The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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MAT 30. THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. 329 UlllO. riuciunatl.—Tlie theatrical seaaoD 1002- .m lu Drflctlcally cloied. With tUe doilnc f nJlfSaXopfra Honw, Ma.v 23. only "' imi «e"--II«iiok-8 and I'eople'»—remain ;;"; )?.r i.atr«n«Ke, «nU the«e hOH»e» will '\?:;N..''on:nA"*llo"«« (Harry RalnfortU . i^hn irnvlln. manngera).—TLe regular wii- *•• i" .-^oMa i" ■ with the Amelia 'ninKUam r. K Bchuman-flelnk will give a sonR -i'^?/H"x^B''l!lKK°a.u'Martln. manager,.- '11,,. vaudeville bill. i!4. Inchiaes: frevoBt ml I'revort the Four Ellswortb*. Zano. Kit icnit'-r. an^ MaMlotla. Business was big '""r(>vBy''lsi.*Ni> (Jol'n B- P"ton. £eneral iniMiiEer).—The seaaon opens 24. » I'ynvn/Si TiiWTiiB (Ihitwrt Heuck. mnnn- „.;,__fhe Black Ci-ook KxtravaganM Co. will ooen 24 lor « week's run, after which 1," liSuw will close for the scnsou. The ,„i weather put a crimp In Ihe attendnnie jiist week, when the High Klyer.s Burlewjuers ''''imick'S^OhSa HoimK.-Tlie llern.nn-Buh- ,fr Sioc-k Co. will heRln Its last week's vn- LiircnieDt •-•4, presenting "rhe Octoroon.' Y-ii<ilner).'4 Inst week was light. 'i'riR V.<i<"-f*, O.vnDEX (Walter Draper. niiiiMieerl.—The regular season of concerts I'ffiiis 111 tills resort May .11. N-iws .NOTBs.—The Bellstedt Concert Baml ipft for Olcntangy I'ark. Columbus, to open lis Slimmer season -"oyUn s "Creation nill lie iirescDted at the Autlltorliim Mnv •>7 uuiler the rtlrectlon of Oscar J. KlirKOti. Mnnngcr .Tohn Ilavlln has relurni-d I'rt'I'h'lB city, after Bpen<llng several weeks In f. I'ast.r.. ..O. v.. SklCof the I'uin Co., wiis here Inst ,wcek. preparing for the pro- .liicllon of .'Vftln's "Last Days of I'riinnell" nt Coney Island Willie Uerdes Is In the city visiting his folks after a sncccssful season with the •Siiii'Toy"" Co. He will leave shortly for Xew York to accept ft Sunnner engagement with Miinagcr George Lederer. at the Casino itoof (iiuden I/eonito, the Juggler, iip- iiMiiIng at (.'hestcr Turk, was called to his iHinie Ml t;hleago, owing to the serious Illness or his mother. Yoimitatown,—At the Opera House (Kiigenc Book, iriiinager).—"The Peddler's riiiliii" drew moderate business May l.'j. ■■'I'hc Sign ot the t.'ross," JO uwo perform- ances'), was well presented, with prolllnhlc returns. ..... I'AiiK TnE.wBE (Joe Weber, manager).— The theatrical sensou of this jiopular pin.v- liouKB closed IH. wllh "A Certain I'nriy" Co. Night of l.'i was devoled again lo ihe Hilhuslasrlc nmnleur taleut of the city, and was eujoved liy I liose present. llHUi.v I'.MiK C\siM) TllK.vriin (K. Stanley, manager).—This favorite re.Hort was auspl- disisly opened for the Suninier .May :;4, Willi a .><ai'ri'd concert, other iiniuseineiitH lii'liig llie roller coaster, laughing gallery jiikI ini-rrv go round. Warm and plea.sanc wi'ulher ijer«illle<l largo I'rowils to lliruug Idurii for some llnio iircvloiis lo the opcii- hi", which itciaoiislrati'd Irs popularity, riol'. I'M. lluirhluHon, "the huraau hoiiili," I'lm- sillnicK Ihi) open nlr free exiiihillon for open- ing week, and the theatre progriiiiimi! is icimiMiseil of: Kly and Harvey. Slolla llhinv- hiiii, Ihe Tmuliadour i;oinedy Four, the I'knmherlalos, and Alf. Holt. tii.K.vNi.s'iiN.—Bnlpli Ellis, ft young scenic iiainter of this city, has an order riom the I'Udrldge t'ark people, of lOlmlra, N. Y.. for two drop curtains Mrs. Idah .Mctiloue (ilbsnn, representing Slanagcr Frank Burt and the Itebeeca Warren Stock Co.. was here 21. and Is advocnting the ndvlgalilllty of a Summer stock company, and met with con- siderable favor for this adventure On .May UO BIngllngs' Circus cihlblted, to two enormous crowds, and well merits its repn- taUon as a great show Daniel Uellly. a luemlier nt Main's Circus, was run over by one of the big wagons 111, during Ihe iiurade, and had his llmlis and banilN lindly nrulse<l. Ho was taken lo the hospiiul. .Mr. Ilellly's home Is in Indlnna|>ol)» Waller I.. Main has become Interested la Ynangstown. and la desirous of purchasing llfly acres for his Winter quarters here .Manager .toe Webtr and Stage Manager C'bus. I.llllan, of the I'ark Theatre, left tor their homes In New York 17, to spend the yum- luer. These gentlemen will return at the lieglunlng of next season aud assume Ibclr resi)ectlve ponltlona. To the satisfaction of their pntroiiH, they closed ii very successful season, and through courtcMy and proper iiiunageineiit won favor with everyone Manager Stanley, ot the Casino and Idora I'ark. Is a very busy man, booking excursions from all iHilnts. IrdMr I heat re under the management of Chas. I,B .Marche. will open It, Summer season June 8. presenllnft ifght opera during the Summer months. "■■■■ui, ■ ii.!^ri''"""~'^' "'* '••'"''''■«' Theatre (Max HMrtlB,_ uiaimger).—•The .Moil, and lli.- I'lame._ as presented by the slock eompanv -■;;"}i- »"'' ww.l!. bns given general sutls- r^ctlon, aud the li«n»)-,H havi- been good l-YCKi'M TiiKATitK (Frank Burl, uinna- '*J* ~'}"'■'"'■"" '""' '"•'■" llie attraction 17 and week. All members of the company nii- pearcd to gocsi advantage, and go<sl houses ruled, tor J4 and week, "The I,ndy of Lyons, Casi.vo Bark and Tiikatbk (Frank Burt, ninnager,.--.The season opens •.'■!, and the Ml Includes the following: Elita Proctor Otis, Manning and Diiclon. Clan Johnson Irnupe of Scottish dancers, Kverelt SIsiers, Uerenda and Bretn, the I.a Vans, and the klnwlrome. .VoTKs.—i'hp Creat Wallace Showa ex- hibited nerc IS. aflernoou aud nlghj. The show was a K'.od one and business was blc. The harm Theatre, under the m:in- agemeut of Otto Kllves. opens I'll. 'rh^ theatre Ims been enlarged and remodeled and Is now as Mnc n Summer resort as we have In the ■•Ity I'awnee Bill's Wild West Is hooked hen; 2!) The Kmpire Stock Co. closes here I'.'! and opens In ttwhester -4. for a len weeks' engagement. Harry iJazler. leading man ot this cuiupanv. closes here ■S.i uni will go Into business In this city. ■ .Sipiilti'nrlllr—On Satnnla.v, May 10. Stanton I'ark was thrown open to Ihe pub- lic, and people flocked there all ilav long, until, when the lights were tnrne<l on In full for the lirsi lime of the season, nearly 10.000 people were on the grounds, enjoying the many old and new amusements. .Mana- ger .Mnteslon is to be congratulated on his success. TiiK OnAXn Oprra Hoi.'.si;.— Arden Bene- dict presented "nesurrection" wllh a tine cast. 'SI. Jlessrs. Burt & Mcoll will close the (irand with this nttractlun, and end one of the most successful seasons for Ihe his- tory of the house, both llnunclnlly and for the people of Steulieavlllc. who showed their appreciation hy the large attendance which has kept up nearly all season. .VOTK.—Jfanager W. H. LIpns will remain In the city Ibis Summer, looking after the bill iHistliig plant. ■ Dnyton.—^The Victoria Tliontre (C. 0. Miller, manager) Is closed, and tlie I'ark Theatre (Hurry K. Felcht, manngerl and Snhllers' Home Theatre are also cloHed. Faiii fiiioixps.—The local loilgc of Kngles will give a street fair here week ot June 8. The Wright (^ainlval Co. has liee\i engaged. Achlllo I'hilllon, the Hewilts. and llie Three Mc.N'ulls have also been secured as ouldoor attractions. Cif>velnnil.—At the Lyceum (J. K. Cook- son, maiiuger).—Eugenie Blair Is appearing la ".Mngda week of May 25. and Is making Jl one ot the most noteworthy performances of her career lu Cleveland. V'luiglmn Olaser, as the father; SHss Ob Barry, as lorandske, tiud i;ieanor Montell as .Marie, all have cx- .cclleut opiKirtunltles. .Miss Blair presented Ihe iM>pular "Hazel KIrke" week ot 18, to good returns. Oi.KVKi.Asn (J. K. Cookson, manager).— "In the' Shadow of the (Jallows" Is being nrudiiced week of •_','i, and contains aulllclear- ■ly thrilling scenes to please the rauuy na- trons ftf this bouse. "Bcnnaylvaula," a pmy well mounted and adequately acted, \vas pre- sented inst week. Coi.oxiAi, (A. F. Marsh, manager).—The • •rand Opera Trio, a recent uudltion to ymidevlllt) Ueadllners, Is the tenturo ot the bill week of 2ri. The two men have sung In oiiera In Jturope, and the woman member Iiiis a marvelous voice. Maeurt's trained dogs and monkeys are au Interesting feature. JMher strong nets are: The Great Alexius iiiid Blown, German (romedluns, and Ihe MslersJio Van, in an acrobatic novelty. Tho btll week ot 18 was a particularly good one, ilie l.'nur Musical Cuttvs, brothers and sls- lei's. idnylng a tine grallc of music vv-lth mui'li skill uud expression ; Slieau and Wur- len. In "Qim A'adls lipsldc Down," were uii- rciarloiisly funny; Mr. and .Mrs. lOsmonde were ,v,,i| i||,p,i |„ ji,g]j prctly sketch, "The Soldier of Propvlllc." .ri ■m'! <f*''''w & Campbell, managers).— I he iijter r.lllps, the Star's home cnnipuuy, under the management ot Will M. Drew, Is 'be bill week of 2r). Much new material i!iB liecn ndded, Jncliidlng the Kngstrom Sls- ii-rs, and Clarence Wilbur. •No'iEs,—Chase's Empire, under the man- 'igeaieiit of Chns. J. Stevens, closed a suc- •'•ui n "■ *'''e't»' "in of comie opera 'J.I, witli 'Wang." The opera was presented In » most enjoyable manner Four popu- iiir young men attached to the stalt at ' linses Empire had their anilual Lencllf •lere Monday night. 2,1. Tliev were: Fred iiranrti, treasurer: Arthur Colnon, assistant 1.^.'!'. i;""','',^' """1 '•"'■y I'Cvv, chief usher. -Jlie Jiiudpyllle programme Included a number ot "ae acts and the affair was a big success, ;.i'..'.,;,"^'"' *'«tropolltnn Opera House Or- J n'w' '"«''"■ 'he direction of .7. S. Dns.i, Willi Miao. Norrtica and Edounrd De Resike. i',.»l''"'"'"• K'^^'e a magnificent concert at the .'iml;,? ni'^nry 21. The progrnmnie lu- ,, VI ",'"' ""mbers. nnd both iline. Nordica Wall, '^."eszke did exquisite work...... "litter Miii,,-, cipciis showed here Monday. Ivut^"" ¥.">''^ 'w Onvet perfnrmanceB, which were won ft,,,.nd„f ..uingllng Brothers' ; reus Knve two performance Saiurtlny. 2n. „,^. '"Ib.v entertnlnlog fenlure.i, ntldTd to i.rA»„ '■"'"'"bo^'BtlonH, made up a splendid programme, aad biulneH wm tilg The V.INAUA. Montreal.—At the Academy of Music (W. A. Edwards, managi>r).—E. ."<. Wlllard, In re|)ertory, drew large houses week ot .May IS. "The ..Strollers" 2.'i-;iU. Pkoctok'.s (11. Egeriou, manager).—"The Cattle King" came, to llghl receipts, 18-2:i. Thi- SiiiMi Slock Co.. in repertory, 25-30; ".Man-o'-War's .Man" Junp Id. Tiikatbk FnANCAts (K. Haworlh. mana- f;er).—Byrne Bros.' "Eight Bi'lls" drew fair muses May 1K-2:1. The .\udrev Stock Co.. In "Devil's Island," 2i'i;nl; "I'tlnce and the Sword" June 1-tl. TiiKATHi: BoYAi, (F. W. I* Clair, mana- ger i.-- Weary Willie Walker" had light niidlcnces May 18-2:t. New Henry Bur- lesnue Co. 2.'i-.'10. Summer stock June 1-0. TiiKATRL National Fkantaih (I!. Uaiiv- reau. manngerl. -"HlndphiUK et De l,olr- inler" attracted good houses Slay 18-28. "1* Trols Moiisiuiet teres" •,'.V:t(i. TUKATiiK Dks .\oivkati:s (I;. Iloy. mana- ger i.--"Francescu da Itlmlnl" drew fair houses 18-'2.'l. For the closing week of the permanent stock company rep<<rlury will be put on 2,'i-no. iW. Northy. manager).—Dog Hhovr. lo fair receipts. lP-21. Coming: Duss' Met- ropolitan Orchestra, with .Mme. Nordica aud M. i>e Beszke, 27. Bnos.' CiRcrR June 1 and 2. WANII1NUTI>N. rolnmhiiN.—At Olenlnngy Tnik (J. W. Diiesentwry, manager).—Ffig' biisliiess ruled Inst week. Due week ot May 24, "The Silver King." E.MiMio: 'I'iii:atiu; (IT. Wiseman, manager). —'I'hc Kiuiilie Slock did well week of IS, ami will iiiosent, week of 2."i, "Heart's" ♦-»-• KKW YOIIK STATE. Rpattte.—At the Oranil (John Corf, man- agerl.—McKweii, hypnotist, opened, to A large and appre<-latlve audience, for wrek'a en- gagement. May IK. "Zlg 2ag Alley" 24-21). "A Wise Woman'' 2D. Sixwri.K Tiir.AinK (J. P. Howe, manager). —The Baker Coinimny, lit "The Great Dln- numd Ilohltery." came, lo good biisluess, wet>k Of 17, ".Visa ilOlibs" to follow, wi-ett of '.M. TiiiRii AvR.Ni-K TilK-iTRR (Wm. nussell. manager).—The Walter Sanford Co. opeoe<l 17, In "The I'ower of UgW," luerKlBg all said In advance of their kpliearance, Tiiey present "My Jack" week ot 24, I»>«irLK'a TiiLATKK (.1. K. Smith, maua- ger).—New ones on the bill are: Boll and mil. Hyacinth Ediey. Kn,v Edwnrds, Owens nnd f.a .Mar. Jamie Stanley. ElilsoN.—New people: Monsieur Francois, MexhiH and .Me.xins, NelgKinIn, , Gale nulTnlo.—Outdoor pastimes largely en- gross the .ilteullon ot the public here now. and. save for the elforts of the Summer stock cngugi'ments, there Is little ot In- terest to chronicle. Circuses, baseball nnd Decoration Day outings have the floor. Ktau Thkaikk (J. B. Stirling, mauager). —M'lth the engagement of ChaiiQcey Olcott, ending Jllav 2;i, when business was only fair Hs compared with his usjial fpllnwing. the season ended here, and the portals will not again 1)6 opened til! the opening ot next season, about Sept. 1. Co.NVK.vTio.v Ham, (Henry I<. Mecch, man- ngerl.—The two week series of popular con- certs by Victor Herbert nnd his orchestra will start June 1, Tkck Thkatiib (J. Laughlln. manager).— The Baldwin--Melville (.'o. Is this week pre- senting "The Three .Musketeers." with "(iuo Vndls" announced for June 1 aad week. Metropolitan Ois-ra House Orchestra nnd John S. Duss appeared In a most successful concert May 24. .Manager Walter S. Bald- win announces Weber A Fields for June 4. Lvcki:m TttK.vfi:K (J. Luughlln. manager). —M'alter S. Baldwin's Summer stock com- pany begins, In "The Black Flng.'' ,th's week, with "Master aiid .Man" to follow, "acao'kmv (Dr. Peter C. Coriiell, mana- ger).—"Caught In the Web" will be un- ravelled bv the stock company this week, with ladles' tree mutluee Monday. SiiKA's Gauoks Tikatrb.— Current hfll: Tom Nawn & Co., In "Pat and the Genie: Howard anil Bland. Sullivan and Basque- lene, .loe Flynn, Moore and 1 light. Halo aiid li'rancls. Young American (Jiilnlctte, ImI. 1>. lloyunrd. ,„. ,, „ LAKAVKTTH TlIE.VTItH (CliOB. M. Bagg, manager).-Al. Reeves' Big Bur csqiic t,o. returns for a week 25. Oriental Burlesijucrs next week. • Walter Wllloiighby, wrestler, also appears 2S-.'10. TiiH Wai.tku h. Main Circus gave a sDleudld exhibition at the old driving li«rk on Fori'V Street, 211, nnd was llirgely at- tended. General Agent Ed. C. Kniipp did telling work lu behalf of his principal in getting the facts aud merit of the attrac- tions before the public. Cant. E. J. Vlsacrs "Savage South Africa," wlUi a company of Boers, was received wllh marked, ciithu- slasui Rlngllng Brothers appear 25. > Alliniiy.-At the Empire Theatre (tl. It. Jacobs, manager).—Mrs. Patrick , Campbell came, Friday evening. .May 22, in '"Ihe Joy of Living," and with a fine company to aiippoit her, made la.stlng impression on a laige audience. Saturday, 2;t, tor two per- formances, Blanche Walsh, In "Ilesuriec- lioii," was greeted by goisl sized hudleuces, and closed Ihe week. This theatre will be dark 2,'i and week and reopen June 1 for Its Summer comedy engagement. This will be the second season of the Klngdon-Court- nev Stock Co., nnd will begin with '"Ihe Lliirs," for one week. One ond two com- edies will be presented each week during the ' "ilAKMAXIlN BLEKCKKB IIaI.I. (H. R, JtlMhS, inanuger).—The Mortimer Snow Stock (o. <>ontlnued Its niH>alng success by giving nl the week "yuo Vadrs," «'ltli the exception ,,t Saturday ulghl. 2:i,_ wlieii U chard Mans- (leld made bis annual visit, this time In ••Julius Ciesar." A very fair aiidjence taxe<I the capacity of the ball. For 2» aiid week the Siin»;/Stock will resume, lu "Barbara '''paoi;''0«'.>> TtiKATni; (Howard Graham, resi- dent manager).—The stock cpmpau.v Is-gan 11^ Summer season this year, giving "A Modern Crusoe," with Frederick Bond In Ihe lending role. Big audiences came afternooa und evening dnrlng the week, thoroiiglily iiintisert hv till? laughuhlc comedy. "The ''"I 'I'-'>"', tills week, followed on June 1 nnd week, wllh "On the Wabash." VoTf-H—Slg. Sawielles Circus openci the R«ison here oil 20. giving two nerformances. .tTbU? crowds... -'l-be n?xr wl/l. be II ngllng . Ilro"', :(0, and Harnuni & Biilley's on June .f. * Troy,—At Brand's Opera Mouse (M. Bels, manager).-Blnn.he Walsh, In ,Ile«"W':- tlon," drew a large house J'".''J--,, .-'.'J^'^: Patrick Campliell. In ■The -'o.v ,"' f-Jj'"';, did fairly well 2.t. The house Is dark ihia week nnd the season Is prn.llcallv closed. c.aiHWoi.n OfKRA Hoirst: (M..R01H. m«na- opr).-"A Homespun Henri" did well 21-2.5. Carl Haeenbeck's trained anlhials ote due 26 and for the vwk. I.onilon The season at the Grand closed with a lurforiiuince of "The Strollers." May IS. The weal her has been unsensunutily warm for two weeks, nnd the attractions lately liiive suTered lu consequence. A must Kalisfarinrv audience laughed heartily at (he c<imcdy work of Geo. C. Bnultiiie Jr. nnd Nell .McNeil. It was Ihe llrst visit of the former to this eliy since he appeareil here with I.otln. In "Pawn Ticket 210." Dorothy Hunting cume lu for a good share ot the u|>- iilau^e. being well known In Isindon. She Is to Slav In ".Miss Boll While" next season. "The Strollers' close 2il, but a supple- mentnrv season may be played, wllh Dorothy Hunting In the leading role. The past sen- son at Ihe tlrnnd has been entirely snlls- faclory, bolh to the public niid the man- ngenieut. .V belter class of alirnctlons np- [learrd. and. financially, the season has lieeii priilltable. Not withstanding the dlfflciillles ihal hare existed all season with the musical union, the Cresswell Orchestra, against whom the tight was direried, provided excellent orcheslrnl music, fully sntlsfyiag (he de- mands required "( an opera house orchestra. .VoTr."..— Ar'liiir O'Neli. manager of (he Grand, left for Toronto, his home. 1». He will iiol return for (he next season, having been oTered a pusltion lu the new huiise being built in Toronto for .\. J. Small, lie was as popular a manager as London has ever had. Jolin Stewart, treasurer, will remain for ll;e Siiuinier In London. It Is riiinorod (bat J. Spluks, one ot A. J. Small's 'J'orniito employes, will be the next manager. The l.iiiidon Opi-ra House will nut reopen iiiilll Scpteioli>^r. when .Manuger llnrvev will offer soiue llrst class reis-rlury companlc's for f:ilr buslni'ss Sprliig- bank Park will mien 2.'>, with the following bill: Kiliv Willie, Dancing Dawsons, Mllo Vagge. Lislb- und Curdy. 'I'hrelkeld and Wli-ke, Besniih und Miller, nud .Muslcnl Shnrpe Uingllng Bros.' Circus comes June !• .Marguerite Sylva enjoyed :i lew games of gnlc on Hie Lond<in Hunt Club "grounds. « Toronto.—.\t the Princess Theatre fO. B. Sheiipard, mauager).—May )S-2:i, dark. Eltie Ellsler, In •'When Ivnighlhuod Was lu Flower." 2.'> and week. Granu Oi-kiia HuiisK (A. J. Small, innna- geri.—Itobl. B. Mantell, In "The Dagger and th<! Cross," "Monbars" and "The loce In Ihe Moonlight," played, to big busincsii, 18 ilud week. HiiiiA'N Tiikatrb (J. Shea, mannser).— The Aborn OiM'ra Co., In "The Jolly Muske- teer." drew well 18-2;i. Week of 25, return to vaudeville. llAKSKv Music Ham, (Stewart Heiislon, manager).—Duss-Nordlca-De Beszke, with Hie Metropolitan Opera House Orcbestrn, as- slsied by l:ie<'lu Gittord aud Nathan Franko, 25. The plan shows a big advance sale. Stak Tiikatuk iF. W. Stair, manager).— Irwin's Majestic Burlesquers drew large busi- ness 1.S-2.'1. Gii.vcst Muuliattun Burlesquers for 25 and wo«'k. ■ Ottavrn.—At tbo Russell Theatre (P. Gorman, manager).—Adelaide Thurston, In "At Cnzv Corners," iilnyed, to big houses, Muy G-H. K. S. Wlllard. Ihe Hue l-:ngllsli actor, played a retiirn engagement 14-16, lo capacity •'The Optimist.'' "The Cardi- nal" and "Tom Pinch." were the offerings. "Lord Strnlhmore." 18. HI, hod good Imsl- ni'ss. Booked: "The Strollers" '22, 23, Al. G. bTeld'g Big Minstrels 25, Duss nnd the Mctropollinn Opera House Orclieslra 20. GuA.NU OiT.iiA Ilnusi: (K. J. Blrdwhlslle. manager).—"An American Gentleman" had good returns (1-8. Aubrey Slock Co., In repertory, ll-2;i, business lM>lng very good. •N'OTK-S.—Itliigllng's Big Cli-i'UB will Is- wllh us June 4 The Grand Opern House will close for the season 211. and Weiisley, moving pictures. —New iieople; .\rtliur Ijine. WiKMlfonl and Murllrara. Ilnrry Smith, Han McGreevy, uMorey Long, tho Great Estotllta, nud animated pictures. La p>niTK.—Sianlp; and Reonlon, !Ulgnon blarle, Mnrzella. Crvstai„ —Mendell.and Carter, Do Mar, Harry Steel. Boyd and Leullyn. Jack Lyons, nnd moving pictures. P,\RK TiiKATRi:.--.\xtell and Phllbronk. Senz Bros., Deinorn HIsiers, .Nellie Cisly, Annetin (iordon, Corn! Btrhmond, Ed. Dolun, Spraguellns. Cii.Miyir..—New people: Trainer nnd Tral- nor, John Cobiiru, .Majorle .UandevlHe. Odell nnd Hart. F,ord und Meek, .Mullaby Sisters, M'Ise and .Mollon. .VoTKS.- Tlie Edison 'IlieiUre has assumed the maungeiuenl ot the Madison, nnd will present «-ontlnuoiiH performauces afternoons ond evenings G. (1. Berr.v. secretary of the Grand Opera House, leaves on a six weeks' vacation, visiting New York City and oilier I'Uislern cities. I Tapoma.—At the Tncoiua Theatre ((''ul- vin llelllg, manager).—.Miller & Coiiyer's nrmliicllun ot "Our New Minister" drew a large and well iileaseil nndlence .May 111. /eb and /arrow. In "Zlg Alley." 21. Iinil u Inrge ntlcnihincn. .McKwan. the hy|mnlis(. Is hilled for week of 25-:(o. Thp Baker The- atre Coinnany, whii-h had a seventeen weeks' run In I'orllnnd. nnd Is now lllllng a ten weeks' eiigagetnvni at Seattle. Is IsMikwl nt this house for week of June 7. Mary .Mnn- nerlng 17. The |inst spanon nt this house has Iieeii Ihe Iiest since Ihe n|M>nIng, twelve years ago. .Manager llelllg anuminceH that tlie lOTuklngs for next season are even stronger than the pasi. Lvi'Ki-.M TliKA-riiK ilVnn Worley. mann- gerl.—ShieUU' coulinuoUH vaudeville drew well we<>k of 18. The following ap|ienrwee!c ot 25: Knymnud Merrltt. sketch; Maun and Fruuks, iMimedlans: Kit Wilson. inliiHlrel: Lou llnnvey, sougH: lianvcy nud lioaiie. sketch; Lydoii nod Wreeii, sketch; l-'owler Brothers, acrobnis. EoiHii.N Tiii:A'riili (Geo. Shreeiler. mana- ger).—Week of '25: I'rof. L. Fox. Imllalitr; till' Three .Mlllards. songs nud dances: Elmer I.lssi'tiden, Hoiigs. Huslness Is gisHl. ■Owi. TiiKArai) (Gill. .Miller, manager).— "Shanty Town." a one act conied.v, by Ihe stock, did good business week ot 18. The folliiwlug variety performnrs also appoariMl: Wlnchell Sisters, song nnd dance; .MIK Stella, songs: .Margaret Foster, songs; t.'lnra l,awrpace, serlo comic: Ed. Miiehlner, conie- dliiu: lolanthe, living pictures; Geo. Trux- ell, dancer; l^ewis Sisters, song nnd dance; Bessie Vernon, songs; .McDoiinld niiil Car- lyle, comedians. .N'oliaiN k Uowe'H A.MMAI. riliOl'H Is billed for TaiHtma 211, :m.. . <»» MIKKRHO't'A. don. managvr).—The Ferris Comedlnua are lu the last week o* their stay here, as they will case May :10. and open nt the .Metro- politan Opera House, Rt, Paul, Minn., ill. 1'he WlllsT Opera (^■mllany will, open here June 1, tor a ten weeks^ atay. "Gniustark" lM-20. and maliure 2u; "The .Man from Mctli-o" 21 21! and matinee. Grace Hay- ward, from the Mlnuea|Hilts Stock Co., came IIP hen> to play the pan of the Princess in "Orniislark," Tho business was fair for the llrst iMirt of the week. Dick Ferris was leading In "The .Man from .Mexico," 21-2:1, For 2."i-27, "At Valley Furge," and 28-:ii>, "Tennessee's I'artner,"' with matinees, will be the closing bills tor this conipiiny al ihe house. PAHLon TiiK-VTHK (W. J. Wells. mannKer). —The business conllnties big nt this' house. People for 25 nnd wis'k are: Stclsou and ,\'lxoii. Frank Hawkins. Hazel Cnily. (iordioi Siiulres. Doiiun Deen, Tommy Iliiiiler. Matirlcii llaswick Norrls. uiul \V. J. Wells and Ihv stock. The new comwiy for Ihe week la tailed "His First Spree." «»# DI9TIIICT OK COI.U.IiniA. 8t. John.—At the Oiiera Iloiiso (A. O. Skinner, manager).—The Rothesay College Boys (local) gave a splendid performance of "Tho Gelshii" May 14-1(1, to lilg busliiess. The St. John Amateur Minstrels gave a goo.1 perfiirmauce IS, III. to fair liUHliiess, The SIxly-second Band (ioi-nl) gave u concert 20, (o big business. They were assisted by a detachment from the Sixty-second Regiment In a series of Bving war uuiurrs. Coming: W, S, llnrklus '.'5, 2i>, Kate Claxton June ll-i:i, Jere McAiillff Co. ir.-'2(I. .VoTK.s.—W. S. ilarkliiH was In town 1(1- 1ft, preparing tor Ihe coming of his couinany. Win. Curllon, of (he '•San Toy'' l.'o., nrrlved nt his home here 18. Mr. (.'arlton will appear this Summer here. WInnlpPK. — No attracllons for week ending May ID. House will be dark till 2'2, when (lie Mnndor-(;nldlng Co. will open a two days' engagement at the Winnipeg The- atre. NoTR.—C. P. Walker, manager ot the Red River Valley circuit. Is at present lu New York, booking his al tractions tor next season. Giiplph.—.\t Hie Biiyal Opera House (G. L. HIgglns. manager).—Al. G. Field's .Min- strels gave a splendid enlerlnlnmeiil. lo a good house. .May IS, which enlhiislnHtlcnlly received the old time local fav.nrlte, Arthur Vale. Dainty .May Sargent, la "Other Peo- ple^H Money," 2.5. Bixiii.iMi Bans.' Cini TH comes June 12. ♦«♦ MARYLAND. 8t. I>nnl.-—At the .Metropolilan Opera House iL. X. Scott, mnnagerj. "Are You a .Mason'/" had fair lo goial business May 17-20. and the merriment rnu high. ,Nance O'Neill came, lo good business, 21'2.'l, In Hie follnwlng pln.vs: 21, ".Mngda;" 22, ""Ellza- iieib, (Jiieeii of England;" 2.'t, "The Jewess," nnd niutliiw 2;i. "Cnmille.'" .Mrs. Leslie Carter, lu "Ihi Barry," Is billed tor nil of week of 25. and from the iidvaiice sale and her popularity hero she will draw ca|iiiellv Comnieiiclng week of Ul will bo I'Vrrla Stock Co.. fur an engagement of several weeks. The prlci>s will lie popular. ••Gratistark" will be Ihe hill for (he opening wwk. GuA.N'ii (TiieiHlore L. Hays, manager).— "A Gambler's Dangbler" drew large Iiiiiis<>h week of 17. For week of 24, "Over NIngnra Fnlls." fnliowisl week of ;!I by "For Her Sake." Tills will prohalily close Ihe regular season of the bouse. Star (.M. H. Singer, rannager).—^The Tro. rodero Biirlesiiiiers enjoyisl g<sHl palrounge week of 17. 'i'lin Hlgbllyers are uudcrscoi'ed for week ot 2-1, und Ihe Invaders for week of ;ii. E.Mein>' (A. Welnliolzcr, mnnnger).—A strong bill lii'oiiglit wry good business week of Jtf. .New iicople for week of 24 lire: Bazlle nnil Swain. Ada Brnilford nnd Charles .Marsh. 'J'liohe holding over are: Selnm )''ori'eslel', the /Ininiermuniis, .Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Marllu, Bert Mundy, ^lleii and Ditverc, and Aiidn-ns. the one legged-bag puncher. Sua: I,i.m:s.~-M. J. O'.Veill. a Ht. Paul cnpKalisl. II Is niinnreil. luleuds lo erect a vaudeville (lieatru at the northeast corner of FIflh and (.'ednr StrcelH, lu be condiicled by the Hurtig & Seamon circuit, and lo cost not Ii>ss than $:.5.(KKI. It is to Im inott. oil Klfi.h HIreet by SOft. on Cedar Kti-cet, and Ih to be of tho most modern design. The olil buildings on the sito hnyo bis-n iiirn down, nud It was Mip|>osed that an olllc'^ linllding was to bn erected, lint It Ik clnlmcd Ihat .Mr. O'Nelil has since changed his plans, nnd now Iiileodu In erect a theatre. He will not coninilt himself further, however, than to say that St, Paul mny liave nnollier theatre liefnre loiiir. At all events, (he work on Ihu oOice building has been slopiied, and rumor Iish It that the only delay In going nlieud with the erecliou of the tlieatre Is waiting to close Ihe deal Willi IJaHlern partlcH Messrs. Whiltig & .Miller, who own (he Star here, and a line ot Iiiirlesnoe IionseH In other cities, have been llgiirliig lis nasi u neir Ihe&ln-. nnd Ih'lr nlnns have only Dnitlmorp.—The current week will bring (he season lo u close nt nil local theatres save one. Foiin's Oi'KRA HorsK fChnrles K. Ford. manager) .—The George Fnwcett Co. will he si^-n .May 2.5-30, In '•fiicle Tom's Cabin." "itip Vail Winkle'^ drew fair sized nndlences week ending 2.''. 'Hie all star production of "lloine<i nnd Juliet." 21, was well altended. Hoi.i.KiAY HraKCT Tiidatiik (Kernnn. BIfe & Houck. raanaaers'.—"A Little Outcast" Is the attraction for the (Inal week of the sea- son, oiH'nIng 25. "A ItnlnMl Life" closed u light week 2.1. Moxr.MK.XTAi, TlinATRR (James L. Kernnn, manager I.—Thelse's Wine. Woman nnd Song Co. will furnish the enterlalnment 25 and week. The Oriental Biirlesiiners did fnlrly, closing '2:i. The I'lly Sports come June 1 and week. ♦ «♦ — The the-rtre ut Arcadia. Inil., was totally destrnved by (Ire on May 21. All tbe icenery ftod iwutentB wer» burned. for a coupio ot seasons nasi on puKlng u| u neir Ihe&ln-. nnd Ih'lr nlnns have onl) beiui held up bccanm- of tlielr Inablllly lo get n siillnble InciiHon nl n n-nsoiinble prlci;. Anciit all Ihe Inik ot inilldlng new Ihealrcs lure Ihe City Engineer's olllce Is lo I-e reckoned wllh lu passing the plans of liny und all |iro|H)hcd slrucTiircM, as the city's building code Is Iho most strlngeiic In I lie coiinlry. niid nil plans will be closely ccriitlnized as to slriictlire bi'iiig llreprisif, exKs aud spaocK on eacli sidn, etc. A the- atre of any size would cerlnlnly cost i(75.0Ol> to build nt the present i:nst of niii- terlnl ami labor, us It will hnve to ls> tlr"- priKif The I-abst Theatre Co.. of .Mil- waukee, plR.ved "Hie Weiss Klv/as." lo big audience, al .Mozart I fall, 17. Tlie next piece will be "Der Weg Zlini Herzen," wbicii will he prisenleil '.'4. The lllgli School folks pleased so well in "An American C'lllxen" iliat the same will 1h' presented soon ngnln. « nnliilh.—Al Ihe Lyeenm (C. A. Mnrshnll. manager).—The Flints were the nitrncllon opening May HI. to a gnisl hiil nn( crowded house. Thev lltleil (Mil the week. "Are Voii n Mnstin'/" wllh John C. Rice and Thos. A. Wise, hnil n fair sized audience and pleased them all wllh the play. "The Fatal Wedding." l:i. 14, had only fair business. Llllle Lillian Rosewood wns tlie slnr of the RlBV. The himse Is dark week of 25-110. The orlhwesteri) Opera Co., wllh Al. W. Wnll as mnnnger. «'i|I, commence a Hummer aenann with a sironc company on June 8. Msnoi'Oi.iTAN Ui-KH* Uuuai (J. T. Con- WnKhlnKloii. — with tho preseut week Ihe rt>gular season praotlcnlly closes, na far us Iraveliiiur nitractlons are conciMiied. Last wwk the .N'ntionai Theatre tW. H. Rnpley, nmiinger) was oiH'nnl (or one nighi, Mav LO, lor Lelbler's All Slur Company, In "Itiimeu aud Jiiilei," wKli Kyric Ilellew nud Eleanor Bobsou lu the lending roles. The liertornianre was In cverv wav worthy ot Ihe Immense audience thai greeied It. " Tbu sutM'ib c.isl. included • Edwiu Arden, F. C. Bangs, Gvorgi> Clarke, Eiieii Plympiiui, Fratik Bobinson, John E. Kelluid, W. H. Thoiiinsuii, W. J. l''ergusoii, Ada Dwyi'i- anil Mrs. W. G. Jones, ench of whom was reiidved wllh an ovalluu. 'The lions» was entirely sold uiit nt advanced prices., CoMi>ii)i.\ TiiBATK (Lucknll & Dwyor, managers).- -Ijist weeic v\'iis iho second ot .Manager Liicketl's sch-ctiii company, which reudenil "Itonioo nnd Juliet" siiperblv. Eyerv iiile was well taken. Tlie ensi wns ns fol- lows: Itoineo, John Hliilr; Jiiliel, Bertha Gallnnd; .Merculhi, Fuller Mellish; Paris, iMcKillridgc; Benvollu, Arthur Baclimnu; Tybalt, Geoffrir Stein : b'rlnr Lawrence, Frank Koberis: Bnllhaznr, BotH?rt V. Ferguson. Ijidy Caoulct. MnrgnniL lluurnn; .Nurse, Knie Deiilu Wllsiin. This week, "Borneo nnd Jullel" :.'5-27, "Sclioid for Scundnl" 28-110. LAiAVKi-ri: Oj'KiiA HiiiisH (Ira J. La .Molts, miinuger).—Uisl week "The Charity Ball'' was vxcepllonally well played liy the Merger Kiiich Co., nnd e.«vMont business was (be n-siiit. This weik, 25 ;iii, "A Celeliniteil C'nse." CiiAHi;'H GiiAxii TiiKATnn (Miss H. WInnl- fred De Witt, manageri.—Lust wwk the l.'liaso Opeiu-t.'o. iireieiiied "The lllghwav lauu." lo llin. usual pinked niidleuces fi'ir which thlH house Is noted. This week. 25- III). "Wang" Ih the liiil, with Norma Koiip as a special cngaKcnient. "The Idol's Eye' iiexl. AcAiiKMV (IP .ML'sir (John W. Lyons, mnn- nger),-—Last week Annie Bliiuke, In •'A Little Outcast," drew excellent tuislness, and thu play nnd company wera lu every \tiiv worthy ot the liberal unlinaage. This wecli, 25-.'IO, is (he last of (be Season. -A Iliiliiiid Life" In Ihe hill. Lici:i;>t 'I'liKATiiH (Eugene Knrnnn, mau- ager).—Ijist week Rose Hydell's {.oiidoii Belles took high rank ainoiig ihu season's nllracdons, and (he house was vurresponU- ingiy well lllied. This wwk, (lie City Sports. Thtese's Wine, Woman unit Huug next. NuTKH.—Eugene itruioiido and Selena Johnson, Iho leading man nnd hidy of llie , Berger Stock Coiaiinny, now |iliiyliig at lliu Lufayelle, closu (heir acnaon wKh (hat ur- gnnlzadou (Jur suburban parks liavo UH yet shown no IndleaUon ot opening, and our two local stock companies, operatic ni Chase's and drainalle ut the Lafayelle, show every Indication that (hey will continue well Into tho Sijmiuer, untwlthslnudlng the iiier- ciiry was well up Into (he nliielles all last week The Lyceum 'Theatre will outer llie Held ut Huiunier enlerlnlnment June lo, with IL high class vniidevlllu nnd liorlampiu stfl<>k CO., with John Grlevus lu chiirgu Ned Hiern, tbo treasurer of thu Columbln. Is organizing a Siimiiier slis'k company lo fidiow JiiHcpli E. Luckelt's Bertha (In I hind sensou, which closes June (I. Among olhei's engaged are I-higem- Ormondn nnd Geoffrey Stern, the foriuiir lato leading man In Ber- ger's stock at lliii Lafayelle, and tbe latter a.valued member of lliii Lii<-ke|l slock at tbo Coiunibia. Tlie remainder ot Ihe company will bo co(uplelH tor announceniunl iie.xL week 'I'hn rosier of lh» John Grieves Vaudeville and Burlesque Co., which will open n Snmiaer season Juno 8, nl the Lycuiini Theatre, lu this city. Is as follows: Dol Ha- venisirt, Ertilln Glrai'd, Harry Thoui|isoii, Cnrl Anderson, Chirence Wllhitr, .Slarlu O'Nelil, Al. (!niiieron, Loiils Miller, Jack .Mar- shall, .Moiitn Ciilltus, Norma Willis, r,oulsu .Moon, Edtel Tllsiin ami Ciirrle KIcbliigs, A chorus of Iwentyllvn will be pivsenled, — < i» MAINI::. rorllnnd. — At Ihe Jefferson Theniro (Calm & Graiit, nianagors).—This lioiisii was ticciipled Mny 18, 111 by thn Ozannin Clui> (hical), presenting "A Prliico of Bohemia," very successfully, lo large audiences. "Tbo Itiigei's Brothers In llarvard". proved ii winner here 22, continuing 2:i. ninliiice ami night. Viola Allen, in '"{'he Eternal City," comes 25. Hummer stock Co., headed bv Walter ICdwnrds nnd Evn Taylor, holds Ihe lioni'ds 211-Juiie 20, I'OIITt.A.Sd KA.\lll,y TllKATIO- (JllS. E. Moore, iiuiimgerl --Huslness and oirerlngs from week lo week coiiiIdiiii pleasing nt this VHUdevllle house. Tlic folhiwhiu were beru 18-:'.'l: Jns. Biclimnnd Glenroy, 'rrovollo, or- tiheiis Ciiinedy Foer, Clarice Vance, Joiiiiniiil Lllllnii Hoover, nnd Ward and Knvnioiid, Booked 25-aO: llnliies and Vlilocq. Ilorniil nnd Nevnrro, Win. J. Toiiiklns, .Meredith Sisters, Gorman niiil West. Prof, F, Earl Ilishup nnd orcbestrn. Ihe biograph nad Htereojdlcon conllnue as coiitt'lbulTiig snurres of eiijoymeni. NoTKN.—Blverton Park opens June 15, .Mi-i.'ulliinrs Tbentie, Cape Collage Piirii, opiins June I,'I. I>:<Iwai'd J. Siilllraii will net us business lannuger tor .McCnllnm's 'Theatre Ihe condng season Waller Ed- wurds lins opened bis coitageat Peak's Islniiil, .Manager Goding, of (be Gem Theatre, Peak's Island, and Bnrlley Mrl'alliim, of the lUipe Theaire. have engaged (heir players for the seiis«iii, and Ihey will soon arrive (or reliearssls Several well known llie- ntrlcal people have ulrcady iirrlvifd ut Peaks for their nnounl oiKlng. nnd many more are exiiecled ns soon ns (In- companies lay off and the weather becomes warmer 'Manager Moore recii|H>riites down Iho liny troui imw on (III thn Slimmer wanes Vniiilevllln will rule at Itlvertoii nnd (/'iiderwond Sprliigo (Ills season, as In (lie pas(, nud all iibircs of ■imiisenient In Mils vicluily should receive large patronage HiU Hummer from Hie crowds nttrni^led by the war lannoeuvres schednleil for llils port The opening bill of the Hummer stock nt the JeirerKKli will he "Tlie Taming ot the Shrew." *»» t:TAll. flail l.akp City.—At the Halt Lake Thc- alre (Gen. O. I'yiier, malinger).-Harry (N-r- son Clarke, In "His Absent Boy," played, ii> good biininesB. Mny 14-1(1. Week of June I the house will he used for grnduntlng exer- cises. (SiiAMu TKK.traK (Jones & Ilnmmor, nian- Ag<>rs).—ffhe Wardn Co, condniies to do uood business. "Rnmeii nnd Juliet" 'was given Mav H. 15. ".Macbeth" Id, and "East Lyiilie " W««k of 18.