The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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JULY 18. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 497 Miniature Railroad Co ' 4Q7 IHMWf, MEW YORK CITY, H. Y. GOLD MEDAL SPECIAL. *or Parks, Summer Resorts, etc Hauling Capacity, 20 Tons. Earning f I,BOO In six days. With proper care wil l last 20 yr« r mUM LOCOMOTIVt WORK! Call on Call Or mall your orders for I Canvas Shoes. Cloth Soles, $1.00; Leather Boles, $1.60; Canvas Pumps, 26o.; with Leather Soles, too.; Batch Pumps, 8fic; Leather Soles, too.; Elastic Supporters, $1; Worsted Tights or Snlrts,S2.00 each; Cot- ton Tlghtsor Shirts, tl M — each: Satin Trunks, Collar and Calls to match, spangled and trimmed, |5.». Be sore and send sice ana color. Catalogue Me. S. B. CALL, S44 HAW ST., HFHINGF1KLD, MASS. I.WMTES0N, VSK OVR Song Books. PRICK, S7.B0 per 1000 •l.oo per 100 Samples Free. We nave the largest assort- ment of Flashy Song Books In U.S. Special Covers printed to order at coat. GKKU1NK DIAMOND WARRANTED M Large as Oat Solid gold Ring, any ilae yon want. This is one of the many bar- gains we have. Ws carry a very large stock of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry ma ta.00, and Silverware. We S™?n? e . ar Mtest UllO Of GIFT and PREMIUM GOODS of any house In the U. 8. Money refunded if not satisfactory. We are responsible. Onr Cata- logue Free to any addresa. Write for It. Send this M-, M. BAZZETT A 0O„ 146 state St, Chicago, HI. NOTICE. THKATHICAL 8HOKJIAKKR, REMAINS AT 202WE8TSM STREET. BALLET SHOES and COLORED SUPPERS Always Kept in Stnok. 1. MILLfiR, 8TEREOPTICON. $17, "SHORE WINNER" IS A CATALOGUE ULLRB, KMI'K BOARD AND CAMS? ni/nS- «B t P'8« 1'OND/ND -FITCSS'WoBg 4on ™£> ot i5f. 1 i. mcrcnant ■Peclallsts. It la a 400 page book especially devoted to such mo'ney'on D0VeU ' e " th " »°"c.n m.keTlg PRICE U8TandCATAtOOUEPRE| n Patents and rade-Maria, Copyright your acta, plays, sketches and songa. It will PAY you, ManyCqriyrlghta are worthless, because Invalid. Ton can- not afford to take such chances. w« guarantee a valid copyright at • mail coat. Opinions and legal advice. Patents and wade-Marks. Send stamp for particulars. Columbia Copyright and Patent Co,, inc. aaaem aioa. ■afJpjpjBSSa ».«. miimiiiiim . iwin\u\\\\\\w\\\vi SHOW TENTS. Equal to any in workmanship, shape and quality. Oet our prices before baying. Agents for Kldd's lights and Baker torches. Black tents for moving pictures. Good second hand tents from 8oxM to 126x300, at Bargains. BAKER A LO0KW0OD, Successors to 0. J. Baker, sit Delaware a t, Kansas City, Mo. THE CYCLONE... ROTARY HAND FAN. 1 ■WSJBMBa* Aetata, S*lli every- where and to everybody. A bonansa for Plcnlo. Fair. Show and Street Saleemeo. It's a rammer cooler and generates a itrong draft or atr WITHOUT virion, and with 10 IXUTIOS. n«Dt ■ elltM ■mwal 6f ike laub. It bu a three btaded pollehed Aluminum Kan. Poltihed Wood Handle, row parte, ii eitremely •Imple.noleeleie. light and artltllo. Ow 1.000,000 KtUrj Vim e.M lut jeer, yet epmparatlrel; few people here eeen one. Cetera to svsit BIS, worn in child. Mee,petfa|.peM. II eeata. Azente aod deeiere wanted everywhere. .1. Write for particulars. .— ENTERPRISE MFG. OOb 156 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. For the Knights or AK-SAB-BES CARNIVAL AND FALL FESTIVITIES, Oct 1 to Oct. 10. Attend- ance, Last Year, Can use Oriental and Foreign Shows of All kinds on percentage. Also all kinds of Mechanical Riding Devices. Who has a Miniature Railway f Address "PONY" MOORE, Mgr.. RoomB 117-2181st Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED. All Kinds OF Carnival Attractions UHER 20TH CENTURY DAZZLERS No. U, Ladles' or Genu' Gold Bhell Kins, eet wltn two 2Mb. Oentury diamond Cut Brilliant* like cut. Eaob 7SobrmalLBend for our Cataloguo of W.tfhf,, S*wt\rj, Bl[„ rwin, 8l>f • Brlllliita, Seflrlie ud Gin Bkow Utoit, a>(ie Beiy, Prcf. Wervtuea'. Qreiee Pelele, Bent Certr, V»t, Powdf r, ete. BeeetterH Beet BeeL»>aie>JI» tar. Tlio()I,I)RXtl.<nLK SI Wenaik%.,%Set«, IB. Sift, "jgjsla Arc, Calcium or Acetylene t -P-Wal BODOHT AND SOLO. J^HBTZ. 802 B.2«d Street, New York City. msem WINDOW CARDS ■ LETTERHEADS CONTRACTS 334 DEARBORN. ST,CHICAGO. BALLOONS Gas Generator*, Alrehipa and Models. AEBOIAOT LEO 8TEVEH8, Box 181, Madison So., N. Y. STAMP FOR PRICES. fine Uiglcal Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, THICKS, Eto. Grand End of Century, fully Hlnatratod. BOOK CATA- a nth Ave.. N. T. STRATE HALF-TONE L '".SQUAIH INCH minimum nn„. 1 $3.00 THEATRICAL GUI The swellest and most complete.ftuhMVrorJ ( published. Bonnd In Btllf cloth and fietd, 4141 i pages, contalnlnar every town l ntaeft 8. and J Oanadu, with their popalatluntUip6rBlloaBe*,) seating capacities, stage measurements, man-) < agers, bill posters, hotels, newspapers, house) c prices, circus licenses, and lots or useful Infer- J ( matlon to managers, agents and actors. For-' ( mer price $3; now $1 prepaid to any address. C S. ilKTTEBERQ, 928 Cutter St., Cincinnati, 0, Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY BOITS, TENTS, QCNH and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what yon want In that line I can supply It New or second hand. Send for oalalogne. B. B. ABRAHAMS. 222 South 8t, Philadelphia, Pa. ,.. -\7SfXGcS \: M. HUGH & CO.. Wi? Mnkers 119 N. 9th St,vPkiladei>hia . GHtASt PAINT. POWDKRS, ROUGC SEND STAMP. FON CATALOGUE MRS. McNEIL, 154 Seventh Ave., H. Y. City, HAS A VERY LAROE STOCK OF ELEGANT Imported Evening Oowns, Opera Wraps, Etc., Creations or Worth, Felix, Panuln, Beerand other well known modistes. Theatrical companies and managers can be supplied. Wo Invito jour atten- tion. YCLEPHONE CALL 1884-18. UPTOWN OFFICE, ST. JAMES BLDG. IQIl ROYALTY PL»YS. MANUSCRIPT. PARTS AND RIGHTS FOR A YEAR. TEN DOLLARS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX. BYERS. ,144 LA SALLE STREET. CHICAGO, ILL Money Makers OUR PUNCHING and LIFTINB MACHINES An »■ BEST ill HANDSOMEST EVER MAOL They fiat 1st Msas* and ALWAYS J WORK WELL drii Tmtjl Picture ud Feadiflg Imijim ARE OUR SPECIALTY. Write for Catalog THE CAILLE BROTHERS COMPANY, MSr.l«5* Woodward Avnm, DETHOIT, MICH, Our Color Dial and Card Maoblnes are the Leaders. MU CIRCUS CANVA8E6, Poles and Stakes, SEATS, Flags, Eto. g^rK IDD'S p ATENT C | RCUS L | 6HTS , SIDISHOW PAINTINQB. FRONTS AND BAB HERS FOR STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS. BLACK TENTS FOB MOVTHO PICTURE WORK. OUR NEW OFFICE* SALESROOM, 273 Miilm St., iiir Mirkit, CHICAGO, ILL. MAGICAL Apparatus. Finest Orade. YOST A COMPANY, 43 N. Ninth St. (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. to- Descriptive catalogue for stamp. CREA » W AVE. COR. 27 B 5' j, fjew york s «>«9 "-^ SVcj &TAY51 ^^- H*a Mux poar paid upon RtctifTor nets, ELY /WNUrACTURERlOr 3M0W CANVASSES ■Ukollate T1 ahu, laj.BOi Wonted TIghU. la.OOi Cotton Tli fl.D0| aUkTlflito,iToaafa.S hiita to m»teh all sanao t •BBapi rice taloRDe and .ample, •f UfbU free. ToslUwell- • de- posit required. SaOsfaotlon gnaran- ued or money refunded, dpicer bros. , H Woodbine St. Brookljn, B. T. Old stand hnt new address.* J. W. OOBMAN'S ^ABK CIRCUIT Can offer Good Vaudeville Aets 1 to 10 Weeks. Send route, open datei and salarjr. j. W. GURMAN, ibo Tremont St., Boston. SIE6EL COOPES GO., Sole Agents for Chicago FOR THE THEATRICAL TRUNKS. Renowned for GIVING THE BEST SATISFACTION. Iedlclnt Hen's Snppllei Anything jou want Cheapest house on earth. Elegant printing, and all yon oan use of it absolutely free of charge. Bend for free lectures, sam- ples and "pointers" to-day. 1 oan safe you money. J.T. R. CLARK, Ml Walnut BL, Kansas City, Mo. f& IWlilbllloTfRfOTOICO. I 1' 720 Hmnapla Ave., MlnneapaJti, Minn. GAS Largest Stock of Slides, Films and sop- pllea In the Northwest. Good Fllma wanted. Bargain Lists. OHOERI FILLKO PROMPTLY. PLAYS l -> *. ,1 O'Y AIT V W G UROyVNE :•-.', i HtikQN ii CHICAGO SOME *f" 0RJ6INAL SONGS NOT immm Original Song-Boons SI par 100 SIO per I OomblnatlonWaae:j.*>-aeek|| per IOO SlOperl Olrouaa-aMkeasi'.T.CBVaeek 81 per IOO SlOpor I WILL ROSSITER'S BESTSELLERS ON EARTH epeoiai. books to AAtsMTO*™* 17 "*"■ °* N * oaoan loDxisa Ulei" K I ZSvaasins. pakbrs, will aosaiTaa «ii*ibj)S1 s w,, d ,., H o»«mik,iii Sa Stm Ave. OHio.eo UNO FOB paios libt OP NOvaiTIBS PER HUNDRED THE SAVOYS Me BID LAUOHINQ HIT WITH RINCLING BR08. Originators of the BoziDg Act with Lady on ilippoihome Track and other Novel Entrees, assisted by Punch and Putt', the World's Uretttest Ping Pong Dogs. Have Open Time for our ACROBATIC COMEDY SKETCH after NOV. IS. H >mo address, Oapitol Are , Meridon, Conn., or ltingling Bros., as per Route. We Have For Sale and Lease Baggage, Stock and Box Cars, soft. LONG. Desirable for show Reasonable terms. companies. Write for particulars. ARM! PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANY, W. A. Y aoer, Oen'l Manager, NO. USO HONADNOOK buuO, CHICAGO, ILL. THE PHOTOGRAPHER Announces startling reduotlons for his Artistic and Up-To- Oate FhotographB. Nothing like It has ever been offered by any photographer, ills ts.00 Venetian Panels reduced to S3 00 per dot. surprises everybody. Artists Proofs which cannot lw obtained elsewhorn for less than (10.00 PUR DOZ. In his studio are it.oo per dos. BS.oo Hlaok Car- bons reduced to SH.OO per dos. une large photograph given with each order of fifty pictures. In Urge lots ne leads them all. aa he does not employ solicitors or send Invitations for free sittings, which have proven expensive to those accepting them. HE CORDIALLY INVITES MAN&6ERS AND THE PROFESSION In general to visit his studio and Inspect the work—Accessories up-to-date, Hosing original, and all Re- quirements for professional scenlo effects. Work finished In H hours If roiiuoslfld. TELEPHONE, MJ5 18th Bt. FHINBBUG'B STUDIO, 16 West 14th St., Bet. Oth and Oth Ave.., New York City. *50.000 worth of ZOBO Musical Inat rtimonta so ld lost year, " It has got to be a very bed night when I do not get my $20 "rake off." I am using four of your ZOBO Cornets la my show and they art dsndles." P ROF. DIBBLE, S tats Une Mills, Pa. All you fellows who think that Zobo Is any old thing or a kind of toy—why you're making a big mistake. Semi for catalogue to-day and get the duck meat out of your eyes. STRAUSS MFQ. CO., MS W. 14th St., Otpt. 37, New York. FOR NTED, FULTON BROS.' STOCK CO. ONOE, SEASON 1903-4, Al Leading Lady to Feature, 8ong and Dance Bonbrette, Actors to Play Brass, First Clin Leader, Band and Orchestra, who Arranges; Good Trap Drummer with Good Outfit. Addreis Care of AOKBRHAff Si o,lHOI,KV L1TIIO CO., Kansas City. SEA BREEeiH PARK Strong Outdoor and Inside Attractions. Arab, Japanese and Hindoo Troops, Wild West, Trained Animals and NovolllcHof all kinds. Wrllo Immediately, uUtlug lowest Aalary. Adrircmi II V. MORGAN, Advertising Agt„ Rouiiester A Suburban Hallway Co., 120 Portland Ave., Hoclieater, N. Y. WIRE WORKERS. Extra One quality flold Plated Wire, round or square, pat up In K or» ounce colls. RIOTIClI THIS LOW PUICK, 110 CT». PKU OtlRfOB. This wire has a very floe, polished surface. We also handle a full lino of higher grsdes and everything that pertains to the trade. Bend for our catalogue. ROGERS, THURMAN & CO., 166 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. ATTENTION! DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE ADD SHOWMEN. Why handle rocky goods when yon oan nsndie goods that will sell them- selves r Kieotrio Belts from 11.00 per dos. to $«.ooT targe variety to select from. We also make other styles of Appliances and Medical Batteries, OM third essh required. Hot Bprlngs BuTpnar Soap, wrapped, ino per gross. Knal toWUIlams. Trial order will convince. Largest sunafaotnrers M ictlo Bel's and Applliatvss to C. B. A. BstabUsbed llli. Catalogue free. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO.. BorUiurtos, Kan. BELMONT SISTERS The Reliable Lady Aeronauts. Reference: First National Hunk. For terms write or wire IlKED CITY, Mich. ,wv\\\\\\\\v\va\^\ vv \v *•<■ rors, Trink klatcbes and Jewelry. Catalogue FREB. PAUK SOUVBNinM, Red. White snd Blue Canes, Cane ltaok Canes, Rubber Halls, Confetti, Dusters. Rustlo Wood, Shell floods, Rosettes, Celluloid Uuttons, Cumlo Art Mir- NEWMAN MFO. CO.. Clovoland. Uhln. MADISON'S BUDGET, NO. 8. so great Parodies, Qve new Comedies and Afterpieces, two Original Acta for sketch teams, eight Grand Monologues, inolndlng two for Tramp and Hebrew, new Hebrew Talking Act, besides hun- dreds of Original Osge, Oomlo Epitaphs, Doctors' Testimonials, etc., eto. eg pages, ORB DOLLAR, per copy. "Am hard au- dience, bat some of your stuff made me laugh right out."-LOME Y IIA8KKLL. L. J. K. HEIL, (agent for lAMBM MADISON), MM Third Ave., Hew York City. KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH of the BLADDER. Cures all Discharges In 48 Hours %WTAL CAPSULES 7" Ai i Dt