The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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JULY IB. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 493 WARNING. MOONLIGHT ON THE MISSISSIPPI, A Picturesque Sketch of the Sunny South, FRESKNTBD BY LEW DOCKSTADER'S GREAT MINSTREL COMPANY. STAGED BY J AS. H. DECKER, INTRODUCING CARROLL JOHNSON AND 40 CHAMPION DANCERS 40 This Act is Only Copyrighted, and any Infringment will be Prosecuted. North Alabama Circuit, DECATUR, SHEFFIELD and HUNTSVILLE. Now Booking Season 1903-04. Why make the Jump when 7011 can piny LIVE ORES 1 Can play an; house in circuit, and dike cither Memphis, Chattanooga, Nashville or Birmingham following night. Electric car lines now under cim.lriiction In both Decatnr and. Sheffield. • Large electric ceiling fans In house at Decatur. jlKPKRTOIRK COS. can make good In late Hummer or early Fall months, Sdelllcld house remodeled throughout.- Greatly Increased population. THOS. P. LITTLEJOHN, Decatnr, Ala. (Cut this out and keep In route book). The Nellie Long Stock Co. WANTED, Woman for Leads and Heavies, must be Young and Good Looking; Al Character Woman, with or wlthont Specialties; General Business Woman, with Specialty; Al Han for Heavies, Character Han, with Specialty, and others. Ability and wardrobe must be of the best. If you can't make good don't write. Send photo, programs unit lowest .salary, with expenses, In first letter. RF.IIEAHSALS START AUK. 10. SEASON OPENS kVC, 21. Those engaged send permanent address at once. Address OHAS. W. BBNNBR, M1K..I Main St,, Columbus, Ohio. N. B.-1IAVE WEEK8 OF KOV. 16 and JAN. 4 OPEN FOR PA. SHflWfi WABTPTI I>0(1 AN " PONY CIRCUS. ANIMAL ARENA, CAIRO and One or Two other UUV110 nan A aw, percentage shows, either canvas or platform, needed to complete THE WILL S. HECK 1WEW BXPOSITIDM CQMPAiBY llmye 7 Shows, and need toe above to complete. IF YOU HAVE A GOOD, STRONG SHOW OF ANY KIND, are tired of ipaylng big percentages, or playing with companies that bill their stauda only 8 days •head, let mo hear fro m you. Will positively open at the XEJJIRGTOH HORSB SHOW FAIR AND CARNIVAL, I.KXINllTON Ky. 8 'Bid DAYS AND NIGHTS, BEOINN1NO MONDAY, AUG. 10. FREB STREET MIRS IN BEST CITIES OCT WEST TO FOLLOW. Can use one more good FREE ACT. Also FIRST cuss PROMOTER. Canvas Men, Electricians, Property Men, Performers and Peoplo experienced In «ll lines of carnival Work, write. Address WILL S. HECK, 124 West Liberty St., Cincinnati, O. FOR HILDA TUCKER COMPANY FULL ACTING COMPANY FOR ROAD AND STOCK. BAND AND ORCHESTRA, MUST BE DP-TO-DATE MUSICIANS, and have their own uniforms. uJkBSSQ! ln Western Pennsylvania, we have a few wooksopen yet. ALL SPECIAL; PAPER AND WESBRY FOR EVERY PRODUCTION. Watch the Little Woman Grow. Harry Andrews, write. Address J. A. I1ROSIUS, Pittsburg Dramatic Vaudeville Agency, No. 403 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. 10TICB, OF REPERTOIRE COMPANIES^-A POSITIVE FEATURE. Change for one week. tUNinnnc Both play parts. OP FARCE COMEDY COS. Two useful and versatile peoplo, with ■uuiaUfcHB. strong specially. OF PARKS and VAUDEVILLE HOUSES-We have afew weeks oi>en AMicviiic, N. C, July 4,1903.—Hill and Edmunds and Baby Florence have lust played my Riverside Ca- "no for 1 wo woeks, and more than made good. Their specialties met with splendid success, and in w»ylng parts they proved both clover and versatile. Baby Florence Is a big hit, and won tremendous roirolsorapplsuse. A lu-engageinentalways awaits litem at my hoiiso-J. W. UKRSMAN. We—the » ,h "We Suiek Co., emlorHethe above—Fred Do Von, W. II. Holmes, Gertrude Claire, Madeline Good- J'J.». II. Ilatnmot, Will A. Potors, Arthur J. Price, Wtlincr Waller, Evelyn Hiirksdule. Last week— "treated the dose at Clillhowheo Park, with Pcrtichl-Heldenl Co., at Rnoxvllle. Tonn. This week doing | e * nlll ° at Hyatt's Park, Columbia, S. C, wliereall mall should bo addressed. I WANT IJIVIF^ORM® Full equipment, for celebmted Chullcnge Band and Orchestra connected with TRIXIE MONROE COMPANT ^".■"recllooProf. L. J. Ohamborlaln. If you have anything to offer, write quick. Only the best "anted. Submit rock bottom cash prico with description, full particulars ami designs. m ' . HARRY C. MORTON, Mlddlohiirg, Snyder Co.. Pa. Wanted quick, BAttn& V J&AS««Ara. PYRAMID BUILDERS AND TDMBLERS, HINDOOS, JAPS, 'CYCLE WHIRL rA?. Rt1 ' ''OMPEltS, BALANCERS and All Kinds of Silent Open Air Acts for Streets of India, to open Siegman <5Weil 110 AND 112 GREENE 8T. (Near Prince), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,... Tights, Wigs, ... THEATRICAL JEWELRY) Gold i Silver Trimmings. Spangles, Etc., We und goods c. 0. D., ubjtci to Intaictitn, but require a Depwlt en all Ordere, ■nmioak FOB CATALOG Uli Ho, 1. Send iota, for atal No. catalogue for ataloaroa No. a. 1003 ieo4 CATALOGUE fi.OOO copies ready July l. The many changes make the old catalogue useless. Drop a postal fur a now one, so as to avoid delay, . C. A. TAYLOR Truck Works. 39 A 41 E. Randolph St., ISO W. Madison St, CHICAGO; 131 W. 38th St.. NEW YORK THE ONLY PLACES TAYLOR TBOIIS Can lie bought. We MM no Agincltt. PRINTING TENT SHOWS SEND FOR PRICB8-CATAL.OOCK. HENSEQAW& CO., 'WUVtf. ST" SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-ease, a powder. It cureB painful, smarting, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails, ami Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try It today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By malt for 26c. In stamps. Trial package FREE. Address ALLEN S . OLMSTED. Lo Hoy, N. Y. SUBURB OF CIIICAUO. PALOS PARK The scenery of wooded hill* with creeks and springs makes it a charming place for home. It Is healthful and restful. Fare 13c. Many families have located, and among them quite a few families of actors who And It convenient to their business and a fine place for home. We sell large lota, Mix 160ft,, on timbered hills, at IKtf; f 10 cash and $6 monthly; send for literature; names of actors given by request, Monson * Co., 144 La Salle St.,Chicago. Ne. 37 Kingston SI., Boston, Mau., U. 8. A. Manufacturers of Sllkolene Tights, (3.60: Worsted Tights, |2.00; Cotton Tights, ll.oo; Equestrian Shirts, same price as lights. A special discount of 10 per cent, allowed on all goods. Give us a trial; that Is all we aak. Write for prices on any- thing In the knit goods line. Deposit required on all orders. LEVIN BROS. ALL KINDS OF GOODS HANDLED BT STREETSER. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 80-82 N. «h St. Terra Ila.Hr, Ind. Thomson 8 Vandiveer's Circus, MenagerU and Hlppodriii Tints Have a record of over forty years as being a upcrlor In Material, Finish, Workmanship, Style, Durabil- ity and Economy to all others manufactured. Es- timates given on application. No. 230-233 K. THIRD ST., Cincinnati, 0. Prizes and Gift* for AH Gamos, Jewelry nnd Novelties for Souvenir titnnds, Parks, Seashore, Curnivaln and Theatres. CHEAPEST ESTABLISHMENT IN NEW YORK. ALFRED GUGGENHEIM, 529 Broadway, cor. Spring Street, N. Y. City. 1 MOTION PICTURES, complete outfit with operator for Parks, Lawns, Fairs, etc.; latest Imported dims from Europe, 200 up-to-date subjects. Films rented by the weok or month, wookly change: also tho Juvenile operas, Llllputlans and Midgets. Write for special circulars, terms, etc. F. H. DECKER A CO.. 166 Fifth Ave., New York. ,? S N**kMloh.; Milwaukee, W1b., July 20 lo 31. . „ ... ,„ ,, <Wi„h VAN ™> TO BUY, 400 feet of Side Wall and Top between 28 and.« and 66 to 78. -■aription, condltlou anil lowest price. ___^____^____ Olvo SAILING DOWN THE A Summer Time Song Hit. BAY, THE THOMPSON MUSIC CO., 276 Wabash Ave., Chicago. SEND TODAY FOR FREE PROFESSIONAL COPIES. SURPRISE TO ALL. w?l , '.!, k " own Ke|>erioln.Shn»'. Ten vnirs' <fiauillug. The b-ader of them all. ««n ha IpiikpiI ror ^UesMon very reasonable Time"ill booked In good towns. Sutllelent scenery and props., good wSuffl .""""'.Plars A show "Sli' a name ilia! speaks for Itself. Reason for letting, expect to star "flight stands. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. Address ley letter, REPERTOIRE STAR, Care of CLIPPER. Acme Studio, 49 AND 61 WEST 28TH ST., N. Y., Art Photographers SPECIAL RATES TO TUB PROFESSION. Up to date and novol effects ln Lobby display photos. BEST PRICKS PAID FOR FILMS, FILMS, IF GOOD SUIUEC'irf IN FINE CONDITION, Bond list for estimate. Picture Machines, FILMS. Sougs, Etc., wanted. HARBACH& CO., 809 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. AT L1BEBTT SEASM 1903-04, A. ROBERT 60ERISH, LIGHT COMEDY WITH SPECIALTIES. HEIGHT, 6M. mil. Address 241 DEAR HORN AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. TYPEWRITERS Sent to any part of the U.S.on monthly oayments. Thousands now In use in Show Business. M. nitOOKH. 2ii7 K. lith St., N. Y. City. N. Y. BroDst Trio• OBORGE, MADGE and YOUNG "SKATES," combining pleasure with work; on the Lakes' Ihrougn Mich. Home address, POTTSVILLE, PA, ARTISTS ENGAGED FOR THE QUINLAN & WALL Imperial Minstrels, Arc requested to roport for Rohonnwl at LYCEUM THKATRE, KLMIBA, New York, as.follows: Dnncors, MONDAY, July 27, at teu o'clock. All other artists THUKSDAY, July aO, at ton o'clock. V^ANTED, For THE WORLD'S GREATEST MINSTREL ACHIEVEMENT, Double Bass and Tuba, Clarionet, Band and Orchestra; Baud Director to play Cor- net, Band and Orchestra; Euphonium to Double Viola, LIBERAL salaries paid proficient performers on these sovoral instruments. Perfection in your work an absolute requisite by the management. ITOR SALE CHEAP, Complete sot of the splendid Parade and First Part Costumes of last season, in first class condition. * Tho youngest, nowost, swellcst will adhere to its policy of overything new and original each season. It was unanimously pronounced great last season, it will bo greater the coming season. DAN QUINLAN and JIMMY WALL, Sole Owners. ArtistB kindly acknowledge Call, and all CominunicatioiiH plcaso address to DAN QUINLAN, Manager, Elmira, New York. DIII jSaTRV-jP^WA a^ •:> JB WANT ATTRACTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Privileges lo let. 1H,000 people last year. Address W. S. LOCKHflRT, Secretary, McDonald, Pa. A National FK oern It lo n. HI HENRY'S FAMOUS MINSTRELS, High Grade, Superbly Mounted, Strongly Diversified and Eminently Successful, Local Managers, Performer., Singer. (While Knee). Musli-ln nm Dally Parade, one hour. Address III lIKNltr, Mule Proprietor, llnlel Saratoga, Dearborn Hlreol, Chicago, III. S FRED WENZEL, AT LIBERTY TOR COMING SEASON. Address IONA, l_. I., N. V. Intelligent and pleasing and attractive In appearance • * has a good supporting uoinpany—SACRA- MKNTO BKK. "Clara Mathes nssiiiiie.11 ho line role With onllrosni:ccsH » * It was, in fuel, eapllally arti'.d under Ihelnlluenceof an informingliitflllgenecand correct, inlerprolatlnnof a r«li' Hint one. parti, cleover-coloied or iinderated would baeaaaa a ilramallc otletisu." haciiami:nti) RKUORD UNION. Wanted, Aotors, Singers, Spooiallsta. Pleased lo hear from those who wrote before. Htato lull nun liiiim «. Khskm ii adrtn-y, CLARA MATIIKS, cure P. Schailli, tU4 "llflon Ave., Nowark, N. i. Western address, CLARA MATUKS, care Wins. I.lndsay, Winnipeg Theatre, Winnipeg, Miioltoha. Great Western Circuit. No need of being Idle. All Performers |>lu> 1i»k West Start on Hie Ureal Western Circuit of 40 week. I»y iNtrllMtlMg nt the COMBiNATlOrY THHATHK, Oeml wnorl, S. D. The heat or salaries. Nothing too nltfh for this Clrriilt, and your iimney In gold. You piny the following nlllesi Butte, Helena, ill..mile, Mpokane, fleaille, forlland anil Hrlllsh CoIiihiIiIiii then In to 'Frisco. Tickets farnlthed lo perform- ers af repntrntliiii. Flr«i class salary lo < lim u« Olrls, and a Innpf engagement. A.lilres. all letters lo WILY WliLIANS, Combination Theatre, Deadwoott, M. 11. UfAAJTCn that Can Double Band anil Orchestra. Han rAH HBH 1 til. '*' Cloy Smell Pulls unil Umitile Cornel nr Triimbnne, I* II K ■■■•■»■ MV| Tuba Pluyer Double Pluno. ■■#■■ A USD TWO COW IIOYH WITH IIORHKS, TO WORK IN STRKKT 1'ARAHK. A MONTANA OUTLAW CO. Aildrois 8KA80N OPKNS ADO. IS. PIJM, PARTICIII.AKS FIRST l-KTT WARNF.R A Al.TMAN, Lyceum Theatre, Detroit, Mich. *— KR. WANl'UD, WANTED, Cole Younger & Frank James' Wild West Shows, People In all branches ol the Wild Wosl business ror tho Arena, Cow Hoys that can rldo bucking horses, Soldiers that can rld« monkey drill, and all acts suitable for a wild West Show. For Urn Hide Show and Concert—Ladle* that can slug and il.nco, Ladv Hag Puncher, Lad* Contortionist, Tattooed Man that can tattoo, and all kinds of gmnl Side Show Ads. side Show and Concert People, address LEW NICHOLS. Arena Pimple, address J ACK JOY0K. Write or wire Corry, Pa., July IS: Krte, Pa„ July go. lernsteln "Trio TO MANAOBtta AND AUBNTS. BIKDIH. MAC, MTTMt HUTU, VAUDEVILLE'S HKKillTKST JUYKNILE ARTISTS, making a big hit with tholr Refined Hinging and Dancing Act. Have a few weeks open for Summer Parks anil Theatres. Al Liberty for Farce Comedy, Vaudeville, or any good company for next season. Permanent add., saa WOODLAND AVIS., Cleveland, 0. DP u « YANKAUER & CO.. MANVPACTCHlSUa, 156 WEST B'WAY, I. T. SHELLED POPCORN AT WHOLESALE, ADR 8UITI.IKU. f*TTBOT TT?P cuius, batons, ocns, rom.ino uoopb. ljlJj7rLllLlJ OLORKS, (WHAN AXKR. Anrthlng In the ■*""■ ■■■•aaws j u »»iij,g une. Best Ooods. Lowest Prioei. A stamp for a 1t08 OATALOO AND DEW JH00LBR8' BOOK. Address W. VAN WYOK. ienr.-«j Pullaii Ave.. Clni-lnniill, O., IJ. S. A. Once I Had A Sweeihean vs , , <s ^i ^ Hwectest, prettiest love ballad ever written. Pror. opy ami orchestration for stamp* and program