The New York Clipper (June 1903)

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m Tiite ->'1sfBrtr Ybfefc clipper. June 13, THENEWYj QR tDLIPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (LlmlM,) PBOPRrcTOKB. ALBERT J. BORER, ICnrroniAt. AND Business MAXIMS. SATURDAY, JUNE II, 19011. RATES. A«vertt»einent*—$280 per Inch, single coi- umu. Advertisements let with border, 10 par cent, extra. SUBSCRIPTION. One year In advance, 14; six months, 12; three month*, *>• Foreign postage extra. Single copies will be scut, poBtpnld, on re- ceipt i>f 10 cents. ' Oar lvrins awe Cash. THR CLIPPER In' Issued every Wednesday morning. The lant fonr (advertising) pagea GO TO PRHHS on Saturday at 11 a. m., and the other pagea on MONDAlf and TUESDAY, The Farina fJJoalnv Prouipily, Tnea- dn>, at It) o'clock A. If. Please malt, by express, uiouey order, check, P. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed wltli letter Is at the risk ot sender. Address All ConiuiBleatlou «<» Tlllfl NliJW YOHK CMPMMbj 47 West 28th rttrcet, New York. Ktl)Utt-v«it}<lM«Aitkv»», "AnruoRITY."- THE WESTERN BUREAU 0/ Tan Clipper Ib loentcd at Room 602, Ashland Block, Chicago, Walter K. mil, manager ami correspondent, where adver- tisements and subscriptions are received at uur regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU located at 48 Crnuboura St., London, W. C„ 1. I'. Congblnn, manager and correspondent, where advertisements uud subscriptions are received at our regular rutes. 'I'M CUfMU CAW Bit 0IITA1NXD, WHOI.i- Bii.K Afcu retail, at our agents, Ilrentuno's news depot, 37 Avenue de I'Opera, Paris, France: M, Llllenthnl, FrledileU Straise KM (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Oer- niniiy; Klnmoud News Co.; 07 l'rado, Ha- vana , Manila Uook and Hlullonery Co., 128 Kacoltn, Manila, 1*. 1.; Albert & Hon, 137- 100 King Hr„ Sydney, Australia. THE NEW YOHK i• LH'PEH publishes only one edition, nud timt la dated Iroiw New York. QUERI ES AN8W EljEP.~ No Itepllea by M»» o r Telegraph. AlltlllLSSKS Oil WHRKKAHOUT8 NOT 0I.VBN. Al.l. J.N <JU,KKT Of Ullt'll SHOULD WlllTB TO TiinaK ■wtinji tmiY seek, in caiuc oir Tnl'l Ci I ITER iluac.Ovvievt, Am, i.bttbrs will PB AOVKOTlsfcu ONE WBBK ONLY. I* T|U ItOI'TB' Of AXV THEATRICAL COMPANY IS HOI'flllT, IIHlVlll l'O'tJUU 'MSI Of HOUTH* llN A-NOtllKfl V.\at.. Vt'tt CANNOT BUND UOLTKb IIV MAIL UK TKI.KCirtAI'H. IMlAWATlC. 0. M., 8t. T^oiils.—■We have no knowlrdgo' or I hu pivunii whereabouts or the party. Ad- dress a 'letter in our care, and wo will ml- , verllso It In Tiir Ci.ifi'KH letter list. II. I,. L., St.:Phiil. A spader, Shrevenort.—Any straight flush constitutes wbst Ib sometimes called a "royal" flush. The latter term Hods no plscc la any standard work on the game of imfcer. It. (I., and 13. M, Attoona.—No publisher nf Hiiidi Looks In recognized as an authurlty tm card games. TURF. c. W. W., Hrldgeport.—Our authority foe the statement that Hermit's starting price the year he won the Kpsoin Derby wan the published report of the race which appeared In The C'lii-peii in tin, time-, Odds ot tit; to I may have been Is Id against him months prior to the day of the race. W. J. H., Chicago.—Neither horse having been placed by the judges, the bet Is null mid void. RING. II., 1 i.'liiwnmn. —John L. Snlllvnn was born In IIMtllll, Minis., Oct. tr,, 1858. ATHMiTIC. A. W., New York City.—1. The fastest recorded I line for walking one mile, heel nml loc, Is lim. 211s., by \VTl|liiui Perkins. In l/iiidnn. Hug., June 1, 1874. The best run- ning lime for lb* sulnc- distance, tiv' uiHii, Ih 4iii. l'i%H„ by W. O. George, also III London, Aug. 23, )880. 2. CpnsiiU a geogra- phy. J. (i. H., Brooklyn.—In all probability It has been done, hilt we are without Hie data necessury to enable us to answer your query mi I hurl I n lively. m ' I'"" 1 ' ' ' ' To C'orreaiinndents. La TtiiK Wir.MAMs.--H. Helms writes: "Your coniIntuition of the nice (lutnlilt, 0.. to 111.., luc, appears in Klpschiiel/'s orig- inal analysis, who continues: 17..It tks (t ch. K lo U mii: 18.. 11 tks I', Kt Iks l> (or 1); 10. .ft lo Kl. r, ch, KloQ!!; 20.. II to K 2, 1» to K K 4 : 21.. It to Q Kt si], Kt to It Si 22. .H to Kt r, ch, and wins. Ol- (1) liinek IB. .It to Kt r>: 1H..HI0K2 Kt Ki 11 7 VO.. II Kl .'. i K->{2 3..RXN Kt-*t5 4 !SI..KtnKtS Pin Kit 3 M..KXKt PXB , 2C..K-B-+ K-Ijsq ■it. .K R-Q7.W. for choice U Mr. W. cii'i point nut nuy Improvement lit Black's play 1 should he very glad to leilru It." (Jko. K. C.knt'RNTEn.—"Some progress?" Certainly, and uothlng Is "out of the ques- tion" that will promote the pleasure aud prollt of Tiik ci.htck'h clientele. 11mi. —Cso of your abundant kind- ness Is our best expression ot thanlts. B. f,, Kr.KCK, New Orlesns.—See here, now, the mure "Intrusions" of that sort you visit upou us the nearer to tin, head of our round labia you'll Dud yourself seated. II. C. lir-ri.Mi, Leailvllle, Col.—Welcome lo our circle; you will iind your old friend Colby here, and a set ot as good fellows us they make. Wm. Ki:iiAF.:n. —Thanks for note nnd so- lutions. Your observation Is so good and Honuil that we give It for others to go by. "I think u little once In a while Is better tlnui nothing In a long while." lino. Si'uxceu. —That uuliellevlng Bchafer says he Is waiting to have you own that "tlieO.. won't kiiI ush." lino. Miiuiij:to.\. —Your account of the progress and prospects of chess In Texas Is pleuenut rending. Hsu. Oraiiam.— Our long experience falls to liullcule liuw you can expect to get up uuotlier (Uirckmatv quite equal to the June, niiiuher. was on R 7 aad took Kt on K 2—replace B and Kt; 5. Kt to Kt 2 mate. "Jlrg. Balrd Is surely a corker at tills atyle of combination, as she has proved herself to be In other lines; and I for one am always appreciative of her pretty and Ingenious efforts."—K. B. I'. Knlgms No. 8,4X2. Prom The Leeds ifercurj/. This Is No. 10, and closed the series of "XXth Century Retractors." IIV MRS. W. J. BAIRD. Place on the board a Black K (solus) at hln B (1 (f. 4). "And this Ib all."—"Much Ado." Act V. Sc. 1.—"The dalntleBt lont, to make the end most sweet."—Richard II, Act I, Sc. a. Stipulations. —1. Place the White King on the hoard so as to allow; 2. The Black K to retract his lest move; 3. White K to retract Ills Inst move; 4. Black lo retract a previous move; fl. Black to ploy so us to allow; l). White lo give male with u piece at " Kt II. KillKIIIII BBSlMh •- "Qui tiiiciciim i.uH, tiuceirt frangat." 11V MRS. W. J. HAIItll. The solutions of Mrs. Ifalrd's series of ten Retractors, In The Uomtru, produced so many lies that the following extra position (No. 11) was composed to break the mo- notony: "K12. Hi. "<i, KM. *I I £* i i i <J4, IfO, Ksi|,i/Rf>. 7, Ijb'j, Kfi, K IM. 1. White to retract bin last move: 2. Black lo retract his last move; 3. liluck lo play; 4. While to pluy; ft. Black lo play, J living ch, so as lo allow; 0. While to mate iy dlB. ch. with a Hook. The ilermru "hints that nil should try to master Ibis, to keep themselves In trim for another tourney contest lu the nenr future." Problem No. 2,422. Composed expressly for Tiih Nrw York Pi.iitkii. and Inscribed lo the Ladles' (.'. C. of N. Y. City, with the compliments of MRS. W. J. BAIRD. "I niu all the daughters of my father's house, and nil the brothers loo."—Twelfth Night, Act II, Sc. 4. BLACK. Mil*. 8. C... Chicago. H. 10. (bi LirOiid Miiplds, .Mutt. C. V, l)t:N., CirlstR,dt, U, A. D„ Pittsburg. , H. T. A., StcVens I'olut, M. P.. Newport. K. D., Voitliind, Miss si. \Y., NJ-w York, 'Mrs. L C, T., t.udlow, V. A. B., Montpcllcr, aud • H. U B., New Vork, see answer to 0, M., 3. M. H., PnipftTi 11' The Merit of mi net crtii mil he Judged hy lucre description. 2. Similar nets reeelvo from 140 .up, according to their merit. A. B., Hi. Louis.— Tho party was born ^V. "4 V Mulberry Orove.—AddreBS Dick & l.'lly.gOruld. IS Ahn Street, New York City. W. B.. Brooklyn.—I. Ab the llieutros nro lu your city, jimr best nlun Is to make up- pllcuilivii to each of nan. 2. Joliu »ic- i'uIIoiikIi illcd Nov. 8, 1s8!i, lu 1'hlliidclphta. R. K.— TIil> conipsny played as folluws: Pittsburg. 1'n., April 20-2IV; Brooklyn 27- Milwaukee.-1. Watson's Ainerl- iiov a ; Boston May 4-June 1 ,f. ti. M...Mllwui.kce.—L V eiui Bnrlesiltiers Is Iho tlllo of lha aliow. 2. Address in care of the Wnlsoti Thenl re, I'eaillind Willloiighliy Strew!*, Urookjya, N. \. K. I.,. Brl»klvil,—Wo cuu not furnish the paper* In which It unnoni-fd. hut the author, Col. T, Allsion Brown. IHoH Bromlway, New York, bus rei-eiuly hud Ir pnhllshed In book form. _ , „, . CiiSSTASt ItKAMUx, Columbiis.—We have no knowledge of any other concern l hut uiiiiiuftictiires them- . . 1>\ t!. I.., Saliinmiica.—t)ur records do nut I ell. L A. A., l,cwlston.—Wo taw no knowl- edge of Hie party. H. A. J., Oswego.—Wnlcb our rnulo list each week. A. M<:N., Kingston.—We cnu uot nld yoit. />'. 0. liu It., .Coshocton.—Address Kdwtird Hiui'lguii, In enro of lilebler & (•„., Knick- erbocker Theulre BulldliiK. New York thly. M. J. II., Wlunl|wir.— Wo have uo knowl- edge of Iho pul'ly. C. C., Ohlcngo.—1. There are scvorat others In tho sunin line. 2. Wn have, no means of Knowing. 3. Not being with "second slum" we csnnot sny what will ho scut to yon In answer lo your re- quest. J. K. S., Detroit.—1. The succeas of your work Will depend upou its merit. 2. See nnSwer to fl. M. J. 41. It., Arlsoua.—There being no rule to Kovcfn the promiticiniion of names of norRatls We are nimble to answer your query. Tlie parly alone can answer you. T. H. 11., Kuy West.—It would be a breach of cuutldence t.» uive his name, but we will slate (but It Is nut the itnrty you Mipposed ll to be. it. T„ New bunt- -t. It Is the same. 2. About live years, it. No. 1IAHI0IIA1.I,. W. H.,'Honolulu.—1. If.he hns started feu- tlhtt base uud the ball lilts him, he Is out, but If lie Is still Rlsiidtiig at the home plate It Is a foul. 2. a. An out. b. The runner remains oil first liuxe. It. He Hikes n slepi .forward In delivering the bull to the batsman, nnd takes the side slept wbmi HiroWibg the hall lo (list or third bases, as the cash way he. CAHDS. J. R„ Pohtlaelllls.—Tile player who, need- ing hut que. played high, won the game. R, P. P., Itosloil.—A Is entitled to a run of seven holes. II. P.; Ro. Oinahh.—The respective counts are twelve, twenty one uud twenty-four P"lm«. , . - -w Vlennn Rnniblt Tourner. ' The space we should like to till with this absorbing subject being clearly not available, ■ we content ourselves as best we may with' nn epitome.' The Hrookliw tingle, as always. Is the earliest and most reliable source ot' In formation. Tsehlgorln, the chief living exponent ot the gambit, emerged In first place, after a magnificent struggle. His anticipated victory Is no doubt universally popular. • Marshall fairly outdid himself, and has the proud distinction of flulslilug second in n< musters' tourney for the first time. Ills rather erratic record runs thus: Year. Place. . Aatifc. Won. Loit. isiln—tendon (minor). 1 8% to 2% 1000—VSrls (•) 3 12 to fl mill—Monte Carlo..., 10 fl% to 7% 1002—Monte Carlo.... 0 It to 8 1002—Hanover (•).... 0 8 to 0 inoa—ktonfe Carlo.... o u to 14 mo:i—Vienna 2 lt'/j to ii'/i Total 08W to 52W (•) At 1'iirhi, lie with Muroczy, following Laskei- nud Plllsbury, both of whom be de- feated lu the Individual encounters: at Han- over he tied with Swlderskl. It Is suggested that, on Ills early return here (If) u lit ting appreciation of bis performance be tendered him. Bight 1 Marco Bkpwed himself to he n genius in Ills way. Burdened with Journalistic re- spiiuslblllttes, ho not only held bis owu. which he Invariably does, but actually passed Plllsbury at Hie lust moment and secured third prise. 'file American champion, for Ihe Brat time since his Hastings triumph, fulled to llulsli ut least on mi equality with tho third prize winner, coming out fourth. Of the several comparative tables given we need only present one more hi condensed form to malic the actually attained results lulelllglblc. Tho personal stand- ing of each contestant, with each one's .con- tribution to the theory of the supremacy of At lock or Defence lu Iho King's (iuniblt, Is thas cotupiiciiy set forth: Wiiim Bt.APK. JriiNlr. Mimics. B'on.f.osf. lV'oii.f,osf.7'ofa/. 1-Tsclilgorlu.. :>% :ty.....7% l^—13 2-Mnrnholl... r.lj 8H....0 S —1H4 a-Murco :iV6 G%....7'/j 1%—11 4--Plllsbury... fi 4' tl 4 —10 n—Maroiiky... 4 J4 4 W ... .4 V, 4%— it 0—MolseN 4W 4VJ....4V4 4(5— 0 7—Telchuiaun. fl 4 ...,4 ft —0 B—Swlderskl.. il'A r.V6....fl 4 —8% P—Scldoelifor.. 3V4 flfc 3>A fl'/j— 7 10—Gunsherg... 1VS 7}5.... % W— 2 These totals show that the Attack actual- ly won 32 (nines; the Defence, 38: nud Iho 20 draws, halved to each, gives the grand total—Attack, 42: Defence, 48 games. Thus Dr. Inker's prediction that "the Defence will win the most games" was fairly vindi- cated; and u glance at the nhove table will show that the three leaders are Ihe heroes of tills victory. When wo get the full score. If ever, there will be the Interesting ques- tion—How many counter gambits were mug lu to help swell this "famous victory ?" Solutions. by r. ii. niKLi'S. Problem 2.418, No. I goes like this: 1. Black K was oil It sq. and took Kt on Kt 8— replace K and Kl: 2. White Kt was on It U slid took B ou Kt sq—replace Kt and B; 3. Piny K to B 8; then 4. B to R 2; and 0. Kl to II 7 male. No. 2. White K wns on B 0 nnd took P on Kt a—replace K and P; 2. Black K to It sq; 3. White K toll 7: 4, [Hack P wan ou It 2 nud look P on Kt 0—replace both Pawns: ft. P to Kt 7 male. No. .1. Black K wns ou R 8 and took Kt on Kt sq—replace K and Kt; 2. While K was on Kl 3 uud took Kt on B 0—re- place K nlld -Kt; ft, White-Ktta R-Jl:-4.~ lilitck Kt to Kt 8; nud G. Kt lo U B 2 male. No. 4. 1. Hliick K lo It 8: 2. White K was on his sq nlid look B on K 7—replace K and It i 3. Play K lo II aq; 4. Black R able success, President, Heyward CleveJanA in the chaff Edwin t. Savage, captain of fie Bilbao's C. C, accepted a sliver cup In behalf of P Ids team w'hleh had woo.the pen lor division championship. C. H. Aseriy, captsln of the Bedford C. C.'s Junior team received a cup for his team for Its victory In the minor division. The .medal for win, iilnir the Junior Indlvdnal tourney of the BedfordV c! was awarded to U Tolclilnsky. "ll 'these awards were .extremely, popular, and the large onrt distinguished company passed the ^pleasant hours with music, speeches and Jollity galore. WI11TK. 1. White played last, but must retract bis move: 2. Black to retract bis lust move; .1. Black to pluy; 4. White to play; ft. Black to play bo as to allow; 0. white to give mate. Clinic No. 2,422. Played in our "Counter-fjumblt Tourney," between W. B. Pratt aud K. A. Hill. White, Mr. Pratt. 1.,1'toK 4 l.K ll 111 8..P-OIIS 4..1IXP (l..t)-B3? U..HXIU 7..Kt-X2 LEWIS COUNTKR-GAMBIT. Bison. | White, Black,' Mr. Hill. Mr. Pratl. Mr. Hilt, l'to K 4 n..Kt to Ills 3 P to K 6 10..OPXI' uvi'! 11..Castles IIP xi' 12..4-B4 18..B-K3 14..Q-Kt6 16..0-K4 lb..l'-()|U H..P-0 3 and White rcsigna. K u K 4 P-Q4 KKI-B3 KtX» Castles It K -,| l'-K B 4 XI Kt-B3' K 11 tl 3 R-K4 B-K2 Q-liome, Rice Gambit Tourney. The second game, as far as we know, fin- ished lu this absorbing struggle; our con- tributor, B. L. iteece, of New Orleaus, vs. C W. Walton, of Natchez. Mr. Keeeii. Mr. Walton l..l'toK4 I'io K4 i..l'-KB4 Kl'XP :i..KKl-U3 l'-K Kl 4 4.. I'-K It 4 I'-Kl f, :...KI-K6(») K Kl-UII il. 11-114 P-0 4 :..KPXP KB-03 k.. i'as lies BXKI H..K Ksi| Castles (ci> The regular ' would give ii* the IS..RPV It KI..PXKI 17. .<J-K 6 H I' X P PXP Resigns. 'Kleserllzy :"• to Kt B 'Allgaler," with which years iigmie "Meplilsto" used lo be such u terror to all comers. ili) Protecting the B, nnd making room fur a B io Kt 2.—B. L. ll. (a) This move seems verv strong: for If P tks U: 1C..P tks P. II tks P; HJ..O to 11 4 ch., wins.—II. I,. It.—Section 10. "Blindfold," by TeleKrnpli. - Our contributor, Chas. Q, Colby, of East Las Vegas, N. M., played vs. Kl Paso, Texas, without nuy chess materials. BISHOP'S OAMRIT. Mr. Colby, I..PIOH.4 ■i. . P-K B 4 :i. .11-114 illKll .'>.. K Kt I! 3 a. .0-K si| 7..P-0 4 1 S..P-K It4 ll.. l'-K fi lo.KBXI' 11. Kt 113 IA. H-Kl il 111 Push. V to K 4 K p x r 0-11(1 + P-o :i II-R4 Kt-cjJ l'-K Kl 4 I'-K R1 P-114' -111 Kt-hls 3 Kt-Kl! 13,. K-ltt sq • Castle ((K '18.. It X Ki id) "Hlooniers" would lie a rig for her suble ladyship. El Paso. y to Kt :i p K it 4 Mr. Colby. I4..RPXP ir,..«HxP Ul..oK-l,sq ll -bis ii 17.. K Kt-114 y-Kl 'J(,l) IS..P-KU! tjBXP IS..IJRXR !|Xll-f ■^..«B-K3 Q-K4 BPX P K Kt-t; 4 HI.. 0-1! 2 »..R-lllB3 ■18..Kl-ldsi) 1(114 if; KtxV Resigns. coinfortublo A Cheaalkln. Bro. Johnston fished this up: J. II. Blake. tl.A.llooke. I..PtoK4 P loK4 1. K Kl-ll 3 P-l) 3 3..KB-B4 P-KB4 4..F-0.4 KKI-B3 J. II. Blske. (i. A. Ilouke. »..KttoB3 KPXP 0..0XP B-0 2 "..Kt-hls fi KI-B3 White mutes In live! Chrsr in Brooklyn.— Loral chess across Hid river is ou top of a veritable tidal wave of enthusiasm. We have Bro. Wnleott's rea- son why Boston felt "relieved of a dilemma" when (Is match was canceled; and Bro. Helms writes us that the K and Q'r Cb. League was quite ready ami anxious to go oil wltli It The fourth round of the K and Q's Cb. League senior Individual chum- phinslilj) tourney failed to settle the ques- tion. II. C. Selover. Jr., present champion : 11. Helms, J. D. Elwell and L. Tolchluskv are ull lied for the honor, and nu extra round Is arranged A curious thing hap -peued.— Pal had ■ Helover at" his merer, nud actually niinouiiced mate In four. Ploying hastily, however, Mr. Pox transposed a move, lost a It. and the giline! The auniial dinner uf Ihe Ch, League wus a most enjoy. gltmr»> To Corresiiondents. 0. W. Hanson. —Received with thanks. Have written you. W. Bkward. —Always welcome. 1. Cohen. —Have you forgotten us? J. DM Lima. —We appreelure your kindness. News oC the Game. — j^-a.-Kw,)! In, of Bririnl, .Kuglfljul._wJia. made such a phenomenal score in the recent international tournament, hns secured the right, nud will shortly publish In book form the games of that tournament 'Ihe wnrai weather bun Hie usual depressing effect on the club attendance. Dr. Schuefer is constantly endeavoring to Increase the Interest In tho gnine locally, and is meeting wllh some success Up the State tbey still have the Wlnler fever. The last match between teams flaw Troy and Albany re- sulted in a win for the latter city by a score of: Albany, 12; Troy, 1(1; drawn, 8. Another meeting was to have been beld lu Albany by tenuis of llfteen a side. Dr. Hcbaefer says that he has not received the result ns yet .Alfred Jordan retains the London ciiBinplouslilp hy the narrow margin of one game. The llmil score wus: Jordan won :i, W. K. Campbell won 2, drawn 4. Solution of Position No. 14, Vol. Ill, BY WM. CARR, l.EONI, HICH. Black .1 D (I I) 10 It White 13 17 18 22 28 20 White to pluy. Black to win, 28 24 12 8(«)14 10 17 13 2fl 22 ii hi 2<; 30 o in io in io ir> 24 2IJ 8 » 18 11 7 3 8 12 10 HI 30 21! 25 18 14 10 93 2d 20 10 .'! 7 13 0 20 20 22 17 10 23 20 30 1 10 ]ft 18 Hi 10 10 12 7 14 11 7 3 8 Black 23 20 30 25 18 14 18 23 wins. («) 20 2."> 2ft 21 12 8 17 10 21 14 211 .'10 30 2(1 10 14 20 17 0 22 Black wins. Posliioii No. in. Vol. (11. End game between the late Jns. Wyllle ami C. llefter. liluik (Wyllle) 0 7 8 12 17 22 ■ ■ a ■• iV.. Mr. Reece. Mr. Walton I0..KRXB oKttoiia 11.. R-K t .1 -| K-Rsq Pz..l'-QKt3(h)R-Ktsq l:i..()B-KC2 P-KR3 14..0-Ksq(u) It x H -..RIM " White (I Idler) 0, 20 23 30 32 Back to play. White to draw. , Came No. tr., vol. r.i. DOIJBLK CORNER. 11V B. A. DU1IOIN. 14 13 22 7 10 0 13 17 22 18 20 17 , 22 18 32 28 23 10 0 • 0 22 I fl(c) 4 8 31 27 22 30 2(1 18 0 81 20 10 I.V 10 10 14(a) 0 14 13 17 10 10 10 20 10 28 24 10 1G 24 10 11 7 14 2 0 11 27 Drawn. 17 20 2:. 24 20 20 4 13 3 7 0 I) 27 81 0 26 22 27 24 20 23 (a) fl(o) 10 17 3 10 S 14 15 22 17 21 14 20 2o 28 24 24 10 « 10 22 1 ft If 10 10 23 14 27 18 25 22 31 27 27 0 18 7 10 10 14 11 Hi Druwu. 14 14 7 18 1) 22 18 Bugbce nnd Busby. w lft 28 19 8 11 21 14 0 Tl 20 11 24 j 0 IS I 20 8 17 !> 211 OUR CHICAGO LETTER, (FROM OUR OWN CORKBSPONDBNT.)' ' Western Barean Of The New York ( ii,,„,. r Boom 002, AhIiIhiiiI Block, Cbloago Tbft theatrical situation In Chicago ii gradually centering in the business SstrleL and within a fortnight the last ot tie ,,,' lying theatres will have entered upr»n Ibrit Siuinmer vacation. Two combination In Ii: —the Studebaker and Columbus, tw «H2 theatres—the Thlrty-flrst Street aiii x i American, and the Yiddish Co., at nffit mnn's, ended ihe season with the week «i 1 X closed June 0. The Alhoinbra und Criteria! remnln open during the current week n» Rush' Temple will end Its wgiikir mLI- next Satiurday night, and the Howard will also close with tills week, nnd probably ciui its usefulness as ,a theatre. The wi-iukw! man provided a brand of climate last Wrr L wlib'h was Iwtter wilted lo curly April Hum the llrst week ot Summer, truld ruins nr / vailed much of the time, the teiiii,i>riiii,i'n wus low, nnd the lake breezes dlssemiuai,^ a chill. which sent pleasure seekers Into 11,' tlwa4res-4or-feerealloBrauil-l rfi i i i ir W TIllEier park malingers in gloom. Business was u,,„ eitilly excellent, and It Is 'more than 1 i k<-iv thnt our amnsemeni: providers who kail de- cided to close early were sorry that HiHt theatres were dark. In the current <irt>r- ings there Is a lack of novelty, consequent upon the presence of several attract ham which are Summer fixtures, but Inert is excellent reason to believe that prusperli? will continue Ihe managerial poriinu. 'it,,, Grand Opera House Is the only down (owu theatre in darkness, but there Is great ac tlvliy hejilnd lis closed doors, ns reiieiirsulu are progressing, with reported snlisfnelluu for Ihe nnnmiuced production of "llabea n| Tovlund" oil June lft. Illinois Tiikatrk (Will J. Davis. iaaim. ger).—"A Chinese Honeymoon" enters uti.ui its fourth week Sunday night. Biixiaesn bus been Immense thus far, . the players urn strongly fortified In favor, und Ihe gorge. ousiy. beautiful spectacle Is beaming inurs popular an Its engagement leugtlieus. 'I'lius 1,1. Senbrooke and Katie Barry liave proved n comedy host In themselves, and Ihe liuuih some costumes and Bettings are nu added feast for the eye und enr thrown lu for g,s,i| iiiciuui re. McVtCKRR's TnBATRB (Sol Lift, buslnesH manager).—"When Johnny Comes Marching Home," beginning Its second month Kuuduy, Is strong In favor and phenomenally prosper- ous. Business has been Immense, nud His Whitney Opera Co. seems good for 11, i-.-<- m four weeks more ot the BUine kind of guuii luck. Powers' Thratrr (nnrry J. Powers, mna. ager).—"The Little Princess," in wlibli dainty Mllly James Is fealurcil, enters upon Its third week 7. The engagement euds 2d, Dkauiiorn Thkatrr (W. W. Tiilottsou, nu li- nger).—"Tlie Tenderfoot" enters upou His ninth week of its phenomenally succesiifiil run Sunday night. Packed houses are voting It the best thing in town. There Is life nud merriment Incessant, nud Rlchurd Curie U making the lilt of bis career. In I'lureum Leslie, May De Sousa aud Edna llnnlei 1 lie hns 1 a lentil leaders of a clever snpiiorlliig company, nnd "The Tenderfoot" seems lo lis good for all Summer. Gkkat NnnTHKRN TiirATiir. (Edward Sinltli, manager).—Robert Conues, Angidu Kusseii nnd a well chosen compauy are currying "Kobert ICmmet" through n sue- cessfiil run. The third week begins Sunday aud there Is uo announcement of a closing date; It will probably run several ukiiu weeks—If the weather permits. La Ha 1. i.k Theatre (Mark G. Lewis, busi- ness manager).—"The Voyagers," In which Dave Lewis and Mayme Gehrue are featured, eiiiers upon Its fifth week Monduy evening, with nothing said about closing. Ai.iiAMiniA Theatre (James II. Browne, resident manager).—"The Buffalo Mystery" opens Sunday afternoon, as the last ntlruc- Hon of the season. Lillian Mortimer, pre- senting "In the Sbndow of the Gallows," profited by Inst week's weather conditions and gave satisfaction to demonstrative au- diences of strong melodramatic inclliiuilous.' • Criterion Theatur (Lincoln J. carter, nlnniiger).—Por the last week of the season Manager Carter presents, for tho first time on uny stage, a new piny, from his own tin. entitled "Her Only Sin." This will ie the ono novelty of the week and Its initial 17 3 10 ir, 2:1 7 4 8 17 14 7 10 27 24 4 20 2D 10 17 14 7 10 20 Drawn. Martins nnd Adamson. (0) 0 0 13 10 14(d)13 17 14 23 0 28 24 24 20 15 IS 21 14 White wins. (il) 20 2 0 11 10 ]0 10 HI 10 18 32 28 10 IB 24 15 18 14 Will 10 wins. IIOMil.l I I NEWS. !I lie T.llefnrd Company has been playing fi season covering six weeks nt the Orphctim Ibeiilre, under tho management ot J. C t olien, and attracted very good houses. Among tlie plays presented were: "Lion's Henri,' "in Minimum," "Man's lOnemy," "Hlue Jeans," "Celebrated Case." "Biiclie- lore Honeymoon," "Cluderellu," "Greater Shenandoah." "A. Witt's Honor' 1 "Down the M")l>e, "Woman Agalust Woniiiu" and "Kid- napped.' ... The local lodge of Hlks gave 11 minstrel show recently at. tlie Ilawuilnii <)|>era House, which wn* well intended Several young lailles of Honolulu's best tamllles allowed their cleverness to line nd- vnnluge In 11 uiluslrel performance, far Indies only." Nearly nil of the Jokes wero oc K >i»l topical lilts, and were exceedingly bright D'Albert, n violinist of note, gyve a recll nl on Mny 28. under the auspices of the Kilohnna Art League Mile. Do- ores (betler known in the States as Tro- belll) sang at the Hawaiian Opera House, to crowded lionseH, on Mav ft and 7. Mile 1 lolnres was known us Trebelll when she cliarmed n Ilnnoliilu nudleucc a couple of years ago. She clinuged to Dolores because in Australln ehe was token for her mother by people who saw her name on the show bills, ami remembered the nlglillngnte Tre- belll of forty years ago. "Hue must be too old to sing now," they en id, and It hurt huslaeses. Tbey did not kuow that It wns the daughter of their favorite whom tbev were asked lo hear There Is a prospect Hint t.'has. Astor Parker will bring a stock company to Honolulu shortly. -1 -e-^«. ■ "T' r . , , ie , , Dol . ln 8 theatre. In Doling Park, Sprlnglleld, Mo., opeued May 21, with a One production of "Moths," bv the Drew Stock Co., under the direction of James Newton Drew. The company Includes the following people: Melvln Hunt, ,1. Wllkle llm*. Jame* W. Drew. Roy Dee, Edward Williams, Marie Nelson. Klolse French, Camllle D'Arcy, Ruth Gale and Prof. Edward C. Crook. 'Melvln limit bus been engaged to play Dr. Drake w21?J« r„L'"™!", J ' SSWS "Two Little Waifs (Lnsierii) for next season. — Hnrr.v R. Wlllnril closeil ns Rlnge man- ager of Ihe "At Plney Ridge" Co. in ClilS Mny 23. and Joined the BcIIoivb stock Co! at Denver, Col,, for ihe Summei season, presentation will be given Sunday nfterunoii Inst Week "The BuiTnlo Mystery" wns un- folded twice dally to pleased audiences. Masonic Temple Theatre (J. 3. Mur- doch, munager),—The Muson-Keeler Co., In "Hooked by Crook;" the clever Nichols Sis- ters, Harding nnd Ah Sid, Sidney Grunt, Millie Olive, Auric Dagwell, John and Bertha Gleason, aud Do Blere ure the entertainers here this week, Business Is excellent, mill .Manager Murdoch Is providing bills of amuse- ment which weekly gain In merit and con- sequent populurlty. Hush Temple Theatre (T. C. Gleason. munager).—The Players' Stock Co. will end Its ueuson with "The Prince of Oultlers," 1111 original musical comedy, by .1. Edwin Brown, stuge director of the company. The llltn lu no muiiner relied s upon Manager lileusoii, who has fought the season out lu spite <>( numerous vicissitudes. Limt week's lull was "Cum Hie." Garrick Theatre (Matt Kusell, mana- ger).—Summer opera, presented by Iho Groves-Morton Co., In tho iit.trnctlim here, wltli four weeks ot Hie engagement sllll m run. Howard's Family Theatiib (rinwnrd * Doyle, mnuogers).—"Jessn Jnmes" wllh l.orln ,1. Howard In Hie inline part, will end Ihe Reason here I his week. Last week's bill wns "N'uhody'M Child." There Is 11 healthy rumor that a new building, lo Im used for n t heal re, will lie erected ou this silo during Ihe Summer.' ' , CltCAAO Opera House (Kohl & Castle. innnagers). —Chas. Bosh nnd Mabel PVulou lire ibis week's top- liners. The Ellnnre Mis- ters are special features. Melville and Slet- sou, cimrics Harris. Dooley nnd Ten Hroola', Hie Gallagher & Barrett Co., Lorls and Ai- Hun, Maxwell and Dudley, Voimg and llriMikes, (ho Aerial Shnws, Cosmore and Klorence, the lllack Brewers, Male Mc- cracken, the flnrdner Bros., snd Hie klnu- drome nre other unuoiiuceinents for the cur- rent entertainment. Packed houses were la evidence nil Inst week nud 11 splendid vaude- ville show gained favor. Genaro aud Bailey scored a pronounced hit, nnd Billy Vnu was a laughing feature. Inez Mectisker, clever little Winona and Banks Winter, Wilfred Clark and company, nnd Stella Mnyhew were others In pronounced favor. Sam T. Jack's opera Moore (Sidney .1. I-.usou, manager).—The slock biirlesqin) torees engage In presentations of "The M- llndl" anil ^'Mlss Frisky," a brace of bur- let las, held over from Inst week. Alices Vlucent. Bay Vernon, Cninllle Kenynn, I'.d. Morris, Jimmy Thompson and Frank Pinny have the lending roles. Business Is excel- lent, and the Summer shows give line satis- faction. a'ltocADRRO Theatre (Robert Fulton, man- ager).—"The Military Girl" Is ihls week's stock burlesque number, with Chnrmlon. la her second week, ns the principal drawing curd. Frank Damsel, Alex Cnrr and Guy Huwson are principal comedians, and Vera llnrle. Ruth Kverect and Tlllle Stork are 1lu> lending women. Large business rules, and satisfaction la-complete. Hopkins' Tiieathe (Empire Circuit Co., directors).—Thin spoke of->'Hie wheel"-will continue In motion u fortnight longer. This week's bill Is tlie Black Crook Kxthivnguu/ii Co. Last week goodlv crowds enjoyed tho pei'foriiiniires given bv Ihe High Flyers. , Sans Sovci Paiik (Alfred Russell, mnnv