The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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494 THE NEV "YOEK 'CLIPPEE.t NOW AT HOME IN THE FINEST OFFICES IN At 31 West 3lat ist, Two Doors East of Bro»?Jwpy & tlxe Same, from Season to Se-asoia, tJa.e Of . Always in the Swim. This is One of th ilore Genuine Song Hits from Year to Yea " N° Dead Songs Ever Afp^r Upon Hi, . Makers Lmpjoyedi Scfcgs^hat Make • ..jicert Songs, Descriptive Ballads. Beautiful Songs in Manuscript Form, if Desired, by Callini; rj r Latent Pathetlo Child Song Success Now Ready. A companion song to Harris' famous "Hello, Central, Give Me Heaven," and destined to become ju_t as popular. The M Cl Beautiful Slides Ever Mannfactnred, Now Ready. Regular Price, 112.00. Oar Price during the season, S5.00 per Bet. I KNEW AT FIRST SIGHT THAT I LOVED TOO. V " • ' » '- B « • - ln'HKII AltD'r end IIIBRI.E, Authors of "The Runaway*.' 1 ftlagnlflreut Ssiitlmeiital Love Ballad, auiig with Ureal Success by BENJAMIN HOWARD, with Shubert Bros.'"Chinese Honeymoon" Co. DOWN WHERE THE BREEZES BLOW, EMMA CARl's. '1 ii rllli Firs! Night Waltz Sung Henna I Ion, Destined to be the Season's Greatest Waltz Song Surcesa. IN THE HILLS OF OLD I'll AS. K. UAH HI-, Besntlful Pastoral Song, as only HARRIS ran write, a sarrosaor to "'Mid the Ureea I'lelda of Virginia." The sll.lex to this sung were specially poied In t'arullna, anil are without doubt lit ' Finest Colored Slides ever turned out by the HARRIS HOIISK. Regular price, 814.U0 |ter set. Special Suiumi i Rale, $"..ou per net. -., ' By JOE K. HOWARD, of HOWARD and K1IKIISOR. The lilt of The Pai-nders, and conceded by all High Class Artists to be the Ileal. Song of lta Kind written this season. Uy JOSKP1IK, HOWARD nuil HAVMOM) PECK. Prom Chicago's Ulg Production Success, the "Parodera," and Bnng to Ten Encores nt Kvery Perrormunee. A Ureal Song Tor Farce Comedy Mlnstre-ls and Burlesque Cos. Mow Ready. HONEY, SEND HOME FOR MONEY M HOWARD and PECK'S ~ _"*....._ a *'.... h Ohhm WW Id -_# a 1* .. IlUa *-._ .1 _.-.*« Uli.,,.. &}.-.«* ail ■■ .__•_.■ .. ■ _ _,_ Ureal Coon Song Hit of the "Parader" Show. Now Ready, All Restriction Being Removed. JUST ACROSS THE By HOWARD and EMERSON. The Ballad lilt of the "Tnm Tom" Production. All Rctilctloiis now being Removed, Professional* Can Now Procure Full Copies. By Ul'llKIIARUT and HCOHELL, Authors of "The Uuawuvi. The Moat Up To Date Conn Song Written This Season. AND DON'T OVERLOOK THE HARRIS STANDARD SONG SUCCESSES OF THE Which inoludes the* Moat Famous Ballad Writton Since "Ar="TH:W THE E3AI I'M WEARING MY HEART AWAY FOR YOU, HONEY, WILL YOU MISS ME WHEN I'M CONE, IN DEAR OLD FAIRY LAND, PAINT ME A PICTURE OF MAMA, THE LITTLE PLACE THAT I CALL HOME, EACH DAY YOU SWEETER CROW, COME TO TOWN WITH ME, JANE Always In attendan •■it Cempoor of the f Ai the CHICAGO „ HcregnWed Profeaalonals can A.I ________■ !.>_« 1.... „ .,.. >__«__■ JUST NEXT DOOR, TO-NICHT OF ALL NICHTS, IF YOU WERE ONLY HERE TO- MY WATER LOU, THE STAR AND THE FLOWER, JACK AND RUTH, "NANNETTE" "BABE," IF YOU WERE LIKE A ROSE. w iwi-H ««'» ■«■-, w«i-i-., ir i vrw wCttC I_,l|\t A KUSE. ndnnce at the HOME OPFIORt AI.. I.A HIE, the well known Pianist and Arranger; PIHI,. COLLINS, the beat known Lender --■■ ■■—■ '.. _____ .. .i.mst m "Comedy King" and "King's Fool'' -larches; SYl.VIO 11KIN, one of.the rtne.t Pianists and* In New York Pianist In the bualness| CIIAS. R. HIK*'. JOOKFICKi OH AH. BROWN, Composer or the famous Two-Step, "The Mobile Prance and Uiintuloo," Is always In ntieiidaite- a. ™,-ii . ,,., . ..... .„_ ... — ... I.. I ideationals can secure any of the above songs, by tailing »l the "Sew York or Chicago Offices, if you are to »Ut II AHHiV .. W f" * H HH * L ' »«'<'Hs-RT. the best Pianist In I stlona Iter songs must be sent to the HOME OFFICE, to • "" ."«•»«" or his managers, no programmes necessary. plssli* rhlc'l'' l*rt us^ as lami ■ nnrsaiuiims ■ s-. sa m • • ■» « • en; All vommiinlcat lon» lor songs utuat be ae 3 1 West 3 1 Chicago Offloo, Ogden Bid., cor. Clark and t-aUe S-t . HARRIS, M0 r ' And Last, but not Least, the Old Reliable, MEYER COHEN, is Still Manager of the Now York Office notwithstanding all report! «■ the contrary. Come np and see the difference. All treated alike. ' notwitnstanaing »« ***