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OCTOBER .17.) THE NE¥ YOEE: CLIPPCEIt. THE ORIGINAL FASHION PLATS SINGING DUO m pjmedfor their VOICES and SJTJjmiNO. C0STTI11E8, i have found another TBE,MENIJOUS BIQ BIT in COSTLIEST ACT IN VAUDEVILLE. "PEACEFUL HENRY," end they predict that it will be oven a greater hit with them than "HIAWATHA." They, are now flinging it infoeWeat on the KOHL & CASTLE and ORPHETJM CIRCUITS, with their utroal BIG HIT ON EVERY BILL MISSOURI. t i at Iionl".—fr'alr wwk. with .Its Veiled t^.nhPt parado ami ball, Its fair and inilii' l-all festivities,' h «nr, and the HMWti »f mnntry vldMbrs have gone, but • ',.. M boxes at 1 lit* theatre olilces lire • ■ niciuentos of -ll»flr vli^t. All of Hie C dlil weil «**" * InsiKwl. and alt of h-ui P»t "n .•Wstmc.tJons specially fitted In iinn- -ihe vlfltlng crowds. i Olympic Tiihatrh (!'. Short, nmntlgcr). •piJff"off>rlni; here was "'Way IYown llasl" ,..».»; of Orl. 4. It drww exceedingly well, as his been li« experience during several "fair «•—*«■• berr. l'lioebe fmvls still bins the lend- mi* l female role, and MM Fischer, Kiln IIiieIi Wood. John K. Itronunn, Siuii Stcv- rns rnd C. C. Blanc-hard were-others • who mi especially well reVsdved.- \Ve«k of 11, ■•Mrs. W'lgga, of Hie Cabbage Hatch," Is offered, Mrs. Madge L'arr Cook III I leg the title role. C-ntuht TirBAiRE (1*. Short, manager). .uuin.-lic Wnlah. In "Itepnrr-'cMon." was hwe week ofW. 'Phe offering vai oiU of Hne of usunJ, "fair week" offerings, jet It did pn recall*!* business. Miss Wnlsh mndo u line impression In «n extremely hnrd chnrnc- t ,r ! llctli press and public admired her, Nor was her support lacking In talent. Alex, ion AHtwl was wpeclally well reoolved. and iVift. II. WadswoNli and Krhelyn Clemens met with' favor. For the current week, be- ginning It, Hie scene shifts to musical com- edy, and Walter Jones. In "The Sleepy Kin*." holds the boprds. (Jiiaxu (J- 0.' Sheedy, manager).—"Su- pMl.i" did a big business here week of 4. It lias become n habit with the Ilanlons to Uxik here for this particular week, and thry are always well patronized. Five of the family nre now appearing, "some of the ciders having retired to the wings. Carrie Ilsrr. vocalist, and' nn • octette of English girls helped to make things go. For week of 11 we have "The Good Old Summer Time," headed by Geo. Evans, while Joe Notus. Dan vwillams, John Conway, Karl Stoel, Annie Kartell and Pearl Ueverc are some of the best known In the support. (Wrox— The German Stock Co., under management of Ilelnemann & Webb, gave Its Initial performance* here evening of 4, In ••lias Theaterdorf." Vilmn von HoRpiinti, the new leading woman, ninde a'Yllstlnetly good Impression. Kiehard YVIrth. nnolher recent inquisition, also was well received, as were Aiijruste Bnrmnster, T.oulse 1'ellmnn and Fred Welb. "Iter I'robcpfell" was presented even- ing of ft. iMPKniAT. fD. E. Hussell. manager).—"The Scout'* Itcvcngc" Is offered week of 11. For week .-of 4 "The Middleman." recently aii|iiin<d from .Mr. Wl third by llr. llavlln. , was presented, for the llr*t lime at popular ! ;,; - . •.•,■;.„ w "!,f„? , 'i'" r f!'. prices. Horace Iiowls, in the leading role, did excellent work, nuil tbc whole company gave a finished performance seldom seen at , popular prices. The moat prominent In the I « ntn ,'. n " eu ! n i , i ln >' arr , l \& *£\JB?„ *WKf ■3 besides Air. Lewis wore: lltirrv Hnrfrmt. w" -0 '"orrest Huff and Klfreda Hnslng. After Knrnk Woolev \ellle AuceW nnd Ktpihi ""» secret was out Ainniiger John 1\ Sim-inn Archer bestowed his blessing on Ihe happy pair, and Ben it was s. n. o. nt event performance. and an extra matinee vms given on Tuesday. M n packed bouse tka cempanv nnd urn- dilet.on lire excellent. Vera Mlcheleiu. as the prlm-css, shows a marked Improvement over 'bet Inst season's work. Forest I'.uff, V I-.. IMiignnult, Thos. C. l.earv. llarrv 1/ine. (ieorge Thnmns, Fnsl llailey. licit rlvt'ltnuit" ami Elfreiln Uusing were all excellent. The n|icra Is lluely sloged and ecwr.nined. Tills wi>ck. IIHwiii Warren. In ffinm of Mie D'l'r- la-rvilles." fur Hk» llrst lime here, mid next week, "Arizona." Tim; (ihi-iigiim (Alartln Lehman, manager. —Anudevllle twlc'a day .ittmnird Hie sliini- ger* In gisidly number* all during the carnl- vali 'Ihe bill was: Carl Sanderson, ■•omedv lil.inisl ; Harry anil Johnson, In Hielr ssitlre, "The l-euJirifr Man :" Hie Village t'lioir guiir- tetie, in good singing: McWutlcra and Ty- sou. In ••.Scenes In n l)rpr.*ing liooni:" l , :;nl- Ine Han, )n licr famous s.ohgs; Wcuona and Frnuk. rifle shot expert*; I,-?w Hawkins. "Tile Chesterfield of .Minstrelsy;" Hie Floury Trio. In .novelty dances, and (lie klnodrome, new pictures. Tills week: 3!ar.v iiniatitoH and Co., Keough and Ilulhml, Clivelte. Iji A'erne-Canicroti Trio. Jl.irgaorile and Man- ley, George Selilndlnr, i'liil anil Xctttlc 1'e- lers and Hie kltiodrome. TitK Gii.ms (}■:. S. Ilrljhatn. inanageri. —1-nst week. "Her First False Step" did a great business all during carnival. The. pro- duction is it Hue one anil pleased'the pal roils Immensely. Of Hie company Frederick Web- ber, Charles II. Stewart. Ida Hamilton. Amv Fanclionettl. May Arthur and Utile Valen- tine deserve special Wntlou. This week, "Two Little Waifs." Tl'.K Ar:itTi>iuiM (Woodward & liurgtss Amusement Co.. managers). — Last week "Two Little Vagrants" drew large houses. Neva Harrison. Ida furry and Vernon Soiuers were iwptilni' with the carnival crowd. Tills week, "ICben liolcien," mid next week, "lle- wure of Jleu." The Cknti'hv (Joseph Ilnnelt. mnnager). —Last week the Kentucky ISelles proved to be very popular with the carnival c;row. The show was n gcod one and the big audiences enjoyed themselves. The specialties were. Alcnc and Hamilton, Will* and Harrow, lfnrke Hros.. llellntice finartette, Ilnley anil Median, mul Humii rescue, Van Aukeu nnd Vannerson. Tlil.i week, the Cherry Blos- soms, nnd next week, the (lay Morning Glories. Cl.iWKBi.vrcN.—The Epperson Megaphone Allnstrels gnve one of their famous perform- ances Thursday evening, Oct. S, nnd played to twelve thousand people. There were two hundred nnd twenty-eight in the show, which was stage mnnuged by Seymour Ulce. The music was directed by John llelir. The pro- ceeds go towards another free public bath. in "The 1'rlncess Chic" Co. just before the company arrived here. The ceremony was performed In l>en- ver on Saturday, Oct. .'!. but was kept secret Archer. I'mwroRn (0. T. Crnw/orrt. manager).— "Acfoss the Desert" 1* the current offering here'week of JL A number of specialties arc introduced by llie Three Pcarous, Little Knsrer, ltotijelfc. and K. C. Siiragite. Week of 4 "Klien lloldeu." with llenrv Morton In the title role, wits n very merllorlotis pro dnrtlon and drew c-xi'ellent attendance. Allele ]Joe, as Mope Itower, nnd Geo. R Chtncv. In' low comedy work, were two In the cast vrlm won special favor. IIavi.i.v's (Wm. Garen, mnnager).—"The Jinie* Itoyg In Missouri" wns the offering for week of 4. Needless to say It drew bhj business. Clina, Gardner and E. M. Crone had the roles of Jesse and F-rank Jnraes. <i«y Krrol played the female lend. "At Crip- ple Creek" Is being played week of 11. Columbia (Mlddleton & Tute, managers). —1 ie bill here for week-of 4 was headed bv Adolph Zink. Inst season with Anna Held & to. The Zalers, Chns. Kcuna, Mazuz nnd Jl»z»tte. Murphy and Nichols. Irene Frank- lin. Air. nnd Airs. S. Allen, Barry Brown, Iilck and Eftle Guise, the Gotllobs, and the weniherbj-H were the best of the other fent- Hft. irhc house did n tremendous business •II the week. For week of It the bill In- Huiles: The Four Mllons, the Henvenlv iwlns Agnes Mahr. Clifford nnd Dixon. Jones nnd Walton, John B. Martha, Lizzie F. Kay- nmn.1. Charles and Mannle Savan, Dnffy, Mwtelle and Duffy, Dancing Mownrds, "nyne and fjimar, Ranzetta and Belalr, < lianvln and Patterson. Stawmbji (Jim Hutter, manager). —The '"Isjan Widows nre here week of 11. AVcek '« 4 the Cherry Blossoms were the attraction. i,!.-Jtrs Park.— The Cnrnlvnl, week of 4, r? s i f "l r i y , we " attended. State were Ihe wn\ ADiiiway features and a few wo'l known nthletlc acts were nddeil. Hill. In »ire work; the Kltamnras, the athlet'c knw "" ^ Uollleos were the best rio'lA!!! G a n t'xns.—There were several ape- naiiies cngagetl here during Jhe fnlr, week SLJ' ii mo !. K tllem we™: The Narlns, In n "in d ' v e: Prof. Hntchlson, neronant; Prof. nn i i- ■ !U " i nls ner<1 of Poats, nnd Gronade nnd^eilorn on the high wire. th^« s '7ii n Tl «*nny night, 0, all of the n n!,u 8 5*J l< tnclr openings till 0 p. a, wi.j..i l '» t0 '"•commodate thebr patrons who ag**.** ■*) the Veiled Prophet parade no™ .i. , ,he houaes also gava Bpeclal mntl they were wlmsl olid dined by Ihe memliers of the company. inn SMS 'Ji? WMk Thl > exhibit 25. a com t p , | e teS. 0r,d ' 8 X '' alr 8 ' t0 " re 81) per lielil last week. Our annual cnrnlvnl was The special attractions J?n>;„„£ hc p - °- P- Parade, which consUleil Hal? Illuminn'J 5 01 "S,°"a nonts, electric lighted and "unilnnted; the P. O. P. Imll nt Convcnlion the.automobile ners/iB-r i, f"" l,,B [iiirnao una r lldT J! ? Io F BIm,mp MltiHtrels nt C v-1, ion , ",i. r ! 1 ' car "lvnl masque bnl rinrndc nnd races, Ep- tt Convention m ball at Con- Sffi """• As I result of nil these at- ,«' * ""' «-lly was parked with vl*lturs. I. be """'""J' ,l,c theatres were packed ■!. doors. l niu.i* Wimp Tiikatiib (Woodward & Uiir- •'Iiei! i ls .' ,, ",? nt .'■"•• nmnngors).—Last week iims i„ i .^ m "° eustomnry Immense busl- Of ii,.. threc DItrn matinees wcro glvcu. 1 me coinnntiv ivim« M ir.n.. ii.i.«. I'.'li! company William er. Stephen Wright, Kelly. Alphonz NVilein«"n'"Ji en . " r 'Bht, Julie A. Heme and im w V 4 . A ^ rve mention. This week opens on and Wednea- the week Him. m ii . , observe mention. T S S ( n V°, 1 ? u '. ln "IK-surrection," S?JgJW». for four nights and Tim m," 1 "?' a P d ,he '""er Pa" of the week com,.« Ul ? hy ' ln "The Alan from Missouri," Kin k-.« f X o T** 11 wl " oe divided between nn.Tn„w *V\\ ln "Toe Vinegar Buyer." the wJULf* ,ue week - an <l J»8- Jefferson the frVi'l i illAND U'ndfion & Judah, mana- fo in ."ii!'' 1 *'eek J ' ),m P. Slocum » Onera ■■ la ^lieJ^rhiccsw^Oblfj' qid a grejij buil- St. .losc-pli.—At Tootle'* Theatre (C V. Pbllley. manager.—Walker Wbltcsldc gii-a'tly lileasid Ocl. f>. wlien lie appcured In bis new play. "We Are King." la ■ well filled house. The house will !*■ dark nm II HI, when lilnnche Walsh comes for onti night. "Ari- zona" follows T7. with matinee; Tim Alur- plir. In "The 'Atlssourlnn," ai: S. Allller Kent, in "Fighting Hub," 21 : Ezra Kendall, In "Tlie AMnegar liuver," 2:i:-Clny Clement, In "The- New Dominion," 'J8. I.YfEtM Thkatkk (C. Ii. I'lillley, mana- ger).—The Tiger Lilies, booked for «, 7. packed the house on the opening night, and made stub a decided lilt 4fuit: they were en- ¥aged for an extra performance 8. "Two ^.ttle Waifs"' Is due U, Id. "Along the Alo- linwk" 11, 12, with Sunday matinee; "Tbc .Minister's Son" HI. 14. "Her First False Step" 15-17, "A Gambler's Daughter" 1S, '111. Crystal Tiiratue (J. E. Jackson, mana- ger).—Additional seating capacity was add- ed last week, and still the S. It. O. sign Is dlsplnyed nt every iierformance. The people lor week of 11 nre: Koblcr and Link. Uar- low Bros., George Storley, the Edwards, Hlnnch Lewis, and Cosmos's moving pictures. KnTE,—K, p. Churrlilll. manager of the Casino Theatre at Lake Contrary, baa leased (he Hotel Donovan property, and will con- vert It Into a modern theatre, to be known us the Lvrlc Tlientre. and devoted exclusive- ly to hlgii class vaudeville. The house, when completed, will he one of the finest In the West. The location Is nn Ideal one, aad Alannger Churchill's popularity Insures llie success of the enterprise from Hie start. ' opening la announced for Jan. 3. ♦*♦ NEBRASKA. The Omaha.—At Boyd's Theatre (AV. J. Bur- gess, manager).—"Human Hearts" was pre- sented, matinee and night, Oct. 11 • "Two Little Vngrunts" 12. 7 'A Chinese HoneJ- moon" comes 13, 14, Blanche; Walsh. In The Insurrection," 17; "McFadtens Hats 18, 19, Joseph Jefferson, In "The Hlvalj. JO: "The Country Girl" 21-23. 'The lender- foot" played, to S. It. 0., 4. 5. Gideon s Alln- strels did fair business +J--J2&L&* Mohawk" hnd a good house 8. Walker White- aide, In "Wo Are King," had good audi- ences n, 10. KaUG TllKATRB (II. J.. ':»"'!"".■... mann K' r , ) i ; ness. "Her Only Sin" had good houses 8-10. Olii'ltKl'M (Carl Belter, miinngcr).—rhe hill week of 1 wns uniformly goiMl.-nnd drew Inrite houses every performance, llie bill ror week of It Includes: Hcllman and Aloore. Ihe Village Choir, Wnrren nnd nianchard. Barry anil Johnson, Pete linker, the Dar- rows, Frank O'Hrlcn. and Hie kln'slromc. FOR SALE, Swell Stereoptlcon, complete (Screen. 3 lllus. Songs and 50 views, J-ip^ Black Art Outfit, complete, in; 0; cost Mtfj \M of Tricks. o: Flue White Bi-rpenUnc llrcss, llo Blampfor list-no stamp, uo ll«t. Mrs. Wiii.Carl.3sl^Court St., Kochesier, X. V. P,S.-Bonoldo, whsf a ihe matter. »B\D FOR SHMMBltMAJLVS NEW and original Side SpHttcr. THIs book contains new an I original Monologues, Parodies, Funny ^iinirs etc Price. 2M. I sl'o write fo order. AdareS' Ired C Zlmtnermann, 617 RelsJCcs Ave.. Wllklnsliurg, Pa. AT LIBERTY, VIOLINIST, AFTER NO\. 1. Experienced, lobar and tellable. M"™™ given. Theatre or Ooiicert »J«P*SS H Kc- The Arnheim dotible-breaslcd is the season's distinctive coat It's n diflfercnt coat from any other. It shows that it it tailor made. . We created it. Everybody else will have it next season. Wide shoulders, long, rounded lapels—loosish back—$20. Tuxedos in Gray Cloths. The vogue comes straight from London— We're first to introduce it to you. Not that black cloths won't be proper, too! Either sort, silk lined —$35. Send for samples, fashion cards and measuring outfit. ARNHEIM Broadwa y &9th St., N . Y. WANTED-Secoud hand Films or Life or > Fireman, and other tire illms; also Song Slides, al kinds. Add, u. KlmerSiinli/. UnmoerUnd. ad.. a-C'OMEDIANH—)* WANTKI), capable or dolug Straight* or Comedy, la Acts, and make tbemgn. Must be up in Med. Business. Going to California, witli advance fare from Chicago, l-j mouths' work. A good chance fur sonic one who WHtius lo visit lea coast. Money sure Inn low. Change specialties ror two week Rtands. Slutc all and lowest Ural letter. No time to spare. OKIBNTAL UIIKB CIKK CO., Hox 16, Albion, Ind. YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TllTIIK $1.00 Type written Sketches. Sena Stamp ror list. After Nov. i they t»til bo |6.uo a copy. Address HKKNAKI) KLINIi, PlHvwrlghl, 184 West JJth St., N. Y. City. WANTED, VOI vc; LADY RAH TIME I'iutio Player; mint be good entertainer, for Ho- tel. Five per week and expenses. Steady en- gagement. KARI,, llotclllllu.ii, Ullton.N. J. Hil- ton Is 8 miles from Nrwsrk; reached by trolley. AMATEURS.—''The Road loSiiccesj.'' Val- imble loforiiiatlnn pertaining to "how to gel on i lie stage." Valuable to beginners In all branches. Where and bow to write for engagements. Bend 60 cents for tall Instructions to mm II. LKOrMRI) HOSS.VSd St., Phils.. Pa. POSITION WANTED, by Herman Musi- cian and Leader: 16 years' experience in America; thoroughly proficient to lend tiotli Orclicsira and Hand; play leading instruments; large repertoire for land and orchestra; arrange. Prefer pcrni*- nent position la some city. M. Uluutdeld, I4'.i4 unturlo St.. M ontreal, Camilla, P.Q. WANTED, Medicine I'ioplein all lines,Hkolcb Team, with little girl; Musical Teamimau ana wo- man), Dutch Coniedlnn, Men in double In band. Ted all. Hurry Burns, Al. Moudsclln, and other friends, wrlie. Dr. Will Jndson, 1740 coltinihta Ave., Phlla., I'a. [ Circus Outllt WANTED, Scats, Lights, Etc. ?80, WHO M. I'„ ror liKIMBVS NF.W LONDON > I BjlOWS, 73 Bteubeii_8l.. l'lttsburg, Pa. J WANTED, Prompter thai Plays lirums. Trom- bone, 'Cel'o or Flute. Concert end dance work* Wire lowest salary. I pay expenses. W. O. HACKfcTT, North Freedom, Wis. WANTED-Versatile Med. People to meet me at BOSTON, MASS. Must put on act* and be or use in general. DR. K. II. DR ALVA, JOE MAC- NICHOI, and 0. II. 1:.. wrlta. DR. P. L. IIKRMANN. Andover, .V. II. AT LIBERTY, (HAH. F. IIDFF.UAN, Uus. Mgr. or Agt. Sober, hoo'st and reliable; dote contractor; 33 years' experience; palm cards, 3 i-lieets, etc. (no pictures). Perui't or reliable co. Salary reasonable. :to Kverett Si.,Souiervlllc,MaBs. ORVILLE and FRANK Arc playing this week at MOORK'S Theatre. Port- land, Me. Will play next week at HOWARD Theatre, Boston, Mass. " WANTEb~<ilIIOK, TOM PBOP1VB, l.egrec, lo Double Band: Lady to Play Piano. CALLAHAN DRAMATIC CO.. Senecs, Mo. FOR SALE, 8 BAND UN.FORM8 (C.mts and Caps), til. Condition A No. 1. Uood nlzes. R. M. lioitl.N. Ilvnesdale. Pa. WANTED. FOR FIRST GLASS COMPANY, Musicians. B. and O.; also Actors to double In band. Address K. C. ANDRF.WS, Hand Master, Room 3», Hiii Broadway, New York. At Liberty, Medicine Leclarer. Bwell Wardrobe. No booze. Money getter. W. II. HKVERKAUX, Care of CLIPPER, V V. Jsth Sb, V. V. FOR SALE, A Bargain—Musium of Amliny, TO Wax Figure". 20 Colored Uharls, In Brst clan condition, cheap. OF.O. WOLFF, 21VKast Twelfth Street,ClncliinaU,Olilo. WANTED, FISKE STOCK CO., Young, Tall, Good Looking Leading Man. Address FISKE STOCK CO., NASHUA. DRAMATIC PEOPLE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR REPERTOIRE. •Rube People Tor Old I'llcle llr.ldley. t'lar- loiict. TiiIki. Ihnilile llnss. Trap Hhiiilliier. Bl». F. MAVIS. Kalaiiiii/no. Mich. _ Marks llros.' Al Co. Wants Vming and Clever Actor, for llglit rdiucily and rcN|Kiiisible |wiils. wiih g.inil wniilrobe and k|h'( lull v ■ icnpal'le of sinking llllist ruled songs. Ainu for Hen. His., wllh slroug sirgiug mid ,'IniK-liig eparteNir. (Kddle llo run, wrlt".l I pay expenses. Scud photo and t Hill particulars. Address JOH MARK'S, Mgr.. t'ollliivwoiul. lint., lid. U to -I : urll iln, Out., del. 38 to -IS. , A.IVTED. Good, Reliable Repertoire People, Sketch Team. I'u > Vinur own. ■' STATER'S MADISON SQUARE THEATRE CO., llpldcnvjllo. Hid. Ty. PIOTURK MACHINES. WANTBD, 8 Musicians to Double in Brass, Til RFI'ilHI' (I1T. 1.1. Write at oitce. Iflvc till di'tnils nnd lowest terms, diaries II. Acker's HP: Combined Minstrels, Idiom :,. II Hi Hi-nitilwiiv. \ V. citv. CIIAUI.NM II. Al'KKICH iniihlMP.INFIlMINSTHKLS. AT LIBERtT, ALFRED J. RUSSELL, lltMKHlAX, STHH.M! WI'KCIAI.'IMKS. LILLIAN CAUITTE, ■ HIMHtHKTTHS ami IMiKNI'KS. Address -J-H WLST :itiib ST.. New York. For the OARD-FENWIGK CO. LADIES and GENTLEMEN in ALL LINES For Ue|H'rlolre: Ihose doing ^peebillli's pre- ferred. Ciin IMS a few more Musicians in enlarge baud. Address OAKH* F.F.NWICK. I'a Ik River, N. Huk. A 7 !' LIIIEIM'Y. OCT, a I, >A/ 11_ l_ I A IV1 IVI. OOFF-, ilrcheslrn Leader. Iiiniblc llnrllnne In lliind. MARIK OOF-F-, Irish Character, l.'enernl I'.asliiesH and Singing Specialty Address WILLIAM M. HUFF. Maglimw. Mich., (.'lire of "A .Mountain OiKhiw" Co, UNEXPECTEDLY DI8UiVGilGEI>!! VALENTINE PRENTIS ' Knterprlslng—KXK0I1TIVK—Kxpcrlencod. -HACK OR All HAD-. Telegrams and bcii.-rs, care of CI.UTEH. Attractions Wanted At Tulsa Opera House For the season, llcst show town ln the Ind. Terry. Sealing capacity, MH; stage,'.ti by i;0; population, 4,r.isi. I.ocsied tin the 'Frisco and Ihe Italy H. It. Have not booked any show yet. Oct busy and write iiulck. New iiiamigemetit. TINUI.KY k IIKIHIKI.KR, Mgrs., Tulsa, Ind.Ter. WANTED, FOR GENTRY EROS.' No. 3 SHOW, Chandelier Han. Beat Men, Canvas Men, Four Horse Drivers and Ra/.nrbsuks. Long boshou South, wire W. (». TAltKiNHTON, Mgr., Tmy, li., O ct. 15; Fra iiklla. 0„ in: Mlddlstown. 0., 17. Kingsley-Russell Co,. UOOI) RKPKRI'OIIIK ACTOR with Hpcclalty, Al Pinna Player, others wrlie. We iiiivorcloac, Car- rolllon, III.,_0i£t^W.17: Vl£doii. H'., Oct.IfrM WANTEI), PUTNAM'S THEATRE, RICHMOND, VA. At alt Htnes, Hpeclalllos, sister Teams, Scrlo Coiulesand Novcilies, etc. Address Short Jumps. K. W . PUTMAM . WANTED IMMEDIATELY, MUSICAL ABTI8TS and C0BBDUI8, also JUQOLEBS and HAQICIAHS. Address 1. 1). WARD, Kb'kapno Med . Co.. Sn Nelson Plme. N ewar k. N J, WANTED. Piano Player AT ONCE. ;i:(>RMANI> A KURD. Copenhagen, N. Y. At Liberty. Ingenue or Juvenile. Kaperleiired, Reliable and Competent. Address MAlH.I KIHTK Mm ■H0NALII, IIS H. Penrm HI., Chicago, III. New and Souond Hand Hfereoptlcons, Films, Soug .Slides anil Snpplliia. Picture machines re- built Willi all Improvements. Rheostats any volt- aic. Mechanical eitec.ls for acts made. Ktpart repairing done. NKVV lORIC FILM F.XCHANfJK. N. POWKK, Mgr., 117 Nassau St., New York. Phone :uao Uoruaml. IN RKQARPB' TO Typewriters on Easy Paymenis. AOOHKNN XI. BROOKS, 1*07 M, Mlh ST., IV. V. «'1TV, . UNTIL OUl'. i\\ ArTKKTIIAT, 709 Ghost nut 8t„ PlUUdelphfa, Pa. THE HILLMAN CO. WANTS AT ONCE Al LKADINU UA\. Ttiorougii Singe Ulrcilor I'referrnd. Also Jtl- VKN11.K MAN. Stale who with, height, weight, etc. (iooii salary lo right inaii. Address KltNKST HCHNaIIKL, Mabaiioy l.'lly. I'a. WANTED, Character Woman, Also Al Aotor. Adilross MANAGER ROE STOCK CO., Rockland, Maine. AT LIBEKTX. On account of dl*an|ii)lntiii<"it. Will necept an- uagemeiit wllh llrsiclass road show, Rusiuuabli) salary. Would like lo hour from managers thai can use leadnr ami two or Untie musicians. I have fancy uniforms. Write or wire JAMKS. HIS Duarliorn Ave, Chicago, HI. WASTED, STRONG COENET, Double Viola; Also SLIDE TROMBONE. Moiiult, Mo„ In; Fayelli'i'llle, Ark., '21; Fori Smith, as. WAKI* « WAPWH MHMrKHM. WAKTrll skeich Team tluii can tin singles, rrauiiiii, S | K |,. r <y iMa> ,|„ two iunw; Irish, Diiieh and Yanken Comedlniis Hist nre versatile. All kinds of useful people, write. Also want mntu or female I'lanlsl, do small purls In afterpieces. Small salaries, but coriulti. Address Manager, Musical i.'onieiiy iiinlispei-ialty Co., I.aiiiaisler, Pit Snason opens (let. 2f Would like fo hear friiiu W. P. Windsor and Wife, Harold Vane, I'M, May) and Nowoll sisters. BTOWE'S TEN BAR NIGHTS ROOM IN A WANTS sober, reliable, hustling Agent: mm familiar Willi extreme West. Must, use a brush, If necessary. Also Men fur Swltehel and Slade. Preference to lliiisn wlin double bras* nnd do specialties. Wrlie iiidvk. JOHN I'. KTUVVK. Metlilota. III. Hlule full particulars, age, weight and height mid tricks. Address 1). It. D„ care or OLII'I'KK. CARS TO RENT. 70 foot SI.KKPKR nnd IiaikiahK CAH,et|glppcd ror b.'st luisseaguricrvlcu: il wheel trucks, steel wheels, big cellars. Hleepor has Vaker heater, dining room, kitchen rstige. dishes, bedding, etc, Address litililtv BKACII, Mai|iii)kotn, Iowa, TWO 91F.S IN IH.ACK, ' LAMBERT and PIERCE. '•Under Cover," Willi Edw. Ilarrlgan, Murray Hill Theatre. N. V. STROUSE and YOUNG, TWO SINt.KllS. Ku Rome RoseSydeil's Loniioti Ucllos. Motion Picture Machine Also some films and Hlnsiritcd Saugs wniiled. J. HALL. 201 McAlplfi HI.. I'blladclplilil, Pa. FILMS FOR RENT UP Til TIIK MINIITK. KI'CKNF. I.'I.INK A CO,. HiK.llili Sl„ Nov York. FBAHK HOLLOWAY'8 BIfi SHOW WA NTH COMRIH AN. PIANO I'l.A YF.R. Long sea- son. Oilier useful pimple, wrllc COL. W. U. YORK, Malinger, Hursml, Wisconsin