The New York Clipper (August 1903)

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598 THE iLSTEW YORK CLIPPER. August 22. £bc$$» To Correspondents. Mas. F. F. Rowland. —We trust t pair of •lip* will safely reach you. Bio. Biqoin. —Accept thanks for courte- sies. Li Bm Williams. —Neatly owned up; "•till harping on my daughter"—no, prob- lem! : turned over to the author, aa uaual. Geo. E. Ciiraxna.—Thus to La Rue, aa jou seejthank you for new contribution. Bao. jspsncxe. —Good I First In again; cor- dial thanks for portrait Bao.—Bro. S. not only solved Prob. 2,480, but caught on to the "V Act" Idea. Be* ills well merited encomium: "Prob- lem 2,480 la a happy conception fay a re- nowned composer. Congratulations." Bro. St. uauhice. — Le Bport reached us all right; now for a long and pleasant ac- quaintance. Did your assigned: antagonist In our tourney ever writ* you? He was Tery enthusiastic—for a while. Bao. Geaiiam. —Tie "bars do not appear to be let down," after all. B. L. Bikl — Congratulations on the honorable position you nave attained, and a special Tote of thanks for the welcome sped mena of your victories. . ,. .. _. Q. Goldsmith, City.—Card received, thank you; we hope to comply. G. E. C—Letter of 10th Inst, reserved to Eg with the solution—right smart pert I You ad sect the Black Peon at h 6 about his business—If he has any. "Diamonit" Too much. Bao. Johnston. —Thank you Tery much for the courtesy of the Invitation; though, of course, personally unavailable—to our re- gret match, ten members of the Chess, Checkers and Whist equal number of the Mlsalsalpi Association, Bon. L. L. Labatt for the club, and M. D. McGrath for association. QUEEN'S GAMBIT EVADED. White, Labatt. l..PtoQ4 3..P-QB4 8. Q Kt-B 8 4..QB-Kt« S..KKt-B3 6..P-EI 7..R-Bsq 8..B-Q8 I..BXF 10..QBX B 11..Castles l'J..Q-K2 18.. K' 14. .t-Ki B-Q3 Black, HcOrath. PtoQ4 P-K8 K Kt-B 3 B-KS OEM) 2 Castles P-B8 SPXP t-t>4 «XB P-EB4 SEt-B8 02 B-Ksq White, Black, Labatt McOrath. 16..BtoKtsq BtoR4 l«..Q-her8 Kt-Q2 17..P-B4 QKlvB 18..BPXKt KR-B2 19..KR-B2 QR-KB 20..QR-KB ti-Kt * 21..At X Et 22..Q-her2 23..P-KKtS 24..K-Rsq 26..B-Q8 26..K-Kt2 27. .R-K R.and the game was adjudged drawn. four earnest competitors — — - — W f mt y, ship, and three entrants—B. $• 0""'?' president Vlcksborg C. C.; M. D. Mc Ojath, the famous Brookbaven (Mlaa.) champion player, and B. L. Beece, of New Orleans- emerged from the fray with the excellent score of 21 out of a possible 23 points] Court Square Theatre. The engagement!! for two weeks, when the eompaSV .tart, „! World of Piaveri. gtfsa&easjsS — Maude Adams arrived In New York last by Mr. and Mrs. Payton, who will a'lw P lav two weeks prior to their opening for IU score of 21 out of a P^ 1 " 8 ?? P^ a 'T' „a and at the Empire Theatre settled seaaon at tbjjr home theatre, Brook™ on N^.^^^^^'f^^^nuvlr. S?frrCle,Vrohman*ber plana for this Aug. 81, In "Capt Jinka." M«. RtM Q-K2 P-K Kt 4 B-KtS K-Kt2 P-K16 Payton will head the Lee Avenue TtfatS this seaaon. The Corse Payton ComeO? Ca John T. Macauley, manager, will or. en Iti seaaon at Bchenectady, N. Y., Aug. 31 ThJ s&sgmsiB &S5R»nu s^mmm They abould play It The continuation of this position by these V 1 ^ nlimfh SZ.tJri noon vWdTnithe cham- Drew at the New EmpU- ableand determined antagonist, .could n t Xnsl^o Ur'^^Vm^^ season w'lll begin^fe^^u. 0 * generous action, Messrs. McGrath and Griffith cag0 or Detroit Miss Adams, previous1 to Droughtto" tlmelyand most successful close reEearsals, will visit ^ Wends l *„^ ,0 I * d n ° 1 ; one of the most enjoyable of the annual Mrg . Burnett Is now at East Hampton, Long lBland, where she will remain until the play into rehearsals. She baa been most to have Miss Adams selected 10 fall to be interesting, out by correspondence. MEN WHO HAVE DEVELOPED meetings of the State organ tut Ion." goes anzloua I WESTERN AMUSEMENTS SS«Sli HffHHMI Solution of Problem 2,44)0-3,481. BI O1OB0B B. 8PINCIB—ONLT 1 I White. L.Qtoh 7 2.. -he 8.. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8.. n •f 4 -*4 -e3 Black. E moves) K moves K moves E mores E moves E moves K moves E moves 0..P-d8(Q)KtXQ!(o 10..P-b7 KtXP(b7)l ll..Q-el 12.. -ej 18.. -e5 14. 29. 30. 81. 32. 88. 84. 85. 88. 87. 48. -f 5 Qtod4 . -*4 -eo -f 5 . -te : ii -h7 B-cl E moves K moves E mores (A.) E moves E moves E moves E moves E moves E moves E moves B-b2 E mores prises, and wife, have returned to BrooklTa from Denver, Col., where they went ot tie close of last season to spend their ran. tlon among the Rocky Mountains. Tht Isaac Payton Stock Co. is still plane. the Long Island circuit They report fin* business at Bayshore, Bayvllle and Pat- chogne. — Notes from Lovejoy & Lean's attrac- tions, B. Frank Mitchell, manager: Eugene Bryant, who has been engaged by this arm White. 16..Qtof 6 Q3?Kt -h7 16. 17. 18. 111. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 Chbckh*™ Phoblsm TooBNiir.—This notsble contest, notable because of the un- usual and welcome variety of the problems en- clalty — Dorothy Reynolds has Just closed with the Maplewood Stock Co., at E. Haddam, Conn., after a Tery successful Summer, play- ing leads and soubrettes. 8he Informs m that she made a pronounced success aa Cl- "Under Two Flags." tered closed with aa entrance of forty-eight garette. In "Under Two * lags. comnrtltEns, of which no less than thlrty-two 8 — at La Pell Dixon does not go withi the aproar In the August number. "The Idea of ^Spotless Town" _Co., but will go i "The Idea of thU? tourney "was" to develop some new con- ceptions In problem construction. Three prizes, $10, $5 and *2, are offered for the best positions along these Hues. We shall repeat the winners, at least. All Weber A Fields' "Holty Tolty" Co., playing the role originated by Joseph Weber. The company will be under the management ot Ollle Mack and Joe Galtea. — Joe H. Lee Informs us that he has re- thls production, which will make a (our of all the principal cities and towns along the coast of the great lakes, and touring the Northwest as far as Puget Sound, closing the season May 7, near St Louis. "The Two Orphans" will receive a splendid production, ana all the new paper fa a novelty. Mr. Bryant Is In Albany, superintending the con- struction of all new scenery for the aboTe firm. Mrs. B. F. Mitchell and children are spending a pleasant three weeks' sojourn at Cairo, N. Y. The management are looking forward to a very prosperous season for themselves and all connected with their dif- Irohtchmate "StT they TrV every one" who ceotjf doSd Tsli^thre. consecutive weeks' ^St^SSS^ sees it, will rejoice with Bro. Graham that engagement with the Peruch -Beldenl South- '^^P^w. B he can' announce much Improved porta fa- em attraction closing onJuly 11, at. Enox- ^ g 0 " Show . UC 1.B41 (UIMVUUI.V •*.***« __ r -- - -- r-~ clUt lea for his circulation In Great Britain. Checkers, ":avlng a short eDgage- "anvllle, Vs,, and will ...E to f 8! E to b 21—Now repeat the Series of 17 moves under "A." (20.. to 45.. inclusive) then: 64. K toe 8 Etob2! 82..Ktod8 Kb 2 I 100..K-C8 Kb 2 1 118..K-b8 ISO.. K-a 7 154 172 178 174 17B .K-a 6 .KX P K-b2l K-b2l Kb2 I Kb 2 I (B.) .Qtod4 E moves . -b4 B-b2 -e 4 K moves EDWIN THANHOl'SEIl, Manager of the Thanhouser Stock Company and the Academy, at Milwaukee, Wis., Is one of the most energetic and successful mana- gers of the Northwest. He began bis career as an actor la repertory, and for three years, flotation of Position No. 24, Vol.-SI. BI J. BB LIMA, FT. WORTH, TEXAS. Black 1 9 20 K23 White 5 22 80 E10 White to play and draw. Rertest series"A."tben: aa an actor in repertory, ana lor inree years, Kepest series a, sasva. . , nnlng ln 1885i ne « t rouped it" through )76..Qtoe8 E moves 177.. -fl B-cl 208.. -f 4 209..Q-3 4 210.. -e4 211.. -6 0 212.. -a6 SIS.. -d4 U-h2 -h8 •42 -h8l E moves E moves E moves K moves Repeat serlea"B,"tben: II •• H •« Stogl B'tocl XP(h4)K-b2 178*.. E to fa 6 K-b 21—Now repeat the Series of 5 moves under "B." (178.. to 177.. Inclu- slve, then: _ ... 184..KXP Ktob2l 190..Ktod5 Ktob2l 196..Ptoc8 StOb21 197.. Qd 4 E moves 188.. -b6 B-b2 199.. gl B-cl 200..P-C7 E-b2l 201..Q-d4 K moves 202.. -b6 B-b2 208.. -gl B-cl 204..P<8(Q)K-*21 205..Q-h6 K-hl 206..K-e4 207.. -f 8 K moves B-b2 B-cl 219.. 220 221..Qd 4 222.. -be 228 41 224!;EXP(g8}K-b2 22fl..Q-d4 K moves 226.. -b6 B-b2 227.. -gl 22S..E-h2 229.. Qd 4 280.. -bO 281..K-gl 232.. Qe 8 238 284 285 288 287 288 ••9( e ::E l B-cl E-b2 K moves B*2 K-cl E moves (eS)-elB-cl -e4 E4>2 -b 6 K-c 8 e4)-b4K-d8 b6)d4K-e2 6 K-f 8 Kansas. Following this he became a mem- ber of Alexander Salvlnl's company, and re- mained with him about four years, after which be Joined one of Charles Prohman's companies. Manager Thanhouser Is a pio- neer among modern stock managers, having managed a stock company of bis own organi- zation ln Atlanta for two years before com- ing to Milwaukee. His record In the Cream City has attracted attention throughout the theatrical world. The Academy, which was selected fay Mr. Thanhouser as a permanent home for nls company, had held nothing but failures for several years prior to his taking hold of the place, and, while there were many anxious to see the young manager succeed, the most enthusiastic admirer could only anticipate a few months' run at the most. As evidence of bis marked ability and up to date methods, one has but to men- tion that the Thanhouser company Is now In Its sixth year under his direction, and of the three hundred weeks the company has been playing the theatre has been closed but twelve weeks for renovation and re- furnishing. —^^^^^^^^^^^™ Chess in Canada. By correspondence, J. W. Turnbull, Ont, e». M. Shaw, Alberta.—Oheokmate. DANISH GAMBIT. vllle, Tenn. he U pie ment at the Park, Da.-..---, --. - leave shortly for New York. He has signed for this season with the Dot Karroll Co. — Notes from "McFadden'a Row of Flats: There will be a general air of newness about everything connected with "McFadden'a Row of flats" when It opens Its sixth season, Aug. 17. There will be a new play and a com- paratively new cast, but the particular ele- ment of novelty this seaaon Is the high standard of the costumer's art Mary E. Baker Is rehearsing with "Mc- Fadden's Bow of Flats." This will be her fourth season with this company, of which her husband, Thomas R. Henry, Is the manager. Position No. 25, Vol. SI. BI W. W. AVSBT, NBW I0BK. Black 5 11 28 White 13 19 El White to play and draw. Game No. 25, Vol. 51. ATRESHIRB LASSIE. Played between James Wyllle and Mr. 239..Q-C4 240..Q-C 8, *v.jj» - mateafl (Q.E.D.] Kt falls to Kg 3 forces B 214,.(d4)-b8B-b2 216.. -fl B-cl 216..KXR E-fa2 217..Q-d4 K moves 218.. -be B-b2 (o) "It Is obvious that, if the make the captures at 9.. and 10.., the sul mate can be completed In less than the ttlpu lated number of moves."—G. B. 8. Both the author and solver have expressed the opinion that, having mastered the first ten moves, the problem Is not particularly difficult An Black's moves are all given, the presence or absence of check on Whl! moves Is not material.— Ed. Currtn. Mr.Tnmbul). l..PtoE4 2..P-Q4 S. .P-Q B 8 4..K B-B4 6..QBXP e. .u Kt-B t 7..Kt-K2 8..0aBtles Mr. Shaw. PtoK4 EPXP SPXP PXP K Kt-B 3 RB-Kt6 KtXP K Kt-B 3 Mr.Turnbull. Mr. Shaw. 9..KUOQ6 BtoK2 10.. K Kt-B 4 P-Q 3 lL.QKtXB KXKt 12..(JBXKt+KtPX B 13..R-Ksg-l- OB-K3 14..KtX_B BPxKt 16..RXP-T K-Q2 ia..q-Kt4 K-B S, and Hay, ot Alnwick, 61 years ago. move. Mr. Hay's BLACK (Mr. Sbaw.) site's Enigma No. 2,482. Not to go back as far as Mr. Allen does, our contributor, Wm. Schafer, at. our re- ouest, sends us The Illustrated Lonaon h'ews Problem No. 1, In 1841. No author given— which Is lucky for the author. Mr. Schafer says be supposes such trash was put up to suit the solvers ot that day. 6 1 1 1. 4> & 8 8 hlasq, QB7, KRS.UK6, Q6, QBt,KB2,Et3. .IliU URsq,QKtsq,KBS,QR2,QKt4,K7. White to play and mate In three moves. What a contrast to the later and vastly Improved work ot this great column I The present connoisseur will be amused to see bow much of the force of even this moderately filled board la absolute lumber. Quite a history of the "Development ot Problem Art" might be written, using only The I. L. >'. as a text . _ . To make amends for Oils, our contributor has treated ua to the following gem from the British chess tourney of 1867. 81 24 28 1 2 7 1 6 7 11 6 10 12 10 10 7 White wins. (a) Wyllle knew something about the high art of playing even at that time. (b) This ft how J, Lees corrected Drum- mond. 20 22 8 12 7 11 25 22 27 24 2 e 18 17 29 25 22 18 0 10 18 23 18 9 R. daman's Vandevllte ._ Repertory Show: We are at the old borne ln Indianapolis, Ind., enjoying a pleas- ant four weeks' rest, having closed a most successful season la Minnesota and North Dakota. We took a trip on the great lakes from Duluth to Buffalo, and back to Chi- cago, then to Indianapolis. We start South shortly, to our new Held of work. Our roster for this season It as follows: Baby Clatnan, star; Viola Gladstone, leads; Maud Burton, characters; W. R. daman, sole owner and manager; Harry Mack, comedian; Louis Thornton, musical director, and the Three Wilsons, musical and aerial acta W* are booked solid to Christmas ln the extreme South. ... . „ — The Exposition Four (Alexander Bros. and James B. Brady), after a pleasant sea- son at Young's Pier, Atlantic City, have re- turned to New York, to begin rehearsala with Qua Hlll'a "McFadden'a Row of Flats" Oo. — H. J. Raymond has been engaged by 8plts A Nathanaon for "When Women Love." — Rich A Harris Notes: The farce In which Rich A Harris will present the com- edians, John C. Rice end Thomas A. Wise, Is the work of Leo Dletrlchstein, who wrote "Are You a Mason?" In the company which will assist the comedians will be Battle mi- Hams. She will appear through the courtesy of Charles Frohman, to whom she Is under contract for this season. The company will Include the following: Thomas A. Wise, John C. Rice, Thomas Burns, J. Beresford Hollls, John J. Maboney, Jack J. Horwltt, John Watts, Hall McAllister, Charles Greene, Hat- tie Williams, Esther Tlttell, Haxel Chappie, Gertrude Whltty, Llllle Hall, Manj"*' Evans, Margaret Malcolm, Agnes Thorn- dyke, Kflthryn Church, Estelle Wler and Teddle Da Coe. _. . — Murrea-Hayes Notes; This companj opened Its season ln St. Louis Aug. 2, when a run will be made until Aug. 29, when the company takes to the road. The season Ui booked solid to March 1. Roster Is as fol- lows: Mr. Muren, Miss Hsyes, Charles Stoddard, director; Ralph Hlrsch, Hsrry Walker, Frank Noble, A. G. Dulmap, Al- meda Fowler and Belle MteCoolej. A. Gar- field Is in charge of the advance, with T. w. Wilson as assistant One, two and three night stands will be played. "My Daughters HuBband," a new version of "Eaat Lynne, and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" will be the plays produced. Each one will be carr'ea complete. Our paper Is all special, and the best that money could buy. The booklojri 0 18 22 15 7 11 80 26 11 18 19 15 10 19 23 10 12 19 24 15 8 7 15 10(o) 28 28 0 16 9 0 24 19 5 9 15 24 6 2 28 19 9 18 2 6 11 15 6 9 15 24 9 18 26 80 18 28 24 28 22 18 28 82 25 22 80 26 23 28(d) 82 27 26 23 27 24 23 16 24 10 26 23 19 17 21 7 Drawn been favorably known la vaude- &'»_•»« 'S&TO^'rS minstrelsy. This season he Is with W 7 n 0 ^ A ?'.^ 1 Yi r ^ Tg ^ eagerly looked ,„ly Minstrels, and will produce sev- °A D Rsxiabli will always oe eagr j eral novelties, being, with Billy Van, one of I °_ Amleg Earie hta been visiting the features with the show. lantlc ^ify with h" mother. v 8he_ (o) Drummond played 24 to 19 and lost White (Mr. Turnbull) announced mate In nine moves. But The Witness thinks there Is a mate ln four. 23 19 82 28 20 10 28 24 10 28 12 19 Black wins. 28 82 10 28 82 28 23 27 28 24 27 81 (d) 24 19 81 27 19 23 27 24 28 26 24 20 26 81 20 16 81 26 26 81 16 11 2 6 26 81 81 26 11 7 6 9 J. A. Keah Jb. News of the Game- Rule 16 in Anderson's reprint says: "The huff, or blow, Is, before one plays his own piece, to- remove from the board Is still battled for. In the Lasker-Tschlgorln any one of the adverse pleceB that might Great Sin." teat Dr L. won the Drat game with the or should have been taken." This Is one — Mrs. Louis Aldrlch, widow of the well known actor, sailed recently to loin her The Rice Gambit EDDIE LEONAItD Has long vllle and m the Haverly Minstrels, and will produce aev- f ""tag In At- one lea Aug. 24 fir Salem, N. J., to rehearse with — Roster of the Falrmount Park Stock Conroy A Mack's company, this making ner Co., of Woodstock, Can.: Tom H. Walsh, manager; Eugene Powers, O. W. Roche, Walt Makee, Claude O'Shaunessy, Arthur Thorne, Drury Mldgley, Delia Leon, Fannie Usher, Florence Bartlett, Augusta Durgeon, Baby Hazel, Pearl Smlthers. iary a. nosxo i, moj ajuw, y!T£S~ — Louis N. Starr, leading man with the James Wilson, Leon Harmon, Arthur uimi. ,i „« "Hans Hanson" Co. last season, who was George L. Sparry, Wlllerd Bontel ana j. «• 3 i J 2 shot in the leg by the premature explosion stutts. Company No. 2 (North), n"" 1 "..!?! o« ni of the cannon, has entirely recovered, and supervision of Jed Carlton—Emma j»" la doing the principal heavy with Geo. D. Carlton, Ivy Stutts, I^na James, J«sis Sweet's "A Messenger Boy" this season, Hawson, James Howard, Will b "I™|S which opened at Storm Lake, la., Aug. 4. — Cora Tanner and Charles S. Reed, a non-professional, were married on Monday, Aug. 8, at Elngsbrldge, New York City, Miss Tanner announces her permanent re- tirement from the stage. — Martin Julian has bought two plsys, The Heart of a Hero" and "Her One fifth season with that eomwj. — Roster of J. G. Stutts's "Was She to Blamer companies, Jed Car ton, general manager: Company No. 1 (South)—Beatrice Gordon, Aggie jMaflon Stutts, Elsie Monroe, Sir? JLEton, Babv_ Lum, George 0 ml. Hawson, James Howara, "»' ""J,""" m Chas. Harvey, 8. M. Barton, Master Harold. and Jed Carlton. The company opens sept, i — Davidson Stock Notes: "«™ 8- s Problem No. 2,132. BX HERB It. LIHNEB. BLACK. This Is one Attack. In the corres, tourney of L« Monde of the standard rules of the game, and /(lustre Dr. H. Neustadtl vs. Prof. Tabount- In championship matches and tournaments scblkotf, Dr. N., bv very clever play, ehows la always Insisted upon, but in some locall- the futility of Black Immediately returning ties It Is considered unsportsmanlike, and the sacrifice piece. (Play the eight establishing moves.) daughter, Mrs. Abbott Graves, ln I'arla, — The following people have been engaged by Henry B. Marks for his production of — uavioson woe* nuico. i»":;'a.»ina». gent Joined the company Aug. 8, »J. s »g na j! Mich., to pluy the comedy roles. Mr. l»avw son's equipment for 1903-4 will far « ce $ that oFprevlous years, both In wni.PW "£, productions. Beveral ?«'el sperlaJiles na™ been aecured that will make things Uveiy between the nets, and the policy or i" maialfement will be as K ahwji »". b $g make this company "One of the u* to Ones." Note, from the Adams Bros.' Attrac- >. mariui lor uis liruuucuuu vl — notes irum iu« «auaw« — a*A In se- e," which opens at the Colum- tlons: Mansger Adams has eucceeaea "j ; Chicago, Aug. 28, In which curing another novelty *« J^'L^th $"' Prof. T—IT. Castles P-BS «XP K-Qsq 8 X E+ KXQ Dr. S-l. Prof. T-ff. 16..0 lllo It 8 Rx KB 16.. KM) 2 Dr. 14 IhIHEm 10..RXB 11..P-Q 81 12..P-U4 13..BXBPI 14..QXQ (a) Relatively best. wins easily. (b) White threatens 20. .Kt to B 0 check, and If Et tako Kt, mate In six moves I 17.. KXR 18..QR-Ksq It.. Kt-K 4 20..Kt-Q8 R-B4IR) Kt-Q4 I) 0 2 P-8 4(0) Resigns. ns long ago as 1886 The Uanchctter Pott "Paul Revere, odvocated its elimination from the standard bua Theatre, unicago, Aug. 2a, in wmen curini another novelty ior lun. ■»".',v,""iiielr rules. It wld: "We recommend, therefore, Richard Buhler will star: Robert Winters, having signed the Four 0 , « a SS r ^ w LL| 1 i also business manager; Harry Lawrence Baker, troupe of dancing roosters. ■ r . B ^?. w p ,;i this treasurer; John L. Bedlnl and Martin Hart- introduce an entirely new specie " '"lAes. well, In advance; Jack Prescott, stage man- season, with several mechanical nove ager, and Robert Farwell, stage director. The AdamB Bros also have » e c n I! a ., lfhor . George A. Learning, Howard E. Hickman, musical comedy, by a well known amno Gale Satterlee, Ralph Rollins, John Winston. Geo. H. Adams was so well P 1 " 8 ™./--, at rules. lb tmu . ,1 V ICWIUUIVUU, fcUCC.V.VT, as one step In the direction of reform, that huffing be abolished. Our objection to buff- ing Is that it is not playing. It cannot bo said to be a false move, because the move Is not made. It la a rough and ready way of settling a game, and thereby destroys If R to Q 6; White iw/b ua« oaueriee, naiyu huiiius, duuu n iusluu. ueo. II. AOBLuB wm »w " c , - r *v—author St the scientific acme of the game, to say Robert Merrlneld, Gerald Chambers, Daniel that he closed the deal wit* taa auu~» his Cartwrlght, Henry Pendleton, Maud Truax, once, and they will produce " j«« r '" mu . nothing about the aggrieved one losing temper. When a man Is placed la a post „J tney win yruuui... ■*■--:- .- ali . Lillian Goodall, Agnes Bllal, Louise Ober- season. Harry Webster has Blgned1 as_ ■£ tlon for being taken, of course It must be doerfer, Kathleen Seymour and Marlon Cald- steal director, and is writing some new o » ' well. and muslttl numbers for the different ^j, taken, and If required play can be stopped We notice, that the players of Western Ch. Association Tocbnet, at Chicago, Aug. 10-15, of which we hope for a full report next week. There was a longer It Is believed that the habitual nae till It Is. Lancashire do not take the huff, as It Is considered a matter of honor with them.' WHITE. White to play and mate In four moves. Game No. 2,432. Board No. 1 in the recant telegraphic Hat of well known entrants than bad before been promised for these lists. Chicago had determined to do the thing up handsomely, and visitors are enjoying a welcome they will never forget. The Hat of entertainments outside the tourney Is something to read. "Tuesdsy, Aug. 11, visit to plant of Inde- pendent Brewing Association; Aug. 12, trip to the Chicago stock yards (9 a. h.), I to 7 r. Ai., oi fresco banquet at Cafe Rlenal; Aug. 13, trip on steamor to Lincoln Park; Aug. 14, automobile trip through 8outh Bids Park, and Auk. 16. visit to wholesale hardware house of Hlbbard, Spencer, Bartlett A Co." There, did we overstate It? of tobacco baa an injurious effect on the thinking powers of first class checker play- era. While some do nse It without any ap- parent effect, yet It Is claimed, and to our mind justly so, that if those same players — Clyde Hess and wife (Emllle Leasing) have signed with Qrover Bros, for their orig- inal roles In 'The Minister's Daughters," for next season. They ere now with the Mel- bourne McDowell Co. — Chas. J. Lammers goes with "For Her Sake" Co. this season. — Charles Frohman has arranged details for the tours of the Sotbern- Marlowe com- uctlons. Jae. R. Adamssnd Co. close their Summer engagement a 1 , Park, Coney Island, Aug. 80, **S* e u CT . begin arrangements for the «« ' |1C . His stay at Luna Park Jf* i JJ*S„ nsss ressful (hat Thompson A Dundy have ma him an offer for next season to put °" larger production. .,_^,„, „* the Bow- voted to it, and everything Is ln apple pie order for a win, and then comes along some tramp and upsets the whole thing by putting In a new move or throwing a piece, and: (he position Is only a draw, the person who did nine-tenths of the work York the combination will appear will open his next season In Detroit sex, N. Y.