The New York Clipper (September 1903)

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September 5, TABLE OF CONTENTS. ■ ' Page. vi„ dinner's Anecdotes, Personalities andComments Concerning Stage Folk.. 845 A Mllo Bennett-Sketch tno World of Player*.. 646 Welle Gold—Sketch 647 Vaudeville «nd Minstrel 647,648 Walter ". Negley-Sketch 647 ,nX Mac rftll^Sketch 648 i)nr Chicago Letter 650 Lateat by Telegraph 6S3 On the Road ?. 863,604, 80S Vaudeville Route Llat 665 Chess and Checker* 646 Ouerlea Answered .. 660 New York City—'Review and Consent... 666 clipper Post Offlce 657 With the Bill PoBters 657 under the Tenta ■ ■ . ■ 667 —jjJBBSnnCSG COBRBSPONDBNCB. Pennsylvania' 640 District of Columbia:, Louisiana 64» Indiana «4» Colorado 649 Maine. Kentucky 641) Maryland 640 North Carolina 649 .Massachusetts 650, 051 New Hampshire 651 New York State 651 Missouri 651 Delaware 651 Michigan ..... i 651 It bode Island 651 LATEST BY TEL EGfBAPH. Mondsy Night's Openings la All the , inn 8bow Towns. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 653 GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. Splendid Business Is Reported From Every House. Special Dlipatcha to Turn New York Clipped SanFbancibco, Sept. 1.—At the Columbia Theatre this Is the third week of Henry Miller and Margaret Anglln, with "Camllle as the bill. "The Ironmaster" will follow. C'ALirosNiA Thkatoe. —The seventh week of the Nell-Morosco Co. opened Aug. 30, with "Mrs. Dane's Defence." Alcazar Theatre. —Last night began the special season of Florence Roberts, when she presented "The Unwelcome Mrs. ilatch." . ' Central Theatre. —"The Great Ruby" la the current bill. Grand Opera House. —Sunday, Aug. 30, began the season of ibhe Pollard Llllputlan Comic Opera Co., presenting "The Belle of New York." . 'I'ivom Opera House. —Last night opened the annual season of Italian grand opera, tbe Urst opera being "Aliln." Fischer's Theatre. —This Is the fourth week of "Quo Vaaa fes" and "The Big Little Princess." Lxiiic ■ Hall. —"Everyman," under the management of Charles Frobman, opens here Sept. 2, and will be given every evenlDg and Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Orpiieum Tiikatiik. —Bill opening Sunday, Aug. 30: 'Marguerite and Hanley, La Vine Cameron Trio, Bloom and Cooper, T. Nelson Downs, Larkln and Patterson, Flcury Trio, Keougli and Ballard, and Ham Edwards and Co. Chutes. —Monday, Aug. 81: Edward Poul- fer, Olson Bros., Hpaulaing, George Austin, the Mftthlens, Loreine and Howell, and the anlmatlscope. .' Tils 'Lyceum <thls was formerly Grau- mun'K Theutre and Is now changed to "The Lyceum," Harry Hush, manager)—Monday, Aug. :|l : Hodges and Launchmere, Harry Maker, Campbell Bros., Henry ('live, Lcando Bros., namilne Itlley, Clinton Montgomery, nod t U<" bioscope. Ni.ti:, -Charles L. Ac kt-rioaii, president of tbe CbuteB Co., also president of tlie Grand Operii-IlouBO Co., the Pacific Coast Vaudeville Co, and heavily Interested In tbe Orphcum, the • Northwestern Vaudeville Co. and the Tlvoll Theatre Co., left for New York on business Aug..27, and while there will meet Morris Meyerfeld Jr., president uf the Or- phemu Co.; wh" Is on his way back from a trip,to Europe, uftcr many months' absence. FltOM OTHER POINTS. 1 "The Canty Chairman" nnd "The ; .Olrl From Old Mlssonrl" Receive Initial Productions. ClllCAOo, sept. 1.—Mlddleton'sClark Street Musuem hSB been purchased by the Wonder- land, Amusement Co., comprising Edward Smith, manager of tbe Great Northern The- tre;, Joseph E. O. Ryan nnd Lou Houseman. inmedlate possession Is given "Tbe Tenderfoot" ended Its run at tbe Dearborn Theatre Sunday night Geo. Adc's "The County Chairman" was originally acted Sat- urday 'evening. Aug. 21), at the Auditorium, Hputh Bend, Ind„ and Its presentation at •nndeliakcr Monday night was largely at- tended. The critics returned a favorable verdict upon Its South Bond production lowers' opened Its regular season Monday night, .with the flrst performance In. Chi- cago, of "Hearts Courageous," Onin John- sou appearing to good advantage In bis (•Wlnr: capacity Bunday afternoon tbe American Theutre opened its season with 'i-'B!>|endld' performance of "Mr. Barnes of •>*vv York." ;Thc capacity was tested at two allows . .Jeaaallne Rogers began ber <ngagem«nt as leudlng lady at the Thlrly- tlrst Street,- In "Queena,' r before pleased crowds. The Illinois had big business MJJiMu night, when its season opened, with "A Country Girl." 'Men and women" opened the stock company season at Bushi reuipleSuturday night The Chicago opera House, Olympic and Haymurket were packed to the ro °' Sunday by devotees of continuous vaudeville, and Pauline Hall Moved a strong feature In the Masonic Tcm- D|b hH.. ......"The Village Postmaster" Picked ,the Great Northern twlco Sunday, KM ' Sky Kami" opened to capacity ut Mc- vlcker.g Sunday night ."Babes In Toy- 'snd continues at the Grand Opera House, SSB cupaclty business recorded The JMJe*: at Trocadero, and Al. Beeves' Show. at ham,r. Jack's, were burlesriue offerings of nieiit und capuclty drawing powers Richard- Bubler filled the Columbus with J lie Little Minister" Sunday "Too loud to Beg"naeked tbo Alhambra "Over Niagara' FalV had big business at the HI J°u.... .Capacity crowds saw "The Price of Jlonor' at the Academy, and big business favored "A Little Outcast" at the Criterion. ;• ■ •^I'.Uckman's had encouraging crowds for "Quo Vadls," and "Just Struck Town" proved a good attraction at Hopkins' low rthejuregolng weather gladdened the managerial heart at the weck'a beginning. : Boston/ Sept. 1.—Weather was bad for nunjmer shows, but great for Indoor amuse- ments.' Judging from first performance, It "oks as if Manager Henry B. Harris has a ILvPW&J 11 ' ,The Rector's Garden," with Rob- •H Edeson'as the star. The Hollis was i rowded to the doors, and great applause SSlfStn Mr. Edcson and the supoprtlng «>m|)any.,,.A big houso saw Edward Har- HML d '1™' "Under Cover," at the Boston. i,i£- ■ ."I" 8B0W ' Mr - Harrlgan should regain '"is HaUrela. as It has all the marks of a JBfP... Mrs. Annie Yeamans and other «... "ajOoera of the company were warmly »e oomad "The Prince of Pllsen" made w-HSHBrtM* return to Its birthplace, the i rerhnnf being Jimmied with old nnd now "HmiferR of the catchy musical eomisly ft.-jOW H Y'' C,, audience enjoyed "The Fatal iV"J" ln J|..' at tho Grand Opera "York HJnWfi at tn « MaJeaUc, opened Its M?i!' w J e jL* Un ' few vft « aD t chairs..... ."The i, 1 ."" °'the Cross," at Music Hall, and "T.uo «ame of Life," at the Hub, did a rushing business 8. K. 0. only at the stork •■The e8 w& , i" e n I q . , . , r e M i,nd » ow ™ n *$£ rhc Wife and "A Man of Mystery" Wine two?/™ WV.;k A io Ji g »-ud.»llle bllf nleaseS two large Keith audiences Th« Howard Palace and Lyceum were filled with vadl: vi He and burlesque enthusiasts..... .The museums had their share of the good bus! "f" 8 .: Sunday's weather did something 5n™?^2.f2? tb ^ tne local » nd Stat" police have been unable to do all Summer- It closed up every amusement place. ft f 8 AM^ 0U i I f»' ^ept. I.—With the cold wave lL... *:„ 3 ?' the J , d o w '> town houaes had better opening audiences than any previous B*A'W« the Olympic, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" opened 30, to ex- cellent business, and was warmly welcomed. ncll received Sunday by the patrons of tho bouse.. ....Crawford's put on "Ucubcn In New lork .10, and also drew very well rhe Imperial shared In the prosperity offer- ings, presenting "The Game Keeper.'' •Snamus O'Brien," with a company of merit, opened dO, at Havlln's, and filled the house. ...... The Standard had the New Bowery Hurltsquera. opening 30. "The Girl from Old Missouri" received Its Initial pro- duction 30, at Koerner's, and made quite ?.« •' • • '.; T _ hc Highlands did a big business ;•<>• The Girl from Paris," at the Delmar, opened 30, to capacity and pleased every one Innea' Band was beard In new pieces at the Suburban At the Columbia a new bill went on at the matinee .11...... Hashagen's Theatre reported good attendance 30, when a new vaudeville bill was offered. Kansas City, Sept. 1.—The Kclccy and shannon Company arrived too late to give a matinee at the Grand Sunday afternoon, but at night tbe house was sold out long before the doors opened. A fine performance of "Sherlock Holmes" was given, and a big week's business Is expected "Hello, Bill," drew two good houses at the Audi- torium. Harry Blakemore. in the leading role, was a prime ifavorlte "Human Hearts" was as popular as ever, and packed the (illlls twice.... The Century opened Its burlesque season Sunday matinee with a 8. R. O. house, which was duplicated at night. The attraction was Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows At Electric Park the Banda Itossn held over for Its fourth and Anal week of the season Big crowds were In at- tendance at Forest Park, the usual big Sun- day puBh being out. In Hopkins' Theatre tbe vaudeville bill was beaded by the Delaur De Brlmont Trio. Piiladklphia, Sept. 1.—Excellent open- ings were accorded the theatres lust ulclit, the weather being favorable, and the oiler IngH attractive... ."A Night on Broadway" amused n fine gathering at the Auditorium, "Hob White" continued to fill the Park, while the openings of "Itachcl Goldstein," at the National: "Wedded and Parted," at the Peo- gle's; "Beware of Men," at the Glrard ; "Two allor Boys," at the Star; "Men of Jim- town," at the Empire, and "Home and Honor," at the Kensington, were successful every way The Grand began the season with large patronage and a delightful per- tormance of "The Pride of Jcnnfco." Stock productions all at par, having the usual first night crowds Vaudeville at Keith's, and minstrels at the Eleventh en- tertained filed houses... .Burlesque showed undlmlslied popularity at the Lyceum and the Trocadero, and the Museum attracted a large clientele. Cincinnati, Sept. 1.—Two more Iioubcb, Koblnson's offering "TheDazzler," and the Lyceum with "Nobody's Claim," entered the Held for patronage Sunday afternoon "The Funny Mr. Dooley" drew a large crowd to the Walnut at the opening, Sunduy. An excellent vaudeville bill tested the capacity of the Columbia "Tbe Queen of the Highway' 1 packed Heuck'a The usual large crowd attended the People's, where the Tiger Lilies hold the boards,... The cool weather put a crimp In the at- tendance at the Summer resorts. Washinuto.v, Sept. 1.—Eugenie Blair and h good company opened ber season at the Lnfayettc lost night, wltfh "Zaza," to crowd- ed house. "Magda" will be the bill for the last three nights of the week "When Women Love?' a new and pleasing melo- drama, opened at the Academy, to a large following... ."A Romance of Coon Hollow" was a potent attraction at tbe Empire; af- ternoon and evening the bouse was crowded. The Cherry Blossoms opened to two large and well pleased audiences at the Lyceum Hatn Interfered wllih business at tbe suburban parka. Lou iKvn.i.K. Sept. 1.—"The Scout's lie- venge" opened Sunday, at the Avenue The- atre, to good crowds Masonic Temple Theatre presented "A Deserted nrldc." draw- ing fair attendance The Tlioroughlrreds opened at the Buckingham Sunday, to packed houses. On tl>e Road. All Hontea Mnat Beach I « No( Later Than Monday. DBAMATIC, , A Alexander, Thomas B., in "Near tbe Throne" (J. Kobertson Smiley, mgr.)— Chicago, III., Sept. 8-12. ' „ Aubrey Stock, Eastern,' Mlttcnthnl Brothers (Carl Brehm, mgr.)—Fall River, Mass,, Aug. .'tl-Sep. 5. ...... Aubrey Stock, Western, Mlttentbal Brothers —Blngbumton, N. Y., Aug. 31-Sept. j, Wllllamsport, Pa., 7-12. * Adair, Gregg & Adair Stock (John Adair Jr.. mgr.)— Washington, Pa., Aug. 31-Sept. .>, Bridgeport, 0., 7-12. "An American Gentleman"—Yates Center, Kan., Sept. 2, Burlington .'!, Chaoute 4. Jonlln, Mo., 0, Gnlenu, Kim., «, Pittsburg; 7. Fort Scott S. Nevada, Mo., I), Sedalla 10, Bnonvlllo 11, Carrollton 12. "Arlzonu," M. B. Uaymond's (Charles F. Brown, mgr.)—Freclaud, Pa., Sept. 2, Brhlgeton, N. J., 3, Red Bank 4, Hllza- beth S) Chamberaburg, Pa., 7. Hunbmy H. Clearfield 0, St. Marys 10, Du Bols 11, Johnsonburg 12, . "AiiJinna"—Jersey City. N. J* Aug. 31- Sept. 5, 1'aterson 1012. . "Alaska," Lincoln J. Carter's—Nuncio, lad.. Sept. 2, Marlon 8, Itusbvllle 4, Hartford City r., Cincinnati, O., 0-J2, "As Von Like It" (Ernest Hlilpman, mgr.) —Camden, Me.. Sept. 2, Bath it, Ports- "At"c'rlppre Creek," Whltaker & Nosh's (E. A. Schiller, mgr.)— Youngstown, O., Sept. 5, Cleveland 7-12. „„„ „ "Alphonse nnd Gaston." Gub Hill s—Mon- treal. Can., Sept. 712. "At the Old CroBfl Honda" (Arthur C. Alston, mgr.)—Cleveland, O., Aug. 31-Sept. 5, Detroit, Mich., 0-12. "AcroBS tbe Pacific," Harry Clay Blaney (E. W. Puller, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich., Aug. ,'IO-Sept. 5, Toledo, O., fl-0. Grand Kaplds, "A^'pike^'lVak," G. H. Eltlen's fClaude Koardrann, mgr.)—Vlllsca, Ia„ Sept. ., Ited Oak 3, Shenandoah 4, Olenwood ft, Harlan 7, Atlantic 8, Walnut 9. Perry 12. "Along the Mohawk" (R. Victor Lelghton. mgr )—Mattoon. 111., Sepl. 2, Pars 8, Terre Haute, Ind„ 4, ft, Bvansvllle 0. Vlneennes 7. Carlo. III., S. Murphystinr;. 11, Mount Vernon l». I'ami 11, Deenltir 1.'. Brnjbom. Knthryn. In "The Village'Gro- cer" (W. W. linpolnt, mar. —Rest Onsen- wlcb, R 1.. Sept. 3, Wlckford 4, Wake- field ft, Newport 7, Danlelyon, Conn., 8, W ndsor Lock* 0. South Manchester 10, Bockrllle 11. WHIlinantic 12, Blair, Eugenie, In "Znsa" and "Magda" (Henri Gresslt, mgr.)—Washington, D. C, Aug. 31-Sept. D, Atlantic City, N. J., Buchanan, I/orralne. In "Tbe Bllllonalresa" (Almon A. Kinney, mgr.)—Ludington, Mich., Sept. 2, IMg Haplas L Muskegon 4, Marshall ft, Kalnmaxoo 7, Charlotte 8, Hastings 0, Otsego 10, NHes 11, Benton Harbor 12. Bennett A Moulton (J. M, Torr, mgr.) — Watcrtown. N. f„ Aug. 31-Sept. 12. Bunting, Emma, Kepertory (Karl Burgess, mgr.)—PottBvllle, Pa., Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Lancaster 7-12. Brlckenrldge, Charles, Stock (Boyd P. Joy, mgr.)—Chllllcothe, Mo., Aug. 31-Sept. 0. Burrlll Comedy (llalph Hayden. mgr.) — New Albany, lnd., Aug. 31-Oct. 3. Burrlll Stock (Charles W. Burrlll, mgr.) — Springfield, III., Aug. 31, Indefinite. Bennett's Big Show <J. W. Sights, mgr. i - North Branch, Minn., Aug. 31-Sept. 2, Grontsburg, Wis., 3ft, Hush City, Minn., 7-0. "Buffalo Mystery," Jule A Elmer Walters' (Robert llalcott, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 30-Sept. 0. "Breezy Time" (Merle H. Norton, mgr.)— Watertown, 8o. Dak., Sept. 2, PlpeBtonc, Minn., 3, Flandreau, So. Link., 4, Madison ft, Howard 7, Carthage 8, Tarker 0, Cen- tervlllc 10. Bcresford 11, Alcester 13. "Blackthorn," with J. J. Sullivan—Troy, N. Y„ Aug. 31-Sept. 2. "Beyond Pardon' 1 —Troy, N. Y., Sept. 3-0, Worcester, Mass., 7-12. "Bunch of Keys" (Gus Bothner. mgr.)— Troy, N. Y., Aug. 31-Sept. 2. Glens Falls 3, Greenwich 4, Plttsfleld, Mass., B, Utlca, N. Y., 7, Hornellnvllle 8. Dubois. Pa., 0, Brookvllle 10, Brock way 11. Butler 12. "Beware of Men"—Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 31-Sept. 5. "Boy wanted'" (8. E. Lester, acting mgr.) —Salisbury, Md., Sept. 3, Mllford. Del., 4, Itoycrsford, Pa.. 0, Contesvllle 7, Havro de Grace, Md., U, Annapolis 10, Frederick 11, Hngcrstown 12. "Break for Liberty" (J. M. Jacobs, mgr.) — Alexandria, lnd., Sept. 2, Elwood a, No- blcsvlllc 4, Anderson ft. Like It" E City CroBman, Henrietta, In "As You (Maurice Campbell, mgr.)—N. Sept. 7-12, Collier, Willie, In "Personal" (Weber A Fields, nigra.)— H. Y. City Sept. 3, Indell- nlte. Cohans, Four, In "It unulng for Oflleo" (Fred Nlblo, mgr.)—Fall Hlvcr, Mass., Sept. I, Boston ft, Indefinite. Clarke, Harry Corsou, In 'Ills Absent Boy" ■_—Denver, Colo., Aug. 30-Sept. 0. Chase-Lister, Southern—Urlnuell, la., Aug. 31-Sept. 0, Newton 7-12. Clinse-Llster, Northern (.losoph Knrrcll, mgr.)—Columbus Junction, la., Aug. 31- Sept. ft, Williamsburg 7-12. Cook-Church Stock (H. W. Taylor, mgr.)— Brockton, Mass., Aug. 31-Sept. ft, Taunton 7-12. Conroy & Mack's Comedians (P. P. Craft, mgr.)—Salem, N. J., Aug. 31-Sept. ft. Elk- ton, Md., 7-0, New Rrunsklck, N. J., 10-12. Carpenter, Krnnklc, Repertory (Jcrc Grady, mgr.)—Lynn, Mass., Aug. 31-Sept. ft, Law- rence 7-12. Curtlss Stock (8. It. Curtlss, mgr.)—Phoe- nix, Ariz,, Aug. 31, Indefinite. CnBtlc 8quarc Stock, No. 1 (L. L. Greene, mgr.)—Columbus, O., Aug, 31-Sept, 12. Castle Square Btock, No. 2 (C. C. Allison, mgr.)—Halifax, N S., Sept. 1-6, Truro 8- Calmer & Hutson Comedy (Kdward F. Kvans, mgr.)—Sl. Clair, Pa., Aug. 31-Sept. 2, Glrardvllle 8-0, Mlnersvlllo 7-0, Tower City 10-12. Champion, J. O., Stock (M. S. Pogue, mgr.) —Hot Springs, Ark. Aug. 31-Sept. C. Cutter a Williams Stock—Boonvlllc, lnd., Aug. 31-Sept. 0, Ornnd Ilnplds, Mich., 0-13. 13. "Camllle," Georgia Harper (Harper & Do- trick, nigra.)—Grass Valley. Ore,, Sept. 8, Moro 0. Dayton, Wash., 12. "Convict's Daughter," Southern, Geo. Sam- uels' (Rowland G. Pray, mgr.)—Ellxnlmth. N. J., Sept. 2, Anbury Park 3, Freehold 4, Trenton ft, Burlington 7, Alexandria, Va., 8, Charlottesville 0, I'etersburg 10, Nor- folk 11, Richmond 12. "Charity Nurse," Ilcuck A Fenncsay's—N. Y. City Aug. 31-Sept. ft. "Country Kid" (Whlttaker & Hicks, mgrs.) —Cadillac, Mich., Aug. 81. Elk Rapids Sept. 1, St. Ignace 3, Munlstlque 4, Che- boygan ft, Pctoskey 7, Cliarlerolx 8, Tra- verse City 0 Frankfort 10, Big Rapids 11, Muskegon 12. . ■_. "Christian." Western (George L. Baker, mgr.)—Baker City, Ore., Sept. 2, Boise, Ida., U, Pocatello 4. Denver, Colo., 11-12. "Child WW'—N. Y. City Aug. 31-Sept. ft. "Child Slavos of Now York" (J. B. Isaacs, mgr.)—Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 31-Sept. 0, N. Y. City 7-12. "County Fair"—Elizabeth, N. J., Aug. 31- Sept. 2, Hartford, Conn., 0. D Drew, Jolin. in "Captain Dieppe" (Charles I'Vniiiiinn, mgr.)—N. Y. City Sept. 12, In- definite. Dlxoy, Henry K., In "A Welsh Itareblt" and."Facing tho Music" (Nathaniel Rolh, mgr.)—Indianapolis, lnd., Aug. 31, Sept. 1. Davidson Stock (A. K. Davidson, mgr.)— Port Huron, Mich., Aug. 31-8cpt. 0, Bay City 7-12. Dllirer-Cornell, Repertory, No. 1—Butler, Pa., Aug. 31-Bcpt. 5, Dale. Marie. Comedy (Harry Eltlng, mgr.) —Fort Worth, Tex., Aug. 17-8cpt. 5. "Down Mobile." Lincoln .7. Carter's—Bill- ings, Mont., Sept. 3, Butte 4, ft, Great Falls 7, Oaksdale, Wash., 0, Colfax 10, Lewis- ton, Ida., 11, Pullman, Wash., 12. "Darkest Hour," Lincoln J. Carter's^—Union City, lnd., Sept. 2, Nunclc 8, Elwood 4, Alexandria ft, Andeiwin fl, Mlddlclown 7, Noblesvllle II. Cambridge City 10, Brook- field 11, Hamilton, O., 12. „ _ ,, "DarkneBB and Daylight," Harry M. Clark s (B. T. Stetaon, mgr.)—Jacksonville, III.. 2, HpHnglleltl 3, Peoria 4, Uurllng- mgr.)— Sept. _ ton, la.. 0, Qulncy 7. (Julius 'David Hurura" (Julius Cabn, Brooklyn, N. Y.. Sept. 7-12. "Dora Thorns," Creacy & Oleckman'B (Arthur G. Thomas, mgr.)—Paducah. Ky, Hopt. 1, Cairo, HI,, 2, Carbondalo 3. Lincoln 4, Canton ft, I'ckln 0. Bloomlngton 7, Chats- worth 8, Pontine 1), Lafayette 10, Lowell 11, Jollet 12. "Driven from Home," Patrice—Mlttcnthnl Brothers' (W. D. Fitzgerald, mar.)—Sy- racuse, N. Y., Aug. 31-Sept. 2, Rbchcsler .'f ft. Youngs town, <>., 7. "Devil's Auction" (Charles H. Yale, mgr.) —Chattanooga, 'fenn^. Sept. 3. "Dazzler"—Cincinnati, O., Aug. 30-8ept. B. "Darkness and Daylight," Western, Chase, Clark & Kennlngtona (E. T. Stetson, mgr.)—Bloomlngton. III., Sept 1, Jack- sonville 2, Springfield 3. Peoria 4, Burl- Ington, la., 5, Qulncy, III., 7, Desota, Mo., 8. Poplar Bluff 0, Jonesboro, Ark., 10, Newport 11. Little Hock 12. "Devils Lane —Terre Haute, lnd., Sept. 0. "Desperate Chance" (Mllteiithiil Brothers, mgrs,)—Buffalo. N. Y., Aug. 31-Sept. ft. "Deserted Bride"—Louisville, Ky., Aug. 31- Sept. ft. St. Louts. Mo.. 11-12. i» "Down by I he Sea" (Phil Hunt, mgr.)— Pittsburg, Pa.. Aug. :il-8ept. 0. "Down and Up," Hickman Brothers' (J. II. Arthur, mgr. i—Haverstrnw, N. Y., Sept. 4. Nviirk ft. Suffprn 7, Ithlneherk 8, Hn.i- Ki-rtlCH II, Alliens HI, Coxanekle 11, Cats- kill 12. ■■Denver. Express." Ilnlilen Brothers'—Battle Crock, Mich., Sept. 3. H Edeson, Robert, in "The Rector's Garden" (Henry B. HarrH, mgr.)— Ronton, Mass,, Aug. 80, iadeflsita, Kmn.ett, Katie, In "The Walfa If New York" (Walt. Leslie, mgr.)—Chicago, III., Sept. 0-10. Kwlna-Taylor (Albert Taylor, mgr,)— Tex- arklna, Ark., Aug. Si-Sept. ft. Galveston H-13. Edwards Stock (Charles F. Edwards, mgr.) —Myerndale, Pa., Sept. 8-ft, Piedmont, W, Va„ 70. Lonaconlng, Md.. 10-12. Eclipse Stock, Lloyd k Oenter's—Harbours- vllle, Ky.. Sept. 2-4. Jelllco, Tenn., 7, 8, Wlllamsourg, Ky., 10-12. Earl A Mantell's American Stock (Oliver Mantcll, mgr.)—Toiicka, Kan., Sept. 1-3, St. Joseph, Mo., 4, A. Evans a Ward Comedy (Kdward R. Titus, mgr.)—Westbrook, Me., Sept 4, 6, Rock- land 7-12. "Earl of Pawtuekot" (Klrke I* Shellc, mgr.)—N. Y. City Aug. 81. Indefinite. "Eleventh Hour," Lincoln J. Cnrtor's^—Elk- hart, lnd., Sept. 2, Nile*, Mich., 3, Three Rivers 4, Battle Creek 0, Lansing 7, Te- cumseh 8, Monroe °, Port Clinton, O., 10, North Baltimore 11. Flndlay IS. "Evil Men Do." Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' —N. Y. City Aug. 31, Indefinite. "Eight Bella, Byrne Bros.'—Taunton, Maaa., Sept. 2, P Flske, Mrs., In "Mary of Magdala" (Harri- son Grey Flskc, mgr.)—N. Y. City Sept. 14, Indefinite. Frawlcy, Daniel, Bepertory (Leigh D. Bruek- art, mgr.)—Sydney, Aust., Aug. 81-Scpt. 11. Ferris Comedians (Harry Bubb, mgr.)— Madison, Wis., Aug. 31-Sept. 0, Marinette 013. Ferris Stock—Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31-Sept. ft, Lincoln 7-12. Francis, Marlon, Repertory (Georgo K. Robinson, mgr.)—New Braunswlck, N. J,, Aug. 31-AeT«. B. Field's Stock (Frank Sylvester, mgr.) — White Sulphur Springs, lnd. Tor., Sept. 31,.Indefinite. Flskc Stock—Bangor, Me., Aug. 31-Sept. 0, Lcwlaton 7-12. French-Irving (Don MacmJIlon, bua. mgr.) — Hock Island, III., Aug. 31-Sept. 2, Musca- tine, la., 3-ft, Burlington 7-11. •'Fool and His Money" (Broadhurst A Cur- rlc, mgrs.)— Wilmington, Del., Sept. ft. "Fleming Arrow," Lincoln J. Carter's^—Mar- shalltown, In., Sept. 2, Bldora 3, Buna 4, Ames ft. lies Moines 7-0, Oskaloosa 10, 11, Burlington 12. 'Fast iln.ll," Lincoln J. Carter's— HcKipeB- fon, III., Sepl. 2, lMxton 3, Rnntoul 4, Far- mer City ft. Pann T, Taylorvlllo 8, Litch- field 0, Carllnvlllo 10, Jersey vlllo It, Kcnrdktown 12. "For Her Children's Sake," Gnstcrn, Sulli- van, Harris A Wood's—Brooklyn, N. V., Aug. 31-Sept. ft. N. Y. City 7-12. ■For Iter Children's Bake," Western, Sulli- van, Harris ft Wood's (Ed. II. Lester, mgr.)—Wilmington, Del., Aug. 81-8ent. 3, Camden, N. J., 8-ft, New Haven, Coun., 7-0, Dnnhury 10, Bridgeport 11, 12. "I'ur Mother's Sake." Ituseo A Holland's (Win. Potter Jr., mgr.)—Dayton, O., Aug. 31-Sept. 2, Columbus 3-R, Plqua 7. Lima H, Delphi's 0, Cell tin 10, Kokomo, lnd., II, "Kami Wedding." Sullivan, Harris A Wood's —Boston, Muss., Aug. 31-Sept. ft. "Fatal Wedding," Hulll vim, Harris ft Wood s —Hartford, Conn., Sept. 3-5. "Fight for Millions" (Malcolm Douglas, mgr.)—N. Y. City Sept. 7-12, Syracuse, N. Y., 14-1«, Rochester 17-10. "Factory Girl" (Charles II. Wuera, mgr.) —Hobokon, N. J., Aug. 30-Sept. 2, New Haven, Conn., 3-0, Philadelphia, Pa., 7- 12. "Fisherman's Daughter"—Montreal, Can., Aug. -11 Sent. 5. "For Her Sake," E. 3. <;arnontcr's (Joseph Pilgrim, mgr.) ---Paon, III., Sept, 8, Mat- toon 4, Charleston ft, Westvlllo 0, Danvlllo 7, Decatur 8, Terre Haute, lnd., 0, Braxll 10, Sullivan 11, Vlnccnnos 12. "Funny Mr. Dooley" (Frank D. Bryan, mgr.) —Cincinnati, O., Aug. 30 Sept. 6, Chicago, HI., (1-12. "From Rags to Riches"—N. Y. City Aug. 31- Sept. 8. o Garvle, Edward, In "Mr. Jolly of .toilet," Broadhurst ft Currlo's (H. A. Wlrkham, vllle, La., ft. New Orleans (1-12. Goldstein, Rachel (Sullivan, Harris ft Wood, mars.)—Philadelphia, Pa.. Aug. 31-Hept. ft. Garsldo. Condlt ft Mack's Big Stock (J. 8. Oaraidc, mgr.)—Oil City, Pa., Sept. 7-12. Ooddlng Comedy (O. M. Cotten, mgr.) — Battlo Creek, Mich., Aug. 81-8ept. 8, rou- tine 7-12. Glbney Stock (Wm. Stanford, mgr.)—Cham- palgn, III., Aug. 31-Hept. 0 Gagnon ft Pollock Stock (Bert C. Oagnon, mgr.)—Houston, Tex., Sept. 1-ft. "Game Keeper," Smith O'Brien (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)—Mtddleown, lnd.. Sept. 2, Newcastle 3, Portland 4, Muncle ft, Richmond 7, Baton, 0., 8, Hamilton 0, Belief mil sine 10, Kenton 11, Limn 12. "Game Keener," Thomas J. Smith (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)—Bloomlngton, III., Hopt. 4, Peoria ft, Monmouth 7. Canton 8. "Game of Life" (Frank T. Klnfalng, mgr.)— Boston, Mass., Aug. 31-Hept. ft, Providence, R. I.. 7-12. "Governor's Bon" (Fred Nlblo, mgr.)—Pater- son, N. J., Sept. 8, 0. "Great Game" (Max Zoellnor, mgr.)— Westerly, It. I., Aug. .11, Woonsocket Hepl. 1. Newport 2, Hprlngfteld, Mass., 3-0, N. Y. City 7-12. "Guest of Honor," Scott Jonlln (F. W. Melser, mgr.)— Springfield, III.. Sept. 2, Galesimrn .1, Pekln 4, Lincoln ft, Jackson- ville 7, Louisiana, Mo., 8, Sedalla 0, Clin- ton 10, Carthage 11, Webb City 12. "Gentleman of France," Willis Granger (Martin J. Dixon, mgr.)—Toronto, Can., Aug. 31-8ent. ft, Montreal 7-12. "Gentleman from Gawcony" (M, W. Hanley ft Hon., mgrs.)—Bock Island, III., Aug. ."I", MhIIhc 31, Cllntnu, lu., Sept. 1, Cedar Rapids 2, Marsballtown 3. Oskaloosa 4, Ottumwa ft, Washington 7. Muscatine 8, Fort Madi- son 0, Keokuk 10, Qulncy, HI., II, Hanni- bal, Mo., 12. "Girl from Kweden," Chase, Clark ft Kennlng- ton's (Col. 11. J. Bernard, mgr.)—Grand Itsplds, Mich.. Sept. 2, .'I. Oscoda 4, Al- iienn ft, Saginaw 7. Ht. Johns 8, Mount Pleasant 0, ML'land 10, Cadillac II, Traverse City 12. "Girls Will Bo Girls." Al. Leach mid the Thre/j Rosebuds—Boston, Mush., Hopt. 7- 12. "Groat White Diamond"—lloboken, N. J., Sept. 1012. "Girl and the Judge"—Bridgeport, Conn., Sept. 1, 2. II Harrlgan. Kdward. In "Under Cover" (Lien- ler ft Co,, mgrs.)—Boston, Mass., Aug. 31- Sept. 12. Howard Mull, in "Tbe Man Who Dared" (Henry Plerson, mar.)—Bridgeport, Conn., Sept. 4, ft. Springfield. Mass., 70. Hall, Don ''■. Repertory—Atchison, Kan., Aug. 31 .Hopt. 2, Toueka kVS, Carthage, Mo., 70, Webb City 10-12. Howard-Dorset, Kepertory (George B. How- ard, mgr.)— Princeton, HI,, Aug. 31-Sept. R, Kewanve 7-12. Holdeu Comedy. John A. Preston (Win. Trip, lott, mgr.)—Dallas, Tex., Aug, 31-Sept, ft, Fort Worth 7-12. Harcourt Comedy—Romford Falls, Me., Aug. 31 Hept. ft. Hunt Icy-Monro Htock— Allnnllc City, N. J„ Aug. Ill-Hepl. ft. Howard Stock (A. II, Howard, mgr.) — (iloversvllle. N. Y., Aug, 31-Hept. ft, Can- andalgua 7-12 Hulbert, Laura, Stock (Charles W Burrlll. mgr)—Kankakee, III, Aug. 31-Sept. 12. Henderson. Maude, Repertory— Ora/llux, Jilch., Aug. 31-Bept, 6. , agr.)—Memphis, Tenn., eSpt. 2, Greea- llle, Miss., .1, Vlckslmrg 4, Baton Rouge, Hunt Stock—CaasopnlIs, Mich.. Aug. 31-Bept. ft. Hartford 7-H. Lawrence 10-12. HIckman-Mlller. Repertory (John M. Miller, mgr.)—Monmouth, HI., Aug. 31-Hept. ft, Falrneld,' la., 7-11, Albla l'.'. HoetDer Stock (Jack Hoefller, ubi*.)— Inde- pendence, la., Aug. 21-Sept. ft, Mason City 7-13. Harrla-Adams Stock—l'aducah, Ky., Sept. 7-ia. Harris Parkinson Stock (Robert II. Harris, mgr.)—Heardstown, Ky., Aug. 31-Hept. ft. "Heart of Maryland" (David Bolasco. mgr.) —Boston, Mass., Sept. 7-12. "Heart of Chicago," Lincoln J. Carter's— Montreal, Can.. Aug. 31-Bcpt. ft, St. Johns, Vt., 7, St. Alums 8, llsrre 10, St. Jolms- liury 11, Wood Btock 12. "Her Only 8ln," Lincoln J. Carter's—Otta- wa. HI., Sept. 2, I.nsalle 3, Galva 4. Ke- wanen 3, Davenport, In., 7, Rock Island, HI., S, Muscatine. In., 0, Ottumwa 10, Albla II, Centcrvlllc 12. "Human Slaves" (J. M. Ward, mgr.)— 'In- ledo, O., Aug. 30-Sept. 2, Grand Rapids, Mich.. 3-0, Chicago, III., 0-12. "Hoosler Daisy," Besslo Clifton (G. II. El- don, mgr.)—Aurora, lnd.. Sept. 2, tlreenr- hurg 8, Montlcello 4, Plymouth 8, Mlahn- wnka 0, Knox 10, Momence, III., II, Port Washington 12. "Happy Hooligan," Eastern, Ous Hill's (Charles E. Barton, mgr.)—Albany, N. Y„ Aug. 31-Sept. 2, Amstonlar.1 8, lltlca 4, ft, Schenectady 7, 8, Waterbury, Conn., '.». Hartford 10-12. , . "llntteat. Coon In Dlxlo" (Kugeno Spoffonl, mgr.)—Franklin, lnd., Sept. 2, Coliinilnm 3, Ureenlleld 4, Newcastle ft, Connersvlllo 7, Hamilton, ()., 8. Richmond, lnd., II, Mun- cle 10, Xenln, 0., 11, Plqua 12. "Her Marriage Vow" (Vance ft Hulllvnn, mgrs.)—Columbus, O., Aug. 31-Hept. 2. "Human Hearts." Eastern (Jesse M. Blanch- ai-d, mgr.)—Philadelphia, l'u., Aug. 31- ft**- 12- "Human Ilcnrts." Western—Kaiisna City, .Mn. Allg. 3(1 Sept. ft. "Her Fatal Sin" (Charles W. Fondo, mgr.) —Fall River, Mass.. Sept. 3-ft. "Head Walters"—Toledo, O., Sept. 1-ft. "Ills Nibs, tho Baron"—Wheeling, W. Vn., Aug. 31-Hept. 2. "Hot Old Time," Gus Hill's—Nowark, N. J., Aug. 3d Sept. 8. "Homespun Heart" (Limn Williams, mgr.) Naiigntuck. Conn., Sept. 3, Dunbury I, Bristol 0. "Hnns llnnwin" (James McAlpIn, mgr.) — Black River Falls, Wis., Hept. 1. Alma Center 2, Galeavllle 3, Winona, Minn., 4, Owntona 8, Dodge Center 7. "Hearts of Gold," No. 1 (Edward V. Evans, mgr.)—Georgetown, Del., Hopt. 2, Havro de Grace. Mil., 8, Columbia, l'u.. 4, ft. Mlllvllle. N. J., 7, Newton 8, Montclnlr 0. Key pur t 10, Clinton 11, Perth Amlioy "Hearts of Gold," No. 2 (Edward V. Evans, mgr.)—Bridgeport. O., Hopt. 2-ft, Clytlu 7, 8, Flndlay 0, 10, Lima 11, 12. I "In Old Kentucky," Jacob Lltl's—Mlnnn- hikiIIs Minn., Aug. 30-Sppt. 5, Mllwnukoc, Wis.. 0-12. "Ill tho NkWR of Die King'—Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 31-Meiit. 2. Hyracuse 3-1). "Irish Pawnbroker'' (Joseph W. Hpurks, mgr.)— Columbus, O., Aug. 81-Kept 2. "In Convict's dtrl|Mis"— Ibilllo Crock, Mich., Sept. 8. Johnson, Orrln, In "Hearts Courageous"— Chicago. 111., Aug. 80-Hopt. 0. "Jltn Bliidso," Hulllvnn, Harris ft Woods'— Jcrsoy City, N. J., Aug. 81-Hopt. 0, N. Y. City 7-12. "Jtist Btritck Town." Jtllo Walters' (K. H. Ernst, mgr.)—Chicago, HI., Aug. ao-Hopl. 9. ".lames Boys In Missouri" (Frank Onsxolo, mgr.)—Muscatine, la., Sent. 2, Oskaloosa fl, Ottumwn 4, Ci.uncll llluffi 0, Kansas City, Mo., U-12. ".I.itinalowri Flood" (Edward Houghton, mgr.)—Hntavla, N. Y., Hept. 2, Hulaninnrn .1, Gnenvlllu, I'm. 4, Sharon 8, Beaver Falls 7, Now Kenning! on 8, Vnndcrgrllt 0, McKcoiport 10, Wayno»biirg 11, Wash- ington 12. Kelrey. Herbert, nail Efllo Shannon, In "Sher- lock Holmes" (Daulel V. Arthur, mgr.) — Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 81-Hopt. 8. liAindall, ICr.ra, In "Tho Vinegar Buyer"— Seattle, Wash., Hept. ,'t-ft. Kennedy, James, Repertory (O. K. Wen, mgr.)—Danville, III., Aug. 81-Hopt. ft, Glilosburg 7-12. Keystone Dramatic, M.-GIII ft Hliliiinau's (Mwronce B. McGIII, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 31-Sent. 12. KInrk-Urban, Repertory (H II. Klark, mgr.) —Ileshoro, Me., Aug. 31-Hept. ft, OltlT'own 7-12. Klnsloy-ltussiill—.lorseyvllle, HI., Aug. ill- Sent, ft, Hhelbyvllle 718. Klrkhoff Driiiiuir it- (Ivan Knrkhoff, mgr.) — Norton, Kan., Aug. 81-Hopt. 7, Oborlln 8- Keller Htock (A. M. Keller, mgr.)—Kllleou, Tex., Aug. 27-20, Golilthwaltii 31-Hept. 2, Hun Saba 30, Llano 7-11. King's • Comedians (Joseph King, mgr.)— Iranian, ()., Aug. 31-Sept. 8, Portsiiuittth "King" of Delectlves," Sullivan, Harris ft Woods'—Nowark, N. J., Aug. Ill-Hoiif. 8. "KldimiM'pd In New York," Barney (fllroy— Baltimore, Md,, Aug. 31-Sept. &, Nowark, N. J., 7-12. I. Lungtry. Mrs. Lily, In "Mrs, Deerlng's Di- vorce'' (Charles Frohraun, mgr.)—N, Y. City Hept. 7, Indefinite. Loder, Charles A., In "A Funny Hide of Life" (Bultitrlleld St llilmolow, mgrs.)—Trenton, N. J., Sept. 2, Burlington 3, Norrlstowu, Pa., 4. Reading ft, Hnrrlsbiirg 7. York 8, Columbia 0, I'hlllpsburg 10, Johnstown II, Altoonu 12. Lillian Ljron Htock (Dean A Ogle, mgrs.) — Ovid, Mich., Aug. 81-Hept. 0, Lludim 7-0, Cor ii una It, 12. Long, Nellie, Htock (Charles W. Bonner, mgr.)—Ada, o, Aug. 81-Hopt. ft. Lyceum Htock. (K. O. Orosjnan, mgr.)—New- kirk, Oklu., Aug. 31-Hcpt. ft, Kingman, Kan., 7-12. Londale Thoulro (Hal Harbor, mgr. > --Nealo, la., Aug. 81-Hejit. ft, Avocu 7-12. Ni lUiy Stock—KalmaxiHi, Mich., Hept. 1-ft. "Little Outcast," Eastern, (loo. IV GUI's (Lawrence O. Merciir, mar.)—Chlcsagn, HI., Aug. 31-Hept. ft. HouTli Chicago 0, Rock Islund 7, lows C'lly, la., 8, Ottumwa 0. Omaha, Noli., 10-12. "Little Church Around tho Corner" (Vance ft Hulllvnn, mgrs.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 31-Sept. ft. "Legally Dead" illnrry Shannon, mgr. i-- South Haven, Mich., Sept. 4, llentun liar- bor 7. Threo III vers 8, Bronson I). Hills- dale hi, Angola. lnd., 11, Auburn 12. "Little Homestead," Mueniiloy ft Pattnn's ( Maentitey, mgr.)— Klkborn, Win., Aug. 81, Harvard, III., Sept. 1, Helolf, Wis., 2, Dundee, III., 3, Oak Park 4, Ds Kuih ft, Chicago He I a in a II, llelvldere 7. Liiniick H. Fulton 0, Morrison 10, sterling "Land ii' Cotton," Junker ft Curcnrau's (W. A. Junker, mgr.) — oitmmvii, Is., Hept. 2, lies Moines 3-ft, Bonne 7. "Lift's Mistake," Western, Chase, Clark ft Keiinlngioii's —Hlicnandonli, Pa., Hepl. 7, Freelnnd 8, Alleuiown 8, Reading 10, Roy- eriford 12. "Limited Mull" (Elntlier K. Vance, mgr.)— Miirliiglleld. Mnss., Aug. IH-Hnpl. 2, Troy, .V. V.. 7 12. ■•1 .iKlilhoiiao- lir Hie Hen"—N. Y. City Aug. 31-Hept. 0, Richmond, Va., 7-12. M Miller, Henry f and Margaret Aoglln. Reper- tory (Charles II. Dlllinubam. mgr.)—Baa Franclstei. fc'aj,, Auu, 31-flopt, i».