The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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476 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. July n. THEATRICAL WIGS RETAILED AT WHOLESALE PRICES. WATER CURLS flOVBRETTR WIGS, Centre PARTING or POMPADOUR. . SD.BO Others mado to order of NATURAL WAVY HAIR, SILK NETTING and best Workmanship, ill).00 to (10.00 each, according (0color. ALL KINDS GENTS' CHARACTER WIGS ta.BO GKNTa' DRESS WIGS ga.00 OLD MAIDS' WIGS »3.00 BIDDY WIGS 13.00 LADIES' DRESS WIGS $0.00, (10.00 Wo keep constantly In mock from 1,500 to 2,000 assorted WIrs which are well made and guaranteed tollt. These Wigs can be bought In all colors at the above prices; but not In Cray nor White. The same in Gray or White cost from (3.60 to $8.00 csch. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to mall orders. Goods sent C. O. D. anywhere on receipt of $1.00, which will be deducted from the bill. Estimates furnished for higher grade goods, made to order. NECRE8COU HAIR CO., 162 State St., 5th Floor, CHICAGO, ILL. ALT LAWRENCE, "VAUDEVILLE'S BEST MIMETIC." 'Wont go to Europe— —Too busy litre. # Cheap Stereoptioon Goods at cheap prices if you want them. Full Value for your money in apparatus of the finest quality. The Kleine series of Stereoptieon and Mov- ing Picture lenses, spe- cially made for us by Bausch & Lomb, is most complete and of 11 highest grade. Kleine Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns have been recognized as Standards for many years. New models mark further advance- ment. Edison kinetoscopes and Edison films need no endorsement. Uni- versally recognized as the best. KLEINE OPTICAL CO., MANUFACTURERS OF STEREOPTICONS AND SUPPLIES, 1 1 The largest i distributors of 1 Edison Kinetoscopes and Films in the country. L 52 STATE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. New York City, iar-i»o w. 3ad. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. General Selling Agents Edison Kinetoscopes and Films, Bausch & Lomb J Moving Pictures and I Stereoptieon lenses. J .-v5 HOOVERS NAME PLATE MACHINE New Model Out July 7. This NEW MODEL will be a MARVEL or SIMPLICITY and STRENGTH It Will be Next to an Impossibility for it to Get Out of Order Under Any Circumstances. HANDSOME IN EXTERNAL APPEARANCE. CAN BE ADJUSTED TO ANY NUMBER OF LETTERS REQUIRED. Including ROJULV. THE ROOVERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, &£'V2lu m S&,?!rs\. LUBIN'S FILMS ARE ORIGINAL Passion Play, Philippine Battles, Devil's Castle, Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Blue Beard, Joan of Arc, Astronomer's Dream, Trip to Mars, Gulliver's Travels, Christmas Dream, Mysterious Box, and a host of others ready for Immediate de- livery. NEW FILMS JU8T COMPLETED ARE: Cake Walk Infernal, Misfortune Never Comes Alone, The Marvelous Wreath, Belzebub's Daughter, Don't Get Cay with the Manicurist, A Shocking Incident, Caught Courting, The Hair Dresser, A Model Courtship, The Beauty Show, and one hundred others. List ready. All Films 80.0O per SO feet, or ELEVEN CENTS PER FOOT. The CINEOGBAPH with STEREOFTZGON COMBINED. IIUIUCDCII Hinntl Complete with KlectrloA Eft CVUIDITfflU llflnCI Complete with Electrto Lamp and Rheostat, #1C UnllCnoAL iflUUCL, Lamp and Rheostat. #9Ui LAmDlllUll mUUXL, fialolum Lamp, Films and 24 Slides. #IOi 21 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa, LAIIGK8T MA5UFACTURKR IN THE WORLD, Send 8 cents tor postage on Catalogue and Price List of our latest designs of theatrical lamps, we also carry In stock Moving Clouds, Lightning and Fire photographed from nature, which gives per- spective that can not be accomplished bj the de- sign being painted on lass. Also nave Rain- Water Ripple, Sand Storm, Rain and Snows. New and novel effects made to order. KaUtnates cheerfully given on every- thing In the ELECTRICAL theatrical line. Follow- ing Is a partial list of NEW YORK CITY PRO- DCCTI0N8 that I put on '•Arlsona," at the Academy; E. II. Sothern, "If I Were King," at the Garden. DON'T FORQET THI NUMBER, 1837-1S30 BROADWAY, NEW YORK MANAGERS, ATTENTION!! Recognized Managers of First Class Faroe Comedy, Burlesque, or Drama, WANTING a LEADIRQ C0MEMAH and 80UBRETTE, with EXCELLENT 8INGING VOICES, and that oan FLIT ANT PARTS CAST, and do an ENTIRELY NEW and ORIGINAL FEATURE SPEGIALTT, write quick or come and Bee William C. Louise INLET PAVILION, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ANOTHER MEW IDEA IN SHOW PRINTING. Easy to put up. Everlasting, attractive. Send for sample New Illustrated catalogue lust out. 7 * V "' MABS1LLOS SHOW PRINT, Ma«.illon, O. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F PROCTOR, Sole Proprietor and Manager. J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Devoted to Refined Entertainment. Proctor's Rth Ave. Theatre, Proctor's 23d St. Theatre, Proctor's 58th St. Theatre, Proctor's 125th St. Theatre, Proctor's Newark Theatre, Proctor's Albany Theatre, Proctor's Montreal Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Presenting Beat Plays* WANTED, BEST ACTS IN VAUDEVILLE. It you do not receive a reply, It may be because the time Is Ailed; you are therefore advised to write again In (our weeks. Do NOT enclosed stamp for reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: », n , plots of acts; If can open and close In one: HXACT time of acts, and of "close In;" billing for newspaper* and programmes; and CLEAN PHOTOGRAPHS for LOBBIES TWO WEEKS In ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT BACH HOUSE, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY With these INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to the RISK OF CANCELLATION. VAUDEVILLE REHEARSALS MONDAYS, 9 to 11 o'clock A. M., SHARP. Playwrights, Authors and Play Agents, ad dress J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager. . Vaudeville Artists and Players, address r. F. PROOTOn JR., Booking Department, FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, W. Y. CITY SEND 401». FOR CATALOGUE No. «. 110 AND 112 GREENE 8T. (Near Prince), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,.. Tights, Wigs, .., THEATRICAL JEWELRY) y*r Gold I Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., Wa tind goods C. 0. D., subjict lo Impaction, but rtqulra a Dipotlt on all Orders, Send tola, for No, Send tots. for Catalogue No. 6. For the Knights OF AK-SAH-BEN CARNIVAL AND FALL FESTIVITIES, Oct. 1 to Oct. 10. Attend- ance, Last Year, 280,000. Can use Oriental and Foreign Shows of All kinds on percentage. Also all kinds of Mechanical Hiding Devices. Who has a Miniature Railway; AddroBS "PONY" MOORE, Mgr.. Rooms 317-2181st Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED. All Kinds OF Carnival Attractions Attention. Band and Orchestra Leaders! Do you want to Learn to Compose and Arrange Music 1 If so, send He. stamp for trl%l lesson. Nothing to pay until you have been taught Lessons f, 2 and 3. If these lessons do not convince you that this is Strictly Leglt- linate, then, Thsy are Free. Don't write un- less you have a thorough knowledge of the rudi- ments of music, and Mean Business. O. W. WILCOX (Harmonist), 1530 Bioadway, N.TT. WANTED, From 100 to 400 head of Horses and Cattle. Oan shelter entire Wld West. The drought East and the Hood West will demand high prices for feed. I raise most ot the feed, and therefore am pre- pared to shelter at the following prices: Large horses, (8.50 per head per month; 13 per head per month for ponies, $2 for cattle. OTTO FUNK, Rural No. 8. lllllsboro, Mont Co., III. PHOTOGRAPHS Cabinet Photos of yourself for Belling, 915 per 1,000. Send photo or neg. and 20c. for samples. CIITIIDE HUSBAND OR WIFE PBOTOS, »a.00 rUI UnC per 1,000. FORTUNES, Wo.; Samp. loo. ClflT UlPUf IICC ForL - Otters and Futures. OLUI fflALninC0EDENA8TUD10,rhlla.,Pa. Roover's Name Plates 10 Second Hand. Latest model, with letters and figures. In perfect work- ing order; been used hut a short time, f 50.00 BACH, Separately or Together. "A SNAP." First money takes them. We Manufacture, Buy, Sell or Exchange An;- thing in the Market. Rlggs Amusement Co., 41 ft 43 University Plsce, New York cliy. UNIVERSAL EDISON EXHIBITORS' KINETOSCOPES • FILMS* New ftSaVMD Hand UHTERHS nuiS&SUDES OUGHT 8c SOLD 809FU&OTSE \f^ NEM m IBBMIggg For Sale, 750 SECOND HAND Plush Chairs ■ IN GOOD CONDITION. AMERICAN SCHOOL FURNITURE CO., 10, HI, M West 18th St.. New V"* CI ± L Dental Manager WANTED FOR LARGE NEW YORK ADVERTISING V M|j TAL OFFICES. Must lie thoroughly experuni" In dentistry. A qualllled dentist preferred. '" manont position. Answer fully, f "*" l m ; li lu " ences. experience and compensation wanii".,, Address "DENTIST, a Park Row, Room 80, New Yorfc_ J. W. GORMAN'S PARK CIBCPIT Vast offer Good Vaudeville Acta Send route, open daten and whiry. J. W. GORMAN, 180 Tremont St.. Bi