The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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510 THE NEW YOBK CBIPPEB. July 25. >'oy k Summer., (Herniate P»rV Nashville, Julv *j l'>. Krtwri Muc.J'aUu.HonU— Frederick, Howard. Boston PrswYA Mai palace^ Koutt!»mr>ton,Kng., July V-Aug. I Frederick'Bro>. A Hums. Tern file, Detroit, July »», Kror.»c Bros A Jojinnelte, Jacob*', Peoria, 111., Jttlf »15. KraoklvJt, h'eillc, HoliAxr •'»'*, Montreal. Joly 19 45. Kranklln. Mildred. A.A M., Uoaton, July il-M. Franklin, Kl»«*t>, l)oytii'«, aUsmleCity. July »J». Freyllnuer *• Xlialar, Uoti I-jiJ»^. N \. 4J..4III*»». Fuller, Sir. A Mr*. Sniff, Kellli'*, N. V. O., .Iilly ai-25. Flllltora, RoUert, Shea'*, Buflulii. JulySI-lV ilaspard Bros., Lafayette, lluflalu, July'JOB, (lahardon A Katollltn, Nauturtum Park. Mpokane, July 10-Sfl: fllileldii' Park. Walla Walla,a. Ah*. I. tlallagiier, ilarrelt A JSnV, PAitur'*,N. V. ft, July »& t:arrltyr<laier«, Keith'*, Phlla., Jnlv ai-tt . . __ ilardncr, Dick, Kiectrlc Park, Newark, N. .1., July »25. ilavln A Flatt, lltyerton I'afk, PorlUvnd. Me.. July W-JO. (In) A Pohiaaa,Coney .1 -lniii!, itliiclimall, July 19X. Herald'* Miniature Tlimitrn, Wool«iirlir», Lancaater, JulvJO-SA. (iehe't Hlntnrn. I.loii I'urk, N. V. t'.. July 3) 2.V <la«ton A Harvey, Ponton, Hentlle, July »Aii«. I. Hlrardi, Ilo**, Purest Keller, Mllnauk«,.Jitly tt* _ (Jllllhan A Murray, lljnnlon'a Park. «. t*wl«, .Inly M; dMntf Foliar»rk.J0|illn.».A\i|t.i. , ■ <nllr>tte*n Musical lh'K«, llatniiiiralelu'*, N. i. 0., July M, flllllnirwater, Claude, A Co., Hun Fran., July B IT.. (llenroy, Jams* Ulchiiiond, Farm, Toledo, O., July am; t:a«lnu,Nurnrk,U.. I. . _.. • Horlne, The Pine*, llaverlull July 20*1. ,.__._ iloitglh ADavla. P-inplre. Cardiff, Wales, July»M; Em- pire, Rivioiiita, 17-Ahk. I. , . . , __ _ dmirlay Bro*., 1'ark, E. Liverpool, July JO-SS. Beaver Fall*. Pa.,17Arl«. I. Human A llaye*. Meyer*' Lake 1'ark, Canton, <>., July MM; Electric 1'ark, Kent 27Auic. L , liurdun. Won, Itolilonoii 1'irk, Fort Wayne, 1ml., July 20-An*?.'), (lolillf, m. Clair A (lolillc, liny]*'*, Atlantic City, July 2015. tlraoea O), Olympls 1'ark, ChntUiiMiRa, Tenn., July 81 ilrabaui*. The, Crescent (lanlen*. Boston, July 20-21 tireewin*. The, Kslth'a. Boaton..lull- S0-M. Hreit Northern Quartet, C. p. II.. Chicago, July 20-26. •Irani, Rydnoy, Morrison's, Hnnkawny Bench, N. v., July 31) ii; mieSy'* Park, Newport,K. IT, W-AUK. 1.'_' ' JUiiue A lierhert, Magels A Hon, Terminal 1'ark, I'eoria, id July 20-25. llarcourt * May, Umpire, Aalitauulo Harbor, ()., July 20- llarin'n Hlatera, AuJItorlnin..Norfolk, July » 2J. llRtliaway.Hclle, I'roetiii'e.Newnrk JiilyJMS llanwa A Montgomery, Cauoble 1'ark, Halttn, N. II., July av/5 llailia'way A Walton, (Sraiiinan'a. Son Fran., July a) 25. Hamilton, Thoorture, A Co.. I'rocinr'n, Newark. July 2U23, llulton. John, KannHoucl. Mllmukee. July 2016. Halo* Fraud*.C. O. H.,OWeafn, July2U-». Ilaye* A Whltelieoil. Natatoiluni 1'ark, Spokane, July 19. W\ mS& I'urk. Wollu Wlffi «.Aiw. 1. llanvey A lluene, HachatUD Beach, Denver, July 27 Auk. lli'ywanl A lleywaru, Emnlre. Heatlle' Jtily »». llarniurt A «%>•, Empire, A.tiuhula, O. July JO-25. llort, Xumuilt Tlmalre, Toledo, O.. July 21126. , llart ABi'Mie.Kliellpol 1'ark, Wilmiugtuu, Del., July 20- 22. llayee A Wynne, Waehlngtan 1'ark, Bayoone, N. J., July 2J-16 Mall AIlUKhee, (lurernator'it, Atlantic City, July CMS. Ilari-la, Fanny, Fnreat 1'ark, I'alnier, Maaa, July M llainllion A Wiley, Islington lloof (larden, Baltimore, lianwnA lUrrlii, ttceiin l'ler. tililOrelieruVJuly 2MS. ll«rUJolivC..*t:o. l l'nl«ce,llo8ton, July»25. llama A Waltem, Wenuna B.'a<-^ Boy City, Mick., July 20-25 llarrlngton. Daniel J., Form, Toledo, II., July 1925; Himth Bend, lnd.. SO-Aag. I. llarmant, M. II. A wife, Blvewlde 1'ark, Montreal, July 111-25. Itanlon A Bona. Cliutt", San Fran.. July 202.V llkyterA JapeuCnetiLlleBver,,lulv20». Ilerrinanh. AJelalue. Farm.Tolwlo, 0„ July 19 25; Tern- pie, inarolt. 27-Aug. 1. , llt»il. A Eicella, Saratoga Park, Miuion, I'a., Julj 20-i,. Ileclow, Cliaa,, Coalno, Torre Haute, lnd.. July It 25; Oak Summit 1'ark, Kvonavllh-, ai-Aujr. 1. ,'„ „ lledrlx A 1'reacott. Morrlwn'H, Bockowiiy Boncli, N. v., .lulyai-ii 1 lerhort Bro«., Doyle'a, Atlnutlc City. July 20 25. Herbert A Wi»jd,<lurernator'B. Atlnntlot-lty, Ju y »25. Ilei-wlu-. Krad, Foret Roller, Milwaukee, July 20-25. HerbertA Nniun. Omuy Inland, Cincinnati, July 10-25. Helena, Edith, ilaniiiieralalo'a, N. T. 0., July «M5. lillln. The. Eleetrlol'ork, Nawark, N. J„ July J0-J5. , _ lllltonka, The, Forert Lake Park, I'aluier, liana, July 20- 25. Hilton*. The, Forent hake Pork, Palmer. Maa*., July 20-25. Howard »l»ter«. Foreat Park. K» nana City, Mo., July 20-25, lloldaworthe, The, Eldildge Park, Klnilra, N. V., July 20-29. Iloilgea A l.minrliniiTi', iirpluunu. San Frun., July 20-9S. llolifcn, Flr,».le, Audlliirluni, Norl'ulk. Vo , July ILK Howard Brw., Idlewlkl Park, Naniirk,(>., July 2026; lloliluaon Park, Ft Wayne, Ind„ 27-Aiir. I. Ilolt.Alf., Btlli'tue Park, Toledo, <)., July 19-25; Caalno, Terre Haute, 27-Aug, I. Holorooka.Tlii', llownrd, lloalmi, JulvZlFlV I Inward A Itnrtia, Lion Palace, N. Y.C.. July 20 25. Hoover A DaifU C. O. II.. Oileniro, July ML .HoOaier Kouavea. ilimuirtrateln'a, N.,Y. i'„ July 20-M. Holland A Bynl, sianilkrd, It. Worth, July 20-Aiig. I. lluey A Lee, Woolnortli'a. Laiiraatar, July JO-lv Itoran, Blille, Praetor**tN St., N. V. 0„ .Iu|y20-I6. Houter, Parke, HendeMon'a, Coney lalanil, N. V., July M llnuie A Lewla, liloni Park, Youngatown, O., July 2025; Electric Park. Keni. 27-Auk. I. HilHlvll. Edlaon'a, Seattle, July 27 Auur. I. HuithcaTrio, I'uator'a, 8, V. IS., July 1MB, lluucr, ilurernaUir'n. AtlanticOIW, July 20-25. . Hume, HimbA I,enl», Keith'*, Boalou. July2ll-25. Jlvmer A l.litle, Naiatorluin Pitrk, Kpokjlue, July 1925; Aldelds' Park, WhIIo Wall*, 20 Aug. I. luinerlid «). I>»>le'*, Atlantic City, July »25. Inifief, Conn ,t Curlnue, Mnnrn Park, Toronto, Can., July Mil Unriek'atllali Park. Ptlra, N. Y., 17-AUK. 1. June.* A Kyau. Ulyiupla l'urk, Chattanooga, Tenn,, July 202S. .lame* A Ihivl*, Kleclrlo Park. Caiiuleu, July 2J29. .leauro A Iteimud, Hyatt* Park, Columbia, S..C, July 20 25. .loluiHon .1 West, Monroe Pork, Toronto, July 20-25. Jolinaon,,C|i»rlea. Terminal l'urk, I'oorlu. Ill,, July 20-25. Johhaon k WIIN, Kernan'*, Bnltlinore, Jul.vfllJS. JolininuH (6l, Jujullug, llauimuratelny N. Y. I', July ai 25. • . JohaaKin A Sullivan, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., July 20-25, doner, Irving, Keltli'a. llillu., July ills, Jonoa A Sutton, Farvat,tdk« Park, Palmer, Ma**., July Joyce*, The, Howard, Boaton, July 2026. Jordan A Uroucli, St. Joseph, Mo., July 10-26; Si. IauIh, 2)1 Aug. 1. . . Kane, Oonanl. Proelor'* IS9lli St., N. V. ft, July 2025. Kaunnnn Troui>e, Korea! Park. St. I.uul*. July 20-25. Kenton. D irotliv, Kellli'a, N. Y.t'.. July !I>I26. Kelly A Ituno, WouEnd llolglita. St. l.uul*. July 1925. Kelly vViolettiB, Teuiplu Uetroll, July 20 20. Keltlt, Kdwonl. Natatorliiui Park, Spokane, July 1925; Slilelde'. Park, Walla Willi*. SI Aug. 1. Kolio, WoWli .1 Melroae. Kellli'a. Pllllo.. July 2025. Koelev*, 'i'li*. I'.ilnce. Hoatml, July XI25. Kelt A Kuilk, WeAMt's Peotla. Ill, July 2025. Keougli a Ballad. Monuiuu'e, Itockowoy Beach, N. V„ Jul) ai-2.6. Konuitlv A llayea, (iuvcruatiir'a, Ailantlo City, July 20- 85. - Krenali. Frank A Oa. shea'a. Butlalo, July 20-25. Kennedy A Komir.v, Toiuple, lleii-ult. July 20-26. Km.nor A llennott, Ww-lilngtuii Park. Ilaynnne, N. ,l„ July 20-25. KermlKon Slalers, For»t Keller, Milwaukee, July 20-25. Kern* A Cole, St, Loul*. July 192.V Klralfo Bru*., tireen Frunt, lK'aduoou, So. D., July at Aug. I, Klng*Ju«, l.lmleiiwakl Park. Ilamlllou, O., July W 25. Kite A Sinvena. liolli-viw Park, Toledo.I).. July 1025. Klelal. Pearl. San* Hoiiol, Ohleago. July 20-25. Kh-lli, Ott Mro». A Nlckerwm,. Kockaway Beach, N. Y., Juiv ai-Aug. i, Klondike Four. Ihirle'*Pavilion, AtlanllcClty, July 2025, Kim-i lluttluiM. P*alor'a.N. Y. I'., July 2026. Knppe. Lakealde lirk. Syraouto, N. Y„ July 20-25; Sum- mit l.ako Park, I'lloa, 27-.\ii||. I. KraSi ft Haley, iTint**. San Fran.. July 2015. ]« Jew, Tlieo A Camllle. The I'lnai, Itaterhllt, Ma**., July-JO-JS. ]«i'lalr A Weal. Paallni* Park, Marlou, lnd., July 19 25; ITiut** Park, Clilrago, tu-Allx. 1. . I^ttell Purler, A. A S.. Biwtnu. July 20-25. l,an re, «. AI., Sben'a, Hutalo, Jul) 20-25. Iji Mul. A Brntrlir. Elmer'* Park. Ilurllngtou. la., July 20 Aug. 1. I* Note Broa.. Lexington Park, Boaton, July 20 23. l^inila-rt A llerce, llonderaou'*, Coney UUnil, N. J., July M»ll, Ed., Woolwurlli*. l.aiie»ater. July 2025. l.alliiiure A Leigh, Hock Sprlug Park, Ka«t Llrerimol, July 20-25 laiHue, tlrace. Pnatnr'*, N. Y. ('.. July 3)^26 La i.ctie, Sprlugliank Park, launlon, Can., Julv 20-26. Ij»i«jv Hi"-.. Savounili. tin., ,luly2025:Aiigu*ta. 2tt Aug. I. J.anid*. The (11. Linn Palnce. N. Y, ft. July 2015. L.inruiico A Harrington, Ckelllu, si. Jo*epll, Mo., July ai«6. Laniard Broa., WiHilwortli Canton. LancasUT, Pa., July aist. I.n-keya, Tim, Salem Willows Salem. Maw., July 2025. Lloyd. Herbert, Ponce lie lamul'urk, AtUuta, Co., July ■ »>!5; l«leorPiilnial'»«lno. cli«r|y-.tiiri, s. C,.'JJ-Atig. I. If cuir, Harry, Washington park, Bayouue, N. Y., July AI25. . ' 1*. Bar, Empire, Aalihihiila lloihor, (i., July -.v.'5. i.e Mnmea, The, Sprlughauk Park. London, Can.. July ,2025.. . . . Leimanl, tlrarr, Electric Park, Newark. N. J., Julv20,25. l.oe llngli Y, A Ueule. Olcolt ll»:ich. N. V„ .lulvaill. I.e flair, J nliii. Weal End, New III leans July 'JO. 25, Lealle llni*., Pruelvr'a Xkl HI.. N. V. I',, July M 25. Levey, Eihel, tlr|>lii-nin. Sail Fran..July 2025. Ij'alle. Lillian. Kuiplrr. rkiattlo.Julv ai'25. tconto, Wnuooa Beacli,Bay Cltv, Mlnb., July »I25 evlln- A Alma. Klretrle Park, Newark. N. J.. Julv ai25. l.i'oin A N-ona, U'uvhl'al>rk, Seattle, July W 20; Nala. : tirloui Park, Spokano, 2S.AHJ. I.,.-•.• , , I#aJh< Lakeylew ,V>«WiOi ^»l»»»f«>. Jul)' »»l Cook'* Park, EriruvUle, Intl., 17-AUg. 1, Leonard. Sadie. Maaonlc Temple Roof Chicago^Jaly 2025 Leonard A Leonard, 11111* Park, Treoten, July »-». lA?ura, lUrry. Clliaifltit Hill Park, Pnila.. Jrjh/.JH.». la? ft, ■ .Tula*. Fiactrlc'rark, B«ltlf..T», July 90-t». Llnuen A. Koely; i'a*tcr'a. N. y. tilly, July 20-25. Linton, Harry, A Staters I -awrence, Free body Park, New. MlcbfleirJ, Mr. A MM. Nell, latke firove Park, Fa.'. An- hitrn, Me.. July 2026. LltllnA Prlttkow, Noruml<ega Park, Ailturndal*, Maa*., ,IUlV*y25. lairalu A Unwell, Empire, Portland, Ore., .Inly 20-26. I ,,,riil,iii«, lit Hovle*. AtlnntlcCity, July 2U25. Lorretl, II. .M. Lake rmioble, f.nvr rence, 51««v, July 20 26. jiovlit*. The.-Wfar Union, Colin., July 20 25 l.nliilne IWri-ell Trio, Hippodrome, ilr1ni«by, Eng., July 27-Aug. 1. " • ' LilCaillla, Th»,Keltli'«. N. V.'Cttf, July »-».• Lut* Br)i*., Empire, Portland, Ore.. July 20 25. Lyle. neudenou'*,' (Mnry lahntl, N. Y.. July fOX: l.jnnc A Keniierly, Ulymplo Park, Chattanooga, Tenn., July 20-211. Mayrkk slater*, Muatc Hull, Brighton Beech, N. V., Joly 20 25. Mann, Mr. A Mr*. Danny, Itoblnanu Park, Ft. Wayne, lnil., July 2fr Aug. I. M»ntelll, Kugeiila, Fnr»*t Park, St. r.oul*. July ai-25, Madden, Mary. Prnctnr'«»d St., N. Y. C, July 20 25. .Martlunetti Bros., HeluiarHarden, St. Loula, Julys* Aug. I. Malvern Bros, (.1), chute*. Hon Fran., July 20-25. siarueA Bntmlon l'ininri,.v Y. C,July29-26. JIAleatle Minleti! fouieilv Four, Young'* ffer, Atltntle Clt)',JulySD25; Homey 1'nrk, Allentown. Pa,, V- Aug. I. Mae A Mar tow* Park. HlngliamtOh, N. 1'., July 20 25; Ontario BoArh, Itnelmater, 27- Aug. I. Manning Tnrlna. (luveniator >. Atlantic City, Joly 2055. Maltland, Madge, ft. O. II.. Chicago, July ST-25. Marguerite A llanley, Mualc Hall, Brighton Beack, N. Y., JulyJO-26. I • ~ .Matthew*, /oo, Fon-at I'ork, K«n»a'« city, Mo., July K>25. .Maeorte Slater* (J), Boulevard, Modfonl, July 200. Marihnll A lirwln. Ciiaconllii Harden, Peru, III., July at 26; Jtlverrlew 1'nrk. Aliroru. S7Ang. I. .Mack A Elliott, Vagldaw, Mleli. , July 2TI25. Mndcdpacl), Ktei'iilecllnao Pier, Atlantic Cltv. July 2025. Martin A Crouch, Jamba'. Peoria, III., July 30-ZS. Mario A Aldo, Cauoble Lake. Lawrence, Mul, July 20-E. Marco Twin*. San* Bond, i.hlcngn, Julv 20-25. Steliiind*, The, Lake (Iroro. Auburn, Me.. July '20 25. aiming A Haynea, Ufaynite, Hulfaln, July 20.25. artln A Nllrani, (leni. Went Superior, July 20-15; New Cebtral, Hurley, 27-Ang. 1. Matthews Billy. Chnalnut Hill Park. Ptilla., Julv W-W. Mnrtlnctti A tlfoml. (loilfrny'i, tlrand Ronhl*, July 20-26. Murdn, Ulypipla 1'nrk. .MCKooaport, Pa., July 2025. Mo**e, Ed. A iM Froehnily Park. B. I,', July 20-15. Martin* Bro*. A llalmn. Proctor'*, Newark, July 10-29. Major alatei-a, Park, Limn, O., Julv 19-25, Matliea, Clara, WtntilneK, Man., July MM; Brandon, 27- Aug. I. Morions The, Doyle'*, Atlantic City, July 20-25. Marah, Kva, Mciiregnr'* Park, (Hen* Fall*, N. Y.,July 9)25-, HallKtnil, 27-Ailg. I. MatlileiiK. Juggling, Ft. Sheridan Pork, Hlghwood, 111., July 20-25. May A Mile*, illeudole Park. Naabvlllo, Teno.. July 19-26; Ovfiird lAke Park, Annlaten, Ala.. 2C-Aug. 1. Mclntym A Prtrnmae. Empire. Seattle. July 29-25. McDowell, John O., ttlvoralde Park, Saginaw, Midi., July 19-20. Mcl'bee A Hill, Hippodrome, London, Eng.. July 20 Aug.I Mclnloah, Tom, Hampden Park, Kprlngneld, Mat*., July McCotiuell. FrJiert, Ocean Pier. Old Orchard. July 20-25 McSiroenny, J. II., Proctor'* 6th Ave., N. Y. C, July 20.25, Melroae A Elmer. Doyle'a, Atlantic City, Jnly 20.26. Mcod A Bennett. Electric Fork, Baltimore, July 2025 Merrlu A ItoMlln. Proctor'*, Newark, July 2026. Settler, Lew c, Lexlugton Park. Boaton, July 20-25. elvl'n Bro*. CI), Uurernntor'*. AUantlc City, July 30-25 Meredith Slater*. Mualc Hall. Brighton Beach, N. Y July »S5; Keith's, N. Y. C «7Ang. I. Meyer A Mn»on, Proctor'a 2Td St., N. Y. C., July 2125 Meer* (5), Empire. CardllT, Eng., July 27-Aug. I. Mldgeley*, The, Jacob*', I'eoria, III., July 20 26. Miller A Kre*ko, ltoblri*on'* Park. Ft. wnyne, lod., July 19 25; Kanion* Park, tinind Rapid*, 26-AUg. 1. Mlett'H Dog*, Plum lalanil, Newburyport, Maaa., Julv 3025. MIMred A Mabell, Wea't's Peoria. Ill, July 20-25; Weat End Heights St. Loul*. 27-Aug. I. Mitchell* (3), South Bridge Park, Worcester, Ma**., July am Mile* A Nllrnm, Doyle'a, Atlantic City, July 2025. Mitchell*, The, Washington Polk, Mayonne, N. J., July Millard, W. 0„ RlvemMe 1'nrk, Montreal. July |o-25. 5lllchell A M»rnin. Boiilet'nrd. Medford, July 20-25. Mlllettoa (S), Salem Wlllim-*, Salem, Ma**., July 20-25. Mllanl Trio, HenUeV«oli's Coney Island, N. Y, July a) 25 Mlllemhlp Sluteni, Hender«on'*, Coney lilaml, N. r., July 20-2.V, , Mlley, Kathrvn, GuTernator'a. Atlantic City, July 20 25 Moreno* (3) th-ctrlr 1'irk, Baltimore, July 2025, Monroe A Marahall, llenderaon'*. Coney Island. N Y July 30-25. MorH*. I.eon, i'oniea, Hippodrome, London, Eug,, July 20-Aug. I. Muutrruo Troupe. Keith'*. Bb.toii, Julv 20-26. Moniu, HoriildfL, PaNtlinePork, Marion; linl, Jnly 20-2'> Montrell. Theatre Aniuout, .Moscow-, Russia, July 20 Aug. Montgomery, cilutnu. (Irauuian'a. Ban Fran., July 20-23 Morris John II., Music Hall. Brighton Beach, July 2025 Moore A Llttteneld, Linn Palace, N. Y.C., July 2025- Keltli'g/.|lilla„'27-Aiw.T. MuuuUonl, Ellleu, (iudfruy - *. Grand Rapids July 20-26. Morton, Phil. Fountain Park, ilieat Harrington, July 20-25. Moore, Annette,Canine.. Bt. Joseph, Mo., July 20-15. Monro, John A Milhle, llaahauen Park. St. Loula, July 29.26. Morrl* A Bloln. Dpylea, Atlantic City, July 2015. Moore, (leo. W„ Einnlre, Portlond, Ore., July 20-25. Morelaiid AFagaq, Chester Park,Cincinnati, July 1025. Murphy A Wlllanl,' Lakeside Park, Syracuse, V. Y„ July 20-25. Murphy A Andrew*, Falrvlew Park, Southbrldge, Mass.. July 20-25. * Miulge, Eva. Ibimuna, llranil Itnpid*. July 2023 Mullen A Corelll, Salisbury Reich, Masa, July 20-25. Naat, Thoa.. Jr., Music Hull, Brighton Beach, N. Y„ July Nag'l A Adams Loxlngton Hoof, Baltimore, July 20-26, Newton, Hilly, Midway l'urk, Mlddlelown, N. v., July 20- '25: P*6k»klll27A0BVl. v Newton, Lillian, Island Park, Portsmouth, N. II., July 20-25. Newton Bros., Lincoln Park, Worceiter, Mas*., July 20- J5 r - L ■ Nlghtnn*. The (41, Haminersteln'a, N, Y. C, July 20 25. Nleliol* A Nichols, Weaat's, Peorls, III., July 2045. Nichols ,t I'riiW. Melville's Park. Ilutlur, Pa.. Julv 2025. Norton, Talkative Miss Worcester, Mn«*., July 2025. Noaioal5). C. I). II., Chicago, July J7-Aug. 1. Nuwllu, Diivt), Kelth'a, Heal on, Julv 20-25. North, smith A Dixie, Salem, Ore., July 20-25. Norman t Brytv, Cryntal. Denyor, July 20-Aug. I. Normaa*. Juggling, Toiuple, lh-trolt, July SO-is. KoiTluea, The, Talaqiicga Park, AttUjboro; Moa*., July 2025 llgilen'. Mar, llllnu, Norfolk, Julv 30-25. Otcotl, Sid; Proctor'* 5th Ave., N. Y. ft, July 20 25, Orvllle A Frank, Krb'aCnaliin, North Bench, N. Y., July 2025. Owli-r A Randall, Suiiuult Park, I'tlca. July 20 Aug, 1. i rill feu Troupe, Shea's Biilfiilo, Julv am. ii'llrlen* Woil, Forost Lake, 1'filuier. Ma«K. July 20-25. O'Duiinoll Bros, Liinal'ark, Coney Island, N.Y., July 20- 45. iirphen* Coniedy Fuur, Orphouui, San Fran., July 19. Aug. I. I'aiilliiettl A I'liiuo, Doyle's Allitntlc City, July 2025. Parke*. Burt. Stratftjnl Park, MM 0., July.20-26. Paarntel, Wennna Boach. Boy titty, Mich., July-Jry-Aug. 1. Paloina Trio, l.ewhl'a Park, Seattle, July 19-25; Nau- toilum 1'ark,Spokane. Jo-Aug. I. l'oitiiraiin, Charles. Floating Ituol' Oenlen, N. Y. ft, July Paliersoua, Bound lug, (3), Doyle'a, Atlantic City, July 20-35. - Pa*'part*. Dancing (2);Theatre Eremllage, Moscow, ttui- •la, July 22 Aug. 1. Patrhln Bn«., Auditorium, Ontarln Beach, Rocheator, N. v., July 19-25. PariWs'Rros. Keith'*, I'lillo., July 20-25, Palfrey A Hilton. Kelth'a, Boaton, July 30-35. Perkins Mile., Howard, Boaton Julv 20-45. Perkins, Uabello, Henilernoo's Coney Island, N. Y., July Petit. Daniel, Clietlnui Illll 1'ark, Phlla., July 20-35, PhlljIpsSiiiets Spring tirove Park,Sprlngueld, O., July Plattei tk-o. I.., Kreebraly Park. Newport. It. L, Jiilv 3025, I'leau, Mr. A Mr*. AI., Shield*' Park.Walla Walla, .fiilv 10- 25; Shlelils'Pork. PnrtUnd, Ore., !fli Aug. I. 1'olus, (3). (irelieiiin, Sau Frauclsco.. July 2U-2S. I'oniiM'jl, ftonttal Park, AllenLowo, July 20-26 Polk A Treak. Linn palace, N, Y. C„ July 20-25. Powell, Paul, Sohuirr Park, Montreal, July 19-25. Powers Bros., Suhmer Park. Noutreal. July 19-26. 1'roviist ,t Provost. Lake Contrary Casino, St. Joseph, Mo., July 19-25; Highland Park, KatwaaClty, 9>-Aiig. I. Prlmroa", (leo. AThe Foley Bro*., Masonic Roof Chicago, July 20-Aug. 1. Puck* i'2i, FroolKMlv Park. Newport. It. I., July 2015. Purvl*. Edtlle, Auditorium, Norfolk, July 20-26. Kay*, The. Jacobs'. Peoria. 111., July 20-25. Ilautaey Sl»ters Uenirlc.k Park. Ithaca, K. Y., July 20-25, llaitmi A Aruu, LakeaiJe Park, Webb City. Mo, July 20 25. . llagere, (.Ti, Cuiernotnpa, Atlantic city, July 2023. iiai-oil, ('. <>. II-, Chk-ago. July 3025. Reckon.V Ha/anl, Empire. Strallortl, London, Eng., July 2023; Palare. I'lyuiuiilli, 27 Aug. I. Karjiioud A Clark, San.Souel. Mltivaukoe, Julv ai'J.5. Italinullil A Vack. Casino, Torn' Haute, July ai 23. Haulers The, (llendale Park, Nashville, Teun., July 20 23; Pastor'*, N. Y. C.. 2/Aug, I. Read, AI II., Riverside Park, Montreal. July U-25. Reklaw, Dan, Chester Perk, Cincinnati, Ju f yT»-35. Rio Bros, Hoog Like Park, Wtmnsoeaet, July 20-25, Rice A Harvey, Haymarket, C*lca«o, July 10-16. RIce'A 1'revoat, Hammersteln'*, IT Y. 0., JoW».»5. Rlanos (4), Cheater Park, Cincinnati, July lt-26; Foreat Park, st. Louis y, Aug. I. King, Blanche, Crystal fisrdrier, N. Y. ft, July 20-Aug. I. BinRy, Tom, Lion PaUce, N. Y. C. Julyl»»5. Blmiwno'a Horse*, Hamrrlerateln'*, N. V. C, July JO-25. Rice, E J.. Kellh's N. Y. C., July 20-16. Itlctiarilann, Lavender, Sliaily Lake Park, Peck»kllr, July 20-25. Knhlnson A Hrant, Kuiplre. Portland, Ore., July 20-26. HooalHoa (3). Syracune, N. Y., July 2025; Summit Park, I'tlca, 27-Aug. I. Hum! Bros, San* Honcl, Chicago. Jnly 21-25. Kobert*. llayea A Robert*, Manonlc Temple Roof, Chicago, July VISA. It.wa, 8«««le, HanaKourl, Milwaukee, July 20-25. Itol!c«Uiii, Frank, A On.. Proctor'* 2»l St.. N. Y.C., July 20;25. • • liousella. The, Doyle'a, Atlantic City, Jdly 10-25. Itochefort A May, (iu vernator'*, Atlantic City, July 20 25. Roattlnu A steveus, Henderson's, Coney Island, N.Y.. July 20.26. ItusapllA Dnnlisr, Brooklyn ■atoh, N. T.. July 3025. Russell* O'Nell, Electric Park, Peekaklll, N. Y., July 30- At tie annual meeting of the Chlm™ i . No. 1, N. A. B. P. and iJ. of l,iX 0 ^ fo lowing officers were elected to itft ™ BOliig jcat: Jamet, Martin, Buiug J™i;... «"«n«n AiatTin, nroKhimi Thomas CablJI, vice president' j p i CBIu « | t; nla« Sn.nsl.l ,' '' ' ™ ■ UiIH- ileynoidg, rccorrilrjj; Zeeo, Carl A Zeno, Pain's Firework*, ManhatUn Beach, V V Tlllt" all '2/a Zoa'r,.>llle„'Doyle : a Atlantic Oily, July 20.25. Zimmerman, AI A Pearl, Central, Hurley, Wis, July 2tl Aug. 1. . ' We bave prepared handy mulling earda which will, .greatly facilitate ■vaudeville pcrldrtterii In eeudlng- ii* their uonklriua. Ito uklhit theae earda the pert drnier merely Una trt Oil: nnt the dates, name of theatre, ntnd city or town and Rtnt.', tllace a one. cent «m«t either per^nhlly «r by letter, ^.flj^^t^^ him to continue la office, ond Mr ttfff nUck's dutlca aa secretary of the Nation* i Alliance have grown to mich nrVrjorffii thfit he could no longer do fv.rtlS'tarffi were Iu'. nlng, financial secretary rxbdmaB Uevnoia 0 ' bustneaa agent; W. J.. Baunders rZt]? H - secretary ;%am nothclilld, aergeait ' .?i° K and l'at Gottlelb. John Celfa"ndMil? ^ Linden, trustees. P. V. Murnhv formes, Ji y preHdent; J. .}. HeCormlck, &rTc t « jttd David Howard, former tmnam ■ ,1' fosed.^0 stand for reflection. Mt" Murpoy 26; Pmctot'aiid St., ft Y. 0, 27- Auk. I Satmir, Umlse, Proctor'* «th Ave., N. Y. < ltiireii, Itlcharil, Lincoln Park, New he ' ., Ma**., Julv 20-25. Ray* (si. Madison Are. !Park. Burllnulou.In.. July 20tU. lUe A Broach*, Kelth'a, N Y.O.. J.uly 2U». Iteiolnitioii, Mnyioe. Keith'*, Huston, Julv 2il-26. Iteltfllni*., Proctor'*, N'owark.Julv>l2A Iteldy A currier, tk-ean Pier, (llil On-hard, July 21121. Ile.liiiouil. Rll* A Co., I'riMior'a Ski St., N. Y. C, July Iteeil.i HlllK>rl,'«rfio*ter Park. Clili'lhnatl, July W25. ItexoN The. IduraPark, YousitMoan, D., July20.25. Keynard, ed. f , mpiodrome, London, go*.,, July 20 Auk. I. Rennet (5), Auditorium, Norfolk, Vs., Jul}' 202*, C, July 2025. Hahnte'i, Fnllea Mnriirny, Parla, Fr., JOIrayAun. I. sanna, Korett Park, St. IxiUl*, July 21 25, Saltn, El, Riverside Park, Jlnkfenl. July 19 25. Sat »u ms, Past Of a, N. Y. 1 C, J u I y 29-25. Hiliel. Joaephlne, llamniersteln's, N. Y. C, July 20-25. santoro A JlkTlow, Snramlt 1'srk. Toledo, 0„ July 20 25; Put InBny. f).. 26 Auk. I. Saxon, Pauline, tllen Forest. Lawrence, Mass., July 2025 ; The Pin •■, Haverhill, 27-Aus. I. Saiytelle, Marlon, A. A s„ itosion, Jnly 20-25 Sewtell* * Sear*. Chestnut drove, Providence, R. I., July 211-25: Doyle's Pavilion. Atlantic City, 27-Aus. I. Kawtelle Slaters A Gladys Rears, Providence, R. I., July 20-25. Sanderson, Cirl W„ Farm, Toledo, O., July IMS. Sawyer, Eildle, Rowim's Park, Marlon, lnd.. July 20-25. Saunders .A Cameron, Kennywood Park, PlP.»burg, July 19X6. schelTer A Blakeley, Proctor'* 2M St., N. Y. ft. July 20-2',. Sawver, Harry Cllntnn, Shields' Park, Walla Walls, July 2025; l.echl Park, Seattle, 27Auir. I. Scott A Wllsnn, Morrison's, Rockawav Beach, N. Y'., July 20-25. Schulti'stlreatDane*, Lexington Par*-, Boston, July 20 25. Hcher.p's Canine Trout*., Elk'* Fair, (leorgetown, Ky , Jnly 2125. Rdymour A Dopree. Lakeside Park, Akron, 0., July 29 Aug. I. Meainon A Monte, Chute*. San Fran., July 20-25. Seymour, Nellie, Floating Roof Harden, N. Y. ft, July 20- Sceners. Lillle. Foreat Park, Kansas City, July 20-25. Seymour, C. II., Ocean Pier. Old Orchsrd. Julv SO-25. Sheridan A Forrest, h«dy Lake Park, Peckitlll, July 20 25. Shnw, Allen J., Empire, Portland, Ore., Julv 20-26. Shaw, Mr. A Mrs ' any, Wehater, Mas*., July 20-25; Athol, Mas*., 27-Aug. i sharp Charles. Cheater PArk, Cincinnati, July 19-26, sidnnla, Reeves' 1'srk. Ko.tona, O., July 2025; Lakeside Park, Akron, - Aucl. Silvern A Emerlc. l"ii»tor'8. N. Y. ft, July 2026 SllhnrTrio, Rohmer Park. Montreal, Jnly 1926. Smlrl A Keeancr. Lexington Park. Boaton, July 20-25. Smith A Bryan, Keith's. Boaton, July S0-J6. Snyder A Buckley. Bellevue Park, Toledo, O., July 19-25; Ban* Snucl, Olilcato, 21 Aug 1. Salaret, Roulernnl, Medrord, July 20-25. Solnrs. nrlme* A outer, Ft. Sherldnn Park, Hlghwood, III., July 20-15; Weaat's. Penrls, 17-Aus. 1. Splaael Urns.. Lakei'lew Park. Kslamsitoo, July 20-25. Stetann. Wiilter. A On.. PnstoFi. N. Y. ft, July 20-25. stnvordiile Quintet, Hippodrome, London, Eng., July 2tj. Aug. I. Stelnert A Thorns*. Howard, Boaton, July 20.25. Stanley A Brockman, Morrison's, RockAway Beach, N. Y'.. July 20.25. St. Irfona m, Coudersport, Pa., July 20-26; Port Allegany, 27-Aog.T: St. John A la? Febore, Doyle'*, AtlanllcClty, July 20-25. St. Clair, Eaale. Cryaul. Denver, July 2025. Stanley A Le Roy, Ocean Pier, Sea Tale. N. J.. July 20-25. Stuart A Minor, Peck'*, Oakland, Cil.. Julv 20-25. StroilaeA Young, Oilvernator'a, Atlantic City, July 20-25: Brlilgetnn, N. J-,I7-Aug. I. St. Onae Hro*.. Forest Lake, Palmer, M***„ July 20-26. htiililileton A Cheoev.CnnevIsland, Cincinnati, July 19.25. Sully AXeeler, Oodrroy'a, Orand Rapld^ July»25. Swlcknril, Mr. A Mrs., Empire, Johannesburg,So. Africa. July 27-Aug. 1. Swan A Bombard, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., July 2026. Symondi, laiUle Went, Weat End. New Orlesna, July 20-25. Svlveater, Lawrence, Proetor'i 5th Ave., K. Y. ft, July '30-26, ' ' Talbot A Rogers, Park, Saratoga, July 20-25; Ithaca, N. Y„27-A.1K. 1.' Tanneon Bros., Keith's, Boston, Julv 20-25. Tahar. llad.H, Naufa5rlam Park, Spokane, July 19-26; Shields'Park, Wslla Walla, 16-Ang. I. Taylor Twin Sisters Morrison'*, Rockaway Beach, N. Y., July 2025. ' Teal, Raymond, Baltimore, Md., July 20 25; Pastor's, N. Y. C.,i7-Aug. I. Thompson, Minnie May. Godlroy'a, Grand Rapids, July 20-25. Thome A lloldsivorth. Guremator'a, Atlantic City, July 30-Aug. I, Tbukelil A Wlcke. Cook's Psrk, Evansvllle, July 20-26. Thorns* k Hall, Frei-braly Park, Newport. «. I„,Iuly 20r> Thompson A Francis, Empire Pavilion, OlouccBter, N. J.. Jilty 20 »; (iuvcrnatnr'*, Atlantic City, 37-Aux. I. Tlddfertlnk A Dugan, Washington Park, Bayonne, N. J„ Jnly20.». "■ ■ ' Tlppell A Kllment. Orphcum. Terre Haute. July 20-26. Towner, Purvis A Towner, Boiler's Garden, Detroit, July 20-26. Touhey A Lacey, Keith'*, N. Y. C.. July JB.25. Troubodnur* (J), Idlewlld Park, Newark, O., July 20-25. Trask A madden, Keith's, Boston, July 20-26. Traiunr A Button, Orpheuui, Terre Haute, July 20-25- YVest Height* Park, Evansvllln, 27-Aug. 1. Troubatlour Four, Celorbn Ilsrk, Jamestown, N. Y., July 20-26. Treloar A Tempest, Highland Park, Brockton, Mas*. July 27-Aug. 1. Turner, Geo. W-, Orpheum, San Fran., July 20 26. Unthan, C. II.. Wenona Park, Bay City, Mich., July 19-25; Riverside 1'ark, Saginaw, 2fi-Aug. I. " Ynlveno Bro*,. Central Park, Dover, N, II., July 20-25; Tal FoMenA McCstiley. Chute*, San Fran., July 20-25. Veola, Proctor's 2td St., N. Y. C, July 20-25. Yernon A Kennedy, Plnetiurat Park, Worcester, July JO- 25. Vice A Viola, Jewctt City, Conn., Julv 20-25. Waldorf, k Mendel. Electric Park, Albany, N. Y., July 20- YVnddell, Hrn*., Empire, Portland, Ore., July 20-25. Waldron, Bros., Empire, Portland, Ore., July20-25. Walsh A Thome, Crescent Gardens, Boaton,'July 20-25. Wayne, Wins.. Auditorium, Cheaapoaku Beach, Md., July 20-25. .. . Wavne A I .a Mar, Forest Park, Palmer. Mass., JnH- 20-25. Waller A Maglll. Prospect linrden, Brooklyn, N. ¥., July 30S5; Erh'aCaslnn, North Beach, 27Aug.l. Walton* (51, Itamoiis, Grand Hanlils, Julv 20-26. Warren A Blauelisrd. Bellevue Park, Toledo, O., July 19- 25. . Washington*. The, Chauney Lake, WeHthoro, Ma**. July Walker, lien, Howard, Beaton. July 20-29, Weltiell, Jama*. Alamedt Park, Butler. Pa,, Julv 20-25. WeRtun, August, Washington Park, Bayouue, N. J., July 30-26. Welsli, t'lnts. A Jennie, Riverside Park, Detroit, July JO- SS. West, Cluin. )t„ BPJoii, Niirfolk, Julv 20-25. Wells A Well*. A. A S.. Boston, July 20-25. Welsh, John J., Leechl Park, Seattle, July 20-Aug. I. Weston* IS), KelUr*. Phil*;, July 20-25. .Welch Hro*., Euclid Reach, Cleveland, July 20-Aug. I. YYehb. Margaret, Lakeside 1'nrk, BrookBeld, Mass., July 20-25. ' ■ ' ' ' West, John A., R»n* Soncl, Chicago, Julv 26-Aiig. 1, West A William*, The Pine*, Haverhill, July 2045. Wsat A Van slcklen. Freebody Park, Newport, R I., July 20-25; Musltj Hall. Brighton Beach. N. Y„ 27-AUK. 1. Whitman, Frank, Tumbling Run, PotUvltlo, Pa., July 20-25. ... Whlteoinb. Hank, flraumsn'*. San Fran., July 20-16. Whitney, Annle.liodlroy'H, Grand llaphla, July20-1]. Williams A lionliui. tlrauinan'*, San Fran., July 20 25; . Peck'*, Oakland. 27A\lg. I. Wluchcll, Smith A Co.. Keith'*, Phlla,, July 20-26. Wilder,' Jlaralial! 1"., C. 0. 11., Chicago, July 3028. Williams, Frank A Ida, Lagoon Island, Clndionstl, July 2029; Collins' Garden, Columbus, O., 27AU(t. 1. Wilbur, Sydney A Co., Woolworth's, I*noa«ter, July 20 25. Winter*, flanks A Winona, Maisabesto Lake, Manchester, N. II., July 19-26. Wllann*, The. Lakeside Park. Conhsnut, O., July 20 25. YVlltou Bro*.. Koliha, N. Y. ft, July 2025, Wlllard A Wilenx. Proctor'* SUtli St., N.Y. ft, July 20-25; Proctor's 125th St., K. Y. ft, 27-Aug. 1. Will* A Collins, Palace, Boston, July 20-25. Wlghtioaq. Allan. S*na Snucl, Chicago, July 2025. wluatanleyJ Sullivan, Manhattan Beach, Denver, July 10-25. WlM.llarrv. Eleclrlr Par*. Newark, N. J., July»25. Wnnlette, Kstelle A Co., Pastor 1 *, ft V. C, Julv2025. Wurden A (lladlsh. Weaat'e, Peoria, 111., July 20-25. Wood, Fr*ncl», Park. Mi|fonl. Mass., July8M-28. Wood worth. Marty. Proolnr'e'Jail St., N. Y\ ft, July 2026. iVymau A Garner. Henderson'*, coney lalnud, N, Y., July soak ' ' Wyruir, Froil., IK'ean Pier. Old Orchard,' July 39-39.' YallirDuii, Electric Park, Baltimore. July 20-26. Y'arrlck, Josel, Frweuodv Park, Newport, R. |„ July 30.25. YeamsiK, Jennie, Morrlsim'*, Rockaway - Beach, N. Y„ MrM • Yoeuiao, George. Wheeling Park, Wheeling, W; Vs., July Young, Mr. A Mrs., Arthur, Crescent Hardens, Roston, July air.. Y'uiiogs A HriioUs, Meyer'* Lake Casino, Canton, I)., July 8125. Z»tel A Vernon, Elecirlc'Park, Alliany. N. Y,. Jnly 2025. Z6rs A strtaoii. Pnictut'*6Ui Ave., N. V. ft. July Jo-25 ISsnh, The' tlrvSt. Hrauiuan'a, San Fran., July Hii\, Chutes, 27-Aug. 1. anib Ibe BITI Mm. The AgBoclalefl Bill Posters and tJlatrlbu- toi-8 of the United iitutes aud Canada opened their thirteenth annual convention at At- lantic City Tuesday, July 14, arid for three days and nights worked and pleasured as osly such a body of exceptionally strenuous mortals can. Over two hundred members pf this body were prcsnt, and this number In- cluded representatives of every State In the Union. A number of gentlemen prominently connected with theatrical Interests through- out the country came In the retinue, as did the representatives of several large steel plants, who were directly Interested in the adoption of rolled steel by the bill posters for outside display stands. The elegant beach front hostelry, the Hotel Rudolph, was the headquarters for the association, and here all of Its meetings were held. The opening session of the convention took place 'tuesday afternoon, ahd proved a pleasant beginning through the Introduction of a de- cree of sociability that brought the visitors Into friendly relations with Atlantic City's government. Honorable Franklin 1*. Stoy, mayor, was Introduced to the assemblage by President Charles 1". Bryan, of Cleveland, O. Mayor Stoy's speech, In view of the fact that there had been considerable oppo- sition locally for several months back to the extensive bill board displays about the retort, seeUcd to straighten out matters, and his welcome In the following speech placed every one present In proper trim : "Mr. President and honorable members of the Associated Bill Posters and Dis- tributors of the United States and Canada: This Js a great pleasure for me today to meet you In convention In Atlantic CHty. I hhve been apprised of your coming for some time. I want to say It gives me great pleas- ure to welcome you to Atlantic City, al- though they do say we have declared war on bill posters, we Invited you here, nod we give *ou a hearty welcome, and accord you the freedom of the city. Mr. President, I stand here to explain my position about what has been said by the public press of the country about Uils war. All that I can say about that la that nil you read Is not true. Believe me, that anybody with horse sense would know that bill posting and advertising are good things for the country, and es- pecially for Atlantic City. I greet you not only as bill posters, but as sensible business men, whose craft may call many people to Atlantic City. I recognize bill posting as one of the greatest institutions in the United States. A little grievance in which I had to tak,e an initiative port was the posting on the Boardwalk, which we consider sacred property. If we allowed leniency, or one man to do a little bill posting on the Board- walk or approaches thereto, we would soon find theth covered with bills of all de- scriptions, and it is therefore necessary that we should treat all alike. Outside of that I have no Jurisdiction. If a man rents his lot for a sign, it Is his own private business. There Is now a bill before council prohibiting bill posting and signs, and I hesitate to say If that becomes a law whether I will put my signature to It. This is a free country, and. If a man has no jther use for ule property but for a Blgn. he has a right to use it for that. Atlantic City Is a pe- culiar place, being the playground of all the world, and we want to give pleasure to every ose who comes here. This will ex- plain my position on the bill posting ques- tion, 1 believe In advertising. The matter or bill before the council Isn't before the mayor, and it Isn't signed yet, and 1 don't know whether It will be or not. I appre- ciate your call and hope that you will all have an elegttnt time. The Lord has pro- vided the weather, and I hope He will pro- vide every other thing. I have to make my appearance before the Bureau of Public Safe- ty this afternoon, and I will say to nil mem- bers df that department that the bill posters are In town, and when they see a bill poster's badge they will all have to turn their backs. I thank you for the pleasure of meeting such a representation of solid business men and hope thatxou will bo so pleased with the beauties orAtlantlc City that you will go home after your work, and pleasure Is over here, and sprecd Ub fame to the four corners of the earth.," This address was responded to by J. II. Meyer of New Haven, Conn., who stated that the Associated Bill Posters there present represented a membership of twenty-five hun- ?,",'! FfiJ* ever y d 'y * nd t°wn of the United States, with an Invested capital of between six and ten million dollars.,. He spokaof how this medium of publicity had helped many big manufacturers, and Quoted the success of Atlantic City as one of the best possible illustrations of what advertising will do. He thanked the mayor for the cordial welcome extended to the members, tind stated that. Inasmuch as Atlantic City bud treated them so nicely, they would go uway to advertise the resort as It never had been before. After these addresses the reports of the president,, secretary and treasurer were made, una then the routine business was taken up. Ttae afternoon session lasted until nearly « o clock. . An eyealng session followed, during which a number of Important matters were dis- cussed. During Wednesday night's session the following were elected for tho ensulnc year:. President, Barney Llnlg, of Brooklyn ; vice president. George Clenelh of Columbus, p.; treasurer, a. B. Beall, of Sioux City, la.; secretary, Charles Bernard, of Savan- nah, Ua. Thursday afternoon tho organiza- tion open air meeting, and at this time Uho hotly was addressed by a number of prominent people, including some of the biggest advertisers of the country. At the concluding session the main office of thcias- sociation was removed from .Savannah, Oa., to Chicago. 111., and St. Louis, Mo., .was unanimously selected as the place- for the next annual convention. Charles P. Bryan, the retiring president, was presented with.a hahdsomc testimonial. Mr. Frost, a well known attorney of Chicago, delivered a stir- ring address, and the convention adjourned ^ Th,»t inch and every member had a most delhxbtful visit to the oily by the sea was evidenced by the hearty manner In ' which they purtfclpatediln tho various amusements, nnd nowhere was a diligent' smirch neces- snry to find the doslgiiiiflng badge- shlnlnc forth in ready evidence. , . '...'. . Walter Nclssen, Local Nn.' (1, Denver, Is mi ti visit to New York, combining business Willi .lileusiiro. . |V\ Watwro. Meat No. IT. Boston, stopped over in New York to vlu(t Local. No. 2. He was on his way to Philadelphia to visit his parents. -. - ™ James firegc. of Local No. 4. Philadelphia, . asafa Ma !..._■.. i..'_ i .__.. ». * • 1 i >ri irIiic* agent of Hiirllg v« Beaiiimr* Mimle Hall, hut, !>e<l|l od EMfla ,.r at... M .i..A_,iiiu._~Ji *.l hew Alliance have grown to such orotwS ii, that he could no longer do justice^ [ 0 ?,„ office of secretary o? the Chicago toil These three ex-officials, however, were ft, strutnental In having the new officers eleet.5' The big wall at Thirty-sixth Street ■ »\ i EK^'atWPftlSa Sflfe ,^lch was cove«d with "The Wliard of Or," paper last «SP was nearly washed clean by the henw S«St of July lfi. The slke of the will aS he'ff. aglnert when it Is known that It Is nth two sheets In width and seventeen In helihi it was papered by "Pop" Murray and Harri Stern, members of Local No. 2, who worked from a Bcaffold. Monday, 20, the same men started bright and early o replX. the paper washed off by the rain, and „,' wall presents the same appearance as before the elements undid their work. It Is .ir talnly a fine specimen of the bill n 08 t„'. art, nnd a Job of which to be proud Walter Messen, of Local No. 0,' Denver Colo., has been engaged as agent for "llnni Ing for Hawkins" Co. for the coming season which openB ahout Aug. 1. i * ' Harry Josephs, brother of the prcslticnr of N. A. B. V. & P. of A.. Is In Jft?xork City in the ntereait of the National AI l once, and will remain here for about lm The Clipper representative received Hi* following from President Edward Norrli of Local No. 0, Denver, Oolo.: "Tom Da'lev •white wings," in charge of*No. 2 car for Mingling Bros., arrived July 12, with twenlv- one men; Louis Knobs, boss bill ixislo'r As usual. Local No. 6, N. A. B. P. & B. of A' met them on the car and Initiated two of their number, vis.: Charles W. Clmit n m | Charles W. Coleman. Local No. e Is pros- perous, as this makes the sixth car wlilrli has gone out of Denver solid union, Norr's & Howe are looking up the Colorado out- look for their coming tour." A. II. Mahr, secretary Local No. 18, of Newark, N. J., sends the following: "At our meeting, July 12, we had seven brother kill posters us visitors from Pawnee Bill's AVIIil West Show car, stationed at Orange. N. J.: Jos.SJ. Brlet. of Local No. 3; Dan Srunlon and Chas. Baker, of Local No. 4; Kd. Baker, of Local No. 11; II. Mason, of Local No, ':: W. II. Slater and Robert Mathews, of I«iral No. 11. Brother Uriel, of our local, innile a speech, and after the meeting we hud n reception, and we all had an enjoyublc time. All the boys read Tub Clippbs." All brother bill posters with Bnrniini & Bailey, and Hargrove Shows, and all travel- ing, brothers who bave not received card* from Local No. 18, are requested to send their correct addresses, or route for o»e week or more ahead, to A. H. lutllir. secre- tary No. 18, 200 Bergen Street, Newark, N. J. <}. W. Lowery, secretary of Local Xo. :i, Pittsburg, sends the following: "There whs a great ball game played here between mem- bers of Local No. 3 last week. National Presi- dent Chas. Joseph's team against Local Presi- dent .Geo. Abernethey's team. The one great feature of the game was the pitching. Every- body on the teams tried to pitch. The game was a treat, and made some of the National League players remark, 'you would think the batsman was jabbing a brush Into a bucket of paste. I' don't think anybody tried to keep the score, as every man who went to bet scored, whether he nit the ball or not." ' , Bro. Sam Fisher was given a withdrawal card from Local No. 3, to Join tho Newark, N. J., Local 18. Bro. C. M. Conner*, of Local No. II, wliu has heen out with a circus this Summer, stopped over. In Pittsburg a day to sec Ills family and the local boys before leaving for New York. Bro. Conncrs goes alinnd of Sul- livan, Harris & Woods' .The King of De- tectives" Co. the coming season, which opens Aug. 8. While traveling around be has dime some good work 4n the way of getting new members for the National Alliance. The American BUI Posting Co. lust wwk bought out the Pittsburg Bill Posting i'o., which controlled some of the best loctilllles la-Pittsburg. It was a'strictly union "lion Brother Ed. Braddock, of Local No. .1. Pittsburg, has been placed lu charge of the paper on one of the leorepaugh-Sells Bros, advertising cars'. ..... „ „. Brb. Gep. Aberncthey. of Local No. 3, will not make the trip to New York this hiini- mer, on account of. sickness in his family. He will ho located at, the Bijou Thculre, Pittsburg, Uic coming season. Local No. 1, Chicago, reports everylhliiB in good shape from Its members on the rojjn. Advertising Car. No. 2, Pawnee Bill's Wild West, Is a straight union, car. Business Representative Lane, of Ijok- tock's Show, at Coney Island, N. V. n BS mapped out considerable advertising for Uio show. He called on Business Agent Murray. of Local No, 2, New York City, and In- formed him he wanted none but union men to do the work. He engaged it number or Local No. 2's members, and will Increase lliu force gradually. . . „ Clyde B. Luther. Local No. 3, was In New York Wednesday, July 16 ; arrived from Hus- ton on route' to Pittsburg. ' ««]» ALABAMA. Jauieanregp. of Loral Nn. 4. Phllndelti wiiK ItitNfw Aurk on luisiiiesM last week. r.ddlo Anion „r Local x„. a , S( f v ^rll —lent of Ilurllg <fc Kentiion's Mush- Hall, huh HP given,chargo g r the advertising'of'toe w theatre ut flye Beach for the,Summer ^Sra""^^*" I*** 1 Ifa i Kfl.aWB«.tO Mobile.—At Monroe Park Theatre (M. A. McDorroott. manager).—There has been ki'Uuj dissatisfaction brewing In the Boston ltcui Opera Co., which culminated July 13, wlicn Lynn Parmley assumed the management <« *he company, and (Messrs. MoHcly & McKay retired. Tho main cause of .the trouble was, It Is said, because Mr. Moscly was weitkco; Ing the company to strengthen his r>«- - company, at, Meridian, Miss. Large «"'' ertcea prevailed the entire' week, greatly co- joying the perforninncc. ■ OttscoTTB 'TiJkatmc (Diicourniiii iji <jh-. manVigersl.^-Desiilte the warm weather lniv> audiences greeted' the performances at to's hoiise week 6f 18; ,,, . _.„, TUP. Boston Idkal Ornn* Co. will ten « a benefit, night 22, to the Young Me n «L''*' brew Association. "The Chimes of Norman- dy" will be the bill. • « » ♦ > ■ NEBKASItA. Omnlia At Boyd's Theatre (W. I Bj£ gosii, mulinger) The Perrla Stock l.oinpfli'y o|>ciic(l Its twelfth week July. >"• ES iseutlnK "I'lirHonle and Honor" the m» half, nml "East Lynde" the last half <<< Week. YVeek of 1,2 file bills were. W Jim" and "The Lady of Lyons." Btisln' 6 * continues bis. ,,« NotKk.— tflngllnar -Brds.' Circus comes -•* for Ihelr initial visit, nnd will ■Q&w'&S have good bualnoas, as usual ,<5 | W. ,„e Is doing a, One business and drawing, mrp crpwdB this hot weather Jnhours lit «us will, be File ..extra atlniillmi at P"""" inini, uracil is-in., **r*-* Nu Novel to IVidl. There is u tyalu,tev.«ry hoiii by "if,'^I, York Centrat-4urely one of them will W* you.—Adit.