The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 455 an d minstrel. TT^on Notes.— Bice & Barton's nSSw Villa, Centreport. LI., -' H nf a very pretty birthday 5 «J ifm honor of Harry Morris' birth- 5ft£! 23 Geo. W. Rices extenslva J, June ■"• .hrown open for the oc- 5 SPftS front°part of the inn and nk* "niuroinnted with colored lanterns. £ * 1 ',. 1 ir? "d about sundown, then the Kl"*" *i»,iclng was the feature of the * «T£mi r m* when the doors to the "•"ft.!?* hall were opened, showing banks rte*".l2Si iVrnuty rosea. At the head of I*fi*&t5T honored chair, completely * 2J wlfh "ems and roses. Mr. Mor- **£ .Jtbe banquet with an address. His i oj* 0 ^. 1 •.Gentlemen, ladles, friends, as *■ ! V the hill of prosperity may we ' "SEa a friend." TbeiTMrs. Al. Bell; ""nffS a crown of roses on Mr. Morris' jlft'Sa commenced the merry *?• Klrst on the bl were Ed. Mor- fff, sVTCfclV Mack, of Calllban and *,. in » mu«lcal stunt. Mr. Morris made "i't bit with bis famous song, "Hinkey ^ Wfisrs. ltlce and Barton gave imlta- * „f old time minstrels, Al. Bellman Bang 2 t, Selections, andllarry Bryant anc! C c p.tton did some buck dancing. George «« clever 'n his ragtime piano play- l - vL Charles Waldron, Mrs. Herbert '» Airs. Harry Bryant, Mrs. Al. Bellman, f tt MortacK, Mrs. fi. B. Patton, Nellie Jon and Mrs. George Bice entertained , rntlemen with some of the latest songs. ,Solon was one long to be remembered, {.,, a complete success. Mr. Morris was , wiolent of many mementoes. Stri Tbainob, of Tralnor and Button, r-« from Marlon, Ind.: "We opened the hm Summer Theatre June 23, and the ii was packed. We had a great open- ."bill and everything went off fine; not ad act on the bill. There are: Leo and SSl in their sketch, 'Wanted, a ■lfv ? De Varo and De Carlo, black face Tti, bar act; the Mack Sisters; Carlos if boy soprano; Burt Farkes, female lm- «:a:or; ielma Rollas, balladist; Eddy nil tbe aerial Adonis; Curtis Sisters; Ih Sawyer, contralto vocalist; Evans, iNi sad Evans, society sketch, and door and Button, eccentric and grotesque tetxt. This Is pronounced by press and 41c to be far and away the strongest In iber and best In quality of any vaude- * bill ever presented In this city. The uigtment—P. Bosbrugh, W. H. Moore and R.jeim—intend to continue this policy, rire the people their money's worth. j tlso intend to keep the Brook Theatre nine. Last night they Initiated me into Eagles, Marlon, 227, and they gave me tbe claws, bill and feathers necessary, I assure jou. There were three of us to 'trough—one big policeman, one big con- tor, and one little actor. They only time to give one of us the work, and— , what's the use—the actor got It." isile, Noel and Collins opened at ■in's Pastime Park June 29, with their sieging and dancing act, "Back from Minstrels." Miss Noel Is making a rted success In black face character. arts from Lexington Pabk. —The Pryor hers are herd this week, making tbelr 1 week on tbe Gorman park circuit. : week tbey play Maine for a few weeks, er of bill for this week: GUroy Haynes tgomery, Eldora and Nouna, Ah Ling, and Gilbert Sarony. Pryor Brothers, r finishing circuit, will take out tbelr company, playing Canada and New and for an Indefinite time, is following PEOPLE have signed with Utopians for next season: Emmonds. leraon and Emmonds. Joe Madden and i W. Jess, George B. Alexander and com- , Mcllea and Wyatt, Nice and Coy, ge H. Diamond, and Belle Harvey, tel Zelerko, musical director; Chas. Cox, inter; Chns. T. Lester, electrician, and following young ladles for the chorus: le Hamper, Estelle Asbton, Beatrice Ad- Kittle Evans, Inez George, Vivian Day- Lottie Knlgbt, Hattle Benjamin, Tlllie bar, Nancy Tempest, Jessie May, Mar- Easton, Buby Parker. Blanche Bose, e Lewis, and May Gathmann. Jess D. a will continue ss manager and W. V. logs will go la advance. is Hebberts ore now In their second on the Flynn circuit of parks, and are lug with greet success. They have a magic act completed, with many new i that are receiving rounds of applause. are booked solid up to September with Flynn. Next Fall they will have a I magic act, In which they will carry assistants and special scenery. with thing up to date. on and Berth Allen, after closing Eastern engagements at TJlmer Park, llyn, went to Olympla Park. MeKees- Fa. Then they play parks throughout is and Michigan. Their Summer sea- closes at Godfrey's Pavilion Theatre, i Rapids, Mich.. July 27, and then they 1 Mrs. Allen's home, at Oshkosb, Wis., it up during the month of August, after i they leave for 'Frisco, to open on the eutn circuit week of Sept. 7. They been very successful with their new act, re booked solid until up In 1904. J! , B ^ BI »IEU0BB AND LESLIE LYMAN) ■a at Tastor's June 22, In their new act, ed 'Mam'selle Mephisto," written by Jarrlemore, and it made an Instantane- »na pronounced hit. Managers and « were kind enough to say that It Is woDgest act of tbe kind ever seen, and ger Pastor was so Impressed with Its » that the act was Immediately en- iior an early return date as a feature. « and Clara Fellows, sketch team, players and comedian, now with the r concert and Comedy Co., under can- lavc been out eight weeks. (■j Dalton (late of the Dalton Bros.) -lara Boyle were guests of Thomas K. i in Stockton, Co]., recently, boating, ?£ »nd fishing from Mr. Byan's yacht. ff ( -°" r ' r| Kht and wife, Dick Mack, ur. and Mrs, Larry Connors were also fma. Mr. Dalton opens a twelve 1 engagement In and around Seattle, 'ROE m. Di Vebb, who Is engaged as »ut manager of Olympic Park, Lake- im'.." 13 sl 8ned for next season with •.Whitney's "When Johnny Comes nig Home" Co., to play a black face ili 11 )*? was a Clippeb caller last •Tr .? ted tDat he ■ spending a few at J<ottle Gllson's farm at Pearl Blver, He farther stated that they are iv ,1 C * ,n shape for coming season. ,_ 2,. Um - Habby 8. Bartlett are » ™ i ""varying success with their j musical act, and have been working ,k at P»***j and beaches since they lte ' r ? e season with "The Minister's C to, Ell,a,! ' Professionally known as i.njne, announces her marriage to tj Keardon, a non-professional. In Chl- a£, Jnne 19- She will retire from 'J' OI i°w'No are at Washington Park, 1T C V N - '■< this week: Frank Bush. tSKB Tr| o- Bice Bros., Harry . r ?.ra Sisters, Flossie Allen, Harry id r 0 Bnber, and Robert Cai- **jmm writes: "I will hereafter bill 2. I u .1 del ' th e nft m« of Zephyrette. n„ th M veudevllle feature of the '^"jn.Co., and has been well re- e^rvwbere." = 1 i.m. w 2 0D *.* novelty hoop roller, with ^«'<Js & Hanson Minstrels, reports Fields & Hanson's Notes.— The Symphony Quartet Is meeting with great succc/s Their singing is of the highest order, and they respond tp several encores nightly. Ail SH.'SE fe ave donne<1 tne ir Summer caps, S„m„ .„ r T , homa ?. LI P ton - wh| C» bears X S ame ' ' n ,f llv er letters and gold trimmlnsa Fields & Hanson's Minstrels. Kox and Ward are surely up to the times. They keen the audience in good humor from start to flnlsh .LJ^ti .specialty. Francis Wood, our champion hoop roller, Is a sure novelty. He o a S J?h f ew . ei".*- 1 *. <' "ny. In his Qnlque and classical act Geo. Donnldson, of the ?n, arte k.'?. wlnn A ne „ 8reat favor ,or "'a slug- n „^ P !L d3 .^ n . d '•""son are bitting them u ,ard with tbelr musical act. TheTr spS clalty Is a hard one to boat, and. Judging by the applause and shouts of laughter that greets them. It Is safe to say that they are among the leaders of musical specialty acts. »£ S MP*J! - doln B a side issue, entitled Watch the Professor." which Is a burlesque on the leading magicians of today, it is a big go. We have made such hits that tbe managers of the parks are requesting us to play return dates. We are all well and happy. Massoney and Habelmann have again signed with Waldron ft Bryant's Trocndero Co., making their third season. At present they are enjoying their vacation. Madge- Howabd, after closing a successful season with Hnrry Brynnfs Burlesque Co., Is spending the Summer in the mountains. Thos. II. O'Neil, who wns booked to play last week at the Sea Breeze Pavilion The- atre, Irondequolt, N. Y., U now at his home In Oswego, N. Y. ( suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism. Mr. O'Neil was compelled to close bis engagement at Iron Pier, Syracuse, N. Y., on Krfilay. week of June 22. Derenda and Breen have dissolved part- nership. Mr. Breen is working with bis wife. Maggie A. Carroll, Australian lady juggler. Geoboia Gardner and Job Maddern have attached another Btrong link to their chain of successful productions In vaudeville. On Monday, June 22, at Proctor's Newark The- atre, where they were featured, they made the most pronounced success of their career us a team In Will M. Crcssy's latest comedi- etta, entitled "A Rise In Rye." The sketch Is bright, humorous, and replete with action, and Is unquestionably one of the best sklta Mr. Cressy has ever written. Besides fur- nishing two excellent character opportunities for Miss Gardner and Mr. Maddern, there Is a strong third part in the new comedietta. T. W. DiNKi.Ns writes: "There is no truth In the report that tbe Innocent Maids will play the Independent circuit of burlesque houses next season." Sciiakfeb, Stilwell and Sciiaepbb closed their season with the Rush & Weber Black Crook Co. at Cleveland, O., and opened on the circuot of parks at Ilanlaa's Point, To- ronto, Can. Reynolds and Gracib write that they have Joined hands with Wsltcr C. Jones, and In the future will be known as Reynolds, JoDes and Reynolds. We open at the Car- bonate Theatre, Leadvllle, Col., June 0, with the entire circuit to follow. Cameron and Toledo, while playing Lake- view Casino, Kalamazoo, Mich., were enter- tained royally by Will J. Donnelly, general manager of Al. O. Field's Greater Minstrels. nt his Summer at Long Lake, and enjoyed a pleasant trip on his Hoe new steam launch Marie. Chas. J. Fat and Wikb, with Manager Will Severance and Prof. Adam Miller, are spending a few weeks fishing In the Upper Adlrondacks, after which Mr. I«'ay and his wife Join Bob Manchester's Vanity Fair Co. Steinert and Thomas will appear next week at Atlantic Garden, this city. McInttrb and Rice are booked for July on tbe Gorman circuit of parka Habri Klein and Pearl Clifton are this week at Crescent Park, Providence, R. I. TUB GREAT HARBECKS Are exnert hoop rollers, balancers, wire walkers and Jugglers. Mr. Ilarbeck entered the nrofesslon twenty-seven years ago, and bis wife has been In the business for eighteen years. During their stage career they have been Identified with many of the leading companies on the road, and have played most of the principal vaudeville houses In almost every country on the globe. Mr. Ilarbeck began his professional career m J Fj*£82S£m tSSS drifted Into the line of work which the team Is now doing Their greatest successes have been made In recent years, and their services have been In great demand in foreign .countries. They lay claim to being among the greatest travefers In tbe profession, having crossed the Atlantic Ocean ten times, be- fides traversing most of the big bodies of water in he world. They have made one comnlete tour around the world, and played In countries rarely visited by American per- formers. A? the present time they are one of the leading features at the OMki ..Japan Exhibition The Ilnrbccks own a club house in Newport, R. I., and It Is there they spend most of their time when they are In America and not performing. The Troubadour Foub write that they did not play Electric Park, Baltimore, nor Wool- worth's Roof Garden, Lancaster, Pa. They are at Sans Soucl Park, Chicago, this week. Walteb Leioii Is spending the Summer with his sister on a ranch In Oklahoma. Tun Majestic Musical Four (Collins. MnDell. Terrlll and Simon) have recently concluded engagements at Electric lark, Peeksklll; Washington Park, Bnyonne; At- lantic City, and this week are the featured attraction* at Spring Lake Park. Trenton. They have signed for next season with Quln- Ian & Wall's Minstrels, opening early In "tuh'kumins Trio arc meeting with suc ; cess in their new act, "The Bogus Count, over the New England circuit of parks. Eoward C. Ybaoer, tenor bnllndfs ..who Is singing; on the 8teel Pier, at Atlantic City, N. 1., with Murphy & Gibson's Min- strels, nas signed with tbe Wm. II. West Big Minstrel Jubilee for season UWffc . The De LAcsrs are in their second week at the Crystal Theatre, Denver, Col., and have Pueblo to follow. ... . _„.„. Crotti Trio are at their home at Orvllle, 0.. for the Summer. Tbey open on the Keith circuit In September, Sid Febn has taken charge of all book- ing at Chesapeake Bench, Md. Manaoeb Martin Lehman, of the Or- pheum Theatre circuit, located at Kansas City. Mo., and who has been spending n few weeks visiting New York, with his wife and daughter, left for Chicago last week. There nre whisperings In vaudeville circles that in- dicate still another extension of the or- pheum circuit „ . . .. Karl Oath gave a song recitnl at the San Juan, at Asbury Park, N. J., where he Is staying for the Summer, on June 2.J. nnd It proved a great success. He will ngnln be with John V. Vogel's Big Minstrels next season, It being his second season with that company. Jack Hughes writes: "Since closing my season with tbe Rice & Barton Co. I en- joyed a few weeks' rest at my home, at Webster, Mass. I have separated from my former jtartner. Recently I produced at the Palace Theatre, Boston, a new act, with three people, and hereafter It will be known as the Hughes Trio. The act is booked solid for the Summer." . _. Tub bi'iio Sisters (Babette and Clare) mourn the loss of tbelr mother, who died recently at Detroit, Mich. Frank Habcoubt, of Harcourt and May. was the guest of Conneaut (Ohio) Lodge of Eagles, which was Installed on Sunday, June 21 ; one hundred and twenty-three new mem- bers were on the charter and all had a very enjoyable time until late In the even- ing. Frank Tripp, pianist at the Empire Theatre, Ashtabula llarbor, furnished the music for tbe occasion. Tub Eldons have Joined Moore Bros. Stock at Duluth, Minn., for tbe Summer season, nnd have made a big bit with tbelr repertory of specialties. They have signed for next season with one of tbe big reper- tory companies. Emma Cotbelt, now with the Morris 4 Ilerger Carnival Co., will Join II. 8. Mitchell, with tbe Hoosler Circus Company, In August. Pearl Livinosion Banabtbb and Maude Gilbert Aldbicii, who have Joined hands in n singing specialty, have been engaged for W. B. Watson's Brooklyn Stock Co. Wallib Mack, advance representative, writes: "I have been engaged by Smith & La Hose to book tbelr new "Octoroon" Co., and time Is coming In fast. They will carry special scenery and printing. The route will be New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois. Tbe season will open about Sept 14, near New York City." Fobbar. tbe Juggler, Is playing Summer parks and meeting with success. He has signed for next season with L. M. Boyer's Who, What, When Minstrels. Doc WiMttkt general agent of the Ted E. Faust Minstrels, writes: "G. D. Cunning- ham, manager of the company, has opened a press bureau In New York City, and press stories are on the wing. Mr. Faust Is liber- ally backing Manager Cunningham's Ideas. The company will certainly be equipped In swell style. Pets Detzcl, a discovery, has signed to do an end and take part In the big dancing act. Ills work Is phenomenal, nnd he will be styled 'The Dancing Marvel.' lie Is at work on two new songs. Ted Golbrnlth, who Is to be In charge of tbe trio of second men abend of the minstrels, la at present at bis borne at New Philadelphia." Notes from Cauda Johnson's Octoroons. —We open at Fenton's Vaudeville Theatre, BufTnlo, N. Y., week of July U, with the fol- lowing people: Kd. Price nnd Beatrice Wells, Lew Francis and Ed. Williams, Magnolia Quartet, Kd. Davis. Will llnss. Lulu Mauley, Pearl Douglass, Annn Jordon, Bessie Os- borne, and Caddu Johnson and Verona Blanche. Tub Cheat Richards opened In n new musical comedy, entitled "Sweet Sixteen," June 29. at Iron Pier Theatre, Cane May, N. J., under the management of J. II. Wills. Claudius and Coruin, and "Uncle Lukb" will not play the Boom park circuit, but are at St. Louis, Forest Park, Highlands, July f>, Immediately followed by the Masonic Temple, Chicago, and the Orphcum circuit, opening In San Francisco, Cnl., July 20. Bert S. Kennedy, black brownie, has been lying very low with pleurisy and pneumonia, at Huckllcld, Me., for the past three weeks. O'Donnbll linos., Irish pipers, dancers nnd tiddlers, are the main feature In the Irish village at Luna Park. Coney Island, N. Y. Tbey arc booked for the season. Johnny Heii.i.y, a baton Juggler, writes from Chicago: "I have fully recovered, and have been discharged from the hospital here, where I was confined tor the past three months with rheumatic fever. I open at Ijiporte, Ind., July 4, with Prospect Heights Park, Peoria, III., week of July G." John 0. and Alice McDowell have been engaged for next season for the Warner & Altman "A Montana Outlaw" Co. Dickie Howard states that recently nt Denver, Col., he ptirchnscd the bulldog "Pantz,' one of Craig Bradford's fighting dogs. lizzie Herliiiy and Neli.ib Donavan will separate after their Boston engagement. Miss Hcrlehy will Join the "McFndden's Row of Flats" Co., and her partner will re- tire from tbe stage. Fbosto and Harvey, song Illustrators, who recently closed a fourten weeks' en- gagement with Kentfrow's Jolly Pathfinders, as a vaudeville feature, arc at tbelr home In Rochester, N. Y. They have a few parks booked, but will open the regular seiiKon on Aug. 24, with the Lonsdale Bros.' Big Minstrels, as Interlocutor and drum major, respectively, and do I heir act In the olio. Thompson and Skrida report success on the New England park clrclut. Tbey play Forest Casino, Rocky Point It I., for two weeks, commencing July 5. Next Bcoson they will Introduce their new Irish comedy net. Sammy Charcoal, the humming coon; who Is with J. W. Gorman's Troubadours for a season of sixteen weckB. Is working nloue. Koite writes that he has canceled bis Southern dates and is coming Hast Km si a Zti'ii Iisb returned from Cornwall, Can., where she has been visiting her parents. Miss Zeph bnB Joined bands with I.cno nnd Ridley, and the trio will be known as Lcno, Zepb and Ridley. Fields & Hanson's Minstrels are scoring unbounded success on tbe Boom circuit of New England parks. Nellie Johnston, of the Tiger Lilies Co., Is spending ber Summer nt the home of Cora De Forest at Newport, It. I. John Delmork and wife have spent a successful season in Baltimore, Md., and left for Washington June 20, wllb Occau City, Md.; Capo May, N. J., and Providence, R. I., to -follow. Charles L. Hammond, hoop roller and baton expert. Is In his twelfth week with Lucler's Minstrels, where bis net Is one of the features of the olio. Next season ho will Introduce his hoops with electric effects. Humes and Lewis, while playing Kings- ton, Can., were entertained nnd escorted through the camps of Ibe British army, where the army was In camp. A banquet was held by tbe officers at the marquis tent, where the leading otllcers were entertained by n number of the profession. F. W. Berry, of Howe, Berry and Walters, announces that bis wife presented blm with a daughter at Celeron Theatre, Jamestown, N. Y., on June 25. Herbert Blackiston, manager of the Cover Opera House, opened his first per- formance at Brldgevllle, Del., July 1, with Rice's Comedy and Vaudeville Co., with the following well known people: Vllow Temple, James Trultt, Lester Fnrrls, Mrs. tester Farrls, George II. Pratt, l'rof. W. C. Cowen, II. Blackiston, manager. Alice Dorothy opened nt tbe Casino Theatre, Ontario Bench, N. Y., June 8, and Is booked at that place tor the entire Sum- mer. Hows and Scott's new act Is meeting with succccss, tbey report, on the Keith circuit Nat Haines and Will Vidocq. with their families, started on a tour of the watering places extending to Aug. 31. Tbey are booked solid for next season. Tub World's Comedy Four (Conlnn. Ward, Dobbs and Leigh) played Idora Psrk, Youngs- town, O., last week, after closing nn en- gagement at 8nm T. Jack's Theatre, Chlcngo Harry M. Price and Madeline Saihil, German comedy sketch duo, played week of June 22, at llergonhau's Theatre, Midland Bench, N. Y., and were rc-cngnged for week of 20. Frbo Wardell, club Juggler, opened nt Ornuman's Theatre, Han Frnnelsro, Cnl., Willi the Chutes, and Portland and Seattle to follow. Max Rqyeb and Etta French, who opened their Summer season June IS, at the Wabash Pavilion, Logansport, Ind., have the Burt circuit or parks to follow. Eddib Hayes ano Mona Wynne played Proctor's Twenty-third Htrcet, this city, laBt week, and are this week at Keith's New Theatre, Philadelphia. They will shortly play a return date at Tony PaBtor's. IIii.L and Edmund, and Bare Ki.ore.nte report success playing the Southern pnrk circuit Their new sketch, by Arthur J. Iamb, entitled "A Cute Girl," Is, they In- form us, winning favorable comment from the press and public They were at River- side Park, Ashevllle, N. C, weeks of June 22 and 20, with the Hclsman Dramatic Stock Co. Marion and Deanb, In their comedy skit, "It's Up To You," have been well received on the Melville circuit of parks. Waldo Whipple opened on the Jos. J. Flynn circuit of parks June 20, for tbe Hum- mer. The Capital City Trio, Juvenile vocnllsts and talking comedians, have been compelled to cancel all dates during June, on account of sickness of "Little Kntliarvne." They ore booked up Into August, ana hope to bo able to go on the road after July 4. After ploying Keith's circuit next Fall, tbey con- template going abroad. The trio Is composed of Little Katharyne, Master Lawrence, and Miss Georgle, snd are tinder tbe manage- ment of Prof. L. Huntington. Phil La Toska writes: "I am meeting with success this season with my new net, and I am at present filling n two weeks engagement at the Bijou Theatre, Ban Diego, Cnl., with San Bernardino, Coronado Bench and Los Angeles to follow. I am booked solid up to September." Raymond Merritt writes: "I open In 'Frisco, July 12, for fifteen weeks, after which I return Kast. My new talking, sing- ing nnd dancing act is meeting with suc- cess." Bmckford and West (Lotlle nnd Mnrle), who recently closed a successful season with one of llurtlg ft Seiiinnn's shows, and were last week nt the Howard, Boston, have n circuit of New Knglaml parks to piny. Tbey report that their act, entitled "The Girls In Bed," has met with success. TitaEi.KEi.ii and Wickk wrlto: "We nro spending a pleasant Summer, In spite of the bnd wenlher. We are In our sixth week of Mummer parks, nnd are booked solid up lo Sept. 1. We opened at Sprlnghaiik Park, London, Can., and close Aug. 24, at Olympic Park, Chnttnnnogn, Teun. Wo don't causa nny great outbursts of enthusiasm with our net, but wo get our share nnd the results. We arc nt work every week, and Hint is what counts. Miss Wlckc Is winning many friends with her singing. She has n very fine opcrntlc soprano voice of great range and power. Wo have decided lo keep on with our musical act, nnd not put ou the magic inn act 'till next season." Burnett and Wevkrson, who opened their Summer season May in, at Torrlngton, Conn., were Inst week nt Mnstou, Pa. Their net has met with success wherever they have ap- peared, and they nro booked solid for the Summer. John 0. McDowell Is now In his sixth week of success in his black faro monologue, over tho Edward Shnyno circuit of narks. Ho was a big hit nt Cedar Point, Sandusky, (>.. Inst week, nnd tills week ho Is at Lake Side Park, Akron, O. Notes from Wm. Jam Daly's Minstrels. —Wo nre now Inking a trip through New York Slate, nnd 1 llilnk Hint by making a chnngo in locality wo have brought good weather. Wo nre playing this week to tho capacity of the pnrk, ond each performance brings big crowds. Our first part, In court costumes nnd while wigs, nnd the end men In red satin suits, presents n beautiful picture, but in addition to elegant costumes we carry the vocal mnterlnl so essential with minstrels. Our vocnl choir Is a fenture, nnd the soIoIhIr, Arthur Thrasher, Arthur Cnrlton, (Ins D. Wllks and Glover Wore, continue to do excellent work, In splto of this Injurious weal her to their voices. Cow- per nnd Miller, singers, dancers and com- edians, arc making good, nnd tho Unity Quartet received the highest praise for their harmonious work. Mac nnd Mac hold Iho audience to Die Inst inlnule, and send all home In good humor. Tiioh. B. Allen, musical director at Iho Howard, Boston, Inst senann, is now lender of the orrheslrn nt Freeuody Pnrk. Newport, It. I. The orchentrn consists of nine pieces, K. J. Qulry, pianist and manager. Mar Joyce lias lust closed an eight weeks' engagement nt the Orphcon Theatre, Daven- port, In., where she was quite a favorite. Miss Joyce In going to rest a week at one of the hikes In Wlscons'-i, after which she expects to go out to tho Pacific const A. It. WoiiiiiiiiLi, lias engaged for the High Rollers next season the following Initios: Misses Lclllott, Lntlnn, Ilnllle, 1'opo, Annie llimly, Belle nnd Carrie Krniiklln, Violet linneth, Mnmle Irwin, Pnula Mnson, May Warden, Mnrjorlo Ferguson, Theresa I.eland. Carrie Lees nnd Alice Nowlln, Louisa Rndner nnd Iinogeuc llrlntriip. The season opens Aug. 24. John J. Welch, the innn In white, who re- cently closed n successful twelve weeks' en- ?ngenient nn the (Irnumnn circuit In Call- urnln. In now playing Kd. Shields' circuit of linrks. nnd Is hooked for twelve weeks. Hayes and Whitehead, who recently finished a twelve weeks' cngngcnient on the (Irnumnn circuit, are now on the Kd. Shields clrrult, presenting their new act, entitled "Tho Piano Player and Ills Dancing Friend." Harry Aliirioiit, of Prior and Albright, Is working with Is wife, and they nro this week at Cincinnati, (>., with Commliun to follow. They report success with their new art. Duncan Clark, who Is summering nt Chi- cago, Is organizing his Lady Minstrel Co. to tnke the rond next Kail. Kor three years Mr. Clark has been out of the business, en- gaged In legal proceedings against the rail- road which wrecked Ills car, Injured him per- sonally, and killed several of his company. During that lime ho has had no attraction upon the rond, but Clark's Lndy Minstrels will go out In September well equipped with new scenery and n selected company. Fii.ron and Kuiioi. recently entertained Oplo Bend and II. H. Cnnflcld, another well known writer, nt their beautiful home, In Klmhiirat, a suburb of Chicago. Mr. Becd bus contracted with Mr. Fllson to write for his use in vaudeville a comedy sketch. W. Lawrence Oai.i.aiihkr, manager of tho Casino Theatre, Lawrence, Mass., Is stopping at Pleasant Bluff, Riverside, It. I. Mr. Uuf- higher will control four vaudeville houses on tho (Custom circuit during the coming season. Lawrcnco Aerie, F. O. H., 210, pre- sented Mr. Gallagher with a gold Kagla elm nn on May 110, Memphis Kennedy writes from Lander, Wyo.: "I nin on my third lour of Iho Yet-' lowslone National Pnrk, and expect to drlvo In about Aug. 1. This town (Lander) Is the furthest (Incorporated) from a railroad In the world, being ono hundred and thirty- Iwo miles from Rnwllngs. I asked for n Clipper when I first came, but won't do no again, for I was told I could get one In the hardware store across the road, nnd the clerk showed mo a pair of sheep alienrs, tho popular mid only 'dipper' known In this section. They expect the Iron cnyiiso to come snorting into this town 'some time!' as yon will notice by enclosed clipping from the Inst Isniio of Tho Mountaineer." Aha Bijttneii hns been spending Hie Sum- mer ns Hie guest nf Mrs. Wm. Sliver, of South Boston. Mass. Miss Iliiltner, who, during her three Hummers with Manager Wnldroii's Palace Thentro Htock Co., hns become a great favorite, hns entertained ninny friends during her vacation. Hho will shortly Join Clark's New Knynl Burlesque™ for her second season, as principal buy. K.m.merhon, Harris and Kmmkrnon have closed a season of thirty weeks playing dates. Next season Ihey will head their own company, In "A Trip to Hntiirn," a farce comedy, In three nets, written by J. J. Warren. A ha pouter was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank W. Berry, of Howe, Berry and Wal- ters, Thursday, June 25. Mother nnd child nre doing well. Flo. II. Wallace, coon shoiitcr, after a very pleasant and successful tour of Iho West nnd Honth, Is nt her Hummer residence at Highland Pnrk, New Brunswick, N. J,, where she Intends spending her vacation this Hummer. The Jimoi.iNO Mathieuh nre playing parks till Aug. 2, when lhey play the Mar- seille Temple Theatre, Chicago, with the orphcum and Kohl & Castle circuits to fol- low. They arc hooked solid null I Jan. 14. Sparrow, the mad Juggler, Is Inld up In a Brooklyn, N. Y., hospital with rheumatism.. Tin Hahtblmeh, Dorrls and Louis, foot Jugglers, opened on tho Liihclskl circuit Juno 22. nt the Novelty Theatre, Hacrampnto, Cal. Williams and Adams, after closing a successful season, are spending n few weeks In the Hot Hprlngs Mountains, Hot Springs, Ark. , " Kerns and Cuib nre spending a few days at Reed's Lake, Grand Rapids. Mich., as fnests of Edward Provost, of Provost nnd ■revost, who are playing the Kd. Shnyno park circuit for the Summer. Dorothy Kenton, hnnjolst, reports suc- cess at Roblson Park, Fort Wayne, Ind. Last week she plnyed Cnslno Theatre. Terra Haute, Ind,, and has the Masonic Temple Roof Garden, Chicago, to follow,