The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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july;1$ THE NEW YORK CLIPPER.. m HARRY AND FLORA BLAKE, monds mid renewing-odd acquaintances in Now. York, Boston, Lotrell, Piewtdenco and 'COULD NOT REFUSE THElINDUCEMENTS. H«»« arrived from Bnropo after art absence ornioo yean from U. ti. A. 'i'bnnhs to man- ngcre for uurherona' offotH sllitio onr arrival, but we ore not h«o to workyjult t&kiOR a much nooded nit mA holiday,, vlntriog friondsiinrt renewing old acquaintances in New.. York, 1 Detroit, cto. Wesml buck Au<?. 'id, per S. S,' New York (■Amenciiu Lino), Hooved abroad nntil lUOfl. Address • • •<■• 2(0 Second Avenue, New York City Phone, 2,<12iuJ. Orobnrri, Bungle Boo-Loo Babies DESERTS VAUDEVILLE, JOINS BIG FARCE COMEDY FOR FORTY WEEKS AUGUST 10, "A WORLD WIDE CIRCULATION." THE OLDEST ASD MOST INFLCESTIAL THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. ; , r , jw) "«' "•**>«'r r -'ESTABLISHED' l WIIi--' : - *• - : - 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. FOHEIGX SUBSCRIPT IO.Y8, 3»s. per innara. '■ ' PROFESSIONAL, ADVERTISEMENTS, od, per Urn*. UIEBIOM ARTISTES YBIT INQ THE HBTR0P0L1S USE THE EBA OFFICES 18 -- ■'■' THEIH PERMANENT LOSDOH ADDRESS, 2,500 ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY i.llIKk'ITU'S IlHKI'HATir, Nlil KA1,- UIA and HEADACHE TABLETS. RKLIBKIN 20 MINUTES. A certain cure for lniluinntatnry, muscular and ibrenic rlieiunalNm, coy I. sciatica, cold.', la rrippf, pains la the shoulders, arms, lees, back, stiff Johns, neck, etc.; soc. In box. Impure ul 4roRiri«l*. or scnthymalL FOR FURTHER PROOF a trial package will lie mailed to you on irrcipt of a 10c coin. W. ||. GRIFFITH, Ph. <:., Prucriptlon Pharmacist, 6T Third Avenue, cor. Illli Street, New York City. From Mrr-Ett. tester, sMIiigget Trie;" MB. WH. IL' GRlFFtTII-lJKAlHlK: It adorns me 'great pleasure to add my tcsUnmt.ial lo the ninny you receive, nod »o : r clily deserve, and do- ing so I deem It my duty, not only to, my hrother and sister professionals, hut to any who art; arlllcled. I can cheerfully vouch tor the immedi- ate relief my wife experienced after one t rial of vour Rheumatic, Neuralgia and Headache Tablets, 1 will highly recommend your Tablets to all suhirers. WANTED, AT ALL TIMES, Specialty Artists and Burlesque Women CHAS. M. WALDRON, PALACE THEATRE, BOSTON, MASS. THOMPSON OPERA HOUSE Thomasville, Oa. IVOIV BOOKING 1903-4. Tbe best time to plsy with uk is after either.. Sivannnb. or Albany. Ga;_ Jacksonville or Tillnhassc, Fla., or Montgomery, Ala., ns yon arrive in'onr city in the middle'er thodsy ftoui these points, though yon can ploy'us after Columbus, Amorieus or Macon, Ga, arriving abont-GP. M. - • • •■ ■ .-_..:. 20th lompany toth BARLOW and WILSON'S GREATER NEW YORK MINSTRELS. \V a lVFSftle .'lsti-yutfln; 2d Violin, 13). Trombones, Tuha lo douhlc B. & o., also double " '*•** IJalTj Bass and Tuha, Trap Dm •nincr,Cliirmin!i, Man 10 run Tli'lure Machine. To "fen Aug. i4. Address LAWKENCK BARLOW, Manager, 64 Main Sireel, Danltory, Conn. PRIVILEGE MEN, ATTENTION! MERCHANTS' FALL FESTIVAL and INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION ( lit RLINGTOS, VT., AUG. 31 TO SEPT. 5, INCBUSIVB. i ■ . {•very prlvllegri In the blit event for Hale. : Over. 80,ooo people sure' lo be present All of Vermoni, vmiieni New York and the Southeastern tin rt ot Catiada t<> draw from. Low rates and special excur- iiom l.y rail and waicr. HIGHEST EVKN1' VERMONT HAS EVKR HAD: Aniusometit attractions lo be "rnlslied by the GASKILL-MUNliV-LKVITT COMPANY. Hurry up If you desire to lie one of Hie money ty 1 "*- Address MERCHANTS' FALL FESTIVAL ASSO.,,0. A. liarlajr, Secy,, Bnrllngton, VL A. KOEHLER & CO., Theatrical Costumers. B?JS^ffi*MBS* OR INDIVIDUALS FITTED OCT. PRICES REASONABLE, ESTIMATES HKNisiiED.THEATRICAL JEWELY. 64 UNION SCjUARE (East), between nth and 18th SU.', New York. Mention Clipp er when catling or writing. ■ MlLITADV r^rirtrte fnirorms. Guns, Swords, Revolvers, Cannons, ; TentB. Etc. "lla.1 I AKT bUwDO Evenihlng In Hie Military Line-fully described In our large • "(twine Catalogue, containing! net cash prices with upwards of 2,000 Illustrations. Price of catalogue, '^"•-mailed on receiptor 6 cents In stamps, mentioning this advertisement. Customers write its h B t '''ifi-ATALUGUB IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT in GOLD." We have the largest stock In Ihe world of military m from Government auctions. Dealers Supplied. Francis Baiiuermnu, 6T9 Broadway, New lork. ib'er.ty in Sept., Thoroughly Trained Musician Mi,!! 8 l l H « r mcmy. Connterprtnt, Fogua and Violin. 20 years' Experience as Orchestre-Band .'S'"^,Teacher, weaup In all branbhes of the Thealricat Business. SOLICITS 0*>EB8 I-ROM """EUABODSK MANAGERS AND FIRST OLA8S ORGANIZATION.- Referencesexchanged. i.>ij m\ ii nrkViiirrTitlt in.'! N «fli Al Liberty "ruinate ' '■'flOiluctor Address 0.13. CONDUCTOR, 403 8. 6th St., Vlnoennes, Ind.' JpTTTIETHING TO SEND TO MANAGERS and AGENTS, n C J?i,?"°I00ttAPH0NiAP08TiJi CARD. Let tnem see how you loot. If ^ n <^ ot »"; fo I"" t i?f enteTinS! u ^ our I> o«'»l Plotos from any picture you may send us, and return Bsme with th f e ortermied. 260. for Tore.-Photos, lUDoaen. POSTAl, PUOW OUTFIT ™ B _ B .t LB -... - v '..: '.. 3. £ . , PARISIAN PHOTO CO., »M Sixth An,, If. Y. J«ST THE THING TO SEND TO MANAGERS AND AGENTS, SS?3^S^2aS5J«^ "* r flllcd - «e- for Three Photos. Jl a Dozen. SUIIKRBK, 'f ,, ««"8"?'f tpfc , Il om<!B ^ B j Broadway, Xew \^»rh, block from CLIPPER Om«c. ^ATRXCAL STAGE PROPERTIES. Bc« fcffflppW Property Stiop In New York. • Wrnwke evcrythlne used back of tho ctirtailla. ' n KAER COMPANY, J0 ^r^^V^:u^n^ n ^iS" , — WRITE FOR ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN STAGE MONEY. ^atioiial Theatrical Exchange ^OIIAM. •!. fflg l-rest. and Tress, ChU-agn Opera lloiw Bltbt.. OIIICAtlO . Consullalioni'and Bellabtts OplQlons, free. PROMPT, tONPIDMMTIAl*. , SrVllTW A BNOKly ' autJBromtlvrej-, 5 S ««WW«i ■.-.■■ij, siA.--.*. .'. ---- -■-■■**''■■ COMEDY SUCCESSES FQR SALE, f BOAD BIDETS FOB THE SEASOrl OP 1903-04, FOR "THE BRIXTON BURGLARY" »*•*•> I AMI total K -n "THE NIGHT OF THE PARTY" Two of Hit. biggest comady lucttiifi of n-ernt yvara on llrnailwaj , with rom- plrta prodnctlon, for sale. Apply to J. NA/. Herald Senary Thvatre BldR., City. At Liberty ifter July 20, ON A CHAIR, FLUOR. Address in llAUliO ST., BRIDGEPORT, PA. J. E. GORDON. 1VIE.IM, ' MAGNIFICENT PORTRAIT," POPE LEQ, ™ *»f AST EVER EXKCllTKtf,l6xainSWl * 100, U.<K; ton, $17.50. Single copies, lOct*. W. E, ORKEU. 134 Canal St,, Ciiielntntl. (). CampBldg. OilOW I 8IK Wis. JUST 2110 MORE BOOKLETS CONTAINING THE ' 0 ^ ,n t a o l „a d te lect I0H0L08UK8 Malerial Written 'MssyOn the Mkt" Kor Leading I'mfesslDiials " and Heine Talk. QPHI1 0(\r < or "io LITTLE BOOKLET OF OIlLIU 6UL. ,j HEBREW AND OEltMAN MONOLOGIT,S and we will mall tn you, and also po st you »n Newest S how Talk In the Future. FOR SMITE & LA ROSE'S NEW OCTOROONS, 10 more ffVst class colored Chorus Ladles of light complexion; Send age, helglit. weight and color. Send photos, which will lie re- turned. Also some good colored Novelty Acts. State loweat salary. ALSO A No. 1 Properly Man who can handle lights. Must be licensed. Address JOHN II. SMITH, Cm. n. y. clipi'KR. WANTED, PUNCH and JUDY «AN, WHO CAN IK) MAGIC loY.'tue Kihii- tner. Address,! with jiarllcuhiis and atptlug «ilar.v, M. It., SHBKDY, Mauugcr, FREEBODY PARK NEWPORT. R._I ATLIBBRTY for NEXT SEASON Notice to all Hurlesque Managers. Pitz Ex-wln, TTp to date, all' n round hajr puncher. '■ I have trie goods and can.deliver them. Mualcul, scientific, single, douhlc, floor. Perm, address, U KNEHAL DBUVKRY, Indlana pollg, Ind. Wanteds a Leading Lady ty the Davis Stock COMPANY. Musi lie young, talented, jraod ap- pearance on and oil', and itood enough to feuture, WANTED, Experienced Stmc Mnaagcr, With 'scripts, that can conduct a rehcarml; a Leader on Piano, with niUflc; good Vaudeville People lhat Play Paris. Other n-eful people, write. State vbur ■lowest. Pay your own. send photo. and programme.. OPEN IN OCTOBER, GOING SOUTH. Address LOUIS DAVIS,Mgr r ,i 216 Russell Street. Nashville, Tenn. WANTBD, 50 ir 60ft. Combination Sleeping and Dining Car, for 20 People. • Prefer one wit It baggage end. Wllf rent or buy- on easy terms. , Give rallpartlciilarH. ' Address CHAS. r. EDWARDS. Care of. NEW YORK CLIPPER. McCOMB, MISS., NEW OPERA HOUSE. BEST SHOW TOWN IN MIH8. R. R. shops pay $lOO.oAi iiinnthlr. GOOD REPERTOIRE and ONE NIGHT COMPANIES WANTED. House always filled. R. R. and ractory town. A. J. lIACKJJTT.Mgr. aori Pro|i. JACK HOEFFLER Is in Ho Way Connected with Applet on "■■ Theatre Since April 7. Address ail corres|K>ndence to APPLKTON THEATRE CO., • Appleton, Wis. Violet Hall, CHARACTEBS AND HEAVIES. RESPONSIBLE MANAGERS address ' Vrt N. MAIN >>T„ LIMA, OHIO.' WANTED, MUSICIANS, nilt NEXT SEASON. OPENING SEPT. I.' ILVSHMul TllllAl COIINRTM, i'LAKIONKTS, TKuMIIONEH. BAHITONEa and ALIOS, AH must double sage or nrtlK'tlta. Itowut i(fsi tetter. Long -c.bgq. g.ioiI irediiifent. Filie car's. I pay board. GEO. II. ALBERT, 137 East sih St.. Cini'liinall. O. M. 8TRA38MAN, DULY DNE-MBRE WEEK IPEM THE WHOLE SEASON i FOR THE AND f HiT IS THE WEEK BEGINNING JULY 26. This Band PLAYS BETTER CONCERTS Than Any Other Band in America, RKFEHKNCKSi—Cincinnati Zonloglml Oanlen, New Lnulivlllf. Jockxy t Club, Lin.lsvlltr, Ky. AUDRKBB JOHN C. WEBEF?, 1212 VINE STREET, CINCINNATI. P"rosh From -tile ■oaa-—Just Out. h' e Vr°X Knocker Knocking? This song speaks ror Itseir. You will never forget It, onco you hear II. Come and Tell Mew Love Me A sentimental love sung (hut appeals to iho young folks anil tn the old. It is a rciiiiiilsceni-c of Iho past. Botb written by the Author o( I WAS WR0RO, DAD, MATTHEW 0. LB WELLYR, Butfilo, R. 7. . POBI.I8HKD BY THE SUCCESS MUSIC CO., 17 Van Buren St., Chicago P. 8, Professionals, sontl for copies 9 III. The Gus Sun Attractions IN. V. OFF-IOC, I THE ODS SDR AIEBICAN BIB8THELS, BEECHEB'S UNCLE TOl'S CABIN, iDWAY. 0IBCDB8TAHTIAL EVIDENCE, THE FATAL HOOB. VlRTrn forSUN'SMINSTHELS, lii open Hopt. lft, Musical A«t. Dnnollig Act, HUAnt. Acts, llarllonn ti Alt lull, sini/er, Electrlolan 10 dnulilo liand or stago, Leader orohoatra who can arrange, double rmsft-and-tnlia;. Comet, double-Violin: Trap Drummer. Flute, Piccolo sud Ularloiiol, Other mlnslrnl pe iplo write, preference given those doubling brass. Tom- People to npon Hopt. a, Topsy, Marks In uoqblc Outc or Beacon, Oolorcd Hlngers and Dancers, Electtlelal loiloulile band or siage, lioader bind, Two GornotH, double violins; Two Trombones, Clarionet; all musicians to double orchestra. Oilier Tom peopls and Musicians, write. Wu pay board. DRAMATIC people lo open Hopt. ft. Emo- tional Leading Woman, (ienicel Heavy, Two character Comedians, Juvenile Man for light comedy, Property Man who can jilay parts, ror "Olrciimslanlal Evidence " Character Heavy Man, Leading Woman and Character Comedian for "Falsi Hour." Dramatic, shows; do nut pay hoard. " Sltonco a polite negative. Addresa all coliimuuii-iitlons lo FRED D. KOWLKIt, General Dlractor, M.ltl llroailway,»«w York Clly. LE ROY OPERA HOUSE, iULINOIS. KOW.BOOKINQ Sl5A«OJV »<1>» (tad 'O-* FIRST CUSS ATTRACTIONS WASTED. (itio good show n week from Oct. 1 to May 1. Nmit houso, seating GOO; good aceui-ry, anil one of tlio best show towns of. ita size in ivntrnl Illinois. IIimihc mivv tndng re- frescoiMl, rcdeconiteil and refurnlsbed. Hooiii'iilng Aug. 17. Miinagers of First 1,'Ishh CimieilleH, p'nrcii Comedle., Musical Comedies, Illli tmio and terms. Addresa .....^ «.,,h. ... n„ini>H>-in ... v ii n, , r ,non r/iuiiis, Minstrels, 141c., writn for' open U. I.. HCL'KWOlt/t'U. 9 Special Notice to Managers, THI FAMOUS TROUI Beni Zoug' Zoug 7 Wonderful Arabian Acrobatic Performers, Will ba AT LIBERTY after July II. WIIiE or write to KIE HAH3AN IWN ALI, - Lnnn Villa, Coney Inland, N. Y, MANAGERS, TAKE NOTICE! It'll i M' rrtll I" aJI.'tl' Villi L' ('Df'Plrj UAV. Illl (>«B <»K TI1K BTIIO.VUKIT COMKUY IIKIIHKW ACTa IN VAI DEV1LLK' WHAT TI1K NtlW YORK CfllTICH 8AV: HOWK and Heoll, In Hebrew Impersonations, made a vcrv favorable Impression al. Keith's Union Mi|Uiire Theatre.-K. Y. KVKNINO TKLEtlltAM. J10WK andSOOTT have a Hebrew act that guts all iho laughs that accumulato while tho following act la work- Ing.-N. Y. TKLKOIUPH. HOWK and HCOTP nnide a decided Illl at Keith's, In their lleiirew act and dance.-CHIOOTjN.Y. BVGNIMO WORLD. ' . «, ' - t ',,. AT MUKK1 X F'OIl NEXT MKANON. Week of July in, Brtsloti, Muss,; Koltli'.TIlealre. perm, addrets, 231 K. 87th Street. N. Y., care of ROH1NHON. P. «.- HAVE TWO UP TO IIATK lit IlLKMttUEB FOIt HALK, NTJMIIERS AND ItllSlC JIBW AND K0VBL. i .« r'i , t< i i 1 1 i i i i — •' '' ; i AT LI II BUT % KOK 1003-Q4. BUS- MGR., TREABURER. AGENT. 18W-1MO, Uus. Mk-r. HIJoii Theatre. Patcrsoii, N. J.; KMO-'oi, Una. Mgr. Columbia Thcslru, Palcison. N.J.; IDOI-'CrJ. Hits. .Mgr.Joc oppetitieiincr's "Miss Nev, York, Ir." Co.; ltsw-'lM, Harry Morris' "Night on Broadway" Co. P. h, -iiavitiK sold to my mother, M IIH. IIKN LBAV1TT, all my rlghls, title and inlcriist In Hie lllloii Theatre properly (Paiersnn, N.J.I, whloli ls3lon«itil to the estate of mr father, the Isle IIKN LKAVTTT, I have severed all business connection* with that theatre. Yours truly,. AIIK LH\vn' r. Address No. 'joii W. 2isl Btreet, N. Y. ' ! ' I I !■ > Illl City. RKI'imWIRBftOi*ALTlfl<L\YKi .s/lVf WIOKINIIHK AWJNwKil'.«H WKKj/aTANDH. MannreM la ; N. I ,tt t., conn., etc ,'ieflii open 'l'line.,,',1. II. imlHW'OLD, l*i i/iurner Ht;, oiiarlenmn, w>.Va« • I 'Xbe*fcjr Scrapers of ConYeri»tloBalfou»«ay.-'a»>« a JJoaghnnt.'T . - -I li*ji. .1'ii >..:»* r.*4aCV*> J.' y. awffM lu«>.. IHwPi it.-■*>■■••. vtrt>