The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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558 THfe iti^r YOtik Hi mnnlo A Relic. Hhndvahle I'm*, Peek-Mil, N. Y.,Atlg. Wt. . I . . : .. Demoncllaa (3). (iuxernatnr'a. Atlantic fMty, Auk. M lie K«telle MlaUrs, Welle' rtarlnuSarannah. fit., Au|i. 3 8. JlnTay Slntfra, Hcnileraon'a, Oonejr Ialanil, N. Y., Aun. nevean, Hubert, flacandim Fart, .v. r„ Ann, j s. Da Voe, Eddie, Keneca Kafla, N. Y., Auk. «. . IJclinulo, Natalie, Manhattan Beach, Mover,' Anir, 8-8. Prtllnair* Barrett, flbaatnHt Mill Part, Phlla., AllK.S-8. DclmOre, Jll«a»f, Frtibody Pats, Netport. R. I., Ang.W!. He LaaVaa, The, Proctor'a ztd HI., N. Y, C, Alls, .T8. Ile*«ll, Augdale, Ke Itll'n. N. V. 0., Aujt. U Jliablo,»kibni«rP»rk,-Jtoatr»at, AilaT.fS. DKnn, Bower* A Plxon, Heuder/on'a, Coney Ialanil. N. Y„ AUK. *& JHxon, Burton k Leon, Lion Palter, N. Y. C. Aiift. US. Doll A Burden, Kteaplcrhaae I'ler Atlantic City, Auk. .18. Iioitnvan, Fannie, Avthnt,Detroit, Allf. M> lionnvan, .!>« fl . ChMtef Pars, Cincinnati, Auk. 2 8. Iimiar, .ion A Nellie, I'oator'a, N. Y. (?.. Auk. SB. Ititiaa A I-anh.irr. Farm,Toledo, 41., Auk. 2-8- Dolftn, Honor A Belle, Hartford, (una. Am..18. Diniray, Will, Lake .Vaaaobealc, Manchoatar, N. II, Aug. Dorian, Bartlio, BCanle. Park, Cleveland, Aug. 28; Belle- vue Park, Toledo, y-l.v ■ • Dorothea sisters, Saratoga Park, I'uttatown, l'a.. Auk. .18. Dnoley A Tenbronke, Orpheuiii, flan Fran., Auk. »8. Dunbar, Irene, Hendemon'a, Coney laland, S. Y„ Aug. SB. • •' Diitnltraarii, Van Anion A Vnnoeraon, Paln'a, Chicago, Aug. Silt? Kurle, Ylolot, Kenlon'a, Buffalo, Aug. 18. Marl A Wllann, Willow Dale Park, Lowell, >laa«. Aug SS. Kcklioff A flordou, Dornoy Park, Allentown, Pa., Aug. Kldridge, Preaa, Kornat Park, St. Loula, Aug. 38; Foreit Park, Kfiiih.'U City. Ill IS. L'llatyurtha, The, Auditorium, Nurfolk.Va., Aug. 3-8. Klltiore Maters, Hlion'a, Bu Halo, Aug. 3-8. h'nierald Trio, A. AH., Norton, Aug. .18 Kmmett, Hilah, Shleldi' Park, Wall* Walla, Aug. 2-8. Ki>|», Ceo. A Lnreitn, Cayuga Luke Park, Bene* Fnlla, NiY..Au«,W.' ' Kntit«, Kdivard, (ireabody Park, KfVliML B. I., Aug. 38, Krmit, Charier, K»nh'», Anatoli, Aug. 3-8. Kvorett Blalera, Wcaxl'a, Peoria, 111., Autt. .18. Pudette ilrrliektro, Keltiia, Hasten. Anir. 38. Farley, latnea A Bonnie, Hong Lake Park, Wnonaockot, B.I., Aug.lW Falvre. Anltii, Lima, 0., Auk. 3 8. Favor A Sinclair, l'talnr'«, N. Y. C.AUg. 3H. FniiiiiH, Tim (2), Ocean Pier, Sea lain City, X. J., Aug. as; (irean PIKr Caalno. Ocean city, in Fawn, Lolo, Idura Park, Youngatnwn, Auv. 38. Xerguaon A litipree, Oak rititnmlt Park, Kmuarllle, Ind., Ang.f-*; ATflllie, Detroit. 10-13. r'ornuaon A l'oaamoro, Maun}nn'a Park, St. Loula, Aug. Fei-r'ar, Onlo A tin., l"Toeiof« flth Are., N. Y. 0., Aug. IL9 Klalur, Mr. A Hra. Purklna, Lakealde Park, Akron, 0., Auk. 38. • Flawy Trio, Shea'i, 31111810. Aug. 3-8. Flyan, Dolly A Barney, A. A H.lii.aton, Auk. 3 8. Flaherty, HiiKliey, Proctor'a IWlli Kt., N. Y. (.'., Auk. 38. Fletcher, Arthur, waahlngton Park, Bayonne, N.J., Aug, Flortcle, Nellie,"Electric Park, Baltimore, Aug. 18; Waati- Ingtou Park, ltnynniie. N. .1., |o-lS. Flnoil llmtlian, Kaua Hoilal, ClilcaKn. Aug. 2 8. Ford, Tom, BIJuu, JCnrftilk, Ya., Aug. W. I'olletL Loiinlt, Monroe Park. Toronto, t'nn., Aug. .18. Fox A .Melville, Partliaiinn, Llvcrponl, Kng., Aug. 3 8; Hip. podronie, l.nmlon. 11115. Kin, Iraro. Co., Kreeliody Palk. Newport, It. I., Aug. a 8. Foater A Fnater, Proctor'a M Hv.; N. V. 0., Auk. M Forber .Worm., Holier Roofilarden, Marlon, 0., Auk. 38. Folre .s|»ibh Auditorium, Norfolk, Ya., Auk. 1-8. Frevoll, Kdpewater Park, Cellna. 0., Aug. 3 8. Friend, Al„ Paauir'a, N. Y. C„ Auk. 38. Kraier A Mtcb. wtar, Berinon<l>ev: Kng., Aug. 3-13. Furmaii. Iladlr, Blu'll|iUt Park, Wlliiilnj/ioii, IM., Aug. 38. tlaaton A Mtnna. Pleaaure Beach, BrhlKeiHirt, Aug. :'. 8. Curoii, Andy A Ma/.le, Caalno, Ontario Beach, Itoclieater, N<Y.,Ang. in. ' ■ (lanlner Broa. I'ark, North Beach, N. Y., Aug. 3-8. o.-illaodn. Kellh'a. Phlla., Aug. 1 -p. , cay, I "In nil Park, Klkhait. Ind., Aug. 2-8. Couh a Nehon, Hpndprann'B, Coiiev ialan ilalh-tra Monkeva, FreehAdy Park, New|inrt, R. L.Aug.S-8. Oiuriioux, The, Inlet- Pavilion, Atlantic City, Auk. 3-ta. iiiivin A Plan, I'm k, Kniithht-iilitp, Mas.*., Auk. sn ; Tain. itnoga Park. Attleboro, Maaa^ ID IS, (luaainaii. Jljsrplilm., Maannlc Temple, ChlrAgo, Aug. 38. (fay; the (treat; Oak flnnmilt Park. Kvanavllle, Ind., Aug. 2 8; laland I'ark, Klkhart. Ind., it in (laylnr.HoWiy,i\ 0: ll„J;hlcagfl. Aug. 38. (larrlty Hlatem.■ Monumentnl, IhiltlmoVe, Aug. 3 8. illlkey, Kthel, Midland Beach, N. Y., Auk. ;i-a. lillllhan A Murray; Ij\ke Conlrnry, Ht .loieph, Mo., Aug. .1-8; Klit-lrloPurk. Kntiana City, III lv OIllH'it ,V ciunm, J.una Part, Coney laland, N. Y.,Aug. (Ilbmu A Naah, Cryatnl, Denver, Auk. .'lis. (Illlrtte'a Mualcnl Dogt, Paradlae Itoof Hardens, N. Y. C. Aug. 3/H, , oibsAn Olrla. Knrai kidlaV, Mllwnilkea, Aug. 38. (Ileeanu. .1. II.. Kelth'a. Phlla., Aug. 38. Olaaa, chailea, l'. O. II., t.'hliiiKo, Aug. HH. ll.ddle.St. Chlr.l lloldle, Dojle's, Atlantic City, Aug. Uoisjwl/i Bro«., A. r .l 8;, Bnalun, Aug. 3-8. UoKKln A Dnila, Kiiiplr*, Newport, Wales, Aug. 3-8; Em- Idre, Noitlnghitm, Mult., Ill IS. llorham Comedy «), lluiideraon'a, Coney laland, N. Y„ ', '. (lulMV, Luna Park. Cnilev Talitiul,' K. Y., Altg. \9. Oonlou A llnyos Lakeatdii park. Akron, O., Aug. 34; HMntnn Park, HtPilliaiu-ltlp, Ill-Ill. Orabt'Atlriinl. Pamillse Boor Harden, N. V. 0., Aug. 3 8. tlrahaiu, Mar;ii'U A Co., Pnwtor'a m mi., N. Y. 0., Aug. .1-8. • i HiayA (liahain, Now Haven, Conn., Aug.ja oraces Ph.nienrtale Park, NaMlivllle,Teiiii., Aug. 31ft. HreKsuna, The, Kelth'a, Pjillu , Aug. 38; Paator'a, N. Y. 0., ilieen A Warner, Farm, Toledo, 0 , Aug. 28. Urav A tlrahAiii, Havln Bock Park, New Haven, Aug. 3 8; Coney Island, N. V,, in I*. Orant, Hyilnoy, Morrlaun'a, KoCkaway Bench, N. Y., Aug. Haley A Bond, Clieaiiiiiflllli Park; ITilla.. Auk.Hs1.| Hnrcoiirl A May, Umpire, Aahtabula Harbor, O., Aug. 38. ' Hathaway A waltnn, Chulea, Kan Kran,, Aug. 3-S llaiiil. Bro*„ Pastor's, N. Y. i", Aug.8-8. Hurrlngtmia, The, A. A 8)., Boston, Aug. 3-8. ' Hart,' William A Kdlth, tluvernnior's. Atlantic City, Aug. .18. Ham ev A lloaDi', Manhattnn llemdi, Denver, Auk. 3*. Ilnri'lsnn Bros:, Coney Island, Cincinnati, Aug. 2 8. Hart A Bessie, Pottsvllle, Pa., Aug. 3-8. Harvey A Lee, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., Aug, 3 8. Halliiway'a Diving llorsos. Mora Pnrk, Youngstnwn, Harvey, W. 8, A Co., Crescont Pork, Pmvldeneo, II. J., Auk. tf. 11nyus, Kdiuuml A Co., Mualo Hall, Brighton Hooch, N. Y., lleiiileraon A Hoax, Bellevuo Pnrk, Toledo, O., Aug. 28; Temple, BWrolt, 10-13. Haskell, Lonvy, Keiths, N. V. <)., Ang. 3 8. Held, Lillian, A. A K, Boston, Aug. .18. lleidovv, Clnis Ohoator lVuk, ttlnolnnatl, Aug. 2 3; Lske- slde Park, Akron, 111-18. Ilealh A lixculslu, Caaluo Pier, 8ca lain City, N.J., Aug. 3 8. ' ".' . ' ' . Herbert A Nolan, Avon Park, Yoimgstowu. Aug. 3,8. llecklKr, chillies, Cliester Park. Clnoliltiatl. Aug. 2-8. Uluof Hardens. N. Y. C,, Ann . . Penrln. 111., Aug. 18. llefiiin, Tom. lluveruntin/a, Atlautlc City, Aug. 34 Helena, lidilll, Pnradlau 1 llertlinl, Jemle. .laoobir, Peoria, III., Aug. .18. ..."I.. .....,, ,,„1*1UIII,M P, Jlllll i'elon>n. .lalnOstnwtt, N. Y., lu-IS. llenulnga, Trlu, DnytoV Atlantic Clly, Aug. 3-8. IHgitlNa I Phelpa. iSistor'a, N. Y. C„ Aiu;. 3-3 Hlckey A Nelson, winter llai'ten, lleilln, llor., Aug. 3- Kept, ilk HlhU'it A Low la, (ludiVoy'a Pavilion, Hiund Itaplda, Aug. Howard A Keeuiin, Luuu Park, Oouoy Iiland.'N. Y., Aug. Ilnirord A Worth, Woihlngton Park, Bayonne, N. J., Aug, 8-8, Hindis (Ji.-oailun. Pol lu-Biiv, ().. Aug. 115. llognii. Krnest, Kelth'a, Phlla.. Aug. 3-S. llorilaworlh'i, Tho, Kelth'a, N. Y,C„lAug Phlla;, BUS, Aug. 3-8. Kelth'a, lloyt, Add w„ I.lpu Palace. N. Y. c, Auk.|S-8. Iluliiies A Waldod, Lnkovlew Casino, Kalamazoo, Aug, 38. llownril, Llllle, Empire, Kt. Paul, Aug. 3-8. ■ loll, Alt'., Miibiiilmn ilanlen. Kt. Loula, Aug.3 8, llowanl Hlatera, Weimar Park, Oklahoma Clly, Okls., Ault.3-16. ■ . llowanl A Bland, Keith's, Phlla., Aug, 3 9. Holmes, llelemn, Kiiiplre. St, Paul, Aug. ,18. Borne, .laniea, A co„ KeUh's, N. Y, a, Aug. 3-8. H Howard Broa,, Farm, Toledo, <)., Aug. 2-8 Hume,, Cmiey lalahil, Cluclhnatl, Aiig,: Hume, Unas A Lewis. Pastor's, N. Y, ('., Auk. 3-8. Iluelin, Mualpnl I'.lecti'lc'Park. I'tlra. N. Y., Aug. 34 H nines A Lewie, Shea's, llutuilo, N, v., Aug. 2-8. linhni A Conn. Paatlir'a, N. Y. I*., Aug. 3 8. ' ivIuV, ■ r ■ '.....'. . . . Kern* A Cole, Riverside I'ark, Saginaw, .Mich., Aug. 10-19. KHceyiHIMers (.11, Farm,Toledo. 0 Aug. 28. Kennedy Children, Athletic Park, Bar Harbor, He, Aug. Kennedy, Lion Palace, N. Y C„ AOg. 3-fl, KerpsACole, Kainntm l"3rk, Hrand Rapids, Mich., Aug. Klraifo Broa.,'Topic, -'Billings, Mont, Aug. 38; Ktllway Park, Hreat Falls, lu-lft. f King, Joe, illenJale Park, Naahville, Tenn., Ang, S ll. Kl«rn. Ott Bros. A Nlckeraon, Krb's Pavilion, North Beach, N. V.. AUK.3-IS. ■ ■ Klaron Sisters, Lion Palace, N. Y.O., Aor. 38. Klnoilyke Knur, Tumbling Dam Park, Brldgetnn, N. J., .'. ■' August 8. AOg. 3-8. Kn) '' Aug. 3 8. -V InuesK a Ityan, tlleuilale Piirk, Naal lliglnin, Lee, I', o. 11,,-Chlengn; Aug. 3-S.. Tenu., Aug. 3-8. .i^l'K- 3 '" gbt, Kathrlne, Manhattan Beach, Denver, Aug. 38. Koppe, Sprlnglake I'ark, Tr.-nton, N. .1., Aug. .18; Caainri Her, Ocean nty,N..J„ 11113. • ■ Koijorali. Oriiheuiu. Kan Fran., Aug. 38. Knlina (3), Chnti.a, Kan Kran., Auk. 3-8. i.i.i;lolr A West Vt'ou-t's, Peoria. II)., Aug. 3-8. Lawrence, Al., Bellevuo Park, Toledo, o , Aug. 2 9; Hettc. Loo.lim, (Tan., Aug. 3-8.' La Ford, Charles Temple, Detroit, Ang. 34. LaWolne-.Tlie, Park, Canton,().. Aug. 8-8. 1.»iwint». The, Bullevue Park. Toleilo, O.. Aug. 28; Ood- frey's Park, Hrand Itaplda, Mich., (MS. I.atlinoie A Leigh, olytnpla I'ark, McKeeaport, Pa., Aug. Lackey, Einmal) 0 A Co., J'aator'a, N. Y. C. Aug. 3 8. I.arcilo A lllake, (.'heater Park, Cincinnati. Aug. 2-8. .leas, Then A Camllle, Plum Island. Newbiiryport, Mass., Aug. 3-8. ' ...'•< Lane A Suiannelt.i. .Incoba', Peoria' III., Aug. 38. Lavlgne Slaters, l,'. O. II,, Chicago, Aug. 3D. La/ellea, The, F.lectrlc Park, Baltimore, Aug. 3 8. l.iiupells. Jenniii tie A.otla, Electric. Park, Newark, N, 3., Aug. 3 8; Kvcky Spring Park. Lancaster, Pa,, JO-Jr., I.awaon A Nahon, Avoh Park, Yiiitugsrown, Aug. 38. lAZ.aros, Prtnccaa, C. o. H:, Chlcagii, Aug. .18. Lloytl A Waltone. BellevuB Park, Tnledo' O.. Aug. 2-8. Lloyd, Anna. Henderson's, Coney laland, N. Y., Aug. 38. Lii Bar. Af'-' 1 '-, Cleveland, O., Aug. 2 8. Li'lghtriu A LelKhtoii, Wells' Park, Boanoke, Vn., Aug. S- 8. Rlchiunhd 1UT|5, . Leiinn, Little. Proctnt'a23d Kt., N. Y. (:., Aug. S8. Leona ,li Leonn. Shields' I'ark. Walla Walla. Aug. 2 8. Lo Clair, Harry, Preebodj-Park, Newport, R. 1.,-Aug. 3-8. Lr-nnza. Itamona Park, Hrand Itaplda, Mich., Aug. 3-8. Lee, Hugh Y, A Bessie, Waldauiere Park, Erie, l'a., Aug. I.e. Bat. Cleveland, ()., Altg. M. J.e Clair, ,Tphn, West End, New Orleans, Aug. 38. Isiwla A Ityan. Shoa'a, Bulfalo, Aug. 3-8. Lester A curtain, Clnitaa, San Fran., Aug. 3-8. Lewla, Caprice C, Coney Island, Cincinnati, Aug. 2 8. Lo Coy. Joalc, A. A K., Boston, Aug. 3-8. lair". The, Clark's Haldcn, Terre ftaulc, Ind., Aug. 38. Lo Mnyue A 1* l.ange, Inlet Pavilion, Atlantic city, Aug. WIS. Lcatef.illurry B„ Proctor'a 23d Ht„ N. Y. C, Aug. 38. Leonard A Leonard, Fib's Casino, North Beach. N. Y.« Aug, 3-8. Litchfield, Mr. A Mrs, Nell, Rlverton Park, Portland, Me., . Aug. H Livingston (J). Tlvoll Oardena, Queboc, Can., Aug. SJ3. Linden A Kecloy, Uutornalor'a, Atlantic City, Aug. 3-8. Lloyd, Herbert, lale or Palms, Charleston, H. ('.. Aug. 38. Lomhatd Broa., Washington Park, Bayonne, N. J., Aug. I.ock'ett, Mottle, Waahlngton Park, Bayonne, X. J., Aug, 3-8. Lovltts, The, Mora Park, Youngitown,0.,'Aug. 38; Belle- vue Park, Toledo, 0,, BIS. Lnl'tiiH. Cecilia, Mtisunle Temjde, Chicago, Aug. 88. Luralne A Ilea ard, Empire, Portland, Ore,, Aug. 38; Em- pire, Seattle, ID 22. LovUta, Thc.'ldora Park, Y'oungatown, Aug. 3-8. Lorett, H. si., central Park, Dover, N. II., Aug. 3-8. Lot/. Bros., Empire, Portland, Ore., Aug. 18; Empire, Seattle. 1622. ' ' Lnbilnu Btrrell Trio, Palace Heibv, Fug , Aug. 3 8; Em- ' plre, Wolverhampton, 10 IS. Lynna, Hendflraou's, Coney Island, N. Y., Aug. 38, LuendOH.The. Keith's, Boston, Aug. 3.8 Lynn A Kennedy, oxford Lake Park. Armlston, Ala, Aug, ' 38. Lvoh. The tlreal. Hnveruator's Atlantic Clly, Aug. 3-8. .Macklln A Mpoie, itiiou, Norfolk. Vs., Aug.38. Mann. Mr. A Mrs Danny, lluher'a Hoof Hardeu, Marlon, O., Auk. 3-13. Mauley A Rose, Hong Lake Park, Woonaocket, H. I., Aug. 38. .Man-art.'aDoga A Monkeys, Orpheum, San.Fran., Aug. Madden. Mary, Proctor'a SKIh Kt., N. Y. C, Auk. 34. Mnrehall A Erin, Mndlaou Avenue Park, Burllugtun, la., AUg. 18. Maxainlth Duo, Keith's, Phlla., Aug. :t a Muckle, doe, A. A S.. Boaton, Aug. 38. .Msrjriii-rlte A lltiuloy, .Masonic Temple, Chicago, Aug. Mason A Raymond, Casino, Palrhnven, Wash., AuK-i-ZH. Miiuk A Elliott, Itamona PaJk, Hrand Haplda, Mich., Aug. 28. . Mnthes. Clara, lint Portage, Can,, Aug. 10-13. Manning A Lola Halinea, Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, can;, Aug. is. Mai 11 til A Max 1 slllllan, C. 0. II., Chicago, Aug. 18; Columbia, St. Louis, iikis. MnrYelln A 1.Unison, sheeily'a, Puwiucket, R. L, Aug. 3 8; Freehody Park, Nnwiwrl, 10-lt. Mmlotta, llodlroy'a Pavilion, (Irani! Itaplda, .Mich., Aitg, 111). Marshall, Plnehurat Park, Worceater, Maaa., Ang. 38; Southinsdge, in in. r Murdn, Caaciule Park, New (?astle, l'a.. Aug. 3-8.' Maicel's Bus Reliefs, Sluslc Had, Brighton Beach. N. v., Aug. SJL. ' ' Mahr, Agnes, Paradise Hoof Hardens N. Y. I'., Aug. 38. Murtlll A lllltgewuy. Mallhattnn Beach, Denver, Aug 18. Martlneltl A Hroasl, lloblaou Park, Fort Wayue, Aug. 38; lugeraoll Park, UoaMolnoa, la., 1018. Murtyue. Eddlv, Atlantic Cusluu, Ocean City, Md., Aug. iliiy'A Miles', Term Haute, Ind., Aug. 1015. Martlno A Balno, ( 0\brhlge, Mass., Aug, 3-8; Webater, Mathleus, .luggllng, Maaonlc Temple, Chicago, Aug. 38. MatlllU A Musette, h'ull h'f. N. Y. l\, AUK 3 8. McCarthy, Miles A Co., Proctor'a, N. Y. C. Ang. M. Mel-anil FAinlly, lluher'a Itoor Harden, Marlon, <)., Aug. 38) Tumpla, Detroit, 10-13. Mccuue A tirniit, Wnodlynnn Park, Camden, N. J., Aug. Melntoali, Tom, Foreat Lako Park, Palmer, Muss,, Aug. 18. Meyer A Maanii, llnnlon'a Point, Toronto, Can., Aug. 38. Merodlth Slaters, Kelth'a, Phlla., Aug. is; Keith's, Koa- ton, I01B. . i ' Meakln k McCartliy, Proctor'a 2MKt„ N. Y. C, Aug. 3 8. Meyer, Beu. Pliuisuiti Ilea. Ii, Bridgeport, Aug. is. Meers (3), AIIoiioImu, Bhickpnul. Kng,, Aug. 3-1S. Mexlaa A Mexlaa, Chutes: Sun Fran., Aug. 3-8' .Minor, Frunk, Coronndo Beach,Cal,, Aug. 38; San Diego, Allies A Mil am, Hill's Park, Trenton, N. if., Aug. 3-8. Mitchells (3), Fnrco ljik.ii Park, Palmer, Maaa., Aug, 3-8. Millard Bros,, Quebec, Cap., Aug. 3-8; Valleyileld, Can., Mllnnl Trln, Music Hall, Brighton Butch, N. Y„ Aug. 3-8. Mlllerahlp Slaters, Washington Park, Bayonne, N. J., MillDtto* (3), Central Park, Dover, N, 1L, Aug-. Si. Muoro A Llttleileld, Kelth'a, N. Y. C, Aug. 3-8. Mollis, I,eon, Ponies, lllp|ejdrooio, Loudon, Eug., Aug. Morris, Ethel, A. A. K., Boaton, Aug. 34. Montgomery, Clinton, Oraiiiimn'a, San Fran., Aug.38. Montroll. Auoiont I'heatie. Moscow, Rusala, Aug. 3*16.'- Moore, (leu. W„ Empire, Portland, Ore, Aug..389; Em- pire, noatt lo, 10-22. .. , Moreland A Pagan, Belleviie'I'ark, Toledo, 0., Aug. 2 8. slobre, .lohn A Mahle, Jncoua'. Peoria, III., Aug. 38. Muoto, tluaale, Proctor'a Hid St., N. V. (1., Aug. 18. Mortons (3), Morrison's, Kockaway Beach, N. Y., Aug. 34. Mortou, .laa. J., Orpheum. Sail Fran., Aug. 34. .Morrla A Morris, Ciyatal Hoot' Hardens, Jackaouvllle, Flo,, Aug. 10-11. Mozart Comedy Four, Henderson's', Coney laland, K, Y., Aug. 3 8. ■' Minion, Heitrude, Saratoga, X. Y,, Aug. 3-8; lUiaca, N. Y..10.IS. Mullen A Coralll, Paator'a, X. Y, C, Aug. 34; (Houceiter, Milan.. 10-1 ft. ' Miirpliy A Wlllnid, Itohluaoti I'ark, EL Wayne, Intl., Aug. 3-H, ■ Murphy A Androwa, Crescent (lanlen, Revere, Maaa., Aug. 3-8. Murphy A Murphy, llondcraon'a, Coney laland, N. Y., AUK. 3 8. ' ' Murtht,, Julut 11., Olytnpla Park, McKeet[wrt, Pa., Aug. 34. ... Murphy, James, Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla., Aug. .18. Murphy, Mr. A Mrs. d. Thou., lleuderiou'a, Coney laland, .N.Y..Aug. 34. Niiwn, Tom A Co., Kelth'a, Phlla., Aug. 34. Ncndhiim A Winsl, Bergen Beach, N. v.. Aug. SB. Nelsilnla, Park, Seattle, Aug. 38. Newton llios,. Merry Meeting Park, Brnnawlck, Me., Aug. 34. Newlnn, Billy, Calvin Park, Wcstflehl, X. .1., Aug. 34; llulwr's. N. Y.C.10U Xebon A Nelson, Fniplm. tjt. Paul, Aug. 34. Nlhn, Mine., Itamona Park, Hrand Itapnla, Mich., Aug. 34. Nichols A Croix, ltlvetslde I'ark, New Brunswick, N. J., Palmer, Lew, Ornnd Falls Park, .loplln, Mo.. Aug. M Paktnn'»ArtOallery, Henderaona, (Viney laland, N. »., Aug. 34. . . . . ■ Paloma trio, Shield"' Pnrk, Walla Walla, Aug. 2-8. Paxros Bros., Music Iln.1t. Brighton Beach, X. Y.. Aug. S-8. Polala, FlylriKIO. F.lectrlc Park. Ballltnore, Aug. 34. Paaaparts, Dancing (J), Theatre Erlmluga, .Moscow, Bus- PaulfnettrAPrquo; Doyle's, Allantlc.Clty. Ang. 3-8. 1'elletler, Helen, Coney laland, Cincinnati. Aug. 24. Pel rson,, Marie, Henderson's, Coney Island, NY., Aug, Piccolo Mldgeta, Maaonlr Temple, Chicago, Aug .18. Pleau, Mr. A Mri.;Al., Khlefda' Park, Portland, Ore., AOg. 24. ■ ■'' •' Polrers, (3). Sohmer Park. Montreal, Aiik- 38. Polk jt Traak. Ayetlue. Detroit. Aug is. PolE A' Kolllua, Shea's, Buffalo, Aug. 3 8. I'olnisill. Cape Mat. s. J.'. Auk. 8-8. I'owera A Theiilaild, .Manhattan Bench, Denrer, Aug. 38. PrevostA Prevost, logerwtii Pork, hp* Molnea, la., Ang. .14;Delmar Harden, likla City. 1022. Preston. Slav, Empire. St. Paul. Aug. 3-1. I'uoka.-Llttln (2i, Freelmtly park, Newport, R, I., Aug. 38. Preston, (?. L., AvnhPntk, Yoiingstown, 0.. Aug. 2-8. "rice A Nnrrls, BIJou, Hamilton. O., Aug. 34 Jiilglev. Tims .1.. Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla.. Ang. 34. Baa A Benedetto, Luna Park, Coney laland, N. V , Aug. 3-8. Barkens (t), Lion Palace, X. Y. C. Aug. 34. Hahisey Slaters, Ijike (leorge, N. Y., Aug. 3B. Itiiuim A Amu, Mannlon'a I'ark, Kt. Louis. Aug. 38. Ituiil.b A Clieedera, C. O. 11.. Chicago, Aug. 38. Itacbett A llajard. Empire, Hackney, London, Eng., Aug. M; I'alnce, Blackburn, HI 15. Raptill. Leo, Columbia, St. Louis, Aug. 3 8. Hays (3), Jacobs', Penrln, HI., Aug. 3 8. Balelgh A Beard, olvmplii Park, Chattanoogii, Aug. 34. Be vane, Misses, Proctor'a, Newark. N. .1., Aug. 34. Havana; The. (luvernn,or'a. Atlantic City, Aug. 3-8. line A Brneche, Kelth'a, Boston, Aug. 34. Kexns, The, Eann, Toledo, o , Aug. 24. In- yiuinl, Ed. P., Hlppodriiuio, London, Eng, Ang. 3-13., Tho, Auditorium, Norfolk,'Yn„ Aug. 34, RlxforilBrus. Kelth'l. N. Y.C, Aug. 34. U\ck Family, Putnam, Conn., Aug. 24. Kiel A Prevost, Paradise Roof Harden* N. Y. C„ Aug. 34. Klnnns (4). Forest Park, Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 24; Lako Contrary, Kt. Joseph, Ills. Klo Broa., Court rVpiaro. BnrlnjdtfM, Maaa Aug. 38. Blchanl'a (S), (lodfrny's 1'avlllou, (linnd Rapids, Mich., Aug. 34. Itlcebono'n Horaea, Paradbc Hoof nardein, X. Y. C, Aug. 34. Jainea A Davla, Doyle'a Pavllluti. Atlantic Clly, Aug. 3 8. VSg* (»)..Coll JeaillluM, Ktev-e, I'dstor'a, N. Y. (!., Alig. 38. Chicago, lO-ts, Nlghtona (t), Paradise Boor Oardena, X. V. C, Aug. 34. Nosaes (8), Columbia, Kt. I.mils. Aug. 34; Bans Souel, .lealiie A lloiuiud, Hleenvllle, S. (J., Aug. 38; (IrePliaborO, Jennetts, The, iiuveruntor'a, Atlantic City, Aug. 34. .leunluga A lteulrew, tlormim'a Park, llvuuawlek, Me., Aug. 34; Lakevlew Park, Lenlatnu, 10 is. JelliTHun Cecil, tiislii nj 's Paillkm, (Iraud Itaplda, Mich., Aug. 3 8, . . .loluiann A Wells, C. 0.11., Chicago, Aug. :tK Jnlinsiiii, llnvpupurl A Lorella, Kellh'a, Phlla., Aug. 3 8. douusohs IS), Juggling, ParadU' Bool Harden, X. Y.C, Ang, 38. ' .Ionian A Crouch, Maaonlc Temple, Chicago, Aug. 28; Sans Knucl, Chicago,* IB. , r •lonlons. The, Maaonlc Temple, Clilrotro, Aug. 34. Lane, Leonard, Newport, It. I., Aug, 3-8. Kaurman Troupe, orpheum, San l'ran., Aug. 3«. Kentie, J. Wat ten, lllll'a llruycPatk, 'ITemoii, N, .1,, Aug. Kenton, iionithv, l'rnciur'a, Newark, N. J., Aug. 38; PriKitor'aHh Ave., N. Y;C.. litis. ' Keliv A Aniietie, Saratov;*Sprlugs,N. Y., Aug. 38; (lleua Kalla, 10 a North, south A Dixie, Portland, Ore., Aug. 3 1ft, Norman, illrndalu Park, Naahville, Tenu., Aug, 37; OH uipln Park, CliattnnooKn, Id 13. Nobles, Mr. A Mi h. Milton, shea's, Buftaln, Aug, 34. Nuivlaii Trio, llanlon'a Point, Toronto, Can.. Atlg. 34. Nurrlsaas, The, On'scent (lanlen. Bevere, Maaa,, Aug. 34. Nolirenii, The, Proctor'i 83il St., N. Y. U, Aug. 34. Olieilln A Havel, Mori Ison'a, Kockaway Beach, X. Y, Aug. O'Brien, Kittle. Empire, St. Paul, Aug. 34. O Riled A West, (Ireat Barrlllgtoti, Maaa., Aug. 34. Onato Troupe, Lima Park,Coucv Island, N, Y„ Aug. is. Oi loir Troupe, l.unn I'ark. Coney laland, N. Y., Aug.34. Osburne A Plley, Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, Can., Auk, 34; llanlon'a Burnt, Toronto, 10-13. Oil. Mabel, I'nieior'aStli Ave., N. Y. 0.,'Aitg. 34. Owen, Margaret Dale, Manhattan Beach, Denver, Aug. II ■ - tlwlev A Hnndall, Lakeside I'ark, Rvracuae N. Y„ Aug. i Mj MuunieParV, Ttimnto. ('nil;, H)1S. - Pasculal, Klveraliln Park, Savluaw, Mich;, Aug, 1.8. Pachuco Family, Weal Kud, New Orleaua, Aug, 3-13. « Wlghtmatl, Allen, Temple, Detroit, Ang. 14; West End, wilBatsa "it Oordon, OraainM'a, San Fran., Aug. 34; WIBIarn.'. Frank ."id* Avon Park. YounKatown, 0.. Aug. 24; Hanlan'a Point, ToronUj. Can.. 10-16. Wilson A Bloom, sea BreeiePavilion, lrondequolt, N. \., White'rfBi'nka A Winona, Riverside Park, Baogor, Me., WheftiarVv, Pleaaare Bench. BrWgeimrti Ajtg. 34. Wilson A Daly. Park, Columbus, Ha., Atig-l2». Wise llarrv, Pleasure Bench, BrldKeport, Conn., Aug. U Woial A Bay. Pnrk, Attleboru, Mass.; Auk. 34. , Wood, Francis Sx'hlte o»k P»rk, New Britain, Conn., WnltA Mark, Weaet'P, Peoria, HI, Ang. .14. , Ynekley A Bunnell, Xnrnnilietm Park, Aubiirndale, Maaa. Yankee llomedy (I), Proctor'a 2kl Ktroet, N. Y. C, Aug. 34 Ye'onmo.Oeorge, Wheeling Park, Wheeling, W. Yo., Aug. Yommnoto Bros., Morrison's, Rocknway Beach, K. Y„ Yiyke A Adams, Morrltou'e, Rockawny Beach, X. Y., Y«ui£» A Brooks, Olcott Beach, N. V., Aug 34; Casino, Toledo, O., 10-lS. Zaola, BHou, Norfolk. Va.. Aug. 34. /.mil A Vernon, Electric Park, Baltimore, Aug. 1016. Zara A Stetaon, Ijigoon Island, Albany, -V i., Aug. 34, Proctor'a, Newark, N. .L, 10-15. Zarrow A Zarrow, Avon Patk, YoungstowB. Aug. 38. Zano. The meat, Chutea, San Fran, Aug. 34. Zel, Raymond, Spring drove Casino, sprlugtleld, 0., Aug. 24. Aug. 3 15. Zlnimermans, The, Empire, St. Paul, Aug.34 Zenn, Carl A Zeun, Manhattan Beach, X. V, A' Zlaka A King, Kelth'a, Phlla, Aug. 34. We have prepared bandy mnlllntr card* »vlili-ii xvln greatly facilitate vaadeTllle perrarmer* In eendlnB; u* tlielr liookinita. In ualnv tbeoe cards the performer merely nan to till oat the dates,' name of theatre, and city or town and State* place a one cent aitamp In corner and mall. They will be- farnlibed on-application to thU office either personally or by letter. —n Klc.ton, Canton, 0., Aug. 34; Akron 10-18. " ■ ' , . ■ lllpley, Tom, Waahlngton Park, Buyonne.N. J., Aug 38. T7|Jal» si Is A Dill Fl-sk.* *A4i.s> ^^^^""^■'■'"""''^^■^ ttPiib iDc iiill rostcfs. Jlanaflehl 10 16. llnnahloa (3), Noruniliega Pnik, Auhurndale, Masa., Aug, .34. Koblnson A Orrint, Empire, Portland, Ore., Aug, 38; Em- plre, Seattle, iO-ti. Roberts, Hayes A Roberta, Orpheum, Ran Fran., Aug. 34. Iliivre. (tar L., Shea's BillTalo, Auk. 14. Rosea (21. Proctor'a, Newark, N. J., Auk. 34. Mobera (4), Proctor'a 43d St., N. \\ C., Aug. 14 Kusaell A Locke C. 0. II,. Chicago, Aug. 34. Himell A Buckley, Keith's, Boiton, Aug. 34; Keith's, K Y. ().. 10-18. Biiaaell A Dunbar, Clmer Park. Brooklyn,}*. Y., Aug. 38. ltussell, Phil A Carrie, Cor.k'a Park, Evanivllte, Ind., Ang. M. Russell. Sine, Palace, Boaton, Aug. 34. Saliaret, Kollaa Marlguy, Parla, Fr., Aug. 3 IS. Sawyer. Many Clinton, Shields' Park, Tiicoma, Aug. 6 1.1; Shields' Park Portland. Ore , 14 W. Santoro A Marlow. Caalno Harden, Cleveland, Aug. .18. Sawyer, Eddy A Emily, Cook's Park, Evanavllle, Ind., Aug. 38. Saxon, Pauline, Cuontoocuok River I'ark, Concord, N. H, Aug. .14. Satlford Slaters, Pack, Mcminn. Mnas., Aug. .14. Sabel, Josephine, Paradise Hour Hardens, N. Y.C, Aug. Sent! A Howard, Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla., Aug. 34. Scott. Broa., Parndlno Root Harden, N. Y. C, Aug. 38. Suhreneck Bros,, Shea's, Bulliilo, Aug. 3*8. Sevmour A Dupree, Cheater Park, Cluclouatl, Aug. 24; Bntiliison Park, Pint Wayne, nil.'., seligman, Minnie, Morrison's, Kockaway Beach, N. Y., Aug. .18. Sefiou A Deagle, Doyle'a, Atlantic City, Aug. 38. Seeker, Wllkce A Co„.luuctioii Park, Beaver Falls, Pa., Agg. 34. Sharer A Slend, Bijou. Nnrfolk, Va., Aug. .1-8. Sherman A He Forrest, Proctor'a, Newark, N. J., Ang. 34. Sluunrocka (3). Old Hrclianl Beach, Me., Aug. 38. Shaw, Alice A Daughter*, Mualc Hall, Brighton Beach, N, V.. Ang. 3-8. Shaw, Allan .1., Empire, I'nrtlnnd, Ore., Aug. 34; Empire, Seattle, 1010. Shannon A Brown, Keith's, N. Y. C, Ang. 34. Slddon Broa., (luvririintor'a, Atlantic City, Ang, 34.' Slil,mill, .Mi belli Patk. I.llua. O., Aug. IS; Park, Spring- Held.'J IS * Kinlrl A Kessner, Salem Wlllnwa, Salem, Mnia,, Aug. 38. Sinltb A Fuller, Maaonlc Temple, Chicago, Aug. 34, Smith A Arada, iiudi'rny'a Pavilion. Ornnd Itaplda, Mich., Aug. 34, Smith A White, Park, Mention, Maaa., Aug. 34. Snyder A Burkley, Maaonlc Temple, Chicago, Aug.O-lS. . Solarei. itlverton Park, Porlland, Me., Anir.34. S|«ioner, Utirlt Duty, Froehndy Purk, Newport, R. I., Auk, 38, SpAuhllug, Cedar Park, Sandusky. 0., Aug. 24. Si'lsSoll Bros, Fort Slierldim Park, Hlghwood, III, Aug. 24; ill vim view Park, Aurora, 'i is Htataou, Wtiltor, A Co, Isxwreuce Oarden, Washington, If. C, Aug- 3 S; Itoeki Point, B. I., 10-16. storu, AL, Kami, Toledo, 0. Aug. -'8. Stelnert It Thomas, Itncky Point, It. I., Aug. 34; Lincoln Park, New Bedrord, in is stiivnrdule (julutet, Hippodrome, London, Eng., Aug. 31S. stetileton A Chanpy, Edgewater Park, Cellna, 0., Aug. 34. Still; MailJ, (Iriiilninn's, Sun Frnli,, Au-i. 18. Strand, Frank II., Chestnut Hill Park, Philadelphia, AUK. 3-8, Ktewiirt A Lit Croix, Knllspell, Mom., Aug. 34; Capitol Mualc Hall, Helena, in is Stover A llrauaui, A. A M-. Boaton, Aug. 34. Ktnber, Fred. K„ Kulaiu willows, Knlem. Musa., Aug. 34. Stanley A Wlla'jn, Woolworth Itoor Harden, Lancaster, Aug. 34; Avenue, Detroit. 10-16, Kteln Krolto Family, Proctor'a «d St., N. Y. C, Aug. 34. Kt, Clair, Artie, Wont's. Peoria, 111., Aug. 34. Kt. Onge Urns.. I'liiehurel Park, Wurceslcr.Maaa., Aug.38. Struck, Prof., Keith's, N. Y. C, Aug. 34. Sully, Low. C. (1.11., Oilcago, Aug. 34. Sully Family, Celeron Park, Jamestown, Ang.34. Talhiit A Itogars, Keneca, N.Y..AugJ-3; Bliiihamtun.10-15 Tally Ho Duo, Hi-aenvllle, 8. c, Aug. 3-8; Richmond, Vu., 10-IS. Teal, Bayinoiiil, Poncode Leon Purk, Atlanta, Ha., Aug. 34; ltoainvnlr Park. Richmond, Va„ 1013. Trod A Luzon, Woat End Heights. Evnnavllle, Ind., Aug. Thompson A Serbia, Pimnlo's. .Newport, R. I., Aug. 34.' Thome A llolilsivorlh, Elect tic Park, Camden, N. J., Aug. 38 ' Tlirokolil A Wlcke. Cnalno, Nuahville, Tenn, Aug. 38, Thurutnti, Jiiiuii-., Kelth'a, Boston, Aug. 34. Thompson A I'rwiils, (luvernatur'a, Atlantic City, Aug. 34, , , fhnniaa A Wycoff, Capo May, N. J., Aug. 34. homes A Hall. Proctor's, Newark. N J., Aug. 34. Thomas, Eugene, Manhattan Beach. Denver, Aug. 34. Till, Joint A Luulta, Brunswick, .Me , Aug. 34; Salem Wil- lows. Kafcul, Mans hi-is. Tlnpell A Kllment, Kalrvlcw Park, Decatur, III., Aug. 3-3. Tlllsou A Itlehliigs, Crescent Park, Providence, Aug.3 8. Tuiaiy Turvy Trio. Lakeolde Park, Akron, <)., Aug. 34. Tonack A West, Casino Pier. Ocean City, N. J., Aug. 34; Boyle's Pavilion, Atlautlc City, 10-16. Tuuhey A Lacy, Kelth'a. Phlla.. Aug. 18. 'I'miner. Purvis, Towner Park, Lima, ()., Aug. 34. Tolodo A Price, lain* I'atk, Conoy laland, N. Y., Aug. 84. Tnrcat, IMimnm I'ark, Hrand llnphls, Mich., Aug. 34; Sans Suiitd, Chicago, ff-IA, Tiniiliailoiiis (3i,Kprliighank Park,London.Can,. Aug.24. Tialonr A Tempest, MaHsaboatc Pavilion, Mancueiter.N. II., Aug. 38. Troubadours (it, Junction Purk, Boater Falls, Aug. 34. Tiirnour,Millie, Lako Michigan Pnrk, Muskegon, Mich., Aug. 3,8. ••' ■ I'ntliiiii.c. II.. liailiorm Park, Hrand Ranlda, Mich.. Aug. 2 8; Lake Mirlditun Purk, Muskegon, 1116, I'rtiuliart, Isabellc A Co., Kelth'a, Boston. Aug. 34; h'olth'S, N. Y. C, 10-IS. Yali Cleei and Mule, Luna Park, Coney laland, N. Y., Aug. Y»ne. Ethel, Kteeplechaie Park, Atlantic City, Aug. 34. Van Fnuasen A McCattloy, tiraumau's Kau Fran.. Aug, 38. Yah Hauf tleorgo, Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla., Aug. 34. Vcdmara.Thc, Highland I'ark, Park. York, Pa., Aug.34. You Kanip, Lakealtta Park, Akron, (>., Aug. 34. Ylca A Viola, OreeiilltUl, Maaa., Aug. lis. Waterbutv Broa. A Tenny, iteniunu Park, orand Ruplds,, Mich., Aug. 34. Wiitrnua. Mr. A .Mrs., Blvcraldo Park, Saginaw, Mich. Aug. 23. ' Waddell, Frul., Empire, Portland, Ore., Aug.38; Em. plre, Seattle, 10-ti. Mailer A Muglll, l'rua|i«ct llanhn, Brooklyn, N. Y„ Aug. 34; . Wuldron Bros.. Empire, Portland, Ore., Aug. 34; Em- plre, Seattle, 10-tt. Wiivne A La Mar, Paator'a, N. V. C. Aug. 34. WsfiliirCl Mendet, Sprlngbiitik Park, London, Can., Au ". lO-ISl Westtins(l), Morrison's, Kockaway Baach, N. Y,, Aug. 34. West A Wllllanta, Highland Purk. Brockton. Mass., Aug. 34. Velah, Clin*. A .leinile, Lakeside I'atk, Dayton, 0., Aug, 28. Welch, Lent, Temple, Detroit, Aug. 34; Orpheum, Omaha, 10 IS. Welsh, John J , Rhlehln' Park, Walla Walla. Auk. 24, Welttell, JameJ, Kajdeaose Park, Saratoga, N. Y„ Aug. 34. Webb, Margaret, lll|lilaml Patk, Brocklon, Maaa., Auk Whiting A Pes Monde, Mnubnttnu Beach, Deuver, Aug! Whitley A Bell, Vi'aalilngton Park, Bayonne, N. J., Aug. Wbltinati, Frank, Highland Park. York, Pa., Aug. 34. Wbltnev. Anuls, Hotilson Park, Fnrt Wayue, Aug. 38, While A Slnimuns, Hornej 1'iuk, AUehtowu, Pa, Aug, lVhliroiiili, lUnk, lamtM Kan Fran., Aug. 34. Whlihig.-Kloreuce, Empire, Kt. Paul, Aug. 33. A correspondent sends the following unique description of a. game of baaeball, played by the baseball nines on Advertising Car No. .(, of tbe Ilut-iiura & Ballev Show, Known ns the "TerrlbleH" nnd tbe "Horribles," on Sun- day, July 20, In Cortland, N, Y. Tbe Horribles were beaten by t licit- rivals by a score of 21 to S3.' Al. Kiel, tbe cur mana- ger, was tbe official umpire. Coaches Ilo- hlicll and Dttjimit were on tbe point of being; lined during the gniue for tbe very unpro- fessional way of coaching their brother play- ers. The lilts of the game were made by VI*: CoOke, Kick Carter and l'ete McLaughlin. Another striking feature was the striking out of' the "Pittsburg Stogie," Alible Cohen, or Canton, and Cottlaau Harris, of "Uncle Tom" fame. Another hit of tbe game that we should not forget was the running of Hurley Willie nnd Tele Ilnlir for first base lifter hitting the ball. The runs by these men are mentioned on account of the quick time that was made, both of them being out of ti-Blnlng. Honors are to be divided evenly between the two rival captains, eg each made some plays that we can be proud of. Harry (ilnttly, "Bharkey" from the Fatherland over Hie sea, played his first game of ball, and he proved a howling success, tins Bork and l'ete Ilnlir were the producers of Borne very queer curves for Vic Cooke's benefit; one was culled "the hretzel" and the other "The Hying Dutchman;" these were used frequently during the gume and were of the fiiizzllnir order that uiukes a batter step nick. The day's sport ended with a ban- quet, which everyone enjoyed to the limit. There were over live limnlreil free admissions at-the gate when tbe game started. The roster of the teams — Terribles: Howard Church, Win. Diipont, Abble Cohen, Alt l bishell , lvtc ilium, J. Moran,' l'ete Bahr, Vic Cooke and Ous llork, batteries. Hor- ribles: Win. Hhea, Hurley White, T. Oleury, Cortland Harris, ciiuh. Uulld, Harry tilattly, Cbas. Peterson, Carter and l'ete McLaughlin, batteries. Klchnrd I,efever, the star pitcher of . the "Horribles" tenin, was at home vlsltlug his folks and took no part in the gume. 'h'rsMii Tx>cul No. 1, Chicago: Brother "Kid" I,oug Joined Ijocal No. 1 last week, llrotlier Davidson, of Ijocal No. 12, Is In Chicago on a visit, mingling business with pleasure. Attorney Ktuutiiicl Frledlander, at- torney of the alliance, Is contemplating n llshlng excursion to Horton, Wis. He lias been trying for the past two weeks to In- duce National Secretary J. J. MoCormlck to mcuompany hlin on tilts trip, but "Mac" stt.Vs Hn- I'tiiiiiot see Ills Way clear at present, owing to the stress of the alliance business. They hope, however, before long to enjoy a trip up the lakes, stopipug nt South Hnvcu nnd n few other lake ports, wbero they will put In their spAre time In trying to organize new locals. Doc Dunning, financial secre- tary of isMtil No. 1, is busy these thtys. Aschbacher Dros., of St. Mary's,0., write: "Tbe bill inciting business In tills clly has hecn tbe best In several years past, and our -boards 'have been full at all times. Tho dis- tributing for this section Is beginning to be better; several contracts have been booked in the last few days. We have, Blnco tho forming of our present Arm, taken several nearby towns, Including Cellna, New Bremen, Monster, New KnoxtrUle, Mouiton, Glyn- wood and Kossuth, and are now prepared to render the best of service." I'i-nm Local No. 8, Pittsburg: The follow- ing members of Lornl No. 8 will be on the advertising staff at tho Bijou Theatre this senson: John Vnrley, Prank Babr, John Cnrvlll and Geo, W. Lowery, lithographers; Ceo. Aberncthpy, I). T. Judge, Arthur Wldner, Mil posters, ana C. It. Wilson, advertising agent. Bro. Al. Norlngton, of Local No. ;i, wno has been with Al. Martin's "Undo Tom" Show, was in tho city Aug. 25. He Is on his way to join the Chester De Vonde Stock Co. as ngent for the coming senson. Two new members were taken In by Local No. 8 Inst Wednesday. They are both on tho Younger-James advertising car. The Ilnrnum & Bailey car arrived In I'lttsburg July 27, with I red Beckmnn In command, and tho boys were given a gnoil hearty welcome to the Binoky City by tile local boys. Arthur Eldher, of Local No. 3, Pittsburg, has left the Walter L. Main Show, and was In New York last week, en route to Pitts- burg. K Rlshop, of Local No. 2, New York, ia with Korepaiigh.8ells Bros.' Shows. He re- ports business good nnd states that the boys are all In good health. J. C. Knight Jr.. bill poster of Ccdartown, (in., controls boards la Ccdartown, Hock- umrt, Dallas, Go., and Piedmont, Aln. From Port Mudlson, la,—II. J. Miller come In July 27, with enr No. 2, of the Fluto Sliowa. As u result the city looks like n street fair with the banners and post- ers put out by the 'bill posters and pro- grammers of the show. Tho raster of tho car Is as follows: II. ,1. Miller, car manager: bill posters: V. It. Corbet, Jack Schlonk, Joe McKcrnan, Dnbul Lewis, and "Bluff," their mascot, a little fox terrier. Mattrlce 1C Claln, of Local No. 8, Pitts- burg, has signed to go In advance of Byrnes' "KlRlit HellR" Co., this making his second Bciusun with this attraction. Charles II. Marks, a member of Local No. 1.1, Omaha, Neb.,'died last week on ills way to Denver, at Park Junction. Bro. Mark's lint) been In poor benllh for some time. His friends advised him to come to Colorado, as they fell the change might he for the bettor. Bro. Gallagher was with him to the Inst. The rcimilUB were taken In charge by Local No. «, and were shipped linst for luii'lnl. Bro. Marks has been" Identllled In the bill posting business in Uuitbu for years, and was very popular. ' ' Walter Gllmore, n member of Local k-„ ., hai-resumed his position as advertising «..L: of the Stnr Theatre, New Yorki. iW?,' IqwIng'rdeiJibets of I^ycal No. 2 have iJ.IL* engaged by Mr. Gllmore as his oaslstant." Jake Bcnzlngor, boss bin poster • IS Hates, H.. Uffi rey, Denny ' DuMdnc I-'d 2JB Hanson. AL Toweil and Bill Hart, huj^S ters; Al. Blake, Tom Lyons. Mat Till 1 nui Bernard' Gllhooley. Iltlingrapbers y "" <1 Gns Hot lie, of Local'No. 2 has rclnrnet from lils^two'weeks' vricai Ion, benem Sd hv his trip, and has resumed h s position on. the Casino forces. l "° Notbh from Advertising Car No 1 nt t« dlnn Hill's 'Wild WcKt.-^SInce H a' Ll took ehhte of this ear the force oi posters Ims lieen Increased to tho fall ..* imclty of Hie crir, nhd tho show Is now heli. billed tike the big ohes.' The oppoilUu, mS5 ittrong through the hard'coal regions. Aui ,,, the recent 'additions to the Foster or £ car «,* D. Cardwell, W K. VS? Kd. Baker, Clinton Wise nnd Joe Urn» An experienced car nalnler (Hoffnian. of i ' dlana, Pa.,) nnd xarnlslter was carried with the car f.or. three wcejts. and he guv c it n first class job of decorative painting, llulslie up with three coaUt of varnish, and leliei' ing and. gliding, lteports from (lie show are very gratifying, its .big. business Is ihe story told In every letter. TEXAS. Ft..Worth—Roof Garden Theatre (Joe H." Wheat, manager).—Business, week radliu July SM, was satisfactory, the Curtlss Comedy Co. presenting "Under City Lamps" nnd "The Widow from Borne." Week of 27 opened well, 'The Two Orphans" being presented by the same company. The vaudeville bin in. eludes: Dot Kay, the 'Morrisons, and Harry SxANDAitn Theatre fFrnnk Delteqne mnn- ager).—Chos. H. Clark presents "The Mas- querade Ball," with the full strength or ilio Btbek company, week of 27; The-olio brings out: Holland end Byrd, Clark and KnmtoM JOhn Williams, Chos. and Hattle Verdler' Alice -Fairbanks, Jen and Georgia Powers' Kthel ltussell, and Lulu Lawton. Btisliiess continues heavy. ,Cbow» Thiatre (Plill Kpstcln; manager) —'The Slack -Statue" Is unveiled by Hie stock company at this house week of "7 The people-In the olio: Shadrick and La Hose, Ixittts, Cltas. Gates, Alvin Da.shlni;lon. Clias. Hoey, Nellie Williams, Jim Wolfe Hose B. -.Mitchell, Ada Yule, anil Liy/le Mitchell. Business opened big. Notk. —iM imager Phil W. Green wall nnd Treasurer Mltchi'Il Greenwnll. of the local Greenwall Theatre, have returned to Hie city, after on-extended business and nlunsure trip to California and New York. Mnnngcr Greenwall states that tbe bookings fur Hie house here for the coming seitsou are Hie best lie has ever had. Houston.—Grand Opera House (.lake Schwartz, manager).—Juck Tuylor's reiHT- tory Co. opened July 27, for a four weeks' engagement, lo Immense houses. The com- pany Is on excellent one, and comprises the following people: Jack C. Taylor. Lniirn Winston, C. J. Lionel, Fritz Lelber, Sam Hrannky, Chag. W. Burcli, Dorothv Hosa Bourne. Eleanor Franklin, Hoy Hailing, Cbas. W. lluich. and Droit nnd Lewis. Nkw Rtanpabd Thratiib (Alvlilo & Las- ■errc, managers and proprietors).—Business continues phenomenally large. Week of "7 : "FmiHt and Mephisto Jr.," a two net liur- icKtitic, was thrown out as nn appetizer, iiiul seemed to catch the large audiences merrily, as everything In It was applauded repeated- ly. The people: Bessie Louise King, It. A, Hewlette. Kiln Kaufman, Gtissle Addison, Klenor Dtmbnr, May Mulqueeu. Jos. Living- ston, Frank Perez, Charles K. Tenney, Dodle (iregory, Master Leopold Iteecc, Btilali LV- man, Lauretta Clifton, Lillian Palmer, Jim Illuck, Olgn. Howard, Pearl Gllmore, Lulu De Mar and Ernest Bailey. Notes. —Bert D. Boone, trombone plnyer. left 27 for Denlson, Tex., to try and regain his heallh Mori-Is Michaels, nt Hal- veston, will manage Sweeney & Coombs' Opera House this Fall Two new |inrks lave been recently opened here, Hi'tiiiiier nud Highland Parks, and will soon begin lo bonk attractions. Diillns.—'Cycle Pnrk Summer Thentro (C. H. McAdams, manager).—Thin theatre continues to draw heavy patronage. The Spooner Dramatic Co. is headed by P. R. and Allle Spooner. The rest am: Frank Dudley. Boy Sutherland, Edgar Mayo, Kd. Spooner, Michel Ingrnhnm, .7. C. Rice. Sum F.moii, Master Marseilles, Anno Hurrlsoii, Katheryn Vnn Khbc and Mary Hesntne. Camp St. Tiikatbb, which has been closetl for the past two months, opens Aug. II. sinlT: Geo. C. Denlson, proprietor; Clins. W. Gates, manager; Robt. Adding!on. lender of orchestra; W. L. Learaon. leader of hiintl. The people are: Chas: W. Pope, Carl ('o|ie- land. Mabel Derringer, Llllle Kllswnrlli, Muiiii ltaymond, McCain and Hall, Annie Milton, Frank Bennett, and Majorlo King. ■ t Austin—Hyde Park Theatre (Etl. lies- serer, manager).—July 27-31, .Geo. W. Scott's Company. , ♦ <» CONNECTICUT. Iiridureport— At Poll's Theatre (S. Z. Poll, mannger).—West's Minstrels played this house night of July SO, to big Imslm'sa. There will be no other attractions until Hie regular season opens, about Aug. HO. Smith's TiiBATnH (13. C. Smith, mana- ger).—Manager Smith has decided In drop the name "Colonial," adopted for this the- atre last season, and will continue the house under the name of "Smith's Theatre." Lew Dockstndcr's Minstrels Is booked for Hie ufternoon and night of Aug, 8. The regular seuson ojiens 17, with .Too Welch, hi T 'Tlie l'cddler.' f The house has been rcnovnied 8 during the Summer months, nnd several im- provements in the methods of exits added. l'LEArntm: Beach (J. V. O'Brien, wann- er).—Booked week of Aug. 81 Gaston mid Itone, vocullHts ; Harry Wise, barltono so- loist: Ben Meyer, Juggler: Mr. and Mrs. Bnrtlett, musical team; the Burroughs ,* Travis Co., In "An Indoor Circus." Notes. —Florence Hamilton, playing Icno" for the Corse Payton Comedy Co., returned to her home In this city .10, after a uiniilh In the Grt-en Mountnlns of Vermont. Sho will commence the senson at Springfield, Mass., Aug. 10, with a company of her own selection. «■» IOWA. Hi'* Molnea.—Insoraoll Park (Fred Bu- chanan, ninnager).—Week of July 2«: Frank Fox, Brown, Harrison and Brown, Lawrence and Harrington, Burke's musical dogs, ninl linycs and J Ion! 1 v. Big crowds attend every pevformance. Week of Aug. 1: Colby Family, Prevost nnd Prevost, Marco Twins, ttic Three Koatons, and Frank Foi. NoTiis.—Foster's Opera House will open with "A Friend of the Family" 10....Tie Grand Opera nouso opens 17. with the Chase-Llstcr Co A farewell festival will be given fl„ to Kay Cord. Mary Nomina Sam Slegel, Frederick Howard, nnd Rcdiuon Snyler will appear. * ■ 0«in.i> Itniilila. — At Greene's Opera House (Will S. Collier, business manager) the season opens Aug. 18, with "A Friend of the Family." Vaa Dyke & Baton <-": 24-20..... .Busby Bros.' Circus gave a gwl perfiifhintico nt Marlon.'July 2S. ... i., ' .».» — Maurice Levi, the composer, returned from Kurope laBt week. T*