The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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AUGUST 8. THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. §51 jjgjd eptlle and minstrel. rnr vaudeville bill at the Winnipeg, r.. Fair, held July 20-25, included the fol- 2bb acta: 8*m Lockhart a elephant!, Cant. a-.hb 3 seals, Gollman's dogs and cats, A. M. SSSw Whirling the Loop (Charlie White), Kcofo Midgets, Hlckey and Nelson, Three i iinc'tons, the Balvaggls, Mske's horse, trwroyan,' 1 "Darkneaa and Dawn," by Von jChii ■ Hand's great firework display. The intire' bill under the management of J. H. Allen, of Armstrong ft Allen. Au Holt informs us that be ia not tbe wrson of that name who la billed In tbe Ester of the Curtlss Comedy Co. He says oV Is doing bla new tramp sport act and ""hekbert Swift Is at Southampton, L. I., tor a few weeks. His minstrel co. tor tbe romlne season will be known as Swift A vmenon's Boston Minstrels. Tbe co. wilt hire tbirty-elght people. Prof. Db Blakbb and bis dogs, who re- «ntlv closed at Steeplechase Park, Rocka- war Beach, L. I., has signed aa one of the feature acta with the Dot Karroll Repertory Co tot the coming season. Eddie O'Bbibn and Willis Q. West, who hive an entirely new act In preparation for next season, are at present playing Wil- bur J. Tucker's Independent circuit of parks. Week of July 27 they were at Compound Park, Southlngton, Conn. Thomas H. O'Neil has been re-engaged (or the coming season by J. C. Welsh, man- ager of tbe Dot Karroll Co., to do bis spe- Billt Bowman, late of Bowman's South- ern Minstrels, will sing during the coming season before clubs in Maryland, District of Columbia and Virginia. Nellib Burt, who Is designing ber new cos- tumes for the coming season, will appear Id tbe olio of the Brigadier Co., hi which ihe scored a success last year. Jones and Sutton, while recently playing Lowell, Mass., purchased a corner lot at Willow Dale from the Bowers Brothers. 1'bey will build a cottage at once. The Topst Tubvt Tbio (O'Connell, Gold- amlth and Forrest), who recently finished successful engagement! at Utlca, Elinua, Bloghamton and Buffalo, are on the Burt circuit at Meyers' Lake, Canton, O., with Akron, Toronto, London, Ontario, Detroit, South Bend and Toledo to follow. The Trio go with tbe Topsy lurry Yaudevllllans next season. Jack T. Williams Informs us that be has retired from the profession and baa settled down at Enderlin, N. D. Bi'bt Parker, who was at Dayton, 0., week of July 27, has Springfield to follow, and then he goes to Cincinnati to Join L. M. Boyer's Who, What, When Minstrels. Talbot and Rogers, who have been meet- ing with success at Lake George and Sara- toga, hare signed for tbe coming season with Henry Lee's Players, under tbe man- agement of Weber & Rush. Notes fbom Auditorium Theatre, Ches- apeake Beach, Md.—William Wasman, pro- prietor; Chas. Wasman, manager; isador Wasman, treasurer; Louis Robr, pianist. Tbe following people were seen there week of July 27: Chas. and Gussle Arlington, Cbas. Wagoer, John Avery, Tom Green and George Moore, Dave Racker, Addles Sisters, Joe Woodvllle, stage manager. Clarice Teufleton has played the fol- lowing parks, and gave satisfaction every- where: Southern Park, Pittsburg, Pa.; Homestead Park, Homestead ; Olympla Park, McKeesport; Kenny wood Park, Duquesne; Homestead Park (return engagement) week of July 20, and the following week was at lake Alma Park, Wellston, 0., with other good work to follow. Williams and Murray, who recently doted on the New England circuit of parks with their new act, "A Trip to Cobb Town," have Baltimore, Washington, Atlantic City and Philadelphia to follow. - Morse and Gallagher, who sre now In their eighth week at Pinafore Park Theatre, St. Thomas, Can., where their act has made an Immense bit, bave been engaged for the rest of tbe Summer. Notes wok Sewells' Point Theatre, Cape May, N. J.—We opened our season June 27, under the direction of M. Rudy Heller, of Heller's Amusement Enterprises. Keith's Theatre, Philadelphia, with 8. M. torle, local manager, and Hall Lawrence, press and advertising agent. This popular resort Is drawing crowded bouses twice dally, presenting only the best In vaude- ville. Allmon and Wilson, who have been en- gaged for three weeks as a special attraction at the Grand View Pavilion, Sodus Point, k. r., have much good time to follow. Hakter and Janet, after closing two suc- cessful weeks at Denver, Colo., where they presented their comedy sketch, will open on Aug. 3 at Seattle, Wash., on the Edwin R. Lang circuit Forbes, slack wire walker and Juggler, woo is booked up solid at the Summer parks, *"' go with tie Who, What, When Min- strels. Matt Kennedy and nis wife (Hazel Bar- rett) are spending a couple of weeks with Mr. Kennedy's parents at Cumberland, Md. Klidzio, acrobat and contortionist, who on Inst April broke his kneecap while doing "is act, had the misfortune to sUp and fall again on July 21, and broke the saxne knee- t P V, u . e ' 3 stopping with and being treated by Dr. M. C. Bristol, at Bay City, Mich. Dracula has closed with the Ferarl Bros.' uarnival Co. and opens for a tour of the Konl 4 Castle houses Aug. 10, at the Chi- cago Opera House. The fivb Flyino Banvards appeared re- cently as one of the features of the Chica- go Opera House bill. This act includes .2 ™™bers of the original Four Banvards, ana cans. Banvard Is the manager. Their time Is well booked In the vaudeville houses. m if l:T H AlIDlLLB, AND EDNA LESLIE, Who met with success week of July 20 at Han- g*» Point, Toronto, Can., have Olcott 5? acn and Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, ;3i ' . to' 10 *. After playing the Can- ■ „i?, a cl "ult for McMsban A Dee they will continue on the Ohio circuit of parks. f„H p,NTA ' wno *"»« at her California ranch ""' months, left for St. Louis July 20, io oegm, 26, a three weeks' engagement at torest Park Highlands. «» H h P v "°lds, German comedian, who is l-.J!. H5!*}' a,lt Bta «e manager at Torresdale fn, rk ',. rhlI adelphla, Pa., Is well booked up [ or sir weeks. •SnEBMAN and Da Forest are negotiating vi ? ext »e«»on, as Manager Elrlcb, of the r.? r pl1 ? § h ?w v with which company they %t g, booked, has canceled Its tour. 1,1= E Lbm (Wilbur and Leona) report •rt s ", c ? eB « w1th tDelr singing and dancing •inn t Iy , Dntch Uncle," at Lake View Ca- nnV. Kalamaroo, week of July 20. They ,"i Evansvllle, Terre Haute and Chicago ttLL. low - afte ' which they are booked for ww? y ' ,lx weeks ln the West and on the laciflc coast, opening at the Empire Theatre, iN>nver, on Sept. 7. — 5"*** L. Brown, after having been In retirement for three years, returned July 20 hi „ w *? k at the Howard, Boston, where iin.i ored a hlg hit with bis descriptive linv ln « t aD d Impersonation of the Bowery L- He Is open for tbe coming season. stW,™ JJ 014 TaOOSDALB BBOS/ BlO Ml.V- rnnli '—"'■ company's prospects for the n»«l g 8e ?' on a " Tery bright. The eom- fm-i, y i. w "i number about twenty people, in ;uiling : band and orchestra. Both will be !™J°? features. Nearly all the people „ i ""n engaged and the performance will ZJ"S strong. Time is all booked till fcthervme. U? T "* M ° a 0p€BS ***' **' Notes from ma Quinlax 4 Wall Im- perial Minstrels.— it would be difficult ,0 , And a busier place than the headquarters of this company, where the final prepara- tions are being made for tbe second annual tour of the youngest, newest and awellest show. The remarkable record made by this company last season, Ha Initial tour on the road, was a source of gratification to Mr. Qulnlan s legion of friends, who look for hlin to Increase bis success the coming season by putting bis company at the head of Amer- ican minstrelsy. An Insight Into the plans for the coming season gives promise that such a prediction will Tie fulfilled. This sear Mr Qulnlan has completed the plans for what It Is believed will be tbe most elaborate first part that American minstrelsy hns ever known. His "Reception to the Diplomatic Legion" last year was magnifi- cent, and set the theatrical world talking, but this year he will produce a brilliant first part that will exceed In elaborateness last years huccess. The new Bret pert will be known as tbe "International Military Biv- ouac," and it will be Bhown with a wealth or scenic and costuming effects such as a minstrel show has never known before. In the centre of the circle all tbe vocalists will be seen costumed as representing the generals commanding the armies of the lead- ing countries of the world. The first part setting will represent the company Btationed In and about the famous Dewey arch In N Y. City. The flags of all the countries will be displayed. Tbe olio will be new, pre- senting many acts never before seen on the minstrel stage, and will be beaded by Jimmy Wall, and will Include the Trocadero Qunr- tet, the Majestic Musical Four, McGreevy HrS 8, ^ HerDert and Rodgers, Frank Miller, Billy Barr. and the Adelaide Trio, ln an acf entitled "Physical Culture." Beside these there will be two dancing novelties, tbe dancing jockeys and the electrical dancing sunflowers. The street parade will be known as the parade of the captains of minstrelsy, and will be a decided novelty ln minstrel parades. Roster: Dan Qulnlan & Jimmy Wall, proprietors; Dan Qulnlan, manager; Joe Relder, treasur- er; C. 0. Sbultz, general agent; Al. Prim- rose, assistant; Herbert L. Swaney, lithog- rapher and programmer; Joe Blrnes, vacol director; J. W. Llndley, band master; Chas. E. Worrell, leader of orchestra; Dan Quln- lan, Jimmy Wall, Joe Relder, Al. Primrose, C. O. Shultz, H. L. Swaney, Joe Blrncs, Steve Prldeau, Walter Brower, Jack Sample, Walter Dorsey, Hugh Brown, Joe Brockel, C. Marks, Emlul Suoers, G. Mandell, Harry Belmont, Frank Miller, Billy Barr, W. F Herbert, P. McGreevy, J. McGreevy, Will F. Rodgers, Chas. Cooper, J. N. Fay, Chas. E. Worrell, H. M. Jackson, Carl Purkall, F. Mc- Gllard, J. Nelson, G. S. Craver. B. L. Aren. W. T. Collins, V. E. Terrlll, H. A. Simon £',.. w v Bindley, Harry Kldd, Chas. E. Wollf, Will Larklns, Tom Brown, Ed. C. McKeever, L. M. Shutt, S. P. 8tratton, E. Adelald, Joe Adelald, Mark Adelald and Harry Larence. Milo Vaooe, bag puncher and hoop roller, writes: "I have Just finished successful en- gagements over the Burt circuit of parks, also at Glendale Park, Nashville, where, after the first performance, I was engaged for a return date by Manager Alley, to follow Chattanooga. My act met with suc- cess ln the South, and was offered ten weeks of Southern fairs, but would not ac- cept, ss I go over the Frank P. Spellman circuit of fairs. Eastern, as one of the two big feature free attractions, making my third season over the same territory, and with the same line of attractions. I am now punching five bsgs at one time, and also bave a new apparatus in construction, in which I will Introduce some new novelties In bag punch- ing." Will Manning and bis entertainers ar- rived from England last week. Wsi. E. writes: "I am very sick at St, Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn, N. V., and would be pleased to see brother Eagles and professional friends." Ritchie and Francis play Beechwood Casino, Summit, N. J., and Hudson County Park, West New York. The Hartford Sisters closed a success- ful season at tbe Howard Theatre, Boston, July 2S, and are resting la their cottage at Kevere Beacb, Mass. V. P. Woodward, tambourine Juggler, who Is playing tbe Gorman park circuit, was, week of July 20, at Norumbega Park, Au- burndnle, Mass. Mabel Lloyd, now appearing at tbe Madison Square Roof Garden, ln "Otoyo," will, on Aug. 3, begin an engagement of three weeks on the Shea circuit, opening at Buffalo. Miss Lloyd will present a monologue. Hubebt Duncan writes: "I am now In my eighth week on the J. W. Gorman circuit, und must say that my act, 'Studies ln High Art,' Is meeting with a moat flattering suc- cess. My efforts have never before been bo highly appreciated as this season through New England. I will work with Mr. Gor- man until the end of August, after which I go to New York for a few weeks." Hebmion, a Parisian dancer, who has at- tracted considerable attention with bis dance at Luna Park, will close there Aug. 1, and, after a two weeks' vacation In Atlantic City, will join tbe Mabel Paige Co. at Wllkes- barre, Pa., 17, as tbe vaudeville feature. Leona Raymond and Edna Wayne, after ►pending six weeks at Bath Beach, L. 1., N. Y„ started to rehearse July 23 with Wat- eon's Americans, this being their second sea- son with this company, which opens at Cincinnati, O. , . The Thbee Keatons scored Btrongly last week at Mannlon's Park, St. Louis. Buster was tbe headline attraction, making one of the biggest comedy hits of any act ever play- ing the park. tub Musical Ten Eycks are booked solid until October next, with their new musical act, with which they report fine success. Pearl Danfortii, character singing and dancing comedienne, was one of the most successful acts of the programme at Plum Island, Newburyport, Mass., last week. Notes from the Royal Imperial Juve- nile Minstrels. —We are In our fourth week and are making a great success. We are at Woodslde Park, Philadelphia, with Sea Isle and Atlantic City to follow. The show was staged In excellent stylo by Geo. Bundy, who deserves great credit. Itoster: Marvelous Holden, Juggler; tbe Hicbleys, comedy sketch; Geo. Pickering, eccentric dancing; Baby Bundy and picks, featuring Master Robin Freer, monologue comedian; Robt. Duncan, mimic; Gordon Bros., Jules West, Master Shine, Glancy, Ennls and Specks, tbe extra attraction being Nerve Brothers, acrobats, and the craboscope plc- Lbvina and Kitty Gray open on the Frank Melville circuit of parks, commencing Aug. 3, at Southern Park, Pittsburg, Pa. Their act, "An Unexpected Visitor," they re- port, has been meeting with great success, I.erlna successfully presenting his tramp musical act. They bave played through the Southern parks since June. IlEOUCEI) HATES TO SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND, VAK- COl VEH. OR VICTORIA, Via Pennsylvania Railroad. On account of the Trans-MlsslsslppI Com- merclal Congress and National Irrigation Association meeting at Seattle. Wash., Aug. 18 to 21, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- i,any will sell round trip tickets to Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Vancouver or Victoria. July 31 to Aug. 13, good to return until Oct. IB. at rate of $87.80 from New York, and proportionate rates from other points. For full Information concerning routes ana Hop-over privileges, consult nearest ticket agent Robebt Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows Co. is rehearsing at tbe Trocadero. Chicago, to begin tbe season at the Standard Theatre, St. Louis, Aug. 23. Manager Fulton prom- ises a number of radical departures from tbe features usually seen with traveling bur- lesque organisations, cblef among which will be a two act extravagansa, "One Night and Gone." Joseph E. Howard has written the music and will stage the production, special scenery, elaborate costumes and electrical effects being carried for the production. Mr, Howard -will be one of tbe leading members of a company, which will Include Guy Raw- son, Alex. Carr, Phil Peters, Ruth Everett. May Hllllard, Marie Theresa, Montrose and Butler, Tilly Stork, Vrankle Clare, Gertie Dunlap, Alice Mason, May Walsh, Mabel Lachman, Grace Addison, Lola Vernon, Georgia Russell, Frankle Goldte, Alice Gordon, Florence Wells, and the San Fran- cisco Male Quartet. Max Ferhman will be musical director, and Gus Hogan will again be manager, back with tbe show. Tbe mem- bership will include dancing girls, specially engaged; cborua men and show girls, and tbe company will he carefully drilled and the production wilt be supervised by Manager Fulton, leaving Trocadero to open Its season fully equipped In all departments, and pre- pared to stand the test of comparison with any like organisation wbich tbe forthcoming season shall produce. Sam Stucklin and bis performing dogs closed at Oakland Park, Meedrllle, Pa., July 25, after a two weeks' engagement, and made quite a hit. He has a circuit of eight weeks of fairs through the East to follow. Dad and Clara Huntoon have gone to EI Paso, Tex., for a season's engagement, under tbe management of James F. Uanlln, Dad to be scenic artist, and Clara to play sou- brettes. For the past two seasons Mr. Hun- toon has been amusement director of the Marine Roof Garden, Chicago. The Ki.ns-Ners report success for their act. They play four weeks In this country, and then sail for Paris, France, to fill a two years' contract, under the personal management of Mr. Relyea. Chas. Garvin closed with tho W, M. Cole- man Cirrus In Chicago early last month, and Joined his partner, George Searcy. They arc doing a black face singing, talking and tlimclng net, and open at the Kntcrprlso Thentrc, El Paso, Tex., In stork, Aug. 1. Wayne AND Lamar bavo finished five weeks on the Shea A Wilton circuit of parka. They are booked solid until April, and open on tbe Kohl A Castle circuit agnln Sept. 28. IItmes and Lewis, comedy acrobatic and aerial art, were at Ross Park, Blnghamton, N. Y., week of July 27, closing the show. They played a special engagement at Scenic Park, Cleveland, O., Sunday. July 20, and were engaged by Frank Spellmnn to play a few weeks ot fairs. C. C. Pearl, manager of Gorton's Min- strels, writes: "The show is going out in better shape than ever before, with every- thing new, and equipped In a style far ex- ceeding any former effort s. Season booked complete, and everything looking right for a successful season." Tub rot.t.owi.vii are booked at Morrison's Theatre, Itocknway Bench. N. Y„ this week: Minnie Sellgmnn, Three Mortons, Yorke and Adams, Sydney Grant, Yomomoto Bros., Agoust and Weston, nnd the Three Westons. May and have closed a successful four weeks' engagement over tho M. C. Alley circuit of parks. They bavo had their travesty act rewritten, nnd Inform us that It Is better than ever, They have some good work booked ahead. Patciikn and Clifton, with their new act, have closed a successful tour through tbe West, nnd will return to New York io Join the Slaves of Opium Burlesque Co. for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shaw have closed a successful engagement on MnurU-o Boom's circuit of parks, nnd will open at Tony Pas- tor's Theatre In September, with the Kohl & Castle ami Keith circuits to follow. Kr.FiR I)B Rock writes: "I have been con- fined to my bed for six weeks here In Toledo. I am now In St. Vincent's Hospital, where n surgical operntlon will be performed. If I survive I would like to hear from profes- sional friends." GEO. AND MAY WOODWARD. etter known ns tho "Sun- ilr new character comedy . Rgo, and has been wild some of the beat companies on the ronu. Their net litis been very siiccesful In vaude- ville, and they have been making a big laughing hit on the Frank Hurt circuit of Summer perks. The above picture represents Geo. nnd Mny Woodward (liette burned Rubes''), who are rapidly going to the front with Ihelr singing and dancing act. Tills tentn Joined hands six years i Henri French writes from Bern, under date of July 18, as follows: "I am at present at the Kursaal, Bern, and remain here un- til July 20, then I open at Sempost Thea- tre, Schenennlnger, On Sept. 1 I open at tbe Scale, PariB." Henry and Youno report success playing the Pennsylvania and New Jersey purks. They opened last week at Steeplechase Pier, Atlantic City, for a three weeks' engagement. Cody and 8ennettb write: "Wo have played around New York since April 27, being held over at each engagement for tho following week, and at one house we held over for seven successive weeks. Last week, et Hocknwny Beach, the manager wanted us for this week, but we could not stay on ac- count of opening on a circuit of parks." Mrs. May Stewart, with ber trained high school horse, "Dude," appeared July 4 at Superior, Wis., giving her exhibition at the Eagles' CarnlvalT She has been engaged as a special feature for tbe Dulutb County Fair, week of Aug. 17. Melville and May write: "After six weeks of successful work In tbe Soutb we are home again, and will organize our road company at once. We played Wrlghts- vllle Beacb, N. C, for one week, and were signed for two more weeks after tbe first performance." Fred J. Titus writes from Los Angeles, Cal., under date of July 23, sb follows :^'Tho surgical operation was performed on Lvdln Yeamans Titus today at tbe California Hos- filtal. Mrs. Titus was on tbe operating able one hour and a quarter. The tumor weighed nearly five pounds. The operation was most successful, and the doctor says when Mrs. Titus recovers she will be ss sound as steel. The patient Is doing well." Nellib a. Hill, a member of the firm of Rice A Barton for the past four sessons, has been very ill since January with rheuma- tism. She will retire for tbe coming sea- son to regain ber health, and remain at ber home In Atlantic City, N. J. We arb inkoumeii that the Lexington Roof Garden, Ualtlmorc, Md., has been playing to excellent business. Lam week, with Hulii Wiley, John I<cmucls, Alice GHmorc, Hamil- ton and Wiley, Walter Stetson and Nclda Herrumn, and ('opera's Cadet Orchestra, which furnishes the musical portion of tho probrumme, wns a prosperous one. Mn. and Mrs. Cham. Cakah, comedy mu- sical act, report meeting with success at Coney Island Park, Cincinnati, Inst week. They hove six weeks of parks, then they take out their own little company of six Fcoplc, playing small towns through Ohio, ndlnnn and Illinois. The Ott linns, report success on the Shea & Wilton circuit of parks, and opened on Jake Wells' circuit of parks at Ocean View, Va. The Empire Comedy Four (Evans. Cun- ningham, Jenny and Zlnell) are spending n two weeks' vacation In Mew York Statu as the guests of Otis Turner, manager of "In Old Kentucky," nnd Dan Mason, last season with "Rudolph and Adolpb," Mr. Turner has a large locomobile, and on July 2B Mr. Evans and Mr. Jenny took It «ut alone, thinking they could hnndle it with- out the aid of Mr. Turner. They left MII- lerton, N. Y., and got as far as Pine Plains, when they lost control of the machine, and It ran off a bridge Into a ditch, throwing Its occupants out and Injuring tbcm so se- verely that they wired Mr. Turner, and ho attended to the return of the auto. The quartet goes with Frank Carr's Thorough- breds. Fred W. Taylor, who recently worked with Jnsh Wilson, of the team of Boyce and Wilson, has Joined the Gotham Comedy Four. Wiley Hamilton has signed a contract with Hyde A Behman to stage and produce tho opening and closing burlesques for their "Blue Ribbon Girls." Hamilton and Wiley are playing at tbe Lexington Roof Garden, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Hamilton Is a member of the It. P. O. Elks, No. 7, of Baltimore. Eugene Pippin writes: ''My 'ads.' In Tub Clipper brought me many good offers, and I have plenty of work up to the season of 10040B." Notes from tub Great Burkhart Show. —We will open In October, and play the larger one and three night stands In Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Vlrgluln, Virginia and New York States. Tho Great Burkhart has engaged the best of vaudeville acts, and the show will doubtless be a big winner. Tho following season tho attraction will play cities only, and will equal the best vaudeville attractions on the rond. Louis Lkon Hall, last season leading man nt tho Forcpaugh Theatre, Philadelphia, has been engaged by Amy Lee as her principal male support In her tour In vaudeville, which opened nusplclously at Proctor's Fifty-eighth Street Theatre. Fred Macki.ey, of Fred and Jennie Mack- ley, writes: "My wife and I are In health, having a good time In the cool hills of West Virginia. We start on our regular season In theatres and halls Aug. 1, And nave good bookings." — 4«» Ol It EUROPEAN LETTER. (fbom oun own correspondent.) Gay Paris Is In Its full glory, and America Is represented above all other countries. Such a crowd of theatrical celebrities I never before saw at ono time, and It looks as It everyone knows where to meet one another. At the Folios Marigny, ono of tbe leading Summer theatres, they all visited, and In three nights I saw tno following lot, and missed several among those who visited the opening night of Bnlinret, and who certainly helped to make her success a sensation. The list Included: Abe Hummel, tho lawyer; Sam Zucker, a well known first nlghter In America; Florence Zlegfold, Joseph Herbert, Anna Held, Blllle Norton, Will McConnoll, Win. A. Urndy, Grace George, William Har- ris, George Kingsbury, Ted Marks, Lee Har- rison, Max Rogers and Maurice Levy. Tho following nights I saw Harry Elmor, Mttna gers Fisher & Riley, Minnie Duprcc, Ray mond Flnlcy, Chas. II. Dillingham, B. 1) Re I'lviiu ■■ i uii- j , \_. nun. a», ijim luguniui •?• a>. Jack, Gcorgo Marlon, Playwright Blossoms Jr., Leon Herrmann, Jules Hurtlg, Hoatrlco 1.00, Ashley and Barton, Gallagher and lllld, and others 1 have forgotten, and that Is only a port of tho American theatrical folks In Purls at present. Tho latest ar- rival is tho popular Percy G. Williams, of the ornheiim and Circle Theatres, Mr. Wllllntim took his wife to the Moulin Rouge, where Phroso Is making an enormous success, and occupied aisle seats. When I'hroso walked down tho aisle ho suddenly recognized Mr, Williams and bis wife, and In passing bo put his hands on Mr. Williams' shoulder, nnd the latter arose and screamed "Electricity I Electricity I" and ran yelling up the aisle, causing an uproar In tbe bouse. Ills wife saw tho Joke, aud helped to msko It more serious by standing up and falllug bark In her seat fainting. Six attendants helped her to tho wnltlng room and revived her, but could not find ber husband. Us had really left tho theatre, and they took his wlfo homo In a carriage, 'Where all met and had a groat hurrah over It. Tbe papers next day were full of tho affair, and It cer- tainly scat Phroso stock up, as tbe people can't believe ha Is alive. -Mr. Williams will be Joined here. July 22, by Manager Meyorfeld, of tho Orplieum cir- cuit. Ha has so far booked soveral good acts. Novelties are very scare here. Then ngiiin, nothing can bo seen In the Hummer. Max Rogors and Leo Harrison certainly had a grand time In Paris. It was Max Honors' first visit, and Loo could not get him away, but he had to go home for rehearsal. Joseph Herbert, tho well known comedian, Is translating a book from tbe French for Anna Hold's sbow next year. Tho work Is by Rlchcpan, and called "Miss Napoleon." Jules Hurtlg, Barton and Ashley, Beatrice Leo and Jerry Hart spent a few days here, and innile Paris bowl In a short time. At the Ambasscdcurs ore tho Lowell Brothers, putting In their two months at Hint house tor tho next two years to come, ns they have been engaged for four yeurs, In their comedy acrobatic sketch, At the Jardln D'ICto I And the Elks, two white people, but who are really the first to do the "cake walk" iu Franco, and who mndo ii great deal of money teaching French people to do the cuke walk, and it is dono at every gnrden, theatre, fair and evon on ths streets hero, and the ICIks have been made famous by tho walk. On tbe bill In big let. tors are also tbe Mecrs, Just from America, Hvcrybody knows what Alf„ his protty wife and brother do, and can easily know their succccss, being the only one of Its kind over hern. Tbey go fishing with II. II. Felber and bin wife for two weeks beginning July At the Olympla looping tho loop continues, under tho management of Madeline & Bar- ber, who, I am told, have reaped a fortune In a short time, having a dozen of "loops" over hero at ono time all over Europe. A new comer over here is Ln Petite Jane, supposed to be an American girl, and who, I hear, is doing wonderfully. Her Impresario, a Mr. Feluer, Is certainly spending lots of money In booming Iter. A new act shortly to come out here, under the management of Agent Marlnclll, will iiuiko them talk, A handsome young woman starts nt the top of a building and goes down mi Incline on n bicycle. Arriving In the centre of tho chutes she leaps a space of forty feet, land goes up another Incline, It Is really a most hazardous feat. I was one of tho parly who visited It last week, In tho company of Manager Stelncr, of the Wlntergnrtcii. Berlin. At tho Follcs Marigny, where Saharet Is the feature of tho rovlow, "Leg P'Tlt'i Fomm's" ("Tho Small Woman"), Is also Morris Cronln, and Francos Wylio, ths latter the lending feature of tho vaudeville. Ho goes on In his Juggling act at 10 r, m., and makes tho people talk before tbe review goes on. Wo also have a cako walk, with ten colored people, dlreot from Now York, headed by Mnttlo Phillips. For tbe close of tho re- view they had, up to a few nights ago, a cascade of beautiful young women, but It came lo a disastrous end tho other night, when the ropes broko and the sixteen girls fell 'way down Into the cellar on top of each other, together with the Iron props, etc. I happened to bo In tho dressing room of Huhnret when It happened, and was one ot tho first to give aid. I-Jach girl was strapped to tbe machine, and we had a dim- cult task to undo the buckles. Thirteen of Why Not See Manors Fnllsf You can do so with no extra expense If you travel by tbe New York Central lines.— Adv. diem wcro sent to the hospitals, with legs, arms and ribs broken. It will cost the man- agement a big sum, and the theatre mechanic Is likely to got At least six months In prison, tin ho Is responsible for such things ln France. Wood and Bates are playing In Rotterdam, Holland, and, to all accounts, have made their usual success. Sam Albortus, of Al- burtus and Bertram, has left for America, to spend a few weeks with his folks In Chicago, having been over here six years. Claude Bertram goes to London to await his return. Horace Goldln opens at the llausn Theatre, Hamburg, the end of August, making his first appearance on tho continent there, Florence Moore, a young singer, also opens at the Wlnterrnrten, Berlin, Aug. IA. George Marlon, general manager of the Henry W. Ravage forces, remained Just ten days In Kurope, and returned to start work for ths Winter. .