The New York Clipper (June 1903)

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m THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 20, nirc. was fair,, "The , Corslcan Brothers," presented by the Stork Co., lt-lii, drew light returns. Current-week; "The Chi men of Normandy" MW7, ."MlkadO"'. 10, 20. MurRnx'H TiWArae.LM.T., O'Brien, man- ager).—iBulBngtoB Stork Co. presented '"J'ruc Irish 'Hearts" fast week.' to Rood' business. W'tvk lif Hi. ''.'Way .Down In MnInc." " l'infc 'ttjDiTRK'. MUI Park (U. J. Cor- rlgaii, )iinnn*er>.—Thin llieatre opens Its clwffM wifk ot l.'i with vaudeville. The.bill titnli'liles : Jsmes SSnngford. Crowley and I'oliiiv Kimball ..und Donovan, F.leauor May, the «nu> Bros.,- Joslin Zn Vene, and Borrln'g- ton;,snd Sfurt«lle ,'NiWkh. —Krcd Rowker, of this .city, well kiuiww : In utiiiilciir theatricals, with only a tnw limns' iiutlcf .tilled the title role In the opera.0/ "Mikado, .presented by.ltbseutluira Oii<y-a Co.. In 'Xlw Bedford, last week. In a tuiist, mailable manner... Iinrnntn & JlidleyX Show appear* Jiere June l,l>. , ,1 s llolyokc- At 1 be Mountain'Park Ca- ulno (W. U..'Mil. inanagerj.—The bill of I.oekknrt's ■ perfonuinK elephants, and four llrst ■ class veudcvllle acts, by Marlow, Tutelu mill Plunkett, In a travesty on "Itomeo and Julleti" .,D. J. Harrington, ventriloquist; XI; Ong'e llros.. European .comedy bicyclists, mul Kline and Clifton, eccentric comedy danc- ing und winging act, drew large crowds at the Casino.during the week of June 8, and Have groat satisfaction. Hooked: The Moun- nilu. Pork Opera Co., In "The Isle of Cbnni- jjague," week of 15. FooTlmhts. — The new aerie of Eagles In this city wuh Instituted 10, and the event was made a memorable one by the members nnl. their friends. There were about four hundred Kngles from aeries In 1 be surround- lug towns present, and a right merry time wax had. The officers of the new aerie were Installed by the State president of the Kogles, A. L. I'otrer, of Springfield, who was assisted by members of the Hprlngtleld Aerie. At" the conclusion of the exercises « banquet W|iH cujoyed. The new aerie starts off with <me hundred and twenty live members....'.. lM'fngOar, of "The Chaperons" Company, is' entertaining Hilda' Holla, of the same company, at her home In this city. 1 » ■ ' w6rvratt>r,TrAt the. Worcester -Theatre (Pollx II. Weiulnlschsefer, manager).—The New 1 York Player* wl)l produce "Jim .the Penmn.11 week -of -June L"i. l.a*t week "Top .Milch Johnson" drew large and enthusiastic uudlences, Kdmiiml Breese proving especially micressfiii In,the lead.: . At thb i.akk tWor. ConoL St. Ry. ex. managers).—Week ■ of 15. J. W. Gorman's Comedian*,, Including : - (illroy, Haynes and Montgomery, the Three Lellfotts, Reno and ilmltli, JUdorn ami Nurlne, the Pryor Bro- thers. This 1111t(J ix ir theatre has been lit ted for sudden showers and Inclement westlier Bully Family, Maddox and Wayne. Vlra Klal. Larklns and Patteraon—Calvo, eta, ... . llriCKT Si-hikok Park. Thkatiik (H. B. GrimtlH, manager).—(lain interfered with tJie business during the past week, one even- ing's performance belug omitted. "Paul Jones" K.-'O. Notes. —J. Royer-Weilt, who Is among the olmve performers, .Is a native of this city. Mrs. touts Livingston, one of last week's acrobat's, I broke one of her Ongera during the performance 12. ' " 1 1 ■ Aituana.—At -Lakemont Park Theatre.— The regular season was,opened June n, by the I.Bkemom Stock Comjisiiy. The attend- ance .was extremely J large,, notwithstanding the cool and damp weather which prevailed nil week. They will, remain Indefinitely. Gextby'8 Don ash Pony Show Is hilled for 2(>, Plttsbnrtr.—'At. the Duquesne Gardens. the only show'shop remaining open in ohr burg, the bill for the week of June IB is Victor Herliert's opera, Alice Nellsen's nW success, "The Fortune Teller." "Wang" firoved a good winner during the -week curi- ng 13. , • ' " OHIO. by n'sluilDB overlie-jiil canvan lo.protect the Cfiruuiiidated's patrogfc. : .. .-..'. ' • . .Casino -TttKATHE (Iinvy & Jrfslle, mann- dew,—Week pf.wi: .Lenna Hanson, Murray lino'' Scott, John Mack. ■ Mamie Harnish. Frank Knsworlli scored a hit last week. • ■ ■ ,11 jii.:. ... » , Taunton.— Sabiiatla Park (Joseph J. Klyuu, tuaiiageri.TT.Tiiis resort opeus fbe sea- son June IS with the Pan-American Novelty COJi. , ■ ! . I.. . ■. ■ Talauiikoa Park (Lorhrop & Tolmao,man- agers) will have ..the New York Kxlrava- 5snza Co. for Its-opening week, commencing B, ...... , , ,. , ..Notk.— The Theo. L. Beekwlth Railroad Hhow Is due.1R-1T. .{.The Barnum & Bailey *boiv Tl. v ««» 1 ' •:'.•.•. PK\N»YI,VAMA, k'r l'lillade-lphl*—,'i'he I'ark Theatre closed for ;he senmm Inat Saturdny, leaving only three of the local theatres to provide Indoor entertainment. The outdoor parka are still lining kept out '"f .their own by the adverse wearUer condition*. \ • - • •KkTTH'h ltiju'u Tiikatiie (John J. Kelrans, resident manager).—Henry <!uy Carleton's "The'Butterilles',' is iireseuled by the stock company, this week. The most delightful re- units 'were attained- by the performances of •"IHne>' Railroad- of liovt" last week. The tiAtronaof the house were out in goodly num- hers. and thoroughly 'enjoyed the perform- iiiic»e. •■; "Dr. Bill" .is in-rehearsal for the ciimlng week. Khitji'h Nkw Tiiratrr (H. T. Jordan, resi- lient niunagerl.—Filled houses that would have done Justice to the height of the aeaaou were lu evldeuce at this Souse last week. ,\. strong liUI is mtirio fur a (continuance of these happy conditions by the current bill, which includes 1 Chnrleaiilckson anil Marian A. Chupmnii, in "Henri to Heart Talks;" Unlnes and Vldocq,'Jules mid lilla Oarrlsxin, Musical imle, KIX lilenserettls, qVchow's cms, D'Onge Brothers, .MorrlH and Blaln, ilouunu anil West, .Sanderson, Icerguson ami Muck, the Harpers; Carolyn B. Young, Kd. lislus, mid Keith mutton pictures, l.Yi'Ki'M TttKA'iiiK iJnbn Jcrmun, inniiii- ger).—The KNURh l f olly. Beauty Show fur- nishes the entertainment this week. In- eluded lit the olio. are: 'Sam flreen, Mnr- itiierlle Clemens, Charles McKeever and sundry, Charles Brooks, and the Barron Trio. The title of next week's offering Is •The Brunette In Blue." The performances by the Night Owls last week were well at- tended. .' ... •VU.t.hw OnovE Paiik (inanngement l'blin. Rapid} Transit Co,)—The. biiccvasful engage- ment of Ci-entore and Ida band eiitne to u (•rose last Sunday, "and Monday, lo, began the engagement of 'Victor Herbert's orclies- ii'ft. tin engagement (hut Is to last for several weeks. Considering the unfavorable, weather at tendance at Die par« Has been excellent. ' WfloiiMtDH° PARK' (Woodslde Park Atni'.m 1 - nieiii ('0.. utnnngera).—(ilMnulnl's lloyal Mu- rine ltniiil, under the ietuterahlp of K. Mar- 1I11I, iHintlnues to- enjoy jMipiiiarltv at tills 1 ark.' Two concerts' nre given dally, and e.t uiich n tenor solo Ik rendered by Signer Oiannlnl.''ncHTXtrr iHttit. Pabk (H. A; Auchy, mniingprt.—Last' Week the vuudevllle mo- vlded'bT Oeoige H. l.ukens, proved a powerful attraction at this park, and the free, performance*-are continued this week. The ■current programme' Includes: Knlalle, William n. Hull. Air. and .Mrs: Cat Stewart, mid' ■c'l»retire\ Ifaywal-d,- 'ln'"l'ui>le Josh's Vlalt;"'Harry Swenk, Arto and Kuapp.Km- mett: J. Welch and • I'M ward K. Cassldy. .lardan nnd White. Kdward 11. l.ukens. ami I., Jr. Johns' Orchestra. ' • Xoiba.— Arrangements were comple'led laRt week for taking the Nixon & Zlminermiiu pnuluctlnnH to Young's Pier at' Atlantic . CUy during Ihe-SutHm'e'r. 'Thestv nMrnctlons Include: "The Slrollers," "A Chinese Honey- moon," "Miss Mob White." "The Toreador," "'1'he illrl from lilxle". and "Winsome Win Cincinnati. —-June zephyrs were nur- clinrged with frost during the past week, and the not tamolc men at the outlog spots were busy, while the Ice cream vender* put on 1 heir overcoats. This wenther Is discouraging to the directors of outdoor amusements. They have the attractions to offer, but the consignments ot - Summer temperature have been amazingly stingy. ' Chi'.ktkh I'aiik (I. M. Martin, manager). —In the vaudeville theatre, June 14, Kltly Stevens. Lew Weill, the tieorge Austin Com- pany. Kanny DonovMi and the Young Ameri- can QuInlHt are to commence their engage- ments. The opera season commences 28. Comf.v Island (William B. Clark, mana- ger).—At the Como'Theatre, 14, the enter- lainment will- be '• provided hy Harry R. Scott, Harry R. Boyd, Murphy and (iano. and the Two Hobbs, In "The Innocent Kid." Tills year Coney Is reached both by Hteamer and trolley. I,uni,ow I,Afiooi». (J. 1. Weaver, manager). —After a year of closed gates this resort on the Kentucky shore will be rededleoted to amusement 14. Pblnaey's United States Band will be the muslcaj cud, and Nancy Rice, "the girl from Kentucky," will assist In the entertainment; Thb Zoo (Walter Draper, manager).— John C. Weber and hlh military band, direct from new triumph* at Louisville, will com- mence a series of concerts 14. The . last inusicale of the Cincinnati Orchestra, under Henry I'roebUch, was given 12. Cnaaip.—Al. Lane Is billing the city for the Queen City Bathing Beach Karl liirdefler and his girl wife, "Dot," a tiny lilt of femininity from Oregon,, did a nice bead balancing act at Chester Park last week.... The Pike property as a theatre site is pos- Hlbly out of the running. The property is now the object.-of. a; struggle In tbe courts, and hotel and dry goods men .'are'both irylng to secure It. In the meantime U. H. Hunt Is watching developments.'..... John H. Havlln is borne from St. Louis. ... Tom Nelson, who spent hi* early life here, Is now treasurer of the Majestic Theatre nt Boston, under A. I. Wilbur. 1 1 | Cleveland.—At the Colonial (A. V. Marsh,, manager).—Weber & Fields' great duccess, "Pousse Cafe," la being produced the current week. "1402" was presented week of June 8, with Richard Harlowe, the orig- inal Queen Isabella, in that role. Many spe- cialties were...Introduced' in the second act. His act la wonderful, This week Grace Wgt- «m,-of the Watsorn -Slstara, give* tbe-best aerial act seen here In many days, "be is drawing large crowds nightly, and will, in all probability, be engaged, another week. • Notkh, —Manager Moleston, of.the Stanton Park Amusement Co., was In New York last week, looking for attractions for the park. ami on other'business..... .Burt A Mroll have again leased the Grand for a term of three year*;' and Intend lo. make extensive Improvements this Hummer . 1 .. * Toledo,—At the I'arm Theatre (Otto Klives, manager).—In spite of bad weather the crowds at. this popular resort have been large, and tbe bill a special one,, the Piccolo Midgets, and Davis and Miilcauley 'being favorites. Week of 14: Billy Single . Clifford, Piccolo Midgets (re-engaged for another .week. Burton and Brookes, INinohiie und Nichols, Harry Thome and Co., the Three Keotons,. and the Holdswortbs. . Casino Thkathb (Frank Burt, manager). —A good bill for 7 and week drew fair crowds. For 14 and week Kelly and Reno, Doherry's Newton, Allen Wightman Lane.. ' • ' BRU.IVVR Pabk (J. W. Mccormick, mana- ger).—Fair crowd* have ruled 7 and'week. A pleasing hill. was offered. Prevost, Pre- vo*t and company, and Ferguson and Mack made especially good. Booked for week of 14: The Four Ollfaos, the Two Kings, Lloyd and Walton, Kern* and Cole, and Lew Pal- mer. B&r w T mbe f 7re»Xd this week. CANADA. Montreal.—At the Academy of Moalc 1 1? A r-dwards, manager).-Richard Mans- ield canceled his fngsg'ement and tbe house In closed for (lie season. «.!.». p ioctoii'h H. Kgerton, manager).—Thos. sss-s/sf ,;i h sbrsrock ot ci n pan, 8 . ». 3 n rt T^^ : ife-^«aw«r.h.^ !;: uses. 8-13. I/)ve kmuEffinutt. W. Le Clair, nmna ger)-^r^int's burlesque conttaue. M to •« big business. „;,._Aubrey Stock Company, in Jne iian- Sera of Paris," came,, to fair houses, 8-Lt coming: The stock company, In "For Lot* ^£SmUu^>^ Le Clair, nmna „er 1 -^G?ant"s bnrleaque continues to dt fifg'bmdness. Kttras were: Jack Mi nroe : The Kaufmans, pugilist; Kay and 0^»tv G «P;™„S ro ;5 e on dogs, Watson and Sfa: same company, with extra acta, 1B-J«. , and Lane and theatbr National Francaisi (G. Gin- manager).—Permanent Stock Com- pJSSC'ta "I* Dompteilr" 'l?™'***"!* i>"ia. Stock company, in "Mere .Mnrtyne, 10 "r?vt»htdh Pa»k (Tratnhlay ft O'Farrell. managers).—The Mock company put on "Kathleen Mavourneen," Vaudevl le act* were • Rennle and Corbln, Emma Italia, F. L Frayne. T. Wilson Kennle, and Baebmann s Orchestra. ! ilness waa good 8-1.1. , , Buslnes* waa good At Lakeside Park Caalno (Harry deoed to Deaih" *^ w"?^,- 1 V'Davl*! Hawn. lannger).—nobt. Mack, Hebrew im- roster of the company is. TOI "•"»""• a personator, aad a fair bill had" good houses leads; Fjanjl jQ^|& *3 &&JLi T8l3? t ( week of June 8. For week of IB: Dan and Renale, J. P. Clark, Ben Own, Lmma itana, » Dolly Mann. Cole-Da Ixmse and Duo, Dar- Kmma Whittle, and *Joreuce Corbln. stage *„„„,,,.„ „ p(ea agement moudy. I-islle and Curdy,Bjjoak and Miller. ■"Sjg B 0» , ft»»a Utok. mana- Clark's Summer Garden, and wliT con| U J SUmiiit LAK8 Pabk THBATiiB (Menche* 8o , H "? r L P 12*nd w«k ? s attfn^uice wa» the orchestra there:during, the season. Bros., managers).—Owing to small business ger*),—' and poof transportation service, this theatre large, ' "~"'\. IWDIAMA. Iridla»aiioll.e-At Falrbank Humaje, Garden.—Eugene Cowle* and Ostendnrr. Band week of June Hi. u ""» Notks.— H. M. Talbott. of Dlcksnn and Tolliott. wb* married at Washington, |) 1' 0, to Ida Glenn Tonner.whn Is promliniii in Washington society.' H. c. l^f,.,..,? "Marvella's" understudy, looped the Iihhi «T rollef skatea'successfully before a iiariv or newspaper men at the Cyclorama a. I Terre Haute.—At the Casino Park The- atre (Brelnlg A Robertson, managersi.-vrii» Boston Ideal Opera Co., In "Fro Dlavnlo'' June- S'7,. and "The Mikado." 8-10, drew splendid houses. "The Mascot 1 ' and "Mar tlpa." will be given,week of 14. The Cn'simi opens week of 31 with straight vaudeville to be continued through the Summer. ObpHkiim Theatric (Geo. E. Clark, mana- ger).—Vaudeville and'burlesque.. Week of H- Wally'and Lottie Helston, the'Jarrettn, Tom and Gertie Grimes; Kelly and Mason, aud Nina Straw. Business for the entire week was first clans: Coming, week ot IS; l.vue and Kennedy, Vino,and Searle, Flrronn and Brentheu, and Nina Straw. No/rna.—The:Terre Haute Amusement Co haa- secured Marvelous Mareh for Its enter- tainment at the fair grounds, Sunday, 14 The programme will also include l.llllaii Hoffman, horse woman: Rossi Troupe, aerial- Into; Mya, Juggler; Flying Banynrds, aud Prof. Dyner. Note*. —The lease for the grounds for the new K. of P. Theatre will be executed l,v an association of all the local lodges, K. of P.. to be known as the Castle Theatre Co The new playhouse Is to he known as the Castle Theatre Prof. Fred Slmonsou formerly with the Orpheiim Theatre, Daven- port, la., has''accepted an engagement nt -The second. week's attendance Mile. La Girl" Co., la visiting her parents . . The vaudeville acts were, rloseil 1 Toska. Silvern and Emerle, Burto* Clrena, NoTx.-^Beatrlce McCue, of "A Country Roattfrfo and Stevens, Zeno. Carl'and-Keno, in this city, and Lavlgnes Military Band. ' WaltbS L. Main's Circd* June 22. ,„.,,. Th . Notk.— The roster of tbe .New England ladles' Symphony Orchestra, which fc at Riverside Park for the Summer. Is as fol- lows: Laura Anderson, Elsie Sloan, Lola Sfantolnne. first violin: Dora E. Allen, Frances Abbott, Annie McDermott, aecpnd violin: Florence Tayne, viola: Ruth Cap- per, 'cello: Matide Smith, clarionet: Helen Pierce, flute: Blanche Salisbury, oboe: Mar Seret Hurley; bassoon': Kafherlne White, rst cornet: Hstrle Munyan, second cor- Dayton.—At the fair ground*.—The Eagles' June Festival, with the Wright Car- nival. Co., has been In progress during the week of June 8. ' Heavy storms and cold weather prevented large attendance. I'aihvikw Park '(CO. dross, manager).— A first class vaudeville performance -was the. bill for week of June 8, Esmeralda being the: chief feature. Bnslneas was fair. s (ulmnlin.—At Olentangy Park Theatre (J. W, Diiesenbery, manager).—"Saints and Sinners"-, played .to fair audiences week .of June 8. "Christopher Jr." week of 15. ' Emvire Tukatkk (H. Wiseman, manager) —"The Royal Box" played to good houses week of 8. Week of lo, "Tbe Girl 1 Left Be- hind Me" . 1 1 Zaoesvllle—Pawnee Bill's Wild West rame June 10, with two performances, and was fairly well attended W. H. Har- ris' Nlckle Plate is billed for lf> John Robinson's Shows In. July .The Bryan Stock Co., In vaudeville, at Gam Park, week of IS. ■♦»4> NEW YORK STATK. net Buffalo.—At Convention Hall (Henry L. Meech. manager).—The delightful series ot concerts by Victor Herbert and bis Pitts- burg Orchestra terminated June 1:1, having met with unstinted praise throughout the fortnight by a most generous patronage. Tbck Thkatrk. —Manager waiter 8. Bald- win's Baldwin-Melville Co. present* this week ."Michael Strogoff." with "Davy Croc- kett" to follow-week pt 22. "Paul Revere" Emma Hughes, trombone: Sadie Staf- ford, string bass; Miriam Bernard, harpist and plnnlsF;' Frankle Munyan, drums; Max Itnchmann, musical director. Toronto.—At' the Grand Opera House (A. J. Small, manager).—Cool weather pre- vailing, tbe Boyle Stock Co., In "Secret Ser- vice," played, to good business, June 81... Ml'NBOK Pabk (W. Banks, manager).— The seating arena of this place ot amusement is now entirely covered, and all performances will be given rain or shine. In spite of cold weather business hns been good.'m Poist (M. Dee, manager).— The vaudeville season ojiened at this point on 8, "but, owing lo bad weather, the business ha* been light. . _. • . ' .. Notk. —In the Resident Garden, under the auspices ot the Toronto University, Chaa. i'rohman presented Ben Greet and his Eng- lish company 10, 11, in "As You Like It' and "Comedy of Errors." Considering Hie bad weather business was fairly good. 1 St. John.—At the Opera House (A. O. Skinner, manager).—The W. S. Harklns Co. Anderson.—At the Grand Opera House (J. II. Dickson, manager).—The Summer season of this bouse-was opened by. (he, An-' demon Stock Co. June 7, to light biislhess. The company-1* a .good one, wltlf Lyrila and Clara Knott In the leading roles, supported by a: H. -Toting,' Francis Harding, Karl Sterling, Nettie Sutherland, A. 0. Marnn and other*. The' opening bill wo* "The Two Orphans. Lead Astray" will.he presented lhv.20.- (Prof. 'Theodore Teepe conducted a yt-rf successful musical recital .11.' ' ■ ; Notk*. — The -Union Traction ^Company's band—a new organization, under the man- agement of John Carpenter, gave n public concert last week J. F. Green lias suc- ceeded Professor W. H. Bryant ns orchestra leader at I be Grand Scenic Artist J. B. Flcker has repainted the scenery and added a new drop curtnln .. .. L. J. French. with Walter L. Main's Circus. Is home for ten days Mr. and Mrs. Forkner, hoop rollers, closed with Walter L. Main at St. Catherines, Can., .and'have gone to Atlantic City to open an engagemertt C. r. Finney, recently with .the National Carnival CO.. Is home Bert Cannon, with Gus Hill's "Happy Hooligan" Co., Is. home for the Summer. He hns signed for next season with the same company The house force at the Grand next Reason will lie as follows ■ Doorkeeper and advertising manager, C. W. Finney; scenic artist, J. B. Flcker: stuge carpenter, H. B. Fowler: electrician. Frank Ruell; property man, ('has. Belfner. A. M. Osnall, proprietor of the Ander- son Rill Posting Co.. ha* moved bis plant Into new and larger quarters, corner of Thirteenth and Meridian Street*. Kvansvllle.—At Cook's Park (F. J. Sleffert, manager).—This resort present* a closed its engagement June fl, with a splen- Btron - ' Dl ,| week of June 8. and Is drnwlng did iierformance of "Resurrection." Stephen ghtly - Innes* and Ryan, Feutelle Tffe, and'Black and Gage were tbe crowds nl aud Hade) headliners Mbhsks's Park open* June in. •»» MINNESOTA. Helen Darling, as Isabel, and Jethro Warner, ' amSS,!? Including: Minnie Granville, .»« 7h r" wvatt >earl. Riibertson and Miller,' nerlng, In "The Stub loma, Lawrence Crane, 1,0111s rf/ek snalna June 6 >»k iho mnn ai ,h« n. a „ ". ee * wnoing June o, 11s Count Veradda, have better opporinnltles than lutt week. . Miss 'Tutropodl, as 'Ta'cl- turney, Is funny without uttering a word. "Tbe Girl from Paris" was given'week of 8 in a clever manner, though the principals did not have many opportunities to display their talent*. Week of 22 -"Boccaccio" will he the bill. Star (Drew & Campbell, managers).—The Black Crook Extravaganza Co., with several new features, I* tbe attraction week 'rif MS. The opening burlesque I* entitled "Jupiter's Message." The olio comprises: Minnie May Thomson, the Three Graces, Fry aud Alleii. Williams anil Adam*, Schaefer, Mtlllwell and Shaefer. and others. The concluding bill Is an. odd conceit, entitled "A- Manager's Troubles." The Mis* New York Co. was tbe drawing card week ot 8, and Monday, ?'.', n Summer stock burlesque company will open n several weeks' season at this house, bring- ing some of the heat New York attractions. Manhattan Bkach. — Bostock's Animal Show is having a deservedly large patronuge. Aside from the regular exhibition of animals there are two dally performances In the ani- mal arena, including: Dog and monkey cir- cus, La Belle Lellca's dancing and tableaux nmong tbe Hon*, 'Prof. Brooks. In legerde- main. Home new feat ares have been added for week of 15, chief 'of which Is Mr. Grab. Ihe educated gorilla,, who occupies a glass house and eats, washes, dresses, smoke* and does other things like a man, and I* con- sidered the most, wonderful gorilla In ex- J' 0 .?!" 1 ?.? wB' give "Diplomacy" lii-17,: and Islence. The "cycle-whirl has also been pro- Ihe Wrong.Mr. Wright" 18-2& 'Habmanis Bi.keckkr Ham, (H. R, Jacobs, manager).—The Mortimer Snow Slock Co! caters to the patrons of this house for the Summer, and with good success. "Master nnd Man," U-10. onil "Cnmllle," 11-18, were the play* presented lo the entire 'satisfaction ger).—Charles K. Blaney'a "The Mormon Wife" this week. Violet Staley-atid the klnetograph will entertain between the acts. Shea's Garden Thkatrb.— Amelia Snm- mervllle. In a monologue, "An Afternoon Tea:" Sidney. Wllmer & Co., In "A Tblet of the Night;" Four Bolses, Julius Tanner, Gallagher, Barrett & Co., In "The Stock Broker*;'' McCue and Cahlll, Joe and Nellie Doner, and Scott and Wilson. . I.afaxbtth Thbatkk (Chaa. M. Bagg, manager).— MIbh New York Jr. Kzlravaganza Co. this week. Inch" Marlon and Pearl, Gvpsene and Roma, Dacre. Next week the season of the Bren- nau Stock Co. begins. Including Charmlon, Ruth Beecher, Billy Hart, Aggie Itchier anil Henry Lee. The Utopians did very well last week. Note,— Rain, though welcome, seriously Interfered with amusements In town nnd sub- nrbs the latter portion of the week. ■ ■ Albany—At the Empire Theatre (H. R. Jacobarmanager).—The KlngdonConrtenay Stock Co. continues to edify a large con- tingent of theatregoers by Its merit and cleverness. June H-10, "The Highest Bid- der,' and IMS, 'The Mysterious Mr, Bugle " the principals In both being:. Frank King- don,. William Conrtenay, Thos. A. Wise Alison .Skipworth, and Nellie Thorne. The Harold Williams, of HI Henry's Minstrels, Is spending his vacation at bis home here. A. 0- flcammon and wife and bis "Real Widow Brown" Co. spent «, 7 In town. M. Kalin, representing "An American Trump" Co., was here 8 H. J. Ander- son, of this city, goes with W. 8. Harklns, in advance of his company Jere Mc- Aulitre Co. canceled l.'i-iiH. o»» CALIFORNIA. I.o« Anirelei.- iliiced 1>y Fisher and Johnson. Itob'oi'rl (ontinues to show Ills. Happy .Hooligan kin- dergarten of half grown animals, Aglntnn's Dlaveno, the monkey that loops the loop, making a most excellent bill. YoguiralitWH.—At Idora Park Theatre (B.-i Stanley, manager 1 June 8 provided M. Coe King, Teed and Lu- nelle, the Marvelous Le Page, Carlton and T'crre, nnd t|i* Throe Ronaldoa. •■ Manager Btanley has Ohgaged for week of 15 the fol- lowing: Mr, and Mrs. Robyns, Senator Frank Bell, Donley and Tenbrooke, Roberta Keene, and Brown nnd Bsrtolettl. Avon Park (Job.. W, Wess, manager The features for Avon week of 8 were: Klevated '1 Billy Link, -Mrs. Wynne Wln*tow, Clark and Duncan, Prof, Oodd and his dog, Courlev Bros., and Antonio Von Gofre. Manager WVss announces for week of IS: Steve Jen- iilugs, Charles Hecklow; Bessie Phillips, Hal- Icy and Median, the Melvllles, tbe White- Hide*, and Clark and Duncan, Notks. —mn- congenial Gene Rook, mana- ger of ihe opera house,'attended the annual ark Casino 2?iJRSffl£S JS 0 "!* „ •'Jext productions hei-e '-Weefot ?&«*? *™ ' an,t " The XW ° KocTOR'a Theatre (Howard Graham. resident manager).—This house has Its Rummer stock, also doing, good business. " " tie*'. an All last week "Mixed Pick amused the I'tank matinee and evening auditors, dividing the Ceene, atlentlon with the other lioimes. Announced for IB and week, "The Still Alarm." wereT -™ ft I!L^r: K, ? lr . l £j' a J] t ? ? ne . »' out Sum- 'cycle whirl, Seymour aud Dupree! k. Airs. Wynne Wluslow, Clark ant! Prof,'Dodd. and bis dog, Courlet mer resorts, la open for business, and an- nounces In Its theatre,for l.'i and week- Fd F. Reynard, .ventriloquist: Grant and .Grant; Sm Hi, Doty and Coe, Maude Meredith, the I ' lv| n»7'tt>ne«, acrobats, and the Boston La- dles Orchestra. ' ■ oinpany. which hns beeu ap peniing in "Kverymsn 1 ' throughout the sen- i'U|i, will give perfonusnces in the oiien air uf,.the' •forest scene in- "A* You Like It." nnd '[The.Comedy of Krrors.".,..AlinuilUce- nient Was made last.week ot the engagement of J..Fred /Immermnn. of the firm of NlXun kVi.y.liuiiierrunn.: ami Vesla Hnwlelle, of Mai (kitbtMass. It I* expected that the wedding will take place June DO, after which MS', and Mrm. Zimmerman, will goto F.urope for the Summer. •' •.' '•• ■ . ».. /■■ i < ■ l.nnrnster. -At WnalWorlli Roof Garden 1 John B. Peoples; 'manager!.—Atlrncllous tor weak or Jmn> in Include : Csnlleld mill Catletun, J. Royer West aud Ida Vnu Slclen, '.,'., Klniira.—At Rorlck'a Glen Park (Her- bert Salinger, manager). —The following vnndevlle entertainers drew packed house* last week, despite the unfavorable weather- —pe of acrobats, the Soto Adolph Adams, Welles G. ' Doyle. This week the ». will opeu Monday ' the remainder of the mm pro,l»ctlon.- e Mlk " U> " "'" «« tha fW^Pli^tl?' week M ^ 0 l?, e,, •- ,?B, '■• At the I.ns Angeles The- , manager).—Mary Man- StutibornnesH of Geraldiue," bad good business at the start, But light business prevailed the - last few nights, The house Is dark 8 aud week. E. H. Sothern .begins an engagement lo "If 1 Wer? King" IS, unless the Mason Opera House is ready for opening on that date, In which event-he will play that house, giving the opening performance of the new lheotre. . . Mososco's Biirbank Theatre. (Oliver Mo- rosco, manager).—The Nelll-Morosco Co. Is doing a good business, and making hosts of friends among local play patrons. "Janice Meredith" drew well week ending 0.' "Mrs. Dane's Defence" 7 and week,. wltb' "Notre Dame" underlined. Orphkhh (Clarence Drown, manager).— People 8 and week: Mary Hampton and company, In "The Melodrama;" Kartelll, Zelraa Huwlston, Permone Brothers, the Two Bailey*. Brothers. Freydo, Martini and Mnx- inllllan, Whitney Brothers. Business Is good. Million, Whitney Brothers. ItuRlness Is good. Smith & Cooper's ■ (UanKN (Charles A. Smith & Fred A. Cooper, proprietors).—The opening bill of this new place of vaudeville at popular price* rontnins: Conlon and Ryder, Dacey. Grace and Ward, Delmas, l'Mna Berlin,' Garcia, Kalerntles, and Dlelcte Sisters. . ■ ■ Ciibter Park and Theatre.— Park at- tractions: . Prof. Burt Addis, balloon ascen- sion : Little Tommy Jones, chutes bicyclist; Mlntn and Bowers, water pedestrians; Cutn- Him lBiniid Marine Band. Theatre, attrac- tions: Shaw nnd Clifton, black face; I'.d. Fleming, monologlst; Lorle Fields, serlo comic, and Robert , A. Hazel, hypnotist. Good crowds, CiNKoiiiiAPii Tueatbe (A. W. Furst, pro- prlctor).—People 8 and week : Mrs.. Deets, comedienne: John A. Flynn. Lily Ford, song und dance: La Toska, Juggler; George.Phil- lips, piccolo soloist: Lorenzo Ashley, violin KoioTst: HUM"Mitchell, dancer; K. Homer Long, Illustrated songs.' Good attendance. . en at. —J. K. Waldeck, treasurer of the Orpheiim, ha* secured the .lease of a good location on which he Bays a building, to coat Minneapolis,—At the Lyceum Theatre (Dick Ferris, manager),—"Mr Barnes of New York" was put on June 14, for the week, to he followed 21 by "The Fatal.Card." "All the Comforts of Home" had big houses 7 to 1.1. Bijou Or-ERA Bouse (Theo. L. "Hays, manager).—"For Her Sake was a line draw- ing attraction 7 to 14, and closed the sea- son very satisfactorily. ■' ••', • ■'. IIewiiv Tiikatiie (W. W'. Wlttlg. mana- ger).—The Innocent Beauties enjoyed line patronage 7 and week. ■ The house will be tiatk uuill tbe opening of uext season, lu August. . METROPOLITAN' OPERA HOIIHE (L. N. SCOtt, manager) la closed for tbe Summer. The June Faiji ami Carnival was well ottcuded 1 to 1.1, notwithstanding cold weather and some raiu. also eiigagi-d for tbe near future diving Dnlnth.—At the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall, manager).—The' Northwestern Opera Com- pany (Al. ' W. Walls, manager) opened the Summer season on June 8, in "The Black Hussar," and made a.big hit. The house was packed, The company Is a strong tine nnd Includes: George Lydlng, Sylvan Lang- IuIb, Stanley Felch. Ohas. H. Drew, Dan Young, Harry N. Keougli, Fleanore Jei|kli)s, ; Bertha Ilavden, Sylvester Cornish, Louisa llllliard. Those are the principal memliers, The chorus are'all good singers. Berlha. ilavden made a hit singing. The marching, designed by.Dan Young and'led by Mnrle Council, was the best ever done at Ihe house. The opera will he on for four nlglus and then goes to West Superior, Win., for two nights, when Zeh and Karrow, who were op the hooks for tho*e two night*. VI, Kl. will iipiiear. The hill* for the week of .15:. "The Mikado" the first three nights and . matinee, and "The Bohemian Girl'' will nil out the week. "Ole (Meson," with Ben Hendricks as Ole, hod fair business. 0. Metropolitan Opera House (J. T. Con- don, manager).—The Wilbur Opera Company began the seeond week of tbe season here & in "Fra Dfavolo," to good business. This, bill for the 'first half of tbe week, nnd "The Two Vagabonds" for the last half. "The Bohemian Girl" was given 4-fl, to good busi- ness. There are some good singers lu W company who should become favorites here. For the week of 15 '"The- Mascotte'" and "The Chimes of Normandy" will be given. PAri.or Theatre (W; J.. Wells, manager 1. —For the. week ending (1 buslnes* was ex- cellent, and opening 8 the houses were very good for- the tirst part of the week. Those opening on 15 are: Ton Martin and wife, liaise Cody, Sam Bazlle and Mary Swa u. Bert Tlllle Imson, Sadie Harris. Mike Stilly. Bob and Bertie Hendrlckson, W. J.'Wells, . and the stock. The new farce for the week Is $J[i,0fK>, wll Ibe erected, as a vaudeville the- called "Two Old Snorts." atre at. in, 20 and ao M..B. Curtis Moon ..Bitoa.' Thkatrb <uiider cnnvnai has been In-Los Angeles a couple of weeks, opened on 8, to'capacity. The opening Ml] ami Is reported to be planning for 0|>enlng was "The Little .Duchess," which pleased sflll another popular price vaudeville house the large audience present. There were soe h,ft»'--v:"he-LpnB Beach Amusement Co. claltles between lite acts. Tbe company \* Hied articles of Incorporation June 0, with a very fair one. The engagement Is for n capital stock of $25,000. Long Beach Is . three weeks. ui ne outered _ of that city, and the Verberk Amiisemenr Co., of Oil City, Pa., for Its erection In the near future. .'...' , steutieaviiie,—At Stanton Park vaude- ville still holds the board*. l<ost week Frank Fltbeu, the arujsja'Irtck blpycle rider, was seen In an exceedingly dnrlng act. He ride* Ihe. 'cycle whirl with a* much grace ami akllt as hi* competitors do with UotU arms. Summer parka, Qnanr Cm Gardrns (M. Sullivan, mana- »*i;)>—rhe arrivals for this week are: Rut- well «nd O'Xell. GlbBey Sisters. Nugent and Scheck, Garfield and Crowley, Reaiimont and Haywood. Those closing 13 were: Cook and tlwit, linity Burns, and Harry Btratton. : . J ■ . 1 1 ■ a— lUlea,—At the Majestic Theatre (Warren Day, maniger).—The Majestic Stock. Co., n popular seaside resort near Lus Angeles. ..... .On closing bis Orpheiim engagement In, 7. James J. Corbelt goes Into 1 mining at. San Francisco for his match with Jeffries.. James J. Jeffries has been visltingbls home In this city during the past few days. , — <«» WKST V1RGIMA. Wheeling;.—The United Carnival, by our Trades Labor Assembly. Is booming thing* v ' r fc " , !*! y i°. r tnelr engagement, June Fft to 2(>. The fairgrounds are In tbe hands of the'electricians and decorators, and will be In gala attire for tbe opening. Chips.— P. H. Iluber, of Fond Du La"- Wis.; John H. Ciiddahy. of Coliimet. Mich.. and John I). Williams, of OshkoRli. Wis.. member* of.the executive committee of the Northwestern Theatre Managers' Associa- tion, met here'0,, with Manager C. A. Mar- sMIl of the Lyceiibl, to discus* the thentr ■ I'al.Rltuatlon. The visitor* went to the bail game In .the afternoon. ... ... .' 4«» WVOMINO. Cheyenne.—The theatrical ae*aon to closed Coming: Sell* A Down's Ul- cus June 18.... ■ ~. j'. . .... _. .