The New York Clipper (May 1903)

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KAY_30^__ ', ™,n«irer).—The last week of the ''"J^'oDe>r«rw'th bright pronpects for a ''^nf Swd buBltifgH, the house beluK »'^ j«;i-nnd thp programme b«lug a iiloat '■''*nfn,f «nr inelucllni:, a« It Uoi'h. the fol- '^i'''"?"'J,M known pMiple: F«iil Slepbi-iiH. I"*:'"? «(- -rJ llal JUprrltt, Sallle Stembler, 'L'^Di KoreeM. l" lllan and Hhorty b» Witt. Ilu'lW Kose, ttud I'll'laa Bu'lshRrt and com- ii\"£''"Sher?.,eV'^^^^^^^^^ ^^^KXTbm QWMm the h>llowlD« ^''l.'^ovce nd >Vll«ion, Oeorgle O'Ku- "l^' if«S?ell« and Lorraine, the Vonyrn*. rrr THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 337 Clipper Post Office. IB ordCF to mTOid Mlatakea •>« to laiare the promvt delivery of tl>« lelten adTertlsed In this Mat. »a •aveloite vUInl/ addreaaed naat ke aent for each letter, and a written order for the letter, aisned with the fall anue and nddreaa and the lino of bnalneaa followed by the aeader. ■anat alao be enoloaed. Plcaae mention the date for aaai> her) of THE CI.IPPBB la whieh tho lottem aent for were adrertlacd. LADIES' LIST. Tnat'iEB's CinctR opened at the Olynipln Plfld One Hundred and Till rty-flttJi Street lid Lenox ATenue, ott 25, to a good »lzed ,rew(t who evIdenUy approved of the style orw^formnnce. The dive of Dare Devil Schwer from an Incline platform at the Sht of glxiy feet, riding on a Ijlcycle. and S "•iriRlnl.v one of the most dangeroiis an vHl »» ihrllllng BCtg. Imaginable. W. II. ill j, performance on a high wire came In for a ^>l' ""are of npplwise. The Nelson rnmllv ot ntrobats, and Caraou foot bull twinu'make up the bill. Brooklyn.—At the Orpheum (Percy O. Wlllltms, minager).—The setund of the Hwles of comic operas Is "The Hlgliwayraaa," ^inil a big attendance was present May 'iu. I i»t weci'n buslneen was exceptionally good. \Mt week, "The Kortune Teller." itijou (Win McAUrter, manager).—"On the Wabash" U again given by the Siwoner •4lock Co. an. All the members of the com- ii«nv are glv«a opportunities of appearing 1,1 Hrtvantaae. iflsfl , ICdua does excellent «ork. Good buslneBs la«t week. Next week, ••.Vn fncnuul JIatch." PiinK iNlck Norton, manager).—For the rloBlnit week the Black I'attl Trunhadoin-s nil the bill. The tiouse wa« well aile.1 Zi,. 'nil» colored company thoroughly aniusfd thf nudlfnce. Goon buKlncss ruled ln«l week. I'AiTON'H (freu Andrews, manager).— Mrs./Gertrude AndrewB". new play, "A Bhie- Ltiim) Cavalier," bud llH first production here ulgiit of May 23. It U a. drama of the Hoiiih, In four nets. In her latest effiu't Mrs. Andrews baa glveu a reallBtlc plcliire ,if Xoutlicrn life without bringing the usual •iliivory and war themes Into prominence. She presenia a love story Bgalnsl a political liinkgroiind. The Kcenes are In Id In Kentucky. I'oin McKelvcv is the editor of Tho iliil- i/ifl Ufllltf Miinci; and the popular nominee f(ir Sliile Senator ; he Is a bachelor, and llve.-t Willi III" iiuut, .MIsH Cindy ; Ilelty Bruce Is II young girl whom Tom has befriended, 'niddiorv revolvcH around 'i'om's election for Male Senator and bis love affair In win- nlDi; the band of Uetly Bruce. A big buuNti wltnexsed tho opening priKluctlou, oud the iidvance sale for the week Is exceptionally larxe. The play wua most entluiHlastlcally ri'iflved. "A Midsummer Night's IJream" next week. I,TCEU.H (TiOulB Phillips, owner and man- Jger).—N. H. Wood has been specially «n- fUKtii to produce his new version of "The urphans of New York" as the closing feat- ure of ILe season here. The opening house, :'.'>, was crowded. Big business last week. (LvYETV (James Clnik, manager).—Kred Irn-ln's Majesties are here this week. The I'luinis Is largu itnd bait a lot of new mu- sIcbI numbers. Tho olio: Gertie l>e .Milt, lialy, Tofe add Ilomsn, sensatlounl novelty trio; Vnlmore (jnd Norlon, JlcCalrf and t)r- iloii, and /eskn and King, nie burlesques nre called "Back Irom Ireland" and "A King lor a nny." Dig business lust week. TllBjiTBr. Unique (Trank J. Carr, manager And owner).—^Thla Is benefit week here. All rhi> members of the house's staff participate Id the receipts of the benefit perforimince. A big bill has been selected. Big hoiisi'M are sure to prevail. .Voter. Manager Dave A. Wels, of the Columljla Theatre, will be tendered a testi- monial on Decoration Day night. May :I0, liy his ninny friends, and from the arranuc- iiirnts now being made It should prove to be •iiie of llie biggest vnudevllle hills ever pre- M'litid nl any liientre In this borough. .Many ilcrer performers hiive volunteered, among thpm beliie: Hldnny Grant, the Kour Hills, Hubert Klliott & Co., HIdney 8. Toler. (Jreen •'^istcrs and many others Luna I'nrk. of I'ouey Island, Is a much sort after resort. The many atlractinns are very Interesting. Mid n free vniidevlUe entertainment Is ulven. Tile park Is situated In the heart of the at- iriictlnns on the Island, and great crowds nr« drawn by the high electrical tower, which U nvi'r two hiindreil fcot In height, anil nearly one hnndi'ed thoittnud electric lights, of six- Icon candle iiower each, make a brllllfliit spH'taclc, « « » VIKGIMA. nichmond.—The play selected by the iillTen (!omp8nv, at the Academy of .Musle t rhos. G. l.,cath, muDnger], for wwk ot .May -•<, Is "Friends." A decided hit followed iliR splertlon of "Miss Hobbs," given during Week of IR. The at tendance was very large. Bijou (Chas. McKee, managej-1.—The 'iCO. W. Knwcett Co., with Percy llnsweli "lid t'mnk Olllmorc leading, comes here week of 25. and for thn Urst lime In this iimise a Shaki-sjiearean play Ih to be given— UoiDBo and .lullet." This Is to be, accord- »|R to announcement, iVIlss Hnswell's last "lipeuraace In stock, a» next season she Mills. Very excellent ottendance followed 'lie productions of the Robinson Comic Oix-rn »o during the week of 18. .VOTES.—Pteuoratlons arc belnif made for 'lie openlug of the Cnslno for the Snmmer *•<«»«» Frank C. linstock closwl his sPMson here 18. ...V'""'—At the Granhv Theatre (Jnke ,,?'''<• nianogerl.—Notwlthskudlng the fact In.. . '"'* '»''^" exceedingly hot for tho «;^i "'7,'"^''^''' business at this house for . !?.„ °i *'"y 18 was remarkably good. The i'™"l"" ^"^^ tl"* GCO' I''ftwcett Htock Co.. Itreseutlug "itomeo and Juliet" and "Becnuso Xhe toved Him So." For week ot 25 "The i!.. Minister" Is booked. 1, "■■,''>'■ TiiRATiiK (Abb Bmllh, manager).— ipopie v;lio appear at this house for week Ki,-7 «re: May Penman, Angulst Sisters, V «•".'">"'• west and KiUmnn, and Chas. \f.?"'' Business la good. .MA.Nii.tiTA.s- Tjieatob (l-'rcd Fleck, man- ilMrj'T"'"'""'^'' nt this house week of IH rt.V..°i " """t satisfactory nature. Tho I'hiii S, under the direct mnuagenient of ■ iiiiin Mtatts, who Is putting In Tjiirlesqued "• a vpry eredlublo manner. ■■♦»> CANAD A.— (Sbc P ago 321).) n"^?"'.'*"""—At tl^e Grand Opera House Mm. .r •'""""D, manager).—"Ilesurrecilou," .] "^,V-nail "Lord Strttthmore." 10, by the dimjri ^?i;,.'"'f'" witnessed by small nit- Diuw^;.i ^""e Strollers," 20. had largo and me.« '"'L^,' lutllcucea at the two neiforni- Sfn'T- „A'; 0. Field's Minstrels, 21. gave lVoni»"'"i!'"''"f"' fo 1 'air house. "Other Jfinn (" ^'on^T 23, King Dramatic Co. LTi- Bil!','!'''",'^'';''' "**"« <^'- n. Sherman, man- !* «:in, .L" "*c,Tt opened for the season I,i;,i„ t!,''"UI3thM Dyffiyn (•«.. hende<l'l.y «»<><> biiJlne,"^*'"*'"' '° "*'''^ ^"^^ '^'"**"' '" Arnold, Alice Arlington, Blanche Armstrong, Bosle Andrews, Flo Aline, Mile. Astor, Mrs. Chas. Alburto, lill'u Anderson, Marlon Arllngton.Mrs. Allyn, nmh At wood, I<or. Bayer, Kittle BlanchardMuy Black, Nettle Bstchelor, Nettle Beaucalr,Anna Btibler. Aggie BowleH,Mrs.AI Boyd. Lillian Beach, Flo Blulr, Marie Belmont, Harrlette Bowen, Arta BlanchardMay Boley, ilay B. Bryant, \ lolet Burg, Babette Brnchard, Julia BuTrinnn,Alma Blnnchiud Jlay Bennett, Viola Kurg Sisters Baire.v, ilrs. K. K. Rlalr, Daisy Barrett, •Marlon Brown, Laura Bigger. I^ura Iteir. May Burton, Mrs. A. H, Barrett, Minn. Chester, Ida Olyiuer, .Mrs. C. A, Calhonrn, i.'ninllle Chatham Slst. Oonde, Cnmille Clarke, Mrs. C. A. Clark, Grace Clark. -Mrs. Wllf. Carroll, Mne Cardownle, Louise (tOc Cerf, Blanche Clausen Slst. Clogg, Hallye Chevee, Clara Cllvette, Kate V. Celeste, Gniyce I'lark. Agnes CoIten.MrsWm Comstock, Laura Courtney^ .Maude H. Cardownle Jessie Carew, Atubel Carver, A. nd'eleiniDalsy D'ArvlUe, Camllle DiiCrow. Bella Dallas, Mary Dobbs. Georgia DeiuHti'r,.Mabi>l Del .Monte, .Maud L. Darling, .Mnrg, Duiiree, Dollle DeBi'Ougli, I'lmellna D'.NaIre, Claud Danvers, E. Dcvoe, Blancb Dnpre, Maud C Dcverc, Mrs. E. Delmore,(iiace Dole, Vlrjr. Dnrrell, Madge Dexter, Grace Dncre, Louie Doyle, Bella DcGrlgnan, J. Dounlilson, Alice DeMclvllIc, limine Rimer, Marie Kgan, r.uclllo Kspey, I/*ila ICmerald, Man. ICarle, Julia ICinnierson, Dolly I'^ldred, A Hth. Kdythe, Hose IllWalto, Sign. Florence Slst. Francis, 1011a li'owler. N'nnon rianngnu, Mac Follls, Nellie FoUette, Mu»le Ferrari, Kmma Flo.vd, May Foster's, Jlay, Burl. Francis, May ]'"reeborii, Kdlth F. Franchloiiotle, Kilty Fonner, Kvel Alien, .las. Arthur, Geo. Ashley, StG.F, Aldcn, Gall Allen, V. H. Ai^elo, Jns. A scot t & lOddy Allyn, Fred Almond. 'I'om Armlu, Walt. Allen, F. -M. Actlnn, — (mgr.) Alfreno. A. Adonis Trio Allen, F. SL Antlipny, ,„ Theo. W. Axtcl & JMiilhroofc Alexander. L* V. Alexander. _ 0. B. Arlington, (J. Atchison. D. P Anderson. nichard Andrews. Hdw Adams, i:. B Alpine, Cbns, Alston, A. Fox, Kitty Fcrarl, Airs F. I'^rlskey, Mrs. Harry FIsbcr, Krun. Gray, Lottie Gassmau, Josephine Gurnee, Alice Ghibul, Lulu Gant, Mabel Gllleno, .Mrs. Har Gordon, Maude T. Olover, KllK. Grete, Grace Gilbert, Sallle Gllmore. Phil. Gillette, Marie Gllson, Loltle Gurnee, Alice Glover, iClU. Howard, Pauline Hart, Dora Hathaway, Mrs. B. Hawkins, .Mrs. Lew llesseltoii, Mabel Howard, Mrs. Mont. Hollman, Mar. Hill, Nellie Dudley, Lin'n Hubbel, Mln. Hunter, Carrie Harrison, Nell Hesly. mia llnywaril, .Mrs. G. A. Howard, Ky\n Hnrlou, Beatr. Hilton, Margie Hlllman, Louise Harmon, K. Hopv, Kna .M, Junis, KIsie Johnson, Lizzie IvnIdI, Anna Irving, Alice Jones, Jlrs. D. T. Jeanettc, Ul'n Kellogg. Vlrg. Kelcey Slst., X Krausc, Kmina Keeliuii, May A Kci-wln, ICIla Knight. li:il/.. Leon, Delia Lewls,Stella M LaVall. ma Leslie, Mrs. W LeN'old. lOlsle Lambert, Rosle Leiicbuer Children Lflvaruie Hist. Leonard, Lou Lnlteune, Eva r.niigweed, Lil. 1-ove, Vnl. K. LaHalle. Selm. LoFlelds FlUHS Lawrence. Bos Liivall, nlla Lasky, lllnucb Lewis, FranUle Leslie, L<K>ua Lund, Pearl Little, .Mario Lane, Alice Lynotti', Kath lA'slle, Sophie liCe, Minnie Leas, Hnttle Laurence, Mac Lane, Laura Little. Marin Marble, .Mary Murluu, llleauor Marsh, Agnes Mayford.Ornce Morton, Jen. McClure, Blanche McCrce, Jennie Niooiiey, Mnyra Mills, Battle MacNnWi. An. Meiidnrn. Georglc Mndlgan, Krankle May, Mayme Slay, Fannie Manslleld, .Mabel McCftlc, Mrs. S Mnymiril, Claire Murra.y, Cecil Xlaytord.Griico Moore, .Nellie Mlllon, Lala McKeovor. XUs. Chas. Jlonlrose, Be», Mnllor.v, iUw.le B. Mnlynenux. Slnxa .Montague, Bertlia McDonilld, Ag Martinez, Glor Mercer, Mrs. \V. n. Melsun, Alice Nelson, Maud .Norlhcrn, Jcnnnette aBNTLBBIDN'S LIST. Ayers. Charlie Bruce, K. H. Hurnstcad Jr., i:. H. Dollluger, I'ere Burns, Tom Barrlngton, IL A. Blstoin, G. Bernstein (pianist) Bnhanan, Bobt Berol. Wm. Belmont, Har. Berkell, Cbas. Beaban, Blllle Barr & Evans Bentlcy. W. H. Burns, Ciigcue Beck, John Bush. V. D. Beasloy. Lou BIntr, Hal K. Busch DuVere Trio Bedlnl & Arthur niack. W. W. Bnlfnrd. G. W. BInkhiirjt. Frank Bnrtcno, Bar. Osgood, S. Owens, .Mrs. G. W. Porter, Alice Potter, Nellie Putnam,Kmma Peyton, Jane i'rk-e,Madellne Perkins, Carrie K. Palmer, Alice Price, Dora Pork, May Parker, >Irs. Harvey Preston, A. Mne Paulette, Miss Palmer. Cathryn R. Richard, Ah. Kiimley, Lulu Ramey.ilarleA Uyno, Kurl Reynolds, Dorothv Roberts, Editii Ryland, Mrs. C. L. Ruffell, Phlllls Both, Loudle Bysey, Mrs. M. Bondolpb, Miiy Rock, Ella Raymond, Pearl Reld, Mrs. Jack Raymond, Stel ItAklgb. Jean T. Ronaldo, lOvn Raymond, LI/.. KIley, Lnclle Richard, Ah. Starr, Lillian St. Clair, Louise •Sabel, Joscp. Stewart. Lli!. Klegel, Anna Stockbolm,Ada Stewnri, Queenle V. Nmllb, Louise Schuyler Slst. Scott. Car. .^L Seville Sisters Sadell. Jenn Sharp, Ilessid Sanford. .Mrs. Walt. Sylvester, Nell sharp, Addle Sargent, .May Southers.Murle Sllbou, Gertie Slibon, Kate Stewart, Em. HIegel, ninrma Ht..Tohn, Aid. Scott, (Jarric Stewart. Belle C. Sabloo. Alice Selbon, Gertie Scott. (Tlinrlot St.Chilrc. Marie .Stockdnle, Mrs. J. H. Scott, Flora Sinclair, .Miss Thomas, Delia Trclegan. Madeline Toblns, The Tlora. .Mildred Tanquay, Eva Tanner, C. Trowbridge Helen Tuson, Nellie 'I'bomas, Ins Tunniiay, ICvii Vaughn, Ther. Vaughn, Bess. VanOordcr. .Mile. Van. (.'nrrie VanArsdale. LUUe VouCoMon, Bess Vernon, .Mrs 0 ^'llnDoren, .May Wolf, Gail Wolffe. Gall West, Ruth Williams. .Mabel Wlllard, Daisy Webb, .Myrt. h Wiley. Stella M'ard, .May Walsh. l''lor. Wills, Hattle Walls. Hel. B. Walker. Ev. Welch.Mrs.J. C Wade.Mis.T.K. Wiilsh, May Wood, Maude Williams. Helen Woodlhorix'. Flossie Whentley, Mrs WlllNca, Berth WInlocke. Isub Wllloitirhby, Kdim .M. Wallace. I'. B. Young, Jenn. Vnlto,.Mrs.Knrl /entn. Mile, ^eva, Xeneta Raker, Pete Brooks, F. W. Baker & Gibson Booth, Herb. Braham, Sam Bryau/r. B. Bnicbard, Paul Beers, Newt. Barnes. Pniil Ilalrd, Billy Brown, Mgr. Bartell, Wit Boone, F. 10. Bartclll Trio lierger, F. <r. Brnmble, Art. B<-rnard, II. J. Boninuli, Freil BurnhaiD, C. C Bowman, Fred Bovver, fl. .\. Brown Bros. & Wright Rarra Bros. Biirnhouse, Simon Buchanan, . !•:. Tl. Brenler, Jno f} Beonaa, The Buskirk, Fred Bryants, 4 Bryan, Tntn Cuufman. it. (] I'onion. Jack CiilgHlc. G. .N. Crane. «'. I,. Coutes, Slierni Collins & Madell Coombs, Frank Crane, K. .M. Compiou, Chas Crockett,Wm.F Charters, Spen Crosby, Warn, Couture, Dav. Collins, Art. Connolly, D. C Carley, Chas. Carlln & Bro^ni Castle. J. F. Cole, F. W. l^laman, Ben Cannon. Jack Cresscy & Dnyne Coiiineld, i.'ampbell Coulon, Wni. F Corbet I, Yoiing «'ooper, ».'. II. Cotton. O. M. Cardiff, Frank L. ciinuot, — (miNrh. doll) Carruthers, Cbas. Craig, .Marsh <;'arney, A. Chase, Harry t;ottun's Donkeys Cushman & St.Cliilre Cannons, 2 Cannon, Jack & Q. Clifford, Billy Coleniflii. Ant. Cheesninn, Wm Collins, I/eo C.trler. H. J, Cole * Johnson Curtis, Iliir. Coffinan, Joe Clement, Clay Connoll.v, J. C Crlnimlns & Gore Cannon, Jack Collins, Jas. (^nature. Ben Collins, W. F Corin, Joe I'ralg, Musical Croiicher. W. 1 ColumhlanTrlo Custer. D. D. Decorum, J. T Davidson Tnylor Damni. Drile Denier, .\ll<er Dunn, Jus. Dp vine, Mr. (.Mack & D Dngan. Tiffany Dale, P. Alb. Delmore & OncUln Donaldson, C. A DeVnn, Great Deeds, L. .M. Diiinltrescu, M Davidson. J.W Donaldson, T.B Donovan. J. B. Devlne, 10. J. Dupree & Dupree Donovan, J. T. DeAugells, Jcf Iton Eu, 'roiin DeWltl, liny Dvllaveu, Carter Dale, John Doll, Charlie Davis, W. II. Dillon, Geo. Duluo. Henry Dunn, Jns. A. Dodson, Ben I Doulun, Wm J Dickson, Chus, Ih'acon, Will Hewitt. Ray D.ver, D. J. Duy. Fred Dickson, G. A. iKive, John linke. A. K. Ihillnski, Joe Iliit'oliu Frank D.nvldson, 'l'a>ior Deliner, Fia'k Dereiidn, I.,eo D<'Carl>'ton, Geo. Doll, G. D. DoVeuux, AVG Gregory, Fra'k tilbles. Grant tiarrlnb, Hen. (ilbliou, Geo. (iarrliy, Hsr, Donaldson, (.'. IL Davis, B. liranc. Wash. I lit t rich, Ben. Do vie, .11 in Delamnter, A. O. Dnvls, Alex. Drover, Floyd Donaldson, C. A. Dale Bros. DeLapomine, Pierre I>avls. V. C. Eye. Eagle English, 11. C Etlswortli. Frank i;iniore. Geo. lOagleton, C. T lOnrle, (Ji'oli. Eddy, Albert I'M wards, J. S I'ulk, Fred Ferguson, W.C. I''arnuni, ,loe Fox, Frank Foster, Wllld Friedrlch, Gus Friink, Mgr. Fisher & Carroll Fcnbnrg.GeoU Feeiiy ftllogun Fuller, .M. W. Frey * Fields Fa Ike ASemun Flndi, Will Fennels, Ned Fllteau, P. Frunkel, I. Forrester & Floyd Ferguson. J. M Fisher. linr. Freeman, Har. Karnum. It. Fausbjiwe. A. L. Forresler, J. T Fredcrlci. O. I'lngg. ('■ A. Frosto. I'rnnklinn. .'I Filler, Mjix W. Grnnf,«'. W. Olennoa, Jps. Olnsser, F. L. tillnserettji A. Gardner, W. F Orcpory.Geo.L. Gerber, Joe Glluserelti, 'I'ony daring. A. J. Gnriug. C. X. GuUdtoiirb, J. W, Oracey, W. II. Gray Jt Graham Gorey, .Vri. Greenhold, BenJ. Gayer, Clms. tlordon, (.'has. Gardner. G. B. Goers, Franc. Gllniore, B. 1'. Oarvle, I'Jdw. Gillette, Har. GIrard, Kil. Goodwin, Ben Goheen, C. A, Orlffln, A. C. Ualllgan. E. 1' tioodvvlu, It. F Hnveriy's Jlin Hoard, Chas. Ilennlngs Trio Hayes, Geo. F. Hopkins, Alb. Howard (loand bnl. Hays, Kil. Hoey, Johnnie llali. L. B. Harris, Geo. Harris, D. U. Hngeriy, T. K. Hayuau. Joe Hogao, Ernest llealey, ICdKUr Hepworth, Jno Henella, — (dancer "Hello, Hill." Co. Horan, JackC Howard & Johnson Herbert, H. M Hart, Albert Hunter.Chns.A llardeeu, — llershiuan, Mr Uearn, W. » Hart k Baldwin Hoey, Fred Hall. J. E. H.vatt, F. (Oc Hughes, C.&M. llarrluglou. Human Fiiinlly llallleld. Jas. llnlmes. Rap. Ilelh, Gram Hill. R. U. Harris, Fred H:iugern..i, C. Jl. J Hill, C. B. llnsilugs, Ben Hanlon, I'linl. Co, Howard & (!rosb.f Hugo, Victor Hovt Com. Co. Hiunlllou,W. J Hoffman. Mst Howard & Illnnd Ilcrrlck, F. B. Hurdiiig. W. D Hill. G. A. Hennessey. J. 0. Horn, Fred Healy, Jno. Hickman Bros Hedge, John Irving, P. II. Irving, H. J. Isbnm, W. II. Jefferson. Jim. Jucobs, John Joues, A. G. Jackson, <1. H. .loiies, Aug. JohnHon.G.A.D Johnson, W. II Jones, C. C. Johnson, J. B. Johnsons, Jiig Jniues, Sylv. Johnson, Sisi. Jones, 1). Al. JcflTerson, Jos Jeffart, T. F. KIlue & Golthold Kerhiio, G. W. Kniger, J acq. Kelly, .Sain Kelly, M. J. Kibble, Wui. Klnsbcrgen, E. Klil.y, W. H. Kelly & VIolette Kendall, Fra'k Kunaznwa, I'.i Klefer, (Jco. Kiaw & Erinnger Klein, Art. Kellcy, Bern. Kolley, V. P. Kelly, J. T. King, (.'bus. Kiirzwell. Louis Kelly & VIolette Kublm:in. J. J Knowliiud. I "rank Kingston, Roy Krnytun. Har. Kellv, (.'Iniiil Kealey, Edw'd Kclloy, T. P. Klngslev, Ilnr. Kerr, l!erl.ert Kllston, J. E. Kellnr, L. J. Kelly, F. J. ICennedr, Bert r.rf«ter&Hallcn LaRcane, liar. League, Jas. Lee, L. G. Levon, liar. Lauder, II. J. Luce. Grant Leslie, Bert Lovelace, J. B. l<elgblon & I.<!lghton Lloyd k Baker Lee, L. G. I.,ewlH. Horace I^vurd, W. H. LsPcll & Dnly LaPage, I'liui. Lucier, Freil. Langdon, Har. Lyle, II. J. Lyons. John LaNole. Ed. r.ewlM)n, I.. E, Luken, Gus Ixiwry, Jas, Leo. L. F. I/iReane Trio Lawrence, Hal Loiirelle, Otis LlTlngstoD, . MW hjlt, B. J. . I/cni(di, Ben Lovanlou, Tom Lavine, CaniCi'on&Oo. l^iugley, Fred l.alleile. Win. Uirrelt, T. .M. lice, (Irani l.aiirencp, J. F tjllswn, .\lf. Lewis, Kid Lenchau, Win. J. Lydell & Bulterworlh McCurdy. Jns. Mnxam. .MIttle .MorbHcIi Jr., Kd. .Meyer, K. A. McClaln. Wm. McCune & Grant Mason, W. A. Martin. A. W. Murray,, Tom Martin, Dave W. Murphy, Tim Miller. Frank Murphy, Osi-ur >lerrlll. F. T. Miirmy, J. K. .McVey, Hugh MonriM'. II. ('. Muynard. Frank Mj-ers, A. J. M.vers, 11. Morris, Leon Mackie, J. J. McDowell. Gordon .Muihern, P. J. Merrill, S. P. Murphy, <'. F. Morris, Geo. () Mackle, J. J. Morgan, Geo. Mackey, J. It. Makowskl, B. Mc.Naiigbteu, Marks. H. 1. ' Jin nine Bros. .Mclntyre, Wm. J. Mngers, J. W. .Malloy, Dun .Mnckle, J. J. Mason Keller Co. Mack A: ICIIlol .Moore, .Marty Muriihy, Jos. Mortwi'h.Jr..l';. .Mortliner,(;'hus Milton. Geo. W. Mandevllle, Butler .Morris, John Nambn, K. Negrotto, J. it Newton, Biily Neff, W. W. Nedrow, J. W .\orrlM, Wm. (10c. ••Night Owl" Co. .Veuson, C. F. Norworth, Jack Nipson. .Ssin Olt, J. E. Osborne, J. A. Odell & Hart O'Brien. Smith Obrechi, Leonard Oliver. H. Orvlllc & Frank O'Brien, Dan Obrecht, lrf>onnrd Plait, E. B. Peasley, Boh Price, I," P. Phillips, F. L. I'ouder, Geo.W Pateu, C. .M. Parry, J. F. Plohu. Max I'ottleJr., Wnt Pntton, It. E. Parry, J. F. Pringle, A. C. PhllllK E. H. Perry, Chus. Packaitl, T. C. Paddock, B. 10. Puenkensteiu. Leopold I''. Prentice Trio Palmer, J. F. Powell, 'I'oiii •Peck's Had Boy" Co. Perry, H. C. Pratt, J. A. Pepple, T. D. Powers, J. T. Parker, Ted Pauls, The Parks, Jas. Packard, Tlisd Rio, Adolph Rowland & Clifford Reno, K. M. Rowley, Fd. Riiymond, .Maurice RIcksei'ker, Fred Rnlidolphs.The Ronaldo, Chas Royal Op. Co, Reed, Frun<'ls Rice, Jas. Rice, Geo. Richards.Chas. Rliino, .1. W. Reed, Lloyd Rowe, LirOD'll Roberts, (.'. G. Rogers, W. '/,. Ro/.liio, J. \V. Ruinlioth. F. J Rose, C. T. Rogers & l.avlno Ranee, Frank Ross, T. B. Rella, Har. R(K'he, o. W. Reap, Wll Redwny. Ed. Raven, Dick Rosa lee, R, Ruel, John Rlploy, T. J. Rella, Freil Rushworth, F. Raymond, F. G Hlslnir, W. H. Rozliio, J. W. Rwves. L. C. Roble >c Mack llnvllln, I/ew Roe, John (<. Klfilay, Tom Roche, O. W. Rice. G. Roosevelt, Iconic Reed, L. F. Richards ft TrnJunnn Rockwell, J. t" Rohlnsnn, M'.A RoblMOii. R. .M. Kenk, Waller ftelye«, C. B. l.vnn, IT. n. lUjrlnos, The Bobeaon, .W. H Hanson, C. H. Strotton.l^amn \Vlmn!S, W. K. Rusaall & Scbrellicr, Will Wyckoff, Fred Tllyne Stoiner, r. .M. West * liaison, T. K, Scovllle. Nep. Williams Rehan, Jack Shocker, c. P, WillArd, Jnke llonaidn. Chas Simpson, .M. Wallers, <r. L. Stewart & Sun, Gus Wilson, Ed. Raymond Sheridan, W.B. Warner, B. R. Smith, F. R. Sullivan, E. S. windon, Phil Soniers, P. G. Si'linni.inn. Wlisou, C. C. Shoup. Lewis Gustnv Wanlell, llnr. Sausone ft Srldnn, D. C. Waterbu^yRros Uellln Siierer. Kiig. ft Tunn; Stanford, Wm. Sidney, Geo. Wilson. Geo. Sililey. W*. K. Siovenson. Wiuchermunn, Sully. J. F. c. J. Herr Stiinri & Sawyer*, F. II Wade, Fred .Moiitgomerv siegvist. 'JVMo Weston ft Stanley ft Swan & Lewis f^nrmetta BiimlKird Wyckoff, l'"red Stevens, \V. S. .<«i Delmos. The Williams, F. C Shelby, Harry Stnnley, .Mart Whitney, Sidoulu, Grt. Swii'l, P. A. Emmet Snow, Ross St.Onge, Fre*l Wills, N. M. Steers, C. B. Sparks Vlrg. Wyoming Jack Sutherlnad, Shows ft Nnh. Nell FreiJ Smith, Fred Welch, C. ft J. Smilh ft Fuller Shnunou, F. A Williams, F. C Squissell. Ed. Spencer, A. J. W«tsi>n. F. L. Slinpsno. .Mvn. Stevens, W. H Welcli, ()eo, Swenlman. Spitz, A. .\. Weston, Mr. Willis Snvoy, Bert Wiitsou. Geo.W Stetson, Har. Spears. J. W. Ward, T. H. Shnw, Har. Seymour ft Williams, J. J. Shnw. Jns. Hill WiiiHon, Jon Siiyder, A. 'I'nylor, C. 10. Werts .* Judge Snilrl & Temiile, S. E. West, ll. D. Kessiier i'rydell, D. Wight, Hili'd Swniin, C. 10. 'Phrelkeld, ErI Wndswortii, Shaws, Aerial Techow, Gen. Benlett Stevens, W. II Tomkliis, Wm Wnshhiirii & Sleicel, S. Thur, .Musical Grant Starr, Louie I'revor, Edw'd Wlllard, ('has. Sun. Gus TiisoiiH. The Wnilaci' St.Leon. Our 'I'lliey Bros. Show Co Southern Kdw Toledo (wnt.) Wood, G. H. Spnun. Byron 'I'urner, R. S. Welse. E. V. Seymour. C. II Turner, U, II. Wack, Eugene Sllvn, Bonlf. Taylor. C. E. Wlllard, I'". R. Htewart.Dunim Tascoti, — Wlllard, (?has. Htuckhait. WikhI. V. B. W. D. TIerney, J. L. Woo<lford ft Hegur, Wm. Thompsou. Mnrlbun> Hnrgent. liar. John Voung. Pierre Snor. John Topping, Har. Yost. H. K. Southern, L. J. Teal. Raymond Voiuig, DeWilt Standard Ijiiar I'm linn, C. 11. Young, Oilie Seeley, (.'. W. Voss, Andrew Yorke, Gust. Stoddard ft \'an. Art. /nmora. Prof. Lesli(> VonPalm, Mr. Kel, Chas. Sullv, Will Vernon, Carl Kat /nin & Ktnckdale. J.R. Vnnrey. H. .M. Mowrn S4-Iliini, W. VnnDake; C. L /.erelh, Ed. •Snulhei-M, Edw Van, Geo, SRR NOTiCK! AT IIBAn OP LIST. < » » IOWA. WiiiTNnv TnK.wnK (B. D. Stair, luaua- ger>.—••The James Boys in .Missouri" made a idg hit with the regular patrons \vevk of IS, (Imwing imckMl houses at every perform- ince. .Snin Morris, as ,Mnsi-s I'eildler's Ciaini,'^ R-ifk of !iX •err evl, In "nie flea Moltiea.—At Foster's Opera Mouse (Win. Foster, manniter).—)!. 11. Sol hem, supported by Cocllla Loftiis iinil an excellent compiiny, presented "If I Were King" May l.'i, III one of the largest niidii>nci>s of the season. Nat C. Gootlwin will dose I In- sea- son, in '•'I'he .\ilnr of Friendship," 21. Ginxii (M'i:a.\ Hoi'HK (Wm. Foster, tnnn- ngerl.—Harry Leightnn and Florence Gnic, in ••Tiio Prisoner of /.enda," 21-'.'tl. AffprroHll'M I Win. Foster, manager).— .Mine. Lllllsn Nordlcn, VMnimrd de Res/.ke anil the Meir»)sillian 0|)ern House Orrlies- tin, under the leadership of J. S. Dliss, scored a lilg success lit. Uabuqnr.—At the Grand Operii House (Win. 'J'. Iloehi. manager).—The season has I'losmI with the iwo biggest iitlractlons .if Hie year. .Mny, 2,, Richard .Mans/leld, In ••Julius Ciesar." anil 11). .Nat C. Gmidwin, In ••'i'lin Altar of Friendship." Botli fared well. Between times the amateurs, under Hie direction of Prof. Rohiier, preaimted ••Plnnfore," to the caiiacitv of tho house. 'I'he cast was coinpnseil of local singers, ex- cepllng Frank llnrimrd. of Chicago, who sang Raipii, Sis-dnl meiilinn should Ih' made of .Miss Collins, who look Iliii part uf lliiltercup, at twelve hours' notice, ami .Miss l.ognn, IIS Joseiihiue. On May In tho iociil chornl society liehl lis annual May festival. Two concerts were given. A mlsceilaneoiis programme In the afternoon, by the Thomus Orchestra, niiiler the direction o( !Mr. StocK. with Leoimld Kramer, vhdinist : Jennie Os- Imrn. sopninn. and Giillen .Miles, liiirllone. Ill the evening a miscellaneous |irogranini>< for the drst part by tiie orchestra, assisted liy Miss Van valkenhiirg, contralto, and Miss Diirno, plantsi, and Ilia second part, "Tiic Creation," with Mrs. Ilerlhn Lincoln Ileus- tis. soprano, nnd .Mai^lon Green, basso, of liilbu<|UH, and Glenn Hull, teiiur, of Chica- go. It was n great succi'ss In every wnv, anil Prof. Pontius, under whoso direction It wns gU'cn, Is (o be congratulated. .ViiTHH.—<"in May 2H the Sangerbiiiid will give Schlller^H "Die Gloi'ke." with .Mailiiine Heiislls, .Miss HloilK and Messrs. .Michel and l.ngcu Hoiolsln, at the Coatcs Opem House. The IIIk Wallace (Mrciis Is due June ll. OdarHaplrta.—At Oreene's Opera House (Will S Collier, liusiness iiianuger).- -Nnt C. GiMslwln, wllli a strong rompany, gave i-x- celleiit satisfaction .May 20, In "The Altar III' Frlenilshlji." Coming: Chase-Lister The- atre Co. o.'cJiine II, Bench and Bowers' Min- strels (under canvas) 2H. Tup. FimKr.\r<iii-S(xi.s Bhor.' CiKoirs had good business 20, in spile of n lienvy rain, the (). A. II. encuinpraunt Slid parades, anil .Vat ('. Goodwill. .N'o'rKH.—Miijor Clins. Gnntx. tlin Falrlleid. lows, midget, was on rxhiblllon 1(1-22, nt !101 First .\veMiie It, M. Harvey, press agent for tho Wallace Hhows, was here IH, rii riiiitr to Itis'krord, III Manager and Mrs. Will T. Lisler, of Hie (.'hnse-LlsTer Co.. arrived III C. W. Kimball, miinager of Hie Griiiiil Opera House, .Miiscntliie, In., wns 111 town 1(1-21 The miiny friends of Edward W. Shlpp, whose Indoor circus comes here every Winter, were glad to see hlin chief smiiseaK'nl director of Hie li'orepaugli- Sells Bros.' Show. Kcoknk.-—At the (Issliio Theatre (Ed- iniiliil Jaeger Jr., managerl.—^Tb« Kwlng- Tiiylor (;o. played, to n large audience. May IT, nnil Iheu dosi-d Its regular s<<ason. The o|H-nlng of this theatre for tlie Hiimmer lins lMi>n (HisttiniH'd until May .'IH. when Itossr ft .Mason's Co. comes for a Iwo weeks' en- gHgeineiil, In reppMorv. Snrn.M. —Managers Miller ft Hlckinnn, af- ter M prosperous /teasoii on the road, liave returned to tbeir home for u vacation. .S'ext season they will organine a tlrsl class re|s-r- tory coinpnn.v, with special scenery, etc ■Manager AllM'rt 'i'nylor and Gertrude Ewlng lefl for Ht, Louis IS, and after taking a sliorf vscallon will oia-n their Summer tour nt Joplln, Mo., about June 1.... .Manager Clyde PbiilliM writes of much gomi time he has booked for Rosa Nnynon throughout the central and Western States, nil due to a recent big nd. in TifH (7l,ll'l'RR The Gentry Bros.' Big Dog and Pony Circus has sent out advance nutlceM of their coming early In June. 0«» HICHIOAN. n«>lroll.~At Ihe Detroit Opera House (B. I'. Whitney, manager).—The Castle Square Opera Co, presenleil "II Trovntore" and "Tannhnnser" week of Mny 18, lo Inrge and nppreclulive audiences. They close their most successful season hero week of 25. when they will appear In "Cannon" and ••Toscn." Lv(?ri.'si T^iRATRR (E. I>. Htftir, manntcer). —The Pike 'I'hentre Co., In "A Bachelor's Romance," pleas/'d gisxl sired audiences week of 18. ■ They will appear In Jerome K. .le- rom«'a eontij, "iiiit Bobbts" mtk ot 20, TK.Mri.R Tr.iMTni: iJ. II. .Moore, manager). —The bill for week of 2."i Is: Hal Dnvls and Inen .Mncauley and coninaiiy. In the scenli- and speciaruiRr iirodiicllun. '•Pals-.^* George Wilson. .McCoy Sisters, in '•Two Phlladelpbln Girls:" .Mnsical Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Horry Thorne and t'o,. In ".Vn Uptown Flat; ' Kellv nnd Reno. .Charlotte Giiyer George, contralto; Drawee, comedy Juggler. 'llw American hlogmi>h. Last weeks hill wai well received by gooil houses. AvKM'K Ti(i:atrii (H. H. Lamkln, mana- ger).—The nllracilons for week of "J-'i in- clude: Touy ('Hstellaiie, In Usiplng Ihe loop; Lottie Gllson, the Empire City Viinrtet. Cl|. velte, I.e Ro.t and Wnislford, Laura Denii, Ihe Four MnsU'sl Cnttys, In a rellned musical specialty; American vltRgraph. Last week's bill was np to the usual fclandani and the n I tendance big. EiiriBK TiiK.\TnK (Dr. Campbell, mniin- gerl.—Al. Reeves' Big Biirtesqnn Show at- tracted big crowds and gave splendid satis- taction week of JS. The tttoplnns iliir- lesgiiers week of Sn. .•tagclnnw.—At Jeffers Theatro (Bamfnrd ft -Morris, managers).—The Wilbur Opera Co., week of .May IS, drew big iioiises, anil pleased everybisiy. The lieiuliurn Slock Co. plays a return engagement week of 2.'i. RiVKKSIIlN P.VHK A.M> C.XNINO (John E. Mi<;nrfli.y, manager).—Tills |M>fiuiar resort will ojien .11. A roller coaster bus been added lu Hie at I tactions. FoiiKf.M'oii k Ski.i.s Bans.' Cihoiih ex- hibits hem .May ao. Orand Raplda.—At. Ilnmona Thenire (Orln Stair, inanagor).—Week nt Mny 2-1 : Hayes nud llnily, Kelly and Vlolelle, the Four Boises, I,eo and ('nnpmun, (Mto, Span- ish ring performer, and ramograuli. GoDi'noY'H Si;mM>:u Pavii.iu.v (Chas. find- froy, manager).—We«'k of 2-1: Mitchell and Ward, the Two Glrdetlos, Alice Alva, .Mcuit and Bennoir, Ferguson nnd .Mack, and Ida Mclntyre. FoNKPAt'oii ft HRi.r.H BmiH.' CiRrt'<i June i. Knlamnaoo.—At the Academy of .Musle (B. A. Bush, miuiogeri.—The iiouso lias been dark since .May 12, when the regular si>ason closed, Willi l)lrs. Le Moyne, in "Among Those Present." Lakk Vii;w (.'.isiNO (Sam Mlllenthni, mnii- ngerl will open the senson with a vainie- vlllo ciinipnny nlmiit June 15. Fouci'.vnni ft Siii.i.s llmi'rnKtis' Ciiu'i's couies June -1. liny t!lly.—At Armory Theatre (W. J. Daunt, nianiigeri.—This bous<> is now closed for (he season. NoTi;.—The work on Ihe new Casino nt Wenonii Bench Park is lH>lng i-iisheil lo com- pletion, nnil the ois'iiing is set for June T, wlieli a lli'sl class vaudeville bill will Is- presented. L. W. Ridinrtls will conilnie* I tin inanngenient. » linUIri Ori'k.—At the Post Theatre (E. R. Sinlili. manager).---Tlie Irving French lirnninllc Co. o|H>ned n Ihree niglits* slnml, III repertory. May 21, to a capacity house. The Mvrklelluriler lle|H>rtory Co., booked for 2ri.:l0, canceled. Coming; Sniniiel Hlegi-i and Hymaii Meyer June 2, the Post Tiienlre Stock Co. 2r>, Indennlle. <«» CONNHl.TIODT. IVew llnvrn.—At Ihn Hyperion (0. 11. Bunnell, manager).—Thft Bostimlniis nlnusiMl large audiences .May 22, 2.'l. Dm-; lildiard .Manslleld JU, Kyrlo Bellew Juan 1. Gn.\Mi OfKiiA lIoiiMH (G. B. Riiniiell, mnnuKcrl.-"A Wife's Secret" played, lo guisl business, 2I-2.'I. Poi.i'H WiiNiiKni.A\n Tiir.wm IH. '/,. Poll, manager).—The bill for Ihe we<'k of 2r> hi- cludi's: ItlccolKino's horses, .Marco Twins, FIsk iind McDonoiigh, Sully Family, Hallv Riindall, Flood Bros., Hayes I Wynne, Dorseb and Russell, nrhlifcnorl.—At Smith's Colonial The- aire (Edward C, Smllh, innnngerl.—The last siiuw of fill! season booked for this house Is "A Hllver Dagger." .Mny 2r>-27. tlio last part of week of IN nnd the closing threo days, 2N-;<0, being given up to home talent prodiiciloiis. .Mr. Smith states thul. tho sea- son wns Hie must prosperous he has ever cu.|o.veil. Poi.i's TiiKATiiK (S. '/,. Poll, innnnger).— Rig liusiness week of Ifl. Current ; /eiio. Carl and /.eno. Fluids, Wlinllen and Co., lit "Tho .Missing Link;" Estelle Wnriletle nnil Co.. Ill '•A Honcynioon In the Cntskllls:" (.'alliilian nnd Mack, Craig anil Ardelle, Jolin and Maud Allison, Snilrl and Kessner, tlio vltngraph. Finest Theatres llalnsco Tliaatm, Nnw York Theatrx, Knlrkf>rlioeker Theatro, Orltorlon Thaatra, llaiiiiiiaratfiln's VletorlagTIioelra, Proctni-'s SXtli HI. Theatre, Unnlxii Theatrx, Nnw fflajestic Theatre, Grand Opfira ilauia. West Knd Theatre, Priaress TtiaatrK, AhoIImii MusIv Hull, Miner's BiKlilh Avkhiis Thealrii, Proctor's lUMh M«. Tlipair«<, Hadlaon Square Thealre. Malropolli Tlieutre, Kourteentli SI. Vlieatre, llenilelsaohii llnll, Irving Placf Tliaulrv, Grand St. Thealr*. ThInI AVK. Theatra. OrriOB AID BAIE8B0OI: W WEST HIMEIEEMTH ST.. m \m, STEAMSHIP TICKET'S by all lines, dioloe cabins ut lowest fares, salllNU<<, plans and full Inforniuilon, foreign inoncy, letter* of credit, travclcM> cbeniies,etc., inn he had by applying to B&TlOn k WHITOOIB CO., Phone 6V0O-1H St. IVhw T<M'k. S*ourl1:y. |i>rivaoy FIVB D01<I.AHS PEIl VKAIl Will secure a tsjx in flis FIRM AND KURflUK FROOFVAULTH Of Ilia UDI80I SAFE DIPOSIT OOlPAn, In which your vsliiable jwpers, Jewelry, etc., cait bo safely kept. 1'ruuks, Sllvurware, I'Iclures, lOlc, taken In storage. \ . tlUS Kinh Ave. IISS areadwar./ (tUdiMD H^nart) Uncoil Truit do, Salidtnyk '