The New York Clipper (June 1903)

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tim'm THE '"Try"» *-'"*" ^■k'a title, with-Guy .Rawson and Frank S2wl Mttnfc the comedy ;rush., Deda ffikr lliiln Kverott and Veta .Hdrte .are lining "Shis of stock fetalnifatt>.. The ? -l" o 'rhFco Phelps, tnodaMtacf Broth- Buttons, Mfown alid Wb to, May and I'rof. Wyngdrden'H statuaty. n Hotel Mk '(Alfred KiimcII. mau- .nfri — I'ntil MlMH b Band Is the pcr- Mahent feature. *■" weeks vaudeville IobertB, Hayes and Robor U. Snyi or 303 J Un. Buckley, Ward and Curran,.ant1 Leo and fSiimaii. Mile Zhnrdna. who gives electric AiSita In Ihc big fountain. Is an extra at- rlrtlun. All ofthc concessions are open— ■In II k for the hot weather. \VATiie Oiti-Tiw I'AilK <W. H, Strlckler, jptioral manager).—Over and over In the loop, Sliding down the chutes, careening through fie air In the giant swing, and gliding f round the "Hgwe eight' arc a few of the JniaatlonB provided here. This week's vaude- ville Includes fortune and Fortune, Little tfttas. Chaa Nelmeyer's Comedians, -Van Fosscn and Kane, and others. Weldon s Band Is a feature. It's too cold for good bUilncBB. CfcAMC STBtfr.T Musbuji (Geo. Mlddleton, irfanagcr).—Tho Klns-Ners, In magical per- Mroiancca, are the curio, ball features for this week. Other attractions will Include llelyca, expansionist; Gertrude Ilurkc, fat •hT: Frank O'Brien, fancy ..rifle shot, and Tcian Jack, one armed whlttler. In the theatre tho line up will Include Florence Whiting, tho Two.Joes, .Kittle Scott, Ade- laide La Favrc, and moving pictures. .London Duns MUSEUM (Wm. J. Sweeney, manager).—Ourlo,ball:-Whale Oil Gus. and Utile Mundy, Mohs. Spencer, strong innn; Slg l'amplln, Juggler, and Morris St. Claire's snakes. Stage:, Mme. De^Vere, May Hart, Madeline Falrchl'd, Ben Dean, and moving pktMfCB. AwwiMATii.-r/l'lie ■HIB Halt henellt, at tho Olympic, rceantly, netted more 4han *5,l)0U, and the receipts, from all sources have not, as yet, been fully collected. C. E. Kohl, Geo. Ade and Geo. II. Jenny, who managed tho benefit, ■have turned over $1,000 In cash to Mts. Hall, to meet .her Immediate aeeds. The balance will be.Invested In Interest bearing bonds to provide her with future revenues. Katie Km met t, who baa spent tho Spring here, left, for New- York last week, to arrange to continue starring la "The Wulfs of New York" next acason. She sails for Paris June 24, to be gotie all Summer... •.. Irma Lehman haa closed her. season with the Flora Do Vonde Co., and la spending her vacation at tier home In this c'ty Louis Netheraole, acting on behalf,of Ben i;rrvt, the Kngllsh manager, Is negotiating with Ihc authorities of the University of Chicago for the appearance of Mr. Grcct's company at the university toward the end of June 'n it aeries of open air performances of "Kvcryman," "As You Like It," "Comedy of F.rrors" and Hen Jonson's unfinished Idyl. "The Sad Shepherd." May milium, of Johnson and Ifllllard, was divorced from her 'husband. Robert Johnson. In this city, June 4. She Is a member of tho Trorndcro forces at present .Altna You- Itti nits been engaged by the Doarborn Theatre management to sing tho pi-linn donna role In one of their road attractions. .She was en- gaged because of her success In singing the role of Hiintnzzii, In tho Hcnshaw school's reeent presentation of "Cnvallcria llustl- cimn," at (he Auditorium, hist week. She Is a Chicago girl, and |ius just graduated from the school..... .According, to the terms of a three years' rontrart, lllchnrd Carl Is now n star. This explains why his name was laat week added to the electric sign over the tlttranen of the Dearborn, where bis "Ten- derfoot" Is running. .... .Fred Hamlin, inqn. «ger of the Grand Opera House, has Just nililed to his valuable collection of thentricul books and documents thirty eighteenth cen- tury play, bills of productions made at Ilrury Lane and (.event Garden. He secured them at a private sale In Now York for ♦.lifiO. Tho Ilamlln library of playa la. among the most complete In the West, containing 7,nun dramas, ancient end modern. lien Gl- mux and Geo. Irish - enjoyed a benefit at the Criterion Friday evening, taking a part of the receipts for that night Harding and Ah Hid lost last week at tho Masonic Temple on account of their buggage not arriving front California In time for them to open Sunday afternoon. The Jug- I tig Jordan* took their place In the bill. Mile. Olive, whoso .baggage was also dc- itiycd, opened Monday afternoon Alex Urr. comedian, of the Trecudaro Stock Co., left for n ten.days' .trip to New.York last week. He told his associates that ho would not return nlone James II, Cullen, who "s spending hls.vacatlou a,t home,.here. Is looked to open In Kngland next June. This a the third time, he has Blgncd to go, but bo Is sure of tilling his. time,at the Palace, London, where Ted Marks haa booked him. • ,..,. K. S. Drlghnin, Kansas City's bustling manager, was In town mat week en mute for New York. While In the-Bant-be will book fil tractions for his. circuit of then! res, which ncliides houses In Kansas City. Atchison, Hot Springs, Carthage, Webb City and other Southwestern cities. .. .John Connors, man- "Jjcr oJT the New American, has gono to New »ork to look un playgifor hU.stock company, and book attractions for .bis Calumet. ■Tipatre. South .Chicago. Workmen have al- ready begun operations at (ho-New Atner- lean, and when the season opens, Aug. 80, me, house will have a new floor, new stage, new carpets, scats and Interior furnishings —and prices will bo Just a little higher. Lima. Le Witt has been engaged aa nd- S* n S' "nd press ngont for "Jess of tho Bar ■ Ranch," which will bo organized and nooked from here for a tour of the popular Price theatres of tho middle West. Ills J.Mi'i'Ktt ad. did It Al. Fllson and Hal hi . r 5* hllvo returned from n two weeks' iiHtiiiiK trip among the Wisconsin lakes.... i lio season at tho Albainbm closed Satur- day night with "Tho Buffalo iMyutery." •James H. Browne, resident manager, will ogn n be. in charge In front of the hotiBO next season. "gllTy" Rochp will be retained w rc, ddcnt manuger of the Academy, and y.P'Newklrk will again be at tho BIJoU. All three houses aro In tho Stair 4 Havlln '""<?"» Louis A. Elliott, general repre senlatlve of the K. J. Carpenter attractions, wno Is summering here, was married In this iW by Jodg 3 Jnmcu g. Sheldon, on June ,,, • 1° Cora Coon, a nonprofessional, of ;£»rt, Mich. E. 'j. Jlllllcent Evans,, arc ' ariwntcr's, fesslonol, I'arpciiter ujid. wife, summorlng on Mr. ranch, In. North Dakota. --■..Negotiations now pending aro 'kely (o result In George Mlddloton pur- 'iiaslng U. H, .Macoy's Interest In tho leasa T* "'e Cdiumhils Tlieatre. E. D. Stair- now- owns half of tho lonsc, and If tho transfer '" made thp Columbus will conUnuo In. tho Mmr.&.Havlln.circuit, and all present com- bination bookings will bo lllled, Tho ■ompany which, will, present R. ft. Crescy's iew production, "Out of the Fold," nt tho L5H." N ,?fthern, l>oglnnlng M, will Include: Miyta tiidwcll, Theodore Buhcock. Langdou ■lilormlek, Frank Nelson, Warren Asliloy, *M laming, Chus. Gay. I*ulse Mitchell, KIM licrtalct, Maude Sutton, and Winona, "''"'sea .-,.... Tho season at Howard's The- "'/e ended Saturday night with what Is "kely to be tho last theatrical performance n the present building. Plans arc said to nave been prepared for a now building to '•c erected on the present site In time to open i. R , "'£** company theatre this Fall... -The \i'.T Cr cacy Amusement Co. has leased the •Marlowe Theatre. In Knglcwnod, nnd tho Mm* will lie added to.tlta Btnlr JLTOtIIB elr- 'ill of popular priced I heat res. plnvlng week "taiiils. opening Sunday matinees. The Iiouro ms been dnrk most of the time since It wan •reeled, about'ten years ago, as Sunday per- loinmncoH, lmv» hortofoos- been forbidden. mu business sufllclent to make tha-nouse pay- rcowdB^Fi^iJ^ . wl " ,0 1 ". 1 ,,le 8un <"«y Ineatffel F d 5flfi * Bl'fecfliS opened ui. seaadn BatuX tdgl.t with Bungc's Brass lland In nlrttFy u5 all di5 SSMn'mSf"*' 1 "' ?.' <*«.»■•«» of fho en- u.i5 ,D ?. cll »i''M ,; nrooke B Cbhago Marine Hand, at the Coliseum Gardens, Ts enjoying u run of fair prosperity, but It will need not weather to bring business u„ to "heldana ar S ^".management exisxts..... .The sea- son at Hopkins' closed rfnnday night with a benent performance for Treasurer John A Folinessy. Williams & Adama' Illaek Crook Jh , i r " ! 2K22 WH !!i %. lMt at«fHctlon of a. e f "^^ and 6ii tt C 00 * business he h W&,"' •iA$* « M gg Sffl Hathaway nnd Wnldron. nnk Wb™! comb, Frank La Dellc, Geo. XV. Moore and Robinson and Grant are among the recent departures for California to pSy tho Jrauman circuit Felix Dumas fs organ- ising a stock company to play a Summer en- gagement at Oak I'ark, a 'suburb of Chicago. TteTiearsuls begin this week and the seasVn opens In n fortnight Geo. H. Wood, the 'somewhat different," la home for the Hummer. Hi wife, who has boon seriously II, is recovering.... .The ltandn Bossa will be next *eeks headllner at the Mneonle lemple. Manager Murdork also announces UK '"'"fe, arrival of Marie Dressier, Mme. MnnteJII, Mtno. Adelnldo Herrmann. Fanny Rice, Pauline Hall, Marshall P. Wilder and Jtjrig llartlctt Davis "Tom Jr.," tho thirteen year old «on of T. P. Brookes, lends the Chicago Marine Band once each evening nt the Coliseum Milt II. Allen Is sum- ","■ rl . n . B J n Chicago, organizing Ids "Missis- slppl Co. for Its sccoud season uiwn tho road. — ««» OUR LOXDON I.ICTTUII. (FBOU OUR OWN COBRESrONPBNI.) Dllpprr Ilurcan, - 48 Crnnlioara Street, Lelceater Maoarr, London, W. O. ...... „ .. • Ma* SS. "'lhe Gordlan I\not," described as an orlg- Innl play, In throe acts, by Cluudo Ix»wtber, was produced last Wednesday night at Ills Mujnsty'a Tbcutre. Mr. Ix>wthcr Is a member of the House of Commons, where be sits on the Government side, and the premier of Ids play brought forth a particularly d's- tlngulshcd nunlcnce. The play had a par- ticularly distinguished cast, hut was not it- self a particularly distinguished play. In- deed, it Is composed of such poor, weak stuff that It can only be n mnttcr of days before Mr. Tree llnds It advisable to withdraw it from the public gasie. There Is little plot, but cndlesB yards of would-be-smart con- versation. A wealthy young Parisian diplo- mat has become Infatuated with a beautiful but heartless courtesan nnd art reus, who draws idiu closer and closer Into her tolls, ills great friend, n somewhat demented hiinehliuck, attempts to save him, first by ap- peals to his better nature, then by wurnlngs, followed by threats, to Ida mistress. Ills attempts aro without avail. The shameless courtesan derides tho hunchback and nslts Ii I in to Invent for her u novel death for the new part she Is about to play. Tho hunch- buck. In vengeful frenzy, docs her mocking bidding by •trnngllng her with tho loosened strands of her own hulr. It Is thus Hint he cuts the gordlan knot which he fulled to untie. This horrible situation ends this modern society drama. These three charac- ters sustain whatever action there Is In the play; the rest arc the merest shadows. Mr. Tree, as tho hunchback, Roger Martens, did all that wna possible with tho melodramatic purl provided for him. (Jlgn Methersolo por- trayed tbo wicked heroine. She gnvo the full value to her braxen blandishments, but there waa an air of urtlllclnllly about her folln- Itlcs and forced caresses. Indeed, this lypn of woman bad already been presented to .is In "The Worst Woman In London," at the Adolphl, In Mr. Melville's unlntontlonully funny melodrama. Robert Taylor, as tho r.nhunpy lover, worked hard, and Infused a certain amount of distinction Into tho part, 'the staging of the pluy was all that could be asked fur; Indeed, much worthy effort wuu wasted on nn unworthy piece. On Saturday night Kllcn Terry revived "Much Ado About Nothing" at the Imperial. Her Impersonation of Beatrice Is known all the world over to her admirers, and It Is enough to snv that It has nil Its old time charm and atlractlvancss. The chief uovel- tles of the revival were the uppearsneo of Oscar Aschc, as Uenedlk, and the scenery and stage setting of Gordon Craig. Mr. Auche has hitherto made bis mark In heavier parts than tbnt of Uenedlk, and In truth Le made ii massive gallant. And yet ho was n gallant, so tbo end was served. Mr. Craig's Btage design's are odd, but effective when one gets used to them, und many of bis continues are beautiful. Charles Frohmun has been making his final arrongcmcntB for his Autumn produc- tions. At tho I'use of York's tho pro- gnjiiuue will consist of Ml'. Plnero's long expected new pln.v, la which the chtuf parts will be played by lrono Vuubrugh, Nancy Price, Dion Bouclcault and II. B. Irving. At tho. Criterion Mr. Esmond's play, "Im- prudence," which you have already seen In America, will be produced on Sept. 1. '"Ibe Illlllonulre" comes to London, and will be given ut somo theatre not yet decided upon, under the Joint management of Mr. Froh- iiiiin and George EdwnrdOB. After tbo hundredth perforinnnco of "Whitewashing Julia" on Sutudny night the run of the piece Is to bo suspended to allow Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bonrcbler to take u rest. Tho Gurrlck Theatre will then be oc- cupied for a season by French companies, one beaded by Madame Grnnlcr, the other by Madanic UeJuiic. Mr. Bouchlcr, on bis return In the Autumn, will produce us his first novelty Haddou Chambers' new play, originally called-"A Great Lady," but I hat title being, already taken, now renamed '"lho Golden Hlleticu." , «I_u_ ■. Martin Harvey's stay at tho Royalty Is drawing to a close. He took the bouse only for a period of six weeks, and although'Tbo Exile" Is drawing good business Mr. Harvey Intends to close Its run at the end of his tenancy, He will then take u short holiday and In* the middle of August will start lih provincial tour before again leaving Eng- land for tho United Slates and Canada. In a forthcomlni; number of the tort iiltihtlii Retime will appear an article, by .Charles. Ik iy tW f 05 'Theatrical Business "l um'lnf'ormcd that Charles Froiiman has secured the English and Amerlnsn rlgbla of "Dcr liorhtourlsl," a German farco, by Curt Krnatj!, the author of "Arc You a Html I He hns also ■secured the American rlghls to "My Lady Molly." . .. . . ,: Six thousand dollars wna at. tho nnnuul dinner of the Royal. Theatrical Fund, hold under tho presidency, of borbos Knlierlaon, Ut tho Hotel Motropole, lust l!ewls y Waller has accepted for Production ultimately, a now romantic comedy founded upon historical Incidents of tho American War of Independence, written In collabora- tion by the actor, Lynll Swete, and the novel- ist, R. N. Stephen*. _ ... "A Country.. Girl." at Daly's Tbealre. has rencheil a second edition. New. "ones nnd dunces have been Intrnducml. nnd the run of the Idece sceniB to Im» Indefinite. ■ Hlnce writing my uotlee of "The flonlhtn Iinot.'t I Imvc been notified Hint Its presenta- tion will cense on Friday evening. On Hat- uidayi "Trilby? will' be revived for a series of eight performances,. "'Xrllb;'.' will be fpl* owed by "The Ralladmonger'^ and "The lied Lamp," nnd other plays In Mr. Trio's reper- tory. ,-..,. Wilson Barrett calls bis new play by the apiiroilmate date on which be will produce Jf *t the Royal Theatre, Mlddlesbotouitn, "In the Middle of June." The title, however, n really derived from the motto taken for bis piece, "For love's more In tune In the middle of June than when daffodils blow In the siirlngtlme." In tho eait will be found Mr. Barrett, Messes. Ambrose Manning, J. W. Porrlval, und Lilian McCarthy.- Another play,, by II. V. Esmond, called "tools of Fortune," will be produced In 1/ui- dou In the Autumn. The chief ports will be taken by Julia Marlowe, Beverley Sit- greaves and Frank Worthing. Lawrence Irving, Sir Henry Irving's second son, was married a week ago to Mabel Hack- ney, who has been for some time a member of Sir Henry Irving's company. "In Dahomey" Is now playing to capacity business, despite-the fact that the weather is uncomfortably hot. 1 This week the man- agement has derided -to supplement the usual Saturday matinee with a series of special matinees. Nome further new material Is to be Introduced thla week, and now that Wil- liams and Walker and their company have bad nn opiwrtunlty of discovering the tastes of their patrons, they aro able to please them every, moment of their show. I hoar tbat Mr, llurtlg has received several offers to take lho company to Franco and Germany when it has finished Its senson In London. Monday next being Whit. Monday, n good iiiimy ■ new features are advertised by the leading variety houses. Chief est In the way of n sensation Is the performance culled "Hooping the Hoop," In which a young lady loops the loop In 11 motor car. The track is an almost perfect circle, lilted with en- trance nnd exit doors. The young lady who Is to perform the daring.feat Is Mens -Mix. Eddie Girt'ord. I understand, Is tbo deslgucr und manager of the hoop. Another sensational net nronilse<I by the Hippodrome for next week Is the Roblnsou- llnker Trio, In „«n entirely ucsr net, en- titled "Killing Heeled Jack." Judging by the accounts I have heard of It, thla uct Is cetnlnly tho most elaborate presentation of an athletic or Jumping specialty ever at- tempted. Leon Morris nnd his ponies also como to (lie lllpnodrouie next week. The King's Theatre, Wnlthnmstow, Is to be turned Into a music hall this Hummer, under the direction of John Lnwson, of "Humanity" and "Snlly In our Alley" fame. R. G. Knowles started this week on a provincial tour, beginning nt the Empire Palace, Birmingham, lie returns to Lon- don again enrly In August. The annual general meeting of the share- holders of the Oxford was held this week. The balance sheet showed a profit of over one hundred thousand dollars for tho year Ruse and Jranctte, two exceedingly clever little I is- dancers, who bad Just landed In inigland from America, under the aegis of Ted 1). Marks, uppcttrcd at a special matinee nt Ihc Palace lust Saturday, and made a highly favorable impression. 1 engirt to hear thai Mr. Jenkins, of Clay- ton and Jenkins. Is laid up In Leeds, suffering from a Severn attack of pneumonia. At III si It was feared Hint the attack might have a serious termination, but a Inter report hap- pily pronounces him out of danger and pro- gressing favorably. George Fuller Golden, Marie George nnd the Motoglrl remain at the bend of tho I'u la en bill over tho Willi week holidays. Charles T. A Id rich. T. Nelson Dnwlies, nnd the Pantier llnithers reuuiln (he slur feat- ures of tho variety section of the Htnplro pn« ni in nie. O'Brien and Buckley are nt the Plymouth Palace this -week, and are making their usual success, Cooke and iinthort urn continuing their successful run on the. continent. They aro now nt tho Paluls d'Ete, Brussels, at tho top of tho bill. I received from Glasgow some press cut- tings relating to the success achieved there by tho American Comedy Four. All the papers speak highly of the comedy of this team, and ulso of the excellent singing of Its members. Blanche Sloan, nnd Polk and Kolllns aro the bcadllnciH nt tbo Royal. Barton und Ashley are In London for one week, featured nt the Kuslon, They n|s?u next Monday nt Ihc Lyric, Liverpool.- Only 11 couple of weeks ago they played tho same bouse, and to go back there after such u short Interval is almost a record. Delmnrc and Wilson arrived la London this week, and wero Ci.irrKii Bureau callers. Billy Farrell la this week at tbo Empire, Mlddloborough, where he Is a big favorite. Ho has played this bouse frequently, and Is alwuys sure of 11 welcome on his return. On the same hill aro Les Frasertls. At lho I lxford. Mlddloborough, are tbc Fimicys, swimming oxperts. Houdlnl writes from Moscow: "There Is very little news up here, only all the Sum- mer gardens, Aumonts, Eridltngc and Yard are running full blast. > There arc a number of acts up here, but-1 am the only American except Epb Thompson and Orford, with their respective clephunts. I have been suc- cessful In escaping out of the dreaded Siber- ian transportation cells while In n, naked condition. I inn positively tbo greatest sen- sutlon that has ever been In Russia. This is not u enso of swelled head, us nothing ever swells with me except my imckclbook." r <i«» . II V NIHIL VICTOU I'll tM.V. Bandmaster Handel Phusey comes from, a celebrated muslcul family. His father en- joyed lhe distinguished position of being musician-Ill ontliinry to the late Queen Vic- toria, being appointed by command, of I lie bite Prince Consort, wjio was a. pupil of Mendelssohn, nnd n clever musician himself. Mr. Pltasoy senior was'the inventor of that sonorous Instrument, Hie euphonium, which Is so popular In military Minds. Tho subject of this sketch received his musical education, at the Military School of Music, In Kngland,. and succeeded lilt* father to most of tho, Important positions be held. Handel Phusey was many years bandmaster of the Rovul Artillery Rand, the Earl, of Chester's Yeomanry Cavalry, and I'hasey's Band, Royal Leamington Spa, England. . Mr. Pbnscy first came fnto prominence In. this country In 18!>8, wben he was starred as eu- phonium soloist In Lieutenant Dim Godfrey's Band, which made such a pronounced success here. Phnsev's British Guards Rand has at- tracted much, attention, .and., commendatory press notices nave been bestowed upon It. it Is composed of line musicians, and Mr. Phsseylsiicomposerof several very, popular overtures,Intcrmexzns,marches,etc. Ills latest successes are tho following inarches : "Beautl- fnl Wlllnw Grove." "Our Strenuous Presi- dent," "Shamrock rhn 111," "The Life Guards Call." Will S. Allien, who for three seasons was manager for Fred X. Innus, Is now mana- ger for Mr. I'liiisey. Tbo Isthd will bo heard ul Willow Grove, Philadelphia, In August. In . the Fall it will, tour America and Canada. It may be of great Inlcri'st to state that ninong the soloists am two brothers of Mr. Phasev I Alfred and William). Tho former was bass trombone soloist In the renowned P. S. ftllmoro Band for ten years; the Istler was solo euphonium In the Grenadier Guards' Baud. Englund.. The three brothers are iinlurallxeii cltlr.ena of lhe United Slates of America. ( . ,„ . . « i» '. . The Ml.l-Iln> < hlrnn.. I.lmltnl Leave* Grand Central Station at 1.00 1: M., arrives I'hlcngo next morning, St. Louis <M5 next evening, via New York Central.— Afto* . ■ --• • . ■ ■■■ MAMAPIHKKMI. Boston.--Notw Ihetiutllog Hie Bsruum & Bailey Circus had a tremendous business laat week, Is did not interfere much with the the- atrical attendance arullhd town, good returns being put down for nearly all. The weather fnvored the amusemom places. There Is nothing new about this week's chHritcs; In fact, there are no dinners to speak or. Sum- mer parks are now nil In full bloom nnd waiting for some hot weather. Tukmimt TiikAtiim (Jno. Schoelfel, mana- fcr).—Tho sixth week of "Peggy from 'oris'' o|K-ns Monday, Juno in, Willi busi- ness still hovering around tho rapacity mark. From every imlnt of view this musical com- edy is. tbo most successful wo have hnd this season. riii.oNi.u, Tiikatkh (lllcb, Harris k ('has. Frohmn iniiaxrrs).— The extension of "A Chinese uoucymoun's" time was a good move on tho management's part, as a good Increase. In business was noted during the 11 sat. week. Current week Is tho seventh. Majksi ii- Thkatiik (Stair A Wilbur, man- agers). -This is (he fourth and lust week of "lork State Folks." The engagement has been very successful In evcry.way. Both in the production nnd In the selection of tho cast there Is strong evidence of excellent management. No attraction 1a announced to follow, so'house will probably cloao Satur- day, Juno 'M. Huston Tiil'Athis (Idiwronco McCnrty, manager).—This houso Joined the dark bri- gade Saturday night. "The Defender" had three weeks of light business. . Mrsit: Hall istsir 4 Wilbur, managers). —.Monday of current week opens tho third nnd final week of Carl Uaavjbbeck's iiulmnls. Good attendance rules. Next week, Aubrey Stock I 'i nnistiiy . CAHTI.R SQUAB! TllNATBK (J. II. Emery, manager).—"Audrey" la tho week's revival, nnd is the first production of this play In Boston. Mary Hall Jains the company thla week as leading woman. ■ (lerl nub' llerke ley and John V. .Webber aro also new comers to tbo cast: ".lime" brought out nnd pleased largo slsed uitdlcncea. "A Contented Woman" Is slated for week of June 'i'l. Kuril's THKATim 111. ]'. Keith, man- ager).— Lillian Burkhurt nnd company, In "A Strenuous Daisy,". Is this week's bend- liner, other contributors, to the bill are: James Illchuiond (lleuroy, Harry llrown, Jor- dan and Welrlit Yankee Comedy Four, Gard- ner and Vincent, I* Hoy nnd Lcvutiloii, W. .1. Tompkins, Jlecsoo. Fergiisou unit llecson, /urn and Stetson, Kitty. Wolfe, motlun pic- tures and Fadettc's Woman's om -hestrii. At- tendance Is up to the regular high standard. H0WAUI1 Aviiknakum (Win, Mi Amy, mali- nger).— Prosperity Is anticipated Ibis week, us Young I'm belt Is here, giving spin ring ex- hibitions with "Kid" Mcl'midon. other" names noticed arc: Gnrrlty Sisters, nice Brothers, llllcy nnd Ungues, Dan Coleman, l.avlne and Leonai-d, Foster and Foster, John E. Drew, CHS Gordon, the Ityans, J. W. Clifford, Kennel te and Patterson, the klnctoscope. and the house burlempiers, In "Tho Knock Out Club." Flue houses lust week. Tiikatieh (Chus. II. Wnldron, iniin- ugor).—The usual strong bill Is given here, opening with "A Table u Hole of Flush and Fancy," und closing wltk "Isidgcs, inven- tions nod Hodges." Sandwiched In between the burlewiues aro the following vaudeville turns: TTIIle Cohen. Finn and Warren, Ken- yon and Heine, Wink ami Mack, Barrel l Brothers, und May llealc. I.vimi TllUAlJtN (G. II. Hiiti-hellcr. mini- egeri. —Tho slock company presents this week 11 burlcsnue ou "flumes ol Norma inly." with John Welter and Dial Keonetly 11s prin- cipal fuiiiniikerK. i lib, Includes.: Cogau und Huron, Marlon and Martel, Weber and Ken- nedy, and tho llcniiiinetll Biothers. Tho patrons seem to nppreclnlo this new lino,, (or Butcli j urodui.'i lug pictures, under the direction of Prof, Joseph llauiii, . Is underlined for current week, Otbor curio ball nets aroi Coffey and Grant, bag punchers; Kltiy Oroji, uxblbl- ilon of llonil creations.In puller; Murrntulin, who wulks barebsitetl up n ladder .of swords, und the Uoikclenn Muslnil. Family. Htugo: Musle Payne, fiiiinltiahiim and (,'ov- cjiey. Johnson and West, Davouiwrt anil Kneley, Hun-la and Morgan, 1 Harry Ray, Marlon Snwlelle, lliulley mid Grnhlltll. Wliistnnley nnd Siilllvuu, und David and Currle llrlnkley. Nii.-hKi.iiiiK.p.N- (L. II. Walker, manager),— Week of June 15: Curio hall—Mark Abra- ham's Hebrew convent Ion, fat lady blcyclo race, Capt. Tom Llpt.un, treasure diver, and numerous other features. Helen llur- court's variety and specialty company fur- nishes alagn eutertalumeiil. NOIIMMBkIM I'AIIK, AiinriiNiiAi.n. —Hustle f heat re bill for this week Includes: Wonder- ful Cycle Volodonie, Gavlp mid I'lalt, tho I in Witts, Diamond and litwn, nnd Manning und Crawford. AlUinduuin has but'ii O. K. fllKSI'KNl- liAIIKK.VM (Will. II. II. O'Ntlll, malinger).—Regulur Sumuien snaimn ut Ibis outdoor resort openi-d June 14, .with a mierod concert by Al, and. Manila Anderson's "Lady Africa" Co. This 1 company, roiitliiims throughout currant week, presenting n re- vised version of "Ludy. Africa." ... I' ok I'imi.s (Win.,If. U'Nnlh inann- cer).—Tills park Is now. open fur llm senson. Drummer Quintal, Howard Brothers, (ill- bert Karony. Murphy., and- Andrews, nnd cherry and Rates provlda tills avuek's show. Ellin Proctor Otis, Manuel lloinaln, und Pierce and Ma/.ie were extra, curds Sunday, June 14. Kllpnli Ick's tlii'illlng foul of loop- ing the loop ou a bicycle Is lho fenturu of lho grounds. 1 Mi:iifiiiiii Hoi i.i:v,uiii TiiiiATKii (J. W. llor- man, manager).—This beautiful outdoor showhoiiNO o|S"ns Monday, June 1,1. Willi a first class vaudeville MM, Including (Junker city tjuurlet; Miirlu nnd Aide, Huilrl nnd Kessnri", tho Mnchans, Crosby and Howard, and the Kstcllos. LlSXJNUTMN ■ I'AIIK,—The second senson of this park Is. now on. Opening show consists of, FltxglblMins, McCoy nnd Filxglhbons. Little .mil Prllzkow, Salvlno Brothers, and F. Louie. .Bits Ajomt Staoh Pi.aykuh. —Charles Howard has been engaged to originate the new. Hebrew character In Wind and Yokes' product Ion of "A Pair of Pinks." iKicoiby Rae, of the ''Peggy from Paris" Co., who has been In Hie Huptlst Hospital for, three weeks, .returns In the nisi this week Saturday evening. Kept. Vi, Is the date wt .for the opening of Weber & Fields' new Olobo Theatre, with James K. Huckutt, In. ."Alexander -the Great.".' Joseph J. Hyatt's Nashville Troubadours supplies this .weelta'.critej'tiilnment at the Maiden Audi- torium. T. 11. Hunter; so long 11 member of. the Boston .Museum Stock Co., Is 11 niein- iMjr of the Hunter & Bradford' Stock Co., of Worcester...... A twelve weeks' season of comic opera will be given at Lnknvlnw, 1/owell, Mass,, commencing June'J'.'. Cast In- cludes: Marin Tyler, .Margaret Baxter. MubeI Calrndlsh, Charles W. Phillips, Blanche- I'a- tiuctte, Jismos liillmrl, Ben Lodge, Jos. Smith, ficorge McFsrland and Peter-Mngulre S; Conn. Little, of tho Baltimore Academy of Music, Is In town for a few weeks, visit lug your correspondent A number two "Prince of I'llsen" Co. will soon lie built in. ibis city., under the direction of Arthur Clark, who last Summer managed the number one company. > • 1 *|irliiKiielil. . -Tin- niln of the pnsl week has told somewhat nn lhe attendance nt tha Hummer porks. IIxmiiu.s 1'inK II. V. Burke, mnnnger).— Good 1 attendanco hns been bestowed upon tbls. park the past week, considering the In- tlamency. of lb* weather. All the park at- tractions grv drawing fnMy well. Tom Brown's Troubadour* disponed themselves In 'tlie theatre, and gave a good entertain. inent. there being not a dull ultrnle. Guy Brnthera' Minstrels this week. Among other attractions for lho week aro: On Tuesday. * pool tournament j Wcdtiesduy, snoclnl dla play of llreworks: Tlmrmlny. prlbo walti- Ing, and b rlday a great ileal of fun la promised In an amateur night, In conueellun with the regular show. • Lakk. I'.m.mku (P. j, Cacey, niau- ager).—The mecca of picnic parlies basis en doing a line weekn business, Guy Hrolhecs' Minstrels. In the rustic thenlre, liavo. enter- tallied goal audiences. The theatre will bo occupied by.Frank Murphy's Comedians this week, presenting "Mullituey'a Visit to New I ork. • Pajsinu Ri: ji.inKs —Allsyrt Snekett nnd his ilanghter, Julia Snekett, of tho Fnrc- paugh stock, itimpnny, Phllndcllibla, are ,to spofld the' Summer with Mr. Snckett's nn- rents, of this city. At present they are till- ing a short engagement at Atlantic City, -N. •'•••-••••The Springfield nrele of kuglcs nestol llfty-two now birds, at the meeting Ji'» A ^' l ! le meeting, Juno .TO, It In cxiieeted •hat the largest class In the history of tbo aerlo will be taken In. Another ncrlo of Maries wan Instituted ut Marlboro 7, by Hint* President. Adrian L. Potter, nsalsied by Stats Holdout John .1. Mee, „f Wonn- siK'kct,.U.,j. : Itrpresontiillvfl Murk M. Sker- rett nnd I Islrlct Deputy John W. Sheridan, ••I Worcester, aim the degree team of lho \Vorceser aerie. President I'otier, Willi lhe asalslnnco of tin?'Springfield degree team, nave wlnga to nn nrrlo of two hundred unil ilfly In llolyoke, 10,, a Inrge delegation or •.sgles from Westtlold and this dly iitlenit- ng. lue next to fall Into Mnn Is Chleopeo lalls, where an aerie Is to bo Instituted 111. ......Arthur Nonley, nf Ibe "King DislO" 10,,-bas ndiinieil to his home at ChlcnpiHr lalls for the Siiuuner The Cunning- ham \1t111levllle Company disbanded In Win- slril, u., II, most of tne nicinls>rs returning I* 1 f , J , " ,I !,'"."',P», thcrtlrlcnl sfnHbii ,lt in L *. k . e " ld S la / k ' Wni "lisikllcld. opens wllb the Pnn-Aimirlean Novelty Cumisinv, IB. Ilenrv Hnrll, of Casto Thenfre, iVtweTl Is iiuiiuiKliig lho park iignln this Beasnn nnd a number of extra good attractions ato II onll 1 \.U, 1 vntloii of ..Manager Ontcliollcr. Al'STIN 4 S'l-llNK'M MrSKI'M (SlOIIO A Shaw, managers).—A big uroducllon of IIv- «!SS1 Mf d xi- ,r S'~ A .'. ."" , Now "exlford 1 heat re (ii. v* Rosenthal, manager).—"Tho (ornhan Irolhers" was given a good pto. 11' o" 11 '.'. 1 .','.. WHS f" 1 ' *'*"' nudlences, Juim ..St, ' hy Mkiido" aerved In please In ran uunmluml. !*** t " rr *" t wct ' k " ol " lu « " ,,-.u? :K "i! f u K • T,,r ' A T, RH .!'»• * "uflliiglon. Tnnn- nger),—•Hosiirreelloii" n^elved a crrdltoble. reprosentntlon bv the Bumngloii Stock ,C... Ihc past week. The nudleuees were (urge at every innlliien and evening prfurmaiico, Tho siHK'lallns hetween Dm nets were: Llfllo »..-'!.. t ! ,0,,r " D ' ln ?>"*". "H" 1 tlnncos: Mao m, , i•,iI , , ,w l l "" , " ,ul "«y'ugs: Lni.lse Horner, in llustralei songs, ami the Idogranh moving !'e." r r.f', ? tt p W" •week'a wrerlng Is "The City of New Vurk." .J'.'!!^'. , ^i.. l ' A, .' K .('"'we-VV.. Phelpa, luana- EStZSfaA i to ""' , l'«"Henlng and m.ld weather which prevailed during tho past week business was nt a slaiidslHI. V HIl.'MMHIl GLHAMN.IM.-Tho Ileekwlth Rail- KM t Irons arrived Imrc, wllhoiit any ostenlallouH dlsphiy. June 7, nnd pitched lis canviis nl 4Ru .Hvull, 1 end of the «Hy, wlieri It remained for three days, moving to the Not-Ill i>nd H for niiidher Ibree days, bift found InisliiesHMOgimd, that dates ahead weru .hange.l and tbo show remained until l.'l. making ii iilue'duys' eiigiigemeul in Mils cliy. missing Inn one day. 13?owing to llui torrlbii K,; l l , ^'i/" ,, . , ..." t " r !"' wf'ih">lnw di.wu 11 S lurgn tent, 'llm show is given In omi ring nnd proved to |„. „ m^J ,,lerlt„rlouK 01 \v, 58* , '" m,,lt, "J l *»"'• U» l«W lirlcca of Id ami IflJ cents iidmlsslon, serveil in draw tbo ciipnelty uf the large tent nt every iiurf.irni- 111110. Ihu show proved lho best onu rlbg iifTiilr thai has vlslied ben. In years. Tli* perforins nee uuibrnees fests of skill on tho ''''™" l , ll «'«. "yl"K rings.und trnpnxr, tuinblliiK. Imrsninanshlp, Indiler Irupmm, hill- dm' wliitlmlll and luiuieroiis other novel, Louis lloviils, n one nrmed ncrnlail, dld.u !'," v i. ■ l "' , •. n " ,M N " v "-" «»'• H|e«'le. In f be|r thrilling irapesn nnd cam lug ring net. Tin show Icnvels In two of its mm curs, and carries Milrty-llva pHoplo, of which Theodoro II. Bcckwltlfi Is in'oprlelor, |^,ilu Bovals innnag.,1-, and Joseph Hall general agent. A I tin, isjrformnrs wi.111 i-ui.mIs of Mnnnger lliilllnglon, of Mheedy's Theatre, ovenlug-of l,owcli,-.|c|i'ini"nt wciillmr nfToctcd thi. iiilendaiicfi nt llm ptirka during the mist crowds. " ,1u " ,ur " ( ' Jl,, '« K drew big .2£"WL pHi^imtJ, .1. Flynn,. muu- agirt.— This Hniiinici' house hnd 11 sii.eess fill owning S, and hud a very siillsfnelory hiislncss anting Ihn week. The bill waa very nree-ptiilim. It liicludiid: Wesson, Mih^'-m"'. 1 ) r ) !' ,on ." 'WW Kelly,, nnd lliiny M. Parker's dog circus. The Km- 1 illley, Prof, lli'lndami.iii', Pearl IMnforlh. Tommy Hn^eM Martlno Brothers, and 'ft V. Phelnns -Che Aiigelus," will enlcrtiilu during.lhe current w.euk. ■•MriN-riiw.- Fred L. McCarthy Is Hie new Pianist nt LakevJew Thcufrn. Waller Brown, of Brown Bros, mill Wright, Is Just, ii'covnrliig rem tt serHHnl] ease of blood jsjlsoll, eiiiised by nil iieeldent to his Index I tiger. ..... Wesson and Waters .Co. will pin- illiw llinlr new net, "Jinks. Insiiriincu Mini," In he near future John Muck, father or I'rank Mack, muiiager of old Savoy,Tho- itlra. r.iiNsnd nwuy here J111111 n, Inlurnuuit was ai Peiitiecuck, N. II. Tim late Mr. Mack had many friends In the iheuirlcul pro/es- sloii ...... Miuiauie Allen Rata/, prims .buuia, or I/ondou, Knglnnd, Is vlslllng her old homo nnil many friends here. Mudume Ksley will sing In one or inoro local concnrls during her '''."r' , .• v • r '" ! """ , nrrnngi'ineiils nm mm. pleled for Hie grand Held day of the Massu- ehusetts Hlks, nl Willow Halo Park. IT, There will. I>u fully eight hundred vlslllng Klks present. ■ s .. '/rMii.—Shay's .Hummer Show House, Unas Polnl. Nahniil (J. .1. Hlmy. iminnger),—Tho so.isoii at- I his Hnminer playhouse opeaod Juno I'l. under the mamigoinent of Mr. Hhay, who-was hero last season. Many linprove- nmnls huve Imsiii made, and the isTforniuuccs «ro to Is. given sfternfs.n nnd evening Into Senieinber. This wesk's bill Is Is.vlne and SrlUllla, ryslsirn and Iinly, lun Walker, Peter in 1 III 11. and Mile. Zolla. (RlBMAN'H Hl)»l»llil| TllMATIlS, HAI.KM Wll,- -f jWWi, MliWiM i tM ..^M^.J. J)uyle. impii- ger).— I his plaeo of amusnment was oisMied ' for the season to, and will eoiillnun under (Un same munngement as Inst season. Tho opening- bill presented by .1, W. Gorman In- cludes: Col. ,M, Hcliuliz's family of gnmt dniies, tbo Kmiilre city Uuartetfe, 11, ,- it,.. u«lilos, ihn Knight Bros.. Mr. and Mrs. Noll Lltch leld, nnd lhe Three Sluimrorks, Gor- don. Vldocif and ill vim. Nj>-ri!s.--Kdinund V. Plinhin, of lhe H. V. Pliclan HtiM'k Companies, Is spending bis. Slimmer vacation In his home In Lynn Jem McAullffe him recently returned (.. Lynn for the Hummer. Ho will spend tho healed season with friends In Nnhant I'ho stage bands nt. the Lynn Theatre held their nniiun! outing 7. nt Skinner's Pond. Lyiuifleld, whern lhe time was passed In eating and Indulging In nil kinds of s|sirts. I'nll lllver.—At the Academy of Mnalc (Wm J. Wiley, manager).'-"The Mikado" wgs. presented In a creditable manner bv tbo lloscntbul Opera Co. June Sin. Tbc pnlrou-