The New York Clipper (June 1903)

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412 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 27, 8 Faibvibw Paik Audsbhbnt Co. opened be vaudeville seaaon at Decatur, HI., June I, With Harry McCoy as manager of amuse- ments. (The weather waa decidedly cold, but the following bill drew fair attendance on tbe week: VVTieeler and Wilton, Baby Oladyi, Jaiman, magician; McCoy and Knight, lllua- trated aonga and moving picture*. Obo. and Mai Woodwabd, the original •unturned rubes, will be seen next season In a new comedy singing and dancing act They are playing Summer parki. Job v. willabo and victoeia Wilcox have produced their new German one act comedy, entitled "Don't Look," and announce that it waa a success. They will play the beachea and parka during the Bummer, and carry all special icenery, propa and effects. Vjboib Lewis, late of Smith and Lewis, report! lucceas In her monologue apeclalty at Austin A Stone's, Boston, and la booked •olid up to August on the Eastern park circuits. Tub Wuit.nbt Bbos. opened at West End Heights Park, St Louis, June 14, for two weeks. Oborqb A. Butlbb will spend the month of July at his home in Grand; Rapids. Mich. Tub music at Kye Beach, N. Y„ this season will be furnished by Prof. Bray and tbe following musicians: Owen Duff/, Thoa. Parreil, J. Hoffman, F. Slsgel, U. Bray and J. wil.on ciiffc. W. V. Jbnninob wbitbs: "The Utopians closed their eeaaon of forty-three weeks at tbe Lafayette Theatre, Buffalo, June 18. The season waa the moat successful, both from a financial and artistic standpoint, that this company haa ever had. They played forty-three consecutive weeka, with not a day a lay off the entire aeaaon. With very few exceptlona the company remained the same as at tbe opening. Manager Dlnklna announces that tbe company will go out again, early In August, with entire new scenery and wardrobe, and that a season of forty weeks baa been booked solid. The scenery bat been completed, and tbe cos- turners are bually engaged on the wardrobe. Hebeartala will commence July 20." . . JlAHiiv F. BiBTi.BTT (violinist) and Kthel C. Banger (soprano), of tbe team of Hart- lett and Banger, are with Heth * Martin's "A Breeiy Time'' Co., for a Bummer aeaaon. doing parta and featuring their rural musical comedy sketch, "Sanby'aGal." Kith, pianist, haa fully recovered from a year'a sickness, and returned to work. She Informs ua that ahe baa recently came Into possession of an annuity through tbe death of an aunt. Clifford Tbainor. of Tralnor and Button, writes: "Manager Moore, of tbe Vaudeville Theatre, Marlon, Ind., haa re-engaged us for aootber four weeks, and has asked me to lake tbe stage management. Next Monday. June 22, we open our Bummer Theatre, and will then run both placea. The proprietors are spsrlng neither trouble nor expense to make their Bummer Garden attractive and comfortable for their patrona. They are going to 'put me through' the Eagles on June 28." Ko. Hats, musical comedian, Is playing tbe Southern parks, and reports doing very well. He la booked up until tbe last of October. Carlih and Otto, German comedians, are meeting wltb success in their new act, ''The Burglar Detectives." Vvaltbb Brown, of Brown Bros, and Wright, who haa been suffering for tbe past four weeks wltb blood poisoning, baa fully recovered. CLirroBD and Clink* opened June 10 on tbe Gorman vrcult tor eight weeka. Notks from thb Rbntz-Bantlbt Co. — Manager Abe Leavltt, of the Itents-Santlcy Co., has about completed tbe organising of bis company for next aeaaon, which opens Aug. 2*. ft will be the thirtieth year of uninterrupted success that baa marked the ltents-Hautlcy Co. ae a leader In the bur- lesque field. A new farcical burletta, entitled "Toe Matrimonial Market," and an elaborate production of a burlesque on the late up to date New York aucceaa, "Tbe Hultan of Bulu," entitled "The Bultan of 2uau," baa been written by Mr. De Longe, and Is said to fairly bristle with novelties, and tbe very beat available material In the realms of variety haa been engaged to portray the various characters. There are a number of clever comedians In the troupe, who will see to it that laughter will alwaya be on tap. All tbe mualc pertaining to the two bur- lesques and ensoinblo numbers la original, written and arranged by Irving J. Helloes, who will conduct tho orchestra. The scenery Is being pslnted by C. W. Valentine, and tbe costumes designed by Mcllvaln. Tbe whole production Is entirely new from beginning to end. Tbe following Is a list of the per- formers now engaged: Louis Flalkowskl, tbe Yamamoto Brothers, Gruett and Gruett. ('has. Douglass and Eva Mitchell, Raymond and Veck. The female contingent will be headed by the Three Connolly Bisters, wltn l/ottle Elliott, Nina Bortollnl, Blanche La- tell, Marie Bryce. Anna Raymond, Georgians latour, Lottie .Kellogg. Lllllo Blebert. Delia lUlUUI, UVIUU UUItV|H, 4.IIIIU DIWVI1. WCIIB Faytell, Lea Howard, Verne Russell. Flo- rence Wright, Lliele Ward, Beulah Cantor, Loretta Claxton, Anna Meek and Larry Gero, who will look after tbe properties. Mli.e. La Tobka haa Just closed a success- ful engagement at Bohmer Park, and was laat week at Hanlan'a Point, Toronto, with Boom's parka to follow. Kittx Boss who had a successful two weeka' engagement at Edgewater Park, Ce- line, O., waa laat week at Bcbaefer'e Gordon, Columbus, 0., wltb other good work to fol- low. G. D. Cunningham, manager of the Ted B. Faust's Minstrels, la In tbe city. His attraction la booked solid for the seaaon, and he expects to have one of the biggest list of vaudeville acts ever presented with a min- strel organisation, headed by the famous Fauat Family of ten Australian acrobats; the 7 Ds Arvines, French pantomime and musical experts: the Herald Square Quar- tette, Castle and Collins, and N. B. Carr, monologue, will be among the features. Mabtbb Robbib Waunkii made a hit last week at Newburg, N. Y.. with his Illustrated soncs. Williams, Holms and Williams have algned wltb tbe Who, What, When Minstrels for next season, to do their triple swing and trio singing turn. They are having all new wardrobe made, and new scenery painted especially for the coming season's work . Manaobb Ed. Wbbtlby, of Llndley Park, Greensboro, N. C. (Southern Amusement Co.), has shown his energy and ability, not only in creating an ideal park out of a com- parative wilderness, but also, after complet- ing an up to date theatre, In firmly adhering to the principal that nothing Is too good for his patrona, Is furnishing only first class, clean attractions. John Clahanb, coon singer, and John Kenny have joined hands in a singing and talking act, and will soon play the circuit of Summer parks throughout New England. Wb arr inboumbd that Millie Davenport, one of the Davenport Sisters, has inherited a fortune from an uncle In England. Tub Bucklhyii, refined musical act, open on the Frank Hurt circuit of parka July S, at Bouth Bend, Ind. Elba and Kirlex'b new act Is a success, tbey report, and they are booked solid until September. They have new wardrobe, and tbelr novelty dances gain applause. Thb Kbblrt Bros, and Bblmont will not Bun Nona.—Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bun and family are at Far Rockaway, L. I., and will spend a few weeks there, fishing and bath- ing. Mr. Sun will have a New York office during tbe Bummer months for hla various attractions. Fred D. Fowler will be the manager. Mr. Bun will personally manage bis minstrel company next aeaaon, and has something entirely new in the minstrel Bret Kart, entitled "A Dream of Mars." It will e one of the beat settings ever used with a minstrel company. His company will num- ber forty people, playing mostly city time. Fred P. Russell and Ed. Masler will bold down the principal ends. Manager Sun baa engaged a family of acrobats, six in num- ber, to close the olio. Fred D. Fowler will manage "Circumstantial Evidence," wltb all new special scenery. Tbe drama has been rewritten, and will be put out with a strong cast, beaded by Lawrence Bveret. Sam Horner will manage Bcecber'a "U. T. C." Co., wltb fifty people, traveling In two cars. Sun & Fowler will also launch "The Fatal Hour." under the management of Harry De- forest. All attractions will open early in September. THE) B DOLLARS. The above represents Ove vaudeville artiste who have consolidated their ability In an act entitled "Tbe Craxy Circus." The com- pany consists of Madge and Handy Dollars, acrobatic dancers; Recreme, comedy Jug- f;ler; Keene, contortionist, and Bee Craig, ate of tho Craig Family. The troupe will be known aa tbe Five Dollars, and tbey have signed with the Guy Stock Co. for the sea- aon of 190304, to do specialties between acts. John Callaqban, formerly proprietor of tbe Palace Theatre, Houston, Tex., la rest- ing wltb hla wife for a few weeks at Sara- toga, N. Y., and will spend several weeks la and around thla city before returning Booth. Noiiman, "the frog man," has Just closed an engagement at 'Cvcle Park, Dallas, Tex., where be was a featured attraction with tbe Noble Dramatic Co. He also plsyed Fort Wortb, Houston and Beaumont, Tex. Nit) Nblhon, business manager of the Casino Theatre, Washington Park, N. J., writes: "We received two hundred and fifty letters In answer to our 'ad.' In Thb Clip- fbb. 1 Bualness Is good, and we have booked some of the best acts In vaudeville at thla house." IUihund and Vack, "the Dutch college chumps," were last week at Wheat's Roof Garden, Fort Worth, Tex. Their time Is booked solid on Ed. Bhayne's circuit of parka. Fred Ki.meii, of Rice and Elmer, after unending a few weeks with hla partner at Greenwich, N.. J., la now at Sea isle City, N. J., where he will spend tho Summer with his new naphtha launch, called "Violet," on a tinning and crabbing trip. Jbin Ralbiou Is playing parks through the South, and reports success. Harry Ernest, of tbe Quaker City Quar- tette, mourns the loss of bis father. St. Bblmos hsa Just closed wltb W. E. Dobbins, chief of concessions, at Watcrbury, Conn. Aubblia Coccia has been engaged as pro- ducer of numbers with Louis Eoble's Knick- erbocker liurlesquers. RoYCB Bros, bsg punchers, will open at Syracuse, N. Y., for eight weeka, beginning June 20. Tom Hardib, acrobatic tramp, was last week at the Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky.. and la booked at several parks through Onto. take the "Jay Circus" Show out, but will continue playing In Doer months. Johnson and Wbst, who recently closed a very successful seaaon of thirty-eight weeks over tbe New Bngland circuit, will play parks during tbe Summer season. Last week they were at Austin a stone's, Boa- ton. Mass. G. G. Raoonb and wife (Miss Faedora) will reside In Norfolk, Va., for some months, as Mr. ltagono will be leader of orchestra at Virginia Beach this Bummer, and will hold the same position at the Academy of Music, Norfolk, next Winter. 1'kaiii, Irving, who was bitten by a horse June 0, Is confined to her home with nervous prostration, and had to cancel the rest of the season at tbe Howard, Boston. Db Varo and Db Carlo state that their act was featured the week of June 8, at Llndcnwald Turk, Hamilton, O., where they met wltb success. They are engaged at a apeclal feature June 10 at the Empire Thea- tre, Indianapolis, Ind,, for the Woodmen's reunion. Jack Wei.bii and Harrt Bell have Joined the Chris Green Minstrels. Business big last week at Paterson Carnival, BUI Wes- ton's Band waa much admired. Job La Flhuii has been engaged to do his acrobatic ladder and table act with the Gasklll-Mundy Carnival Co., which opened at Springfield, 111,, June 16, for the seaaon. Ills act met with much success on the Orpheum circuit. Tub Musical Macks (William and Alva) are playing the Grauman circuit of theatres, California, where tbelr musical act Is making a hit, closing the bill to crowded houses. Christy and Willis, who Just finished a two weeks' engagement at the Chutes, San Francisco, are at Graumnn's Theatre. They have Dewey Theatre, Oakland, and Portland, Ore., to follow. Euobnb Mblvillb Is In his fifth success- ful weeks with Manager Hamburg's Parlalan Wonders, He atatea that he is one of tbe featurca of tho show. Martin and Quiao, "the man and a half," are at Alameda Park, Butler, Pa., this week. They played Pittsburg two weeks, and scored U 8I1CCC8B. Euobnb Landt closed a successful flvo weeks' engagement with Dixon & Green's American Minstrels, and has signed with the same company for next season aa a fea- ture act Tiioa. K. Heath la the proud papa of a new boy, born May 4. vaudeville for tbe Sum- weeka' engagement at the Manager Martin Lehman, of the Or- pheum Theatre, Kansas City, Mo., Is In New York for a few weeka, accompanied by bis wife and daughter. He reports theatricals flourishing In that city, and prospects very bright for neat season. His theatre reopens In Beptember. Reynolds and Grac-ib arc playing a two weeka' engagement at the 0. K. Theatre, Oklahoma City. 0. T., and then return to the Cabinet Theatre, at Lawton, O. T., where Mr. Reynolds takes the management of the stage. Laura Wyiilb was lost week at Taylor's Electric Park, Camden. N. J., doing her specialty. She Is entirely booked up In the parks tor the Summer. World of Players, — Notes from the Pauline Saxon Stock Co.: We opened our season at Maplewood Bummer Theatre, East Iladdam, Conn., on Hay 80, in Oscar Wright's new rural drams, ■ A Farmer'a Sweetheart," followed by "The Wild Irish Rose." Our production of "Un- der Two Flags," under tbe personal direc- tion of H. Harry Hoy, late of the Irene Meyers Stock Co., was a decided success. Following la the rooter of tbe company: Pauline Saxon, Dorothy Reynolds, Beatrice Webster, Llda Landry, Fawn Saxon, Edith Ralston. H. Harry Hoy, Frank Btolle. Chris. L. Landry, F. L. Webster. Everett Jenkins, Mark Meney, Herbert Brldeau, Tbos. Hayes, stage carpenter; Mattle Crane, electrician; 'lorn Burns, property man, end John Hunter, scenic artist. The vaudeville features are changed weekly. Thla week we have: Morris and iMorey, singing comedians, and Hall and l'orter, Illustrated songs and moving pictures. We put on one play a week. Our next week s bill will be an elaborate scenic production of "The Two Orphans," with Miss Pauline as Louise. Herbert J. Daniels Joined this week as musical director. We remain here until Sept. 1, when we begin a forty weeka' tour of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts. New Hampshire, Vermont, New York and Pennsylvania. — Arthur J. Cblaam writes that the Sew- ard Show haa concluded Its three weeks Bummer season at Mattoon, III., and Is play- ing a special week at the new theatre. Areo- la, III., closing June 20. Tbe company be- gins a Summer stock season at the new Ca- sino, Paducab, Ky., June 22, and will start tbe regular season early In August, at Owensboro, Ky. Time is all filled and com- pany complete. New playt will be used in tbe regular season, secured through Darcy A Wolford, of this city. — Gordon McDowell and wife (Dorothy Wallace) and Baby Hope, having closed tbelr season, are spending their vacation at Brad- dock, Pa. — H. D. Tucker writes: "My stock company Is doing an excellent business In Iowa, as tbe storms and floods have not affected this locality. Among my recent engagements for tbe seaaon arc: Lyod A. Boolne, Traunle Morton, Elsie Sabine, JsmeB L. Brower and Moilie Bennett. More than one hundred replies were received from my last 'ad.' In Thb Clipper." — Fred W. Duval writes: "We sail July 4 from San Francisco, for a tour of Australia, stopping at Honolulu for one week en route. We are taking over three farce comedies, 'Brown's In Town,' 'Where Is Cobb?' and a new one act not yet named. Tbe company will be known as tbe Stlne & Evans Amer- ican Comedy Co. and will Include Cbas. J. Stlne, Olive Evans, Charles Bates, Mar- garet Marshall, Win Douglas, Mnrjorle Ford, tbe Blcknells, Rcba Height, C. P. Hunt, Ralph Hell, Claire Canneld, Janice Hadley, Merle Stanton, Janet Roscoe, Louise Miller and ILttle Maud Kcmbler. it. Wood Brown Is the musical director, and the tour will be under tbe direction of Geo. Stephenson. theatrical capitalist, of Dunedln, New Zea- land." — Thoe. C. flyers, who has been business manager with the Corner Block Co. for the (last forty-one weeks, closed June 6. He s spending the Bummer at Cleveland, O., and reports a very pleasant season with Manager Webb. — Frank Hulstisd Is spending tbe Summer months at his country home, Lundlsburg, l'erry Co., Pa. — Chas. E. Darling, advance agent, Is spending the Summer at his home, North Adams, Afass. — Irrna Lewis on June 8 closed a season as leading Juvenile with the Flora De Voss Co., and will spend the 8ummer visiting her home In Chicago and at the home of Mana- ger J. H, Hotnour, In Richmond. She has been re-engaged for the Flora De Voas Co., and will open her next season Aug. 4. She will hereafter be known as Irian Lehman. — Carl M. Dalton, manager of "Ole Ol- son In Bplrltland," wrltet that his compsny closed May IS, to reopen Sept. 1, In North- ern Minnesota. During the Bummer he will take the management of the McVlckcrs Stock Company, supporting Minnie Mc- Vlckers, and will play three night stands In Northern Wisconsin and Michigan. Business during the past season, Mr. Dalton adds, has been the best ever experienced with the company, and tbe many return dates booked for next season attest the popularity of the new piece. — June Van Busklrk, who created tbe part of Ella Seaforth, in "The Earl of Paw- tucket," has been engaged to ploy a promi- nent part In the next Drury Lane panto- mime In London. She sailed for Europe week of June 8 to begin rehearsals, after spending a few weeks la Paris. — F. C. Whitney baa engaged W. J. Fer- guson as a member of Mrs. W. J, Lemoyne's Compsny. — Elizabeth Tyree sailed for Europe week of June 8. She Is going abroad to consult with authors about plays. She expects to make two productions next season. — "Tbe Men from Missouri" Is tbe title selected for the four act comedy, by Georgo V. Hobart and Edward E. Rose, In which Tim Murphy will appear next year. Tbe scenes are laid In Washington, D. C, and Mr. Murphy will play the part of a Senator from Missouri. -—Frank Deshon, who has been playing in King Dodo" for the past aeaaon, has been released by Henry W. Savage at the request of Nixon & Zimmerman, and next season will icsume his character In "Miss Hob White." — Tho following people have been engaged by the It. L Crescy Amusement Co., for "Out of the Fold," which opens for a run at the Great Northern Theatre, Chicago, June 21: Sylvia Bldwell, Theodore Bub- cock, Langdon McCormlck, Frank Nelson, Warren Ashley. Mr. Wilkinson, Joe Demlng. Louise Mitchell, Ethel Heltslet and Maude Button. Sol Braunlg has been engaged by the R. L. Crescy Amusement Co. to manage the New Marlowe Theatre, Chicago, next seaaon. — Geo. W. Paige, business manager of the Eastern "Prisoner of Zendn" Co. the past senson. Is spending the Summer with his wlfo in their cottage at St, James, L. I. „..— Tho following people are engaged for the "Alphonae and Gaston" Co. for next seaaon: Powers Brothers, Montgomery and Pearl, Harry Watson, Jennie Lamont, BeardB- ley Sisters, Allen Lowe, Lawrence A. Cover, Frank Edwards, P. C. Kennedy, Joe Weeger, W. J. Counlban, Warner Crosby, the Man- hattan Trio, and a chorua of twenty-four people. — Edwin H. Rowe Is spending hit vaca- tion In Mansfield, 0., as tbe guest of Mana- ger Wilbur Mack. He closed on May 28 a very successful season of ninety-two weeks with the Irving French Co., with which he has signed again for next aeaaon, making hla sixth consecutive season with that com- pany. — Edward B. Collins, who last season enacted the role of Jack Treadwell, the "double," with considerable success. In Ray's "A Hot Old Time," haa been engaged by Gut Hill to play the same character, In "A Hot Old Time," next season. Mr. Collins Is at present a member of Weston, Beaaly and Collins. _ —Thy Earl A Martell American Stock Co,, under the direction of Oliver Martell, Is now being booked through the middle States. The company will go Into stock at Riverside Park Pavilion, Sioux City, la., for four weeks, commencing Aug. 2, prior to their regular season. An exceptionally strong company It being engaged. There will be special printing, and scenic artists are at work on the several productions which will he featured. — Ed. Lneaa writes aa follows: "Mfaelf and wife (Helen Lucas Fay) Joined Blba M Wright's •Heart of Tennessee' Co. June 1 boUicxisUBg-parts la its first production. F am placing & Juvenile lead, a atrong part ThVcMnpany It "^ "»''*£"£$ and the play Is a aucceaa. Hasel Locas Fay playa tbi Juvenile lead. Rose Uartwell the aaue-hter of tbe revenue officer who waa kMedI In* Tennessee. Mr. Wright Is also the author of several other auccessful dramas. among them 'Harry Tracy, the Bandit.' Lain SoodrUn! Playing the '****&'XlL ■ Mary Martin, which part ahe created. The com- paTy^arries specialscenery and handsome paper. We have twelve BWB Ja.Bj.W g ros- ter besides an agent and a pianist. The comply*plaVlngNorthera Minnesota and Canada; an<f Is'drawlng crowded honaea." — J? C. Hamilton Informs ub that he, and not H. A Morrison, Is In charge of the ad- vance of Mosott Bros.' "II. T. C." Co. — Edouard Waldmann, the German-English tragedian, we are Informed, will be seen In an elaborate production of "£ausriu»r season, In con/unctlon with ''Thejfagjant of Venice" and "Dr. Jekyll and btk Hyde. Mr. Waldmann's tour neat season will In- clude cities In the South, Southwest, the Pacific coast snd Canada. John Farrell will not take out "The Cattle King" and "Bandit King" next sea- son, as he Intended to do. — Frank Lynn, who is summering at Lam- pasas, Tex., haa completed a new four act comedy, entitled "A Tramp Actor," which be Intends to stage next season. — Edwin Mlddleton, who haa been at the Glrard Avenue Theatre, Philadelphia, aa comedian ever tlnce George Holland; was the manager, will spend bis Bummer at Seattle, Wash — Amy Roebere will go wltb George Syd- ney's Company next season. — Notes from the Little Ethel Dyffryn Co.: We are in our fourth week at Sher- man's Park, Hamilton, Can., and are voted the best company that has appeared here In years. Little Ethel Is the talk of the city for her clever acting and singing. The Dyffryn Trio and a capable company are filling the theatre to Its capacity every night. Manager Dyffryn has Just completed arrange- ments for a car load of special scenery for his road company, which will be one of the finest out next season. He has secured the very best time In New England, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. — Vera Virginia Bailey, late of "Mam'- sells Awklns" Co., Is very 111 at her home In New York. Next season she will Join hands with Nick Elliott. — Tbe third season of the Lakcwood Stock Co., at Lake Hayden. opened Jane 0, to the largest business this organization has ever had, according to reports from there. Tbe company, under the direction of Lewis McCord. Includes: Maude Winter, C. Blanche Rice, Bertha Bt. Clair, Blvla Bates, Nell Twomey, Fred Malcolm, Fred B. Beane, Frank Hilton, Harry Stafford, John C King and Frank Munsey. — Pete Raymond has closed as come- dian wltb Ewlng & Taylor, and Joined tbe Ferris Stock Co., at Minneapolis. — Joseph W. Solan, musical director, has returned to his borne In Hornellsvllle, N. Y. He has signed to go with Murray & Mack next season. — Dllger-Cornell Notes: WlnuH Fultoa ftr. Hnngerford, of the riVSfir Invited the company out on his -™ B **\ Hunkie. The, jjarty consl" tii W , I, S, M » Hunkle, C. C. aflfier; CarI Ver r „n"•» Flnck, James Lewla, W. FJL ChX,■?""•'» Dllger, M. 8. LowentU. T. H. HobbS IK Kemp, Fettle Fsnnle, Warn*".. ?%2* Marie Fellows, Helen Sheebre"%*£*?»• and Pearl Barker. We WT rieaaaJftS" and everybody voted that CapV ffif'ty bis launch were "all right." t ,,? SSJP* bill next season will be *KnemWfor "ft'.'* whleh we have secured through T n »?• next; also have "A True Kentticklan"'."]'" of Death." "Princess of pitch," ••!•«$!? and Poverty," "Hla Brother's Sin!" "g.Sffi and our feature play. "Resurrection " aS the scenic effecu will be seen the haadSffi palace arch we* have used for the Diif .2' seasons. We will carry quite a nimiL . spwlaltlew. Our time a'll Wkod fgfiUL stasfn. brgbt f0r another ""SB — Chas. W. Benner, manager of tti» N.m Long Stock Co., writes: "Our seasonfS open Aug. 24. at Marlon, a, renesrSS starting Aug. 10. The company W |ll nSL ber eighteen people, and we will earn . car load of apeclal scenery and mechanlctl 'New Curse MR. AND MRS. HARRY 8. DARTLBTT. This cut represents this 'clever duo In one of their popular musical selections. The act Is somewhat unique from the fact of the lady doing the comedy, which never falls to cause many laughs, while the Instrumental work Ib excellent. — Notes of the Adams Bros.' own new at- tractions: Walter (Wallle) Mock has been engsged by Manager Jas. R. Adams, to go ahead of their attractions, and he has also signed James B. Leslie, singing and danc- ing comedian, formerly of the WIIIb Bros.' Comedy Co. He will be featured Id the new mV 8 , oome<,y . entitled "Show Folk," and W 4L .'5iF 0cl ? ce aeveral musical numbers In hoth 1 be Snorting Craxe" and "Show Folk." Al. Des-Rochcr has signed to take full charge of the scenery and mechanical effects of the Bhow, of which there will be a number. Ac- cording to all reports there will be a new boom next season in "Humpty Dumpty," but we will have a new version of the ever fav- orite pantomime. We will be the only com- pany of the kind on the road next season that will give a full trick pantomime pro- duction, combined with comedies, and each and every performance will be given with full details. Our new printing, scenery, tricks, etc., are all under way and will be ready ahead of our opening date, early In September. Mrs. Jas. R." Adams haS a birthday party on June 11, at the old borne stead cottage. Coney Island, N. Y., where she Is with her husband for the Hummer. Bhe received several presents from her friends. Bho has Improved greatly the past H, n"> n «ns. although still unable to walk, fhWa^f'jlfS m gre8t »■"" wIT Hhaanor RobBon and her mother, Mrs. Madge Carr Cook, sailed for Europe JuSs 11. After a brief stay In London, where she win meet Mrs. Humphrey Ward and Louis N. Parker, who have Been collaborating In a new play for Miss Robson's use next season, that lady will run over to Paris to read, and will then return to Ens-land nft i£mi Bg i ",• 8un » ner months, af their old home In Lancashire. The ladles will ECfira not return to this country unt about the middle of September, when Mri. w?JL W nf ft te, n U k on "J><-«m1b of "MrS iV lffB *' . of the Cabbage Patch," and Miss Robson in whichever 3 the two playadeag" ?o% t 1mm a edla a t n e ,, u?e e0rW & T " M °^ «S part &&*%& , MBSU& ?o"* C iY Beaaley Joined the company onJunel! ■MWiSS 1 * wI " 80 wlth *«*« effects n order to give each play a prcS} production. I have secured the folIoXJ plays for our repertory: 'A Nutmeg Match.' ' ERGIm ."JP'fc ■ 'Kesurrectlon,' •!?, of Gold,' 'An Original Bin,' 'The T»5 Orphans.' 'The Little Bosa' and 'Clnderelta/ I am also negotiating for another tli, which hat never been done In reoernn People so far engaged to support Miss UJ, are: Frank G. Long, leading mau; Oeoni Llewellyn, heavies; Richard K. Maddo? comedian ; Lewis Valtone, characters • n J" Dewey, Juveniles; Roscoe Sister, luvrnliii' Jeannette Miller, leading lady; Jennie BaV lelgb, characters; June Harte, Juveniles, snd Nellie Rutledge, pianist. We also use two big vaudeville acts. Mr. and Mrs. Long will arrive from tbe coast July 10, having closed n very successful three years' engagement They will go to their cottage et Lakeside for a month's rest." — The new comedy drama that Robert Downing will present during next season has Its location In Seattle, Wash., and It Is said to be one of the most unique and origi- nal plays ever written by an American. Mr Downing Is so well pleased wltb It that tu- nas laid aside all of his classic plays, stored away his scenery and costumes, snd will de- vote his entires attention to this production Tbe title of tbe play Is "Hon. John North." — Notes of Click Stock Co.: We closed a season of thirty-five weeks at Sarnla, Can., and had a very pleasant and profitable set- sod. Tbe company will open the last of August, with all special printing and scenery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thayer Gllck arc spending tbelr vocation at tbelr Summer borne at North Baltimore, O. — Andrew Mack sailed Wednesday, June IT, for Europe. — Notes from tbe Godding Comedy Co.: We will open our season about tbe first of August, playing all the best cities of the middle west. Time Is booked solid for the entire season of forty-four weeks. Rights have been secured for tbe following plays, which will be Included In tbe repertory: "A Nutmeg Match," "Spring Brook Kara," "Mansion of Aching Hearts," "Are You a Liar?" "The Paraoa's Folks," Fettered Hearts." "Jesse James, tbe Bandit King," and others. Among tbe people engaged are: Rutb Nlverr, Florence Bardwell, Kdlth I'rtt- tyman. Queens Abbott, Hudson Is. Kox, II. 8. Ewen, Fred J. Russell, M. B. Burke, Harry havlland, Eddie Ackcrman, D. II. Byrar. Russell Haldeman, O. M. Cotten and Frtd Godding. Godding A Cotten, sole owners; Russell Haldeman, advance representative; Fred J. Russell, stage manager; Dave Byrne, master of properties. — Harry Fielding and Maggie Walker Fielding, who have closed tbelr season with the Harcourt Co. and are at their home, Peak's Isand, Me., aay they do not go with the Walte- Comedy Co. the coming nnison. — Pauline Fielding, who recently closed her season with the l'ayton Comedy Co. at Bprlngfleld, will remain at her home, I'eak'i Island, Me., until she Joins tbe Joseph Mur- phy Co., for the coming season. — Among Edward Harrigan's old com- pany that nave been engaged for bis re- appearance are: Annie and Jennie Yearoana. Dan Collyer, Geo. L. Stout, B. J. Mack and Joe Sparks. — E. F. Nagle goes with "A Price of Honor" next season. — B. T. Ringgold goes with Otis Skin- ner next season. — Tom North, manager of Jule 4 E mer Walter's "Side Tracked*' Co., was mode a full fledged Scottish Rite Mason of the thirty-second degree by tbe Michigan Sove- reign Consistory, at Detroit, Mich., during the week of May 18, and was also initiated Into the mysteries of tbe Sbrlners, by Moslem Temple, Detroit. — Frank C. Burton Is spending tbe Sum- mer In Detroit, Mlcb. He has been re-en- gaged by B. J. Carpenter to play the part ofTDIck Hlgglns, In r 'A Little Outcast," next season. _ _ — Jas. B. Mackte ("Qrlmesey, My Boy ) haa been engaged by Chas. H. Yale to piny Toby, the leading comedy part, In "The Everlaatlng Devil's Auction." and will open with that attraction In Philadelphia, Auf. 15, at tbe National Theatre. ... — "Knights of tbe Silent Love" l«_fM title of a play, In one act, by James Wai- len, of Green Bay, Wis., which was prcsentefl by the Kennedy Players at the Green Bay Theatre on June 0, preceding a performance of "Rip Van Winkle." , . — Fred Bcbncck, slide trombone plug and Earnest Ferguson, cornet player, are In their seventh week with Davis ' U. _*• C." Co., playing In the band and orchestra, the latter also playing Geo. Shelby In tie play. They report business good. — The new Nelll-Morosco Co., t hBt ,„ b i! been very favorably received In the J* comprises, smong others, the io 110 * 1 ™" names: George Boule Spencer. Lillian, K™: blc, Elsie Esmond. Adora Andrews, Thomas Oberle, Frank MacVlcars, Robert MorriJ. Frederic 8umner, Harry 8. Duffleld, PbJJ McAllister, Joseph Dalley, Scott Senton, Robert Blddle, Katherlne Carvel, H. J-/'!""• Francis P. Lord, Owen Edersoll, Eula Hltcn- cock, Delia Buckley and Wilfred S. Roe" 8 :.. — Laura Almoslno Is summering at sag- Harbor, L. I. — R. E. Stevens Is summering with his son Rob at Delaware Water Gap. . .. , — Angela McCall has been engaged as Ingenue by Edwin Thanhouser. ... „— Coulter Howard has aimed with .lob" Connors for charactera at the New Amen can Theatre, Chicago, opening Aug. 80. t — The Four Emperors of Music have been signed for Chas. A. Loder'l Co., in A Funny Bide of Life." ,„ „.„,, — Butterfleld A Bromllow are now located In the New York Theatre Building, hating two attractions for the next season. *' ■•• A. Loder, German comedian, has "'t-' 1 ; 1 ' 11 .,,, five years' contract with this firm, and «»> bo starred In the big musical farce coiueuy. "A Funny Bide of Life." with a cast « twenty-five people, Including the Four bbj perors of Music. This firm will also scna out George Whitman and Elolse Davis a' the bead of the comedy drama, "Man '" Man," which will make Its third Beason on tour. The season of both these companies will open esrly in August . , ., — Paul Bordman writes, under date■ oi June 14, from the French Hospital, rJtw York City : "I'm much better and have In JJJ of leaving the above hospital, where I've been for four weeks, undergoing an opera" 0 * I expect to get out by the last of this v,f« or the middle of next." , ,. — Charles Howard will play the Jew, "» "Pair of Pinks."