The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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498 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. JlTLYia TOLLOW And "Co where the crowds go," are two good pointers In your searoh for musical material, as a Lucky Housa supply the goods. We have been exceptionally fortunate to date, and the Indications are that we will be more below. The name of VON TILZBR has ever been Identified with really popular music, and we purpose that it the aid of our Immense facilities, which of course Includes teaching rooms, pianists, arrangers and all the professionalism MUST be enclosed, also ten cents In stamps to cover mailing. In Chicago, for the 8ummer months matlo Catalogue for the asking. Slide users are Invited to write for terms on our art Illustrations. In conclusion friendship and co-operation In the future. Please remember we have absolutely the greatest staff of brainy and THE HARRY VOH IN NEW YORK WE ARE AT 37 W. 28th ST., IN THE VON TILZER a "GO WHERE THE CROWDS GO.' MY LITTLE CONEY ISLE. Ji ANDREW B. &TERI.IN0 ir,] HARRY VON TILZER but again produced (he Simon eeng aensatlon. iDihltdeliiht folly catchy waltz number which la already a local mi, and spreading like a pralitt are. TELL ME THAT BEAUTIFUL STORY." "THE BANQ UET IN MISERY HALL" "PRETTY LITTLE DINAH JONES." • ARTHUR L LAMB snfl AL. VON TTLZER'S great love song thai in a few abort months haa achieved the undeniable poaltlon of the letgnlnt ballad or the country, and one tbat win become a clinic., The sensational popular dramatic story song ot ARTHUR J. LAMB ira HiJUir VOH TIL/Eft ba* already obtained gigantic growth through ita merit and beauty. Superbly Ulaatratetf. A dainty and effective neat ooon song, by JAKES B. HULUN, tin U rapidly becoming nauonxl In IK popularity. "MY CAU FORNIA POPPY." "ROLY POLY SAN." - This collaboration or AARON B. HOFFMAN end AKDY LEVIS la positively Me of the moat beautiful prodncuon son ga ever penned-and la equally pretty as a solo, sir- tag been the moat tremendous hit of "The Chinese Honeymoon?' 1 aa the preceding, I Japanese, as lie mil or notstbllitta "TRIXIL" n LOVt YOUI. ■ "WHISTLING RILEY/' i ■ J "*' TVCijafcslMH 7*»»»eia»sw«aas^esaw»wiewjpei Another number by the tame aotbora ' , but or a different type, is name implies, too . posfilbllI ties, both for production and solo work. BTBRUNO and VON TILZER have written many Jlfigimt coon songs, but none mote effective and catcby |ban inn one. Pine for big number. I»?l /.P, no-.:•'■■■'■'.': ■■■ ■■"QO WHERE THE OROWOs GO." Iiaaaa HD. uam' latest addition to hie merltorloui lilt or comic loop tttroUocea Boat nultebly a whittling *tTect, "When Kate and I Were Coming Thro'th^Ryr Another or the 4TBRLIN0 and VON TIMJBB series of rnstU baUada. Beautiful Views for tbU Bong. ! ;) "YoullHaMri Read the te wer ,i W Humoroni and Effective Topical Borjg by BftTAJJ end t ..i., .► .- ....vJ.u.i.v* "Down Whire the Wurilirger ■r.:..i ' .•*' HI , Toe Pioneer and Most \ <n J| j;. JfT* • ■ «.<<*^ 't .t "The Mansion of Aching Hearts" The Jrat LAMB and Tbf'jitSlkvi . issued. e*d etui a big favorite. Strikingly Ulnatrsted. ZBa .Dramatic Song mat we ■ a an : HKa j./*.. .. : i.r»u: ^S 11 v-y;-.*n?jr» mm Use for Sleep IS*'; RALPH BICKNKLL'B Contribution to lie Uat of Our Coon Bong Successes. in Brass" a*. -_p!. ... •a* ,1 I m ,„' km. W*3 afcSttff - ' H W On Emancipation [M Day WIL). atABIOH COOK'S Rousing March Ooen Soo|. "Johnnie, f, the Jovial Johnnie" A New Oharaeter Bona by an Old Favorite, AUTHOR TRBVBLYAN. "Chocolate" Drops. ™„l*[«Jpnc* Dance and Characteristic March of MJ» T VON TILZBR thatws leaned, but II holds «•<>»»,«■» a ouuiaten c.t which la proof enough of iu nerifc^ ff &M& m vyja* - : m: t