The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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578 *E£& NEW- YORK GLIPPElt. 1 August 15. THE NEW TORE CLIPPER «■» . — THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO.(Umltid,) FROrnlETOHH. ALBERT J. HOME, EDITORIAL AND BUSINESS MANAQI1. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1903. RATES. Advertisements—f 2.80 per Inch, tingle col- umn. Advertisement! cet with border, 10 per cent, extra. . . SUBSCRIPTION. One year In advance, $4; six months, $2 i tbree monthB, $1. Foreign poitage extra. Blngle coplea will be lent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Our Terms are fash, THE CLIPPER Is Issued every Wednesday morning. Tho last four (advertising) pages oo TO PRESS on Saturday at 11 a. it., and tbo othor pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY, The Form. Closing; Promptly, Toes- day, nt 10 o'clock A. M. Flense, remit by express, money order,check. P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- clOBed wrtb. letter Is at the risk of sender. Address All Communications to TUB NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28t!t Street, New York. RtgUtered Cable Am i*, "Autbobitt." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tub Cmitbh la located at Room C02, Ashland lllock, Chicago, Walter K. Hill, manager and correspondent, where adver tlsements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located nt 48 Cranbourn St., London, W. C, J. IV Coughlau, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. Tub Cmppicb can bb outainid, wholb 6Ai,a and retail, at our agents, Brentano's news depot, 37 Avenue de I'Opera, Paris, France; M. Llllenthnl, Frledrlcn. Strasse J01 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many ; Diamond News Co., 97 Prado, Ha- vana; Manila Iiook and Stationery Co., 128 Kseoltn, Manila, P, I.; Albert & Son, 1B7- 1U0 ICIn« St., Sydney, Australia. THK NEW YORK CLIPPER imbllsiies only one edition, and tUat Is dated froiu New York, i . QUERIES ANSWERED. No Reviles by Mall or Telegraph. ADDRGBSBa OR WIIBBEAUOUTB NOT OIVBK. AM.: IN QUKHT OV Hl/CK SHOULD WBITB TO THOSE WHOM TI1KV BBEK, I.N CARS Or THE CLIPPER POST OFFICE. ALL LRTTBRB WH* BE AUVKUT1HED ONB WEEK ONLY. IV TOT RoUTH OV ANT THEATRICAL COMPANY, IB BOUOHT, ItRKGO TO OUB LIST Or ROUTES UN ANOTIIf.ll lurJE. WK CANNOT BIND UOUTHB BY MAIL OB TKLKr.RAl'U. V, De U, Ilolyoke.—When a cord Is ex- posed In the draib the pluyer to whom It la dealt cannot accept It, but must be given (be next card from tbo top of the pack, and be- fore the player to Ills left Is helped.' L. C. W„ Cleveland.—When a band Is played to Its conclusion, and both players count only sixty-live, neither con Bcore, but the winner of the next baud scores oue point extra. Set Back.— R wins the game with high, he having but one to go.' I. A. It., San Francisco.—C was right la betting fifty irents, that being agreed upon ns the limit of the game. II. O. L., liincaslcr.—1. 2. Yes; n player Is not obliged to have In his hand a card of n suit which he chooses to make trump. 3. No; only the player who assumes ,the re- sponsibility of the trump can play alone. W. Db S., Sacandaga Park.—1 .Yes, after the first twelve tricks have been taken In. 2. Not In two handed pinochle, If the player has 1,000 points. TURF, I* W., Dallas.—No record of distance traveled by any tine horse, under saddle. In tin- time mentioned. See records of long distance riding on Page 78, of Clutkii An- nual for lUul. RING. a II. M., Sioux City.—1. Tbree times. 2. The first. .1. Martin Julian, whose sister, Hose, was Bob Pltzslmnioiis' second wife. A. J., Minneapolis.—I'eter Mnhcr. In his light with Hob Mtzslrouioiis at New Orleans, did not knock the latter down, Kits catching I In- tup rope mul partly sitting on the lower one, In the first round. KHz gained first blood and llrst knockdown In that round. MISCELLANEOUS. C. A. R., Moorliead.—Orover Cleveland Is the father of-three girls and two hoys, viz.: rtutli, 12 years old; Esther. 10; Marl- on, 8; Richard, 0, and a baby boy. II. and (•„ Trenton.—we do not answer questluiis relating to the private affairs of anyone. II. F.. Winnipeg.—Bets on tile result nre decided by the official declaration made by (be returning oflleer after the decision by the court.' i OUR CHICAGO LETTER. DRAMATIC, . II. 11., New York.—Wo have no knowl- edge of I he present whereabouts of the party. Address u letter In our enre, and we will iidverllso It In The Cluticr letter Use. Mhh. 1). A. W., Ualllpolls, It, 'I'., Tuxedo. M. u. T., .Milmi.rlink, T. A. B., Waterloo, P. P., I'oltsvllle, V. E., Onondaga, II. 1>. It., Philadelphia, N. J. 'I'., Warren, J. L. Ii„ Brooklyn, W. D. S„ Sodaim. Constant Kkaukii, "I'dl.VI'llKlV'' und Thkspia.n, New Philadelphia, see answer to II. 11., above. J. II. .In.. Broken Bow.—Wo nevor nn- Bwer trues!ions relatlug to the reliability of uny one. "Skcomi Likut.," Ft. Thninns.—Owing to I lie wreck nt' lliit Wallace Show Aug. 7. ut liiiriiinl. Mich., It will probably be some tliuu before they resume their tour. J. U. II., Seuille.—He was Interested In the circus Unit bore his mime up to the time nl' his death. , . J. It., Kansas City.—We only know the party by his since mime, and have every reason In believe it Ik nut assumed. Misn K. 11., Philadelphia.—We cannot answer, as we do not kilow to what carnival you refer. . Write again, giving uiiine of carnival or Its inn linger.. W. J. I'\, Philadelphia—We could not spare 1 he space to print what you desire A. G. J„ Oil Clly.—They did., Mas. 11, C. Pittsburg.—We have no means of knowing the whereabouts of tho party. It. M. II., Philadelphia.-- Watch our route list each week, or address t.he iiinmigor of company In care of The Clipped, and wo will advertise the letter In our letter llsl. A. II., I'lloti.—See answer to It. M. B. Mns. A. S., cnllioun.—Wutch our route list each week. M. & C, Council Bluffs.—Address Arm- strong & Allen, 10 Union Square, Now York City. II. B. K\, Magnetic Springs.—We should certainly prefer "The Two Orphans." Fox, Fox and Koxik. —Tho performer you mention bus used the niiuie an his trade mark for ninny years, und It would bo a greut Injustice to hint for any one else to use It. W. XI, M„ Sednlln.—We have no knowl- •edge of the company having opened Its sea- son. 0„ New Castle.—Nov. 25, 1878, at Boston, Mass. S. L., HI. Paul.—We did not. S. W. M.j Muqiin hem.—We have no record of I he dentil of the purl.v. A. .11, Duyloii.—■Von can copyriglit songs by addressing the Llhrarhin of Congress, Wiishtuglon, 1). C The question of profes- sional copies bus nothing to do with the matter. M. & 1). V., Denver.—Address Richard l'ltrot, In cure of this ollleo, N. A, N„ New York.—Address Frank Mc- Kee, Madison Square Theatre, New York City. (I. B, fl„ JaeksouvHle.—The late J. K. Emmet did slug a song Iho llrst lino of which was (he ono you mention. Wo do not know the author, You can probably obtain tho Information you desire by Addressing bis son (.I. K. Emmet l. In rare .of this olllce. We will mlverllse the letter In our letter list. CARDS. Sni.niRii. Sarketls Harbor.—1. Elgbteen [minis, a. Two points, ;i. One for Ii'h "iiobn." We eiiiiiml . undertake to explain why these points count ns they do, except to slate Hint they are governed by certain, rules In rrlbbagc. ({■BOM OUB OWN CORRESPONDENT.) Western Borean Of the New York Clipper, Room BOS, Ashland Hlook, (Jlileniro. Sunday afternoon, Aug. 0, will mark the opening of the season at two more Chicago llienties—the Columbus beginning with "The .Minister's Son," and,the Academy of Music starting off with "Shauius O'Brien." At the lust named house Ijiwronce 11 rattan will make his stellar debut. Novelty is offered ut the Criterion In the llrst production, Sun- iluy afternoon, of "On Hie Uridge nt Mld- iilglit," a melodrama then shown for tho first lime on any stnge, mid the local introduction, at the Alhambra, of "A Human Slave. "Ilubes In Toyluud," nt the Grand Opera House;" "The Tenderfoot," nt the Dear- born; "The Prince of l'ilseu," at the Stude- bilker;, "The Burgomaster," at the Great Northern, and Henry E. xjixey, nt Powers', nre continued attractions. Business during I lie iwisl week has been generally good, fa- vorable weal liei- conditions bringing n profit lo most of our uuitiseinont providers. Willi the last of August nearly every local theatre will Juive begun the regular season, next week marking the beginning nt McVlcker's, the Thirty-first Street nud Hopkins'. Within two months, unless present anticipations fall, Chicago will have two brand new theatres in operation—tlu Iroquois, down town, and Hie People's Theatre, on the West side, where .May llosmer will re-establish her stock com- pany. Ghaxd Opeua House (Fred R. Hamlin, mnnnger).—Sept. 12 Is the date set for "Babes in Toylond" to deitart. The big spectacle is due hi New York ns soon there- after as It can be transported nud staged nt the Majestic. Meanwhile business con- tinues Immense. . SrruKiiAKEu Theatre (C. C. Curtis, di- rector).—"The Prince of Pllscn" enters up- on its second week Aug. 10, with a record of big business ami the expected satisfaction. thiiB far. , Deauuoiin Theatre (W. W. Tillottson, manager).—The last three weeks of "The Tenderfoot" Is announced. Last week near- ly.passed without n chnngc In tho cast, but Charley Wayne lost his voice nud Gilbert Gregory has replaced him until he finds It. Business Is good. Towers' Theatre (Harry J. Towers, mnn- nger).—Henry E. Ulxey continues luto his seventh week of "Over a Welsh Knreblt" and "Facing the Music" Moudny night. There will be no more Sunday performances here, Wednesday matinees having beeu sub- stituted ut inure popular prices. (Iuhat Northern Theatre (Edward Smith, ninniigcr).—"The Burgomaster" bc- Ciiu Us second und Inst week Sunday after- noon, big business having thus far resulted. ••Under Southern Skies" opens 10, for two weeks. Cuiterion Theatre (Lincoln .7. Carter, manager).—.The Kllnit-Ileani production of "On the Bridge nt Midnight" will be seen for the llrst. time on any singe Sunday after- noon. l», l.nst week two dally performances of "The James Hoys in Missouri" nl traded good business. Academy or Unite (Win. Roche, resident manager).—The season opens here SVuiilav afternoon, !), with Lawrence Grnttnn In "Shiiiniis O'llrlcli." "The Little Outcast" will lie the ensuing nttruetlou. Cot,n.Mmis Theatre (Fred F.bert, resident malinger).—"Tho Minister's Son," featuring \V. W. Button, will be tho llrst attraction of i lie season here, opening Sunday afternoon, II. "On the Bridge ut Midnight" comes 10 nud week. AlJI.vMr.itA Tiihatuk (James II. Browne, resident liuinager).—John M. Ward's pro- duction of "A Human Shue" will be icon for the llrst time lierc i) find week, opening with the usual Sunday matinee. ]<nst week ".Nobody's Claim" nltiacted good business und gave splendid satisfaction. "Over Ni- agara Fulls' will be the attraction 10 and week. Ill jot' TilHVTlin (Win. Nowklrk, resilient manager).—The doings of "The James Boys hi Missouri" will be made known here twice dally, beginning Sunday afternoon, then "Tho Minister s Son ' will coiuq to smooth thtngs ever. Last week "A Millionaire Tramp" attracted good business nnd pleased. M.'. sonic TKSlI'l.K Runt' Theatre (J. J. Mirdock, iiiniuigerl.—Chicago's distinguished contralto, Jessie Barllelt Davis, Is this week's topllner, and a repetition af the packed business done with Clsslc Loftus—Malinger dim-dock's faMMP attraction—lust week Is anticipated. Others In Iho current bill will he; Samuel Edwards and company, In n. sketch, "A Pass for. Two;" Suyiler nnd P.ticklev, Marguerite nnd Mauley, Ruth N'clla, .Moling Myn, the Floury Trio, nhd Snona. Topped by Clsslc l.oflus, Inst week's bill was a good one, The Mntlilcus, In clever jugglery, won favor; Jordan and Crouch uiiidc good, and Piccolo's Midgets proved nn entertaining card, and Charley Case told Ills droll stories, with waves of.laughter fol- lowing: Cllitv.oo Opkra IfoTU (Kohl m Castle, nniiiagers).—luir 10 and week: Edwin Ilriish, Daly ami Moran. Drnnila, Leon .iud Hertle Allen, Kelt . and ltustk, Rosa Leo Tyler, Cnrl Rnndersou, Chas.. fowler alid daughter*. Frank O'Brien, Kitty Wells. Smith nnd, Fullen Mr. ard Mrs. Esmond. Charles Ernest, Moid ruse Family, nnd the kltiotlrolne. Business Is lino and the vaudeville, ns usual, of (he best class. . Sam T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. Eu ; son. mauager).—"A Vision of the Orient and "That Funny Trial" will be the stock burlesque offerings this week, Introducing Cnmllle Kenyon, Delia Ordler, Ed. Morris, Chris Lane, James Thompson, I*w Spen- cer and other bouse favorites. The olio will employ the Four Ollfnns, the Burke Brothers and "Wise Mike," the McCall Trio, the Hplsscll Brothers, und Larklu nud Pat- terson. ... Theatre (Robert Fulton, man- ager I.—This bouse enters upon Its last week or stock burlesque Sunday. It will become a spoke In the burlesque "wheel" 1G, when Clark Brothers' llovals begin Hie round of combinations which will be seen hero In fu- ture. ThlB week's bill bas "The Garden Party" as Its burlesque title, aud special- ties will be offered by Cnmllle Condee, Butler and Montrose, Prof. Wyngarden, and others. The company which is now playing in stock here will comprise the greater part of the Jolly Grass Widows Co., which takes the road next week. Hans SOi.'CI Pahk (Alfred Russell, mana- ger),—Ton-at Is this week's vaudeville feat- ure. Others will be: The Five Nosses, Tim Ryder's monkeys, Bert und Rosa, and Drawee. The concessions are thriving, and u general nlr of prosperity prevails. Water Cwotes Park (Wm. II. Strlckler, general innnnger).—Large crowds are In at- tendance and "Shooting the Chutes" con- tinues t popular diversion. The vaudeville bills provided by Chas. II. Nelineyer ore pleasing, nnd prosperity and satisfaction ure prevailing conditions. Pain's "Axciext Home" opened a three weeks engagement on the West side Tuesday evening. Severe weather and high winds made matters look gloomy for tile opening, but considerable hustling remedied the effects nt u bad "blow down Monday night, nnd the display opened on time. Big crowds have ruled thus fur. Clark Street Theatre (Geo. Mlddlcton, manager).—Mrs. F. V. Weill's Italian Wo- man's Orchestra is the curio ball feature. Other attractions arc: Montana Joe, Marie Dehl and Barney Nelson. The stage: Mabel Vial, the Trnmpins, Currnn nnd Itynn, the Mack Sisters, Little Dot nnd Prof. Wilson. Loniion Dime Mi;sei:m (W. J. Sweeney, mannger).—This week: OBcar, wild man; Princess Rosa, Prof. Hannnii, Jessie Frank, Helen West, Emlllc Walte, May Clements, and Abe Bodcne. AiTEiiMATii.—Chicago's numerous stock companies arc preparing for the opening of their several house seasons. The Avenue, In Engleivooil, and Ollckmnn's, on the West side, will be new In the field. May Hosruer. nt the People's; the Columbus Stock Co., at the Tblr-ty-llrst; the i-iaycr's Stock, at the Bush Temple; the American, the Gnrrlck and the Howard will complete the list.... Manager Chas. P. Elliott will open Hie sea- son nt the Thlrty-Hrst Street next Saturday night, 35, with "Diplomacy," Ellta Proctor Utls then beginning n brief engagement ns stock star. Maurice Freeman will be lending man, mid Jcssallne Rogers will open lutei- ns lending woman. Edwin Barber will be stage director', and the company will Include : Alexander Uindeii, Joseph Tot ten. Wm. J. Jos- toy, Frederick Julian, Enile Sterling, Harry Howard, ("has. Iiurnham, F.dnh Julian, Xn- dlue Winston, Minnie O'Neill nnd Florence Fletcher The seoson at McVlcker's will open next Sunday, wlih Herbert Kelcey nnd l-.llle Shannon, in "Sherlock Holmes." On tltc same afternoon Hopkins' will liegln ns a Stair & Huvllii house, with "A Thorough- bred Tramp." "Mr. Barnes of New York" will bo the opening bill at the. rejuve- nated American, 30. Laura Alberta will then open her third and last season us leading lady. Florence Leslie will be second lends, and Richard Allen leading man. Geo. I'.arrv will direct the stage, nnd the company will also Include: Sam C. Hunt, Wnltcr F. Jones, Coulter Howard, Chas. Wells, Lawrence Dun- tor, Caroline Fnrrcll and Emsy Alton Tbo Player's Stock Co. will begin Its sec- ond season nt the Bush Temple 20, with "Men nnd Women." Grace Reals and Joseph J. Sullivan have been re-engaged for leads. The stage director will be F. If. Livingstone, nnd the company will Include: Wm. II. Evnrts, Howard Bodson. C. M. Glffen, John J. Glea- son, Agnes Melvln, Margaret Mnclyn and Mrs. Km In yii Glenn Motion photo. graphs of the Gardurr-Boot prize fight will ls> exhibited nt the Qlymplc for the last time Tuesday evening, ending nn engagement of over three weeks, successful In nil pni-tlcu, lars Paul Fisher und Charily Martin are the soloists at the Bismarck Gardens this week, where Bunge's Band is delighting great crowds .Joe Barrett, who has represented the Empire Circuit Co., at Hop- kins', lias gone to Kansas City to manng'» the Standard Theatre. John E. Fenuessy will he resident manager at Hopkins' under the Stair & Harlln arrangement Howard Powers and Dolly Theobald arrived In Chicago Friday, from n vaudeville tour on the Pueillc const. They nre negotiating for a road company, but may continue In vaudeville this season The Kins-Xors have been booked by their manager. C. E. Itelyen, for a week nt West End Heights, St. Louis, hecdming 2?, Manager Mar- tin ]/€hinnn, of the Kansas City orpbeum, was In town hist week, returning home from his Summer vacation. He bus gone to Kansas City to put his house In readiness to open the season Sept. 13 Homer Drake Is hooking the tour of Valeskn Stor- la'ck, in "Carmen," to open Sept. 7, near Chicago. His iMinneny is all engnged mul rehearsals soon begin.... The Calumet The- aire, South Chicago, of which. J. T. Con- tiers Is resident malinger, opened lis season Aug. '.', with "Two Little Waifs." Wood nnd Wurcl, In "Two Merry Tramps," comei Ii. nnd "A Human S'nve" 10. While In New York this Summer John Conners, of the American, booked the Calu- met's season with the best line of attractions It has ever had Business Manager Harry Earl sends greet- ings from Pain's "Lust Days of Pompeii - ' nt Wheeling, and reports a remarkably pros- perous season for his attraction Gus Wejnburg, who will star In "The Storks," lias sent me « copy of "Thnt Wns the Last That I Remember," a comic song, which lie has dedicated to the Proctor Stock Co., with which he appeared In New York. Tho song Ih his own composition, and he will sing it In "The Storks." Drnriiln opens In vaudeville at the Chicago Opera House this week) after twelve weeks with Fernrt Brothers' Carnival Co Jack E. Mngeo nnd Teresa Dnle left San Francisco July HO for the (Hickman Tlieiitrc Stock Co., which opens Aug. 211 Will Nash, mauager of the Main Street Tbentre, Peoria, was la town Inst week, hooking nets for tho opening of his vaudeville season the latter part of this month HI Henry's Min- strels nre In rehearsal nt the Warrington Opera House, Oak Park, where they open Ihe season Ihe Inst of tills week. Oak Park is a suburb of Chicago, nnd the Warrington plnvs about two al tractions n week. Frank ll. June Is manager of the bouse Tho Towle Opera House. Hammond, Iud., a manufacturing suburb of Chicago, hns opened Its season. John >L Ward's "A Human Slave" was the attraction lust Sunday night. "The Little Outcast" is booked for », Al. W. Mnrlln's "II. T. C." 10, ."Uucie Josh Sprueehy" 10, "What Hap- pened, to Jones" 'J.'l, HI Henry's Minstrels !i0. and "Yon Yonson" 30. Mannger James Wlnglield, who Is advertising ngent of the Grand Opera House, this city, hns .his own bill posting plant, and conducts the Towle oh ii metropolitan basis "The Still Vlnrin" Will he. Ihe opening bill at Gllck- mnuti's. 211. John Terrls will be tbo leading mau of the slock company, and Lucia Moore will he lending woman. Others engaged are: Carrie Lnmout, Teresa A, Dale, Alice Marble Drown, Harry Forrest, Jack E. Mngee. Frederick W. Hdrtmao, Walter B. Greene nuu Allen Foster. John Dell ,will manager Sept. 0 Is tbe date announced for the opening of the Marlowe Theatre, En- iclewood. "Out of the Fold" will be the at- traction. Sol Brnnnlg will be manager, and Hnrry Casey treasurer. Englewood cbiircli societies threaten to cause trouble for Mr. Crescv, who owns-the lease. If Sunday per- formances ore glvm. But Mr. C'resry hopes, by foregoing the customary Sunday mati- nee, to placate thu restrlctlonlsts, nnd make the house a winner......... Maze Edwards writes me frum Cassvllle, Mich., where he Is enjoying o Summer out- ing, that he will not Include Chicago In his Western tour, as be had planned, nis many old friends In this section will bear tbls declslan with regret. He had hoped to be here this week while his brother, Snmuel Edwards, fills his Masonic Temple Roof en- gagement. Maze will go back to Plalnfleld, X. J., In a couple of weeks, to open the sea- son nt bis Casino, where a round of fhe best attractions are listed for the coming season The National Theatrical Pro- tective Association, recently organized here, has now readied a membership of over sixty theatrical managers, press agents, treasurers, nnd other representatives of traveling attrac- tions. Arthur G. Thomas Is president; I.d- win Clifford, treasurer; Chas. E. Moe ser- geant at arms, nud Frauk W. Healey, »»•<»• Potts and W. C. Thompson, trustees. The uew Marlowe Theatre will be headquarters for the association 1. W. Locke, of Russell and Iiocke, who played Chicago Opera House iast week, was recently discharged from a local nnspltnl, where be underwent a success- ful surgical operation Geo. Ade's rural comedy. "The County Clialrmnn," will be produced at the Studebnker Aug. 31. Mnek- lyn Arbuckle. Enrl Browne, Willis P. Sweat- nara and Dallas Tyler are among tliose en- gaged to create roles therein "The Heart of the Osnrks" caused the Qling of two suits In this city last week. On the complaint of .1. 11. Dobbins, n theatrical manager and pro- motor, Judge Holdom Issued an injunction restraining the R. L. Crescy Amusement Company from Interfering or molesting the complainant In the production of "The Heart of the Ozarks" at the Imperial Theatre, In St. Louis. In the Circuit Court R. L. Crescy riled n bill against Phlneas G. Mac- I,eun, Ben II. Atwell, J. II. Dobbins nnd Ernest Stout asking that n receiver be ap- pointed for the play, "Heart of tbe Ozarks." *-++ MASSACIIl'SKTTS. ball for current week. nan ior current week. A brief It*. pric« of . admission alone. May iuMtJSS 1 Buckley, Llizle Parker. Alice "^ $ft Buckley Sndle Matthews, llor r n* K JL" mont, the Parkers, Jim Plm. I'iii, un, \v*" - ren, A. T. Ridge. Frank L. Br"" lu V"' and Hart, IlawTey und Vnss. a a i' u ,u , a fcy Sisters arc stage people or" hi, w "t"" - Xii-KEuroBON (L. Ii. Walker. naua^rY" Bill for week of Aug. lo lBclmff vT Creole Belles. Ed. Covin, perfect icTn- v" braska Bill and Colorado Jack. hT^Jfe tloiis of knife throwing, and ^oiiim T'"' , ' deinalu feats. Jllauche itartfard' Varf,?.' Co. provide* an Interesting stag,- *i 1(1 \, lel ' Norumbeua Park. Aubundoll.-iC' n. ug Lukens, Dancing Dawson, Fred sJ" her, Flndlay and Burke, and Carlh »1 Otto are announced as. entertainer* Bt & park for the current week m> Cuesce.nt Gardens (Wm. H. O'Win „. Oger).—This week's offering cowibiu ..r 1 "?"- Three Shamrocks, Eckhoff and i;"r u „ j„. ,be E. Devlin. Musical Holbrooke and i"?rrt "^ I nn Oilllkpp I'll* r !,,= .,. ; .IV^P'T'e .\»- Huston.—Cool and rainy weather made business very light nt the beaches and parks last week, and if tbe weather of the coiulug three weeks Is not warm and fair nearly all of the local parks will record a very poor season. With the Indoor houses It is Just the opposite. They are having more business than they can hnndle. The Grand Opera House and Music Hall are now un- der way, and another fortnight will see all but a few of tbe llrst class houses opened. Current sheltered attractions are: "Peggy from Paris," at the Tremont: "The Child Slaves of New York," at tbe Grand Opera; "Down by the Sen," at Music IIal|; "Her Lord and Muster" (new to Boston), at tbe Cusilc Square; Keith's vaudeville, and bur- lesque at the Palace. TliKMOXl TlIEATIIK (JUO. B- ScllOeffel, mannger).—The end of "Peggy from Paris engagement Is near, the fourteenth . week comiuencltu; Monday, Aug. 10. ceipts of last week were over ten thousand dollars, and broke oil records for a Summer show. v. hen It is understood that a Summer stale of prices Is In vogue, the business appears more remarkable. At tbree o'clock lust Thursday ouly about ten tickets were In the ticket rack, and from seven-thirty un- til eight-thirty hundreds were refused even admission tickets. The proposed addition of vaudcvllllans, Trask and Gladden, to the Franco-American committee did not pan out as expected. While the two young men present a clever vaudeville act, they could not seem to catch on to the different dances, E. II. O'Cunner nhd Dan Baker have,made the hit of the show, so the addition was abandoned. Handsome uew gowns are used In a new feature, girls stepping out of band- hones, . nnd a very pretty dance follows. It's originality puts another feather in George Morion s cap. At the one hundredth performance Raymond Hitchcock appeared for n few moments In the role of a chorus man nnd received a big band and cries of "Dodo." Graxd Opera Hocse (George W. Mngee, manager).—The dramatic season at this house opened Saturday night, with, a per- formance of melodrama, "Tbe Child Slaves of New York." It's scenes are laid In Alaska and New York, and the entire play Is full of exciting episodes. Cast Includes:. Wllllnm Vedder, Georgia Mack, Ida Howell, Vernon Sinners, Von Dyke Brooks, Fannie Argyle, Lillian Mae Crawford, M. M. Mur- ray, Hurry Ilaiumlll, ltobert A. Wessells, Gustnve Knoll, William Morgan, Samuel Gnffney, Fred Slater, "Child Slaves" Octet nnd "Child Slaves" Boy Bnnd. A big house saw the opening and the melodrama seemed to please every one. Next week, "Beware of Men." Mesne IUli. (Stair 4 Wilbur, managers). The second season of this house under the present management began Saturday night, with "Down by the Sea" ns an attraction. Funny Curtis, a Boston girl, bends a strong company of the following players: Wllllnm G. Balfour, E. tiny Spongier, Nnt S. Jerome, ltichnrd Dale, Harry P. Salmon, Charles F. llnle, Robert Wilson, Kdwnrd wnrner, Fred Johnstone, Lucie K. Vllln, Ruby Raymond nnd Little Mnrjorie. The new Washington Street entrance Is In the form of an arcade, and may also be used ns a thoroughfare be- tween Washington Street nnd Hamilton Place. Howard Ball, In "The Man Who Dared," Is the next attraction. Castle .SauAiiB Theatre (J. II. JSmcry, manager).—Mary Hall nnd Thomas Mac- I/arnlc did excellent work In tbe prlndpal characters of "Her Majesty" Inst week. In fact, tbo whole company was to be commend- ed for a delightful and pleasing pcrformnnce. Miss Hall concluded lier engagement with the house stock Saturday night. "Her Lord nnd Master." which lias nover before had a itoston production, is this week's card. "Jim, the Penman." will be nut on next week. Keith's Theatre (It, F. Keith, manager). —Tho most noticeable thing about last week's reviewing of this house was the at- tendance. One enn usually find a standing place in the theatre, but even that was Im- possible Inst week. Business was something phciiomennl. The bill wns composed of acts to make people smile, If not laugh—even the eight acts being on Ihe laugh provoking order. It wns a good bill all the way through. and left little to bo desired. James Thorn- ton, who wns HI and unable to appear, was replnced by John Leonard. Tom Nnwn and company, In "Pnt and the Genii," is the liendllner for current week. Other names noticed are: Cook and Sonorn, Maxsmith Duo. Gnllnndn, Sisters Meredith, James and Dnvls, Parros Brothers, Fields and Wnrd, Ely nnd Harvey, tho Hayseed Trio, Kennedy nnd Rooney, Klska nnd King, Fadcttc Wo- man's Orchestra, and blograpn.; Theatre (Chnrles II. Waldron, nuinnger).—This is tbe closing week of the Summer Benson at this house. Two musical skits, nrranged by I*w Carroll, which offer Innumerable chances for tho comedians and girls of the house stork to make lilts, oro part of a big bill Manager Waldron offers for this week. There are also the usual vaudeville nets. Next week, Clark's Royal Burlesquers, Austin ft Stone's MhrbuM (Stone ft Mmw. managers). — Jouvlne's Neapolitan Troubadours is Hie feature of ■ tbe curio Hon. Quaker City Quartet." iTliiii'.ui'' . Donovan. Musical Holbr^oks Crli . ?!' Foley, Hanson and Drew, MtjJS."* Devlin participated In the Batatas esanti .Point or Pines (Wm. II. tr.Nciii l "' gcr).—Three Crane Brothers. George x" v ?I «''^ Co ",i 0nr<Il,er , nnd Madden, ImvN . 3 Walker, Hanson nnd Drew, nud he vii w,, constitute this week's bl I. cirrle fe was u big Sunday feature • Na "" 11 Medfoud Boulevard Theatre (J. w r„, man manager) .—Ward and tlirrun, F«nii Bonl Brothers, Muie. Redan. SclmirV-i ,' "J Lexington Park.— Bill for week r,r An. 10: Mario and Aldo, Lillian and "sLr * De Witt, the Medians, and Kd "irny " Wkmtwood Park.— John aud George ( !nr man, Margaret Webb, Mnrtlne lin.iii»~ Four Delantos, and Calvin Frederick 2 current week a show. "" y Gossip.— The llrst of the Sunday amuse. ESS Prompters at Revere Beach iin, K tried and found guty. The case of Man? ger Wm. H. O'Neill, of the Crescent l;,'. dens., was brought up Aug. 8, at a mm «i session of the district court at Chelsea, and Judge Bosson found the complaint sustained by the evidence, nnd Imposed a fine of Z! hundred, and fifty dollars. An appeal wi, taken, and the case will be reviewed | n i| 10 Superior Court... Mrs. Jean MnrgnrM Davenport Lancaster, known ns an nolres, for two score years in this country nml In Europe died Aug. 2, aged seventy-four venrs. at her Summer home on Ocean Street, "l.vnn Mass. The body was taken to Washington' D. C, her pcrmaneut home, for fainral nmi interment Rehearsals of "The Yankee Consul" will begin this week nt Hie Treinoni. James It. Somers; manager of the I-.ustern "Prince of Pllsen" Co., Is at liume in Gloucester Carrie Webber will lw the soubrette this season with Gcor«a Sidney, In "Busy Izzy." BnwdnTn Square Theatre will open wilh the regular stock company, in "The Counterfeiters," Aug. 17 Jacques Kruger has succeeded George Schiller as Montague Flab, in "Peggy from Paris" Mclntyre and Heath, nnd Cusbmnn, Holcombe and Curtis are among the head- liners for the Howard's openlug show, lo liegln Aug. 17 "Tbe Sign of the Cresi" comes to Music .Hall the week of Aug. ill. George Smith, of the "Qulucy Adauis Sawyer" forces, who has been in charge ut the chalet at Norumbega Park this Summer, will rejoin the executive staff of that com- ltany next month A pajnmu chorus will be one of tbe features with George Sidney's "Busy lny" this season C. B. Jeffer- son's Co. commenced rehearsals of "Shadows of a Great City" at tbe Colonial. Aug. B. Tbe company will open at Music Hall Aug. -4 'iVayburn'B Minstrel Misses corns to Keith's about the middle of September. ...-. Annie St. Tel has been signed bv Henry W. Savage for "The Yankee Consul" Co The management of the Castle Squnre Theatre Co. has concluded an engage- ment with J. II. Gllniour. an old time favorite of tbe house stock, to umiear with the company the last three weeks of. the Summer season, beginning Aug. 17 J. Purker Coombs, last season with Henry W. Savage's grand opera comjiany. hns been transferred to "Tlie Yankee Consul" Co Tbe -Church of Osr Lady of Lourdos, at Ueachmout, will be tbe recipient of a men- ster benefit performance to be given ot the Crescent Gardens, Revere Beach, on Aug. 11. Among those wlto have volunteered are: Dan Daly, Ward and Yokes, (leorge Sidney, Lucy and Vlnie Daly. Margaret Daly Votes, Edu,e Judge, Gus Bruno, Carrie Webber, Maud Campbell, Ed. Clark, Will J. Ilognu. Fred Wyckoff, Bertha Sllshy, Charles How- ard, and others. Stage is under direction ot Cnpt. "Bill" Daly Walter Perkins bas goue to Btddeford, Me., for a rest of several weeks Richard Jose comes to Keith's week of Sept. 7 W. A. Wesley will this season tminnge, for Wallace Gllinorc, tho Arademy of Music, of Plttslleld The Columbia opens Sept. 21. with "The Run- aways." Stair ft Wilbur's new the aire in Brockton will open In December There is some talk of Marlon Miumla star- ring In'"The Tinted Venus," last week's attraction at the Point ot Pines Helen May Butler's Military Band wilt begin a fort- night's engagement nt the Howard Aug. Ii. Edgar L. Dav«nport, who Is nt F.-il- mouth, returns to Detroit soon, to fill a special engagement In vaudeville TWft Johnson nnd Rowland Hill, Inst season wlin "Heart of Maryland," arc at Revere Poach. Louis Miller, for several seasons the lmrltone with the Bison City Quartette, has been signed by K. D. Stair for Ward & \ oke« Co Wlfmer L. Walters has beea en- gaged as the leading man of the Bowdoln Squnre Stock Co Phyllis Itnlston, for- merly of the Castle Square Co., has - been engaged for the Ingenue role In "" e 'fJi and Poverty." The daughter of l»a Rice, the famous circus clown, will Jolu the "Peggy from Paris" Co. In New York George E. Lotbrop and Edward P. Barry will not return from their European trip for several weeks. They have beeo in England, Switzerland and Austria, *na are now In Paris Izetta Jewel, who hns been three seasons with the Castle Square Co.. has closed her engagement to take ma lending role In Vcrbeck's production of "»e« the ■ Throne." The Colonial will » opened about the middle of September, wim "The Sliver Slipper:" the Hollls, llrsi: «t September, with Robert Edeson, In Soldiers of.France," nnd the Four Cohans open lap Park early in September Arthur shnw. son of Mary Shaw, has been engnged ny Maurice Cainplieli to tokc the part of wi- vlns, In "As Yon Like It." Mr. Shaw has- been established In a law firm In this city. It. Price Webber, manager of the Hus- ton Comedy Co., was in town Inst week, com- pleting the arrangements for bis coming ses- s»n, which will open at Itlchrooud. Me.. Aug. 27. Edwlna Grey Is the leading Isdy or the company The members of tho actors colony at Slnseonset gave their annual |sr- formnnce Aug. 8, for tbe benefit of ti» Slnseonset Casino. Among those partlclimtins were: Robert Billiard, Harry Woodruff, Mae Stevens, Klolsc McCreary, Ag- nes • Everett. Grant Stewart, j;""™ McOllvary, Lotta Llnthlciim. «!"'"" Elda, Mrs. Danny Marshall. Charles Uicny. George Fnwcett. Olive May and Mrs. i- "• Gilbert, the veteran actress, who »' n s„L", of*. «r »i,„ „„„,,,,!.,., ».. niii^rt niioesrru Assorlaton, au old fashioned Nan..- and an old pewter tankard, tokens of the iot«