The New York Clipper (October 1903)

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OtffOBEft iD._ the srtew' ^ohk cLrp^Eit: ; 787 Sllrldwltit much favor. Vtarieen Wlllard, H m niter at I lie chc,rna.of the "Pom from „Ji win iimtlntin her, art staidles during tha E&m PolT (Inainan, who ha* met with SJR W«WM I" '."« rfjHl of Ibo widow, In 'il" I'rlm* «' Pll»«n. »'•» formerly the JBTWBHttMWtBi ?2a t,^ teas? SkMfi-tt c »- : S u ^aV^^ .&! « »&£, fe ESSIES* road., Wo curry spoclul paper foe live, r ., * Piny* nnd n car food ofVswrl„| „^lv V •.. L£.l.o£. I " • Koste1, : "rniiilon ('ouriuev. 35 MSB* °< thiiJhm.oi. Symphony OS ^iZ^^W^^t !.S!.V.r„. She wanted-lo make u career for Kinder Ilnrus. musicalVlir..; t«r'- K V 3"f,. ; son clor.lrlcJ.ii. unci (ftp, NrpaV; |i v i'i lull, waster .,r irnh ton,, i; Tlnni ii mnrne, jmm«4: M Cliin .'«?'• *£•,'. I '" r - ,,i, » K «'"V. JOWI'I &/ bSS ''V- ""niiine,. Irvlll ft, llt.e-' rtt, Btrl l.enton. David Hull, Flarrv |K. k.-„7" V. 1 ""," 01, nolison, when she bfflM )„. f New lork MmagMWllt lit the fUontraXl,n tro, in January, win bo well imiii .'.i"in new plnys l J.t- umnngw, UewSe'l? T«br linn[ wloeted for her two pte^nT »ne u iIru- I "V 7 " .';'," ft* . , . s, ' n " 1 ZmiKWlll of hi" w , tfohr,."Merely-Mnry Ann," nnd ihe'attorni yrl K nnl piny by .Mir. Humphrey vV„rl ,i , aHlla N. Porker, entitled■•■A«al|7n"- nm"it iJ'r p , ln ." , " 1 l"' 0| l 1 'i'« unlh of these <lnrl.ii; Me llMt ton don or Mis* Hudson's ttrelnv limry tour, and <o K l vn flll .|, a (b,.ro IIK h trial bnfarn cnmTng i„ New "York, Miss it,„. Hon will open her season at Ithaea, N V on Oct Stf, present Iuk "Merely Mnry Ann." *,*''•* " r »° Inter she will tin "AjptlIm FLORIDA. .la cIcmoii vl lie.- Itnrlirl.lqe'n Theatre — Murray and Mack did bis buxlncss Sept. 20. Marie Moutn«n.', In "Sweet Jasmine," aid not- jppenr L'S the fompauy hnvliiR disbanded here .< onilnp: lloyt's "AStrnnner In New ,. "f!;.. "'"' " A TriP to Clilnutowu" Oit. ft, n. "W him Iteiiben t'omcH l» Town" 7, " 'Way i)»\vn.i:a»t" It. "The Conner* UnitRhler" l( *» Ciinaly Chulrmnh." bani been pluylnR • - ..I.*. ../. r, ♦ ,11*11 ft I'll I" CI I HAA I III />*!»! ' im tor "The Sultnn'of Suln" Co., comes of nn old iiiiisli'iil fnailly. HI»|fatU»r was one of, tbo L'.„i y i.|-:i nl (he JSoHlon .Symplioiiy Oiclies- m Mr. flelnill hna lieen'tho ninslcnl director uf'iniiiv of lh«' Hoy* Riioecnnes,- ax well a* of the former Alils-j. HeltoclW and tlnni mm- iiuitleH. Ilnnxl>nvli.'». the tenor of I lie "King Vhxii>" 1'ompmi.V. hi'Knn his immlr«l Rtinlle.H under l'al'inloi|, I lie Well known condnct'or, nuil mnile li'« 'W "i'B"f wllh the Itnntlnll iiiwrii Co., In I'ondon. life litui a repertory nf sVvei'lv-llve'roIes In light grand opnrn. S»w that "The Vnnkee Consul," thn new oimle nnern hy Henry St. Hiossom Jr. and Alfred il. Ilcihyn,"liaa bchn tntn\ched In n siui'es.irnl iiianncr at the Trcuiunt The- atre lloHlon. Ilnymond lllleheoek, Ihn star, lirtntlies a nl^h of relief. As King Undo for two seasons lie wore a grotesque make np, with a big, false pose, an altltmllnotiR fore- held, and extra wlileenra. As the Yankee Consul Im does not alter his features at all. Kn'd r'renr, the Hndjl of "The Sultan of Suln," Is puffy only- on ,u<> stage. Off the slugo lie is a thick • set, powerful athlete, wltn brawny shoulders nnd a chest of Iron. He has won ninny prjzei ns'n weight thrower anil lifter, and In a boxer of no mean order. — Kntle Etnmctt,' now touring the South, In "The Waifs of Now York," writes: "My business since I opened, Sept. 1, has been niilly better than in. years,,ve gone to considerable expense this season In bet- tering the production, and my reception throughout the 3ou,tb, so far, has been more Hum encouraging, and I look forward to ex- cellent results. We are certainly heading that way." — Aubrey Stock Notes: The Aubrey Stock Cos. (Eastern and Western) have changed time, and the company known ag the West- ern Aubrey Stock Co. will ploy nil Kastcrn ' the Eastern Company will play thi )mpafli In as follows: -Frank Holllngsworth, Billy time, and the Eastern Company will piny the West. The roster of the Eastern Cc Wrti-.h. Geo. iMid, Win. lieckwHh, Clins. (iulhrle, Itichnrd (inrrlck, Frank Carroll, Kiig-ene KeltU, Jean Clnrcndon, Clnudo Wood, M. !>. i-'-vry. Ethel Clifton, I>cuh Htni-r, Jlnud Seottv Mlldrud nope, Mrs. M. I,. Levey, nnd the I,n Tour Sisters. Frank 1 Collings- worth is the mannger, and M. 1,. t,evey Is ndvanco roprcaenlutlve. Huslness lias been up to the top notch, nnd every otic is well und Imppy. — "The flond CId Summer Time," a musi- cal piny, iMKik by Hen Shields und music by (leorje Evnns, was produced, for t lie llrst time on any stage, at Jamestown, N. Y., on Kept. 24, The enst wns: Tommy Todd, lieorgc Kvnas; Con ^^nlloney, John Conroy; Macon liiimie, Clias. M. iUcDonnld; Spike MKIuIrk, Joe Nut us; lloh Miihoney, Karl Still; Urn-lock Hones, elms. Besgravi*: I. Doo i.Hiii'. Harlan Knight; linns llpp, Dan Wil- liams; Murphy's Sister, Dorothy Lunar; Inin nluhoncy, Annie Mattel; Itoslo Kllcy, Tcarl Rttart: Kitty Dldtl, Mario llylnnds; Totty Cash, Delta Frctse; Annie Work, Esther Murks. — "Mrs. Wlggs, of the Cuhbnge Patch," a conieay.-by Annd Crawford Flexner, found- ed on Alice Ilcgan Itlcc's two books, "Lovey Mnry" und the one which bears the same tlllo as the play, received its (H-st produc- tion on any since at the Oceau l'ler Theatre, Atlantic City, ST. J., Oct. 1. Mrs. Madia Cnrr Cook played the tlllo role, nnd scored heny- lly, as announcements from Atlantic City "lute, while Will T. Hedges and nelcn I/iwoll are also spoken of In- high terms of praise. The play met with the approvul of tlie audience. — "Dolly Vnrden" received 'Its first pro- dactlon In England nl the Avenue Theatre, 1-ondon, on Oct. 3, with Mabclle. Gllmnu hi the title role. The Shubert lirofhors pro- duced It In sumptuous fashion, uccordlng to nilvlces from London, and the press of that city praise the work. — "Lady Calmore's Fllrtnllong," a modern society comedy, by Anne Alice Chnplu, wns produced for the llrst' time on any stage nt He New itochelle Theatre, New Itochelie, K, 1., Sept. 28. by Knthryn Kidder and her company, l'lny, star and supporting com- pany were well received by the audience. ■ he cast: Lady Cnlmbre, Knthryn Kidder; Mareclln. Emily llodd; Mrs. Kent Leigh, llelim wiiltuiau : Lady (ieorgn Senliorougli, isahella O'Mndlgan'; Nellie Green, Elsie Ives ; Mrs. Tltrtta, Hose llalnes: Jennie, Mav Heuilng: Lord tCnlmore; Franklin Itltchle; l'niil Graham, Thomas Melgbati! Sir Charles livers. I'lthelUort Hales; Maxwell Trent, ■llerbcrl: Forller; Rllly Turtle. Edwnrd Ilnl- en; Mervnut, William Sehler; Ilutler, Chnrles Snuter. „ —We uckliuwledge nn invitation from Harry lleesou to he present at the primal In- niikurnlliiuof Rewnn's New West End The- litre, lliilontown. I'a.. on Tuesday evening, Uel. 2(1, when Henry W. Savage will pre- sent Hantm Ade'H musical piece, "The Sul- Inil of Hulii." ,.— Nnthryn Mnrney has rcllred from llio MngsleyTIUon Co., und Is visiting her ""'Iher (IVarl Mnrney), who Is wllh "The J'rlde of Newspaper How" Co. „,;—'!• '''•. Johnston opens his season with •Mnitd Mnller" nt the Cnrlelon Opera House, Minid ' N ' '"* wUI '■ Augnstua Truo as „"""**"• 'rom Imson & Edgar's Ideals: nave Just closed our Summer season under 'iinvns. Wo open our' Fnll and Winter season Oct. 12. Will carry fifteen people und four strong specialties. A lino lino of npeclal paper will ho used, and we will bill like a circus. We curry special settings for our pieces and will stage our productions second to none. Our repertory : "A Man's Honor," "A Sly Fox." "Ticket of Learn JIBB, "East Lynno." "Down at Tea Rhlge" nnd "Mnck'B Flirtations." — 0. II; E'.don writes Hint "A* nooslcr Daisy, with Rossle Clifton, under his mnu- ngvjnont, hns not closed, but Is doing n big iiiminess through the West. The company 'tint closed was under a different mnungu- nient. — Henry R. Harris secured Inst week, liy arrangement with Chnrles Prohnmn, the P lay which Hlclinrd Ilnrdlug IMvIb has nada fiotn his story, "Hanson's Folly," nnd which is to have the same name. Robert Eilosnn will appear In It nt the close of Ills Pacific coast tour In "Bnldlcrs of Fortune." — Notes from the Four Rryants: We closed <»u' Summer season Sept. 21. Although hnv- 'ng n great deal of rnlu, we liave done n good nusinoas and made many frlnnds. Will open early in April, when everything will be now, and our band will he a feature. Will hnvo throe royalty plays. — Reports of ; the excellent work of Ar- il ,, . (: - "nlilwln, who Is supporting Mny A. lieu Marks, have been received. — Mortimer Kaphnn, who hns been lenilln« taim with ValeakaStorbeck, In "Carmen,"- Kill leave the company next week. - Miss Hohtuin.wlll bet-In her^New Vol* en- gagement.■' suld Mr. Tyler. Irf an Interview. with whichever play seems to please the better on the rond. TJie auii|)oitlug coinpniiy will he of the strongest. Edwin Anion will he Miss Kobson's leading man this season, nnd Charles Cartwrlght. an English actor, has been engaged for prominent roles of tli« kiud that ho Iihs appeared In abroad Willi meeaw Bealdek these there Is In .reserve tor .Miss llobson Hntullo's drama, of wlili-h Iji Valllerc Is the heroine. Th sceijk- en- ylroiimeiit required by this piece, however. Is ro magnificent Hint It Is likely It cnu- uot be gotten ready for production this sea- son, but will lie presented by Miss ItobsoD early next Autumn." — K. P. Stetson writes: "I have only to report great - business for Stetson's ,'tinclc Tom's Cabin' Co., No. 1. The rule nightly Is houses packed to the doors. Eyervbud'y well and happy." • • ' — lltittcrftold, Hromllow & Dnvls have de- cided to use the original title for their new production, which will be called "In the Shadow of a Sin." Tlila cbnnite of title wns caused by other parties laying claim to the title of "Shadows of Sin." The new produc- tion will be carried complete, nnd will open lla>scnsnn before the new year. — James J. Warts has created a favorable Impression In the juvenile role of Herbert firllllth. In .Inle & Elmer Walters' scenic production of "Just Struck Town." — Notes from Johnson's Tina I re Co.: Hlg business. Had to turn uway people week of Sept. 21, nnd played last week at same house. Seats were all sold ahead. Lav off at Waterloo week of Oct. 5, for nrrnngcrnent of new pieces. . Sum mechanics. It Archie I'erklun, elect rli-hiii of the Taun- ton, Muss., Theatre, assumed the position of stage manager Oct. 1, In place of Edwin U Lowe, who hns been transferred* to thu -V-vipiM-:, H. I., Theatre, in the same ca- pacity. Dnn De Ilnugli resigned his position wllh the advertising force of Hopkins' Theatre, Chicago, and joined Katie Einmctt's "Waifs of New York" Co., ns electrician, taking charge of ull thu electrical effects with that company. ' .. - •. "luiil" Morrill, of Local B3, Joined Mildred Holland's Co. at lloiyoke, Mass., Oct. 2. The. following men of Local 53, Spring- field, Muss., are working In the theatres in thai, city: Court Square—Frank Pense, "Goltlv Hresnahiin, Charles Morrill, Louis Mocrlll, John Dlekcrson, Tommy Morun; New Glhnore—Eddie McCarty, Fred liel- mont, Blllv Welch. Jnck Couners: Grand— Tommy O'lkmiicll, Geo. Hill. Louis MeCnrty, P, McGinn's; Nelson—Tommy Donnelly, Ed. WHson, "Count" Mnrkey, Hold. McDonald, Tom Oassldy. Joe Finn, of Local OJS, Ib property man will) "A' Frfctory Girl" Co. Two of Local iWl, Frank Hale and Dick Rugg. ore with "Down by the Sen" Co. Fred Crlpts Is now with Rebecca Warren as properly man. Mr. Crlpts Is a member of Local BU, of Springfield, Sloss. »«» NI.IIH.f-li A. Omnlin.—At Royd's Theatre (W. 3. Rur- gess, nmnager).—'The Tenderfoot" was the ntlractlru Oct. 4. T>. Gideon's Minstrels cornea d. 7, "Along the Mohawk" 8, Wnlker Whiteside !». til. "Human" Hearts" 11. 12. '•Ilcu Hur" did good liusiuess week of .Sept. "8 OaVIIRUII (Cnrl Heller, mnnnger).—The hill for week of O.I. -I liii'luiles: Mary Hampton and Co.. In "The Melodrama;" Jnliiui Hose, our Hebrew friend; Clhelte. necroinaiieer, equilibrist und shailowgraphlsl : La Vine- Caiueroli Trio, In "My llemenleil l''i'lenil: iMarguerlte and Hnnley, athletes; lii-nrge Sehlndler, liislriiinenlnllst : Standiird Quur- lelle, the lilnodii.ine. Last week's lull was a good one, mid drew uniformly Inrgo an- illelieea. Kiiiiii Tiiwratn (II. J. Gondcn. nmiiugr-r). —"Two Llltle Waifs" opened a four nights onimgemont Oct. 4. "Her only Sin" comes Nil). "Arizona" 11-14. "In Couriers Stripes 15-17 "Under Southern Skies" pleased large anilleiices Sept. 27-'«>. "tiuei-n of lint High- wuy" drew goisl houses Oct. I-'I. 'i'MK sriiKKKT r.MiNlvAt, and rail feRllvllles of the Knlglitii of Ak-Sarllen openeil ml. I and will lasl until Oct. 10. The opening was very auspicious, and a most siicci-ssful at- fnli* is looked for. ■ . **-• ' KANSAS. Tonekn.—At the Crawford (Crawford & Kane, managers).—"Two Little Waifs" drew A fair house Sept. 2.1. "QllOOB of lhe High- way" packed the liouse 27. "Land o Cot- ton" drew n good house 28. Herrmann ,10, "Iron Mnsk" Oct. 1, "The Tcuderfoof .*, "Sniulv Bottom" 3, "Dora Thome" 4, tho Tiger Lilies £ Lymun Twins 10, "Two Little Vagrants" .11, "Her First False Step" 12. GiiANn (Crawford & Kane, nninngers).— The Mnrey Stock Co. opened 8ept. 28, to n hlg liouse. Engageme nt wns for a week. ITawrMMO-i—Rowersnck's Opera Ilouso (Irving Hill, manager).—"Mickey Klnn, Sept. 20, to light huslness. n» WMS'l* VIKGINIA. Wlieellnw.—Court Theatre (E. II. Kronz- lielin, manager).—Soma's Hand. Sept. 27, had goixl business, followed by Adelaide TlluratOB. 2S, who had big business, "iork State Folks," 2!». had good business. "Lost Illver," Oct 3, lind fafi* business. Coming: "Foxy Ornudpa" K Henry Oatfgr .J 0 "" cert 0. Amelia Rlnghtsm 8, Chas. B. Han- '"oaiSo OPRRA Hochr (Chas. A. Felnler, manager).—"The Unffnlo Mystery." Sept. 28- 30. had big business. Oct._ l_-.'l was dark, iv.mlng: "A Ruined Life" 5-7, "Shoot the Cliutea 1 '- 8-10. Oaudeuille and minstrel. Hrvniii.iim anu Oracik uavn u suc- cessful four weeks' I'llgngenieiit si the Coinld- liahon Theatre, lieadwnod. S, H.. and iipen-'d on ll><> Nortliwestern circuit, lieglniilng week of Sept. 2S. nl Denver. Col. L*mvottr Siunv Si/tan.—EvcrylMmt has been riiiinlug along uleelv. Our lupenlng. Sepi. 2S, at (he Girlird Avenue Thi-alre, I'llll- adelpltla, was a record breaker at thai house. 'I lie dentil of Smile Monire (Howling,, of the Mfiilro Sisters, r.l Wllkesliarre, I'll., nit Sept. 22, has nisi u, glnoni ii|ion ns that will lake n long lime to dispel. Her hodv has been shipped lo her folss In Montreal for hurlnl. She died of apivnillclilH. Lust sea- son she wns with the l.lhcrtv Relies. We carry llfty-llvo people. Including a bum! mid orchestra, horses, Hon. dogs, inc. We linie our iiwii baggnge mill slock cam This Is :i hlg ratravaaaiian company, with a grand chorus, special scenery, etc. Tim SI..KK* Sisti-us have signed with Tim Me.Wnlmr.'s Watermelon I'lrls fur the season, making I heir llrst npiH-urnuce nl Hyde ft Itehinan's 'I'heaire, Rruoklyn, N. Y. 'I'llIS SlSTRii.s I'iiaiiiam were llolile meill- beis of Hie Actors' Nalionul i'rotcctlve Union. No. 4. of Chicago Sept. 1. Tin: KMMMMi Tatn IMackle. Wilson nnd Mack) opened at the Lyceum Theatre. Syra- cuse, N. v., Oct. fi, in I heir Irish cnuicdy net. "Ilogan's llnppy Home." nnd will also play the Howard, Boston; Pastor's Theatre, uad other houses. UAnHX.ANii Cotokb, rclined rhnrncfrr vocnl- Ists, i-IosimI I heir Summer engagements nt Steeplechase Tier, Atlantic Cllv. Sept. Ill, and joined the Otympla Vaudeville Co. Sept. 28, for live weeks. Goi.ns.MiTii ami HorfB opened on the Poll circuit Sept. 2H, nt Waterbury, Conn., nnd made n favorable Impression with their act. Tlie.v are at New Raven this week. Mr. Hoppe was made a member of Wuturtmry Aerie, No. 3711. Fraternal Order of Eagles, and wns given a rousing reception. , Tim LiiMiiAim Uuos. write: "Wo have been very succestiil In our new comedy act, en- titled 'Casey's Troubles.' Have not lost a week since Inst April, and are honked solid until March. 10(14. on (he Edward It. Lang und Archie l.eno Western circuit, open- Ins nt the Empire Thentre. Henver, Col." Hanks and Wintbii hnvo sinned contracts for one yenr on the Moss & Thorn- ton circuit, England, nnd svlll open there on Oct. 17. 11101. Mr. nnd-Miss Winter are Isioked solid in this country up to the date of their sailing, In September. Dan .1. llAiiuiMjTox reports success with his new act, "Over the Moon," which he pre- sented last week nt Tony rnslor's. This Week he Is nt the Lyceum Theatre, iiyrncuse, N. Y. Mam J. Kl.Rl.N. after a successful season ns niiiuiiger of L'rbe's Cimluo, North Reneh, has been engaged for next sensxiu. He Is now lirat man In advance for the Wine, Woman and Song Co. Jim Dunham, cnmedlan, was hooked wllh Trousdale Bros.' Hlg Minstrels, but was com- pelled lo cancel Ids euviigeiuent with that company on account of the Illness of his wife. Jim Ronhnin will work alone, doing his black fneu monologue and dancing net. Iii.anchaiiii ami Ai.i.mon, comedians and dueMists, write: "Our 'nil.' of recent date In 'I'm: Old Hki.iaui.r, stating that we were at liberty for Western lime, brought us excel- lent returns. We played Weast's. Peoria. HI., we.'k of Sept. 21. and week of 28-Ort. 3 laid off nt St. Joseph, Mo. Wc opened a two weeks' cngngemeiit Oct. 4, nt the Crys- tal, with two weeks to follow at each of the following houses: Crystal, nt I'uehto, < 'nl. : Crystal, nt Cripple Creek, and crystal, at Denver, with the I'ncltlc const circuit lo fol- low." ll.winv W. Jamrh anii Maiik Davis have separated. Mr. .Inincs Is working with Will llnri'lson Dnvls, as James and Dnvls, mid uppi-nrlng In "The Aristocrat and tho Copn." Sam. J. Hahcoi! writes: "I am now en- gaged ns business malinger of Austin's En- terprises ■ nt Syracuse, K Y., making my headquarters nt the Palm Garden. The house Is undergoing a wonderful change: II Is be- ing entirely rellltcd nail refurnished from lop to bottom." Miih. J No. J. K-I.MOTT presented her hus- band with a baby boy on Oct. 1. Koth are dolag llnely. The learn Is laying off at Mr. lOlllolt's home, 1'ltlsburg, 1*11. Johnson ani> Whi.i.m have worked twenfy- one weeks bIuco MIks Wells was III last Sinliig. They ore booked sulld until Febru- ary, when they Introduce their new act. written by Drucle lJehnore, of the Dclinore Sisters, IIainkh anii Vinoi'Q have boon released from their bookings over the rest of Hie Oi'pheum circuit. Nnl llalnes suffered a severe nervous allack la Kansas City, which III cnlihilictlnu wllh lil'iiiiclilul I collide, ncces- sllnleil his rclum lo his lionio In Wlllluins- hrlilge. N. V. TlHIMl'SON AND SlMllPA have IMtMM 11 BBB' nun id' I en weeks over Hie New Ktigluiid park circuit. Sept. 22-23 they |il,iycd the Hoclnw- lee, N. II.. fair, mid week nr Sept. 2S they were at Shcedy'H Thealre, Full Hlver, Mass. This week they play Hie Kayinond, N, II., I'alr, Willi gisxl ilules lo follow. A I.. LiaixilAiiliT. eeeelilrle comedy Juggler, was at Ihe Crystal Thentre, SI. Joseph. Mo., week of Sept. 20, mid has been engaged nn ■ special free attriiellou al the Miiryvllle, Mo., full*. Oct . r i-10. rt.Kvmi Conkkv, manager of Spring Lnkn I'nrk Theatre, liiillauiipolls, Did., closed u sixteen weeks' season Si pi. 20, und Ik at his liouie In Chicago prior lo playing his estab- lished Winter route ilirnugh North Dakota, Mliiiiesola and Wisconsin. MANAf:t:i: Jas. II. Iikokkb wrlles: "Am very happv (o say (hat business with us Is simply I reniendoiis. Hror.c all records In the Alvln Theatre, I'ltlshurg, I'll., hint week, nnd lire doing the same nt h'ord'< Theatre, Balti- more, tills week, nnd, In fact, It has been capacity everywhere so far this season." Wll.t. II. AllMHTllONO ANII MAUDAI.KNB HiiM.y write; "We are spending u vacation on the Three Kentons' ranch, at Perry, Okln., and Ruster Is the life of the place. Jon Nealon being nn old boomer and homeslcnd- cr here, through the Cherokeu Si it p. Is a very popular man, and wo have a great time hunting on the Oto liullnn reservnllon. We ire also getting Inlo shnpo n novelty, which wo will Introduce In our net, 'The Express- man.' We open ns a feature In New York, at Pastor's, Nov. 2." Tin: Rio Runs. (Geo., Al, nnd Adolpb), now playing Ihn Orphcum circuit, write: "While nt f,os Angeles, Cnl., the homo of Adolpb Rio, we were greeted on the opening night bv a large thentre pnrly, und after the performance were Ihe guests of honor at a verv plensiint banipiet, given by Adolph Itlo's brother-in-law. The (lowers presented lo them after their act were more than tho three could carry off the stage at one time. At Ihe banquet there were eighty present, nnd fun und refreshments a-plenty." Wallack anii BKSCII, comedy contortion- ists and acrobats, are In their twelfth week with the C. W. Parker Carnival.Co., as one of the feature nets In the Coliseum. iizav ami ii'xmo have llnlshed an encage- ■ flm. W. HVMHf. ventrllniiulnl i-omcdlnn. stntes that he will present u decided novelty la the way of mechanical tig-urea next iteusoo. Me DONA l.D STOCK CO. The Ho-i niTlcc Wlnoen of Ida South' npcaad the New Oatta Uouatr (fair Weak) U RoKor4.Ark., Sept.**, breaking tho rrcurfls of the Co.; llio largcM week's bmluess la four yours; turned people uwsjr cacIi night. Tho McDonnlrt'it nre larger ,-iud lietieT'thin ever, plajlng all Koyaliy Hills, ami Special I'spcr ainl S«eliery. Noinlng but good houses. Hai c a few opoi) weols. Ill March and AptH Mur's. South lend oisili lime mid terms. — U unleil," a I'luno 'layer at once) sinie. salary; mm own ImaML Add. I II. W. .Mil M IS ALU. Il.ll-llsin.-lle. Ark. ROOF.ItK' M--.W OPhlU lliil'sK. Tin- Kae-i and Host House la Nortltcrn Ark.,open to the public Sept. 21. Ilrc-ks Jump* between Kt. Sinilll. Ark., and spnuoilelit, Mo. Have largetteat- Iiik cupscily, eli'oiriii- lights, sleuni heat,- Kvary- thing uew ti'iiiu lop. to hotinui. KlrAt ctsss Co.'s cnailng Hits win, send for cpt-ii lime. Melionahl stock Uo.ii.'aycii to S. K. o. for ouo week, Add. W. A. MILI.KIt, Rogoin. Atk. W»,VTKU, SK\KN Ol'KHATullS KOH MIIV- IXU i'li'Tt;ili:s. Alsi Want to Buy hot of t'henp Kllms. An mrlcsn Ad\%Oo., tfso Ualsfty, WASI'PKDTKdIsiin Late iinflul M. P.Maohln'o With Stereonlieou nnd Arc. Must lieelieiip and good condition. Describe full-. I.l-'ON l.ili:ii, I »n " 0" St., Lincoln, Nclu WANTKII-Muilclnn Atteiidiillts Vila play siting, tiass'iilul' iinulilii tul'ii; rroini.oiic, 'cello. kooiI rciidei-onnd play ■■landnrrt iimslc ai slglil; also solior ami reliable. Stale age. Salary f'J.'i a iiiourli, Willi boiinl, washing and looglnir. Wire, write or apply nt mice i,t«KO. 1'. OKAII.KY. Li'nih'r.'Stnie Hospital. Morris Flalits.N. J. WANTKU—Single and Hoii'iTe Versntlic People for»Viiudci llle Show; smull towns, slxirir.-even stains weeklv. Hnuicliili who is a Vciitrllnipiisi, or diicsaoniv other tiirn.' Monulogiio Artist who fakes piknn. Pontile, or single Coined j M n-o -nl.Vei, tlieMiirklcv's write; ageut. nmiiislntcd wlili n>nt- lug and handllngsiiiBit 0|x>ra lloiuoBimw. 1. v. H. Write. Name lowest, sitlnrtv I pay nil nxpinseii after Jollllllg. W. A. Mcclilu. Main St. Theatre. Peorln. 11 1. WANT PAHTNKIl with Duo: half micros! la 'llioniiighly Kqnlpped,Tried, Successful The- strlcal Kutorprlso. farmer seasons' hooka open for Inspection. No lengthy cortesponilenuii. Bx-pc- rieiico iiim-iccassi-y. Willi s P. Dmy. Hc ntiitoii. fn . KOISOV MOVINt! Hli-'l IKK MAUlll.SK, cine plete villi *in filni-i, Shi-ci, Kleeirie Lump. Ktc, Klu.; roudv toglvo show; used one week only, tlou(cost,°t-.';ii). OXKMIAM. wo Malicy Street. II. N. Y. Brook l)t Notks naisi Kuask II. (?aiiii'h Tiionottiiu- r.nt:DS.—We started our senson nl the Peo- ple's Thealre, Cincinnati, week of Aug. S3, to one of the largest audiences of the season llinve. and. ilesune the hot *-ealher, liusiuess held nl' riMiiarln'.bly. The opening .■horns, from "I'liusi," llio curialn raiser, never lulls to tnke an encore, nud the singing of the Tlioroiicbhred cIioiiih is without doubt one of llio best ilinl has ever been heard In bur- lesque, froiu Cliicliiuull tho Thoroughbreds innde Louisville, Indlnnapuls, St. Louts nnd Kansas Clly, and iioth press and public pro- nounce our performance as the best given In these elites In yenrs. I'oltowlng aro the people thai make Ibis orgaiil/alluii so highly spoken of: lltanehe Washburn Joule I Iviin, Peerless Mile. La T'oslia, Dan Hum- soil and IIIiiiicIii-i O'.Nell. the Empire Comedy lour (Evans, ''mminirhniii, Jenny nnd /ln- neii. and Hie hints of Celtic v.ll. 'Pony Ken- nedy and Ted mam, -nnl: fnr/rel ling Hill, the "monk;" Smile Veilder, Jessie Maltliuiil, Mav A«hlun, Agues Caslle, l-.'dlth Ciillhrop, Dolly .Mnrriiy, Llllhiii linnii, Mny I'ori-le, lllleiic Kennedy, Louise Kcnneil.v, Minnie Mariow, Hose Millar, flmcf DiiiiioiiI, lihul.vs Leslie and Margaret I''iiiioii, with (.mils .1. Oherwarili as iiiiinnger; Shm Schiller, must, ml director, und Jiiku '.'. Kolilhiiinil, roprc- kcnlndve. . Ai.van. of the Hoopers, wrllea us from I'hirope ns follows: "We have just llnlslicd an ciigagi'miiut nt thu Palace il'IOlc, llnis. sels, llclgluin, and lire now Willi the Cirque I'lcge, lit Lille. Krillicc, for the mina tinier of September. We play the entire mouth of October at tho Ridehsluillcu Then ire, Co- logne, (lerinuiiv, with Hanover and Atuslcr flum to follow. Jnn. 4 wo commence u solid- ly hooked sen son In DnKlnud. playing Ihe fol- lowing tours: Moss & Thornton. Hloll, Liver more & Drill, nud (liiiyilon: also mi eight weeks' run nt the London Hippodrome, we have been In Europe over two ycora. and don't eipect lo ret urn to Amerlen until the latter part of 1111)5. Wu hope to live to Men Fourteenth Street and Tony Pastor." IlLAiiaroiui ami WiJMT, "Tho (Jll'ls III Red," have signed with T. W, llluklim' Innoeetit Mnlds Co.. to do their specially nnd play parts, Lottie lllackl'ord plliylliu; pi'lncliinl bov. nnd Marie West leuillng souhrelle rules. 'I'm: HiiitAT Ditvii.niH Is In his third week with tho l-'runk Adiiins Minstrel riiantnsinu, npneurlng In his wire null biilancliig ladder net. llAnuv M. Hcorr, Inle nf (he Star Thenlre, Cleveland, O., nnd Diiqiiesne Thentre, l'lltii- hiirg. I'll., Is visiting In Chicago, making Ills headqunrlerii at Jim Wlnlerhurnn place. Km ii.n; Wait, of the Wuit Misters, and Nellie Only, of Pied nud Nellie Duly, have joined hands, nnd will Im known liy the tcnni uaine of Wall and Mnrau. They havn fin- ished the Castle clreull, und arc hnoked solid until June. Wi.hton anii Knurr, proprietors nnd mali- ngers of llio Empire Theatre. Heiittle, Wash., write: "We iincned the Koiplri- Tlieiilre May 22, ami have lieeu iiiuiilng eiiulliiiioiisly ever since, lo excellent hiiiilnoss. Week of Held. 21 we did a Diiunei liusiuess, turning people away nlghlly." Ca.mkiion ami 'I'oi.tain, who report having worked continuously for sl-ity weeks wllh out u lay olT, Hurled mi their full ami Win- ter bookings Oct. 5, nt Docl.sloiler's Then- ire. Wilmington, Del. lOiibit: ijiiim.av hoy Juggler nnd Iiooii roller, writes that he bus Jolucil hands wllh linuiiy Mahoney, Juggler, nud the team liere- IIfl01' will bo known us Hie (Jiilulnii Duo, J. Hi av.uin Dvbt.VN was ctilerliiliieil by Mr. and Airs. Joint liny during libi slay al Cleveland, 11.. last week. Dial, comedy trick plaulsl, In In Ills fourth week with Die llleiil. Hityiiuiiid Show. C. P. HiNmiA.vr ANn I'; Uaiii.b report success with their musical ael with "Peck's Hud Hoy" Co. <Southern). Mr. Itlnghiim's feat nn- of playing I wo cornels tit the siune time (llrst and second j Is u feature of their act. McKay anh LAwnnvrn write from Mug- land, under dnlo of Sept. IP: "Wc nre play- ing return rugngeineuDi fur Manager Sam llarnaid, id (ho 'IT tre Hnynl, Woolwich, and the I'aluce, Ureenwlch, London. Wu spent a very uleasaiit Sniumer vucallon wllh relatives III Dublin." Mas. JoHKi'ii Ciiiujijktti:, mother of Jon I'arruin, died Sept. HI, nl Puwtucket, It. I. Ten children survive her. John II. Mi'iitiia writes Hist be has closed a very successful Summer seiisuii of parks through Pennsylvania und Ohio, mid opened on the Kohl A Cnalhi circuit at the Olympic Theatre, Chicago. Sept. 2H, wllh the liny- market, Chicago; (.'ofiimbln, HI. Louis; the Chicago Opera House, and other good dates to follow. ilkN.wii) ami Hak.i-.v report tanking a suc- cess wllh their new net. ''A (.'hjnrrllo Case" (by A. H. Hoffman). They arc engaged for the Keith circuit. IIIU.V .lE.VNINOK AND HAM HuNKIIKIV dill not play Proctor's Twenty-third Street The- atre, (his elty. Week of Sept. 2k. Thny have Ihe Keith, and Kohl & Castle rlrcults, also the Howard, Ilostoti. booked (ull return dates), and other i-xeelllenl time, Iiieut ul Hie Duqui-Klie Theatre, I'll Isliurif, nnd aro (his week at Ihe I'isik Operu House, Rochester. They liuve the Kellli and Caslle circuits to follow. ADVAMK MAM WANTf.ljquiCIC-Ono tiled to Booking Moving I'lrtUro Rnlcrialnnients, pre- ferred. uTiod pnHiioii loihe tigni parly. ON'KXIIAM.aso HalsoySl.. MrTswyn. X. y. W A N TK1» ' AT OROa, iil.Al! K" TKXT r..r iiirtvlna plclurcs, 9K(40W., wall. 1 Write I. It. OOI.HKS. Iimudway Oentrul Hotel, N. V. WANTKIl rtiiare Machine (l|ieiatnr; RpaflH Hint makes good. Long tour South. Stale lowest. Nn tlekeis. IJL(Iiilden, ltrimdwny Central lloiel, N.v. JlflllCIJif. PKllPoilMlcil WlUlU'd,.Collie dlati with:) or 4 speelullles who cuti imi mi hot iiflori'lt'ces. Sciisoii's work. Also c'nrio Hall mill Vniiitavlllo People. To open (let. III. IIII.LV MKLSI)*, People's Thentre. Lowell. Mirei, " TVI'l-rivUITTItN SKf.TlMIKS, Jl.uo esc It. "Kipping Mr. Winkle" rlli-riniui cmiiedliili and siiiil..), •■.lime Hsrilluck's Cure'' (iruliip und soul,.), ••Miss Silver's Slipper'' (1 male, I teiniile), "Tlni Wslklug Actors" (lihick face andsttnlglir, 4 .'males), ••Jew Monologue." Money order or sIsiii|n, lienmrit lOIng, I'laywrlglii. l;tl Waal .'sib He, N.V. $tiuo lift va Mlniiitiireluilroiid, Kngliie, Tea iter, Ten Wars, uuofi. Track, lloud I'ondlllnii. Hik tuoiiey tiiuker. Alliens, iia, week »; Tuscaloosa, Al.i , week III. ilthei gi'ii.l points booked. All dr ess SI IT., VI Central Ave,. Alhiiit u.Hii, WANTKI), People for ,\ic.|lchin ro. SfuHvly Jon nil Winter. Musi change nlul nave wantrolie. line |il«i in hhii prefoiennu. a lenr old Walla- Spmllel, peifiirmiiig do|t, 101 sale. LIliiKNK llllli IKiN.IJiiloiilowu, Ph. llr. (: I), Himnaler Med. Show FILMS AND MACHINES TO RENT, BY DAY OR WEEK. All subjects. Prices low, wllh or without opera- tors. .\Mi:itu:.\N HWIlANIIK, ' ll'lilllillsay Street! Ilrortklvu. N, V. There never wns n time \\i\ci\ the Double BkmImI Suit wasn't just i ight. 'I' new I'.Djrlish pf tai« lu irt lirovvitisli und greenish t:ffects, made up BIDart- ly Double Hrensteil way. We have created a special eont here. It's ex- clusive— every man on the street won't he wearing il. Rounder Inpcls than ever before, but almost as lone; ns last years. It's $150 worth, but we'll make it out of Imported good* for $20, and you can't take it it yon arc not fitted. Samples, measuring blanks nnd fashion cards sunt upon request* < ARNHEIM Broadway & 9th St., N.Y. To tba First 200 Answering This Wb Will 200 Flnoly Locator! N. Y. Lots. In n i liorinliiK Notv Vorl. ■iilinrli |oii ,i lieiiu Nlul lake neni- the suit ivHierj, huvllii; fiO stores, 11 chniclies, ;l bunks, line set s, etc, in, ni-i ami i n-iulci'M m iisweiltnr ibis ml vortiriiiiieot, tor si itiple cunt of nulinx ilcinli Nmtncre Isu iiiiniice fur n iiniiiu on I.Oint Nliiml where your leisure Iiom-4 i-iiu I hi jiiihhriI III llllpplmiHH llllll prolll. Tlie hiku covcm neiiriy fioti | liercH, unit Is Sli feel ileeil the host of ii-i|iiii«. l-'oi- full po-tlilliltlis, with binUcic view, cull in ivrlie, Hlvorhead Invailmontl Hiutt/iu'ity, ililHK. l-'or full ■ *ltl| hint* eve 2 write, tt vaitmont Co.. I i). New York. ■ EXPERIENCED AGENT t'lllt limit l.'I.ASS AHlVINll I'KITItltK KNTKtt- TAINMKHT, To WORK HUNKI'ITh. i.'iiriieii, I.OHUKH. htc. II. WIIIITKN. Inlcruullolinllll.i.i-opeCo., Mo'lino, Ohio. Oct. Ii III. NflTrrR .J'WINd 'iUTilK IION'IIMIKI) >v ... a ' " JM-NBBHOI.' Wjj. Cam iFOllie HliiugH" Ijiuio, Ulfl of tho Sketch 'I'Piitu i iioivii us I.ANH unit HIIAKI'H, Hi;sil(KH 'ro JOIN I.AHV I'AIH'Nrl" IN HINOIMI AND DANCINd Hlk'I'HIt AOT, Aiblress 1101.1,1 KH. I,A Nil, M Warren Hlrnni, Hnrniotra HprliiKs, N. V. WANTED, SKETCH TEAMS. Irish, Muck v., SoiiK'ninl Dunce pnoiilo, that ciin fliuiiao week, Thoso Unit piny orKAli pre- I. r . r "'l;.„".".""'>' "" »"" "'•'' worih. AM. llfcHT IHSAl'O, M«r. tlruv Wi.nilor Worknn, llrailfonl, I^HycltaOo., Pa, jicKarils lo A. Hnlio.v. Tclc|iliiiiio ItilnTnlii Sti C.LELLAdtBRO. Ml I',AHT 14l.ll HT„ N. V. Thi.'iiirlf.'nl mill ou«tom H II O K IH A K H It. My lilpillntlou (istiilillsbvil since 111(17, Hutlro' Hutlsfiicllon Kiinraiimeil. Bpnclnlly lu DuticliiK SliottH. Ono liolliir n pulr. Wanted, for Golriy Wade's Imperial Lady Min- stroll,Spiiclnlly I'aopln Hint ilonblc liinns: I'liiiilnt, Htroim Slblii. Tuini nnil llarltiuio. HltoiiKH, wrllo. Labor ! Mor.clmnl, HailiuiaHburK, Lycoinlnu; (J o„ 1'n . WANTED - Strent Entertainer. Ton money for Top Man; have a It.mjo anil » l.oiul Voice. Obi frliuuls, wrllo. Aililrrsi Hwlitht vvtlenx or W.H. llimlmt, earn (Ion. Ueiiv..M<iinnliln,Triili. COOD OPPORTUNITY To till) IllKht Mn ua«cr for first Chins OONOKIIT HAND, write st ouco forftill |inrt|niilaraliil'K(lK. I,. UKHCqOI.IANO,!»« Union Ave, llklyti, N. V. CVCThUCC niirlcKiuon, Trnvcuiloi and every onilUIILi), roriii of stmriilinvi.'lly wrllleu lo or dor. Jonoph Kcrnhnw, dJulluitonwnodHi., I'hiin,