The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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500 THE ILSTEW YORK CLIPPER. July is ELECTRICAL SCENIC EFFECTS; EXTENSIVE USE IS A PROOF OF MERIT. eerie effe«U in Luu^^Co^ Moving CJoads, Working Waters And Antoxatio Lightning FImbm, m "A Trip to the Moon, and &V%!±*Si a^^sssiss^^ sat* We snpplied 90 percent S 3 the theatric*«»-„ >«--« ^TaS^'ffi^ the Casino; "The Eternal City," at the Viotoria; "A Gentleman of Prance,' LOSO DISTANCE PHO.XK l SOVMAD. St*. ^^We^Cca^MoWol'cionaa.Lightni. ■■■»« painted on glass. Also har! Bainbow, Water Sipple, Sand Storm, Bain and Snows. New andnovel effwte made to order. Estimates cheerfally thing in the electrical theatrical line. Send sii cents for postage for our hundred page catalogue. Call and See our Effect* In Operation. DON'T FORCET THE NUMBER. £ AND SHOW ROOM, 1237-1839 Broadway, IN. Y. WcberiFjeifc. iTes perepeotiTtt that cannot he ace >mplished by tho i1e»i Rn u- given on eve'r^! Olty. *******•*•*••*•**•••**••*** "STAR" FILMS FOUR NEW AND MARVELOUS SUBJECTS. 470-71, THE DBAW1I8 LESSON, • ■ . 160ft $27,10 A Professor of Drawing takes bis Rtrl pupils Into the Versailles Gardens for a lesson. Old Nick enters upon the scene and performs nil manner of weird feats, such as bringing statues to life, etc., for the bewilderment of the professor and the amusement of bis girls. 472, TR MYSTICAL PLANE, .... 120ft. $20.00 A Tcry amusing subject, showing a demon Juggler who materializes a beautiful lady from the midst of s mysterious (lame. His servant falls In love with tbe lady but to no purpose, and his discomfiture Is full of ol laughable Incidents. 473-75, TIE WITCH'S BEVEI8E, - . 220ft. $37.50 Limited space forbids a complete description of this gorgeous subject. It Is a fantasy of the Middle Ages, replete with rich costumes, beautiful settings and startling effects. No Films Genuine without thc-o EmlMissed Harks. STAR ftfretfe* AMERICAS 11EADO.CARTEBS' OFFICES and WORKS. 6A8T0H 1ELIES, Gen. Igr- 304 B. 38tla St., Haw York. BOLE AGENTS, L6AUM0NT'S FILMS, ELGE BRAND | Special Agents: AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE AND BIOGRAPH CO., II East 14th SI., Hew Yark. a************************** PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sola Proprietor and Mimgsr. J. AUSTIN FVNES, Gintril 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Devoted to Refined Entertainment. Proctor's 8th Are. Theatre, Proctor's 23d St. Theatre, Proctor** Mth St. Theatre, Prootor*» 123th St. Theatre, Proctor's Newark Theatre, Proetor»» Albany Theatre, Proctor's Montreal Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Presenting Beat Playi. WASTED, BEST ACTS IW VAUDEVILLE. If you do not receive a reply. It may be because tbe time Is filled; you are therefore advised to write again In (our weeks. Do NOT enclosed stamp (or reply. ihstructiohs to artists booked: SS Biota of acts; If can open and close In one: IXACT time of acts, and of "close In;" billing (or newspapers and programmes; and CLEAN PHOTOGRAPHS (orLOBBIE8TWO WEEKS In ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT BACH HODSE. addressing BB8IDBNT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY wltb these INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ABTISTB to tbe RI8K OF CANCELLATION. VAUDEVILLE REHEARSALS MONDAYS, 9 to 11 o'clock A M„ SHARP. Playwrights, Authors and Play Agents, ad- dress J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager. Vaudeville Artists and Players, address F. F. PROCTOR JR., Booking Department, FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, H. T. CITY MUT0SC0PES ANSA HELD AND MUTOSCOPE. The Most Attractive Slot Ma. chine in the World, and the Steadiest, Most Consistent Money Earner. $45A 0 An enterprising showman on a moderate Invettmai can establish himself In a profitable business wlttw- a week's delay. $1,000 easily cleared up In is,, mer Park with » machines. w FILM SPECIAL: New supplement, dated July 6, wltb hm particulars of fifteen new Ml comedy scene* now resdy. Our latest production, "ThV HAYMARKET," In six scenes, aosfr. Special Agents Melies' "Star" Film NEW CATALOUUE NOW KEADL American Mutoscope AND Biograph Co., 11 East 14th St., New York. Chicago Branch, 128 Clark St. ROOVERS NAME PLATE MACHINE NEW MODEL NOW OUT. A MARVEL of SIMPLICITY and STRENGTH. It Will be Next to an impossibility fir It to Get Out if Order Under Any Circumstances. Handsome In External Appearance. Can be Adjusted to Any Number of Letters THE ROOVERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, IO Inoludlne KOLL. Wast 83d Street. York CIty, U. S.A. I EDISON FILMS Bend for New Film Supplement, No. ITS, giving titles and descriptions of Over One Hundred New Subjects. Following are a few of the latest: Shamrock III and Sir Thomas Upton's Fleet Leaving Scotland en Route to America. SLEEPING BEAUTY. THE ENCHANTED CUP. . py Hooligan's Fourth of July. Washerwoman snd Chimney Sweep. Daylight Burglary. Shooting tbe "Itaplds," Luna I'ark. Mary Jane's Mishap. The Vatican and St. Peter's Church, Rome. King Edward and President Loubet Review- ing French Troops. Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkeys. Egyptian Boys in Swimming Race. BdiMB Exhibition Klnetoscops, $115.00. Edison Universal Klneloscope, $76.00. EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, riSE; Uttle Willie's Last Fourth of July. Blasting Rocks In Harlem. Soap .vs. Itlacklng. London Zoological Garden. Rattan Slide And General View of Luna Park. Glimpses of Venice. Street Scene In Hyderabad. King Edward's Visit to Tarts. Bating Macaroni In the Streets of Naples. Feeding Pigeons In Front of St. Mark's Church, Venice. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM : 62 Gray EUROPEAN OFFICE: 8CLLINO THE KINK/rOGUArn CO. KLEINS OPTICAL CO... PETER HACIGALUP1 ... •I 8 Inn Road, Holborn, London, W. C, England. Si Rempart Saint Georges, Antwerp, Belg. AOINT8: 41 E. 21st St, New York City. 52 State St.. Chicago, III. 033 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. SPECIAL AGENTS «* UNIVERSAL EDISON MH'BrTORS' KINETOSCOPES • FILMS* LATEST MODELS AND FILMS DIKECT FROM FACTORY KX ipV SONG STEREOPIIGON (BELLOWS) $15 SONGS 40cts—SONGS Mots PER SLIDE. SERPENTINE DANCE CLOAK EFFECT SLIDES » 50c BEST GELATINE SHEETS (,<« 17 AND 2UN., PER SHEET, I Eg 1 DOZEN SHEETS BY MAIL $2. "KEWItSOXMIlHAND* UifT/r LAHTERHS ■lUlWnLftS& SLIDES fv> BOUGHT & SOLD wmwassss SIMPLEX The Only Name-Plate Machine That can be Adjusted to Give a Short Plate for a Penny and still Give Plates - of any Length by Placing Additional Pennies in the Slot, and, , THE ONLY NAME - PLATE That Can Be Operated Profitably at a Penny. Hundreds of SIMPLEX MACHINES are averaging $25.00 a week at a penny in locations where the old style and obsolete Nickel Machines have "Otbeen averaging over $2.00 a week. The SIMPLEX MACHINE isthe ONLY Name Plate Machine equipped with a money register; the ONLY Name-Plate Machinethat is interchangeable in all its parts; the ONLY Name- Plate Machine that is fully guaranteed as to its patents. IMMEDIATE DELIVKRIES. Bead Three Two Cent Stamps for Plctmre of Machine aad Sample *!•«•• Simplex Mfg. Co., 11 K. l^tii ST., l^TO-W YQRg; LUBIN'S FILMS ARE ORIGINAL Send for New Catalog and Supplement containing over 500 New and Unicme Subjects: "SALMON SPEARING IN THE RIVERS OF GREAT NORTH- WEST." "IN A LOGGING CAMP," "PITTSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT IN FULL RUN," "MARY JONES' MISHAP," "LIFE OF A LONDON BOBBY, 'LIBERTY BELL" and others, ivow sorE>RE>oi» / ricoiv, with Electric, Calcium or Acetylene Lamp, #is.°° up. CINEOGRAPH with STEREOPTICON COMBINED. UNIVERSAL MiDIL/^'» b S c $50. EXHIBITION MODEL, *^TJ£^!£IZ^ $75. IvXJBUV'S The laJtOBBT HAjrCFACTURKB IH THE WORLD, 21 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. A NEW LIGHT ?; ^ AMET5 0Z0-CA.BBI. A L i5ail PATEMTCD AVHfE RELIABLE lv THANFI &«_ llavWl mo iS.TEHEOPTICOH'&'nLMEXCHAH&Er-No— rs D ^■S-^i- :-"lVy.B.MOORE MANAGER. P* 50 ^, .106 FRANKLIN ST,CHICAGO. ! OR-EfB-i ^EHDFOR CIRCULAR CENTRAL TRUNKS BaPSJ^JKPl SUa., IS.00: ««ri_ tlo.oo: awn., ail no. nttmi Tmnlrs. J4XUI18- »!£.£ r^J^'Si^h:^' P 1 "- »» M t "Ol. $10.00: «tn., $11.00. "circus Trnnlu, JtxlMl*. .; M£k , S a *! , _ ,I » l *. $11.00. Lllko TrinsB. «fai»i»aM Inside,|1U». Stopped on «""" ]ft]av awii-inur . w Sl„ * °°" 0EtTa *J' TBUHK PAOTOBT, Eatab. 1M4, . ». T. AQINCY, C«f. 80th St. a Brwdway. Pries. 76et$. men UM I HoraTUiBt.P^P'* at PhlU. F ,< * 7 '