The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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MAT 30. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 329 OHIO. />i«»iiin«tl.—The theatrical leaMO 1902- .^'''."nSptlcaly closed. With the cloelnf: '^^t''<?mnd Opera House May 23. onl? "J hoiMH-Houek's and l'eople'8—rema ii ';^?n f«r patronage, .inU the.e hoii»e» will '%]llNn''Or«»A"-Uo?BB ^ (nnrr, Ralnforlh * John llnvll". managers).—The regjiarNeii- * ,, Tinij 1'3. 'rtth the Amelia ningham iT M^- HchnuianHeliik will give a song '-I'.'.tfKB'm'""!" U Martin. n,at».er,.- .,-i,V vaudeville bill, 1'4. InclndeK: Prevo»t n.l rrevo^ llie i'o'"- Ellsworthe. Zano. Kit Kmtlr.^ JIaailotta. Bualneaa was big "'rovlt''lsMxi) (John B. Paxton. aeneral ■,„,i,ni»r) —The seaiion opens 24. • SiB's rmUTBB (Hubert Heiick, mnna- „;_The Ulack Crook Kitravagunia Co. uiii niien 'J* for n week's rnn, after whloli Th" liAiise "III close for the season. The ,,,1 woather nut a crimp in the nttendaure llisi week, when the lligh Flyers HurlesiiUBrs "ih-'rK-.S*'orM^ Hoi;sB.-The Hermnn-Rnh- ,Pr Sin>'k Co. will begin Its last wpeks en; MBement 'M. presenting -'Ihe Octoroon, l.-iiilnes:! last week was light. "i'tin //lOLOOic.ii. (5.VRDKN (Walter Draper, mniriiirer).-The regular sonaon of concerts iS; lit this resort May .ni. sl'wH Notes.— The Bellstedt Concert Hand Mi for Olentnngy fork, Columbu.s. to open lis Summer season.... ■ •"a.ydn « •'Creation ■ nlll lie presented at the Auditorium .May "7 miller the direction of Oacar J. Hhrgoti. ' " Mnniiger John Ilavlln has relmned I'ii Vhls I'ltv, after spending several weeks In le Kast.:;...0. K. Skiff, of the I'uln «"o.. win here Inst .week, preparing for the pro- .lii.tlnn of .'Piiln-s -Lnst Days of I'mnnell" at Coney Island Willie (Jeriles Is In the city visiting his fiilks after, a aneceaaful season wllli the 'san Toy" Co. He will leave shortly for x'ew York to accept ft Sunnner cngtiijomoiit with Manager George Lederer, at the l.'asinn Itoof (iai-den I>eonw>, the Juggler, iii)- iirfirlng at Chester I'ark, was called to his linme In Chicago, owing to the serious Illness of Lis mother. ■ YounKKtonrn.—At the Opera House (Kiigene Hook, manager).—"The Peddler's Cliiliii" drew moderate buslncns .May 15. "The Slgu ot the Cross," 10 (two perform- nnW). was well presented, with prodtabic I'.iitK TnEATRB (Joe Weber, manager).— The lliealrU-ul season of tills jiopuliir pliiy- houKO closed 1«, with ''A Certain I'nrt.v" Co. • Xlght of l.'i was devoted again to the ■•nihii'slastle amateur toleut of the irlly. and was enjoyed by those present. Iw.iiA I'.dtK CvsiXo TJiK.vrnn (K. Stanley, mnmiger).—This favorite resort wax aiispl- diiii.Hly openeil for the .Siimiiior .May 1'4, Willi n .xaiTNl concert, other aniiiseiiients t*liig the riillor coaster, Isiighliig gnller.v Slid merry Ki> round. Warm and pleiisiinc wi'iillii-r ijerinltted large crowds to tliinug Iduini for some lime iiri'vliiiis ti> the open- liii', vvlili'h di'UlonsIruled Its |iupiihiril.r. I'rol'. Mil. >lali-liius4jD, "the hiiniHU iHiinli," con- .•illliites tliu open nlr free exhibition fur open- ing wivk, and the theatre pnigninime Is idmposed of: I'.ly and Hnrvey, Stella Ithliie- hiiri, the Troiilindoiu- Comedy l''oiir, the Chainberlnlns, ond Alf. Holt. iti.K.vNl.V(i.s.—llBlph Rills, ft young scenic iinluter of this city, has au order from the Ivldrlilge I'ark people, of Ulralra. \. Y.. for I wo drop curtains Mrs. Idah .Mctiloue tilbson. representing Manager Krank Burt, aud the Itebecca Warren Stock Co., was here :il, and Is advocating the advlsabllliy of a Slimmer stock compaur, and met with con- siderable favor for this ndventni"e On .May L'O KIngllngs' Circus exhibited, to two enormous crowds, aud well merits Its renii- tsUun us a great show Daniel llelily, n member of .Main's Circus, wss run over liy one of (he big wagons Hi, during the IHirade. and had his limbs and hanilH badly briilseil. lie was luken to ihe liOH|il(al. Mr. Keilly's lioiiie Is In Indianapolis Walter L. Main has become interested In YouDgsluwn, and Is desirous of purchasing llfty acres for his AVlnter quarters here .Manager Joe Weber aud Stage .Manager Chas. l.llllun, of the I'ark Theatre, left lor their liuiues In New York 17, to spend the Hum- mer. These gentlemen will return lit the Istgliinlng nf next season and assume their rvsiiectlve positions. To the sotlsfuctlou of their patrouH, tiiey closed a very succes.tful season, and through courtesy and proper iiiniiagement won favor with cveryouc Muiuiger Stanley, ot the Casino and Idora I'urk, Is a very busy man, booklug excursions I'roin all |M>luts. t-Srs-JullSfe^r'ioK"""* '^^' OP^™ -""hb lliXfi!,"'?,r'^' '>•'* ■^^"'•'f' Theatre (Max Ji"™'^;. ""»""«»>•>■—The .Moth aud lb,. M.v"^- "■" '"■'■•"'""■'I ''y 'I'c stock company •?Iifi«n' .".,"1',?*■"■>'=• ''"■■" .B'*''" Keneral Malls- rartlon. and the Iiouhm have been good ». '/^"^'.'.'/V TiiEATSK (Krank Burt, uisna- geM.— ] nrmen has heen the atiracthm 17 and week. All members of the company nu- l"^? 1 '?. '^""•'. '"Ivaiitagc. and go<Ml houses ruled, h or J4 and week, "The I,ady of I.yoQK. Park a.vd TiiKAinH (Krank Burt, manager).--The Meason oissus 1'4, and thi- bll Includes the following: Ellta Proctor Otis, .Manning uLd Iniclon. Clan Johnsun irnupe of Scottish dancers, Kverett Sisters, Uerenda and Bretn, the La Vans, and the kinodrome. .\OT»;s.-Thc Great Wallace Shows ex- hibited nere H, nflernoon and night. The show was n gi^d one and businesii was blc. The harm Theatre, under the msii- agement of Otto KIIvch. opens 'JO. Th" theatre hax liecn enlarged and remodeled and Is now as tine a Summer rvsorr n* wf have in the •.•Ity Pawnee niira WIM Went is booked here 2il The Krapire Stock Co. closes here •.•:! and opens In Uuchcster -4, for a ii-n week.s" engagement. Ilnrrv • inzlcr. ienillng man of this cumpnnv. closi-s here :i:i nn:l will go into biisine.sH" In this city. » Stenlipiivllte—On Satiirdav. Mav 10, Stnnlou I'ark wan thrown open to thi- piih- lic. and iieopie Hocked (here nil cluv long, until, when the lights were turned un In full for the Mrsi time of die season, ncnrlv lii.noo people were on the grouniis. enjoying the many old and new amusenienis. .Mana- ger .Moleslnn is to be congratulated on bis Hiu'cess. TiiK fJiuxn OPF.RA IIouHE.—Arden Bene- dict presented "Resurrection" with a line cast •j:;. Messrs. Burt & Xlcoil will close the (irnnd with this attraction, and end one of the most successful seasons for the his- tory of the house, both llnanclnlly nnil for the people of Steubenvllle, who showed their appreciation hy the large attendance which has kept up nearly all season. NOTK.—Jlnnnger W. R. LIpns will remain In the city this Summer, looking after the hill [s>sting pituit. » Dnyton—The Victoria Theatre (C. 0. Miller, manager) Is closed, iind the I'ark Theatre (Harry K. Kelcht, nmnafier) and Soldiers' Home Theatre are also closed. Kaiu filHirxps.—The local lodge of Kagles will give a street fair here week of June S. The Wright l?iirnlval Co. has iM-e(i engaged. Ai-hllie I'hilllon, the Hewitts, and the Three McNiiils have also Iwen secureil as outdoor attractions. 4;.1.NAUA. W.VSIIl.^UTOK. rolninlniH \t Olenlnngy I'nrk (J. W. Oiiesenbery, inuunger).—Rig business ruled last week. line week of .May 'M, "Tlie Sliver KInir." Kmimiii: 'I'lirATiii; (If, Wiseman, manager). —The l-Iiniilre Slock dlil well iveok of IS. and will present, wed; or 2."i, "Heart's Kuse." *-•-• SKW YOIIK STATE. Olpv<^lllnlI,—At the Lyceum (J. K. Cook- sou, manager).—Kugenie Blair Is appearing In "Magthi"' week of May li.l. and Is making It one of the moat noteworthy performances 111" her <>arecr la «:ievclnnd. Vaughau Olaser, as the father: Miss l>e Barry, as Kninclske, and l-neanor Monleil as Marie, all have ex- iTllPUt ojiportunltics. .Miss Blnlr presented the |K>pular "Hazel KIrke" week of 18, to gooil returns. i;i.t;vKiMXD (J. K. CooksoD, manager).— 'In the' .Shadow ot the Oaliows" Is being produced week of ::ri, and contains siilBclent- ly thrilling scenes to please the niauy pa- trons ftf this house. ■■Pennsylvauln," a play well mounted and adequately acted, was pre- «i-nieil last week. I'ot.oxi.vL (A. F, Marsh, manager),—The '>rand Opera Trio, a recent addition to ymidevlllo headilners, Is the feature of the lull weeic of tin. 'flic two men have sung In 'opiTii III I'^urope, and the woman member lui.H a marvelous voice, Macarfs trained ucigH and monkeys are nu Interesting fenluie, '•tUcr strong nets are: The IJreat Alexius, Kiuotiemi bicyclist; the Salvnggls, in a novel ihiiicjng act; Weston and Alien, comedians, 111 "Ihe Kent (Joilector;" the Faust Trio, Mitor Jerome. I,ottic Fremont and Dick •■niiiHIa.. in "The Haunted .Mill:" Parllu aiiil lii'iJWD, German comeilluns, and the Mslers lie Vau, In an ncrolintlc novelty. The iiill week ot 18 was a particularly good one, 'he l-flur Musical Cuttvs, brotheia and sis- ters, playing a line grade of music with iiiiu'li skill tud expression ; Shean and Wur- leii. Ill "Quo Vndls IJpslde Down," were uii- I'linrloiisly funnv; Mr. and .Mrs. Ksnionde were wcil liked In their pretty sketch, "The Soldier of PropvIUc." (Drew & Campbell, managers^.— '»'• I Iger Mllos, the Star's home company, uiider tile management of Will M. Drew. Is 'lie bill week of -J."). Much new material lias iH'cn added. Including the Kngstrom Sls- ici-s. mid Clarence Wilbur, .niVtks. —Chase's Kmplre. under the man- »l:enient of Chns. J. .Stevens, closed a suc- ',.'.'oi "..«."'■ 'yeks' run ot comic oiiera '^X "itii Wang." The opera was presented in 1 most enjoyable mnnucr Four popu- i;ii' young men attached to the stafT at < Ulises llmplre had their nnilual benefit tiii'ie Monday night. 2.". Tliey were: Fred • •ninnt, treasurer; Arthur Colnon, assistant t ri.«siirj._r, and Harry I,cvv, chief usher. The ;""""■>■ lie pi-ogrnmnie Included o number of iiue acls and the affair was a big success, ■ -,,,,The Metropolitan Opera House Or- JVi"',".' '""'"'' ">e direction of J, S, Puss, "lib ^Inl<>, Nordica and l^douard Dc Reszke, i\^'•"'*""• *"*■« " roagnincent concert at the i;.T J „armory 21. The programme In- ,. I "w "J"" ""inhers. nnd both .Aline. Xordlca ■iv M. '• '"."esuke did etaulslte work "uilor Miiln's Circus showeil here Monday. ,„,•""" R"»e two novel performances, which Jf'te well attended. .....Illngllng Brothers' •r,. "^^^ '"" performance Satiinliiy. 2:i. "|e many entertnlniag features, addTd to iir«.. '■''^■''O'^'ons. made up a splendid lirograiBm*, aod biulneM iraa blB The nulTnla.—Outdoor pastimes largely en- gross the .-itteiitlou of the |iiitillr here now. aud, save for the efforts ot the Summer stock engagements, there Is little of in- terest to chronicle. Circuses, baseball and Decoration Day outings have the floor. Stak Thkathk (J. H. Stirling, manager). —With the engagement of Chaiiuccy Olcott, ending iMay 'j:i, when business was only fair us compared with his usual following, the .season ended here, and the portals will not again lie opened till the opening ot next season, about Sept. 1. t.'o.NVK.NTiox llAl.f. (Henry Ii. Mecch, man- ager).—The two week series ot popular con- certs liy Victor Herbert nnd his orchestra will start June 1. Tbck Thkatiie (J. Laughlln, mnnnger).— The Bttldwln-.Melvllle t.'o. is this week iire- sentlng "The Three .Musketeers." with "(Juo Vadis"'^ announced for June 1 and week. Metropolitan OiK'rn House Orchestra and John S. Duss appeared In a most successful concert May i'4. -Manager Walter S. Bald- win announces Weber li Fields for Juno 4. hvi-KiTM TiiKATiiK (J. l.«iughlln, manager). —Walter S. Baldwin's Summer slock com- pany begins, in "The Bliu-k Flag," tli's week, with "Master and Man" to follow, AcAiiEMY (Dr, Peter C. Cornell, mann- ger).—"Cuugiit In the Web" will Is- un- ravelled bv the stock company this week, with ladles' free mulluec .Monday. SiiKA's Gaudkn TiiE.\TnK.—CtirrcDt bill: Tom .\awn & Co., In "Pat and the Cenle: Howard and Bland. Sullivan and I'nsiiiie- lene, Joe Flynn, -Moore and HIgbt. Hale uu^l Francis. Young American Quiuteltc, lOd. F. Ileynard, ,„, ., „ l.AKAYKTTE THEATRE (ChaS, M, Bagg, manager),—Al. Beeves' Big llurlesqiie t.'o. returns for a week 25. Oriental UiirleH(|uers next week. ■ Walter Wllloughby, wrestler, also appears 25-;iO. TiiK Wai.teu I.. Main Cibcus gave n splendid exhibition nt the old driving park on Ferry Street, 2;i, and was largely at- tended, fienernl Agent Fd. C. Knupp did telling work In beliuit of his principal in getting the facts and merit of the attrac- tions before the public. Capt. 10. J. Vlsser s "Savage South Africa," with a company ot Ilwrs, was recelve<l with marked, ciilhu- slasui ningllng Brothers appear 2.'«. • Albany.—At the Fmpire Theatre (H. It. Jacobs, mnnnKer).—Mrs. Patrick , CiimiilMill came. Friday evening. May 22, In "Ihe Joy 4if Living," nnd with a fine <«mpftiiy to support her. made lasting Impression on n large oiidlence. Saturday, 211, for two iwr- forninnces, Blanche Walsh, in "llesiirrec- tion." was greeted by good sized audiences, nnd closed the week. This theatre will b(> dark 2.'> and week and reopen June 1 for ItB Summer comedy engagement. This will be the second season ot the KIngilon-Coiirt- nev Stock Co.. nnd will lieglii with "Ihe Liiirs," for one week. One and two I'oiii- edles will be presentwl each week during the .Slimmer. „ ,., „ , , llAiiMANiis Bl.EEi'KER Hai.i, (II. H, Jacobs, manager).—The .Mortimer Snow Stock ( o. iiintluued Its opening success liy giving all flip week "Quo Vadls," with the exception of Saturday night. 2;i. when Richard Mans- fldd mndc his onnual visit, this lime iii "Julius Ca!sar." A very fair audience tnxeil the capacity of the hall. For 2r. ami week the Snow Stock will resume, in "Barbara PuocToii'a Tiii'.ATiiK (Hownril C.rahsra. resi- dent manager).—The stock compaii.v lH>gaij its Summer season this year, giving 'A .Modern Crusoe." with Frederick Bond in the loading role, nig nudlences came aftermsiii and evening during the week, thoroughly iiinuseri bv this laiighuble comedy. "The Polltlclaii tills week, followed on June 1 and week, with "On the Walinsh." .\0TKs.—Slg. Sawtelle s Circus openel Ihc sensnn here on 20, giving two p.-rforninnces. • to big crowds The next will, be R ngling • Bros.', ;iO, nnd Barnuni tc Bailey s on June 4. » Trar At Brand's Opera House (M. Ilcls. manager).—Blanche Wnish. in ''Itesurrfc- tlon." drew a large house May 2'.'. Mrs. Patrick CompMI. in "The Joy of LIvlnir. did fnlrlv well 2!!. The house Is dork this week and the season Is pracllcallv ilosed. C.KlHwni.n Ot'ERA Hot-si! (M. Rels. niaiia- ger).—"A Moniespiin Henri" did well 21-2,".. Carl llaeenlierk's tralueil anlhialB are due 25 «iul (or the ireok. Montreal.—At the Academy of Mualc (W. A. Kdwards, mauagi>r).—K. 8. Wlllard. In repertory, drew large houses week ot .May IS. "Tiie ..Stroilfrs" 2,-i-y(). Prik'Tok's (II, Kgerton, manager),—"The Cattle King" came, to light receipts, I8-'j;i, The Shea Stock Co., In repertory, 2(1-31); ".Man-o'-War's .Man" June I-ti. TiiEATiiK Franoaih (F. liaworth, mana- ger i.—Byrne Bros,' "Fight Hells" drew fair houses .May 18-I:i. The Audrey Stock Co.. In "Devil's Island," 2ri-.'lrt; "Prince and the Sword" June l-il. TitKATUK HoYAi. IF. W. lit Clatr, oinna- ger).--"\Venry Willie Walker" bad light audiences May ]8-2,'l, Xew Henry Bur- lewiue Co, 2,'>-,'t(). Summer stock Jlinc 1-0. 'IIIKATKE .\.WIO.VAI. FUANCAIS (tj. OaUV- reaii. manageri.--"Hliidelaug et De Lolr- inler" ntlracied good houses May 18-28. "1.C Trols Moiisiiuel teres" 2.'>-;t<l. Tlii.'ATBK Dks XorvKATiiH (K. Boy. mana- fteri.—"Francesca da Biniliil" drew fair louses 18-2.'l. For the closing week of the permanent stock company re{H-rtury will Is.* put on 2S-.10. AiiENA (W. Xorthy, mnnagor).—Hog Show, to fair receipts, 10-21. Comlnfc: Dnss" Met- ropoillnn Orchestra, with .Mme. Nordica and M. He Ileszke. 27. Iti.Mii.i.N'o linos.' CiRCL'.s June 1 and 2. ■ Lonilon.—The season at the Crand closed Willi a iicrforiiiance of "The Strollers." May IS. 'i'lie weiillicr has heen iinseasuniibly warm fur two weeks, nnd the attractions lately liiive sii<Tere<l In iiiiiHeiiueiiie. A most Hiulsfaciorv nuillence laughed heartily nt the comedv work ot tieo. i', Bonlfiue Jr. niid Xell .McXeil. It was the llrst visit of the former to this city since he apiienred here with l.oltft. In "Pawn Ticket 2Ili." Dorothy Hunting came In for a good share of the ap- plause. Iielug well known In London. She Is to star In ",\lis« Bob White" next season, "The Strollers" close 2.'l, but n supple- menlnrv season mtiy lie played, with Dorolhy lliiiitliig In the leading role. The past sea- son at the Oraud has been entirely sails- factory, both to Ihe public und the man- agement. A lietter class of nliractlous ap- peared, and, (Innnclnlly, the seuson has been prolllable. Notwithstanding Ihc dlfllcultles that have existed all .season with the musical union, the Cresswell Orchestra, against whom the tight was directed, provided excellent orchestral music, fully satisfying the de- mands requiri'd of on opera house orchestra. XoTf..''..—Ar'hur O'.Nell, manager of Ihe Oraiid. left for Toronto, his home. in. He will not return for the next aeiison, having been oTered a position In the new bouse being liuilt In 'I'oronto for A. J. Small. He was as popular ii manager as London has ever had. Jolin Stewart, treosiirer, will remain for the Summer in London. It Is rumored that J. Spluks. one of A. J. Small's Toronto employes, will Isi the next manager. Tile l.iindiUI <)i»'ia House will not reopen until Hi-iitruiii'M'. when .Mniuiger ll.irvev will oll'er some first cliiss repertory ciinipii'nles for lair iiiisiiiess Spring- bank Park will oiieii 2.'>, with the follnwing bill; KitIV Widl'e, Dancing Dawsnns, Mllo Vagge. Leslie and t.'urdy. Threlkeld and Wb'ke, llcsiiali uiid Miller, nnd Musical Shai'pe Kingilng Bins.' Circus eouies June 1) -MargiicrKe .*<ylva enjoyed a few games of golf on the London Hunt Club grounds. _ — » Toronto.—.\t the Princess Theatre (O. B. Sheppiird, manager).—May 18-2.'l. dark. Kflie Filster, III "When Knighthood Was in Flower." 2.') and week. ilKAXi) Opkiia Hotisn (A. J. Small, raann- geri.—Itobt. B. Mantell, In "The Dagger and the Cross," ".Moidiars" and "The l'"iice In the .Moonlight," played, to big business, 18 dull week. SitEA'K TtirATliB (J. Shea, manager).— The Aliorn Ois-rit Co., In "The Jolly Muske- teer." drew well 18-'2:i. Week ot 2.'>, return to vaudeville. Massky Mi;.<»tc Hai.i, (Stewart Heiiston, manager).—Duss-N'ordlca-De Bfszke, with the Metropolllan Opera House Orchestra, us. sisied liy I'.liM-lii (ilfford und Nathan Fninko, 2.'i. Tlio plan shows a big advance sale. Stak 'J'iik.itiu; iF. W. .stulr, manager).— Irwin's Majestic Burlesquers drew large busi- ness 18-2:1. (i:iyest Muuhuttan Biirlesipiers for 2."i and wo«'k. s Ottawa.—At the Russell Theatre (P. Oorniun, manager).—.\delalde Thurston. In ".Vt Coiiy Corners," played, to big houses, May G-8. K. S. Wlllard. Ihe fine Kngllsh actor, played a return cngugeuient I4-](!, to caiiaclly "T'lie Optimist,' "The (,'ordl- nal" and "Tom Pinch." were the offerings. "Lord Strnlhmore." 18, 111, had good busi- ness, llooked : "The Strollers" 22. 2.1, Al. (J. Field's Big Minstrels 25. Duss and the MetropuUtnn Opera House Orchestra 2tl. (iiiAXO Oi'i'.UA Hoi.'KK (It. J. Blrdwhlstle. manager),—"An American rieiitleinan" had good returns 11-8, Aubrey .Slock Co,, In repertory, 11-211. business being very good. .\OTF..s.—Itliigllng's Big Circus will be with us June 4 The Oraiid Opera House will close for the season 211. ■ ■ St. Jolin.—At the Opera Hoiiso (A. O. Skinner, niaunger).—The Itolhesay College Povs I local) gave n splendid performance of'"The Oelshii" May l4ltl. to big inislness. The St. John .Vninteur .MlnstrelK gave n good perf(;rmniic(> l.S. 1!>, to fair business. The SIxtv.second Band (local) gnvo a concert 2ti, to big business. They were assisted by a detachment from the Slxty-seeoiid Regiment in a series of living war pictures. Coming: W. H. llnrklns 2,'i. 211, Kate Claxlon June n-i:i, .lere McAiillff Co. 1.V2II. Xii'i'Rs.—W. S. llnrklns was In town HI- IS, preparing for the coming of bis coiiipauy. Win. I'arllon, of the "San Toy' t.'o., arrived at his home here IS. Mr. <.'arlton will appear (Ids Summer here. » 'Winnlpeir. — No allraclions for week ending May HI. House will be dark till 22. when the Mnndor-tioldlng Co. will open a two days' engagement at the Winnipeg The- atre. XoTE.—O. P. Walker, manager of the Red niver Valley circuit. Is at present In New Y'ork, booking his attractions for next season. s Onelpli.—At the Koy.Tl Opera House (O. L. HIgKlns, mann'ger).—Al. (;. Field's Mln- slrelH gave a splendid enlortainiiieiil. to u good house. May IS, which enthusiastically received the oiil time local fnv.irlte. Artliur Yale, Hulnly .May Sargent. In "Other I'eo. pie's Money." 2T,. RiMii.iMi Biios.' rinri'H comes June 12. * «» - MARYLAND. Heatttc.—At the Crnnil (John Corf, man- ngi>r).—McKwen, hypnotist, opened, to a large and appreciative audience, for wfek's en- gagement. .May IS. "Zig Zag Alley" 24-2U, "A WIw Woiiiun'' 2ft, S>:.\TTi.K I'liEAint: (J, P. Howe, mnnnger), —The Baker CuiuiHtny, In "The Oreat Din- nuind Itobls-ry." came, to gootl Imsluess. wwk of 17. ".Miss Hiiiilis" to follow, wis'k of 24. TiiiBii AvEXt'H TilKATHH (Wm. Itussell, manager).—The Walter .Sanford <'o. oiHineil 17, In "The Power of Hold," meriting all said In advance of their Uppearance. They present ".My Jack" week of 21, Pmiple's Tiikatkk (J. K. Smith, mnun- S>ri.— New ones on the bill are: Boll and nil. llynclntb Fdley. Kn,v Kdwnrds, Owens nnd I.U .Mar. Jamie Stanley. l':iiisii,N.—.New people: .Monsieur Francois, Mexlns and .Mcxias. Neljaonia, . tiale and Weiisley, moving pictures. Maiiisos. —.New people; Arthur I.iine, Woodford nnd .Marllmrn, Harry Smith, Dnn MHireevy, uMorey Long, the tireat Fstelllla, nnd animated plrtures. La Pktitk. —Stanley and Bcanlon, Mlgnon l-<orle, .Marxella. crvstai.. —Mendell. and Carter, Do Mar, Harry Steel, Boyd and Leullyn, Jack Lyons, nnd moving pictures. I'AiiK 'riiKATBi;.—.\xtell and PUllbrook, Senn Bros., Di>niorn Sisters. .N'ellii' Cody, Annetta (i<irdon. Coral Richmond, Kd. Dolnn, Sprngueiios. CciMnjiE.—New peoplo: Trainor nnd Trni- nor. John Coburu, .Majorle .Munilevllie. Oilell and Hart. I.ord and .'leek, .Miillnby Sisters, Wise and .Molton. NoTKS.— The lOdlson 'lliefttrp has assumed the managenieni of the .Madison, nnd will present coiillnuons performances afternoons und evenings (;. (J. Herr.v. secretary of the Orund Opera tiniise, leaves on n six weeks' vacation, visiting Sew York Clly anil other I'histern cities, « Tacoma.—At tlie Tncoiua Tlientre (Cal- vin llelllg, niniinuer).—Miller & Coiiyer's urodilclloii of "ilur New Allnlster" drew ii large and well iilenwMl niidleni'e May 111. 7.eb and Zarrow, In "/,lg /.ag Alley." 21, had n large atteiiilance. .McKwan. (he liyimotist, is liiilcd for week of 2.'i-:iti. The Baker The- atre Company, which had a seventeen wis'ks' run In i'orilnnd, nnd Is now dliiiig a ten weeks' eiigsgement ul Seattle, Is Imokeil at this house for week of June 7. .Miiry Man- nerlng 17. The past season at this house has been the iiest since the o|>enlng. twelve yeiirs ago. .Mnntiger llelllg announces Hint the bookings for next sea.son are even stronger than Ihe pnsl. l.vt'Kf.M TiiH.vruK iDenn Worley, mniia- gen.—Shields' contlniioiiH rnudevllie ilrew well wccrk of 18. The following iippeiir wec!< of 2.*<: Uaymoud .Merrltt. skirlcit: .Mann and Franks, coniedliins; Kit Wilson, minstrel; Lou llnnvey, sougx: Haiivey nnd lioaue, sketch: L.vdon aud Wicen, sketch: Fowler Brolhers, scnibals, Kuisi>.\ Tiii-ATai) Kleo. Shrei'iler, mana- ger),--Week of 2."i: Prof. L. Fox, Iniltainr; Ihc Tlirep .Mlllnrds. songs and ihinces; Fluier Llsseudeii, HOngs. IIiihIiichs Is gissl. (iwi, TiiEA-ntH (lieu. .Miller, manager).— "Shanty Town." a one net couusly, by Hie stock, did good buNini'ss wei'li of 18. Tlie following variety performers also appeared: WIncbell Sisters, song nnd dance; .Mil-. Stella, songs: .Mnrgiiret Foster, songs; t.'lara Lawrence, serbi comic; Fd. Miiehlner, come- dian: lohintlie. living pictures: lieo. Trox- eil, dancer; Lewis HIsters, song nnd dance; Bessie Vernon, songs; McDonald nnd Car- lyle. coniiHllans. XoiiaiK k RoWE'M A.N'IMAI. Cluci'K Is iillled for Tai'oma 211, ;I0. ♦ ■» MIMVUSOTA. don. manager).—The Ferris Comeillaus nrc In the last week of tiielr stay here, nn they will cose May '.W, and open at the .Metro- nolltnn 0|iera House, St. Paul, Minn., :il. Tln> Wlliier Opera t'omiinny «lll. open here Jane I, for n ten weeks stoy. "flniustark" 1S-20. nnd mulliiee 20; "The .Mnu from Mexico" 21-2:! nnd matinee. C.rnee liny- ward, from the Mlnnen|MillR Stock Co., came nil here to play the part of the Princess in "llratwtark." 'i'lie business was fair for the lltHl tmit of tlio week. Dick Ferris was li'adlnii III "The Man from .Mexico," 21-2,'', For 2.'>-27, "At Valley Forge," and 28-,'lli, "Tennessee's Partner,'' with matinees, will he tlie closing bills fur this t'<iiiipnny nt the liniise. P*Ml,on TiiE.VTiiK (\V. J. Wells, manager). —The business coiiilniicM big nt this'lioiisi-. l'en|ili> for 2i"i nnd week are: Stetson nad .\L\iiii, Frank llnwklus. Hazel Cndv. liordon Siiiilres, D<inua IKvn, Tommy Hunter, Mnurieij Itaswick .S'orrls. and W. J. Wells and tliu stock. • Tile new isiiiKily for Hie week IH culled "His First Spree." *«♦ UMTIIICT Oh' COI.UiuniA. Daitlmorp.—The current week will bring the season to a cIos<! at nil local theatres save one. Foiin'H OrERA Hoi'HK ff.'hnrles K. Ford, manager).—'I'he lie<irge Fawcelt Co. will be seen Mav 2.'i-:iti, In "I'ncle Tom's Cnhln." "Rip Van \Vlnkle" drew fair sixed audiences week ending 2.'!. Tlie all star production of "Romeo nnd Juliet." 21, was well nllended. Hoi.i.iiiAY St»ei;t TiiDATm: iKernnr.. Itlfe k Ilniick. mftliniters'.—"A Llllle Outciist" Is the attraction for the (Inal week of the sea- son. oiM-ning 2.1. "A Riilnod Life" dosed a light week 2;t. Movi'MEXTAl. TiiEATHH (James L. Kernan. manager).—I'lieise's Wine, Woman nnd Song Co. will furnish the enlertainineni 2*1 nnd we<>k. The Oriental lliirlesgiierH did fairly, closing 2il. The City Sp<irls come June I and week. *»» — The the-rlre nt Arcndla. Inrt,. was totally destroyed iiy lire on .May 21. All the icenery and couteutg were burned. exits nnd spaces on (■iich al/ ^ aire of iiiiv size would/ jf^ .•i.fMMi to build nt rim n' / rial and labor, as It y yf (Kit 'I'l'" r-aiist f.iyy l.i.iniii Iff iiiiiui 0( iiiiT y- / erial and Intior, as It y yf iriKif 'I'be r-Blist f.jyy i-aiikee, pln,vi'd "Sle Wo^ ludience, .'it .Moznrt !lnir>.. St. Pnnl.---At the .Metropolllan Opom Hoiiho IL. .X. Scott, manager).—"Are You II .Mason'/" bad fair to good business May 17-211. iiiid Hie nicrrimeut ran liigii. .Vance O'.Xelll came, lo good busluess, 21-2:1, In the following phiys: 21, "Mngda;" 22, "'Flli'.a- both. Queen of Fngland;" 2:t, "The Jewess," and inallnoe 2.'1. "t'ainltle." .Mrs. Lesll(> Carter. In "Dii Barry." Is hilled for nil of week of 2r>, and friini the advance sule and her popularity hero she will draw cnpiii'lty Commeni'lng week of ,'11 will ho h'errls Stock Co.. fur an engngoinent of several weeks. The prices will he popular. "tirauslark" will III! Ihe bill for the oiteiiing week. (iiitxii iTlieo<lore L, Hays, manager),— "A (innibler's llniighter" drew large houses WkS'k ot 17. For wwk of 24, "Over XIagaia l''nlls," followed week of ,'ll by "For Her Sake." This will probably close Hie regular season of the house. Si'AU (M. Ii. Singer, manager).—'I'he Tro- radeiii Iliirlesiiuers eiijoyeil gissl patronage week of 17. 'riii- iliglillyurs are uuderscoretl for Week ot 21, and the Invaders for week of .'II. Fmi'Iiii' (A. M'elnliolzcr, lusnager).—A strong lilii bruiiglit very good Inislness week of 18. .Vew iMMiple for week ot 24 are: Ita/.lle nnd Swnin. Adn Itradford and (Minrles .Mnrsh. Tliose holding over are: Selniu Foriesler, the Ximniermuniis, Mr. and .Mrs. Tom .Marlin. Bert .Mond.v, Allen and Devere, and Aiidrens, the one legged-ling puncher. Sii.E LiXEH.-.M. J. fl'Nelil. B- St. Paul caiJlliillsl, It Is rumored. Intends lo fiect a vaiidevllln thentro at the northeast corner of Fifth niid (.'ednr Klreids. to be conditcleil bv the Hnrtig & Senmoii circuit, nnd to cost not less thnn VT.'i.UOO. Il Is ti> bn Itllift. iin Fif'h Street: by 80ft. on Cedar Street, nnd is to be of the uiost modern design. The old buildings on the sltn have iieen lorn down, und II was siipisised Hint an olllo liiiltding wax to bo creclid, nut II Ik cinliiicd that .Mr. O'Neill bus since changed his plans, nnd now lutendii lo erect n theatre. He will not coniinit liluiself forlhi'i', however, thiin lo sny that St. Paul may hove iimillier llieiitre before lonir. At all events, the work on file oUice buihllng bus been stopped, and rumor has It that the only delay In gidiiit nlietid with the ereeliou of Hie theatre is waiting to close tlie deal with Fiuitera parlies Messrs. Whlltlg K Millir. who own the SInr here, and n line of burlesijiie IhUises In other cities, have been ligiirliig for a cniipio of seasons iiiist on jiiittlng u|i 11 new thc-.tre. and tliHr plans have only been hilil up brcnuse nt their liuildiity to get :i siiitiible locnllon nl a reasonnble pi'lc-;. Aneiit ail the talk of tuilldliig new Ibeutrcs hero Ihc City Uliglneer's olllce ,' to be reckoned with lu passing the plans.'' anv and nil proposed sfrucTurcs, us/ ' city's buihllng code Is tliii lnoat-Blrl< I In'the country, nnd all plans wl' lie/ >'.eriitlnlzed ns to slrucfiire !)>•' g WnHhlnKlon.— With thu present week Ihe regular season piiictlcaM.v closes, as far hs Iravellng nttrnctbiuH am conceriieil. Last week till! .Vatioiinl Theatre (W. 11. I(n|dey, laannger) was ii|iciicd for otic night. .Miiv ill. for Ii4'lbler's All .star Compiiiiy, li\ "Itotueo and Juliet," with Kyrle llellew niid Fleaiior Ridisou In the lending roles. Tb^ lierri-rmiince was In every way worthy n{ the Immense niKllence thai grecti-d II. 'The superb cisl intliiiled' Fdwiu Arden, F. C. Hangs, (luurge Clnrkc, Flien Piytupioii, li'ruiik Itobinsiin, John K. Kellsnl, W. IL Tboninsun, W. J. i''ergnsoii. Ada liwyer nnd Mrs. W. t). Jones, t'nch of wlinui was rei'elvi-d with an ovation, 'J'lie hoiis« was entirely sold Hit lit iidvancoil prices., CoMiMUiA 'I'liKATK (Luckn(( & Dwycr. innnagers),--!.<)•( week i^'iis tho scrimd nf .Mnniigi>r l.iickett'ii selected irnnipaiiy, which rendered "Runieo and Juliet" KUperblv, Fverv rolo was well Inkeii, The cast was as fol- hiws: Itunieo, John Blair; Juliet, lleriha tiallnnd: .Merciitio, Fuller Melllsli; I'nrls, .Mclxittridge; HenvflUo, Arthur Ibichuiiiu ; T.vlmli. (lei)ffrv 8!eln; Friar Lawrence, Frank Uoberis: llalthaznr, Uoliert V. li'ergiison, Lnily Cumilet. Mnrgiiret llouriin; Nurse, Kate IX'iilu Wilson, This week, "Romeo nnd Jiillei" 2,'>-27. "School for Scandal" 28-IUl, LAiAVKi-rf: Oj'KHA lIorsH dm J, La .Miille. inniiagerl.--l.iist weirk "Tlu> t.'tuirlty Ball " was except loniilly well played by Ihe BeigiM' Kioi'k Co,, nnd exeellenl buidiiess was the I'fsiill, This weik. 2.'i :hi, ".V Celeliriileil Case," ClIASE'H (iHAMl TiiEA-ruK (MIss II, Wlnul- tred lie Wilt, muiiiigeri,—l.usi week tho t.'liuso tl|iei'a-i;o, presented "The liigiiwav man." to ihi<> nsiiul pueked uiulieuceo fi'ir which this house Is nnied. 'I'lils week, 2,'i- ;iil, "Wang" is the bill, wllli .Nnriiiii Kopn UN u special engagement, "The Idol's Kye' next. Ai.'Ai>K,\tv Of .Mt^sii- (.Inhii W. Lyons, man- nger).— -IjisI week Aiinli- Blauiie, In ".V Little Outcast," drew uxceileiil laislness, and tliu play nnd coiuiuiny weru In every wiiv worthy of the lllicnii isilrotiiigc. This week, 2ri-.'|ii, Is the last of the ncuh "A IliiliieJ l.ifi'" is Ihe bill, Lvci;i;.M TiiKATUB (llugene K'nrnaii, iium- nger),—Lnst week Hose .Sydell's Isiiiilnu Helles took hluh rank among the seusou's attractions, und the houso was curres|Mind- liigly well tilled. TIiIh wwk, thu City Sports. 'Phtesc'H Wine, Woman und Soug next. NolBS.-—liiigenc UruKiude und Sclenu Johnson, tho lending itinu and ludy of Hie Ilergcr Slock Ciiiiipaiiy, now playing at liiu Liifuyetle, ciosu their seasiin with ihat ur- ganl/attun our subiirban parks have ns yet shown no Indlcalluii of opening, and our two local stock companies, operatic nl Ohasii's nnd drnuiallc nl the Lafayette, hIiow evi.'ry Indication (liui (liny will ciiuliiiuu wuM into the Sunnner, iintwItlistHndlng the iiier- cury was well up Into the niniilles all lasl week Tile Lyceum 'J'lieiUrn will onler 1hi> field of Hnmniur enlerinlnment Juno In, with a high class vnuikivllle and burlesipii! Htwk CO., with John (IrhivcH In chnrgu Ned Stern, Iho treasurer <if the t.'oiumiilu. Is orgnnlxlng a Suuiiiier stuck company to follow Joseph K. Luckell's Iturlllft Oalhinil Hi'iison, which closes Julie (>. Auioiig olliers engaged urn Kugciie Ormoiidn and lieolfrcy Stern, Ihe fnriiier Into lending iiiaii In Iter- ger's slock nt liiu Lntnyeite, und ilio hitlei' 11.valued meinber of lliu l.uqkeil slock nl Ihii Columbia. The reiniiiiider of the coni|iaiiy will be cnnipletu for unnuiitiecnioni iie.xl week 'I'lio rosier of the John (Irlevis Yuiidiivlllo nnd llurlesipia I'o., which will oiien a Summer season Juno 8, at the LyciMi:ii Theiili'c, In this city, is ns follows: Dot Du- veniMirt, llddle (llnii'il, ilnrrv 'J'huiii|moii. Carl .Vnilerson, (Jlnrenm W'llbiir, .Miirle O'Neill, Al. Cniiiurnn, Lolils Miller. Jack Mar- shall, .Muiito CullliiN, Norma Willis, l.oiilim .Moon, Fihel 'Pllson und l.'urrlu RIchliigH. \ chorus of Iwenly-llvo will Is? presvuted. •-»« MAINH, i lie- /•ost uia- , llr"- / .Mil- lo Mil ' next ," which 17 lei priKif w au . piece will be "l>er Weg '/.iini h,. Mill be prisented '.'4. 'i'he Illgh Kiliooi folks plensisl so wi!ll m "An American Clllzcir' that the same will be presented soon iignln. nnliith At the Lyrenm (C. A. Mnrshnll, mnniigeri.—The Flints were the nttnietlnn opening May Kl. to n go<sl tint noi erowdnl iioiise, Thev fllleil nut Hie week. "Are You a MHs<in';" with John C. Rh-e and Thos. A. Wise, had n fair sireil audience nnd plenMsl them all with the play. "The Fatal Wedding." IX 14, hnd only fair hiislness, LItile Llilinn Rosewood was tile star of the pinv. The house is dark week of V-I-IIO. The Northwestern Opera Co.. with Al. W, Wall ns mnnnger. will, conmrnce a Muniuier aeniion Willi a stronic coiniinny on June 8. MOTRUrOblTAM OfCH* Uuuiit (J. t, CuQ- I'ortliiiKl At llH! Jefferson Tlieniro (('aim & (Iriiiil, maiiaHHrs)."-Thls house wmh is'ciipleil Miiy IN, III by the t)xaiinni I'iiili (local), iireseiilliig "A Prince of Boiii-inia." very successfully, to large audiences. "Tho lldgei'H Brothers In llnrvard". proved ii winner hero 22, conilniiiiig 2:i, milliner aiul night, VIolB Allen, In '"riie Flenial Clly," comes 2.'>, Hummer stock Co,, headtsi bv Waiter Fdwards iiiid Fvu Tiiylor, holds thi' lioni'dH 211-Jiine 2(i. I'OII'I'I.ANII FA.MILV TllHATfir (JllH. M. ,Moore, inaiingnri -lluslucss and oiferiiiKs from wis'k lo iveek ci.nlliiiie pleasing al Ibis vnlidevllle lioiise. Tin; rnliowllig wei'o licio 18-;'.^: Jns. Kiehninnd (llenroy, 'rrovollo, nr iilieiis Comedy Foer, Clarice Viiiice, ,loliuniiil Liiiiiin lioovHr, iiiiil Word nnd llavinoiid. Booked 2ri-J0: iliitnes nnd Vldocij, Boniiil nnd Nevnri'o, Win, J. Toaikliis. .Meredilb SIslers, tiorninii and Wesi, prof. F, Karl Bishop nnd orchestra, Ihe blogrnph luiit Htereoptlcoii continue as I'oiitribiitiiig Hourees of enjoymeiil. .Notes. -Itlverton Park opens June 1,1. .McC'nllliin's 'J'heulre, Ciipe Collnge Pnrk, opens June i;i, Fdward J, Sullivan will net ns business ninnuger for .McI'iiIIiiiii'h Tbeiilre the coining season Wnllor I'M- wards has ois-ned lilscoiinge al Peak's Islnnil. .Manager tioding, of the ileiii Tlientre, Peak's Island, and Bnrlley McCiilliini, of Hie Cape 'I'lienlre, hove engngisl ilivir iilayern for the season, nnd they will suim arrive for rehenrsalN SevernI well known llu'. ntrleai poopic have already arrived at I'eiiks for their annual outing, and many more are expected ns sunn us the runipanies Iny off nnd the wenilier becomes warmer .Mnnnger Moore recti|s>ralOS down the liny from now on till the Hiimiuor wnaes Vaudeville will rule nt Ulverton nnd linderwood Spring* this season, its In the nasi, nnd all ubiees nt iiiniisement in this vlcbilly sboiiid receive large patronage IliU Kiiinmer from ilie crowds ntlrneled by the war niaiuieuvn's scheduled fur this porl 'I'lie oiH'ning tilll of the Slimmer slock at the Jelfersuli will be "Thn 'I'nmlng ot the Shrew." a t » t:'l'All. "SiiiH lii»k* CH»'.--At the Salt Lake The- ntre (Oeo. I>. I'yiier, manager).—Hurry Cur son Clarke, in "Ills Absenl Boy," played, lo good business. .May M-lll. Week ot June I the house will be used for grnihnilliig exer- cises. Ouasu TiiKATBE (Jones A llninmor, man- agersl.^i'hp VVnrdn Co. I'onllniieH to ilu good business. "Romeo and Juliet" -was given May 14. IB, ".Macbiilh" 10, and "Kant Lyniic" w««l( of 18,