The New York Clipper (June 1903)

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376 IsrffW YQBK C^IPPEB. •June 13. Hotrety, inllliuA I'rtlby Ki <;«ir- ma, Pllijburjr. June R-ll rut., Avon r»rk,Younjratoirt!, •Hu% Kehna A Italian). Caalwi,ToHMJn, JttneHM. Kf lloy. Hpenser, Hakavle*. tajeell, June 8 11. Kartflo Hriji.. Cryalel, Denver, .loop 8-1.1 Miu £ Jlntaie. I-»mh'»hu*.'ffi, UHUjiifCtu laMMr* * iTbrinern. tTJiiimn. sail Mi , I>e»ey. Adelo. Kt. Nicholas Harden, N. V. 0., June Ml n« OHt* 13), fluvnriiatvr'a, AliaoltcUlty, June s.|l Dlion, Botrera A IMxun, Foreat 1'nrk It pllujdda. Uult. Juno 7-13.; llnpklni' I'ark. Kansas (%.1«.J0, Dlr*»D, 9Su * H, Keltli'n. N. Y. C. June SH. DnrMiae * Nlcholt, WooHmrlh Roof, Lunittr, Jung w. 11.1. *-». Kv.irn. A St. .lolni. 1'nstor'a, N. V. r...lunn8 Ml l-:*i«MilliiD (4), Ilcniloraon's. Coney Island, Juno 8 13. Kad«tl* Orcheaini, Keith'*, Button, JuneAU. KarailsOD A raa.nmrn. Reevca' I'nrV, -Tniir \ 11 IVrguaon A Mark, HMlemn Park, Toledo, Juno 713; Ha- mnna Park. (irand Ra|ihl«. It-311. Kara n A Wttaon, Keith's. S. V. (I., June 8-13. Penlelle A lUilcllllu, 1'iospcci Height* Park, i'eorlt, June Klnni'itans, The, I."i]lp'» 1'nrk, fit. I.nnl". Juno SIT Kcrfiandei AHlay, .wahlameer Piirk, K.rlo, June 8-13. Kern,Mill. <iiivernawr'«. Atlantic i:itT, JnneK-U. Klako A McDunouzh, Washington Park, Bayonnt, June A-13. Kliinliiana, The, lamia'a Park, Kt. Ionia, Junn 8 13. Pllijril|lw|i-lkaitl)> Trio, Paator'a, K. V. 0.. June 8-iS. PrnftV A Bnrke, Shea'a. BnlTalo. June 8 1:1 Klaher.Ohaa.. Vursl Keller. Milwaukee, Juno 8 13, Kluaj Briia., Shot's. RiiUkVi, June 8-IS. KriAEne, Tom, Ottntea. Ohleapro, June 8 13. Kui A Wnril, A. A H., Hoatun, Juno 8-13. Poaliee A Kiirlwa, HuverhaturV. Atlantic City, June 8-1.1 Poatpp, y. A Mualce) Doit, Kolth'a, l'hlla., June 8-13; Keltli'a, NTV., IJ-W. Knadlok A Norton, A. A 8.. Bnaton, .line 8-13 Foley A Dale, Uiiitmator'*, Atlantic CUv, June8-13. Knx A Hummers, SprlURliaiik Pork, London, JnneS. II Kraier A Mac, London, London, For.. Juno 8-». Kredri A Onre, Casino, lUnghniiilon, June 813; l'aatnr'a, N. V. ft. M t'rnyne, Frank I„ Riverside l"nrk. Montreal, Juno8-13. Frodcrlck Bros. A llurna, llaahigen'a Park. St. Lnula. Krankln sisters, lairnp'a Park, Ht Lnula, June 813. French, Karuuerllo, llaahuiren'a Park, St. Loula, June R-IS. ■ ■ ■ V'rortcl A Rusra. Rlcctrlc Park, Baltimore, JtmuS 13. Fiance, aiil C. A Son, UmIiui, I'nnidpmw, Juno 8-13. FrancUct) Bitif... (Hernial* P.trk, Nuahrllle, Juuo S-Kl; Tiv- ulii.UraacentPark.U-ai. . Fuller, La lade. KL Mrhnlna, N. V. t), June fl-M. liaiilner, Jack, UciiltYiv'n. (Irand Raidila,Juno 8 13. iiallailicr A Barrett. <\ tl. II., «:ii|p.»)[ii, June8-13. tlairy A Bhuliy. i^atur'a, N. V. V.. Juf)» *13. tlaantRl Brtn.. Royal. Montreal, Junes IS. ilaitl«n, Julea * Kilt. Kelth'a, N. V.It, June8 1.1. (larnola. Ruth, ItBndcrauii'a, Coney Inland. June 813, tlauooux. The, Umcrnatnr'a. Atlantic Olty, June 8 13. xarflner ami., 0. (I. II., tihlcairii, Juno 8 Is < lordlier, Mabel. A. A s„ BoMun, June 813. tiall«ttl> Moiikey, HaminerBtiln'a,«. Y C, June 813. f.plrnr, Jntin.iJIicainut "111 Pafk. I'lilla, .loneBDO. Ulimiap A MuiTuy.BoMiiMiii rark. Fort Wayne, Juno M3, (llt)M>n.Olrl». A * K.. Bii-mn, Juno b b. tllrdellera, The. OlieaU'r Patk.Clnclnnntl, Jilne 7-13. tillkvy, Btlrel, Protllor'a 8th Are.. N. V, II., June 813 oilman, Kone. Frlu'a, PotUaml, (ire., June t SI. ilUnaerotila,.TIiii, Keltli'a. Boatmi, ,Inne8 13. tllenniy, Jamoa Rlolmmnd, t'liclf, N, V. I-.. Juno 8 IS OlaatatnileSlttera.Ht. Nlrlinlafldanlen. K.V. ('. Juno8 11. tlooltnana, The. Audlturliiiii, Maiden. Juuo8-13. (lorinan A »'«, Keltli'a, N. Y. t:., June 8 IS, Dnlenmn'aUntH A Doga, St. Nlchnlaa OarJen, S. Y. 0, Juno 8 13- . tlonqley Broa., Avon ISvrk, Younitaton-n, Juno 7*13. iireentvnoil. Beaale, Ulrele, N. Y. OL June 818. ilranvllle, Roite, Lyceuti), JJIajsurit Falla, JtionrVlJ. itiav A FoMii-r, llathnpen'B Park. St. Lnula, June 8 II tlrey, Edward, IMIl'a, BrIdBeiairl. June8-13. iirai'le A Potter. Opheum, Vaneoiivet, B. 0., June8-13. tlrliiiea.Tom A (turtle, tilerk'B Oanlcti, Turro llautp, Juno 8-IS. (iiant, Sydney, Maaonlr, t;iueii|to, June 8-13; Jtainona, Ilrand lla|ild«, June IS-'AI. llranlA Mnmiy, AudiUiriuni, Nurlolk. June 8-13. iiiotli. Frank. Kinpm 1 , Dedter, Jtme8-I3. ilruatuna. Tlie, tliu.|nu, Tulodn. June8 IS, ilrllin, Pott, llutvartl, Rtisliin, June 8 1,1. Ilanlt. Charlea, ft t). II.. CliU-aijo. June 8 IS llalnra, Lola, Oaktimal Park, Flit-hum, June 8 1:1. Hanimimil A Paokanl. Mnnhattan. Nonolk, June 8 13. Ilartlian A Kluii. A. A S.. Himtim, June f-13. Ilahey A Doane, Purtlaml, Ore, J imp s IS; shields' Park, Seattle. IS 27. . Ilayw.rd, Flurence. Cheatnut Hill Park, l'hlla., June 8 13. Hale A Franrla, Oriilienm, Han Flail., June 7 JU. HalRlit A Dean, Poll'. Hrhttwixirt June 8-13. Ilaynea. The. KelUi'K MM June 813. Harry, American Blondlu, Montniurenay Falla, guelwr, dhtlnir.lHne. .... Ilanlon'a Pantuinlnie. tJndieum, Kan Iran., Juno 812. llaallnga, Harry. Waldaineer Park, Brie. June 8 13 Harding A Ah Shi. Maaunlc TtuMilp, t'lilcapn, June 713. Ilainiltou A Wiley. Tinrailero, Bpauinunt. June 8SB. Ilaakell. Lnney, Pna'loi'aNewark, June8 IS. Havea, Tommy, Wmihvurlb llonf. Lancaater, June 8-13. HairhiRton, Diuilol. Mountain Park, llulyoke. Juno8 IS. Hal vlnutun, Kleolrlo Park. Newark, Junu 8-ls. Hermann, Adelaide, St. Nlchulaa aanlen, N. Y. C, Juuo 8I3T lleaiv, John, Cheatnut Hill Pork, l'hlla., June 8 91, Hpphiw. ("ha-., lilcpti lo Park, Baltimore, June8IS, Hebleion A t:haney. L'aalnii, Tulodo, June 8 13. Hellntan. Caramihi. June 8-13. Henley Klatera, A- AH.. Btvrton, Juno8 IX Heredirtl. Jeaalo, Parlor, Uiihuh, June 8-13, Herbert A Wtaal. (luveitiator'a, AtlaiilloClly, Juno 8 Is. Ilenderaon A Ku-a, Houlhern Park, PIltaliuiR, Juuo 813. Hill Tonka. Klteirk Park, Newark, June MS. Iliiikpy A Neltun, Sana Soucl, I'hbato, June8-13. llnldawurllM. The, larnluV Park. St. I^mja, June 8 IS. Honaler UnuavBa, lliiinmeratclu'a. N. Y. t.'., June 8-I3. Howard A Alton. Re-t'e Pavlllun. Illllahiuii. JuneS-13. Hidden, riieaimit illll Park, Phlla., June 8-13. Horali. lildle. Polk, MoKeoanort JulieS 13. HiilnuaA Wuldon. CliUUcKtlte Klka, Juuos 1.1 Hop. Alt.. Lakealde Park, naytim. June SI I Hiiti'lilnaoti A Hiiliibridae, Pmotor'a, Newark Jurii'H 13. Huauea. Marine. Prm-lor* Mh Are., N. V. (,'.. June 8 13. IlinVaa A Ryan, tltaik'a Park. Kraiiarlllp. Juno 8 13. Italia, Kinina. River-ldo Park. Montreal. Juno 8-IS. .iHt-oba A Van TIIW, Mertier Park, Trentun, Junu 8.13, Jaekaon A Dimglaaa, Lake Ontario Park, Kliigiton, Can., June 8 1.1. , „ Jeannettc A Laurelle, I'tttetor'a 8th Ave., N. V c„ June 8 IS. Jobnatfn. lleoree. Anilltorlmii. Nitrl'nlk. June813. .lokntnit A Sullivan, Auditorium, Norliilk, June 8 II Jidinton A Well., Henderton'a, t'.uipy lalaud. June313. Johiidoua, Mnalral. Shea'a, lliillabi, June 8 13. Jnoea, Morrla.Orv*til, Denver, Junes II Jonea. Hrant A Jonea, Howard, Hoaton, June 8 13. .bmea A Hniiifn, VVtxilworth (tool, l.tnca»t»r, June 8 13 .Ionian A tinmen, ttaelnaw. Juno 7-13 .Ionian A Weloll, Kolth'a, X. Y. <!.. June 8 13 Kaiinman Trou|<e. Kli»a'a..Buft'ah>, JuueH-13 Ketina, llhnrlea, Keltli'a, N. T. <!.. June 1.1 SH KeJcej BW»t« (Sn rrwmt'aMik,H, >'• «•■ '«-■• 8-Ui ' no 8 11. A'^^^'<i'rpl^6urnVHin'Fr»n.. June 8H 1«voe Park. Toledo, June ll», - naA-IS. ttoarn, June B-1.1. cnnrtney A Ounn, iiuvernator'e, Atlantic City, June t'opiland A Conelanil. Manhattan, Norfolk. June 8-11 I'lHibere,The. Poli'a. Brldjreport. June«l-t iirnroy A P«atl, flhutea, Ran Fran, June 1.130. ftailtva, ilrondv A Co.. Poli'a, BridRejvrt, Jur)e 8 13. <^onli*Oobntd.NewOrleam, June7-jtl-, . ._ t.'Onn A Conrad. We ttEnd Park, New Orleana, June 820. i-reiu A navna, Circle, II. Y, ('.., June 8-1.1. t , brBtr. 1 Wiin*,l£mplre. Tlentrer, JuneS-H. CrawTBrd AMannlni.JCeltliX Boaton.Jono8 13. CralgA Anlell. Kelth'a. Phlla,, Jutnt-M. CulflaRlatere. Aniferaon. Jntlo7-13, <:uahman. Holcojnbe A Curtla. Olrolo, N. Y. C., June 8-13. Curfin* Annie VT.. (llie.tnttt (llll Park, Phlla., June B-JU. Hiindy. Jetut, HU Hlclinlaa (larden. K. Y. C, June 8-tt. liatlt A llrt.'auley. Farm. Toledo, June 7 1.1; Mlaonlc naie?Mualoai; Kelth'a. N. V. <:.. June 8-13. narrow, Mr. and Mra. Ktoart, Keltli'a, Boaton, June8.13. Daeli, Will T.. PAafor'a. N. Y. <:.. June IS nahl. Kate, llenderaiin'a, Coney laland, June 813. Das well, Aurle. Maaonk Temple, CI»1p«ao, June 7-J3; New «mple.lMtD]f,Tna>. Pawaona (8). Cedar point, Sandutky, JnneB 13. Darinody, Lakeildo Park. Akron, June IS-*. IM fprreat A PeltjnillH, Paalor's, N. Y. ■:., June Ml D'FJma A Rully, Howard, Hoaton. Juno 8-11 Deane, Ijtura. Lakeaule Peak, Akron, June 8-IS. nelaoey A KalelUJ, Jacob*', Peorut. June 8-18. Hettiain. Maacnue A Dealinin, Conlray'a, Portland, (Int., Julie 8- jo. nerere, Archie, Howard, Button. June8-13. Davance Hlttera. Man-Ion, Deadwraal, June 8-13; Topic, Billing-. lA-ao • . Helmore'a Trained Anhoala, Chute", t'lilrago, June 813. He Onto Broa.. Kelth'a. Bfialon, Juno 8 13. rtelva. RIJoii. Mortnlk, June 813. ... Deylne A Wllllama.Uiieernatnr'a. Atlanilp Cltr. June813. las VSy, F.mmati A Co., Proetor'a I3d Hu, N. Y. (,'.. June 813. Kei-nan. .. Korna A Cole',jn> KI ax. fera. Farm. Tnledo, June 8-18. King, Joe, Idora 1Mb Ynurujatowli, _.. r — ._ Kln|, Joe. RiitnftiH Lake Park. King, Joe, King, Joe, pui Kludill. Tauda, Wenona Boaeb P»raT, Bay Olty, June 8 13. Kimball A Donovan, Whal-uti Park. Fltr-fiburr, June 813. Klein A Clifton. Mountain Park Caaloo, ilolyoke, June 8-13 Klein, Ott Broa. A Nlckeraon, HenderaoD'a, Coney laland, June 8-13. Kraton. Chutea, Sin Fran., June BJ3. Knhn Rnia., Empire. Denver, Jnhe8-1.1. La Klaur, Joaeph, Delmor Onrdetta, Oklahoma City, June 8-13. ljiClalr A We.t Hlveralde Pack, Detroit. June 8-13; Bar- barton 1.1-31. Iji netle, KUctrle Park. Kent, June 8 IS. Iji Bell, Pnadorlc, dlenriale Park, Naahvllle, June 8-20. La Pate, Idora Park. Younniown, June 8 13 La Tnaka. flohmer Park. Montreal, June 8-13; Hanlan'a Point, Toronto, June I8-9L latne, Arthur, Howard, Boaton. .Tune 8-13 IJine A Kttella. riark'a (larrlen. Terra Haute. June 8-13. Lab» A Lane, Myera' Uke Park, Canton. June 8 IS. LatonrAyjlta.Paatot'aN. VC.. JllboR-lS. . Ijirkln A Patteraon, Keltli'a, N. Y. <:., June 813. latnft, Edward A Co., PfiKtor'a, Newark. June 8-18. iJlORrton. Ilanlle. Meyera Lake Park, canton. June 813. Latella, Mercer Park,Trenton. June8-13 Lawaon A Natnon, Kelth'a, >'- V. C„ June 8 11. Ijuarre Trki, Weuat'a, Prarla, June 8-IS. La Veen A Croti, Paatur'a.N. V.C., Jnne is so. 1.0 Claire, Harry, Orrylieum, l*» A., June 19-2U. I* Blanc Hlatera, Keeue, N. II., June 813.*r, Harry B-, Wnolwortb Hool, l*ncaater. June 8-13. Laitla. Vlririe, A. AS., Boatirn. June8-lS. . Leorinrd Broa., Celeron Park, Jameelown, June 8-IS; Iron Pier. Hyrneuae, IS-AI. 1* Vine-Cameron Trio. Honderjon'a, Coney laland, June 818. I.eonl A Leonl, Chutea, Han Fran., Juno 8-13, l^o. Mr. A Mra. Jaa. P., Pattnr'a. N. Y. C, June 8-11 Donir.J'roctor'a J3d Rt^ N. V. <'.. June 8-11 Dndd, Prof., Avon Park, Yiumgatown. June 8-11 Donovan A Moore, Summit I.aVo Park, Akron, June 8 11 Dooley ATpo Brooke, ft O. II.. Clileaitn, June 8-11 Doner, Joe A Nellie. 1'aator'a.K. Y. C, Joh* 8-13. aorliin, - Berth*. Llddloy Park, Oreenaboio, 'June 813; Doyle, JP»ncin«, Kaltlpa! Boaton. June 811 Doyle, Edward. VTaaiilngtorl Park. Baymine, June 8-11 Dortll, Dell A Dorrla, tltiule*, Cliltagii, J<irie8-W. Donongb A Cody, ilodfreyv (IrandItanlda, June8 1.1. Donald A HuntlnRtoD, fJenderaon'a, Coney laland, June Dupife A Dupree, Lrceum, Phlla., June8-13. Karf* RlcJiarda, Palace Theatre, MlDncapolle, June 8-U icdwarda. Florence, Auditocluw. NorlplV, JuneS-ll Fdwarda, Bam. A Co., Poli'a, Bridgeport. Juno 8-13. Kdgertona, TIip, River Park, Winnipeg, June 8 13. F.llnore Slater", Q, (). II., Chicago. June 8-18. Eldrlilge, Preaa, Audluirlum, South Bend, Juno 8-13; Ma- aonlcTanipKllbleggo, It». Electric,FrVta'a. Portland, Ore., June8-17. Kmrrion. nolle, (lurarnktor'a. Atlanlle City, Jue813. Kmmett. J. Welch, Choatniit Kill Park, Phlla., June 8-1.1. Krnla A Honogger, Shlold'a Park, Portland, Ore., June l*o. Mr. A Mra. Jaa. P.. Pagtor'a. N. Y. 0., June 8 I.e Noll A Ht. cbilr. Kelt).'*, Dotton. Juno 8-» Irtonard, Jaa. A Co., Paitot 5 *, N. Y. C, June 813. Italic. Blanche, Empire, Denver, Juno 811 Le Roy, Marie, Mercer Park. Trenton, Juno MS. Lereraon Broa., Empire. Denver, June 8-IJ. I.UcWeld. Mr, A Mra. Noll, Electric Park, Kent, Jujo 8-13. MUM A I'rltzkow. Bellevuo Park, Toledo, Juno 8 IS. Llvlngitona (.1), Vf oolworth Harden, Lancaeter, June 813; ElecTrlc Park. Atbany,,IS-20. . Link. Billy, Avon Park. Younxatown, June 8-1.1 I.iaette. Etiiel, Lemp'a Park, St. J,on la, J une 813. LIU'aSpanlela, Avon Park, Youngalown, June 8-IS, Pltta- hurg IS-SO. Lorla A Altlna, ft 0. II., (^ilcagn. June R-ll Loyd. Herbert, Kelth'a, Button, June 8 13 laiwe A Hiigbea, Circle, N. Y. (!., June Ml. Loire Tmob«, Wuldomeer Park. Brie, June 8-11 Lloyd A Waltune, Itamone, Urand Raplda, June 813. Lorene, (Jenrge, Ilamhura Park, Back River, Juno 8*1. Luallette. Colnnibtia I'urnlvnl. Lebanon, June 8-13; Mnhuioy CUV, «*). , . _ Lulalne Darrell Trio, Hlur, Bermondtea, I^indon, Eng., Junk 8-13. Lutr Broa., Orpheum. San Fran., June 711 Mann, Dan A Dolly, I*kealde Park, Akron, June IS-1». Marr, Paddv, Howard, Boaion. June 8 II Maltland. Marlge. Proapect llelghtaPark, Peoria, June8-11 Majealle Four, waalilngtori Park. Ba*onne, Jane 8-IS. Mac A Mae. Oakdrovo Park, Havre. JnBe8-tl Maddox A Wayne. Shea'a, Buffalo, Juno 8-13. Mathewa A Aahley, Waahlngton Park, Bayonne, Juno Mnaon A Earle. A. A 8., Roaton. June8-I3 Mann, Dan A DolU-, Ukoalde Park, Akron. June 16-JO. Mack A Elliott, Darlnn Park, Dayton, June 813; Fair- view Park, sprlngltelil. IA-W. .. Madiapa(S), llenderaiin'a, I'nney laland, Juno 8-12. Martina A Rafnn. I'rnetor'aBdHt, N. Y. c. June 8-11 Madden, Man. cheatnut Hill Park, I'lilla., June8-11 Major Hlatera', llamona, (Irand Raplda, June 8-11 May, Lucille. HanaSnuci. Chicago, Juno8-11 Mnrvrlle A Oleaaoo, A. A s., Hoaton. June 8-13. Maxwell A Dudley, C O. II., <;hlca»n, June 8-13. Marenba |3|, Poli'a. Bridgeport, Juno 8-IS. Mara, Kilty, Parlor, Dulutli. JrmeS-ll Martlnettl A Orwiil; Ramon a Park, Urand Raplda, June MA Marline Hroa., Kelth'a. Boaton. Juuo8 18. Mulor Hlatera, Knmona Park, (Irand Raplda, June 7 13; Rlveralde Piirk, Saxloaw, II20 Macart'a Mnnkeya, San Huucl, Ctilcago. June 8 13. Mnnvro Coney laland. Cincinnati, June 8-11 May, Edna, Empire. Denver. June 8-11 McDrar-ken. Mute, 6. (I. II., Chicago, June8-11 McDowoll. John J., McHutli Park. Limn, June 7-13. Mclntyi* A Heath. Kelth'a, S. X. ft. Junes 11 MePbeo A Hill, lllprkajrome, Loudon. Eng., June 8-20. Mctlune A lirant. Eagle. North Beach. June8-11 Mcllne A Wyatt. Itootor'a lod St., 5. V. <!.. June 8-IS. Mcakln A McCarthy, Waahlngton Part, Bayonne, June8-13 Meyer A Maaon, Olymple, cliattatiooga, Juno 811 MelvlHe A Btetaon. C. f). II.. Clilrago, June8-11 Mead A Bennett, IVuolwm-tit Root; I.Hneaiter, June 8-13. Meredith Sbitera, II. A 8., I. Y. C, June H IS Melville A <'onwm, F.lecliie Park. Baltimore. June8-13, Mnera IS). Alcuar de Etc, Parla, Fr„ June 8-ai. Mlloy. Katbryu, Sontliein Pork. Pittaburg, Juno 8-11 Mleit'aDoga. Auditorium. Maldaii, June 8-11 Mitchell, Jtaiiile, llslmar (iiirdeu. Oklahoma. June 820. Mldgeloya,Tbe, Ternilnal Park, Peoria, Juno 811 Mlgnoo, llolene, Frlu'a, Portland, Ore., Juno 8-21. MlichellaCli. Pnteraou, June8ai. Mitchell (Sam A ll.ivi. Hock Spring Park, Euat Liverpool, June i.i Jt. Mllllin. (Irare, Ha«litgeu'a Park, St. larula, Juno 8-1.1. Mltehella. The, Onvernauir'a. AtlantloClty, Juno 8-11 Mlllltrian, Chat., Covefuator a, Atlantic<:ity, June i 13. Mlicbrll A Love, Aiidliorliiiii, Maiden. Juuo 8 1.1. Moore A Wllaon, Fural Keller, Milwaukee. Juno 8 13 Moore A HlKht. Proetor'a 23d St.. N. V. C, Juno 8-13: Proulor'ai Newark. 1.1*1 Montrell, Krlatuwraky Harden, lit, Petersburg, Ruaala, June 8-30 Mnreland, Boatilee, Kelth'a. Boaton, Juno 8-13. Murrli A Morrla. Criterion, MM, Juno 8 13. Motion, Mr. A Mra. Hans', Mercer Park, Trenton, June 8-11 Morton. Hertrude, Wnldtmeer Park, Erie, June 8-13; Plltahnrg 16-2)1. Mounla A Del Mar, Clurk'a Harden, Terra Haute, June 8-13. Morton, Phil. Luke View Park, Lowell.'June 8 11 Murbliy A Wlllard, Celeron Park, Jainoatown, June 8l:t. Murphy A Antlrcwa, Crescent tiardpna, Revere, June 8 13; Point or 1'lnea, IM0-, Murray, Kdlih. Electric Park, Newark, June 8-11 Nmnliaa, Tho, Auditorium. Maiden, Junu 8 II Near)', Jimmy, llowarrl, Hoaton. June 8II Ncltiinla, Edlaon. Taeojnii, J one HIS. Neitllmm A Wood. Klectrlepark, Nowburg, June 8-1,1. Neville, Dorothy, Proetor'a 23d St., N. V- ft. Juno 8-13. Newlon. Lillian, wujaeeeter, Julie 8-13. New'York Coinudy Four, Proetor'a Sth Ave, N. Y. C, Juno H 13; Park. Woonaocket, 15-20 Nlejuoyeia. The, dacuba', Peoria, June 8-13. NightonoHl, lliimnierateln'a, N. Y. ft, June 8-11 Nlcea, Twin, Circle, N. V. C, June 611 Nih'I. I.ucIIIp, Albnijibra tlarderta, Clevelanil. Jono 15 JU. Noa'lln. Dave. Muaroe Park, Toronto, Juoc 8-11 North, Kuuth A D'kle, Park. Walla Walla, June 8-11 Noirlapai3), St. Nlcholua(larrlen, N. Y.O., June8-11 OlvloA Fu\\ ti. Kon Slierhlan Park, Hlgbwood, Juno 813; tiodliev'a, 11 valid Raplda, 13-*). (Illve, Mile.. Maaonlr Temple, Clileagu, Juno 7-13. unrl, Adele Purvla, Wonona Beach Park, Ray City, June 811 . ... in jibeua Comedy Four, Shea'a, Buffalo, June 8-11' oiirno. Mllp, Chutea, Chicago, June 8.13. Ii/av A Delmo, Shea'a, RtirTilo. June 8-13. (in, Waller II.. Walla Walla, June IS 20. Pnrker'a Dog Clrotia, Luke View Park. Lowell, Juno 8 13. Pnaoatrl, Spring drove Park, Sprlniiilvld, June 711 Patrick A Franclaco, Huahageli'a Park. St. Loula, Juno s.|l- ■ • Pniob'ln Hroa.. Delnuir llanlena,Kt. Ianda, Juno 7-11 Parroa lima., Caalno. Toledo, June 8-11 Parker, Hurt, Palm Harden, Aalilhnd, June 830. Perry* Trlxnta, Klectrle Park, Newark, June 8 11 pelot.'lhiblaon Park. Fu Wayne, June 7 13; Park. Lima, I van. Piccolo MhlRota, Parm. Toledo, June 813. l'llier. Franco, llaniuieratcln'a, N. Y, C, June 8, Indefl- Pleau. Mr. A Mra. Af, Curdray'a, Portland, Ore., June 8 13; Lyceum 16-20. Platte, Weatmluater. Providence, June 8-11 Puniio A Leo. Maliulon'a P:irk, St. Loula. June 7-11 Powell, Paul. SI. Nicholas Harden. N. Y. ft, June 8-11 Preyoat A Prevoai, Bellevuo Park, Toledo, June 8-13; Riverside l*ark. Saginaw. 16 20. Pi unman A Mcliii vie. Chutea, San Fran.. June 8 13. Pi-Ice A lore, Frli/.'a, IVirtlaml. lire.. Juno8-20. Piiivrll A llrooka, Maunluii'a Park,St. Luula, Juno 7-11 Raymond ACavorly, H.o. p. San Fran., JunoSIH. Kam/a A Arno, Wenuna Rraeli. Bay t'ltv. Juno 8 13. Racket! A llatanl. Empire, Nuitlnghair, Juuo HIS; Pal- ace, Leicester, !»*>. Ilalinund A lack, Rnol'ilaiilen, Fl Worth, JuuoSl.l Itaveu, Kkhard, Hanover Pork, Netlden, Juno813; Mil- lord, IS 'JO. Ilauo'a Bull Turrlera. Clrtde, N. V. C, Juno 8 II llelll Proa. Casino, Toledo, June S It. Reno A Richanla. Keith's, Phlla . June 8 1.1. ItedmondH, Rlit spi'lughunk Park, laindon, June 8 13. Renaetta A Be Lab, Pastor a, N. V. IV June 8-11 Revere Slaters. Washington Park, Ba.vouno, Jnne 8-11 Itcimle A Carhln. Ill vn-lde Park. Monlmil, June 8 II Reynanl. Kd. F.. Circle, N. Y. I!.. June 811 Ront«(S|. Auditorium. Norfolk. June 8-13. Held A uilheYi. Helievne Pkrk. Tnltdo, June 611 Renaud. Maude, llemleraon'e, Coney laland. June 8 II Reave'-. Eddie, llenderaon'a. Coney Island, June 8-IS. Hipp A Cadv. Kelth'a lln-iuo. Jnnoa-M. lllsllirda (3).Orjibeum,San Fran.. June8 11 Hire A Klnier. La ke Me-anlmalc. June 113. Rlallostll, Ratuouu Palk, ilrand Raplda, June 713; We nininPark. Rav"'ltv MVU. Illalta, MI'e,, K'eclrlc Park, Halllmore. June8-11 Klgfe. Ren, (lodiroy'e, (Hanil Rtplda. Ju> e8-11 Itlce A Prevoai, Park, South Bend, Junt 8-13; Newark. 1J- 21). Ulpeolnino'a Horse., Haminereleln's. N. Y. ft, June 6 11 Kit Haiti-. Raiiiuna, (Hand Ranlili. June 8 11 Kilttr, Mai, Palace, Boston. June S 91. Boblnaon Wateni, Weaafa, Peoria, June All llabannen A Corey, Proetor'a, Newark, June 6-11 Rott, Ettella, rryatal. Dehver, June 8-11 _ Rogera. Cora A Little Marguerite, 1'aator'a, N. Y. C, Jiine 8- II Ronaldo'a. (3), Idora Part, Ymintwtown, Jiin»a|i Rowe; WHIHin, Summit Lake Park. Akrno. Jnne8-11 Rottllno A Htevena, Sohmer Park. Montreal, Jnne 8J1 Robblna A Trennatoann, Poll't, Bridgeport. June 8 13. Huaaell A Locke, Orphtum. Han Frtn., June 8 II Roaa A Fenton, r.. <f. II., (;hlcago, June MS. Ruaatll A Buckler. Trneadero. N. V. C, June 8-ir. Sandenton. Carl W., Kelth'a, N. Y. C, Jnne 6-11 Sawtelle Hlatera, I*ke View Park. MhldhKown. June 8 11 Savarl, KaUierlnr, illemlale Pork, Naahvllle, June 8-11 Sailor A Harbaretto, Kelth'a. Phlla.. June 8-11 sevmourA Dupree, Avon Park, Youngalown, June 8-13; Electric Park, Kent. I.12U. Keeker, Wllkee A Seeker, park, Toronto, June 8-11 Shatva, Aerial, C <I. H.. ciilciiro. June8-13. Sharp. Charlea. L-ikeabb* Park. Akron. June 8-1.1 Sherman A De Forrest, Ilainmpraleln'a Roof, N. Y. C, Jnne6 13: lluilr Hall, Brighton Reach, 1620. Sheldon, Viola, Henderson's. Coney Mind, June 8-11 silvern A Emerle. Solimer Park. Montreal, June8-18. Rmlrl A Keaaner. Waahingion Park. Biiyunne, June 8-13 Smith, Doty A Coe, St. Jilclinlat Harden, S. Y.C^June 8-IS. Smith A Aradn, laamp's Park, St. Louis. June 6 13 Snyder A Rockier. San Siucl Park. Chicago, June 8 20 Somera A Wlble. Ouvernntor'a. Atlantic I'ltv. June 813. Siagnellua, The. Chutea. Ran Fran., June 811 Splaacl Bros.. Weaat's, Peoria, June 8-IS. Btetaon, Walter A Co., FJdrcdge Caalno, Elmira, Jnne 8 11 Stetaon A Nixon, Parlor. Dnlutb, June 8-11 Stuber. Freds,, ProcUir'a6tli Ave ,K. Y.C., June 8-11 strouae A Young, (iuvernaior't. Atlantic City, June 8-20. Stewart, Mr. A Mra. Cal.. Cheatnut Illll Park, Phlla., June 8-11 Stehleton A Cheney, Lake Erie Park, Toledo, June 7-13; (Jeilar Point Park, Samlnaky, M-2TJ. St. Ongo Rom., Mountain Park Caalno. Ilolyoke, June8-11 strouaa A Young, (luverntor'a, Atlantic City, June 813. Stanley A Wllaon. Fnlle-Marlgny, Fr., June 6-20. Stephens, Paul, Circle. N. Y.C., Jnne 8-11 Sully A Phelpa. 'lotlfrei'«, (Irand Raplda. June 813. StimmeiaA Wilde, Ouvemator's. Allantlc City, June8-13. Sunderland A Fnoda, A. A S., Boaton. Jnne All Sweatnam Willi" P. A Co.. Paator'a, N. Y. ft, June 8-11 Sylyana, The, Electric Park, Kent, June 8-IS. Talbot A Denunore, Chutea, Cblcagu, June 811 Tanean. Julius, Shea's, Buffalo, June ISA). Taylor Twin Hlatera. llenderaon'a, floncy laland, June 8-13. Tanean Hrm., Pastor'*, N. Y. <'., Jnne 8-11 Ttsrbow't Ota, Kelth'a. N. Y. <;., June 816. Teed A iJlzell. Idora Park, Jnne R-ll Thome, Mr. A Mrs. Harry, Park. Newark, June 1 13; Farm, Toledo. M SO. Thome A Holdawortli, Irfrnp'a Park, St. Louia, June MS. Thomas A Van. Blk«i. Norfolk. Junes.13. Turnoy, John T., Rohlaon Park, Fort Wayne, June 811 Tlppell A Kllmtnt. Htratfonl Park, Columbua, June 7-13. Towner, Purvla ATowner. Harden. Canton, June8-11 Troubadour Four, Idlewllil Park, Newark, .lone 7 13. roil rob Troja, Mile.. Proctor's 43d St., .V Y. ft. June 811 Traak A Rogera Wenona Beach Park, Bay City, June 8-11 Tutlle, Claire, Ramona. (Imnd Raplda. June 8-1.1. Turner A Rlnw, Proetor'a ZSd Kt.. N. Y. U, June All Trainer A Button, Brook, Nation, June 8-13; Wabash Pavilion, Loganaport. lS-2tl. Tvrell A Reed, Chutev Chicago, June 8-11 Valeaca, Proetor'a, Newark, June 8-IS. Vontelln A Nina, illemlale Park. Naahvllle, June 811 Von Oof re. Antonio, Avoo Park, Voungatown, June 8-13. Wallace A Beech, Jacobs, Peoria, June 811. Ward A Curran, Forest Park Highlands, HL Louia, June 711 Waldorf A Mender, Proetor'a, Newark, June 8-11 Wataon A Newman, flodfrev'a. (Irand Raplda, June 8 11 Walton Family. Lnkealde Park, Akron, June 8-11 Wavnc A La Mtr, Huvernator'a Pavilion, Atlantic City, June 1620. Wallace A Beach, Crvsfcl. Denver. June 8 13. Warren A Howard, ch-ndalo Perk. Nushvlllp, June 8-11 Warren, Jaa. T., Casino, Fonda, June 8-IS. Walker. Bon. Howard. Boston. June8-1.1. Warsaw Hros., Meyer's Lake Park. Canton. June 8-11 Weatnna (3); Proetor'a, Newark, June 811 Welsh, chas. A Jennie, Olympla Park, Chattanooga, June 811 Weaver A iAmbrrt, Crystal. Denver, June 811 West, John II.. Empire. Denver, June8-11 welircll. James, Huvernator'a, Atlantic City, June 813. Weaaon A Walters Co., I^kevlew. lanvell, June 811 Webb, Margan-t. Auditorium, Maiden, June 8-11 Weat, John A., Delmar Oanlen. Oklahoma City, June 813. Welch A Caaaady, Cheatnut Illll Park, Phlla., June 8 70 Whitney Rrna, Orpheum. Los A.. June 613. Whltealdca. The, Kami, Toledo. JuncS-11 Whitman, Frank, Waldemeer park, Erie, June 613. Whitney, Annie, Ramona Park, Hrantl Raplda, .lone 14-20. Wheeler A Wllaon, Falrrluw Park, Decatur, Jane 8 13; Concordia tiardpna. Pern. 16-20. WiltlamaA Maver.Proapect llelghta Park, Peorla.JuneS 13 wills, Nat M.. Kelth'a. Phlla., Juno 8-11 Whitman, Allan, SprlngBpId Park, London, Ont., June 8- 13; Lake Erie caalno, Toledo, 19-20. Williams (Frank A Ida).(ilenihile Park. Naahville,June8-lS Wllllame, "Chlneao" Johnny, Proetor'aSUi Ave., N. V. ft, June 8-11 Wilton Bros., Htmmemteln'a N. Y. C, June S 11 Wllaona, The, Caalno. Toledo. June 8-11 Wlllard A Marlow, Proctor's 23d St., K. Y. ft, June 8-11 Wlllard A Wlllard. Ua.thagen'a Park, St. Loula. Juno 8-11 Wlnaluw, Mra. Wynne, Avon Pack, Yonngatown, June Wllaon, Minnie R., Parlor. Duluth, Juno 8-13. Wood A Kay, Kelth'a, Phlla., June 8-13; Kelth'a, N. Y, C, I6JO, Wulffe, Kitty, Keith's, PMIh., June 8-11 Wnghtnian, Spring bank Park, Urndon, June 8-11 Wooilvllle. Jim, Manhattan, Norfolk, Jono 813. Wright A Fillmore, U'liarlnn, June 8 10; StanlHipe, 11-11 Wynne A Hart, Cheatnut (Imve, Pruvblence. Jono 8-11 Yackloy A Bunnell. Dower, N. V. <t., June 8-11 Yankee Comedy Four, Keith's, Phlla., June 8-11 Young America Uulntet, Chester Park, Cincinnati, June H-2U Yoniomiito Broa., St. Nlcnolaa Harden, N. Y, ft, Jane 8-11 Young, Carolyn, Kelth'a, Phlla,. June 811 Young, Irene, A. A S., Boaton, JuneS-ll Youngs A Brooks. C (I. II.. Chicago, Jnne R-ll Harrow Trio, Riuoona, Urand Raplda, June 811 Zurel A Vernon, Street R. it. Park, lVoonsockct, June 15 20. Kara A Stetson, Keith's, N. Y. ft. June 913. Zolverdo, Electric Park, Newark, June 8-II 7,eno, (Tarl A /eno. Solimer Park, Montreal, June 8-IS. Zimmerman*, Al. A Pearl, Parlor, Duluth, June 813.) We bare prepared hanily mallins cards whleh trill greatly facilitate vnndevilie pertormert In Heading a* their bookiasa. In iitlnjf Iheappardi the performer merely baa to All ont the datea, name of theatre, and city or town and State, place a one cent ■ limp In corner and mall. They will be fo.rnlnb.ed on application to thin office; either pertouully or by letter. . ♦-•-«*> SIISSUURI—{See I'nge 374.) 1 * KniiNiiN City.—The worst nilninlty ill I lie lilslmy of Kiinsim oily ucciirrwl here Inst week, when tbe Kansns Ittver nnrt Sllssourl Hirer overflowed tlielt- ImtikK, and caused liumensc loss of life and pro|icrty. The water works system wan put nut of aervlcc, the electrie llRht pliuit was aunmloncd, mid Ihe'fras was turned off, Kcvcrylhlng now la rapidly resuming lis normal slitto. und tho crisis bus been safely passed. Tho Audi- torium Theatre wan the only oae open nt Hie lime. On .SiiikIh.v I lie Inutigiiinl iHTform- atieo of a hie prodtu'tlcit of "-Midsummer Night's Dream was Riven. As there was no Kiis or electric lights, It whs neccssury to use immense calduinu In I ho front of the liiHiso und back on tho stage. The house was fairly well filled, and the performance whs r meritorious one. The theatre was compelled to close on Moiiday, June 1, for the balance of the week, hut on Sunday, 7, it Save n performance for the heneill of the ood sulTerers, and will continue the rest of tho week. The following week Lester l.onergan will -open n Hummer season with a stock cumiinny, to Is: known as Lester l^ruergiln's' I'fnyers. Tbe opening bill will lie "Davy Crocked," and shortly after Mr. Lon- ergati will produce his uwn new play, "Elsie Vonner." Wilms Wood Tiikatrk (Woodward & Hur- Kcss Amiisemutit Co.. mniiagersl. — Amelia Itliigham wits lo have played u three nights' engagement s-ld, hut tho engagement has been canceled an tu-nuiiit of (lie flood, and the theatre will he closed until next eeruton. Tho decorations will probably be Unlshed dur- ing Hie .Summer. .Klkctiiic 1'ark (Kam Ilenjamln, mana- ger).—The opening whs tu have occurred May 111. hut the flood put Hie park under water and all the preparatory work will have: to be gone over, so the opening la In- definitely postponed. .Forest Park iMoyd Brown, manager). —The opening of our uew park wna to have cci'iirred on June 7, hut lias been postponed until 14. • 4 «» — Weston and De Veatix have signed with llnrney Ollmore's "Kidnapped" Co. for next seRRon. Morris Wraatob Is lo play his or- iginal character «f lite Dago, as tuade popu lar. by him In tils own drama, "In Uie We of tbe World." aiiib tfte B UI PvJltfl. ttobcrt H. Clark, bualntwa agent of Local i % Nl A B. r. and B, of A., wrltea: "H. y. Ilounrja, who la III In the Uomervllle, Nhu*. IfMDltal. was business onJiRgcr of 'Pecks HaTBoy' "Eastern), not iJ*»g I «» , M 1 »B»* of 'Smart Het Co., as publlibed. ine ulp &S22 1. rid by &e boys here every week, and tbe addition to your columns tin- der he heading, 'With the Bill PostexaV t think will be appreciated by al the membera affiliated with the National Alliance of Bill Posters and Blllera of America. „ . _ J. J. Nlhlll, treaaurer of No. 15, N. A. B. P. and R of A, is at BeraabJre Park, I'itta- lleld. Maaa., looking after the tatereatJi of P. J. Casey, who Is manager of the park. The Auditorium mil Postlne Co., at Galcs- burg. III., owned by V. & Berqulet, lefeee uud mantger of the Auditorium Theatre. In that city, Is one of the largest Independent plants In the Wert. They W 2,oCo run- ning feet of Hands, ten feet high, besides a host of eight sheets, three Bheets and one sheet. Mr. Berquiat writes that commercial porting Is very good, and be has the Larda working all the^ time. Thle plant docs a great denl of posting for the Chicago theatres On June 1 Mr. Berqulrt ahjned contracts to do all the posting for the Klng- llng Circus, to appear there July 8. Mary B. Sapp, manager of the Galena, III., Bill Poatlng Co., deserves a place of prominence among the business women or the State of Kanaa>. She has developed the bill posting business In Galena Into a prosperous Industry, and reporta a plentl- tude of contracts for the Bummer and Au- tumn. She haB 10,000 running feet of boards;, divided Into thirty-two excellent locations, and sho Is doing a. fine class of work. She has a number of contracts for commercial posting, which will begin as soon as the necessary repairs and extensions of her sys- tem of boards are completed. The Galena Rill Posting Co. la an aasoclatlon firm, and Mary Ii. Sapp la an able representative of the woman bill poster. Cincinnati Local, No. 11, National Alli- ance Bill Postcra and Blllcra of America, reports a healthy condition of affairs for that fast growing order. II. W. Richard- son, secretary, states that he expects a mem- bership of one hundred for the Cincinnati Local by December. Edgar 8. Price Is State organizer for Ohio, with Jerry II. Donovan and Secretary ltlrhardson as deputies. In concluding an Interesting report to Tub Clipper Mr. BIchardBon says: "Everything Is lovely in Cincinnati." _ C. It. Van Meter « Co., of Caldwell, Kan., are covering six hundred feet of boards In tbe town and surrounding country, besides handling a great amount of distributing. They claim good locations and a number of good contracts for Eastern advertising firms ; sufficient, In fact, to keep tbelr boards cov- ered all Summer. Local No. 2 has received tbe buttons of the National Alliance. The buttons are tastefully gotten ap In gold, with alternate blue and white enamel, and each one on Its faqe bears the letters "N. A. B. P. & B," together with tbe number of the local. On the reverse aide Is a number corresponding to tbe number of the member wearing each button, -Which, In case of accident, will prove means of Identification. John W. Yarlcy, of Local No. 3, has taken charge of the advertising for the Pittsburg Hallway Co. parks during the Summer. Geo. Abernethey, president of Local No. .'I, Intends visiting New York la the near future. Wm. D. Green, who baa been boss hill poster with leading circuses for the past twenty years, his located In New York, and become a member of Local No. 2. Theatrical people are always surprised when they go to Honolulu, H. I., to see the excellent billboard -service available. Stands to accommodate any slr.e paper, and plenty of them, are on the city's principal thorough- fares and along the line of the electric cars. There are electric rnrs In Honolulu, which were made for (ierman suburban service, but were not finished on time and have made their way to Honolulu. All along this car line are hoardings of the Pioneer Advertis- ing Co., and charges for theatrical posting arc the same as in the United States. Tiio department manager has Just returned from the East, where he has noted many Improve- ments In the erection of boards In New York and Chicago, and It can be said of the Hono- lulu service that It Is up to date in every particular. Boater of advance car No. 4, of the Bar- naul & Bailey Shows: Fred Bcckmnn, man- ager ; W. C. Corbett, In charge of litho- graphs; Tom Connors, In charge of paper; W. Pernault, ban Phoney, J. Sullivan. J. Heeler, Walter Beck. J. O. Sjnitlh, Billy (Jarms and 10. It- Taylor, assistants. Roster of the "Golden Nugget" advertising car No. 1, of the Barnum & Bailey Show: II. C. lledgos, manager ; Oliver Lester, head bill |K»stcr; Joe Vitxgomld, K. D. Klrgan, Joe Currle, Jack Sharp, C. C. Herbert, Ed- ward Hamilton, William .lambs, lloger Ilyley, IM. Guyon. Dan Sweeney, Steve Dwyer, Kd. Hubbard, (J. C. Fuller, Hurry Cook, G. Terry, Duke Rurke und Russell Davis. l^ocal No. U, of Denver, Col., Initiated eleven men on No. 1 car of the Sells It Downs Show while they were In that city on May 31, and the car went on its way n solid union car. The meeting was attended by Rro, Musgat. manager of car, and General Agent 1C. L. Rmnnan. who w»s made an honorary member of Ixical No. It. After all business had been done away with ihoy went into a social session, followed by a banquet. -Members of car No. 2 hnvc announced their Intention of leaving Denver solid union when -they reach there. Uvcrylhlug with this local Is progressing finely. Ht. I.oul8 Iawtl, No, fi, N. A. of B. P. and It. of A., has been doing good work In the past two months, having obligated fifty mem- bers, us follows: The Korupaugh-Klsk Wild West, nineteen; t'orepiiugh-Sclls Rros,'. twen- ty-one: Illngllng Hros.'. No. II, ten. Follow- ing urc the names of officers of No. 5: Robt. W. Mullen, president: Joseph A. Murry, vice president; J. W. Owen, recording and corre- sponding seerer»ry; Goo. L. Seymour, finan- cial sccrclury; Hurry W. Lake, treasurer. ♦ ■♦ OntiGON. Porllnml. — The Marqunm Grand (Cal- vin llelllg. manager) Is dark. The Spieling Siring Onnrtet, of Chicago, will be heard In concert June 4, under the management of Lola Steers. ConnRAr's Tiikatiir (Cot-dray & Russell, malingers). — Kdv.'itrd Shields' continuous vaudeville drew good business week of May "J4. Following Is the bill for week of ill: He Ruiz and Granville, Mann and Franks, llnrry Clinton Sawyer, Wilson and Dean, Hie Kobers, Irene, Joe Thompson, tho poly- sco|»e. Hakkii's Tiikatrk (George L. Bnker, man- njfrrl.—"The Highest Rldder." presented by Hie Ralph Stunrt Co., bad two good houses ill. "Femcllltc" did fair business week of \14. Ralph Stuart was absent from the cast because of tbrtwt trouble, but Is In the cast week of 31. "The Peace Maker" and "The Cat and the Cherub" will be given rb a double bill June 7. * Fuitr'r New Theatre (A. Dollmnn, man- ager).—John P. Frace. Helenc Mlgnon. Elec tra. Carter and Mendal. Roherls and Smllax. Carroll. Jennie (iulclinrd. Amellta, Olole tillers. Rose Gilman, Alt. V. James. Eiik'kson'n MtRlo Hai.i. (It. D. Grlftln innnagerl.—Rose Dnvenport, Jessie Slsson! Indies Ideal Orchestra, Mae E. Olldden, di- rector. ' NEW JERSEY. Newark.—The season ended here Satus day, June 6, with tbe closing of four hoT.JJ!" Newark TIuutub (Loe Ottolengjl, EX ger).—The Corsu Payton Block Cobm.,. finished its Spring engagement 0, with iV, t'sual largo measure of success, 'i'hc bonio closed on that date. 0Me Columbia Thratmi (M. J. Jacobs, tnana per).—The farewell appearance of Sana Kdna Haii and Carlton Macy here wu* ir>n occasion af a generous reception last, week and "A Woman'u Sin". was heartily <-„' dorsed. Miss Hall's benefit was a thorotuth success. The doors were closed here tl Blanct's Thkwre (Chas. E. Blaney. man nger).—With the last performance of "Cnilfa the Stars and Stripes," Saturday, r, n„. Blaney Stock Co. passed Into history,' and when tbe house Is opened next season it will be on the Stair 4 Havlln circuit. Proctor's Theatre (J. Auitln Fynra gen- eral manager).—The modern system of vemi- latlon at this house permits & continual ion uf good business through tho warm wesiiier An Inviting bill tbls week, reveals Udwani Lang & Co., Loney Haskell, Valescn. Three Westons, Bobinnon and Corey. Claflin sis- tcra, Waldorf and Mendez, Hutchinson and lialnbrldge, and the kalatechnosco|ie. Elkctric Park (C. A. Dunlap, general manager).—Tbe first week of business nt this new resort has been all that could be tie- sired, and with the completion of the many little side attractions the park will pmrc nn admirably combined pleasure resort, lung needed In Newark. The varied vaudeville offering receives good attention, and the i ur- rent list names: The Marvelous Merrills the Hill Took*. Terry and Trlxeda, Xclvardn Fields and Hanson, L'mlly Rcnncr, Kditb Murray, I>. J. Harrington. Notks. —Kmll Waldtnann has been ap- pointed administrator of the estate of (be late Louis \V aldmann, who left no will It Is reported that Jacobs' Opera House, in Kllxabetb, has been sold to a Mr. Finger, uf this city, and Manager Jacobs has obtained a ten years' lease. — - a - ■ Atlantic City.—Ocean I'Jer Music Hall (Harry D'Ksta, representative).—"Sons uf Horn" attracted good sized audiences week of June 1. Coming: "Kinntgun's Ball" nnd Young's Pier Minstrels week of 8, "The Strollers" week of 15. Of.EAX Pier Thhatre (Harry D'Hsta. rep rescntatlve).—"Human Hearts" played, to fair business, week of 1. Coming: "The Village Parson" 8-10, "A Pair of Hlark lvves 11-18. The combined stock companies of Forepaugh's and Glrard Avenue Theatres, <>t Philadelphia, In repertory, open IS, for an Indefinite stay. Ocean Tier Arena (Harry D'Estn. repre- sentative).—Bostock's Trained Wild Animals continue to p-lease good audiences. Bijou TilKAirtt' (Huntley & Moore, mana- ger).—Business Is good here with I be Hunt- ley-Moore Stock Co., which continues In- definitely. Uuvermator'h Tiikatre (Sid. Fern, mana- ger).—The opening week here was a big one. Performers announced for week af I. Armstrong, Baker and Armstrong, Berol nml Berol. Foley and Dale, Bell Blslerx. Sumers nnd Wlble, Louie Bridge, Chas.. Milllman, Straus and Young, W. A. and Lottie Bohmc, the Aldingtons, the Two De Goers. Relle F,m- erson, the Great Mitchells, Courtney and Dunn, the Throe Armstrongs, Herbert untl Wood, Devlne and Williams, James Writ- Bell, the Gagnoux, Forbes and Forbes, Sid Fern. Rovino Frank's Gttst Camp (Frank B. llubin, manager).—Business continues good. Notes. —The opening of Guvornainr's: Theatre, with a big bill and a banquet, was the grandest kind of a success. The ermvil on this occasion packed the house In Ihe entrance. During the evening a magnificent floral horseshoe was presented to Proprie- tor H. J. I.arkln. and one to Manager Sid Fern.. ..Doyle's Pavilion Theatre announces Its opening for June 10. t Camden.—At Washington Park (Wm. J. Thompson, manager).—The Roman Imperial Band Is furnishing excellent concerts every Hfternoon and evening. The big electric fountain and the numerous other features lecelve deserved attention Rossini s Hand continues to df-llght the uinny pnlrnns of Wood-Lynnc Park (Geo. K. Boyle, man- nger) Electric Park (M. W. Taylor, manager) Is enjoying Its full share of pa- tronage. < i» MARYLAND. llnltiiuorr.—Tbe George Fawcclt en- closed the season June 0 at Ford's Oprrn House (Charles E. Ford, manager) with "Fanchon." Laura McGllvray played Ihe title role after Monday night, 1. when Percy llnswcll was suddnely called to Nantucket by .the death of her mother. Monuvikktai, Thhatre (Jss,. I* hernan, n'anager) also closed for season Juue <>• i'.:.i:cTitic Park, week of 8, nnmes on ihe bill: Rlalto. the mirror dancer; Wgg und Rtipe, Conkley and McBrlde, Melville and Conwnv, and Charles Ileclow. Lkxim.-ton IIOTRla Rook GAnnts stands Its second week with a bill headed wy„ lnc Great Richards, who waa at Electric isra, Inst week. + ■» 111CATHS IN THE PROFESSION. ir>." y g*&*'** ««^r ; 'ft"UH.-wa, ,-gg& d ^^ts^Snsjrst Magrath, tbe Gautlers, and the Tltagraph, Sionor Cremoninl who was some y 0 "" ngo a tenor at . the Metropolitan Ope™ House, New l'ork, died recently at his hntne In Cremona, Italy, from pneumonia, hecm llilrtv-slx years. Ills name In private mc was Giuseppe Blanchl, nnd under that niim« he made bis first appearance In Milan, about: twelve years ngo. Later he assumed ne name of Crcmonlnl. and came to this country In. 1804, making hlH first appcarnnrc here In "La Favorita." He went hack to [W- but returned here for Ihe season of ]«""• HHIH. A wife and five children survive ilm- Frm> W. Maukiiam, a notice of whose death appeared In last week's CLtrrmt, hnn been In the vaudeville branch of the pro- fession about twenty years. He was nt the teams, Mnrkham and Goldlc, Markhsm «nd lfrennen, and Markhnm and Berry, n" a was at the time of his death of the team. Plnard and MarkhHra. His wife, three <hl • dren, his father and a brother survive liinj- Tub TrrES made It appear In the <i™in column of last week's CurrER thRt rims. G.' Gsynor, whose death wsh then no'en, was treasurer at Haverly's Minstrel llsii. Rrooklyn, N. Y. The hall In nuestlon was known as Hoolcy's Minstrel Hall. , ,,,„ ^oiin J. Siiekuan; late of the vatidevl o team of Hheehan and Kennedy, died at Bis home In Fordham, N. Y.. on Juno 4. after a brief Illness. He was born In Manchester. Eng., In 18r>«, niid was formerly well /"'.'"" ns a member of tho old time teams ■■■JT litin and Jones,' and Shoehsn and Coyne. Interment was In Calvary Cemetery. I una Golz, an opera singer, who was well known In AtmtrlR. died In Vienna on June 4, aged twenty-nine years. Her re- cent illness, from yhlch she died, compel'™ the cancellation of arrangements for ".pro- posed tour of this country and England. Pute Bripy, an old time Irish and German singer and romedlan, was found In »*/!"* condition at an empty cottage on the l |t "; more road, Llvermore, Cal., morning ot May 30, and expired before medical oio tinild arrive. General prostration t'ln* 0 (lenlli. Ills nnine In private life was J l( L ln .' nnd he was n native of Dundee. Scotland. und aged nbout sixty years. He was re- cently discharged from the state asy'"™ ' n tstocklon. At one time 1ic was oulte prom Inent on the vaudeville stage, and «PI>eR r( ' n In conjunction with Georgle Cain in tua Western houses. I.