire from vaudeville after this week, to commence rehearsals for "Babes In Toyland,'" In which they have prominent parts. Roth arc Ilostonlans, iiml are fast ascending the ladder of fame E. M. Holland, of "The Eternal City;' l.'i... will appear next season with Kyrle Bellow. Horace Lewis has relumed to town for the Summer, having closed his starrlus engagement In "A Poor Relation." J. Austin Fynes, general manager of the F. F. Proctor amusement enterprises, made a visit of several days to Boston the post week "The Lltlle Duchess" se.ison hav- ing closed, George Marlon joined Henry W. Savage's forces, and will look after the sfag- '.ng of "Peggy from Paris," at the Trcniont. The closing attraction of the season nt the Grand Opera, Mnv 30, will be Ross Snow, In "Hu>pv Hooligan." Helen SherwcKid and Isabel Yates, late of ""A Coun- try Girl" Co., have joined "'A Chinese Honey- moon" Co Nluslc Hall uni Mny II); Chas. Grapewln and Anna Chonce. Duity. Sawtelle and Duffy, Alex. Wilson, Barr and Evans, the Grahoms, West and Andrews, Murray and Murray, the Wiltons, Bloise Shaw, and Barrlngton nnd Martell W. D. Andrews, now business manager of tbe Museum, will be the business manager of tbe Park next season George Sidney, the Hebrew comedian, now with Ward and Vokes, will be seen again at tbe bead of his own company next season. In a second edition of "Busy Iziy." Blanche Morrison, a protego of Napier Lo- thian, of the Boston, scored a big bit the past week at BulTalo as Maid Manan, with the Bostonlana Manager William Har- ris was In town for a few daya last week. Majestic bill May 10: Pauline Hall, Barr and Evans, Orth nnd Fern, Hub Trio, New York Comedy Four, the Hlltons. Ollll- han and Hurray, Mitchell and Love, Frank- lin and HIatt, and Marie Palmer Tbe current engagement of Nat M. Wills at tbe Howard Is nis last In vaudeville. Next season be Is to star In "A Son of Rest," under tbe direction of Broadburst ft Currie. Ida Conquest, of Brookllne, has sailed for Europe, chaperoned by May BobsoD (Mrs. Robinson), to spend tbe Summer in London and Versailles, and IncldentallT study tbe leading female role In "Tbe Ad- mirable Mr. Crlchton," which she signed to play, before sailing, with WlllUm QIlTette next season Manager W. H. O'Neill, of the Point of Pines, announces tbe sea- son at that park will open June 14. Hor the flrst two weeks of the season a strong vaudeville bill will be given, and on June 'J8 tbe season of opera will begin, with the l*lDe8 Opera Co., under the direction of Adolphe Haver, as an attraction. Company includes: Minnie Jarbean, Bose L. Harte. Virginia AInsworth, Ermlnle BIsler, John B. Young, Douglas Flint and Frank Kelly. The reperto^ will Include: "1492," "The French Maid," "The Girl from Paris" and "The Telephone Olrl." Uay 18, at the Colambia, Jacob P. Adier, the Hebrew trag- edian, will make bis flrst appearance id Boston with an English speaking supporting company. "The Merchant of Venice la the Rlay, nnd the company Includes: George lortun, Augiistus Balfour. Victor H. ue Sllke. James J. Ryan, D. R. Banlon, Russ Wbytal. Guy Coombs, J. Morris, Robert C. Turner. B. W. Turner, Miss Phelps. Meta Maynard, Elisabeth Woodson and J. Sadie Handy There Is a controversy going on over the alley running between theTari Theatre and Hote Cecil. Tbe proprletora of tbe hotel. It Is said, have closed It for com- meretsl purposes, and this. If done, will close up the second entrance, required by law, to Ibe Park John Craig had a most profit- able week at the Bijou, with a highly com- mendable performance of "Prince Karl." s BpriasfleM. — At tbe Court Square Theatre (W. C. Le Noir, manager).—The Corse FaytoD Comedy Co. began a month's engagenient Msy 4. presenting ''Besnrrec- tloo." In which Uiss Hamilton does herself credit as Maslova, the company giving her able support. "Northern Llgbts." the latter rart of the week, waa acted with a vim and snap which held the attention of the audi- ence. The specialty of tbe OnrI Family. In- troduced before the play, was well received by the audience at each pertormtnce. K. II. Sothem made his annual visit 6, and com- pletely fliled the theatre with an audience that witnessed one of the best of tbe sea- sons productions. In "If I Were King. ' Tbs Corse I>ayton Comedy Co. will pluy every afternoon and evening, except Satur- day, 16, when ""King Dodo" will reign su- preme. The repertory consists of "^Koee- dale." U, 12; "Tho Wail Street Merchant." 13, 1-J; "Wealth and Poverty" 18. Tbs specialty will be Sie Haasan Ben Alt's tlt>U|M GaiXD Opeba Hocbr (Charles W. Fonda, manager).—"The Happy Tramp," 4-6, playeJ to fair returns, the company putting on a show to entertain well. Antonio Malorl closed the season with "Hamlet" and Othello" 8. 9. to small business, no doulit due to the fact that the productions were given in Italian. Cliwinqs.— Claude Paylon took the lead Ing role In "Northern LIghU," as J. Frank Burke was Indisposed .\f the meeting of the local union of the blllers and bill iKisters Union, No. 15, on Msy 3. Wll llnm Nash, of <lBrdn*r. and William Wallace, of the Mildred Holland Co., were made mem- bers. The next meeting will be held Mny JI. Jl. Barll appeared In the olio of the Dixie Minstrels at Worcester, 6, 7 Tbe second annual banquet of the Sprlngfleld Aerie nt Eagles was held In the hall of the Highland Hotel 6, about two hundred Bitting down to a fine menu. Adrian L Potter acte<l RP toast master. After a silent toast to the departed members, a number of the visiting eagles spoke. Dovld H. Frailer, the father of the local aerie, was delayed en ttivr, and did not arrive in time, which was a source of great regret. « Lynn.—At the Lynn Theatre (Frank 0. Harrison, manager).—The Frankle Carpenter Co. came May 4, for the week, and played to big business. This was the company^s closing engagement. The Lynn Labor Council gave a minstrel performance for the benellt of tbe Knights of Labor cutters' and stitchers' strike fund. The show was produced under the direction of Patrick J. Bowen. Lynn Lodge of Elks held its annual reunion of members In this theatre 14. Manager F. G. Harrison, of the theatre, was the chairman of the committee of arrangements. "A Jolly American Tramp" Is to appear 16. The Bos- ton Ideal Opera Co. will open a four weeks' engagement of Summer opera 18. Uaibel Day, late of the Castle Square Theatre, Boston, Is to be the prima donna. OEM TiiEATRB (C. W. Sheafe, manager).— Businetw cotitlnuea excellent, notwithstand- ing the warm weather. This week: Wally and liottle Hciston, George and LH>ble Du- pree, Fred and Gertie Raodolpb, J. J. Har- rington, Win F. Herbert and Will F. Rogers, aivd the bioscope. New Mechanic Tubatbe, Salem, Mass. (William H. HIckey, manager).—Business continues satisfactory, and Che house will remain open several weeks yet. Extensive reiwirs and alterations will be made during the Summer. The current attractions are : \Hiiry. Sftwtelle and Duffy, Orth and Fern, James Weltzell, the New York Comedy Four, Murphy and Slayter, Ryan and Douglniw, the Four Lukens, and the komograph. Salem Tiikatjih, Salem, Slass. (Ilorry B. Reed, manager).^"A Jolly American Tramp" played, to Hmall business, 4. Herbert Kelcey and Effie Shannon appeared. In "Sherlock Holmes," to n good uouse, 9. John Craig came 11, In "Prince Knrl." Notes. —Gardner nnd West nnd Sunshine, who filled an engagement at the Gen, In thin city, last week, state that they will open on the Edward Shayne circuit of Bum- mer parks '2i, for the season Kntlv eriuc liober made a flying visit to this city evening of It, and was the guest of Jere Urndy and Frankle Carpenter, of tbe Lynn Theatre. Miss Itober informed Tub Cmp- I'KH eorrespoudent that she would open lier Summer sensun at the Empire Theatre, Prov- idence, R. I.. 18, playing "Iluder Two Flags." James P. Grady, last season with the Sullivan, Harris ft Woods Co., In "The Fatal Wedding," has closed, and Is at bis home In this city. He will be InMhe em- ploy of the same managers next season. Major Bishop, of Bishop's Concert Hall, Is III In his home In Wenhsm, but bis condition Is not considered serious The High Hock Pavilion will probably lx> formally openod 16, for the season Manager Jere Grady, of the Frankle Car- penter Co., was called to tbe footlights at the performance In tbe Lynn Tliealre on tbe evening of 8, when ex-Aldermau W. P. Connery, an actor of the old school. In be- half of Jere's many Lynn friends, presented him with a gold watch, chain and Elks' ciwrm. Mrs. Grady (Frankle Canwoter) was made the recipient of a large bunch of American beauty roses. Mr. and Mrs. Grady will spend tbe coming Bummer at Onset Bay Tbe work of Retting Gorman's Summer theatre at Salem willows ready for tbe season's opening, next monlli. Is now welt under way. Manager Doyle Is In charge. on a special train. Coming: Chauncey 01 eott. In "Old Limerick Town," 10. Bmfibr Tiiiatmi (James Sullivan, mana- ger).—Moving pictures, P, drew good busi- ness. PBNN8VLVAKIA. Lowell.—At the Lowell Opera House (Fay Bros, ft Hosford, owners and maaa- gers).—The one attraction last week, "A Jolly American Tramp," did very good busi- ness May 0, 0, with two matinees. The comedy was very ably presented, to well plessed andlences. Due: John Craig, In ""Prince KarV' I'J, 13, with matinee. People's Theatkb (Bam Myers, mana- ger).—This house bad fair business the past week, and a very good bill, consisting of minstrel flrst part and the< following ullo: Hyland and Gront, Morin Sisters, Paddy Maber, Maude Thornton, and Tom Carroll. Current: The Harkens, Morln Bisters, Walsh and Tbome, and Tom Coatello. Mbntiow. —Al, Harris was In town 0, In advance of John Craig, In "Prince Karl." CThas. Porter closed here with the "Jolly American Tramp" Co^ and will re- turn to hl« borne In Toledo, O. Henry Oer- sey will replace Mr. Porter Albert C. Kelsey severed bis connection witb V. D, Lynch's "Electric Wonder World" 0, and returns to Newbiiryport Mr. Lynch re- fitted tbe Crystal Theatre as an amusement hall mostly as an experiment, but (s meeting with sucb success ss warrants him to remain permanently Prof. Cox, tbe local hypno- tist, will take out a company to tour the New England States 11, to be known ai< Cox ft Valvols' Comedians, Harry B. Sargent, manager. The company will Include; Prof. Cox, Valvols, Hanry 8. Sargent, Mile. Emlle, Illustrated wonaa, moving pictures, etc Lowell Aerie. 223, of Eaffles. bald Its flrst anniversary In Huntington Hall 3, and It was In every way a success. "Mayor Mc- Namee, of Cambridge, was the orator of the evening, and bis address was eloquent and Impressive. Tbe entertainment Included tbe followlDf well known local performers: Mozart Qusrtet, Misses GllllgsD and Wloney, Ix>retta Bonrke. Rlla Brennan. Bessie O'Nell Johnson. David P. Martin, and P. Waldron Edmunds, as accompanist. James W. Barry, chairman: F. A. M. Tobln. P. W. P.; George B. McCabe. W. P.: John II. Farrett, W. t": John M. Hogan, W. F. S.: WlllUm II. Gor- don. Michael J. Cullen and Geo. V. Doyle were tbe committee of arrangeinenta, and Joihn J. Lonergaa, master of ceremonies. Ar- rangvments are being made for a social for May 17. s North Adaais,—At the Richmond The- atre (W. P. Hesde, roansger).—Francis Wil- son, In "The Toreador.'*^ filled the bouse May 7. E. H. Sol hern, In "If I Were King." pbiyed, to the caiiarlty, 8. A delegation of over two hundred Plttsfield people attended tbe performance, and returned to that city Nrw Bedford.—At the New Bedford Theatre (Wm. H. Crons, manager).—Herbert Kelcey and Kffle Shaimon, supiiortetl by an elDclent company, presente<l "SherlcKk Holmes" May «, and gave great satisfaction to one of the most select audiences of tho season. Byron's Illnmlnatetl pictnree, under tbe direction of (diaries MacGeachy, 7-0, Rroved a revelation. The displays are cer- llnly presented In a grand manner, and well deserved tbe frequent encomiums from large audiences. Due: "Are You a Mason?" 11 ; Viola Allen. In -The Eternal City," 18: •.uscomc Scarelle, In oratorical and mus'cal Illustrated pictures of Sonth Africa, 12. SiiERDY'a TitEATRR (Tbro. K. Baylies, mnnnger).—The show presented here lli'i past week was equal to any that has Iteen offered during the sonnon, and tho crowded audiences testlAed to Its stionc merit. The Collbria Midgets headed the bill, and re- iteatcd their former success. They are cer- tainly a strong drawing card. Russell and Ixjckc, In songs and dances; the Lynns, lu a character sketch, scored unusunl hlls. Dudic Koller gave evidence of accomplish- ments In ber vocal selections. This week's bill Is: Tanner and Gilbert (local favor- ites), Howard and Burke, West nnd Van Slc- len, Frty nnd Fields, Bernard Williams, livetyn Kouner, and the vltagrnph. Plowrrr' TitEATRD is dark (Flowers ft SbnnnoD, managers;. Star Tiiratrh (Fred Patterson, mana- ger).—This house Is prospering, and pr3 scnts a fair entertainment, to IlliernI patron- age. NoTEH.—Amusement seekers will have n surfeit of variety In this section during the coming good old Summer time, as hfltii Hhccdy's nnd the New Bedford Theatres will vie with the outdoor parks for patron- age It. Rufllngton, manager of Sheedy's l-all River house, will open a Hummer sea- son nt the local house about May 26, with a stock company, presenting standard dramas—at cheap prices. James E. McElroy, who made auch a fnvorahle Impression here Inst season In comedy roles, has again been engaged for the conilug season, along with a coDipatiy of players of recognized merit. A Hammer scoson Is to be Inaugurated here June 1, under tbe direction of li, W. HoRpnthal, of New York, who has also the Academy uf Music, Fall lllver. Mass., for June, July and August. It la bis Intention to organize nn opera and dramatic com- pany and alternate weekly between both cities New scenery Is being painted for each cnm- Cany and altemntewcoxly between Itoth cities, e presented, at low prices of odmlsslon. Only players nnd vocalists of recognliicrt nblllty will be engaged for each company. ns It Is the Intcntlou of the promoter to present nil operas and plays In a capahln manner Knthryn ()slerman Is to be starred In "MIhh Pcttlcnals," as dramntlKcd by Oeorge T. KIcbardsnn, of Boston, under Ins direction of J. J. Rosenthal, of New York. The piny will possllily have Its first production In this city, as the scenes relate lo the old New Bedford whaling days. s Kali River.—At the Academy of Mimic (Wm. J, Wiley, manaser).—Tbe Knights of i'olumbus Minstrels, May 5, played to Inrgo business, nnd gave great siitlsfactlon. Her- bert Kelcey nnil Kflle Blinnnon, In "Shcrlnck Holmes," 7, were welcomed by a good bouse. Rooked: Byron's Illuminated stage plclurcH 11-18, Francis Wilson, In "Tho Toreador," 10; "All the Comforts of Home" 18, Vliiln Allen, In "The Elcrnal City," 10. Ilijoip TiiE.iTRK (Henry Myers, manager). —"Weary Wllllo W'alker" opened, to good business, Mondivv, 4, It being a testimonial iH'ueflt to Mr. Klrhy, treasurer of the llie- ntrc. The attraction ,ployed, to light IiuhI- ness, Ti, 0. Nothing dellnlle lu bookings. Casto Tiibathk (Al. Ilayiips, manager).— f.ockhart's Kleplianis Inst we<>k made a bit, tioing pronounced the l.'est ever Keen liere In the nalmal line, and as a result are held ovor for another week. The rest of flio bill fi>r wci'k of 11: Fox and Summers, fhn Bartells, Ferror, Colo and mmpany, Jennie Homer, the McAvoys, Conwcll and Bwan. ' 8iiREi>y'K TiiKATsn (I>. It. Bufflngton, man- ager).—^Thn Bufilngton Stock Co., presenting "Tlie Ticket of I>eave Man," played, to large business, lost week. Kugenc Phelps, Jsmes K. MoElvoy, Helen Gordon, Fred 8. Campbell deserve mention, while the ■peoleltles by Charles Kcnney and Llllinn Newton are also worthy of note, "nie Mountain Queen" week of May 11. s Wwr<-ea<er.—At the Worcester Theatre (Kellx I(. Wendelsrhaefcr, manager).—Fran- cis Wilson will be seen. In "The Toreador." .Uay in. Rogers Bros., In "Rogers Brothers In Harvard," will arrive in, and Rlrharil Mansfield Is expected to npnoar In "Julius Csesar" 27. f^ast week tbe Dixie Minstrels, a local entertainment, was very well re- ceived. liOTiinof's OpKBA Ilarnu (Shea ft Wilton, managers).—Week of II, "Weary WIIIIb Walker." LRSt week "A Desperate Chance" drew good attendance. Paiik TiiEATsn (Shea ft Wilton, mana- gers).—Week of 11 : Flood Brothers, Har- riet Gmham Davles, Barrett Brothers, Tally- IIo Duo, Ed. and Nettle Masse, Bonerson, trick pianist: tbe Kppes, and the Colonial Trio. Cahiko TiiKiTBR (Davy ft I.eslle, manO/ gers).—Week of 11: Mason and Karloy, Nellie .Mason, Eva Marsh, Ilena GIrard, toe Can- nons, Lillian Newton, and the star bur- leaquers. Business last week was good. I s Lawrence.—At the Opera House (Cahu ft Grant, managers).—Rostock's animals held the boards, to fair business. May 4. 6, Including two motlnees. "Tbe Amerlcsn Tramp" played, to fair business, D. Week of 11, "Parada" (local). Casto (Al. Haynes, manager).—For week of 11, I/Ockhart's elephants canceled. Casino (W. L. nallagher, manager).— Week of 11: The Lynns, John and Clara : Winnie Burke, tbe Daley's, Harry and Sadie; Hyland and Grant, Annie Mortin; burlesque, "A Night at Coney Island." s llolyoke.—At the Opera House (B. I.. I'otler, manager).—Corse Payton's Come<ly Co., In "Resurrection," came May B, to good business. Adelaide Fiti Allen, In "The Duchess of Devonshire," 8, canceled. Booked : John Drew, In "The Mummy and tho Hum- ming Bird,'' 0; "KInjt Dodo" IB, Corse Pay- ton's Comedy Co. 16, tbe Bostonlans, In "Robin Hood," 18. <» » aiAIMB. Portland.—At tbe Jeffsrson Theatre Cahn ft Grant, maiugers).—"Han Toy" came May I, 2, "A Dttnt£ of Keys" 4, 'VA Jolly American Tramp" 7, "Tbe Bonnie Brier Busb" 8, 0. Attractions for this week In- clude: ''The Devil's Auction" 13. "Prince Karl" 14, "The Belle of New York" 10, "When We Were Twenty-one" 10, Rogers Brothers 22, 23, Viola Allen 2S. stock com- pany 20-June 20. _ ,. „ Portland Fauilt TilKATBa (Ja*. 13. Moore, manager).—Large audiences ruled here last week, tbe following appearing: Charley Orapewln and company, James Har rlgan, Harry and John Dillon, Three Kea- tona, Ryan end Douglass, Chinese Johnny Williams, and the blograph. Current bill: Felix nnd Harry, Tim i'ronin, Sisters Tobln, Charlotte Guyer George, Sully Family, OIHN fasn and Unrray. « ■» — Mrs. Mary Murtha, mother of Lllllao V. Tbomdyke, died Btay 5, at Rrldgeport. Conn. Phil«del|>hia.—^The season for tbeatri. cal enierlnlnment here Is rapidly disinte- grating. Four of uur local bouasa have already close<l their rrgular season, and the others are rnnldly fRllIng In line for tho Bummer vacation. Those that are open are enjoying allendnnre of only moderate dl- inenslons, na warm weather and iheatregoing here seem unable to get along together. Two of our prominent theatres, the (larrick and the Chestnut Street Theatre, are to be dark after this week. Academy or Mdsic— Jacob P. AdIer. sup- ported by an English speaking company, apneared In an admirable production of '•ITic Merchant of Venice" at this house Inst Saturday night, attracting an audlenco of excellent sixe. This tragedian's concep- tion of Shylock differs materially from that wo have been accustomed to. but la logical and consistent throughout, and the Inter- pretation displayed eminent histrionic ability. Iwo more performances are given on Tues- dny and Wednesday evenings of this week. Iho fine performances given last week by Weber antf Fields and tbeir compaiup brought out record breaking buslneat. Gaubick Tiieatrh (Frank Howe Jr.. man- ?F'"!'~:;',''**'"5'.^""'''"i" "'"> '>"'" Glaserln (ho lending role, continues during the cur- rent week, which ends tho engagemnt and nis<i closes the season for the house. Tho ntlondunre was of excellent size last week. UIKSTNUT STHRKT Ol'KHA lIollRB (MzuB thil"h™!;^'"l! 'n«,nagers).---"The Holy City." which had Its flrst local production lul week. Is the continued offering during tbe ••""•rent week at this house. It con bo ssid of this iiroducf Ion that W. B. Hurst his suc- eeedwl In writing a dignified drama, but tbe cast does not measure up lo Its Intcrprela- tliin well. Audiences were small through- ;;"','»"* week. Next week. Dan Daly. In John Henry, ' CiDCSTNiiT Strbrt Tiikathb (NIxou ft '/Am- nmrmnn. manageni).—"TIjo Silver Bllpoer" Is now In Its rtfth week, nnd tbia Is an- noHuced aa the end of tho local engagement. Tlie recciHIon of this musical comedy hero has been all that could bo desired, and were It not for the coming warm weather the run could bn continued for some time to c<>me. With the end of this week tho bouse closes for the season. Walnut Strkxt Tiibatbb (Frank Howe Jr., Manager).—At this house "Tho Knlcker- ^?}^V ^'''' '* »"" running, drawing well filled houses at each performance. Ai'i'iT<iRiiiM (Stair ft Havlln, managers). —-M. \y. Taylor's production of Will C. Murphy s melodrama, "Why Women Slo." Is the current offering at this bouse, "Sua- iiy Jim' Is announced for his flrst local apprarance next week In the person of Al. Leech. Tho patrons liberally attended the IterformanccH of "Looping the I.oop' last week, and were well cnlcrtalned by this non- sonslcnl scries of specialties. Park Theatre (F. O. Nlxon-Nlrdllngor, manager).—At this house Kellar Is now In his fourth week, with continued good at- tendance. " National TiiBATHi (Josepli M, Kelly, man- ager ).---'11ic patrons Ibis week have as an nltnuitlon Belnsco's "Tlio Heart of Mary- land," with "Happy Hooligan" announced for next week, the Inst of the season. A capital vandcvllln cntortalnmeMt was fur- iilslied by tlis Illnck I'attI Troubadours last week, and llhcrol pfitromigo was tbe reward rif merit. I'Koi'LM'K TilMATim (F. G, NixoB-Nlrdllng- er. manager).—Uura BIggar, In a revival of "l<:nHt I.ynne," Is the attraction at Ibis bouse. "Tho llejirt of Maryland" did an excellent business lost week, Next week, "Defending Her Honor." Kmnhinuton TiiHATHH (John Il&rt, mana- ger).—iMnmIe Fleming, In '"I'hu Princess of Patches," was excellently recolved last weuk, and this week continues ber engage- ment, appearing In "My I/ady Nell" and "Tlin Power of Weallli," A continuation Of the sanin engagement next week will have HM Iho bin "A l>\lirornla Waif," FoRKi"Aiiiiii'M TiiKATRM (Miller ft Kauf- umn, manngers).—"Prince Utto" Is tbe bill fur this week, nnd In addition lo iMa\i Leon Hull, Florencfl Roberts and the other mem- liers uf thn regular company, George W, llnrliler und Ii'ornauila Ellscii, frum the Qjt. rurd. are udded to the cust. For next week Ihe comiMiuy is rehearsing "Wife fur Wife." A stirring melodrama, entitled "The King of thn Air," held thn attvutlun of Ibe patrous last week, and earned their commenutlon, GlIIAIIIl AVKNUK TllKATHK (Mlllsr ft Kauf- man, mnnMuors),—The production of "Romeo nnd Juliet" nt (his house last week added greatly to Iho reputation of the slock com- pany. Fernanda Ellscu, as Juliet, and l..eo- nora von Uttlnger as Itomuo. earned great praise, and the other members of the com- pany lent vntnoble assistance In the perform, ances. This week the stock company Is supporting Oliver Doud Uyron, Id "Across Ibo Continent." Next week. Aubrey Boucl- cuiilt will he Hupiiorted by tbe company. In "The Hhangraun.'' GuANii Opeba Hoi.hh (0. A. Wegefarth. manager).—The stock company'a offering this week Is "Uucin Tom's Cabin." "(fa- mine" was presented In a competent man- ner last week nnd attracted well Hlled houses. The company Is rehearsing "David Oarrirk" for the coming week. KitiTii'H Bmoi' (John Kelrans, resident mnnaKer).— "7-W-H," Augustin Daly's suc- cessful I'Mmedy, Is this week being presentcti by the stuck company at this house. Well illled houses laughed heartily last week when thn company brought out all the humor In "Incog." Next week, "NIolw." CuLl'MuiA Tiikathb (Ignacio Martlnettl. mnnnuer).—"The Streets of New York" Is the offering by Carrie lladcllffe and her com- pany this week. It Is announced that next week will he divided between "GIselda" and "Camllle." Goodly atlondance greeted the performances of "Wicked I.ondon'' last wuik. HTANUAun TifBAvnn (Darcy ft Speck, man- agers).—Tlie season at this bouse closed lust week. Monday and Tuesday evenings of this week the employes' benefit takes place. The stock company appears la "A Debt of Vengennce," and a vaudeville por- furraance Is added. Keith's New Tiibatbb (H. T. Jordan, resident manager).—Ijist week's fine bill, one of tho best for some time, proved po- tent as an attraction, and kept patronage at a good level. Tbe Florodora Sextet Is continued this week, and other Interesting turns ore provided by: Cole and Johnson, Thos. J. Ryan and Mary KIchfleld, Al. Hell man and Lottie Moore, John Ford, John Kemell, Three Livingstons, Waiter nanlels, Burke's musical dogs, Chlnqullla and Newell, Fields and Wbalen, Antrim and Peters, Dor- othy Walters, I.«le Bridge, and the Keith motion pictures. Eleventh Strebt Opbba IIouhb (frank Dupiont, manager),—A highly prosperous season for Dumont's Minstrels at this bouse came to a close last Baiurdsy nljtbt. Busi- ness waa large un to the Inst, The house Is to reopen the latter part of August. LrcnuM Tiibatue (John G. Jermoo, man- ager).—Entertainment this week Is furtil«li«l by the Bowery Rurlesquers. With Harry Bryant's Burlesquers holding the Itoards IhkI week, the patroDs were attracted In large numbers. Next week. City Sports. TaocADERO (Floyd l4iuman, manager).— The Broadway llurlesquera provide the fare for tbe patrons tills week. J/oM week's en- tertainment, wlilch displayed the New York GIri Comjpany to advantage, was liberally patronlxed. DUNN'H Stab Tiibatbk (Fred Wa dmann. manager).—The Dainty I'aree Uurlesqueri are In evidence at this house this week, ine Walermelon Trust and Karirs being fealures of (he bill. Next week's entertainment wll" lie provided by Wine, Woman and Bong, t