The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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HAY 23. THE 3SlJi:W YORK CLIPPER. 305 MASSACIlllSBTTS. cxcpllniitly iloiip IhhI wook, IliTl l,.vli'll hikI (Charlotte lluut bcliiK hlclily prulKiKl for ■■'■|"'""L"hii''iSrbi>!"^'^»'"« ""• i"" «"^ Is being D'liMirsMl. Kkith's Tiikathb K. Kvltb, maDa- VPrj- he H iSrtlS^SEIln!'^; SS-T ■"■•"'••■'"""■ ■•■■«"'•"■ li''l>«':'»y^*.v Aiidlev^ nScret." at the Grand SV na-f'^Jncir^P Adier,' in '-The Mer l'^?'«f Vpnlcir" at the Co umbla, ore o*w :V,'i rh» w^i^ «l" tlm-e former and^the ; ^,^^r uUrn*Moni. being no»eltleH. The Park w ,M .-roiiMl on Sutnr3ny nIgUt. Not very "' 1. ;«» .«n heard reKiiidlng the Summer j;',';.'k'i."n.,pgn; b"t .?n.loubtedl,v another l;^'|<"wni'r'S:|'Vor.i;\helr piaiVior-.he ap. l,"^. "now houses to be added to the regtilar IT The advaiire giiiird of & aliey-a "-'IKUS haa been In town for "Ver fiflnlBlK. billing the hiow, etc., for Its »f.k'H 8iuy, whkl. opens June 8. * loM.i" >^TitKt!T TllKATltK (Isaac a nicli. ■nimaer).—Monday, May IS, ".Mkli.ner A •" tVi Slreef." has Its llr«t loca pre- scniiit nil nt this li<Mi»e. Madyn Arbuekfe fe""ri'" a rompany IncUidlng: Irnm I,:i „.„ elles and Kate Imds, In "The Av- tor and the (.'ount." an<l Cole and JohOHon are big ftatiires of current hill. Jamea Mor- ton, tlie Sully rniiitly, Robert Harrington, the Oaiiulofl, llarry Anirlin and Yelln PeterM. Ilaymnnd Kinluy and hottle Iturkc, "t:hnlk' Saunders, l-'d. Kntua, John I-'oril. Uiirke'a niuHlcal dflgH. Wlll> Kvnnit and (lladrM St. John are new (aces. Xew motion iilr-lni-.'ji nre given. Ward and (,'iirran, 'J'rovollo, .Mr. and Mm. JIminle Barry, and the ItritlonH were the hit luakerM of Ihhi week'H bill, l!nw.\nn Atiie.n.m'.um (Wni. MoAvoy, ;nan- ager)—Hilly II. Van, who appears In con- junction with the house Htiick burlemiiie rnm|iiiny, U the star member of current en- teitalniTB. The aCTregntliin IncUideH the Three XlortonH, Sam, I'lnra and I'aul: Dolly l-'ardon. Three Illckmnn Uroiher.s, Kwd and Shaw, Harry and Sodle Kleld.i, Uelu Cnrlls, fttto llrothera, Jantcn IJrockninn, I'unnlug- hnni and Coveney, Hevene and Shurtz, Illllv IllncH, Herbert nml UogerH, and Hie Uol- II banner dmwlng card, Mr. Hnynen the pa»t Heaiton haa Kiven hlM natrona tirnt ciaiw Khown, at prices they could afford to pay, and by nieana of llberol advertlglng, telllUK them In philn lenim the merlin of hU al- I ran Ions, liau made the Canto a reiuorknbl.v succeiwfnl houne. After a aliort and well earne<J vacation he will begin upon the lui- nrovementu and rejuvenatlou of the ineair'. mcMH TiiKATliK (A. K. Itlch. luanageri. —The hoUBC reo|)en« May '-•I-IM, wllh the High Klvera Burleaquers, It Indng a teatlmo- ninl berietlt to Mr. Carr, Ireaiurer of the theatre. ,_ ., ^,„ , SllKKnv'.s TllE.VTBK (M. K. D'HrlPU, ninna- gy,.).—"The Mounmlu Queen" waa ijro —For week of 18: lUmtroiim I!ro».' Bio- acope null Hpeclalty Co., fraturlng McUoTern- |iliy appeare<1. A hnmiuot wna mneA on the atage. "The Jolly American Tramp ---.,-■ , . -„ ,■ , - . i-ame It* to good biialneaa. The Boston Idcul Corbelf plrt nrcii. llualnean In go od, 0|>ern Co. opened a Sinumer engagement_J». ^.'A.. Viola Allen Is iKnikiKl to upiK'ur, in 'llw i;iernnl City." '.Ml, tlK.H TnKATiiK (C. \\: Hheafe, mnnnger). —Umt week's bimlnemi waa dni', connlder- Ing the lateiiei»8 of Ihe aeaaon. Tlila week the programme Inchidea: Kd. and Nelllo SluKiie, the .\l«I,«ln Slatora, Johiitton, Ihe niaglclau: Clmuneey Ver Vnlln, Healvlce Keniietle. .Urn llnll and livn I'uraona, and th« bloacope. Nkw JI»:i'HA.\ic TiiEATUR. Salem, .Maaa. tWIIlbini II. lllckey,. niHuagert.—IluHlneaa sented lam week, lo good uualueaa. 8}»eclal- conlluiieH very mitlRfnctory. TUo current ties by Wood and Stone and l.itmorn Tewsey iilll ]»: l>a» CrliumlUH ami Bosa Hoi-e, Mr. were goial, and worthy of lueullou. "-V nud Mra. Nell I.llchlleld. Ciwper and Bailey. Pieiie, Kntlierlne Keyes, CharleH Cherry, fi. ,„.ufli;i. -lUf burle.sque IrrlHon Hunter, Beverly Sltgrenves,Chas. ^^^^^^ o,„_.. „nj „„ ^e _ Is "PalsT Bolivar's ilirrlHOn Hunter, Iteveriy »ugreu»es, ..iii.». ni„,y ont," and, an before stuteil, fcuttires swain, and olhem. The l>ox.oOI^«,«.!'.'y'',".l'' Billy Van. .N'at M. Wills left Saturday ulll lienolU by the performance of May -1. „|g|„, n.'ler a fortnight of euthiislnstlc re- Viola Allen's engagement of The hlernal ,.^p||„„a. He Is certainly a mirth provoker t'lly" was a llnnnclul nud an urtlsllc sue- ^^ ,),p ,),.^t order and In always sure of a good _ , Ihuighier of Cnba" week of IS, which was written hy I'red S. Cninpls'll, a member of the conipiiiiy. . . jjoTKs.—'rom Kellv ond Wni. Clifford. last season with the Sullivan, Harris A Woods' CD., "The King of Detectives." have closetl, nnil nre home for the Summer. They will lie In the employ of Ihe same managcra next season fleo. I,. Ackley, of thla city, has iiccepted the imslllon as aBent of Herbert, (Uinnlnir & .Murray Shows for the Summer. Kred WolC, of Hie Cnato, will mauago the slai-e at Lincoln Park Theatre during the SiiniHier season Park Thentre, hUh- ated at iMland Park, on the line of the I all Ulver and Newport lleclric Koad, opiMm June 1,">, under the nuinageinenl of .M. J. Corcorun. A Slimmer senson Is lo Is- Inniigiirateil here June I. nt the Academy of Mii-slc, under Ihe direction of II. N. Kosenthal. of New York, who lin.s nlwi Ihe Xew Bedford Then- tre for June. July and Aiignst. It is bla intention lo organize an opeia and <lraniallc c<unp.'iuy, and alternate weekly between both cities. IMwnrd Clark. Hobsou and' Heed, l.nucey nnil Klaney. .Mario mid Aldo, iiiid lleed'ii knaiograpli. s.ii.KM Tuvathb. Salem, Maaa. (Harry !•.. Keed. manager).- John I'rnlg, In "Prince Knrl." csIImI n good audience to the house II, and Hymn's Illuminated plctiirca wero illsplaviHl I.'t-KI, to fair houses. Viola Alien Is booked for 'Jl. and Uogera Bros. '-'j. •^ -,♦- .^— 'WitrovHlrr At the Worcester Theatre (TelU It. Wendelschneter, inaniiger).—"King Dodo" eoiuos May IH, ami "The IlipgerH Ilrotliei-8 la llnrvunV III, the advance sale algnlfvliig ft record house. Kinni'U Wilson, III "The Toieador," IJ. di-ow an li«ineii»M ut- teiidiiiice. The all star, presenting "Boniro nrd Juliet." will lai seen June :.. Klchnrd Manslhdd, In "Jullim C«>sar,' comes r-irniHofN Dl'HRA Hoi-KP, (Shea k Wlltou, managers).-—Week of IH, "Home. Sweet Home, or AcioRS the Bockles." with tiiir- biiid liadea In the lend. Last week "Weaiy Willie Walker" drew fairly well. week oi 1 ne uo'oi«Toc«:ii i,,w,,h,,v ...... ..-—- j.eou, .iierrni. lum ii",/.i-4,.i, .,,,,•,,,• ,,,.., iiiii.v, wiiiir im- ,,iiivi" ,,, ,,,,: ,..,,.j.-..., n T,t fair proportions. Kor the linnl week of Quidf, and Idylla Vyner contribute to llic Hicm able support. Tim «|)eclnlly of the llie .Muieuin's e.\lstence ".Mrs. Hane s He- yn,„ipv||ie iiin. P.uslneaR holds <int tip lop, jt,,n All troupe of Arabs was well recel' Sle Ivfd. Ilolyok*",—At the Hperii lldiiKC (B. I,. Isixes 'nV,;;'MBVA""T.VRATBK.-TI,ls^ house comes Into light again Monday of this week; for ft w, ek of '""lie Mercluiut of Venice." with y,.i.). I'. Aden as Shylm-k. Mr. Adier s hcarll In lUe Yld,ll«l.;<;ei;m.m tong.u; wh e Trio are the'vandevlllians. Next week Innocent Beauties. AtMTiN & STONR's Mt^RKiiM (Rtone & Shaw, ninnngers).—Young Muldoou and Irfw- Bolierts, wrestlers: SIgnor i'.rni, one legged wonder: Amis, niiisicliin; Krnnro, iieblile mond Hitchcock, iih the king, kept the hoiiso ..,.,| . .i-nuilng of the Shrew," 111 : Morgiin A In inugiiter with his wll, while ihe miisicnl n„y,'„ niovliig pliiiirea j;i, C'orw Puylona nnmliers were well looked utter hy fyiver T. (•„,'„|.riv Co. L'S Ilolden. I'liira Imhelle, Clierldah Slinpsiiii und lireta Itlsley, Nnrris.—J. l-'rank Burke, leading man of uianager).—"Peggy from Paris, who a r veil a week ago nt Ibla house, Iiiis cap- iiinsl the town. Nothing In recent years has (ittmctetl such crowds to HiIb "house of svic Thornton. Tally IU» Diio, I-'ranit and Ora<-lc, (lirard Sisters, Wcwtflcid and MoreiiLud, vice and Viola, Morgan and Crone, Martin and Klexnnder, Alf. Kostelle, und Morem-c Kin- eesscs" iu» the latest Adc musical comedy, „,„(( (iif»t appearnnce In this house for four- si-flsoned with the liveliest and catch est , years.) kind of music. The loi-iU scribes and play- NirKKi.otiEON (T.. B. Walker, mnnagerj.-;- son. as tlie company closes here .May :I0. 'I'oni Butler and Kniiik Cadwell, who nre til ride tlin "Topsy Turvy" In Purls, aalleti with t:harlcs Culver U. They are to iip- penr at the Moulin Binigc early in June. P. J. Casey, general nioniiger of I'. I'". ,siien nad coHipa'nIes local enterprises, was lo liuve lint uuforseen events prevented. l''iHriT.inilTH.—An nerle of Ilngles was In- BtltutPd here Ihe imst week with ii huge nienilMTshlp. t.tlllci'rH will he t'le;'!''' "' "■ nieeiing ot Ihe new lodge to lai lielil hooii. A lodge of Kills Is iilso being fiirineil 111 thin cllv ..Malinger Iliiliert Ivaiie, of tlio .Moiin- lain Park l ipeia Co,, was lu Ihe city the i>nst week niiiklag preliminary nrrangeinenls for the iipenInK of the Siiniiuer opcrn kciikoii at llie ('asino. lie has nearly completed I lie make u|> of Ills coniiiiiiiy, which will Incliidu IsMilse Courtney, prfnni donna, the past Men- son Willi the l■>^^ Wolf Hopper Coaipniiy: Nora .Mrdnhan, characters, the past senson with til" I'astln Hipiurn Opera Company, anil who inndo a lilg lilt hero at Ihe I'ssluo twn yoarH ago: Mninle Scott, H(nibiTtte, a great favorite the |)nsl tiirea seasoas at the Ca. Hlno; Charles i-'illtoii, tenor, tliu past s.'ii«ou with the Castle Hiiuare Co.; Alfred Itolby, iniislcal dltuctor, (ho pnst season with tliu INIIIANA. IndianapollN.—At KngllsU's Opera Uouse (Ad. F. Miller, manager).— K. 11. Sotliera, In "If J Were King," tilled n return euvagiMiii'Ut Miiy Il'i to the ntmoHi capacity of tJie liouse, nil the stonillng ivom helng sold. Tlie per- fornioncfl was an nininatined anccesi. May lunwlMil festival IS, lit. The Burton ltolnie.i leclnres on Noi-way and Sweden were well attsnded. Pauk TtiHATiiE (Dickson ft Tnlhott, man- flgers).—TliK sivond week's business of the llnldim Stock Co. has been very big, I ho S. It. O. being out at several iierfnnuuureH, ".\ Barrel ut .Mouev" ond "The Two Or- phans" were the tiills. For week of IH "Thu Chrbitliin" will be iiut on, at popular prlc™. Xo-rKd.—1,. W. Bnckley, who was director of auiimenients nt llm Pnn-Amerlcnu, at Buf- falo, and soma years ago maiingor for Kohl & Mtddlelon, Chicago, has ulosi'd his aeasim as press agent at the (imiid Opera House and gone to New York, where lie will nr- rnngii bimklng ot vaudeville nets. He will he hack here In Ills old plare next Aiigiiut. Kd. n. l>«lv has rcniraed to his homo hero for ihe Siiini'iier, after a season of forty wei'ka as biisluess rcpresontntWo of W. B. Watson's "Mlckev Finn" Co. He will re- turn to New York In July, and will worg under thv same management next aenson. Ulnglliigs' Circus gave two perform- nnccH on the West Wnsliingtoa Street lot II. The nftermsin atlendanri; broke all previous records. With all (ho scuts up and all the centre poles in, the crowd overflowcil almost lo tlie rings, niid at night, after every nvallnble Inch of space In thn big tent waa occupied, the ticket wagons wero closed, with fiillv live thousand peiiplo waiting to buy tickets, who could not gut in. The upening fnilure of (ho perforninncn, "Jni-usuleni and the Crusades." replacing thn usual grand entry, was a miignlllceut spectacle. Tho circus performaiico was one of thu best seen here fur sei'eial HcUHoiiH. Tile llltigllni; Show could miike ihls n two day slatid witli pi'<itlr, iiiid It is always sum of a hearty welciillle, « Tprrt- lliiMl«>,— At the tlranil 0|H>rn House (T. W. Itarhydt, lessee and iniiliaueri. ---I-;. II. .Solhern gave nn eicelleui peruuia- ance, to good business, May i!i. .MyiUie- ilanter Co.. week of I, drew fair liiisineiM. lloailng; "'i'lie llohemlnu Oirl" (lociili Ifi, "Hiveei t'lovei," inatlnce and iilyhr, lU; Anna Kvil Kiiy week of IS. oai'iimiM TiiKjj'ian (Oeo, K. Clark, mana- ger).-"Vuiide>'ttti' and blirlesiilie. Tho bill week of 11 included; TIpplu & Kllnieilt, Mr, anil Mrs. Itui's, Kir Kosler, Casmore and I'liiivnce. Itiirlesiiue, untitled "A Klondyku Talliir," wns given as the closing piece. KiiTi:s.--Tlie eiigagenii'nl of Anna Kvn I'nv will Isi Ihe lust nt (he (Ininil. iirtei' which the liouse will cliiso for the Sniiinier senson. Manager Itarhydt has already se- en red a niiinlM'r of tlie very lK>st ait rait ion^ on the ronil, for two and llini- nIglK stands, during next season .Messrs. Brelnlg & Itobllison, lesseiw of (hn Cnsliiu J'ark and theatre, will open the Casino Miiy .'H. witli the Boston Idisil 0|MM'a Co., which will hold vlie Isiiirds for three weeks, iitavlng In reper- tory, nfler wlilch llie house will w de\Mted to 'vniidevlUe, 'I'lio lllnggold Orchi-slra will fiirnlsli the music during tho season. 'The pai-lt will he In n circuit with twenty other Sarks. Booking will ku done thtoiigli 10. I>, luiyiie, of C'hlciigo. while John Park, (ieorgie Caine, (lueimii Baker and Helen Hale lake care ot the vocal rail. The latter two, because of thoir lieanll • ■ rightly la"i'orthe o"le r- "^ Ibis cuV will h.:op'e„«rfor tliV Ji?..rJo u-nrii nnd Yokes' new ctMOeily, !tO An out of door pi-oducllon ot "Kvery- ..nC.'^*'.S;::^f.inVu " will be D^iluclld iu mnti" and "The Sad Slienherd" Is to be «lyen I.owrll With the close of the current week tho local tlieatileal seosoo of lUPJ llil will Im5 a thing of the isist. Uncertain. Boston TiiK.vrnK (Lawrence J. McCnrty, manager).—This Is the second and dual week of Herbert Kelcey and Utile Shannon, In 'Sherlock Holmes." This favorite melo- drama attracted good sisted audiences Inst ueeU, and nothing hut praise was heard for the excellent performance. Jlr. Kelcey Is very suiccssful In the title role, ond Miss Shannon's ability Is well demonstrated In Hie cliuraeter of the persecuted heroine. Tlio supiNirt Is of a high standard. Next tveek, "The Defender." Ciiloxial TiiK.^TnE (Ulch, Harris ft Clins. rrohnian, managers).—"A Chinese Honey- iiioan," in Its third week, has made a vcrlt- ahie hit with the local lovers of light music, and will probably remain at this house for several weeks more. Helen ityron, the new •Mrs. Pineapple, does very well, although (here Is a chance for improvenienf. loby Claude continues to cnrrv o(f the honors us n plaudit winner, and John Ilenahnw Is ft close second. Hoiises were nearly full liiiring the week. „. I'AiiK TiiB.vriiH (Rich. Harris & Cliaa. rrohmun, raanngers).—iMInnlc Dapree, in •A Hose o' i'lymoiith Town," closed her fnrtnlght's stay last Saturday night, and niso doRfld the sposon of this house. BubI- uess was light during the engagement. Ihe jiresent lessees aasiiiiied Hie management of rills house In the middle of the season, siic; n>edlng Corse I'ayton. and Beast" Co., will Suniiner ... ford. .. ...IJchier «t ,Co.'s.,aB„star prodm; is a drawing card. They aru traveling in (heir own car* and uvviytlilng la strlcdy up to ihite, CiHiK'H Paiik will open In thv near fill lira " IVIU of eiiterlnhiinents, including vaudeville, oiiern woalher will probably defer tho oi Ings of „„;,";'nriiiive a Hiiinge (If hill wei.kly ''''i,owk;!l '.!".',': {iot-R« (Kay Broa. ft Ho- •<■ **""'"^' will tunn.igo I he park, ford, owners and ninnngers).—The one at- traction Inst week, John Crnlg. In "Prince Karl," May I'J, lit, with mallneo, did very snllsfuctory bnslni'sM, und Mr. Oralg received TiKW IIAMl>)IIIIIll'l. ed MniielioMlrr,—At thu Opera liouse (R Oore and bury lJi''7<SSd?n.^T. .:'A"dT»patci.-from Atlantic Cllv says hot Kdward K, KIce ,hnB sold n hil? Kelt''l.j,''The Show Oirr to ABiert Willinev ....I'red K. Wright la in town, nheiid of "York State KoiCb.".. .. .;Jmw» Muilowe of "The Liberty Belles" (.'o.. was QUletly married recently to Julhi Louise cannon, of Dorchester. nfiUoril.—The attrnctlona grovr roager witl'i The waning of the season,'and Il"^|''^i(Uu"ii ivxceilcut bill, ilni .Morlii SIslei's • ■ ■ ■-- " '" "* "" f ... '_ _.. .........,..« r....*..,... 'eiii. l,i>,,u„ .Margaret Anglln will sail for xe June i, to meet Charles l-roliman Btroa„ -, .- „ , - _,, '■ ■■- '■ ' iii,.r,n,. ji,^ putroaage holds up accordingly at all the local houses. Nhw BKDKonn Tiikathb (Wm. B. Cross, manager).—"Are You a .Masim?" played a return engagement .May II, for the henellt of Mrs. Addle (i. Mlllnr, treasurer of tlia hous.*. Sulllce to say that every seat was occupied, and the courteous little lady 111. IliislrieHs the past week wns very pi'roiis season here, rill SIsleis .S'lUKH.—Mctlreovy Bros. lieiag a very pleusliig feature. Tim hoiise will undergo severni Improvemeiils liefora next seuBon's opening. „ .. ,, , I.AiiKviKW TiiK.M'ni;.—The Y. .M. C; '• Ornmntlc Co. (local) gave u very sxcelletil mliiKtrel mIiow Ti. lo a piicked Iioiisi'. Wll- liani (illiiiore. muslciil dlreclor, nnd John W. Breniian, Interlocutor, descryu mucli iii-nlsn , have returned friiiu their uiigngunieiit with (jiilninn Ik Willi's Minstrels Park J., of thn Parte Theiiire forces, will go nlieud of Morrison's Snmnier Stock l.'o. Hu Joins them nt Bul. loivH l>'allN, VI., IH I':(l. II. Talfe, of this city, coucliiileU II a successful season as ugenl of "Thn Cowlsiy and tho I.ilily" Co Harry t;. Taylor, manager of llm !K'moSS;''"'cor«hlch;-ip«n. la Chlcfgo Mhv Ifi for ft Summers run M" T, Baker, wlio hna some of the best vocal nmn- past week. ' Tanner nnd Gllliert, who hiive been seen hero several times nt unolner house, renewed their former success In atie (W. P. .Mende, nmuiigur).—ChuiiDcey Olcolt, III "Old l.linerlclt Town," came, lo a lurge and well pleased ninllence. May l,>. singing and tumbling Bketch, and J|''«w '"''Iti .,>|,|„ ^^n thn iaKt' prof.wisluiial perforriinnci won merited applause. _West and Van HIcleii, .l^"'",,,]; ,,0,,^ for the stUKoii "■•'■■—'•■" The season has not tinted liralse Jor her dclightfiil rendering of „„ ,. „ _, .. ^ ,^^ „„« „„„„, ,„r ,„„ „„,„ l»en ft" very successful one. lilabornle trans- ^{('^"VongB. and a nleaslng pefaona Ity made ,„ a musical act, and Howard and lurk. In ' ty^;,,, f,,^ ,|,„ |j„„oUt of the ' ■'" " '^ i,„r„sV"few l«":''.'l.'':?..!'."iL.l'?.!''''\V' ,lfC"*'r,-'n.'^^^^^^ 111-21. fomiatlbns will now be entered upon, and when the liouse avIII he opened for the new dramatic year practically a new theatre U promised, und one more convenient lu every I'I'SISS'l. AlA.i>:«Tic Tiii».\TBB (Stair Ic Wilbur, mnn- figersl.—The fourlli and Inst week of Ward mid Yokes, In "The Head Waiters," ends K,itHrJay night of current we;k. Business dropped n little lust week, the opposition of Hie other mur.leni shows Iwlng partly re- .sponBllile. "York 8ln(e p'niks" Is billed for next week. (iiiAM) OPRRA noiiRR (Oeo. W. Mngee, manager).—"I,Hdy Andley's Secret" Is cur- rent otrorlng. l,nvlnia Shannon, the star, is snpuorteir by u capable company. Includ- ing: Walter Marcus Dennett, Uonn Bocup, Slai-Khaii Faniuin, Mima Hlllettc. Ijlles Sh ue, Itiidson IJston, Tliiid Shine, ,lohn Dillon, Ausieiiln Mnson, Violet Stewari, V. Boss, Harry Wilson, and Millie lilston. "A Ko- ninnce of Coon Hollow" wns favornblv re- ceived Inst week by good sized assemblages. "Ilappv Ilnollguu" Is slnteil for week ot May 'Jfi, the llnnl week of the senHOn for lbl« honsp. •Mir.sio HAT.r, (Stair & Wilbur, managers), —Si^nsntloniil melodrama gives wny to mn- sleni comedy this week, the card lieing 'I/Oop- Ing -tlie l,oop." Phil Ott, Danny S roons, Billy Howard, Alf. S. Penrce, Charles W. Idell. Arthur Ashe, Dan MeCormack I,lM'e Jtryniit Klchmond, Hope (lage, Kalherino lliirrls, Andrew Mnrkey, Joseph IXikes, l>'ii-olliy Wnrr, llnbv Bnyniond, Helen I,aw- loM, nud Hot Paige nre the prlnelpais. "ijiieen of Hie Highway" was a gooil old tl blfKHl and thaiider melodrama, and hniiiKht out a good attendance nt every ^'l^ow. "The Bandit King" comes next. CahtM! HijiiAiir. TiiK.wiin (J. H. f''^^^' mnnnger).—The hoiim stock, In "The 1 Jake s Motto." Is the offering for this week Hnnsel und Mlllan Lawrence "" lends. "Secret Service" was presenlntlon Inst week and won ol the usual large turnouts, the Keg" will be revived next inis Siaffe*"rnp'd''proi!re"8 dSflng the Inst few JieVv';:;'Ver7r'l<'veir'iiveiyn"l''o'm s^sims and at present rate will soon reach ,,. „,„„hL the ga ery. 'llie fSiB.^ig.;rf'ih'e";;\strfc''w^t„^{r!^ ■■ ' - -^ - Margaret Anglln '■l-lgyi.lir' M. C. A., Have lli'eii." Tlmy linvo liuen reengaged with tile Al. MartZ Siteelully Co. for (ho Kuoiiiier season. ^«»' 4:or,oiiAUU, onner, In serlo- vitagi'uph MitfiRB Tiii'.ATnK (James Sullivan, miin. ager).—Klsla Leslie, In "Taming of llie - HearW" :HI, fur rnl Stage Mechnli- Smith', and' rend by ...Majestic bill May '''■i.'!'Un;s"'^'.'i^Ar-.K (inowers A Shannon, managers).—No regulnr show Is given here. StauTiikatbk (Krtsl Patterson, innnngeri. —This house, which has is-eu doing a fair 17 ■ iBObella TJr luiiart nnd c-ompan.v Ocorgo Cr"inmins ami (Jnre, I/.ulse I-"'?'''. Avery like Mrt the nnd Ai^Bsi^'ar'the nowTloln Square Coucert May JJutiloor "Siiinmer ,._ - , ,-„ ?7%e is a nephew of the l!oognn Brothers. ,,^^1^ pfelimlnary openlDj; l-M*ni'>r.l.»J..P.iy.', ■■*-.'.. 1.. ■■• < K la ytlt V nilfl linn H I'D reel *j.... no Itic ?.FVed'Newei'r""flnd>:rn-e«t Steele, well wee^l-^^^r^-f^e^'MS IB tiowu °n thf Keith vilagrapU HiTs week. parks openl_„ - - , . Ltisromt>e Hearell's lliusiruleil '' ■ did Jllidevllle'agen s, in his city, and"hn» scored \S„i .1^..' " .LuseolibrBeareil-'s- lli.isi, n? an he ?:ew Ingland vaudeville Houses. ^V'Jriptlve pictures i,f South Africii Fred Newell and Hrneat Steele, wel ^„°Hy at the New Bedford Theatre l:>.. , past scaaon over AM) have been given In Ity. ■ The Ulchiaund Thentre played seventy-one one nlghtcrs und oiglit wei-ks of reiiertory, wlillo fli« Umpire played llfty- four one iilglilern nnd K> wneks of rniierfory, iH-sidea three nights of light opera. The city liiiM, as usual, dniwn largrly from nearby towns, Adams and Wllllnmstown huvlngcon- Irlliuled large nuinlwrs to make nil the nii- diencns, while s|>cclul trali-s from Itenrsbnrn, VI., ami PlilHllelil, Mnss., nnd other places have broiiKlit large numliers lo certain pro- liiictloiis. I TouiUon, — At the Tanuloii Theafra (Italpli Anthony, manager).—The season neiiver. — At Ihs Broadway Thentre (I'eter ,'oiirt, mnnagerj.--Mary Hlinw. In "dhiisls," presented s gnod nIiovv, nnd n:id good houses week of Mny II. 11. It. SotUern, la "If I Were King," 18 and week. 'I'AIIOU (tllANIl OlTUA lll^llHK (Pet«r Mc- Cniirl, mnnnger).—Week of 10. Harry Lelgli- ton, supimrted hy I'loreiice dale, preseiileil '"Phn PriHoner ol^ Xuniln," lu pacuiil huiisiMi. Wei'k of 17, ('has, J). Ilaiirord, lu "The Tniu. Ing of the Shrew." CriiTlH TllKATiiK (A. II, Pellon, mnnngprl, —Week of 1(1, Yniiiig Corliett nnd his all star Taiiilevllle isiiupaiiy, CoilHilt received n very warm welcoini'. as 11 was his llrsl vlsll homa since Ills victory. Ills friends turned oul and gnve hlni packed houses, lie lins n good comimny. Il'lie bill Included- ; Ilunnr. the uiyslerluils; Johnwm and Rnplincl, enter- tnlners: Olcni.t, ballsdisi : CbiiB. Cnrls'rry mill Pourl Stiinlon, us Ilia "Twn (>iniiry Kids:" l''n/, roster and Pouter, musical iu.-t : .Mnilde Dnylon, serin eoinlc; itddle ,Mc. ntade, hag imncher, und Young Corbetl, in Foil niviT. -At the Academy of Music ... ■>.....»'„ lllnm- I'f:."&,£„S-mSf »'-e,il.» i'i-.U"».=■"?;> "Hogers Brothers In Harvard s the aitnii'tlon May tL>, vnn I/Mlge of Hlks, tesy of ,MnnnKer Harrison, iieid Its reiinlot. In Ihe Lynn Theatre I-I, UowtmiN SoiiABH TiiKATiiK ("'W "''^ n«flr Wty WtforwioM. »i«» PfT.d throp, mtmsger},—"R«meo «nd Juliet WM uf'ij every ikii »». , rived home for the Hiimiiier Albert Mnssev, tale with the Iluffnlo Bill Wild West, will pluv M(do chirloiiel with Burke's Band, nt Highlnnd Pnrk, Brockton Mrnest II. Holt, lionilioiie of the Taunton Theatre Or- cheslrn, iiuniniers with Lnfrlcalne's Band, nt Bass rollil, Niilinni, .Mass 0. Frntik O'Neill plays llrMt cornet with Phliiney s Chicago Hand nfler June 1, ■ I.tmrenei*,—Al the Opera House (Pnhn (Irant, maniigers).—Week of Mny II, Ton's Plefurers IS- loin Allen '^ii, Jnbu HfiTnes. mnnnger).—This 1 Snturday, Kl. Oalln|{h«r, maoiftr). IliiHliiess Is good. i:.Mi'iHH TiiKATim (Peter Mcf.'onrt, mnn«. gerl.—Week of 11 this vniidevlllM house liiid the following peoiiJe: Bnrihon, .Vlelinls, wire walker: ciias. Carroll, I<'iiy Hlslers. Iiorica (Irenwnll, Miss ('np«, JliifHaess Im very good. KriTi'll Oaiiuknk (.Mary Klltelit^ing, mnn. ftgerl,—This pnpiilnr (ilnee will opi'U IliO season with a very strong ntlnicltnii on Mnv H)—HenrleUn Ci-usmnn, lu "As You fJItu It." Shn will remain for llfteen [lerform- ances, ■ <»> MiiHK.'Ai, 'I'liuii l« amng a new net, tlin Thor Musical Trio. They are nt Hiirtig * Hesmon's llila week, Trllu other good duCM , tu fallow.