The New York Clipper (July 1903)

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518 THE '-ISTfciM YORlf feMP^E^. July 25. iollci oxx tine Wlieel Over ttLG Erxipiire and. ^ARTISTS "EMgAGBnr ."■REPORT AS FOLLOWS: XSsisterxx Circuit CHORDS MEN, July SOTi DAN0IX9 QIBIA. An K . 3f SHOW GIRLS. Aug. 10: _ . SPECIALTY ARTISTS AND PRINCIPALS, Aug. 14: REHEARSAL*. 10 "■'a* H 1 A. Hi. ACKNOWLEDGE CALL BY LETTER. CAIylvl W. B. WATSON'S AND ORIENTALS. All the I.A1I1KS and HfcNTLKMKN engaged for the above Companies will usaeinlile for rehear?al as follow:*: TIi* ORIENTALS, (in Tuesday, Jn!yit8,ul 10A. M.;lUe AMEltHJANS; on Monday, Juli '-'. at It A. M.,at HKK'CHOVKN II ALL, .'.111 .St., nrur Unwi-ry. Kindly acknowledge. W. Hi WATSON, WATSON'S TtlKAIV""" 'WRUI-Ladles engaged lor AMERICANS will repurl mi Thursday Ueetnoven Hall. THKATHK, Brooklyn, N. V. July 'ill, lit 10 A.M., at GAT MORNING GLORIES CO. .All People JCug aged fur I In.' Above t'o. Pleuue Hi-port fur lleliem .ul. MONDAY, Alii. U, WKIWTKK HALL, ELEVKNTIl STRKKT' between Tlllill) ANII FOURTH AVKXLKS, N. Xi KlnillV acknowledge Ihls call »t.t»Ke'io : ?.■ ' auRlHNKH * HRF.W, lass Broadway, New York ony. Chorus Girls Engaged for Out Road Attractions WILL PLBABK KKPDHT AT dl,K MUSIC HALL, Writ 12.MIi Sheet, M0N1IA V, JULY 27, 10 A. .«' Acknowledge this call by latter. A FKYY UORK cniili i.iloiU Itf (Jll'.I.S WANTUU. "!il«JUi s RENTZ-SANTLEY company. All person* engaged with Wie Wevi> company will KKPOKT FORT ItEIIKARSAL at MURRAY BILL I.YOKUM, Corner .'Mill HI. anil :icl Aw., N. V., Monday, Aug. 3, lit 10 A. H. KliurjJ. Klnuiy acknowledge receipt or iin- to aim: i.f.avtit, Manager ItaNT/.-H CO., Oau place a few more good fjiorn* Ladles, oaro Morris Kxchange, 4U West -j-ili 81., N. Y. City. MACK'S ORIGINAL GEORGIA COLORED MINSTRELS WART PEOPLE IX ALL LINES. Comedians, Singers, Dancer*, Acrobat*, Musical Team, Female Quartette, Oalco Walkers, Musicians for hand ami Ori'heslra. I'erforiiirni who llnulile. Brass. WANT KKATUHK ACT, SUCH AS 'UYL'LF. WHIRL or TillI'J.K BARS. Also I'AKADK FHATUKK. Agentam! Lithographer. All day Workers. Stale plainly full parlleiilur* mul lowest salary. Stop ill hotels, (live permanent address. EAML MoOCTCHEON. Cortland, Ohio. WANT SWKLI. PARA11K AND BAN1I I NIKOIlMh AND FIRST PART 8KTTTN0. ROY, IUUNQ11 NOW HOOKlltO SEASON 'UH anil '04. FIRST GLASS ATTRACTIONS WANTED. One Rood show a'week from Oct. 1 to" May 1. , Sent lion**, snatlnc- tlini;- good scenery, mul one of the lie.t short' towns of Its Blue In Central Illinois. House now being re- freacoetl, redecorated and refurnished, lteoponlng Aug. 17. Managers of First Clans Cuiiieilles, Knree Comedies, Musical Comedies, Ihuunis, Minstrels, Hie., write for ojieu nine niid terniH. ' Address It. I.. lHU.'KWOItTH. ANNA WHITNEY Han In preparation a new addition to her present strong spoclally.whle.h she will produce at 1 lie open- ing of the season. The seeiu- will lie laid In the American ijnai lor m I'm is, a ml will lie a novelty In a slilKleoi'T. Now bnoklngOclolicrnudNovcnilierllme. WANTED, BURLESQUE' SHOW, , Hamilton, Can. CAKNIVAL WEEK AUG. 17. vUltois expected. Free Uidwav opposile on Theatre liuirkel every day. Viindevlllc Season opeim Sept. 21. Now Looking. J. (1.- AI'l'LKTON. Jdau&ger. ~ A 1 BIG HIT LAST WEEK AT THE NOVtttt, BOSTON. " McLAIN SISTERS. .HisnPHiNKand (M1I1I8TINK, III a Character Singing and Dancing specialty. MANAtiKU WILLIAM MeAViiY say-: •-This act cerlalnly nuule good hero ui the Howard. 1 ' Booked for return dale Aug. 17. We are linen for engagi inputs. Mnniigers, address ns. Mi I. A IN SIBTBHH, 2I» Tremonl SI., Uoatoli, Mass. FOR 8tet(son^ Toiri Co., People fur I tie following |illi'«.l Phliica» anil Lcgiec, Ilnrrli anil Ht. Ilulr. Mnrki and Holey: Muililam ot nil klmlt Iter II. «v II, ; tailored People Ilia l run Hliiajt and Uanee. Slum ii.-v.-i 11, Slnlt- .alary. \VM . IC I IIIILK, Managec, White (loud, Mlutl., July Mdl White Hull, .11 leh., July MJ; I'ent Wilier, Mlrl»., July !|H. Waller Haiafont, I.lie Kinom, Will llnutli, write. CENTRAL TRUNKS. MUi„ «r.»! MIO., »«.M; aim., «».w. aein.i IIO.OO; lOln,, fU.OO. Ulroot TtnaKa, Millitl, »T.o». BUI Trunks, 80M3X16 Inside, f U.UO. LHuoTrunk*, 41MS:l«MxlglU!lda, IM.Ott. Holppedou receipt of MM, ual. 0. O. D., except over 3v0 nines, then remit whole amount. SIMONS ft UO„ OKNTIUL TRUNK FACTORY, k*Ub. IBM, U-M North Tib it., PMUdllBUa. N. Y. HnnC \, Cor. 30th St. & Broidway. Prion 76eU. *aof> > htn »t Phltt. Footory. HI i iTifit! iMc mm W'mm Singer* for high clai* singing aot. Want only Hie nest, state age, height, weight, experience, aalary, etc, Must he good readers. Address FKBU 11KYMOND, Itoom 40, Ulllierl Block. Urand Hapid., Mlrli. —Ij.ii.-Ji.. t'OMINU HOONl A HABIIIT'R I'llllT lO, The Fuunlfsi C'olon'd Show on Kartl,_ See It auiV lie convinced. Can use (loud Perronners ami Mitsielaus, mile atid leinale, sll timed asft. Hiimliinatiou Oar tor sale cheap for cash. Will eal and sleep iwmiy six people. Will buy laKCHge Car and Sleain Calliope. Address PAT CIUPPF.LI.F., as per rouie lu III Prufeisloual Papers' About '200 flood Plush Chairs, and nboul r.fiO flood Veneer Chairs. .. M. D. WARNER, Bif FiftU Ave.. Cor, 13th St.. Telephone 1,:U7 18lh. N. V. CKy. A iierKunal Inspection of the chairs pivfVrml. WANT AT ONCE, Leading Woman, Com- edian'and Soubrette With srrtiuK SpwIhHIph, uud a Sew Ucueral I0ULT0I, THOMPSON i S00LTOS, nOX 80 SALKM, MASS. Two weeks' silence n polite negative, COM1T.KTK. • Itookedi Season oiietiB mid- dle of August. Klegnnt Special I'll per mul Scenery. J'lny a ulg success last sea- son. Address A. II . r>.. care ot CLIPPKR ofllce. AT LIBERTr COMING SEASON, Experienced Leader. A1 VIOr.INIST and AnitANQRIt. Opern. ltiii'li-s,iiie, Vaudeville. Ktc. Travel or. In- cute. HIIUMAN STRAUS, Sum met' nddress, i Shoal Hay, l''ergnaimn'H Wlinjf.. Va. S/il A. 1W T e: i> , BALLOONIST PARACHUTE JUMPER. For tine or More Wi-eks. Address COMTM- ItHS KAIMtOAII COMPANY; Columbus, tin., sI nlliig open l' li les, Terms, I'tc. [ Pittsburg, Pa., i rilR HOMB OT (IRANI* Ol'KltA. Open time for big Bhows—Oct. 10 to Nov. v. A. S. McSWItiAN, Munnger of Aiimsemenls, PlttBbtirg Railways Co. Cheap shows don't write. Seating capacity 2,lltMI. V*7A1VTE 13. Ilv the Big White fair at Darlington, Wis. IHRST 6LISS UP ID MTE ittRKiKHi Kor Aug. till, i'7, 28. Write iiulck, glvlug full particulars nnd price. Must be lis represented. Address IV. W. MIIWKII. A.«l, S ee y. WANTED, FOR CAPT. W. D. AMENT'S BIG CARNIVAL SHOWS First class Announcer, Big Single Musical Act, Venlrlloipilst Act, Kleetrlcimi, who Knows how to friime up the Statue Turning In Life net : also wimt young, ntlraetlve liuly singer, with line wardrobe: one Ihkis canvas: man. Only sober people, willing to work, need apply.' No salary loo high for the right kind of people. Send photos. Address CAl'T. \V. 11. AMI3NT. Miissllliin, Ohio, July 20-27; Freemont, O., 28-Aug. 2. WISCONSIN STATE L Ll'cENSE FOR SELLING MEDICINES And goisl mil It May I, loot. Address int. j. r. wii.i.i a iis, lank llox 1114. Sprluglleld.. III. WJ.H1TE0.TUB1I STRAP DHUHMER For Ju,i. II. Spark;;' Shows. liuna year 'round. Slate experience, snlnry and all in IIrst letter (or wlrei. Address J. S. KltlTCIIFIBI.U. care of Spnrks' Circus, til-envllle, I'll.. Hit; Shurpsvllle 24, Sharon 'S>. HilbUnrd. P. . 27: Nlles 28 . Brussells* Dramatic Co. WANTS IAUICK, rifthlst. Lividlug Juvenile Man nnd Woman, Coincdlnii and Souhrette, Henry Moll, lien. Ilns. Man and Wouinn. nnd Property Mini. who ran net. Rehearsals Aug. It. State all. Mnke snlnry low. We pay hoard. i:i>MUNI> HHUSSKLI.S. NVnyiiesvllle. Ohio. LEAPER AT LIBERTY Kor. Casting Act. Work reasonable, ami slick after Joining. Age24. height flft.illlli., weight loiat ripped. Bast with Stlrk Fnnlllv. (ten. White, ai.Ulenwood' Road,'Somcrvlllc'MasD, IMPORTANT. ALL MEMBERS ENGAGED WITH Big Beauty Show, IncludiaV Andy lewis ami Co., the Great Vavji De Koor, the- Marvelous Tossiug AustniH, Kutherinc Diilil, the Newell Sisleis, the. Great American Quartette, Deviue and Williams, Al Beeves, Fannie Thatcher, Maude Elliott, Kosetta. Annette, Mde Vuir, Lizzie Stewart, Florence Wells, Minnie Young, Myru ihiniont, Elsie M. Uibsnu, Lillian Desu, Mae Meninan, Emma Lippmuu, Harriette Belmont, Bell Williams, Lizzie Newell, Maggia Newel), Blanch Collins. Max Stnnii, Bob Meek, Frank E. Freeman, will REPORT FOR KEHEABSAL MONDAY MORNING, AUG. 3, AT 10 O'CLOCK, SHARP,' AT SAENGERBUND HALL, 67 SMITH STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y. EVERY MEMBER ARSWEB THIS GALL AT ONCE. NO EXCUSES, . - AL^REEVES, Elks' Club, Brooklyn, N. Y. (. HIE ■I MR 99 Go. ALL MEMBERS REPORT FOR REHEARSAL MONDAY, AUC. 3, 10 A. M., EVERETT HALL, 4th ST. AND LAFAYETTE PLACE, N. Y. CITY. ! Acknowledge this call by letter, at once, to FRANK D. BRYAN, Manager,332 E. 17th St., W.Y.CIty.N.Y, All Ladies and Gentlemen Engaged for the Will report far Rehearsal MONDAY, AlO. 3. Those engaged for MER11V JlAIDKNS CO., at Allaire Hall, :id Ave., bet, 17th ami MM Sta. Those for C'HEKRV BLOSSOMS, to 4*8 Nlntli Ava, Kvery-body maat ncknow leilRe- ll>l> CALL by letter to 1IITLEU, JACOBS .v LOWERY, 833 Broadivnv, N. \. CAN USE A FEW MORE CHORUS GIRLS-ALL WARDROBE FURNISHED. s All People Engaged for this Company Kindly REPORT FOR REHEARSAL THURSDAY, AUC. 6, at CENTRAL HALL, 147 and 149 West 32d Street, New York. Hindiy urkiiowleilge till* by letter lo HARRY BRYANT, 1358 Broadway, N. Y„ Boom ML HIGH ROLLERS, Rehearsal MONDAY, Aug. 10, 9.30 A. M„ CENTRAL HALL, No. 147 West 32d Street, New York City. All members please answer Immediately, wllh addreaaes, owing to phaugu In mule. WANTED, CHORUS LADIES, Young and Medium Size. AZH. WOODHULL, 1358 Broadway, Room 15, W. Y SAM DEVERE'S OWN CO. All Art lalu engaged for the above will raporl fur Rehearsal MONDAY, Aug- > u . 10 A. HI.. Sangerbund. Hall, comer 8mKh and Scheruierhora Mia., one blork trow BIJou I'hralrr, Brooklyn, M. v. Pleana arknowladge t hi. fall to 882 Ocean Parkway, cor. Ave. I, Brooklyn, N. Y, WANTED—Chorus Girls. Send Photo, and height. I find wardrobe.